It" 144 661 THS A STUQY OF THE RESPONSE OF PEACH TREES T0 POTASSNM FERNLEZAWON “(Basis for {’he Degree cf M. 5. MECHEGAN STATE COLLEGE 'W§E§éam Hugh Dame! €943 -._, ___._ H,A¥'u_, 1111111111 1111111111111 1 3 1293 01093 9091 ,3 1 This is to certify that the thesis entitled "A Study of the Response of Fruit. Trees to Potash Fertilization” presented by [111151111 H. Daniel has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for LS. degree in” Soil Science A STUDY OF THE RESPONSE OF PEACE TREES TO POTASSIUM FERTILIZATION BY WILLIAM HUGH QAHIEL A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Soil Science 1948 lHt..‘alS Acknowledgement The writer is grateful to Dr. C.E. Millar for his assistance in planning the work and to Dr. L.M. Turk for his guidance and helpful criticism. Sincere app- reciation is extended to Mr. H.L. Garrard, Field Agron- omist, American Potash Institute for his assistance and to Dr. E.J. Benne of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry of the Experiment Station for the use of the leaf analysis data. 1316962 Io II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................. 1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE..................... 3 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS..................... 6 Tissue Tests............................. 6 Deficiency Symptoms......................10 Ash Analysis.............................13 Yield and Growth Measurements............13 EXPERIMENTAL PLOTS.......................14 Eric Kerlikowski Farm....................l4 Plot History and Lay Out..............14 Ash Analysis..........................15 Discussion............................18 William Fooy Farm........................24 Plot Layout and Symptoms..............24 Results and Discussion................27 V.M. Dilley Farm.........................28 Plot Treatments.......................28 Results of Leaf Testing...............29 Growth Measurements...................31 Storage Tests.........................S4 Yield Measurements....................36 SUMMARY..................................38 BIBLIOGRAPHY.............................4O APPENDIX.................................4S INTRODUCTION One of the greatest soil fertility problems in orchards today is that of finding methods of applying to each orchard, or a particular part of the orchard, the latest information relative to plant nutrition. Due to the variable soil condit- ions this problem often can be condensed to the questionv"How can we best determine the present nutrient status or nutrient needs of any single peach tree?" Soil type alone is not a safe basis for making lime or fertilizer recommendations, because past treatments or crOp- ping practices may have modified the present soil fertility status to such an extent as to overshadow differences in soil type characteristics. Therefore, it seems logical and neces- sary to use all means available to diagnose nutrient needs of any tree or group of trees which appear abnormal either in terms of yield or fruit quality. In recent years some Michigan peach orchards have been found where leaf symptoms indicated potassium deficiencies, and following potash applications, subsequent leaves were a normal green color and the yields were improved. The question arose as to how prevalent is this need for potash in Michigan orchards. How many peach orchards are in the symptom stage of potash deficiency, and how many have border-line cases where no symptoms are recognized but some potash is needed? What are the conditions reSponsible for this apparent increase in potash needs? The research results presented herewith deal with several methods of measuring chemical conditions in plants and soils under Michigan conditions as follows: 1. Fertilizer applications to peach orchards where the effects on growth and yield could be observed. Such trees also served for chemical studies. 2. A study of the foliage symptoms shown by trees under different soil conditions and treatments. 3. The application of soil tests on orchard soils in determining fertilizer needs. 4. The use of 'foliar analysis" for diagnosing the nutrient status of fruit trees. 5. A comparison of tissue ”quickotests" with other diagnostic procedures indicated above. During the seasons of 1947 and 1948 periodic leaf samplings were made of several experimental orchards, for various chemical tests. The studies were made largely on material collected from the following three orchards: (1) Eric Kerlikowski, near Coloma, Michigan, (2) William Fooy, near Bangor, Michigan, and (3) V.M. Dilley, near Lacota, Michigan. This paper attempts to assemble and compare the results of the different testing procedures and observations with the hepe of increasing their value for diagnostic purposes. In this study, emphasis is directed toward the questions: ”What is adequate potassium in the leaf to produce normal foliage and maximum yields of high quality fruit; and do leaf 3 symptoms give sufficient warning of declining or unbalanced nutrient supplies?” In attempting to answer these questions a comparison was made of leaf symptoms with other known measures of potassium.adequacy, such as ash analysis of leav- es,tissue tests, and yield and growth measurements. REVIEW OF LITERATURE To date most of the research on diagnostic methods for determining nutrient deficiencies of fruit trees has been confined to ash analysis of dried leaves and petioles, often referred to as ”leaf analysis” or'foliar diagnosis”. For the most part I'leaf analysis” results have been interpreted in relation to the appearance of certain leaf symptoms ass- ociated with adequate or deficient supplies of nutrients. According to the literature there is considerable agreement on the potash requirements of peaches. van Slyke (26,27) found peach crops to be larger con- sumers of plant food than apples on an acre basis. Peaches use about one-third more N, P, and K; twice as much calcium, and considerably more magnesium than do apples. By ash analysis methods Lilleland and Brown (16) found that individual trees may show a distinctly higher potassium level in one season and a consistently lower pot- assium level the following season. Their‘results indicate the importance of other factors and preclude the establish- ment of one critical level for indicating potassium.deficiency in bearing trees. In a survey of thm potassium content of peach leaves from 150 orchards Lilleland and Brown (17) used ten basal leaves of the current season's growth from ten trees as a composite sample. They found that the potassium content was about the same in July and August but was lower in both the early and late season tissue (leaves). Samples from trees which bore heavy creps showed reduced potassium as did trees suffering from dry weather. Leaf samples from the 130 orchards averaged 2 per cent potassium with a range of from 0.6 to 3.4 per cent. Leaves containing less than 1 per cent potassium, on a dry weight basis, are likely to show potassium deficiency according to Cullinan and Waugh (7). Leaves with a potassium content of from 1 to 1.25 per cent have not shown deficienc- ies but are likely to benefit from potassium application. When leaves have 2 per cent or more potassium, no beneficial response to potassium additions is to be expected. The use of chemical tests on green leaves for deter- mining the status of certain nutrient elements in plant sap has been increasing rapidly. Thornton, et al (25) adapted methods, already used as quick tests for phosphates and potash in soils, to indicate the relative levels of these nutrients in plant sap. These tests were calibrated especially for corn and have been adapted to other crops. Cook (4), using the Simplex testing kit, has deve10p. ed plant sap testing procedures which are rapid and can be 5 used both in the field and laboratory for diagnosing nutrient deficiences. Generally connective tissue, such as petioles, is extracted with a weak acetic acid solution. The procedure allows the tissue to remain in the chemicals and the results are read colorimetrically. . Boynton and Peach (2) have deve10ped a semiqualitive colorimetric procedure for determining magnesium and pot- assium in dried apple leaves (without ashing). Schrader (24) of Maryland has used the flame photometer to analyse sap ex- tract-prepared by use of the Warring blender. Potassium.and sodium.are readily determined by this method. For tissue testing purposes McCollan (18) suggests that if we are familiar with the quantities of elements found in good plants and in deficient plants we can interpret many crOp troubles by making chemical analyses. He suggests using the upper stems, petioles or leaf blade depending on the plant to be tested, because these are such vital parts in the plant's nutritional functions. Scarseth (23) prOposes the use of tests for unassimilated ions in translocation tissue and assumes tests will establish the limiting factor in growth and will give indications before the deficiency symp. toms appear. The amount of potassium.required depends on the amount of nitrogen used according to Davis and Hill (12). Cullinan, et al (5,8) and Dunbar and Anthony (13) point out that high nitrOgen and low potassium gave the most severe potassium deficiency symptoms while low nitrogen and low potassium gave little potassium deficiency. Since sandy soils are most generally used for growing peaches in Michigan,,due in part to a more favorable climatic location (15, 28), nitrogen is needed in carefully controlled quantities. Complete fertilizers for orchards have been recommended by Rawl (21), Boynton (1), Savage (22), Musser (l9), and Davidson and Blake (9). EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Tissue Tests Garrard (14) working with Thornton (25) and others of Purdue University over the past several years, has developed a modification of the regular Purdue test for potassium.which seems to work satiSfactorily on peach leaves. The use of this modified test for potassium in green tissues has been the basis for comparing the potassium nutrient status in peach leaves in several orchards in the present study. The results obtained from the tissue tests have been compared to leaf symptoms and ash analysis where available. A comparison of the regular Purdue potash tissue test procedure (25) and the modified procedure for use on peach leaves is given in the accompanying tabulation. a. b. 0. Regular Purdue Potash Tissue Test One-half teaspoonful of finely cut leaves in vial; add 10 cc. Potash No. 1 solution. Shake 1 minute; add 5 cc. Potash No. 3 solution by running down side of tube to get layer of alcohol on tap. Mix in alcohol carefully with a slow rotary motion; Let stand 3 minutes. Read amount of precipitate according to Potash chart. Modified Potash Tissue Test One teaspoonful (1.4 grams) of finely chOpped leaves; add One-eighth teaspoonful of Potash-free activated charcoal, Add lOcc. of 15 per cent NaNO2 (adjusted to pH 5.0 with acetic acid) Shake one minute, filter through fast filter paper (total extraction time is three to four minutes) To 2% cc. of filtrate add 5 CC. Of Purdue K N00 1; Mix to uniformity, then add 2% cc. of K No. 3 (95% ethyl alcohol), added slowly down side of vial to form layer on tap. Let stand one minute to start precipitation. Mix slowly by rotary motion. Read results after three minutes. Discussion and Results of Tissue Tests The modified Purdue test was studied by varying the: (a) size of sample (b amount of extract used (c amount of K No. 1 solution or precipitating solution (d amount of K No. 3 solution In Table I are shown some comparisons of variations in readings on fresh green leaves of two trees, tree 4, high in potassium, and tree ll, low in potassium, both from row 11 in the Kerlikowski plots. From the results presented in Table I it is evident that considerable deviation from the regular Purdue procedure can be made without affecting appreciably relative differences in the test results. However, the regular Purdue procedure seems to be the most desirable for the size equipment and convenience of manipulation. Table I. Influence of variations in procedure on tissue test results*5 expressed as ppm in extract. grams of leaf .7 1.05 1.4** 2.1 free 4 254‘ 4327* 418 458 tree 11 55 112 222 520 cc. of extract .5 1.5' 2 2.5** 3 4 tree 4 92 250 292 527“"555"1ssr““—" tree 11 17 84 120 128 156 152 cc. of x No. 1 1.2 2.5 4 5** 5 7 fire. 4 448* 418 3E2""527“‘“326“‘257“"“' tree 11 222 222 200 180 148 128 cc. of alcohol 1 1.5 2.0 2.5** 5 4 tree 4' 313“"‘365""‘374 418 Its “158 tree 11 .-- 208 176 222 272 409 * Regular amount used except in component being tested. ** Amount used in regular test. Two modifications have been made in the test procedure as originally recommended. Less clearing agent (such as Darco G 60) can be used on peach leaves; only one-eighth teaspoon per test seems adequate. In order to get a wider range of reading on the amount of precipitate in the potassium tests a Cenco photometer, with a red filter, was used. First comparisons were made with standard solutions of such strength that gave readings as ppm, corresponding to the color chart as given in Purdue circular #204 (25). Second, the photo- meter readings compared to the published Purdue chart as follows: 10 Purdue color very very chart reading high high medium low low Photometer reading ' 0-18 19-28 29-40 40-60 60-100 PPM in standard solution 512-350 349-278 277-212 211-132 132-0 The strength of standards, Purdue chart readings, and photometer readings are shown in Figure 1. It was found that for laboratory purposes, the photometer readings per- mitted smaller variations to be recorded, even within any one range, such as 'high”,"medium”,'low” as per the regular chart. For pratical diagnostic purposes in the field and for making fertiliser recommendations, the regular chart will differentiate closely enough between the high and low ranges of potash in the leaves. In making the test the temperature should remain be- low 29°C; above this temperature precipitation is erratic. A water bath, maintained at about 18°C, was used in these studies. The method of mixing the alcohol and other reagents is important. It was found satisfactory to use a short period of swirling to initiate precipitation, and after one minute, a swirling motion until completely mixed. Deficiency Symptoms Abnormal symptoms of tree leaves are frequently used as an aid in diagnosing nutrient deficiencies. The symptoms of potash deficiencies on peach leaves have been described and illustrated in several publications (7, 9, 10, l3, 14, 15, 17, 19). ll Plate 1. Peach twigs showing varying degrees of potassium deficiency symptoms. See page 12 for descriptions. 12 In this study the leaves of peach trees were classed into five groups as to their degree of apparent potash deficiency. 1. Very severe--leaves rolled upward, young leaves were curl- ed laterally, red areas merged and died giving rough margins. _ Some leaves turned yellowish. Trees showed a reduction in size and less fruit buds were set. Eighteen leaves weighed approximately five grams. 2. Severe-~reduced growth, few laterals, all but new leaves showed curling, reddish spots and color along the margins. In late season the margins have dead areas. Leaves were thin- ner more spongy, and less turgid than normal leaves. Fifteen leaves weighed approximately five grams. 3. Moderate-~middle leaves on higher twigs on south side of tree show bean pod effect created by curling upward and crinkling along midrib. Young leaves in late season were very small, V-shaped, red spots are small, light red or lack. ing. Twigs are smaller in diameter and reddish. Thirteen leaves weigh approximately five grams. 4. Slight--slightly smaller leaves, lighter color, may not show any curling, no color spots develOp, twigs seem more reddish and smaller than normal tree leaves. The condition of the tree is best observed at some distance from the tree. 5. Normal-~thick twigs, large dark leaves, and plenty of terminal and lateral growth. Nine mature leaves weigh app- roximately five grams. 13 Ash Analysis Several people have cooperated in the study of collect- ing the related data from the several orchards. Leaf samples were collected by Dr. T.A. Merrill, Department of Horticulture, Michigan State College for 1945 and 1946 from the E. Kerlik- owski plots. In 1947 and 1948 the writer continued this sampling so that to date a three year trend in ash content of peach leaves has been secured. Under the direction of Dr. E.J. Benne, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Michigan State College, these leaf samples were analyzed for nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium and manganese. Procedures used in these determinations included the chloro- platinate method of precipitating potassium (20). Yield and Growth Measurements Yields of peaches for three years, 1946-1948, were taken on the Dilley orchard by the owner, Mr. V.M. Dilley of Lacota, Michigan. Each row was harvested separately, weighed and the peaches graded as to size. The trees, if. overloaded, were thinned as in any commercial orchard. Grow- th measurements were made in 1945 and 1946 by Mr. H.L. Garrard, Field Agronomist, American Potash Institute, Homewood, Ill- inois and Mr. Charles Mann, Soil Conservationist, Fennville, Michigan. Fifty typical terminal shoots on each plot of five trees were checked for number of buds, diameter and length of terminals, and number of laterals on each terminal. 14 EXPERIMENTAL PLOTS Eric Kerlikowski Farm A series of plots of Red Haven peaches on the Eric Kerlikowski farm, seven miles northeast of Coloma, Michigan, consisting of eight rows of ten trees each, were established by Mr. J.A. Porter, Department of Soil Science and Mr. T.A. Merrill, Department of Horticulture, Michigan State College in 1944. The layout of the plots is shown in Table II. The sandy loam soil of l per cent sIOpe has a pH of 5.2 to 7.2 depending on the soil treatment. Alfalfa preceded the peaches and occupied the area for several years. In 1944 the two year old trees showed severe to moderate potassium deficiency symptoms. Table II. Layout of the Kerlikowski Plots and the relative degrees of potassium deficiency of the individual trees 1n 1947 e __ Row 7*’ Row 9* Row 11 Row 13 Tree and Lime No lime No lime Lime treatment Spaded surface spaded surface 3 NPR 5 5 5 5 4 NPK 5 5 5 5 5 HP 3 - 3 4 6 NP 4 4 4 4 7 N. 4 4 4 4 8 N 4 3 5 5 9 3.x - 5 5 5 10 N-K 5 - 5 5 11 H 3 3 3 12 3 3 3 3 N 5:425, IJUI'I.25#‘TfiHZYEEo4 per tree in April of 1645, 46, 47. P--4# 0-20-0 per tree on October 4, 1944 K--4# 0-0-60 per tree on October 4, 1944 Symptoms--1, very severe32, severe; 3, moderate; 4, slight; 5, normal.‘ 15 For sampling purposes only trees in every other row, (7,9,11,13) were used. Leaves of individual trees in these plots were taken for ash analysis during the past four years (1945 to 1948 inclusive). Starting in 1947 individual trse leaf samples were collected at monthly intervals for testing for potassium by the modified Purdue test. (See Table XII, Appendix) Soil samples from the surface six-inch layer under each tree were tested for pH, available phosphorus, and avail- able potash by Miss Eldora Shine of the Michigan State College soil testing laboratory, using the Simplex soil testing pro- cedure. Leaf Analysis Ash analysis is most often used in foliar analysis due to its accuracy even though it is the most time consuming. Table III shows a summary of three years analysis of the individual tree data that is included in the Appendix, Table XIV. Nitrogen application has been uniform to all the trees. No large variation occured in the nitrogen content of the leaves as a result of either phosphorus or potassium fertilizer treatment. Although the content of phosphorus appears low there has been no measurable effect on the growth of the tree by the phosphorus application. Manganese was low in trees seven and eight of most rows. The pH of the soil under these trees was near neutral, the highest of the area. Several trees showed slight manganese 17 deficiency symptoms as indicated by a light green mottling between the veins of the leaves. In all instances of manga. nese deficiency the manganese content of the ash was below .006 per cent. Table III. Summary of ash analysis of peach leaves from the Kerlikowski plots.* Per cent of N ,P K Ca Mg_ Mn 1945 Analysis NPK 4.08 .250 3.41 .959 .301 .0066 NP- 4.23 .269 .61 1.28 .482 .0070 Check 3.74 .289 .60 , 1.30 .634 .0044 N-K 3e97 e219 3.97 ‘e916 e301 e0055 N-- 4.17 .257 .55 1.26 .667 .0060 1946 Analysis NPK 4.16 .273 3.36 .99 .324 .0110 NP- 4.39 .300 .83 1.09 .477 .0105 Check 4.13 .304 .76 1.207 .561 .0039 N-K 4.29 .276 2.36 .942 .385 .0071 N-- 4.32 .285 .67 1.12 .536 .0075 1947 Analysis NPK 4.06 .248 2.85 1.48 .418 .0128 NP- 4.28 .272 .84 1.36 .544 .0112 ChOCk' 4e03 e275 .88 less e629 e006? N-K 4.14 .255 2.52 1.39 .459 .0107 N-- 4.24 .260 .76 1.37 .535 .0086 4 Average percentages f3} 8 trees, regardless 6f:whether fertilizers were applied on limed or unlimed soil. It was observed that large applications of potassium suppressed the intake of magnesium and calcium in 1945 and 1946, whereas in 1947 the calcium intake was not suppressed by the potassium additions. No potassium.fertilizer had been applied since 1944 so that a potassium equilibrium may have been reached. The trend of the potassium levels for the three years is shown in Figure II. or particular interest is the gradual increase in the content of potassium in the leaves of the 18 uuntreated potassium"trees. For example the check row increas- ed from .60 per cent in 1945 to .76 per cent in 1946, and to .88 per cent in 1947. In 1945 the leaves of the trees treat- ed with potassium had a much higher content of potassium than the untreated trees. The leaves of the NPK treated trees decreased from 3.41 per cent potassium in 1945 to 3.36 per cent in 1946, and 2.85 per cent in 1947. Discussion The Merlikowski orchard provided different levels of potassium fertilization from which leaf samples could be taken for analysis. The summary in Table IV shows a compari- son of green tissue test, deficiency symptoms, soil tests, and ash analysis as a measure of differences in the potassium content of the leaves from this orchard for 1947. Green tissue quick tests were run on leaves of indi- vidual trees at monthly intervals over a period of six months in order to determine the seasonal trend in the potassium content of the leaves. In 1947 the trees high in potassium showed little variation throughout the season. Leaves from ‘ trees of the medium potassium level showed a decline late in the season and leaves from trees low in potassium decreased until a very low potassium content was reached by midsummer. In late season no further drOp was noticed in this low group. The graph in Figure III gives a comparison of green tissue tests with ash analysis. Closeagreement was found in the high potassium leaves whereas considerable variation .mm> .040H .ba umswz< memu gpmou e010 moamswm 0 mo mpamomfioo AHV m4 0.H 0.0 04 0.m 0.0 04 0. 0.0 04 o.H 0.0 2 NH 00 0.H 0.0 04 o.H 0.4 00 o.H 0.0 00H 0.H 4.0 2 Ha 4mm 4.H 0.0 000 0.H H.0 an :n nu 0N0 0.H 0.0 02 OH 400 m.H 0.0 000 0.H 0.0 40H H.m 0.0 an an nu M2 0 0m 0.H o.b 40 0.0 0.0 04 0.0 m.b 04 m.H o.> z 0 04 0.0 o.b >0 0.H 0.0 mb 0.0 0.0 40 0.H H.b z r b0 o.HH 0.0 mm v.0 4.0 00 0.0 0.0 00 0.m 0.0 m2 0 04 0.4 0.0 >0 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 om 4.0 0.0 m2 0 00H 0.0 0.0 00H 0.b 0.0 00H 4.0 m.0 00H 0.0 0.0 0mm 4 mom 0.0a 0.0 HOH 0.0H 0.0 0am 0.0 0.0 000 m.0 0.0 mmz 0 m m mm m m mm m m mm m m mm 000mm0 mommndm oEHH oz Umefiq wmeflq oEaH oz 0000mm 0000050 ucmEuwth 0H 30m Ha tom 0 30m b 30m 0:0 @009 w.m09w£oho mesoxaahmm ma mmopp Hmdta>fivca nevus Hdom momumww no unmpnoo Edammmuom 0am mahondmonm manmaaw>m .mm :0 coaumufiaapnmh mo pommhm .HHHM.0HQmB Table XIV. 46 The effect of fertilizer and lime on the cal- cium, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and manganese content of the leaves of Red Haven peach trees on Kerlikowski orchardsI 1945, _Percentage Composition of Peach Leaves: Tree & Treatment N P K Ca Mg Mn Row 7 Surface,limed Tree 3 NPK 4.09 .252 3.54 .787 .281 .0078 4 NPK 4.21 .242 3.68 1.08 .278 .0083 5 NP" 4033 .270 059 1039 0496 00083 6 NP“ 4.21 .239 082 1.40 0562 .0083 7 Check 3062 .278 075 1035 .738 00045 8 Check 4.09 .280 .53 1.30 .693 .0043 9 N'K 4020 .218 3005 1000 0367 00058 10 N-K 4.10 .218 2.93 .836 .306 .0064 11 N-— 4.30 .260 .65; 1.33 .333 .0065 12 N“ 4005 0282 04 gut—28 0540 00058 Ebw 9 Spaded,no lime Tree 3 NPK 4.09 .270 3.68 .836 .243' .0065 4 NPK 4.14 .246 3.48 1.23 .280 .0076 5 NP- 4017 0266 042 1.20 0450 00097 6 NP- 4.50 .268 .63 1.27 .519 .0075 7 Check 3.56 .272 .62 1.32 .546 .0047 8 Check 3.45 .268 .41 1.36 .625 .0033 9 N’K 4005 .250 2089 0941 0376 00049 10 N-K 3.99 .232 2.91 1.11 .389 .0067 11 N" 4004 0238 050 1022 .574 00053 12 N-- 4.43 .292 .53 1.22 .542 .0057 Row 11 Surface,no lime Tree 3 NPK 4.01 .208 3.40 .888 .245 .0063 4 NPK 4.17 .248 - 3.28 .776 .223 .0063 5 NP- 4.22 .288 .53 1.08 .243 .0070 6 NP- 4019 0278 053 1.28 0520 00079 7 Check 5.90 .314 .43 1.13 .669 .0053 8 Check 3.98 .190 .76 1.33 .498 .0033 9 N-K 3.95 .218 3.22 .974 .348 00065 10 N'K 4014 .208 3.44 0770 0328 .0065 11 N“- 3085 0210 063 1042 0658 00069 12 N-- 4.23, .256 .72 1.31 .555 .0074, Ebw 13 Spaded,1imed Tree 3 NPK 4.05 .260 3.64 .919 .325 .0055 4 NPK 3.90 .270 2.82 1.16 .339 .0048 5 NP- 4012 .224 076 1036 0573 .0056 6 NP- 4027 0320 060 1029 0494 00050 7 Check 3.71 .308 .47 1.26 .673 .0043 8 Check 3.63 .244 .81 1.34 .634 .0052 9 N’K 3069 0192 2.96 0880 04“ 00039 , 11 N-“ #017 .254 0% 1017 0653 00058 12 N“- 4029 0264' 041 1010 06:7] .0044 Table XIV. Continued. trees in Kerlikowski orchards,5l94§. 47 The effect of fertilizer and lime on the calcium,.phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, and manganese content of the leaves of Red Haven peach Percentage Composition of Peach_Leaves Tree & Treatment N _P' K Ca Mg_ Mh Ebw 7 Surface,1imed 4 NPK 4.21 .254 3.59 1.05 .349 .0095 6 NP- 4.30 0259 1006 1018 0492 0008]:— 7 Check 4.02 .296 1.07 1.11 .563 .0043 8 Cheek 3091 0294 0565 1026 0625 00041" 9 N‘K 4013 0249 3.35 1.03 . 0335 00078 10 N“K 4028 0275 2.77 0864 .286 00071:- 11 N“ 4050 0260 0958 1013 .423 00061 12 N—- 4.25 .288 .333 1.20 .505 .0058 Row 9 Spaded,no lime Tree 3 NPK 4.07 .255 3.61 1.08 .262 .0117 4 NPK 4.19 .284 3.11 .966 .383 .0137 5 NP- 4009 0270 0590 1011 0419 00134 6 NP- 4.65 0298 e763 1013 0408 00094 7 Check 4.26 .304 .847 1.07 .496 .0034 8 Check 4.03 .300 .515 1.42 .516 .0031- 10 N‘K 4017 0271 2.94 1003 0314 00083 11 N" 4016 e281 0575 1023 0468 00071 12 N-- 4.63 .326 .594 .903_ .447 .0116 wa 11 Surface,no limed ; ’ Tree 3 NPK 4.26 .274 3.30 .928 .290 .0144 4 NPK 4.32 .288 3:22 .807 .231 .0149 5 NF“ 40 60 0318 .686 - 096A 0330 00135 6 NP" 4037 0314 0607 0981 0375 00170 7 Check 4.09 .302 .666 1.20 .575 .0044 8 Check 4.13 .281 .908 1.28 .443 .0035 9 N‘K 4038 e274 2080 1007 0441 00082 10 N'K 4039 0271 2098 0746 0401 .0090 11 N-“ 3.95 0252 0617 1033 0686 00106 12 N-- 4.43 .290 .906 1.01_ .556 .0065 Row 13 Spaded,limed Tree 3 NPK 4.26 .284 3.14 .979 .407 .0076 4 NPK 4.04 .290 3.56 1.12 .358 .0062 5 NP- 4.34 .337 .966 1.08 .613 .0051 6 NP- 4.34 .315 1.31 1.19 .557 .0055 7 ChOCk 40 51 0364 0840 0999 0715 00036 8 Check 4009 0288 0777 1032 0552 00047 9 N’K 4.05 0279 1.71 0913 0474 00066 11 N“ 4016 0281 0676 1.15 0560 .0071 12 N“ #052 0304 0691 0956 0657 00014 Table7XIV. trees in Kerlikowski orchards, 1947. Continued. 48 The effect of fertilizer and lime on the calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen,potassium, magnesium, and manganese content of the leaves of Red Haven peach Percentage Composition of Peach Leaves Tree & Treatment N 2.3, K Ca: Mg; Mn wa 7 Surface,1imed . Tree 3 NPK 3.79 .239 2.95 1.63 .395 .0136 4 NPK 3.92 .230 3.03 1.47 .312 .0123 5 NP- 4.12 .243 .816 1.47 .479 .0107 6 NP- 4013 0233 1040 1048 0570 00095 7 011901: 3064 0273 1009 1060 0708 00068 8 Check 3.92 .269 .626; 1.54 .738 .0068 10 N‘K 4011 0246 2058 1046 0466 00098 11 N-“ 4.10 0232 0920 1056 0603 00082 12 N-- 4.74 .258 .9575 77,40 .575 .0073 Row 9 Spaded,no lime Tree 3 NPK 3.95 .228 2.93 1.50 .395 .0180 4 NPK 4.18 .249 2.63 1.61 .435 .0157 5 NP- 4002 0244 0468 1015 0509 00254 6 NP- 4.54 .274 .844 1.33 .597 .0097 7 Check 4.14 .279 1.12 1.38 .614 .0049 , 11 N'“ 4.28 0273 0840 1031 0489 00072 12 N-- 4.37 .284 .759 1:25 .507 .0132“ wa 11 Surface, no lime Tree 3 NPK 4.01 .237 2.81 1.46, .422 .0112 4 NPK 4.35‘ .262 2.93 1.18 .339 .0180 5 NP“ 4037 0289 0786 1041 0483 00122 6 NP“ 4035 0303 0755 1033 0575 00123 7 Check 4.04 .288 .672 1.33 .550 , .0104 8 011601! ‘ 4004 0260 1004 2000 0570 00054 9 N"K 4008 0301 - 2049 1047 0404 00149 10 N—K 4.08 .245 2.73 1.17 .461" .0175 11 N“ z“008 02714 0786 1029 0492 00119 12 N-- 4.73 .254 .718 1.45 .526 .007 Row 13 Spaded, limed 5 NP- 4.25 0289 0787; 1040 0594 00054 6 NP- 4.49 .302 .932 1.31 .542 .0051 8 Cheek 3096 0267 0767 1081 0701 00061 9 N-K 4.07. .220 2.28 1.52 .500 .0089 10 N‘K z"018 0225 2054 1036 0441 00071 11 N" 4028 0256 c 0555 1022 0553 00069 12 N-- 4.50 .251 ,558 1.45 .533. .0064 49 Table XV. Effect of fertilizer on yield and time of ripening of Red Haven peaches, Dilley plots, 1946;;948. gigatment, Pickings(1) Average per tree and Year 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Total Each5yea£ #3Uyeag_ ‘ 1946 121 90 -- 211 42 4 1 N 1947 76 31 50 157 31 44 #51948 285 _15 -- .300 60 1946 146 301 -- 447 89 2 N-K 1947 129 26. 100 255 51 76 1948 165_, 80 -- ‘ 445_ 289 1946 56 -- -- 66 13 3 NP- 1947 37 7 -- 44 9 14 57948 80 :18 -- ,98 20 1946 125 154 -- 279 56 4 NPK 1947 193 42 75 310 62 68 _1248 _350 75 -- 425 85 1946 93 118 -- 211 42 5 N/2PK 1947 185 61 40 286 57 55 7:1948 290 55 -- 325. 65 1946 141 66 -- 207 41 6 N 1947 84 21 5 110 22 30 1948 90 40 -- 130 26 (1) Yield in pounds from five trees per plot. ROOM USE ONLY MICHIGAN STATE UNIV. LIBRQRIES | I“ 1|! 11111qu11 9 l1 1 312 301093009