I IIIHIIIIHIHH‘ 3‘ Jfiué :CDLDQQ cams ROAD DESIGN The“. for the Degree of B. S. MlCHlGAN STATE COLLEGE H. F. N eumann 1947 '\D . . . - .J‘na .. & WEE. .4?! iiiiii «WI ‘ . x. .3 funky“; “(a «1.1x. c-.. .. .. -. a. r . ... ... .:... .R. .. , - . . .. .. u. . . ..‘ . . - ‘ Li... .s. .31. v . . v fir. .n‘ s. n, .. «.33.? Z . -..14r.4l~ 2. 14.. ... 3.2:”.3‘ .ufl 3.:1...1‘.. . . V r. A. . | . e. . .. .. 0‘ 1 ‘ . u . .. . . ... . .uo,.«sh;~\,%-..uw.ul.xrlmwyl|l. .‘ofliW WWI,“ .\ If our." W”./v|\\‘|. I... 4‘? Q L’n.» ”emf . .e... fill-fl. o, J. . ,. ,A} ...¥.P«n..¢.. . . .r,.r .u. ... .v.. , 31.3 ‘.me“.nunw“.du...vnd.x.fiflwlr .3... 2. . I . - - . J ,.... ......e . e , ‘ . . .’- , . ....n..|\.‘1\k o v \k... . at ;-' ft.‘ MSU Is An Affltmetlve ActionlEquel Opportunlly Imflhflon E U D m A D E U D m A D E U D F. A D m. m. m M m w m m m w. m m a m m m m A m khan—h __—__,______' Campus Road Design A Thesis Submitted to The Faculty of MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE of AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE By H.F.Nmmmm “H Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science June 1947 Irl III. f|l~ III I! ll. THESIS: O {33 . TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE THE SURVEY THE CONCRETE DESIGN STORM SEWER DESIGN ESTIMATION OF QUANTITIES APPROXIMATE COSTS Page Number 2 IO ACKNOWLEDGMENT Grateful acknowledgment is hereby extended to Professor D. J. Hall and members of the Civil Engineering faculty of Michigan State College; to T. B. Simon and members of the Buildings and Utilities Engineering Division, for their kind and helpful suggestions made during the design and preparation of this thesis. Page 2 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE The tremendous increase of enrollment on the campus has caused many problems; one of which is the need for more available building Space. To help ease this situation the College is moving the present greenhouses, from several positions on the campus, to a single position south of the Judging Pavilion, in the center of an open field. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a plan and proposal for a road which will service the greenhouses in their new location. In addition to servicing the green- houses, this road will ease a traffic problem at the Judging Pavilion during stock shows by providing a turning loop and parking area for the extra traffic. The plan will be de- signed so as to conform to the landscaping sCheme of the rest of the campus. Page THE SURVEY The usual survey of the involved and surrounding area was made with a plane table and alidade, and the data plotted to scale on the map. Centerline stations were established at luu foot intervals and the profile was run with a level and rod. The profile data was recorded in a field book, and drawn to scale on a standard profile form. Data on the existing drainage system was obtained from the Buildings and Utilities Engineering Division. 1L 858.32 BULL BARN R‘\85 s MEATS LAB. O HYDRANT \\ .\\ SHEEP 8 CATTLE O W, \ I I \. } w W?” ~— W.— “ \ \\\ \\ \ \ (5%” 3: "R. '5" a r‘?\ _W. \\\ \\\ ‘ ‘\ “3%, - ‘W‘ ““x \ E \ \ \w s 5 4 0 O 0 0 9fit c}_ O o / 00/ 0° 0 K . \\ O-‘-—— HYDRANT \ \ ‘ 852%; \ “Wewww MV~ 7 \\\ x r \ l BEEF CATTLE BARN \ T //// \\J/\\v////, ~855 . \ ’ ‘ r— \ f .\ o V f \ ‘ L \ ‘ \ \‘ i 856\~.#// \fl/////// 7 \/ ~—..—.—————+~— 3 __, '7 i ‘ I to“ i \, i a h —_ If. ‘zfl \, ¥ , . a 5 7 \ \/ O i // I I \l i , a 0 ° ° “R" I i m ”f o . K O "* . {33 / I / 3 o o O 0 (gr—{1 "7’ is} __ N m/ an. scum BASE 0 ° ' ELEV. 858.cg__ 5 g “\E / .-. a, O O 0 O o z I \ w (’3 -. ,7 . W‘MV- . O C“ W ‘W—; "4' 5': bREENHOUSE AREA Sm: PLAN MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE «mo—u... .. DATE; 413?: ’947 SURVEYED BY- HK.IiN DRAWN BY- HJT CONTOUR INTERVAL= I FOOT SCALE- "9:40: Page 4 TuE CONCRETE DESIGN The design was made possible through the cooperation and assistance of the Portland Cement Association and the Michigan State Highway Department. The proposed road is assumed to fall under the classifi- cation of a "lightly traveled primary route*§ This assumption was made because of the relative position of the road, and the Stock Judging Pavilion. During periods of stock shows, the road will provide an excellent turning circle for the heavy trucks used in the transportation of livestock. The stresses developed from the above mentioned loading will be the primary factor in the concrete design, as service for the greenhouses will never produce equivalent loadings. Computations were made for a pavement life of 30 years, using the modulus of rupture as 700 PSI, and protected corners. The value of "k", modulus of subgrade reaction was taken as lOO**#/sq. in./sq. in., and the maximum axle loading as 9000*** pounds. ‘ Referring to the table it is found that the maximum thick- ness of concrete "d" required is 6.35 inches. We will use 6.5 inches for ease in construction. The necessary preliminary computations were made, and "d" was obtained from a grapfl'based on Westergaard's formula. W“ r1] 0.925+0220 1 * Concrete Pavement Design -- Portland Cement Association. *ifi‘ Michigan State Highway Department N 5:: 32 Wm £3 and own 5.. nahmm 09.0. :53 32:. B. 02:26 8222., u can. :2 Wm 53 000.03.on 036m .32 .35. .3 flap; 23 32225. to mt. 00065.2. N: 03m 23 m. ooo.~_ ooo.o_-ooom one m... ooodmmfit 5.. 08.3 mute. me come. ooom :88 3.... won 0.00.0363 6.. oohmm - 03.3 e 003 88.602. .. .. 23.3. oohmm o 003 00070000 : : III‘III : = : : = O 0 NF 000$ [COCO .. .. .. 4.. .. 03.3. m. ooom oooonoooe no on» o.~ ooo.oo_ .26 ooodtd mm. come 80.. .225 . zocbmma 5&2. Ammxoz: um ~23: $3 «054“. 93.. $.26: 02%... 48+ 9.th awn: 92 SSE Cums... man. 043 .m» mzo . =9. >._.m.....m._. RIOCIMSCOB §$n no”. SQEMQ ASm§m<>n m m A w m v m m _ 0.0mm -Mmmunp 3.386.368 0.0mm msoizmn 35.. mascon s. 35.. SEE mE>< bur: mod. dechco 81553:» mmmgcs m3 x»; a mmpm :05 non , 2mm: 3‘ 304.08%“ <4UJDN NCLD ODOL .EK om DOJ USO fi/mocwmw I! 4 n 3.3 lmmxos: hm w 32.: mm”: no o» 26.. $25: 00.3.. :93on 035:. u m m.m 0mm ow 000.00. $3 000.03% mm. 009. ooov sea. .. .. .. .. 5me m. 000 m 08m 1000... 3 2 3 2 .. : : 00ml- 000mlooom .. .. _. mmvhm. 03.3 m 003 oceanooom mmm mmm 000.8302. 5.. 004.3 0093 v 00% ooomuoooa .mw.m m; ooobmmhfi 3.. mmmhw gym. m._. come. ooom.v 1008 _.m m3 000.95 .3 we ._ 04m m 33 m. 000%. 000.0. .008 «.3395. .. m_m.a.v 200 coo. 3oz: now 0 Z 4 o 0.0 .m m unfimm .2: mm .3: w 32.: 3:66.: 34 33:0 mm.m mwm .m._ mmdbm 00:0. «vol Son! :2 mm 1:: w :03 7.... ‘- page 5 in which S a more tensile stress in PSI. P ' wheel load in pounds placed on slab corner. d F thickness in inches of a concrete slab at the corner. radius in inches of the circular area equivalent to 9 II the contact of the tire with pavement. l ' radius of relative stiffness defined by the equaéion 1: {/—E——d’ I2(I--u2 )k in which E = modulus elasticity of concrete. Poisson's ratio for concrete. u k modulus of subgrade reaction in pounds per square inch per inch. It is generally accepted that concrete slabs perform best when they are slightly stressed in compression. This fact eliminates numerous eXpansion Joints, with the usual maximum distance between joints being between 300-600 feet. Since the proposed road is 940 feet long, it was decided that two ex- pansion Joints located at stations 3+00 and 6+OO will be adequate. Contraction Joints of the dummy-greys type will be used at 30 foot intervals to control cracking. .The use of steel in concrete road design does not increase the resistance of anunbroken slab or add to its strength in -any way. The sole function of the steel is to hold together the fractured faces of slabs after cracks have been formed, so as to aid in load transmission. page 6 The computed in which A : H i b H II II m II The b' u area of steel required in a one foot width of slab is from the formula, area in‘square inches of steel running in the direction in which L is measured. the distance in feet between free transverse JOints. the weight in pounds of one square foot of concrete slab. the coefficient of friction between slab and subgrade. allowable working stress in steel in PSI. value of f for average use is 1.5* then 00 l. 81. 2 2 000 .65 sq. in./ft. of width use 3"“ bars spaced at 4.5"** for longitudinal steel. 10 l. 81. 2 2 00 .028 sq. in./ft. of length use é"¢ bars @ 14" for traverse steel. Traverse steel may also be used as tie bars across the longitudinal Joint, if the steel is spaced at a distance less than 15 inches center to center, with the first bar at a distance less than 15 inches from the edge of the slab. Deformed bars cannot be used for this purpose as required slippage between steel and concrete would not be available. Very often a grease on bituminous coating on the steel is used to prevent bond. * PCA ** Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook, Table 3, Pg. 66. PER FT. OF WIDTH I. 4 I d I ~ ’d I. . O I ’ I ‘ u" MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE GREENHOUSE ROAD ROAD CROSSECTION SCALE - I": 2' DRAWN BY H. F. N. 4, in-,...li l .A#. I_, —\ \'.lf\ ‘ ' ". .W, . _- a ‘I 3,57! III I v r". —"I I 13% so .3 33 new .'.~._‘_' Ir.- l' If'w'r} . ~. g. , . ‘ _\--. 3‘ O. 3-! 7 "S —\. "‘— ‘- —'\ ff 5 'fJ.'.., '. (U f. 1'71"." .r,;'s_--_.5-._--, I "_l"- fl I I571: H I S “_ .Is': _. -K __ __‘ L‘_‘T__:- ' I 4 L ,L i _ L _ u -i E a _ 8 _ M i ‘ J , I1 . . W O r/ M H G“ C _ 3 _ I. 3 4 AH _ _ _ AU 3 . - _ M“ H _ w 2 8 JV _ L TI n2 “ MW _ A _ ”is" ”Ill... I! T _ o :J . m. _ a . 0L _ M 3 _ 9.... _ w . R A “J x. a flu H H I. I” i «U _ .1. J as ” TI , . w 3 G _ II . H a i 3 _ m .. _ 3 . .1 n W _ JV _ _ i _ n _ _ M I III III I I IIIIII :1 I} I— Ill: III IIIL IIIIIIIIIIII. page 7 STORM SEWER DESIGN Data and information on the existing storm sewers in the area was obtained from the Buildings and Utilities Engineering Division, and the road drainage was designed accordingly. After studying the contour and profile maps it was evident that comparatively little storm water runoff from the surround— ing area would drain on to the pavement, therefore drainage from the road only, need be conSidered. Since the existing 14" storm sewer intersects the proposed road near Farm Lane, it is convenient to construct a manhole and catch basins at this intersection, and drain the runoff directly into the existing line. The high point of the road occurs at station 4+80, necessi- tating catch basins and a manhole at the intersection of South Shaw Lane and the proposed road. From this position, the runoff is carried to an existing manhole in the 14" line approximately 150 feet north east of the intersection and 55 feet due north of g'of South Shaw Lane. Storn.eewera in this vicinity ere designed for e storm.frequency period of ten.yeare. Referring to the rainfall intensity curves, using the time of concentration as 12 minutes, end interpolating the 10 year curve between the 6 and 15 year curves, we find the rainfall intensity in 4.15 inches per hour. The coefficient of runoff for concrete is .85. The equation used in computing the diameter of the sewer pipe is Q 2 AIR* in which * Water Supply and Sewerage - Steel, Pg. 335. I- ‘0 I-...... Q, .I Q: bniiag “‘ f, W I ———-—6-—.-——-- . {__..-_.I- ...I I bk «4 #25: .‘_- -. .- i F , o E'sIch * "““1 -—-~ ..--L“..- - . ...-I I' ! ! I i -....-__.. “in.-- l I I I I I l I I I 'Q<--‘1 In YEAR cht .6; I34 2 , -..—..—.— .— .... ._».—.—- ~——-I _- ...- ...,-,_-... -—.~. -_-.... - —4 ._ ... ... ... . .. . . o. . ... ... a . . 7 7 I . . . . .llllh Filler. . |I|| ’ l p._n . . .V . V , . II . LI, . II I . . . . , , - ...-» . . lIsII .LI. II,“ . .i .“ v . _ {ill . . . . i. . . . . . i . . . I . . . . . . , . . . I i . I . . o. . . . c . . . . . . . _ v c . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . i . . v i i i y . . . . mm j .i,, - I. . . . . . .... _ -——._._.- e . I l. , O. ‘ . O I 4 yk-- e 5‘ ,,_.~ -..—.-- -..k .... , O: . n c,-..I ... -a .....-s ubbbv-oee I . A 0 ii ... . .— r. .I . .. . v . I . . _ . .i . .i II . , . . I I l I ..7...____ _.».. -..; c -w . e i . i _ ... . . . . ... _ .. e . . . w a v .i. i ., . . II‘OI' I'lv I . . . . . . . . . e . . . I . A . , I . . . . . . I . I o . . . . . I I . I . . . -7- .V. 3 o" . , . 0 mm with v 4» L 9L I . . . . . . . . u _ l . i . . . . v . I I A . . 20'- ,. mw.--.—_ I—-—-—- —. . . 9 o ... . w...;. i. ..s . y 4 .... ...... . ...... . . It». , .I,. . I... . . .. .. . .i. l.. . II. a, ,I. ... . . .... . .... .. . . _ ., . . . u c . . . . .0 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8 Q 3 quantity in cubic feet per second. A = drainage area in acres. I = Rainfall intensity in inches per hour. R = coefficient of runoff. Considering first the quantity to be drained by MH-l and designing for a minimum velocity of 3 feet per second, we find, referring to the table, a pipe 8" in diameter is needed. The existing 14" sewer will adequately carry this required capacity, and 8" lines will be used connecting each catch basin with the manhole. _ The quantity of storm water flowing into MH-2 is such that an 8" line will have the desired capacity, so an 8" pipe will be used to drain each catch basin into the manhole. The usual practice is to use a minimum diameter of 10" for storm sewers, therefore a 10" line will be installed from MH—2 MH-B. 080.0 m m 2L. mm. 2d mm. n.1,: «.1: wz... ammoaoma 5.0 m w :.. mm. m2. :u. .....2 mz_m._..OOI_w>v “.0 Am“. 9 unwoo >._._mzm._.z_l O._. 20m... wz... $5248 5.3.20 aaozam jacuzzm <22 95m ammoaoma mod zo_mmo mmgmm EKOHm ._..o- J (1’. I d In 3 C ....IKVM O IIL C Ls “ I. -.....__.:\__,E.: _ _ I -i - _._.._._ Y I I o ave-eye e A e a I e o O . ’ I I I I I I I I I I , ,,,,_ ‘ WWW/fl, ._ = ; Ti _ ROAD DETAIL STKHE COLLEGE GREENHOUSE ’WAAHNDLE MIGHmAN \ ~ \ \I \. 7 'l f, ‘1’; /‘.'.l,/. I /1L/‘//f ,7 I e“ //, 303JJOO 3TAT8 MAQIHDIM OAOH 38UOHH33H3 J'ATBO BJOHMAM YB wwua Man 3“ - 3JA02 I-——-2 4" ——I TOF’ OF 5/ '2' m ‘li/l/llllll‘l/Il/(l’ .———_" g . PAVEMENT IIIIIII If H e ” 21:31:22" % MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE GREENHOUSE ROAD CATCH BASIN DETAH. _ , DRAWN av SCALE I=2 a“. “a \L; V'V‘. \2'.‘ '3 0-4‘ 8” .. 2.4 ‘. . I.‘.I_L‘-'. :i. -‘ . ‘12'~':-,-v- '--¢ \ \ .\\..x \ ... \ ..\. . ..\Ixuex... .\ ..\..x.». s t. \\\ V\\ ....... \.. . . c\.\ . .. N . .. ~\..,.. \.\.\..\..\\. . \x......\\ ..\.. :\ \ . \ .\ .....\\. . .....H..\.... . x . I. x .. \. . \\ \ . . ..\ . . . ..\\..\.\\.. x..\ \x. ..\. .....\\.... x \.\ ..\ .... at... \. \ \ ... x \ ..\ ... . \ . . . . I .H I\.I\I.* mN\Kw\.\ I ... NANIQKNIK .INKMK .\h\\\\. x \ \\\. i .. . \ It ._ ..\\\Li I l P I I k) I 0 I E I I I I I‘ I I T- {\ ‘\°\fi\T . 21‘: \u I... ‘x. x I - \ ..- s- \ . . , \ _ ..\.. t ,0. .. x. .- \ ... ..I. .d ... . . . l \ ... ' _ i I\ \ . \ . . _ .... . \n u\\ . K \s\ \~ . ' ‘\ ‘ 3. \Q T 1‘ M \i \ \.\\\\s\ _ .. i .x\ . .‘J A .\ . I1 \VII. _ .x x. I.) .\\.WI4.H ‘ . _ ll... “6‘ w... a. I. . . \ . .. x x I .\\\I. . JI.\.\. .....HIN VMI\V.VI.\\..VIV\ “‘3... I I I. I V». ..\I «VIIWVMIVJ. 11V]; x N 3.. . ...\..... \. ....1 .. .\.. . x... . \ ... . ..\.. . .‘x. xx...“ " w. \ \x.\ \x\\\.. \ \ ... ....\.\..\s I . \ s. \ \ s . I .. .. . .. ~ \ x l . . x .. ... \ \.. . n . I \ .\ xx. cs..o \.. ... xgxx. ... .. I . . . . . . . \ .... U \ \. \\.\\\.\\.\ \. .....\‘\~ “ \\ t . \ O K t. \ .. \\...\\ _ l_ 'I «J T VAC} -I I Itafiumkmmx. . INN WEAK .) ‘1 iv! TATE“. 353151 Yh-;3 MAO? 8 TAT BJJQD an. .lel CI . \ ...r fig -‘"' {It‘s F 3 I I .513 H '18 page 9 ESTIMATION OF QUANTITIES ITEM Fill dirt Finishing earth grade Steel (longitudinal) é": (transverse) %" Concrete Catch basins 8" pipe (vitrified clay) 10" pipe " " Manholes QIUAN T I TY 216 cu. yds. 3470 sq. yds. 48000 lbs. 3000 lbs. 416 cu. yds. 4 50 iin. ft. 150 lin. ft. 2 --.-1 _— l‘ ‘ 4fi-s iii 1' 4‘ ' "" _' " I'll! . .1. "I‘t '-'I‘l‘- 1' I III ‘I‘ 1 ‘1 ‘ _ . ~ _ . _ . — . W _ u n 4 I .- A i . c . . i . III 1 1—111 '4‘ ll" i I1 III \I — — . . _ _ n h . N . _ . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . m . . _ . _ . . . . _ _ . i _ . . i . _ I1 1+ II rlII _ w L w ‘ In In, I. I- - ‘Izi I I: III. .1. |..lo.4lo..'qu'l4l‘.'Iu'“" II'IJ _ _ — n _ _ — n ‘ - — . _ _ . . 0 . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ — . — . _ . ‘ . fl _ . n . . . I: III- III. I. III ¢ ' O I-” ll . .. Olfl -..] I‘D. - u (L . J I II, '- Ll. I. o . . _ . . _ . _ . . . . _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . _ . . . . _ _ - . . . u . “ (AHIVJ [‘1‘ (q a... “I lll-|- ‘l cufl’ul'l ' ' | - Ill-LY: II. I. --II" + In. I...- '- o . . __ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ - _ _ . _ — _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . — n _ n — . _ o . _ . _ u — . _ _ _ . WIID'IOIOI‘ _ II b I! IIIJ 1|-LO d. III 0 ‘6 I. V .6: I —» ' '10L 0 0.0 Il'llb I In. I. III _ . _ . w . _ _ _ . . . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ . — . ~ _ . I ‘ u . __ _ . . .__ _ . _ _ — . - _ - . . w . . c I «I-.. DI! ' n!" ‘0'" It- 41"]... -‘I’lli"l -‘v'IOIuv "+.Ol 'II l'a‘tlnl | I -III a .7. _ .H ._ M a II __ _M .5: ... W.___ _ . I... II... I‘D! IniI'Lvl’llljl ull. '1‘ I- . . I..|l _ m IUD» I I L——... --.. _. I I II... I I I n; 1 I IV I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I t. I I I L [omeuIU 53:20.: xoom who: _ amtOIE H _I __H A Ou>w>¢3m 25¢ £on 5 l' I, II II I‘I. III ‘I ‘II page 10 APPROXIMATE COSTS - 1939 Fill material 216 cu. yds. @ $0.60 $130.00 Leveling subgrade I 26.00 Water supplied by College Steel forms 138.80 Reinforcing steel 2142.00 Placing reinforcement 104.10 Concrete materials 2387.00 Mixing & placing 1060.00 Finishing 1000.00 Curing 655.00 Cleaning up 16.00 Catch basins 4-@ $48.80 195.20 Manholes - 2 0 $130.00 260.00 8" VC pipe 50 ft.@ $0.28 14.00 10" VC pipe 150 ft.@ $0.47 10,59 TOTAL 1939 Cost 38198.60 ENR INDEX 1939 -¢ 235* n n 1947 " 395 1232 Cost =3.1247 Cost 71939 Index 1947 Index 8128.60 3 _Q_ 235 95 L—-2—§3%11251 I 3.7 0.00 * Engineering News Record, April 17, 1947, Pg. 108. {Jr-’- I i fix, {‘15 :‘I _‘ v 5.49”! iii I fit cw ' HICHIGQN STQTE UNIV. LIBRQRIES ‘ I I II III II I“ III II I I I 31293015820461