, r t I" H I } W r I"!!! llflllil ‘ 129 503 THS §EA,§Q"NAL QCCURRENCE AND ABUNDANCE CF MAYFLEES, QR EPHEMERQP‘TERA, E'RQM A RESKECTEQ AREA QF SELL LAKE T310383 {cw flu; Degree of: M. 5. MICHiGAN STATE UNEVERSETY E’hyllis E. Vinton 236.8 __.. LIBRARY ‘2 SSSSSS " I111"!!! 4222112212222122 ‘ 2 2212;233:311 L 3 1293 01009 6265 g __ ‘ Orn'flj‘ *h’l.‘ ULJ' ’ 8 had Ev P1~y11is ‘0 .” \1fi2nn ’ I . o 1:.- ‘ ‘ . . ‘ . .1 wére thfil grow 3? thrnu 1 1? cut. 9 k2 ‘. . '9 l' 2. -.. .. ,..Q ~ aufi maze c; encn 2237103 "rv i . . ...... , -. F " .. . - . A tatsr t9.;ornLgre, 1T“; 2 t v;"‘LLV,, 2 33 FIR-.3 7*... Y ' all 3 - ”dién prev“ 3% on x r -- -. x ’ 11?.K3. Ct) iiffirty'. ‘4 A CHE-Immuta- y'V, "V 0. :fl. ' 3' t..-" ’ . "R. o. t) .9 ') W o“ t"h {n 9. L g a l . '. ,.:.‘ " N (3“! ”I ' "I'$~‘-fi' ". . ; . _ .. v - ua ‘ u. - ""i - H’- A. nu RH‘3' - -. -, - . \o’ 1.1-“... g r\ :‘x. 1‘ x.~ n J .- u I. - ~ - . , 1‘ ‘. '2. , ' (30:? - " { ‘ 1’5“ \ $’ . (. L‘r .‘ . fi (3 ’ '- I ‘ 2‘ . ' - f ‘ V 9. S.' C 2. . ; ' *‘?~-- It-Ma-c --I an O . 3‘, ‘(. .- i . It,‘ ’-'.: . '. ‘ O k. .‘ a ‘4'. I .7 ’ ‘ . l ‘ .4 , I . :V I . I . ' ’ - . - . 2) . ' Ir . v ‘ . 2 2 . . O ‘ ‘d p . ‘ ~ . t g M- J I v : “A I . .4 ._. . . , fwr'l, a. ‘f ‘~.-I':7r1 .quJ‘ ."t a.) I‘M fl $2.2. (2 2.; 2- ~ Ass: A ”*7”: 2~~~ ~« -. ~~~ ~ l‘.‘ .-.p o .‘.~.\a01‘.-JH g") A!) 41 ;‘~.N‘. Ll {—J‘A 1".‘g‘i; Id :‘I‘;’ I": 1.. ’ “1“ '. ‘ .' fl " ‘ ‘J-L {4‘ - :. :£- «‘4‘ i ...J \J’HN’ ""2 - - ,a.".-_‘ ‘-..~-.»-_... ~ _.~ “1 -. -v --v‘ ~. A .2 why) A LA 2.; ('2 22,1, L153. A T"?? i "3ni?to” ta ’ifld~fi1‘“xfie h 3rn~zw2 . - q. - ~ 1 m. -i 1 an; ('31 'v- ”In . J . n r3rt a 1412-.1 ““2 cf t2» rat 4y; 2~?" :or tTQ dw'":w a” , ‘0‘ - q - .u .‘x 'J-II a (‘. (LI-2 3 ; T: 12-..‘u‘fiw'! . . ~ _ f q 1 e \ .. .. ’1; HA2 2 .- I- -.~‘ r. A ~ .. - - ' - " "" “‘ .LLK-al. .3; Ank‘i ‘~"I 1,. 1. 4 i541!“ «Earui "HI! ’3‘”..‘.-" ‘ ”1‘35-‘0‘7 .-.. . ,t‘: ‘ 1‘03 . "-'-~L4L.~L “3' F; I ”’1 1 to t 3°»: Pr. T. ”3733 Porter, Br. Nonald J. ficlgguw, and Dr. Yarvin V. Lfiwslfiv for their ccntwifictiuua to t 3thms£s as rathers of my :u 3::33 cc3nittee. My 9..- tat-Tip}. PM“? aw". si‘mei'o :‘3;.r~tit1;2-t’u3 "a to €th chair- 1’- (- man 5; my CO.’W;uLQQ, Dr. Allén B at his 113?: trap 8393133 333 matcorole3iccl reccrfis, in afidition to pr Vifiifii a tremcrfouq a cumt of CflCC*?T”O?Qfit 3nfl e iim 17.31 adviée. I a“ a1? 0 brat“ 1 Ea “r. Fr3”3rick 8:0“? in: 352333 eqrifi- 'Eflt and re 9 tare h spa e avai able. Expressiawc cf thnv?s aha . O ." .: . .° . 81:33 0: rc313L no to reinurs of 3? favilj v20 33 wemtafi to sort some of the "szper babies“ (-”. .i"”‘:93/. Final y, thanks are flue to “'7 fc 3123 atzzfi¢xt3 aafi fvi3233 C... . waase good -3tured kiwtfi 3:, 33117 r3113 353 3333533 hclxci 320 V V J. ' ' ‘9 " o 0-. r . . 1': " an tarn3gn,tre "0.2 'c 3r33tic y.:1c”3 o; trig rcnfinfcw. Ho ho .I‘. h.“ . tr 1-‘? (x a my "m- "m:- . i ‘ 0~l ..;. a J -’ ’ ‘1 VI was 7 - -P. ‘s 1 H, .J. .. o o o o a o a o o o o o o o o c a o o ':,\ . , 4r1Uy'f ‘ w-vv'x’lc I ) .L . 11 5 ‘- . o I... 4 . O I O 0 I O o o o a o o o o o o o J is 3 ‘ ' 0‘ 0“». O Y " Q . "Tl'r A u’ I” .- 4.91-..) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 13, V i "C . F‘? 3:42”: o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o c 0 o o o o a I? "q.'. ‘9 — '91. r-".¢. L-rs ’ ._ 1‘3. .71 -. 1,. ."9- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1.7 (7. .~- 1 - 1 g ‘. . 9‘ nfiawu“§1 fififif @929 of s;c¢;es stusiod . . . . L: Comfiqriacn between nights of :inu and :5 1"}3? 310;}: Cr 39.4."? o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I 1 a a ‘. “ 11;, . _' ‘ . ._‘- . 9“ -‘ ..~\.,.'\‘ 'E'.'-‘O?.-'\"l(t !?-":1 “Cl-fixluLK x", o o o o o o o o o a . .4 ' x v" "‘o .' 7" “ ' ‘ x . 7‘ QTY r tin of V033,“‘!fi ;!.b3ta (:ervillg, 1n n '— u A‘ rcinticn to abutiancc . . . . . . . . . . . ”7 . -~‘-c;? 3f >‘ p‘ 51" pg. ,' 0“!" DISJmi T0: Ad“ -P mLm‘Ifi-Q . . . o . . . . . . o . 4. 1-» wri~v Ar- . ,, 7-. :7 flo‘ ~44“ mun o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A! '. 1".» 4 ¥ ""0 ‘ p M». .3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ,. Lr'r'm" MW; :‘7' fl 1"“, I. .LLa'i'3L‘ ‘.'\\.a \- ‘.L.‘-' O O C C O O C C O O O O O C O O O v.1 Anw" u...‘ I“, I u- ; i.. x o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o a 1? .'Q 3:1 . «- nr, - - a . 5 . Q i 0 ‘I i a '. O 3 “-n~—'— ‘. D A ‘- V ‘I L l .f O U a L ’ - ‘- . - h v - M ‘ \ - ‘ § 3 - r - . I ‘ . - A f I .....- ---¢ “-4 ' ' n V .- ta 0 . ,. - . . I ' £ ‘ n ' Q " ' h J U h . ‘ " LIST OF TARLES Table Page 1. Average tefiwerature and departure from the normal, ”ay-Septeflher, 1067 . . . . . . . o . . 20 2. Log. catch of each species at increasinv minimum temperature ranges . o . . . . . . . . . . 23 3. Total precipitation and departures from ' the normal, May-September, 1967 . o . . . . . . . . 26 h. flunbers of each sex taken on nizhts of high and low E. linfiata amergeuce . . . . . . o . . 43 iv .2 Jul. «1: I'IT‘YWW’TTIUT“ ”ryfiiag livin‘ unfit: untural 3c&”;ticn3 arc e?;0305 to a cowtinually :h3t it; :nAhinrtEOA cf 33vi:c3.tut;1 factors. 1 pi- ys ical environ hit is 003pxinufl pafl sly of €134 tic 33;:or3, which are relatively “33‘13, au; avatkgr Exctcrz wLich, lific bio- 10¢1331 factcrs, are continually Varyiud, aitfiuugh tic; 1.33 Ely vary 3.120133: Clizutic 330311;“; whit 2': c2 tug-u. slowly. “elativc population 0511.;at as may be used {or nah 33 parale- tion cowparisc33 in space afid time.. Siuio.i:al 13$-3;.3tutivfi of such esti3at- s is Ciffictslt. Em eve :, since tfie sxnple size is in- financed by changes in actual numbers of indivi .15, changeg in their ctivit,, the Segree to 13 icfl SpLJi as or SLR 13 respon- Siva t3 the Lrap sti:.uius, LL: chtnies in chicit3cy of the trap. ccafiztions, as 3311 as ulclozical fat- you )...._ 0 ‘. r.. -.9 ‘ a .. I- IL- 4V8 L1¢.'-, 5&quL J _ .' 7 .. _. ‘ . " It. | . ”I“, ‘ ' ._ ." : »‘.“ . . .. .3 .5 -. ‘ ‘ ~- ters, nroatly LLL;f‘1u€ gnu aggcxus 33L“; may be prt3out, an} the L. \‘ . ‘I '\o A c ‘ Q ‘ ’ '5. ‘9 . ‘ .,¢—| U, a .- ' ‘nx 5%.. . .3 A ..-‘-,‘ 53353“ tin 33:33 a hlLS are 1133 7 to we 1:;'1va,3a11e 3533;33 0 Qfl'. -» ‘ - :Q- i. .0".- ’1. .. 9 . v0 . in w3atttr L3.3 i3petiate e-Lu-t3 en £33 unriLg. u Salividta3s _ a": ‘1 ‘ .‘fi .. (o .N .' —'.f u.. ,- 1 4 .‘o.‘ In.“ g .t.‘ . .u s v- 'v‘ C315‘li-t o “11'14-33 (17.).‘, Ibsv) a; 212.17%: CH": L; t .5! $.31, 3.0.] b- t--?..'3.lv>’..£".;; 01‘ r r.- -. - ~—.. H J , “- R . n‘ , 'd '~-.'I I . ' v r. . . I 1'... .Q n .‘o '. s t .n . long i3iga c-iac.3 oi cli :0 an} «v-0 i .3n1a.3 c-f3:ts o; ue3L331 \ _ "‘ ' . < . “ ' ‘ " ' . '5 .‘ ,‘ -‘ .‘ . . " :'-. 1-. '1 v‘ I“. ‘ . "- '- 5:. b' T.a‘..~1-s' CC Ky. 1'1 than“: 1:32. 1‘: flint. {:31} SLAB.) Z.-.t.:.".L.:53 0;. U1; .1 QISTIL y'J“. .. S} 1~ -- a - fl 3. a v Q r. . ~ «3 g" > .. . 1-0 «1 . .*~ ~ - . of t-; In. 0‘ c; {AQUCLS t; ggfu. ni:£i : SiliKJpg Poudhntwd at the sgscific level, are few. y-o 3» h) The objectives of this investigation were (I) to report the nuwbers and seasonal occurrence of msyfiies (Sgkamcroptfira) ewe: in: from a rostrictad area of gull Lake, iickijan, and, (2) to evaluate several environmental paragmters as posaible elements acetatinq as modifylnq factors in the emergence pattern of the mav- flies. a A few 3333ios of 13333 cou33131233 s maviiies o: to: come to the $233331 attention every year rwh1n :39? 0 NJ? 3 in enormous nu: be Aflults of 3333 3303133 a3fiesr consistent}? vent a:ter y 33 in the same localitiex, on apr"w"i”1rfilv the 3330 dates for tho", ' a localities, often forming vast swarms near tha water. The en3li3st pVbIIRWeM retorfis cor cer~1laz Annriczn warflias were descriptions of sash 343333. In l?é§, Pfiiinflelyhia bctnuiqt thn Bartrafi n r (175? made observations :3i3: J23: an”-.uun4 in the Tranarctianq 3f thu AOYal fiaeiety of 3,3303. 01in? ccmnunicatnfl as £0110;n 73V tha $33. 1739. Jr. F3;_r13 per coiJe4 3493 ”av. Elias had attainad 31343, and v30f0 ver :31: R 93393: on the 333 as and 43333, 335 by the riV3r sine. Ike 333035 day after their 11.1avi in" tae r1qu3tic at do they €33 another 9113, site? w§:i3h rtncir tcils a: Xenzer, and their wings drie 32:3 more transyarent. Tia 53h and 6th was rainy, tfia 73h wizly; so V333 few can...» *3 . Tim "ch was 3301; so very few were seen: 33: “11¢ sunrqed 1? ta in tfie e"~vfie; and on tha lith, lxtfi and 13:1, fhev,suarmfid :bunflaatly. tht he caiis 5133'22 , was t?xrir 3'3“3“i“‘ H33 39 hoes, near tne aim-3's '0 1211-; 1'31}: i3 63:; gin the water. Numerous‘ 3‘3 ' 33, Inc' udlnq keys and fiescripticms of the ray. £1133 of I pn:*c!cu11r rc;10n,hav3 been 33311 33d. L3: W's 04473443 of the fiece 1t “931mgri4ae, 1833; J 1333- 33, stilt serves for the LA generic and specific identification of ouch cf the then known fauna of the worlfi. Mos: North American species were described by Trevor (1933) and in I long series of paners published by chufinough (1926, 1963) from 1921-19é3. Needham, Iraver and H33 (1933) oublifihed a dfitaitmfl account of the biology of mavfiles and teys to florth American may. flies. Two excellent reforances for mavflies of the Rich! an area are: The Mayflies, or Ephemeroptera, of Illinois (Burks 1953), and écvflies of Tlchigan Trout Streams (leonard afifl Leonard 1962). I ,uect 93 and «'z at‘mr €¢t§y {fivostljfitIOfis H330 hefcrc S?1f1:t£331 developed were frequofitly doccrlyttvé in nztufa. The c glicgt ox- teoeiva stuiv of insects an: thsir relation to climmko was eififucfisfl by B. P. ”var v (1931). In stuajing the responses of insectg to cnvironmontal factors, Uvnrcv said that it was nefiapzsry to afiply the afinlytfical nuthfio 394 to investigste the influence of C335 fac- tor separately. Ho inflicatcfl that it veal: be igcorrcct to nqauuo that the rosgo“sc of an tango: to the COfififincd notion of covers! fac- tors will roping at a sum of the racfionscs to easfi factor iwvnlvad. C. E. Wiliiaws (193°, 1?fi3), witfi t“fi aid of R. L. Fisier. both worfiivg at the Rntba~5:34 Encerinnfit Stafiicn, Narrcn‘cu, Engijn4, analyzcd four {cnrs' captors of inaoctn in a lith tram. .. «at P. n , , -’ .., . ‘ ." o r."’&‘ '\- .- . . .1 Most CLJIVSub were ma\c by flCLMOHJ o; poccial rm :csnlons and 1 A . :1 5‘1 ‘ . j . . ‘ l {a ~ - 3" a y c} x a: n . . . . _ ,.- . a ‘ , Q " .3 ,- ‘ _ ‘ > I\ I , ' ‘ ‘n . ' I r > V 3 ' . b ‘ ' | ' 7| _ ‘ . . b 3 ‘ ‘9 x ' E .. .4. . - , . _. ‘ - .. \ - ‘ 7 _ .- \. . v a . - . . A ‘ - ~ A - ‘ It 4. ‘ . \ l ’ i v ‘ _‘ , . . . . . . _ .. ,. . '. - ' A 1 -, .. '-. I t 'J ..I ‘ - 4 , - , 1 4. - n J ‘ i. u , . . . . _ 1 . .r '0 . . , . - ‘. , , J ' ’. o _ - b ! . t . ‘ . ‘ y ‘ ' - I . ; - - 5 0 V , .3 , ‘l . ,‘ o . . ‘ ' )- f3 ‘ A . - . t A A .. _ v annivsia of variance; ”iiiians' works from iS3S to present can- stitute the most comprehensive studies to 'cto dealing with ‘ ratenroinvicai factors and their effect ugon the total insect ponuiation and activitv. Hilliams investitatod larva hetero~enecus gown- ations about w hich ho n33u<;}od the tote 1 clzqnf ed slatfly. and hence, daily chanres in the catch were doc to changes in activity of t a insec :3. Utilizina Severn years ié'cr..-ion, he was able to coiroct tzc noun total c tch of en 11rnnts fer its doparturcs from t'zo not“; -i (of txe four years) in actccroiojical conditions (1.0., we: mt1-r ans cii;mta), obtaining a V3138 Eur what he be. lievsfl woulé !.avc bcaen the catch had conditions bean noywalo he differcnces Panniniog ha Cfillcr tie pngulation eiQafits, and those qg . . .. “ . . a ‘0. . v - .o I r- .- p .‘ 5 ,v. vagqcs ware (213.10??? . In 413 33333393 Io among} JJVQOIOIOJEQRI creent of ;.3 var race of the total K- L- facturn 8700 :31": fcr SU-v pCéchtioa. cur .‘P 4' . g _ Lwé croscwt stufiv, n s~nr:1 1g -. c ICF7.'"ifi1 in fixrn3vfii2r3 3? tifi a ..I .. .. ‘ .4 -. . .' .1: ' . .— 3 ‘ ' .,.. '1" .- w-r‘ - ‘ IQVUL' c093 Lot 1933 it"a11 to 9;»-Lir a ”13193. Lid rdflilfiiOH a 0‘! -.. - .f’ --- 0‘ . '. ,.. fl 5 .‘ " "'- ‘_'" “ ’ ... I" A I M 0:. a 3.1111719 53 :93i08 C; ~"2‘-’:..’:.i.u:3 13 FL: CRIN... ”231C {”3- HOS in“? 1;.7";-.§"“.1 .' " '9 ‘- 9 ,. . .. f. f.’ 4" ls -"‘ I, A “ -"~ ‘ "v'" ' l'.‘ b 01“ 13.1.1 '. ~.-.«o w 9233:; an. - "zO'n-J “"LE‘i‘...“ V6.9] potugstiofl stmfilcd by _.“ . 1:. (J. ...-Q, r "o 3“ r. cdat 303333- “ ) p» ‘- C *V . '3‘ ... J I! . ... .14 . J‘. , TSWEuLjo Aha a-uit 11-2 323“ u; :u}.!ifi. n 0 5'3 (1 ll” '3 4 '4 0 J 1 I It I r? a! ‘. t I ‘4 J U l r I 1-. .n.’ l r ) J‘ p 1 1 0 p I 1 ; lo 5 J 3 K 3 I ‘- .a. J ..J 9*" «1 D "1 '. o. r:- H 9—. gun I.) in .-.- q ..- f..._... ,..f' “n. '“1 r. , hr. _ «-,-. , ,‘i .s‘;r ‘Jcru :;‘:o?s i.."-‘J}p’ ..>V~-- ~p..‘ ...,u-IM? ’d”,{:\ L-Ci :ql‘-_"'."-,:.‘.1tl{:‘§:.ior f‘Ct‘DI‘L' 6 as they affe LCC abunmance of n 9990103 or ggroup of insects. Host work conducted to date at: the specific leavei remains quit: descrip- tiva. Leonard and Leonard (1-3-62) recs-moi} the seasonal occurrence of winged payflios ovnr a ainglo gravel riirlo on the Ecru Aarquecte River in? 1:1 «:1 ,am. Tertpera 1:12 re 111113-43 (1’32?) believed to rpcratum was the vast: important sinrtle clif‘atic factor in a coal reiiperfi e 303:3. {-1 nights Wan the catch of all insects was Iii-311, mxizmm day and ninimm night temperatures were 121;;‘wr. {‘0 indicated that the effect of marifim tez.:purat's-:re £11090 was of less siarm fic ° c3 than the sheet; of minimum temperature. Cook (1933) noted that Lepifioptera catch increased with In- creasing air tangent-zines. the eifect Tine-13;: much greater when .. hunim‘cy was low. Uvarov (”31) concluded that air temperature is the chief mwironmonizal factor influencing: insect flight eatin- ‘ vitles, such activities beginning about 1" . with an Optima: tantra "C betwuea Z .‘ '8. Hith one 6? caption, Sfifitt and Gpdyke (19d!) fauna no g-.::‘;eral cor! ‘elation bet.:-ee1 aquatic izsect esrrrzrgence and air temper-r2321) re . In his black fly stun 10. .35111113213 for}1 that rmxitmm and minimum temvamturaa on days pl'ec«.z’-.2:1g the three nights of highest . .0, g“. .u cats-1 were 1 .. above the am“ :7 1.2033, 1.3.1 1:131:23 of 1:13:21 activity (1?: ‘L 1-. ocmzrring at a minimum temperature above s: Chant and Ivfcleod (1952) found twat-amt: mama to have a close Inverse relation to cart-1:: abundance. This is in aamozzant with Davidson and Amfrm-Iartha (1933) «"10 foam tesmmtnre rah-3'3 to hnvc a definite influence on tfie ebunfislco of thrios. Taylor (1‘233) believed than new both an LET‘I'CI‘ an: laws:- temgeqwture thresholi fer {gs-2t flirts. In a ctr”? of aerial in- sects, J. A. x’;‘..)‘-:;‘.:r.::.n 135.23) ccllcctnd $10.41: Grecian at a torrpemimt‘e above 61¢? (16¢C), but baliovcfl tfizt anzearance of many Species in the air is mare clonoiy asscrlnted with their life kisser? tfisn with i mmiiata effocts of ta persture. Fustfinr, that "refitlar daily catches of an aerial insect pawlntion was}?! throw more light on tho pmz; 1‘2 51. n Incifieat Lafilation The soul-ca of heat which alters air teemramture 13 radia. tion imm tha mm. “than is a ten'icncy for wood. catch-“s to £0110"! sunny days ('n’i I I 13er 1?-’--G) o misture Zillion: (133:5) fauna" r213 (35.5. not Imam a great 02:23.21: (2:1 the C1583}. eli;',0u__:h the 03153;: was mus-.1137 10'3"? :2 to: a rrtif'1j/ Cay. Zia fouzul relative tua:;1t.'ii:y to have no enact on watch. .Uvarcv (11}31) believed relative imrzi'ilty had an effect on the 4a). .u . a s _ I . - .. to . . , NJ 34, ; .WJ I .t » ‘¢ U ... u y. . , 4 u g. . . u. . vi ‘ 0 ' . . _ . 1 . . a \a s . ~ 1. . \ K v . s . , V. r . . a _ ’. u I . . V . . r . . _ . activitv of Id“"‘"“fi"“, thugs being an inverse rclatlon hatflhaa relative hu~i!’ _t? and attlvity 259v; Sfi gyngwenr gpinhiyg yuaggigy nut—-‘c.’ and a direct 2'“an 1' on below 3'3. pnrcem’: 1-3.1 rims 1's- Wicitg'. t‘ :r O 1 1 O t? (”a 3 .3. L) 0 t.- 1) 3 uO 1.1Gr-1ctr-u'fi. v-u.» ”o..- (15") fmu"‘ wtflr~“,ur c 3°“3“"“0 to have no sijni en ificect ahvnfnfiwe. £1153 swVfi1.--In ai'nition to lfifiicatini hijh knuidity. cloud cover prevents r3fitntion of heat from the grauflfl at n! 9:, tfierofiy ken Egg s£=kt temperature diatiuu Erna tho ems, there:.y low or.? . maximum terpnfntnre. Clou1y '53:??311322811‘1 ‘fv ave a 1:37:93: T733: 1113“?) {3’1”} :11: "“132." tifii'.‘1.i.-;=‘2'il tifififififirfiifil 1‘0 than cigar dn's (‘111i3 2 $k9, sount and noises 133-). ’3n9.--;n nu.1!5' is of tho effect of wifii is difficult dug m 3’? mu m) C 0' :‘o to its to aid vs r13 tion in strnrg .33 . :3 interugrien nigh ot“or wentio: factors. It is pa hg3s for rfiis reason that this pafnuuter 4&3 boon lace olntolv {swastifst95. L;::£é;L§.--F"lor to 1”" 111i3“3 claifiefi that moonligfit had a doffinfita effect on he cturnal innnc:ts and that low CRtCu‘ in a Eitht trap, at full moon, are Rut movfllv due to a phvsicsl ro- 'duct ifla 1n effis -3:ny of t“n .rnn. Afro: evaluations utilizini suc- tion trans wars conducted frav 1*31 to Iii}. awilliawm Sinnh, and El P I "— ' "‘l » Q ‘...:R - "1! . .. ’5. .. 4" - 0 - fiaidy ‘1»35 conclafufi that L.c 1313 as it, on nalch they had based their claims, was accidental and of no hioio;ionl sigxificnooo. out Of ”0&2- Furthar, that there was no evidence rolwtinz tfio of ’I "i : .1? V — ‘ A C ‘5’. h- I 9 fl 0 [yo ‘0 ’0 4 5‘0 P" H N V‘ n J 2 i‘ V 5 I J? . light to tfie activity or cistYEF“: did inflizm 91:9 an QXczthion in the case of some ogsstic soooioa, whoto light a}2;2oa ato infl co emergence f?0fi the water. Scott and Up 9". (SELL ik’t b£l LGL-..'d 5,98 uL‘ 136(53.‘ LO (JUL3J.L£}1..3 u;.:3 (‘1), b-J‘c’lnt (£2. L1?) 5% I . ,C M H! ‘ . r. g, x a ’ c - ‘ h! ._‘ _Q 81- i LsmL‘. 51R.) ‘1‘. ’02. $1.1)?" 55.3 2.33 Cu”L1..‘.JL.v$ 13y Cu. .P‘ész..1.:§;.) Llid (.11, .. - ‘ ‘3' r- ‘a‘ , : .-‘ .- ‘ ‘ l- .- . a .4 -’fl 6‘: -. "-N'F‘. n . i l Q: Q tat-21., .. a. anon “1.x" 3.11.110 t.“ the 13.0.3 (1:37.. .31. .... u- C i .. 1 :i- ‘u I. (.2 ., . "‘ - 2 ~ . .. .-._ - . ._ .7 a: ..... r. . f... -. . ...-1 .9.._ dual... A. muer svmcios sum can. is»; t... ...3..1;. hubris 51...: SL3...- . . ' . ' - rs .- ’5.°I:.,~ .- 6',:— at. A t r a ‘ m 8..., -'_'_. .~. 1*: imC",ud «.113 own“: C’! (.3 .1! ....4.» .5- Sw/u; '1 ..gmzs L... L533 ‘. -" um. ...: ..9 c . u . Q-.. IQ [1‘ r! '. .. - a. . ..-m G: {II-ink; .0”: £1.10 0: Cnl‘Je ' «'55.; 1. a. Dr 1" a C. ’10 yhtfh. 2:33 ”‘3'in trargu amzi ,....=J to 8:10 sissy. '3’?“ (‘5 T7“ -, ...-1a: f‘b.‘ -~‘ I. ___- __.———-_A-— ___A—- in co varing the manner of mayflias ca: ht, 1033 cf the nuuburs Hera used, as suggested by Williams (1936. {€51}. "light to night variation In nfinbers V38 Hora gmnwatritg than arithxwtifial, 1.a., hluh emerxmmea periods were asrociatefl with a uultiplication of the catch 5y some factor, not the aflfii- tion cf some number to the tutsh. It was ficccssary to tonvort the catch to a 10; scale. so that geometric chanwes became linear and nswal statistics-1 for‘mias cueuid he used. Since catches were zero on many nights. 10 arithm of the nunbor cauaht plus one heat (13 ‘5 1)] U38 used. Any incruana of .331 in the 102. catch Indicates that tWe - .. ca.ch is doublofl. statistical analysis of 103. catch in relation to meteoro- lcdifidi factha was limitefl to events during the emotionce fins? flf a emacies. caly then can adults of that species be expected to he prasnht. uue to biclotical factors, one would act expect to find g, sivalann in Augusc, hence thace is no point in considering weathQ? couéitiuna in August as they directly luiiJencq the occurrence cf .’»--' +-.. 4-1 . 5..-_:93 fluthSC ks l7 H. O 1 . 50333031 0 -:r*j‘c0 35 t‘- ......fl ,; 1 tum. Lm ... 1 c. mam-5mg“.- s-n-h .r O... 1".70 major vii-01y 39:53-31:53. .1 for 31. 74mm. altflr 3611(1) ‘1 \ .t'-..‘ 2114: close and t!? :30? or: core dw:r -:1 a. on; n... 1-.r—-,' . 1'11 O". 0‘ .' . . 7 .- .. t :‘1 ,Qtice : 0.”.lale -': J t3? ‘ ' W'x‘i‘qi “3 £'<*: '-.J . .‘0\ 1. . Inn tel-‘C'T‘J x 1.... “.....W Lu. ' ~ - "Q "r -. {I 3'! " -. .: ‘i‘ D . a , 1 1..-. 0 , .. Pun ' enewnnco 9013905.: 0.11; .-I' 120 . "P _--1 4-1:“: . a“ (‘1 “W “lb-“"1“ EI.X)I‘"TQ";CC! "07 '31 t0 .1010 ?( ‘20::3: CTRJT‘jCII'CO " ‘ a ‘I ‘o A .«uan ‘0‘- Q. 0‘ Ex. \” .- . - .. . . ‘1—1»m~ ‘4‘... :‘ ‘3! 3 01‘"? W Sffé‘”tfii‘9"‘.3 1'11?i“‘.""-'" Emergence: Peak 0: semen-:0 period: May 31 to Jam .v . I‘, .2. ' 4-- n. ..-. - ‘ml. . .... .J I.‘ _ .. mm um...» "-v-~ v0 - -.- u. t ’ fw,‘: . q ". _'.’ . u l. t..-.0..,_,......c0: ..1 1'13 1.1 to ...-1;. (111:;H ‘ .. .. - 1 ...” r 9...!" Pom: 0. 01:70-1.” «£101.: .31.}; I: 10 ... 1...? £13.11!!!" lug-'1 nlhnx'n adults which 0110:0606. du were noticeably larger than tirose fro-:1 Water tan-pennants, 129.22% 111:: :m-r” incident: radiation on (11173 6.1 £7112: 1:720 C: i: :"ay 26 to August 251 ($111100 2) 11, I. L1I’te ~$ t’ww second 0:10?” 0'10 7.3153"? oft-C010,“; “ 1‘ 1-.P11i‘fl‘. 1... "<1 1: 1‘: or: 202:7;03110 July 2‘? to 11.130131: ‘2’: the first :30;I: peak. Fifiiamm air termemtum, and and M 3:11:11“; peak 3 when 1m “‘ t5". 10". catch. was 1.60 1.9 or 7.."1‘eszt0r 202:0 cc::.;:3...:c‘.. L310" thzz - ... --...- ..-... ., «A 1.“; 4,111. “a: t::.:.~.;?...‘....:...°<="s [..w~~..::':;L..:L\e o. 1/ 3 was n1» - * _..‘p ' ‘I: on‘a p.".’ -r- '— u-o- v.‘.~ -v. .‘I. - ... in lap; I .:.," a: 'u-.ich tLI‘C‘ t:I-w 3.11.» 5.“; Q.$'_-'.'..|I“~..:._.:Q “1.38 "f;‘::r., .1. “ '1‘ ' .. L . :-."..... .'! ...., -.. .7 . 'T"r"-" (110mm: 0 1, L). JaLor tame-1.3L 11m ce.::.;.;..xc.. 123:...‘3383313 to- £1.) .., C C ‘ .. (-2 I ,5, - . . ._ r5- . vnriur. be Lm-oea 23 .. and if; -. Lzzuil 0.-.‘.I.‘Ij .‘,-..,.1.r;t, Luen sic“? 1' cc)- Clix-wt ((53:31:11) I). Teugmcrwi. nan: menisci it this; 9:12:33; aware c?.:r'..:.~..i:';:;;‘:1 in the littural 2014pr the 1:30. hater te.u.,1.4.-;;m 1..~r..‘..t~..»n for all .strata cf tin 1:13: as veil as substrate ‘53:: 3::1‘ .:Lz'i‘s “3‘1 71"“; 811:“er for a fem (EL-tailed analysis of the tQ".§;:.’.i‘;.".,11i1121;‘<3 game shaci‘y "st-to- pcri:.--.;u:1 by 22.9 ua'u'ilus. a ._..-J.‘ -- .‘Z‘ _.. I £1--- fi’“" I I. I .-.'II. can. ' a.‘ “an.“ ..- «.:.-._.." ' ' It?“ t1.) ’1‘:th '~§ (33"‘m‘wm-1Mru‘. '7~q~~ ’73 "0 fi'm‘“ I"§1'i't19~ €30 XV?" och . w.."' ‘9 lac—U ~-‘\—".;‘- IK‘oLa J. .. ~ “J ‘3 L" I.” \J H \. ‘— ‘- ‘5 b. [311 pd ' ' .' "“ ‘ c'." ' ‘V" ablhl “Lg-IS: e1M£\_-,‘«J..J‘3 $16.34;.- r'--{ ,. ..fi,. 1 _..-9_-_,... .L- ‘ . .5. ..I .5 .mww‘wilo -IJ: «- mater ta“‘;,;c:. "' gram C‘Ti «3.3 the June cz'orgcnca peak steadily “AG I inert“:- J fro“. 17 to a... ... |"A_..__ _ ._..“A’- _t. _ -_‘ 4.».th .-.I I'..- ‘1’ :3 W W -‘ W ‘ "‘-\W- "C" 'I - \ob.‘ \l‘. x- -o o .... - ARC" . . «aw: 1.3:. “at . :J in ‘ {so-1 11 Lo .1; «ruling the June " I) "\,’I\ -. -. .- Q-, r«'-’. 1 i 5- f- ,A , e. ,- . ~,.‘. In? . v. .. . . A 0:'&32’,;J-s~30, 3.13.4 £0831 rhu: 1....) I'm, ..4 -.. F~.I‘Lu'_, L'flk} Al‘_'.:5at efnr’je‘fleo V y.‘ f v v.1 a ‘ Lwcwie Si'vléfie ”atnr tecccraturc durini C. siwniawc emeriance was ya to ..wm 260:0 Incident Radiation Sunliqht docs not directly affect the catch since trappina is between Sundown and sunrifie. Peaks in incident radiation often occur during the day of, or a day or two prior to, an observed increase in lca. catch. (me markcd exception did occur when the E. rurrtn catch was high dur- ing a period of cloudy, rainy weather (Figure 5). A period of very. hiqh radiation, however, immediately preceded the eme:ccnce peak. At low log. catch levels there anpeared to he a linear relation between log. catch and incifiect radiation, but the relatinn co- cave geometric, even though locarithms were used, during periods when great nucficra of individuals exerted. Incident radiation and fighcrcre sictifins low. catch ap- peareé to correspond very closely (Figure 5), but the nuwher of days of emergence was too small to warrant statistical aneivcis. The leg. catch appcarcd to increase gc0ie-ricaily in relation to incidcwt radiation during vary .igh cwacrsnce periods of tcc other thrie cgscies, therefore normal stctietical tests aaeuninz linesrity could not be uccd. P. ' . Table 3.-.Total precipitation and departures from the normal W— —~ W ._.u-Lm Month ‘ Total Precipitation Dctnrturc from actual“ Hay 5.9écn(2.3¢ in) al.90cm(-l.39 in) June ‘ 15.3?cm(6.03 in) '+&.57cm(4i.30 in) July ’ 7.32cm(2.98 in)' + .33cm(+.01 in) August 6.83cm(1.99 in) Agog-«4.75 n1)- ' Scctcctcr 7.82cm(3.3R in) - .Och(- .01 in) \. ,. ....' ..".. .-4 - “'3 v' ...o * "Of-R91 (If Lana: [LL-9i. JH yuuu.So ‘- Tablc 3 shows that total precipitation was about normal in i . July acd Sectawbcr, but well above normal in June, and well below norfial in Ma? and August. In standard weather records rain is recorded from 9:00 a.w. to 9:09 a.m. Rain falling up to 9:00 a.m. is crccitcd to the previous day. Buring this study, day rain was rcccrficd from 6:53 com. to 6:80 p.m., and night rain recorded from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. (Tigurc A). L. :2 HQ 9:. facts of rain hcva been discussed previously (page 7). Belgtive huwiflity.--Vaximum rclativc humidity commonly reached 80 to 92 percent about 6 a.m. There appears to be no re- lation between log. catch and maxiru~srclctivc humidity (Figure 9). o w? an... I- '. . - a \ . , . r o U. k”. 4 , . . ‘ A » ~ I . . x 4 r" u 5 _. _ a u . .. - ‘ ~. .... A- .. , .1 . .Ii.’ ’ ‘ l n 4 - u , -. I A ’ ‘ . - nyfi" ..hlJo. 1‘ ' ‘ : .. . . v ' , ’ 7 3 . z- . , . . 1 . 1 I , . v, ‘ 0 ‘ . . ._. u — -‘ t o ~ nwu o. . v-no“. . I . . _ A5 . Ix j l V . . . . .‘ ‘ 7 fi‘ - n‘ ‘ . A , ‘ ‘ - n n. I .'~ * O ' ‘ Y . . C q' - . . _ ' fl . ‘ 1 u. . v . a g I . a. Do 4‘ , . . .. A - .‘ . .4 ‘ . ' ‘ 4 , . . . ’A ‘ ‘4 ' I ‘ ( y. .' u . a ‘ -’ _ _. . A I:inifluuuroigtivéhhuriiity raried from 13 to 92 fig? cut, and tfiahz usually recorflcd about_3 pom. No relation between lag. catch ant minimum relative humidity was Apparent (rig-um 113‘}. Av--2m,;o .tEIQtive humidity was usually 45 to 75 percent With no appc chi -rolaticn to leg. catzh (Figure 11). 32mg? parlo‘icitgw-Ifays of full and new 2201231 were not-wt lunar periodicity in ems-game was not agtparent. The the apart of the study {rs-s too short, ixouewzr, to warrant my cousin-31011:. «x rgtio of nattdfinia lififiatfi £1 FLEitiflfi is (fianfgqu.-- T3113 S Show; the nunhor of ladividuals of each 331 CSRJHC fluriw: périofs of high cue fence and low emergence. tying the wilcoxon sum test, a siqnificant uifferencc is I“ 1" shown betweed the nuwbers of.eacfi sax cau;ht on fligfits of h ;h marge-me [.5'1(P(h§9)(.02]. The data Show that the I'Mnsirar of males greatly exceeds the nu;ber'of females on thnse niwhts. , .- n; LLJ Tabla a..-uumhers of each sex taken on ninhts of high and low Pifa;;nia lifitita (Serville) euerxence. IT__.__ High cmerdencc (over A0) Date 971%: anfi'b nuubor 10w.(u+l) nuvher loq.(n+1) August 1, 1967 159 2.20 10 1.00 August 6, 1°67 378 2.50 51 1.72 August 7, 1967 55 1.75 35 1.56 August 8, 1967 7a 1.08 10 1.00 August 15, 1967 17 1.26 26 1.53 August 13, 1367 26 1.03 38 1.50 August 19, 1967 26 1.h3 18.3 1.?9 Auqust 20, 1007 26 1.53 10.3 1.29 August 21, 1967 26 l.&3 18.3 1.29 August ?0, 1067 123 2.09 5 0.78 August 25, 1067 433 2.65 18 1.23 Auuust 26, 1967 303 2-03 50 1.70 Low 62"":(‘1I'A-‘fi‘1fi’38 (In: it? 0'3) June 23, 1967 2 0.08 2 0.58 June 24, 1967 1 0.30 0 0.00 July 2, 1967 1 0.30 0 0.00 July 8, 1967 O 0.00 1.5 0.11 July 9, 1967 0 0.00 1.5 0.41 July 19, 1967 l 0.30 3 0.60 July 2a, 1967 0 0.03 1 '0.30 July 25, 1967 0 0.00 2 O.h8 July 27, 1067 0 0.00 l 0.30 July 29, 1067 a .0.70 0 0.00 July 30, 1067 9 1.00 9 1.00 ' August 2, 1967 7 0.90 16 1.23 AUgust h, 1967 h 0.70 2 3.&8 August 5, 1967 2 0.48 0 0.00 August 9, 1967 2 0.08 0 0.00 August 11, 1967 1 0.30 0 0.00 August 10, 1067 5 0.78 7 0.00 August 16,-1967 l - 0.30 5 0.7% August 17, 1067 1 0.30 15 .27 . Angust 22, 1967 13 1.15 6 0.85 August 23, 1067 1 0.30 14 1.13 August 26, 1967 5 0.78 0 .00 August 27, 1967 5 0.70 1 .33 August 29, 1967 5 0.78 3 0.60 ’3 ,4 0 i u... Q- ..‘h’ ' I i I-‘ —‘- ) .. - --.. r — - «to . , . , ..,,.. ...u - -..--- T i ‘1“ run: . \ .| " , u a . . ) ' 7 ~) _ . :. ‘ . f A . . ,~. I ~. ~ . ‘ . - ‘ . . . . 1 4 .,{ . ’1 l . I . 7' 'v‘ I of ‘. ‘ 4" C! u 1 , ' ' .., ,---w—‘~Hl - Y-V l * "' i“, . y ‘ r'“ a ' ~ 4 a x 'r'.i 3. ‘. , '-‘. 1.4 n, l n y l' " x I '1 " ‘ l v v .' ,, I ~- .\ n ‘ ‘ '_. . . -- ' J ’ . v D. 1 .. ; ‘J. . ‘ '- 5 rv " § ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ 'f ' 3 ';!‘.' '. _-' ‘ p . \‘ ' . f . O ‘ 9 \- ' g . " Z '7 . r ..4 l - ' ‘ _.I l .- \ - 1 L: E -3 ' ‘V {3 u ‘ . I . . " L + . ‘- I : "V . 4a u . ... u. fi. '. . " 4HI.,—'.-.'-V~*HDA—. - t J ’0‘ 5-. .,-. .(‘ 3 12.; u.) 11-. 51.):333131m 1(1). £1”: .. The catch on any one night is 53:11:13! to to a rr-“vann- 1:11.113 83:71:11.3 of mayfliea fiytq 1n 1:719 vicinity of the tram. Tan area 13:9": 2:11Cn they am attractad 1:: not 3.1307311, 331:2 :1:1;£.::;1’.-’1: €3.33- fcrs far :2th suede-13, for the 5.51.11 specie-3 c111. r‘?iffer:1nt 21.1 ._'I_-{‘.‘.", and 3101...1211y15fers between $.10: .1 sums of the 53-19 5519;211:111. The catch is orcmrtioml to 130% he 93511231121021 amils’zle for £331: 5:11:15, .723 activity of the indithtalh 1:1 turn, 13-11112fiL-11 and 319:1?‘233' .:.-1:: a. "v*-“ by ”10104111 f:..:‘.<1::. such. :13 ’1'1'123 and 2.0 11'..;....'-'"7 of t? .3 31%;.312‘13, and f‘u’rwz. x11 :21 1.1 £31101“. :, 1.0., "i‘:'.12=:t-.3' st":r?‘:’ (17'7) o... fro cahoots of. ms: «1-1 1.1 1:11 (2011.7115107‘..- 071. t’m 3121.22: 7.1’ ‘1... of 133031;... 4:24.11. 1.11;}; mmzl-ztirzn .7214. uct1vit‘v. 2‘13 13 to 3:31:51 .1 co::€:5...t:~r.1..:r: szzcccrmiat‘. of gilz‘iflifl'jfi 1112.31.21.73: 1:: a 13:1??? cutzzfifntzt €037.11 WW3“ i131- 1. {"10“} considering ‘ ' r0 ‘ v _.. “ .. .- (2" Q ...- '- J immutg, at: t ,3. srwfil.-1c 1:11:111, 1:1ch 1‘, 9.1.9 21.13....9 m t1. 8'133'1-13 0‘ dictum that there 1:111 he ;::>.:::£o<.‘.s :23 i1;.k. 3.2:; 3:: :'..;‘:‘E::2-:-:: (21:31::- cEiv131121r1. 312.313 t".c.~ life 91,3171. of? 1'10 ”’2“! .:.-":33! 1:1 S‘réfif’:, 1139?: t???) mamas 1:111 1":61-1cflje 1‘13 1-21. him size (:2 the Misti; a n 3 u: _ ‘ - “...{i‘ 1 . - «1 fi . I - . «1:71 . y. _ a.-.“ .....1 ' g. 11. :1. . 1; .v,., .. , .. - 1 -_ ‘ . 1:3,: - 1‘..‘.‘!J (_... _ -. , .11 5 . . _. V . ;’ :¢.\,.!. {- I. . ... _ . i . . 8. .. . .- - .. ' ‘ .1“ :.I.-.' 1".1 ‘ 11.1 1:: '21." - no ‘0’ In. l' u"- - “a , . «Ia-1 A" 4‘ ... 1v. . " n "2 ‘1‘: . ‘. > ‘. ‘ , .'!‘ t 5"» )1 f 1 -v- .. ~ #1 - Y .- 'o'jl r1" ".‘ofi‘.: 1 ' J r 1 ‘1..‘— K ‘ '. ’. 7 . fir - .. ’1 - ~-.E~ .1 IJ!-\. ”41.; ~ w 0 v. ‘ - .“'_ ‘J ‘ . 5’" .11. to- e _..:1. .1.v.~.~.1.¥.-1. .1 1.111.: -,1:.1 I {.:.-.- 01: ran-.- .1 :1.- .. 101 ‘ ‘3 £ . - 6.3%, . m. ids-1. 13:11.1, -.1.. U v . . up . . ,. . - :"4~"'3Qf9d’: 1“ ". ’. -.1' ‘- ‘ I O '7, I 3:: nab r anon n..- ... V” .s '1 1" 3. ‘. “1313 JR“ .’-. .1 ~\ ...-1 I » :1. no... - ”(1! .1 ‘ .1 4 5"; a 3 -.. Q .. . 3 \ .-».1 11.111 .1 .:1. .1 .1 . .3 ' 1 . 1' v \ $.1a . ‘ y— I v . I - u . . ... f. ,. . .. .. ,. r .. - . . - 1. 1 1 . . . 4- .1 -' o0“! - ' . 1.1 . . .‘_« u r. .0 h r , m, ,n , 'i “- m" .'j-w - . 1 ‘ 1 . -. 1 1: . . s - 1-) r-p- . . _. J‘ ‘ ' “ ~- ‘9; 1 ~ \ i y- o , > .. ' 7 t ' 4-.1 ' ‘. :Vt‘" ‘1) ‘3‘, ‘ \ V 1 t . a . . 'n. a‘ ‘3‘ 4 «I D?)- o. . - _ . . 14-6 3.- 11,. .fl.‘ . . (fix, '_‘ ’_'_ .n ' .:.- “‘N‘. ..- . .3. .‘ 2 y. n‘ - ., ul ..., . " -P ’ I g 1 n . , .1. .... . 7». y 1 9.: f. -1 1 1 .5 V". J ~ ' m ‘ 4-. 4»... .l ’{311 ..I.- , V 3 V. -- a k. u — . ' ~ 1 ‘ . - ‘3.“ l r1 . ‘ ' ,_‘ ‘ I o. _ .- v 1 1 ' 1 ' 2 r ’ ‘ ‘1 ; . «'1 ._,~ 4.4.. - . ‘ . \‘ 1' 1 I 9.1 1 3' .1- ‘ . 1 ' ' 7k '1 .. 5" . . a. ’1 .' . “' ' A“ w I. _ 7‘ ‘v! 1-. . .. 4 fl ". I v 1 ‘. 1 v . J . , i l . V - - a 1 -‘ b .‘ . 9 r "7 33 we; '12: co: d.’ Liens can h? 61;:Wtcd to in 13:32 a fine Caiiy e;u159nce 331.1 activity of the m2;21£'3 ‘~*\m IOQ‘-'.rc g 1-0:»... i-ia 3 - . y...,‘. .n ( do -‘_‘-" fl our; rm: (' z: W 9 ..L. I i’ (.3 2 y u L t 1' r1:.-- CI“?! r: be obtained by using several trays 5,1.MLCLLVLL117. illiaua (1?'C use: a second tra p. 5:: up under n0 yi cutie 1 ccniitlcns to a test the reliability of a Plfljlc tr;;. Ccrreistic. v . - . . ’5' - .. ,,~.— '1‘." ”1" ° . '.. .. .. 1 . Lctz.3u tfupa Let thaev.s cuuzht was OUuOOSg. snLLLHg that tna ervor ... "l‘“- ‘Q-p b a a— _ o _- ..‘I-- _- “..- .... ,_ .. ‘Al" ._ was suulL. v.3;5 ua. ChO tr.g may 1“trauH3u 05‘: a “Cblxéia‘e ersor. .szft g??? tzéfi_§;ti“irncv £11 29;;32 I t’31h.—-.ra“s nn. 0 P with fans are more ez;1:1cnc in cat :hi; guraquitcua than traps without fans (frcst 1937). The 8.10 19 LSObJ‘JIY rge for mayfliefi, since t”ev a 113 L tions. 30033.1 tion in the O- 5‘ t.) <3 (I .b it» 0-0 :3 n”. Vcrheyens 193C t0§3$ty or 3136 cf :59 1: sisaouentiy Lzaught a30ut by the 3' J . , Q 3 ,. 1.53". 31‘... US$33: £1,193.30 a, 01131:, an”: Czalan ( foam} t1; .3 slick-ed {31:3 in s to be more ufficiont tLga trays ia eu;osed Icca- at any alter trap efficianzy, 51x30 it C:ns*s a reduc- clative light 1..-qutj of the “"1 ( illia 3 Q35, : .3 -""«..° -“~‘ "14. .... .0 .._.,- __- r- :—.- .Ff'i‘ .91..'s__”.l l‘rJl. '-1A..|.L¢, .:.,a. .‘I."’_.. 31.1; L. _.Z‘i‘p; t;‘a".‘). ‘ius (liliiaws 1251. Williams, F-3nch and Hear! 1§:3;, Barr’g;.:1. 1363) indicate that an incrm 13% in in- 33:1- tuticu of nu Citra-vic1;t 1519 for an i.quVV'C‘3: amp usua 113i 19d to an harassed cat: 1. .4 v- '"o'- a ‘1‘ -- _._ ..o .. a. '— . .ul} LJCL C.) {figs usefi 34 the Sgtfiy did varv ‘1 , n . , ‘ . -. w at w o r I .u _ V _ . , . _ a ‘ .1 » . ‘7 ‘ ' 4' L In . .. .. v . V , . v - l 7- . .4 u . , ,v ' i 1 . .. 4 .4 , , - .- J . ‘ o l , . .-‘ ' . I ‘1 - ; ~ . .' a. .p I , ‘ . . V ' ' 0 - -- “hm-r n-w-«p « «a '- ~-‘ ‘_.‘..,. ... ._- H, . I ,. A ._ . . , . . 1 ,. . w L ‘ .. . . .‘ . a I, L ' ~. -' ‘ . , ,. AI .' N - I.~ I ‘3 . .x ‘ “ a ‘ . a ' ' - A - . u 9 . ~1 . 1 i. ,1 - ‘ . A I w - ~ . | . o . I. , . - . , , 1 , . g . , . . 4 - ' .c ¢ . f .. d .- . l o _ ' , » : - u . a ' r ‘ A , ._. * w . ' ‘ " K .. ., ( , . -. v 31 3032333131? 1‘1 efficiency. Pm. ocevrnr, low. catch data collected during: the agar-anon of the first trap were not conrpamd to thou collected aux-1.3.52 over-anon of the second trap. F?"‘t‘1‘__f'fi"t‘. 3.33133imager-twrgno-fi single myfly, which is the unit: of masmrament, is small in cozmtison to the total catch it many [mimiduns were caught. Khan the catch is amll. t’w unit of "hasurament ls hljh in compariso w. to th: fatal, so small chm . :3 have a wreater eff33t.‘ An estimte, rather than n dlmct count, should have no effect on ti. 3 maul-t 8, since (32‘ rim-ates ware made only when bran- saw:- n:f C. sis-”1.3333 were cauglz ‘ PAFAP-“fl? "3. 3 § .333! n 'av‘n' .fii‘.fi*‘l‘; A _...— _ ?ha nuwier of ifisacts present is affected by wastfier con- ditions pmvnilizc at: the tine of activity 3131* by t‘.~. :3 of 3:1: of previous 3303‘; war ccfifitions (371 the level of the yx.3-3z.=i:32;iczz (313.1? 31:? r‘ n n , - -vr-‘. . --'-,~,"'1 a _n-‘n. ..,'.-l~~- 1': p II»). 31:30 3:31.33 am 619.2%.13, .323. .3. and i H‘N {34" «.3. ....i...~......c 3.3...- - , -. ,., _33 .. - H v..., 3:130 J 3.123.:tcrs, aw! 1 .~ .tv. 3. 39:9. trrmstrial \-.....‘...::r. 3 m3 ‘2’ :LL'. .1, a 9 e_ . -. 0 «I! .n . . \ a. i ('1. .M . . ,, .f. ...,fl.-. .5 ,, .. 1 , . .... ,.,.1_ ‘. ,. ..- .41 vi?~.~.-1y 1.091;. 3‘... 31:93 .99 t. ;x.. <:~.:‘..-{.. ....33‘530 L1; 22$ 1U CH...‘ 3. .3 3:23.33“? .:. 3.53.? CI, " I 5.11: no. a“ Ia'3"".'~o‘v-mv’fivq 3 ‘s . 3d -. Edna-4.. n. u . l... [12' r3 “AWWH-h’).-- iii; fi’...’ £?"I'.‘.(é:"“§..:t.ls;-.'3, tin? aduitg of ail -_..L «R O ,‘ I C .‘o . '-'o 5‘ 3‘s . g .- . . . - n '- '0" war 5 «ecia, s; 93.1z«..-1c.3..-'. more c.-. _ :1. :3... a 1,-2 serum.»- ranro o: U-..-‘J a... 0' Tireso torpemtums fall 3«ri{;“::i:\ 3:32-33 1-3:.1333 cf? ’:~?:3-"‘3 at which (may? 3".13. h‘ d: - -.‘ 2'..- - ..-.-.’ -. ..‘3 . (Hi-.5) emu-M" 3:1 to fix"? a ...-.:nrstcn 3 :‘---_.s-..t'»’ (.:. {unpalation a?” :1 do!“ ant-n am: A“; using than on: 03' air-hm a! mm a ‘.mm-Hym r ~-: «1:! JM .1: “it at! m "Juno's div-'uuukMH! we 2'! and .xmaammmngmu W101. z,- “ .mnomn‘m’umwn oil “M2“ an!!!» a w W ...-n13» m .mmwum Madam dim )0 “a: i" -; - .m“o m' lent!!! .1 h ‘0; -;' «mofiznisnw (d b03093: 3i ‘Jnsze'xq 339mm} ‘30 Gemini? or?! '30 aydfiifi us: we bun yjtviflfin 30 ualJ cfifl an gnfllcvsxq urolnlb amslllld) noifinlucoc sin 30 Iona! hflfi no enoidlbnoa xedsnav anotvawq on; 91:“. sulbeumi has 33m; .olzsqm ma adqmgn coma .(EOOI .mtflhnao refines»- Ic- i'itl§£;=."-‘I‘.If)3 afiakhmml has .a'xonssafi Iasncaruo-zl-v 30 cantbnufla Ovzjnla. Han aanarzusoo 9d: aoaeullnf 32¢¢ 2333601q .2311?!» 51116839717.” '4 119 30 aSSubs ofia .aflolflqooxa we? -EE «o.ggugsuggzag §lé _.OOOS-B 30 ngau axggngganI n 35 fiflgun: 33am b01b03a zoleoqa 1U03 W“. ffsirhz 35 3083.?! 3C. mtm;i- 4".7‘ 132.33.: Ila: rimuda‘s'S—q—fi'aj 02:93? .5915 L’s-Hahn“! 'x‘o ‘(L’lmg-ziw LS -..a:.r‘"ru.£ ms 32*“ 0'1 'Mfizi'fifiqa (3:...91) (a L i" “1»1‘91‘9 0? 9:?99i93 Of tab.” 1 have-ts. Mr tannemmre pmmwy 12213222322303 t 23 rmcurrtm 33 a 2:3 322.222.122.230 of a an: 22"li23 322 33:13:? 22222233 than 3222: other 31:2."13 weather £33331: oval 22'236 '3‘213 13 in '4 warhead?“ 2:12:211113223' HIV! ’3} f1:2- 1.22.223 err 2:.. . 23.:2 9:313 total 1:233:27: yoyahtion, ‘22:: 1': cm tract to cofifiunkns of 3322*: 23.22.11 03:23:23.3 (1311) that: there is no gone-22:22! 32222123132132. bums-..:: 312‘ 2:37.; era-t 2:223- and aq2.x:.t131m:c::t (22122222322352 522.22.233.21 3324133 22:22. 57:02:21 that afir tor'js-utcr22322m is; he 622119.202: mats}. actor 2:20:22: 1361223223122: 131*. ‘22:: activity (Cock 1923’s., Uvamv 1""1, T312132: 1"‘-"3)- T320 12:25:. :2th2 2.. .3 21.32.2211}! hi=f¥3¢f when whit-2:222 322:1 22223223223 3'12 taunt-.1243 2.2.2:... b.1222, but 2322:1222: term-22:22:20 3:22! tea-22723312322229 range: 22.2.: no 37:29:32.2;2 effect :23 39202222 by F‘imms 7 and. 8. :‘izz‘fif’vfl terspcz‘anm 3.42706. :20 (22:22.... - 222231252313? 2222;232:2230 it: was 223313.333 :23 a Magic faster, 3:23 22201-331132 comm-:1 Meat 3 9.22., a time 2.42.322 1223224512233 are 1--..3t1v3 0 42065.33, Traver 22222.! ".322 1? -5). But 52'an the rem-.322 tar-"(fled to be higher oh-nlgézts f01§.:2-2.r’£:23 2:222"! days-2, ‘ 22:23:52 mm tamer. tum room 213: has! at: indirect effect tux-ouch 3220223222: and 221211.323 (23:23:22.2;23222293. fj'xzrgclm and 32223122122 .3 activity of 221222231139 13 2222222221131 Honest: from (2.22522: tc mic32213‘2t, 24222221 t‘2e- air tamfnbzm is 12.12;;2‘ 1" 1:233 than the averizrw daily: tiny-.2 222.2th -- and {CIT-22...? .2212 c.2221 t '29 mi 2212.22.32 t’vwwmur... (At-32.22: :2 p.222... the air to2mrntum generally {UPI 7217-10903 t‘w daily average; the temgwratum is nos-.1: often .1 1 .. mcore‘ a 42:: :6 am.) I“ Q ‘? ‘ u I q I. I - . u . v.‘ 2;" “\‘t * ‘5’ 5;? 2.".33 t“ ""'.' f, !‘ )' I I "2-.? ' 1 3:. o > - n, d ‘ I. . ,' . -L ' - A .‘l! 2- '. ‘I (I - o 2 a .7 'I G . X ' , , ',. - . ‘ " .. .~ (x ‘1‘ .‘t'; . ‘y f" :-.f!, '. “ ""l"'l'! -: r. . ‘.‘-‘- (-4 I '0. ,-¢~. ._~- _.. w 2 s; . . . — . ~.- .. .. . . - . 2 2 . ~ *0. v , $ - - - I . a 1'.“ '.. - ,_ 3 W V 9 , . . . . . b ‘ ... L 1. " - .1 ’ ' ‘ ‘ . . . -‘..'.'v . .- 4 J a - . .1 2 p -. . - . . ‘~_r!.:'l’->. . ‘ .. ,. ... .1; .. : -‘. . . 3 I 2 .t . . '- . . 2 .L E , -2 ; I a q ‘ u ' r (’41:. o f"~ '. . . V I‘ I; c. .2 " h.‘ ... P - .1 1 " ,.'- ‘ u v '5 ,- . . . .:. - ' . . . i v 4 I r. A— . ~‘ . ., z :r'...“3 , I .,. . .. .' , - .I -,- : . . - . . J“ 1‘ 2.: ‘t- ‘ ~. - .I a w .; J 3 ‘ H v o a; C (- " ".‘ > ‘ w. - .1 a . v .q 19'. . ' u r' A -~ . . ..- .. . , . s ... ‘ ~ . " ‘ ‘. ._. f- ,_;,C‘ 3’ ,3 A. 77 . _ .35; , '... It- {.2 .2 .. .. .. _ z - .. y ’ ‘ Ist_“?'°91g~u ’ ’ .f'l” '. " J" “'4‘ 2' v -“2 ' « ‘ .1 _~ _, ,' - - 6" .'~. _. .‘3‘ -'I‘..~ "‘ ...“ '. . ,. .. : . p ‘ 1 3' . O , .2‘_. I, \n 'o _ v ‘- L ’ 0" .... . ~ § I. ...) 'o -2 " i..‘-"1'.: .3, "'2 J ‘ ' ," . ‘ . ,~ . . .' .2. 1' ‘ ”.:.." _y .... '-._"‘fr"~.£.2:?sg2 -.’2~_:2.'3:“:0-". 2~~ ‘ . . .— ' - _l. I-l . I" ' 2 "2y -""---.- -,-r r -. , .-_ . ." -. ' - .' . . .:.-21.... 25:2... 2! - - ..: . 2-2m .. ..., .J J Q L '3'“: 10",. curt: 2:33 ofth hi act when I.’xi:z§.:.uu and av»..- 111.43 ‘3' f) v -. _ "A ,~. -~ — rm") ... ,. 4,: 9. ..a heungrn 3i; Liouarl (1:4- 0-3ervtu tae fin” pa *1 we g [-0 {‘3 n“ '9 (J to be sroiowgci t' Egjtira teflpojttrCS cf 16°C or lower, but a“. temperatures at uuil Lake during the enfir;unce pariofis ranginef 1”)- $ .. ' 2... a .a-« a 4"- r ‘0 Q ’4' . "t ' ." t"""' "‘ ' agave 10 9. .:”d an temk3-4taze turodfihout tue s.¢dy pelxod 3 o v' ‘ remaiaéd above 6 C, a temperature ahove union williams (1“’¢ capttrcfl the greatest nudbers of emergent black i; 35. Since bioiogy of the species as well as factors other than temperature igfiuence the catch. and since extremely unfavorable con- diti0ns may act as a limiting factor to daily catch, exceptions occurzfil. in which the catch was sometimes low when temperature cofiditions seemed favorable. and vice vet: . Tha air ttmperature ét which activity of the adults was 1 noteu varied somewhat with the Species; g, ehrum an 3, Si ultra were rctive at a greater ran a in averaze and minimum temperatures than‘g. lin%ata or.§. sinulaws. This may be advantageous for'go 3..” 0 ’1‘ rxbrxn and g, situlnrn, since their crerwence peaks are earl- in tfie syring, when a greater fluccuaticn in tam;e*aturu is Iiacly. _ggfier E? par tur¢.--Eatcr tum;wrature increased steadily to 17°C before magfly enafgfiuce V35 note&. A cgrgnrigon of vanthfir parameters at tfie time otlg. “v“t ~'- 1' ‘ a I‘ 'V ‘ . T 0 I u .0 In ._. -' .a ‘ -u C n ‘ .3 emer;eace pa“.3 in wane and in Angus; sdonad no aloniLicaHt c1;- fcraaco betwce: any of the factors investigated, except water 93.13 Isuzu-Mm qt: ugh-ado ($9.91) Mung“ hm hm: m @091.”sz 30, W: NW 24 W .4 o: WWI-9W ,.!3,:'WIQ and 1100 a m: ”MW?” WW «mum. ., 0°01 "9‘, (90?!) “In” mm min nun-1m: a 52°C M W” may." mas-wok 3191:9me Mame tutu-"Wane” no um on: an “up“ we .. .noo «mum In!!!” can): hm .dcaso m mm “naps: “WWW.” ulna o: ”19.33.321st 9.» up 29 man: (W m not "trim on: fleas; qt: arguing). Mm ’ _ .mn nah! m «Hum: m mum fig DWI! on: 30 um». um- 23- «W sin 3‘! “95"“! mt 3.030;“. mm» W but-up m . m: mm- tn- omuy’fijnl,”,ma a a: who. an alM- mum-,- uwAm sauna .92 to m in w .m'.: uwag “We mum a M ant-u an at UIW.WIQHIW? “afiw'w * .m an: ems-mu than $303.4 ,2?“ on “walk” 3“ 1,- now-*1 name 10m” A , *mtummmmmnt Mamas-um ”33' noon .baztngiazmi none: ads .39 named mo) ‘LJ +~ M. 'l i tar dn? 3? the August Sink. Aflvits s to “Fr mture, wfiifih was which ener‘gd in Jur e acme Irrtor than c411t3 v‘:i::u cwrv‘ofl in August. Farkgps lower early 363303 w~tc—r rmwanwn umes haé pee“- ponci efiorqa..:o, rcsuitlng in a latter nfflfih ans larfier 3331:. It a; your": tar): water to mar." 11' .- 723‘; trl gjtrzr or 30329319 mavfly emergence. Laboratory stufiies and field data for SEVfiffil years would he ncefiod befnra any such conciusions could be made with Cft-Iif‘tt?o Incifieut 734133‘0“ Sunlijht Cid net directly affecg the catch, be: ML 30 trfltp-uq was 1nae uéhwozq Sundgwn and suwrise. Sunny dsya ottcn ooczsrrcd {are intely before or a any cr tin prior to tmi 33 with 3:“33331 log. catch, hut this is 1i f 1' dale to an lufirert 0' efzect on air tcfivcriture. Ra iatiox also influcgccs the 3353? t2“- 1) 71 (J " pm m =5? '7 ‘U l' n 1’1 L} "- . D"! H- g D '3 I) Q“ If: :9 J 3 I {T L.) :3. N peracure, but its c---c avcrgwe air LLtp crature vat; c 2‘1 ccincl 33 with Ira-'31 iii.) 10%. cksistum Rain did not wraafilv nffccc the catch of any of the CTQOEQS evaluated. Its of facts were more noticeable durin lot: n"??1“_"~'.‘i31“.\3 periods, but drriny emotioncn peaks, the catch wn3 hl'h rehardlonn of rein, although emergence tafnmr! off (ht-1.1". mrtmh or? pmimrmd thin. Noodh9*, Traver aué $33 {$33}, 3a5 hurts (ICS?) indicatéfi that rain poqnlbly hinders 31:13" fllfitt. Apparently, however, mayflies 2‘3““‘4 ’3 2s: W us ”It!!! Wild 9".” W '—" W “"73""? “Q?“ a-msmm :, ~ . m; was, m M - «ii-(WE? 2*; 4.4 42.4“: '93; fess-sis- m , 111"»:an um R «5,433. r???" aims: am; am?- mz ,m‘flws-qm‘bv O V ‘4 _b . I - u h - 4‘ '-I I _. .. ~' ..- ‘ 1' 'c‘ ‘ . . '56. ~. s. r- A: W 9 u- !»s‘u 4:; was sss s47» as w- m m or a ._ a. } ' -. k‘ . .. ;J ,2 s * . ...- mumgumumn—n ~ ..sj{r*a-* _4_ 943,: 'o‘sa #1:. “£43.44; at 4%.. s) u this fiérggafififi gm 13344:? _. _"- '- ... l: ‘ -_ -.: .- I . ‘6' " t- 4 ' “‘f‘r .‘ . '-‘-' "' ‘ .~.~ :s .. ‘- ‘ .. -4 -.:-, ~ ,- ’-’--- -.. ‘ “1' HAWK ‘ . - . ‘ 1 c .1 . -: , . l _ v ‘ I ‘ q I '.“ u ‘ .,"_ ‘. - p,- . . on .’ . .45 ..: _ ' it.’ .‘i‘.’ ’31 .W s. . fi ,3 ' ,- ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ' I. .-'J. 3 '6 ;- ' ' f p ‘ _. . ' " . " s . . «._. - «Mm WW ...... I" o 9’ - W) ‘ufi’; 4 r;¢-”:‘ ' _t -.' .. ' 3:5”? '1'"; '{9:'. r'flw‘yi .‘f .8340: 1 35 are 2%10 to £17 during most iny vcat*er, rswardleaa o! the size of :99 individual. The of f'ec*s cf r:.1n are prubnhly clean}? reiated to those of t:;rJGrnturc, since da ay rain seems to rrw m: a the catch more tfian night rain, which night he expected to havu the greater effect. “ainy days are ununliy cooler, and follosod by cool nights. Rainy n£:“ts gens: fily have a hEth.r temperature due to cloud cover (u111133¢’ 194%, Chant and Hnlnod 19C?). It nppnars that some cffczta of rain tend to 0p nose tnos o of ta4paraturod There was no apparent difference between maxlzmm, 1.:12113'El.zr.3, or avarnga rethtiva huwlfiity between nights of high and law 101. catch.' It mitht ha inferrad than, that th;ra {a no selection of damp or dry 313339 for activity or emarganca. But relatlva nu. midity is dependent on temperature, and the actual moisture cantont of tha air is :L ch gran tar on warm nights than on cool ni~ht3 of the same :91: tive haw ldltv. Since the catch 15 generaliy hijhar on warm nights, and since thore 19 no diffcrmnce in rQIa-. tive Humisity between ni3hts of high catch (wars) afld nights of low c;t ch (:cl-), it fallo:s thzt tristure beaten: of the air is hi~~cr on 1ma : niwits. izar'fnfin, Ifi . :r catches are associated with $369, warm fil3hts, and lever cw'fi :3 are ansocinted with dry, c001 313 ts. § f*"h”-i‘" to Ea mar? (1993), n.7,fli s, ezgcclally subimasos, Q o are vorv vulnrrzbie to nqsztett' H" Q 1 4. “ninaiva huwiilty at night Q I gcncyzily 23.1:d4 7C -93 per out, and agcuid no= h.ve been cric ca o o i J ' ‘ O. ‘ ‘0 't : o ' . :3'1 -- . o 0 a! .- '- . \ _ _ v ‘ 1 ‘ ' \- ., X a a O u I. l . o I o . U 4 - I I " I. f ' I l' I“ ' o ‘ ' .J- . J' 'u a ‘ a. .‘ man-0 when”): ”PM W «am :1 «I: In om m an Mao-um» (I: m ho M alum mum :1 WM a.» mu otMMfl’Wt “Miami-la m to W on Oh how tum .44: una1mumo§ommu a-..“ «sum... 44. .- 44, 3T- . . - . .. “to". M1!» .4... “a. that mks-9mm km» a w . .M~meno,..u4a.m...m,m m at but”. .I’VJ i.— ‘ ‘v-L‘ “’fiév' " ,0“- "er (“mum-inhalant”!!! unaided? Watts 31; - 4;: :m » mumuwxmmafinw mum» mum 41“ A4529: 9* ;: flan-'4? 4.11. air! Inn: :- aim) new: “in ecu-n ‘10 2M «adamant» aim- K.‘ ‘ halluhofltdlubnl mono» .Mmhménl coma OW)?" “ ‘43 "’79 “r?- 311% 4,;4'5 '4 g. .. ; -.: «an» Iota-lo!!! 2d Mm at us: a: cab 30 Qflvlm ad: 9‘: - 7‘? , .me who oil: yahoo”: an 44:35.: Inn- . .- ... .‘V ’a' .‘a‘ ' ’~\ ‘ ‘ '1‘: 37 If no ~21 é1fercnce In the sex rrtio ev1.ts, the spheront h fl”. :15” a ' «:7 an r' n '12.. '21“ r‘c‘:.';'~t ‘v- 4‘: 1‘ “Ia-i ’ j 't "1"? Q... r? I": 4.- r.‘ r!.. ' fi-o. ".‘Q". ‘nnf‘ - . a . s. . 13 ' P3 aLLJC»; g 1.6 1 ."o 1 111913 3U ufitcu LW*' -a the '- . .1 ~ - an... ....-v‘v - -. a c - 1..» _g r _ . a uchg-a’, A: s.r11£r f?t?u+-.cfi o. .:~1»3 1“ n.. A 3.tc;r3 cca11 ’ - ' - ‘ - a . a 8- ‘ e - ‘ I .t u— " — . o~ "so .. m ' 1.- 1'3 15-!” I - «\ - s .v-eu F (V Y! 33!! f. .. . ' ~95 tn . r- R- r «)3: M. ...- *~; 4.. . .‘a! a; ‘ - 3. ~.. .4. . t .1 ...; ! . ' . , . .’ ~~ h. * i ‘¢ ‘4‘ ._. if ‘4 .. 1| ’ \ n- or CE t1: tr 3. Further, if the 12*Ht trap at“:nct€ naiaa Even a :rcrte" are: :fizz fitslcs on :1 if: cf Pi,h ahtiVi”y Vtcn £13110 fin wigs: Es cmgsgci in egg laying. a diff or;z?e En catch fi133t result. "0t 1a 215“) few 1 an :étgdl vrrinfiion in the cox ratio in ‘vIEo- 0:177; caught 1: sevc.:1 £1170":2t s.t':cl.. w ._- mm id: at!!!» can»: an: -. -- --.:2. : 2:1 0:! so: an: 29 van-132m: man a. .....v . 3.4.3:. “4.16:4. uwa'éébih 9:23 at 3nd: 1293893303 (9801) amnufi 4239:» an: yawn moan! More» actions: and :1! ”his?! to 5:02nt 1911243! 0:13 .ubimn animus m8 all: a! «£31m cut mm 505m! fl inculcate ad a. misfits! mm «2:: 3:13.21 9913 3)....2m an: m to 3.1m! mums» data 10 2:12:41 m mun-2'; Mia-am sum; .:uunn m men n] mouth-n mum: at a: m 81‘ mt- w at almanac at: m mlthaJulos as has»: 03?” um. .abodam Mint W !‘ Mall. m' L) Q) fl~vm'1’\r—' 1731mm? . .- -'.a - 1.1. The results (ascriood were based an one year of contlnxous trnpgiag of 1133: 3 with a 31~313 11:32 trnn. Lfst calzulntions - I were 33:13 for all :33 333313: of adult anvil-.133 (-33.3133! at L431]. lake. It f-rtner s vdies of tnia type are r'one, tne follow: ng sugges- =t10n8 are made! 1. Thara should be several traps wcrklng simultaneously um‘er 1:9 31:11 in: co-~dltions as 1303311313. This V111 {five 133:3 um- baa-.3 of a species and redness the sampling error. 2. the study should be extenied over sevarnl (cars so data can b3 115-:er for co::part:.=ons of nights fem-r2 year toyear as wall as high”. wit? 3:1 y-ars. This vii! allow :23 ace of more pcwerZul statistical tests. 3. A selecterfi species would be considered, rather than .011 33133 of any one grvuo. Snrting the thousaafls of duliCé‘L 3 (3-fi m in length) £33113 giggija fmta all of the 36133: insects in each day's catch was an overs-(1131:1213 task. In. I:.--<.~ ... 33-313 1*".‘331'2 13 suvrtesi. ed for mu. - at: inverzthntion ('0 '9?) on t .3 113° (:13 on.“ its 1301133135.; cf-mrmtori t (:3: a. It has r3iwtlvely 14?: 5332353 of hutfi p333 n c.' It is eesiiy filatiavuicfiu3 irw’ 013.0r i sects Czu-’.. “ {'1 t :3 tirgw. .' ‘ f‘, t“ ." ’..'-|~“- 1 l'.‘. "-“n: {.0 303203 {2133 0:23.13; 131.7391v-;',....'..'|...:3‘..‘.;.-Oo ‘2— w s «5-: 3 a, 'arfi ‘ ‘ , Oi ftr'.‘ L,” .1: ' .; ‘ 5‘ ._ r.' ' , “-. I ‘ “-' 3 3?; 3:: J r. 3: - ”I .v' " " ”ri‘ ..: “q .:F‘l .' ‘.-\_"}' J ..‘ " 4 ‘5‘. '- “ I ‘ ' ‘.“p «0, I ' 4 ’ ~ a‘ '0, 4... . t.) .. . . s . g . . ' ‘ ‘ . “I ' _ .. .- iIsY' fix in, 23'4 3 1331:rnxt 15E'*."; 3({(~<. ‘. {.3 . «a: .3533? 332-: ' 5-1:. . w": Vfamnr (V :13 11.32;? :H ‘5‘43. .. -. V . " .‘ .1". ‘ ,1 ' - 0' Q1 .“ ’ ‘4 ‘ 1 - m"; 1'11:- m'- .v.~~..o.—".". (..r .r- .-"‘?.;'~.fr'-- '1': . ?~)T.’ . :x‘:ilg_’-:'. J’ ,‘ 1'}.:‘ ‘r '\ “v‘,.~.r air:* 3‘ ' r172“ 3:2." 31: 31:.” it...'e‘.'--"(. " "3:". "- “(1:53-63 tau“:- - (?". 1"- II'” “.‘.- ’ 7‘"? '.'.-‘.'. . " ' .(M'i‘s‘i'f‘w 3:2’ 1:??§.£.'.:.~’ ‘.:"3". ,1), (:53 ..: ' a .S-f; '1‘ ." - 3 ii" Want? '12'377'3'75 ... v, ":'.('-'~?",::.z_.~ ('1‘ "(315"?- ' "5:33”. 313339323; ’a‘} f'.‘:_ “I... ._s.) .:. ‘31" ’2 . '3" ‘ ‘ I". 1"»; .‘IU‘i’li‘ ‘ ‘ . '- ' V . U" ‘H "- . ‘r‘- t . I i ‘.r . .- ‘ .1 n - - “ Q a 3.4' .o-u-I . 0 7 . _ ' n._ x 1 1 O: p .1 ~‘ I‘ 6 .‘ o r y . ' . H. . ~ , ‘4..- .- 4 .:.?"I 1' . ‘. ..:v 5.} .C. I... .l‘. I . ", , 0-1 .I_ L 0-. ‘3 it v. o. .3 , - T.‘ , . . " o .‘.. I‘ .(‘-‘.( ‘ .61.; . ;. ,. .' . . , b} . .. v o .i - ‘ \) 1‘ .: . _r$‘u ’ .‘5 .. 1‘". x !” , , ~ ' l ‘ ’. fl ' d- 1' .7 .- " > 1‘ . 1 a .. I ._ . .. _ , f .- : - ~ I x... !' v ’ 1 _ - . , I‘. ’_ :6 ..u '.s a. v" .'- - - _ - ‘ '. ,- « n ‘1' V .' I 0". .20 03:32:31ch '3 1:".13 i:';m'csti.;;'3:131 van: (1) to r.".;w:-2:E: :“(3 3:131:33 and 15-2::(..-=:s,....-21 0.2::5'1'331133 of! :3'zy511a23 (1“ .:'~-."-.-:-?~r;u:-";:1':': ) 0 2;. 21-3: from a rc-r-i- 1:=r1;'-'-.'::'-. -2123 of .3211 Iain, and (7) to G's-112.2213 3 2'": ('31 crwi 20:1- 232212.11 3:3?! £1.12:- :23 5033151: 61031111963 0221.35-" (:3 ('.(2:Z:"""i;!; f-vrtoz's 171 t.‘.¢ 0-3.1“..-“0 0.: tZJQ ”11-);235 .20 An 513331-11: ms given of the aquatic: u:-;'v'1:'o.'..':c:'~.t, 32:31 or? t'u 0113313 33:! 393.11? (.29. t:.:::r 337311.10?- ' 5013' t: 33 310.3. 5 ..... .. .-.. yr, 1 g. _. “.a.... '1 d"-'“ 0 ('.... ...-l " : 11-2-2." 1.1.1:) has 0;- 1'12 3.! 11:33.3 .33..'.'.1..'9, 1.3:, 10 332-33231? 1.1, 9% I. x I . a. .v-- ’ ~-' ~'\. 11". ’1‘ . . -- a. 3..., at and 1.3.3, 1:! 12.: 3..-r:- 303.2 .:2:sz (3033.33. .12.: .1733. 232.1“ “ v- 1 O . ‘ .-- 1-H s- :1.-. - '- v - ‘r'; ¢v~- .- w ¢r_-.~r--": age-313.. .- ..; -3. .- -. 1":ch tun-(..-: can -, .t 17-...- 1 1:11:53 3 11:7 230' ':1 \r. .. r. A m v-ru-" I u" -\ ‘-(‘ .-.'1 .(w‘s 0" ‘F’ "( 0.3 e_ 41" I’\‘_fi-‘:Q v‘;f.r': A." "' """r “. ‘1“‘5 r: “firs; ‘.A 512.1-11L‘1 G'- C alt—.muic‘- shc‘- “r-na.o 'K 3.v~é-.r‘-\'J A.» 1.x: ' 3'3»?- 3 '21.. --o 1.0 J I" o ' -—- —9 Q ‘ ‘1" O r m- -1 A tv-w 1". ‘ '- (1 ' ‘- A“ . -' ‘ t. u .a (It, _\ . 1' '5‘! I. ,1 K . 1 I‘ r; 1 V, 1‘L.' ) e ...;5: ‘31).1 “‘1.- o‘- “-J t9 ‘.v“ —o\-’H- U -’ ’ “-..-.4.“ a“; ... . w . . g 1 4 as .- A ... . fl ‘ '~".—. J. -- _ -‘ fin " a If: ~ ‘ \ \9 -. -- (,v- 0 :4. .s. f w. “A .l . t (-7 .. (-0 A r — ‘1'. v ‘ f I 3'. 11...] L...” fang“ .‘K. ‘ i .2... Lu. C..}'...'1,~., 3-11.0 .. 1”,»; us: 1., .. - ..‘3 1-. ...‘L. .!~ I. - I I - . v~. 1.- - -_ ~ .~- 0 ’ . ~-. .~’\' 3" '~ , ( 1' In , .3' — . «f 4- -- ‘ - 55¢ .:. I’ - ..' 3 f.- n o ’8 'w'v'xLL J nix-..:: C} F" ‘11-: .2: a. (3»: :1 ‘ J'- 1.7.. .‘ .1 ‘7 ..‘L 0 t0 «"133 v0 ‘- "‘ “J A ‘ ' . P. ‘ ' rl - ‘ "T ‘ "y ' , h Ofv- .‘I 5- .-~& ~- ”. "t (\ Lyn. ‘n p ¢ ‘I. " ‘ q. .... . ~~ .- -. J v‘ T --- «Iv "1...-“ n- - ~ 25 '.1 ‘.- b") ,-$ v. '. ... ”a v‘ I -( mm ““9.- “ , 5 t ,. I’ . '1' 0.. . Q s' p? . _ 3 t. 1-. t . . .\.w '.- ~~_~. ’~~ A'.‘ 'Q-vvt as ‘ . a 4' I ..fi _. 9 -. _‘ .'~ '5 \ ‘\ Q n f: - J. A 3" .:11175 ‘.ru" .‘K' ' ‘1‘ __‘_~. L. 3.1;... --:. -’ i .3 .) t.“ 3 .15.. r. J. ’ 9113.5 Ex. 41-1.. _’..'. :ji?:1..-. e _ v - I’. " v '3 r A .v ’1’ .;§ a‘ go‘ at ‘ - rQ.0\ ~ 0 s ‘ . ‘0 x I § , ‘O" t 9 I Q . - u A ‘ ”a S ‘KJK. C’“rv44. r.‘ ‘1 .. . r} .a J 5.2:" - ‘3 '.p ‘.' -"' .~__ ..' La (..“r‘fl ‘- O .0 - ‘.I . . T f I " 1.“! A a ..h r- (WI an .r‘. -_ . .- v-r n - (:1 ...—.... . v .. '~. -° ‘ (2("3-1 .:. 1 '. -. .. .3“. rifificc «...-M {TU .. M 1.2 1') 1m J .:.... ..--) “m“ mm- " ... 9Q.~\.n" :g':1'~£fi."qfil ...-‘.n... ’ (I -f- n-. .... §'-\1. I,” h '.‘H *1 L :0 ‘1“ 4:2. \-‘.'.. \S. \- \. t .‘1 ....-3 5. t. ”I". ‘4...:.3 \9 p. ' d1 ’ t1. 4 '7' ‘, an 3 r. A, ’v r.~—-~m.— -2'—0- Acfiflu -... o . -223 r2311}; 33-3! 1:33 33:12 '.3 tr: :7 '3 .:.." m: L .0 3.2111: gc-taulatkm r O‘. . mg I- .I r I»’. ‘ I N . a 3" -' I. -' 7. sq" -- ’4 o o a .q 831‘: 8:31:1’1tyo LSO €31.33} "(79.3 CCn‘nguf’fl’! 3..: 3!"?1 .°.‘.. 1‘33 ‘5' ‘30”.10190 n A .J '.1 v .f.‘. “ "2"',‘ ‘7' I ,1 5. ...-SJ “\V n ., :ffi Y - _ f \1 < .0, 4 ~ — ~-.- .v‘ p, 4. o . -‘ gt 1, «r a1. J .. 1 . 1 _fvlJ! \,.. 1 I 4. t ‘w A 3 J. 3.1- k-c 1 Jr: “ 1"‘1'.’ . sw- -« . 12...: .- 1 .' .5 .o .: ‘-'!.\ 'c 0'” 31'" . pm. ‘v . “ t; ‘ ... on». . '3‘. "5 ‘v a. I . f. ‘ '1 .. ‘~ g . ’. t_.~., _. s. --.. ... . w. Ls.‘ f. '1...=.- - 3915 ' u‘l JFLA ._I 1 _ . 1 a . . _'a ,p n. o-\. any 1.... - .. ~‘ -D". ..V . .. k fl-fk 3. b. . '3 '.Ou --‘. -;. . . ..-:.'.;-wr-v‘:é‘ ‘: 8"}. -fi' .‘ v v‘ .‘ v - - . . . 1 ' a" - 4am: "2 . 2 . ~ 3.. ‘ v n . o . . ' ‘-".' (K.- ‘ u, 8I. .1 -1’ .03. ‘ '-' ’ 0‘ 11%!” “lo - ‘ ... I . . . 1. , . , , - . 1 g a A v I - .c ‘ - J_ . s u .. 1 c H 1 "."‘ . .O - _ 1 . . .: . .- .:., w 4 ¢ . g . ‘ \fl . ,a'. ‘ ‘ S ‘ l, ' 4‘3 :‘JL . . . I. ~ .- o 2 y o , 1 0 . 2 - 1 n n O u‘ ‘.‘1 1 '.1 . . . 0‘ : . ‘ . 1. ’.““ {tv to .n ‘ v v.» v" '1 nt’ . 9-. _-~.-r' .:.o ' ~ ‘ o ,..t. ._V. . 2 , ‘(. '. , . 1‘” I. ‘ i.- .I'.”.-.,. aco‘?..:’?."o - .-1 . . "e” " . 5.3—“ I ...z ,. [A f 1" _n, frag-) . u ' 1 4 . . T. g .‘ ' fa: _. ‘. — ‘ . k~ . ' . .' t ', 7n '- .fi ' 6 ~ W‘ . 1 _, “1 I I F 1 _ ' 1’ 3 ‘2 - I ,1: . . . .31: , . .3 . , 1 _ t ‘- ‘ , K 1 a . .\_ ‘ v c ‘I .‘t ‘. ‘- . .c ‘ . ' ~ I! b . « . ‘1. . - . - t . r I . . . _ 1 . . - ‘ V x ' > ‘ ‘0 ‘ 9 ’~ - . a «c.- a'h n..%¢'avl\..t 0.1L ~ - 2' 1 34 fl . - r- . . ~ . *1 " . inn-J ... .. .3 .4 .' L 5 o.“ s- I 2. 1 3 I 1 - m 1 ‘ {..: 2 2 . ' n -- .‘ , ' "' 1' .3 ~ a n. 2 ’ ‘ 2r '- :~' ' ‘14:»: ‘, " ‘5‘ - .h" ~a‘yf.‘ ' ‘ “\ «'3 ..:r -h 4.3-: ".‘lo\'.’94 k . . 1 ’ A _ 1 . ¢._ , 3, . o v . . - - . f ' f. -d .. fi- 7 t. u; V i. g: yfiis of the effect of each "c~““>r factor on the Occurrence and abundance of a sancics is n: is more difflc It by the canals: inter- action of r22‘y cf the f2“to.$. A comparison of weather c0212: i<2n1 on ni*‘ts cf hign an! 16? 10.2.. catch c2 515324213 Imavm! t....‘c £919.11er .nrf a "am-“re air tumm- VHDTS‘UO?O ungaiiy hiufinr on L131:3 who: :30 catch kzs hfgfi, and that a low 10;. Cutflh was urua1§.y associated with a io'nr minimum 3M1} avcrn e air tarpar‘2t212. The ma: yum zir t\:p:r2tara afijrzm ;-v 2&1 mo direc effect, but artin 1y had an indirect effoc t on tau average and minimum air tugxurxtuzwa.’ I watfir taugaz ZtJTQ of 13°: wgs. starficd in the littorxl 202’ at tha time of the 'irst n.2rf'v cat ex. Throughout the ret"2':3.;"z.,'i-. 1" Cf t'fl .. ‘.J rat‘EcJ’ vat-91' t1: :yjzf-wtmtm 7*:v‘1r'ig'w2d above this level. Tatar ’erg2ernturo may uossiblyi inva trig «:red or pas tnonod 9-,91M« “ ' -r\ 7‘ '4“... '1'. .-= 0,: '4‘: :\5. Juurb. ‘-.1‘3.r 32:4»..1L3 ‘Qijo i need to be can? :tal b2:::2 an? coucics 1019 Cwuid he mane vitil co“ .aintv. {fir22125133 012:1 r: cc’ed a? 12::wa;91 3mg. catch, bat this was 11:01} E13 r::“1t of an 1:fi1.3ct effect tfiruuvh tannerarure. V. 9* J . . naln tu$u .\ ..0 ¢ , 02.‘ ,. . v . .._ .. .. - an to Lo'or Lue 10a. eaten SOA€%JCL. a1: Zsou :h not firnztiyo Tue log. eaten ofton was lower fUEEGWi97 rainy 5133 :53“ it 7‘s on r.911ny n1 Itfl, pczzibiv because rein? days were cooler. U173 ’ ‘5-._ n ”a. ~.~~:g,m'_-—.~‘J u...”-'.‘ -.;2.- .,.-..§ - .‘~I“.. - 3C '. ‘11-.-‘ .3): “an Izur‘l-i Lzl' p ’3 lul“ 5:".5'4.'—'l‘ Vi‘ wt: ‘. »;n:._.f? (1‘1. ‘1') 33-! 1‘J3.. 31‘ I a 10’." 103. catch V29 9ftnn associated with firy, cool EiJRt; ‘u‘ ," _..-.~ ,0 _ , .0 ‘C_ O n . O I! 0 Q ..., 7. .". - . ‘ q’ I. .9‘ .A‘ ._.‘ - ~o -4 --..~ ‘0'; 0" a- Ht — fifi (-1 D’h‘~—,.-bd ‘I o"‘ ‘ ‘ . t. I V no.1" -. «' L.- 1‘2.““daa.oa :’la_“.l 23.51.1201 ‘ .- m€*~--“v. far .1.1Ler ..aflhqrs than 2092133, . .II' I. o . ‘ C- i. ... g .' W213 Aha “Mutwnhthuo . '. t §)§-~.- .12.":‘13 3"}. ... .C.; sun-m guild «9 dub» mm W no W 21193:: nu ma. ._. 5;" 11 alarms»... glutamate an! "1"-:w‘\’ «#34 . ‘3 "' - “ .9 . _I? “.:. . an» u but damn 01W 11. mp1.- 3‘.“ oémmz 1 ' fl' mud! MI W .63 no Soon. ”In: so In! 13m and .a-m Aw" '-' 3} ”-.." ) 1.‘ ,~ “‘9': if? I!” a. MW 9“ 1. “mm 1" A ommm’ Ii manpmnmuauwam 1am: * _‘ '31 I: ?‘v z ,' “imam new John (has. on: '.Io «bu-t.- '.- "' ‘ . Q. '- -'." ’("v.l ‘3 - :-'~ W ‘10 mm and 21011.01: 2- awn-man mu .r,«.-. ; Wig ’ r'fijfi' s -. m “04.501310.” at! c: Mon “an an“. m wan-x. r .w' '-J g2: . ".3591“: '- Wcflhmwummlw' .'- WMMMofiIWImmmmbw ' ill-«Lam M an» man-1:3;‘311mn «I: 2. m ; i _.‘Ibho-wwtmlwmfufiu fl and: outwit mm «'01 us: m 1116;; 3:;ch "an...“ '18"? mm m 0»! Wm W (was; name mm m Q} I m ”mg-awash mum 211w mutt-m . m1q1ooom'tiMWp3'1-un up)» I “Lg-noun .mmm din-mud”. no ‘ 'F‘"“"::.-vw 1‘ "K\ . .1 .v.“.,L 7' I; o .2. .511- . . ‘~. . 5"!: “'-‘LI. O :s v- - r.- . , . - , ... . "‘- 9‘ .. .-..1.. . A1102. “3. v0, ‘5‘. Lo '4 ’L-L‘mtlil’ 4‘. r.}~;.. l. I .:4.-.’ (I‘ll F. . A. . I -. l.- -. r U ‘- . \ ' ’ ' ‘ .‘ e ' ¥ 4 'I') P‘ ' . ' 3"" {2'1 :.;_,.1*.33 G~ ‘1 1i ‘1 “593-01,!" ‘=¢ '0 -‘a.I‘.L!.L’-C;;"3v FE 1;‘:1p"iflo 837 pp- A;- r5 ‘01-. 1“ ‘9' f“ (1" 3 - .-~ g: a 1""71 15" ‘1‘-"fi 3“ .‘(".:J ......u. 11:115‘. .10 . o. ..:..1‘. I... *-o l 3..»... «..:-:0 ‘- *.- 1431...... ..-‘1\Jl.1 a .1... t. - _.r. -: .. Q. ~13 .- ,-.~-_- :1 .'~.-.'_ . . .. ‘+..‘. .- A ’.3.. ....T'ETTC: Cu. A. i 3.530 .A*;.-'."1‘-..‘1.‘-.1' 3’ 0.1. M41 3..". Z‘ f’_‘:.3b. x-;-.;C;-‘. ,1. nay 1J0.— 9.}. l- I 1G " I. _.t‘.!'\ 09", "-3 ‘0'" 5". '-" 1 i w' 1 “3' 1" h 1‘ -"~ Balch, . u. I. :15. ..;;.cu1231 acancps n :10 0:7 ”1; 151 Univ. Press}, Loa:.‘«.*..‘,»1. ....) 9:3. H 0.1 a.’ it. ~. :1 . --....... .- r- I: .99.... "1"“ Barr, :1. no. To '10 .: ...: . no ... ..:}-m 1 ., 3.11}. f. 2.5. !.£-'JO 1"..‘J. 0*? .7._ e ...... 1?. -... .-‘-_*,'. . ."""‘ .. . mum. tion 0. 3;, .e ..-.xzu't; n...~.**. ..-; the u"-..:....ci ..:xcv o- \‘n ' r- . ‘O O A . «'1'. ' " '--. H ’a 1!, ' trn s 11 0011c0-':. hv‘ :.uv3. a. hug.. h”LO 5‘.1:1.3..1-1270 . ' ” ' A 0-.- -..’.-..~-- .- \ ‘- 5'. ' ‘v . .» ... I“ ‘l "V. - 1 Bartzrn”. J. Li... A Ln-.~;- a;cuu¢. CL tAa L.uu11ac. o; w‘fa1;03 .- A an e )0 11 '9 . n _ 1 \ 1.- A", 3mg; 1 :1 .' ._J.--_-- M: i.“ in a 521.2. ..'-.'3’.’.'2 £17.30 5: lug-v.1. 42...). -..-...;,'"3. mt 399.11 ‘I I ' <3 . .:.». -.. QuintjiA‘thz -J‘ 1.) ‘ .‘ ' o- “ 1' 1‘, v ‘4- ,7. ‘u r ‘ .. [1:1 I‘ i“ '.w\ I? {'7 O ’4 r: J‘- ~~ - -~ .Jelto'i. P. . 3.51.3 Pu. s- O 5“ 1.3"3- ~...‘“1 . L ,, 'V'J. JC We :- {16".J’ 3 ‘2" ’.'::~.. 1‘33: 2 -...7.. . 1' 1 .r. 1-. 4-». . ' 1'. '-t- ”-.. .... , .' a. two cats C5 0; Le»..u:.¢13 11 1; - L. was *1. Lb». v," i'."' 1 9330:).- )7. '07 7 f“ F.’ 9‘ '7'“ .. .:. ...: .- "‘ .. ‘.. v..':. .- u ... ‘ . . ._,.‘ . '? titan, I. -. 1.9-. qu t; .4313 19.3 an .rtgr.;1 213:1:n2 o; - n » -\ o ..’,.I..... V g-.'.. 2:" '51:}:.-":’ 3'1 11?: 4?, pay. - ‘-.-...*.::1. u. A..r-..:*. 9,21... . 117-2.}. . fl g“!7 'r . .,-,3.,.. 0 1‘3 - ,‘ VIP. 1 .... _ ‘ ...... “1133. 'vo I. 1 H1 0 ".."i’fi' 4 “a '3. "1 . Huh. 1 7. “.31.. o ..‘3 ”" 3- 11-1, . .. Q,- ~ A Ifleo’ 0 Yo ., 3 ' 1. Burns, t. D. 1033. 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Co.” '80: (1”) . 333095» H33, omduo.‘ vcu unnuuuomaom. H: 6:5:«8 09 £230 .moH mo 9225.313» on“. 2...” uuamwm w¢ 2.... h q-uJ—._.-_1dJ-qJ--_-q g2 :15 K .5, ., .323 _fildlfi..a.q.+..... In ?. o--’ . )3 x c..... ix /¢\./\5\ .........:..... . v N ocoooooo.o..ooo:o Co... 33 ......o... . \...o.o..o...... .33....3. . ..:... .........s. ............:.. ..N. ......o. ..:... .... o .:. co. oo o... I... lmimiifllllflllfl o .5-5‘ é’ .95» uauu::..:. .959 a: .52.}... Ezupsu .5 om! O .0... .0. . ,n. 0.0 5 0nd 00.0 09.0 0N.O 0n .— On... 0 p.“ 09.“ GEN 0n..." 00.0 9..» (1+0) 'Bq .ouauuuonauu noun: owuuu>u was ouauuuonaou awn aaaucua cu guano .on no minuscuuuaou can un.~ shaman EV » .2634 .. 22. . 0:2. . >02 .......d..._fi..........._......q......fi........—.._..... ]. I. 0.0 On.0 I_Oo.0 .. . _ , I. I o 0 1 \a N L. ... .3 > w ..., ..:. a: H .... ... .. .r m u .35... . . . . ... .. ... ... I a c Q o .- \5.. so ... u a o . L f; I. \L r IK} so \1 \k a C u /(I si\ ... suck. .3. ..u ... ...... .c. .. [IOm _. h! “w M Io .. o .o 4 .o n i a \ .sQ . .- u . g o. 0 I ...x ...): .. . . l . .. T .. ... 50.4. H «s‘ I cows. ofs'Jo ‘1‘. ’0' \m no... ... .u...- no. \‘OJo‘h coo .:.-...... o g ‘0. ”I .oWooooooolooooo no!“ "\ ’o‘ ...-g r not... low.“ I . ..ocOOOoooooo coo... :- ...}... H of .00.... Oo. o ...... o. cocooooof ofloooooouoou .0. :5. r ‘5... o a 00.... I 0“.“ “n“ to... _ o .00... .18.” 10nd 0 o -09” 10a.» m5 OQEQU H0”032o..oo L W0 .95“. ham .5255.-. w. @3335“: ...oulll I H .ouaunuoaaou yous: «mung: van 3332.63 a: .5556 3 :33 .on mo 3:20:30." 05. .....n 0.53m ‘ e The relations Figure 4,-.‘ dip of log. catch to average air temperature, incident radiation, day rain, and night rain. a ‘5 I l : “flu-- 7.--. on . . . .:..” ". K . - 0000.00.00... '. ' .09. h . J 00 K II I] tare GOD I O a g. G C H a a 5” m 0 C efi ”a Qua 0.0 g g :. .9 E E ad .4 3... .0 E a u q ~ .1 0'" u G ’4 U 00...... '4‘ m «5-! 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