NNCTQONAL ANALYSIS OF FOOD DISTRIBUTION PART {I Thais for tho Dam. of M. A MtCHK‘aAN SYATE UNWERSHY Wayne C. '3‘?an 1937 tremors; AIIALYSIS OF FOOD DISTR BUTIOH PART II By Wayne C. Trapp AN ABSTRACT Subritted to the School of Graduate Studies of Kichigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS Departnent of General Business Curriculum in Food Distribution 1957 ,r ' /’ Approved/ -¢/,{ «fl ABSTRACT The food retailing business has progressed in an evo- lutionary manner from the small corner grocery store of the twenties to the giant supermarket of today. Many economic and social factors have played a part in the development of the self-service supermarket. The growing population, the increased prosperity, and the wide-spread movement from city living to suburban living are only a few of the major factors that have changed the food retailing business. Establishing a new supermarket today requires exten- sive planning and an initial investment of $250,000 to $500,000 dollars. The initial step in establishing a new supermarket is selecting the site. A complete research study of the trading area regarding size, population, income level, traffic volume, sales potential, competition, and progressiveness provides data which aids in the selection of a new site for locating a new supermarket. A new phenomenon in retailing has been the rapid rise of shopping centers. The shopping center developed as a re- sult of the need for one stop shopping. Retailers found a greater sales potential in grouping their businesses tOgether and providing ample parking for their customers adjacent to the stores. Before entering a shopping center agreement the retailer must study the potential of the center, probability 2 of competitive centers being built nearby and all other fac- tors relating to the trading area and center development. Lease agreements require careful examination of all clauses especially clauses relating to merchant associations, main- tenance of building and parking lots, promotional agreements, leaserecapture, and exclusive business rights. Many large chain organizations have formed separate real estate companies in order to raise capital for expansion and shopping center development. Other organizations are fi- nancing expansion by the issuance of debentures, convertible bonds, and stock splits. Indications are that in 1957 about #00 new shopping centers will be opened bringing the total number of shopping centers opened and operating to about 2,200. ‘The construction of larger supermarkets has changed the layout and design of the new stores and extended the self- service idea to the meat and produce departments. Convenience and ease of movement in shopping have become important in store layout and design. Impulse buying represents a large portion of the customers purchases and has changed merchandis- ing ideas and techniques. Equipment manufacturers have had to develop equipment to meet the wide-spread demand for self- service. DevelOpments in refrigeration, air conditioning, check stands, lighting, automatic doors, and materials hand- ling equipment have been necessary. Efficiency has reached max- imnm importance in the food retailing business as operational costs have risen. Production methods have been develOped in 'l‘nl Large ‘4' ‘V‘v ' been“: 3 handling, preparing, and selling food items. Time study and work methods that increased productivity in factories are now being used in the food retailing business to protect the low net profits. Establishing a modern supermarket requires planning large capital investment, a knowledge of modern merchandising techniques and the proper use of modern equipment that enables efficiency, productivity, and a profitable operation. Selec- tion of a poor site could be disastrous to an independent or very costly to a chain organization. Careful study of research data, modern retailing methods, current trends and future pre- dictions, combined with past experience will greatly reduce the chance of selecting a poor site. Food retailing is a dy- namic and pregressive business that offers Opportunity to the independent and chain organization alike. qsu ._ J . .-. 71 3. a .l . ., ,h 0“ . "Q1“. . rnu A .lC-‘.l’ 80 ,C)- Q ‘- ‘A C‘ u a," J-‘. , at 1 of Food ~.‘" f, T ‘J- LL; . J» (‘x ic .. On‘iflt I J .- .\ i I 0|. VI fl.) _ r\ .w” no I A... (A .. . . J . . :-_- u m . . 4 w n .0 ‘ A . . -.. . u a”. o \‘v . .. 0. ./‘. I I! Y; J wv J. : a nu r1. w. A .. CF ICC? TT'.“ .1. CD DISTR 3o 7?“ .L v TRT II é P a ’w- m— -~. yne C. Y.’ dud. 13318 T? A ,3 v p1-/ an“. C“ J- O UL; LN IkQA ; r‘Mkafl ‘ ti. U-g| 7.7 n J O '1 C ' . rs. (“V113 1 .11.: ilk“ \ I encral Department of GC \A. qQ v’ Currie r n", me to Dr 3C? F‘J‘T‘ LJU- Di gesticns ibution , - ACKIIOWLED GER-KEI'ITS uriter wisLes to express his si:ccr:st appreciat; n :ard A. grand, "irector of the Curriculum in Food for his assistance, g“idance, and helpful sug- 'Hicb aided materially in the preparation of thi 0 mar“! fl oak’u-fi-Q. - ‘ . . J-‘-r\ .-‘ .—1--;‘J. A a 1 :-- ‘.qp. .er. 'tq'qult I! r‘ ..C 0116313 13 out: .1. ..’L' Li. 0 Ci Cilk. .1..ALl . lCurc. . nut. Ur.— . D ‘L‘ f 1—1.,\., a n -' (v 1 \ -' "H‘ ’11": .11 an raw-7 1' n, no llClS tnw author claw s to QC his on“ a-c l“ --ai-tu in as- : ~, _n J‘: "1- '1": 1‘ ”(a 3 fi I“. (‘ cx‘e‘ 7 \-'-‘ ,‘1' _ 1*f‘o, f‘ D 46:“ 'IIS 3 'IuilIL-L uiOl-I 0;. 11-10 \u'l. D‘L“U‘D, J.‘ -‘v\\...), L'-.:.L~ LJ;;’ 1—;01-.V‘v CL we ".J"'. ‘- '* I‘M-I - ‘3' '1' '1'. '1!“ A""/\ I. ‘. IN 41 “7‘3 "AI“ 41 elem aitn novel years or ~;uCtical experic“ e i tut icon '1 tq41 {-- r. .7."fi-1(‘J‘~l“- I ,—. 4'0‘5'4 .” J-r.’,_‘ ’.O ¥-"C h1.-‘-T~XCII'-,(‘ (‘I‘ tine o'- C Lb-Lucflc -L) dun-LL 1- L-H U‘- “I . L-l - A. d‘.‘~I-KJ Q U kl V ‘v 5,, U-.. .~ s) \J,L -- ' 1". \ "' “ ".‘ J“ '1" ~f‘b-"7" t--. ‘1‘». _fl"" J' "’ '. rt’n n-- -.-/‘\rvL-. “‘4 ‘ . t‘. . . ~ «'M . w 1 >11: ,. o r St'J‘ 03 (.l—k x.' 41. ... k‘---|-O‘I-r o.) \L . I... Is.) —.. \J— U.- -‘-r .h— cl-vL VL'v‘J , “J -\-\ JLIV I \ .‘J , r31 . ‘.-. rt'."1'\1 ":1'.", 'a o ‘5'? P)". r-\ (-s ~u- A\<' C'O--s) U— I Isl—v C4. 1 -l.~\/.., nJ. V. \ fr” - "“ fl - “ ‘ r J- J“ 1 ~- I “5 ‘ 'hl ‘ ‘ ,\ r\ .1 l " r . ‘W} F A 'Y' r‘ ')(‘ 1' .I; 1 , ./I (‘1. ( ‘3 _ . aL-l‘-/I Is lk- U--{-“. Lv-‘ C’ L‘.~b)--kr n) bC Ll.- ‘ :— k/ J— L31..-J \ by-.‘~\.’ '. 'L‘ 3s‘kq‘xt L .-’_. - ' 1 ‘, ‘i *fl 1' ‘. :’ 'v‘j ,‘f‘\ I -0 ‘v‘ -‘ (\J-i‘ \:- —fi--\ (‘J- 4-. ’2 h 1.01. Dul S 0:. 0'10 “3-053.. 0-; .i‘. --. '4.-O ICING . b , - C._._'.‘CC c. s '0. .--.J '\L‘:-—— V \- -- 5.)-— .;’ £‘CLJ L)“ L).. .4 . I.‘ ' IN“ I 1*“ P1 'fi \lfl r-r\~| -*I~e.-L- >. (-u (‘1 (a {1-1 ‘\ "'-‘ ‘pfi" quaun '\ r1H’,;r‘ 7‘.- DIJGCi \v-nuo ¥‘-Co'--l—\-’ "—L(‘-’ v”; ~‘u/A-.‘-- K" -—§J wry-l— JC \r‘.L-(l X-A'va';d LL-(J J'— V..‘ A . v ‘ ‘ 1 r J _ q ‘ Y- __ - ~-r--1 ,“ 5 Amp _. '1‘ fi" r n" rs n x , .~'~/_ --er i1" VEVl»:u~L/l(\4 SC FWD“:- .L‘...._ k...)s).--J vy..'.C\‘. Chapter II. III. TABLE CONTENT S IITTRO DUC T‘IOIiY o o o o o o O o O 0 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . IGGd fOI' Stlldy o o o o o o o o 0 Limitations of the Study . . . . haterials, Sources . . . . . . . SITE SELE'CTIOII o o o o o o o o o In trOd- JCti On 0 o o o o o o 0 Area Appraisal . . . . . . Trading Area - Large City . . . . Trading Area - Small City . . . . Population . . . . . . . . . . . Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . Traffic VOlUIaE—B o o o o o o o o 0 Sales Potential . . . . . . . . . COIZZDGti-tiorl o o o o o o o 0 Progress ivcnes s of the Corzunity Hirer Factors . . . . . . . Selectinr the Site . . . . Parking . . . . . . . . . . Accessibility . . . . . . . 8111' I. fir}, o o o o o o o o o 0 81-101 :PIIT GC EITTERS 0 O O O O O O 0 Introduction . . . . . Trading Area . . . . . . . . . . Population . . . . . . . . . . . Size of Trading Area . . . . . . Trafr' ic VoluLc . . . . . . . . . Accessibility of Cent r to Traffic Competitions' Locations . . . . . t—J LI: 0) 0 *I1 STORES IN SHOPPIKG CLKIER SHOPPIICG BITTER LEASlla . . . . . o‘\ firm—s _. 4—5..» oer-4000 20 23 26 r7 3/ ’3 30 J1 '2’? .. I I) (AK \HI‘ U) \3 .F' _F’ {I‘LL} LA.) (NU) -* -5 O\.")‘3\O'\') (:1-. A -- l ‘ O'h—O‘. tor IV. V. Length of Leases . . Lease Reeapture Claus Iercharts Associe o Prerotion Clauses . . . . . . . . Parking Focilitio . . . . . . . Other Clauses . . . . . . . . . . T'rrv‘ U-LD o o o o o o o SHOPPIUG CENT m LAY O Location of Supermarket in Center Size of Supernma Mlets in Ce11ter. . SHOPPING CENTER SIZES . . . . . . . . Construction Cost of Center . . . Finarcing Construction Costs . . l UT URE PI {EDICTIA “:3 o o o o o o o o o arflr-o' air 01.; lLJ. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o S from LAYOUT O O O O I O O O C O O O In t1a 00.110 t i 01.1 o o o o o o o o o o o o "1 'I \1 w. y\ . L43.S.LC CDJQCtheS o o o o o o o o o o P'VIIC‘IZlCS Cf 8.270114; 0 o o o o o o o I: SilC I’el’imCter o o o o o o o o o o - q‘ n '\ .‘ 0 H? A Goneolas axe A111 .3 . . . . . . . . Location of Dolman-11-rchwdiso . . . L “1-.., q colii (a .‘v'wj'jwf TTWa .3116 OCLt‘J... C]. ‘1 . .L..J. ‘1. VI .-eJ. C1131. \L .10 A Space Allocation . . . . . . . . . . Grocery Storage and Work Area . . . . Loat De_érrtnent Sales Area . . . . . Leat Depart 0 t Work Area . . . . . . Produce oales Arc . . . . . . . . . Produce Wor: Area:l . . . . . . . . . . Single Floor vs Los zent Operation. . Food-O-Kat . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suniury . . . . . . . . . . 1 . EQUIPI'EEI:T o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I.1JCI‘Od‘LlCtiOIZ o o o o o o o o o o o o GRCCERY EQUIPLEKT Gond.ol as . . . Check-out; (131 i Dairy Equipr ion . Frozen Ecoo oquipront . . . . . . ¥ {-1 ( J tars’ COCO-5‘ C1 \ 101 101 102 102 10% 106 108 (T) Page IIEAT BQUIPI‘EIIT o o o o o o o o o o o 1 09 PRODLTCE o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 1 1 LIGIITIIIG o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 113 Lighting and Cal rs . . . . . . . 115 P3.ace1011t Cf ighti1g . . . . . . 116 3pecial Displa38 . . . . . . . . 118 Outside LightiL. . . . . . . . . 118 AIR CCHDITIOKIKG . . . . . . . . . . 119 AIR CURTI“IIK DOOR . . . . . . . . . . 121 IIISCELLI’L'. EC YS EQI IPI'I‘I'T . . . . . . . 123 UIKARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12% BIBLIOGRAPYY . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 LIST CF ILLUST TIOES T flap Showing Delineation of *he Trading Area Using Population Theory . . . . . Diagram of SLOt‘ar” Center Layout--Strip . A. “‘“LJ DOS. {3:1 O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O DiagraL of Shopping Center Layout-~Court I QSlgll o o o o o o o o o o o o o o u 0 Diagram f filcpping Ce;~ m‘er Layout——I -all 0 Des’gnc................ Diagram of Shop11ng Center Layout-~Clustor DeSib ”:1 O O O O O 0 0 O O O O O O O 0 O Supermarket Layout of Perishable Doyartnents Supex arket Laycut of Perishaole Dem) rtLents 311d DeLarfl Ite1.:s . . Supern-arkot Lf"out of P81 is ‘a m‘le Derartreuts and 1:181]. 138.111; '71? Itel .S o o o o o o o o o Diagran of Grocery Storage Area in A 3 ;r>or- 1-9uTIICt O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 Diagram of SelI-Service Iieat -1 clzroor Area . Diagram of Selz-Service Prcdace BackrOOL Area vii \11 0 U1 ‘3 as 89 93 Typical Rent Schedule for Shopping Center Leases O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Lenrth of Shopping Center Leases for Super- unlarliets o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 Length of S110 ping Leases for Various Types of Bus ine ses O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 Shopping Center Classifications by Size . . Total Sales and Dollar Largin in Six Major Departner ts of a Suncrlarket . . . . . . A Breakdown of the Per Cent of Sales of Forty Ifia or Food Itens . . . . . . . . . How Display Sp eace, Sales, and Dollar hcrci Are Divide d An1ong Grocery Product Groups "0 :1: CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Purpose Food retailing has progressed from a small corner store with a cracker-barrel type of business to the dynamic food industry of today. The development of self-service, which was first accepted during the depression years, con- tinues to permeate all phases of food retailing. Competition has and probably will always be the impetus behind the tre- mendous advancements made in the food retailing business. Manufacturers continually supply the retailer with larger selections of new items of better quality. The housewife is overwhelmed by the variety and selection of merchandise that is presented in the supermarkets today. Modern food retailing is a dynamic business employing modern techniques as exemplified by the modern design of stores, equipment, customer services, and wide extension of the self-service principle to all major departments within the retail store. The food industry has witnessed great progress in larger and more beautiful supermarkets, as well as wide- spread acceptance of shopping centers. It .\ 11.4 Ill 1 "a a a... .C 9.. S .--. .5. .r: 1. -. .- . a o O 3 n: S n . .1. m . n v ‘ .. l. C C a u ... .. a“. n-» A a C s ‘ .~ . .5 .n . f a m . .1 C m . .L h. . a .. a .. . a . 3 R. - . u a .. . : ‘ r; r. 3 OD C . x Cb m . on. a ”L 1.. 5 ob It ... at S . Pa 2 L ,. no The purpose of this thesis is to emphasize the mag- nitude of planning necessary in establishing a supermarket as a solo retailing unit or as an integral part of a large group of retailing stores in a modern shopping center. Much of the guessing that previously occurred in store planning has been eliminated. Factual data can be obtained which greatly reduces the guesswork and thus helps lessen the risk involved in establish'ng a new supermarket. The need for a more scientific approach to supermarket planning has arisen from the increased investment required to open a new market. The writer hopes to present a picture of the complex problem of site selection as faced by management and, at the same time, provide an outline of investigation which will give factual data upon which management can base site selec- tion decisions. Single or solo locations will be examined, and the problems and major factors that need investigation prior to establishing a supermarket in a shopping center will be pre- sented. As the size of modern supermarkets has increased, the demand for more efficient equipment to augment work pro- ciuctivity has increased. The development of display cases Eind shelving to afford the greatest ease in product selec- ‘tion has resulted from the increased demand for self-service iselection. This study will attempt to present advancements, (rurrent trends, and possible future developments in the food LI.) field. Need For Study Almost without exception, every issue of the trade journals emphasize the increase in number and size of the new supermarkets being opened. host of the leaders in the food industry have been quoted as being Optimistic concern- ing the increased size and number of new supermarkets. The development, acceptance and, in many cases, the demand for one-stop shopping has increased as the population movement from the city to suburban areas continues. Many leaders in the food industry feel the industry is in an expansion stage which could be disastrous if thorough investigation of new site locations is not followed. New ideas in store layouts have been created be- cause of changing attitudes, buying habits, and motives of the consumer, as well as the increased size of the super— markets. The basic concepts of store layouts are included in many different layout designs. Increased operational costs have initiated develop- ment of new equipnent to facilitate productivity within th supermarket operation. Eew products and new merchandising techniques have also brought forth new design in display equipment. The food retailers realize the need for study and publication of findings which will elaborate on the current trends and present the results being achieved through the advancements that have been and are being developed. Limitations A report on the history and development of site se- lection, shopping centers, store layout, and design, as well as the advancements in new store equipment, would require a larger, more comprehensive report than could be presented in a thesis of this size. One of these areas of study would be , enough to fill a thesis report. Due to the lack of publica- tion in text form of present trends and the rapid changes that are continually taking place, the writer felt that more insight into the development and solution of the prob- lems, as presented by these areas, could be accomplished in presenting current trends and future predictions. Some his- tory and background in these areas will be presented in this paper; however, major emphasis is placed upon present and future trends in: (1) site location, (2) shopping centers, (3) store layout and design, and (4) advancement in new store equipment. Mategial Procurement Procedure The sources from which material was gathered for this study were varied. Personal interviews and lectures by lead- ing men in the food industry form some of the research mater- ial. Since the food industry has not attracted many au- thors, the number of books that have been published on the topics covered in this report is limited. This being the case, the major sources of material were trade publications, United States government research reports, newspapers, and numerous periodicals and magazines. The writer made use also of his observations gathered during several years of experience as an employee of two of the larger food chain organizations in the country. Important also to this study were the many papers {and reports submitted to the food distribution office by ;present and past students of the Food Distribution Curricu- iLum of Michigan State University. Many interesting ideas azui facts which were pertinent to this study have been in- cluded . CHAPTER II SIT}: SELECTION ggitroduction Today, when all rajor food organizations are in the prwocess of expansion, some planning to double and even triple the; number of stores in the next few years, one of the fore- mosrt problems these organizations face is that of site se- lecrtion. New stores are the life blood of the food indus- tryr. "Year after year, food industry surveys report that nepr stores are responsible for the major share of increases in.'business achieved by chain and individual operators alike."1 In 1956 the food industry witnessed the opening of neaaflly 1,500 new supermarkets. Predictions for 1957 indi- cate; that over 1,500 supermarkets will be opened. Expansion is rust limited to the large chain organizations. Independ— EnTt, c00perative, and voluntary groups, as well as small ChaiJa Operators, are expected to help make 1957 a banner -\ P 1J.J. Trout, "How to Establish and Finance a Store," WW9 Grgcer Vol. 31+ Ifo. 10, (Jan. 1956), p. 1+2. 7 year in the opening of new rarhets. Glamorous, modern super- markets will appear all over the nation. Expansion is a sign of a dynamic industry, the food industry, attempting to keep pace with a prosperous, dynamic nation. Our nation's increased population, changing consumer buying habits and attitudes, and a record—breaking consumer income have ne- cessitated the expansion of the food retailirg facilities. frhe public is demanding large, modern, self-service super- Inarkots; consequently, new supermarkets must be built. The problem of site selection is as vital to the esrtablished chain stores as it is to a newcomer in the food rertailing business. Recent trends in pOpulation movement laamre greatly affected the value of old and new locations. Ckuanges in the Anerican economy have forced changes in food rertailing, especially so in store location and estimated Ilezigth of doing business in one location. ‘he principle Gluinges in the economy that have had an effect on food ro- tajJIing are: (1) increased disposable income and increased n aber of fanilies now in the middle income group; (2) the intxreased ownership and use of the automobile, as well as increased nunber of two-car families; (3) the shift of pop- Ulfirtion from city to the suburbs. A market area is not static. The area is constantly chaiiging and adjusting to economic and social forces. Food I"313631-21..IL.ers must be alert to trends and anticipate important Shl'L.1f‘."1.:s occurring in the market area. A location that is destilt-able today may become undesirable in a few years, on C) the other hand, the location may become very successful as a result of the shift in population. Most of the food chain org nizations are closing the small corner or neighborhood stores and are opening large modern supermarkets with greater parking facilities. The number of new Sixpermarl-cets has multiplied and, at the same time, the cost of establishing new supermarkets has increased. The increased expense has heightened the risk involved in establishing a new supermarket. Desirable lo- cations are at a premium. Rental and building costs have soared. ITew narI-iets calmot be located in old buildings. "The public has been educated to expect attractive decor, and competition between superiarkets has increased greatly."2 These factors have increased the importance of site selec- site selection is a serious one, and I"‘.\ ' tion. The problem 0 can only be solved in a systematic, well-organized manner. Area Appraisal A study of a city or town where a new supermarket location is proposed reveals that the retail trade of that mUnicipality is conducted in a number of business areas of varying types and sizes. Because of its unique nature in the retail field, the supermarket me: be located in any of these areas or in none of them. Each area must be analyzed and regarded as a potential location. \ _l H . 214.11. Zimmerman, The Supermarket (New York: he Graw- 111’ 1955), p. 1660 \O A knowledge of various business areas already in existence is therefore an ideal starting point for a study of trading areas. The types of existing business areas most often observed are: Central Shopping Area This is the so-called "down- town area." The area where the departnent stores are con- centrated or where the public transportation terninals are situated. Secondary Shopping Area This area is similar to the <3entral shopping area in all respects other than size. Sev- exral secondary shopping areas might well be within a large nxatropolitan area in addition to the central or "downtown" area. String Street Location Sone types of specialty goods st4>res thrive on competition from other Stores of the same tyjae. These stores are often found clustered or "strung" almang a single street. Neighborhood Area This type of location is charac- teztized by a number of convenience goods stores dd service estxablishments, clustered tOgether in a residential area. Shopping Center This type of shOpping area might hflfine a resemblance to any of the above mentioned areas. The distinguishing characteristic, as the term shopping center is Chommonly understood, is a planned and controlled trading arefl usually not located in the downtown area. Each type of a trading area has peculiar ch racter- . L . O L C O . 15‘&l<:s. Although any one of the eXiSting trading areas 15 10 a possible location for a supermarket, by no means is the location of a supernarket limited to one of these areas. Densely populated areas rake excellent locations for super- Inarkets. An analysis of a city, town, or community should riots a concentrated, highly populated area as a potential :Location for a new market. Once an area has been selected and assurance is Iweceived that a section of land is available on which a SLHJGTRaTket could be constructed, an analysis of the trad- iru; area must be accomplished. Today, research is the back- tmnie of site selection for a new supernarket. Regardless of where the site is to be, the major factor in detern‘ining the potenatial is the trading area. The trading area should be analyzed on these major points: (1) Size (2) Population (3) Income level (4) Traffic volume (5) Sales potential (6) Conpetition (7) Progressiveness of the community (8) Other minor factors LO 01MB fornula can be used for selecting the best location, bUt tflaere are several generally accepted factors which Shoulli be investigated. The data from the investigation of these’.factors, combined with good judgnent offers a good b. ‘ . . aSlS [on which to select a new superrarket location. ’- ‘u\ -v— 11 Th ADILG AREA Large Cities Host new superle-lets ccns tTU .cted in the large cities are located in tradinga reas outside the downtown district. heighborhcod, suburban trading areas and shOpping centers offer more potential than does the downtown district. Usu- allly the downtown cistricts offer lirited parl- :ing facilities anad high rentals; areas outside the downtown district usu- sully provide here p'u filing and lower rentals. The food re- A O. ixailer is interested in getting as close as possible to 1.9 rge nu3:ber of people and p: sfers to locate in or near a cerisely populated area. In some instances,i isolated store lcxza t ed on heavily traveled roads have been successful. The afirbual size of the trading area in terns of miles is not corisidered as important as is the concentration of hcnes ‘Witflain a given driving tine radius. Probably one of the (2'. heart methods of deternining the trading area of a proposed 81133 is by examining a :e.p of the area surrounding the site x-diicfli shows a street by street, block by block developnent. L 1 in the snaller cities and (1) D53 are usually a'ailable eve Often: the nunber of houses in a given area can be obtained fron: the city or county recorder's office or post office. A SEfiPies of isochrons plotted on a map of the area will deliJleate the tra dirg area. Points can be determined along from the propo ed site in minutes of eackl street leading driving time. The lines of the isochrons are forred by con- nectfilng the points of equal driving time. Along each street n1-— g..--¢ ‘ .In ace \I .H 09A 1 we... .. f! M Mr- tux-L. &.V n'. 710-. b.'* -~ 12 dots are plotted in accordance with minutes of driving inter- vals. “n the main higlmay ~rhere high average driving speed is normal and safe, the single dots (each representing one minute of driving time) are far apart. In the outskirts of a town or on a winding narrow road the points are closer to- gether. Sore locations appear geographically rez-z'ote from the site, but not in terms of tire-distance. The concentric cir- cles of earlier use have been outdated by the special influ- ences of the automobile. ""y plotting such isochrcns, although the pattern is nore cez:.plex, the distzmce factor can be more accurately interpreted."3 Still in general use is the plan using the proposed Site as the center point, and drawing concentric circles for five, ten, fifteen, and twenty minutes driving tine inter- vals. Specialists feel that twenty Linutes driving time rep- I‘Easents the fringe area. The fringe area nay vary, however, due to location of competition or the size of the corgrzuuity the new 12ar1-cet is to serve. The anount of business expected from each five ninute driving tine interval will vary also Cine to the same causes. Some site selection specialists prefer to use the a-C=tual distance in- miles to determine the extent of the trading area. The proposed site is used as the center point, and concentric circles are dram: on the rap representing \ 3J. W. Wingate and J. J. Corbin, Changing Pat"erns in Retailing (IIOI‘de‘JOOd, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 19 , p. 173. 13 zraaéiii of one fourth, one half, one P- Iniglxss, four files, ani fiver les . 063:1t of business expected froz each According to I-Lyer 3.1-;arcus of Food hxsrfliood market in a congested urban pmel' ent of its customers within a stxszre. A survey conducted among them 1: sixty to ninety pe r ce1 t of ‘wixtliin a rile radius. one The thirty Te nile, two miles, three Bstinates as to the per mileage radius varies. Fair Stores, the neigh- section obtains eighty the Elle radius of several food chains revealed supernarhet customers live r cent variation nay be 11c<3crunted for by the various ty31es of regions in which the chains operate. " ‘tores lcca ted in Le ller tradi :e “-6.: h N tend to have areas SFdli?sely settled areas. “0 Al than trcpolitan a reas would those located in definite figure is generally accepted for the Luztlper of 131 il ies needed to support a 10w Singernarhet. In :e.<:t;, the follcwi ng stateLeLts indicate organizations seen ix) lflzive their own formula to follow. Lr. LavertV, Jr., ritz 31r10ns Stores, Lizited, in California said, "iarlzet sites should have m.i least 3,500 farilics witrin a square Lile to support a 30,000 square foot rarhet." hr. Ienry, Thorofa elarkets, Incorporated ”itts— burgh, Pennsglva1ia sai d, "It is best to lave ,000 arilics or so loc:t ed in tie inxediate vicini ty. Sinonl oltack, Alterra 1n-Big Apple, Incorpo ore attd Atlanta, Georgia Said, "Big Apple stores are always locateo within o11e ile or possiblya Lile and a half \ h ( LLChristos D. Lillios,‘ 'Sup oer Iéarlzet Site Selection," dilaubli ned }.A thesis -lCu'gal Sta eUniversity, East Lan- Slflig, Lichigan, 1933), 99- E- of hores where there are 1,500 to 2,000 in nunber '10 provided there is no othe1 onpctition. If there is conpetition," he stated, "sites are selected where there are between 2,000 and 3,000 homes.") 1X55 ‘the size of supermarkets increases, the nunber of families zaeaended in the innediate area to support a new supernarket must be increased. Small Cities Many locations draw custoners from an even larser txrziding area than the comrunity or city alone. “ small <3j.t:ies and towns, especially in sparsely populated regions, £1 artore may benefit fron a trading ar—a that may be several 1zjasxss the population of the city or town itself. Unfortunately, population data is not published by tITEUfl°ng areas. Such areas cannot be rep1esented by distinct DCTLuadaries. Zones of indifference are usually found between Cczrrpcting cities. In the area between competing supermarkets, tlier attraction of each supernarket or each city is closely Piilxated to its population Size aid accessibilitr. Cne of the beEstattempts to reduce the determination of the extent of a ‘tzrating area to a nathenatical ferrule was nade by Dr. wilLlnian J. Reillv in his so called "Law of Retail Gravita- tior1." The relationship was developed through numerous in- dictive studies and is as follows: "Two cities attract retail trade fron any inter- mediate city or town in the vicinity of the breaking point, approxinately in direct proportion to the pop- \ (0 5"Growing Bigger," Supermarket Kews Vol. 5 he. #3, ctOber 18, 1956), p. 37-113. ll- l]. RIILIIIIII. . - c. F. a. . PM . LL wt“ 9 ‘ OJ n‘L H . . \ .I ‘ a as e 7. . 2 1 ‘ by. m: .. .. .1; 1D. “ ... .C n a. .xv‘L x. We a — Q‘. . L H . v .. y. s m . at W... «C. .7 1. 0; Cu m... 15 .‘ e 3 tion to the squa:e of the Q1 ste :cg frOL the~ cities to the LterLediate town. ' ulation of the two cities, and iL an iLv~ e propor- e two line formula for deterLiL 113.5 the dr aI.IiLg pox3r of two trading is D) streas upon an intermediate are Distance from A to B opulation of A Population of B flfihis formula represents an avem~tw n5 agproach which first of 0 £111 assuLes that the two conpeting centers are equally acces- jlble from the interLediate point except for distance. It is iJuportant to note that the ceLcept of tiLe is being used more firequently than is actual driving Lileage. Anot her 13thod for deliLiting the trad ng area of a srzall town is the 1 arket ar~a techhique. "The trading area of a 31311 town will not be greatly charged by the presence of a superxur’et in tlwtt tOJn. II w c - .1101: where a town draws froI. “or other 3,135 of business, we know up 13:11: ately I hat th e trad ing area of a supermarket in that tcwn will be. A town tJice as large as a neighboring town will draw rade frox: twice the distance. If a town of 1, 000 people 311d a town of 2, OOO peo ale were 6 Liles apart the toxm of 2,030 people would draJ trade froL h :iles i.I1 the direction of the sxaller towL (assuLiLg that there are no oarriers to revel). Thus a trading area of a town of 5,000 people can be delimited as follows Town A 5,000 people pregosed site Town B 1,000 people 10 tiles from A Town C 10 ,000 people 15 :iles frOL A Town D £500 people 8 Liles from A Town E ,000 people 20 Liles frOL A 6Paul L. Brown and William B. Davidson, Reta.iling 37‘1” ' .1“ P“ ' c, 77.5, 1r 11,. —\.‘ fijz~ALcinles aLe -actices (Lea Leia. nonald Press 0., i953 ), ,“"r"- 7.... 5' m _, . www v- _.._ "“"Tr‘ ... ‘ Vuk‘ “Wt-n V§V~U ". -L V-dl; . w... a JU’I 1 .V‘ U““. H:;' L‘ . « It‘d ”‘1- I . _‘v ‘ r‘ FIX". ~§ .“ "L ..'__ :; V» f" 4- ‘“ .- .. U\' y L! . _‘. . . s '. ‘0 . 7' A ‘ ”.3 C)\ The t‘ading area bCUIL‘”" will DO five tires far- ther fro: A team B on tLe road betJeen the two toxms or eight anfl tr 1ree —tenths 8.3) miles from town A (see nap on 3%: e 17). The bourdary will be only ore- half (A) as i‘ar from town A as to town C or five (5) miles iron to 1 A or t1 e road to town C. Gene1ally, all cities sxm ro1nd mg a “ceesed site should be re- corded on t1e Lap unle s the cities have a population I he s of urder one thousand ( ,‘00) people or are over thirty :iles fret the * op sed site. 11e trade area rarels LuJHAJ s tnirty'Izlbas in aggrchtuactior 3117 sLOLl: 1Lot o :;la; at; towns larger than the pro- posed site." r.) ‘1" 'N f ‘1‘ ‘2 . "n 1‘ r‘ J—‘- I" ‘- 4.“, (‘44 A a-‘ stuoies Nave s” W‘ tLat bhe p1eco1111te rea3 01 . A , - J“ “ o 4 -9 ‘V\: w "‘ ’L‘r‘ CiVen for toe iatro*°.re or oLe sayerzarzet ever aLotLer J‘L'L) supe3xe rket is proximitr. Trading areas are limited by na ressw W3 ,rivers, inevstrial 11008, etc.rey Eppear to have cr0551ngs 01 laps ~hioL actually are 1“ sreL gear conditioL 4.:- .. - - .1 4:- A .:. ' . - . - LLat few geogle mill use tLe1. 1Lese lines Decoxo ti°ed mg Toe 5i? e of the ;o rlation, its uensity, dispe3sion, {growth trail, aud characteristics are all Lajor factors in Esite selection. All people €16 ccnsu1.ers; ant aecar'ingly Eire pot tor -ti al c.1tcner: of a superrarket. mhe size of an Etrea's population will therefore hels stlply a rorgh sti— Inate of the sales potential of tne tradiag area. Population ata of the trading area can be obtained in numerous ways. 7Outline for Selecting A Site for A New Suternarket lDrepa red by the Kroger Coz1pa11y for real estate persor 11el of ‘the Froger Coa:any, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1956. 4\ J-‘ ‘ ’- {\_-1~- Lu.kuv- 0 -fi i . r10 . v .1; 3 LL 0 C 1.; w.“ L u 4.“ p _ Q ~v.— f b P- M“ “J .1 h}... S N; w 3..., 0C a S o G T. .1.“ v. 1“ O u C .1 .C t “p C. n“ n. l .7“ A...“ ”L qr“ ‘ V“ “VIN. E t C H. C “Us .3 , ‘ . ‘ «.4 3.; L C .1 a.“ I ..L n}. C C S 3 m.” C S «U .3 C T 3. n“ C C .l n; .5. S f .l U. 0. l «O PL. 3 fiftw Tu , . .L5 1 n .. 61 Lb a. r 1.0. 9.0 C .C G H . g “n v. n“. pl. C hwb :l t C LU ”v. a Q l a x; 7* t I .fl. ,. . . ‘ .. w- .H— ._ .nv \ . PC g E‘ .«1 U r: .... F. : .. .. C 7‘ ‘ 1a a. . ; .., a T.” .n . L i .1 L. -. . C r. C ... S 2.. w . r» J. Fv .(\ K T» kl I ~ I ‘ 18 Shane of the sources of pepulation data are: 1. Census tract data 2. Public utilities 3. Post office data 4. School enrollment 5. Ch 1rches C'\ o 7. Iewspaper circulation data 8. Surveys of the trading area 9. City, county, and state records Kany food chains have established rule of thumb re— _- ...-- .9 , ' o- . - 7- , -,- “direnents ior population in the trading area. The rchire- ,__1 r1 -: 5‘. nents ray, and often do, varr considerably according to the income levels, the proximity, and quality and quantity of competition, and the size of a proposed snperrarket. One eastern chain estimates that nearly rifty per cent of the customers of :odern supermarkets come from an area within a " 0 fl '0 O 1 o o n zfialf mile 0; tne store,“ this enpha51zes the need :or den- £Sity of ponulation hear the supermarket. When considering £1 nossible location for a new supermarket, firigley's uses a 2?lile of thumb principle which requires that a encentration C31? 10,000 people be located within a one nile radius of the leroposed site.1O 93t0p and Shop, Inc., Shopping_fiabits of Supernarket C:‘L‘Lstoners, A Report prepared by the Larheting‘RcsearchfiDept., (:Eioston: Stop and ShOp, Inc., 1947), p. S. 1Ollax Shaye, "The Hanan Element in Food Chain Expansion," ffrl address presented to the Food Distribution Club of hichigan <313ate University, East Lansing, hichigan, (March 6, 1957). 19 Hatur Ml a rule of th‘nb used for the selection of 51 Mi e for a twe1ty thousand dollar ($20,000) a week super- :aarket would have to he a juste ed in pla 3ri ing a forty thou- sand dollar ($40,000) a week or larger store. As the size of the supcmr .rhet increases so nust the size of the trading area be increased to support the larger Larket. inc area of greatest population offers the g eatest number of potential customers. Jhile ser t population is of major importance, the fut are population possibilities also need a11al3m ng. Kany questions Lust be answered. has the population of the area iimc1ased substantially in recent years? Is there roen for new henes? has substantial new hone construction been carried on in the area? Answers to these questions are needed to evaluate the past, present, and future growth of d ’..‘l .4 (D (D ,4 (J " Cl. Locating in an area with an ~xpandi 11g population and (an area that has room for future expansion or new hones is Ilsually desi‘1alo e. At ti es the present trading a: a nay not iTulfill the required needs in order to establish a new super- :sarhct, but when the future of the area is considered the l><>tential ray warrant t11e risk of constructing a new super- ruzirket. The 1&0 en tial of the trading a1ea wil .l have some 1 jLIlfluence up n the size of the rarhet constructed. Addi- t33.onal information concerning the population can be obtained C3 a? checking he birtl rate and school construction in the a~l‘ea. High birth rate indicates a growing town, and school C3C3nstruction indicates a growth in pepulatien of “arilies a 3‘ r 1 , -. __‘\"' . v 4w. ¢ . . .{V' D... U 1,»: A», N V -.. J. bia‘dn v-9 narj-‘ "-—‘~.. i “‘:.1 “.4, “.5“ C; N -' \ L.” \ " r.‘ . O V‘. ‘ ‘S. ~ .' ,.~_ “ \. f 4- t1 children--the stable kind of Deejla who are going 00 star and grow with the eom‘unity.11 When analy zine the wopulation of t1”1e trading area, a study of the conposition of the population is wise. 1ne preSe nee of a arge nuiber of people of Roman Catholic fait: ~— . . :- :.- ..e- \— . J- :1 3 ,— .-,-,-,3. r' .3... :~,~ . J-n who abStaln iron reat on certain ua;s and last during the .. .1. ,_. ' :1 J- 0.-., . Y) , f? ., Lenten season Illl have an eiieet Egon StC’; e sal3s. IICgUL- .1 A 1 Q“ A _ _.. ~A ' a- 4. -~ L.‘ -- ‘n 7'1. -_- — ‘ o ‘2 f‘ .'- q 1 am; a 3.3::33 '8 11130:; due b, r e o; 1.C-'C.-O.-.LL.LSC. that should ' cs or predorinant fac- J ,- .3- y“-.- -1 ",._‘ -,-° be carriec AL’ and all enarac crist; (.1. tors concerning the ucpulati on of the trading area should be ‘ ~v '- p_ 1 _ -‘ru ' 1‘ I 1_ 4" r1 J_ ‘ " ‘ . .' fl 1‘ ~ ana_vzcu careiullj lo; possiole eiieets upon a new suyer1arket. NV , _' 3 _"§ 0 '0 . , u . ihc C.ve‘.‘333 sizes 0; lazilles, as 'cell as average age, are useful data. The nurber of schools, the enrollment and age distri.uti115ive a fair indie13.tion cf the age 01 the '| “ _. ,.‘ . 1 W 1 ' '3 ‘ ‘- J- ‘ ‘ . . . w N . . . (‘3 v—, v ,— - ._ _ _. 1 ' :7 5 _ btuzaa131tal to a sound wuleJiS L; the t1aaihb azea . "u 1‘ —" -1 . “I . ‘3‘) uh? 1 ~ . N .~ 1‘ r.‘ . 3"“ :fi - 4" ‘ ~ A 2L8 a siia1r CL {“h?‘ll$rODC1LA,IE-CCLG, lLJs hisrgunmitlun cm I ‘1 . " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘ ' 'u‘ "'- ‘fi‘ 3"“ .9-‘.... ~ ~ 1 “~.~,- -' A that lLCCLO ahc;c the gogulatiel QHU the sources t”-t gre— 'V”Qe the ineeie. Deciding w3et e: or lCt a cit" or trading :irea can prerid3 a grifitahle location for a new 3 jerrarhet is *xtre1-ely important. The success of a superrarhet is de- =3cnd31t uion tha ineore e] ;1e frzilics llVlr” i: the traeing - 11R. W. hueller, "11 to Locate and rinance a Haw ifarket," Progressive Groc er 0Vol. 3% Ho. 10, (hov. 1955 p. hS. 71 q . "(3 J-s~.¢ '3 v-.. Q 1. n. ‘.‘J t J- L, . "\ S or an . P" . C u I d..-‘ \a .- I.‘ L) 11 a -1- eed by the n, CO "I ... . ..‘_. ul- ‘I .‘1 G C a C". - '71 n V c- . 9 9 «C; 12‘: the f r .' —-..- J -V 1 ‘ C i. 15 \‘1 - C‘ L--L u) I“ I.‘ I -.— O 1.. U '\ 7'1t ‘J 0‘. we, . a. :s 0 »-es ‘ s v . “:7: V 1". 3"} T‘\ 7") ‘ coil of igcc 1 (,1. O.” 11 & w '3 A C e estimated by L .L NJ dedo— 'X‘flii. U \z r: 4—.\ h D e 3 1 can ' 'tlll‘ wte -A.- tile L14...' u. ..f L. l ‘F'fii :1 “\T‘ 1 L' K '. s.” LMJ. LC A- .1“ O 7. OI-Cl } ea “ ‘1 5:11 .',1f‘r\ "‘1 bgyi/ ..1‘11 .-¢ ‘).‘_ C;:e t 1 3r '“J a..- u, 1U). (110.1. 4.1... b! ;e (NA .5 \ I IN 9‘- O A\ ab es Q C b V '— or (:31 nu gi ‘ 8. n 0 L C n. a e 3 0. S F C _ d .e u S no .u n 1i n e vJ . C r T I S O O F l “L LL. .1-— u -. e n t .1 .1 q!- . . .1 C O t U. 3 G U S H o ..u. 3 C Oi wt. a.“ .0 G L S .1 u G . n is c .l e no r w. u u e 0 ,. a C t ..m .1. C. R n. .1 .C e S S u C e .. U. .1 C t 8 n t e C 1Q "b n w n. i C. C .3 .l w“ E ii "J .1 o my c -_ it ..l S 0.... .1. T n _ .3. 3 .1 .l C O .0. V C ..c C «O. n .. C n: 3 V 3 «Tu ”1“ . O r“ r“ 3w .10 U S a n. G O O L .3 l .3. e C 8 ii no C e0 no G P" ”o D. a. C t C .l C 3 0.1 2 u C. .1 3 S .. 0 .l «U C .l S L .0 J. h .l C l U P. 0 0n .1 l C e .1 1 S .3. I 0 Po 0 u 0... r h . o O 0 _ h n C U Q n . S O 2.. -4 s t i C n t ..,... C S r C S .. i S n t e C. h 0 S 0.... a D. h a i C A 1. t O 1 3 t u .1. .11- 3 .l r ..L . 0. .l ., 0 h a S t e .u 3 pi e v . on e nu no a r 3 O n .c O .L. C C .C c n e S O O a T n P. .l C Q S l o l C. O O T C .1 c S G .l a H. S r 0 w l S c ..L 0.4 C O S S O 3 fl 0... r ..L S V... a l U. O C t a 10 C C. O. .1. l 1U" 3 t 3 qr " d .3— C as no n“ at ..u no “i “A we . _ C d 8. .l C l t l O... 0.. . .C .1 1 pl C Di 3 C V G q. .1 a“ .1 e" .m u .0 C +u C A .0 a S C 0 1L. 1. o .. i an 1xl v. .n0 mi 0e .h «u .x. as t r-" t C l C 3L n P l. V I 1“ T C O 9.... ..U Q .l n ..«e p . O V l O s M C 1 HQ .1 0 Arm AN 4i it n“ ”J no it “a me n ..L a. . ..., m r 1.— ~0 .Tv 1. i. S .1 C .o O .l e d .l . C S C 1...... «uh Wu v 316* «'— 1. O ”1. TL. 3 .1 .J. 8. .l t 0. . O i i a d W h 0...... b S a. t 5.30" L. S 01‘; e i. O}. L. . 3 n_/ 5 for 1'! est Cl .L' 7‘) , local pro. ’fi ." K—‘ogA‘fl a» SO'Il‘CGS . 1 f) ‘.QV ' IICO'LZG 6 of nco A- 12., _ source ex 1 «it c k.- 131‘OV local and net L1c01xc level 01' ture of the Traffic Volume The amount of ation will he _p A close check of or near the site tial of a highway or main traf:* iness from these It would f0 —¥ 0 (A) o 6. The idea a given point to desired Chara lection przctice for TJO y that the total volume of traffic Significant *actc Purposes. <3tudies have revealed, however 1 a ne J- ' ”1 o el‘dulnf" transient oust ““r*ng a LLL‘. .L cteristics has seen basic 'I_ .0, 4- - _A Cnaln stose erye 22 Melal incozse avera es. Determining the general area ane nah’- predictions for the fu- portant. o ‘» trafflc passing ”he proposed site lo- to determine the notential of the location. streets and hlchweys gassing €1r=ctl* past a“ ‘V A o..‘ __ 0 “‘A'-o._‘ v- .‘ r‘ ‘ Snoule help 11 GSleaLlug tne Sales poten- oncrs. ic artery "ill draw rural dwellers be helpful to know: Traffic count passing the site daily Jhat nor e nt are local oars (1ror the cit y) Hhat per cent ar county cars What eer cent age out of count" and city cars What per cent are cars Eriven bv women, since women do 7rest of the shop; 11.5 What are the LCQVlCSt traffic periods sound site se- The opinion was once held years. passing a site was the Lost r detcm~ :ining its va alu e for no: clvlandis ing ricnoc and DC‘5“bLOLt of Coz1erce that there is no dependable 53 A; trae A OJ. ‘.Y J it quant p between q C‘LSJ'LZL 4-4 b... oral rela " '3 11 r O c-r\1 (3:3 StOl‘e om... l‘G’CCll -9 \l d *easured b site as L a ‘3 value of n-nt segr __-I to a broad cater ch ~_ 0 Will stores inber of 1-; ”all ‘- . Q 8. S for ow r5 9.11.80. h tr. 1n wnic '1 ,1. &\A of the public a1 he .. 1" 130.1. ‘4. ’ I ruse 'ne wa“t '3 39C q I I t of tire; .‘ .L 11111 11311112; EILEOUI tics laracteris ‘ ! tive c 1y defined upon enteriyg, quantita I‘ CleL'h d m i c {jgle 7 traf the of -d com— ‘—~ \-o-A.l» 7‘4 of (w b.) {,1 q ,\l v11 *. .1..- be] (3 7.x AL t to 10, 11'317‘4‘ uh Lu J- ..- l. 1ssing t D J. ion of t "081. T ‘ . fi ‘ 1 ed. .v" no COVG dis .0 often 7:11 d k‘. W“ .- Irveys o= fin DJ§ r~ '7 ,L.._~_ 3 .3 ‘D e 1: (1 ”Qt C“ IJJL :\.. V’fi O -y ..n —\ .\ ‘ J- I,SJCCL,‘ I =1) 0 13 311-- ion of the sales ; .11 IL in” 4‘. V GS ” super— ~— us... 1» - Luge L3 ' u‘ S 1.1 \- -- Cs area, tile . . .‘ '3 ,2 - :Zi.‘CI-LL.’.tL‘_Z'C ‘ I - j..— "‘ '1 .‘t ‘... 5‘ ‘, .~ 1111111116- r , annual feed H“ ”(14.31 .11-, '3 "V k, 0.} VJ-¢-.L~ LlsL'k g -.L .t c‘ 4"- :(A‘lfilf Cl 0“ 1n" L’s- J VSL)L¢‘.~¥-‘. («m J-V ~ ~ 0 fl - Q 1‘ - - O . 1- c 4 - V. L1~T .n.. . «I. '1 :‘I 1- J- ‘ “q L. J- .' --\ .JPBQUltuTGS be: 1aM1lJ 14 e110 oleCu states. n3 nult1,ly— o . 4-1». 0. v ~ ’I‘ .' u “ v~-~~ :- ~ ~v- K I" . ‘~- 41 ’- anzg these the llgures, the annu1l feed on enuiture 01 ne ‘trading area is ne'errined. The cerpetition within tne tPQL- area D ust be eve. luated, and the anrual sales es Mirated for each corpetitor. Subtracting the sales of the C“K“Ct‘LlO from the estirated annual sales of the tradirg area will give the estinated sales avai asle to the new store. how- ever, the strength or drawing power of the new sup erma ket must be evaluated, and the general feeling is that a new superre rL:et can draw twenty-five to thirty per cent of the 1 1;. total food sales of an area. A national chain or a very aggressive local chain c }_J H' :23 Q: (E) 5 f .0 F. (I. (D H 5.. d- U Q! Cu O U 0 H 0 (A Q ") Cf C)’ (D C!- cr- 0 H deeer di ing upon the IHOLVlU‘ al reputation in the trade ar‘ C) r.) 0 Another approach to sales ;oter .tial of an area is ‘washington. Lr. Smith feels that superrariets are aele to apture only seveyty per cen (70$) of the food ous ines' in , '3'?“ ‘-"‘AU .1“ tc o _ W a l‘ 1;. .01.: ‘68 u. "' V “)3“ch— i‘a. \Ib-J LT —. e Lu;U _ “ w l —.‘- r ~~ . .H-. hat“- 11 ii to C 4-1, c;.C l 2-1 .3 l k: ,. .I‘L\J.a. 11% a... Ll‘fia creed 4.‘ \ r1 r“ .\, LJ ~J , 9 -, ‘a I. kn“ v.2~24d ("xfi‘\ - 4‘. \_o kW J-‘ b;¢ «4-;1; ItCD ct will 0 ammo ch+fiv -J.~ \« £3 \~t.~ ‘1 \1 ° I ("' .Jv 4.7.. 'v- ‘- DUTtiOH c & attract a p :~71M w.‘ —~ < ,‘f‘ .1"? V‘ .9 . 19 S 1611111cs, 101. n " I 3 C3. Cit. A “C9... La...- '0 T it profit— 4.4» O a t 4 €. 1 O '1 tl , . .51? .;’-..-,b .5: JV ‘1‘ 7 ’3 L.— O .1 \ _...‘ stores food -1- 537‘ V cm 0th to 030‘ zlble CGSSlVG ‘1' J L e 01 8 Chain stc A § 118.1 ' than t 1-: - I athe l . - n 1011 ' 73'“ J 1 ~tit 4. U )G I ’ fl 1. r\ \— O 1 Q. ‘ ‘1 I q LL on at raaSO" . -- 0 they C ‘- U—t— .5. 1.1. u, I O n m J- 0v .‘ J. 101 t l ore 01". et .‘ 1 l xb C 01? V” J .1 I‘: ve overlo t to l 7' l. 17 ‘1 41") -'.»/"-;. ’7, t g. 0118 * a‘ .‘ J- p. b -' UlC' ‘1‘} the Communit loc .9 ivc ol 5, q chtit easy; to cllcc DC ad ~ivoness (: U r U I. C to r*rcs (‘1 le . D i. c * —- tity. ( ..J 3 ET°C> T DU .1 al w 1 str npcar c. J. ,. . nossible d $111! ’2 L... i: -It137 “‘1 a iJa.“ atanccs, a 11% V~‘ 7"" A. ¥ req C U..- D J. . c ‘ . -l- r usual ci tha t ('7 DJ ’? L) icn ion 1 t fron level, 00:. o 12?. 41 Ea” by quest fi ‘ l O 1 I! \A elrtsait 2e ~0uc »of re 333143 experiex L) I) lIlCOILZC I C‘ C ~71 ”r00- L. A acter, ("~71 a1 1 Ch 6" Iipon corrmnitv check lists or quest‘ondairas used bv :esearch groups to get a "feel" of the future potentialities of the qrea. ALOhg the Lost 0 Lyon q les tion are the following: 1. Is there consideraslc a.ount of new so ns muction progress? 2. Is the school systcL rodern an? adequate for the " n heels or the "5 on ea ‘ s the Chamber of COLLerce active or the Junior Chaaher of COLLerce forceful in t oes the o'ea have a g; d transeortation svsteL? L. V“ there a wel l-QCV’lOI ed park alt area recrea— tichal yrogram? ‘ a; active role in the area? '1 7;: / 1 L. n e. Do Churches (8 r: r; J U) c r :J. O ) Ii‘the answers to the abov ~LS are "yes", tlze coLLL.- -4.-. . - .. j, . ,2 - '-. ‘—. c l vJ' lS COILSlQGI'Qu yI’OUI'CSbl'fl/Co 1°.“ A 4. - 1.1.1: I“ FLLC c038 m“ r it? r ~. ‘ A a ' 4 ' ‘- v f’ ‘x s, -. ine availa;>i r ahu accessibilitx oi grosrective sxites, the population of the trading area, the iLCOLe of the TCHNllatiOfi, the cerpetitive .itua .tion, the sales gotcutial -f‘ 9 a 0 ‘ .- n fl , 0l 1310 are? and tne pro rressivehcss of the area are all consridered us or factors in area evaluation aecaase econ0Lic ' 4-... _r-.. . 4 ~, _, _ ‘ _'1_ .- . ' "‘ ‘ Jus ~nL1catioh :o“ the SUJGSLQfget, but Uthh aifect the eco— ‘19133-0 ope ‘ation of the uro‘oosed su »crz: 8:71:01: are ce;'_siuered 29 Advertising Ledia Advertisihg of sone sort is an integral part of a suaerza“: absence or presence of suitable advertising Lodia, and the est re elat ive to its cove a"ge should be fully investigated. Radio, television, newspapers, handbills, rail circulars, and all media should be checked for possible 113 in the proposed Availability of Suitable ELplegees Superyarkets which have been located for easy cus tozx -er accessibility by automobile have sometimes found theLselves unaccessiele to bus-riding eLployees. While parin .re,~ ium wa area has soLetiLes proved pr011Ht$ Me, these preLiaL wages draw heavily upon store r‘Ciixo. In a.ny case, the payLeLt of premium wa es dies not guarantee that a sufiicient wolk ‘ force will autonatically be available. Proximity to Sources of Sup1qlx Transe01 tat1011 sts, speed of delivery, and investLent in inventcr3 ar sill influenced by proxiLity to sources of supply. Consid- eznation Lust be given to ‘Le distance of the proposed super- serrket frox the various supply points and the route which Luisrt be used to COLplete deliveries. Banm;1ng,Facilities sccause e: the eleunt of zeney 11a rmiled b3 Ledern superLarhets, aaily bank deposits are a lfi30<383it3. The need for su . c .'— r‘ v." . y~ i .1 / - r 1- .. ‘, ‘ "‘ I’v- 1 l “ W. 1v CziorLeus. while Lost siperiaraet Lanagers taLe oahling facaJLities or vra. ed, the lack of suitable fa ties rust 0e e-szoguized as a serious heiCicap. Utilities and SewL25 "mile utilities Lay be present, ' times the amount of electric rover, or water that a bus- 111C111 i“) .— iJfleSS uses,nay'be LiLite‘. With “he increased ‘co of air con- Ciitioning, a new s1perLarkot Lay have to drill a well to sug- zily'the needed water. A check of the strata of ground 1or ‘m:‘terl NV 1 and support 01 the buileinv should be Lade. Also, tile ava1la Lility of city sewers ghoul? be checked as the water - ‘O~ ' ‘ " P \‘L (‘“‘I. .‘.— \ f‘ v n 13 -\ »‘ rtufl-c11 for t1e porLilg 10b LLL st-re LG; roLtCL tlaL the _-. , 1-11.1 no” 111,-; blfld olte f‘ ' -' C so \ --1‘\ J- r" 1 . 3-3 a . . I t. -: ~ -'~ -\ . geconcary oLlJ. to LLe traoiLg urea -L 1LportaLce lS ‘ '4... . .0 .. -1 L 0.. . -1-“ ‘- r: furs actual Slot or Hoe tioz- Lor tLo Low sugcrLarLot. La1v C1 43“ w n :M '2- ,.,..°- " n 4— 7 1'-..—' w 1 ...‘-"~ vAKB gyTUV1pd81j LeLt1cLeu -actcrs Loa11 g filtfl t1 trc Lab l‘.‘fl 1 -\ ’9‘ 0 J- -‘ J...‘ J- . ~-~ c" I "- Ui(3CL a1so Lave a cirect €1.3Cb 1:0L tLe Scle0tion 01 L pd:— ‘7 . ' , 4.x“ . 4- n .z..,_."-. . t413ttlar Site. CLco tLo sales pote;-tial 01 tLe trLuiz; oroL ”'1". n 1 --A.-n4. 2 ..n n-— » 04.». , 1. .- . L.-. ‘u~S uCOL ostiLLtoo, aLu tLe sales ote :tial of 1 hOJ sage:— ? p j“, " K ' '~ 1““ /\ f~ --..-\q 1"“1 C ‘ "1 '3 0+ ‘ J' "37 ‘1“ 3 - ’ """'“ ‘k _« 3-;1 -C} k... 139; .LLxst 0J(‘Ul K’K1_v UK; L, L4-_.'Cn ’1 hilt, 5.].ch 0.]. 116 . fi. - n .vfi:‘,‘ r. 1-» ‘ I‘v- lnxilgqing aLO erL11 Lrea 031 m0 proiec T“ ,-. ”LL! 1, -. L.“ , .- :- 1 _- 9-, . .. Lo cot thge L 01 s g1cL.e 1s iollowed 1n aL llv 5— 4C lézsztion. However, certain espiza O ~~. 4~Vcistigation of cer‘cain otL3r lactoss mas been coxyleted. Ihlcli of a on S imul ta: :ooxsl‘r. r "quare foot of total store space or the SEQLC3S U3r square foot of sales area of a store Low Operating <4 sinilar-locaticn, and with siLila: characteristics to " l I J- . r.-. ,1 n ,. _-_ ' .3 J- J, .1. 1 - to LL; be “Sun as e gLide b0 gote_L1Le tne i—o , , :v ‘ IDEOLOseo s J-‘,. .v (Octcflmr 1-956 9. 1 L} , (J) 1 n '~ -,',. . ' ‘ r - ~~ “m "’3‘ 0'1 .r‘, .w «r. a 1’ " ' (X » (1 = r‘ '4‘ U‘ y _, lG ‘L‘wb é. -_.__‘\, ll-‘_‘.U Size 06 6ne D611d1u; 56666L. A6 6 66; , . - 46- .6 ,0 “w 6" qufi—fi‘fic‘ -.-.- \‘ 1 4- "‘3 fl r‘ " 11‘6—1 ‘.‘.~ C‘ . " '7'_. 101' C: __‘OO'J_ _',_(,__..L,6.J (18.113. ’I‘YE'S "J.ficsx:'i;t(é 1. {lb LL La CLLLU ~ ‘-—— JLDOJC -L.(/ J ' ' V - it - (17/. "‘ 734-2 -‘. 1‘ q“. ' ' ‘° 7 ”1 "‘ 4“”:67" ‘ »\. 6L) CL UL.—'-- LA..- (3C xvcn m; n P CulCfigw 1161-616, Cvuuu~~ 1.,- ~ - . 7“ «6 -~ -- Imp -- L- ' 1' ~ er n10 won ~1; a 5 ~66- 161nual 5&605 v0 ‘0 of bu L11610“ uJ 161 66 6 u ‘ "q 1' r \ :;a:flet Ghoul» 66 Llilt? fl '1 6 . __.6: ““1 .r- - -v r:--~‘ 1 ' EAJ‘ ‘1‘ ,V ’ ”H C "kflsv irv t”at go 163 .‘el ar5:et u ala Db td‘6\% 6 A I‘ .d.. -— - ~ ' . . . ~ ’_ * L u w Ln4w5v +5 ”5’ org M SOClHtT6R of 600d tie CLAr~es . 6;.6L6a-6JC .6661 .-- 6 - ' 1 H w _ -~ -- ”6,1 ~.'-‘. -' ‘ (3"“"(.~.r "1 q —: ‘A ' f‘ ~ ‘)3 1‘!(“,T'v CCV.1:18; [-7 OS 11.?1‘C) ‘IC .‘fcllfl' balk.- C'l‘; AJ, is; U LI. "J , KILL-6-4.61 6:) .‘ p6. 1.6/6. 3 "" ' n ,64- n 4- LAT nJ-(‘T'e -‘ "Ta" r‘fl ’5’ w ‘7 V 0."? (”“6 )Cl‘ SC' LILLTE: 4.0K: 6 0.“. 60 be... 6» L6 J- 2x, K _‘_ 6.;g,i~l it _ 2-....." H * “1" a- ‘> _j J_ Y fr -- 1"f-(“,’_“.V 'F'l" (. .:_‘1—,'tr. ’mr '3 ”orh’ b“ tire (“‘77: 7‘3 51616 6.666.66‘60- .9va w - a. u~¢w L L** 'v ':. *. 6 n 1nfl LH 9" “1 T7 6:1;‘97‘68 S ~43? lack 01 warni“; ac;66116s nure c666cd Lhuy 61‘ 66 \I "" J- J. a L ‘ -? ~~ v -v ‘ n. rvw? r27“ 3 ’" 7“ C(l' pHDpiLIOlo to i":11 arts: ;;;le «62-666 ua~ 66ue 6x6666ulu 06 w J~-~ fl “ ' w ~ %rv *te“t 01 i“ 3*te I r: 6/". n '. - - .0 ' q, 6 {A ‘ C. -~ ‘L L" ‘ * iOcmar; pafih6n; LCCillbLCS --Celvb “365* v 4 , .- . A r‘ , q . _ _,‘ . - .,‘ n- f'l‘y‘ l 3,7 4 3w ,0 '142113.” 8 \IO‘CC EU °¢7 Eucticn ana scan“ plannlLv. LMC -nt60 C— 6 — u - -. .6. 4.6.66.“ an 4.1.60 (\ ‘ - - ° -. ‘* *. 70"!" ‘. o “C. __._ 'x... b; u‘..L t“ 413. 6torc swace 18 as allJ 066 L“ ah C66- 6 6 ‘— . - an Lfi ‘, 1 J- ‘| V‘ (In C, 5. .1. 17"’6 .AFC Convezlt1011," SL"“*‘:6“6 60J6, J01 / LO. J, 17. 14 ..b S .l._ . a n 8 . C d a... O n J . e v... w J V C d 3. 1b. S A.+.. 1. a . o .l .l ..D r. .1 o 1C O an... .. ..1 Y O l C r C O . k ..1 C .8 C C C C O O. C. C ..D a P. V P. .l t .l r 3 a... m . C r C M... T C 7.. w. v. t n... O 3 C a . a M P. C .r u C H a H... Y . n. O L O C e O .. . PM. 3...... U. n A... n .. u a... b C t C t V e n t o v. u C A e .1 S e S 1 t S n1 8 .1 f e C h C 3 t n d d an. 7... .n. C l ,. s u .. G C D. a e e L l w .1 c .1 .1 . . C 8 91 T a. a... T C o 1 n «O. G .l O S n1 1.. U C h 1 b O a T C C 0 d "U- .1 h n .1 n .1 .5 G 9. o O o C .. l o G V .D x... S v 1.. S S P ...... C .6 l u e r e a f C T d C a e t C 3. C O I. .v t C l O. C d... c p O y “A .-v A... M... r. 9 1n!“ fin .1 0|. o. I. C n 1 C .1 S O. u C S l C a.-. d D. T h t n. m .C .1 .. .1. f 1. f w .. O. 3. C ..C Q .. _ 1 9.. t .1 .c .3 .1 .L d C u C S S S f t n S S a e .9 x .1 F 1 C t e S w 0 G n S e n. C O T C .1 t .C. t a. .... r t c I C h .1 C O C .1 . -H O f r e C E C 1.... .. , .0. 3 .. . U .. . t C. h h C b V t n... .C O a o C .1 u . . T. C O C C u C t r e d .1. C w. f C -u C ..L U. C .l. ..L «.1 t G O V G ..L . . .n. a... C 3. C ..L v. S S t l S S nI . . n K b S an O .l ... n . .ru .1 C .. . C S a .1 C C O D. t .. . S L O . .1 G R .. _ .n -. 9 U. U. n... O n. . 3 C T. O I. O C 1.“ .3 n. .1 T a - . "J ... u C S. O O r G .1 S c .- _ L C O .. .. ac. .nn. .1... O U G n... .b C l t V. .n. a-“ .7.. M... S d l C t C t u .n. b t 8. C C u V e .1 C n u C e a O h 3 O n . C C. r u .1 l ..o t O l S w... 2 t 5 .. . u .C t 4 .. C h 0 S 1. t x t e .1 .. . .1 .3 A a... n 1.1.. S n... t n 1 .. e S S 1. a. 1 C S e 8. 9.... C. .1 _. .. n. e f o O 2 u u - b n.._ t . . e e ._ . U C C .1 C . ... C O L .1 d I C n .. l C .1 C, . t t .. . a... S a t T e r ...._- .1 n . . l C. S .9... S V C .1 C . .. .3. U. ..L 8. E O S. G a . O. n. o C .l .C G .. .v P. .I. ... u e U. C S n .... n..." U H... O b e n ..C 3 O a... C n... «D .l C. .. C C n... t C. ..b w. e .l S V t u a... .l l u f O 1.. Po C C S C S O a C a. ..u a 1. . C .0. O 3 e C 4... n n b r.) t - H v... C C .. .. n in.“ 5 an t b .1 r .1 e e 7 . . a O. h t L f C .1 t o t S t S O. 1.... C n O n a. . n. n r n... t O t Z a. 1 U. .1 H... m. C m... m . p n. C ..D O O .l t t n l .1 n.-. V. .C L r n. n. a .b .1 k h. .3 n co .1 s o o s C l t .3. n a .3. O l O .7. t . C C O S n t t a _... C I a... u t t l .E C . . . e .1 .1 C e V. .3 -_ y A .1 a. f .1 e .1 .D ..u . -. f v. C r. t t S m... n O n S O .1 . .. C V e a «C. O O n S .1 C. .1 a O t ‘1...“ «n 4 0.. Iv ~- 4v 6.. — t C C qm 8 1|.— ol 0 «.0 h TL v 1 .5 .— Cu C h C b t a C a S h C _ - . k e ..h. .1 t .1 q. .1 . .. n... w. 3 n .. O W. .rp \ . C n t S 1.“ M... VJ O . X C n. U. C a; 1:. e e T. l S a S r T. O. 1 u a O C u. l a C a... v n V f .1 1,... u. 3 C D. l r b O t . a. .1 .0 .1 c r. .o r. .9 pb .P o .1 r .. r e . o. n v n .1 .1. d l 2. w h r g d m... l h r P C . 1 .1 C. .1 a 1 . ..1 a e .1 a D. -. e e v. .1 c n. .1 c o n. L. n. c 1. u. +. r m n b .. _ n . a t r e ..1 e r n . O r r e e V o r u 0. . 1 o a. U. u a h a 8 e. f .1 C a h h a t c . .. N t S s a .n t .0. a D. a t f P t T h s .1 A m I * rIP. ..w s 10 o 5 ‘ l 'to q .‘ .I. ‘we ’J-L 7.. 3.. to co ‘ 1 n5. lose b par}: ' Accessibility Q J. b A . l a -4. 4 I. bx \ l 3033’ f" ‘0 r] radil the t in . . systct icult PT‘ I ... .L .1 D low speed sections, dctc "(n-7""? "" v 1 _. r roaos, 1% 1 A .1 es of ‘! ”w l strctc crowded q r-Ar. 1... C.‘ .-..\.'. g rooos, row unpaved 1131" cw 1a c~ Q h C» Q“ 0 '11C “4. W- ('7‘ b.) 101.11” , l v‘ :3 ' S -lcS 1c conga D .L Traf‘ vlc to ~- . L) x 1‘ "G I10 L; '7 fi" 1 k;— 1‘0 ..u tcuo s) ._ cu c‘ 1a] tent if p0 -."al -11“ .. rim SECCK‘: -41-; J-- iavo bC£ Q " 0' .1" .10. 3 7 ‘1 11 A-‘ 1 5 two to fc .0 C .1. -ln‘ {1‘ .1. v0 ,rn .(L LLCC ..- sacz‘i A“ l “’ l“ L’ bl roy -IC‘ .0!“- 0110 CI". t ‘A o .5 tio- ble. i CGSS J C-‘v In store i ‘ )fi ’3"- }:C .3 p Q. 1- .37.. ’x \J A .n 1.». Di. wor‘ .. Q I‘. I C) 3 ( J. L; ‘ I f" .k) C“ . Q C 3') r- 1’1"(.) ‘OVC.1 - V O / fi fi 7“ -, __,‘ 4. ° .11ch blC ;ount of traffic cc - n [A A ’D L. Ivi.\ v 4 ., ‘ x ..‘b t : 00 ‘2 q C:- 04- ‘S ‘ -‘, ' LU. r\ C» 4 J hwy ‘. ‘1 I - -LO C J.'|.. hours of C‘ ‘0 o ['1 '1 ‘7‘- -‘.¢- .1.- --p 4 (T \ 'thin cc: .Y' J. “-1 -L-!-‘ —.‘ Q . u'rwwfir~ Pa; f‘ 1 1‘" . 7" r ‘ Q'.F-JL1--U 1.? I I‘--) . . ‘ '1 ‘ v bovr ." _ 5 d" ,1 _!')(y .‘ \'-.-.-L‘-’Vb ,. J. 7') O_ IKJP _‘r\ o.-- Cow . v 0 A .. 4- U“. ”“140 ‘I-If 7. .1— .l (a 0‘_'5 (..J Ls.) tr 1.3. C I - - .7 -.L a l. (‘5 J \l 36‘ .4“) “”“cr ’u~ k‘-. i .1- _ l “i.“,\(,\ ‘-\¢ s.) ‘1. ~—/ .1 \ 2,3i (V \v‘ ..1. ‘- I o—. O 1." .LI" 4-‘dn”~ ' . v.1 Ly- ‘( 1:631. ‘ ,‘ Va .310 w F1701 ‘3 q ' W ct -— g... xfih-‘Y‘ n), f q | M‘. _ T al— a; . ~ -~ . q . C C ..«u .1 C .1 M ”A Cl 0. 3 Wk V . 3'. ..C 1:" C an; 211* .WWIH i. «l.v T; /.\ 0 C] F \1 ,m a) . (¥ ( av)” on" Lb v.3L 3.. 3. i .4... Q.‘ .\ flu 1.x... “(Ivy nlr‘ . ... «.41. u.” (x a; 1: R .1 pc. now o “W aflk «a; l C .y‘ ..9. p1?. +b 0 ..¢v_\/ 0 ., ‘71... To 7 , Way. A. , t w” 4.1 w.nu e 9 .w no a .l— G C. e mi D .0 I QU.L 1| C 9 - i n... r. i ..J r. “¢ Y.\ D.3 u" ~v w :..-- l I‘ ~—. .0 LLI‘ u L _‘ v .. \‘L ‘I‘\ 7)‘r.;. v4. -..b..— AL ‘ ()‘V‘D1 q . A -| .5 J. n I ah ~- 1‘: ".L C; .2 .. C0116- -.‘if ‘I\6 f 0 - l !: _-- J- ‘- L! ..t. C - 77f“ Vil‘.,'-‘ ‘dII‘ .~ y.-- K.) i“) C ° 1 1 Cf. .‘- 3.1 -.‘F’K-L- J- , ’ 1 l 'J k.“ 1.1.1 (51‘ V5) 1 C‘ q I Va- 1. LIC) r; .-v 0* to .1 'l y- ., .3 J- o .-.._L up” ., lj .- I - . +1V' 9“} :16 Cl t 3 in; oi":rict I a\‘:\ '14:” l r C‘ ~23. ~ .‘I 10 conglouit' ' \‘ flu .1 cc of o ‘n 0 . I.‘ '1 (:r‘ I h‘d— 5..-; ra‘a 'l 0 -LJ--— r1 5.) .10 g wea b... 53‘ W ,- f‘.‘ Mu..- .o ‘ I ‘ ‘\ 1 74'.» fit). 3’. 1 1e t cit In 0 ’1 . *-~ 't (‘Q .0 .. iacto;s o“ "‘q a 78, {A ' ‘ J- \ (3"0), . 1 - \ '.- I d n \l I, 3.0 troff p N a“, '1", “Jukw _ J- ' 1-... ,Jv'Lvl Luz. «L 111001;; ”I ~e adv- (I LA... 1- P l Kr «. r. «11mm La VVQ-J. ..LL" LJ-L ’A . U-— a. N I a- 111 cud-‘3‘— ctors n V- SS. f) --\a up qvcsti- .. . .... J be vo Lust ho a *Cd 5 ‘JU ill cful “‘3 k»—. for c 1‘0 Aav 4.x b of 3c ‘LI — . I J lTV’C | ' l I . - h ‘ 1. ~Lb. f‘ . :T‘.'.-.x‘ vv‘ a... :18 h S ‘I’l‘v .01 lb ‘. wu J \ CLNS U no. Il‘C 111C tluis ’ ‘ I ("31" ’ -‘ tw‘ (V n t .l S _ u C .E V .1 C n . Lb .lv. .1 S h .C G. C nps .v‘ MIH I” o O I: t 7 n H V. .l t 1.4...“ .l l .. .1 Mr“; -D .1 O n. t S e C a; a n in O t 1 m o. a 0 «Q t C S an“ .m .. C -.L O a n o T G Po :5 .1 c S h t e .1 1; Offer ‘st 411-}Y-i"{\’ D \~o— l to the "1".’"‘.‘ Lv-h " {LO 1- L‘.C H J. w- ALL ~.‘ “I - 1 mJ-A ~- ‘ \ ~ . use; of CdstchTS tflt Lore L we. Good :3 4.1 -- i-U . OJ. tne tracing cu. JJBDCG. The very tcxiay ( ne-fourth to one— ertcz evaluation of gossible s ncusticetino tie potential of m .dicz low profit of the fooe r rcmsi; for error in selecting “J, C C U) reluircs systeratic investigatio: actual p:oposed site cc bined n previous site selection exger- f constricting a new superasrket : KilllOL sellers) demands accur— ite locations. An err “ in prog- a new site L3; be very costly. ctailin; business leaves little 12w sites. CIiAl’T 1‘ III 11 , ' bnooiis- r”tols J. A ‘- \J 4“- - J.— " J -‘ . ‘ _ a") ,1 — n‘ I.-. _ o1. '_/(..L.C elm; f1r- 3‘.» --r-\.--1 ”5‘ ,-. H'q- r <-" :- ‘,/—«-.-. rvf'“ ‘.-., m“ ‘-'r -.~- ‘a-I :- w ‘ . d ' \‘ .. ;.a ' ‘ Y . ' )."~,‘ -' '1 fl'l ouch; u om; oLC .Jw.~'\,_.. , «.4. .C L, 1A..-. -3. .1..k'-.L L11. 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Ill-.1 C o ‘t‘ l..- l-\ J; U». xi. fill U \ "‘:.‘1"1"“ '7 '2‘", 3’3“ " i; ‘vd. L.-k.~.s. nL‘J by.) 7 L . \- ”J- I‘C‘ln, 011 S w .L;;.G .‘I 7'3 f“. a. L) ~_L.|. Kl . 0 _,‘ l .L V - .11.. O ‘V \ J.“ O a '< ‘“ A-‘...L-- 0d 7a [I ‘. Jstablis .- r‘, 4.5V 1 to o- « lx/&; I... ‘:\ .‘ cc cLarges q - 4~(«._~ - .. u--1.L.gk/.-.- o . . . ...<._l_ LIC151;JD i . (a J "W (“h -JL.QV .xlny 11 ~ ‘ . - t. v V‘. 'r‘ x 1‘4. A. ‘.1 ‘JA. . J," ‘1 V... C: \u QC: 1 ..L. D '- ‘IA Cf: t--\....-.L v O '. 1.. a--. Y‘N 11.1bc I I“ ’7 C" L,.\.) L) ""v\.51"‘C‘ -C" L‘ .-‘.i' ~4--.LI)C§) '1 § \ scellancoms :-i 3 s 1 -9 I J .. ' ‘vuf‘ ,‘ a “. 5-- o“ . J- p -J...L. ..1 by... ..L..- DJ .1 W ‘. i" Q .‘L J.- .-,-"_ 1111's lJJ.‘ CI;-LL .fi ’ -l ‘rCVC 1.107 (SCI...- .. ,l- C -. ». ~,"1-.v r- '1, ~/ 11;) V.- ‘_.L.l -99 b.) F. 9. CL .1- lb .1!— _. f- 1 ’f‘ Ins-("J 1p;1* -‘ r, 1,- 41-1L icnl N "if", d -‘ .L‘ , Vii-Kl 4.3,. >I0.L. b-2- "..& . C1 ’13 V W ~—Lo‘.h\- ’¢ ., L37“."w‘ uh -J- very (V \J u‘ i; (1 IT". 1 / U 'CT 1 _P\ .1. x~o . - N F _\r -<- . ’\‘.1 _ A—K-J-lub—L silk). 0 . ( '1 -- l . .0. a. +~ m 1‘..V U ‘y a. (‘1‘\, \ .ugr‘ va Cit- 0.04 C I A ‘ t ‘11!"C‘ a. V5J a, C n ‘- (i .3 .O-‘ : .1 A \J.. ‘ . Pi“ B’W‘“ “’f u)" (1(1‘.-gl--b , @113. :13;- L .. DC. _ - ,, .L'xa.t IL. (‘ ) 1'! ~-\.....\.zt. {i t g ‘ (a bJJ.¢ Q \‘r‘ V--V 1" I c to 4..,.,,..'." ‘3 Li'- k....-‘_ —A. :ll 1.. .1]. to lity ,r 1.; n1-- 3; Lis uDl q ~ I cctcd 1') 5‘1.“ Ln...- generous “ 32°VC S .‘A‘ \Lv 5.) -1 0 ~ *wrxw-rx 1 0.. v-11 ..L no 1511.: ..L 1. .LC 11 'tTC" -. 5 - Os .3 '3’) i ”nu-r I 4 ‘Jv‘ A 10 elltel‘». C n itc” CCl \ ‘4 J.'- , w-‘ out ..1. 'LJ ‘- an. '3 -_ \ r'fl?” . Lov-..0 ‘ I ‘ hue .L‘- O f .7 5.3- Evie ‘ [—x --f: ';b VL , DJ «D er. 3 ) 'L 1. T"PICAL Rik? 30:5 ULE' far Rezzt 1311'. Stare Sc.ft. Front.ft. to Rent 1953 1953 (verage Sales Sales Rent qu; 5,600 #0 13"$ 650 0 220,300 $10,300 $2,531 22m: 2,800 20 :11 100 Hflfls Shop 2,000 20 S ROG 90,900 h,€Ou Ti 1 .. C21ldreh's Snop 2,000 20 5 #00 7%,900 %,500 -11 n A , Dress Shop 1,750 17’ 5 350 ;c,200 %,900 709 Liquor StO”C 1,750 17: Ill 27: .nvevcgc Sto"e 1,500 15 7il 30H n’ n ~‘o A~xuel Sto 0 3,000 :0 h S? 120,000 7.2"0 .ll Delicatess:n 1 700 13 Til 250 v A 1” .1 a *‘h-‘h skicn's Apparel 1,200 1) #; 300(5 3222s 300t10200ft03) 3,C“O il Jéwelcr 520 13 5 210 h2,30 2,?00 111 Zhrber MS0 12 311 175 2,100 300 Dr: 010:: 800 15 :11 300 3,6CO :11 ‘v :chzry 1,125 15 S 300 3,9“0 300 Iéot Yorkct 1 ?09 1S 2: 390 1S1,(OO 3,C”G T11 3u1:r18“fi;t 11,C“O 7, 1 1,1?5 1,‘UP,COO 1%-,§ 0 C28 Vsriety *0,C00 70 1 1,00? 2,017,000 2,000 :22 ‘up:r:0rf:t 1;,(CO 1C0 1 2,000 2,F‘C “C 2“,FTC "l 3.36"2“0 5,5”0 30 5 GOO 1§1,(0. 7,5C0 3?: 3L003 3,363 2% C h‘O 1CC,O?C 5,3“0 fh: * Plrs 2:30.03t \ ‘ RS.C. KayliL, "Eh; Pla;ned S 0 131:; Center," 312:: 31030 Ag‘ Tel. JG. 5, (23$; 1C53), 3;. 2%?. ength of Leases PrcLLLL; tax2ci? the L033 1:; :HLLLL L- C. the leuse is its lemgth. Length of Lease varies, but eral 3539C“Oft is that they are getting loneer. ”a reason for the inesease in length is that lendigg a"encies t - .-.- a - . , .L are LefahLlL" wetter guaraL ees on lerg‘h of occupan eg. A 1» a LA L4. " - L ..° '1 .1. .. Leur 3“ ,,ing edter ae'eleuers are asuing Leases b0 run .L‘L -.L 4.1 3) 4.1L - - 4. L L -2‘ m: 2. n 1 . °.L .- mLe l mgm m the 1..Cl"t{3agss on the center. L1 Lode-.2344, * > a; 1‘. 9-9 ‘ .‘fi‘ \ j I ‘ ‘,. I1 - ’. P4 ' “ - chart gLVes a iet :e of the 21:2 e1t trenrs in lo -‘hs of . a R. J- [A --. fl " 1A ,‘1 ' c 1" j r . 7—,. T -& ‘ ~ A O -“0911;g eeLtLL Leases aiL optiexs CL 1eLLaa 3 0L th l2ases rfi- --.* ,. 1 . L J- -- 9-0 n1- _ LseLes are tcn::2..:e 1-030 ten to LLL teen ““ leases. {‘4 r ,. } Lease TerLs Based on Exgerience In Shopgitr Centers of Thirteen SWLCW‘anket L011 {3 til 1:1 ”Abel“ L01; ' 121." of the of- of the Basic Cptions C tion Term Term Years Years fl ‘ '4 ‘ ‘2 0?] .4 «A O\II\J1 O OUIU‘lUIU'l , Forum-“4444444 \nvtovxvmno O O C) -—8 (DOO—‘hflv—‘NRJPJIUPJ SSuoer arL:et Iews Vol p. 17. Lecatien Question dis ,u~ ,u , tation LAFC. ‘ T"~“-"‘"‘--" 1‘3" C'LT-Lnfi _—~.‘-,n-f-»,-. 4-2 .‘7'7fl'1fl‘3"‘~"‘"'"t 4-"".’—-"' (“fl .t--(~ --«J MAI- VLLC.-L.-LL2 .._-. '~'-.L--.L -VLL - b .1 .. -- , ”Ln .- - ." '1 '1 ”~\'/. .3 #0.: 1-1 “'t ,, ‘ _ , 1'" . Q. ’.'-‘.‘_ k-vu \.‘.%."JL. (..S ..Og.--("u.._). . L. .V ~«t .J— - A,“ .. 7 -. q ‘ f‘ - .- 4. ° . ‘H'W ”x. t 1 .I., :1" do“ L ‘r, a ‘3 ~.'\ ‘1 De ;_tmeu obC-C LL “LLLL L-Iu JeLL c Lions —L -. .1... .LJ. !. - c’ .. - L" c’ .. .- J- ° . 5-. q I- 5 ‘y {N , (-c s',‘ I \r‘ ‘C' .. U‘. f‘ 1 \ an — . VII-1|..- LI' ,~«--U t.) JC... v I) U) wt... b.) /—/ U n». C‘- lC--LJ F‘. L- , - _ 1 J, '4 ... A r’ -.L - J- 0 L . ~ 1 . 21 " 1 *'\ r." 1 - ‘-'.".";"‘. Hr . - ~ ..xm . ~ (*2 thi-I V—..-»o—. --K—t 'Vh) /' J vbw- s} g.../} J VL... (- ‘r LJ.L~’--~ '77-. - .1-.. -- r’ r‘ F’ . LL.- . 1 y. ' r~ r'nAn 1 ~-r rw‘nra » snub '| .; ka- .LL 5.) u‘ - Vb.) ’1 J LL... u) /)-/ J V»..- ("—4 v.1.o--.) h~.~‘y~ - “ '1‘ 1", --n . A H . ~-L J-.. .L ' ' ‘I - fl (L'Wfi') ‘ .‘ DV’Aq‘ fl ,1 ~ \ U... v‘b «.1 JC'.- L.) l J a.“ v- I—-/ J karx’i. '34! 24—-L'-.'.S ' 0"" I U - .3 'r" 41' ’P‘I'1 1.— ~'I\fi'}‘\(" n --'r_‘-n r-‘ ‘- a nu» - 2v..- u L.‘ ‘.---.. -.‘- / 9’ J-.- .fL—l‘ v LL .1. y‘-' {2.1.C‘. Lu.) 1" *1 f‘ {I I o ' .h r. -, , F’1c --";\". ~‘,."1"",r‘ 3.1.x- ' Q 1/ u &CL-— L.) .;’_"'/ 0, L“..- L " LLL‘lLD .‘ — J- - J- n - _ -- L L.’ -L L‘:\'.' “ '_ |, 1 "_ f‘ '10 1 s- .r‘.wq L‘(. -L' 5:) VO-\.|r-.— K... le \L' U «k... t -/’ U ‘.L K — (\:.1 VOL-("--K) 7“. - . ’-_- L r“ - . L L. n .- . .nL ' .. 1’5 \ _3 . V r r\_ j_fl - g ' '1 : N Ll ‘§-. V»&.~ KI 1"] d Lu.- 5.) La—" U UL-n‘. (.*~, bcl-C‘-‘J YV' ‘1."311’.) 0‘ 011“"1 . fl 1n 5 ‘ f' 4 1—, ""1" ‘ "t.’z'1.(". r‘ JuL... .‘ b L. 5).. _ ._.-lC.._) u ”71,8”. ..2 t" ' Vt.” _ '4... L -.‘2 ‘4. $ / d Jx Y‘NV 'r\ -‘)vr 1r‘ -- f‘nr‘ A — Iv-’ A- 5"": ‘(fi 0 vsJLzlJ. ‘i/ ‘u d I”; 5., LL-/‘ “v 'J .._ 0‘4 +01," ..1 . 1n -. LL A r’ ..2 .LL. .. . ‘. 10“) .,,‘, I" 1. ’1 5 ' ‘ .P. <(' -. ’ f " f CAL-Light..- "~’a~~ s.) I;O\.~l .‘._' ‘1 (wk...— L.) f; -/l J QC--- V‘l JJ—C—-U N q . A r-J A. ‘~ _. J- o 4" *m‘fi’v . «f ‘fi‘lr‘ - .".' '1 . '1 ‘mc‘ ‘I-a-LA-__-\J“.’ 1v ‘1 szul L) 1-) .7 V».; C-v'. U... C)‘-L) a n A "' ° rj-A w' 1 1-dri-ar‘ -,-r “-1 f'“"". ”(-3 \p‘.-l(s-.l 1 _‘ J y'L‘o‘. e.) ..i-/ ‘1 ”$5- 4;} Li..J—C¢-.L) T‘Jpq-z-f. rfi-r‘,'y$~' 1’) -v-/‘.,v,-1c 1 7’ 1‘-;;r‘ ‘3 -\+io-¢~ L4 \J‘wLI-- M‘A ‘- d d |"'LC— ‘) -’ fill V\~-‘ ‘1 U— nah) (“1- - 4-_F-L . " A. -L L I .. L -L 4.-. . .\ ..‘D ( I“‘( At ‘ r" 1,; " y" ‘0!" 1--\ 3" 'i ‘ . 1' \‘.“‘ Dl-Cd- LI—u-t) O~r~ U v J ’JVBA- h.) I, J bk VJ’ Vfi-C‘Q \' _ I _ J o \H“ c" "s {2’ V'mfi'nro 1 I": -»,~_n-’n 1*" "‘ r‘~‘ (‘ L .(v‘Kr'o U s) VO~ C / J ‘4» a; Q — / J \I V...— ‘v .\- Ll--K2- . L.) - v- - A _ - _ -‘ 1-- 1., '3". 1L wr‘ 1‘ ,0. '2 ’3 — «r was .m n D! Cle—o‘.-'v* Q \J Lu. 8 L-II d. |Ka-‘. Oi: ‘(' -.J L. . n -,119 ‘1 ~,. @‘3n -.~,-’- “('1 CL-}..‘u—~.- 10 J Lu“; 0 IO C‘i' blC/ALL.) I!" q a 'J ,J J . ~"“.| "..4'371 (N ‘ “ l- 1":‘ l‘fi‘lr‘ 1 4 ~r-'\, (\"11 ':\ "" ’N HM..- Lb- QgéCLJ / J Nib-u. Q —’: It \lkv‘. O;' blolus 'V"\ 1‘ \ . J ’W " ‘7 f".‘,f\1" 1 ' "'(”;’1 "fl 1 r, '7' .677 “ ‘ .JVLHL J Q‘~V;~J‘ (_) J _'L.‘. L.) -" d kc... C4) Dion .71“ o 0 n - 0 1 w w a q o a. o q . .-. ' 1 C‘ ‘ " 7" "‘ y 1 '-.' ." D ‘ _. H ' “. " ’ ‘. -\‘V"' " 7“ F' n f.” ‘ ' '71 W .LLL-L__..> ..L-.._.. .. L..L. 2.2101. UC’LLlKl .-PC, lLVL.J.'. “J... .L.-L ... L1,; 1.4“-..“ (..L I.‘\..S .E) ,_ CL. C, J ”if? 0‘14 1‘ r‘ “' l...) 71(2“ \ n u.) \A. . c L... I I ‘0“ I‘ A” '\ “ h "“ . w- 2‘ -4“; L) )LCJ‘ 3C0. ..€L...L)O .LLV- g. ‘_OCC‘_ Vic: 1 9L SL.C‘:_ :11“; Cc». ' ,. ,r'] 5’1 Lao : ~~~~ a:: -w*- 3c ’1“ , yo .LLLIL . ‘ . C"Shoppi;g Center Leasgb n caasu Store ALL x LC. 6, (1:82," 1051(3) WK‘ ‘4‘) ‘ .— F‘ ‘- LLb.) F1" ' V...‘ C ..v. .5... ,. 1‘ LI . LL" U-..» ' 1 .\ r. ,fi $1 ‘V b C.- 83.30 L “| Ju. .1 ‘3 VL-‘- W 4g.'- 34: ..V‘ ") Leas“ LL4— .xib C ten rs 1* ml:- \ ‘-‘o.~d Ln Cu. J- L; urotcc ‘- J- DO serve 1 P“ {‘1' ,- ¢-~J¢-‘—r-.ls “J‘s-LL Lg L036 CP‘” LD"‘COZL;l' ‘ we a I “ “-{\_l‘ JL; b‘v.., CC 01 O. .L ‘I A: I r x (' "-“no A . 1‘)“ L ‘ t F ‘ :3 ‘L. " $ '10 q l 4 t of It: LI’ dcvclcg. the '1 . .‘ , ‘ " CLauSG . ('5 s) O -1.‘ l 2' 02b"; L in "ya A . . ‘5‘5' Suf“ “'A r J._.L-;0 g“;- 3 IL"- CT 0 .3"! ‘- cnant c J- L; L-‘I— ‘y‘l *0 "to m- \4.‘..' .“CT ._-L c w-‘H - ‘d L sgoy ‘ 1“ U‘sv 4-7. ,1:- UJ. ‘— ... i J.— ..— L/ L4. '21 a Ci" .2. .n u div. me Tu. fl .0. 4f- fl w l .- 'l CELL N § ‘5.) ‘ I L ‘-’\L -' ~ -. O L; }. 4.4L ' - - (‘ . 5.9.5; 0 V vt ‘- “t of re (-3 . -n. 1 12 tm V‘- .—. O ce- ‘3‘ th of -.LJ. LLLL; —'--o :t of Levi to (-.- ' '4“ (V- "x?“ QA;O*:)i‘-L-L‘C) Cbno- Q -ociaticn or '1 r! r‘ g-..) L) - 1xtc‘ ' «LL 5.) ‘ 1‘ “ 44LQ 1.11 a 14.03." ‘Ilp Q ‘I .5. HOLUGTJ' Itc a 1 ‘0: L: .L p ‘ 0 q Q.A.A. L inw- * 13.530 0 ‘89 ll-’ _"0 Juan» I 811 case 3 V In SO)” h 1-, L SLLO 3 =e \ - of 1 .1. L uS ‘tcu;81, o L all i V U n ‘5 I » L0 to LLJ- 1! \J. L/ “.L7“I '1‘ -5 J- 2:53.; not CC" 01‘ mm - 4.;1‘- center. 1 .5: 57‘ U 3". .9 ‘ L A 030 .L ,w xi r-‘n r1 ‘ 0"“ L“ c th 0 1* WW1. .LM 1 a '7‘! - cente “e «3-. U¢A uLL 4 ‘4 i 0203 l- LI '. -_ v .i . (A. 141.1;‘8tlll- , - . | 04.1.0 -2.) -, \ C ‘\ "jtd ~'- r- .‘.-l¢-" o 3 ‘J .L Ad 0‘ LL;; 1‘ .--l-‘ I" but f 1+9 -_ ,— L‘-\ (‘ J. 1 P. . y ) 1rx -—~. v~ 7': ‘5 ts .‘A egturs buub ARVU allowed stc15 to oLeL at “lll eve Lot po- 3" a“ 600“ 7 Hr r‘1'1 1.; *r 1'.‘ 4‘7‘ ha. .r‘z‘fi P." 4' ”rat‘s 5. CO. .C Q-.CCK/>J.J.L-LL L4,.) .1L~.L._J au U;ACQC I.¢.‘.U .u’lVG 0:30.- iCCL beC ALI'. A11 ’ ‘x Trmnr-v 0 av "' "-‘m ti ‘-’r* ~ fi” "‘ - ‘T ‘1 7' " '“ t‘ws '1 "H1 up All IL... ucl... " crumb.) ‘4. 1].. C410 -.Cl;.) ._.L.. ,. uC ..lg $10.80. 1;- --k/ _LcLov A . .2 J- .— . 0 LA. .,. 3 _ ' m a .1 -. M ‘| Au” 0 '~ 1.. 7- ‘ along wth gogglllo y~rlo 1c quebsz.Lnts to DO L,fllur b0 33'“ 1-! ~r‘fir“~s - . ‘3‘ r\ . J‘-~ "\ a '- LOth 1 QC iM‘lLLLS OJ. {31-63 COILt‘V .4. . AQuK/u-JAHCl- S -.LsJ— fi'h *1F‘“"11‘* 4'” r-- v.1 '7 (“’n n "Nb?" '3‘ tf‘"O 1""r": 6“ fi""7 4"~-~c- 3-7‘6 1"T'r- *5 0.... C Lu.) “a...“ .5. ‘Lb ‘ OK.» .44; (.1 3:19;. 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Kr‘ u-L 'Vk’ _ . 1“ . H 0 o n . 1 f“) fir! fl'v.‘\ ~ , 1‘. - ' . v- 7 V ‘ -"1(1 ’3 Vfi“; r\ 1. q .-,- a ‘5 wr b cu a-pa. I“ Luv LugluL 5 LC coLLu-u thy su,vrm rhvta CLOUD) 1.. - , a 1-- 4..- . . ' .2. ‘ . .9 .1. J-',. . L - - .3" .—. t .a ‘ ° 4 alps-1- J '_ \ r‘ r .- ~n . . , ‘ s . r‘ n . s. Ll\"C-L- :1- LI\vO U- -C-‘\.LSK.‘..'..\‘. UO tAJ-J.‘. V27 LJJJ-CI‘LLSC1‘..'-LL S\ll_‘,':—‘.:‘ J. ‘JC b-;-:.L -- U$$e -, I.. -- J,‘, r .V .- - ~.fl J-‘- A .-.. - - . . V. J. .? .V ~ . t A " A” :) at“ . ,\ f I r' h 5'34" . N 3 I‘» ‘n ’1 C‘ .r‘ , 4X“ *'Jl"f'3 smll Cb.‘-'dvi s.) v-1v b4')vs CA1. 94- (JJ. U-1KI ..J'...'I'~I.~;- k3".“.\w Us.) .LQ .L". (.11.. ND L -'-‘. .. .1 .. .. 3.4.-.. 4.. . -- .fl ..1. .0 -‘ 5°- :- pnousagna 13 LUCLDJ- K) thouscfiA1:x;;L:e i'wau c; 3;;00. 1; Uflo " "1 - 8/. 1, ...: -- - _. - J. a42ual 1.A.r.C. LsctLh< 1n 19,; tag ngs L04 3:; acupu "no .. J—f: - r)..« ,- ..._-,,« .'v-.-' . - r»- .. . ‘~ " o "‘ fl “‘ "" ~u" " O I.) U ' .Ll'. (—344. 93.1“; “gal V DJ. 111110 Of t,“ U 2.111104; CLQJ :Ltll.1 D , ;-L' .'I DJJ. b CI. . -. __ _ - w ‘ 'I n a a ‘ a_ o f‘T' 0 (§ 1 ‘0‘". . 1 at (a ‘ L . lut " ; . .C‘ . - qvx‘ 01A,C-‘ h; .L Li. ;;-a .JL asnl 9 -113 (LL: 1‘ 63: er: u;¢3 ...n ‘ . ‘ f‘ ‘. __‘ ,'\ F '_ ‘_ ‘ 7' . ,. r‘ 3 ’1 ‘ 1 h h ngurinb two nhfldTUd aLu ” on occh LclL323 Cl " ‘v‘ 0' q H .a .—" _’14_ "J J- Lcfi ‘ t 4‘ .- JCCHlJ sqLcs Uer sggL‘e ;,Cu 0- be l a~ca, a guess 0 "Al- "' I ‘N" -l-‘- ‘~ -r£(‘ A .W ‘ 5-7 5'," 4- J- _J- F. '."‘-". 1 01 113;“;Cc“ 31updunu squmgc 1101 quCl arca .vulu - ‘ "1‘." ‘\.’- . 3" ".t“‘j ‘9 “ 3-: . “ 1‘ l w'f‘vlf De nuvupu tc y3o11C€ 113 111110“ uOlluTS a J1a3.'11 "1"- 31.- .1 1 °.1 ...-1 1.1.. ..- ..- 1.1-- -- J-.- A- ‘1‘, 1 1 ,_ 1.1;? 1no 13111 1 33.13133111 c011333c 1:11 113 be h to 1&3 o” 111 1.1- —. -' ' -.3 1 4.4..... . 4.- . 1--.. 1.9 3 ..~ la b 3 311333. If L115 txchu cn1311313, CCLSuBhCulUL U1 sapc3- - .. - . - ,-.1 . .31 .._- -. .-.L. ,1!” 3.31 .11., ,.)- .-. .,- \ 113L013 v11L11 11cy 115 ce1uc1s 011 we 31ycctbu to 1LL3Lase 0 1n size also. Ow"‘\ " fly I‘. '- I \ ‘ '3 . '1' -9. ." J"‘\ _' 9' "ouy13h1rLet CE’iLs a30 ta 1-011ge go c-30001 316 t1.ent~ J-“ n“\/‘ H-a ' \ s r‘ 1° . I‘\C' ’.b\‘ ULCUSth sq 139 feet 1131 1n th v! 31 WOD 1mg centc1 .24. .3 — 3- 1-1 ,3 .1 3 . , 1 . .,-, 11113. A fo3t bfl 1311“1u squ;re foot svpsrzx :cthho _ 3 - A-.. .1 ,1 . - n J- 0 1 l moor 13 an u1fieDtlcnull' l 330 1nst11135101." 4 ‘- . a f1 'L ‘1 . VI. Snopplng Venue: “1 s “11.3 ' .n .- .34. m 3 r 3 .9. -- 1ne 5120 01 the shopu 110013333 1 3133 13 glcale as -‘ J—‘ 3~ ' - —‘—. 1,3 ..1 u. 4- *J: —: 1 u 1. ~3-«° ‘ .32.!- LCGS 11 3120 of £10 sufiermrACUs. 113103111 shcgglng £111e35 3 1‘1!)1 ‘ ..2 -- ‘Tn .fi a'r - r ”.1" ’. 4,"? 1". a.re con211 3;: as rcg1onal-- 13 V1IJ 113gc, 001113 VJ--the ’1 . ‘ . r," n’\ " a . -" ‘I-"\ I s .1 '4 . m”. .--: A, L 03111.11 31111;,c11113 [$3113 '1 Ci- ‘QI1111CCL--1313‘1 81.0.11 51538. 1D Q1 v1 -311 ' 1.. ..n 11 . ... -1- ,_ .0 n n 3. 4.. 3. 1“,. 3 a 1.1-. . n. , r1 1aca 01 He 3elgt111 5120 01 OLGA 1530, tn; fcl1c.11; 11gu‘1 s 1 w ,_ _fl_‘ "' r _ w _-_\7\ 1mmfl.~ DC ru113AL1gt141vc ca CAM11 1490: A fl A "‘ A ‘V . I“ a. flG$_OuCl (11330 1110) H "'4“ 1" f‘fi: / 1.0 1-31-05 K’O “1,14”. - .J- . - n1-111 s 030 3331 20 acres PurA113 area no 31323 A - cr 5,010 :33 -‘ . '3er - '."‘- ' Ara/\“w‘r '1“ 'L (7 COL .113 '8..'1':l:1£) 52.1.1CC 43 ’3.) i’L/JL/Dl- ‘ ' -10 1OOL¢ 4 _-1 0.- . - rot31l :u1111g sgaco) .T‘ ‘4 4-. - ‘_‘~-‘~.\- ~ r-.-‘.1--‘ - - '11 'i . .11.“...C COLC Y]e“bwv*-, " AJL'J.’ L31 leL 1.01; -.CY‘uu‘S, v01. 5 1' r' *“ no. #3 (Octoocr 1;,1%0), y. 17. 1o 1 . ' n‘ 'f‘ ‘ -| . ‘ ~~o ‘ j A. fl“ 6 . '14. ‘ ~ ~ 'Cc ters Ca 11 103 11L303 thTuS," u1113 1uc~e A5 ._I' .1 . '. '1' . -.. .- Q “I ‘l—n 1 T' F n- A “111n1sbrat1ve Edition, V0. 32 31. 6, (1a; 1, 1;,0 , ». 13. ...? ,- ...: W“ I‘ I- I-\ 4“. ‘ ‘ ‘ \, - A. $~U1JLO¢¢LA1 (C‘J-LD.L.-L-CA«. ‘ ‘ ‘1. -..r- ° .1. / “uxuer L1 ratall sbores 00 1 — - r: “‘5 rd n x \ ' a 1 nerve t-auiuo are: 01 QFL,OqO peob1 111 or within 5 Lixut=s dri*i;g raxre 100,0 00 U ’3 _ - A‘ . J~ - < .‘ ,“xr‘fa “V : "1 “.’W‘T‘. """ ’3 ') "h ilk: s.) \ -‘J'.’ L . .. wk...“ 1:0 a; 1:11" LJL-_L. .1... \JV \4 L. AK-~—. .1- ._.1, {h L. rig1.-;_9.tccal 0.. CU IT.’ hp - 17% t: 4"? 0‘ r‘\(.' -. fi»- (‘ . I" R.) 4.). VJ»... -14....L/v ..VL..L1L.. glob -‘ ~ - n- r‘. . ‘ '\(~ “V a; “:1; 1C LCJLu 7‘ -1‘—-.'4~ - —\ A [JAO fl AAIN ‘ "~“' ‘1 - . ,r . t ,9 . ~’. - ‘v- ' . o. 1 894. 4.1a» -0 a... Cg» A'.., / \. ._.J a 1*- \.z\..«' ’54-;- '1.) ~- 1 . n(‘ qr’ V. _—) . -r-‘ o, __ . 1-- "‘2' OJ. L 1'0" Lb--J) _/ LS ...v I" n [In F [5-0 . J." _ l rthes 1;rcr1 1 .1 a[ F, fl “-4, ..3 a .., ...“ ,. 7 1 C ”q LLklu'afi. \4 'v. .. vuu \I-LU A, - u . " .._ —. ‘- ' -_ 1 -J. , . ‘— ‘ J- - .L- J- (-1 - J..r‘fi - '7 A 'v “1‘ ,~~a “.r‘ W“ '1 fl 'fifi"; “r‘ 1 TZLCB as ‘abJ.O-lLI-_ S'L‘pr‘Lé‘L- \I..-U‘v -. .._Ca-LJ {qu .é. Uh.) o". k‘La L/\-I§_) U CuLl-Vfi 5-. :- J' H ("‘ A." -J“17 '1 « \ 1 "‘1" '. ”Gr ‘1‘ ' r'. J " X‘ .11 I“ ' I . - ‘ f4 1 ‘ 5""? Q. 'n (VS) V bad-QC C ,,__ C1131. gnu- V1'1.;llu. --'.l. LL11 g- xv .'.;L.. cv .9";.1.\,(, Ls. ”.m 0.; cup -0 J- .. - .L" , . ,- ' '1 . .-V J- w ‘v "-. - .‘ .. . -. .. .6 .. . .1- - a)“ ,fi ‘.\r'-v _ ,- \.\ 1-‘3 ""r‘ " . 3' '7'! ‘ *4 "‘ -"‘- “ "5"" (.5 O; S VOL .J Lu...v l v ...C- .<_,~-L. LL-‘ Lag-.2. 224..) p. x-.. V.'.-'....'-' i4 .. C..- ._. (....L '1 us. 'uvl L.) L) v " . -— J." ... "b ..-. ‘ . ,q' ° ' '1_ . " . " . J ‘. . ' - a ‘ 1 r~ . n P“ r\_ ‘9 o 9- r? x '_ I R I“ _ I—c ' - fl :1". (Run (\1‘, h f‘. " L--lei L1;_v u». ‘14.- C... IJ..--t J.--LL.LV'.L.'\~._.\...._ g.-."- Kn--.L.J. I..- b-.\.‘ .5 '«O.1-‘-«-_'\.v Gag;— .. .1.” — . - T ‘ ' - - — ‘ ‘ ' J n J— 03 ‘5 ,‘N .\ A'j ‘(11-3 F‘ C‘ '1 (d ‘ ‘3‘ f.” -_-~ ’13. v\ "- " -“‘ fl ' ‘ " \“t 1""? ' 1 ‘1 f‘." tL‘. LIALL' KIA.-.".'.-iw.)j-s.1 .5») 04'. ‘11».. .-...bk; ’s..__r-u -.J.-'_ Vci Qfl (4‘. U.) (1.....1. UV..- " CA ‘t .4.— s) o l’fi‘ n - __ ' ‘ ‘ J.‘ r}?- ~u Q. (cg-q .— . '1 1 r... ’14.- - a._-\. q ‘ _-‘ '1?) _ 1:) -_~.--‘ '.f‘ “...-3 $A-J \J‘» ..---vb ..i t.) .../.1.ch S--C-;‘1 ‘1;'.L&.U Cy; le- {-mJVU UAgkl ‘;*' LI...) JLJ.1..{JV 'nr Y’w ‘. ,. '-.C' 7;"‘.'."I O 'i' r} 311: fl (‘3: 5/“ n-n ‘-- ,~'3-.-"“ h4'rxjwc CT- 1 r~"3u'-/\ 1"‘1‘5 aILCl L... ~.~..~A-U ‘u 'u-v... ,- \... U LLL~.-.V—J—- l\‘-'~"v‘\ ... U- ..kr--'&/ h) 'J‘v- d. .._-Auk «L a—L-—~J~ 60 variety store plus one or two leading supernarkets to draw traffic to the center. The other variety stores and serVice stores help add to the one stop shopping thene. The neighborhood shepping center stresses the conver- ience of or re stop shopping. A supermarket, drug store, and variety store tsua lly s pply the drawing power of a neighbor— hood she op Hi;g center. - Construction Costfof Shopping Center The cost of constructing a shopping center is high. Factors such as type of materials used in the construction of the building, land costs, and the topography of the land all raffect the cost of constructing a shopping center. "A develOper of well-1 {noun center iigures land and construction costs in the horth rarge from sixteen dollars and sixty cents per square foot including fi parking area at four to one of gross building pace."13 111 the South the range is lower, around nine doll:.rs and fifty ccnrts a square foot. Probably a Ledian range would be twelve Challars to Fifteen dollars per square foot including parking. .— IWLnancing Construction of Qentcr Securing fix 1aneing for a shopping center development 1J3.not easy to accomplish. Sone chains have decided to ex- IKEPinent with shopping center development and have formed Stflisidary organizations. The tight noneyr arhet has carried ‘yveI? from 1956 and many of the insxrance eonpanies who are 31ar43e fina nci a1 be.ck ers of Lany shopping center developers 13Ibid., p. 34. ‘ '5 ' ° ' “ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' ' ‘ ,. ' _ ‘ ' n 1 1‘ ' ‘ ’f‘- 1 ‘i ' 'I ' V _ ‘I,’ I . . ’ -| ‘ ’ l' " " .' J- L1 ' 7" f‘ l. " H 1‘ r‘ (-3 —\ 4' I' --‘1 T " 7‘ . ‘ ‘ —. P. l -2 'ur V .1..._‘..— UV». v--~'-.-.. .....-V .».d v. v-.VuJ --.... ...).--‘- . .._... vv- U'./ 54. .._‘.;.~ .LVVK. o 0 0 fl - '~ 0 n o c o u -\ 1" \‘fi no " 0‘ ..,-: ‘ -- "f r:- — rv|(- I " L' — 5 7’1" - "" 'x", ‘- - - ... -. -C ~ ,- (“10. ’v "('3 (- 7a..» \—’ F‘r‘. ‘A ‘1 /- oLH—uJ-“IJK'~ U-L.\...'.-u J. k” v...— L’o -.«°K J .vLOJ U VVO— 'sJ.:---~-'~'-v‘ kl ‘ -- ‘_’~-- ".— ‘~.Lo-—l v’ ‘ ¢Jab- K’dh ku‘-\/—, O A '1 _ - _ v '1 _q_ ‘ 1- _ _ 1‘ . ‘ , h _r-. _ ‘.‘ . _ 1 V. H . _ ¢ . f (I .V.w-_.. '." -.,‘, 3 ‘ ,., f ~, ) (a (x r"_ 1!- , fl —- ’\ u---I»L LIL LLK) ._vO ...». Vb ..-L.LL LIL Ll --.~-l LIO UVLL; Kan.) VJ. .L----b’.‘a.C_.--._‘. ..lx‘.K/__l.v.u i‘- J ‘ . - - A -- ' ' 3 ‘ ‘1 ° - J- ~ - . ' (‘“ FM ' -,-r. ~~*.‘m". U.“ c.- r ""1“ . .’ - .'1’: :1 SN" or (T? ‘14“ C "‘;“ V V- \-l- D‘AI.-$- ----..‘sr... L~_-. \. \o. .‘ \---A...v.'. - Kv .«KL - Lu"... , y“; Mtg-u ULQ$L A (4.....A-’ - " ._ _ _1_ , I ' ~ V ‘ 1 " "\. ° 7‘. _ J - V- ~‘ " “'1- n ‘ f‘ (“c ‘1 I_ ‘II. ‘»‘ P. .-‘ ‘ 5 ‘: ",' v ‘~ " “ ‘ ' ' "‘ l“ r‘ ‘ /‘. F‘.‘ I '* 'y‘) I “1 ' ‘QW "' f‘ .L (."a- - "k‘. C‘- UK/i.)‘..'.; Q'V- U \J\~-"’. L/ L]... ‘~—- U-..C.LA. _ -J.-C u.... x -5.) J. \l\.1\.'. .L - J-.. I — KI‘J‘IK. :1. I -‘.\- n... , .r (3 '31 ‘3: ' V v — 1 ‘ ' r‘ 3" ‘ . .' ' q n *1 “ ~ ~ ~‘3- . rs. -'- -' f '\ .z - .. - ~ .. . .1..‘- " — _,‘.‘ .1 -. '.1 . ' (_ . -, . - " . 5 ,—< , ‘ .. . ‘ _— ,‘ .vL--vC“ ,JC- k... \JK/KA \4‘ .\\ ... LA'lpJKJKA Vs-‘A ..'- LIMA-.1. ... “ . ‘L'NL'~1_--J..J‘ ‘- slfiv‘A.» \ w- .‘ '. Ky- . ~-...-- - ‘ - . — _ .- .-«-' r“ r- ".2—7’1 4: {-9 #1“ -- n'- 4. ~ '- ~‘ nC-n' -v- 4-"1‘1- ".T‘. ." 31' "' ‘-‘ —«"‘(_“.‘.“‘.’n_ IJ-nvon ”,n U ‘J‘—.-——d-b k) D‘v K1,; 9;.- kl-OV \0 ' "u. -' ‘J-Ao.‘~‘-L-. ' ‘ ‘ ‘k. - s uJo-s ‘ -— "‘l"—— 2.: up I ,-.r..-j -.,..,,l.!-,‘.‘. V" fl. J-.- ‘., .,,.. 4",. -'-,, .L. '(‘ (3 3... ,. . ‘-.x-,) .h . 'u . ‘ .1 , I 1‘ ‘ x r ,4 .‘ ' ‘ , U4.‘~ ‘J , ..g. \d'.. L... k.‘. vbh‘. ‘.‘_._k‘..- Dbl -..k.IJ' v V ‘- \J, by - v.. V’ ‘J._(,’ J'"’.I...A-b CC... Liv“ ...) o - ’- ."\ ~I‘.",-. «- -"~ ) I Q I A ,. a. \..J.._...v . \t‘-~'\' (s’d. .. kafl. .. ' -‘..-—-'-" ‘ t ‘~\v-r~~— 3‘ i” \ " -~- " - 1 1~ ’" “’7? -' r "— - .- - ¢ 1 '1: . '3 ‘1 r . [v . V. I ’ : ‘. ‘. . . .: ‘. .' . 1 . _ :C— s». vvky V (v;~bu-pv ..L.-- b.‘\/ ‘..'.‘\_I ‘. ‘rmbil‘l..t‘. . Ll Ll; AA'J v- -_.JV'-. V _Ct..-v LB-..“ ”1 W q -- . W) -‘ I .5 f“ ‘ ‘ . PK ‘ ‘1' P ‘1 - “ -.. ' ‘r -‘ :~ , " ." "“' s v - - ‘7' ‘ " "x ‘ .‘ V‘. (—‘d—b. \.“--—L&A tA;L\.\ MK: V] ‘c'... ‘5‘. 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'.5 (lot Ukrv...’ - l.‘ —.b .1- ..L. J V U-L~— LfiuJLL-J\.’L .V;.~ Li 3.) 1. ' ‘ O l 7" q ." < ' ~ ' 1 ”'SHFW'”? "' 1“".4‘fxn "' -‘ H 1“'\..""" '1": .v \'-.'.f‘ 11f“ f. Av: ‘ —-‘ V J; Liv- *(.._....‘.’ ljeA‘Iv...” .._ . .'.- \J J V-- L) , I v... K- :x,. 15, (Adril 1:, 1957), ~. to. _ Y . ; - iv . ‘1 "1..- ,. ‘ o~ " ...A... -.LL ‘2. L'L-r A i;-\1~_u fit- J . "— ~'~- LJ ‘ re \lL. L2 4 j .4! ‘ 2‘ [(3 J 7’} ';'\-1. VII. -‘utxr: Predictions . .‘ _, .'-‘. D - . A _, . . ' 4. ° .. '3 " , " -. I’.‘ \ 7‘.“:31 7 ‘."“ -'7'."-’7‘ ’1 ‘H '.."'“(" "‘(“""‘./’ ‘UflLCLJ LI keg/K2.) Ullkz .L c‘. L-.. [£1 (2*; \24. o lgléw CiLLV-J UfiC-.. ..Luu h—u)--\-2 \; — 7“ F1 ‘ "‘ “." .“ ’, ‘9' ~’- "n rd/ 1" 0 1 . 'r‘ ’\:”r .A.r.o. Fucking ll; LCbO.Jk:-, 19/U OJ. lOdLJIL CCU.- _!“_ A ,~ fl '_fi V‘. 4-5.0' »'\~&U V...- V-- s -'- .9 - '1 .. . . -- -L 1" J.‘ — .. .. .. .."7 _ , J. .. ‘- -, _ . .1- :- f'W‘.‘ a 1 ‘1 . K. ' '\ .‘~ ‘ ~ |,. ., ‘ ‘ . -.. ‘ f ', ..L.-Co;._;.C‘, 7' ‘ ’ 7 x. ~‘ -’ .’ ." ' 3/ C: fC‘ ‘ ? 3.11.3 '1 P" ,.1 -- f. ,7” ,.‘va-,_ 11 E“ ... n35; .1 . ‘ .. J. -. - ,- W‘.‘ 4.73 ,fi fi «\ “4-7 .3 . , { . .... n I" J-‘. ,. r» ' " “LVN"--U 95.1-.) n.‘ .- p.‘ -..... ‘J .....L..\s...L.Cr:l U4. U4. Lil-Kt 4, {.1 'J.J.¢L.‘.bs) UJ. u-.:g\a l‘. .- 1*" , a: my. 2 U \‘wq'45v— H) *3, 7.. ”Huh .._,,.‘(,.-:,*_ .. .~- T-..I»" mi. 1 (16. .. (‘14..awc l... . _y--.-\.--ug I... v.-_....vl_u (mug... .L n... V J..- IL.-;J , V--_L_v_'.' 2, 7'1 " .3 I" -7 _.. . H. -_-- ,\ ‘. 0. J-‘.: r‘ .1. 31... ,. 1.1, y (:11‘ _ ,-‘J- .; ‘. f. ,— 1A,“ .L..;....._.l_-.v.l.._)o :on ..‘5 Ivy V UA‘L‘. u -._A» « club 1 L34. \z L/_.'.J-.('_', «..,__ \4'1». _ -1.-, _,"D F‘fi _o _ _'_\ _ J.-.‘ - J ' . ‘1rq t1, \ ’1 ’\VI- ‘1 P‘- ., . _ I ‘ ’ ' ‘. 1 f I . ‘l ..v . I i - . .' '4 L... txJLA—J‘K" bl&_LCk,_ (Jv’, U-..“—/ LI... -.I -~'. IJ‘~-' ”a.-. Lt $1C4 ‘Vt‘u ‘ \.-_..\4' .V—~t C: ' ‘ - ‘ ' r ' v ° .. r ‘F v x’ 5 <1 A 3 ‘ ~ - —. ~ r\ < . , - - -. ‘— f. ‘ ._ - .— ¢ .7 .~ ‘ - a. .I . .- 1““ n- _ .. 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"\ 7' ’9 '- 157' ‘t 7" tar- - r-hc~‘.'l‘ 'r' ' C, ‘ .'X'r, 1a '1 j “I ""2 Q7 r-u. x C‘ L-‘ . -k-a-J. “- ~—? J.‘ VO.’—$—k—L¥‘~ vhkh.-J- Ja—k‘n p.) A— \"~V‘--l V’- ----7‘54 v' "V-—\-’~), - o - o w‘ I ~ A o 0 H Q v " ~r9-. ”r‘T‘ir . r w~suaea ,—~ .~ a .~~~~m~e .,11 . .«a crap e 'd'eira Vk..._a--L.~ V~&«~“‘-H . A .K‘a‘. ._..‘u Du.) \- ... ‘J-.\/ .... Q..L/ '.4. ~‘ ......- L." V .. ‘v ....L- L 0"- un- V .-x —~. -. ~, .2 ,A.~, ‘-.'- .‘,_ 4 7-. r Y‘.‘ 3 fl ,7" -. 3 .~ ,q 3-. ,..-. fi‘f") ~CJ.“t ...-jg, I" ‘1 .1 rl-vh‘fi‘J‘ -_x-.. 'CJV kukln Vk'L/V ._.J k.- v L—A.-~g.ol_~.v c” K. VgAV -J U- _-. U\‘.- v k’.. Nfdlyfi \.'k..U . s 0 Ch '7" "> w T: 'n *‘F: ‘F ‘ '4 " 1“ “7' "‘C ' "" "W1. "i ' C»? " C L “1 " 4‘ CI -) 11"}. ... Ull‘.’ .' (...,_\n u .._L__'-..- 7.2--14.-\.L v1.42”. v. L. -. '.. \_, . . up- UV ..-. - 1".“9 U ‘L . , .- .L - .... 'V \ .. . -.. A _- - ' - - . . fi —. — v.’ . ~ -- ‘ .—\ --- ’. \- f\ ('\ q . 1 1 . . 1 ', . . , a. r 4 , (I , ‘ , ,n r- . {- ‘ a, b‘v b\.' (.-.-1.1 LLLUVJ. 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'V- ._ Jbu \ .— ‘ La of moo ~wv~nn “A: ~=+V one +n hum .mw n,a-:~- We- LIV h. , " .‘l‘I‘ \Jk \-‘..‘. k1 .L v u—' b I._L \Jgi ¢_‘~./“--’ UV‘ . x V bk—u'. ~-.— -....-— “ I ‘ fl 1 ‘1 I . O u q ‘ fl v v. —, > i ".".-(v ' n.“ ‘I '."-"‘v‘«' - -. "of r- “.v r‘" "'11! if)“ 7 " z ‘-\ (‘2 '0 U v -2 ..I-‘.. v-J— ‘K'IJ. ‘- .LA-‘ (aka... JV— .2 i- -- \J ‘.n ) LL“ ”(subs ‘--... was u-.'.. -s- UL! ~ , '9 . l ”-1; -- ‘r-‘- ..." “.11 l' r\ f’r’? . .,. {.._ ... ’W,". .01 o _F._}',-.I,.. :N .r‘f( 1 fl ..1 ! ‘..v‘k-.‘ 4"‘-r"‘ s—L.~-.n. .- ' [I] . .r\—‘ K! 5.2..LA1LV .L ’1‘ ._m \J‘JV‘-h .~ Kw '\r'-Q ‘1'»th _ r. N _o 1 n H - _ u ‘ P. 9 ‘ _ o ’ , ’ o > 1 '1-r oer ~ t~‘- rm..\» :~:~":=: r-- . r »~~«> =.»w:\ 1!~'co ...L\~ .. J. \b t) .1 .J. U&‘ to-.. .. _ \«-__ n)--‘—‘ s. -- v-‘._ I '4 ~-' *—- -‘ kl \l- V ‘4- -:- ‘ '- . M’ i ‘ U ...71 .1 t '-2 1‘ ‘1r‘v\'v-»-‘ A» ~-; “.._ . '1 -¥—'. . ‘- ) n " no-.,~_h t 4.-.. \- J _ “I V -v..- .L v.- K; -v L’ . ... .-‘ . \ - v q - ~ .“ -. --.~...' *a- ._ r. '. <-'-.. (“.1 ° “an": -.. --_ . “J\s n».-. v-5.2, ‘L'._ \v;J._-‘--’-.‘I $A-..‘-_ .- ‘-- L- ‘-'~.—._ s! LIL—J, U( .-_*-_\r-$J---v. -\ I o .- -\ ' |. 1 '1 -i ’1 y' '- fl" -’ .v .1 - ." —< ’4', (‘.J‘-. '3 '1‘ ... s.’ Jo —.~ ”I r ‘ , - N’.~—-'\—) v» s‘U \14 -—k~’~» _ \o \"\..—~n.2 2.. _\-/'J-_‘\2.‘- r. \—|.) --J—b ---- ._——-bv— 'V - 1 .‘ i '. . o. ‘ . '. .: _ '1 '-A n . ,- c 1,- 3 . .'3 fl. ,— a ’--2 1, 1 rl 1 . -) - u‘ ,0 \.V‘.-\¢. -..»- v \“-‘2 \z...-_7.~ . “,1 ._.\. 'l.n 'v ., u) .._.. .... V »’.. '_--AL& 5.) ‘-J.,--‘_-_ ...‘\t - k1 ' '- ..~ \-—- - 7 ' . 0 -~.-‘_"‘ H '! r.1‘-".r" r~e C -1‘-.‘.-. -~'--., 7 7 ~-_—« ;",‘ ,-. . _—‘ |.—<-,-;'— A —‘ LII-{“W‘IF‘ ~_-‘.'..‘ /‘._- J_|r‘x -..V Ju.‘ ---—v... \JV. :3 ~ ‘——u.._- -U ‘-__ ..a..,.7 2x) v l_U k2... u..\ ‘\ .. )......J. U- - - .L w T “v“ 1H .. - .'IlI, "(1 — -. 7‘?an ..J- 1:1,,- ~ .. n “u- , .7 .,, . 7- m 'rr ‘2 r? ‘v‘-.-.—". u.) .L *(J ,-u_) U .Jh... ~'__.‘.-u,‘l| Ju'. ~—-- .._.-.- J .- x-I- by, - \ ~~o. / ' ‘ ‘. 0‘ - - _’_‘ A‘ fi‘H/ _ -—’a— v (2 ““ ’ \ I. 1 1‘ ' - ' ‘ n v —’.. ' 'V _ . s/ ‘4 J I. A ~ , a I ’ J- . / 5. . 4.1 : .. - ,‘I .1- .1. ma. - use llcseas s sales yer r"tore. LLO L “ea'c oper- Lm - m. .- n I..- -o 4- - - -.-- n aollr e“ CLSG Deodgse cl “es lactors lS SlgglllCcnto Kr. Grines president Indepefi3ent Grocer's Alliance , Chicago: 'Solo stores jlst across from shopping co ters will develop to counteract the exclusive arrorge- :onts rode Ui‘hin “he s‘opping centers and particu- larly then they are is“ ex lusivcly with chains. Kore econcnicol constr1 developed on a unit con .- allcr :srLet ecu “ . 4" ‘v“ . :3 ‘ n ' ‘\ ion lor .eileings ”ill e— 'l- 1‘ ‘3 v~ :- . 0. crectiou oasis so that :3. i1? ox emled as L030 5 see \ I . .'r.) L1bCJ 9- (.1. (11A Lil M b V ‘ .L .- - . J- AI. ... .... . —— fl , .- ' f) 1‘0 " +. ‘L . w r' .s -.r~ (‘ -n_, 1“ - (‘ 1:2 IlUv Civic ..O- “Laud.“ 10---bebl--o ._JUO-L/ llbl- ...), ,,'.L‘- A. - ‘-~q~' a 1A (- 4- n-n (‘3 haw-a '7. 7 1‘ -°~~fiwt‘. AV: I-l Lin-l U¢.-_ llxanu.) Oasis DJ;)CC bescfivllkkn- Q-I-b;-~) ’ ...,ll" LI.G .. vs.- Alb-L Aq- ‘ o: q \q111 '\ i 0: ‘st A — t. I I , . UL! ‘fe 10' ‘Jé/r £- ml' C’s/... lg*4,_‘ .--- . -_. (‘w“ r‘ 1-- Vyh‘o“ K4.- U “r" _, "3 °~ " 1 a ' 1 V 4 ' his ‘x‘x'x r ' 1‘. ‘7}. ‘ '\ ‘ '5 "l -’". “’77“ ' ‘ . , 'N J 'F ‘ ' ‘ v)- s'..L‘~2~. 4.}..LI..- .L.. .L. .J. “1.; ild.¢-.LJ’ ‘-V-o J.Cc.‘L... ll.» L-a. v id'bw4-b I. ~31 f“ - - ' -' ‘ #1 ‘ 0 111-4 -7 3- "#1 * W -‘ - f l -— j -' I. r‘ a c" J-r '-‘ 4 r. ' - - . , a. 1"... r o. —’- '- .5 .._v ‘ ‘ '- -‘ -- ‘ ‘ ._l ‘L C I'kuy'. ....L V-- ¢. VCC‘A— \.L- U:— \Lk.&bJ—--L’ .4.‘ d\*k-e—4‘-\J‘I M-.-- Vo¢v .. -.b/‘-‘-L #5.! U.‘~v fi - .' 0 [m 0 J o g I J '. V F" “- .. ...w‘ 21"”. ~-—1 "'1“ r f‘ \ .3 13-, ’u -. .r. 0‘ ,—l -I) : 4---fiFV --‘. -». —- ’--. o -- ./\-— v.33!- »n-j 50‘ y hr" 'k‘».— ,L): LV- ~V.LJ.-t-.\tu. *‘55 4-- DJ.’\- u.’ ._-...L ...)“- ‘V"*J‘Q, L- wLU {lock—“l- ‘7..-. v U‘ r .- _ 1 '1 . - "‘ 1.’ J.‘ 411‘ - 1 \" 1“ - ,an \ ..P (“'7‘ .'fi 1‘ RI. ,4!“ II . '4‘” (fl (.\- r-qfi “—L/Lb A VLKJ-Lo -_VUQ — Ua“'.~\‘\-L UaI‘ég-Lla D’AC L’JL 3: ‘JC-l- 8.; .1”. L'v’ S . ‘L’VUC VL~L'-6~Q(V ') 4‘! 4“- ‘ (“'"1‘ 5.1.3,.“ ‘ rs-ov r\ ~-‘ 2‘1 “ -'- “N W. 4" "a "a! '1‘ ‘ !'H+ ‘. ' ' ' ‘ ‘ . . .‘. ' ._ ' | '.. ’ 1| . I ' r 1‘ n- .l.-- U‘AC H»-- x_-..I_x.-.U_LV.; $Lx~VC L.L,k-J —»; (2-Lu.--L,\J~) ..L.-- VALV -Cv mL:*-;Q .2 v- k.\z J..- .7 .9 . . -- ."- . '- ‘1 . f‘ ‘ .» . . .. 'V o p g «0 YW'T‘. 2’” ~ ”~71 l ,1 s (3‘ 1 wwr‘ I H .I .“ . \ _I\'}‘-r“ —. 2“ -~ ._ .L- . .—-c ’- 1 ’ . , 1 ‘ . _ , ‘1 . I . ’) ‘\ a «e , Uh-_ V, i).~ .... .de. l ‘f , ...-L §.I CVJ- U.- '_..--j—.£_.\—/\.L L’fi 0"; ._.-“U ‘VI-hl) u‘ " ‘v 9') . .-.\-I _. ‘ L-C—'-- n." .1. .1: ‘ 'I -. .. J-.. - .I- ° . .- ..° ‘1 '1 - 4.}. x3 1 - r. , \r 1n rrq w x ‘ -r.~ ' ' '(‘3 4 \I.L.L ‘40 U £1.-ij ‘\..\C’k’(\j- AU.— Loo-3-164“ Vlol‘ (.‘- Qg—L‘u—I a, --O I'——L.L AQK¢V ’ 1 Li‘— _ 1 _ _o ‘ -\ _ J_ _ o ‘ V H ‘ J-J_ ’\ Jw _ _o _ c _ ‘V o ( r311 I‘ t p 1-'- “of (q rv‘MN _.7 -- r I ‘5 W 1 Q, .1 at} I'\r‘ Stet VI] 9.1. :~.\/ .1..'|.ka.4...) LI- J1 ls.) ..‘..k‘..a. {JCI‘L‘g‘ KJ. UUVA. C... C 1.....L-.LC$'.. --kyl- ' . - J—o.’ '- ... - 'a r -- .‘ .‘ < .Y DA .o‘ - ' . . 11 ~ ‘ 614—. ‘7“ '3 ,) \ ‘.\ . Y\- 1 (‘ ".(‘ r- 1!) '. .3 r- q (-.- ,(N ’1 r or fi‘rf CL; bHOJfitJ bau— -’ Lia-'-'- U S:_AO-I L‘iio O...- \J Ja- 5.) L0‘ ‘I’ \'-K/‘r\:-V~O;-l.i.v.. K.) a. £40. _‘._\.-_“4 'riJ.A\—"- t\fit F“'v‘ (‘7)3 n'z -.’ J-r‘ r jfifi fi‘ r-?C«~~ J—O WOCAIH‘ if (V-Z‘f‘), -\s~ r- CC -‘-'/‘y.(~ A‘ss I.) .5; V‘.. --.. ‘5) (...—k- Cyb‘-:h..c. \.L.) U .A— £2.le ...L \J.J\ ; ‘ ""(J .. UV- ...). 1 C n s _ o l 3 f‘ ' 1 x 4‘ fl 7" ‘, r (1 ' (N f -‘ ' rv- j 'r In r -\ ‘ . *$L(a 1 )~W~:. 7‘ £.L«.V &I¢-lJ- xr‘ C.-.- u.)-~C;) ’.-.¢- Ck’- leJu~ N) L“- U . 1g””te wnwwaun fiu~*1*xxn. --. .” :sna . 11" \AL 14‘- ... -5...’ .Q .... t_2.(’ .1. LlJ-K-Is.) Run—J. kl i)‘ OV.LkLk’\/\. ") ‘.I.\ \, (a‘ -/\‘ '\~' -- -- /\ fi“-J-r\".$ '.-.51 v .--1 pg ‘1-._-~ J- -, fl‘ 1- ~ . p. q,- go .LJ..L(_2 ua;\.'i:).,'__--:.) eugbp- y; CVlL-.e.;; ...‘...'_\2) S LC;7 .‘JllC -71.]..45) .2“) J__ 0 ._ _ a .0 _r\.r'. _ J. o . o ""I ,11'? ' W fi,’ 5 '1 1r " 7'. ‘3 j,- t _ 1 1 fl 3. ’_ ' " i;LCC- I LC-hk. {ll—.-L) . LKQI J (VLL-L .L C- kl ‘1 [J 1 'w’) Ovll J‘I_Lull-ov 5) .._.-CS . a "u \ f.‘ "Y ‘ 4_ Q. sucs,i40 CLLt ;-s are celtrally locateo to serve a "ive:q area Ll ...- ' "‘ x ' ‘ 1‘ . J" . ." . "I - rc-- ~‘ u ““ '1'“ \ '1 H 1 . ~— .‘~ 1 V . C L. vcnyotiULCe is gs fill; ceetsollee 14 Lee slog)- mg ..4. - 7 -.1 .- .,'1_- .- , . 0.. ..-- -.- CCanJS. eSJell- Col; 00 retailer 1L QUJ one L" h) \J. v (.) ‘ O .‘4 . J- -- | ~ - .P‘ 1 . -. . - ' .LJ - W ° I ‘ J ‘- ‘J 1,, "7 ‘7‘“ .r‘afl“ " "" ,.""'V 'v ‘1 av. "-" 3 'I’W‘W 't".':'b V .‘J V.— L vlLJ—L- -"4 l.t'|-- ..LIJ ‘~' Ja- ..-..LU ‘1ka .1 l- Uéhcd (IV..- LIV-o [£11 5‘ ‘ C'pé,(" F no ‘\‘v:".’ (1-56" ”154-36,“ n+4 v». . DJ ~l - v n- v. ...... - - ..r U km- - ... '-. U... L. \1 L}; 41., Q / V”? 1 - ”L a 1 o o a '1 w 9 ""7". I '.' " ‘H" ‘A " ' C‘. '1 " I“ f" 'u _. T'Tl " J‘ '1‘ ..r-‘ (" +L‘ _ Q \J g“.\~-'..__-v L. o.) L)... v.1 \Q ... .2 __,____ 9 .) LACE Ufi'3;)\aLv. 9-- C--O v-10 q . -‘ o '1 ‘ 0 J.‘ O L “‘1 .1.‘ .r h11 )2 *1 .J'fi“. ‘ ,-a.~ 17-. N '1 as n fi1-’ F-yfi A - ”\"3 d1..._v...C--t .3. CL;‘u.-L.-.'-~., g ...Lv-;.g-; g“. C\J-.'Uv¢. o 31*]. L141 ...k... ~ 7 ~ r'~.-c .‘ -1r\ ---~. -- - 34-. '151\ J--: )3-1x-7' . 7-,” “A Chunk Ln.) g...'v‘ "uL 0.;J5‘ U.“ CCC‘ 23C..e. LI.LVG 1" 03-- IplC--.) . o‘- _ q " a J - J ' . .LO‘- - A‘ ' n ."I'." ' u I] ‘ ‘3 b N ' \ fi“ 1- n ”.flr“ ~~‘ I)C t. ‘KIU L~l— - k. if '\—/ ~ «... ...-a‘ .- - LI 1“ \I— it) {.‘L‘kd \.- IQ») ’I *_‘ ‘. . . j _ . 3 f" s yx -‘ 4" ‘ .- ) C.‘ UQQ‘J Q--L/ ‘1 ~j-L..|.—’ CClLbL/r . 4- J» C.) .1 1 ‘fi 1" ‘N 1 -— J— -. . - .3 7 .‘ ,L " .‘ _ 0 fl 0 ‘ _ . - J C‘ ‘ (x . 713‘ a. [F (a ‘r ,r\. '\{ jfid ”A1 '| 7~ \ , .17. L C‘J. ALE/QR! L.“ U.-- ‘IHLV \/ u) ~J-Ll-_ ....’-a L' b.’ ‘4 ... \dL}..Ll./.‘v\'. 4.;- C‘Xr -ffi v' - 1- . -' .. f‘ .«L - 7 ‘- —- —° - . ~ . L ,..__ ' q '1 J" .' ° - 3") r‘.w- ~', . ‘ A1 - rs ~ .‘\ - -'- \(nx, ),nr_~ VV-w ' "f '1.“ (Ibo—LIV;- -_-; .LaC b .. K».-. do4-r¢"- ’--_-' \IVA~‘~J'v’- u.) ~'.h.-~—a -— V'vL-ol- *‘IL , v —- u- l.) ‘Q-Q- - ,1 _p_ A _ "‘ ’\ _ ‘ _ _ 0 .J. 0 q ) {V IN T’¢\ r‘, f' ,‘ (~ 3 , ‘ ‘ u'-. , 'g 1.‘ (V‘ ’;1 /\ ‘ ‘1 ‘ 4 r- n L‘ngl IJL-‘V \JO \.%\r|- YJL‘o-o Dk‘u g) V‘ H . ‘J\- Lin»- CLI. La'§’-&.LJ‘ ....‘o. U‘JV ...L. \"(’ ‘J.;.“U to. .- ,1 4- .1-, 5-1 ..- m- 3 .1.° . 4.1.. . -,._ ° —. . gusz‘lk. ”aux: 1.90 cc....;.-r.2r:...101. mo 2-02.5 r-.- ”flu”, n +"F. Fv~--u-1(\‘FJ' r“. J"'-."":(‘“ C“-',.-‘_.‘_;.‘ ' (5 “th‘nr‘ {'11 (3 \“(.3 ' 'k--'\.‘-~ L. «J-U " _ ' 'u. A) i‘ .' .L 8 OJ... v... u) 4"“; uJCA..v - . "‘ . P J... 3.. ,‘ — .. .7- . - H10 . ‘ . r. .1~ ~29- «\r~r.r~ q - L1-.U‘~I-J. DJCJ.-O CL U—‘v LL.~Q€~ kL v 5%-..LJL. \)KJ.) Core. F'T‘ ‘ — . .' a! I " - . .7 , - J- - - .8- ‘ .3 "a (' ' ‘5 r“ I .17 f“ 1 ‘ ‘ 1. 11L u--L/y Lian. C(34-b‘v .L‘.) L. -JJL.‘-LLJ L: ._*’Ol- bu”: QQLO- [114- 1~v>7 1's r. l‘ \. ‘lm M v\.lfio‘\ -, \i”" “\". gulfi LC """!'r’u‘ L4 I‘ll CA‘T _ 5—. ”.v—_._ . ‘ - '_-LJ s'.. \l 1 -(J‘. \J ‘J CI..-kI Ll ‘... U‘do- U—oo-A- DJ . at “-_U va— ‘ ‘ A -‘ - '. .’ 1.. .° \. J-‘ - ~. -- 1.‘ ‘ ‘ . .‘_ . -3 J- ‘ ~ » .—\ ‘ ‘ —1 '\ ,a ,n J ‘ . 'r-‘ .nnw r-,. ..v-7 1 .(‘I‘JC '1 . "._.7 4' L, (3 £1 ~I U-.. U.- \'-.. U- -Ls¢- Vvl- U- L-..-. ~-—.LJ U.- .. U04 )Jv Vb. v.9 v .._. A- . . . a ‘ n 'V ....-..1.1.,_1-,1..,. -. ( - -. 0T 1rw \. \4 w..n.....k.u .._.. [JV 5‘.--” xx..- 2x.‘1--_vu-- ..L La“; -0 . u -- F. I'-r~’\ -? 4‘ ‘--"1/-‘ ran-7.». “('""‘"" “r“ "Hr-10F -’- ‘C . $L;J v--g.;-'\)b ant; ‘J-&\a ‘2'».-- ‘~'--'.'us.J.;.. ‘0 4'Jn’v‘ ...-knd I".-.Lx_) V... F ~ r‘ - A ‘1 . ‘ ‘ ‘u '. - J. . ‘ ‘I '° " .' q - ‘2‘ - - a 4- A L‘ '\ A‘ .'. " . ,3 '., ' ‘ ' I,‘ " _ ' ',‘. ' ‘\ ‘ I I bug») U'»'...k-f.'_ Ly(a’ L'.\—'(l_‘.‘ .~.z :-.....|\’ LJ.v—. LI U“--b '4‘-‘4 -. ~.\_J LL Lion'v Q 0 . H u _. v__ _o _ _y_ _2 JV L -| _,, , 1- .... (V ‘ - .. ' - . "‘ .1 ~ 3 r’~ . I" ' V “0;. JU‘ LB; 3). ~C'iJ;J :lL-o;‘-1 \\.L O V‘ _.. L U “--'-A- ktd- .L‘U’ V Ufi—V Lv 5. UC LIO D Q 13---: 3.4-13piLLg CC-‘.C;;1’. - " ‘ 9 ' (‘1‘, n. 1‘ n F'. 3- (1 —'-.-4 r 2-, r} 0' '. ‘ -‘.‘ :3 fl' ‘3 (“"0 LI‘ ’7‘ - 1"C'Vtfi 1 (1 1 f- iv . LA-V lAKk ‘J..L. by.) , LIL-.1 \J \J‘.) ’ Ck‘-\_,'_ \ . v‘ |)_~— 4‘- J b“\l ‘. v -‘4..‘_ .r ‘ .LA... C . ‘q (a, “'5 -‘ 51h._-1I, I~— VA~L.-;U J — 1-" -~M--J . Fl (" "fi 1 O r‘ I 'q q o .. _ N O »- -". w (3 '.'"~ fl r'v'z- C‘“‘\."\‘;f‘¢‘j --. ...'.~ ~--. -‘\‘,1 1r" ~_\r‘(‘ ’."C‘ . L) LV’- 0..) n-‘¢..I-C1$. K»... \J LJ..-‘" 1V J3-’L..¢J. L5 .Lgi Q Ll...~k/‘. DI...LJJ.;.-K/t)~) ‘x...:..b_)_ J"n"~--"r~ "17‘1”. ., ---'- ---'!~--w~-.~ ran-x F,FFP1‘| W" 75‘ J‘T'H“ C r: '1 .._L .3 L...Lz L-U L»..I...‘L..~ .J ”Lu, 'VQJLV L.3.L.L.L b---v. ‘;,\_.__ Lv rv’ v V‘. L‘ ." a ‘ _ . .._ '- ’. I. ’. ' v_ ’ ‘4' " )r‘ r‘ ,1”) n 1 -, n ,..._ ~ C. LL-l> U0- k}; l.v&-:)(pr' Lifik’ J—oacl 'v'itJ—O-b. r7 .-, _ .....- 6mm“ --_- - -- H .L' - , 1 . w .~ - .w- ‘ (q r. >1 f- ,,"\ ru~ ? —v ~ (1 f l ‘ o 1‘ ‘r- r} I . .L.‘ .K-53-J krbfi \IC‘...) ubl-+l;b ‘- VUK ‘L—L/J-CA-~) L...- ‘J .L- up.-.J—uL'—(D Vick..- 111 it ccnutlu051011 of nfiw ShOpUin’ centirs C13 0 h“ — - IJ. .- ~ - qr -. 3" ~ .\ -.’.. ». Lmsgcr 5-30 sbcsc cohstructlon increasps tde 4L1- J‘ -. -: -\., - I 'Y' \ ‘ -~‘ -‘. -‘ > Q J‘. ‘ 1" A n q ;‘\ LL31 ;Lx svzeht CL: BaibCS U40 volukc c; sa;us Cpil‘ LiCiLS vat-:3; about the 3.;81‘1 ‘3 of sl-">;:-'_u:.i;_g 041' ”bf-1‘5 as superyrrkct lOCCtiCLS, but the Lazy cpcwatrss locatigg new units ig ch;gigr CCLtCr" LUSb LQVV ccgfid030fi in this the cf a location. The QQVQL'aggs 5031 tc outweigh the disafi— Vagtagcs at bLJ grcscnt C;LC. If figguci;l backing can be obtaiicd in 957, constructic; a: :ch;ing CLLCLIU :1c: 3 ;:- q - ”mt 1'- ¢-v '7‘. 1': _( .a.$. 5" \ .L..C . [1-1" 'Jv' - O to ('“1‘. ...)k... _-‘ 1 .1 TLC f“! LAXOU 4 .... .L.-\~‘-— ..- w \J fi'fi M q - 1 01 CHAPTER IV :71 "1» r; I. 3.);(2 L c“ 5.). V“# .’3 75"" o r‘ 3". ..J. .‘ IA. ., ,‘g .ho\l l.-C \.L --. v-L.U F71” l. 1 ‘5C‘ \AL. 1‘ C‘ V .L- {3111" V- ‘4. 1 .1 V a 1A.! __‘ _1 .LQ*(.’I‘.~ l . .' -4. ‘0 , 11123 11" Jun 4-‘ v" 1"\ V-‘ \1 tc la-r- -~k mJ—r.I-‘,fl ivv QVV’AV VJ sorvxcc— "“Eill , 0.. ‘M -~~. . b-.. u i" q”. (4-. is t . - I - Ludo J— 1“??- L; '1, ‘ .— ~ 0 ‘ 1 I —--;_ ., "1 ( 1‘“ ’A- -... i. N A“ (.r .1. ' o 'L“b p.194;- - Th“ ” of archi- I .. q ‘ ( .. MRI-Vin; \‘. .11.. L- g Q. J.‘ CO (93111 “-1 L54. £10 0 O—.fllr‘,f1n4": r"~- ‘x’1"f1f‘l""\':" iJv..LL v.;..‘--ali .~ V’xiux fiJ-ALL. C .11 ‘ P L rr~ .1- -‘Lo . .0 .L .1558 O C G 1 1“: \‘a‘,v V ALANLJ H-.- V \- r L .. If; '. v L'..L..\A tCU" -L 'Q .L .. ‘n fl. n '3 A$b I.) "i- I -‘ CC ‘I \' r~ ‘7 “'1 4t --.. A Q ‘ ’Q | t 81' k. {‘3‘ b '1 1- .4.-- ‘zfi 4- bAé. L t, 11* o ‘,"" '7‘? KW" “....LJ.--V‘. 0’ ta \ l .1 r V 71 ‘ fie Lu, b L ' 1 LIva J.‘ 7,0 fi $-J¥‘-‘ .LL v 4’s\ 1 ‘- ry— at: 30““ ’1 .1- bk 4. . {111 D custoncr a. aacut ll of A ., a. .‘.‘C;;o CSCJ Ha &. q, ”(I .\_~ n 3’ K.&.L CIlCC‘ . 1' nyr-m _5‘I ’3 do th;/ IL ...— C '7 ~f‘.r\ ‘12.- U. 'v 9" N) 14- «V. tc~layo O ‘1 '5‘. 4...... q " 14sr~- qr ’0.“ Lutukfi ~«. A a. p ‘ i;CC ‘4 . V i. ...b O ,‘r“r\'1 —.~ r- JLI ' J. .. *‘*o C 3 C‘ ...)-A blo (3* ’J") IJ.L‘. L». .‘ L A: VLV ( . .& n \ 'te 033—38. 4., pL _-\ k3. O ,‘rq-x f—I‘f “4 L“. \J-L- ' ..b p) K- x "a 'n n V 1....- -- (. Vt) U LaVou .1 .-- L-“lNa-lyfub ’ Ffi. b L O 1.., 40.4.]. IV s) "1/1"qu '1‘ (‘9'. ' L, .5 Lb VNJ‘ g j ‘I L " C ‘. .po~ 1 L .1 0 " 'fil' ‘rstLJ. b e, T‘ I“. 1“ > \ - -‘--C‘S I)” ‘ yyu .‘ 5-7 ._ v.3- .‘1 2J$.~.x. 1.10 ran --‘1-_--- . --"‘Vk. \ . -.L.-ru¢-d n p". . ..‘ r‘f‘ V 3 ' ‘ , -d-oA—K/Jc L:— ~ A ...,r‘. “. Lhi¥ ‘ \I .9 C'LL “,f‘I‘ t\)— V..- 311? *J O 1128. 1 «“ r‘ «ub ‘ L 1 .1. 14". i1 he :3 CLI’l 1‘ t t ‘ z“. A. .V .' ' But-a:- e O CO 4-“ b - 7 ‘z x. -_1 C, V \l ‘- to r l ' \-- LA tc- fl ,1 J -._ r. A. vgqbo n."- V“ l J- P KA- .- I .' -k—‘v—h auV' Us.) 4-- Lu. .5 ’14:... V- n:-..\l..L.AV.. rm 7‘" 3'" v G LI .‘3 v C J- A o -l P, *‘J k'* ‘n r U' x .1 1rd?) w I ‘L; n J. Fiflj l“ u} huh..— ,- .- (A n—nnh ‘b" < "I vi te, gt' i. . __‘ ”CUES 2." CI.-- (-1 LJJu. 9 ‘ o- ‘e . - .m give in - s-dk 67 colorful atros phere v¥ich will make it a pleasure to shop in air DC‘TthS. " An over all store layout has not beer CovalOpeo that can be used 0y every supernarket retailer or chain organization. Every re ctailer or c1ainorr.nization rust vcrk out the system 38 tll-t best fits the no C) O “.-.-2 ~ , ,LJ. -_ n w J. ~ds uhu tn* custouors Ol eacn store. The re sup rLark—‘t Lust we built arouno the custouer who is (‘3‘ y. en the most importanta asset in any type of1-il bu sim1 ss. g... . 1“ ‘_ '1 o “I’VLCC ,-CI’C118.3.:C-.3.S- I U Q ...—a In the food retailing :3- ing has leveloped zap dly Retailing as a uncle 11as pos.s ed throurh stages of charge rest 0 which are iiroctly related to self—service 1w CDflvCloli” U) C) H F5 I [’1 O H <: H. 0 C) U x.) P. (—1- 1 'L K -\ _‘ V. o- ,1 nos seen auopteu my retail busi- .- ‘flr', 'Q 1" "N r. -. J— u r F”. -: N ~~ -‘ . . .iess, “as caused 1am] cuaLbes in sto*e Lesion QLU 13.: orior . .° 7“. ..:.—— .- 1 1 .1 - J“: - 4-,. 1—1 laggit. Retail 1J1.1C1_L...GSQCS Lav; 5‘ cc 3 (,_. 0,3,ch th2 _,_A. Dug -JLQ‘ -‘ __"'5 q... h“" .. .. V- . (”.._ ’3'.“ Y‘“ _Q ‘2‘}! o h i . ninb Cl tie laqut C1 t-e stores. LL90; uislc QutCCthCS c..tez O. r r ‘ ‘ 0 ‘W‘ . '— .O . 1 _ NH 2. To increoso sales (1 4131 1tr31n lorc a Lise. q m -| J“ 1'51 . .'"u r‘ 1 '0. " o ' ~ ~"‘ . “ I‘\ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘Q ' '3 J" J"‘ “ 3. .LC LScOL 1.1311 u. 3.1:, .141; i'thtl3-\; L20..LZ‘-LCCL.C Zion but: - . .- I .g- ° . 1- ..L ,. .| ‘ 0 J- .. .‘ 4.1- .1 .0 -- 'v ...- colmicr s wolmilo,ltt1t‘,zut Lemtms QLtmfid- 2.. 9“ (-- lzillbo L? f1~ n "C ‘rx ‘r r-a' fi, “‘“-\ ~- ran ‘-1"r( ‘\ "" I‘m -,~ A . ..ij J.( .. Ufid-C UL u c v... a)“. ll ---lg'J '5’.) A. .._.k c ..JLLJL. Ll...) AC.)- _..-',- - ..- .1-_J- . .1.- slole, so pleasaLt teat sacis f3 (‘1 (1" [.Jo O 7'5 p. C) J .J “CS 3 S D "1 ('1’ h 1K. M. Zinmerian, The Sug031arfiet, (Yew 202k: Lcrrav- I111].9"5). \n 1 v.— D. U mm ---.. . ' J-‘ L '1 -- 4 ° ' ' - 1- ., ‘7‘. I" ‘34 t\ 3 f x w‘ o I -, "f‘ ...-1 \G" . J- V -1 Cl ~ .1- \7‘- ‘Ja - v C k) \J J ...— -- p‘kd (J t:: k’ I '- V l-.- .1. o l '- 4 JA— Vlo-L ‘1 .. ‘- . J- 1" -. ° L ’1 . J ‘ - fl ’3 0 0 --c 'P: ‘K [-1 4" » \ (Q f‘.‘. - -. ‘ .fi ‘V~ f’x- '\ -'1’; "1 1" (._- <- - a1 \. ...-7v- _.L..CL frv‘1. v-..U uJ V"""\".LJC‘ .' L; K»... C- 'v-.1.« u-_1'o L+;-LC-.- 3.1.1-»; o 4-‘ 3 - ...,2 .. 3‘ . .1--. .. 4.1. .1.-. -..- n 1 ,.. H 1... ,. ._ ,, '1 4-1- .. . ‘ , ‘. l ' ‘. . . ‘ ' . 2‘“ ‘ . ‘ ’3 .‘ -- Ll“v -'. O‘v"l-‘- . ‘- V.|—) \JJ‘- J U;—0 LJ‘. .‘-/; ~(VL :J—L‘LQ kl L‘. tCW (5:. ‘VL LIA—kl C(" L“ ’- ‘1‘ 4“ ‘. '1 h " 7 n *4 --- “,‘I .~ "“ .'~ ‘1 I r. 'Th 3 {I - - w) ’1 ~ I“ ': - J" ‘Y‘ r\ (1w ~—' ‘3‘ P 1“ J“ 3 pl .10 ulOl U- ...- .. CC__ .1 on- -. o .2 ---L .1 L c. -'J. .1. a“ .'. ; ...L L- ._ 1.1.0 w r“ . 4- . .nfl . ...-... - ... .. J- ,— - ‘ - d t ‘ f\ . ~--\ ~~ -. Q I -‘ _“'\ l . r 1/ y (‘ a . ‘ Q ‘3 n A ('0 .'fi L-‘-‘:—‘L -.l. ‘JlC‘lL (JJ. - ...A._v .. OCL‘L l. '4'J1.-IJ 2..- ' -t U41. hex-.s)l Vr‘ u—g‘ l.--;IJ-I.C—- . nrsl 1! s- -) \' ‘rw‘i‘i " n rw fl . ‘- "~ (fl 1;; A-O "... (J “'-..,_ CC. .L. CC’ '. 4:1... J's.) . ....» v 9-. -!¢1q J- ” cc . . '-‘. .‘ g“ . ~" ~,— n---. q "7- 1 1‘ ~- fi . (-1 It ‘I. LC» ’ “Li-C71. U I.) ‘49 l. '. {.J— - t Lhr. S :31“ - x -_(v. II‘-C_‘." S .‘L..ce 15: U u \_. a u - a . ' . ... -.- a . .0.“ - »" ..‘- 4.. C -. - ° . - ».- ._.-\~q«l- '1 1 s . 1 ‘~ 51 a . . rs ) q a . —1 \ 1 . v , at a ‘J7 ‘1..lj_‘—.—- L- LOAQ :IC/Kl:0~..- ...k/L-‘-- (...- -‘V Ll. C1—-IJJ‘~\)J—.\l —L-—-"I-* h "l-vJ-..b '1 D 'I - . r . J- 4.1. - -.J . - -- .1.-- .D - 1 . (1' d f‘ "w 1"” .1 A (V . , , ~‘t . V r- rr '| v _ _ K. .J. .L L'C‘U :3... If. . s-LKJ v.) , u..c 1.1110- LL..-.Q \' L._.'...C u“ C‘J. p.019; .--OI‘CI-lafl lSG ’ an - ,' _. J...‘ ~.,_ .2. ' - ‘ ... - ‘ -' , - .. — ., .L— . ‘ vx .' . .. .. ' - .3- ... 3 T- awn-1v. '1. " .u ( —~ r . .. .. I-fi, \ 1", t1”; 8 1110: (signk).‘.-‘o bu U fv“- blOl- . ’*¢.-L. b‘l -..»; 1—) ‘11 gel... LlJ U111 ifi¢b lJKflJ-\L bC" ilk-ac--- _“ .. 1 n > '1 o w - n ‘ g _ W V -0 _y_ f‘ _.; . ,"_‘ (1- »-“r~1 f“'\ (V (-3 fl ..1v - ‘ 3 - (3‘ .‘ - 3" ‘7) ‘71 0‘ ' I " “bu L‘ ’ *b‘lo ba‘~kr‘ 5.)]- (JCS) ’JUI t-~‘—’ ‘ .L4‘ .5 CVL’ LII/Cu. .‘I’d- ’ L'~lJ- CO.< KJv-‘qv bk! ""5 A 4“ ‘ v- "a: 3%.” ‘1 '9' . V." ’11-‘27 . r1” *"“.1 Q"' ‘5‘ . a . ‘ n. 1"”: ‘f‘vu uh ¥ K’s LIL/ 95. .L)‘ C' 1".“— ‘v'lu 'n'L—J. 'vlk Cu... . lei...'.-d .- '\— ‘2‘ -'— V (XVI. . )0" 3.1- -llkn-l;-£ L u- LLJ- E)” ' C‘ J‘r‘“) ‘ r“-.(‘ EC — (1“1") . 4" *\ —. q- I. -.| -‘o: '—~(‘ ’ -. 3-7 ‘- I- — WC'I‘ ‘ .I'_ 1 (1 ."J ._J Lid... [.1 Log~v K—a_-.-.. CK.»‘- C;——o H‘wL-Cdc V ' 4“.-\r5+ ‘U ..L.'-'- ._.»-..— J. V V‘»- 4 Mil-1- —-v1v—v ~vK-L» ’K’ {fl C‘W‘ 0 ‘ '7 V7’\" '_ 7‘ J‘ I" 1“""fl‘N-"t/wf‘ 0‘ «I-" ‘ 'H' n ’ .‘ ".‘IA ..c. h. "" 5 " (3“: ‘ ‘ "' ...— .) ..«L v.‘- (. wk. '1! 1...; Uv' 414‘u ..-:----\.» ..-- Luv-.. .2...va vs) L- ¢~._v «K; -..L»..-.'..L.-~..4.- 'v r .. '. .—~ .. ,. J— --- '1 -‘- ° - .. 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La 1 1 ' - - /- a 3 4“.» 1 n :13 - -°-; .1 -I 1' 4 J't “r"? "-' '1 ~‘- "2” '2 V1“.- .s (r C C)... -: 411 L. l C —‘- U.‘ 1.3... -A'A—‘o ~.- -L—J. ;---..--'bs C ... Dari-...... 0...- ‘v-U o-ll «‘4. L" n)..-C 3;“ $1.1..-Lb o - ic‘it .757 -- ~ ' T ' - "‘1 ‘ . *" 1 r. ‘ -‘-,‘x , '1 A .. .I " “/11 5‘ n fiw-I . r1- " " C‘le- C...‘c;- bl .. u 01 9;;0 3. c0. ...: 9.3.- . LI..SULL . A.) ”p.02. -u(.»... V1». 1.. 1.3.3 {31"}.n- IT. . .-u-,-.°..1.n‘l,.'1 ., ”.....-”- ,uJ-N .r' 4-1 v 1 . . 1 1 ‘L‘J‘ 'K-K--:.CCL U u UALK/ "\/¢. .. 5.)-LL. lJ-n-‘v Ksta‘.‘w..-L Ll] .‘~-J;L Us) OJ. bu$e Q DC.- (' , l..L~C-Ll C: title ”1 1'1 '3"- r~ fi‘1fififir" "u'fifi'fi‘r‘ ' '- H‘ w "‘“or 1' T! T ...,r..!-' ‘1 D - I I ‘ ' - ,. 1‘ . '1'; I l ‘ I\ . t' VOA.“.L..L_b Q...\.»Ka‘v.3 ‘ Ltbllt» .Lu...) ...r-CJ... y--.» ’ _) “Chuv 04.1. OJ. 1 b;&c LG‘W ,‘_n,_ F'C‘ ‘ 1 w 1 1" 3 C'. _ 1r 1" ,\ 7') "7 ‘_fi n L ’x . r.- " v ‘ ‘ ‘ ' _ " "a. A I a. ’_ v ~- ‘“ C—LL§&.L(K-—-LUC 11.11 3011 Lu..\a a ub' U 0 Jv L ("1’ U- L~..l...( Kim U...CLL 0.1. S :_'e. C e (W p. V v '5 f‘ "It. q 1 0‘ n J. o. q.— . QR c-‘nn1 - A a J— ‘ ‘3 71 ’3 .. o? R“ — f‘ a un- l ' .' i t . ,5 - 1 I W I 9 a. s ..e._l 0 ac ta... lobe. 1.0-1 1 1 ml .3 to c , - owl; . ...uc.- flat 4" \' kph n-Iff" L» . I ’- .};.CS 01'. A o ... t '101 ...l ’i“ P :0ut n~c s.» It A l- CC’CUt " l "I '9 ' L...‘ |Jhluh I I" ‘ SUCCC f‘fl'q-vr Vt ' V ~4 ‘1 Ln L: U .'L; O ’1 on. . I ‘4- CDT \.'1 C; 'r.’ G V q'orL-I" .L. .L Ud- a d1“ *, r . (‘3‘ )1\ y.) UCiJ ed follov C CH 7’) Q 7‘r‘—.l \‘.' hu‘fiv-& stc 001.;- «#L .1 a g C Q 4 Ave 3. .L-'\. ‘ r“ (N r A Jun} 1 Lit; ,1 J- «l p .q \.L.‘.l 9 _‘ , k“\;’) . " c e , 3.113. 0 f.)"‘ " ‘ \1-;-L. \tfi- T'Vr CC ‘ SllC;l ,\ (r ‘0 ‘CU» 4.x- bail. .Lu G7 1‘ 4. .. ~ SuOLC J. g C .1‘IIWY' ‘ s¢\l I k ‘. .1 0 1 3‘ '1 H ‘ 1- r, i .Ll_‘.. 04.}. .-.Lnl '- ‘ cf wt '3 (..J '1 ‘- 3030 O-‘_ - LUS 032‘ U ‘ :1 'r‘ .."‘ ‘LL 4- S uCl U -i ‘ (‘1 44‘-..) -° J- I,_ .Lpz' (J. I" "4" a- -Lb-A ‘ 3 IV I,- Lash (t LJ u' l C . 'r “I ‘JA ..1. B.) J.‘ I V. 31" ". V‘J V-b fl’l 'X" - J L“; "‘ ~\“ :7? a-LL' Jpn“ .' ~ :1 -oc t a -v u! ,.J. -. a , .‘.- - U L‘O‘JL'USLauia q 1 " JJ-L\-. ‘ .. (... .1- ‘5‘.) ”AL-Hr) "‘1 ill J_‘ DLL ECU“ -L' _ Lu - .Ua-L I sure Fi... -« b J--. J- - *0. I" f‘ 114...) V... cm. 1&1 u "l 1 ..L..L In “kets. “.11.... C" 1' ‘ "j '3‘)" OILLJL... LCSt Ci? 1 . J...- ' ww-Ht An, 1*?1r‘n :4 V. bi‘kl :4... .L.‘ 9 C63 ‘t .1; tr the c: of A. ‘ geter O ,»'\ 1- \ V}. .L. a“. 14 1°32th . as C .L- d th \ A. 'PCU‘ 1‘ u. A .q .fl Jaw—s Us"? OJ. 9;-0 L the r o 0 — i 7 '10-3! "’o—L 4“,. ..- - .. 1 "b . V (I . VA..C.L'.U :1...) ._‘ ' l h GOT)?!- . ,1..- tr. ;;x—Iu's- b) . Dart] 1 .L LOTS o 5‘ A e Gusto th u...) 511‘ 7_.’(-I '\ - ' r i-* \v r K eh i - . I - O "fi-a-h itCL q "‘(: r‘ - .k’... .. .‘- ~4- "‘(‘\11- ‘ - 3" 4“ . “’9‘ q fix»- f Lo‘ém etd 1:.)— v- ‘5 r‘ J.L \7‘5‘“ ‘ "11-5.; A 4/" 7O ENTRANCE a \ j PRODUCE M Ll . 3.9.5: @009 = L- ,r 1 —1 3.80: moon . fl Ji— MEAT ]| m MEAT Fi gt; e I 71 .. _ J. " ‘ . .4. J _ . L ,‘IA ‘2’} w . , x L r, , . ' 0_L to -LQCH t4; LoLt uCJJStLOht i- :3 (J ‘4 [.4 }_n O C' y f. C : C F P- ('i' :n' (J U) ° ..‘ " 1- r7“ ,1 ,9 .-.. -... .- ° .2 .. - M 1m tne oaCL. Lac pr Luce LcfiartL “t 18 lc-catcc LL the 1130 Surveys ind cate that as mucn as seventy-five for ceLt of the --.-, f ,- 1 n -. . j a -'.- . - ~ : fi‘ 4- - n 'L “c6.ucc sans “re on LL)ul&€. I. 13 yCSSLulC b0 CmebO a r . 4.. 1.4 ‘ < ' 1“ ‘ f‘ —! ... -.~ .1 _. ‘ . .... 4“" .‘ "-r< ."1‘ T“ _ iuallt aLu frCSAHUSS AmfilCLbth upon tne censuwtr at the Me- . . ‘ ‘ . A ‘ p t -- .0- - -. ‘. ‘ J"" ‘Q' -- J‘ . , ‘. -,-\ ';'\ I glLLng 0L tLe ch,iLng toLr tchugA attractlve ego-agrcal, ‘— 1 - a ".'. \' I“ 1 ' ‘2'- - r - I. a r- -’ ,'\ Q ‘ V vr. 1 . "‘ C ,4 ' ’. ULV-dungl oLp‘lu S. AiOub tut saL.: null fo_lc' H; tue p20- ’-" a .1 v '1" ' ‘. 4:. ~' ‘ . -‘."‘- "-' J' -: ”fl ' . r .-..— "1 n —. ~v 1‘. UdCU LLOlJLtl t1. -8“ to, bile Lcéli fly \LCBC»... U__.'v'lJ L1 .Lb Plu'v'v‘tl. DanuLZ'vv’ III‘O- - r- .'s‘ 7‘“ u ‘ .‘ ~ -"‘-~~'v . ‘1 -! ‘w ‘- 1 1"- "‘ .“ ducts ars CpCVC avs:a¢- 11 LQJLLQ aLt are a ucLzLu hen 1“ O \ \ J. A'- q, ' ‘ 1 .. .P- - ~— ‘ n 1 . - ‘- fi‘.‘ . 1 1 4' tie foo”1 "tore. .An eflt CLSLVu assor LOAL l Lair; #2 gusts : - _». .1. u- , - - - - 1 . J. ‘ .2 J- . can be a LCJCE Lactcr 1» a stcLo's flbe-aml a-“:a to Lt; ~1- . . p . .1 ‘ ... “"."'J" 1 .-. . 1.,-_ ..- ‘1 . '4. I. '1C/Zeil .- O(.’(.‘.E_) {‘51 .‘ ‘Lb‘>.-b ...CCZ‘L \Ii-J‘QL 0510...-5 t-I-A‘.’ ”8.1.; (J'D‘JCSl DC J 1_ 1 u - - m1 0 ‘ . , _ _ ‘ J- ‘ . a , .._ o - _ - '6 ’ r‘fi-q‘r ’3 ‘n “t7 t " ’2‘ '. 'I At. f‘f)‘l .1'1‘ :‘I -(~ m '1 M1 m bin“ L -...J. J .‘V _’_JL‘.1 -. C]. J. 1.--]- f; c...‘. _ LL- "9"“- ‘VLL JIQLLJ .4 .‘3 6.1.14 A, be Cult-— -.~ A J- ’ -r‘.1 C ‘ 1“ J- -' r‘ A '1 —: n L r -I a - - -‘ l“- -. ~ o. ‘q ‘u - ‘ r- ‘ o: u -. J- ," —’-‘ -. N J- ‘- ‘ 3 J ‘ o - “I? ’ , ,l ‘ I“ 7 , ‘1 . ‘) , ‘ ,1 _) :1» 4 4__.L_ C; t- L.L-_ -1.» '._LL.J-L. V1.0 -..-..)_I-.c L L.-J_.__\-:uvl“ CL 1.9.8 z; ”0.0. fl 1 .. r._ - .1" . .1 . . I- - ._ - " -- "I J-" n J- - ' 'V . - .. I I‘ fi‘4)f.1",1 > ,1 H'fi‘ \. : (l r“ H‘s)” 1‘. .-' I . ." \ f‘ . , "‘7: L ..‘A l-JQ—Lc;1 d LL~.~ .- .- Oélbl& .L (v“- ¥‘->J him - Us..-‘ ~' I..!\l~ 3! \.......‘\~ 3..C‘_.. —/ u... U— "L" \’\-‘ J‘v-oi— 4"(4'- - n ...... J- fl r‘r ( '3 ,_ ”a; , ”n..- - ,.. n '1 .A r' '3 "C""(‘- n -.. '3 .. ,4.” .3 -f‘l .. -. .._, r. .. v. 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[W bbat ?igure II (f) w; I-— .._-".4 . ~-v. - -. ---L_‘!l—- --m--¢~ C’ '1) I)‘- ‘-I J- 1:;cbt ‘ ‘cr .. jfifl‘H.‘ C‘ f" r O L;k-- -v‘. j... J -...V ‘ e (3 J—’ L‘J.-.So Ib'v'..-u s n . P_‘r‘I/‘I" iv... g.‘, V--w_..‘--. c‘ ,\ 1 ~ I K‘v&_.".& ‘ —-a J-- 4. .- - , La--U..'. r‘f) Cox, -'~9‘n '/" ~ 0 o... r\7~_‘"q .Px-~J~ \: J 91.34;. V O (“" ‘Ju ‘ W O r~~ ,mn (NI; lLb-.L\‘.--~J k-J . 1C CI; 4:, N . 4. V;~v L; V 0 “ \ — 5.4 rn" L» lcv¢1 O \l1f‘“ . ’w 5" ‘ UU-..~;-L‘.L’ fl ' ' “fin-Hf. ‘ \J‘. \nkn. v--~.-..L. It w. ‘ r-‘w 8“» w_' “ 3|- ‘aLA-‘g £13.30 t1'L1)O Lit-£11 3.- (‘f\ J-“ (._.. Hts. to 4- U;-C .00 as supply 1 7 n n ’9: a .0, C: ".J.JLU..L U--..E).L.\.s. O _‘ _ ”L :9 , ..'.. uls 5) I‘ LOV- '. “4 fi-\ r\ »v '3 V L.’ J. 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' ‘I ("'3 ‘ L‘V\---- ‘1..- U \qu J.-7L{Vl- b&:J AU‘-.L.~ ’r’vfi. ‘1"-U Ca. IJA- «...—— ‘-.’Kal_'..- . -. ‘ ~ . - 7- ~A - - 'T -9 -7 4—“ .’— . . ° ".. - - 1 '5 ,‘V . ._. ... , ,1 r\. . n‘ (a .. ’\ ‘2 x . ,3 . 11 if" '1 .' X ‘2 . :f‘. .‘- —L) t) )wCC ..L—I.) L-~--'v:.~ Kai) La‘vv "'-. v'xLL'LC Ur .a:-..1_CJ.- §JL/.—'-.—‘. CJJ»; C.» \r‘ - ° .1- " - . - - ~ "Ii. 11"“ ‘j‘j '1 Ir\ ' r - LL—J.“ L] (I'- ‘\‘.\1- ‘ I-U‘J—_:. ‘ 7" -A " -.. - J- . 1 .. 1" .1 -‘ J-‘ 1 ’ .‘... ,- _ - W ' _ . , I q 1p :\ f: 1 v. _1 '..1 {— ‘ 3 v1) , .. r‘. . m \w o'.‘ 1C‘x‘h ..K Ukulg-OJ. p.) , .L .Cvk‘. “.1. LLLJ. (.-.-ir‘l-Lal. .— 'V--U'-.--s.) , :— 1.13.3 -‘-:'_--LJ '9 ‘V _. . J. - ‘ --- ° _ .l- . ’ ' _ .l-‘ J ‘. -' .1- - - fi"' evf‘ D P'~(“ r3 _‘. ,-. ‘. '11 A, 1rqffih‘. . .f‘ ‘ ‘ r' ‘x‘i \ r‘fi‘or .- Q— 19’. U»- vb»; {...-i 3 bu. b-‘Cull '.‘.._--« Ulv vbc_.-A.4J‘-/ -u.;&.. w l-...‘..VH ~21 . .. L - -... - - . .. -11. --_ " .1 ‘ _. ‘ f1 _ A ' r‘fi‘bo -, 1' 1 ~-~ 1 - 2F? fl 1'.‘ .' (-(1 ' f'fi .‘S‘ r. 1 . - \r‘ , j a. ‘~—~,1. v' '1‘) (i c... s- -L.--j.._-Ul(- V lug-LO .2 ..J -J.K/ * .. unhC b (/L.‘.‘ 2.2K; ably. .L ....'. .L-C' V k...- 1...) n a- :- 4A ~1 J51“ L ‘ 1 1“ (‘ Mw- a a (V (w -. ‘N :1 2 I- -.1 “ ‘Lt -. .1 . -w ,. -r-,_ wry-v- ‘ ‘4 r-.--‘ c ~o gs. ;,.CL lug. «.0 DC]. v... .. LLK.’ v.4.-. ig- C’Cu .'. v Vi-J.-‘.l.L;U ‘vr-A...’ . C) K ‘4...- -‘ " -" .0 .'- .‘ . J ' ' 7'. -. . A « - - - ‘ .. '1 . - - J- ‘ .l- .M - 'N‘ A ‘1 v - P3 5' n . (1 ..‘ r! .- ' , 1' ‘4- . .- )' IJC~V (H‘LL klv K]... J” 11.1.‘JL- Isl._\--I.. k)... t/ —‘\/—. —.J“_ L-CNJ $-Vl.l. K to C... K‘- bf-’ UL}, L..- .- - v J- .' .'- '1 L - - . ." . ._ . .V- ‘ .— J- 3" - 3 7' .' l- - ' ‘ 2 4. ° .. 7 “I 5 'r h (‘ r‘ 1 , ._ ’3, .r‘ ‘. 2. _I (1 , .21 .\-~ .“. OVUL , vKLu .L' a...L..J 11v:- i _, — «wt-.b'v u-- Lvab C; LKJOM'- k-vLuv.-1Lau.leA—O ' ‘1 ° ' .-. 1.." - . - - _ '9 - . . - ‘ - n r 1f 11 '5 r~'- , Q ~. r‘ A " ff. ‘ -- .\I 2 '1 - fififl;jf\ r! q o t ‘ t-1 [fix-x 1v" -- -*‘ “t *-'_.,I_l.-'.l"1 ba~‘\l 2.2‘ —4.L-.k.’lv‘ n- ig\‘ a-',. k...“\-& .—‘¢.\IJ- Vb-.. .LA.‘—. 1-0 u---LC I. V C; J O - u ”X7! fi’nn‘x "7 f“,\ $.30 11".J°fl'? PM?) n-"w :srw j-QCC “-.r-c “"|‘lf‘o’.(“ +0 r3 rt .2.- I- .v.’ LL-L‘.—L~k-.-_LJ" , on ’ d- ‘v Co—L;-'\l LL~J..‘. “(4..- .L— Q '.In. pus.) Ll ’ Kru- C: (...LuLL .._.}. 1- 4- F”, ' (... K. 1““ f. " .3 .V 3-, 5.1-, -, '. . - ’- 3 1-.? - .. .. -_ ~‘. .'-.: J- ' ._.“- e..bC--L/o «..-:L...‘ 5.....- cub...) -..L-. u ._2 L'. C... .L .2.;.U..L‘-'Cz U...-~.. \JC/gnJ- L2..- bl 1‘..- '. f” ”j “.0 - I", 1 "? " C‘“"‘ A71 '1‘ ' ", ". "‘1' .'2 ‘.'-T‘l'] ~"O 5"," '1'.’ "s f“: ""“"\ "I v‘ F 1 Y.‘ I) .5 LA‘ k... .._-.. r-‘.‘ \J .. 0 ‘VC‘1 £14-51 ILJ‘. -_"~_'I\/ V\) Jugk.’ K’s/--;_l VL.._\.._‘_ L.‘J .._-‘1';- -a ' lfir ”L ,‘nfi'f‘r‘fi fijljnn 4'? FY" (“1° 7". ,1 , “Mann tr, I “'1‘,,“.,-‘. no .._-.... ---...—V— , ‘-_ \a’ 4;- U...‘--.‘... \.'.._ bJu..._..—.. 'Cl 'a-JL“-I.\-J'u4 V -.‘ I... \.-L.J‘J 7" r‘ A I .I _ _ 1 I! __ J. . -_ _v_ _o 0 J‘ o 1! f .‘u 'ffi _ I ‘4'. l _ 0 ‘1n , 3 {.1 v- (\ ~—‘ A u, . ,1. 7-- -‘ ,J.~ ..q «‘1— f— ‘ . jq ‘J' ICC: "’ “Ll-LCJ- VJ...—:“.’ L -L,....--°.vb Q]: ‘bv kI--‘u.LLI_L‘vQ, ”.an uv;.-’V. ‘u._ 1‘:- ..L- c_ ‘14.. 112‘.“. (1 -,.,. -_., . 1--.»..- 4- 712:,1 -., 4.1. _,, L‘ 4‘. 6.2 (a “d 7 .._”-.- 1,2“ -_.--fl t .1,'\ f: V- _- 1 L‘ LIA.— .- , ~01 . '....-.-...v.._ U .5.--'\J m-J-fivb, U‘L‘LA--I $‘L.UL-5J , I J' ' ’ ; O 77 as possible. There seem to be several reasons why retailers have not eliminated the dead or slowbmoving items. The first reason is that retailers dislike to eliminate any item. Second, there is much brand duplication in SlOWmeVing items; and third, there is duplication in unit sizes of the same merchandise in the same price range. Fourth, many retailers do not know the actual movement or turnover rate of most of the merchandise. Nearly every Operator will agree that proper alloca— tion of space is essential in maintaining full shelves with a minimum.of effort and cost. However, the task of analyzing and interpretating product movement, varieties handled, unit sizes and gross profit on sales is not easy, and few re- tailers have the time or facilities to undertake such analysis. As a result, space is not generally allocated in terms of these facts. Quite frequently space is allocated on a "hit and miss" basis. Large chain organizations are equipped to make such analysis and are using information on product turnover very effectively. Periodically, the store manager of a chain super- market will receive a listing of discontinued merchandise. As new items are added, the manager receives definite information about where to display the new item and the suggested number of facings it should receive. This system has helped to re- lieve the store manager of deciding which items must be elim- inated and where to display the ever-increasing number of new items. Emmce analysis by the chain organizations has helped to r“) (U increase overall sales and profits. Of course, the amount of total shelf space that should be alloted to any particular grocery commodity cannot be pre- cisely determined and applied in one sweeping realignment of all stores. Each supermarket, depending upon its location, character, etc., is an individual unit and operates as such. However, by following the guide sent out, based on commodity turnover analysis and profitableness, the store manager can do a better job of allocating the shelf space in his super- market to the items that will return the most profit. Trade journals have been very progressive in their in- vestigation of this problem. The United States Department of Agriculture Marketing Research Service has conducted research on space allocation for grocery items in food stores. An ex- ample of this is a survey made by the United States Department of Agriculture Marketing Service which produced the following results which can be of help to any food retailer. A study of the sales and inventories of eleven retail food stores on which this report was based, revealed that approximately thirty per cent of the grocery items studied had average sales of one unit or less per week. Retail food sales in nine of the stores, in which fifteen or more categor- ies of grocery items were surveyed, showed that at least twenty- nine per cent of the 700 to 1,000 items studied in each store had sales of ten units or less during a four week period. Four of the stores sold ten units or less of more than half the items displayed. The averages of the stores showed the following: 79 6.5% of all items studied had no sales during the h wk period 23. % of all items studied had 1-5 sales during the H wk period 13.8% of all items studied had 6-10 sales during the h wk period 18.3% of all items studied had 11—20 sales during the a wk period 10.8% of all items studied had 21-30 sales during the # wk period5 From this study it can be seen that many of the slow-moving and non-selling items could be advantageously discontinued and replaced by items that would be in more demand. In this way it would be possible to increase sales and turnover and reduce out-of-stock conditions; thus obtaining the greatest possible advantage from shelf space in relation to turnover. This study, however, covered only 700 to 1,000 grocery items or only between fifteen and nineteen of the major food categories. While this study would be helpful, it does not cover all the major items in a food store. Progressive Grocer magazine felt that many of the food retailers would appreciate a guide or outline covering the major categories of items carried in most supermarkets. They picked a typical supermarket, analyzed its operation, and then published a plan and guide, that while not perfect, could be ‘used very effectively by retailers to check actual space allo- cation. The typical supermarket was 1h,230 square feet over- all, with weekly sales of $h5,000. Total selling area was 10,700 square feet and 1,206 linear feet of display space. 5U.S. Department of Agriculture Marketing Service, S ace Allocation of Grocery Itemsgin Foqd_Storg§, (Washington, D.C., February, 1933, Report No.80), p. 16. 80 Weekly sales per linear foot of display was $37.85. The re- lationShip of square feet of floor occupied and the per cent of total sales and dollar margin realized in the six major store departments were as follows:6 Departments % of Total % of Store % of Store Eiégure_Area Salgg‘ Margin Grocery H#.6 % 83.7 % 80.3 % Meats 27.0 % 28.1 S 26.5 % Produce 17.u % 12.8 % 18.0 % Frozen Foods 5.0 % 4.1 % 5.1 % Dairy H.0 % 8.6 % 7.h % (and ice cream) Bakery 2.0 % 2.7 % 2.7 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % The following chart shows how display space, sales and dollar margins are divided among forty grocery product items. By applying these figures to the actual store layout, it is possible to allocate space to these forty major grocery items. While this allocation may not be the best for all stores, it has been very successful for this market. The plan could be adjusted to fit other supermarkets of larger or smaller size. Adjustments could be made in space allocation for differences in per cent of store sales that are of significance in the major categories of food items. Actually this plan has followed the. suggested principles of: 6"Fordtown Study", Progressive Grocer Vol. 38, No. 1 (January 1955), p. 36- 81 A BREAKDOWN OF THE PER CENT OF SALES BY CATEGORIES AS TO TOTAL SALES AND AVERAGE GROSS PROFIT OF EACH IN A STORE OF:7 Total Area: 18,230 sq. ft. Selling Area: 10,700 sq. ft. Average Weekly Sales : 85,000 sq. ft. 6 Major Categories BREAKDOWN OF GROCERY ITEMS Item £_to Total G. P. Sales Produce 12.76 25.8 Dairy 8.61 15.5 14031: 28.12 1 609 Frozen Food 8.18 23.2 Bakery 2.68 18.0 Grocery 83.69 16.6 Beverages 7.76 10.8 Soaps 2.56 8.8 Crackers & Cookies 2.16 23.5 Household Supplies 2.18 28.1 Paper Products 1.96 23.9 Canned Vegetables 1.78 20.8 Canned Fruits 1.89 18.1 Flour & Mixes 1.88 12.9 Drugs & Toiletries 1.88 27.7 Candy, Gum, Nuts 1.88 28.1 Soups 1.36 11.6 Sugar 1.07 6.2 Pickles, Relishes 1.06 28.1 Baby Food 1.08 9.8 Salad Dressing .96 16.0 Cereals .92 13.8 Baking Supplies .90 11. Canned Fish .89 18.1 Macaroni & Spaghetti .88 19.9 Pet Foods .86 17.9 71bid., p. 380 Canned Juices Jams & Jellies Condiments Canned Milk Prepared Foods -Dietetic Foods Dried Fruit Party Food Chinese Food Italian Food Pet Supplies Dried Foods Canned Meats .77 .71 .62 .28 .18 .18 .13 ..10 .08 .28 .22 e e o e e wflwooowouxom Aawmmmmma un00r0n3¥fleuun O C”) 10 How DISPLAY SPACE, SALES AND DOLLAR MARGINS ARE DIVIDED AMONG GROCERY PRODUCTS GROUPS8 Items lin. ft % total % total % total ' floor lin. ft. S sales 3 margin space gro. pd. gro. Q2, gro. sales Crackers & Cookies 78 8.8 7.0 8.9 Household Supplies 6% 7.6 8.5 8.8 Beverages 3 7.0 11.2 17.7 Beer & Wine 7 5.7 2.9 1.8 Paper Products 87. 5.7 6.5 8.5 Canned Vegetables 83 3.2 6.0 8.5 Candy Gum, Nuts 37 .5 8.9 3-3 , Canned Fruits 33 8.0 4.0 3.6 Soaps 30 3.6 2.9 5.7 Baby Food 28 3.8 1.8 2.3 Flour & Mixes 27 3.2 2.6 3.3 Cereals 20 2.8 1.8 2.1 Pet Foods 20 2.8 2.1 1.9 Condiments 20 2.8 2.1 1.8 Juices ' 20 2.8 1.9 1.6 Macaroni & Spaghetti 19 2.3 2.8 2.0 Pickle, Olives, Relishes 17 2.0 8.1 .2.8 Cigarettes 17 2.0 2.2 6.2 Miscellaneous 17 1.9 .5 .5 Soups 15 1.8 2.2 3.0 Sugar 15 1.8 .9 2.3 Jams, Jellies 13 1.6 2.1 1.6 Canned Fish 13 1.6 1.7 2.0 Baking Supplies . 12 1.8 1.8 2.0 Snacks 12 1.8 1.7 1.3 Desserts & Toppings 10 1.2 1.1 1.2 Salad Dressing & Oils 10 1.2 2.1 2.2 Baking Foods 9 1.1 .5 .3 Spices & Extracts 8 1.0 1.5 .9 Party Foods 8 1.0 .8 1.3 Dried Fruits 7 .8 .8 .3 Prepared Foods 7 .8 .E .5 Canned Meats 7 .8 . .5 Dried Foods 6 .7 .6 .5 Canned & Powdered Milk 8 .E .3 .9 Syrups 3 . . .3 Chinese Foods 2 .2 .3 .3 Italian Foods 2 .2 .2 .1 Pet Supplies 2 .2 .2 .1 w'v— 81bid., p. 39. 83 1. Placing perishables around the inside perimeter of the store. 2. Strategically locating the demand items to neces— sitate complete shopping coverage of the store. 3. Placing high margin, impulse items along side or near the demand items. Grocery Storage and Work Area The storage area for the grocery items should be lo- cated as close to the actual sales area as possible. The ac- tual stocking of the shelves represents one of the highest ex- pense items in the store. Naturally, anything that will in- crease productivity is of benefit. The purpose of a storage area is to serve as a place, where merchandise is stored and prepared for display. The storage area should be laid out so that the operations can be performed with a minimum of handling, walking, carrying or searching for merchandise. Correct conveyor installations eliminate most of the walking and carrying. Excess handling and searching can be eliminated by commodity group segregation and by proper arrangement of the stocks within the storage area. Factors that control the size of storage areas are gro- cery sales, number of deliveries of merchandise per week, mer- chandise turnover, and amount of reserve stock carried. Studies by the United States Department of Agriculture indicated that a long narrow rectangular area provides the best type of storage area. The area should be separate from the meat and produce receiving areas if possible. A permanent 81+ conveyor properly installed aids in the productivity of those working in the storage area. The-advantages of the long, nar- row storage area are: 1. It minimizes the distance that cases of merchandise must be moved by hand from conveyor, the merchandise stacks and back to the conveyor in subsequent oper- .ations. 2. It permits more precise commodity segregation and results in less searching for merchandise. 3. It facilitates movement of merchandise from the stacks or bays to future operations, such as price stamping and stocking. In the narrow storage area the bays or stacks of merchandise should be double rows perpendicular to the wall with an aisle of one and a half feet between the bays or stacks to permit easy removal of merchandise. The conveyor is set up parallel to the wall and perpendicular to the bays or stacks. The dis- tance from the bays or stacks should be no more than twelve feet which would not be too far for anyone unloading or load- ing the conveyor to carry merchandise. The merchandise should be stacked in the storage area to coincide with its location in the selling area. It is much easier to locate any desired item when this arrangement is followed. Signs designating the commodity group or aisle number corresponding to the selling area location are very helpful when located in the storage area. If all the mer— chandise is to be centrally marked the stamping table should as be located at the end of the conveyor near the door leading to the sales area, thus saving stockmen many unnecessary steps. By setting up bays capable of holding a double row of merchandise much time is saved in removing needed merchandise, due to shorter height of stacks. Bays have been very helpful where soft items that are crushable need to be stacked up in quantity. Such items as cookies, crackers, cereals, and other crushable items can be stacked to minimize the danger of dam- age. Adequate frozen food storage space is a rajor problem in all supermarkets. The trend is toward large wall-in freezer storage coolers to handle all frozen foods, frozen meats and ice cream. The frozen product items seem to continue to grow in number and to maintain full selling displays of product usually large backup stocks must be carried. Often in a cor- ner of the storage area is a dairy preparation table and cooler. The size of this area and equipment used will vary from one supermarket to another depending upon the amount of dairr items handled and the amount of cheese that is cut and packaged in the market. This area should be close to a door leading to the selling area and as near to the dairy department as pos- sible. While it is desirable to plan the size of the build- ing to fit the needs of storage, work area and sales area, this is not always possible. Usually the storage and work areas are the ones that must be adjusted. However, more and more the trend is to establish the needs of each department of the store along with storage and work area and then con- 86 damd mommm mnmm omuw LW Lwl lf Hi- Page il= gamma/H = page”. _ HWQS = £303 —— Enema: wfieflm .38 some fine ..moursm ham _ _ A mend: we nmaooo wcflxooam 84— mend woh4 canxflmz mdflbfioomm wGHOHhm wnHQQdHZ. mndppfia . _ .:H N :Hn n { Figure V 90 to change the layout and design of the working area; however, the selling area has remained principally the same with the exception of additional frozen meat cases as new frozen meat items have been added. Produce Sales Area The third and last major department that requires back- room working and storage area is the produce department. Here again, the continued eXpansion of self-service, as well as pre- packaging has brought about a variety of changes in layout and design. Modern, progressive supermarket operators have in re- cent years gained important advantages from conversion of meat department to self-service. The produce department, last bot- tleneck in self-service retail food merchandising, is now the focus of attention. As with self-service meats, up-to-the- minute sales methods, and a packaged, completely self-service operation can supply the answers to many merchardising and pro- “ trend to packaged self- U) f fit problems. In the last few year service produce has developed rapidly. When managed prOperly packaged self-service produce has brought modern selling tech- :niques to one of the store's most profitable departments, techniques which have meant a steady increase in volume. Refrigerated display cases have helped to change the layout of the produce selling areas also. Still there are supernmrkets which are not using refrigerated cases for this Periahable product. The trend, however, is toward attractive refrigerated cases that present this high impulse, high margin 91 product to the customer in a fresher, more convenient manner. It has been found in a survey conducted by the DuPont Company that self-service increased the speed and ease of shopping of the consumer and also that the consumer purchased sixteen per cent more in self-service departments as compared to service type produce departments. It was pointed out in the survey that congestion of traffic was greatly reduced by self-service which permitted the customer more time to shop. More and more produce is being received at the store in packaged form ready to put on display. Packaging is being done by the grower, wholesaler, or a repacker for the retailer. It is interesting to note that the per cent of total stores‘ sales of produce is usually less than half of the total store sales of the meat department, yet comparison of the per cent of the total store profit is usually greater percentage wise. This is often the reason for the amount of space allocated for produce sales area. Produce Work Area The produce storage and work area varies due to the same conditions that affect grocery storage areas, namely: 1. Produce sales volume 2. Number of deliveries each week 3. Merchandise turnover 4. Amount of reserve stock needed 5. Seasonal demands The layout of the backroom follows along the same prin- ciple of the flow of product as does the meat layout. 92 Illustration of Figure VI shows a typical layout for a self- service produce working and storage area. As more and more produce is prepackaged there tends to be an increase in the amount of machinery that is being used in the preparation area. A type of layout similar to that of the meat operation has developed through which greater productivity can be accom- plished. As larger supermarkets are constructed and produce sales volune increases, there will develop a product flow plan coordinating layout and equipment that will parallel the meat layout plan. Single Elpor Versus Basement Qperation The single floor storage and work area seems to have preference over the basement storage and work area operation. The single floor operation provides easier movement of product from the work and storage area to the selling area. Many tines, however, the selling area must be reduced to allow for this storage space. Currently, some new supermarkets are being con- structed with a one floor plan and other new supernarkets are being constructed with the basement plan. The principle rea- sons given for the use of basements are: 1. The size of the lot on which the sugermarket is to be built is not large enough to accormodatc large storage areas needed. 2. Construction costs for partial or full basement is usually less than for one floor storage space con- struction. 93 Produce W .055 d a4 madam r H 12' X 111' Walk-in r Produce L 350$ @— IIH mend eoofiomm gm 850$ 4: 5a = an >: ,- . w I 1. «and $0.3 _ _ mmdhopm _ _ gagged condone II. III II heaooo m gm O we mend mcflbfleoem @9695 gala; / .m N .w f In a 28583 Sofia 3:qu mogmmm 5mm ......m VI L..J. V Fi L_.‘ 91 '1‘ 3. In renting shopping center locations, the full basement is usue H13 rated half the price of the . -. .0 . a ...- 1. W... -,-- a: ,. 11.: na1n iloor and a IMOlLlll easeaent Lay add no aeol- H. Many tines acre stcra e and work a.rca is rade pos- . Q, v J0.“ - \ 'fi fa“. . Q ~-\ 1n 31310 through the utilization of a oaseLent than {a ible in (/1 (.1 would be econonically or physically po one floor Operation. Great advancements have been made in conveyor equipnent to meet the deranC.s of the basement type op aeration. Reports state that economies Lade through the use of a bas nent have offset any increase in handling costs. Apiarently, no hard and fast rule is given for deciding the problem and zany large 0 food organizations have both a single floor and basenent type operation in use. The deciding factor seeps to be the size of the plot of land that is available, the cost of the land, and the construction cost for the new supermarket as exempli- fied in the statements that follow.9 Ed: cLauthin, re portir g on American Stores, Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania said, "Steadily increasing construc- tion costs have obliged American Stores Corpany cor1pletely to reverse its attitudes on use of basezents in its new stores. Nowadays, company officials said it only pays to install basements where ground cos ts are e ntremcly high and use of a be serzent would cut the over all cost of building a market." lilton Segal, vice president Elm Farm Foods Company, Dorchester, Lassachus etts stated, "We prefer a single floor superrarket ra her than a nulti—stcry unit. Store “.2 Ci; LCL,__ i 8’" S1,“ )CL‘ILI’lZCt: 0‘14er V70]... 5 1:0. li‘B, 19 J7), p0 27'290 M... I 95 However, the size and nature of a parcel of land often precludes such a building." Kr. Singer, Applebauns Food harhets, Incorporated, Saint Paul Kinnesota said concernin basement opera— ’ tions, "Maximum efficiency of layout hinges on whether a supernarket is on lease or rental basis by square frontage and wiether a firm operates its own warehouse and service. Storage of dry groceries and locatin rest roons and compressors in the basement area allows more selling space on the rain floor." General agreements seen to favor the one floor opera- tion where it is economically possible to Laintain the com- plete operation on one level. Food-O—Mat The need for more selling space and greater economies within the supermarket led to the developnent of the Food-O- Rat. The Food-O-hat is a gravity-fed, rear-loaded, patented .display fixture for canned, glassed, and packaged itens. It makes a convenient, colorful, compact display of most dry gro- ceries carried in a rcdern supermarket. Many models of the Food-C-Hat have been developed, but are all basically1the same except the front fill nodel which is portable. The Food-O-Eat may be almost any desired length. The standard nodel cones in sections three and a half feet long; a space saver model is four and a half feet long. Generally, one standard section of Food—O-Kat replaces about twelve to fourteen gondola types of shelving. The Focd-O-Kat is usu- ally'installed in a straight line; however, new developnents have made possible a curved section of Food-O-hat enabling ‘the installation to extend around a square corner. The aver- ;age standard section contains approximately twenty—five item - Av,- 96 runways per front foot of Food-O-hat space. Fast selling items are allotted more than one runway, while slow selling items are limited to one runway. The runways are easily ad- justable permitting more or less runways as determined by the size and shape of the products placed on the Food-O-Mat. An eighty—four foot long Food-O-Mat would have approximately 2,000 runways and contain from 1,700 to 1,800 items on display.10 Related items are displayed close together as on conventional type shelving. The Food—O-Kat has been accepted mostly by food re- tailers in the Eastern United States. The Grand Union Com- pany, whose president Lansing P. Shields is the inventor of the Food-C—hat, has used the Food-O-hat extensively in the Grand Union supernarhets. The interior of a typical Grand Union store is best described as similar to a wagon wheel. Lunerous aisles fan out from a focal point as do the spokes of a wheel; but these are intercepted by several main aisles, which cut across the wheel spokes. The effect is, therefore, one of nany short aisles, spaced well apart, and there is a minimun of crowding and knotting of customers at any one point.11 This particular layout gives the feeling that many small shops are located under one roof. The customers stroll through 1O“Food-O-I-Zat hanual," North American Equipment Company, Patterson, Few Jersey, 1955. 11Robert Sheehan, "Grand Union's Super-Supermarkets," Fortune hagazine Vol. LI He. 6, (June 1955), p. 111. 97 the store without the restricting effect of wall and doors. High shelving is eliminated and greater visibility aids the customer in finding nercnand Kany food organizations have experimented with the use of the Food-O-Kat, but wide-spread acceptance has never been, achieved. Possibly, the main reason that the Food-C-hat has not received wide acceptance has been the fact that the food organizations who first tried using the Food-O-Kat had the earlier models which had faults that have since been overcone in the newer models. Instructions for the care and use of the early nodels was very poor, and resulted in much dissatisfac- tion on the part of the early purchasers. Improvements have been made in the later models and research is still being con- ducted to improve the efficiency of the Food-G-hat. The American Bquipnent Company points out that the Food- O-Kat was invented to: 1. Reduce the sales space needed to display dry groceries 2. Present a sales making display 3. Keep handling costs to a nininum 4. Show higher gross and net profit for the opera- tion of the grocery department12 The basis of the Food-O-hat operation lies in the theory that by putting the high custoner demand, low mark-up items on the Food-O-hat pore Space is made available to display high 121b1d., p. 1. O 9;;- impulse, high mark up merchandise. here space is made avail- able for the perishable departments which usually are high mark up merchandise. The actual stocking Of the shelving in the supermarkets remains one of the biggest cost factors. The Food-C—Lat offers' help to reduce this stOcking cost by: 1. Reducing handling Operations from eight steps to six 2. Locating reserve stock directly adjacent to the FOOd—O-Kat to obtain direct flow Of merchandise 3. Avoiding customer interfe-ence with production of stocking clerks h. Avoiding blocking of aisles with loading trucks or cartons 5. thbling Food-O-hat Operators to use other merchan- 3 ical handling equipment, cutting gan hOLPS y 6. taking restocking faster and ncre convenient 7. Allowing for automatic rotation and fronting: no pulling Old stock off the shelves o. Recuiring less personnel to maintain stocking peration in Food—G—Iat than conventional type Great enphasis is placed on proper instruction and training of pcrso:1el who work on the Food-O—hat. Without proper training the enployee is baffled and the use of the Food—G-Tat which is designed to increase stocking efficiency 99 can not increase the production or profits of the store. Proper instruction, good training, and some eXperience are needed before an employee can achieve the production effi- ciency for which the Food- O-hat was designed. The Food-O—Mat may or may not be an aid to merchandising the grocery items in a supermarket. Grand Union Conpany has made successful use of'the Food-O—hat in its supermarkets. The future of the Food-O—Kat seems to depend upon the new improvem nts that are being developed and th he use of an extensive prozotional cam- paign by the North American Equipment Company. Summary The rodern superrarket rust conbine modern up-to-date merchandising and architectural design in its layout. The layout must try to satisfy the basic principle tm applies to a reta ing target. 1. To facilitate conplete custener circulation of the entire store. 2. To increase sales of high margin Lerclm ndise. 3. To establish a buying routine consister -t with the customer's thinking, habits, and ~etr'us of plan— ning. h. To make the task of shepping as pleasant as pos- sible. These principles nay be incorporated in a Store's layout throu h scientific and r.the‘ tical analysis or sales 0v de- part ents, stock t1rnover, ucianc nercnandise, and nigh narrin ' ‘1 ”1"“. "f '. fl ‘3 H: ’3 9714‘]- 1 ’~ ~ A 'F‘ f'“ .fi f) '3‘! .1 ‘5" t . ("A ‘1‘. '3 a" an". ” 1 Y3 ' ‘r‘ {Lie—- C-_u..¢(..._>;)b Q .L--v .m-.. w J'...'_.'5!:. ‘V‘J— Q;/L’.Cv L:.._..C“VL- lat..- ..-- .._; (”AVG—L -..L-C¢- J-“ A .nfi .,"- - .3- .2 "a D-.. 1 - _- .. “Km, .. ‘ . - . 1 .. -._ , - -_ ‘- \ n UTA) J. a Cu TC v1.1.1.6 ‘ .L 111‘ INCA”; I, Lo...’ i; , 1) Lit 041;.) i C'Ceiltla' 1.er.3 i;C ' .2 - ... u ~' v- 'n 1 v - “ H . s I 0 qu- 4- - ‘ nore rap itcns dearly. Factua sales analysis and steel turn- 11 Q. ~v~ 7‘ 4-. I: . - .~~ -1 f‘ . - qr". -, -' 5'. over rates Lust ee concuctea if no -etailer enpcets to Lain- ~rfiting costs continue to rise. 1 J- C. U) f.) U) 0 EC: ( ) l r tain present prof: As with all retailing businesses the storage and work areas can be an asset as well as a liability to the over all profits. The storage and work areas need scientific planning to increase the productivity of each departnent. Improved 1 1 handling Lethods are nooceo in t1 supermarkets and improved 9 I (9 storage and work area layout is an ~xcellent place to accom- plish increas d productivity and profits. he one plan will suffice all supermarkets; however, a comparison Of successful operational layouts would be helpful to any progressive re— tailer. General Opinion seems to be that as the operational costs in supermarkets continue to rise the effect Of careful planning of the store's complete layout will become of major "'I_- !. importance if the retailer expects to Operate profitably. CHAPTER V EQUIPI-iEI‘IT Introductiqn _Changes in food nerchandisin; have accon pregress of supernarket construction. New merchandising methods have contributed to the development of new store equipment. The wide-spread acceptance Of self-service in‘- tiated the developnent Of new equipment to satisfy the needs Of nodern retailing. Competition anong equipment nanufac- turers has increased, and as a result, food retailing execu- tives nust continually re-evaluate new developments in store design, lighting, heating, air-conditioning, raterials hand- As O“‘rfltih” costs have continued to rise, greater em- phasis has been placed on securing nod rn, efficient store equipment. An example is the use of parcel pick-up stations to reduce the cost Of carry—out boys. As in nany other phases of the planning, one best method cannot be applied to every situation. Each store presents a problem of transferring the customer's purchases from the checkout stand to the automobile with the greatest efficiency and satisfaction. Modern retailing continues to present a challenge to equipment manufacturers. host of the manufacturers have been 102 able to n et the challenge. Many equipnent nanuiacturers offer (I) conplete planning services to the retailer. Experienced en- gineers :ake a complete analysis of the retailer's problems, then plan the best methods to help selve.the problens. As the pattern of retailing changes, the equipment Lust also change to meet the new demands. The food retailer must be continually alert to the changing retail patterns. Grocery quipnent The materials handling equipment used in the grocery departments has seen no revolutionary changes in recent years. Today's supermarkets are making greater use of conveyors to facilitate loading and unloading Of product. The four-wheeled stocking cart is rapidly being accepted as a replacement for the less efficient two-wheeled hand truck. A few chain or- ganizations are using the pallet load system in shipping product to the stores. Easy to handle pallet jacks are used in the stores to unlead and move the palletized products within the store. Gondolas Gondolas and shelving are made by many nanufacturers. Many of the large chains have their own carpenters who make the shelving as needed for new or remodeled stores. Most supermarkets make use Of the variable depth or stair step type of shelving, i.e. the bottom shelf may be twenty inches in depth, the next shelf fourteen inches, the next twelve inches, the next ten inches, and the top shelf eight inches 103 de 813. Eiearly all modern shelving is 1.:ade in sections with eas y adju:st1;ent for thee sired he eight of eacn shelf. Greater use of pe gboard has been experienced as zigany superna nets have extended their non-food lines. ‘u’ire dump baskets ans. snelf xteuders are still being used by nest super1:arl:ets. Within he last few years standardized, flexible shelving has been developed. The nest desirable selling space remains on the e"e level range. Bye level shelving t‘r roughou t a store gives the custo121er a clear view of the entire store; however, :rany re1-.-;odeled stores have had to add another shelf to the top of II‘esent shelving in order to c irry a Lore complete variety of IDI'OO.1.1_Cts. Where space is limited, higher shelving is used. Saléiszlgrcut Equipnent The check-out operation is an inportant phase of the iarhet operation. The check-out function accounts for Q]: 1 early on e-: ourth of the 1:1 -hours required in he total :Ij U1 5 ‘d O *gr-rrar‘ et operation. Super1,:ari:ets Lay hand e siz't" to sev— *4»; (‘1‘ i - . . 1 Ills vol 11 e d1] ring peak periods usually causes the store Lan- D ’— 0 W i 1 ”gel? cons1derable worry due to the corg estion for1 ed at the Cl- '_ o 0 1‘ n O iecli—out coun ers. The introduction Ol sell-serVice neat.) and Produce have greatly reduced the rain bottleneck. 110.- .ever , Clieci-z-out counter rcre its the 1:11.11bc-r one bottleneck in the S1307" - _ - _ '7 w '1 J. ' . L - Q: . Increased voiure u1:;pez'.=;..:s to a large extent on the ra- L OiC1 W .. ..‘V . J ..\ ,_ ‘. ‘, ,‘1 1," _ .. 1 J_1‘ a“, 1 9.? .-.-'it11 -1i ch @111”:ch can 1-33 1 even t1._.:-e1=.gn the once..— 011 . .1. ' t lones in a courteous, friendly :enner. Where parking 101+ fax:i;l;ities are linited, 4he chck-o4t oeer ation becones LOTS 4.. 1.1. 7711. A .. - .. .° .- x.“ ,. n .. - ' iI'JCDI‘ tau- 0. ine eiteLSion ci seli-service has ‘1 - _I) ‘ '_ f! ‘1- -J-.. ' 4—3 _ - ‘ ‘ _‘e_ 1" V," o aell (Di good custoncr relations L)Cfl bLB eaSni cazrzrzs out be3s. In nany cases thcv ar the cal nefiL. xvith whom UIIS cue toIer I’" cone in contac 1.! ‘ t. As with other types of Siroerm rtet equipmer t, severe.l ccaii1>ahies vanuiacture checl -St31. . The basic principle of 013(3"ation is about the sane and tests have proven that the adixfzantages of one type ch ecksta d over a:_other Aczisiially if he latest nodel chechstand of eacn V O are very few. 1.2 :n.‘ 4. 8.-.;113. QC turer WELES tested under the sane opera tins conditions very little 0 - di.i?f.° erence in efficieiicy would be noted. m1- ine checkou stand is a tool. It will 9 o 1 i a 0 0; Iixarchami aise , out tne Checks and will not m33-?Chazndise. The purpose of the checkstand i tflél't; the right itens ar> at the right place a tn11311. ther mi :imum of effort or inconvenience to receive Ler- U ClC \ C-¢C c]!- b‘L 1(aiux3_ise, Iove L(“Cn mlise, and aid in the bhvsical handling out the to make sure the right time all concerned. Ch<3<3liout equipment selection should be based upon its eifec- tl‘réeiiess. The sneed, accura y, and effectiven Stc~1ici depeizd upon the cashier aId bagg' ers. Kany Ian: facturers of checgc1t eoiiare 918-1123 that their Izodels iilll ndle a certain 035 will make anount of dol- lin? {sales Ier checkout per day or week. Any intel- igent oper- i.nows that nany variables are connected with the c7ec :out ion so that these figures could hold true only in the in which the tests were conducted. Variables, such as 105 the ES‘D<3€1 of the cashier, nurber and speed of the oegge1s, '1cthe: the cashier rust casn checks, handle bottle re- turliss , coupons, stanps, weigh produce, etc. affect the dollar 'salfiess ifludzpess through a checkstond per day or week. Hat“ — ally , in planning a store the number of checkstands that will 1x3 IlE3<3ded to handle the estimated sales Ilust be deterrined. Usually a large rsanizat C) I" ’° 9 ._1 O 51) L1 { ) \- k) } J R: ...v) H. 0*4: E. w (I) U) 0 F—b 0 DJ H U) (—f- O "S (D O OPCII'EL1Sing under similar conditions to the new supermarket. An @3131;Iflilte given by the Spee—Dee Check-out Systens, Incorsora ted, LfiullleZRCt‘Per of a widely use ed checzstand is $1,000 "ee:lys ales PGI‘ (:lieckstard. The figure may be high or 1 U depeze1 ing upon the area. location and the variable factors that affect t1 e C"LG<:1«:-out operation. New developments in cash registers have helped to speed 9 f311£3 check—out opera‘ion. hotorized de Mr e;1t keys enable ”1% 9531:€33r and Lore accurate check n; of Lerchandise by depart- Ixelit;:: without the need of sorting the merchandise prior to 73 -3 o ‘ Q 1 Ch‘LC31::Lng out each order. The cash register that snows tne CKlslijixer the ahount of change to give the customer is a new (1‘ 73-" in v; Q P. i , - , *rulCDXIELtion. The accure an speed of the casn reg Q; C‘ n) (i 1 J. .. - 05) e'Ilclent apon tne operator. lost cash re gisters are capable Of '. . *—<3<:ordi1me1ghty 11n be t‘g'f G en gs per ninute. Cashiers usually check a 1 icrty to sixty itCIS per 1inute. Check—out equm 0Y€£t should not be selected on the basis X" ~_ 1Clyrde L. b “‘iEB Spec-Dee C / , ‘1" 410 o 1 oil, "Studying C1ecl:outs--A Report Prepared c1 :-out 33 stez, Inc.‘, (Grand Ra;ids, hichigan, q C e T J. 1 1‘ 9md “‘L e51gn s to develop 1" the d b 17' U r31 .. 1V feet .0 V :' 9.. 106 10* q A O l" t on , ‘ L'- 1 features ‘0. me Ciic 7121.08. of ’1 T J- n the operation 0 .1 ., 11C Iltilize t anti ity of ‘ * tabi" A L3 CLO. .nd V ., av the a J” ‘ 8"]. but ~ A. 8.101'6 , 1t 1:.e1 p n. J l a — are not -eut eot C.)- A C CD? 3. 7;- &L q L‘— l c chec 3“ “-1. .' Spceeeéi t 1 C - COCL ".811- r 1 q , O 3". r~ l .- - (algct A L: O u‘ "I '1‘ -4- I.) CI‘C 11(11— 1 Q n 'k. ‘. V..-\-.’- irentation _ts c “G l P ‘ 1111:)?" C 6‘1" W l )— ‘I‘H 316 ”‘1 Ci 5 rm '0 U T '18 l "’5 w ‘- ‘- Q l 180 .f‘."‘l ‘ l F‘fi 0 ml J y.) s) -.- . --'~. CI‘I..C’.:‘ H t... 1C C t c er. :11:ti:<32 1:1 1. 0 J- 11 C. St: :tion c C 101’? —--. U (JILL . I L. 1.0.A4a ‘\ 1‘.“ .I.'-'- C _., ‘Jon— !' v Q. ,1. \K 1 11 c‘ ‘ ., \ .l C” n 1: |J \1 '1 ... ...L 1.1 l c o p 7‘(7 0.1 t Tz—out cc . n ‘4 s - hec c "veral colo e CO] \‘ - 111 the t J. [V . 8 1.— '5 .... L-. t ‘ .4: v , exec uls I v N 4- —L I41. ....0. (31‘. G C 133. L. L, 3 O b e ,L' A n JLV".;;3 V shelves 'v no 1 ‘ .l. -. et lbeL-” [No.7- I I I I u. ‘ (‘\‘VI (“ -'.~ 5.) r“ 1‘: TD‘1 rr. (9 UVé ‘ ' -L "1 ’n ’ ' A «kk‘ 4'3. .r.,._(.. 1 .’ uu" ’ .55. -’fi (- L ': TM. ...—5- J ‘ L1 - 4. ~ 1 I‘ K; «- 1 Limo Lit coole“ '11 LL 1"“ *¢-V ."~ ‘w \.‘_1_ 9;- ."1‘3 by... , 1 b I rm ‘ 1') I Q --. . w - 14.1. 1 po '1 WW ..H'd f .L) ’5 Us. a- V -'_\ :4 r‘ 'V —. .3 L Q f‘ O; l a. d o 107 r:- vv.‘ 1:; o. .l.‘ .-.\ L4- '_'.> 1 fooC 1ncroas vocal to w L~Lli .. ‘ '. lr‘. .L (75‘... ., - 3 (J a. 0 w. '-‘ - ’pW‘rr .s- \r J-1’-‘O .1. LI J---— l JV ‘ ‘b ‘. (/(J..- 4 l- '11.) J- 011 , . .1. 3.x; QC; 4-. O tCl‘ 111 Q. -9-‘ .—. vJ-b .- ”—3“ v..'. ‘-J-- -0 4.th .". ._ CO»: e t -‘h (7" C) A ‘53 C21 {3* C) J I L... 13:31 colors add sale - 9.- 1: " ‘- .‘fi' 1“. ~ ‘—. LLV stc: 1'1 iJC .1" .Ll‘C‘ .L‘ t _ S w; “.1. S e C e O S t wfl T . r n 2 G R n .C O. ”L fl 3 .1 ..J C 1L 9 n). a .l .l C Z n n S c. .1” h . amtnvc . n“ 3 no 1. G r l "D C u... G .. O w.np;0ea {o a HM +U "v C O r e S e t C .1 Lb n at. H... e C C: H-” C no no.1" ny rm :; ”.. nu .H“ c# a U. n a l l C A.. C C e Z d d S e P +ts_s n“ .e u n“ Aef doe enemy a +U o a r 1 .3 I ..H _l_ T .1 t O a 8. .l C a a; 8 V C .C t u t S S V e h a S Vu . a e e n“ T ."b t w.“ «L an e U. C .0; «Q .fl .1 .1 Lb r a C G C .. .L+too O L“ Au w +V a .1 S an O. I. S e e .L t h ._H. ._b D ...r. a“ t .l C .1 C a h a a O C n“. S L 3 t S .1 u 0 .1. .32.; ’.l e S LIV W. H V «L w m 10. U u e 7.. .Tu n gt C .l C .l S e S G 1:“ T h .3 V S S a L n. O a ...t S 1 .1. t S D. p M 8.. T O T. e C L. S p . 0 ML o a C h S a A 09 r S r 3 t 9 h 2 ..o 8 nu ..L G C S Q S 1 S O O .3 n... f l .3 S C d .l O n t D. O G n. e l o r G. a .” G .... . C. a S a W; .8. I. S b d .11. 6. l a 3 ...u 8.n a n ..L C Q; 0 h e h r f a e h) t C E C O “1 t h e t (u r 0 «on; cu m; .n 4;:2 eaemte v4 e be way V 7’ n1 nu Luv .Tv 0 -.Tu Al. O a 7. e C Q. o f a I. e n C O .1 S l u C e 1 1H. .1 T U. T S .l e t d k a e O k a r n t O O V t n l C C p W.o.onvo n W; O qu "AA n.toe:¢ A w 0 he 2,k ..L r. . qL e a u S e j. l.| xi \L c e t t fig 3 . .3 a C. .1 O .1 C "U. C I L, to the 1‘ (W A. .3 szfi1.€3:3 1 var i e ty is fc>c>c1 cases rc>1r<3 C‘ LJL .\ I-) — V ten tires lec the middle of the store r where i S liLited, Leny the in under ~ “ ‘31-: f-o‘ 1:110 UN .._LOa \ -\ 3 (q a ledthS. i and a: be built to D 81308 backroom or oaserent. n .0 ‘ 0 Cu ab o‘! 17 I 1 1‘ ‘- “d' , ._.». Li A CL C 585 :5 OJ. ooor" This type case JOdld reserble oer-fill clair'r case with no doors on the front. 109 The: (3:18 would or could interporet; the use of the gravity fe Eraser—fill type rack now used in the Food-C—Iat. A case sc> (fluczsigned weal Lake use of vertical suace now lost in the :19cas;.:nt tyne froze: food cases, and also make refilling Lore cxfiTfichient. Refrigeration L8F3“10t0; rs have Lade :any inprove- 113“11353 in suoerrarfet equirment and can be expected to contin- tu12;3_sr dove lop new equipment that Mill re e the needs of the < . ‘. ‘ 4- -r‘ — . I- ‘I“ ~ .- D a —q ‘ . ---.‘ '0‘ J--.~-' ‘ 1“ r. J- i. blLe leafeb .LO‘QI :G;.;.“S 126.1,; C1,; L110 Olk'. LCfVlK/C ”$50 pushy 1(3 " '\ cs. - 1-. A” J- .. v- .-,« ,-- , .L . 1.» ~ -- ' mun -._. ‘ V .1“ £32 1 L}- LS ETEVQ b "Ull C0111»? ’3: .Cm uC 33.....‘uLI-‘V...CC o J-A— J l—‘J-l 87“-j r‘. ‘Vo~-~A'w".fl..-,’ il‘rc ""‘~\.,t -‘~-'~ v "- r‘--,-~‘-‘| ‘,-:\ 1'3 (11‘ re ‘1 ‘I‘""\~ ’11:-l; r {”1an ”-.. .-. ... J (_-.__ _-, bu v-11; “dive U))U.L..b‘.-. --eLVb {0...1...‘ 0..) L'._-‘_a..._-.- . ..--uvr“ ... -. » 7‘ ~ -.. 1- -- ~. 5 ' '\ 1- - 1m - SGSVlCG Leat departhLts ehe add;ted: or Le‘han- o 'J 9 cf- 0 ,C. a .9 t: |. ’3€2_i;jxnu re 9bly do ;ing e 1J“b owiart1elt 1 “. si1m all Of “*'C3 :icdrr; ;gtig1eht thrt is evailable; dC“Cve-, a large 30“- CC33Z.“:ige c the Lori 39";rt chts are i32L3 L063?“ JFl” r‘Cl‘Vi‘LC' GC¥11£i;rLert in increasing CLQIAtS. 3e f-service Leat operations 4- J“ 1 "‘ ’ 1 - ..C‘ -~ 1- 4‘ A. ~‘, ‘~ r- - o“ - 1' 90 the QuVGlOQWOMt o1 a lGQb-llud plan. Ia tye Leat floM “l‘gtli- the use of different t3wes o“ eeriULent has been incor- )reparatieh -e . 0* {Erie Leat. "Overhead conveyors with ‘re.cks lea 5i froL the re- ceiving docks to the storace cud cutt he 1g roe; _s, heevr- I J IJ-CTL‘S offer manv advantages eve er the SLall cooler boxes ously used. Separate storage equipre eat for fro- eats a;d lish are now provided in most supervarkets. du y scales of either floor or over t_o desig-, aid ious types of hand trucks that can 1.ove pec;a3ed iteLs, ea 1 as SLo oged haL. s direct fro: tile doclzs to d181llaf c es, all cut dOM; on the heavy lifting that Mas nec- e ary in ’avs gene by. L9rger Jalk-in cold. storage M p 2 30001010 in (DHOmC-J 4. *4“, tr > r a, . 8.0-.. . ‘ *ud p fi-. a --. 110 . 115 n, C‘lttl C'IL. * ’1 LJ . 1100. O i veyors-—‘ 't “d '1 CC“ 001 19- ch 11 'nr‘v‘ .1. 08;. La... p ‘ ‘dflu Ft 1&1. C . _ 9 1Q 1.“ n)... C 71* in e g .1 .TV 0 3 O O ...o in 1 8 nl r as .s "d .n a S C Li a n M «Q 1.. a. .. S and a. "J v“ 1. .1 C ca nl .d v. e c a n . . e ..-.“ a S an o a ._.u .1 ..D 3. H 614 n “U. n O ..l_ Au 0 C R 0 e t d e l S .1 ...”). .l .1 * cl .1 C ..D -t .TV 1 t S ...... S S a C a K e .5 . a e e .n u l V e l Ru D .a _l_ V C .l w.“ 0 .C Q 8. . ._ 8 VS 3 46 V 8 C “1.. C C P. ..-“ S .., _ n e L a e S C C i e 3 O r .l n. .. .n. .1 ,1 O .2 I. C V _J. ...L a; S 10 .l C an t 8. .n. 6 C .l h S C S S O t 1. n. d V. C n. O . 4d 8. u VJ C a e n rm Ab. «1,... e. 0.. Lb 1U. n ..L n... l a... L .7.» m .1" 1. 1C .1 O h a S n. S r... I t 9 n C C e n S O a .l P Q: C .11. e .C S C .l S .l ..r T G t S a u v V C V a R. S n C w. C a d i e k u 0 t v M. h u l «O. C h t a .1 C .u. U1 a ...L r a n... 3 .1 “J a h D n. U. .. O l .... S C a i e W a... a e i n d . d S W C e C . . O n e i e t h 8 .1 P _ t O. 5 .t L t n . . 1 o h .2 e i a u 0 t t S e .1 m. L V. C e t .t .L... o O T .01 l f e n C a m-.. . t O .1 b O l .1 1_ ~. n... _ film 0 ‘11». Am:— 11Hw on:— 3 1.; r .0. _ .l a O1 S x a. _ n t _ S e S T C n . M t D. i r O O h 0 P O S r r. O 3 P. l .l 0 ~ 1. 1 C ._.o ..L P. VJ ... U "...... Av “U; 00 0L .1 l C my” C .7. C V a...“ o b o u S u 1. fi . G. . l a S a H... ....u .E C. 3 .1." t .._: I. .D a O l V n a C S e, O S ..-. l ..l .l a t r _ .. C. O 9 u. ... C 1. .l P C 09 .4; .. .1_ G: u u” .l G "J S t .u t S C "J r ...u. l .n. C C a 8 r8. t _ .v‘ v 1.. u . .o lo _l c ‘. fig .1 c x o . . NJ ; 1_ 1% v1 0 .1 a. t ., Ca. 7"- ‘. I. ‘ L g n .l G F.“ r U. .l t S C p 3 d6? 2.1 V the co, lave actu- .' .1. . I4— ‘ of used DerforLs STE t a. U .011 ' “i- \J CT "J L; g kn- - "lCL‘L h‘.. ‘01: fi 0 .J..C {,1 ' 0‘. c- .7. g . s) ‘v f) '5“ O q :1 VI... fi. 0 C" I.) CO T‘ {.3 ." {AGV ...-.. 91.5 ’1 7118.2; C A "70 10mg . 1 .x‘. VA— t n-101rr . ‘0 iewer Larfiet on nu. n) 4.- .rq (" O ‘ -1 1““ CC A. .r“* ._Na'ék. 0 V - ‘. ’1 L _LL 9.“: a‘ e operat O ‘1 n l. .1 .- o "a "" .l-.— 3.‘ fi- at ',-’ H oxat .1. L; Q‘ gab- O " 7'", .’7 4"“0 ‘ tn .. scale Ledel ’1 11 ‘7 .2 E f‘ ‘0 slid O "38.1“ 1." b J. 1'3 4. LI‘ n-~ Ltd "7" .L D .p re .L L’- -J .L O 138‘.- :3 CC} I1 K 111 A ’1 of 3011 E"; (N *n A b 4, A .(. ‘4. .---;v 1.. A (w $—. 9’ 1 Afi‘> _J‘ J. n 1“! LLHK ( re 30 inovation of if die n - EU to 1 0330 SGTVlCO of n O n:\n+--w O b3 «‘4 U—L O ‘- 533110 th a - . I ~31 4. abs ,4 \r SGTVlCG L .0 .3 J" licatossp“ de pecial cuts, 1dlse. chm 0 Vi inun (1" ”(may no u‘.1-' .AA,L I n-J L x: --C u S ‘ suyelr 110?! .2. b 1“ A LOg {Exit}. 1. Q -- .‘f‘ --.-t; ‘JIJ, (1". -rs\-« ‘ I .. -.- E3. '7‘ ~ I "7‘ \..". 1-1 0‘ ‘I “ LLO lgl‘éCl t ‘w 15‘ I "V””‘(’ . - W 5 -.sAKJ-~V—AU’ C 1 n L. .rbec be for - _x-‘am Q L, Q4“ , in V V .[1 O D 7T0 ‘P -gts w‘r» t (' wwrx 4). '71.": X4;- ~2 L“*‘Vi/b'* a Q ‘- 1 A I qvpart- .oat grind. ? o 30 J . b- on ,. ..-‘4. 7'- '. ‘J A- , _ L ‘ u V3.8).-.“ 0 9h 4|. 01* ..- ...- 15f~4-r‘ :‘ _GCD?‘+_.- vv -« .3. ... .s V -t.- .fi fl .‘ -_.4-‘3 1 . .L V J-‘ U;-L. C: TO- A (“‘1 V- .-'_ \.l ... \J \' k.‘» n 7 x a." '1 ”f,“ r‘ ...; -Tr‘-' "c are; -s .. . ‘I-- l" _ a .J (y-«n F‘A ' ,. J--K_9U\/p ...\ I“ ;,Q a ~ - 1., . 138.331 b o n In r\ v 1“, L- g (A 4 ~- . -.— co 3:0 .< :17”: 'JKJ'._-n;JC“- V Tnfifi 1" ‘J\/* _.L4._~) O /'\—:1—. r“ n .1- k.» h. . J.§' k) - a: 1‘". -. -KA‘ o ..A.. 7‘. '- . ‘C. \,I(V.y A q... .1. _ r: J )J - "l .._) t v ll ‘1 a. n \ f\ “‘r -_.( 'a- 'ioiflfl v-—~ ‘.. ‘- r~ 1‘ ‘g' C;'\ ‘i . r' '~.--.. IV ..A'v...) in. n "J ‘3 C. an Lb C “.4. W... 8 1.. Lprn T O “)1. o V.C .1 C L V «U. Spy ..w ... 11. [Mb gym 3 no ..u ...» I - .... . ... . an; tHO Pm C . n. ‘ L . V .. . .‘ ‘ . '.¢ ‘&».|....L. ;‘ a .1 . ..ua 7__ . 2..“ .. 171 on. C. C mffi Lu .3. .1 .u . .1 «.29 rhe 0.11 A‘~ ,pfl \. ‘1 f»‘;. .1. .\. S u .1. C five 1. ,. 2..- G "-.u a .-_ ._l a P ..J H S 9 o .. __ -HJ- a .-‘- - -- - . ,- .~ l -_ awn-3 CC-» C; 31'? .._~CC CO 12.. _CCQ (.5.-.-l-.S '1 " 3 C E“ O .L ‘20 31-:llLLS ..re l‘Ul’llllllf‘ CC‘liSl(.'.CI'- over "Lirt‘ sold 110‘ | a. 1L 5) In «7 a O ‘ f‘ I “‘7 '-‘| 'N'l't(l.1‘ £5 b—J ‘AlwacV- . \ "7‘ "‘1.- r-‘w ' .31" -‘ W" LS 116'? C (a 1.. . .17. ”7 Wu“ C(‘Jr,t r-m" :_ryO-_ .V’axr 'CC‘ --.-,-.(-._ lika¢¢d L.’ “Us” - — -..L... - _\. U . -L- N 4 1.4.- ; 4.;kl...\..... up; ". \_.~_ a... u v... ‘1. w ‘ 0 _-v {u.. ‘ p T c O 1" In 1"“. n q‘ S v :1‘. ‘ A. h _| Q 3 ‘- -‘(.~ ‘. 1 +4 /‘ ‘ I ‘ , . ' I '— --- ' . V - - .' I a" ‘ ’ 3 ‘ — ‘ _ ” ..- ' ‘1‘ . . .. .J :- n 5 l l v. ' Q ‘- - 9-;le L;«$«‘~..— J. -V-.-L:J l- (a..- ..‘.... . (4 5J— (- L'.L';.U .L‘-U ’ -l.~_'v U-Lv $5.1. .'LLL‘.C u.‘.o.t.i ' '7 7 " . ,_ - - q . ._ fl _ . _‘ . J- . - .- - ~ .— . .1 C H- 1‘ ml, I r‘ I. ! I 3, r. 1 .1 O y 1" ~ r. I? .1 - f. {‘5 '1 . -. U pfl‘ ‘ Q N V ' '1; 3 .‘. ' a f‘ 4.. a C1 ‘ V Ii“. I "n‘r . .s_\"\.‘.) \.v v v... A- V». --. .. ._Iv---- s..- .— ... ' ..., v . ~JL- ‘J ‘1... v Il< -. S1: 51.!— —-. L .AL: J . 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J .L .— t V; J. o v 7 .1 - - -1 - - - 1 - ~ 4.‘ ‘ - J ,‘.111-.(-,. a 1“ f ,- 5 u 3“ fig a- ‘- , 'Mfl ._ ‘ ,‘ o- "Ifl‘ “A” a ,‘ 1“ t I ,\ ‘,- 1 n L, ’--LJ U.‘.V bk... ...-v {a ." ..-.Ll I» .. v1....l.. L‘J .._'.. L 14--.“;A- ui)‘35_) U- -..; J,_bL‘. -LV ‘K.._ V .. 4-: -. 0.. . .1. ‘I - w..- . - 7. .- . . u- -. A * .n .13. '- \1- (0 ff. ‘*'1 .\~ 1 ‘o fi-s ,-. . 1 - r- - . 1. 3 . (3 -- (-- .'* I} x l' r -‘ 5. 1 P.1’3 ~’W .L.. ‘L U .._) L .--.1. ‘J . ,4»- LI L~kL~ 31.1... ”(.1 --‘u ..-..LU.$ ). ‘J;JL—'~C‘.-L-Q.L-Lb *.._,_ V;..,LCL A. ~./_. u- -v — ' - .6. fl .. - -- -- fl -. - 1 0 .1. .. ‘ WPRP J- . nQW' (~q (‘ I") 2,” -‘ ‘7) _ ’- I‘r.l .1‘ __. '11“ 1‘ ‘ V'j r- ‘r‘ {-0 fl ~_-1 [a ...VJ-U ..HIL 4 u) .)L....\«o.). -'b «Ki ‘1‘- Ka"~..--'.C(v ‘ C--l‘t.d 1 la w'r$slA-b b1” oL—L,¢1V .fi - 1 ~“ Ir ., 1“ - v C . . . o J-" V f " ~ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘A A O . . .1 :» rcccz_ way, ho‘~ :b*1;*11121:r mac are“ W*"1.Ac.l“~, .:~1;nc: .— \4 ‘4 ‘tuah‘a ~ 1 - _‘o_ -. _ o A .-.uex tne UCLl§L3gt 3 LC C i. ..- C‘ 14' O (D H p. ...: h) L. 0 O I 3 C (- f (7.) J r. . J 5: n y J ..1 d- .g 1 o ._ I ,7 J‘s“"_ .'_‘o ’ “L‘ 1:” LA." 0. ‘ -_. o 1.1 '1__ 001“« HQCm puufl uulng ne ll ipel ; UlDLGHt 1n hue proeeco J Rtfrigerated produce cases “e not in use by all large $3 I 1+"Produce Kanual," QgggnL§§9 e Age Vol. 33 Ho. 3, (March 1957), p. 168 113 supermarket as yet. However, the trend is toward wider use of refrigerated produce cases for fresh fruits and vegetables. Some use is being made of the nirrcred sliding window rear- fill type produce cases. In other supermarkets a rear-fill operation sinilar to that of the neat department is being used. Probably one of the most useful inventions adapted to supermarket use has been the garbage disposal. The problem of garbage removal has always plagued the supermarket opera— tor. The garbage disposal has reduced the cost and worry of removing many tons of waste resulting from produce department operations. Bagging machines are available which permit easy bag- ging of apples, oranges, grapefruit, potatoes and onions. An automatic bagging machine has been developed to bag head let- tuce in cello bags. 'Kany produce departments handle garden items and the need arose for the development of appropriate display stands. Currently, rany different kinds of display stands are available in a variety of sizes and colors; however, many of these dis- play pieces are home-made. s the self-service idea penetrates the operation of the produce department the equipment manufac- turers will undoubtedly develop new equipment to acconplish a higher level of productivity and efficiency than is now pos- sible with present equipment. Baiting Modern advances in supermarket lighting have kept pace with changing patterns in nerchandiSing. Whether in new store 11% construction or old store remodeling lighting is very impor- tant in presentin an attractive qtwostnere. Well-planned lighting helps develop the colorful effect needed to inflL- ence inpulse buying in today's self-service supernarkets. "Lighting may be designed to reveal the inherent qual— ity of the merchandise--color, texture, form, pattern, workmanship--by means of an overall pattern of lumin- aries that provide light 0; appropriate quantity, color, direction, and diffusion." Lighting helps develop a distinctive store a pearance which is an asset to a modern superrarlet. A current trend is seen i1 vertical illum'nation with ranres of fifty to one hundred '4 or more foot candles which establishes a bright, clear appear- ance of shelving and gondolas. lf-service nerchandising requires a higher han aver— age range of foot candle lighting to help speed custorer traf- fic and mere mandise selection. The use of spotlights helps to attract attention to featured items and high inpulse rer- r1ting in the check-out areas aids lU’ chandise. High intensit y 11 in making change and tends to speed check-out. Lgphting Ind‘gglgrs The appearance of food and other merc11andise is very importcnt in food selling. Color is one of the 1 ain factors by which goods are judged. The appraisal of color and other qualities is best when high levels of illumination are avail- able. Unless the lighting is carefully selected, however, ”-..---M“ M‘-- 5"Selecting Li ghtir g Equipment, lghagnngtoreggge'Vol. 33 3A, (Larch 15, 1957), p. 6. 115 the colors of food and other merchandise may be far from their familiar or "natural" look. This particularly is true of meats and vegetables; however, it applies almost equally to packages since color is a major element in their design. Obtaining a familiar appearance in foods is a relatively new problem. When incandescent light bulbs were used in food store lighting, colors had a faniliar, though often imperfect, appearance. Today flourescent lighting has largely replaced incan- descent lighting in food stores bringing about the benefits of high levels of illumination which improve appearance and Speeds up shopping. With all its virtues, flourescent light- ing, until recently, has been unable to produce faxiliar or "natural" color effects. After much research and eXperimen- tation, flourescent lamp colors have been developed which re- tain the advantages of flourescent lighting, and in addition, provide familiar color rendition. These new lights, a develop- ment of the General Electric Company, are kn wn as Deluxe Lamp colors. The "natural" effect is accomplished by the use of a new flourescent powder combination which adds more red and green to the.light, while keeping the correct arount of yellow and blue. These Deluxe flourescent lamps come in two degrees of 'whiteness: Deluxe Cool White which blends with and stimulates the Color effects of natural daylight; and Deluxe Warm White which blends with and stimulates the color effects of tradi— tional incandescent lighting. The appearance of colors under 116 both of these lights is excellent. When used in meat cases, the Deluxe Cool White gives le d1 n their familiar blood—red color, while naintaining the usually desirable white appearance of fat portions and of Ihite surfaces in the show cases. These lamps also make fresh vegetables lock fresher and greener, and give the red, orange, and green coloring ly 1 Minten ance F1) service are usually determining factors in the sale ctior: 0 one ranufacturer'331roduct oat r another. Air LTt One of the latest and most remarkable inventions has been the use of an air C‘rte in in .s. The air cur— J 8 tain was developed in Switzerland and has been successfully installed in two dozen stores in Europe. A Kroger supermar- ket located in suburbm Cincinnati, Ohio has rade use of the air curtain door for over a year and reports great satisfac- tion. "With one open doorway for inconing traffic an a double doorway for outgoing movement of customer's purchases and carrv out boys, there is little conges tion on the busiest days. The wide exit agsures a safe easy flow of people, packages,J -:d carts." .‘- ...-avg“ 8"Trai‘fic Flows Throne 1; A Curtain or Air, Chain Store ‘Age Vol. 32 Lo. 8, (July 195) p. L511, (Lxecutive $511165). 122 Two spaces can b (D U) - (3‘03. 4L *‘5 ated by yeans of an air curtain and still leave free passage from one space to the other. Dif— ferent tenperatures, atnospheric pressures or air noveuent on E. either side of the air curtair has 10 effect upon the curta 1 H . . - g h ‘ ._. .. O . _'_ fl _ _ 1"! of air. The air curtain acts as an ludeatlnfi wall uwnetraule U "The air curtain does its work by blowing a suitable quantity of air downwards through specifically shaped directional nozzles installed above the entrance, pro- ‘ducing thereby an air wall. The air is readmitted through a floor grating, cleaned, heated or cooled, and then moved again through ducts back to the nozzles."9 The air urtain has a slight velocity that changes automatically depending on outside air pressure, but the ve- locity of the air is so soft that it will not disturb ladies' hair. The downward flow of air will keep out insects, flies, street dust, and even small animals. The grating on the floor has enough suction that dust, dirt, cigarette butts, etc. are pulled into a pit that can be easily cleaned thus keeping this trash from entering the store. The pit must be cleaned regularly as the collection of dirt and trash each day is high. The customer entering through the air curtain gets a warm feel— ing in winter and a cool feeling in the summer. The air cur— tain door gives the customer greater convenience in entering or leaving the store and keeps the dust and dirt as well as insects and animals from entering the store from the outside. Wide-spread use of the air curtain door is not expected until the high cost of operation can be reduced. _- ”I“. 91bid., p. 452. 1'3 [x The magic eye or electric eye door, as well as the electric hat door opener, currently seem to the the most used types of automatic door Openers. Probably the electric mat opener, since it is a newer in ention than the electric eye, is being used in m st new stores. Simply stepping on the mat opens the door quickly, quietly, and safely. Several differ- ent companies manufacture automatic door openers. The only apparent advantage of one over the other would probably be the nearness of the distributor and/or repair ran. F-J ti Sir—1&1 1.1011112111122911; ._.‘_. - --." The use of an intercom system as an aid in determining the backroom stock needed on the sales floor is being used more and uore. Phone jacks are installed at different inter- vals along each aisle and connect with jacks located in th backroom stock area. One employee in the sales area tells another enployee in the stock area what merchandise is needed. The erployee in the stock area harks the cases of rerchandise that are to be taken to the sales area and in a short time the complete backstock can be checked. For the supermarkets that still prefer to use iced produce displays, several types of ice taking machines are available. One of the latest nachines which takes up only five square feet will produce 2,000 pounds of crushed ice per day. A portable public address system that requires no ex— ternal power source is now available. The machine is a tran- sistorized apparatus and ray be useful in supernarkets where public address systems are 10t now in use. For the supernarket operators who check warehouse de- liveries by case count, an autonatic case counter is now available. The counter is attached to the wheel-type con- veyor and registers as rany as 99,999 cases. The are old problem of changing flourescent lights 4;) is been solved by an easier nethcd than pulling out a step ‘ his ladder and juggling the bulbs on the ladder. A flourescent tube changer has been invented that pernits the removal of old bulbs and the installation ofnew ones while standing on the floor. Manufacturers of equipnent are continually striving to develop more efficient equipment. As operational costs rise more pressure will be exerted on equipment nanufacturers for more efficient equipment to offset profit losses. $nnery The supermarket of today requires modern, efficient equipment. Supermarket operators must continually evaluate and analyze the newly developed equipment. The age of auto— :mation and mechanization has supplied the supernarhet with equiprent that produces better aids to merchandising, as well zis better service to the customer. Tauy new developments have been made in refrigeration ‘C~$ - enquipment, air conditioning, check stands, lighting, autonatic 1 f‘) 5’ doors a1d rater ia ls handling equipment. uQUlDL€-t * anufac- turers have tried to r;eet the needs of the suaermarnet. Coun- seling and engineering services are offered to help solve in- dividual store problems. Color has been used extensively, not only for iiterior_wall decoration, but for store equip- nent, such as gondolas, display cases, shelving, and check- stands. The cos t of equiping a new supermarket is trenendous. A supermarket operator must avoid the use of old-type equip- ment in a new store. Keeping up to date on the latest de- velopments in supermarket equip11ent is a necessity. High 0p- erational costs plus a low net profit, denand the use of the most efficient equipment that gives the greatest productivity as well as customer satisfaction. Fine equipment that does the required job is important to good service. For many years equipment manufacturers have made it possible for su 1per1arket operators to do a better merchandising job and give better service to the customers. Undoubtedly, the nanufacturer's efforts to aid the supermarkets in giving more efficient ser- vice to the custoner will continue in the future. 126 El BLICGxAPKY .._.... ..-.-- Bak r, G. a.nd Funaro, B ShQDDiLf‘ enters. few York: Rein-‘I 5‘ r C . ' ...; and... hold Publishing onpany, 1951. Brisoo, lorris F. Retail'ng. Iew York: P tice-hall In : corporated, 1950. 1 Brown, Paul L. and Davidson, Million in he ailip..fr;nci}lus 1 and Practicegl lcw or : do:1ald Press, 19 3. t R ‘I " o o .0 E'T’ Duncan, Delbert J. ant Phillips, har es F. detT113ng‘flrin: ' giples_3;d, athcgp: chewcodI, Illin is: hicnard D. Ins“ ~. .» -- 4 r L Irwin, ineo , rated, 195%. lv V W T .~ -— ..11- P1 fi‘. .<_- .2 ‘WI —‘ 1-\ q... u' ‘. 1’” (‘1""‘ 3’ . .’.‘.“_ . on ~‘-"". I, I 11.10]. JClu'. C‘s. 4.1L ~ L-ab --L-z..1.. J..¢ QC ._.-.L. .14“ o l.\,.'.' .1-0...--o l.vU.’. 2.1.4" , W- O-.-'* flew” ..-g - CIA-Vuo- -.. '4’" H11 B13ek Company, Incorporated, ‘$,0. Joncssen, O. T. Egg Shou‘n; Center vs Dowrt own. Colurbus, Ohio: Bureau of bus'xes s Levec_cn, Ohio -Sta te Univer- ’ Pregress ive Grocer Foodtown _Study._ New York: The Bu tterick Corpaiiy, 1O 55. Progressive Grocer hoder UF§_Q§r;Q;5§jS‘§§d Supepgttes. New Torin The Butteric WC pa , 19 6. Smith, Paul. Shoueing Centers. Yew York: Iatio1al Retail Dry Goods Association, 1956. ‘Wingate, John W. and Brisco, IIorris. buying forhhptail Storeg. Iew York: Prentice—hall, Incorporated, 195C. ‘Wingate, John I. and Corbin, Arnold. Chans1ng;Pattc1rfi_irw Reta iling. honewood Illinois: .ic-ard D. Irwin, In- corporated, 1956. Zirmernan, L. h. The_ouperner:et. new York: kcGraw-hill Book Company, Incorporated, 195 . 127 gr iolic l” o—w- ....“ Applebaum, William. "The Inpect of the Siaperrarhet," Chain Store Age, Volume 31, Luxoer 7, July 10 55. Ktell, Robert C. 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