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'0. a‘ l ;- “3;? #351 g. '. L 'J It- 19.,— ' . . ‘ t :- ‘5‘,- ' xv; . ‘ ‘ . r ‘t J {I , \ :, J I I V , - v i V 1- II *, r t - » . , 55¥$f' A“. 1.7:; ' ‘ ‘ - .V for I . . } , “7".“ I '— - I . a w I 1 I - i . 1": y,‘ "- - -‘I! gm: :91? 5 0 {if f I '73:.) 0~1 I a“ 1'. 5% I. ‘1 .\‘. #11 I fqn', . I )3f.:? ‘I ' ,3 t . w , . ‘ 3‘ . . V ‘ ‘ ' ' J L «fly I ' «.'.', . v ‘ . I l ‘ - l ‘1 A ‘ U *1 o . Ir ._2 ’ I , .“.‘ . , . I "‘ s. ‘ | — V F :1.“‘ ‘l‘ 1" ‘ _ .. L . . .. D”; C ~ «um. . my? . 5. .~\ 4.3;, , . A SURVEY OF m HISTORY, DEVELOHE NT AND 333mm Imzmxm 1' 01¢ng STATUS OF SEED POTATO CERTIFICATION. D OI'ULLD Zu‘xBRISKIE Till-“LIME o l 9 3 0 TH 6813 A SURVEY 0: THE HISTORY, DT‘IFLOPWIT AND PPESEETT IIITERIL‘.-IONA STATUS OF SEED POTACLU CERTIFICATION. 3:511)“ I) A SURVEY OF THE HISTORY, DEVELORIIIIIT AND PRESEII IIII'ERII.III 033.1. STA'IUS or SEED Rormo CERTIFICATION. A Thesis Prepared by DONALD ZABRISKIE'EEEEQNE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Hester of Science Department of Farm Crops. MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE.AND APPLIED SCIENCE. l 9 3 O f: 1"." a ' fi—j. ”'9'" 'T—fi. -' ILCLL‘LV U IILIJDKI‘- nun . o w a F. ,'\ "‘ ' f - . 'v-- -'. 4‘ 4‘ ,‘ #731. ‘fl. .. ‘\ ~ I, ' b flue hrltdf Is Inoeotod teII-oI. nonrj C. Loore .1.” under whose mirection u;is Irvey Hes cosineted and ..\_ n 1‘ -. 1. ' . . .4- ~,-. reco Med snr to IIoI. C. u. ogee for ”lg suduestlgis I’Ii nco ure"e::ent. 77’ "'I _‘ _. _(\‘ ' J—‘- r!“ 1 ‘0 ‘ . “-‘v- ~ 0 ‘ 4. o _‘ LI) “lbLOS IrurmIer to enqgseso “lb IIBIIeCIltICII of the coonerotion the he has receives fro; tIe certiIi- coclon out orities of $30 vgrious states, enl of 0th- cointries; from the Eureou<3f Plant Industry of the United states Do partnent of Agriculture; 'ron the Co ti- i‘ic etion CO:’.L-.itt€C of the "Jotsto Assooieti on of II’IeIiea; from.sevoral masters of the lb culty of tlm elizlign StI' Ite I College in the translation of his foreifin notorisl; end fron_w::y otEI-r sources. It is only througi their coop- eration that tnis thesis D’S 0003 “vSSiblC ‘ O I. II. III. IV. Itrsmord RioJor; I3“ DCTZIO‘.QLt l. I‘e I 91 for C:rt;?1:atiwh 3. T‘- O:i\1n ,1- r ;;;ess f Cn“fii ' n 7‘1 3 ~-.-? '2 (A. .LA- .‘3... .-..;.Cu. (1 ”Lo Unitei thtes (2) ngafie b. In Euro;e A SIC ory of ti; Pres_Lt Slt;st_on I. In A1,;_ea (I) .A;_j3:iS‘di_tII-1 (II) Fees 'UJ L4=ogoes (III) Parent o e;1 Reouirer :ts (IV) PJO elo1ti1; Roodire-';ts (V) (VI) tfiir “'3‘ .1 ‘ ("I ‘ ~. V n ‘ (IX) DiSW-SG Rarity AdVoneed (XI) Tubor ( “II- (III) 0 I 0' -II'_ _" ' 3“ L41. »5 VL (’1- p! 13LC: .1" .. .f !" -Jl _'_ I “, ‘Ibslquv'fi. . . (.3 .:.- r~ .u 'beJI-J.lu Tol ruIIe-Ilr“ I..L—-1t-.C\Ji‘ Tolz1onoe- ‘ee x1 4.1.:Lil’lCl. 1-..)- V on; Vi;0r .111 end J—.? .1- - C C \l .. '—'.':;-S ¢. C) CD H {D O Q- (D C] (a) i; k} -.-. V \ ‘4 . ..«.J 0 51V 0 ~- 0 . 2 ~. - - ‘L . .. ._ J .x, .1_ . w _ A.-J 'rV -- _ ~ _ _0_ ~ _‘ ;L\ . i M—_'-..i_; J.. H \J ."~i 011-!- -= -‘ ‘. ' 4- “.l . v. AJ__ .s ‘.,»....-_ Ju ‘..- -———- -v. _ c - _'_ I‘i '3 5,. is - ‘ ’0 ‘ .' ‘ JLVlJ. V .A-‘.‘ J..'-‘-.J-1L .‘.--u \,-...4‘ ~v+v " ’. — ,— "'\ JLVIIIQ " .-- -‘J '\ . \ ..J.. n- ‘r- " ' J- . >1. 7' ‘ ‘.- u i “‘1 . .v 4:. JL. -1 _ '34. U s-- L! _ -Jy~-. .. .1. ' 1 &5 \J - "a —.— u -. ~.— -‘ ”If-3 “ .‘o " ' r.,‘. . “ ., ‘ JL—‘L. .L, - _.. .1 .. 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J]; 1 ‘...~ -4. .3 ~ ‘~- ”r' w '- D -» u ‘. (A . I 6 ~ ‘ . .‘- ~. ' .. ”.4; 4-v-Ah \JV". g.‘ — C VQ . ‘ I p. _) " 3‘.) " r." “\11rw ‘. 1“ ~, .'r v" r‘ ‘w “‘ C. U J..‘.__;_ i; .‘J '1-.4.b..} _'..;i JJL». JMV - [J‘ n ‘ 7)_ a ,fi_ ls - I. _ '\‘ — . r. ~ .- ‘11 I“. ~w 1 4L . U .1 A :4 .L -. w. J .v‘ '.)I L.) - su, ._ v . _ . J y; 4 J 'J . t.- .. v~ ’1". .- \J . _.- - - .. . .... I V v'. U J ‘5 - . n .. 9-D.) t. —.—‘ , _ - o _v_~ ~-—.‘ ‘) 0_ : -’D‘ri ;_ . n. ’ ' t A. .L- -‘_ 'J \_.- \ J-- J._ m CL J.L-.’ u: .1- -.A.CO . "1" . _ ° , .4 'V' , l. ’ t ‘ ‘1 .'~1 rv._ '. x ; . ‘ f. . ~w M. J- - -4 ... ksd-‘ n—JLN -'_ .. . 3 .. l..-» 4 v C ‘J... ...\ 7‘ ‘ ,‘ K .1 ,_ 5... .1“,(-. ’ «A q “"‘... ‘ F -'- ~-‘,-‘ ‘ . . . I I . u. ‘JI‘JJLJ ..L"'V.ng_L--.-u. ,1.-.» you 4.0 I... p— ‘1- r: '. (_’ (w. J- . , (f1i\|.!,‘._‘ .i ~fi~1 ""d .'y m‘ A." 77.". ‘r _ 14- V“ L' O I -- \t '24) v v'_~ .. "J L J... _.. .. 'v‘ \ ”L .L .— ’- ‘ .L — k L- A ‘—’ -O“‘L 'l‘: _ J‘v- ._“'.-l__‘ «‘1- ’ hi. ‘1‘ ‘_ “W ‘} ( lid 4: C:/‘ ' s: ' V . *.-»L-—-~\. .. — V 4 4 _ .. .. ._ - K UL. \A V 1‘ n I“ -t. k.“ E.) .1» ‘ '7 O ‘1 F‘. bl VII . VIII . v .1). O A SURVEY or THE HISTORY, DEVELOPMENT AND PRESENT IIEERNATIONAL STATUS OF am PO'LIZEO CERTIFICATION. I FOREWORD. The movement toward government-regulated seed potato certification has been a definite one, though the system.is still comparatively young. Its development in the United States has been so rapid that few of those actually engaged in the conduct of’the work have had time to keep in close contact with the fast-shifting stage of events. Many now find it difficult to place within their immediate grasp the broader signifigmnce of the movement, or the facts appertaining to its development, as these have spread beyond their own local horizons. It is the purpose of the writer, in compiling this thesis, to collect and review material on the history, development, present extent and status of organized systems of seed potato certification throughout the world. Stress will be laid on the situation in America, showing the trend and effect of the movement here. Obviously, the field of this survey is a broad one, as it deals with material that is widelybscattered, much of it fragmentary or obscure. The data presented have been drawn from all the materials that were available on this subject. II INTRODUCTION It seems well at the start to make clear what the writer has in mind when he refers to "seed potato certification". In general terms, seed potato certification is the recording of inspected seed potato stock, by a recognized state or national agency, as being from vigorous plants, and conforming to certain standards of freedom.from.disease and varietal mixtureu The term "certified seed" as hereafter used, will refer only to seed that has been passed on and approved, both in the field and after harvest, by or under the direction of authorized representatives of recognized public agencies. It will bear no inferred reference to some seed which has been classed as certified by individuals or privately- controlled agencies. Through the study of the history of the movement for seed potato certification, a clearer conception of its real purposes can be obtained. The same paramount principles before mentioned in defining certification are in common use by practically all of the authorized certifying agencies. There is, however, a wide divergence in the actual organization standards and conduct of the work. In this thesis, it is hoped to bring together much of the information now available in this field, to the end that all agencies concerned may be able to refer to this compilation in working toward the solution of their common problems. For those states and countries yet unorganized for seed potato certification, this treatise may serve as a basis from which to build up a satisfactory plan. For students, it should furnish a general source of information, covering briefly'the whole seed potato certification field. The material for this thesis has been obtained through conferences and through correspondence with:- Secretaries of Seed and Crop Improvement Associations; College Extension workers in Famm Crops; Horticulture and Plant pathology, and Experiment Station workers in both this and foreign countries; State and National Secretaries, Ministers and Commissioners of Agriculture; Specialists of'the Bureau of Plant Industry of the U. S. Department of Agriculture; State Seed Inspectors; managers of State Potato Growers Cooperatives; and others engaged or in- terested in some phases of the seed potato industry. Published or stenciled pamphlets, circulars, bulletins and other printed materials from.many sources have been freely quoted. III HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 1. The Need for Certification Our present cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) was apparently first introduced into Europe shortly after the Spanish Conquest of Peru (about 1550), and was first brought to North America (I) by Irish immi- grants to New Hampshire in 1718. By the later half of the 18th Century, it was extensively cultivated throughout the temperate regions of Europe and America. In common with.most newlybintroduced crops, the early plantings of the potato were fairly-widely scattered in regions where its pests were almost unknown. Until the crop became commercially established and intensively grown, the seed problem.did not seem.serious. The matter of climatic adaptation soon presented itself and it was recognized that in order to produce seed of a satisfactory vigor the proper environment was necessary. Many of the sections of the world into which the potato had been introduced did not offer such an ideal climate for the new crop. In these situations, high temperatures maintained during all or a part of the growing season seriously hampered the reproductive value of the tubers. The work of such investigators as Bushnell (2) has proven that unfavorably high summer temperatures do not cause the degeneration of potato seed stock directly. The so-called "running out" of the potato is due entirely to the presence of the virus or degenerative diseases. Hot weather favors their development. Growers complain- This explains thy the potato cannot be expected to successfully reproduce itself in some countries, and in certain sections of many other countries. Growers in many of the southern, central and western states of our own country can produce good crops of table-stock, but they must rely on northern growers for their seed. Before the advent of seed potato certification, it was extremely difficult for these seed-buying growers to obtain stock of known.and standard quality. Large losses annually could be traced to poor and diseased seed. ET. B. R. Talmadge (3) of the Long Island Potato Exchange estimated that the growers of Suffolk County, N. Y. lost #500,000 in 1913 because of poor seed. The mixture of varieties and degener- ative diseases were the common troubles experienced. harkets for table stock were even than asking for better uniformity in quality, and this required the use of unifdmn seed stock by the growers. These growers desired seed pot toes in carload lots, of a single variety, true to name and free from disease; but such stock was not available. From.the Extension Workers- tate extension and experiment station workers were confronted with these same problems. As expressed by Dr. rel T. Cook (4) of New Jersey ~"During the past five years there has been an increasing number of complaints con- cerning the character of the seed which we have been using. These complaints involve two points: purity and freedom from disease. nixed seed hampers the industry in many ways, and is frequently the (mime of greater losses than the northern grower can appreciate. It is also true that virus diseases are responsible for heavy losses, and that the seed coming to use is very badly infected." Economics Involved- Competition for sales was keen and it often forced the seed grower to extremes in.keeping down his cost of production and hence his prices. Still, in 1913, we find the growers of not only Long Island and New Jersey- but also those of Virginia (5), North Carolina and Florida evincing a willingness to pay from.25 cents to $1.00 a barrel more for seed stock that was kppfln to be true to type. Higher prices at that time did not insure high quality from year to year. much of the "seed-stock" on the market was hardly better than ordinary table stock. The fault was not all with the seed growers. Many northern farmers were then producing high-grade seed potatoes. Others would have been glad to supply such an article if the prices received would warrant the trouble involved in producing and marketing them. The system of classification and distribution then in effect did not afford the grower sufficient means of convincing the pur- chasers of the suprrior value of his stock. Low Yields- There was also the matter of low yields. Our average production in the United States was as low as 82.5 bu. an acre back in 1898-1902, and for 1909-1915 it was only 97.5 bu. For this last period, Canada had an average of 161.2 bu. to the acre, and practically every European potato producing country but Italy had a yield about double that of our own. This advantage was due in part to thexnore favorable climates of these other countries, but it is nevertheless true that the use of a higher quality of seed over a period of years will invariably tend to raise the average yield. Dr. William Stuart (6) of the U. S. D. A. had this point in mind when he stated thawif the Southern trucking sections of the Atlantic seaboard could be planted with high-grade seed in 1915, the crop, under normal seasonal conditions, would be increased at least 25 per cent. Tie only additional cost to the grower would be a reasonable advance in the purchase price of the seed and the extra cost of harvesting and marketing a larger crop. Even up in 1925 (after we had benefitted by ten years of certification) Dr. Stuart (7) stated that if in any given year it were peasible to plant the entire potato acreage of the United States with first-class seed stock, the total production would be increased 10 to 25 per cent. Based on the average production from 1918 to 1922, this increase would have represented from 59 to 79% million bushels, or an increase in money value of $40,555,000 to $106,555,000. The need- In view of the facts that have been presented, it is quite evident that there was a real need for a re- organization of the seed potato industry, from both the view- point of the producer and of the planter of seed stock. Official regulations were important in setting up a reliable means of determining disease_freedom, varietal purity and productiveness. It fell the lot of the potato specialists of the United States Department of.Agriculture to start the work toward the solution of these pertinent problems. 2. The Origin and Progress of Certification. a. In America (1) The United States If we go back twenty years to 1910 and review the knowledge of potato diseases then available, we will find that very little was known of our present degenerative diseases, and much confusion existed. Dr. Erwin Snith(8) had described the Fusarium.wilt, and German writers were publishing on "Blatt—rollkrankheit". Tobacco mosaic was pretty well understood, but no virus diseases of the potato had been much studied. The Work of Dr. Orton- The late Dr. W. A. Orton, who at that tine headed the plant pathology work for the Bureau of Plant Industry of the U. S. Department of Agriculture,:might properly be termed ”the Father of Seed Potato Certification in the United States". Through his official duties Dr. Orton came in close contact with the needs of the seed potato industry in this country. The work already done by the Germans attracted his attention, and in April 1911 he went to Europe remaining there until November of that year. Mbst of his time while there was spent in acquiring an understanding of their point of view, and in.comparing the field.symptams of potato diseases in Europe with those in America. Here, in Dr. Orton's own words, are the results of this trip which led up to the start of our present potato certification system.- " The following year, 1912, I spent in field work in the United States and was able to make differential diagnosis of a number of troubles that had 1 ..- P) I 9 ‘. ‘ze Li -10- been confused and to point out some undescribed potato diseases. In the U. S. Department of Agriculture Bul. 64, "Potato Wilt, Leaf-Roll and Related Diseases", I described Verticilluim wilt as distinct from.Eusarium Wilt, and potato leaf-roll as a non-fungus trouble. Potato mosaic was described for the first time, and curly—dwarf, which has later been sub-divided into a number of virus troubles. my'manuscript also contained a chapter on streak disease, but this looked so much like a bacterial trouble that I finally with-hold it and did not publish it until 1920 (Phytopathology, Vol. 10, E0. 2). "Later workers, particularly Schultz, have completed these investigations until we now have more than a dozen virus diseases of the potato and a number of special pathological pictures due to combinations of two orxnore. , "While the true virus character of these potato diseases and their transmission by insects was not understood in 1911, the relation of their spread through infected seed had become evident to observers, and I fOund in practice in Germany a system of "Anerkennung" (recognition). This was a somewhat informal arrangement by which potato fkalds were examined by plant pathologists and a statement of disease freedom given to the intending purchaser. It served as a starting point for the American system.of seed certification, which has grown to be much more highlyborganized and practiced on a vastly larger scale than anything in Europe." -11- Dr. Orton (9) presented a paper on his revised classification of virus diseases of the potato at the meeting of the American Phytopathological Society in Cleveland on December 31, 1912. Wisconsin the pioneer- The first definite step toward the adaptation of a seed potato certification system in this country was taken by Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Potato Growers Association, under the leadership of Prof. J. G. Nilward, had already taken an advanced position in the development of a pure stock of seed potatoes. Early in 1913, an informal conference with Dr. Orton was held in the office of Dean Russell of the College of Agriculture, Prof. Milward and Prof. L. R. Jones being among those present. The certification idea of Dr. Orton fitted in well with the program that had already been started, and it was promptly adopted. This first Seed Potato Certification Service in the United States was thus organized by the Horticultural Department of the University of Wisconsin. About forty growers applied for inspection in the summer of 1913, and that fall certificates were issued on about 50,000 bushels of seed. Dr. Orton's Plan- At the fifth annual meeting of the American Phyto- pathological Society, held in Atlanta, Georgia, December 30,1913 to January 2, 1914, in conjunction with the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, Dr. Orton (10) first brought his ideas on certification into a definite expressed plan through a paper called "Inspection and Certification of Potato Seed Stock". His presentation follows- "A system of official inspection and certification is proposed to be established in each of the seed-growing states to provide a means for securing better quality in seed potatoes, with particular reference to freedom from disease, varietal purity and vigor. This inspection, which would be voluntary and at the request of the gr war, would be accomplished through a State agency such as the Experiment 5tation and protected by suitable legislation penalizing misuse of certificates. The grower should pay the cost of inspection. " The certificates would be based on field inspections of the grower's cr0p supplemented by a field test to be carried out in the home state and duplicated in the State Where the seed will be sold. Two field visits would be required: the first at blooming time, the second just before the foliage dies in the fall, and in certain cases a third inspection of‘the stored tubers should be made just prior to shipment. ”The requirements for certification weuld be: uniformity to type, freedom.from.mixture of other varieties exceeding 1 per cent, uniform size, not over 5 per cent of the tubers shipped weighing less than 2 ounces or over 5 ounces, and freedom from dangerous diseases. "The presence of the following diseases should disqualify for certification: powdery scab, wart, eel worm, Fusarium.wilt, southern brown rot and leaf roll. Other diseases should receive Special consideration as fellows: “Oospora scab No potatoes should be included which have any deep scab nor over one—fourth of the surface covered with scabs, nor may the grower deliver stock on which slight scabs occur on.more than 10 (?) per cent of the tubers. "The presence of Rhizoctonia sclerotia shall be indicated on the certificate and the grower should not include heavily covered tubers in certified stock. "Silver Scurf if found, shall.be:mentioned in the certificate. "If more than one-half of l per cent of blackleg occurs in the field, the inspector shall exclude the stock from.certification. ” The presence of Phytophthora in the field shall be reported in the certificate and the purchaser may require a third examination of the stored potatoes prior to shipment. "Freedom.from any Fusarium dry rot or other types of storage rots cannot be guaranteed except after a special third inspection. "If over 2 per cent of distinct curly dwarf is present and if over 5 per cent of hills with weak or poorLy developed foliage occurs, or if among the sample hills harvested over 5 per cent yields less than 1 pound of marketable tubers, certification shall be refused for the entire stock." I F‘ rh- I The Potato Association of America. At the first meeting of the then-called National Potato Association of America (11) held at Cornell University, February 10-11, 1914, this organization went on record as sponsoring a system of certification. This was stated in Article 2 of the original Constitution of the Association which read — "To encourage a system of pure seed certification through field inspection of the growing crop." In Section 8 of the By—Laws, under Committees, the first of ten standing committees listed was -"Seed Improvement and Certification". This Committee has continued to function as an integral part of the Associatiwn's activity ever since that time. It has collected and disseminated informrtion relative to certification, recommended changes in the rules and regulations whenever they were thought advisable, and has strived to bring about a closer cooperation and coordination between all of the agencies interested in the production of better certified potato seed. Practically all of the information immediately available on the progress of certifi- cation in America now comes from.the annual printed reports of this "Seed Certification Committee". The Chairmen of this Committee since its appointment in 1915 have been - M. F. Barrus (1915;19); , A. G. Tolaas (1919-23), H. 0. Werner (1923-24) and wn. H. Martin (1924- ). In connection with.this first meeting of the Potato Association of America, Dr. Orton (12) read a paper on "Improvement of Potato Seed Stocks Through Official Inspection and Certification." This report was in substance practically the same one that he had given the previous month at the Atlanta, Georgia meeting. C3 1-,... J- - *4; p I W. U: ‘fiU¢; -J— J- ' VU~ .10 L) t of 4;: '1'3- " (\‘~ 1.!" 1' .L -,--‘+ .~ . ..~ J _, -n (J .1. non — '"'.~wr ‘ yk '4 -uvk I . of! .1 'fi ‘t‘V'i m r ‘I 44’§«—L \J g, ‘1. a ~ r .~; 'v um“; us) 9 ._‘ a 111-111 C; o 1 ‘? .. k} .L J.. J-‘ . UQ) U1. ." can (13) bran .'L‘f J— r u '3, 01. n .65, . 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This conference on state standards for Potato Seed Inspection and Certi- fication was called by the Bureau of Plant Industry of the U. S. D. A., all of the states and foreign countries were invited to send representatives. Thirty-six delegates from.twelve states- Ohio, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Michigan, New Ybrk, New Jersey, Connecticut, Kansas, Karyland, West Virginia, Louisiana and Wisconsin and from three foreign countries Canada, Ireland and Germany, as well as the scientists of the U. S. D. A. attended this meeting. Dr. Orton brought forward an outline of a proposed standard for seed certification which he had developed. This was virtually the same as the one already outlined at the Atlanta, Georgia and the Potato Association of America meetings. The object of the conference, as then stated by Dr. Orton himself, was based on the assumption of the forthcoming organization within the various states of a seed potato inspection service. To quote Dr. Orton - " It presupposes a movement for the betterment of the potato industry, through the improvement of seed potatoes, through the development of specialized growers of seed potatoes, and through an organization created to control diseases and to reduce varietal mixture, to improve varietal types, to be -19- stimulated by the inspection service organized by the state for the purpose of inspecting seed potatoes and granting certificates to such as may be found worthy of such certification through their varietal purity and freedom from disease." With Prof. A. D. Selby of Ohio as chairman and Dr. Orton leading the discussion, the conference afforded an excellent opportunity for the exchange of ideas on the following topics:- 1. Standards of varietal purity and freedom from.disease. 2. Organization. 3. Methods of Inspection. 4. Legislation. A great many constructive suggestions were furnished by Dr. William.8tuart of the U. S. D. A. and by Prof. L. R. Jones of Wisconsin. Dr. Otto Appel of Germany con- tributed much of value through his explanations of the work as carried on in his home country. The general result of this conference was the stimulation of interest in the formulation of efficient systems of seed potato inspection and certification in the various states. Repprt of the Certification Committee- The first recorded report of the Seed Certification Committee of the Potato Association of.America (15) was given by its chairman, Dr. H. F. Barrus, at the third meeting in Washington, D. C., I5over.r1b._-r l3~l4, 1916. This was a very comprehensive paper which considered the organ- ization, standards and progress of the work up to that date. Dr. Barrus concluded his report with a set of recommendations which he called - "Qualifying conditions for a Certification Service". This was a summary of the opinions evolved from the Philadelphia Conference of 1914, as they had been sorted and evaluated by the Committee. The suggestions of the Committee for-the continuation and extension of the work may be outlined as follows:- General- 1. That seed potatoes be planted in.regions suitable for their production. 2. That only varieties adapted to the region be grown for certification. 3. That only one late and one early variety be grown by each association, and that only one variety shall be grown by an individual. 4. That local seed improvement be encouraged through the formation of local.associations. 5. That special care be taken in selecting the original seed for certification. 6. That improvement be secured and continued by hill selection and by the maintainance of a seed plot on each farm; Horticultural Standards- 1. some well 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. mar Varietal classification - group name, except ked varieties. Conformity to type to be stressed. Purity of seed stock - 5%.foreign mixture allowed. Size - 2-10 oz. for early and 2-12 oz. for late varieties. General appearance - reasonably uniform, smooth and free from blemishes. Good cultural methods - excessive weeds or insect injury'may reject. Satisfactory yield - for the variety and season. Pathological Standards- l. 3. 4. 5. Freedom.from wart and powdery scab. Practical freedom.from black leg, wilt and serious Rhizoctonia. Practical freedom.from.leaf roll, curly dwarf, mosaic and other weaknesses. Tolerance of 5% weak hills, to be removed before harvest. Freedom.from serious infection other diseases. Tubers should show little blemish from.scab, Rhizoctonia or other diseases. Inspections- Three to be made- 1. About blooming time. 2. Before harvest. 3. After Harvest. Organization- To suit conditions within the state concerned. Financial Support- Service should be self-supporting, through entrance fees, prices on certificates and on tags. Marketing- 1. Sacks should be of uniform size. 2. Shipping inspection should be made. 3. Tags should be attached at this inspection. Guarantee- Tag statement should give confidence to customer but not bind the certifying organization to a guarantee. -23- Further Suggestions- In its 1917 report (16) the certification committee made some additional suggestions as follows:- 1. That exceptional care be taken to recognize the presence of mixtures, degenerate hills and virus diseases. 2. That frequent timely inspections be made for the recognition of diseases and mixtures. 3. That certified seed be marked so that the planter can determine its source. 4. That varieties be sold into only those localities to which they are adapted. 5. That every effort be made by certifying organizations to locate complaints, determine causes and make adjustments. Emergenpy Inspections- As an emergency war measure (16), inspections were made in 1917 in the states of Colorado, Indiana, Maine, thhigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Vermont, Wisconsin and New York by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperating in each case with the State College. Some independent work was done by the New Yerk State Food Commission, and in all nearly 2,000,000 bushels of seed were inspected and registered in this:manner. This work was approved by the Certification Committee, but the seed registered should not be confused with certified seed, as much of it passed only bin inspection and none of it met the certified recuirements. a The Progress of Certification- In the meantime, the actual organization and development of state systems of certification had been pro- ceeding rapidly following Wisconsin's 1913 venture. Idaho, Maine and Vermont started to certify in 1914; New York and Maryland in 1915, and Colorado in 1917. Ohio started the work in 1918; California, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey and North Dakota in 1919; Hichigan, Oregon and Wyoming in 1920; Montana, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington in 1921; and Kentucky, South Dakota and Utah in 1922. Thus in 1922, twenty-three states were certifying seed potatoes. This is the largest number of states that have ever been active in the work in the United States. Utah discontinued the service in 1924 because of unfavorable soil and climatic factors. Only 2,300 buShels of seed were certified by this state in her two years of inspections. Since that time, only twenty-two states have carried on the work. Further details of the advance of certification in each of these states are given in Tables I to V1 which follow this section of history. Gradinngeceives Attgntion- The outstanding development of the start of the second ten years of potato certification in this country, in the year 1923, was the increased attention given to seed grading. This work had been stimulated by the establishment of the U. S. Standard Grades in 1917, but in 1921 (17) only six of the certifying states had grading inspections. It was encouraging to note in the surveys of 1922 (18) and 1923 (19) that practically all of the states required a grading inspection in which the minimum standards conformed with the U. S. ho. 1 Grade. Extensive tests on certified seed were being carried on cooperatively in many of the seed- consuming states by the certification authorities. Less attention was paid to production problems in 1924, and more attention was given to effective standards, advertising and distribution. The most notable advances recorded by the certification committee (20) were:- 1. Increased number of field inspections. 2. Improved grading of certified stock. 5. more rigid control of virus diseases because of a better knowledge of symptoms and control. 4. Increased use of seed trial plats to check the effectiveness of field inspections. 5. Great increase in the volume of certified seed produced. Raising Standards for Certification- At the twelfth annual meeting of the Pot to Association of America, held December 29-51, 1925, at Kansas City, Hissouri, the Seed Certification Committee (21) -26... made a strong plea for more efficient inspections and higher uniform standards. Included in the committees recommendations were the consideration of:- l. The acreage which one grower should be allowed to enter. 2. The acreage which can be adequately inspected by an inspector. 3. The number of hills to be counted in field i spections. 4. The training of inspectors through a careful study of demonstration plots and through regional conferences. 5. The adoption of uniform disease tolerances. 6. The protection of certified seed from fraud, either through the use of trade marks, or the adoption of a U. S. Grade. 7. The election of a permanent certification Committee. A definite move toward uniformity of inspection standards was made in the form of’a proposed set of rules for use by all states. The tables which will follow giv6351 summary of the standards in use in 1925, together with the standards proposed by the Committee. This report has proven helpful in standardizing inspection and certification in the various states. Kansas City Standards- 1925 Field Inspections-Allowances Per cent first inapection Per cent second inspection Mean Min. Proposed Kean Min. PrOposed Max. Max. Curly Dwarf 3.3 1 - 5 3.2 l - 5 Leaf I‘Oll 504 2 ‘- 5 5.0 2.4 l "" 5 1.0 Spindle tuber 3.3 2 - 5 2.0 2.9 1 - 5 2.0 Yellow dwarf 1.8 l - 4 0.5 1.5 0.5 - 5 0.5 Giant hill. 5.0 l '5 1.0 2.0 .1 "' 3 0.5 All combined 5.2 5 - 10 5.0 4.7 2 - 5 4.0 BlaCkleg 1.8 l " 3 1.0 1.4 005 " 3 1.0 Wilt 205 l "' 5 2.0 109 005 " 3 1.0 Bhizoc- tonia 600 4 " 10 300 2.7 1 "' 5 Total diseases 7.0 4 - 10 7.0 6.4 2 - 10 5.0 weak Plants 4.0 2 "' 5 300 0.3 O " l 0.25 Variety mixmre 2.5 0 "’ 5 2.0 3.0 l "" 5 0025 Bin nspection - Allowances Per cent mean Min. & Max. Pronosed Yellow Dwarf 0.5 0.5 Spindle tuber 2.4 1 - 5 2.0 Wilt or stem end browning 5.0 2 - 10 4.0 Rhizoctonia 8.1 5 - 12 10.0 * Scab 6.9 5 - 10 10.0 * Late Blight rot _l.7 1 - 2 1.5 Total disease 10.7 10 - 12 10.0 * Ten per cent Rhizoctonia or scab, or ten per cent combined. - 29.. The report of the Certification Committee (22) for 1926 showed a decided tendency toward the general use of more rigid inspection standards. In 1922 (18) only two virus diseases had been listed, mosaic and leaf roll. The limit of tolerance for mosaic at the first field inspection was 5 per cent in six states, and 10 per cent in 9 states reporting. In 1926 (22) only one state permitted 10 per cent of mosaic at the first inspection, 4 allowed 5 per cent, 8 allowed 3 per cent and only 2 allowed 2 per cent. Besides mosaic and leaf r011, curly dwarf, spindle tuber, yellow dwarf, giant hill and witches broom were listed as virus diseases. Further advances- At about this time, the use of the seed sample trial plot first came into prominence, 10 states requiring it in 1926. Tuber-indexing was being practiced by Ixii chigan, New York, Minnesota and Wisconsin. {ore attention was being given to the parent stock planted by certified seed growers and the trend was toward more field inspections. Just prior to the Nashville, Tennessee meeting 'of the Potato Association of America, December 28-30, 1927, 17 of the 22 certifying states reported that they were operating under standards which met those suggested at Kansas City in 1925. at the Nashville meeting, the Certification Committee (23) sub- mitted a detailed plan for the adoption, copyrighting and protectionof a national trademark for certified seed potato es. Their plan included the formation of an "Association of Seed Potato Certification Executives" to be affiliated with the Potato Association of America in this special work. The suggested plan provoked considerable discussion but it was not especially well received. And so, we have traced the development of seed potato certification in tiis country through the past twenty years. Great advances have been.made and recorded and we find the industry of today firmly established. Still, possibilities for continued advances and development seem almost unlimited. The tendency is not only forward but upward. The tables which follow will serve to present data regarding the past development which may later be of interest and of use. Though much of these data are incomplete, they are apparently the most authentic infomnation now available. - ..,. V _.' .‘ .L LC’UILJD sw- 2- St t6 ( J L.) -.. J. J_ ,_ I'C u 0088 in 1 (‘ .v . . ‘ J 9" The Progress of Seed Potato Certification - 31 - Table I - The AcreageEntered Stats Year 1921 1922 1924 1925 1928 1929 started 1. California 1919 795 1534 60 130 2. lColorado 1917 800 250 320 1684 559 3. Idaho 1914 aces 1800 7625 3243 4. Kentucky 1922 195 205 205 153 5. Maine 1914 1315 2802 25517 18311 25543 15529 6. maryland 1915 315 341 581 7. IMichigan 1920 1030 . 3196 2508 2145 3742 5833 8. Minnesota 1919 4582 3530 6141 4664 9760 6792 9. IMontana 1921 443 1276 231 481 2394 1132 10. Nebraska 1919 1085 4500 3358 3000 8916 ll. NeW'Hamp- shire 1921 108 47 120 49 12. New Jersey 1919 908 763 757 716 587 621 13. New York 1915 1638 1592 1483 2394 2636 14. Nerth Dakota 1919 8615 4745 4164 10710 15. Ohio 1918 95 48 16. Oregon 1920 1355 2992 1990 1120 17. Pennsylvania 1921 400 988 421 66 550 432 18. South Dakota 1922 830. 526 389 735 558 19. Vermont 1914 782 1100 700 875 1179 1004 Table I (continued) State year 1921 1922 1924 1925 1928 1929 started 20. Washington 1921 572 1210 124 275 943 616 21. Wisconsin 1913 3000 4225 4250 2555 4084 2719 22. Wyoming 1920 500 3723 TOTAL 17905 42447 54228 41509 62109 66973 Utah 1922 75 Table II- Number of Growers and Acres per Grower. State 1921 1922 1925 1928 1929 '21 '22 '25 '28 '29 Growers Acres Cal. 27 4o 6 29 29.4 38.3 10.0 4.4 001.. 110 39 224 73 7.3 8.2 7.5 7.7 Idaho 798 160 600 238 5.1 11.2 12.7 13.6 Ky. 31 32 23 I 6.6 6.3 6.7 de. 118 240 623 516 11.1 11.7 29.4 30.1 Md. 85 177 4.0 3.3 Hidh. 146 532 325 825 802 7.1 6.0 6.6 4.5 7.3 Minn. 504 441 511 581 488 9.1 8.0 9.1 16.8 13.9 Mont. 78 246 44 277 110 5.7 5.1 19.2 8.6 10.3 Nebr. 62 298 114 234 17.2 15.1 26.3 38.1 N} H. 18 6.6 N. J. 85 103 81 74 64 10.7 7.4 8.8 7.9 9.7 N. Y. 272 208 182 254 241 6.0 8.1 9.4 10.9 N. D., 833 123 430 10.3 33.8 24.9 Ohio 22 9 4.3 5.3 Ore. 288 290 152 4.7 10.3 10.3 7.4 Pa. 187 53 84 5.3 10.5 5.1 S. D. 138 85 70 38 6.0 4.6 4.7 14.7 Vt. 203 277 180 248 149 3.9 4.0 4.8 6.2 6.7 Wash. 105 188 38 151 134 5.4 6.4 7.0 11.0 4.6 Wis. 370 560 259 371 262 8.1 7.6 9.8 10.4 Wye. 202 18.4 TOThL 2358 5489 2801 3914 4426 7.6 7.7 14.8 15.8 15.1 - 54 - b.am ee Hm cwno b.0m @.bb meow mnmm .9 .z m.nm m.mm ¢.mo eeem emea nema emna noma amaa .M .2 «.bm o.me m.bn m.no new 0mm New mmo mmm «em .h .z o.mo mm mm nod .m 12 o.mm m.bm o.o¢ 0.00 amok Hmbd oomH one .Hnoz n.5m H.mm m.$m 0.00 0mm memd sew man now .pnoa >.me m.eb o.mb w.mm beam mean omen wean Heom amen .nqfie m.mo e.bm 0.05 ¢.Hm nmoe mmmn mead emma mmem Owe .eeHE m.mn men mmm Hod we .em n.mo p.9m $.me m.m¢ ombOH mmbma ammo mowed mmHH wow .02 ¢.me 0.4m ONH nma «ea med .hm m.mb m.nm m.mn Snow Ommm whoa nnna owed QQwUH H.bb m.eo m.mo Ame web cam HmH 00m .oaoo m.mm m.om m.mm mm mm mm vmna one .Hwo eoflmfipnoo smashes my eofiwapnoo owdoHo< mmmfl mmmd mmma Hmma mNmH mmmH mmmH #mmd mmmfi Hmma opopm eofieapnmo owaonoa u HHH canoe 5 new: 0:: m.mo m.me m.mm cases 55% 033 $an meamfi mmmoa A4909 m.nm mmwn 00¢ .053 m.ab 4.0n 4.44 0.0m «was nnmm ans omam ooom coma .mae mém m.mm 93“ .79. man one m3” mm 0.5 3% .523 0.0m Nana m.mm «23 mom 0mm 03. mew mew owe .p> m.mm n.0m b.Hm mew 0N0 mam $5M who .Q .m n.mo o.mn o.mH Nmm mom ow com man we .wm $.mb $.mH m.>m mum 0mm 0mm pom .ono 3.83.30 eminence an $33.50 $66904 momma mmmd mmod Hmma momma mmma 0N0." «mod mmmd Hmmd opopm Aemseapeoov n HHH capes .Q .2 cemented 93 me «am «an .22 .z seepage ..mOw b m n .h .z momsmmfim mm ea HA .m 42 .nnoz 93 53 . mean. 22$ as man SH 2H Gm .282 fie .83 82 03. .efia p8 e258.55.502233 $9 8 3m 03 .52 MGHOEH .Hmflpo ounOHAH .3232 $20 a mag m3 «3 .ea meflmfia agape :82. .mA. dam. ..H.m. . 22 38 mi 52 3mm .22 . $92 Ease..a.m..mos om 3 an mm a .51 who use. . mos. :H.m 38 was Sea 053 SHE. . ea. :32. . 82. .53 mom 43” 3m 24 S .38 .222 $2653.23 3 o o o ow e .20 causeway somoom proe Honda wwwwm wwwmu wwwflk .wmwm opwpm 9N3 23 5 e30 2mm owamnoq .. 5 .32. O ‘ "I . I O C I. u I I O O O O O 4‘ 9'. .‘fi ’- . o D O O O " . I I" l O b O C O O .Uw o» 4.“ E H: -u v2- Sufi 3.6-33 on new mmwma mom and ¢nom ¢omoa m¢¢ A4909 .053 nomfip .0 Mona..moz mea gwm $00 .mfia nowfip mo Moaq.mcmoa ‘ ¢ma .nmaa m .A.m..moz..m:u own oaa o¢w .p> 3 _ ago ..Nflgm..q.m..m.q..a.m nHH Ha mm ow .n .m .m.g..moz H¢n H¢n .pm omHO .m.q «w m pm a ofino caofiw camfim camflh poam uopomnom nomwom Hmpoa amaze .cnn .unm .pma .mawm evapm Acosafipqoov .>H candy ks WI a! III- IlI-I-l. II I. II II I. III III - -l _.— . 9.... . . «$99.... “Pa. amp .93 ..H E 08:03 3. .9... :3 H .30va 94.3.13 WEE... mm. mHHmu _ . . I. 9 9 . ,. . . .. 0 . _._ .<.. 9. I 91A . _ 9 _ .9" .9 ..vl? ._ W.. J . 9 ........ _.....a. 1&9. .. 9.0 . .,. a..- I. I : ... '0. .4 II...- I». 4N... ... . .mu... .-.( ... .. _.. ..... la... v I 1| _ on ‘ . . ..4‘ I V O «919 o". _ 9. Mv_u ,1 .r< o o 9 .0 I _ I _ _u I .‘ H 0 99 o v I n _ 0|... 1 I I90 v. >6 . CA W0 . _ .o oo- _ . 9. .. 9. _ . . . .99.)...“ 1 . o .MVQI J 1.21.... . .1) . 11m. .1 . _. . 2. -. 5.3. . . 99.9. . . 9- .3 VI. .. 9.. . .9 . .I A L. . ... c I . m.,....u.H fircfi mfifi mm... H H -.nzaH £09m HWNOH- ONGH : 9 99999 -.p . . .. .. . , ., _ . . . 9 9 H _ V r L» b 9! r?L LL VF . r. < [LL LrLrLr . p . . 9.|_L.L..I9_ a L? . _b L ‘upfob... P 1*OLVJG4 .JW« 8. *0 . . JIW 1 .~:. ..H A. . 11 n. I ...... ..4 a H H . .n. Jim -.H.- «19.4..— 4 ‘4 .Hw b O.-04. . _ . . .9.. + I I w o n I _ I I I. I - . . . .. _ . _ u. . . m r . r I I |._ _ . , _ - c o o. . I O . O c. O o _ G v o . u o o . . v . I . . 9 s 9. . . . 9 1 L: .c I v _ 9 I . U I . _ 1 . . .. I C A— _. . ‘ b I Q I I ._ 9 L . .. , . 9 u I a _ O a I V 1 u . ~ . . _ . o . m- y . ‘ O H v - . I — O u w o m .. _ O a. c / v u I . _ - I v w . o c I u _ r _ . . . . . 9 I - I Q ._ n r _ Q .l I o v _ .I D . i. _ O o o I . I I _ _ _ I u. u _. . u A v . r . _ u u . u — n n u h. - DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATEC 000.00 000.000 000.00 000.00 000.00 .000 000.0 000.0 000.0 0000 000.0H0 000.000 000.000 000.00 .0 .2 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 .0 .0 000.00 000.000 000.00 000.00 000.00 000 .0 .2 000.0 000.00 000.0H 000.00 .0 .0 000.000 000.000 000.00H 000.00 00.00 .0002 000.00 000.000 000.00 000.00 .0002 000.000 00.00H.H 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 .00H0 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.00 .000: 000.00 000.00 000.0 000.00 000.0 .02 000.000.0 000.000.0 00H.000.H 000.000.0 0.000 000.000 .00 000.00 000.0 000.00 000.0H .00 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 00000 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 .000 000.00 000.0H 000.0 000.000 000.00 .000 0000 000H 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000 .0000H0000 0000 00 0000000 .> 00000 9 0o 000.. 0000 000.000.0 000.000.0 . .q . . . . . . a 0 c o 0 000 000 0 000 000 0 000 000 0 000 000 0 0.000 000.000 000.000 000.00 .000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 .000 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 .0000 000.00 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 000.000 .00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 .0 .0 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 .00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000000 00000000000 0 0000a ..._-_.-—-—__.-_ _..—_....— ' 3 0.5610 {10“ us.fl'oduchon x = L“. um. 0.54.£.L.Lu.s.r.¢. “L H 4- F210 C $ O ) 4.) _L'.. ”d"? “ '. .' v j J- _r‘ j A V- t... - ~~' i\..' -— '3 \L J \J V - \. .- x. k -1. .1 - a ‘J- A -K... O- _... Table VI Bushels Certified per Acre State 1921 1922 1925 1928 1929 Cal. 214 72 200 ' 132 206 Colo. 168 152 75 168 Idaho 169 62 75 Ky. 86 80 176 Me. 358 250 188 305 370 Ed. 152 ‘ 94 118 rich. 147 130 120 207 132 Minn. 160 126 170 204 170 MDnt. 105 157 144 70 Nebr. 69 47 65 42 N. H. 167 N. J. . 160 107 173 115 N. Y. 210 170 195 231 223 N. D. ‘ 74 84 Ohio 157 145 Ore. 87 Pa. 366 215 247 S. D. 43 135 90 124 Vt. 208 213 245 223 149 Wash. 55 125 79 95 W13. 167 200 172 156 149 Wyo. 54 TOTRL 156 123 153 210 164 .mpmH9300cfi macaw 0H0 mmhdmfim mwoga* - 41 - 000400H.0 0.00 000.05 numqoo 000a mmm.00a.0fl mm.>0 *000.H¢ *00H.00 mmma 000.0ma.b 0.00 *mmb.0m *0bm.mm pmofl 000.000.0 0.00 *000.mn *000.00 0N0H *000.000.0 0.00 .000.00 *000.H0 000a *0Hm.0an.b 0.00 *m00.mm *mmm.0m «mod 0am.bmw.0 0.00 000.Hm 000.00 000H *000.bnm.m 0.00 *0mm.ma *mmm.00 mmma *000.0H0.a 0.00 .000.0H *000.0H Hmmfi 00H.000.H 00.00 0H0.0 000.0H 000a 000.000 0.00 000.0 000.0 mama 000.H00 000.0 bama 000.00 mama Umodfiofim dwmm UOH.HHHMSM Umfiwfiphoo dwpomqu cofikfipnoo .sm omwmnod pqmo 90m omwmnod 0&00904 900w AomppHEEOO moapwofiwfipnmo map 90 mpuommm opmamaoomH_anhv .mmpwpm cmpHflD map a« mofipostHm npwpom 000m woagwphmo 2.a .(2.) Canada The early deve10pments of seed potato certifi- cation in the United States and in Canada have such a common ba kground that it is hardly possible to separate 1hem. Both programs had their inception in thy same general need and at about the same time. Because of her more unified governmental organization, Canada has perhaps been able to P—J wor* out plans more methodically and completely. Generally stated, however, the developments in the two countries have paralleled each other from.the start ani the utmost spirit of COOperation and good-Will between the various agencies concerned has prevailed throughout. Leaf roll.and nosaic were first observed as such in Canada in the summers of 1913 and 1914. In his report for 1915, the Dominion Botanist, Dr. H. T. Gussow (25) discussed these two diseases and even went so far as to recommend that all fields showing more than 5 per cent of infected plants should be discarded for seed. Dr. Gussow's work was closely in harmony with that then being done by Dr. W. A. Orton of the U. S. Department of.Agricu1ture. He had accompanied Dr. Orton and Dr. Appel of Germany on a part of their 1914 summer tour of the principal potato sections of'the United States. From.this trip, he gleaned many ideas which later influenced his part in the setting-up of seed potato certification in Canada. a The work in Canada from the start nas been under the super- vision of the Division of Botany of the Dominion Department of -griculture, headed by the Dominion Botanist, Dr. Gussow. Representatives of this Doninion Division were active participants in the lhiladelphia Conference (14) of December 23, 1914 on Standards for Seed Potato Inspection and Start of aspection work Us CO For several seasons, the plant 1i .ase inspectors of the Division had been.condueting roguing demonstrati~ns and field inspections of seed potatoes on a sm;ll scale. The object was to reduce varietal mixtures and diseased plants. The benefits of'the work, as given by Dr. Gussow (26) were-- (1) Reduces the disease present and improves general stand. (2) Encourages fiie farmers to take up the work themselves. (3) Affords an Opportunity for educational work on diseases and disease control. (4) Serves as an economic potato disease survey. (5) Improves the market value of Canadian seed. In the summer of 1915, about 100 farms were in- spected in this manner on Prince E ward Island. Over 100 fields were rogued in New Brunswick and the crops of 33 of these were recommended to prospective buyers for seed purposes. A similar survey was conducted in Nova Scotia. In each case, 1 a record was Kept of the percentage of diseases and of foreign - 44 - varieties rogued out, and the field inspection was followed by a bin or cellar inspection. A number of valuable statistics were acoinulated. a large part of the success of anada's system of certification from nae beginning can be traced to the complete set of records always kept available H) 8 reference purposes, thich started pith the data just mentioned. This same general procedure of conducting; a combined survey'and educational program in each province before any actual inspections for certification were made was typical of the Canadian method. Two years of preliminary‘womr usually preceded the start of inspection. The Start and Spread of Certification Certification was first made in 1916 (27) in the three maritime provinces of Prince Edward Island, Hen Brunswick and Nova Scotia. In the last-named province, a limited number of crops of the Garnet Chili variety were certified for eXport to Beiiuda. This was the start of the now famous Canadian certified potato seed export trade. Inspection ani certification was extended into Quebec and northern Ontario in 1918 (27); into southern Ontario and Kanitoba in 1920; and into Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia in 1921 (28). Organization Until 1918, the work in Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia had been conducted by the Botany Division officer in charge of the Charlottetown (P.E. 1) Laboratory; and that in New Brunswick and Quebec by the officer in charge of the Fredericton (N. B.) Laboratory. In 1918, becaise of the increased scope of the work and the desire for unifonnity of standards and methods, the whole was placed under the omitrol of one man, who was Dr. Paul. A. Hurphy of the P. E. I. Station. The inspection service had becone so widely established by the spring: of 19:30 (27) that it was deemd best to place it in direct charge of the office of the Dominion Botanist, at the Central Experimental Farms, Ottawa, which office had already supervised the work indirectly. George Partridge was made the first Chief Inspector in Charge. He was succeeded by'JOhn.Tuoker in 1926.) In British Columbia, the work was originated by the Provincial Departnent of Agriculture. Starting in 1924, the inspection work was carried on cooperatively between the Provincial and Dominion Departments of Agriculture. The Dominion authorities took over the work entirely in 1927, thus placing all nine provinces under one head, with one set of stardards, rules and regulations. It was interesting to note in 1927 (29) that the total cost of the Canadian IiSpecti on Service for certifying potato seed was estimated at $78,000. Two senior inspectors q .f‘ s l or ._.‘ ,. Li C l L.A- ‘f‘(\ in “ '7 ', 4; hi 0 A ~ . - f‘v W r~ r, o 1’ #4 ~ - ~ v~ .l‘ —- 5‘ J \,4 M a . 7 .' . v...\-‘-U, J. I C I O - C'- U 4 i. -;L4 _ l O ‘ l;" “L . . Q _~ _..—— U a?“ fin _ ". F, u. u.) 0 L1 J. (1 —.—~ . \_5 es, r- ---. V'-A. J— u); ll, -'- ' ‘ C v. 9.2115 (":315‘ .0 q 4». v1- -Ol 2 "-' (J 1.x .. r‘ k l". 4 1‘7 x. 0. Bl .L.‘ A~.‘.1;)I] t 1'. vs ever (i \l '1 ‘A o .“f. O .‘ ‘1'4 L) V,'. i—yg 1 r -,+ . K. .- \J g”— \ J--— a} r. 4" A. s) ’ C‘ Q &J(»Ya J.- 'Cb v... u an}; .LC F! : . .1. ‘ ex1y‘71r\‘v. J. LA. ‘- w. .41. J1 n O 3.1; l k- a N _O -. ,{3 -- \J ‘ r: U J— U l in ‘ tCL1001€Jrr CBS f .(\ A .1 0 pro ot U... 1-7l ed to C-rr £3 C'C‘ QA LJ|u2 -4 L4 r.- p ..L l .-‘i _-.}- CDC J- 0030 ll] Q q two cour rs; M) in 1916, \J ‘F'; ' J ‘1- -.- _-‘-d" ( J-7. , A .1 r Ui..€/*-‘(3 v- ‘1 ‘L "7“1” “I 1 .L. <\ / Ctiv~ -" . O r o _L. at vi K.) C r: (A (E r‘ (2 ~J A) IL (w L) ccti J..- l L-gfi I .5--- . -,.~ . 1‘. s '5'". r .L . V t .11 1‘0 q t 11 an DEC .7 l J G 1.1 _ I '.V\ . 0 A. ()- 'l ,, .. 3, J. :Lk—lboc .Lwfi J... ’W LO .r‘ 1: E J 1, .3 a n 0.1“ 1‘. u- - 47 - Certi ficati on Standards In the development of fine first Canadian work, and up into 192 , only one field and.one tuber inspection was made. Complete records were made on each inspection and were filed in the Central 0f'.'ice. Two grades of seed were passed at that time as follows:- Field Inspection - all diseases, weak and foreign plants allowed 535 733 Tuber Inspection - all diseases, injuries and impurities allowed 105% 1253 A final supplementary or shipping inspection was introduced in 19:30 on all potatoes shipped out of the producing area. Tags were issued b;- the inspector and placed by him on the shipment at the point of loading. "3.11;: d" or "unknown" varieties were the cause for much of the disqualified acreage at the st art. Government workers paid considerable attention to the introduction of pure seed of one variety into some sections. The Department of Agriculture even purcinsed a quantity of certified seed from I'Iew Brimswick {growers for distribution in other sections. In 1920 (2'7), the 1T0. 2 grade was abolished, and all fields which met the Grade 1:0. 1 standard at blooming: time I O u were iven a second inspection just before maturity. (n. C. \J Due to the difficulty sometires experienced in recognizing; the pi esieice of leaf roll and mosaic, the standards were raised in 192 (30) t) cut out all allowance for weak plants. 45 a rurther check, the right vas reserved to reject a field on fi1e basis or its pas history in regard to virus diseases. This raSifade possible by the mai ntainance at hea dguarters of a con;lete card index systdn, containing 0 the h story and behavior of'hundreds of lots of seed inspected .1. 4.1., year by year, .Ofcther with their origin. A questionahle field could thus be traced back for seve:.l years and possibly disqualified, even if the current report were favorable. The value of such a syst3m.in guara: iteeing Quality in seed stock offered for sale is obvious. The following amounts of disease v.ere pre ese nt in fields accepted for certification (Bl) in 92 :- Blackleg - .47%, Leaf roll - .Gifl, IIosaic - 1.0 p, and Wilts - .145, or a combined average of 2.2%. Ei.izoctonia :as reported as being by far the most serious tuber disease. q Permanent Stand arcs Inspection standards were f01r ulsted annuallr up until 1922. In this year (7 l) the first set of "permanent stand ards" were adopted. Thor e were ap13licable to all in- pecti"ns of potatoes for seed certification wade in [1" Doniziion. The standards first but irto use in 222 were slijitly modified for the 1925 ins ections (32). Easy :- were then as lollOWS:- Field % allowed Tuber % allowed Blackleg 5 Set rot (bacterial) 2 Leaf Roll (curly dwarf, etc) 2 Late blight and dry rot 5 Mosaic 2 Common scab ard Rhizoc- tonia - severe 5 Wilts 5 Powdery scab 1 Foreign l Necrosis, WiltS and internsl discolor. 5 Total 6 Total* 10 *No more than 2 per cent of the tubers shall be foreign, badly off-type, or damaged by sunburn, cuts, cracks, bruises, insects, etc. He frost injury shall be allowed. Eot more than 5 per cent by weight of the tubers shall be below 3 ounces or above 12 ounces. Two field inspections were instituted in 1925, one at the time of blossom, and tie second 5 to 4 weeks later. Practically all of the fields rejected that year were not plantedvdth certified seed. In addressing the twelfth annual.meeting of 'fii Potato Associztion of America at Kansas City, Xissouri, December so, 1925, D. J. IIaCLC‘Od (as stated the chief problems of certification in the Dominion as -- 1. Continued use of uncertified seed as parent stock. 2. Difficulty in obtaining field registrations from the grower by the required date set. 3. Unfair complaints due to poor storage of seed after certification and shipment. 4. Elimination of oversized seed in grading certified stock. 5. Use of bogus certification tags. 6. Growing of seed potatoes in unsuited localities. Tagoiro Certified Seed To add a distinctive note to Canadian certified seed of the two most important varieties, and to facilitate the tag inc Operation, specially printed tags (34) yellow in color for the Irish Cobblers and green for the Green hountains, were first provided in 1926. ther varieties, making up less than 10 per cent of the crop, were marked ‘ with the standard Duff-colored manilla tags as provided before. All seed was tagged as "Extra No. l", which meant that it was up to the requirements of the inepection stand- ards already given. The date of issuance was stamped on the - . . - .-.‘ .F: ' - .4.» .f; n ".l .‘ I a F .I '8..'c 9 CERTIFIED SID POTATO” duo Ina-Inch. Ive-Hilton!" ”TII. . ht hp I-n Ines! v tho-mo- Ib- mnaI....-;Ir..1mv. .._.. um I! I I "Huh llnl min-form's nub”) -bfl. am in“ III- mII nI I.n-— '11-: I I \ IMF-nu IIfiralr land-a. II luau. .n-I Ihu II-o \ .w—n Im"l"l In III-I I I ha I II. L'I “fly-.1 1h. Dolme- I): .v'u ..II J \(n :I' :rr- nu! '- \n- le hum] m I. w'h‘lca ll- Irma Ind".- If n- In vuIrl-I lo turn-l II-ou hug rh-i - UMDI‘. I..\IR\ .\-- I ~II WI) I'III'\TIIIL~ "TIIMII Im II». anodltimthgnbpmmvhou III-Ind ”I! an». Iva. alt nun-Io: II loan uMI'tuk-Ilanubtho p-I aLi-I h-M'b n u \ob- uu-J- ll. .I'IJIIIAI rIrIrnrl all. IIA‘n-Ihmrqu-Ilmol Nuns-lynx: “Liana nfl- txrd- (III-«e ”4| II II l m .1. [Ina m ml by Iu'bl 1:11.. Ivhv It”- Mn 1 I" u Irhr --1~~, ..er Ia II.I (”the coo-hum II“! III- dart-n Am- nlrr I‘Yl-L'Illli I: u. _uI-ua and ymb-u-hthuu‘nuh-Mw L, I.III. ' "TI IF rr‘Imr. INA!“ Pl FI'II‘II'I~‘I" RR 0? CERTI FII‘n REF h POTATO! :9 Am "It.“ I ~'r III 'I \II\I TIMI”! I‘ll \I'Wd .‘T ”N"!- AND I‘Ilfl- \\ "\U'l \'T~ I'IHTHVHI'H I'ilH: III-.IVI. REF"! I\ I \ I I. ‘l'l'RU-I II I \N\ LI. \‘ITII (IF Tull. .\'U GLARANTIJZ CA3 III 1. l‘ I. \ ..\ TU THLIH Ql ALII' {— ".‘ A a . t — . . . - .0 n N ‘ V __ |_ 0 U- U\~- I. page I.) L) .1. . ..‘.‘ _.. ./ .-‘ v.1. (1 \fl’l \ ~;' "5 _ -/ xi - 51 - front of each tag, to give a check on storage difficulties after inspection. The Export Trade Developnant he demand fbr Canadian certified seed stock for export increased rapidly from.the time of the first shipment to Bermuda (27) in 1916. Buyers in.the United States especially soon appreciated the uniform.quality of the seed from.the maritime provinces of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The demand was so brisk, and the prices so high in 1923, that some difficulty (32) was experienced in these provinces with getting the growers to carry over enough seed for their own planting the following season. This export demelopment became of real economic impOItance, and it has effected the standards of Canadian seed, because the government certification authorities realized that to retain and increase the foreign demand they would have to nnintain the highest possible level of quality. In 1927 (29), $1,500,000 worth of certified seed was exported to the Atlantic seaboard states of the United States, to Cuba,_Bermuda, Jamaica and British Giiana. The following are estimates of the shipments to the United States for four representative years: 1920 - 48,750 bu. 1926 - 973,600 bu. 1921 - 61,100 bu. 1927 - 1,100,130 bu. (_‘l to A limited number of sales have been made into the western United States from British Columbia and Alberta. This trade (35) was started with some trial demonstration shipments into California and Oregon in 1925. Prince Edward Island has continued to expand her acreage until she now ranks as the leading certified potato seed producing state or province in America. This little island province of only a million acres (about the size of Long Island) and 95,000 inhabitants has an ideal potato soil and climate (56), and is further aided by excellent facilities for shipping by rail or water. Host of the seed from.the Island is sold through the COOperative Potato Growers Association, the principal shipping ports being Charlottetown and Sunnerside in the fall, and Georgetown in the winter season. About 51 per cent of the total potato acreage, or 24,815 acres, was inspected for certification in 1927 (29) and 81 per cent of this passed. The average yield for certified fields was about 500 bushels to the acre. Only the Irish Cobbler and Green Ecuntain varieties were handled. Further facts are given in Table IV which follows this section. Changing Standards Although a so-called "permanent standard" had been set up and put into use in 1922 (31), it was found advisable to make occasional changes in this standard as I‘ unforseen conditi:ns warranted it. ne revision of 192 (52) was followed by‘a minor change in 1926 (57) which reduced the misses allowed to 2 per cent, unless these Skips could be traced to mechanical causes. The use of two field inspections in 1925 had made other changes necessary. As the standards used in 1929 were practically the sane as those issued in 1927 (29), the 1927 standards are here given for reference purposes. has let inspection 2nd inspection per cent per cent Blackleg 5 1 Leaf roll, curly dwarf 2 1 lies a 10 2 l Wilts 5 2 Foreign l % *Misses (if due to roguing) 2 Total disease 6 3 *Deleted in 1928 because lack of roguing favored disease spread; but placed at 10% in 1929. Tuber per cent Wet rot (bacterial) % Late blight or'dry not 1 Scabs or Rhizoctonia Slight 10 Severe 5 Necrosis, wilts and internal discolorations 5 other than due to variet . Total(except slight scab or Rhizoctonia) 7 Powdery scab under scabs l Malformed, spindly, badly damaged by sunburn, cuts, cracks, bruises, insects, etc. 2 Frost injury Foreign tubers 0 Not more than 5 per cent by weight of the tubers shall be below 3 ounces or above 12 ounces. At fall bin inspection if more than 3 per cent late blight is found in the bin, grower will not be allowed to grade for fall shipment, but may hold for spring shipment, subject t o re-inspection . t can readily be seen by an analysis of these standards that they are not superior or even equal to those in force in a few of our own United States. The success of the Canadian system is due not so much to its rigid standards as it is to the thoroughness with which these standards are applied and the unity of the system that is back of them. Canadian Certified Extra No. 1 Seed Potatoes have thus come to represent the finest in a uniform.quality. The work has been zealously supported by the Dominion Department of Agriculture because it has added another source of foreign revenue nor Canadian farmers, as well as helping to improve the lot of all those who grow potatoes for any purpose, by offering them superior seed stock. The misuse of Canadian certified tags or the false advertising of selling of certified seed throughout Canada is prohibited by Dominion law and punishable by heavy fine. The future of the Canadian certified.seed as a market proposition lies in convincing the prospective purchasers of seed stock that a product of superior quality is always to be found under the Dominion seal. Briefly, the policy for the furtherance of this end, as stated by H. S. MacLeod (38), is this:-- 1. 2. p. 00 4:. 5. Increasingly high standards. Strict enforcement of these standards. A tuber-unit seed plot to be maintained by each grower. Regional testing of seed stock to bring out virus diseases. Encouragement of the use of certified seed by more cmmorcial growerS. Hoe.an sas.na mnm.aa ooe. nae.s Asses ao.m sm.m ass was esm amen assesses .m ow. es. one mma ens flea Head cayenne no. we. see was Hen ass Hmaa seseseseeeem mm. on. men sea ooa nae use omoa suspense es. en. mom.a ems nmo.a ewe use mama essence en. Hm. osm cam Hmn.a eoa.s mem.n mama senses Ha.m ms.e sss.m mmo.m cam.e Hes nae.a eHmH nefisssssm sea om.a as. one one was esm men mama unseen ssom Ho.om mm.em mem.em msm.m noo.s nee ewe mama .H .m .m dophopm swan emsa sass emsfl «mad amen owed sees essasosm oopomam omooho o Heaven m .wopoommoH owooho< . sconce a.“ .630 0 one H mono s .7309 .H manna oofipooflgnoo 330m doom .Ho moopwonm one L,’ k.) e.ms w.ms m.m m.sm m.Hm new.mm nam.oa sHe.nH oom.e ema.m agape .en s.as s.se msm mos Hon .0 .m .om m.em m.em e.ou on em men we espouse .am o.ee n.ee .mt . Hma noa sea sea .sepeesem n.0m e.me .ms m.eo s.em so OOH om on own seesaqas m.ms H.os e.He e.oo e.He one man Hse and son easspso n.me e.mm 0.0m o.me m.mm mom men men ems.a emm.H embeds e.me m.mm o.em m.se e.He ans.H moH.H mam.n one was .m .z m.oe m.ms «.ms «.ms H.mm ssm msa sum mom man unseen uses H.oe .mm m.ms m.em m.ee mam.ma smm.s mem.m ass was .H .m .m smma omen smoa Heed omsa smsH emoa amen Hmofl owes escapees decade as R wommva moses Hopoa .oommo& omoohow HH panda 04 _.D m.m m.m oaa.e ess.m geese m.m e.H one New .0 .m m.m m.m ms Asa. speebas H.w m6. on .3 .nopouamom o.e s.m em on assesses a.» o.s ems man consume 0..“ 05 3n «ma senses H.m m.s man was .m .z m.m m.m mam mHH saeosm uses s.e o.e mom.e oam.a .H .m .m smaa mama smsa mmmfl degassed ..Hosoat unnamed Hogan whosonu .Ho .8852 .HHH mason. 60 - mm mm we oo oo mo Hm ma EH emm.mm was.sa sam.s eam.e mnn.m aeo.m mma.m Hes new mem.mm nmo.mm mem.sm msm.m Hmm.s soo.m nHm.n see.“ new ewe mmmd mmmH bmma ommH mmma #moa mmma mmmH HmmH omoH QOBSHEOQ aw commom moses AmpOP m wommsm moses concomaow menus mrQQmeH thgdm QOQHHW MO mmHm 039 .oowpoobonm .bH magma mam ms mam ms “useless om Amomvaee .Heaoe mm mm mm OH mad 0 .o .m o m a HH 0 mm opHopHa m m HH m on .nopoMmom H n w m H o sQOpHocz em w mm ma mm canepoo os s e om a sa senses ea m mma s as .m .2 am me n em a HH .m .2 we mo on.” Hm How 0 «mm .H .m .m omcomflo 0p Howfib mofipofinw> Haom woa anaconda Moog owfiohom mpafle . ofismoz mama Mooam ooofi>oam bmma moofipoonom caofim How someom .b capes 62 - ems.s nem.m sod e ea ma odeoe ems ems me .o .m oom mm H oppopa< chm mm H m .nopoxmom me am essences mom moa n e oasspso mom sna e 0 comedy meo.a one .m .2 new HmH mm H e .m .z ons.e HsH.H HHH OH .H .m .m sews measao easaeaae assess sashes posses uopoonom wopomnem poz mommfiz opwq .paso Mo goog oooH>0Hm 63- .epoamfiooow havooswmmo one whom» whoop How monomfly onB* o.eea oom.oms.e a.ms Hmm.em soo.mn mama o.eHm omo.mam.e m.ss nom.am eos.oe mesa o.HmH ooa.ooe.n e.ms o.ms msm.nm mmH.e Hoe.an men.m smsa m.ms m.ns nan.oa eso.n was.ua mam.e emea o.eeH eee.ess.a H.ms m.ms sum.oa som.m Hms.ea men.e mesa n.ms mm.ae sas.na mem.m www.ma emm.m emsH seem.man m.ns s.os ooa.s Heo.m Hme.m eam.n mesa sooo.oas H.me n.me Hes.e mnH.m omN.HH nwm.m mama sooo.omm n.em s.He omm.e ene.a oom.s see.m Head seam.smm ms.am ema.m nae.s owed dammed wommsm condom vommom ones Hem Hopoe moaoo moaofim memos meaoam ocpoooaofi oopoomaofi coflmfipnoo Mo owe Ho owe Ho Ho moses meaoam adonmsm upooonom spoooHom Henson Henson no Hones: mo Hoossz Meow .dconoo a.“ doom. coawphoo Mo GOHpodwomm one 1‘ (I 2. b. In Europe The potato is the main source of revenue from agriculture in many areas in Central Europe, where it is the chief food of the common people and is also used extensively for stock feeding, and for the manufacture of starch, flour and alcohol. Kore than 90 per cent of the world's potato crop (39) is still grown in Europe. Germany a Leader- Germany has long been noted for the development and intensity of her potato culture. Dr. 1']. A. Orton (40) of the U. S. D. A., made a careful study of her potato industry in 1911, and one of the factors that he placed foremost as being responsible for her high yields was the use of disease-free seed. The inspection and certification of seed potatoes appears to have been Dede first of all in Germany. It begm very early in the present century (probably 1902), a few years after the establishment of the German Agricultural Society (41) in 1897. German pathologists are the first recorded as having classified the leaf roll disease, ani they made recommendations for its control throth field roguing. The early work was carried on directly through experts of the Agricultural Society, who issued certificates to the owners of disease-free crops. Later, the system was broadened to work through the local Boards or Chambers of Agriculture (42), of which there is one in nearly every state and province. Seed potato certification in Germany has never become as highly organized or as generally used as it has in some other countries; but the German system.has been the parent of many of those which now surpass it, including the United States. 9 .. . ,Hollands Contribution- Holland has also been a leader in seed potato certification. Her Scientists were giving close attention to the classification of the virus diseases back in file 19th Century, and began field roguing for disease control (43 about 1900. A 000perative method of field.inspection ha been in operation since 1903 (in Friesldnd), being organized by the Provincial Agricultural Societies. The ’nspectors are not State officials, but qualified men of local reputation. In 1919, the work of the 13 small societies was brought togetler under the Central Committee for Seed Inspection and Recognition. A greater uniformity of standards has thus been developed, in cooperation with the 4 Government insti- tutions for plant study. The seed dealers of Holland have a separate or anization, vfldch las rules insuring the handling *"D ("Q of only certi ied seed by members of their association. other Countries in Continental Europe Certification in Austria (41) has been going forward since 1907 and two systems are new carrying on the work there. The State system.is widely spread, and anus work is also done b; the German Agricultural Society for Austria. Each Austrian province has a Field Inspection Committee, the members of nhich.are the seed specialists of the provincial ."Lgri cultural Society, as well as officials “4...... of the Government Agricultural.Ernerirent Stations. ‘- Hungary also has a complete state system. Checkoslovakia's work is very similar to that of Germany. Soviet Russia has certified some potato seed. Denmark has built an nspection service about her nell-knonn Cooperative Farmers Unions. France is carrying on potato certification n1 several of her northern provinces. Belgium, Estonia, Lithuonia, Poland and Switzerland are all known to have developed some system.of organized seed potato certification. In Italy and Spain, there is no work of this type new carried on. These countries buy some certified seed from.Hollani, Germany'and Scotland. In Great Britian- England and Wales have established a system of certification about their campaign to subdue the dreaded wart disease. Difficulty in obtaining sufficient seed of the immune varieties for planting in quarantined areas of infestation in 1918 was the immediate reason for the start of inspection. Virus diseases were later taken into consideration (44), and since 192 , when wart quarantine restrictions were relaxed, the denand fcr certified potato seed.has continued just the same. Scotland (45) started certification at the same time as England, and because of a favorable climate has developed considerable of a seed potato industry. As nueh as 40 per cent of the total potato acreage (1925) has been inspected for seed. Scotland has had practically a monopoly on the English and welsh export trade. host of the better Scotdh farmers have their seed fields inspected, if only for their own.use. Northern Ireland certifies some potato seed on a scheme that is similar to the English one. The Irish Free State (46) formerly had a profitable seed trade with western England, Wales and Kalta. Since the war, she has been striving to regain this trade throu;h the deveIOpnent of a certification program‘é?) against virus diseases and varietal mixture. Climatic conditions there are very favorable fer the production<3f high quality seed stock. Elsewhere New Zealand started the certification of seed potatoes in the 1927-28 season, and is the only country known to be certifying outside of Europe and America. _ 53 - The Known Progress of Seed Potato Certification Outside of America. Certifying Year System based country. started on Austria 1907 German Belgium 1928 Dutch Checkoslovakia 192 German Denmark 1910 England 1918 Estonia' German France 1921 Dutch Germany 1902 Holland 1903 Hungary' 1923 Irish Free State 1918 English and Canadian Eorthern Ireland 1922 EngliSh Lithuania German New Zealand 1927 Canadian Poland 1907 German U. S. S. Russia 1926 German Scotland 1918 English Switzerland 1916 German - 59 - l. A Summary of the Present Situation in America. DIVE ( I.).Administration Agencies certifying and headquarters In charge of Can. “Domini0n Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa I.R.‘Tudker Cal. State Dept. of Agriculture, Sacramento J. E. Currey Colo. Cert. Seed P. G. Assoc. & Hort, Agr. College, Fort Collins C. H. Metzger Idaho Cert. Seed P. Imp. Assoc. & Hort, Agr. College, Boise E. R. Bennett Ky. Hort, Aer. College, Lexington J. S. Gardner Me. State Dept. of Agriculture, Augusta E. L. Hewdick Kd. Seed Cert. Bd. & Path., Agr. College, College Park R. A. Jehle Lich. Crop Imp. Assoc. & Fr. Crops, Agr. College, East Lansing H. C. Meore Minn. State Dept. of Agr., St. Paul A. G. Tolaas Mont. Pot. Imp. Assoc. & Hort, Agr. College, Bozeman F. M. Harrington Nebr. Cert. Pot. G. Coop & Hort., Agr. College, Alliance 71m. Morr ow N. H. Botanist, Expt. Sta., Agr. College, Durham 0. Butler N. J. Pot. Assoc. & Dept of Agr., Trenton Paul Mott N. Y. Seed Imp. Coop Assoc. & Pathology, Agr. College, Ithaca Karl Fernow N. D. State Seed Commissioner, Fargo E. M. Gillig Ohio Cert. Seed P. G. Assoc., & Hort, Agr. College, Columbus E. B. Tussing Ore. Farm Crops, Agr. College, Corvallis E. R. Jackman - 7o - Table I (continued) Agencies certifiri ng and headquarters In charge of 7' Pa. State Dept. of Agr., Harrisburg .. W. Lauer S. D. Pot. G. Assoc a Agron., Agr. College, W fiatertown A. N. Palm Vt. Coop S. P. G. Assoc., & State Dept. of Agr., Bradford , Harold Bailey Hash. State Dept. of Agriculture, Olympia Chas. D. Gaines Wis. :ort., Agr. College, xadison J. G. Kilward Wye. Agronomy,.Agr. College, Laramie Glen Hartman oflflwm fiflw map £060 m0. W . .omamafl pea sac mm ..59 Ho. . moo a .anp .afla mm ..M Heeoflpflsea Hm .eflofie passe ma .maoe on.mw mean .eaoflm mu mafia range 0% .eflnu spams we .mzoflpoohon one maewnanpfla so measaoa ..a om.a¢ .acnpsnpmflmon my .cfiom .59 Some How Ho. w ..e Mag 0% O 0.. “1.0 O H O ”a. II mow.” ”WHEN : .. D . h .1 .. ..53 mo. nmo.m |.oonuafi CH2 .opow as .oam u.sfla made .95 an cwxnnmnaoa mu we moapoomuafl me ..009 moflpsoflamme mm ..Ssswqflfl mam .ado we uafldoau .Haa ..dn waom ~.He>o .o ms.w ..w OH pmham cam ..oauo .w Hm ..e m pmnwg mw .omflwwpnoo .59 mmo. w ..d Hemofipflwde ms. w ..w m pma new ..mfixmnonmes aw .mwp $43 Haom Some mo. w ..oeooem waflwmwm .m an ..oemmafl Beacon .w on. e . .1 .Ueflawphoc .HQQ Some mo. w use .w mono whoa .mw .donopno .w none on. w 7 . .momsgmwo mafiaobsmp pom .oomme Spence on omhaao hafisw .Qfla oaw .meofipflwew Some new .w mu. m ..mohow m puma“ ow .cqsa mm mwep .Moem Ho. a omaw ..w Hog oo.awue H hobo .mew .owammw mw .OPm ..ow.mwu.sp ooauaom ..m om.amu .sp oomuaom .mnos on.mwammma so .59 com on o z mendemxa use moon AHHV “may .a .m Aden .w .m Aomv .h .m “may .m .2 may .HQQH Rama .paou “any .nafiu «mmv .SOHH Away .em “mm. .02 Ammv .sm omv oneeH Amen .oaoo .Hao Awev .neo 0 O O O O O I O t c o :I O O . o ‘ O I o .0 O .’O ' o I V l I N 4A I o t o 6 I s I o c O ’I . Hoo no HQOfl Heed .w e .QOH oogwmfl .w 9 .oo .oa mas a P J. .. . H pat .m mm.awne2m ..w om.wn.w mm Hobo ..w om.aw us mmua .oommnH pad .009 .owammw mm .w on.mw I.e 0H obonw ..w mm: ..s QHIH .oem .OHHmmw mn . .honosw Mo emoenos no wsfidsomew .enom mwnaw ..mfla mm m . . ..mwep Ho..w ..Ho>©e . i . . . . . _ :9 mo. w mm.ae-qs mm om.aauomuaa ma.ac soaua .m we -w nna mode me one: .mep was Hwom mono Ho. w ..nea no .edxpfls 99w musswmh .ohow mw ..mflfi aw .sn ooa 90>0 .59 mo. m .00H pagan .sp mo. w .mnoa an ..nfla mm Awesnflpseov .momnumwm dam meow AHHV “Ha. .ose .oav .mHa lama .amam “new .ps Lose .m .m Amen .am Remy .mno Anon oHao Source of seed Reg. and for tes Test sanple re iired s plot tandards Md. Kinn. :;:.—-’n t . Kebr. IE. 11. II. J. II. if. No Do certified Certified (51) ~“isease-i’"ee Best Certified Indexed or {11p I‘O V o Ind ezzed or agproved Certified " I up:— as l C‘.’ x 1.88 I.) CAL 1‘3 .arrive by June 1, some virus as 1st. inspection Yes irrive ”mr iddle Teb 4.4.... _.. -. J .L LU. ‘ Yes S~ Cl. ‘V I '7' :(‘1‘ ' ‘ ‘r‘i r. .LA‘A.“Jn‘—-.JA'\ \ Arrive by under iir 1.4.1. H CL: l...’ Cul Yes Yes Yes oiXQ-L’; '7'.“ ,A ”_.. Y - I .Lll‘leasl :5 3.] 13.131“ 0 1 fit in- -133 DJ 1"le ’15 ’ F1 0 m 1.. {_‘~ul total 103 e tuber Visually clea ' y , :lanted an 1d up to Aug. 1 Sp %t.-5, nos.- 9, C Qw—V J" . WV ‘1‘ "N '5': ‘f -- OJ. 11L). V '— ' i- vet—I13 LLi U :JLLL) ka O .59 .— .D -. .. ed inxi *3 I |;* C‘ st I {-15 '2 \ .. _.- i‘- -. U .4 D. Vt.(68 I- .=(\ HQSh. Cerfiified or aggroved Certified By AET. 15, l.r.-C%, Srzgt-C‘, 1—-OS 0.12), total l-f ‘ . n ‘. q H" 4.; ‘2‘ .I “ \ “* . J" N "J ’ l I, 5011 liq _OuMchl ulSuLLCG oeeo 1 -. '7 .< - A - 4“... .-l ‘- d f .1‘ _ 4 - leuulrequLs. Ouhhr got. truuu ,Lt “Lelis fQT+ re _ired. (‘ ‘5 Cull. ~00 r-v ‘ ~v‘, C" o o.) ‘0 I. "3 -.-‘ 4. 4. _ .: . r: "' ~. ‘ Colo. rOuQuOGS once l; 0 yrs. CO Cor. Suo. Iq. D. Ohi O Ore. Pa. Clean lend Potetoos once in 4 yrs, soil, Well-pregared Use enough fertilizer good growth Crop Rotation IotauMMSmee in 5 land cond't (£000 f _. ‘fi 000. 01‘ H C] O {‘9 ()1 O C 01’ o SL123: o f'.‘ a I, 0 ft. for eeon % virus found 165 100 300 150 500 200 300 Yes Cor. subl. or hot'forr Latest dute Tield.+n& culturul ~~ -~-».— -? - . r s . " r a" '1' 101‘ 13;.LlCLJl’JI1 l’Otfi'-‘_ll".-?'T~:-_ oS I: . 44. ,1." - , ~,. " Cm . June 1.) 1 118“ u 0-431 1 'Vute t-; 1111-1; all; no 5511“ L” 3 r. . Colo. June 1 Idol July 1 Q- A r. "\ .‘ ‘1. 7 ,, fiw‘fi . V‘I ‘ L0. Jule lo leae012ulJ llee weeds,1uzeet . .~ - ~~ I--‘.- 'n . .' 3 1n3ury, arrug lor l. ull_Lt ’ '7‘ '1‘ r A - 'w -0 "1 ‘ V. ‘. ,V ,1 .3 ., .‘ .2. he. a WC'Q ~ belore gree fruu ueeus unt lgeeet or W O . yllnting uiseese 1njury mlch. June 1 Thoruu h cult. t th agplic, uith £00 lb. pressure Kinn. Julr l Cultivate erfl spray 1:31t. June 1 Heb. fiey 1 Clean culture ‘* ‘. rs ‘— r 1 ‘ 1 ( » o 1 ’A r-~". '9'. 5 n. J. r16. 20 Cleun cu tule and tu01ou u aorethg Onio key 1 Clean cult; 3p ay or dust Bord- eeux at lxenst 5 times [/3 U 0 L. C y :3 _ .'_ CD . e' r4 :4 F1 Free from needs MICHIGAN SEED POTATO INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION SERVICE ‘ 1929‘ mnanoom and mmmrmnomusomsmx “lad-5m- Apph'cation Blank 'l‘o n. c; Moore, and D‘“ , _. _-- Seed Potato Infection and Certification Service, East Lansing, ichigan. I hereby apply for the inspection and certification of my seed potato field in the season of 1929. I agree to comply with the rules that have been specified by the Michigan State College and adopted by the Michigan Crop Im- provement Association relative to the growing of the 1929 crop of certified seed potatoes. Enclosed find to cover inspection of-__.._._-acres Variety (List each variety with sauce) Planting date Source of seed (Givem‘snameandaddn-otceruficatembsr) Crop history of field intended for certification: Crop infield last year“, ._-___ .-_two years ago three years ago Type of soil four years ago P. 0. address County- Railroad station ’ Distance and direction from station . Signed June 1st, Last Day for Receipt of Application - 77 - (VI.) other Pre3arat ors Seed Increase , Seed ylot Roguing ,glct reg. reguirenents required Can. Eeconnrnded Tuber unit Up to 10% Allen. Colo. Yes 50 ft. other :ot., 10” ~ acres - e, tuner uLit or devera times * hill :ele cted. Idaho Rec. 1/8 acreage entered, tuber unit, rogued'clean Throughout season Ky. Yes Tuber-unit at least every other year He. Inspection time ILId. a Re C 0 Con Qt“ " 1: Mich. I Yes. Isolated, at least l/é tuber unit, 7 spra3dngs, 5 rogiin s, dug by hand At least 3 times Hint. Yes Lust be hill unit at least every 2nd year Constant Mont. Yes Isolated, enough for seed nex year, tuber unit Early and const. "eb. * N. ". After lst. insp. N. J. Early and const. H. Y. Yes After each insp. N. D. Yes Isolated, planted hill unit, hill selected Early and Const. Ohio Yes 3 rows main crop, enough for seed next year, tube§_1Lerly an_d Com t. mdt fivew~ ww Oreg. Early and often * Pa. After lst. insp. S. D. Yes Const. and thoro ugh <1 Cf) I Seed increase Seed plot Roguing gglot reg. require ents equired Vt. 7:53.311 0 ‘3'; i S . ”JO. * Colo, Yes 0 II. , Pa. , 60 5—1 —-+ Enou;h for seed next year, tuber unit Constant ma ma w e sepga .x; eun .Hm Hosea we; wne m .s .z 00 m coca 4 com ooe . a apnea; hopes msse om meme omuoe m .m .m .94: anomam .mfl mauoa goes =oaus n-m .npoz popea .3; m Hosea .me Q gnu; zwuo n .cha omuoa oa-m empefi meme om sooam m .aefls fiflmwmm m m w n .pwe oaoemm muesOLQ wees ease gm n .noH: HepoeMmsfl op pmoq .pea . whomop pooh : m .62 9 n1 muoemflw mo pagesw co mememom noonm HHHpm Eooam m .0: . ma OH a “mesa .sa m goes co m .se Movemmnsfl Op mwoq .pwa mmommp pndh Eooam m oswwH m m mun m ,.eHe :a,mho95p Booap 0p :m m .oaoo ma mauoa mus e-n .pes eschew oped .ue m nmfln =0Hum m .Hso amped .mus wsm .Hm Hepmw .mus bum m .ewo mafia .aom .eoa .e m .a H .enn .eem .pmH .oz meow Hem mpsaoo mo .om made moan mmoflpooMneH eaofie A HH> V s.—.- Nude ems: :maum .ugfismeomom m .Oha HouooMuufl 0p pwoq .Eooam aooap epoyom m Ho H .mfiz mH-oa m m m nape .e: e-n .sooam gene smug n .emwe omumm mmtom omuoa oaum Honda .M: elm = m .pb m m m w ewe mosfl> whowom aooam m .Q .m nopna .mxa m zuflz :oatm m .wm N .mp0 .wofi keen Swim :OHIO N 9.50 m .Q .2 m m m m cvsaow -Haos maondp .Hg .93 .x3 w Hmpma anew 05:06 N .w .z .wom .doa .dm .wH chm can .pma .03 when Meg mpgfioo mo .0: 0635 C955 {OLOKOCDLONLOGKDLOCOKO O H CO m.H Cd H H H H H H (‘3 OJ d‘tQHNNt—lm N m.o LO N LO [0 If) LO [0 W U) N :0 If) r6 [:0 N l0 [0 LO LO 'd‘ If) [0 IO N LO [’3 b’) rotor-{Lore N If) (‘2 H LO [0 L0 <1“ 8) N *.s .2 .h .2 .m .z *.apo: .pLHowH .eeflu .noms .eg .02 .sm aeseH .oaoo .Hso .mwo Has fleece 4 O . ’ L.o .m.A mpafin .A .m cocoaaw cofipOmmqu maess pause WSH HP HUPQH. ouapm. O.H_ om. 0Q 00 1.. ~ 9‘ oooemfla t ooqspoaoe mmdomwa AHHH> V .mot F- .m.A .09 mag. do UPHdemmeo 93 means...“ 893 QH :mewmoao 600.2369. weaawouom * m m H m e n- w m .os: m .mHm m m m m m m m .nmae o n n H n n n n .p> m m H m n n n n .m .m m n m m m n e .dd 0H Am-mHuos0Hgov n n m m m m .meo o m e oHeo m w o m m m m m m .m .2 may g .26 HapoB .m.U .m._.H mpHHB ..H .m HspOB 33m. ..H .m .Q .0 .mowH .m..H m H H n H m.o m H .N .z m m.o m.o w m.o H m.o H H .h .m E: .3 8H s 3 39,.ng 83me m .m .z m m.H H w m w .Hpez mum mum Hum HIH wnm mum mu mum .peoa w o o moeap w e m w w w .quz H mm.o p.Hn m.o m.o H m.o m.o m.o 0.0 .noHE H H H e H H H H H .e: s m H H m m H .92 m p.Hm H w m m .hp emwome HHe mo momm hHHeOHpowHQ osweH m m. m H H. H H m .m .38 m H H m .Hmo n m H H H H .350 95?. HH< Hopoa .m.w .m.H mpHHB .H.m proB 35m ..H..m .Q.o *.mo.4. .m.H douoHHd omeemHQ R .meoHpoommaH wHon UHHSB Him deooon mosseeHoB omemmHQ A.MHV HQ 8 .ow mom mo debHu mH meoHpeH>oanw onus mmoomwm mmomp o» 503 4 * m m H w n m. n m 999...... .mHB b m m w m e m .flmdw u m p.Hm H H H H H H .pb o H H m H H H H .9 .m m p.Hm m m m m m .wm OH p.Hm m m m m m m .mho m H 0 0H30 w H o o m.o n m m n on .2 erH HP HHw Hopoe .m.o .m.H muHHB .H.m HopoB .Mpm .B.m .m.o *.moz *.m.H use: .mHHHg umHngHS .mpomueH .mwoes mmooxm n w m m .Q .: womm oHompHSmms moseoam 0p_hHoxHH wHeHm but m m mmoo m .w .z 4. -. 11‘. a )4. .. 1,144 «1. 1,1 O . Grog me no pthHp >25nrH poqaeH memo}. m m mm.o H .h z LfianH mSUQSQ Ho pomnsfl mmoomm m H .m .2 .mpm .oHSPHSO Room .mpomes mmmoHo .wmwpm mow mmmH MH 9 m mm.o N .thZ SpoE .p .Ehoa How .pmw; .mHHmH Room .mpoomeH .moees mmoon mlw m mm.onH H .pcoz whemgoa mosam .meemgoz mon .memmo .mHHHa quanfi mnooxm n n o m .quE .ope .mpoomsH .pquHQ thwo.nhsp.HQmmoz .mcoes ammoxm m.o w o mm.o .QOHM .onfl.p .mGOpUSo:.phw:.hnsmuH omwemHu Ho mpoomeH .mweos mneoxn m w m.o envoy .62 L. H m m . o m. H .ms He . Howa 50H .hpzwsH poeneH mmeowm m m H oswon .mm = : = z 2 = : = m m 0 m. OHHQGH .mHgH .HoH> .poom.wam paws.npos.p .eHos Hem m n o m .OHoo gHOB H0O . HMHOHH HODHHP m z z z z = O m o HQO hadan poomeH Ho meooa anoomm o o m.o H .meo .cc .peH .GQN pm .nurHsJonLWdumynHu emamzv mp uxuoq .DLWMH 3H5» _- \ eoanoH0p w .meoSeoEHHesHaHm nofio €338.qu see... 6922 HSQHHS 33> E... 323 A.NV macaw poem .HomH> gosH .memseme Renee .mpoommH .mdoos mmeoHH m m moan» m .ohfi O WHZH . so apoa Renew .auos Hem m.o m.o .nmw: Ho -: . .NHHm Hshmcow .mpoemeH .moees ..oomwcH pmHHa pa mHHHQ mnHauHa mmeoMH m H w .pb memo: .muomQQH .pgmHHn hHHeo mamon m w mm.o H .9 .m undue Ram mmeH .HowH> Hes pmflgnp M wH .hHsheH poeweH .mwees mmooxm o 0 .mm apes .u .ufioa How .phwa .wcspm Room ..mHHnHIHo>o .mpoomcH .meoes mmeoxm m ocean ounce .mono nommmm HHPoHHsb .HHOm pom H:EHo: ROHmp dHeHm .meemn dlo .oHpoon .OHoo .hodmon .H .pHEHHn mpoH no thwo movoH m m mw.o m oHco .een .an .esn .unH - 80- * Advanced Classes Nebraska and Hen York each certifies an advanced class of certified seed as follows:- l. _fiebrasha Sugar-Certified (58) Stgn (lard- % highest tolerance any field inspec. Bin Inspec. on un- sorted Spindle tuber 0.5 0.5 Unmottled curly dwarf 0.25 .l Kild mosaic 1.5 Rugose mosaic 0.5 Fusarium.wilt 1.0 .L, ( 1.0 Elude]? ( slack 1e» 1 0 ~07" ( 1 o f ‘ 0 ° both ‘ Rhizoctonia no limit no limit Any other disease 1.0 Total all diseases 2.0 Otherwise as regular certified stock. r'istered-(Jerrified (72) L4. 2. New York F This grade is the extension of a pnogram of seed otato imorovement which has been carried on durni- the east i 1 several years in Ion York state by certai selected growers CQOperating with the Department of Plant Br eding of Cornell University. The idea is to isolate certain disease-iree and hign yieldins strains and then to increase these strains unler careiil sulsrvision for comnercial pl ntings. Only croners who have greviously met these selection and test reguirenents are eligible to aibmit fields for inspection as istere~~3ertified. This work will be considered later aw. in this thesis. The field reguiranents oi the class are gimnlheranthz- 1. Seed shall have been pioduced in a nu tipli- cation plot ccnfonning to certain yield anl disease standards slr ady'nontioned. 2. Field shall not show noze than 0.5% virus diseases at any 'nspection. 5. field shall not she? more than $00 aphids or 100 leaf ho pers per plant at any inn ection. + 4. nny othe Eotatoes grown Within 300 feet of die " . "‘ "" ' 3’ r- --~‘ 11 ‘\ r—’-7' . q . .‘- r‘. '4' . Lucid ghOHlA; no-e than 9 VlTUS diseases shall reject for registered-certified. ion Cl- 5. Conditionslaighly unfavorable for the detec "' I? . r‘ l‘ '4 . '0' . 4— w -. w 1.: .- ‘5 I, Ol disease L-~ TBJGCU the field or replSttleQ. J hf" - L/‘J - LORO, 1.x..- lfisLafl on Kos., mos.- m o i'lC C.D.-cu;ly dwarf (yellow dwarf also included) J. J ~4-‘r r‘ "13.1 ova." o- ..C ..L ,- k b BQL.’ ~09]..- IJlCAC}: 166 L03. , 101). ’ :1.-. 1):-1- :‘tl- ILL-be 13111;}th hi3, rhiz.- rhino ct'c Lia Con. scab- co non scab Int r. dis c-C lor- i Lterna discol ration(also includes str11end broxmi:.;;) q L Mech. injury- incluces xechanical injury, ra,ks, dirt, foreign matter, etc. n H o H m .e05 .o .2 m .s .e m m.H H m m m .s .e .m.s .e.s .e.s p.Ha .o.g n OH p.Hm .m .e m m.H m e p.Hm .eoe .neoe H H H m 0H 0H .pnou m H o o . H m p.Ha .eos .eeHu d; o an Cam H m .53 . m m m p.Hn .eos .e: our one. . H m m AOHV m .mm .e.o .o.s mH m m m m oedeH 002% .e.g .o.m OH .e.m .eaas H m m m w.OHoo n .Heo m s H m m Asomvm “p.HmV 0H *.eeo pch a .wcH .nnH mp0s pea camp .Hp .soHcomHo Doom . eon paces Hapon posse .m.H coo .mo .Hoan .sOo .Nflnm ooqshoHoB ? .s .3; .30 oriniH SH: .8 .H o 3.38 75: \l 1'" .mmoooHO who; O mgHommm ..ohn ..u> ..m .m ..on ..Q .2 ..pno: ..OH ..OHOO % .aH mnoHnd oOwsAO .noom hhodsom O mm.oomo ..otn ..smox ..m .m ..Q .2 ..npoz ..pso: ..QQHE * . O O O m H m OH OH .0»: O c. .mHm _ NH N Am: ooH eoeHmO m m NH .emee .e.m o m .e.m H m 0H .p> O OH H OH OH .9 .m m H O AmlhssmzH Enos oeHhv m m .39 o 0 HH p.Hm . p.Hm .mso OH: AmomoomHO Hosvo HHsv OH oHQO pHHO e .nzH mssnnH mpop p09 swap .5» .QOHoomHO Doom some paces Hspoe guess .m.H sec .am .HepeH .aoo .Nflem = z = m mH H .e .z = = = m wH H .e .e H .oe .n .e HeHem m NH m WH N .m .z woeeuOHHe HepOP mm .H .om.m.o Mousse N NH N “H H .apm: mocssoHHs HspOP we. : = = m NH w .No m.H H .HEomH oce030HHc HepOP um .H.oe.m.p Hague H eH m N\s HumH H .eeHn mosseOHHa HaPOP mm .H.oe.m .b season N 0H N\s H H .eeHs = = z = = m NH m m N .ee H .02 .n .b Oooomo Ho Hedda m m H .0: z = = = m wH H .sm .“ = = = = m NH m .NON N oeeeH CJ 2 . : = : = m .mH H o o H o o H.0e.m.bH§sE, H .dfi qupoeHnsH Hops» mm mama m NH m .No m H .nso H“ m Renegadpm H.oz.m.bv moss .No .ooew .sH .wHO moowpm msoHpspoOHmnoo Romeo InoHHs .ps .Hs: IsOHHs onHm .QHH mo .oz H .oz oOwHO moundsopm msHOoHO A.HHN v .mO mung so some NH Novena peg as .m .b was No noHpmeomme 4 * momeeOHHu an .H .02 .m.p Hmppom m NH m NH H .os: H .o: .m.b Hezem m w\s H 1 NH H .mH c...” .HHJN mpoowou mmeInH.om.m.D HoNave pom m NH w .No N N .nmoc. 0y . = = : m wHIOH m m\b H IWH m on; H .02 .n .p Hess N NH N N? H 1le H .m .m qupoomnsH Hoofip we mean O NH m m\s H N .o&. = = = NH m mH N .meo H .02 .m .p Hesse m NH H oHno woec30HHa RN .H .oz.m.o Happen H «H m N\s HaWH H .o .e a a AOHsOszm H .oz.n .Dv moss .No mono .sH .NHO moONHw muoHpohoOHasoo honpo BOHHd .ps .Nofl IEOHHs oNHm .QHH MO .02 H o 02 ©6390 o""""""':n IDAflo ‘ D D :: SEED :: CERTIFIED EECIM’IHCATIONEE NO. 1 SEED POTATOES 1: 1: "Il- BceC-oI-I- Vh- Fulfil (“_..—_th :: ' 1: J I“ I. I W“ " umvaflfi " This noel: ha ”.004 the field inspection: mode by 1: °" ' 1: the om. of the Field Horticult hot-let. Extension Set- 4 ,AORICULTURAL‘ t vice. University of ldathol lege of " EXTENSION :: It has 90de the final neck inspect-an node by n :: .‘ch' (t r relcnul'tve oi the State Depnnntent of ieultote. : : 1 : '0 stock II certified unless tossed and by the . , 0 olficiol nuenciee. . _ - 1t .mwn 'N II Th! Wk and ftlpOlllibIfi', 0‘ 1M eothontm he 0 IDAHO ll \‘OlVCd ends Will! the completion 0‘ “R inspection I“ ‘ 3 :: attachment of use and tale. ' EW’ - ‘1 (Over) ' { i 1 IDAHO CERTIFIED NO. I SEED POTATOES Idaho Certified No.l Seed Poutoee have posted the field inspection regulations pre- Icribed {or the certificetion of potatoes in The: In ”dads. to luck-'Ihe lollowi - Ipcfl cations Sit: counter antic“ e t that the the ll be between i ounces. the stock may be in:- nature. discoloringol the tuber: by light does not disqualify. nor does the chanc- tetittie checking of the “then that coco" undet conditions. im-- e nortnnl Itongeeon The-e potatoes were mutton (brig-Mglend— By or Under the Direction of I ' Addrou in Variety 3‘ Dnte ol Sealed b l w- t. ‘ - 5;“- ii (XIII) Grading_8tandards Requirements of Grade 2. nhcn tags e0t1>n are is Lued Can. dequ. shiypin; tine al. Req. Colo. teq. aching tine Idaho Reguirenents of Grade 2 not stated .eq. after sacked Ky. Rec. shi mi time me. Req. " Md. *Eo uals or exceeds U. S. Ito. 2 Reg. " iMidh. Req. " Minn. Req. after field iisr. Kent. Reg. shijping tine Nebr. Req. when needed N. H. Corresponds to U.S.Grade No.2 Req. N. J. Req. shipping time R. Y} Req. after lield insp. N. D. Reg. <flarwur" time Ohio (allows 86 wilt,16% stem end after bin insp. Or (discolor,5$ virus and 15% total Eeq. " " " "Standard Grade" disJ Pa. "Small Size"-sane as Grade 1, xcept 15 -1 7/8 in. die. Reg. dhi;ping time S. D. "Seconds ry Grade"-ll in. min. dia., 23 soft rot all. Rec. After tuber insp. Vt. Req. shipping time Q o .. ' 'V‘\ a S1lfgln8 ”Len tags 1n gaction are 1: ued. Wash. "Field Inapected" -smie as U.S. Ho. 2., except I; in. dia. Reg. aria in: time His. Rec. Wyo. Reg. shifting time C: O . J I ‘ (D C? C) H C) C; (D U) H. (I) *A description of the given on page 95. Oregon 1929 Certified BURBANK SEED POTATOES nIeSmmTuhmbymmad-BmddIhOrq-m cultural Collage. Conant... Oregon. Io: and-rive no on em“ Ind pol-mu [rm by or for the dink-N. It! 5 V“! uh Ii. lb .‘JI'IIIIPI h “(led by him. I guarantee to the original purchaaer that the pot-wee in‘lhia container paued the Oregon inspection requirelnenu for Certified Seed in 1929 and that the grade in a: least equal to the standard of the Oregon Certification Board. 1m ;‘ OE Cm .3:- flfxfibA’RD SIZE Vprifly ,,,. ,_L..,/ ...... . ...-..-.........-.........- Grown ‘- By . .ii- .‘- “We: ..... .._ ....... .. ..1.....I...-...-._ County . ‘ .V :..:._.Cl.....:'_‘._a.. . .,...-.....w:_if............... Cert. No. . . L. . .. Amt. .................... 1.. Maine Department of Allied!“ DIVISION 0' PIAN'I’ INDUTIY Variety -1 __. The seed In nu. portage is lmm bent nupeeled and fined by the Mame Departmenl 0! Agriculture. CROP OF 1029 7"" “ ‘cagen I “elven; '0- 383024 [-1341 uxprrn'an ‘1' uddr #5 y CERTIFIED SEED—COLLEGE INSPECTED Gw- M “Can d I“ "II “II IIPII'IIIII II-IPIIIIWI ISIIIIIIIII. III. M K Y. mutuablham-raemanmnm appear hen mutual Gibson-dime]: beenlnapeeu-dbyamu. ul mele- Ya: no «Mun-am [and by them to cuulorm hmmumwlflWbI-Mpmmolemlkmruf man-ohm. Managua: la. them-unmann- mm.- Max mmmmmmmmmwumMImgmud and mmmsunmm Tm- amuatenueameanmontnemck olllua E 5 that .Iacm ref lothlaleed. Mmmmlmmmuw- K! «a whmmmmmmmmmnmwmum a n mam-unnamumm- mummmmmwwwmrwum: OFFICIAL TAG Iii-sot: Certified Potato Seed Glade 5:, by thigh! under al- allowed. 3 . MAI follow"). defect- .IIowod: M. foreign molten hoot. eunhum beond h. hollow been. growth creche. eula, dry we. lack hm. ... a! tub." mud one-(m to characteristic type d variety. I". I. The .h- 0.0- Nflhflua Inc-be o no“ "'th a! cool pd- Q-lll’ Mk out a; mm. A“).- d—I- to elu- m lhla anthem, *U. 3. Standard Potato Grades (73) CF U. S. Yo. 1 shall consist of potatoes of ‘inilar varietal characteristics which are not badly nis-shapen, which are free from.freezing injury and soft rot, and fran damage caused b~r dirt or other foreign matter, sunburn, second growth, growth cracks, hollow heart, cuts, scab, oli ht, dry rot, disease, insects, or mechanical or other means. The diameter of potatoes oi‘round variet not be less than 1 7/8 indies and of potatoes of long varieties 12 inches, but lots of potatoes which are not less than 1% inches in diameter and which.meet the remaining reguire- ments of this grade may be designated "U. S. No. l, 1% inches minimum". In order to allow for variations incident to proper grading and handling, not more than 5 per cent, by weight, of any lot may be below the prescribed size. In addition, not more than 5 per cent, by weight, may be daraged by hollow heart, and notznore than 6 per cent may be below the remaining reguiremcnts of this grade, but not to exceed one-sixth of this amount or 1 per cent shall be allowed flar potatoes affected by soft rot. U. S. No. 2 shall consist of potatoes 0 similar varietal characteristics which are free from freezing injury and soft rot and from serious damage caused by sunbur , second growth, growth cracks, hollo: heart, cuts, scab, blight, dry 1‘. rot, disease, insects, or machanical or other m,ans. 'L. I 71be diameter of r tTtOBS of this grade shall as q 1 . not less than I; inihes. _J S n order to allow fer Variations inci ent to ’. n- 1’. ‘l I ' ‘Wr ‘ . A 0.. 4' “‘1 ‘. ‘v'\ 1“ I ~' P‘ 1. v 10091. 3:3an fl! «LI-ILL 11-.f1CLllIf.r" no u 1.LO:e 13‘ :..Il O L (LL CCiit U‘ .5 u u , J. , Height, of any lot may be below the prescribed sizc and, t by weight, may be . ‘A ‘L --~ ‘\ 1 J—‘r‘i. an ya. ion, not noi than 6 per cen , ('5' in addi' below tie remaining require;ents of this grade, but not to exceed one-sixth of the tolerance or 1 per cent shall be allowed for potatoes affected by soft rot. '3 ‘3 C: LA (1111-) 02-2: :‘ r '- ‘W a. 4‘1‘..' rzk'" l ‘- 1 . - ~‘4- '. ‘-I . '. - ‘°-. ." 4‘ . A Gun. If n.1e tnsn Up ldte Ullanu at bin insyecvien, ... a. - ‘v J— 'y-. ' war: 0 ’1' . w” m 4". -" CTOJC ht; hold Ude il Skllhb 1or 1e-1nsfect1on. Colo. at least 3 gr3t e13 necessary in 100311 ies isolated f“om rain lines of travel. ilan to nave 11o stock more tnan 5 years rem) ed ram tuber- index. Ilant -3, . " -‘- ‘ -. . 1 't‘ ‘~ 1‘ J“ ~" 1'\' f“ y“ ‘1 -.-~; . It" f“ ‘1: '-‘ _ J5 my. .OrL 1s Cd“11eu 0n onlr bhrJdgh or drized Llou.s 01 grOLers. Iii. Only tart i nur- e varieties are certifi ed near qua rantine Zones. Seed rejected at sLijpin: inspectien 11y be sold as "Inxfiected See d" with leiect troperly tated. 4.. Sn Linn. Cafel ul su :1rision of seed era 8. I, ‘ Kent. iLa {ro.er cannot enter more than 5 acres. If asked 41 for, 50 lb. seaple of seed stock for deionstration ’ ur oses is re uired for eacn acre certified. All "U [P v 4 seed stock to be tuber-indexed next winter. Hebr. Careful supervision of storage. Zach lot of seed tested ever" ot11er year in plots in Florida. N} H. Gross yield must be at least 200 bu. for early and 250 bu. on acre for late varieties. Ohio. Kew grower must yuss certificagion one year before he can sell seed. (Dre. Seed grading over or'under size but otherwise meeting 'L - 'I I. 9-1. .v ~r V 1 . V‘ ' ' ," "~"-‘\ (" Standards _LJ be sold 1f groperly.aurled. Pa. Vt. Ti; yo . ield r. ") (.0 I y-v less than 0 acres considered. Stuck but not cra din; inspection ray be sold (_1 as "Penn. Field Cert. Seed". gun a peck sl‘ Seed from fie Late bli:ht m1y be certi1ied for Feb. 1. Gran _h in units 1or Ito less the: 1 1: c 1 + 3+ a r.- r a “MA e31 o0 lo. szm1;le 90 state ja1r, a cusnel jle to the Annual Potato show. ‘ "r" . ‘v‘ ql‘r f‘ r ‘ f“ r.) . -l“ V-\ ‘ "’ lds alien have passed and lls.ect ion elcept fer must :lzm nt 100 tuber seed test ylot chedc1nlseed. 5 acres considered for inspectien. All tested inssoutnern Texas eacn.y;ar, besides Cu C e 05 on .Q .2 cm ma mm .W .2 OOH muosm 303 oh .2 .m .3 OOH 5994 on so exude pAeHosuso>e .anmflnd .som .pcou nu ma OH macaw pgmfloSIue>e .sem .qsfiu Ow mm m mxosm swede .sm: .gowu Ow m .HQQ dhsdeepm Ho mxowu .pH OOH as: ow: mm mm .mE mm. m JUN OOH mpecflspeoo no mxowm as; omewH OOH muons .pa OOH no OOH so” .oaoO OOH macawsnsoo no mxosm So: .HsO mm ma .neo hae>fips lhmmooo pfiQfieeHus Ho posnpcoo Some wwnmcflflo m. m o @9524. hapooafid .ceaflsweh maesflepsoo H.119 p 0 era 3. A . PM V H4930 on mm mm . 8 ow muses .fl om: so: .92-... m 03 Beam .fi 84 .8.“ .03 use 5E H1 OH 00 mousse ho mMoem as» .nmsb mm om mm op OOH .m .m on om .mm m on Q. wheflfispsoo .Ho mebwm 1.52 .090 OOH OHSO wwebfipsne Imooo usefieehms no poeppsoo Some RIQQHHHem mo Oompofi thooaHd doHHSOeH mHeCprcoo I. Carlo Lie 0 I} :d . LIiCh o IIB‘DI‘ o N. H. No Jo N. Y. IE. DO - lOl - ( XVI.) Outside Lhrkets Eastern Atlantic seaboard, Cal., Nev.; also Cuba, Bermuda, British Guinea, Hewfoundland. Intrastate 0111:,” Texas, La., Ariz., N. H., Nebr. Uash. (Yakina Valley), Utah W. Va., Tenn. Va., N. Y., Fla., N. C., S. C., Conn., Kass., Penn., N. J., N. H., R. 1., Ed., Ga., Texas, Ohio, Del., 3. Va., D. C., Vt., Tenn., Ky.; also Porto Rico. I. J., Pa., Va. Pa., Ohio, Ind., Ky., W. Va. Extreme southern states, Ind., Ohio, Ill., $0., Kan., Kash., Ore., Cal., Iowa., Nebr., Okla., Ky. , Utah, south-central states Texas, La., ala., Kiss., Ga., Fla”, Oklu~, Ark., Tenn., Kan.; also Bermuda, Cuba, Port. Rico Intrastate orlv 4".) Pa., N. Y., (L.l.) Conn., W. Va., Ohio, Pa., N. 3., (L.I.) Texas, La., Ark., Kan., $0., Okla., Miss., Ala., Ga., Fla., Ill., Ohio Intra-state only Cal., Hash. Intra-state only Eastern store Va. I. 1'} f. I! 1" (I I'! Vt. -103- H. Y. (and L I s . . Coni. " 7"“ ‘ ), v.1 , 1.. Jo,, 1:. HO, V8.0 ’ I:d. Kont., Ore. TPla ‘ O , lea O , La 0 Te‘rfi 6. m ~ , Ado lGlJIl .- 1‘ . H‘ ‘v , Q , l.-O 0 , OLLlO , Ill 0 , Ind. O , 10.451, 1" O Y. Gulf state " s a ’ , nan., Lo., Okla., Texas. - 103 a. - :6/ ‘fi (2003.412. 1 M ,/ fiiigkflw .- . ' ‘ ' " ,A\ aye? \‘k. , tip '7 \‘V we / mfi \rss:u.\.\sm\§ > I \\\\‘ | ‘3‘“ l‘w\§§‘:.\t\\ ‘9' i I \ .\\\“§‘5A\\ \"‘§"“\\\ \ km; / , , _— ._- -v W"! ('7 1 -.~ L ('1 A_ _n r.,-fl_'__ “-_', (“_‘fi . -.LCL-..J l " l a l' C ‘ “o ll 41;: O DIAL--2; )u_.,te Own .2 ull'oxn »~-A+ o p» or.“ . " t‘ * «a .2 J 2‘. 1.; s.) 0:. 1.1. U7 K. J. )CLIKJ. .1». O J. UVQ J x. '.-I{: J. (XYII.) Vurieties- Amount Crown (74) U0 So JILV‘BI‘LLCe 19:8“ 1.62:9 Early Varieties. Variety Total bu. % certified fl early grotn seed ‘ varieties Irish Cobbler 5,062,459 55.16 68.18 Bliss Triumph 1,215,292 15.15 27.00 Early Ohio 205,810 2.25 4.59 Earliest of all 10,520 .11 .25 4,491,861 48.65 100.00 Late Varieties. Variety Total bu. % certified 4 late grown seed varieties Green Kt. 2,555,187 25.48 49.61 Spaulding Rose 657,767 6.91 15.45 Smooth Rural. 264,972 2.87 5.59 Russet Rural 810,229 8.77 17.08 Idaho Rural 14,680 .16 .51 Burbank 75,100 .82 1.59 Russ t Burbank 11,906 .15 .35 Netted Gem 420,425 4.55 8.86 Other varieties 154,915 1.68 5.26 4,743,2s1 51.57 100 .00 Production in Canada Total bu. gronn Irish Cobbler 4,258,800 Bliss Triumph 55,750 Green Ifiuntain 2,105,250 Spaulding Rose 45,000 Smooth Ru“al(Dooley) 191,500 Other varieties (Garnet Chili, etc) 180,750 6,815,050 4 of certified seed 100.00 (XVIIL) Vurie 13$ Based on avers; out. 1-11211. Earliest of All Ore. €7GC 4“ Ixit . Sp. *LOSe 5300 th Burr h + . ' ‘t ‘6 " :MSSeufwlal flr‘,"\ -V- 1 ‘ 4 Idaho nural '3 euros Pk G‘ ‘r‘ *3 ‘,— " ‘ fiUSoCt surounx 1.80 00d GOT]. DIRT“ U-L_iL * led in 19 1:1; 111 e Lia ine T P o! . . T ’ Fi’fl 1.1L 1. Q r:- Lhere Grown u. S. % total 3.? ;' odu e t i «:n crop prod. C) D.) O 0 C1 to C) C) (0 CA to 3 (:1 03 ‘1’ 1". o o 1.8. 3h . Colo.>F 'II :6). 311 . Ore. (74) (3‘ /8-lv29 '1'“ 01d. T M. 0 Vt. ‘ 4th. ' a '73 N 9.) o :1 Che Ore. CLlo 1.7.1:. 1T.1). COlO . LEE. 7. “ -3 JlAlln. ."~ . , LA; 0 “yo. , ..gofl. 0.4. Ca.) 'r-s 0.4 6:! ’ . ’3 U4 4' I hr, L- O - .1 J. - - , .. t - l V..— -‘ l . ~jH—a. xx.- J‘i .LLx-~. 1st. inn- 4- -— ‘ '7 ~-‘-’s orte;ee 21d. orv. 4.-. fi"“n' '-‘ ‘\~ ‘ Ifl '0 C“!. ' Y '4‘" C .- ‘ '3)- l ‘ ‘1‘ e la ‘LL- . \'LJ|J.~L.: l in. JsA- A-'\J. U. _LL .. -..,x u I- . lLVIV — *5 ' ' a r“- .7 .. *1 -. . — ' 4- *1 Cal. 4 31015; I (falcon irlul» 4130.341; u l 09 nose 111’): F“ r‘fiTil l C .\.' 1 fix .2 13' 1 D 0 dark..- (rx OLJL)_LL-'I‘ I . 11L LillL C 01.0 0 Idaho WfOo Cobbler R o Rte—Ll" L. l Cobbler P.1- -. 11"-. vn-w LL..‘L_’.. 7v. ‘ -1 iriumth C) F" O ‘H 3. Rural ISiiriazii‘ R. Rural Cobbler Gre;n 5t. Triurufli r1 7 ... .Llji LL- thr' “ R”"l ‘IO -19- Cobbler 1 q. luv 0 Creel n1 nt 1 *Lx-.. L‘ U? m 4 -. -0 lrltngn “I k ...). Bur t. 1 Ketted Gem 0‘0 RUTLl J. Olio Cobbler ‘ oooler 1" fi“.fi“a Cobbler 1 V W- '_i -, &“Q-AO ..‘ 7.4-aka Cobbler Red Skin Rural 7‘ n o E. Ohio Buroank Coool::r CO J l“)? Cobbler GPO 9n Kt. Cobbler Triumph Grepn I.:u. me. ms.uom. 00. 0.04 n 0 . .m mb.u00. 0.00 ma nfi .h.e 00. mm 0H .m.z 00. ma.-0m. 00.:00. 0.0m 0 Ha .2002 mm.m 00 as 00.Hn00. on.miom. 0.0 4H 0 .pce: om. 00.u0m. 00.nom. 0.0m m m .022; 00.H 0. me. 0.0a e m .002: m. 00. 00. on. 0H 0H .ea ”w 00.noa. 04.n00. 0e.nom. a a .05 . mm. 00. 00.-0n. 0.00 0H n .42 00.H me.u00. 00. 0 m oaseH 00. 00. me. 0.0 m 0H .oaeo 0e.-0n. 00.:00. 00.n00. 0.0 00 0m .H50 00. .022 400 00. 0.00 .nuo -maa seem 000a emea omnmnea .pneo eepaeae .Moopn macaw 0000500 Hawopo mama mama H.om.m.b Ho>o .59 H09 euwuzsbwo oOHHH uaoo HsPOP R mcflxzsm .GOHm mfias> eocspnflmmlH To: 00. M020 00.Huom. 00. 0.00 m b .050 00. 00.300. 00.Hlmw. 0.0H b m .mH: 00.-me. 900000 00. 0.0a ea 0H .000; me.u00. .04: 000 0s.u00. 0.0a AH 0H .p> mm. 900000 00. 0.0 0H 0H .Q.m om. om.lmm. om.lmm. o.m ma ma .0m 00. 00.:00. on. 0.00 0H OH .050 mm. on. ms.lmm. 0.0a Hm mm oflso 00. 00.Hnom. 0.0 m w .Q.z 000a 0m0H mmnmmoa .pme0W0pwwmm £0000 0Hp0p H .02 0000500 defloma mama mmma .m.b Hobo .50 900 swspas>00 00HBA {5200 Haqu R wzflx:0m .0054 showman ..0etxa H 0Hozwuw 20 2:.awu .mmH,o .me Hi:H > .> .na 0H0; finaHH I . II ‘7 ...-H...» n ..I. 34 n .V .. J. OD,“ DH 4'4“-“er filo” I .. . - I1 . \J . 4‘ 0...! 5. ll 01.1 d 0.1. .1. ‘ \l 4.1 ‘41 ..1 .H 2 H -H .HOc..- .H ..d. (C Eta-w n . FM.» 00 . m .U h: 4.”me 9H; 7.0:... .5 b . I. ..l w “ II. }\ III IWII. .\ I “ ’J1‘JI . A].-. I ll 4.11 ..l 0“ I1! 1 onm 0 eeanra e earee .::e usesmt :x-a:s .2 Hail .aq spine ecnm eer 44;.4 904.3 we seen . rx ..Ll. 9L -. .1 .p y... .1 . :1 - .13.)-- -- ..- . : .. a- FOO H.411 0 “...-Huh \»> ”_Jflutr... w Jr .IH I.” ...».-hlaqum 4”...er Hut. “Hawn OPHQ kip-1%.}...Jlrrw ..IHH --.). )5 l..lll‘rl1 I Cur... - . .Ow/ t ”N: 0.13.1. 0 J 47.- j.) 1 4. -.. .. .11. 3 .0}. _. .3. 1.54).- J a 4,71)... J 4.0)) J4..- $.34”; — If. .r... F. H .r(-. ..-CC rnkD-ufi _... .-.\..\ _I.....0..J. 1%.0. lit... IT»-.-.p f4. r, -. .r.P...k F0 a _..L WIN-....“ .9... 11 J)“ 7. l.1\J-.J|..HJ,\J\I«. :14! J.- «’4‘ a: maid... CHF ....(0 UC-fl a .,..-._r rtrt ,.”._rr. r. 1\I._ \l.‘ n.1- .I. Al I I -.. l‘ ‘ .I‘ “ .I‘ :1 . .l.. ,i.. J 1H cc Ipnin Art 0 upnrsgoHom H0 rm capo .sa 0,5 anew _ teats“) .).1J| .1....\ “I. )xJ-1WIIJJW.JI > “\J (l)\)\l\)1 )41.~), \Jc.‘ I) 0.. k V. ..x. . .- («r L ed .4.‘.w| _..I ...- ..Fr-tf PVH.§=..K.I .ukl C o. (4H—(.ru-..fl#fl Ill" ‘ a. . a. “ l1. “ \l 1 n' . 4 I1 0 we..0000 noHpswa adenooiwq H0em ..k .Lomm 00 3:-h 1.. ll '1. a v I-) I c a Q \J .1- ) ‘.1 'll.‘ “ .I. I. ..I. A.) _ I." “ .lcl 3. . . ‘4. - 1 a. 411 ..I \Jlu.‘4. 0WD.“ up OD< .1. C .. DJ” ...-m 41 6.. C ....H PJH f _.r-l. +0. .i-U...IMZU .n...HO..._, .HO _r-rflrfl > ...- muwCH_-U._.. to Mar, .m. C..- ) )41\d “WJ. - ll. '1 .11.“ . 1 l.- ) III “0.4 . . l‘ ‘4 I}! (J‘\D bp::: 009 4 N0H.orsp.roprsHm 0500.0m SJHU m in :.. r: o J -_ 4n 3 Jazmin-13‘s.} a J .1»- 3iOi3 j w ..J). .34.-..01 0.0 .51.! ... ....) O a 09.0-4 1..) ...-4.10.0 o 13 4.3-. 4)..“ Al C. _:.u - trx.;c :4 -r :+.:<+::L . :<¢+.+- p: :zrii , :L :r.:- - sunOHt “ l)...‘ ( ..l-‘l; ..r. l1 .1! \I. I I4. _ “ 4 . J‘ j ..J . I! \J. 00 _03.) .iHc: umc lrrpnannmmrnm haoor >tparw HQ 0H00.. H .0Qu042_ thvuwmc 01....0H 008,...- 41.33 ...-4.... .m.§.§00 w: r13 0H04.1.H4.J.»=N.IL.H as.” 55.43.1331 .uJ- on-.- ...!!!)IJn‘ll lllllu: || - - b AU 4:; 1* _ 3 «.J“ 0.0 .... G 1.0.24) ‘4)) HrUi ° HNJJWP. fikrn v.'IH./ .k/ F (\- '.K. (4)30.) \ ... C MUCH/4.4. HdH J .yc..4.lJD.\\,«3. «Jay. *000.3 .3- i O. HrJ. I. n \J)\.\.JM 3.:3 HrC HJC L «r .. «my. .2314) )1... . H-.).....Q..... ..HJ-D MHHQ ..dpa _ . .. f\ f. C 41.4.-.. .m .m ...). dfinHOM .Or. H501. _ ...»..ch kflH 0+ HHSO D 'C‘ Q (7) 1’) C2 ' H L - lll - OH OH >o>HSm H70H 30Ho 7H 90 ssoHSm Y H7HH.7HH7.HH ..H eHoJH 92737.0 HHQHH mo .3..me Fr HQOw©H>dQ .0 .:V 0H3pH.:cH.)< Ho .Hmom k3:37.? um HH How .mpn ..HH .qu: .m .mooo .AapwJHwB .Cv mHHHH:o.T 3JH Ho HHpchHH .Jcsz Huxom .oOHmmo HOHHodHOHH OHHHOH .HHp.mmH .>00 7 :HH ooo 2H 6:7 .mmmppddd pmofiu> HcEH coom .>0HH mH afioHHZ. mppdfizoo Hchzom .mo:H>oHc an: wPJHn NH >0 HHH7mq SH @mdoH o7 op mHSHHSOHHu3 Ho Hc7H1:o H700H r.50H:p HpoHoon .Hmfi mzzHaw AHQHHmou HuHHmoo 07v memo HHoo .H .4 mz+ HQJ 00H> on .Hmd we \I/ mHowomHHm HaHoq..:oHH oHp H0723 moHQOchhn .q.d HwooH mafipHDCH: 3 Ho HHpmHHH Ha. .pwHHspHSOHHHo: mHmngdd Snohsm SHgH HwHonH>oHH was H700H musoHAp oQoHHD mHm1HH7H3 H>0Hm was HdooH mon PJHQOnzd mHo. GHQ .moeo :wH: was mHSHfiSHanHH C60 ..HHzHJ.,.7.HdH so HmnHHio 8.....p9H mpnpn mewofi Hdemmo .Hud moaH>OHH wag monH7+m .pgmm .Hmfi nusomnp opwpm HHHV USJHHOH AHHJTHHHHHJHHDU Aomv 00:7Hh AHHV 4] q CH5... Hflrfi uHH 73mm Q coma HoHeg .1 . .J U®+ C311... _ 1147 7®pHOHu Opapom anop R %Q do ooHHHwo MHOS A.HH7 hppcsoo .N I") 11 H Hm. HMO-MW HKVHJrNH @333..H0po®.H HHH HE Hpoon .HOH on .33HHHoHcHu3H .Ho H5390 m Hoapzoo Geo W mo cuHH33p) _o.H..p m33oH3 d3HpmHHH pc3 SE. 3.60 \‘ pmH 0) HOHspmHu HsHoomn a mHOHHp H OH HH roH331n H3moH1H do on we m:0Hpoon 03p rV andoame HmeH5H.v moHHade @903 Hcm.mchomm aapcoo wH 002H30HH nose mH mumm6133mHaomfin UT H3 d Sousa ozspd20HHU¢ Ho pmmm Abby wchpoom Om 0.4!. Om 0.3. UHHQHOHH H333333H333 .3 o\ UonHpHoo 69$ .HH muAm3oM Opapom HJPOH R hp :0 onHHdo Mao: 7H1 hHHQHE oo OH Op H .mngom R t1 a was mquom OHOHO muH .823 H .OHOHO m HOOOO H .OHOH% m Honsp H .OHOHO m .333 H .OHOHO O wHoww mid .dOpHomkm MH now .6 o Oo>opmmw .ommmrH OHOHm How each OGOHOHH .z OOHOHOHOO omen wav.m .m OOHOH MOOpm ommwnow no mmeummow Oopmmp .OQ bfi. Ho m.zm hhmqum OQJHHom d®>0hmmw Ho dememoo O: Reg muhwfi anm 0H. .mmu OOH hcdfihoo Hmm omh% OWIWH mvfiwah stow pom mwhwchpm opHmH%o© on deHm mnH co>oammw OHOO Hem .w o .m m aquammm mofiH>QHm.szt mmHH3> oaoww m Mndfimma A.ouov OH 0p » A.Q.>VH .manou 9093p H .OHon m dHuwHo aroma .QH 0mm Rom .Hh m Edfigamm mumpZmoHom dmpoomumfl wHMpudd QCHWUOHmHnmaHO mmcflpowfimufl mo Empmnm go .0: .dom comm momh thQSOO HHHHV 11; - opHcHHOO pom OHOHM mna Om>ommma .sHi .m upHg .mnoa Hag .m Amwv O quoom NE) u HOOOO H .: mmom .m .m .m .2 C3 H HOHH m OOOHOH a HODSp H . HOHM m wmhflzdmh mpoam pump deem / deHdom .H R. vacufiw N wflgwdmpflfi. QCHwOOHmHumeo mmchOQMduH Mo Eovmhn 90 .oz .dmm ommw womb hhpzzco H .HHHV \J “01,1 11‘- Ur Austria --\ \ V} A" ' 7“ d JJ¢$\4PL‘ LA. ‘11 d A 1:12:11 08 P, ,' F4 Irish F. S. "-.. '1.—— 7. ll . lJ. 64‘444 Li thuunia If. Zealand lolrnd m , p -. " C‘ Ir. (\ , I,“ r‘_'V|l~Y‘. _ Hid. ‘ segwge LA; JALLLCC . , JO - fi a A, v. ‘ — A, " . -,'.-,‘ ‘." . ("-r' ‘1‘ "‘ 'T‘ o mnb-'-~- VlTUL-p) “Viu- , 4;OOOO-OH, Oll * 3 -'--*- ~ H: I a .3 -; r. . . !—.(-\ F" 7.‘.~‘ ‘ ’ ‘\ ‘).‘\ I, '1 ’1 u-L. Hiygla ‘JQ 4'..l--L. U k-'e kyv kl“ J—. x t 3’“..~ r :y «w’z- »--O’ “*"f ‘ ‘l :.L)IJIL i.-',' ' O KL it) C:\JL|‘ (3L; _LLJ‘. L" kit I. .L'. .’ .'C/ u-LLIM 1 J- , _ ‘ In 0 OH 4_ I J __ 0 ~ H Q_ q s- O‘ ’_ _ , H , ,. —-‘,, r1 .1 . A f 1 4~Luic, l. «”L Lu, i lLOCQ-Alu J. OLHL” L» . J.— " ,,,_J_ r‘ Hat-o H» 0“ 5 . 4— r c- : . “.14“ Law .LC‘LLuy L) .~._.»l..s.uu ‘3KJCLCU “u €-Jb-- ._ ficvu -11. 4- —f -14- 5' H 1.5 '1 ”l r .° 1 -~-' ~" ~ U .L I U . ' 1.1:; Silk/CL)- - M... .0 -IA... , .- ~\) - ‘-.l C ’ U C..- - . ° .1. -.. . '7 '9 J. ‘. ' ', .t.’ I 51 ‘ r ~ r z r 3 v 5 1(3' , .. 4'. cJ/DC \J \¢._L\,& ’ ‘ $4.le ..L\~ J’J ‘) .. 14'. . 5" W — ’ ., 4‘ ll - .2 _.L, - "\r‘ . H , fi 1...,“ .’3 5’!“ (v . 'r d D I L-LIJ J Oi LL \: iQ'-:Ls|r1t/LJ, . (...'_1.,L_._.'L;J ...L L») - - 3‘ 4, —‘ - \ - 3: n a an :1; 1V: T‘ -' x . . "' ‘n‘ J-Q‘rp :\ wnrx -‘° ~~ CD .L-—-L¢._J‘.,C U',’. _‘A’ --..Ki. VLsA‘ _--. ..-UA- UAOV a. —\JkL.L- do - c '5 4 . l . _ 0‘. O »" _y_w ___‘_. 1'7. ‘7‘ ‘ (w -u : ”V .3 -. (I n --.. \J. -3!» ....c \- 04.0-‘J ’1," O J-‘ .:.. vll'J.s.) KL _L‘J (wig-.400- "" . . . - .l. 1 1 ‘1 - _ l,» ' V a ,—., ' '. ~‘I . _~ fiI'PSI‘C‘b)(-‘ Vv fl ' r f‘l ‘/"v), - ‘Aa. LI 0 , \.--‘-—..L. s~J.kJ t/“LJC/Q- kv'lJ, .— -——--"- CU- "..-"J V '\"D r . _H r‘-"“ ‘v‘h‘. “f l‘ O V ‘ (\JJ. lp’), ll Llu;.'_L “4.00 ..LL. 'v‘ . '~ . a _ ‘ 1 .. 1 . .'.‘. .. ' 4. W“. - " {“1" ’V --. r r I! ,‘ .-¢ ‘ r- A], . 'N“ . \ '."" H .'.»_ (.0 CAuuuiJu 1-’ - ...! -ULL "what-LL _ uh}: - Oluu.) L . , '1 f-_ _ ~ - V . _. .- L- 2.. .- , , n '1 _ -.. ( "‘Af v' \H y '1 _~. (¢~ ( - _ s I ‘ z‘ _‘ r I (‘1 Ox, J- (J O: - Q .2 ~.-. u'Ju-L (3 *..).-. 4., L ,e C u .L .1 no.) Q .1-.. (J u: ‘ q a " ‘ .A q f- f‘ I n" (“V (. 0 v (1 "a r’V , ‘ O ‘ . If, (‘1‘ ‘ C-'—'§A.-’U A—d’ Céuuu B—LJ, {1.4-9300 LI- ‘0 ~ . . l lf‘ .~ w- ~r- "": -r 1 h ‘."L', " ‘3 ' ‘ 1': ~ ”- r“ ~ r h (x (W {‘5' o .5. L,‘ V p. - Vii), LL ;_U‘ i‘ ..L -, LLD-Cu‘nj, .L.-_1_ ‘: -_ Ll _.‘_ “I: LLU go-‘u’eo, s - 4— ,- . J- . ‘-. " I - . L —5- .' , -- W . fl ,3 _ 1 , ‘. 1 , r 11_ . F - . 0 ~ . 7- quu “my :0 he LOLQLG LJVLUCJLHL, LOOL .011, N -L .1. a» a V q 5 qr t , - _ H ,. t_, CK; - ‘3. LL; -. _' .L ,‘ ' .- .. . . ., ‘. .. ,_ 3a 34‘ -1 L1;, ulueufle LA; b4LC” L I W ‘zr' -t- 7”."- ..-‘. JI 2.3.x; Lguf roll (a ::"€re)-O, sevnre rosuic-lfi, ng Ll;cl log nuOt we Wvgxéd, but 0 40‘1'r; '3 2- ”1 o -1 l" .1..- Que“ ME: me .. ;;....eC-OL);'-_. Practi03lly‘fr e 1? cf roll, SUDEtQItiullf free mosaic LU: bl; k leg, Ii 3:3 egnyot be numerous, tart O. Hm. 4- .' 4- 1 .. -, «..L: J- ..-“ L LS» 1A3900-Otp tDuOl u090u03uuive, “llu Ogu J-‘ ‘ Oulic ‘3. (3’3“ ..'} 4“ " . l a" ”i ‘7‘t '7' ' V ‘6 Um \' c” .4 «any. .L ;._L.€Co- o U.L..\_‘A'. -(_v_) J! 14;; V J; :de (3“;3/ , _‘1 A; ’ - .,-,1‘ 3 .1. r‘ r 1- r,..'( A”. ‘ ..n, *7“ :— ~ _. 1— ‘ I -.. ‘ ;..._.9 .‘r‘. _ .. - w . . .1" eel “u; q), L;ssos-Op ilth :13 x .3; n 1; .. -j,1 . o» . HM “, ' ...‘.r J-..’ - I‘CV‘QLJ-G, 01.21..ise wt) LOO“ 12L.,BCU.LL>11. _‘ .\ ,9 . o «a a -xon l-Ofi LL03 of V1TUC alseaO s glloue‘, Uurt-O‘ ., .. : .,. fl ‘ H A .,, - n - ‘4- .0 ._ 4., ‘ O .2 9-1-1.1.ng LULOO "3 .zll‘fw .L. ._-.60 ULJn o W t‘ -..)..-L‘J- Q \’ 4.9- Va. "‘1 ,1 C‘Drluoli .- -‘ 1T 7“ D {...-Y - J“- . ‘7'; N: f j . r—v - 7‘ '7‘ " ‘_) L ' W "' 71 1" fi 1 7.1‘ 't U08000310 ...‘Jum 69.4“ -a.-l...o .Lnoi . 34...). 4.). 0 ..--5L xx; JO. 0 . -'1rw Fl 5 f‘ I W “a (r ‘. (do p 6 1m QJO C) UCD oca C1 C] 00 F’ 3‘ . , T‘F' .° ‘ '~ H. n J" ' ~. ". ' . '1 ’- -!-. ~-!- 'I Ocothnd VlaluLJ iweo 333; Vlrub LLSQQBCu, bfldSuMLu aLIy .n - .n , 4.x '3- .. irgo 3rln all ougcr Olscases, "rt-O. CD“r.td;' 05h “ :l'lfll 0‘ rid—”xfitl :8 I o r _ _. 1— -v A "_’ (~. ' w _‘ w 'v r _ fl- 0 - Austria «dries l “Iluure-up uileed, id, or u“ Ier.io* "V I Q 'V I.- ... -‘~,. .L_'._l r 1.8311114. ' .LJ . ._f .0 V Y— 1 a ‘ :- 0- 1— A _L ' ('1 ,W ' .,“" : A 'v 4-1;lUJ aeII-ull H Aware-e Les. “CCdEd Lt teen -lsLec; G r- . l_ ‘ -, .‘s - - -. ov- . 1“ less Lulu a p 5. sec“ 01 L'oducti ity end _. _. 'V <._&. a _D 1: _fi _-'I “fit ‘.‘(_>1t_h gelelel ediii-idn Ol llelu hill aisgllliiy. ‘\ v1» (1 - J'- ' t1: (‘0 v r “ _.—.-,- 1‘ «.{1r‘ww‘ - 1.11) ~. V..- 11 121' +1‘ *.-e 4.18“. L~.LLJ. u .geuu) u ldCCu ‘q‘-'. .1. (J'Jux);1 J. 4-- gL . I. -.. vein; . France (}r3:“:“.t ll'\7 11111;: :3 3* Irish F. S. K. Ireland Lith aria E. Zeelend U. S. S. R. Scotl;nd .'A ‘fi _ ‘1 ,4 ' O-' - n_- I.“ _‘ _ ... . V o ‘ I sure ia&Jl:~.Cp vdr. Lilt. 1A Sax: .LHJhlthed n “.1“. o 4—, _o‘ 4-~‘ 0 Y" _ ’fl‘L . ~~ u-2p verIGUdl Ulnuure is allowed, r0 Lv 18 -~-3 J— .—x ‘~ ~' 2' . ‘—- -' ' ‘ ‘- TC'-\_:_1'€ ELL: euCl'. _-lLQI/CCJ- UL 111, Lew; 1 .J..k:.'..u$ C‘Dkul- U '\ -.. f‘ | f . M ( lk’eulJCk-l -.J-w 1.03. . mixture-29; l0 hills CJQ at 2nd irrfec., " leek of nife linity or 1 w'yigld 9 Free from varietal mixture lfi Varietal gixture, alle.ed, Sfi meg: plants Varietel mixture-£5 allowed verietel 17:1;1’0Lte-1-53 ellomed 5 foreirn Tl Its alleged in 2C0 sguere meters 9 foreign ya ieties allowed Varietal mixture-lfi allowed L xtuIe co:sidered but toleIanee 0t speeified mi tUIe of 03L;r varieties is all 0: ed; in -cond or "B" Grade, 2.9p Li: :ture is the .L U Country Aus tri a Belgium De 11m 1‘}: 71"“ l ‘d Lila: pill France C‘srr'y; my Holland Hungary Li .huania H; Zealand Poland 5% tubersrrut be sfixnttef fincinryec on unixanriw/and fryarmuinxrlrmxture. lubers must be redium size, three grades of seed from.;i lds rs tir; for disease at each in33ection as follets:- A-Q noints; B-C; C-6. he mixture is allowed. K0 other standards stated. he frosting allored and little rot, int. discollrat ion, or varietal mixture; small potatoes only are cert. for seed, as they are planted whole, 5.4-4.8 in. die. and not over 10 on. long. J l0 kg. saggle is sent to 3:3. Sta. at harvest; little trguble with rhizvctonia or late blight; size is min. iumeter 3.5 cm. and max. 7 oi.,.n;x. length 9 aI. _J CogpleteOJ abs-u e e of bl i let, dry an“ soft rot, and reas J ble free 01 o ‘i 1,) Q0381 1-5,?" Only on ergorted stock-112 lb. pkg. required, 3 lb. frost damage a lloued, 3 lb. rot, 3 lb. other defects, which includes dirt, misshapen tubers, injuries or darnge. From.lOO tubers taken at random, the largest 16 should not wéigh over 6 lb. and the smallest 16 should not run under 1: lb. (2/lé stock); also graded for condition, nifonuity ,3uritv {Lnd as ibllows: l. blight- 4w allo: ed, 3 7d. scab-453 ,mattery eye-3w, pot. noth-eo, eel one-AS, scab, dry rot, etc., -10 9, Oil n-tfl 63-23 5. —1ie- tiwn reuuirefie ts O E J l .3. "-1.. ,,._ Country liffl’lwr e U.S.S.R. Allow— Kurt net ate rLiz. bl. Sect. Fus- scab off sll ence nec- bl. rirg rot. tilt ty3e tuber ro1is lisesse "hoice O O O 5 0 Ordinary O O O 5 3 U C) C) C] C] Cal H 00’] Scotland Country Austria Belgium Denmark 3n5lsnd _, - - $1111.08 Germany (78) 7*. , nun5ury 3' 9 II Cifind TL= Omir1n n5r. Society Fe r nustris also carries on certificution of petntaes t ere, in addition to the Stute System. . I. ,_ ' , r. . . -: ,.. . .r- J-‘._ ~ 4-4. s U:l£~..3‘€ to isoletc one better i, .‘ .n, '1 - 1 ,.._ seer, lullohth site; qu;OQS u " J‘ ' I n . ., ' ' a ‘:r. .-: _ -,~ ), , _, in y- uo a ”sunitoriu Iistiic ”. Here liscuscd i.icnts -r' ' . ~A ‘ Q1 ‘ ‘ " 7' . W 1‘ Llll die out, dud tie setter stocks hill be isolated, 310 o ete’ end ret‘ ned. .r“ he ' n‘fi ...- x . (N 'L-3 q q . Viv Use En lion byStCJ s Sblll cirect ed 1m est: 0 “If . t" ‘ '0 )I .1 ‘ 0 "L ‘: 3' f L‘ dLGlHUU Julie ulfiuueu hul'b uloeuueo Crest stress s tleced on varietal adeptstion rv ’ irq; r. ‘ a)?" T.“ 7, r -- -'~. ‘5 +‘r "4‘ n v '7 t Ulla 0 "8 LL“. Cu; -. CAL) Vttl‘.-0ud OJ. Vull LLJ 1: ill 88 "" '1 ’ «r ""r“‘ '.L f :5 ’I - r w a a “dole e icn. seed treut; nu cc; ole ilentin; . . . . 1 . -, n s er -cticed elce-si» l\, In! tu {TOkGIS ulUO , 1 i sprout tleir tuners, regs Vin: Leek and diseased :es before :lthinC. In a dry season Virus dis euzcs are 7010 difficult to detect end the rent :r 01 insgections is incrcssed. done Chunscrs recuire e sc:ies CE seed test filots on s;ed wlose «unlity is guestiwzed. In 1935- C.%3C)flfl£319 eje ecticrs were f r iln k log, 2.oJ-ininoctonia, 2.3- 1. ‘light, 7.3-usrt 2 w '7 ~ ‘ . ‘l‘ " ." fl 1 /\ J"- 15.6- virus, 7. o-otner QlSOubeo, ;.8-Vu1.etul \‘w . "" '2‘ (- ,n ‘ . “‘N C . a‘ : o l | n ’h {5 hilture, unu 511.9-H11drunuls. Luiliouds cuxzw ”A!“ - , ‘4, L. ’- '1 '01" ‘ Seed fiot-,oes ei,.nJ$:1e ul lutes. Cert ficetes of certification are only “cod if sealed in the sack A tr is use ed to pr tect ajs free fraudulent use. The Dutch system is: ore efficient thun tie data here 3ivcn m jht indicate. .‘ a . 1_ o .- ‘ _.l w ‘l I V‘. .f‘ -, .7 ‘ .1 lorelgi s1ip1cnts oily re tu3 ed. agomcrs must f . 1* " Ir "\-1 'n ‘ Q -n \ “ ‘ '- send lu 4 mi. sl.3ie Ol seed or cecn variety n w - P! J‘ . * -or lot t;~ in . u. a" ‘ r "“L., ‘o‘ r- r, J" -~‘ ,L- “"-"‘ ‘ 1“" . 7' sculs u“c utuucned after uuubl or din 1Ls3cct.ion. "‘4" ‘- .r-I “'3'?“ r a G( (v ‘ A: a- dc st is bunk rude to i: sci se tne .- -.- -'-—° —\ A. J" "r '. .- . 1 r" . I ‘W J—,'\ -—--./ ‘ ' 4'71. 1~ piun in5 oi Varieti-s desiied by e eu1 ‘t tilde. ed L-st be slijped in cleun secgs or other 2111321318 CO hill. CPS. - lSl - h Jon ’ _' a ... , .5 . ‘ - 1-4— uu‘ r; -L.C1il n? us 00 Lbs T": .‘ 1 '1 _ r'1-- - _ “7.. 5 4—- ° .1 ." +¢~ -' l -. J- (1 » - .L. 0 Lediulflid. .L H0 Geld“... S \r"..‘;"_ 5. L111]. L. 11*0 uo {.4 .L‘C -A .13 , 01.8 1’10 J‘ 1‘ '1r‘ 1 1c 3'? .~ 1‘7 ' O .1-“ A‘V‘c‘i .- +1 (JJ. u LI' LJ - .A. u 0' -'..-.'_U.' ’ ‘--‘ lCL 0.- UL). ”\JJ. 5.) u Vile r‘ -' V .‘l ‘ -‘- j. ‘d J‘ . 'l- -. ,— ‘V r‘.‘ .I‘ i '0 \,,’\JV’. .'.__: q -.(JIJC/VAVI: uu;.b.L-1)Il. _Ll'. ‘1‘.) pie 1 y " _o A f‘ _~ 9.: A. '1 o __ ' J- o ‘5'_ ' -‘ _ 0 one ecxed L511L1 iie c 1Ls33011s4s u 12:’ the ' ku "'3 --‘ ~. 5 ' " .. 4- ' "V T—-. .. 1 cu 'Y 'nfl.~ - ~'1'~ ~o L" J' ‘-- UCMS Jn . ”1;- J l ....-‘JHIL .0 OJ. L... 4.11;) a - 1 I I t i5 1 . . —,-. . p—‘ r . ‘. st Chi is 171111211 1 11 O l O (‘1' f1 ( o ’- J +4 0 } 1' {I C L— . *5 l _ HO DP) (‘ O {:2 H H) O '3 cf‘ h" L“ s = r (J -.._ '1 O .L‘. not “e1 Led. LL “Le -. “.1.- .1 ‘ 11'! ‘ “-5. n .z 1 - .21 J- '1 1.1- _ .L—l .-vl::. .' -1.-.— {an CL;- a- -‘JIL-t 0.:- Ul~‘ ". L ‘4 .‘ _.. V§'-I';.‘) "‘1 ' -0 fl. 0 r. J a J. ' ' 7‘ -.- -“ -n_ ‘33 line 0; SLes 1U distr1t~ted u n cur 1wr ... 1 1.1- ., -. 1,.“ , . .« .- H J. wa‘ O as ’1; i.) UK.._;i-1L.1'U.o I’L‘: K.) Cu LI {'1‘ fit ': II‘ . f .L ...b u...’...;.'. u o’ \A - ' " .. 113-eo vsr 'JI (e- . I C“! -.-\ ~‘Vlfi (“-11 (“+“'"r,".$"{:n q 01.14114. .1. 1).. .... " 1 .. D ...- 11-” .2 _ 1,. - _ . ' _-1 .- _ _ -' .1 1- .13. convlete sdssen oi recei;s szgs -sisied L» was - - . - —‘ .«g -, 1"", Centr l of1ice of sll stool ins3 cteu. 11s 3lgn rcsinrlc 1: one usei 1n Census. .. -. 1 . *1“ , .. 1., 4.1-.. .441 ° Cape “CAL-3 1131111 1111.]. E1. 511.311.: .1. S UJ._L l Boand ssrt Sis J s csns1o01uile ofe 3r L c=1tii ixut es u’ 1' . '1 ‘5‘ 4.54— _“ _I_V__ ~15 o ' - .... ‘__ __\ ‘ A 'I .110 1 Cu .11 UCI' “1e ".11. r " 111.136 tivn Ana 1 r -- . -' 1r“ 4‘1 a CHI. 5'" i - ‘wp‘n ‘r‘ O ..7 ‘1‘!“ U3— 0 LACE/)0. .Lil U‘-L UMC/LL duh LI ‘JgAOA. u H tA-Lfinlbo '1 UOSOSOR. l-‘i'f01101e 80".]... 8t COliCiCS VIC , 1; .. .2 '1 . I, ‘ , r V. 1, 1 .. .. : r . u- 11. AS .1. 1' 4‘41] 9L1}. Cu; (39.141. -.»l. -..l Scotlzid Undoubtedly hes a lsrrc 3sru 01 its a 3lsrted.it11 cer'irieo seed tns.‘ urv otne countrfi. .Jj.of C "‘ s ' e by the Seeds Act of 19:0, whidi re< 97” W urity in seed st 11. j. ‘ file . , ..L luS \ 011 av:- d l’ l‘.‘ ”I q .157 LaJ.‘ ‘- L .O J-‘ - WW .1 n 8“ J—i.-L C of I} 0 hr? Us.) 5,) I" .1!" '.l 1000 ML‘ are; c o o r ru. \I _Q '2 UV do .7 .; -‘ ‘fi . NJ .I 5001 1Tn3v \. V 'V“ I I ~ .vku ouyors 90‘ .L. ‘ I Q CCTIE '-; U\ U “at . .... I ~) 5... ‘4 .. - q r‘e‘ L¥DJA TO+' -‘G C 7 I 1 forced O “'1 seed 1. wt ice. 7r r 'u-.- 4;; ,‘f'x'. a .ao ‘fin‘fi ‘-v Pr ..Lu J. L'VA "3‘ 7’} V“ .3 *z' 1:7 -- 3% —~ 71.. . oayor 7." v'wr.’ a... a y e . m ,o C o S l U. UM t G a E To .1 n.“ O e .w .3 CL S. S I u .l t e .l aw :¢ D* n; . to m a“ r v. 7... A fit. +0 n 1 C ._b O 0 w... 0v. 0 A“ ..i 1 Lb n a. d {I— m _C 1.... a O S 1 t r; h L, 8 n“ .Q "J O wo f .l O A .. ..o l T S a u. +p r n n C e +u u 4-. ,w .l a,“ :3. LU av mp Mu. nu Lu no u A-“ a“ nu mo no 6 G 3... .fl 0 ...u ...u I .l q L Tu wl C -T.. O 2 ..b O a _ 4b 4 U . H .«b «1. .75.. a no no no no no no no ._u no Lo C n1 .0 .1 .D .l C .l .3 1 ...u +9 «Q ... L l H“ . p u 0,. wwu r L o ’ mu 0 .ql‘ .HHL. G .J n1. .3 n C n . L . n t 0 ,3 1 x1. ”I.“ .l O T; L T M. .. a -u l 1 F- O n-.. .l .l O P r: .1 Mo "v Lu 3 no .0 ‘u w d 0 .w h mJ Co r 074 .l (H e e a e H 1. I e C .T.. .E .3 .n u e F u o U: S C .V o n. w .3 S O S a a C e t no . S G 9‘ 3 n; a t .1“— m. 0 .Tu S S 0 nl‘ ’ {L o . .w o (w e W e O "J .M .u no 0 w m” C r “u. u. u 7..“ n :1— 7L .3 ....u T n .. “a. & _...“ .3 a Am C S r: .0 O a Q n L. O .x“ co n“ v; um“ no go no a; T 8 t t f va .3 .L ...m H n; no 0 nu wL "A C a; F. C G a7. 8 ..n D C 7...; 0 TL Lu 0 e n» o e i +p s r e b u . C t .1 3 f .l L. S ..J m m w wt . e P” mu 8 e l + w; .. d .nv“ AU ”A «UL no no “o Lu nu +u no no ”N NW _ O C . 6 T 8 fl, o. t B T S .8 H C F1 S t l P a .1 S I U S .l O .U h .. H 1 ~ \ r. 8 VJ t L V d S 7.. a 1 t + o C e .1 .. . .f .l .l 8 n1 .1 0 .U r. 9 “J C e l .7: O n. -.. .l C a... e m no w H“ m MW e a a; ,0 U \ ,. .3 .(g m r ..‘L e m. ..L T S n O .1 n0 . u m u. . 4. s A e nu I a t .E C t S .1 a C h 0 o L; 9) ‘4; Q \d ‘ no ouyor 1n oore ( J_ a b 7' 0 AI. .0 .L ‘Ule. 0.33 L ‘ S ks '1 A 111 i.) W .— L: lot 11* ( ~ .1. L pro: 4.x”- 4.. la LS; 'u 0 pl 09 t it also 0 a. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Plant Industry Seed Potato Certification Certificate No. 35:6 ..... his in to ntfifg that the seed potatoes as listed below and grown by MW in PA Pa. ---------------------------- ---..-- - - - --------\ -- . have been oficially inspected and passed in accordance with the standards adopted by the Pennsylvania De- partment of Agriculture for the certification of seed potatoes. Crop of 1930. Variety Crown- (R .myli- EM Am. CertifiecL 1.0 ........ Bushels per Am waft-2'. ............ Busbela certified... 3. -5920.--- The granting of this certificate to the above namedgrower will permit him to market his seed potato crop of I9 ..34 which hum been oflicially m- specmd, as Pennsylvania Certified Seed Potatoes. provided that the official printed tag of Certification issued by the Bureau of Plant Industry is at- tached toeachsackorcontainerof seedpotatoeesornarkcted. lssued at the State Capitol. Harrisburg. Pa. 1120611,- .8.- -J. -7.- 3. .0 -'h—._-—q—m—.u—-*—=‘—_‘ I '_1 CO -—--‘ " ’ "‘— ‘fl 1'- ’ (' 'jl"\"v 7‘ ’a w - l‘ ‘ . -'_ .1.“ “1.,- L .J '4) AL ‘ .L V 'II ‘4 "c C ..L. 39 4‘ r“ Q 1. _ . ‘ _‘." I_ s C. a . - - _‘ Q_ Q (‘ —. _._ Q 4 Q a D‘ -= ._ _’ u 4-x. ..- - .- ----J. -- . --/.-_. .»--’ .1. -- ...-- .LL U u- e D Q s . w w - q a q ,_ g ‘ 1 q - ... I {-l An ‘_- i" I‘ 33 ‘L‘ l fl ‘ I . u L '7 ’ *— 7‘1, ' ‘A 1 _ i ’— '- ' v- J‘-’ ._ .. . \ - J - k1 - .'. '- .- L.. K . Le . ”.3- u . . _L— i LI L , ‘- -4 _. J .. z , I ‘. —— U ya, ' . -,-, ‘ _. '1 1 '| V I n o l . a g . fl _ - W .‘ ’ ‘ - ‘ A .- - -— - ‘ {'7 ,. .‘ ‘.- no L .-.- : -, .: .L‘ . “ “3.--. ‘- AseeLJ . . ‘_1 er . ()L'J‘a' .. -_ ~: '4 \J ‘- _ ,. . u .. J..e _ .... l - . tau . - Ia e - a I W ‘ fl _-- .. -3 ,fi ' - " *"‘ 7 ’ ‘ " " w". -- fi~.2~ " ”p “7' J, .7 n it '* r" - _.- _ -.k- ‘ I J D “.V K. ~ _. '_- I i w \ .. V .a- I... -- l- ‘ . t .- J ._ re Q \.~. L _... ~ ‘- L. e 'e A , re OI w v - I ~ I I :—,-:~"‘ V ' V‘ -1; I‘ ' ’ " If, 1' h“ ’ i . "(‘ ‘1' fl ' .-- .11 -- Va ~J ‘1 U -- . r. ..— . ~ ‘QJ , 4 . -. , \ - , - _ I \ \4' ‘-; 7' .3; e _ v' J - _ a- Li . .L - \4vb -' -a- »-l-—- U j q a s 1 - s . a- -\ e u . 'g a s _I_ a f. f " 1“ ‘ ' I. 7 "‘ ‘ '. | . - ' ‘I ' . -) ' ' o‘ ' ‘ ' \ ‘ o ‘ ‘ l . l r l I 4 I \ .... ..- ~J _.. \.I a - _. -_ _ - I _ _l. I g} ... _. __ .- r .M— - - " -. .— . '~ ...- k-v _ s " IQ - s s Q d s Q --.. - ,.,_. .- . _ _ UH. ,{ .- -‘ I , K 1 ' “3 c '1 . - -.- - J , (e. ‘_ —-. ..a.. c i - \ - 7 _l ... __ _I - -_ V . _. .... '_ _ _ b.- / .2 \ J‘ _ ' n ’ 'U 'Q . ‘ _v_ _ 1 _ _ V. ‘ . _ .\ a -I r 7! - __ - ’ ‘ . ‘0 q _ _ .- L w _.- _: J_ , - ' ‘ . , ‘ ‘ u ... __ l .1. _.. -./‘..1 - - . - K, -. d. (J __ '_. .- k. _ - -- - - at. Ll . ...fi - _. .. l ~' .1 , _- J .L- U I- 3 9 ’_ i V H . ‘ ‘ ‘ fl ._I _ o . I- ~ ~ ~ ‘ ‘31 '5 JV -. I s , . h ' ' " ‘. " \‘" - l —' II; . ‘ J ..- - r— : — 2 h x 7 . a s . — . _ _.- l _ ‘ 1 ‘ 7 S _- _~ . q ' Q l - . ~ f‘ ‘ .. .. H _: ' .. # I I _..-~ 4’ J - ‘ —- - ..., ‘ _ —7 — u— _.L-_ -"ul. J e-” - 4 .a_‘_/ b - s s ,‘t I ‘7 _ ~ -1 v - . . . . . . I I L r V t . ' . v - — I. ‘ r a ) j v V . ‘r - - . ' J ‘— ’ -7 p1.L. K. - _ _ _. _ .. , _... -» __ . l‘. , -‘ I _ _ J“ . N V N - c - g n q “ v "‘ ' fl ' ’a ‘ t’ (...-‘7. '. . '~ | ’1 J‘ . J -- fi- . V"-(~ - _L -- '_' _ mu -- , - ~ __ e- , _. .- ._ ‘ . _-_ v. ._ -_ U - ‘v - - -.. ". I» .c \‘ C D " I _ '4 . ’ J ' ,‘1 i." ' ' - s 4‘ If r. . ‘l' : ‘ b a r‘ ’, o - .‘ "‘ '. 4 ~ - ’ ”h . ' l U _~ .1 L) . L) -’r— 4 _ -- _n y - _.. ' x- k) ~_ h _‘ , .... ‘ J J I. - - ‘ ... ' ._ .- _a— — ‘ y_ 40‘ . c 7.- ‘ - , . — (37'. I ‘n " ~_. {- l‘ (‘ ’r‘ 1‘ .( , - * l—— _'-_l r3 I _ '1 I_ ~ ~ _ . .- . . Q 1 I ‘- ‘ "r.' x . ' " 7° ‘ . ‘. 7 r ‘--J‘- ‘~ L . "‘ "A" 7' .~ 4‘7 r‘ v.“ ._ __"-' -~ ‘4 J -.’ -s «..- ~x__ -... (.— A. 4 r a. ‘ \J’ b\~.“- \J L/ buts ‘ \..‘. -L .-- 'l ‘- ..- -- n' -'- ILJ . ‘- I n I — q I r— a c I I ~‘ - I -;--~! . \"- fig 0 ‘ ("\fr'f‘ i J” .3 . Kr? ‘nf rx—i‘. “I .—~. -' {'an‘i I. “ "‘I “- T I'm"; ““ ‘. . . U u... -a.‘ U 'u . .. -' V \J ‘J -- ; ._-. ‘J ‘u --\ .a. _i. K; 'J \_\-L_ w v ‘4_ C44. 1, ._-._-_ .*__ .J 4‘. .J A ... _‘1 .L w. - - .... . '. L x ‘ - " 0 ‘ n v s r q a. - ' t ' ’4 ’ ' - . ‘7 . I“"-\ ” “ _'_ J yea J' ’(,E_ J]. K'.’ - . _..\L l J.) ' _1 --.r‘. _ , J... - J'-‘ V. n 'L" 6 4-.7 ‘, r-r1i'7~ -. - . -.7- In --~- . ..‘ -.-... , -0- A.-v“ { N.) O... Ulg'.) CiJJ-I J-- .g.’._: \L -1-‘_ 5) . Wk: _1 av. ~IL'. in I. | 1’1“; 17 {‘3 ~ - '11 l . - I c4 -9\." *r 4v 1: 1'11. Or. 1 $$ V \~ U] . . , .-. -2 I“, - 5 (1a. 6:. d ied seed w " Jed 11,027 1 _/.L {3 ‘I U .L (.3 1 vi (‘1 .L "LU J\. w L l \ "’2 COV‘J‘ (. v we es - ".1 C 91‘ ' C u; .e i .0 . O J. C 1“" \ VI," aJ- L O Q r _ n~ .' «:1 KJ _nt “_NVI 'J‘ tests \_) 9 O i * "J. by 1V 8 .1 I. OT—XO ‘) o I“ 1" f1 w-»L U ' ran; ”:1 VA. . J. . ‘cn31V2 .1 old "VI-1 HA 4. 95 _l—W I am I —.v -.~. .5 a. V1 .'.'. I) 0* 1:] CO ‘v‘i 3 ~.’ ‘7') O .n 4.1 UL~ cor .L ‘ ‘I "n‘ W i wx 60d “guCIlq .-.Ld for033< I76? 0 ct- IJOSt 0 6 (3:5) in ‘ I: floore's Lao or. a. f; w .. G. LLV ’e ‘ 1 f)! LL‘ V A. and some re orts ~1cgn a“ CLOT- Q ”or 04 I .L I . :_1 U- Q CV "I n ’T‘ I.) Ht F‘ (Ore.) t 327 to d seed L V q ( VN L¥A l bu. ‘0 r— (11;, 4.) A ‘ ) " O 94' tate' C‘ I.) J- 7. O 'u 11 91' 1.1. .. \J a! T a —v 1A;~i.& I r‘! 10 get ‘ ,crete ‘. f‘ r k 3 co“ Cd 0 LL r l 1;; ccepted cart .0. I a; ro_ L) Li. an, *4 ’0‘; . Wi c A I. '\ A L .h g‘ n «x38 0 C 1‘ G ‘N A- ‘A Le .... a .2. 91:09 O... L; u‘ a CV]. - l“?- Sfiates 11:;1‘30 :31_"“.::~e01.33:»:1‘73i1‘4‘ed "aoir Cf‘if'31fi.‘il VEDIFLLLLS ngn-certificd awed t.sbs i: f0V3r of sead source 30033. The late: $039233 five; '29 'lzo-t chiiré73 in can~trrcnce rwtl t?0:c L :L,0; g-nt-uncfl. :T’Z fi”;ic;l 0.Co follow>: ngaonburg (3 ) ?U orted :u Lu;ii;'lCO tcgtg 03:33:: 1111;; over a S 32;: ;;~;-i0:1 i1: {is caugtwms Hf -.‘Iy. Toy}: riieh g‘Vu 0 73.7 Ly.1 l incrvapw war 30:? avar:wu for certified St?d, or 43 ;.r Ccflt. 1;C. glittoch (SCH 1%313"teu.a 3 ypgr {JFXV ’a 3011 in ‘tiqts at F.0t;d.ir.iixtreaw'ug of C£)Txufx:ls 3r37z3030 iza'fiivnr of certifiei $033. ‘Sodgtwifix,.gniyzz;u1 i3? ”ngLJVB (CO) in Ifixgiissi;;i rh*w3"tej.zi t3;f:3';nrijit;?rf" 233 ‘fi) 1: Ii"ith ifi-a folio inr results: '- ,- . ._ .°-'11 3-. - . area Daed no. 01' .... Tiwia 0i. 59 LAC; 3.0 a 198 .“:v ;C78 ‘03 C T”3:. ‘. n ikzazfiifi d Trrigii 2 Ci.2 Ce"t;fi d Tfiiugih 52 lLO.2 {3.3 Unccrcifisd C¢DLlcr 7 33.2 Certified Cob l.r 28 135.8 57.8 Jcrt'fi—d SCQJ f“c; lO stgtes n03 re;reaentcd in tlis test. Jiltinsvfi (C?) rc;orfi20 OZ G on : rutive teats b, firs 903 in Congeci’cut 3‘ t in avar0:e 50;: oi llé bugnels P9? “ore Was 5:60 by ce”*72130 swed ovar min-cnrfiified; Lid Cur: “ a five "ear ’rrifii at $10 Stairs EIIQTE ext Qtntion, 0n uvnru"e ”-in of fl” er1513 mus receivefl. - 4.“) Iiellu CT 8 Stifie 3; T73 Ci*h- “E.L 3931w3301~" :‘Lx:r ;"J_Is {‘”L ;-ed LX’ i153 3;“. IS of certified Leaf t1 H;-17_3 “In 0 11‘ CVl-u;c“ of ti; 7 lee Of :”m7.J J” r-OL‘;1L2CI .;;;ie+29 7Ji$.LV-:. e‘33 in; coniioiens . Fer tie grriad 1:35 L3 L9, 16 certifgixg status re orte . en average i;cycece Cf 25 is 1.03 in LLC ;i 108 0' LEIeir CC”tiTied fields L8 03 LLrefl tith tie SdgtC LVETtge 1 31:13. C..:‘.k/.-L\.~ I”; :3 ”d. CL 2:»: ‘1 L; “,1. “7.3-”La 0 (3x ; :L‘Cu. .1401: *1, ...fl‘ - r-x‘. ‘, .‘r -"- - .—- T . A ‘1‘! ~‘ '1‘ .r’ “ ..Ligi Ce on.L.:.-ere_il rte “(LLLJI- ”'1‘ n ‘. _o d I fl ’1 ..-- .L O '1 0 J- ‘.‘ i e Mm“.CL cexLijiea s‘ei ,Jogueui01 in L“- ' _- 'Z‘ ‘ ‘VL lJ -.. ' ~ .1— ! ‘ ’Vr' "’ ”1:. 1'4“ .. _.. ,_ 7 .- .9- fif‘s‘J‘ .3. ‘. .. -- , Uiii' (1 u ubebAi B;.C1.BCI .LiL .L‘L’Nu’ 1.1..Cn 10, 1947,21; l,'C.-u-.L; C) 5.11;. 213 ,:4 certiiiea. “0 L130 ifiyorted ugliohimL 31y 1,200, 000 from.Cenada, makip; bet er fiiin 12,335,000 bLLhels a? certified .1. _' .. .3- seed fer plagtihg the U. 5. crup 1: 1929. At an GBLLLLUC C14 -.‘_- .4- n r‘ 1. n .n 4- 4.1, . . 4.1.0-. -fi: 1-. , .A raLe oi lAJ‘JLLflLClS cu Shzed C)qu3 a018, Ling CQLi.L Live .Ju_.Led 821,9C a ies or event 2 :er cent 0: tge tOtLl loLeco eCL- e- " re C O O p cf C 8 O ’ J U C) C) O O H: d“ ._‘ .J (J L‘. (D D O P J (D (D :1 <. L age of the coulm ry. Ex (‘3 C.) Q1 H0 :3 suami ted; or certification, and 50,00 acres were 322 ozly'abeut 771, 667 acr ‘ of teb’e stock 031 110:1- certiiied seed 03u10 Reva been pioduced from certifiied seed. Le? Jersev renerte& out 9“ gar cent oi her centercial ’"Q ‘ r‘ .'~ ‘ ~. .' \~ ‘1‘ . "'". J"? 514‘ -. - . \ ‘, ‘- ’ g ‘- ' v v. ‘f ," W'Ii aCIALLQe L..lL.._;LeL1 vital ce Li.i(3I $9601 .ummgigg eUiIIw3.. LO ‘L rerorted 7“ and 40 per ceut of their acrjawe recrecLively I: “3 “‘an .1 - J. - _fi , e s , _'\ f , t 1‘ - V‘ n ‘v - . .t I. n I . r 4 I‘ tnus .- “Led; L. Calaaa nan La LL .5. _. , . _ _- 1 11 4.1, ,1-“ ”4.: “1,1,1” 141rcs axe ataiiaale en Lee non-ce1L11J_ID ‘. ' .3. 0 fi ‘ . _- _'_"__ '1 . m . .—. , :3 4.1“ ‘ -_ “-1 __ , H-r- states.;ut 1L1J3110Ln nxfi:a.1ar<31urt<3;~nfl Shfid‘nkuet '1 ‘~ r‘a 7‘ “ ' -' . -n v ' 9 '~ . ‘ ¥ - - " ‘ . . ‘ - ' . 7'" 5' In '. tee inrte ggantlt; c- seed 1sea eaCJ gear L.1Ln 18 all; one .. ~ L .- —. . H- ,-" .m. .. —. L-nr r + .1.— 01 tme JBulS re-otea 1:Q,Ice;L111eu sLocn. p) O (_‘I H H~ 'j d- '(‘5 tIué'CTfifted S KL: {£3 I CD {‘0 K o "‘5 e C) H {31 U] C *5 "‘1 Q d- O' (W U} H. ugtard trend of a S ates, for -le d the (av‘“ce of the ificatien Lovexent. fromc wS. 5 bushels in the :8110d flex 1908-1912, and 97.9 buglel“ in 1514-1920, our average per acre :rodue tien has in0“eased to 107.5 uusiels in 102 }—-n instly to a decreased 'nfecticm 01 Virus diseases. Certii icstion has practically saved potato pnaduction for the Corn Belt and more es; ec iaily for tTIIe truflkin; secticns cf the SoWut , and the Eastern seaLoard. fiber g1 ea teI‘ attention is eventually given to isolatinr n'nn t’elainc strains within each important variety, the possibilities favor a more “a 3 (:3 ‘4 ‘i H. p: dvance ina‘Vr'a;e aL' .’1 V" - “(J - ma « .fi 4.0 ' . 4,9 w ' . ' , VI. 1L end Oi Ger-ifica.114 in nm.rlC&. - ..rH 1 ..1 ' 1‘ 1-, .1 . .. .-°,1- * A Hovw-egt KglCh ”is dev:lo,ed so rl-idlr “no ‘ " "‘ ‘ " 'V V ‘ fl " " I: "‘r‘ - ' fl. . + . f‘ . mes 3,1Kxxi so Lioel,rzu).zis eeeo LCDw-fia ce1 tiiiciigiun 18 .vs .Q “ r- .' -'-u~ —1--v\-q ‘fi ‘0 J". I... 4 4' . r‘wa . uoon 't -Lwe “Mn, oolJis. Ike tren‘ o- CGTMLJJLwIUJ 1n - t, " .. ~ ° «0 -:- 1 n ‘- America can :10 De st t1 ced t111-,)11 -1 a bri 8.1. suuoy 1 tr;- ‘v ‘ 1" _.. —~ I. 1 1"" J-‘fi' . .J—r . '1‘ 4"1‘. mo'e CUtSLQJQl.Q o- L-ee -1ob ms, tneir e.etus el' U48 .5111 4- ~V‘ . .1 ' 1 . ‘ pa 5 ‘ r~ 4' ei-or ”-101 are ovihp .ede to :Let tlem. fuCt (LL) *‘ t ther are high ind 107 'isldin; st“eins of potltoes, Uitfii: L Liven stock of a variety, irreeyective of their disoaue content. Lost authorities believe th4t tlese strains 0:1 oe so lSOlttSé as to be able to unintein their (11 no ' 17? 3'7), 1 ”.1 1 ~11 n--~n Tr -- _ in t‘fim 1 1'1 “ 0.1 JrlOJ..~ “J n SUCCGCL ..L , C \J;.D. .L;L )(J-.C O; IL‘J CO1yl.iL $183 of ozitrol Europe ( 1) ;'1 (31:71-: ebi lity h‘s long been 00::- Si‘e“ed as a fart of the certification re luirev ents for seed sto :. Very little fies b-,nv:ole elem: this line in Aierica ezce t in a {energl flay. Cur attention to yield has been “incipglly from.the angle of diseeoo Ciztrol. 1 vrn r11“- m 4— '1' 1- 1,1 “42* J-/-L i: 2". Lia O‘Or;5 JA‘e. - Kren and Tolaas (39) remorted fron.thoir Lork l D f .) in Linnesota th-t . + ‘5 [161 a > r »>I , : ' - -_° 1. J- 7' -— uu Jilit J eulSv oeumeen seed ...—1 1 -- - -- n J- - -. LL‘ .“,‘Cll~e¢1t.l.v ts 3.14.9 ’ Ul‘OJ. {Ale n: .941 fl 1 :. - -. ary 41110303005 in .lplxlf (- 4' "r'w f} 1 t— 4". ‘)'O 1'-. C U UOC‘LD i-‘u U‘J» Dre 0 vi; Ll btlL) .1. “" ... , 1‘. 'n \.‘I.'V,- _ bQO Siell to be oi co-lL1b1u1 “K‘- 6‘! ‘7' ingortence. An e_;o osite exjeii 1108 Les been regorted by srej investigetors as ”yers (90 end Livermore (Sl) in How York, Haeoun (22) end KeCulloeh (95) in Jenede, Hgiri.gton (94) in Kontana, end Edmundson (95) of the U. S. D. A. in lisconsin, Liuneseto LHQ Clorado. Tie eertifrigg ststes o; o;.111onzia, Colorado, .0 ,. -. . , 1 , .v‘. - 7-1. __1 ( .3 _ ,- r . f ...‘1‘ 7' 1 4.1 .' 1,. ‘ ,1 Id 110, Luine, “Q1311nd, L10L13;n, Lo_1ena, Ltrte denote, ‘ fa» u‘," 1' ‘ ‘- -fi- (\ f ,3' 7"- ’ . fif‘ ‘L a‘, "1 4‘ 1,“ .‘ J‘t 'r "' 1" 030.911, .L 8-11153” lYL- .Lu one; u .10-..-11113 She-t BU. oust u11 j 1.111’9 CCTI" ill-C 'I ‘1 - . q I . ‘ 'IL -‘-.. ”I - .~ 1 ‘1“ 4. 1' ‘1 -.. . named, the seeo source test .1ot has -alt1oned as t-e ,- r- rw --- ”'5‘: ' . 15.1: ' , ('1 - J‘1 .— ' , j" " fi‘ .\'L "_ 5. Mnens of cor” Jlbm ties? stro1ns. s1uee lv steues or: re11i1 4" f‘ ' ‘5 4' J“~: 1 11- . ,— ‘\ Q,— ~~(- , 4' 4“.~ I these test :lObS, tu1s h rl could be elu-naed to otuer ..., w. ' 1 r. 1 ° . ,. < , .1. 1., 1.. 4.11 ' _. - 1,. "- .. ste es very ee81ly. Cunuflu 1L ulUO 1t 1 r1 on tn s p-0olem I. 01': York a Lee-1e]:- ‘ One state res ;ene so fsr as to rage yield con- 0 L O f:.it e part 01 its certificeu ...J. D) .03.} D3 CU (D ide rut H r “‘1 H N *1 r- H ...: O U) irst effort to isolate S'oe ior tn" H n i ‘i ”C, ’1‘", ‘10 r k , T1110 lines in seed stedilxfifiw'rrown eo«111relljgrtes Lsde hi 1919. Krers (90 re "orted re resen ative results obtained.b1 J six gno'ers in one count3*'frou three tests of select ed tubtr-lines, over a romdom.sm1 le of ...I h.) 1 1 ,- - .. .- - 1.. ~ ... ,-., ,. 1. ° - . , - ..... tlb Oliulflul StOCh. The everu»e coin for C tubers llMCS “as k- '1. LA 43.1 buslels to the 1 1e. S 1b e _ C m.“ n. 1 e u“ we .1 o .1 P 1 .11“ 13% t AT... 1.9 .1 .1. l “.-.. r O .1... .M u . H 0 C I u 1.. 1 e ...... n .1 .1 .... H L G C o S .... .1 l S "I 71 -6 +u U. .l . J. .1 u 1 u l e O. n _..... O -u L S. O .2 G u 0 l 1.1 1.... Q l .r u _o .7. . no Ho he be 11 91 we +u he 11 n1 is. 41 .1 11 i am T. s i m-.. c .1 o t 0w 1. ... h H 1. t t a. e 11 O I ...-.. O 1 ._ r. 1 C .. ... .... .1 .. : .... ..1 n . o .. ...1 m e d 1 s m e .1 r r p1 ”u 1t 8 .1 1 n1 co 8 C . 15 o t ...... O “1 1 .. S L a L .... d n... 1 l .111 (u ....u ....1 D T 8 O ...... ..I O we .... e S C l ...1. H T n... M; n.9,. w. L. C m j r 1..-“ .1; w ...u c ’ c .1..— Ju ..u .. L. in... - .1 u n C . -... O .....L T... Lu n1 .1 U at. .To U; E. .1 b m ... h H t O O t .1...“ 0 n1 . 9 .. e .1 ..L a 1. c a .d so .1 C +1 1s 0 +u n 11 a d .... O ..1. n. 1 H o e T 1.1 .. Q S C. C I...“ ”W; V L ) nix S 5,1 .1 AND W ‘ ml“ my d 0V d U. ...L. O u .u 0w :1. r... S n... _. 1. 1 T1 .1 .....1. 1 .Tu 1b 0 e n s u. C v. 1. V .1 C -t e “Q t 11 c. .1_ C O ( C :l. t AU ... 4 l Ara mi .. m 0v W..u .l a nu ku +u no 1. 41 ». 1o 11 so Au +u u.. w. so “1 ,1 no a” 1t Co as 71 .1 m. 1e a1 no he .1 no . . 1 a n1 .. S no +u u no no t a e S w” 1 O L Q m 1 a S ....1 . n 1 .l E ..u t 1 O A 1 n t e 1 r1 “1 C .. 1. G ... O O 3 Q l O o .....u C (1 #U C "J n0 .....J LU W; and .. l q 1* .4 1 w .u r. Cu n... w . G .u r C a u a.-. .l t 1...; 1.1 , .1 1.1 L. nw M 1 C l 8 n .... ....1 11 E +1 d V S C. 1“ no 41 .. nu r1 7; as .1 n. 11 “1 1e no .u h v. 11 .1 . 1 l S O C .1. C .. W1 .0 ...... Q S .l .1 ._ 1, ... 1t +u .-. .. V1 no .u. 11 41 no u. vs a. 1 A. ‘ .. L ; _ . - y 7* .1 4i y ~19 . .9 Lb LU .... n... my _ O h... \U 0 e owi WIA_ 0 h... (ru nu .. H u 1 luv .M J «U ML. 8 O U n.. l t C .. 1. ..u. 1 .1 T C ... .1 1 a S ..1 _.1 L. .o n1 r G _... 1..1. .1 1 O .l 1 1.... .1 e a .. 94 J hu .1 flu .nw. l mu fit. .1 mu 0 n). ....u _ 0 Ah 0 .H Au .1 a. 1 n; no 11 .. . so 1a “1 .H 11 11 .s so .1 G b. e. .. .1 . ...--. O C .1 S +1 O m 1. .l s 3 L .1 . . 1. no 1. 11 au no no 1 1 _. 11 1o +t ms no 1. no so es C I ‘ ”....u e 8 DJ _ 4 ...-L 11‘ :v at; pg «.9 C ...u o... + o fi 1 S C ....1 1-1 . 1 O .u ...1. C y. 3. .l S C 1. C ....1. O G C T .. u C 11 .1 1 n 1 e C 1..-... O r. u 1... .-.. 1 1. 1 .. ,1 D +1 a ._ 1 ..- C ....h e 1 1 l L. r u ..-. a y e S C e o 3 6 3 1b ..l.“ AU V .1 O W. .e .u no .11 .1 nu mm 11 “1 . no as n1 1“ v. +u .0 m“ 8 o 8 -1 .. .1 1 o t r O ...u .H. 3 ..L O .e 0 S u .1 T 3.1... ..-... C e 3 .l C L. S C .. 1 .M ...... a. 1 T ,1 11 no as 15 w. n 31 1 . 11 11 we 1. .1 no :1 be H... O n n 2-“ r ... 1 .. 1. «i S P; r S o t v1 0 n 1. u S o h ... O . a. O “1 1“ as 1U as .o no n1 .m1 no so “1 .-. “1 no nu1 1o .1 Q .3 .1 h "J .... C C .1 a l 6 a u 0 .2 S W U ad 1- _ ..L “I .3 T a... ,. .... 11 .... u w H .3 n1 .4 _...u 0 0 e n M T 1.. C 0 D1 fl . t 3 .u M. .. .l r . -u e U. . . a T ... u... .2 H U. .1 1. G n1 ....u u a. . we 1. as -_ .11 no no u re o ... so no «1 .1e no +u .1“ v -1, l w 1 J:u’- J 1.» 1.4LJ\.L .- d clogs \, "\ 1.: LIV? , \‘Nr‘_ ...Jw ~ nut-115. ,-.. :,4 q _ W Vi- ‘I‘ t v V g1; my). ‘. ‘5 (... A. -'o. t1 1.95-13 t “1..” K . .. Iv 1.1;. ...; .LA;Q q ‘> _LJ .""-1 "". " .7“ “C LL 11 ‘ M'— {ma-L 11103361489 ..'0 801‘ \. VI. 8 a i J on V g I-.» . .‘qu ‘l 4'.’ Q ICILI do 1 ~ "1!“' i b -.J I , \. 1.17-13 .L ‘,_ UJ .e ‘. sq”, ‘.L.L. t‘.‘ mile 9 l 11 |.' A. (I w'\ .10 o ons of 7.:(‘ .Lgt “;t v C \J ‘r~< " .. r sh) .. _"» ‘a. 34“, ('1 " JV~U~J (1 f .. o ‘r‘ u L1. 0.1 '1 QB . - n‘ ~’. A.) V {q _.- \L '_,- x)“ l r) J U;..- ‘ .r- A ’- . v1“ J- .L". .31 .. A . .L L _ J- L.) LJ ’U VLJ- L '3 J 1 , '—~—\ ~ \- J‘ F\v~: d"".L I y‘Vfi L.) 3..) 1(3 I" ‘00:. L. or: :1 t :70 l o I co often J- I U WIV'F‘H ”-11.0 --.-$.r‘ L.L-L.) \J r . WH“S* C.‘ L) .1 m‘ .i Q +4 ligted. 5 l I .3 V... - cl.“_ :1 (L 1‘ "W Lu- tted ed 1 u L .L U7 L) ('1 b.) C' + Cue i) ~7’ d -11 .1_:;les m .L C \ \ 3r 3 .- -.. b! ‘ O L) 2.14.1. -uiO . .I’O i x; c‘ L) C. U .1. mm LL N g" \d 1 r‘ A I.) 4“ )O. L; (”x ‘ J- "1 AA .L 4. tr I‘O ) 41....) ‘Y\ ‘ J . sdoo r“-’hr 4_L U .‘. -24 C .'- .J-k.’ 1 J 4" .L f \ mu \J ‘- I I o L“-- as 67”“ f . "J Lu l"‘ i -,»-‘.v. '.-; I ’ I \o-us rOZ-l‘ OI. i». L.) 1 {1‘ S V A ) (L 1‘0 ‘1 .. 4L ‘ u t) loo; . “.4. ..-‘M U V v ‘-. ,-: _OTI' ’J ‘V ‘ ,‘ Ll 1.111151" 4" ‘fi KAQAI time 't of e 1111 .L . {.‘4‘1 ll-_ ‘1‘ (4) +N 5! w “—L 7 "l‘." 4§\A— I. ;4—/‘ C hls “'\ )1. Cu]. 1' ti Vii -L ~ C “OTC :ector is m l \ C I .h . B C5408 u toler -I .1 (1d. a. ‘ ...-A- -| , " ’5 _', LL; t of lay dc CI‘ :‘ r 03': V -t the .. —r --L t» rd q f _M,‘ -I-‘J b “fter L; {ntil ¥ \4 rogw1nc \ l: ‘1 C.“ K’s-L I 3103 y I L J . CL C‘ L) .J- 3' fi .—, \ ....“ “1.1qu 103 .3 L'Gd {$0 r_. ’1 Lukas ov 'w J ‘*“r A.’..« 4.1 rclir' I I b ('7) so Q - ~ 9 otoc- _) 4 n1, oraed an , _nn 71 t“. . 4 ‘3 L)... J. '— L... G]? ‘ 4 A 4. 0+.- L9 UL- 1" haw LL‘JA..C \‘1 I-AL -.w.- 1'. IDLJ 4.1.0 1". I final 5 '- \ .. :16 h L. 11 V .— 1. LI... , ;ied sto ti‘ CCT- anted, ellWil 1tly "nglel- 8 . 10L} 0 ver 6'" ,C-‘T' L2” +1 ULLC Oince n at field Q U OY.’ u rue d .2. L1 ,ection. A w i S y. 7.. ’7 reduce tn from S7 plots. 20 to ‘P_ .UU “uj_ne, In only ten p10 ‘3 r r- in 1* J 2) . conditions Colorado Plant ,4. '3‘ b altitd 5Les to C ‘unada fieldrxgrbe ('.‘ La its seed took, b. I- J-“. all GSSC‘Il old fv;i‘if (.311 O @003 not rogui' rejected {10 Tuber Unit --.(l ...-m/ r; ‘.‘. “‘58 , C‘ L.) . ‘r‘v- Vxxolt tiesoed glaco th3re 1‘ (1 ‘.‘-IT. 4‘11 U. - LLA T ‘.ALAA T1. 1 HCLLQ-O at lO-J‘Jel but a n'vnD-n u-LVLLJ. {‘3‘ -3- r W,” . Elk; Lb m b. J‘.|fl o 5““ V“ l t f) (”Q bJ-s‘.’ S :LAQ‘}.' 8 Ki 0 part of ‘is 0-3:ed.ias ween the plomting i1 tubpr-units. By this rxtiod.(98) all of'fiu3gflirts coming fnx'zlsiggle tub3r till 00 in adjoining ~ills and tn groui‘a of CORSGC‘l’ive jlzlts re meson a]. J. ’T 8. tn 3):“ r is as & timer-unit. , 4-r-o at). t :011 . i" l'V’f‘jn 3hr: Ii-..“ .A. a seed so d1 .43 OH. O; 11 .3 (31‘ - HID. S ~n ‘1). .4 .\ F :t J + _.‘5 .- O '1' CT; 1‘ lo v-y - L1 3? 3 ‘u f a ‘.‘ 14.. VS = ) la ) U v.1, VJ P) g1... "I ( (4 ) ‘ "\‘ -r U 1 U 'ed 7 hedoc ‘ I.) +u .l R VJ. WL 2e ¢uler1 isol_ticn r-ui ,On P (2: L) O V. .L L; 1 t1 “.1061 _ 1 .-.i ‘-. o*1e Ifucll fl \ A. 1._ CC}. r.- L) ~r~ ' o volds L.(l o- ‘7‘ n 11 v-41). ii? I71 cl q V J- in +. U lrwi A" fif.‘ \ _f ,. O 04. ' 1 b-.. ‘ I - .l. ‘ O V 81“ :35; a _3‘1 rd (lOO) ¢L “l"‘fl '1 w- ego ‘ — uh 01-- (“I Clo; H [L A (0) was reuuired ‘ ‘- ‘.- IJ .’ U f" {3 ‘.‘ d It g ,_P n. O 1} S l" e :1 (31‘ O Y in a .v 1”. {1V CLAS GS .‘fi-fi us-‘ I t. I uiil u. LIDOI' use of t the T1' .1 1 ml flied l 7015(31 ewentu A .L. \f U Vild ll cert xfl (— i '.‘ L‘s tena 1‘ ion poiide :3 T J. 101 ‘r"' 4‘". “ l 0' ... 4.1. Vin 3:”: Lin. ‘1 .L .'V ‘ J. q I i ii a l D {i l q r.“ Lt L. I] L u& t d in pro '18 1'0 J. ti on (99) L=.;ll‘.11€ SO LID CT L121]. lI‘e CCI‘ thvt t ir ent cted O \J 5" -l 1 131°C LL]. .5 used or even requ;red 1 ., ""sJ eeorted :lnnted t v- .L J... ed. l" (101) have been 11:: ve .. De I q S Nb 3 . . o n d i d s k . n 0 Lb e .l .1. l d .1 r 3 S .3 r T .3 _ . O I t 0 C .l .E S S .1 C U. _ i w. i n a. r _H .H .- . .t f _L ., a C C u . l C ....o d i u .3 O O x i d e a. n . l ..n a C S n .1 C C t ..., e t t n .,-.,.. o o n w ....c o V .0 Y a i C .c T. I .E v i. C S C r t S d R d t 3 .Tu l C n S Lb .l ‘r . O D. c: a .3 _..» e E a l h i r a _ L s f e. 9 1. o n. aw-” . C». O .u U .1 O o_ L .1 Lb PM P w oar.— Ovv n rmw M. C E r r d a m . . u U. «Q h u .1; u u .i. Q .l . H AL r. 0 «C \I’ O ‘0 OJ LIV 1 no ...HU 1L XL, ._ _ .. l o o ._ J n C l 2 h L 4. J n n a l t r h S . . S .1 O C 3 n A; n .1 T N d S i o S .5- 9 w _ l L O a _. . H .l C O O G a U. h e .. e ...... n e ‘ ... (x c t n l r ., i d .. u l u .Tu 3 S l + u Li. An ' a N . no L u .1 S C S u ..l C x n. O l J W S l .l V. H S S n A O O t e _ h f t 0 e C c e . h 3 h C, 3 a a l... O c. _....u i . l O .1 .D . 3 ._ u d a. L ..U ..L n‘. C 0 S e 9 .3 n,” __ S u r S C O .3 -H ._ l. e n“ nu , M ab 1: . J r/ . ..J. HJ "U C “U L u C n. l L0 h ..n. i i I. e .. ,. a F u . . L t t t a de 0 ,4 .3 u «G ..i. . . V _ . S .x I. T. ..L S a! w i r i .3 d . w u n h n d .1 r r u t c o n S C H l c K 0 U G U .l C . H O B S a , S w i S i l m “H“ PU. t e 1. u I.” .l flv 9L .ml. .1 fig _U :L n... 0 .Tu C d O r Ru 5 .f m M i t (V o 6 i S n o A r e e c... m i e C .4 f r 1 n .J. .. e. v 1. c c 3, .h t .i u n i h d o u. e e h ..,. r ._ # a; a i .7; Cu n... Cu #4 HQ “n..— .(g 0 L U .1 n7. -. A C . Q Q t o e o e r. a t e o r l t r u I U - i S f a...“ n H T. c. .. . \ i .b 1 _ .Tu ..b O l B .U U. l O 9 .. u G .. ._ T S p C O .Y a l C v. n u U l X TU _....L «U C .11. C a v. _U .1. .Tu S .r .u 1... ml . l r u n 8 .3 a O 5 ..n .1 . . M , .l n :1 l a S ._ _ i l .l d l d e -3 c r C t m J. n I w. J ..v 0 t S J, a r .H ., e I .1 C m- _.a O S O 0. .N T U .3 ... n u to , .. .l — C ...; w... .3 _..... «U .1;— .. u r may.“ _ L” n .. 3,. 8 Lb 9 Q. -.1u - Q . M P. f .1 _. S .1 I V a S t S S S S ..m r .c T d n: e T ..1 1..“ O O C r 3 H O 8 ,. n. ...... C C at.“ Q n .1 ..i .L a... .1 ._ T t ..G O .3 o .H d t -3 e i a A l. _ .. J S r0 a f ..i c a . . L d 2 a p. C C h u . _.1 T ... O O T C .0 45 i u .3 9 e n _ d e t o 7 N.“ O k l i u .. a 3 s o i a. l S C o e i ”4. l S S mi 3 C .1” ..l S o O h d I w .4 .. ..n 9 0 mo 6 L 1” .W i u n 1. o C «I ... :l_ Cg A.» Lu .P Wk “L— w u fiiv l l O LU C . _A .m . 4... ml m.“ «Q L c x. . h“ 1 O .0 _O. .3 S u .u m.” 3 OJ, "C. .J i .3 S .0 . H O m n e e .. in V L l o n w. l c . u n a n b o d t a d a. O 3 a f f a S O n e t e 1 r . t a .c +... .1 O 3S . 2 .l ..u i T. o 3 .O T D ... u S _ u S S i u G .1 S B 1 S x) O c d c n L e n a d a h H M n u f 3 n. G V 9 G .1 _ _U .Cl r x .H C mu H Li. wi— n 9 Av J L 8 n... _. r u .0 H 1.. C e G .l a. l ... a e C h l n.L , .n. S S A; a t v u T S ... O .1. T C ..L r\ O ‘ w— -. 7" (9 \A94. _LA.§L) . [fl 0 ‘-‘ ,. 14 -. ~.. ‘ 4.1. ...-L- n .l-‘x , OJ. will) ('2 UL- I‘M aflv \ v _..,(Iy, . Q «A ' ."4‘ T‘ 3 , '_~ ,1! . ..- .? .m-l- ..J‘ —- , J~ ~—- u ‘11:- 354* . ' w-'~ n _ +3 H h _~= u .7 u ‘0“ C" . we: 6 u {l ‘) .. U —<§ .. J-‘ 1 I‘ (\ | 1 r\/.- J. . . ‘.xxJ. ‘ ' 0 V '1 _ J, '1 'I ‘ _ :1 . .1 ~ .. .‘ "" m“ "(‘7" '1 r"* : ~ " .(-""" Ll‘w 7' _-- . n-» L.) 'J . ‘ .Lt.) .. A.,-LJ. .‘--L . LI. . ..- ., v .. -..» ' JQV—o- .. ‘/\L no ‘4 ‘ "x '- ~.’“ - ,1 _ __ '1 A,“ .'V ‘ - ' .x‘b . ,‘ J-‘. _' .- .-- '7-, -.. ,3" '5 ._~ w « ~-.-. .. . 's . -". .-. ‘ ..".- ._ . ~-~. .. ._ ,3. ,’ ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ... ' 5.; Jul-.-.; t (l 'u) 2-4.». ..-.,S.--; (.LL'V) N... -.. .--.Ci. «1-. “Sue xxx-...; .. 4.4... ‘I #5 '; q 1’) _..... '1.) a. " - ' “L. ' ‘ '1“ 5"! ‘. ‘ “ —';-‘ l. ‘4‘ — ‘ ~ —- — , .I z’ - -:~‘ ‘ I“ ' . I . , v LID ' v .x/J -. - - _z (I Q .L J; . '- .. . - ... g, ‘\.-,. .. 2 Lu .4. 2. LI .‘ . -_ .- \J ..L ,4 A- ‘ " “.-. ‘ - - . -.. J- '. ‘-.. .4 '.‘ _ '! -1- ,. .0 4‘ F; ,-.-,‘.‘:fi~"’1 . : ‘-‘ ‘ ~ 1 t." .7 ‘1” "Ca ‘ "f5 ' '- ' W ‘ F3 I" .,- ' W“ '. I) s U.-\o . _... 2.,- Sz; L-‘J u.) ~4 - .. .j..- LLJ .. L) .L _x -‘.. .2»; 4‘; Jn J .. v V K) ... \J-- ' -—v V b .-. ~ g, o 4. 4_ Q _t . _ _L- V . o \ J‘ -0 ‘ u _ _ ’ ~ '1 ‘.' f r. ( l , ' n , u v a (4 n . 4 I - r‘ 1 \ r ‘ r“, 5 I J‘JKL U D u .1 .IL.) UC .4. ’ x. l. _ CV .. \— . .. .2._‘..- ._ .._‘ \J --C’ \ LUJ‘ ‘Su 0 --n) f q - - I H 'O “ ‘ J- ‘ . ~ .. J—I wqrc- .... “d .2 .“' ' ‘ - " I. a I u u 2 “ I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ f ‘.'. 1 I 'J , ‘10»LL‘. .Ac—-—. ‘ cl. ..- 4: ‘ - “ ‘.‘.4 Ki.— ; < ¥\-I_. ‘. A ‘5 . “K '-4'-- U \A — l ‘ - ‘- .4. "J ’ ‘ 3‘ {" .0 " " “““q “1:" ‘ ' "3" ‘1 . 1-‘1‘1 ‘ 1" (5.1 h ' H' w '1’: 1 ." , _. r - ‘ . ' - | I NJ -I -I‘SL mu. CL! .LI.) ; '4-.-‘ -L. .'U. v._LJ..-.e ’ - .- l- w» _.—L ‘.’.Le T'VA‘Lq— 'xJ.. .L.-‘-. 1&L ‘ ~ _: "‘1‘! u ‘.‘ ‘fi " 1. " Cd ...—1" I”) ‘0'.” 4 .'30 i p». (a ~3- .’i-"T : " _" rur‘d ._ .9 4......“ u "9. fi— . -L-L ' ‘- -. ._'- --L --:.L43U ‘-'—L) . .L4~«J __¢A..L... b.) \J»J~ J.....-'_ smg Ls.- \J_'... -st-- L~_V.._'_4.'\._. ‘ J. _I_ ‘ q -— n 1 _ 1 i- . wag-31¢ L] 11 .3! w. (~u .‘ ~1r, ' . '.‘ {‘.‘ J- -)~ . '-1~.r -- r): -'_ r,~- 4‘ . “‘."\ 7‘. (1(3r; . ‘ f1 .. —v LAJ. .2 Jgfi U “L yt... \J M... .al" v; _....J J-- 4...... p'\ J y‘_.L .. “V JI.’ \.« - r "'1 ' . “ 5'“ “’1 ")J 1 ' r. I“) 1“ "‘ "‘ r‘ ‘p l a .n K1” ~ ['3 r~ ', F -. '. (W . " (‘1 v "71 4“ if - '1‘ p '3 -0 I x \ . > I o . , by... l . I Iai J. J U\‘. .L *Lb a V O ‘J \J x. _. \- ' In! . ... - J UKJV l ..L \IC U “1. C J...- - M \J u . J-‘ " Q s - a. a . .L ‘| ‘ ... .“ '.‘. C‘ + f“. -..— F't-g p c 1 1 I“\ .|}\ vwdfiqi 1 J— O 7.. ‘- ’ .. 1., A- ...l ('3 1‘ ‘q '.' 4 4 .y. r . - .i WW”! I. } "—‘ " .4. «A- J Va.“ .1— —'-—- J -1.-—n-'-J-~.L-'J J. _ l J 5; ..a— . 'v\--¢ Jag‘sl A w‘kj \' .‘m. ~— .... —’\.JL x..- -~\\- '1 J_ _ J_ o ‘ _ -—-.w r q __ I ~ - ’ ' '7“ ’3" f ’1-7’ ‘I .' ' V' "7' ' "fl . “‘ ‘1“: .‘.'~ (‘7‘ I ‘ - '~ "M‘. ‘ ‘ 7‘ '. f"7‘(‘.‘."‘ r’y‘ Cu L.~_u ‘J -4 L ._‘. .-- -. . ‘J.L ‘vil 0 .L-.LC-.'. , -u.;.-‘-vdr Ls; u _; ..La _. U pm.» ... L‘. ..x L.‘ S -.‘L-..g.' ._ -1 ~ .- _ . .. . - . _ ..‘1 '1 ‘. , '1 - 3 S . ’ . .. 1 i r 1» .r- I ~ r~.~..— . -~ .1 (Ad «* _..- r‘w" ‘W‘Ps ’ v —~C1~, ()1 —L o ‘. JJ N) , v.4.lL LJ-V ' - .‘u-L- ' .«LoL—k ; '.L. . _-.- . K.-.‘ ‘. J. V '.'. A u v k 0 o p . "" £6103 art ‘ pfi‘i (1 “'71-”(3 via ’1 4‘ " In -—a.- "‘.'! -.)o f‘,‘~ -‘..* - ‘1 . (.‘1 " f.“ f‘" "1 _ A A; . \,l...u_) dd..- 9.4-1,; U _,_‘_| . .LL. 4-; u _ LIA. p. ..- -L ",kau a Q .L; u .,.L r. a. 1‘. a. - '1 .. l 7'.‘r.."‘. \d 'v",I,I _ ‘J._: .' ‘.‘ '.' __'_.‘ - .... ‘ f .1- ‘1‘}- ,."1 I. 3"-.1. --')-..- fl L...u©.uu.L.-_J On ...--C o inngiLSL-u. o (...;‘3 -...ue ...La AL'L..'.'..Lc.-I' .1.-;L: a... umlu ... ‘- r“ .3 c“ A“. ... '1 ‘ l ,. .1- '-‘ ...‘ ’.‘...fi .. -. .. q ‘ V, (A H... N(1 ‘.’ -1. n ”I \ “1“” _ ‘ _ . . . . . , .. . . . l . , -1.. L \_4- \~_|_ k.’ “I ‘.Akn azu " ‘ .1; JD.) ‘4‘. Jn. __ _.IL -‘1_u_' t.~ . C rv‘~ Lucy; CJLI. J . b\-.J. El .- '-'J. ‘. . _~ \_,~ .7 -- . .. ... _.. J- -O .'V - .. ' _ “ J ‘. — “'\ - "- ',. a." 1‘“ _g ‘ ‘fi r) , ‘ I 1 .r~ ““V a j- r‘rvl ‘.‘ ' - 5“ 'l" , ‘1! ‘ fl " ,“ .‘. "N r ."C I'L, C ’JJ. LL») x... L; - ‘01“ L: O J. Lg. _L 4' V'-'._L.:.i.‘ Q m. Lego. v .. L} C'..L‘\./.L_.- V. 1“... ggkg u'..i L1") r: ‘1!) ‘.I “' I: C) u ‘ 4‘“; q C {a :' firm '5": (- ‘ '.' . ‘ . “u u . 1' Q " 1" '3 "I . Cm ‘: 3‘ m .4 - -L'.\LV .- u... .5 L. 4. u _...L u--._, ~. .1. ..L; «u L .. -o ~ an L; J: ..L-.L 1.. 4. K is- o '4. .L‘ 3 (... 3-2”” ‘.', ‘ .. ...1 . . ‘.._ _ “-L .L. a.“ ."f .-.7 ". g , . ' ; y g \‘n C' . I \ a: ‘ ‘.O ..‘I u‘ .1" '11 41 I" I 7’ ~ r.“ .0, _ ' i}. J Ll -.. -L DD 4.; ...'.J , (A, 4.5.) CML) CCL Na ya. a. .1..- t.) ’.‘—L 3 NJ .‘- ~ -1. \ .. U K’LL L) < ..A‘J. ‘-' _LAJ OLA-1 L}- J O m‘» a Wt +.,~..,_-... -e -. n—.- ..J-q . ~: 1 1... _ 4- .. -- d .L‘-"./‘ ..‘ V—LLIJ- Ju-J|»’.L O C:5.i_:_'_.~.;..1. , .L ‘4) i n4 JDCL5‘) II -.L 0.11 -k.-TIIG U JV ' C; . ' v ,q -.- ," ~ —- . .q .’i. ..‘ ‘- ,' .. . .1-” _.. .-"-' ." ‘ '7 J- j i... ‘. 3.. . .n:_ ‘7. 1,. ~‘5‘l . ' 'fi" ‘, - . . (_f."\' . (¢;1.t“.«4-r¢kl) Cliw 1. Ls; .3 :«L;Tf*_3u. .k); .24.. ..- J .-.: .. 4.! {I .‘__1.'lr.l n"- -, U. ..LO U. ‘4 ieady ilece ,4. bu. F1 ‘.C 130 ‘L I AA en 0 GrC q r1 -1. t for - ’1‘,‘,": - I" ‘ \ r‘ ' U m- ...- q “- n pr “9"} m —r 1, ~- , W3 '7 -; pas—n} J. --\—v L..|~J v0 ....(J .— J'_a.uJ _.. -..L._-.,:_ “J- I'd—‘.‘» 'w-J~ -»‘- .4. b-‘ .J V'..- VJU‘ 1 ’11“ ‘ - ~ r “- /‘|."’)~ ' ' H i o I--A'A‘Y_J. kfl- " wk) Ara—.._\.)I U.- Q ’ I (D r. u .1. i f: c: k‘ H i 73 F'T~ " -- J- " .f r, 7’5 ,., '1‘ " g- .111 _1, ,n q -1 3 (5NJ ) L1.) L; C V r14_(\ J 1‘.th "' -51-.-. --CUD O ‘-‘ ’95.; LL L‘ U‘ J(-..‘;1 .1, l ‘.‘.‘L a . " ".r 5'. " " _. .L—‘yili lg, lit-Gui.) 1. ”V. _ . ‘1 , .1. 1 .. fl - .. : , :‘fi 1 l J. . , a, ( ‘.‘" a . m r ‘9‘, { '.' ,_ ‘. (1) 1.1.0 2.3.- .3: we (“1-1.11-1 .11; r:‘:--11:_.l O 1 LL; 1)-!) JL 1 “n 1 - ‘.‘ L D’\ a! f r l. 1 ‘1! (a - '15 r I ‘ - I - —\ .1.- - -I ‘ ‘-‘ ~ \ “I ‘ ' .7 ,__. I. ." f“) bl. ‘ SJOCLX "witLl_OQ --LI‘J. G ' 1’ -..---)"n e L; k 09 1.“, .L .lkktl ‘ - I‘v-d—Vi' ‘ J ‘ “’ - J—‘ ~ -.- .1—1‘ a , '1 - J— .t . -, .L _.-..- .. r PY‘ r _ .1 . ‘. Y (< ,r _ c a In I ) r :30 .11.). “V. .I. 1,. » 16 . .... A. La... Ux ... O u (a. 4H,...) 1:112? 0--.“; L)», V 1 _ Q l. """g) 1 .1. .L‘ - . ' ' ‘1 1. .0 .1 (m 1 l '2' -.¢' ‘ T n (v ‘r‘ .\ v (j t 1.1.4 u- LL; ..Lxu u 1-." LL- ‘-'3 3.11 .L; .19. 1.1 Cu 0, $11-41., 1.3U.Lo, 0'11 . ..L‘I- r.‘ ..,o._‘ ..3 H.., ‘11 (.. .2. “V, . .._. ‘.__,lr..(,,.‘-3... ' jag d . 7 'L ‘.‘l (.4...- O’ U.L.- '\ ‘ LU \J—lc ”Lu.“ W e O iJ(~)‘\¢4LL-. l'..s-‘-—-l-—~A~\_J RV. ‘J'A --\‘ e‘. ,,__'__ OJ. . ‘ 1 - -' v . . — " n '“. ’ . 17 ‘ -. J- ‘ .- ‘ 'V 9 -‘- 9 1 .C“ A ~.. 'r. . ‘ ~. h . -L . r_ r. . Y . -- . 73.]. 1. f .1.) O ..- .4; U pg-.-“ L! - Vii; ”dc/b.) [1(3KJ. RL'III) CI..- -1 Q I' b.) \r' O J4» l L- .A- u l tat in all seed stock in 13; . In Colorado, 1‘ -v ‘5 J \ .'.',~ 1‘ . ’s ‘ . - J“< .~ '- . . ~v a“ '1 o \i ‘ , r v" f - 7"? no seed 013 J3 30:0 Ughn 11VG JeJls 1e 0V0 a 1:0“ Juoe:- —. - ‘.' -v- I, r J‘ -~I‘ r‘ ’1 '. ' ‘- ~P~f ‘.‘ g "'o ‘r a "L‘ J 1'“ ' 1 I " ‘. Lauefieu .. U091; . go: :3 .L _ 'J 814 fig) 1‘11 0 1 a.» 1) SOI‘t ..38 p 3'31 01‘ is ~ - -_‘ - . .- .. 7 r, . I"- ..- , 1 T '.t 1 .- 7" .. 3.51 113 (@118 1-1 Cbuaada, IJaho, 1.111119 , 1111‘”. ml, 1.110111 51:1, new V" J rue”, he? Ebrk, OLio, S nth Dakota, V riont, H;;1;;gtgn '\ v ' '1 "1 " ' r“: n " '_ ‘\ U I ‘ O J- ‘ ‘ - ~_ ‘ ‘ v-v-Y ") 0 _ _l_ -: v i - -::J wJ 11:3 1A le 100; u Hie. 1”“ llgstLg may @1304 scd r'. ',’| ' . I~l 4‘ 4" ...,I'v ” ’1 ~ \ "\"‘ ' . ' ' ‘fi‘ '- ‘ "‘ ‘ " .“ CugtrlUUUCS di: ocblr go .13 Jefclo ,L~~u 01 Lugpllor Luna? 7 ~ r1 r,“ n J.“ L.-' In.) H O 3 I H- l‘ f 0 C) 561} O O “3‘ .J i (D D; H- :3 y, .. 1- :1 -.. . - -_ J .. ..-. ,1 . 4. ,. - _.- “v. * 10w XJ_-les U111 curve u' 11lJJUrJue 919 Cflbhh111ips . ‘~. _‘ .‘ - W- ““0"“? 33 J11: u 11:18 98911 .LLCLU. C}: l, :J' ~1~f .L- 3.7- A .fi... -..- .p‘ 45.1. (V “J...‘..';J ir't ....-- (V Ix) (w 0 B .L e S .1 n . . G U ...m... n1 e mm; .. .. a l .l C t m. C m a C .3 e . .1 ..-._ 1.— VJ .1 u 0 C T. .ML ..1. .... S ..E a .8. . 1 .3 t .1 T .E l u G . ... u m 1 ..1 - . U C ...1 ... C C O O S h 1...... e 1 _.. . E B _ n 1 .l C .1 O n... S T d I b 1 Ft... v m L _- 4 _H4 Cu . _ :1 u w u “I“ . U 0 . 1 av S .0.“ O S H 1. C 3 r .H. S ...... a Q C 8 ... I ....“ .3 .3 .1 u t r H .. a n m... f O n v m... V r. C .-. ...... o C ...... 3 1. ._ a r .... .1 H C. F .r .1 1.... C H 1. C S . u O .. _.. .u 0 ..1 .l wfl U. "u . ._ r l .3 0 M1. _. .. . . .. i t s ....“ \I R ..1 L e L. C "J G O R d .. . 1 .0 _... 0 .C , . ... .. 1 f .0 ...... l o s e r/ .. . ..., 11 “.1 O T C Hm l r R d p “ ... n S S .T, .1 8 .3 O f l . _ .1 .1 .1 O l d C t ...... a n . s ..1 3 S (\ r x e . a... n ... C b e a .. _ 3 .-. .- 1 ..M m... .l C W1 .l a L“ r .1 .1 .1 ..T; S mu .3 mm no 31 n; l H H O r . S .3 .... a... t a d a G C Q m 1 B _.1 .. n 1 O C .rJ b F. S H F l e l o 8 1M U .6 d J. u C M N H f T. .P. l a A u L C O U. r S 21 t S C . . U . . .1 I t C .1 .E S 8 S “1. O C t e C . ..-. L L .1 L Y ... r .1. ..-. r L u n. n a O 1 - .... B _ O t .1 “u .1 .l O \I n 1 .. u .. .1 8 n S .1 ..L .1 L _ C C .... & .... l t .1 J 2 O n 1 0 e a .. ... .... .. r _... .1 O ...I. a 4 1 C d l .1 S S n- .1 t ..-.“ . u I h -_ I. C O 1-. C o 2. C C 1 Q. 1... I e r O O a .. - KM“ .-J +U .11 qr; . . ..«U [1‘ -. 0 Ad I 1!. a. v... ”w“ hi I: a J. u 1.1 .1 u C t S _. 1 m S e .1 a .D n l 3 o a ,1 .. U . .... .u .. .1 e C .. a r C O m ...... .... t u o .1... t M 1 O .1 L - L . .E .. .t O r . . O G u .1 e .. u i ..., S O .u l ...... L . . a I 1 ... S 8 A... w,“ 0 +4 .. . t t . . O .. n C ( pm. . mg .. .. .J , .... U .... m; 1 Lb ...J .4 H u n .. L “a J. u .Tu .1 .. _ ..-“ S . S t .0 S :51 O t 0 l ..., C J . ... . . .. 1 Q. .1... e 1 a .1 O \l I ..1 C S .1 O u C .1 e .1. ., _... n C T .1 .1 ._ . .. H l O 9 .3 .3 S .3 .2. fl ... 1 L a. 1 .1 8 .l C u .. J L l 1 O .1... C V. .1 .1 O E S C u H C l . \I .. u .21 l h .. T O a“ E .Q l C 1. \I . . 3 .U . n 1 ( 8 n1 m 1 a n O .. .1 . H +u 3 7 .1“ “ . -_ G. .3 O .l ”I.“ O ‘r. C _ ..I U. .U .3 n O my)... ..-_ ..- . 1 ~ H uwsu LU n ”H .x “ «Lu 0 n 0 ... C C Q“. .1 .1 5 O .1 o I.\ T. n u r U .E c n. _ o .1 f u .u n-” u .3 {\ .3 .u .1 L C l .u . Q -_ q l .1 u a S o C1 e «1 .... .. O . u i . -.. n0 h e u .. C u 3 O .1. e m e e e .n .2 C 3 fl ... . h 2 . .1 I . .... .- L .1 .3 n O S h. .... .u t n. _.1 l . O .3 . . A. . «.1. Q m. C J .1 C .1 .1 a ..1 m. .L -n .01 _..; .1 s .2 n. .. w.” 1 l d L 1 .u C. .3 C C C 1 .u ..u .1 I. Cu S ...u a.» . . _-.. O, .5 «1 T S O H {1 «A Q d l l .1 ..1. .fl-.. .r. ,1... . Q n 1 .1. .1 r o e o L. "L o . K c u 1 e c .1 . . m 1 e . . u _..... . h 0 .L C T l _..-“ 2 a 5 .g ...“ G I .3 . . C. O ...“ a 1 J u e .. -.. 1C O T... U .11 n1 1 S W.“ O u U. S a o o r .1. 9 1a L w 1 u C O n e a L O a. 1 a S t .. l n n ..u 1 .-.. i C .1 m . t l .1 r h .0 x a i .. .l _ O o u u .rd 3 ‘0 v.1. nc +u e .1 C. e S ...m I .... 1 S O .. l .3. \l 0. O T z. h v. u \l S s an. . _ ._ g Q v.1... .1... O r... .. ..H C l 1 u S 7 u. C 3 8 M* .D 5...“ O O F 1 \ J fig 1 "J. O G O J..U C «u 0 u n l .. a 1 u _.. 1. l n n C S e h ..-. l .1 e a. -_ a. ,. n 1 u ...“ T: l h S L; r.\ .1 .1 S .1 ~D -3 O I... ..n n O ... . .‘erT ‘j A "/1 ;‘*1. L”: 4“). _: .,. *‘_ “’.‘ .7 ._ x’iu.) lg. 31;; IuJ.L.,\ b, 1-; “J LIL. .1. -- _L“ -'1‘:IV-L) v u . — -V~ -1 r“, -. ,-. -\ _,.. -.,,. ~ v 5“ ,. " "‘ lam-L14 lu- :"eU , ‘.’ 1.]--2. -mt blows. .«J- .- -. -. -z- ' , -,1,. kJO '.e 131.! U (it 0 I - N C) ‘1' f- T: U n "3.: A» 111.3. ,1- :n . -vr\ A pi. for the eriety must be 30]: ed gut Ls scan L3 Liscovered. 4. T1; : r3 should‘te cariied an in a rerion Llere 11u3-;i;-; o 3;“...13‘3313 O; V" ‘u.. (131302ng 3 (1003 1'10 It is u:‘. de rstaod L180 th;t all increase filo ed 1L tuber-u: its. ‘ e. Other Euctrrs i: isoase Cantrol. , .n . J- ' .6: ,‘- ‘ J- ’— ‘- ~— ‘ . 3 " COLtcnt J ovr car 1-;ca ‘eu suscu Lave Doc: CO“‘1J€?9d. _-_q' A _ -~ 4- J— , q 3-. _O ‘ f“ 4 fl 1. Luz? Jact “s ”ZAJL_ Ivar b3 er J-J: (21¢ LLOJJQ me ~ J. d 1 ’xr‘. 6:}. U1\ .8 . Isolgtion- =1- 1 ‘.A ‘- 'vn vvv ‘, ~— , D '.0 F‘( ‘1 1L3 QBJJ LLOLU OJ lillsrent investi L tels - ‘nJ. ‘ _L. DZII Vijflls ‘- P." ~n - ~ 4'1‘ ~ 'v-x '1- . -' : 4— ’ . W ed (~0)_L1‘C)- L O U-L',.' r i'O Um Jr .. _L’,)l (.LS ’ Lila 1" ‘r‘ '0 ‘\ r- {-1 s . ‘ -- o r‘ 1- ‘~- . 1‘. ‘5 , ‘7 ‘t‘ . .0 “ Je Lept as Jree as 4351012 frolnguius. IJ lCL~, LC 0; tLe 3‘ 4" Vfl--.“r- 'Lr,"" .- - “:- vv*rq r< ~-. 3!" . f" L2 corulelLU SuuueS, Lnl uthaa, hgd a 3:00JJ1ed lsolJ- tion.re§uire cut wiich eriP d frorl 3 £0 et for Ouch }}Of H (I. U) C F '° [1 (D g 3 C" CD 3 in an adjoiniL" field in H. Y. to BC ibsu in Vastwem. Unullrurv=dc-initeIjxrledge is Ob- 61-0 311-: -IR‘III o ._’_‘_ . _ re;JJra“e Lt Lg: tLo Lafiost. *‘w “OCUiES Of u13<3‘&38d1'larts from thJ Ji;ld (112) r ‘I a 1‘ 4.. LI- 7" -JV 3 .3-) -. ,.. . ° J. .. a. ." ,~ -< 3 OUAJ wezamiweu as‘.un.Ls mfh' in be 330011££i LLdihumld _ - continue r€_WlLrlf turww out its senswn. AL L110 - LL08 uh all be :Lie in t; st1.&;rfls to "OVLT the Sgilts TGS‘ 51. (L3 is dJLe 11 CLLQuL). Tirro JtLJJ ( 0010., H. E., Pu., ) Vii LOt Jllo flag in; Ly the agroJJn chore the first ipspectirn, in C13. 3113 d033 not 0:110 10L T ruliLg. RogaiJg on 013 l; dL's Las b~,n ;-uun ( l”) faciliJate t‘e theotion 0;:‘osLic Lnd sgiJch ‘ber. All '3: .' . . 4-. ,.‘-. 1"? ‘\ 4,7... f L1seased V1Lcs LJJ Jan1J Jhou1u LO ULLJL CUE, uokcl Id .. d .n .er n: 1 1. 381.0veu 11'011 L: .J 1"1'LL9 Ilutcr OfiJfYOCtiYS- ...-‘.' ‘ 'u L 1., f" -: ‘.- J .‘ “ c' ‘ “. '~ r'». 'n ”Joye roque is anauLtem‘ d -1 JAG: L3L1JQ 01 ”(‘r Mi ‘4 r . u. 'L 17 {,51 fi-s - . (.'Yfi ‘. - o, ..n 7 n r. '.1 ~ ~' r 7— t "’: “I C O s; - i:~(-.. J ULLQ'J; , ... .... ~- .LO 1.1.9- »C/-.. 'LLKJ .1. \_ _Lh-..sl 4.4.4. - L .L‘ , - v n ,‘ _-V,,.,‘ J-',‘_- . , .-‘1 ‘ are rev: ;:Q;t, DJ eJ<3::Jo:ezzwcla -JJich1JLs 2L011x JC '1 ' 3 o 5 3" ’3 ' ~ +1' t ‘ ... ‘- r- 1“ .' . . “Lue, LeLJLJ1Jg o: JLe segan. J11? J SUHUCS u11eu as "\ v 4“ - - fl 3 : r J— O — ‘A f‘.‘“” Lang as UJTCQ 11u1u 1.J;JcJ13Ls 1L JNJ. .' ...J- J, ..... “dc'Jed Lew1 3- 0.1., 1 4— -n 1, .1. . ° 7 1. .n, w 4. umie pasz 1 one“ cor f;1:g t be Jro 1Jr uLtJLr . .11.- --- - ~ ‘ , W 4. - J-‘ \- .. adapt 0d 1J' cor »uxeu sgcu ;O1uct1o ULJN L13 0 Lu: erts. ~v- .n, 1., - .2 , J. l 1 J _ ‘ 4. .:.'~ ,. 4.. J, - 4.- -1 ‘ -”° 1. 1A6 1J Joys 11vo ver “'0 h.ny, Lug u1u peg; :LJ1_03 L}. “Q 4“. ' - --‘ _.. a < ‘,~ ‘1 - , 4". 1 ‘0 - 4‘ . r‘ . JLe 53011“ seLsJL Lnu JJC an1eJce O1 tr 1J21Jr I r. . ' "' . ' ‘ 4" ' I“ 4" "5‘ ’ ' 9 q 4— " ‘ I “ 1" l ‘ eJC1es as a; 1&3 LTJ J.o .L are -.JJL bJ 3 J; J ;.rt. . ‘.‘ ..z. - ,- J" -.-1 J... '1 r" ._ -.v,.... '1" .11 -".L. 1L0 obs eerJlxns 01 :01h w (1lJ) 1L LJJ 1ogg, Jbuur (105) r. ‘ ‘(zwnfi ‘ T--(",‘v\'.1l‘\ 07""? .- “d a». h .JLJA.» _L../‘J.LL~IJ.-H LA..- Vt; rmont -11.""“" 'lev Q .L 4.1.... u 1 V”‘- i 'nr‘<~$\ e1seJLele, 1JLLd - 111 - 1' 71’ ‘.’-L F: —. J—’ : ..- .1 -..", - ,‘7, .1 - ."~ ‘v ‘1 '-‘“ _.n: 3:: tLLJ u 023:1:iJ1es _ 1,. ,1. M1111 1:3-..ucec1 D u'J vJJJe-1.qun '1‘" 1*‘3". " ‘Wl ‘ ‘ 3 » Jae sJeoe 1:01: 0011 «3.3321» 0.12,— ...L.,"-,. .-n Wrap -h.-.. ., . K- .. 4.x t +10 . -q, -. . , 1 3 .11. a (_j (N l 1 (N . . '3 1" ,fl-.. A LI U “£le " ‘_).L ... V“ J ‘ _L ,L... 3|.) 5.2..» ink) L! 41.... UJLLU “C... ‘4 ~..\ 8 .L. elite—L Ct 17:31" grower varied 110211 3.3 1:. I.-;11‘;'l:1;’:J Jo 33.1 in .- JUL- ......n - 1. 11.1 - . - , rd. ,,.7 - Que: 131.111.3163 '..;;eJ.-c~r (31-0, -311 cJ-L sa 1.J. :1CJ01";11' “que so 1218113? acres. This ccc‘r-jlicutes the 111:: ectirn Tier}: 11111 there is a chance of fields $111311: ‘3“ ti. ‘3 ‘. 231-3. 035:". ise he re ect Ci 2‘2“ 7‘ “12‘ ‘s u; the 1‘J1*Eer lCL”"‘1C‘1 (ll-'3) of 2.1101719]: 01‘ ..ot ..o 229113.13. TOGO 1:6 turf) 13:13-23 01" (1073618. She first ".'r;.n.;li 1115.;1t :1 :‘01e‘31VClj 3-1.1111 L.Cl’0€..C€‘, “1:111”; 1113 1801.106: Jew-1‘ 11:11”: see/1 «“1053 C'1‘e“w--.;.l;r ea. 1. 1311‘ L11 receive L (“we J0? 7?:°r3::1‘-1:: Tu"? ‘ Ls e“+’o“ts. "2.6 530 ..1 J 1.1: giant 5: large acreage, avail e‘:cc::;..s 11.1281 1;.‘Jor 1:15; excessiv- ro:1ing t -“wl 1.1 use 01 “31”.: “11111143.? f;»‘:’.:'.C;:tioL st cl: L1::. {‘11 1-; u 3:; w". KL __ :1) Ti t .’huit‘ \JLLt 4: -'3 C -CGL.J.1..‘-O ‘1‘! 113.1111]. -._,,,-. "a _ ..L. J -.L. - f. uU1-G f-” 3-...LuUb 10: 14-49 I“ .ou'.‘ ‘y‘O V .- 4 Jfo N ‘ ‘3‘ «\‘a W ‘3‘: I '1 fl,“ er" r»: g '. < r 2 .L.‘ 1 V.U l .111Mu L21 32‘ L- J1J-1 ‘.z'. I; .«U .‘Jmu in U.L.2vu., +"'"1.'21"l() '7 P‘ (D. '.L ‘1 "‘ r. T‘ '7'\ «~"b c w ' ‘ ~ (5‘1 ( ' “'1 "‘.', (3 I. ' r~ c r U;... “I \J 4.5.) ‘J J, ‘.'.\ U (3 KJ ..4 .o .1 \J -- ‘ p.52 '\ pJLJ l ‘1 -1 e .1. '.JV.U ”.4 L U - - k. ..L webs»; ,..1. -,AJ- J‘ -~,an-¥ ."' " .4- .’ '~- 4-‘—. - vv~ '-,~-- J7~'A~-1-~"- C-.)..JO-; U 01 (5 U- _.1eu (.2 J0 CE: 111 mi) L."‘:L1‘b‘ 1;.-.0u1 -... JED-1f (1.. r 4" ‘~ 1: 7 \, ‘V‘ r‘ {3 ('.v-H‘F‘A-r-a 3.. 1'} .' ' ~§>~fi -‘ . v '- ‘ -‘. , —~;-! w “- «1118“ 0 11-1 LL‘JLLQLJLL; J, uuvwh." 01. 130011143 1:-1LJJ u; ‘.'.C '-J.J.O (ELL L" . ..- ..u. 101 ‘J..“. .Li '~.,' ..A. ‘— .4-‘ CV VV _4- ..‘U L) L o -l «’.’ ...—.- Jpn. c 93?"" '3‘11"-': dvu—LH U ‘ A . l - O . a _. .- '.' +23 7"”? '..~I—l J .LU' (V . :13“) x.“ .-..L. OI. I: V J- _."a «~- q I .b O f... | .. A U CL. .'7 1 \A '.'. 4.. Y" 10 L; $ ~ (13.7) t 'i -‘. l 1'. ~1“.§-1-\' 1‘: ' b\ 4....-. . 2t p. -' ,~ “(‘.‘ =:'w —L \D---- L/A‘A‘).'~‘ .3 . ('.’ d A l .L J. X) J I ‘r‘b" CE}; 1 W l K.’ i'; ..;l V l .LLi .. l U ’; (3 -“ UWAIAJ *—- 11 .1.'--;‘ ’5 1 1‘0- q o' ‘1‘ " 'J , “1..“ n 9 3:1) 11 3 ant +urul ,\ . "v .LKAU r1 I.) O '1' .. _.. + U .1 9 are corn CS (‘1 J‘ -L g , .1. ‘Ou uqurgen U. ‘7'“ A‘Q. ‘1, _'__{ O ~ -.--4‘ as 1’ _L -n 0 *. A. N-, . n .J--'_ ' A. . . x-‘ rtuf J-r 1.15.0 OUT 07 _f‘ 0.1». r" r\ | .. _l O . ‘ u \A. f . (‘1‘ V“‘ l UALUL.‘ sod were ds u J)“ UL‘L ter ‘1 _ J-k. 4- CI ‘ (h 41"“ k\‘-h O D. ‘L‘LO, U. rtilicutimn N U U is (15) o g ‘ 0 V 5 _. s lLLCr,(l;JJTLn jar: ., 3' - .0 4-.. _,-. 3-: 1.. ,, - ,: - , J- ' 3,7... -" 1:3{3-1' .—- - (1: ,- -. C\ _.J lttco 0'. UL? l‘JU-L x)” ‘dvqkfljl u~ul ‘J-L OJ. ILA 'J-CUL 110' ,th _ _. . - _ 1w ' _ 4.: .- . 4.3- - 4.. . ...“ '.' 1.- , ' , m. P. r n. x u r .1' v. r~1 . (\flfi ‘ ,,. ( . ‘. r‘fir r‘ , f1 , .3 .3 ‘ (.1 CL) .3131 CL )4 LLL...1.U Vu+ l L.-. UL J.'.'. ..-; «‘-‘; k v 33-3..g.‘ ..Lo t1- _..;1 1 I1 U..JC _' x... ‘.‘-.0 .L ..‘5 ' ’| ' J— 1 r‘ V1 \‘D' ’c f’ - ‘1 “I ;-vr (1 LJLIJ.Q.L Wr’d. 3.0 L-._LJ._-: ludo 4" r sx l " _fi,‘_‘( fl nz‘ n L—IC U:- - [\J > - Q- ,__! til. 0 '3. '-‘ - -l ‘r'- :35‘ fil ‘f (- .2 .1 T ' 1 4"." CI "t. "" \(‘1 ”a 'V‘( {'1‘ l . ‘I [q "‘I“ . f 0.31 i,-s~‘ wU-U .L.»4.i.'. 1;:19 ‘J;-e U '--UCQ OJ- J.Iiuj+-—u, 9k... lL‘J ....Lglii’ .3 ."V‘ ... , .. 1 ...” '- . .. ‘2’“. -. C: :3 33:3.--33333 3 1.3:: 03/33: 31.333 3:33: a ..4 --.-J. _- -33“, - 4-3,, ..., "t, '— .r- 1.- ... ,3- n ”4- ' COL-Jude 3-;__J.-::1 08 OZ: 3::: 3.3:,.._._:_1Cu 0!. 131" 3.01-: O; J? Gl- ‘. |J--. "" ‘ ‘J‘g—J‘ F‘ 110 £131.02 1:1 L’A‘J-JO b U~U JO. ' . '3 5.,» . 'V 1‘1”) ..._,.,‘ .. ‘ (yr . ‘ . - .2. w 3::: Lanm'wau. (;~..:..:.3€;...::Lce (.J ') “3:: --Jld 3: J; tJn .L-- -a 4-1... . a]. JCS 0:. ..-/3 001‘ ’T- ’-\ 3 -.‘—.- "" " ”..‘r - -!-.—-- -«~ .1 ‘ ‘3: _,-. «.- v: '? r, #1 .»~ 139L223, 5-4.1 , 3.0:? 51.1 Uvgxo ud’ :1...LL “_'_.u CO..._:J.LnQ ..--GSC 1390. $335 r71 3 k _ .. .: 1- 4.. : _ fl '0 |_ , , ‘ .p 1 3.33-133... h 9.062.333; swms L,“ 31 3313333333031 3 i3 .33 1 .-3 -32? me ~ . . . . A ‘r-.*- V , v- :1 4‘ . :1 1 w ‘ f '1‘? ‘ . o - c two'zsrawlve 131.303 3.3.31: 0.: cerul 183). 33 u 11- 3333.5 v:..1'1-,m . . q -n ‘ ‘ ‘ “ 4. Q -‘ . ‘o r ‘. u ‘L, I- ~‘ I) ," ‘ 131131: -033 ”03-333 s .31: as J3 Irret 37:31:»-an s w: :31“:13..:3.cn ~.v~ --.q . 4. ..L.‘.. n ’1 " ‘1. .‘ . '\ ("r-u I "i ‘3 . '-'-1f (' o“ . ~ ‘1 33:.1r-3d :0 03-3: v3.331e‘31cs 193.-. 313.: ceptiole to 3333-310 L 331 _.fl ‘ .1: - --- ,J. _n . .,.'.._- In. the 33313,:3'3 313-33: 03 .3 333319" 0; 3-311;: J Confel 313333 (1135) 3333037331 Ithe CEI‘ti‘iCLLESiJIl 001.211 ttee 0* of the P. .- . A. was 3.31:1 at Freehold, 13' Jersey, on 331.8 lr—x , ‘07— .fi q.' -( ..f'l (3 Y“ 'u', 3 7. C: ‘.‘ ~..-. ’1' ... ”1-: ‘-. {Jag—ydd, abut.) 0 01. 31315313 0; \JWAU (1a , lk;;s.LALC , Lu¢ ‘_ .3. L511 ’ 1‘] 8H IJ‘J QC y, I'D ugh e J_1 fl 8 4.1. Lu; ..\ .31) \J. '11 of L\ ers zed dance. -r 1 _.— '. LG»; r V: ‘1 '9’1‘r“7( 1‘ ee ( ( \ J A. - .l. L; ." Ll “- v t,‘ .‘ V" 4. U .1. .1 O ’.T I l '13."1 3 03' I .- ;+ \J 1’; e. r. L.) t 3.88 S W1 .1. v Co .0 J 11‘! 4.1“ U- ._ LL .(J TI .. O L tee 3: .L Ls \J 11“". r“. V‘ x-J L; .1. 3) 0 1 TN. 1 L for o ... i C 1;"; i :ards k -."I .L 'lder" :- U1 tax: ‘-. A...“ "1)? US a .he .1. ”77"." , .L.V\.~.: 1:; Gail“ UNV— , _L .L ‘ U. uCZ': S ‘ .01“ r) 1“ 7‘1"." -~ ‘.J.‘ ‘.‘-L.’ r re art. 7‘ L1 .L l ‘I' U 90. Ht.’ ber ‘ €53" ”-0 (7‘ .3500 dvn. ALLY: S a; S Dec 1 ti r C}. Q— l r u. e e t 11-. m. c t a u e D r +4 H «S L . L O 0 .Tu F 2. ..b I H a... J. u .1. 1 va 9 11— O . h .n p .1 t. ....“ t A. H t m . .l a e .Tv .Tu 3 Lb S a o m» U .l C S H CH 0.4 «Q oi V O , n .0. +. .3 fl w. t ”I. Sum. l S t m _... L. C .1 m u +. o r“ L. G n N ... m S .1 e a. v“ V W . 0 CU .1 6 Cu .1 .v. a, 1. ~ yu . . 3.. «I a 1* S m L :1. ...; u r“ C O n L h .3 o O 09 PM (u pg 1 . _n .. _ r .. u S e «U 0 ¢ 0v l ...u L a .1... L V +u .1...» t C r.M L U ..u w .. L ”J nu e . . _ . ...h a . u ... t u v .3 S O J. v E C K e «a. n C S t .1 e ..b H a S S H .2 e a 0 9 .Tu C .1 b v. . r ..w d a e a 4 e W l L t 0 fl 8 w a l I t d W S mm .m its 1" I .. .nd becawze 0 Q 1:... 111.3} vortunce to * ‘.. . H. w-«fi .LAIL‘ 0110 I‘GCO CELLS]. C Q lit 11.1:800 2nd 1..-; I.. 90. IP- {‘0 0 *fl i. J ( U c+ m .x. 01 (J 9 8' I; p. O: F” n) C) D F {I} C) U) C) C) In 01 +4 i4 <1 i. H 5.3. 05‘ ('1' v H :1 i“ <3“ 3... d m ~r - t .. («1' .11.-. .4. - _.. fl _ -1 ,. ‘4.” ‘ - . -..- ‘ ...nu .L a *5] ' e :1Ungs" 19 Leont Eluhua H.-1c LUear to CB L11ecue ‘ w 7. ~ ‘ ‘.': ."‘ .- ,-- -- .- x '\' *N ‘4‘. ('4 .‘q ‘5 1 1 " ‘r‘ Of a Vlrus L+ocgbeg oqul Ilr1ts are Not neceosurioJ L ¢.. N tolerrnco by tei;ht S Dindle tdofr 1 item end discoloratioo(wilts) 5 Scab (moderate) 10 tonia (mouerate) lO Rots 1.5 Powdery scab 0 Bio k wart O Size-under or over‘iz 9* 2 Grade% 2 *Size- as par sales agroexpnt. Otherwise, no. less 7 o .. r, , ' - ‘ M ~ 4 5" N one and one-half (lg) 1hcues 1n Qlahetor. Tooers Ltigh1u¢ rmnmeftan tnolve (12) ounces must be removed. l E4 Hi | i " 1 'fi ‘.‘ s v.- fi.’ — '.'-~-- “'.‘ v . -‘.. 5“ v A 1 '0 ~ ‘. H‘G’ILLCLB- OJ. Ch‘. ‘.2 L111"- ' ‘ .' ‘LACI-tIJL—CLA—L 1: 11,35 .LI’JL '0' - .51 . ..- ...;.5_ .01, ”J— .-.. .‘- -... o.g\“ ‘ ’ ulrt or 1oIe1fi1 ”1t1er, 1xost lsjurd, *u1lDUlfl, seeggo ' ‘ ‘ r. ““" 7. - _—,-‘ .. . a". ,-,1‘ hr: ’.'\~ ‘ .' SIT) leinh , LI‘L’H {:11 CJ. L10 " ..l OLlOH"IU3\.; b , I.“ .JQ , U...‘_’.i :88 , 1‘ “”3 31‘3: e-am10sl ilgeries e“ othr eefeets. Seed saoek ingroperly sterea, as indicated by xcessive sweating, syrwutis: or sh“ivelixg, L111 be “efusei ce“+1I1et1on. The Ramses City re_ bI-‘t Les 111111, ‘.‘.itl‘. a few ezzee‘tion“ (12O)‘1.e11--.11-e1- t 11 Rout the inCustry. ”e fixd a genersl tendegey toner meeti ; the :ro*ossls ed oneed in 19‘;r in the statisrds used in 929. Of the 2 states rejO“tinr,‘H1e folloning data indieetes the fresent sitdstion. -Leeor.:".e;1o ed- Fidd ITO. Est-1‘1. ’3 _ :speet 1 ns. eoglly'ng ed- rq;ge 5% total Vitus disesse-lst 20 2(Hieh .‘P ;, . -.. 139 n n " -~Ild 12 1 ( 11 all diseeses -1st 18 2(Iieh)to 10(Cu1.,0re.) 5! o a. cf 0 d. 3.1 01 6% z 3‘ -Lnd 11 1(Lieh)to 10( Ore.) -lst 18 O.25(Kieh)to 5(Csl.,1d;1‘1o) t7 ék q f) w 0 ¢ '11 p. H C 8' e (D .253 " " ~2nd 11 0.0(6 ‘t1tes)to 2(H.D. ) (A W- _ .L..- ,1. 9 ,1 1-1,: .2. - , T11 11) )i./r 11.; :3 CC v; 1.1.118 Ll '- ‘ylul (1(1) L.L ~10 XIII“; .L Li. L31“, 1:1 .--" .2 . 4- ~ on SCqD 1”“ Tl1soet 1iu. 1' TI‘ '-¢‘— Hal--.. ' . .1 “ " More u41103 lb 13 I'CLCL- an ~ ran 1. 4- ‘: ." - - ‘I. :-~ 01 0-1 1141; s13.es are fine31btealg ,3 pdb1hs - 1-- r --.~.4"°-:- 4 . » “'— ~- $-11.” 4.2-2 .- -. ‘I .1» e 11.her gee1loy o1 seel sto;1 toe1; t1e. eve: 031QT9. d J J ' L...l- l .1 * 1‘13 1:) LI .5 .: ’5 .L _. v .- .1. .. .5 CO; U F“, a. ‘.' O J. u. c ‘ a .0 OJ. 1 ’3-1 .L... ../_'. ('V ,1; ..-—2“. vsA— V '.z .. U; U .L... -. K. L.1 \ r'. (.4 o 'v ."T: ’. o \u. k. C“. .- 'r n ' . " alb~it..' kx-A—‘ #' ., o q ('1 ‘ ‘1-v .. .3 .LC J ' 1 ;J U». L 1 “‘1 L P (I'm UuL J. A A .A—‘& K," ‘ .n .2. . 0.. ..LtLS ‘- ’.‘-. J; k, l; N 0_ W ‘l L ‘-.4- \l .. __ 1 .-. r‘ (I \.‘.U D .'T‘J’ ..\ - .1. .L CV“— -~1r-7~ VW .. 9‘ ._~-;\.'-l.- 5st.) 3 ."J f1 r, ”G C‘ L) 7|. H. .. .3 no 1 .l o _ F. to AT; 0 .l O «m4 ca 3.. r f 7* .6 8 «Q G u 0 O u S Jlu no G «a a. . . n - I an 0 B .. “ n. ._ u _f m S n Q d u 5 n .n S T .L u 0 .... _V n .. .. .1 ..L ...; .3 .I V .Tu L. . V J W 8 .Tu _.u S .t J g B a n-.. . k. T a . A. O c m. u” r n ?. f. z 0 S ....-. L a .l H t ..u U «C H O .l D L. b a. . o t .... n .... u .... .-.. . . .-.. S t .l a. i ...... m.“ r, u m . i ... u PM. C .Q _..d .Tu n. mg C... m. .l u m. . . U. m C . i a 8 3 1” My , M+ flu ..u a x. “J. .1 AQ Wu 14 +0 0 v1 .... 1 ... c o a . h e .w n- h w .-. . .m. _... m. i o s i i ... . d 7 . m5 .. 7+ _ (9 Lb O 0 NH O .1 q. a. w. c. y. .. a. fi. . _ n. t a .1 3. ..u S C O . C ...-.. o S ..x. T .U. . C C O ...,“ .. J G . C. S S .... ... .. .u t 8 .1 . .l o w .-.. $ . . ....“ mu H t T Z G l 5 C .l vu .1 e g n. 7. r +. .Q s o r. .1 c .1 O l ..-“ e C O S n C V C l J m“ .u n G n“ mu 3. m H 0 w. r 2 g Q .. _ T L C m. n... . O a; l C a. v... w. 0 S .w .. m“ S a. r a“ “q a. o m a. .1 r m. .L ...-.. m... C. C n. .. s T. .J i. n 3 .J . . I. r u . a. 3 . l C T 7.. .. p _.. N d 3 a.-. m C. P. U 1...... l .. ,H. n N J O O n . ..-. O 3 . .3 . -. o U .. _ V . .V C n... t. 8 T C C .ru y u 3 2-.. n . L u 7.. O C 1 9 mp _.-. G ...u 7,. .u .1. e w . .. J C Q .11 Ly ..." . o .1. «I. C at, C S - Q. h... .l 1 D C .... 7 HIV 0 .1“ Mn.” 0 m M O NH... .9 ._ u uh. +4u L .0 . u L H “ .... i n .. u ._ -. .. u u .. . . n . S . . .... .3 I Z 9 ....u . r G l L. a 0 d S 2 O a S .l r .-. C. -. S .1 C. ...: S f d C G I. n ...... flu .r. w; .w.“ .r-.. .. .l C :1. ,1. ~19 1.. w a. i. .1 .. .u .U .1 I. .. w. 8 fly mm 3. a. .u .7“ my . I. \(4 ...m a“ 1;. .“ Wu. 0 ML. “A ML 0.4 .w r \l C .. ...b O ..b 3 ~ ..w 0 ...... 6 ..-. . J 3 t _ .... .0 “ ... S ”J _. .n. -H .z ...... l 5 ..u ... -. Q 0 l a . 8 fl. l (\ ... . 9 l o m ,. M u id . ~;A .. ... d _ .1 O 1 Y r n. O T .. . S ...... a 9 . . ...u «U . H l e E .n 7.. .v :. +u a. "u p. n. a. A. 4. n. _u f C ..U“. S t O .I. Q a.-. l v... o C O a .. w 0.. 9 a O .. J .l O I a u .... M ... n S . _ t S Pu t d .l . m l S H. .. e I .P. ...u .1 .-. e H O m 1. .. g . r. O n . u a. .. nu c. .9 a“ .n. «u a“ ... w. y» A1 av 8 111 we , 0.. :1 u 0 ‘ 3:1 .1. OTIS 1 gte begartxents of A I ..‘I. '1 -0... 1. JS. 4 f- .L U 1‘. L2. 4. U U C.‘ .‘L‘C '.L 0 but; 0:. .7“: I.) 1:491) ‘5 .119 I (.3 .y. ... ‘ 10 1'3\- Cl C) .n .53 (_.l- 3'1- .45.! ’3= ‘ .h r" kf _l '1. f-w OJ . r. I; S Lb .1 .3 U, u 00 - 0;. 1m.” 8 ..u n m. C ,b . C +m 3 . L. L O C I e o .. . S .... G 2 ... T. d - .1 1 ...“ C O . L. .... d u . . u 3 1 u l w.“ 3 J. u n ..u o C t D 1 Q T S ..u. a .1 _., .u u .1 .. ..l O m , 1 1 . ... C. e C S .... .1 ._ m: P . .., . t .1 n .... .1. .6 CU w M I!“ _U GU t r..-“ .l.‘ O O O l L r. e t . ._ .1 .1. ...]. u o a... d d .1 .n . S n -. . f c t r t n. u Va .1 s .t S .1 n -. e a 1 , g r n a. .. e m r. m. r o ..-. o o f l . O .. O S .3 . .. u .1 .1 .-. .1 ..L .1 h C 0 w . . t C .l .. u 40 1w , L o. . p .. p ...“ C a ...-M V d u .1L a. “ S C r . u. e 7 ..— u . -.. C .1 ... t e 1 O ... 1 .. u L 3 1 ....u C o . ..,. u C ...1 e O n u -1 .J O O m.“ m. r k .1 Q S r r e . C .H. S V f. V .... C I .01 1 . u H S .1. .l w u .f C O 1.1“ 3|“ 0 n S .+ u C .... G t. ...u C t 15C r .Tu r, .5. CV .Tu n). _.. 1 .ru 1 .C S .La C n p L r d d u u r L I ..I .1 v u .. n t - V _ G C .3 . . .1. .8 .3 n . .1 ...... S S t o C d H h . l .1 w H .1 an Lb U1 .3 S C 3 S a... ..U u. 1 U ..L d v u a .. .. .1 (L. M. _ ... AU mi 11A 0 1..“ “U. _... . 1,. F. O r .-. r. ,1 c a. a. .. n. .g .1 m4 +u .w t . a C 3 ,. w. . .. t e I .... S. .r u a a. . . S 1. T r C T T w ..., ....t. ..m u u ”C. a ... I e C . ...u S g . .. . . .3 Q .l . o 1 u d .1 1m.“ 1 T T C +4 n. . S m. \I C e p. Y t f .-.. O D C ,... a .1 O . g T “J S T O V B ”L “L B C a. .3 a. A. an "J 9 S . . 1- . _ u r S 0 1.. .. u e. i m L _..J H .. rUL .n C “x + J .... ) \II ) . . 1 a w“ . u C 1 u u b C r“ r“ t \A M... u u +U G OD II\ [0‘ ( v . S o r 0 _.U ..U 1 m1 8 I. S .11 a... .l n t C C. . a.“ .C G. o .. a a .u n 4. O. C O B h .1 r T H . . u h . -. H. .. t C O m _... 1 u u S a . h. x. e .. _ W O a ”3. .1 an n .. u e I T n1 .1 a b ITU .« L .1 f b t O C .1' JO .1 .1. ~ 7'. . 9-1 Q. 3103 0 117.3. C). LA; L. '1 .p \J J. l r ~‘7‘ .,.4. Eirec C 111 :1 ‘l 3 .n ..L A "G ,. 1i . .vfi' 1.1.1. ,, 1. - .. - 00.1 UI'O V O. {'3 J; ... _‘5 J- ‘.'.-. .1» U 0 ctors e 0 mt -I - J- ) 6;.) b -.Ldl-J v o 1' :1037e 1“ "7‘- 3.. ‘Q Q 5.13.}. 1.11 '.J C L. g :1 L‘ .‘ ’.‘: f n .1; wk! .[3 * zellt cry “ 36‘ V V .L \l t' x- I..." d .. 1., v ., -L 110 \__o Gallo“ Collcres- ‘J rew o-L.-L s.) uguo (<1) m - s .« .,-.. .' ° . ° .0". fl... xree1sh 13.1 :011t1011 lh111€-CO. . . .f'i . 1 11*.- 110.1 -I“.";;L (3 ., .4. - 11-4-: .1..- -L- .n ‘ G:e;.3: 0)nu1uu1u7 01 30110103. .1 " ' "‘1 7‘1 -‘ ‘fi '3 “h ’v‘I 'a '7 h. .4‘ ° " ' n ‘.‘! t“ '4 W /"l G 1..) C 0111... 'v 101 11*; 'o C ul 1111 OJ. _g_.*;2I'uO1111=;, . .F‘ q 4‘ f '_ NI 0 .‘ r '1 o o J. _H ‘ ‘- fi .' _.. 9 ‘ ) vreauer gagusu1ollluy o- ¢t12213us. < 7". -. .'-.L ,. - W n .,,. .. ,. 1).- , . g '. -, - .- .,- (1-) Db" U‘Jr eh: 11“ "LL 101' LL‘.V;1 “011; as $0911 ”1101) ‘ .1.--’ . h ' J‘ ‘ J- ’I . - 1 I" I "‘ ’5 1 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘3 “o (1 “9:; ts o: 1;.92. :esearch are oOunur 1 9110. (j) Expert instruction SVpilLble for 1:4:ect rs. b. ‘etter-trained ix; ector 3 Ho nutter how uniform.a set of standa‘ds :11 b; but into age, th0y111;t rec fli.e a uni? r:n interyre 130m fluaiprec OIS,CH‘8.ULiCHIlSCCd Ito fluct owhxfl3be :pectea to result. The direct conduct of if’fi ecbiun in "0 . " ‘3‘ "’ ‘. " M Mr ' 7v ~ ~.—-- ' . *. “'.', "‘ Uh~l e “(AS Old-L 111;]. 1" 1:1 Clgrée Of 0119 01. CL .L'J-‘o‘ :-QI1 ’5. " 4. ’3 '3 " ‘ 'L "' 1’ d’ W WF-u :‘ . v ‘ 1v. -,-. ‘ ‘ ,v. 4. " out as .11.. 11.5.. e-...o.m.ed, many 10.. 1.211 11.1-d 1.0 1.38 ‘ 4“." " " . 1" '.' .' 11 f '- . ‘ '.‘. V." ‘- "- ‘.' sea in .19 surwlce ea 1 J31.. mulfle “On emflon 10 full- J.' - ' -- ..~. ....A - fi. ‘1: - 4:..- f" -. ' n .. . J- -' ,~- 5. , blue 1 actors, .1; 0.1.23 @111h_ 110 11uld 11ugecu_ua “0120 4 In Canada, 9 “11 time 31d about 10 ten are :xuloyo . .L v‘ .1“ ‘. "b'v ' r- "" "L 7‘ C 00311.r the In- CCUJTS' , . m. '.'“ .' ‘.‘ 7"" .."i "h . ‘ (’.‘ ‘3 ‘ T" n‘ " 1“. ‘.' 1.;0 i'AU 1JlC_-S OJ. _L111\‘..Li‘1. 0913111118 ; 1611 \J Name . _ I'. (l. Addnms ._ _. . Dir-unco and direction from ntauon -. Acn-s impacted Variety 4, V-,-.___.. __ .._._.._ Name of inspector “abate of Inspection. lat _....-_R. 11. Station A County 0 __ Source of need __ 2nd nun". lug-1:"— 1.2“... x—E"... :Ju. must no" It I... Iii-h CW“ Im— r'mm-p run-Inn hum-nun ” ‘fl' wm H ___ 7' 7 _ Six—n..."- 7 - h '! ‘ ~— 5‘?“ In ~ 7 ~ _ “- , ‘ _i mm m nun- -i - V —_¥7 61:31:}: — ' 7 ’ ' 7 _ ‘ " Cu Roll A 7 ‘ U i ‘ bum—mu — luv-I mm nan-r _ u- -n _ —_— “— l2; . - . __._ _.. .-.»---Vw a pm._ _ ,. -. .. . ....-h an In: hul_ , , _---»Ih-IWM4W- . . _ _ ,A A. ,-,,fl_,wI-dfllnmlfllfll, ., V, ,M In: my -- momsncnon Mamet-ark , Mnmdphmmumtm madam _,, Peru-axrlnuyulnum, Ilium: mmmnummr . con, [Gumbel-Influx”. W“. Ondedorntldnm 7, V H W“, _,V-. hRMMhdeml ..W __A “_-- lo. mum“ _--‘._....__- ,M uni-mum , -- _ _ “Whmmfl --, , _h~--,-._ mmmovmmoamon In) MAN INSPECTION .VICE mama mm! luv-m In- , ,Wlolio. V Mimh.h-* Thu-nu“ , Mud-II ”MIN-drew! ,, H I‘Rn- I‘ll _ ”nun—Mid ,, Sana-Wit"! «nu-m ‘‘‘‘ l‘n mutmu-hlm H, _ I‘nn-ntlnhnlmfilim lhomllnMsWh-‘wnlmumm m.mn-hmmmhn , ‘ 7 Nun-v- af "My Maud-lulu SMI': mmhuhnMuI-u—d. — Namatpwhm Adda-drum - 7‘ Intuit-afar - Sumatra! "flunk-Haw Duct w,‘ _—_—- Intel-t _ -1. "J ... .;'.J IV 0. _.‘L‘: [\J.‘ J-‘ W ’ . - I i -1 f‘. ' J - r.: l ..- ~./ 34... ., .. 'I ‘ q - r ‘ . - 1‘ .. .~'\ .* 4);-.. J . - _r‘ ‘v k-“ (pl. |/’U' ”S — C" n r "3 ( .4_ .L \_/ L- ..ulL u. . 1‘10 Ligi on end ‘J f5 .1. T] H -v w d net 0' .- .1 l1 - two 11 rfiirnad ‘ 1010? .L U . .,/_ .-x. "fi J 1" '1“ MA \I U l "T? J A o. 1 J. _ ”.g. 5‘ La. U ‘Ur LL- ‘ .__;_ - O USU-1" . -..? Ha -L n fl’ L .. n.2,- C . “ -| "I ~N... c e.) J ("J «L 2.; v I '13 u C.‘ D U“)-.-( 2 CL ’.‘ Q 1" ub‘u . .3. Ob *— \ *. .1. i J- L." U (1. u L; J- ,JOI‘LQL ‘ '.I ..L '.'. kill :1 ' m V 1160‘” 4.. .LVL 5'11.“ seed test ten 1; C cale. :1; 1;} n V 1.1 1 Ci- 0 (‘0 Cu.) 3'0 Ll‘ to . [11‘ w r‘r'.‘ I l‘ J U 1 .L I O '3 l f to use e .- b g Y Hui a ‘1 '\ L) {at L senl OI‘ or -1 .7 ‘- “lVCH K- p I , --u 18 IN _ DC ! L a . r" O(‘ .be 1i 1010s of ~ 1 fi .‘- or, Lt 'u Co 3 C 3" .JLAJ. TN .Ll’lt Y _.- Lu. 1": 1‘ I 1.2. kn A ‘2: 1 pl: 1 calm. 1 CI’. ~a ,:.l A l 15.-"1‘1. Y 1 LL; k, “ on the prey J b nt, with tre'l 31 I; r: .- - T‘- ‘4 im;_e Ow 00d L; r- ‘raduate etude r 0 £1 & ni vi. ‘1; C S ELLIS" DDCG “r_ __ o 1:931ence- e ‘i. ‘7 1 A. ks “I; "1—. ’I ) 5 ( d VS 0 a V1.“ ‘ xx LLAL lie ‘_ 0:1 if?101lt q q ’«A 110.0 111 d‘ 51 ‘- f L. tu lyeen 1n eced. ..O ..L LE S g e ctor .' r\ L} \A “rtent f“ 0101.15 to aselves, it V\ .‘Al-Lr’ T A 5‘, ttered conditions under 3‘8 1? 80:; the q t 1311 e .fl .L express agkmt- anii Ju see .4 (AIS e 0 ”e Dec (5) V1 - UJVLO ‘ '18 V1 rus ‘ .- many times to secure an ear leave t petholoyiczl clue ifieefiien f a eisees uriuTle. The regie1al conferences (113), 20) end (119) elreec (1' K81 ltiened have L;l;ed difficnxlty. :gt the sinrzel Idwxdxald IIwitings (1 ‘“Q') 3:?" les ‘1: of the virus diseases fro: ._l (3&01 and there sighted in tue~r-u;it :lots. 21ese riots are 03 ene eiscussien UnlCl iellows. inc animal ' " _' '~’\ I‘ ‘.’. 4'1’ ' ‘.‘. ‘1‘ .' 1‘ IN ‘ .- . " 1':"r| g" 'l J- ‘\ '.n I.1U‘3t..'..1;‘ S O- ui-'v (.'O 4.190 “UUOC‘ .- .Otl fl OI 12. iiCLL .JCI‘IC L'O LI‘ 1:18 “" 1‘ ‘ a "A . 'yA m f ‘V J‘ '2 ‘3’“ aunt a reader u:1uerst.--e.1.=.~ 01 v.131‘e 3163;.-8 o 1" 111.31: 630141.011. Indi"iduul 0111013 5 have de"otei Cbuoi‘“?;plo tine and p. 1"." n J“:\ ‘ . ‘ l “"‘ "p . f} -'f '9 '.‘ 13m ‘VCl t0 C; St‘lfl‘,‘ OJ. 'J_.C 80.13 L '.‘OOl'JJ. 1S. inure 13 u ..iuLfr c "‘ ,--""-. ‘v‘ 4'1 . . 'flJ- K-I1“~‘,-§ +r - -. .." 4" 4“ e - rl'.' - a; ‘1 V 4- ( ugJJC-J-.;_.nt 0.1 41-5 1 11 uciig :, thi -Jl O .L vii-E? Lb “111.1121 Lib 0011:] «hen ‘r .n ., 1 r. I..- i,_.¢.,_- -.,...7 ,. . 4.“. 45 _~-- - ever ee-e-e, ene u _r-eoe‘ similmriuJ 01 Lee Neu.eds .I) . C v _‘IJ _-..L.‘- ..s 5.. Protectine Certified weed From Freud. \J Tie increased price of enfl demhxd for certificd seed soon 1°ee‘1l‘ued 1 1 the zip; arenee en the sa.e( stock Le“hed as "certified" thick had hot net the inugeetimz of anv entue‘i ea cerui :ini hC“ :vetectieu of Ctu?4ifiéul :CL,‘ f“e-11.reud iris e;ig‘3 1e2-1an :i::'.u)p'fl-io In is eViJent tlut the len;ers end in’urtiees of elletihg such -1LJeJJesceuei quC- u; LC trieeu (lee) e. co. uni 1u3e_e T1 ’V!‘ A’ "1" ’7' J.‘ L-J ‘" “ ~v . .35" '6 ‘1" - f 1" f' I'l W q . ‘ +. . lr. .’— ."‘ ‘h - . ”‘.' - —‘C‘ iL‘JU \.l-.L_LJ dL.’-.a 2".” ”v.1. C) OJ. U&-_L Q ICJ ‘-"QKL , [J‘LL U y; U0 U119 i~’+O \-ILLC"I h) J." .. .' J.) -"3 1 , . ‘ J. ' 1 1.1- -, .1. . .'1 *‘Y _‘ I asy- . 1" ‘j 'W I ,_‘ q . \ , ‘ ' I. —— 3“. .‘ A Q‘ g. 3. O_ _ b--1_gln‘4 C(JJ. UJ..L-'_(.2LL L—"JOQ’ ‘.~.a-'._.. “11-0 u‘JC.UO (All-... .L U ".14)-;l VUV i111- - . _ 'r , - 3 ~ —.- ~ .— .— — J. 9 . fl - . ° . L ' « , . ._! r . f‘ . 1‘ . 1‘ l W1 I t"1 -‘ " ' .\" ’ "‘ ' ‘ ‘.-~. ‘1 ‘ ‘-'*. ' ‘1 ”1 a . . L It ..L‘ ' ' A a. 1 ~ 0 ‘.‘ [C -' 1" ' .- ' ’y ' ( 4' 11. A l.) . J SA '- v Va. .- U .. v.-. x: .J I.) ..ALL.) 0 i 1., . . . _~~ _ ‘1 .L' .L \J- .e.‘ UJ..-1 U - lTl - ‘IW I. r", '.s- f3 .- l ‘ ~ ‘4‘ a, g 1‘. '- \‘J I} .‘a 1" .I‘¢&& v «V -. s q "J 11.1.9171 ‘ (‘jr ‘1‘- U—uH-ob .55. vak. 'J'f'lv'j '1 ,- LLUu‘H 1? .1-71“; CC! u..'-.:. .1..- ' '~.f _.LJ 4.“ .. UH!) ied J-_'- U-'_; .A 51 ~ I in rd 0- .m . , U; _ '.l “Peat m e I - ...l U ....‘q ' O J. U r 1 bout.) .- 4—‘~ . 13.- -1) u-.. BI‘ R T'H‘Y'Y'o' /.1-1 'L .‘_ U '.‘-1‘, J. 14’ CO ‘ I f :- J u g ‘ \.-L CL) 1.: l ’* .’*‘-1-,T'"l‘ ' .1. g~l- 1) \. u. l 08. £311 .;- ‘ ’.‘." . \ ~LI.’ ‘- '\ 44- ‘ 1‘ .L Q 1 en t I .. . v - 315156 t O O t t 1 |/ Va“ A. ' J- . e . V—i- '-‘ "‘ tsu U "2:17.111 '\ I -' \31‘.\.‘['I t J. (Ii! .1.» . ‘*tcu14;. U ‘\ ..-.J 91‘ t +4. db 6‘; A). *1- I \- ~ no ,-J.- ~ llCuleJ C I '3 1e Cert U4. .w ""1 1t, '01 .14.; .. 'fi “' son on of cert at: CLSSOCIL .1 A .‘S k“ Gun d I L)” ~44; ‘\ I.) :et ld 1 a A -U'O. .regrun -' 0V 80.. ‘_"l"\"‘a .51.. *c‘ I K... 0t .‘1 J- C“ b.) euld “ n .'1 t s J- h“ \l. ,- ‘s G e ver :1.- . 11 '7 .-L V g o l de for W11:; .. Ls S. G T o ~h a legal m L; establi a. ‘3‘ '_. “J .‘ . r'n "-'. ‘4'- "“' - _ J‘ ( a} ,«. P31“. (’0 ‘ . 1.4“ r- ‘ I ‘.‘ I" Van-5’): v ‘.')“. [’I '~l ‘.‘) 11.4.. 41] ' .1: (4K.— U L413. CU b Lil-s.) , L' ~"'_J L3 .' - C .LLJ .L VJ. £1. _LA '. k.) ~ . .- .n.. - . . J- n ,. -v- . - - ~ 4:- - - . + 1.1..- ~- -: .° ,- ~ ». .. v. r- V. I ‘w I u . . , ‘ . . 1 IV ,7 IN 1 ' __I 1 ‘ Y . T'fil Lnk£(3r (3“‘1; 1—‘4-.L.L_‘_) .L'l.1 up U 0 _'_ U LJ‘l—gl‘ Kt. xx- ‘.LU DJ. *‘J‘ 7 -.- JWvL U U$a'.: UO¢.L_L$A1\J-La . ~4- l raw-.33. .n » o -. x I — .~,. . U-1-Ul OLII‘ U UW-\LL~r‘~.»—) 1-]. 0“ t‘: U . )J . “Us. L351 .r .g-- ‘—'¢—[J .A -V — I -l;h ... ‘J...--J_ ’ . fl J- -J - ..- .. .. - - .3 .33: ._ _ ~.._- _ _ ,_ ‘ .2. listle offi;ig' l IUCL‘4lulOl oi UMLS :ieblem en we X3e 00d from the nut: ngl COVBTHLQRt. "1 -:-'— 744- 3' 4-,- tn :- _._ -, - e _Luiad3te; w) LJQtGCL; Jisir . ..‘W‘ I I" ‘ Q ‘~ '. ‘ . . . .47 » V53 r- . . 11' q~ -. ‘r .-. ‘ certiiitxlswsed tlzetyi; 1L;llClgf IiiLcauueiuixx,_l “cunt, in, ‘1 o a ‘ _v 1|“ N\ ‘F f‘ .-~r " " _.. 111 the rnxy cu?‘m;e UUJCI'3L1_LEfi:D3d e o; i31._to distinguish cegtified frrg uneertiiied stock on the Desi s of t ‘ " . .. p. .' -° -l-—°~..-v 4-: 1- ,»w —J 4— ..-. solice, 330-135 eLd av ing. LlelqulVC e) J;_QUUed tgvs, “' used ‘\ Feb“fi"“a ‘ “Ted s" *ne 0* te “re 10 1'“? LA. ...) u] . l..u...~ th: uo bug I.) JL-U p. VL J. .1. VJ- u“; 4—-: .— 3 . . n I. ., " "1- (rePTeSCdblgS a lurel Ruzset I.oteto), Rafe Lel3ea. gze extensive use of registered trele-n““es by 0003erauive as ocist ions as tLe "C ief Peteskey Bran " in Lienignn and the "glue Tug Brand" in We? I):k, Lave als o eintriuuted toward t1:-eselu"ion of tnis problez'i. ther states (120) use tile official seal of th state on their tags. 3oizt increeti ensllss kept nueh un- certified stock frogilgeviug the 3:0dueing sectioxs in.the 1 ‘a-u r. " ‘5 . _ . m - .r' '1 -~ " . I que cg hluh certiiise seel. L038 closelJ LdpQrflSCd . n' '.n ": fi’ . . ,“1‘! ‘.‘-“\"rfi A “ ' 4‘" "fil ~ . r! .5 J"\ 1" "‘ is uqnee oi certiiicetiel beo gfld use bu¢ll oi due thS “L +.‘ 1" I '3" .»—‘- o \‘ - ~1r‘ P'- . s ‘x- --‘L. to ule seeks are ot' r ales in L£€VCItlAb L183J93933ntiu10u. A-,-L ‘ -. I‘ u'ue L“- S'- ,. fl +1 V .. .,. .,- . . -.L n , fl PerLeps tne lekt eueeuru3i:g de elopnsgt oi ell, p; D) far as 3ies eit effecsiveness is CULCGTH ed, has been +he I. a Wl3d.. Lfijxiesoixl (56) d- O O H. 9 O t 3 0 CO H C $- [—1. F.) H. (D Q; (.9 b D; : [fl cr- Ci' _ O m WESTERN NEBRASKA CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES TRIUMPH VARIETY NE P0 6R0 ’ BRAND ”II n TRADE MARK ULSPECTED AND CERTIFIED MAI ' “‘W U“ E-‘ — ”..I WWI IIDI'U'I‘II \. 'Thb-dlocihl ”Wt'hhmfidd . I.“ one-lunch“: nudorlh:dlncuu no! LN .' knit-ht” um- III-Way.“ \ "bu.- to mhul puny Md Irr‘. Iran dim-n. > It In lb We! 1 cu .uat-cu-ry blush: III-hid. ‘ (Ia-UH and nut awfully [ml-Jim lure. It“. 1 Noah... “In! Injurkn. um. beg!" n. I. “and I I.“ l Wh— m In t" I n man to law-ltdedlu-nd- thodlnruoo a! no um” lull nan-In an ' Irony-coon :m‘: um Dd all it my! —- n.— TKE IICHIGAN STATE (XDLLBGE . We of Seed l’oulo Inspection Sonic. “ 4 Michlu 1 a! Imlm "dud h prodi- lot .05me D“.- L'- em I: cum pun mcmcm , CROP IMPROVEMENT : ASSOCIATION P . Free from wan. pode-ry sub and Ink hIIghL . Not to exceed 5 nor can! of I" vine diam-M. NEBRASKA SEED POTATO CERTIFICATION 31’ ANDAID All pot-w- that have been cornfivd (ur wrd purpnnn have hPFn zrnvm m the hurh nIh'ndo mint)! of wmlorn Nehru-kn and haw- pu-NJ lh'ro 59M inapn-tinn- and nm- hin innpn‘lmn Ire-mill. to the (Olin-wing stand-rd: True to variety type and free from v-riI-ty minutes. (That dint-o hum no! yd been ("and in water-n Nohrunkn I In: thin I0 prr can! of I" tuber and vine dint-u. Only slight Icnb infection mil be permitted. (‘crtiflod wed in :71de ncenrdhg to the U. S. No. I (“do otrrm far «no. Pot-ton posing over I IK-inch Icmn II" permit!“ in (‘rrtifled need. The modulo-I will hold the (rover rupontihlo for tho (In-An. I/ Em Land-g. . - mm ;,'/ \ M - -v’ ‘1“7 :— '~ /."r“ I! C. {'"1 w' ‘ Itung ~1- +93“ u“OTL“Lu ...) __ .1 _ _ \1 _ \A 1 ‘1 _L __ 'J‘1 - y ‘i‘ h __'_ “l ‘. ( 5 ‘ _‘-l‘ o v‘ I , . 'I - L _._4—-J-J -J\ _L- )‘ CL! ‘.‘4. L4. ’1‘“- 7‘4 ‘ z . \Ji. ‘.'. _J. _n - ‘ ,J— was ;ne of the Iirst gtgtes t: ;ffsr direct frotecticn to its certifie” 3965 2y Iaw. ~cc:;\t 10 of LC? in? stgtes- " It LLQlJ.1K3111LEWffll *CIII-e 0* ey-flgfi;'tue tnifl ”enrtifiedfi' or the to::": S“$Ct0’" : the trmm "“C"‘”*“‘e£", o“ Lty term or terms COHVD“iL “ rouni:g Lgbstuntiall" Cg‘lival at is pLe RC&X:L 0; E3: of said *fl“ms, alt w? Oil; 9? in writing, 4..Ii:~‘.';:L:“;, 32:51:; or 0*? 3 130 in "e w~wncn to or . I L, _ -.L. . - - _ I_ A ;n cunnecJIog Lid“, 0? 1n uLV:M,-OI;Q 0" ;;rgoterl;-\g cr_ labeliv; seefl got 3063 or the cw;tO*Iers thcrcof, unlegs aldz‘vn-frrs 2;;11 Luvn‘bfien Afih‘irL;Cctsl, rejipt3“ed and c rtified iaLBuunt to th: revisions OI tiis act" In 2910“ (lLS), tie lav co;sider not :1” certi- fied sand ori;in 31-; within file stwtb, but also gn' area sgij;ed in 53)“ 0th,; st;*es rxdcr the clag; fiCOt'on of certified. $0 guote fro; 9006143 6 of tL; Ugegon lat- "11 certified or It.:IdErd see sold or o= "cred ”Q? Sula or snipnquzhlifie state Of‘I? sn LL;112NXK't13 offioi 1 tag r "Gal of *40 got R3 certi- ,uticn 5 3rd of the Oiggsn &”“lmLLwVHJ.COllpH' CHTiI'CCTtifiJD in-Ixyfigxrstu+c $1 fin ‘ ,. Ln... <~ -,- -n .In .- ,Lon ,. N I,‘ -, .5 +1 .1. ..2-,_ .3. <3- 101;}. uu- Oqu_ OI O.H, COlu I_:Ln ngl-od - WI-» S\AAUJ; pr Vided, tgat no potgioes may ac sold or offer Cd “or 3119 as "cerfijfled" Qr‘kfinmdanT'sced got Kmfl, O dIK)b“&Hd -.—. ‘ r .LLAJ o 013 for seed or "standard" ;‘Ot«' OOCS :1- U V'l' ’ ...K‘ 1 Id (3 .4 O f 0276: 3311 unless . ' " ' 5 4. - .n g horas 'c,‘L1;red' . \ o w __ J. l SE10 4uu ,ocs “w — - . 1 4A.. . - ' ”VA. .v 1 .- -..- .. -1 ° ‘ h;Vd passed ulI one renulr‘ngaus “Eu E_:J inc --lCiLl _;. :5 w, , a”: __ 4. _n__-, _ ‘ , .-.... _ _n 4-". ".1. ,4. -3~ -.- wt; 04. tLIO O.-- 1.011;]. CCU: .' U. _-- JLE-J‘AV OJ v.13 LL13 be LI]. 1 Ch 4.1. -~ ' ,.~' -». 4- J-‘-. J— '1..- +.-- P . ~-~ n 1 4. , ”Ixsg'carlgfIngue, kind IOOJ, t_;; sku~l;wznls (II 5 £33.21 SIMIO Lure .1. ’_ 3 .. -. _.- - I, ._ ,,_ ,__',. ['1 3"“ r“.-~"’- f‘fi 0. u ‘d ~‘-- I115. (16: unfl‘- “,de to .30 62 U4]. .9 U u-_.._,-:.;- “WEI/IIIIIQ JV. “OLA, . -. . . ‘. .,- .L. .1. 11-1-1 _ _ .I _. ..\ r V n C , “I“; . 1 - , ,I ._ O:- J («‘4‘ .L O J.. JO cc. 4.5. 4.4. Uy~ VJ. '.’;I L’ Os-IuLu. “—1.; .._x.‘.; ‘.'..L Lt I-- ;f\n, “M'w‘ -7 ~~¥J \-- f‘. ‘73. .. q .. vvor‘ r' -. ..- _t q + .— 4.‘ -‘ ("I -,..r' ‘f t Er“ 1 r..-' (6;) l‘tfl VIC 4.40.0 U.~«-A.--—‘_LKI' U.) I" U J, J‘-. —L~~". '2 -- ., ~".-,-..,J—‘,. f- 49,. pr.» .. ~.- ",v -~,~~—‘7 ~-. —. ~ “.0"? ‘.‘\~ .La- J ’ .LIU... ULL JJL.\_._‘.) LI“ I‘d gal“; J. .11.}..LK-o' U. .L ~ .1. u J—N I M ...~ M — 51 m 4.“. m- - . J— 4- - - .- ~13" - n J—‘. a .I ‘ ‘b I l "" ‘fi 4 f ‘ n I 91.1, vi- .. U¢-- ,.L C'J' v.5. -J _ I“ U- uh...) Cw -'-U_-.U L._\.o LU; u G --- .L, 4.! - -I G .... -311“? r 3-- firm - 4.. p.‘ , M0 . 1 ) \ I \ ‘l I 0 t‘ _ I . /- tfi '. ’1 ._ ubCu_-‘..L U... L; 0.....4. u ULCE‘. ...-.. .....rgu. £1. ..x'~ «3.ng 'v)~' ~1- & «L n. U +12 , *3 , -,... . l. . .1' t v r‘rfir' : ,. . ' _|.. ..-- 2-x ,1 .1.-. .fw lw .... ‘.‘ -. U-..’_,' J.‘_}-.--u“ ‘v’w-.L.<.—~ [LC i.‘3. GJU‘) J_' lV'uAl U; q...'1 Duo 4.0 .L.O..L..LJ '.'I . r; r‘ k\ .‘V ‘—-‘ . ~ I ’_ 9 o _ o A ~ ~ _L J- ‘ l ‘ 1 C ‘ -,.. n _g 'I o _.. - . . r1 r‘v-I -.~ . r‘ . rd 7" 5 v‘ r~ -.-lIJUlL UL;»;.1 (.22.) --;-L) M u Nix up g...” ”...-.L C11 i--1JAE_L_ 1 Us.) J.‘ .’ . ,. , q4.1.. .L ' ‘7 , .L'I H d . n ‘ ' ‘. - " ‘. '1 - ' J ‘ ‘ ' y ’ u , (V I”. _ 3 l ,\ l\ r. ( 0.4L 4 ... -.L.’ I... J-~ ‘»..L K"~ J- Q‘y'C C; 'i'u .L '.L _ .L -' ‘o- --; 'V- L) 1 LL!» I.) I.) .2 «II ‘_- _ H ‘_ ‘ --.L.‘ '\_ f! 7 __ 4. .P‘l _n n '1 _ ‘1‘ : ,_ l _ ' _o ‘ _ ‘ _,_ I: ~ \M ‘ ’3 ~I \" c‘ . I ~ "" I |‘ ‘ ' i- _.‘. .L.L" 0.4. J_ -....L/LL Lax IJ'J-.JJ K)... . 1.x..- pkg—Iv. _L .. Ls” ..LIJ --‘.Ll--‘1‘L ‘ .L ‘A .3- ‘ j *1 J, ". .— “ ’~ . . 1 ‘ ' " - “ .' .9- — 'I A - - 1 --. _ - 1 4 . 7 ‘ u- 'I" H. - _’ u I . .fi f. , .’j x l . I f“ u _ ._\ . f\ , ‘ . U U1; ‘1 C‘ J. ‘.‘—\A-I‘ J ”(J'~_-..L. a *L_-.-L.O i‘IU . IN I-‘u.’¢.'- -'L J- QMk-IJ Mb.) J—I‘J' lJ.D-= S . - I " . ‘ ”I d 3 '5 't ‘ '. f" r) ' ‘5 a -1 ,- . A J— ‘ . _t ~ r‘ t - } r .‘l - ‘ ‘1' : ,- ~ - . x J‘ . -- -. -:~ ' .’— ' . I ’ - ‘ I 3 I II . I 57 I. J .1. .51 O 1 ‘J1 O J. .L U kl -’ \ .. '. ;"‘--J‘ Ll .. - s / _L I’. .. (V_)‘\L .3. C J L ‘_) 4 I l a « I J I ‘ _.L ly' . “J 1' an .v: ... A: - . - +’- Inflfl-Ffl'-“ ° An m, (.... - , a '1 App M, '11 (ab-A- V QC. &' L-~ V... \J“ - J— U ml- 1.-...L2 L) On.) 1; -- 1 ‘-~" ... .45)»; L4.l C , Q C»). I; ’ ...l‘glpsl. J. J...— , (VJ-f 7 ‘19 +‘—_’.‘-n l J-C,‘ " 1;" -_ :‘lt ,. . .,.4. _ v“ “1.11 ,jgnr ’74,7..". ., 0,7, L) 1......‘.‘ J VA D J; , kA UV U... 1;." U , v ._ , In“; L! , Kan-Lb -. K." ‘.').-. .4... \A...U ‘JESV ..‘U 0 T‘I“. -‘n "r\"'- Ir' "'Hn 1W ' 3 "\f" J‘I‘f: tyrwrwr“ II I ‘ "3 (47" "'~~: mi .I. 4.. LL: LL ‘1 J«~V -'f- U , - ._ -'v'a ‘.‘. JL-‘~./ '-’..LA._O C(J; Li --..L. gu , 3.445.1‘ I' ‘«.n at: 5“ '?‘ r'- '5 fl " 'V'I ‘ ‘I‘.-7- J“ ' J" "‘~-‘r"‘1C‘ ~\,‘ \ ?' “_"4 "\’ r. (. -.‘\ , - .. ~~u f. .L'Vgg.u 42.3-56. , OJ. {'“flf Ou.-e billing.) (,3..'\/ I..-” .Ld.-,> LA 1,;93L-_-Ll-o .,.“ ~. -,.. .- -L -. . q _ , -. : _o.. --_,I . ~, M . . ,_ ,, . - £11}. 3 uLLL U;u;_lJrUL'JJYLAliJ11t 'uO ‘11:-BUTJ 17031.43 , e“ u-“ ‘.' .1: Cl’u]-ly or ‘L ‘7" .1 ‘ I P '-"N 4"3‘ -‘~ ~ ~ - " F) . .4- .'~'~ " ' -~.‘ ".- ~“ I. ‘ n u -.«3 r.:.- 13 or c I; ”pass we r301 , 1 ru ~. 7.430;”). 1 J. ted, w mJ- , ‘ - .,.: .., .- , 1 1 -, a - ' 7 . «. (1 81-00;; U “1-03.1 L. 19-1 J: \JIJH OU ‘.zi)‘ SA; 1"}. ‘.‘.LLVB LI , fill 1 .Lu._. 0 CEO LL vim cc: is" -"ie d b; the 1831 l ans bi tu. ‘ .‘w‘ I‘J‘ ‘.J.‘ _o i I ‘ ~- ' _- _1- ' ~ _ '.- “ >_ _‘ r 0... -IC g .I' we I1 ....1 "I; OLICJ' .' ° ‘ 5;: “OLE. , 0.3 u. 191.1011 0 OL'EI‘ N ‘ ‘.‘ 0" ‘u u‘ t ,‘ ‘1' r I‘ "'4 ‘1‘ " —' .Q I ‘o J" _\ ‘0 {190--(4180 S TI--:f U0 u.‘ I 1(I) ‘JYVLL I 9," In-” D ' L.U ‘3 .EflLuul LI . O:.al.d Oi. -’“IrrW-fih. ~‘. I, l...Lu~)l>)Ql‘:Jl. J...- r'I‘ , - -_ - -\,.- ‘.L_ .1- - .-. ‘ 'I- ‘.‘- . , --.- _._ - ‘.‘._ :30 J. ‘1 U lbw r Ugu. we léihs (“..3 L/QU——~Jd "‘3', ‘Lb/ 11‘3— UiLjs ..r- ' .3 -1. 'j -fi° J1 .f‘I-. . ’- . "~r. ‘ [‘7 '1 1.-., .1. .. -_L’JI' _-IcILI e _L.'_-IGS 0; Lo“ ..Jalk) to .351. .00, Elm. _LO mugs uo fl _._~ 0 _. ‘_ I _‘ ~ -- ,3 J_ j— ‘ ._ ._ .— ‘ u _I _ ‘.‘ _1_ I ‘ u - ()__u.'-.S 1 -14313U1‘ “I: . A41 0 _ L, e Stu as um. .; Lei 2.01 B“ '4- 'L~‘ ~v 1 . ‘ t ’\ . I“ - r’u n. -.-- sv , - 1 n ' " -? A 1 -'-,~ JULU OI O' 1 "3 lVlHJ at» u)_“ "33.", .‘-;LL 9.” CCJIVC‘ I“ “Kl aw. No. 205 AN ACT Providing for the certification of inspected seed potatoes, agri- cultural and vegetable seeds; prohibiting the use of the words “certified,” “inSpected,” “registered,” or similar terms, in con- nection with the sale of seed potatoes and agricultural and vegetable seeds, unless inspected and certified as prov1ded in this act; providing for the enforcement of this act by the Department of Agriculture; prescribing penalties, and conferring jurisdiction in certain cases upon the courts of common pleas. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the term “de— partment,” as used in this act, shall mean the Depart- ment of Agriculture of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania. The term “certified seed,” as used in this act, shall include seed potatoes, and such agricultural or vegetable seeds as shall have been inspected during their period of growth and preparation for market by the depart- ment or its authorized agents (or by the legally con- stituted inspection ofiicals of the State in which such seed potatoes or agricultural or vegatable seeds were grown, or by such other agencies as may be approved or recognized by the department), and found to be Department of Agriculture. Seed potatoes and vegetable seeds. “Certified seed" defined. reasonably free from diseases and other defects, as. specified in the rules and regulations issued by the De- partment under the provisions of this act. The term “seed potatoes,” as used in this act, shall be construed to mean the tubers of the Irish potato, which are grown and intended to be used as seed. The term “agricultural seeds” shall include all seeds which are commonly known as farm crop seeds. which are grown and intended to be used as seed in raising farm crops. . The term “vegetable seeds” shall include all seeds which are commonly known as vegetable seeds, and which, are grown and intended to be used as seed in raising garden and truck crops. Section 2. Any grOwer of potatoes, agricultural or vegetable seeds, located in Pennsylvania, may make ap- plication to the department for inspection and certifica- tion of his crop for seed purposes, under such rules and regulations as the department may issue. The department, or its authorized agents, shall issue such certificates of inspection. and designate or provide such .oflicial tags for marking containers of “certified seed,” and establish such standards of grade and quality, as are necessary to safeguard the privileges and service provided for in this act. Section 3. The department shall have authority to fix, assess and collect, or cause to be collected, fees for the certification inspection service authorized by this act, the same to be paidin such manner as it may direct. Such fees shall be large enough to meet the reasonable expenses incurred by the department or its agents in making such inspections as may be necessary for certifi- -r . ' 1' ' - a « '.' i ' ' ~ ". ' _._, A-uL-~.\J-~.LJ ”‘4 .... A, _L ‘1. A' I J ”Seed potatoes" defined. "Agricultural seeds" defined. "b egetable seeds" defined. Application or grower for certi- flcation. Peel. Authority. Violations. Fine. Enforcement. ~ - -.v «"11 ... .LLJUALALI 2 cation. Fees so collected shall be paid by the depart- ment into the State Treasury through the Department of Revenue. Section 4. It shall be a violation of this act to use the term “certified,” or any form or modification of this term which tends to convey to the purchaser of such seed that the same has been certified as defined in section one of this act, on tags or containers, either or- ally or in writing, or in advertising material intended to promote the sale of seed potatoes or agricultural or vegetable seeds, or on labels or containers, except when such seed potatoes or agricultural or vegetable seeds shall have been inspected and certified to under the provisions of this act. Section 5. Authority to make all necessary rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this act is hereby conferred on the department. Section 6. Any person, copartnership, association or corporation, and any officer, agent. servant or employe thereof, violating any of the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense. All fines collected under this act shall be paid to the department and shall be, by it, paid into the State Treasury through the Department of Revenue. Section 7. The department shall be charged with the enforcement of this act and shall furnish the Depart- ment of Justice with information of violations of the provisions thereof. The Attorney General may, in the name of the Commonwealth, institute proceedings in equity in the court of common pleas of any county for the purpose of enjoining the use of the words “certi- fied,” “inspected,” “registered,” or any other term or terms conveying a meaning substantially equivalent to these terms, contrary to the provisions of this act, and, for such purpose, jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon said court. In any such case, the Attorney General shall not be required to give bond. APPROVED—The 11th day of April, A. D. 1929. JOHN S. FISHER The foregoing is a true and correct copy of Act of the General Assembly No. 205. MW Secretary of the Commonwealth "7'7 - ‘1 .1 - m- ”3.2+ ~71 ~ ,_. -L i I r l ( J xJ—— 4-. ~ . --- —-‘~ _ _o 5 _c ‘0 J_ _ 4- 3. 1“ ‘ . ’_ t ' - . r " ‘ - - r N V . . i pie -s, . -,rie_uole L . a- he ta, W-J -cr,. '1". - J.“ ‘.‘~ 1‘ V‘ .. r"- m. .— l w ‘ .I‘ w— . x ‘L.‘ . t" ‘ l ‘.'-'.'. 1‘) .« Ll-LA 18 b.) JK,‘ U s I‘J .l' - g In] L.) - in L; C L- ' ‘-Arh) l -- J. . A. A) »s U U e; . it new" ' e ("‘.a‘ 4 J--'-.~»1 ‘n-— ~'~' a an” - "“i n ' “r v iLt" ". (in; uui‘J_-_lL'._: awn; _.__ uo’vu u" out; JV... L-_.-\ -__'J.l U) -L...u ve NA: '0 .‘ : ‘.‘ 1 ‘ A V *3 VP ( v. v- “ ('v 4‘fl + V‘s ': 4“ ‘1" OJ. L; ‘3 .l." IL. A. .L-- 4.. ”*2 x ‘2...) lip-lv¢'ui.t L} a) g ahues.) . _r. u-- L1. ‘3 "fl Q. 1 "": ‘ ""l (" W'Lf‘u .. 4.40..-- .. Cu .../u" -D t 4 o 4": ‘4‘; 1 . ("1‘ l t‘1‘ d“ ‘- ”W1" 11-11 A-- u-__-’.r Uare _L 0 3L. A. Cuu'vt..._ DJ. I .LLx U-.L».J..l‘.. J-, -—q-1-. ‘H 0H1 U0 0L.) Ulhsvjilld.1 a +‘V‘l {‘ “W F V-Q-\.A J-.L\A JL. #4 we 4* 7* rs . - +'-°: p~. 1 " C~~u£»‘ qu a. u. D. A. oughtrlsn a co 01.icd Seed r‘ue. m‘ ‘ 'L L, v ‘7'! 'L; 4". I -'n ‘.‘." r . ‘fl. ’ .n " D--r“n. one ‘-ouccuron Q; the .ard "certriled' he let ..L. .L‘ n. H . 4n U0 “1;? K's-Ab l ‘ S Jukt O . ‘ " f3 " “‘ r‘ A . I l.) ‘-. -._> - “A. C ' .4 I :3 F. } a *‘3 ‘1' (h [—10 (D O pJ ..J " H' O (D ach.,ifi:n. I: o 11., Vt. Md., Minn., I.Y}, d. D., ,_" I ‘ _' r‘. i‘MML; . n :-- ta “ t .' - r' *’ .—rn Ckel. , ‘l..lC-‘.'.. , 1.0.1. , J:-:(—), A610. ’ L\.(1.’ IiLLLJAl. VUO, ‘o .418. 1wxjort sfixfits the t¢31‘0 is .n, - .46, ,1. ‘ 4. _n . 1- .: -n- ‘.'. ,_ ‘ .Lu‘fOf LU): «:8 83 «LU-J14.» LL.‘ lulu 0L 6; D. So CCI‘tLLleU Ceed. ” ". fi ’1‘ ‘ was.” ‘r - '.’“ - a 1hr “ ‘u ‘ _fi ‘ Still other or our “portant ceru1.,_n; states D‘eic to g ‘ J- ; ." : I 5 n. _0 'fi 0 J- u ,“ I ‘ .. : _ _ 4“ ~ ‘ ZLlru&_n DAG; ”hmuihl‘dullbyn. Looming inuo ope iqture of certification as an industry, it would seem.that "certified seed" 3 wuld; eve a nose universal men in" fliin can DB out;:.td *v infividu 1 state e0fogt. To bring scout “i 1 re ire more education and a greater spirit of coopuret’en bet: 0; .Je ;tatee. sued mlieh cannot:;eet & o~ n Jane... m. ,, .-~ .4. w». ~~~4 ”l oil-«"1 —. 1; out 0'. 5.. low;\lc.l'LLu mg} ilc) xxx/Cd. L1: lbs—QLDQQ (v.1. U’7 a: maxinlr 1:0 . l _.l e sold or elven pr sec \ A. 6. lichen”; the Certiii 3d Crop. F 1‘ ‘I F3 '1- ‘rx,,A . ~ «N , , ~w - ,i Li J~ 1‘ J- In l.~9 , noout uD Lgr CQut Ol t.e en be; caves ' ‘.‘ ~. --.m '7— - ,, ,1 -, - J"- ,. ,. .L , ,. _ I, J_‘,_‘ ‘3‘_ -"1 1.31:) xii/LS 1.1L;l.§L tC/d kLLI‘eC b.1— ‘Ijr din-“U. . U 149 Lgroni'a 1" 110 1.11.8 bL-LVI‘Jr or his dealer; 25 fer cent was sold 2 contract or .. w - ,. "' .'1— .-...1. n _ , ,3. , 4. - _ 4". ..-. ..r ..., . agrc;-;nt; and adxub u {er Che coo :er ivelr ourodgn gro.crs 'n J.‘ . OI. ( -Q. rue whole basis of success in certifica' cooperation on: it is netu'al ti“; t ti.e grOEers coo;e-asives should slele l“ut surely be exerting a hrgut3r luflUOLCG on the rerllze 'ing of the certified crow. IVis system is especially adven'ageous to the galley gro er; and it Tee been shown in both this country'sad in Canada that the are er Lith a cemfaratively on ll acreage is file ‘3310 unit in the prochtien of high giility certified seed. Canada margetcd 85 per cent of Her crop through PTOZGTS Moo era gives in 930. The rafid xg~neien of her J- V _n L‘ 7 “V r“. F: 3 1‘ - r‘ r 1 v. ' n ‘ vvr- a -‘ we ex;ort trace is wiplc evidence net f on the LUJuIS goint Ol View tLis .et‘e:1 CL; 70 ceriicd out eltisisct Jorily. Of tie lsr5~r ;iodue:;g stetes in tfis country in 1529 euresim sold 1191‘ e:-ti‘-‘e ei‘ep 0.30:31‘2§ti*f(3137 (ell certi- ;icotion is c :trollei iy'tLe gro‘ers coop), Isrth Dekotd . \ ALLJ- -',._-. --— _ ~_, r- ‘ -. _‘ ...L, ~-_- ‘1 -’ 4. is -...L _..c, 70 La? c‘!- we i-- ~O "0* cu;u, u;l “_e- :3 yer ceiu “Md . -0 . r. ,. ;ilues .e.u;;’:‘cc.t. 5; co Foes not gergit L2 -:tenied discussion oi tic bros” “ubject oi gsrketitg';n t‘is thsis. 313 rCC':t develo;;znt of the ";oolin; idea" in buyin; certified seed ( 23), as rel es in sell 1g it, figy leve a big 1 flueuce (x1 Gitu11343 rlgtLLQ; o; resi;xls. 4.;33mgt CeLJ. of in;co:ti;ixsd seed on tLe rerhet today is of excellegt gflllltf. T'is cotgxititi.xi Lgyxt Le ligcgelgrzaurke out: m r x_f1'tse 'a.rleifi3:g 13330 09:35 0 7. Lxgenlir; th- Isrkot for Certified Seed. A erge ;ert of the yroblems of certificstion e"e still CdbC‘ti”fiul, rdth r ti o reguletOVy. FKe C‘itinued exgunsion of tLe iLT'stry u de,€wce:t o: O‘e;-L" u; LOW ‘-- - '— ' .2 . ‘ 4.— .-.w. - .. - , c .-L, 4- ,. ' n riots ior cerciiieo seed, Lot Gal] 1: outside solves, out 3-.“ .L‘ \ 7' .- .J-,.».°- - 4: . .- . ? - _ L: .....- .n-. .3 .1, ,..J— -- , in V's I&D;&ULMF {Lvmuvs clayeol es. LlUmivsn, ior lusgeLcc, A --V --.L . ‘ ...—'- hr? _-- ..vJ. fl 9‘ .--.L. -.-‘1.- O ,- Vt ‘ 1 . .q’. ‘u - A, ‘ 5 ‘\ ;.I . ‘ 5" ‘ O " ,‘ " J I L) ‘ .L 0““. U C) l. " 4.1L} ‘ .1 u U;i.1.._' 1 “J3. (.,-; v4-__ ... UC) p. k‘ -.. ‘- x :-\.. _Ll , d of Le: so yercidl e03"; to in C22 was 11 tied With certitied seed. 11¢ Lorenont of ertified stock fgam the north :Ld west to tLe soutLorn trad in; sect‘wis Lill concixu- to : crease. T”is ineledse cum oe Led sogndl; {Hi ya nenently .w, v _ ‘.‘ ,‘v ,. ~. -‘ .- ..-,” ,1. ‘ .1- - L, ._ - : 1+ _- _r. .L“. . , I . J. Ofllj tlrodru Co: ilied edge 91 Lel e ”qus l“ t.ese st Ves; What Do You Know S[ [D “b“ DOTATORS POTATOES Are A Vital Factor In Soaring 9 A Better Stand . A Sum Crop Check up with the answers 23:: :fimfion Cost and ask us any others "“1 AGmter prom At Your Service THE VERMONT CI‘IR‘I'IFIEI) SEED PUTATO GROWERS' ASSlNIIATIUN I.. N. I.\I l. E. A. ’03}! H. I ...All EV ”3.22122... Tim?" 1.37122" NEBRASKA CERTIFIED POTATO GROWERS \IJ I \VCI’. Vii.“ L] \:J ‘:.~_ l'L 't;,k‘ u U Y\r' '—\ 2 _' :1 :1 1.3 :-(\ 14.: 1.: .. L ‘ I up; LI: «Ll 1:1 nod 'V "f‘. - .L‘ \J - ~ ' ~ .1. a .y g Q _‘ ‘ ‘ - " ‘.‘ Q ‘l- ‘.‘ Q ‘ - ~ (‘11 .- ‘ f, ".p “I" 2 _ -.- *x".; I“ II ' " y”? I I: "I. '1 1 , - I .. . 2...... 1.2.. .-.; . -0 . --.e --.1... - “.2-.. .2... «J “£2-22. r'w‘ d .,.... -.‘i .. - -1- .- ..‘I: ,. 5 _ I1- .. J- . -.. 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A¢0n. ngndgrd for Registered-Certified bu‘d POEM o L. L. 500d Ix; Cvog. Aqkoc. fiixeo. 193.. 73. Z;sti:;s, R. C. staid firgie ”Hsgcction Q;rvice. H 1%.”11. a-;:.P. ULLA. , CiI‘ 0 b3. (:2? o 7%. Lion. Certified g:ed Ra’s: . Ltrw u Afr. 303n., U. r. ""“ ‘f,“1" J‘.' 4' p -' L-" ' ‘ L’ ~vr‘ J"' ‘5‘ W‘-.f_"' ‘1 ‘ 70. JL.‘-).’.. 1'.LM.L-_C\21‘ .. O- louwaC-J £1.00. $.JTU1U?‘L'II J... LLu-lki, T ‘ ‘.' . . 2‘ r 0 nr‘ .- r} l.-'i~lS 'V-Ld” JLgrQ. Cir. #409. lgdb. - Y o f: ". ‘~"' .- -3- .v -, .1- 0 .L‘ \ 7 F 4- _L /- - ,. 7U. LLQULliJld, J. N. COTUlfiCQL/lk/H OJ. :4;le i)OtMJJO"S. Ur)” chgnd, Dc-t. A;r., Litoo. 19;:. V“. V J . ..\ \J'O. t" k; ("W ; s“) H. ’7 Cu.) 0 "i C) C) l'" u-J. C; “J - 17 - v-J u ‘- ~ ‘ -" -. ‘ ~ *-. . — ,».-'-»‘ - «fl rm.» 4v 4m, 3, r: ILA-A:-):’-. “\J~~ ‘ . ..J _; 23* h ‘|:’ in_ X l: k; 2.1L UV... \_ --‘u -4 _. 'V— :)-\ ‘J v" ~ “ ’ ‘~ -'I 1 A T' v ‘ "w ‘5' ”i '. , “‘.‘ "‘1 'n i. '. ‘e-- C ; O t I ‘ . - k) , .L u x- O U r. t O 2. 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J. - .9 mt.) J. ’.’ .., i (.3 , '.‘ ’ a J u 0 dub . Q ~- ‘_._._ . ‘.‘. v‘ - T— }: , \_ .4. is x. _. W '. .."fL _ ~ . 32"1; .- r. O V. J- _t -‘.1 y ,'\ . ,.1 {-.L I. 1.- *4. 0.. 1., No 4*. .( ‘V‘_. U u‘- "-U _L-uu Un-) CL; u_-.l.}-~-a_}_\_}..x Lu .4 _L way r no T;~--. - ., 4- ; a ,. . era." "‘7 0 .‘ \. '9‘: v’ o .L .. U 0 r 3 LI . I‘Lbuu L: 0 1L 1 , 1..) . év'v J-id L, O lu N g. Q - ’3‘- .. "‘ .. -- . ‘ ’5 t~ . ' ,‘. - -.'-' " ' — " 3 r‘\ f) 1 I 1" ‘3 _.. ’1 ( 3i - l; . .L;‘~'\,\' i- '.’- JK’» (\‘3 O-.. C..." “)‘--L [L'.‘ :L‘)’.1\Jb:‘\~i.; C! l ‘L Ur J4 )— .. .8— J a _ ‘ 7 ..L - 1 r‘! ... "'.x ‘3 ’ . - ‘ f. _ 3 > 3 | _‘ 1 . \ QLL. I)“. ...) J; J . ‘Li "a. O , U /-L ‘41.] . U4. .. . U-d. J—vvJ‘J‘. .‘~\ id"; 7'7 4‘4‘ 7‘ ~ , . " '2‘. T 4 p '3 i . "'a \ L,_~JO;L, 1;. C. BGuuC’I‘ '04:; .2 1:.) ...U- in- A .LL'L 1;. ‘1.le L. 'r‘ " F) ’.‘r l ‘ ‘ ~ 4‘ ‘ . l ' ." W "‘ -".’f UU»~' ~;- JV 0, ’U U. DJ. o "'v. 4." I. o ‘3‘ ..- *‘r “f-.. r q F'T’ J- A .1.: .4° 'J . . ... *3”--- d , 4c . ' -fx \ ,‘r -I rrxi t, *r,. J LN)‘-)' 5: , I}. O C O .21 d ‘.L ‘sJ-s-\.l “(J ,. -. b C §.A.. _L - l ‘.ka ‘41 II.) J..- _- JO ‘u C, r‘ 1 -qur ' )A L “ '-‘ “"W ’.‘ j o (‘3 f' ' I h I, O’CQ . l .1. .J . rh'u . i3. - \JC 0 47¢ _ ‘ o ’ ..L1. 64 "J-IA. 0 ».v4. vv- " n ‘ --1 _ --. q o .. - ~ - Q . ‘. 1”}, .. ~, ‘-~ - A . 3- . ‘ f (‘1 .3 ,- r ‘7 ' 5". ’ f‘\ -1I} '- I vs .1....V-..“ \.;.',/;-u.l.l‘f_l, .LJ. V. fOJ J() 30 3 ‘L _L..._:‘I LV‘J- -;.. \Jl)' Jug-1.1. g;_ _ o ’13-..- ‘-'... _. ~fi‘..J_.. v\ .1 '5 - '1 (‘.'.I,‘ .- k 1.» 4 .- .L.J-~_:_)0L)|J~10 , .LLJ—F-U. JJL.—LO .1.—12A. ..wu. ‘.' '1 -- -,- ‘.- ‘ “w m -~: “'--' 1 ; -'-.l+ w ;.*-CC.LlfluOCA, J. A. C9; 'lLLMJ .L-V.‘lb¢- :“' ”.3 .439 L. L814. " ‘.'1 fi‘ '_H r V ‘VT‘ (I I” . ~ 1 77 l \r‘. ‘4' I”? A\, O b““.'.’ O U Ju o , ‘le c Q VLJ/ o v v ‘ ~ .,. I.‘ -- V" _ q -!-1___.L.-. “n n 1 — - a ‘ 1‘ 4. ‘0- ' “—1 a . a’ . q ‘,x' , i I .W ‘. ‘ 4 _. . ll (3d 0 '4 ‘.’- AL ‘L- . fl . “‘4“; 0 di.-; 1 L) (If 4: OJ. L l \J kl l—L J. r L1 .L '3 U‘ \ J O 3 ’ : ; x T -~. £0 (1 ,r 5') I" ‘ “’7" (1 I- , .31 .° ’i" C .1", U 'bdo Lgluuo 1158;. 4.1—1». L.) 51., ui..'o LU. lJ.-*~-»‘o ~v'v. 1,: . 1 .1.. ‘1 wf‘ - J-.. J_ -,.. .5 1 <3— .firl 5". f‘ r‘ .‘ I " ' v Q’" ‘ ‘ "I f iI-LlA-.LA1|J~ -, [Ll ‘OJ. U 11]. flu... UL‘J} .LakA]. g; (I) U .j. 2'7..LLLD viii. C...CL..' - J. ' _ 4'“ t "‘ . 1 .L' _.‘O ' .1 " n‘ ‘ "" 4 r_" \o , 1 1 _ , ' "fl 5 ,~.7 "l" cub :-O;1 , 0-9 Lelul;;0; r>¢. A -3. 54¢. J31;., 7 - 7 10* VII , U. O-7U . «#00. (:4 .. J. "'. r‘.“1‘..._ "\ <4- “- ~° _ —-' ‘ -' l f?" A 1 - - ‘: 1 f“ I . " JMQ¢U, u-..L. in“? f‘)UV~UO, Jo .1). LJ. 'LLLJO t (:00, linL Ll- 7' 'v o _ I ’.‘. 1H 1“ . '1‘ ,, . ‘;.J..’~-:'-’-:_LU. 13443. t- {L 10 ha (1’) LC) (:1 (.13 r. \1 (O C.) U) C} firultz, F. A. LE; Tolcgs, A. G. VgriLLi x; 1; C1elfl Letvenn 330d Qtucks of & Tgri3Ly. 1:0. Pot. A5300. 1111‘); I. o , l. :‘23; 5-'..L‘3 . 1:19:14: 0 fijers, C. S. how is 1-1-C13 L10 1111 L1; gn.1 Ly of L:Cd 1OLL30~3 I; LCLGctian Chi to Kgirtai: Such Lll\-'— 0V ‘::J‘:-V. . ILit . .Lxx, ' do. ‘L‘Jlj. , 11:!1-11. lJ-t. Li.;1 0'0, J. n. Svre 01 L - . "' J- ...- . V F 1 ' ‘.‘-l. p _ _ . 4‘ {-I {K 1‘!“ ('.‘ If. ; f“. (".1,~ )5" .~. I\ I a‘ ‘ n ‘r, /- . 1-‘_. 4 ._ ,1 0- .LJuv- mu. 11b. .L'J’vo 11-1.1)”. 41....ul0, l“'—-oU~J-—"a‘o lu'w/o - 4‘ n I '—1 ‘g‘u‘ " . 1- l ‘ s‘ r l .. ‘ - ‘ ’ "- :.:\ACL31VLVI’ ‘1 0 1L. i:-L} .L-O Uq-VUO 14,1 (J‘sll’luslei. U 2.-. D'3;)t. ikkyr. ’ L1. 20:21. 1:13. XcCu1loch, U. K. deed Lntato Impzuve;31t. Roggrt, D3.inion Lctunist. 334. Dog‘. 151., fOr thc 10;? 19L7, :LOC- 309. lCLS. Lu:?ifi;fign, F. I. StrCiis 0° 6&3; Potatoes. 1:0. 1.ng 13.-er0. .: To, ld’lp-pw. 12:36. Lacunflson, W. 0. 5111133 of Leed lOt‘tOCS.1TO. 10+. $111-00. ah- (1?... , 142:4: “Ll. 1&217. Aron. EC“ty-seoand A411 1 Re;ort. Corugll A3 .313. bbdo, lI:“::t:e"'{"t). lug/:1. Dayruu, K. *. 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O A. 1.11;. O ‘-'].J.‘ O , .L , I .h-JU 4.2.4. v'.v'.J. . 15.x.(s-J TT T . -'-v'.—'-— .9 -‘.‘ I i ',_‘— '.’-.. ,."‘ ' ‘ .L. ’ . .. ' ‘.‘ .‘(I “ ...- ....1--VI', 1.1.0 0. lU'v../.L '.‘.1 VJ; Ji_lCu.;_ 3.]. --k..\‘.\..‘. LOU. :‘rv .. “ '1 _ I r? r-w an ~ Dar .Lo 4....) -.zl“—--. ’ .. , L).\JL)-'—J . ..va-HJQ “ .. - a“ ‘ ' '_‘--.r‘~"‘.-': ~ "' ' '- .. ."xx'r-"L' ' - ,‘ urn" ‘xr « ' ' “t .L '-JM‘ (3 , .. &-..2. ‘t I . -. .i _ l.) '4’ VJ \: ‘.’-.- - - 2 U...'.L VJ. -1 {dd “1"; ‘-‘LL 1L\ 5k—- ‘ . l.) ~‘_ 4. w- _ —- —-—— ." p—OH n ".3“ (Kn—- .. , 'r' _ -- o -- : ' ‘ 4...: 'uLGQ .L‘JJ. _; '2‘...” ““1.’ _LJ,’ LJ.L.:....,"‘¢.).4~. 1.131.). (‘.‘ '- ‘.' I l 5‘. r~v - .-...‘1 w ...”. “t ‘ ' l‘ 71" * ~""»' .1-! .. -" ~ 7 ,1 .V L~ r-- ’ A; 0 -—.Lb:) «.21.; -1. .‘.,4\.)Ul—1—e ’ L) . ll . VG... U. . .2. 01")- ‘4‘.A 0-. V0 .4“ ,-. J- ' ,— . .-. . .l- ‘ - ... '.- "" "' 5? .wrv - ... C O f“ '— _ ~_« U. duf, s.) o .. 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