33.. In... :2, 2r::2::_E_E_::_:_, mm .9. ’ afizz‘ I N I ll 5“ ‘~¢ :9. tat‘Jfi 1',“ f. : - 3 S AGE?) "‘5 §—_ . f . . I"; ‘4‘ s d. n 1‘ . n .9 Fe 1. 3”.” ‘ l 'u 51:? . 2” _ \- 3‘.“ -' .:‘ A; $\J ”£9.in :3 WIIIHIIImillllllllllllllllllllIllIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIH , J LIBRARY 3 1293 01591 2599 Michigan Stqte ‘ University . I mmw or 1mm) omrmm mm 223m. mama 0131.5 III (mam. ammo m 3.? lien? Elmer Keller mmmmomnagedsmemde RWM State Univmity at £3101:le mt! “plied Science in partial mm at finth-thadewct £253.11 0? 50mm 13mm of mummy 1959 awamm menthorhdaqfltho Dummsmrorhh mmmwmtmmnw mama-summer»:- wmnmmu mommkfmhhhamar Mimmmomdmmm W0 VITA Em Ban-y mm Keller 3m 1m 20, 1930 in Race City, “12.13:: Academic W Reed 01. 861.001, Peed City, :uciugm 39w) Udvamity at 11.1:- 4923,1112: labor, madam (1933—1: °) 221124313: State University, East Lansing, :mm (1957- ) Em Hold: ?. 8.)” may, Ufimity at Imam 0.6-" u—OI-«w-o-f flail-f 1n- “h own-:7 a up. 1' - -4... r," 7,:n «fart-:7 J‘s-L. #Jbufib 51".” 11.1.1. :1: I 1 ‘ *J 4} @1111... svvaL mini} 1' 4-1 r: l-l- hm ‘ . .- «1—. C O‘N&&U “a: buou-éanw ; ‘o‘wv “W 3y i ’“Wt-‘x-n "‘1‘ 2' taupe-.01.“ . n 31:. F O fl: 1:: 1.3111111: mmeoumwmdvmmwbd 13.5213m 1w» 131:..st3 .13? a? £515.me an! mm Salaam 1:39.538; immmt d the 11313112111131“ £3: 12:13 dogma d’ 1.£=L1" Q? “C1211... Lm‘wmb 01‘ Cum? far? .1329 A tinted. minefiel- (2111131313113 51’ a m‘wm mam amber with (mel- cmrntad 3111:: (2:5 my, 3:3 mi: mm aim) or with mmm 19:13 (21"! mercury, 3-3 210511 3:19.31: 2.21:) w and m mm»: mural meant?» 111m capmuis. 1.2.1:: the maples mm dissolved in 0.1 1! Warm acid in meme @1111} 1:116 mam cam m mama! wafd‘mhim‘ly to the «11.11:. 1.119 mime m thm '~ , . Musician. 1'13 want of aim emf: um -. =13: mm the 5-.qu mm by the nitro cmounfi, since mmmtad aim when: W 1:11 at! «mm 111311va in the calm. HmmwadwemtadWammw-Md1md macaw, u mm by law cl‘mm‘ua mm. m mania-at £01113 0:th «mm cam}. 1113: £13.: whims! 9:131:11»an to am the 11:11.39 anagram. {Emma mamas mace-tic acid mam-ammu- mkzcw by tho calm!!! 1111;: 11.9 11-12122-1111111: at m 09.1mm amt at 130161 1:15. the mutuality 0.? 01:11:11: .111 amt-1:: acid data-111nm in his 'mmmramltoboofi mmwmsm. am. 1111 acetic Mmsmmtm with «zrgmincmtactviflzurat‘lfiaufllip m1. mmmorwmmm P889 1. EWCMOOCOOIOOOOOOOOO000......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...0.... HOE». ‘ WiQMOOUCIOOOOOCOOOOOOO.C...OOOOOOOOOCICOOUOO...C.OCO. ‘0 QWMooooncocoa...cocoons.cocouooooooooonoloooooio 3. SW Emancoocoooooonocoo00000000000000.0000... c. 1139mm!nococo00.0000.cocoOOoooom-oo00.0000009000000- Do W103 Procm‘m'flflooocoococoon-0000000000.oouoooooooo Kc fim From-coo...oooooooooooooooooooooocooooo 1o PMimm fltratmocuaoooucooooooooooooooo 2. 1M) lem Titratmcocoooooooooooooouocoooc t: Braflnatin Imamooooooouoooooocacao-0.0.00- mmrm of Lead by the Gil-unto Procedm'ou 50 I’Gtflfim of Zinc W “a m Wooooooooo III. meSSICB 0? WE00000000000000.0000000000000000000000000 A. W With m 21:10 001m...oooooouoooooooooooooo 1. Initial Wm‘koo000..ourcocoa-00000000000000...coo. 2. mm: of mm Gama with tho an: ° 601mm. 3. WM Qf filfi BMooooooooooccooooooooono omit!!! W231 £518 LNG com.ooooooooooocucooooooooo 1. Emu-3113 0f 1111.130 wmmcoocoooooooooooocooo 2. IGWLhti-fm fit“? 3181111000000...00009000000000 N. 53.22511! W CC?" 333°1szcom- ‘0 m. Zinc CWOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOCOOOO0.00000COCOOOOOOOOO 30 M W WIOOOOO0.000.000.0000COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO uwm mocoooooooovooooooncoco-0.000000000000000.000000000 '1 3 Bfigfifi 55 U fiSwwaaamun n 9 UN 63-3 U ‘0 155:? CF @3133 1. mm mm Pahu- m by 2.1m (1.0 mm)m1m Emmim mm. Him Comm mm by zinc (30 much) W 11mm Mm..."“on“...«unapooonuuuu 111. mm W Meadbylaad ”£480.?1Wm." w.mwmwwxmmmmm‘ ’ W OUOOOOOC0......OOOICOOOOOOOQQI’QQOOO0. WWW mammal Law! x W by W #301» QOOOOICOOCOOOICCOIOIOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCI0.0.. '71. M: m doth the Lead 503.3121} £330.. Wocouooouoooo m. M: m It“! {“9 Low 09M 3333.0. PMs-concoct. vii. 3.3 33 35 1.13? mum 1. pane-mm amatwmm.mu mm mammatmmm 3.mmdpmmmmm mmmam.....u h.mmdmmmwmemmmmmm fim-pomdafitmfimataoamhdmmnom wmmwmmmmmwm 333.69.000.00.oooooooooooooooooasoooocnococoa-0000000000000 6.M-pdm a: I “mum d poms-1m “ W ph- m‘UA barium mm with W ”Mo-00.0.01“... n ToWdltmmotlwflmmmm ”MOOCOOOOOOOOCOQCOIOOQ.OCOOOIOOCOQOOCO0.00000000000000000 mam-pmtdamumamumramwm with-11151110 ”id-00000000000000...con-00.000000000000000- v3.11 5 88555 B) VI 23 29 I. nmammw m6 (9) «:1me (3,h.$.6.7.8)1nd1vmm:lymtogeumr (10.11.12) arm-mm several mm mm ooupumia by Man a: mummtommmmpumnmmmmmm mammdwmmmmumdo mmm,.mumdpmmmomdm¢nm1mvm WW3“. mmmwmmma hydrochloric acid umm-mmmwm. smmmmnmmmmmmmpm mwtmummnmo-mmtwmm «madmawpdwmgmmmwwm muthmn. momammnmmmmmmbysum (1h). mammxmmmmmmw MnuflsmorU). nmnmmmumdwmmmmcm ummwumm.ummummpm manommu. Boththmwoductllhwldbobutoin thank-m. magnumwmmutomum wwmnmammmmmmomtozmm mummw.mdmmumuthommmn Wuwuuuwmmmummmmmm «Ivan. .U; II 0 331121 1112; EL A. Chemicals The Wind mm. hwm‘ugatimm not Misti man We «tasted. Rowrmcatim at tho ultra cm was Momfiuflmnmmmmityatthommmm mmwmmmammmmmmcw, ammummmmmewummm mimmmmmmm. mo compani- titntod, labeled parity and mum are: nun-W acid, m, can Wham-ado acid, m. OJ. Whammy. PwW.I-mcm. mm, Eastman, 6.1,. mmu.mmmm%m mmm acid, Batman, 64’. smmuumdmfimmd Pmmmto,nakmm1nod wunmmmdnunam unused www.mm Zine adds, Baker- Inflated mum-u acid, mmm (Wtfllofim acid (mu), Bach W Compaq, meant WWII-cams Prim-W Pat-um and plum-into, Baku-I put-.17 M, won-dried far was hams at 10 . Potasahm dichrozmgto, mm.- raagam, oven-drm for taro hour. at 105 . pan-m mu. EW,OW m, ann- dried far 1310 hours at 135. Other Metals: Putnam bmmme, Fiahar mm m. 190th 10:11:19, Baker- sanity-zed Lead, mum, min; mam 21m, Balm-a mum: Barium mm. G. W Smith Riemann acetate, Baker- analysed Acetic mm, mm ex. 891va muoniddfimmuywwmmmw newsman- swwwumwumwdm; 85n.dmpmmmmmuuyoon.umuwum maca.«mmmmmumm. www-mmtomnwmmw. III-lain- unwwummmwmammw wmummoomuonoimwuma-pommm WM(m¢dropsota1£oomuannmum)u MW. swmmmmmmmummmmby mmmummum. awn-mama'- uu,ummumwmuwmm. Wmmmm‘uw.ummmm Ind-d. mmmmmmndwmanw mmwmwmumuuamu-pom mmmmwcmw. smmmmmmm—Mwmm amumummmammuvmu-m til-k. wmmmmmmmuw WW5MW¢Wmmufiwd mmamwmummuam nut. wmwmnwwmmnsm dWWWthdWhmo5 mdowmwmwm. Manhunt-I memngpmmmmdmuum)umnw unmmpmdmmmmmmw-m- muuwuwmmwmmmmwm mmuammt. Andamammwmmwupmw W2.1n1.otomntmbodmlmm.ciduthomntndm mid. The solution was s‘wflzmlizal by potantiomtric titratim 01‘ I mig‘aed porticm or! potassiml acid pithalata dissolved in acetic acid. It 11:23 rmmd “mat panlermi balm. pmfiiarata had to be» aided to 13.3 potassmm acid magnate gamma: to obtain a suitable break. fitmm‘. zinc acatata solutim was pram by dissolving 2.343331. guns of zinc (adds in water comma; a 311311. meal at acetic acid and diluting to cm liter with water. This nofmtim Wired two milligrara at lino per m1. Stanizmd m aolutim was 13mm! by disarming 12 grams of 613mm (1' ’umgon ‘g’lmacl iamtw‘w‘waacata'ba dfllardrate in 8503‘. 800 nil. of miter. £15: confirm was OW by titratmg I 25 fl. unmet wmwmmummn. otfiilOmmh- mummawmmummmmm mummoahmm rmwmmum. mmmmmwmwmummwtm mmmmazsfim.mwdmm-m mired 25.061. «um-mwmxmw. C. Amati! ABec’kmmchlwpun-stm', Wflfiaflnumwa W W W electrode, uni Did tn the Man-trio umm. ' MWMWM mum-mum mummmwmgm a Whym (15). mammoth- mumagmm. 310an mamemmqu-wum mmmwm,mummodthowm W. momcommmWhWJm-m comma. mmmMplmmmmmamm mmwwmummm. mmmxmmgmflsamutmsmmmm mmwmwmmmmnmnum. Itmtmmtowsmmumrmdwthom,mi mmwdmummmmto‘mmmmu. mmmmmmummmmmmm dis-01x06. balmmmfmdtotbocdmwmby mmmamammumammm. mmmwmwwwmm madmamnmw,nmrmmmmmmu W»u-W,fimtmwbm-. mum-varied ham,nauatmcnbdngtoomcotommthomm calm. hmthhdflfmwwmmh-Gmpw ummma-mammumm mmmmmuoommmannnkdenm pup. momnm-ohtimmpmdmth-W' mmnmmmmmmmwmmm Wombat“. Itmuaunadtbutbomidmat mm-mmwwmmmmquam aim-spasm. S‘fii‘iciantmxricmtatamnawtotm mmmmfim'thZWm-y. D.Rechwucnrmedum nthmghthomuedtarpaummmmgh'm mmwmm.mmm,mm mama-mum. ‘ InmpMmIESwSOml.WotmnmdLI-mm mmwwmwwm'm.wm_ WWWWMdmm. Mamba-manpower! mgammmarwamvma.mman~m wuwmnw. mmmummmmm Wmmamommmuwmmmm ammmammwmummammm thocolnm. Ason.pmdmuuutmuum ummxmmmmm.’ nammm,umwwuumumuuu mmmmwumumwuw. mm— wuummmnson.pamau. mamsonmtm mummdnmed,mmbcmmmmmm mmmm. “mmuMquWMV-W. mm.W1nmaww-uammumwn ”mummcsmfl.mm. AW wwwammmcmwnmm. Amwmmmmwamwww Wmdcmlosdnumfcrfim. Aha-holsmbborflqpuu “tommowdfinmm. Minion-afgha- WWMmlwmmmmwummm flapper. Baton the ample sciatic: w W into the storage mamcmmmmmwmmvmmm “mama”. modalimavmaotthlmmfmlcm mmdmtadmpumetmmmmotmmmmm mwwmmwmwammm. Tho mwmmummfimmmmmmamu Mammmmdmnmmwm ' www.mmmmm. 11.0.01..me wwmmmummm,umdm uwmmammmmmmmmu mwmtmumaemm. Mmmcfiaflmm «mmwmmwmmamum. mom-t gamer-mutmwwmmmmmmm Mimctthommb. mfltratiml’rocedm LWMHW mmmmumwmwmmwum muuththumhobhthaumdmopum. mom uplandha250d.bwmnflotmmumunm Warmth-W. mommobuummdto wo-aoommmwumtmwuzmmm, meowmmmMmMMOJn. ngmmmmmmm. memqmcyumm mummmcymmtmammmmmpmphm mwdtowmupumlommpmwum. mo mmmMammomwmmmnww-m wwmmmnw. polmgraphadmmmfianmuoummomamm Wsmdeairmommm. mum-Whymlwb- $1501.0thI2Mbfldggawtfin¢ufltmitivityo£m06 mem. fimummwdmmaum ”thmotmnmmn. manpdthommmflcdbelmtmnrrmdtbeaolnum beinafimtad. WmmfidodeO.5w1.0m.pm. mummwommmmbmmm eachpm-umotmautmuhmbmmm. LWW. mommmmwmmudmmo 'mtdmrmrmawdmdmmmn W. mmmumammmmmmmbmm mgxthooahm,ummotmpipetedmbou500 n1.1od1not1aak. mmmdmwmmmmmum 10 1:331:03):thme mimmtmmfidedtodm t‘m‘mlm. 110ml.putionof13hnfl.furioncidmflmnmed, ind mfmskmltoppawadMEmm flammtmnmu atmxlmtilfiaacoler ofbrecflna axle be detected inflmoomticn at 1:11:31, alfizmzh ltmggur standing 244.23; no exact on ml“. Send Masseuse incline was then placed in the map of the iodine M, and water was added to (31380va the potassium ieiide. m wmmsm scansimm thenallamdton’cmthoflaakbyrdmz the atmgpaz', mm) the $1,352»: was swirled. The solution was then titrated trim stmw ace—Lu tidmfi'ate 8032;111:921 to the paint than the iodine color van faint. Starch inflicatm' was tam aided am the titraticn cmfiimmi until the blue calm: as? the starch-iodine emit; 0mm no Him: the 1% calm-n was used far the mimeticn, load braids pmcanitabed when the ample solstice and the Manila Wo-pataum manta solutions were miscefi. mm the petmmm indict. m added, the pmflpitato mwmwamwm indide. mumucolarmdo it gait. difficult todotcmimuasmwo tut-nun at the indium. www.mmmltambmzfldad, thad-poixttmgxito imp. hmumazmmnytm Lumen-com Todatmsamathomltoflaadinthaolnmfmmthocalm an aliqaot m pipeted 111130 a 1.130 ml. beakar and «wanted to Mt 253 m1. Iithmta'. Smart! Whadidmtooomtimmthmfldadm a pfigm m the solution was Ming stirred cmutmtly. I-I'wm the singlet at potassimm :11me Rad hm added, the W was mama to stand tom 10 mm. The lead cizreraete precipitate was then file-med mxlar matian tin-mg: a 3:) ml. modiwn porosity amend was mcible, and the filtrate cmgm in a 5.70 ml. arctic: flank. the i mipitata m «aha! five time with water. _ Pataummiodidemdloml.oflzhnflmricacidmaidedto the filtrate and tho lemma iodine was titrated with “animal codinm meal‘tm-GhmJ-pcdntu inthobrammtimprocemm. Certain at the mac mammal tobe reassessed we.» pataeeinm diamante, mt} this nether) cetzld netbe need in than was. Sussemammoemwwommzmmod manminmoeommelnmtmdetmmmdwwapmtmgtm acetiowidmtboaohtimumm‘mmpmmufltitmtmgthe mwmmmmnmmm. maimotmpipatedmtonsoom.mmmakmntwbdb ingchipnlddad. MMWfizmotoppm-udvithnmhberatoppar matbidtianedmbbm'hoaemeattechadtotmudomefflmflmk wuamm. mammamtbmpmmlyimedinhet (90°C.)!tta-mthomctimmpliwnntnunmticmidhad ‘cupontod. wammmmnmfldmmum,mn.d meWemm-waumamm rindioctoemmummaddod,mfinlo1ntimmtimtedvith mmmwucntowapedntfimfinmmdfiao imicatoeoonldnoimgeebedmw. III. DIEGESIQI 01" mm A. Operatic:- with the Zinc 003nm humane: smumwmwmmWh-ummm _7 mmwemm Wumommmlm‘ mummnmmmwmum. nan-twain mmmmmdcdwmnmgedwwwm.d OJIWaem. SamudwtbvmdwtmmmmduMinOJI wwumwmm. nmcmm‘ ummwoanmvmnm-dmmum www.mtmummwmam MISJLdthoOJIIodmm. Almanumdbydiuolmwwowm mumumoanmuamw. nus-WW wwmmmum Mowinntm mmwmmmmm. agar-1mm Wmtwthilm. msmnrmomumn hm,mmmmhmmmmww mwummmmmmuuw. mathem- «wwmmmmmmmmcmm. m otflnWmMfii-timttobomw. unmade :amHoo Hwowpeuoemp Ho moauehuwp oauposoapmeuom .H ehmwah BadmaHs ho .A: mm om ma OH . _ m _ _ .0 O C .0 .0 A. 0 Adam 0. Ilaome .0 O. O. I. . L, O. can 0. al.Ohm 0. O..u- one JNH SLTOAITTIH 15' $11- W was also teem-.321 by the high frogsmcy titratim peacetime. Piano 2 above the tibratimz mm for this titratim. ' mmwacidcmbodotmmquuteeaamwthewm titmtiminthcemmehmt. . tmfiwmademidmdheolmmmfim mmmmmtmmgamcmn. immingtofimtheo- ”tied. stoicbimaatry a: the newt-Em: that: akcnm have been a. elm mm of mm mid 13th:: cam-la ci‘tm the reductim. ugh fire- Wfitmim of the elem: with emfinm acetate gm no and point, humor, the plat of metre-met MIMBG mm: m1. at timbeing o. WIS-no. mathemtei‘bmeintheelnmthnetw tothomamtmoamamdpesaedtlmmthecehm. mmumuwmcoMumMMampmmmw 103mm,:pmtimarOJHparwlm-ioncflmpmad thodmuflt‘molnmtdimtedwm. emu-mu Miamtimmwdodtefiseaolutimbutmpmdpmotcflm modicum. Simoithhaflertommmmmthm wofinrddmtimmhefdxlmwaimommmddoimm tummitmaammadthattkezinemmummmmpemhlomte 1cm. ammotmmeoepmmmtaezmmmm To chad: fill mm of the con-m in the Win: at 1.11. nitro comm. mar-1 cesium: d m'tgzo- and mta-nitrdmoim acid md min-daemon. were run we the comma: smear varies: cafiitim and pseudo nauaoo Hmoauehoosp Ho mowaehvap homemconh swam ezemaHs ho .q: a N .N mama o - w _ — _ _ .Eo N SONOJSEH LNZNflHlSNI 1? mmwmnmmmmmwmwmmm W. mzwnmwemmmaemwmmm. mm column Wed the aims-0 (summit with 100.0 3 .63 efficiency «wwunmmmmwuuummm maintained. Putnam acid mat be xmamast in the subtitle passing time: Wcmminmflmtfiembecmwummmmtpfltdtba Warwmmmmcmwmmwmmw. W3fimhwfimmofmumvuinwfinomm «mommmfipmemtinfimum. flaw-Maudie mmmmmmammwmmm‘ ofihlpmbladnaciditflmpemmwiemidnumtomiytm Wtwthcm,m1ttfizomtimmpmompletatfim ' wmmhmwmmoméa. MWWWWUIIWW,3MIML;% WhfioMmflfiquWWu WMWWW. SWWthoJZinmn mamflufiicbmmcmmemtmnmmuummtow wilpcint. , .mmd'maftkmcmleflmmfimmwtmnmfia mdtbomplnmlemffi’ectfieemimdflcimottm 601nm. Aodnnpadmduifilmmgamtodmmuhmlnflmm MW. Mdthenamleumtbrmfithhcohmmmnat museum. fiamlminl‘aburmmudngumeom. me warm mom a! mo (10 2mm) amaze-mm meme ”-5 .s . a.--“ vumd—-.p-._--.. 22 0.1 “.6 158.10 10.96 0.09306 99.15 g 0.1 102.6 £3.10 10.60 0.09806 33$ 0.1 102 .6 £3.10 1.0.76 0.09306 2:319. 11 mi? Gamma men) n: we (30 .1. «33) new}: man mums: amaze. W ~ , W ROIO‘ E80 Pm Same 00mm. 89ml. Recommend W 1 0.1 102.6 1.3.10 0.09006 98.9 2 0.1 100.6 2.0.10 10.60 0.09306 99.8 3 0.1 102 .6 1.3 .10 10.76 0.09006 99.1. 1. 0.1 102.6 1.8.10 10.51. 0.09806 99.9 5 0.1 102.6 118.10 10.60 0.09806 99.8 6 0.1 101.8 1.3.10 10.70 0.09096 100.3 g 0.1 101.8 1.3.10 10.78 0.09036 100.1 0.1 101.0 1.8.10 10.79 0.09306 100.1 9 0.1 101.8 1.0.10 11.82. 0.09006 100.1 10 0 101.2 1.3.10 12.52. 0.09006 96.0 11 0 101.2 1:0 .10 12.1.1. 0.09806 96.2 13 0.0157 101.3 1.3.10 11.61. 0.09306 9 .3 11. 0.0333 101.3 1.3 .10 11.26 0.09006 99.3 15 0.0333 101.3 10.10 11.10 0.09806 99.8 16 0.0500 101.3 1.3.10 11.51. 0.09036 99.6 a 0.0500 101.3 1.8.10 11.2.8 0.09306 99.; 0.0667 101.3 0.09376 99. 19 0.0667 101.3 1.3.10 11.37 0.09806 100.0 20 0.0033 101.3 1.3 .10 11.36 0.09006 100.0 21 0.0833 101.3 1.3 .10 11.30 0.09806 100.2 mm fl 0 005 73 081 It? a8".3 12 .23 0009306 91 .0 g 0.05 73.81 17.80 10.60 0.09006 101.2 g 0.0 13.81 1.1.00 10.70 0.09006 101.1 0.0 71.70 1.1.80 13 0.09806 80. 23 0.0 113.70 157.80 -- 0.09806 78 2 0.0 70.70 117.00 27.85 0.09806 53.1 v 00° 71‘. 1&7 080 29065 0.09306 118 .9 31 0.1 71.41 b? .00 10.68 0.09806 100.0 32 0.1 78.95 1.7.00 0.09006 100.1 20 oooa.o mmwo.o ,nHow onOAmOmmm ho HBHA<£MOZ 5000.0 00m0.0 ammo.o :oaposuwu ho pampxo map so cave cahoamupem Mo pneumm .m opsmfih $8.0 _ m 00 fl (0) we no mo .OOH NDILOHGEH ‘ Ammamnmmsommmemmw. Usinzthhcohm1M.OiO.6§ieffizetkmtmm¢um~ :mwmmmmaammmawo-mm memmummwuw- transom. momlamudngthilooinmminmon. 3.5Wimottba81mk finaimintbcoolnmelumxtuaedebmmiaedupmimfl: mwmommw.nmtmwmmmm mommdmitummtpmmlnmm.ww flunitromcnnd. me,mo.307m1mndmu—n1tro- bemoic in OJIWwMWWthWLfl ,mnimle-ntnmmtmmxnmummmmdmomw mole. muted. War OJHWAW «mum-anew, Mmmmmmmmtmwmwrwums mmmmommmatammmm. Bymmoe mw,wmtmlwicaemwmcohmitmtmm MthisutnuAcmimmtmcm. muwumm hacatuwm,mdmmlelveatuithfindiuolvedaqgma mwmmmmumwmm dumbflmtmmoflim. menfixeacetieacidmdoemted mmummtopmagewmocmmmmw Iiminthodmatmmhcodgmmw. mnemonicmmeotfisemrtmaimiafmthapmdflaricacm. Mmmw :me in I Mg 011mg}: racism tE'mt 1% will reduce Warmanommotpmmmiemidinmmmd. Emmi. dWdemmmdmdmmm-m WWW. Zincuadomminedintmanmthythomn m.’mmummmmmho mmamram mmmmmmmmmatmmunmmm mmemmwnmmpmmummmm dfiapmfislmieaaid. riggus‘ehmoahwathamlugatmtm memmwmmamm. Since zinc acetate pmcipi‘betei 6111ng 1.310 timtim of 801nm omtainiagshnpmcklomte um I i ‘I acetate, termidnringthn pragmatimaffinaincamlgan,zfl£wmdinthecelnmiwmnin¢ verbatim it met pardflorie acid mm net present, the mute: . ,u 06-: acetate in acetic acid we examined . Zine metal was heated with 000th acid to effect mactim. 220 sciatica was that cooled mmflytommtamemtm, duringsisicl. 0mm. metatobegmto 03931913130 from the swim. The dam was time placed in a cw mm bath at 25° for were]. cm to .3100 the 90mm to be established. 2310 solid mine amt-0:03 me than reamed from the mpmxatnt 11431113 by £111.th {311814;}: a fine Infinity 0:311th glass 0231012310 and the line in the filtrate do‘mmmal in the usual W with W. Avelue at 0.7!. gram of zinc acetate :20: liter 00? .013th W, W1 0mm 913300 pearly 101$. t3 :0 wine of 0 .055 {pram per liter 1'0pr by Rafi: 0:1 E15 mummy (2). 23 53.30 on? on» you 35.3 25 co awed cahognioa mo vacuum 33 020.58% mo Eagoz “no.0 omo.o muo.o :4 arm _ _ . _ «.0 4.0 0.0 w o O "IN 001: 113:! (ISLVHHHI'I DNIZ £10 SS'IOHITIIW 35131113 JO B. wrath-n: viii: the Lead Cohan hmfimdmmemfls smwmmusmmmmmmmmmwna tmmmngam,ncmmommmmm mil-rind. mammmwumtemmumdmmmm mumpmmwmmmm. Hobrukcmldho d~sm1nthopotmmvmm.ofwdzlmnmplot. mwumurmmmmmum. Hm,“ mmunmmmmaomuummwmua mmwmmmdmmmwwm hpmoipitating. Aomlacimta-nitrabuoiouiddhlolmh mwmwmrmgzmmwmmumw Wmognemummm. Fidematmuthm- pow defined break abtaimd fa;- t’ah titration. mmmm‘mmfimwommmmwumm ampmdmmmmmmmmw MW. flamescmmmdmhflzopotwhmvm ahmicummrmtthraum. nmmwwmmam “mam-mumbmutmw,mmmmdm, 2.1me rumor poorly define}. Esme 6 show and: a umum can... A aoln’dm of lead mama: in acetic acid was prepared and When! by the dm‘m‘w amazed. me Win acid tires Lian who“ ofiupmaam up“: copauufiu cam nasaoo caua on» up 3 3260." 30¢ owoucoDthwquapoa Ho 035.3 a mo cough»: a no unwoacusm .m earn 9252.: mo :3 V 0 o AIIIIIIIV . 0 od- H o 0 II 0 O O O I. O O O . O O b I O O o . .2: Om O O f In 0 O O O SL10AITTIN ‘JNH 2.6 vwom afiuphafim spa: mpmuoasouma saunas vdaom mean owwaangm uaoa asammwpoa ho nouumupwv a no paaoauvcm az