IIIIII I I I; ,l I IIII I I: II I I I I 3563 II (n _. w I SOME EXPERIMENTS IN PIEZD ELECTRICITY WITH ROCHELLE SALT CRYSTALS THESIS run m: DEGREE M MASTER or SCIENCE HORACE V" CRANDALL L983 — IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|II|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 319230 . “'7 ' ‘ 4— " p . ‘ l.‘ . " In ' ”é: fim I ‘ ' ’ _ )- w t _ I, l, C‘ . . 1’4-(111, I I v I I .I {,2 _ .... . 7 ((9 03.3; 7 x r I ,3 ;.._-p/ C 2390C; .‘_/' .1 A . ,‘ j 4" ‘ LIBRARY I Michigan State University PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. I TO AVOID FINE return on or before date due. ' MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. ‘_ f DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE .wflelbu -— ma mrmpespm H“ m '- ”“4.“ “‘V “m co. SOME mums IN P1120 ELEITRICITY WITH ROCHELLE SALT CRYSTALS Thesis eubnltted to the faculty of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science by I 71.} 1’ .1“ Q ' ‘L / Horace VS Grandall Candidate for degree of neuter of Science June 1933 CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction History of Piezo Electricity General Treatment Piezo Electric Rochelle Salt EXperimental and Constructional Data Growth of Crystal Sectioning the Crystal Mounting the Crystal The Phonogrsph Pick-up The Crystal Loudspeaker The Crystal Microphone Xfray and Crystal Structure Conclusion Bibliography 94940 20 21 37 41 48 49 52 57 59 ACKNOWLEDGESENTS To Dr. Ewing and Mr. Eek of the Chemistry Department for their timely suggestions and generous help in my first successful attempt to grow Rochelle salt crystals for this exPeriment. To Professor Miller and George Chapman of the Physics Department for their very capable assistance in the construction of the two adjust- able thermo-regulators which were made entirely in their labortory and Bhope To Professor Snoe,also of the rhysics DepartmentIfor his coopera- tion in the investigation made of the crystals by x-rays and the inter- pretation of the resulting Laue patterns. To Mr. Osborne of the Electrical Engineering Department for his sound advice on the many questions arising from this problem and for his generous help with the illustrations presented in this thesis. And last.but by no means least,to frofessor hurray,also of the Electrical Engineering Department,for his never failing interest in the work and his most valuable assistance in locating many articles of reference on the subject. aiuauaousanouxeA T xlcdt 101 ineartoqou {caeimsdc an: to As? .1k one gate? .10 o? Calcite iulssessus 38111 to at qied auoasneg has suOEJsexgne tlcmi: .Jnellxeyxe old: 101 81335110 3153 eliunoofl e015 0: -£:JL duemt1sqeu scie‘dq en: lo asmqsn? 031080 one 191114 103291019 0? C ! ;e%suibfl ow: ed: to flpftau1dsnoo an: at accessions eldsqso tiev died: 10? 'buc (1031odsi'1led: n1 tiotiine sham ease “stun s1otsiuge1-om19d3 aids eQOLE enifiqnoQ—ild 101.3h8n31“qeu soietat an: 30 oats.eonL 1oatc1r17 oi ‘41§Q]£”ofl§ has atei-l 1d aisisx1o en; lo anew not:~.;i;tvni on: at noi: a _ .uatedan area tni'iussw en: lo notinsocq lid 16! Snemd1sqsfl gatieonian? isoizaapi~ v03 1; sn1odaa .1» 03 ' 191 bfll llldotq sin: $.11 5aisi1s aquJtva mush tn: no as:vb3 bnuoa r f t sIdJ at beJHOBOTq anoisssdabiii my: “:1. igr auocenur aka a ‘1 >5 ‘Ofl? lo oale.vs11uu ecssslox QJ‘JanJ antsn on yo 1nd.33si 30A ni ticteJui dnfii;1 IEVJA std tol‘335331~ or gui1.unignv lsfittJoolfi Yo sciatit1 (n3. 3niJsoc; ni usuusaryas sidonirx sans a;h has icon and .iotidrv :r. no sometclcx INTRODUCTION The selection of the tepic of piezo electricity in Rochelle salt was not made because of its research possibilities. Neither was it be- cause the phenomena are something new.for piezo electricity has been known for well over a hundered years. Rather,was it selected to bring to the attention of many the possibilities which lie in the everyday application of these phenomena. In this field much credit is due the Brush Deve10pment Company of Cleveland Ohio,to whose work many references will be made in this paper. It was this company that first successfully commercialized the production of Rochelle salt crystals for such applications and who are now making splendid advancements in the field. To the many scientific investigators of the phenomena is due much credit for making possible this new field of industry. They are mention- ed with full credit in the historical presentation to follow. May those who read this paper find in it,in some measure,the satis- faction and pleasure which has been the authofs upon the successful completion of this work. . dfiil'U; , ’2 sta s-lenoor a: gftiiifiaulu sail; ‘» :.r~' x: is ”air; ,r a -ed 31 .'4 incited .aeiikiidfenog 5112 V57 ail Ti sarsrr» unn~ . ;.n ° .‘ibcd' .‘lii‘. '{.3i50:135{ilfi use: ._ 1):.W: fl buff}; ".~' , .8 rungs with!” ..r.‘ '1..w'. gni'r- 4.? itaJUC’ifia 3i fias’.‘a-rJYL .a'! :12; is: TR‘C‘ficf‘. ' ':-.".v 1-2. . 1:1 usug1uva on: at ail rc.uu u:;';;;..'e» ,.' .4 1- n"4-:?2; .: p: . ~. H . . g 'g .. .r ‘ ‘ ‘ l.) 35192.11”: JISBJT'iélt‘IJL. MEL .7: of]: all: '.I §.. 1 .'~-. ".‘ z ‘ .' .' .1943 sin: a; soda c. iii: 4-;r .a. ; ‘Hw -:.r . - »., a ..< I; screenie1n ea: vesi1?.21: no; ha;Y2rabwqf . n;“ t . : Anise; son sis or? :41 BSJLJ Ag. - .. r.; ;‘ ' -- - 2.. 1. T e . A. . . -‘ ." ' ' "f‘i ‘,' tiara: ni'b :zi Wih.£:u!r.' - , f. . .. . I .;' e:' ' - I", a, ' ~nc13aem 015 yen? .us" a. c t, . r . . . Occ'LJQ: i..= .'- " 6-“ - I - ._ ' .'Z v. ‘LiJflb' 911$ .01: $2 *4 ' I - - 1‘ r '3 .,\ . l': iu3c' "t r " ' ~ - . .' ::E3941 e "1' .I . I i. r... .3100 . g ‘23- HISTORY OF PITCZO ELECTRICITY G ENE} RAL TR’TI A'leEI-i T The Curies are accredited with having discovered the phenomena of piezo electricity in 1880 - 1883. However,these phenomena have been known for well cVer a century. In 1820 - 1833 A.C. Becquerel made many experi- ments with piezo electricity and tested a large number of substances,crys- talline and otherwise,for these effects. Even as far back as 1703 we find records of a Dutch jeweller heating tourmaline crystals on embers and find- ing that they attracted small bodies to them upon cooling. This discovery, the first recorded,was,as many such findings are,purely accidental. And yet it would be interesting to know just what the man was actually search- ing for at the time. The discovery of the Dutchman,coming as it did before the existence of two kinds of electricity was known,had no significance attached to it and went unpublished except for the mere mention,anonymously.in a German publication,a small pamphlet published in 1707 under the title of "Curious Speculations in Sleepless Nights". Notice was given to the extent that from then on tourmaline became known as the electric stone or as the Ceylon magnet. From 1880 to 1883 the Curies,later of Radium fame,made many experi- ments with pieso electricity. They demonstrated that tension and compress- ion have the same effect as hesting and cooling respectively. A squeezed crystal of tourmaline behaves electrically as a cooling crystal,and the expanding crystal resembles a heated one. To distinguish the various «in .rfl CA fl" 'RHTTQKE lo naemoaedq an: benevoosfa gm tvsn dstw beiim ass e1s select on? Iwcaa need-even anemonedq eeOdJ.1chwoh .8881 - 0881 sf ‘3L921JOLis exctq sixeqne tans oboe [sceupcea .O.A«££81 - 0881 u; .v1ssauo s 1UVO lien sol ".“v égtflp}laou33ndun lo xedmun 03131 n 693593 has {ffczt.:els oasiq nle einom ‘hflfl se COVi as 333d 13? as have .eibslle scans 101.cefa1enio has suflied . ‘ A._k‘ _ ‘ . fiésfinll has s1edme no aiefsvuo eaxismduol hnlzsnc TuilnunL noJlt a To ebwoaet i’gi1evcosib aid? .3nticcc acqu men: 04 eozbcd liens brioceain (and Jana gal q! a _57' bad .Lsiaebtoqp tibiuq.exe egalhail nous vnen 89.93W.L‘;105H1 38111 an: ledosses (fission-ca! can ed: inns Jeur coax o3 gufJae. .éci ed rinse ii is! ‘2’ _ Fflb - .6313 nflJ J“ 193 gal :l constitxe-edineioied bib 31 as gzimoa.nnnnDJ;L and lo xtuVouafL uni b i. 31 9t badbldfl esnscilrngfa on xen.aweua 81a \eritdcsln To srnifi ow: 30 If"; M bylfiisucmvnonmaornm we. as: 101 311-rum b. m. ilduumr me: one *bi'fig ’j to 81313 and teens \‘Ofi mi h.-naflru ::;hu «4 liens a.nofasofiduq p: . __' elitism $53 03 nsvrg aa..- “ML’OA ."ai’ri ;_'(.: avnlqeeli, . . qtlviJfiui-flch 8001103" . o- ""9 ..e . a. to snore 5i1éneis ,nJ as swung ”geese smilesures no nani uo11 Jsdd ‘; .ien on nolg~0 an: . fi- - ;t1,qiqaqxe {nan arrrremal mpibun To drifl.;U-1JT .pJ at”- a: Jaqi $011 -“"BOTQIOO bus 10:. :sdJ oelwxlsnrweo gun? .;J:tiif:uie ”turq dJIw aims! haseoupa ‘ .vlav;;o,qees RtilrJO :xq uni: an as :oetfie ends ear even not odJ bfls.lsdautu “allows u as gileo£1$3eiu eevsnew ext EJXLOJ Yo 1:3.{10 suolxsv eds categurssib of .eno Daisen e ev-iaecau 1312\13 gnihnaqxe H.‘I \ phenomena the electrification due to pressure was designated as piezo electricity; piezo from the Greek piezcfin meaning to press or pressure. The generation of electricity by heating was termed pyro electricity; pyro,also,from the Greek word pur meaning fire. It is generally believed, however,that piezo and pyro phenomena are due to the same or at least to similar reactions in nature. The Curios published in 1880 the results of their experiments with quartz. These included a quantitative measurement of the amount of elec- tricity generated by unit pressure along various axes of the substance. In 1881 Lippman predicted from mathematical considerations that ifv quarts sas subjected to an electric field,deformation of the quartz would result. This sas tested by the Curios and found to be the case. They pointed out that from the las of conservation of energy any piezo electric substance.which acts as a generator of electricity in response to mechanical motion,will act conversely upon application of electric potential. The first practical application of this converse principle see made by the Curios in the form of an electrostatic voltmeter. The honor of being the first to suggest acoustic applications of piezo electric substances goes to Roentgen of X-ray fame. This came in 1890 as a result of his study of torque as produced in several quarts cylinders when subjected to electrical charges. In their investigations the Curios made determinations of the piezo electric constant‘the charge per unit stress)for many crystalline sub- stances,smong which Rochelle salt possessed by far the greatest. Little was actually done in this direction until the Great War came, with its submarine warfare. Then many investigators took up the task of finding some means of detecting these death dealing monsters from the depths in time to thwart their plans. The application of the piezo elec- tric properties of these crystals,coupled with the newly invented three element vacuum tube as an amplifier of the small potentials from the crys- tals.wss the contribution of the brilliant French investigator,Lengevin. With the crystal-tube combination at both input and output ends on the circuit,he was able to detect the presence of subm'rines by the super- sonic vibrations given off by the boat as it progressed through the water. Although he was interested mainly in super-audible frequencies,he demonstrated the possibilities of these crystals in the audible range. PIEZC ELECTRIC ROCHELLE SALT Some of the first investigations of piezo electricity.and its poss- ible applications in Rochelle salt crystals was made by the Western Elec- tric Company about 1919. A.M. Nicolson,writing on the subject of "The Pieso Electric Effect in the Composite Rochelle Salt Crystal” in the Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers for October 19l9,reached very definate conclusions about the possibilities of commerdial application of such crystals. The crystals of his investigations were characterised by their lack of homogeneity and the inclusion of mother liquor. Experience has shown that,due to deterioration and lack of uniform properties in such crystals,on1y clear and homogeneous crystals can be used with anything near success. Let us consider some of the early investigators of these crystals, beginning with the work of Joseph Valasek.of the University of Minnesota, and his associates. This work was published as early as 1921 in the Physical Review of that year. Various other articles have since appeared in the same publication giving further advancements and findings of these men. Let us consider first Mr. Valasek's article as published in the 1922 Physical Review in which he says in effect: We shall begin by reviewing seme of the general facts concerning" Rochelle salt. This substance is a double tartrate of sodium and potas- sium,having a chemical formula Na K C4 H4 06 4 320. It has a molecular weight of 282.19 and a specific gravity of 1.77. It crystalizes in the -asoc 3:1 baa.z:2?;x:s--u l:.;. 30 snzifoxi:::vai :exkl on: I; once oasi? n1stae :4: :1 o;z. e's ai~:s{1: sis} illnnoufl J: sno.:~o:.#,s old! :dT‘ is 3r31s.e :nJ .c an::21..now. 33H L'.s .élai :qus vanqao? sis: ed: at “13:2213 3138 silenoofi o‘iec3332 on: a; :oeiz' 311'331; oseiq todolafi 1e: eisoatga; laal1foel: la u?.f::anl nasiwanA en: lo agni- r9011 E lemme: ‘., analogs-cg 2.x; Luv. e..n.':. nus: -. ‘hui'Lfot‘ =11” comm-“(iii ; - sass ssoiisii:aovak 3i: 1‘ 3i934{12 :32 .3le:a;13 no.2 :s x..:2o:iq;s E ' Irnzo; Yo noise-ani as: has {Ilenuonsc 10 21*; 125d [J gviiljia'lofla i; _ snoltan 15 1382 an. noiJslallsies o: suc.!en: seen. 49s 2:3v212_i .1aupil — ‘ .6 as: slala§1o auosaeyonon as! 1°»-3 :21: u'.L 3: seiéloqo1q . s'i“23;k i‘gs -;:R1;fi nits been .0133211: seen: I; ezrfsdl';.~e- '-:~v u: r 57" 1~~izsco 8v Jen .“Oflwl lo '{Jze'xbvitl' 3-.) '.;..ee:.!;s‘. Fleece ‘1‘. 2-3-: .33 0.31%. ”fortify” an: at £591 3! {114- —4 anneiidb‘ 3.9 21;: c1; .ss:2iroees sin baa botloqqs oaals even -e-':r:: 15:17 :l;-1~} .192; Stu‘ T- w017u7 leaksvdi 9896: lo agnlbnzz an! a. .‘;s¢' :' 7; :1 - sulvz Avi'sai;1s; J;sa ed: at - 3391 v.13 ml b?:‘.&.‘.-1"L . a? “12-?“73 3' «.93.? ‘3 .1: 2311‘. "whines 39.1 .131 ::?;.1: :i :’~a on R7ifi. at a lye. -sszatdi aaansunon 6:2'7 L‘::n:- 2.- Y. «‘J: juéz~i\-1 13 {33:3 £-3a: of ozsfo; ran as:;,; 3 «7':'2': ;. . 1 ‘ 2t sexiratue ciu. .fis- alienaofi 101960102 2 as: r, .3 H : g .: .U i '5 24:41.. i’3-::fl3 s gnivsn.lutl :n: A: 3’1-;3.:313 _ .YT.- , {'rvsi, c:l:ot.e a sn° 91.398 10 :dstc" ortho-rhombic system,showing sphenodial hemehedrism. The crystalline form appears as trimetric prisms. It is Optically active both as a cry- stal and in solution. The structural formula appears as: 0-0 0 H We Na-é-O H é-O 0 H This form has the usual type of symmetry occuring in optically active carbon compounds. The crystal is brittle and soluble in water,thus per- mitting cutting and polishing with water. Since it cracks easily due to too rapid or unequal temperature changes,it must be handled carefully. It cannot be heated above 53 degrees centigrade as a crysta1,since at this temperature it transforms into water and single tartrates of sodium and potassium,with the absorption of heat. With this brief and general knowledge of Rochelle salt let us see what has been done with it during the_recent. investigation of its prop- erties. Assuming we have successfully grown the crysta1.a not altogether easy task,the preparation of it for such tests as we may see fit to make is Quite well described by Mr. Frank Isley in the Physical Review of 1924. A block of crystal is cut as shown in figure 1. Since it has been known for some time that the maximum activity is in the plane of the (b) axis perpendicular to the (a) axis we will select this plane for our examina- tion. We will then employ the usual method of cutting with a wet string and grinding by means of emery powder and water. The finishing polish is I Figure l c given by water and a ground glass plate. After shaping,the crystal is coated with asphaltum cement,which is made from asphaltum gum and bensine. This cement in no way alters the crystalographic structure of the crystal and reduces to a minimum the change in vapor tension. A piece of tin foil or lead foil is also cemented to each side of the crystal to which is attached a lead-in wire for applying or removing the potential. With such a prepared crystal and a delicate weighting instrument the crystal is sub- jected to pressure between two brass plates. An electrometer can be used to measure the potential generated. A vacuum inclosed chamber with heat- ing and cooling facilities is necessary for temperature determinations. With the apparatushsseindicatedflr. Isley obtained data for the set of curves as shown in figures 2,3,and~4. -9 so.cm. x 10 V J. swarms — Coul . / X 10 CH1. ILAIEI E—I C0 l4‘[ 121L 10 + 04L 10 15" Strain Charge . //,,, a /// 10 4. ’//// I ////’ c: r-i ///’ >4 / :1 5 / i2 F.C. ISLE? 53 Physical Review Vol.24 1924 page 571 o I l 1 5 500 1000 1500 2000 Figure 2 erases - grams / sq.cm. 7 ’ A Final 6 a. CO Initial IO H >4 5 |I A.- TEMPERATURE - STRAIN g s - masmms - CHARGE E: 4 Both under a constant stress \> of 2225 grams/sq.cm. '3 O U I 3 f? g F£.I$JY £3 2 _ Physical Review Vol.24 *4 1924 page 572 1 o B o 5— L : L ‘f‘ 15 20 30 35 4O TEMPERATURE - Degrees Centigrade ll 15 J. ”3 14 O H a é O I Z 'r'j :3 E73 9- 8 : 4 5 5 I Is 0 l 2 3 4 5 CHARGE - Coul./sq.cm. F.C.ISLEY Physical Review Vol.24 Figure 4 1924 page 573 Following a very similar procedure Mr. John G. Frayne made another series of investigations using,instead of direct potential polarisation, a.high frequency alternating potential. He termed the resulting response the ‘Reversible Inductivity of Rochelle Salt Crystals Under High Frequency Fields" and published it in the Physical Review of 1922. Mr Frayne defines his reversible inductivity as the limit of delta (D) over delta (E) as delta (E) approaches sero,where (D) is the induction and (E) the electric field in the dielectric. The plate used for his examination by Mr. Frayne was the conventional cut in the (b) plane perpendicular to the (a) plane to obtain maximum activity. It was mounted between the two plates of a condenser as the dielectric. Capacity determinations were made by the resonance method using a field oscillating at two mega-cycles per second. He found the reversible inductivity (Kr) was about one tenth the dielectric . .jo'v wefv ~ ..r a 035‘! r. 100.: (an 0b.. ' “o1 . '.“ . 9 . . ' ’ '3" .. - . - L:— -. ‘.\.£.U$ e-‘ ' \0‘ . '4! VA}... 1.." . .' . . “ fifentpgaoqufi amlvtex "”33 ° . [$3.3M “'5 . .1 V W " ‘ ; a . . . g L'ri 0‘ s O . o o ‘ ' a. . Uih'L~- . . 12 constant of the crystal as measured by the direct potential methods. Variations of (K?) with temperature was obtained between -80° C. and 50° 0. This relation is shown in figure 5. 200 ’ ”4"” 50.000 cycles/sec. if? 8.000 cycles/sec. 3150 -r H :> H E! O B 40,000.000 cycles/sec. _ 53100 » Lt] r.—.‘.' 913 El 50 0:60 -i0 -éo 6 50 4b 60 so MATURE - Degrees Centigrade J.G.FRAYNE Figure 5 Physical Review Vol.21 1923 page 355 It will be noted that the~ value of (Kr) increases with temperature direct- ly from -80° to -20°. Then from -20° to 4° it decreases. From 4° to 23° 11'. again increases and from 23° tothe melting point of the crystal it decreases. The concave portion of the curve between -20° and 23° coarse- Ponds to the range of greatest pieso electric activity. The dielectric constant. as measured by the direct potential method varies in the opposite 13 manner between -20° and 23°,being a maximum at about 4°.as shown in figure 6,which was taken from an article by Joseph Valasek in the Physical Review for 1922. zooo ’ 1500 ' 8* ?§ [—1 %; 23 1000 - {.7 ’fi 5: E3 F3 500-- H (J 0 ' S t e g t : ~00 ~40 -20 0 20 40 60 TEMPERATURE - Degrees Centigrade JOSEPH VALASEK Figure 6 Physical Review Vol.19 1922 page 488 The value of (Kr) was measured for different states of polarisation (of the crystal. The high frequency potential was superimposed on a direct field. Different samples of crystals used showed permanent polarization effects. The crystals became conducting and the capacity infinite for innaller values of field strength in one direction than in the other. (harves showing the variation of (Kr) with polarised fields are shown in fIlgure 7. AVI- .... Apf‘ Myrna—- l4 A - Natural field of crystal , A‘ - Natural field of cry- with applied field in one stal with applied rx direction along crystal. field in opposite a. 53 direction along crystal. E: 5—! ‘.> H 5+ (J D c: :2: H cs #3 \\\\\\ CO H U) 1’: :fl > negative field A "j" A" positive field 0 ELECTRIC FIELD - volts/cm. J.G.FRAYNE Figure 7 Physical Review Vol.21 1923 page 357 The fact that Rochelle salt crystals experience fatigue has been observed by various experimenters. W.G. Cady in his report to the National Research Council in May 1918 described these effects as not of a permanent nature but existing for many hours. Valaeek finds that this may account for the capricious manner in which the pieso electric modulus varies in response to a number of conditions such as temperature,humidity.and pre- vious history with regards to electrical and mechanical treatment. In the equation for charge (q) on a crystal of length (1),breadth (b), and thichnees (d).for a total force (F) on the end of the crystal we have: . q: ~314r(1/ze) Here ~314,the pieso electric modulus.variee from practically zero to 12 4.0 x 10 esu/dyne. He finds that humidity increases the response directly and that temperature varies the activity as shown in figure 8. 15 1W JPONSE — strain/stress — cm./dyne T'W 1 J P w -50 -40 -2o 0 26 4o 60 TEMPERATURE - Degrees Centigrade Joseph Valasek Physical Review Vol.19 1922 page 485 The actual fatigue and recovery of a crystal is shown in figure 9 with Figure 8 accompanying explanations. Fatigue and recovery of Rochelle salt condenser after charging for 24 hpurs with plus 100 volts then apply- ing a negative 100 volts to the plates. fi 4 DISCHARGN Josepfi Valasek 1 y ' Physical Review v.1.24 1924 page 564 0 : +2. : 1 ' ‘__£ : % o 20 40 so so .100 120 140 TIME - minutes Figure 9 16 The variation of the pieso electric constant,that is the charge re- sulting per unit applied force,is shown in figure 10,shich curve is due to Mr. Valasek and was taken from sun article by him as published in the Physical Review for 1922. (I) E: 2400} H x g 2300 x 10"8 i 2000'” a. . U.‘ c5 I 1600‘- E: E3 ‘5 1200” O [D H 33’ E3 cg 800“ a: [\‘1 FT]. '8 h: 400 .L 138 x 10 ___ ' 28e3 X 1‘ 0 g t t 5 1 i t -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 TEMPERATURE - Degrees Centigrade Figure 10 Joseph Valasek page 641 . Physical Review Vol.20 Many attempts at explanation of the phenomena of pieso electricity have been made by various authorities. Perhaps the best presented to date is that of Joseph Valasek as it appeared in the Physical Review for 1924. Mr. Valasek states: ”It is interesting to note that the high dielec- tric constant of Rochelle Salt can be attributed to the water of crystal- l7 isation without requiring greater displacement than the distances between molecules.“ “The maximum polarization obtainable is less than 15,000 e.s.u./cm.3 There are four molecules of water for every molecule of Rochelle salt._ The crystal lattice of each molecule of water may be regarded as equivalent to three ions.two hydrogen and one oxygen. Suppose the restoring force/ unit displacement/unit charge is the same. Then: P ' 16 N E R max Where: Pmax - the maximum polarisation E the electronic charge R the displacement N the number of molecules of salt / cm.3 which is equal to 3.76 x 1021.' 11 cm. However the value of (R) ”This gives (R) a value of‘5 x 10- 'from a consideration of the number of molecules present (N) is only (R) 3 3 x 10'? cm. as the distance between molecules. Thus it is possible for the water of crystalisation to furnish the ions for internal conduction and yet not move out of the molecule" In support of this theory Mr. Valasek offers the experimental results shown in figure ll,as taken from the Physical Review for 1922. In all fairness,hosever,ur. Valasek states: "The decrease in maxima and also their displacement is in the same direction as,and may be due entirely to. the effect of the different dielectric properties of the crystal.and of the dehydrated layer. In other words the presence of a layer of inactive 18 dielectric of relatively low specific inductive capacity will diminish the charge on the plates due to polarization of the active layer,and thus de- crease the piezo electric response. It will also diminish the effective field across the active layer making it necessary to increase the potential difference between plates to produce the same field across the inner layeq thus shifting the position of the maximum activities." 10 " — Ci _ 4 U! 10% 'FLIJCT D“ H .L.’ 2 o <\\\‘ o - . 1 . 1 c . - - . -16 -120 -so -40 0 40 so 120 150 APPLIED POTENTIAL - volts Chart showing the effect of drying upon Rochelle salt crystal. A - response before drying. B - response after drying in chamber with onsfor 1 day. c_ n n a n n n “'3dQYIe D- . n ' n a n :0 10'0an J as eph .Valas ek Physical Review Vol.1? Figure 11 ' 1922 page 482 19 Despite Mr. Valasek's frank presentation of the possibility of the results of figure 11 being due to some other causes than the actual loss of pieso electric properties,by loss of the water of crystalization,the fact still remains that the loss of this water does decrease the activity, whereas the increase of water present,in the form of increased humidity, gives rise to greater activity. This in itself is a fair proof that the water of crystalization is,in a great measure,responsible for the phenom- ena of pieso electricity,as observed in its maximum activity in Rochelle salt e WWENTAL AND CONSTRUCTIONAL DATA 21 GROWTH OF CRYSTAL In order to carry on any experiment with Rochelle salt crystals/ some source of crystal supply must be at hand. Since the whole procedure was one of experimentation it was decided to do some work on the growing of crystals at home,so to speak,uith what facilities there were at hand. Being quite unfamiliar with the chemistry of crystal grosth,the author was stubs: to know just how to begin. All articles on the subject dealt very briefly.or not at a11,upon this very essential phase of the work. After exhausting all available articles without finding anything of prac- tical value,a review of local possibilities was made. Upon the suggestion of some of the students majoring in chemistry,ur. Eck,of the Chemistry Department of the College,was interviewed on the subject. His suggestions were of a quite general nature. He stated that at no time had he found it necessary to produce crystals as large as those required for this work. His suggestion was that an attempt be made to grow then from a slightly supersaturated solution of the salt by the process of slow evaporation,or 'by'a temperature gradient method with a more concentrated solution. As for the latter method no data was available as to just what the temperature Egradient should be in degrees per hour or day,nor as to how saturated the solution should be. D A review of some of the early literature on the subject,however,led t<> the discovery of some previously overlooked suggestions on this latter Inetdiod of growth in an article by A.“. Nicolson in the Transactions of the A.I.E.E. for 1919. This article stated.in effec't,that Rochelle salt 22 crystals are grown from perfect nuclei possessing definate form. The nuclei or seed crystals are immersed in a saturated solution of salt under identi- cal conditions of temperature. A density of 1.33 at 50° C. can be used con- veniently and the seed crysta1,previously warmed to the same temperature as the liquid,should be inserted between the temperature of 38°Cand 35° C. Continuing,Mr. Nicolson ssys,"The crystals may be grown by application of temperature gradients to a saturated solution of the salt.or by concentra- tion brought about by slow evaporation. The former,producing a specific type under the conditions of rapid cooling,is the method preferred. The crystals may be grown in the mother liquor by suspension from a clean thread.by flotation on mercury,or by being laid on a glass plate,the latter two methods being preferred." With this material as a basis,the production of some Rochelle salt crystals of suitable nature was attempted. A solution was made of the rec- ommended density. Having no seed crystals at first,the solution was set aside and left to cool over night. The next day a plentiful supply of cry- stals was found on the bottom of the jar. Some of the more perfect of these were removed with care and set aside for future use. The solution was then reheated to the proper temperature,about 50° C. ,and allowed to cool to 37° C. At this point one of the small' crystals,which had been warmed to the sexes temperature in an improvised oven made from a hinged cover wooden box with an electrical heating element of the common variety in it,was placed in 'the solution and the whole allowed to cool as rapidly as it would in the air' of the room,until the next day. The inspection of the jar the next day, however,was very disappointingnor not only had the seed crystal grown 23 but also numerous others had formed and grown so that the entire bottom of the jar was filled with crystals,all intersecting one another and no perfect ones to be found. The same general procedure was followed on the next trials with the slight variations of incidentals usually made. The temperature of setting the crystal was varied,as was the density of the solution. The temperstuse gradients were decreased by placing the whole jar in the oven and allowigg it to cool more slowly than before. Much care was exercised to prevent jarring and thus forming extra crystals from the supersaturated solution. The results were always the same with the exception of the number of crystals forming at onesetting. The smallest number formed at onetime was three. These were arranged symmetrically about the bottom of the jar,the (c) axes of the crystals forming the spokes of a wheel 120°apart and all intersecting at the center. Of course even this was unsatisfactory for our needs. The next variation of method was to try the second suggestion of Mr. Nicolson and grow the crystals on mercury placed in the bottom of the jar. This,however.met with a similar fate and no single crystals were grotn by this method. Next the growth of the crystals,as a complete type,wss attempted by suspension from.a fine wire. This was tied about the crystal and then suspended from a small rod placed across the top of the jar.as shown in the photOgraph of figure 12. It often happened,however,that the crystal would dissolve a little when first placed in the solution and would there- by become small enough to fall from the retaining loop of wire. It then 24 FIGURE 13 25 became necessary to reset the jar with a new seed crystal. Here was a point to be improved upon and several other methods of fastening the seed crystal to the wire were tried. The best and most satisfactory of these was that of melting a small hole in the end of the crystal with a hot pin, inserting the suspension wire,and allowing the crystal to cool and harden about it. By so doing.and inserting the wire sufficiently deep into the crysta1,it became impossible for the crystal to fall from the wire until it was practically all dissolved.a thing which rarely happened. This method of suspension also made a smaller hole in the crystal,when sectioned.than did the first method. This was a great help later in being able to use more of the crystal,since large crystals seemed very difficult to obtain. This suspension method of growth proved the best of all methods tried, as it kept the seed crystal away from the growth which invariably took place at the bottom of the jar,the thickness of which can be seen in fig- ure 12:‘ I It was found necessary.in some cases,to place a piece of copper plate just under the surface of the solution,suspended by wires from the top of the jar. This was to catch the little crystals which are continually form- ing on the surface of the solution and growing until they become large enough to sink,for in so doing they often strike and adhere to the seed crystal,producing a parasite which grows with it and prevents formation of perfect specimens. After having a fair degree of success with this method of growth,and having accumulated some twelve or fifteen crystals,from one and one half to two and one half inches long and an inch to two inches thncJ[.,the next problem was some manner of cutting. Several methods were tried.which will 26 be discussed in detail later on. Upon the first cutting it was found that what had appeared to be a clouded portion of the crystal was really a smallpocket including some of the mother solution. Naturally this spoiled the whole crysta1,since the pocket had a peculiar faculty of always forming at right angles to the plane of greatest piezo electric activity,namely the (b) plane,thus separating the section into two or more parts,which were then too small to be of use. Besides being small,these sections were filled with tiny cracks and crevices due to the unequal growth of the crystal. Since all crystals grown in this manner were more or less clouded or cracked it was necessary to find some other method of growth which could be better controlled. Luckily,at this point,the attention of the author was called to an article in the Journal of the American Chemical Society for 1919.entitled 9‘ Method of Growing Large Perfect Crystals from Solutionz by Raw. Moore. In this article Mr. Moore put forth a method which he had used with great success for growing Rochelle salt crystals of large size and perfect clear- ness and symmetry. This method was.in effect,as follows: Prepare a satur- ated solution of Rochelle salt at a temperature of between 3596and 40° C. Then,after removing the excess salt from solution.heat to about 7° or 8° above this temperature and filter,being careful that the temperature at no time falls below 4° or 5° above saturation temperature. The seed cry- stal should then be inserted and the jar placed in a large container of ‘wster at .5° above the saturation temperature of the solution. The water :is allowed to cool to saturation tempersture,and the thermo-regulator sand heater arrangement then maintainsit at this temperature until read- 'F‘ CIr \ -‘J sev- 27 justed. The cooling gradient recommended was .1° the first day, .2° the second day,and from .30 to .6° each succeeding day. If more than one cry- stal is grown at a time in the same jar,this gradient may be increased. Mr. Moore furnished with his article a chart,of specific gravity of the saturated solution of Rochelle salt plotted to temperature,as a guide in preparing the solution for a certain temperature range. This chart is re- produced here,figure 13,with all credit given Mr.Moore for its origin. Saturation Chart for Rochelle Salt 1.42 1.40 1.38 1.35 ~ 1.34 1.32 1.30 1.28 IC GRAVITY (IDTDROEL‘STER) 1.26 1.24 1.22 Ir 3 C 3 v ‘ A t I - s A . e 10 12 14 15 1s 20 22 24 25 22 30 32 at 36 as 46— TEMPERATURE - Degrees Centigrade RxW.MOORE Figure 13 Jour.Am.Chem.Soc. :It .111 be noted that for the range indicated as best by Mr. httrttnfiiefiylglg k>etween 35° and 40° C. ,the specific gravity of the saturated solution is taetween 1.37 and 1.42 as compared with the value of 1.33 at 50° as given 28 by Mr. Nicolson. It has been the experience of the author that the values as given by Hr. Moore work much better than those suggested by Mr. Nicolson. Having no facilities for the control of temperature to an accuracy of .5° available in the Engineering Department,the assistance of the Chemistry Department was again solicited. In this department were found so called 'mercury regulators' which would maintain a constant temperature to .005°, provided the bath was kept in constant motion. The jarring caused by this agitation of the bath,however,would have proved fatal to the growth of single perfect crystals. As the necessary temperature regulation was only .50 it was thought probable that this instrument would maintain the desired regulation by means of convection currents alone,withoutagitation.providing the heating coil was placed in the bottom of the tank. Through the generous cooperation of Dr. Ewing and Fr. Eek the apparatus was assembled,as shown in figure l4,and a trial run was made. 7 'J V m Figure 14 1 ' ‘ A - Glass Aquarium 3 - Relay ' B - Mercury Regulator F - Dry Cell C - Thermometer G - Ring Stands D - Beaker containing solution H - Capper strips supporting I H I and crystals Sheet Rock plate holding 15 Electric Heating Element beakere 29 For a setting of 37° the temperature range was from 36.50 to 37.5°. This was thought to be satisfactory. The crystals were then set after the method described by Mr. Moore,and develOpments eagerly awaited. The crystals grew very well for the first few degrees drop. Then the limit of adjustment of this regulator was reached. In attempting to read- just the regulator the capillary tube at the side was broken off. This appeared quite a catastrophe in view of the fact that it was borrowed equip- ment. It must be repaired: Having had a little experience in glass blowing at the Physics Department,the author decided to attempt the repair of the broken regulator. The attempt was so successful that it was decided to make a regulator with a greater range of adjustment. This was done very nicely with the generous assistance of Professor killer of the Physics Department. The finished regulator is shown at the right in figure 15. At this point a brief description of the regulator,and its more sturdy companion on the left of the same figure,is not out of place. The bulb at the bottom was made from a 50 cc. round bottom flask. To it was attached a short piece of r/z inch glass tubing by drawing down the neck of the flask. The L tube on the right was then inserted. It was made by sealing a four inch piece of 1/16 inch capillary tubing into an eight inch length of 1/2 inch tubing leaving about one and one half inches at one -end and about three and one half inches at the other. The long and was bent at right angles just below the end of the capillary tube and sealed ’into time neck cf the flask just above the bulb. This completed the glass work. The regulator was now thoroughly cleaned,first with gasoline to remove all grease.then with the conventional glass cleaning solution of caustic Potash,and finally rinsed with distilled water and dried in an air blast. 30 w ,- ' ’.’."."’I//r"n.1n FIGURE 15 31 Then the clean mercury was placed in the bulb filling it to a height of about one inch in the tube proper. The work was then ready for the adjust- ment device. It was desirable that the regulator be adjustable over a rather wide range. To accomgrlish this an adjustable plunger was inserted in the main tube to regulate the height of the mercury in the side tube at a given temperature. This plunger was a leather washer,held between two brass wash— ers.and attached to the end of a small threaded rod by a little bolt insert- ed in a tapped hole in the end of the rod. The long threaded rod extended out the top of the glass tube through a cap made from a small capper cylin- der into which was soldered a brass nut of the same thread as the rod. The cap was then slipped over the end of the glass tube and held firmly in place by a heavy wax. A cast off radio dial was then placed at the end of the threaded rod to afford an easy means of turning it and of marking its setting. A similar procedure was carried out for the side tube except that the plunger extended only into the one and one half inch space at the top ofths capillary. A small iron wire had been soldered on to the threaded rod and ‘this continued on about three inches into the capillary tube. The threaded rod was attached as before to the top of the tube and a smaller radio knob served for'itSadjustment. The purpose of this fine wire in the capillary ‘wss that of completing the circuit through the regulator and as a micro- meter adjustment for the plunger. The regulator was designed to work in conjunction with a relay in the Power circuit. The method of operation is similar to that of an ordinary 32 thermometer with the exception of the electrical circuits involved. Since mercury has a relatively high coefficient of expansion for temperature change,is a liquid at ordinary temperatures.and is an electrical conductor, it is ideal for our purpose. The large quantity of mercury contained in the bulb gives ample expansion for small temperature changes. This expansion may take place in two directions,up the main tube or up the capillary tube. By means of the adjustable plunger in the main tube the amount of expansion in that direction can be controlled at will. Thus by turning down the plun- ger the mercury is forced up the capillary tube . When it comes in contact with the small iron wire,projecting down into the tube,there is a completed electrical circuit between the cap of the main tube and that of the capil- lary tube. Thus the caps of the two tubes become the terminals of the reg- ulator which is connected in series with the control relay and 'a power supply. At this temperature and plunger setting,the relay circuit is closed ,th'ereb'g opening the power or heating circuit. Leaving the plunger set at this point,the mercury will remain in contact with the iron wire until 'the surrounding media has cOoled sufficiently to reduce the temperature and volume of the mercury to a point where the thread of mercury in the capillary tube breaks contact with the wire. The electrical circuit is ‘then broken and the relay opens,closing the heating circuit. When enough Jhest has been supplied to the system to raise the temperature sufficiently to expand the mercury up the capillary tube to contact with the wire,the 'whole cycle is repeated and the temperature oscillates between two points. The value of this swing is determined by three factors,the amount of mer- cury in the bulb,the size of the capillary tube,and the rapidity with which 33 the heat is distributed through the water in the tank,or in other words whether the water is agitated ot not. After the regulator was completed it was roughly calibrated by placing it in a dish of water with a thermometer and heating the water. After con- tact had been made between the caps,the plunger was raised one turn.and a note was made of the number of degrees rise in temperature required to expand the mercury until contact was again made. This was found to be about 5° per turn.and,as the dial was etched,almost any value could be selected by turning the dial only a few divisions. The micrometer adjustment of the side tube could be added to this and very fine regulation maintained. Being made of glass.and containing so much mercury,the regulator was quite sensitive to jar. It was so delicate,in fact,that several were broken before one was completed and put in operation. To minimise the chances of the regulator getting a damaging bump while in operation,it was placed in a perforated metal container and packed with excelsior. Thie,of course,length- ened the time required for the temperature change in the water to reach the regulator and thus increased the swing of the temperature between its limits. To overcome the difficulties involved in the first regulator a second one was constructed. This was more sturdyly made throughout,having all possi- ble glass parts replaced with similar ones of iron piping,as shown at the left of figure 15. It was built along the same pattern as the original one where ever possible. The only glass used in the construction was the cap- illary tube.which served two purposes. It magnified the effect of the ex- pansion in the mercury and served as an insulator between the terminals of the regulator. 34 It was found necessary to place a rubber washer at the end of the plunger, despite the fact that the threaded rod fitted tightly into the inside of the pipe.which had been machined to a smooth surface with only six threads left at the top. Most of the other variations are visable in the photograph. The capillary tube was waxed into the tube with the same heavy wax as was used in the first case. This regulator replaced the original for a short time. For some reason it was difficult to keep a temperature setting with it,presumably due to the leakage of mercury past the washer in the tube. Because of this it was eventually set aside in favor of its more delicate but reliable predecessor.which was used throughout the rest of the experiment. Having now a regulator of our own.so to speak,it was decided to re- turn to the greater convenience of the Engineering Department to continue the experiments. Here an arrangement of apparatus,similar to that used at the Chemistry Department,was made. A large fifteen gallon crock was sub- stituted for the glass aquarium and a small 10 volt toy transformer and an A.C. relay for the batteries and D.C. relay previously used. The general idea of the arrangement Ian be obtained from the photograph of figure 16. The crock was insulated with two layers of Balsum Wool on the sides and bottom. The jars of solution were set in the crock on a shelf of sheet rock board which was supported on two hangers hooked over the tap of the crock. The heating element was the wire from an ordinary 500 watt heater which had been unwound and coiled back and forth at the bottom of the crock. The regulator was placed in its metal container and rested on the shelf along with the jars of solution. A thermometer was hung in the crock to keep record of the temperature at all times. 35 FIGURE 16 36 With this apparatus,and a plentiful supply of Rochelle salt,some very fine crystals were grown. They were perfect in symmetry and as clear as glass although somewhat smaller than the ones that had been grown before. Of course.accidents will happen,and one of these cost the loss of a large jar of solution. This happened as the waste crystals.which had form- ed at the bottom of the jar,were being remelted in preparation for a new setting. This was being done by placing the jar in a pan of cold water and gradually warming it by admitting live steam into the water. It seems that the crystals expand a great deal more than glass for a given change in temperature,and,in so doing,invaribly break the container. As this happened when no one was around,the entire jar of solution ran out into the pan of water and was lost. Experience was a very good teacher.but an expensive cne.and after that the crystals were broken out of the bottom of the jar with a pick before trying to redissolve them. 37 SECTIONING THE CRYSTAL Having grown several crystals of the proper size and clearness,some means of cutting or sectioning these crystals must be found,since the com- plete crystal is of little value piezo electrically. It was decided to try several methods of doingthis and to use the first grown crystals,since they were more or less clouded and therefore of little value even if successfully cut.The method which had been previously used by experimenters in the field was that of a wet string which was moved back and forth across the crystal. thus dissolving a strip as wide as the string through the crystal. This was a tedious process and not applicable to quantity production. The Brush De- velopment Company of Cleveland Ohio had successfully used machine methods of sectioning these crystals quite similar to those used in woodworking. and with very critical cutting speeds. Exactly what the procedure was,and the value of the critical speed,was naturally omitted in their article in the November 1931 issue of the Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Eng- ineers. The first woodworking machine tried was the band saw. A jig was used to hold the crystal and this rested on the table of the saw. After cutting half way through the crystal it suddenly cracked the remaining distance and fell apart. As was to be expected,however.the break was not in the de- sired direction and the crystal was spoiled. Several other trials were made, holding the crystal in different positione,but all with the same result. The crystal always broke apart due to the vibration of the saw or from in- ability to hold the crystal properly. Since the speed of the saw could not 38 be changed.or the size of the blade varied,it was decided to try a small hand saw of the coping variety,using a very fine blade. The same trouble was still present. It was impossible to hold the crystal solidly without ekerting sufficient pressure to crack it. Holding it loosly permitted it to slip and this invaribly kinked the saw and snapped out a piece of cry- stal. From the adverse results of these trials it was apparent that some other means of cutting must be found. The next attempt was to cut the crystal with a wire. The wire soon became covered with the salt and stuck in the crystal. To remedy this the wire was heated by passing an electric current through it. This dissolved the adhering salt and cut the crystal but in so doing it cracked it.due to the unequal expansion near the wire. This'eliminated the hot wire as a cutting tool. Returning again to the idea of a saw for cutting the crystal.a high speed paper disc was tried. This disc was about four inches in diameter and made from the paper cover of a laboratory folder. It was attached directly to the shaft of a motor designed to drive a refacing wheel for lathe use.and ran 17,500 r.p.m. The motor was mounted in the tool rest of the lathe and the crystal was held firmly between two wooden jaws clamped between the jaws of the chuck. The disc was advanced to the crystal by the lathe screw to keep it in perfect alignement. The cutting was sat- .isfactory,from that point only,but the heat developed by the speed of the disc was as disastrous as that from the wire in the previous trial. Having exhausted the available supply of tools for cutting purposes, the last resort was the old method of using a wet string. This was slow 39 and tedious,but at least it gave satisfactory results in the way of clear and uncracked sections. A photograph of the improvised cutter is shown in figure 17. The crystal was held between two soft pine blocks which slid in a groove cut in the supporting piece. These blocks were firmly held together by adjustable thumbscrews through angle irons attached to the base. They were soft enough to prevent breaking the crystal yet rigid enough to hold it securely. The thread,which was used to cut the crystal,was moved back and forth across it by hand. Guides were placed in front and behind the crystal to keep the thread in the correct cutting position. The thread was kept wet by passing it through a dish of water as shown in the photo- graph. After properly orienting and securing the crystal in place the thread was passed over the pulley,through the water,and across the crystal. Attach- ed to the pulley end of the string was a small weight which hung over the edge of the table. The string was pulled across the crystal,lifting the weight,which always kept it taut. Upon releasing the string,the weight pulled it back across the crystal again.and all was ready for the next cut. Omcprecaution should be taken particularly,and that is to be sure that the water used in cutting is the same temperature as the crystal. This is to prevent cracking due to too rapid temperature changes in the crystal if it A is exposed to cold water. With this apparatus,about five minutes is required to cut a crystal. The usual cut is to halve the crystal along the (b) axis. The remaining portion of the crystalnear the outside is either cut away or ground off. 40 The crystal is then polished by using powdered carborundum and water on a smooth surface,finished by ground glass and water. This left a thin slab of crystal from the center of the piece,perpendicular to the (a) axis and in the (b) plane,as shown in figure 18. This is the most active plate that canbe cut from the crystal unless the one cut at 45° to this one is consid- ered,as shown in the dotted lines of figure 18. Figure 18 41 MOUNTING THE CRYSTAL After the crystal had been sectioned,some form of mounting must be considered. As before mentioned there are two possible arrangements of the crystal for best results. If the crystal is as first cut,shown in the solid lines of figure 18,the expansion.upon application of potential,is in the (b - c) plane parallel to the (b) axis. If the crystal is held firmly at (1 - m) the (j - k) portion will move back and forth in synchro- nism with the applied voltage. Obviously this is one way of mounting the crystal. It may be clamped firmly at one end and the desired movement taken from the other end,as described above. This might be classed as arrangement "A",for simplicity. Another arrangement of almost equal simplicity is that of a section cut from the crystal at 45° to the (b) and (c) axes in the plane of these axes,as shown in the dotted lines of figure 18. Such a plate will be acted upon in compression and extension where the first mentioned plate.responds to shear. Let us denote the latter plate as arrangement "B”. Obviously either of these methods would produce a piezo electric bar,or p1ate,which,when energized from either electrical or mechanical sources. would function as the simplest form of electro-acoustical instrument it is possible to conceive. It is found,however.that in this case,as in many cases,the simplest arrangement is not the best one for perfect results. As has been mentioned in the articles by Mr. Valasek,included in the first section of this paper, Rochelle salt crystals functioning piezo electrically,experience fatigue and hysteresis loss.depending to a greater or less extent on several factors 42 FIGURE 17 FIGURE 19 43 already discussed. To overcome this difficulty several remedies have been tried. It was found that if the entire plate was clamped and prevented from moving.to any great extent,upon application of potentia1,the hyster- sis loss and saturation of the crystal disappeared. It would have been impossible to use a crystal so clamped,but,by cementing another similarly cut crystal to the first,in such a manner that the forces are always op- posing each other,a similar result was obtained. At the same time great magnification of movement results,but in a direction at right angles to that experienced before. Compare,if you will,such an arrangement to that of the bi-metallic thermostat. With two sections cut as in A,and cemented together in opposi- tion,an element results which twists upon application of potential,or creates potential upon being twisted,the action being reciprocal. If out as in B the movement is one of-bending,very similar indeed to the bimetallic strip upon application of a temperature gradient. In either case the move- ment is proportional to the impressed voltage,or vice versu.,and no hyster- sis is present. The frequency of the applied force is also immaterial up to at least 500,000 cycles per second. Owing to the small size of the crystals obtainable,all mountings were made after arrangement A. This gave an element sensitive in torsion, which must be used accordingly. Figure 19 shows the three stages of pre- paration of the crystals for use in these experiments. The steel scale, calibrated in inches,gives an idea of the size of the crystals. 44 THE PHONOGRAPH PICK-UP The actual making up of one of the crystals into a usable unit took the form of a phonograph pick-up,for playing ordinary phonograph records through the radio or other electrical amplifiers. It was made from a piece of extremely clear crystal,which had_unfortunately broken in two after having been uded for some time in experiments with loudspeakers. The two pieces were cleaned and shellaced together again in opposition with a piece of lead foil between them. This center foil served as one terminal of the instrument. The other terminal was the two outer surfaces which had been foiled in a similar manner. To one corner of the crystal assembly was cemented a grooved piece of pressed fiber,which had been drilled and_ tapped to accomodate the phonograph needle and holding screw. The unit was then mounted in a flat circular head which was also made from a piece of pressed fiber. The needle box,as the receptacle for holding the needle is known.projected from the case through a hole in the side. The cover,which was machined to fit tightly into the head,was of the proper thichness to hold the crystal unit snugly in place and prevent motion,when once bolted together. This cover also had a cavity of the proper size cut in one side to accomodate the needle box,which,of course.must be free from all solid contact with the head,except through the crystal itself. Included in the head was a small .001 uf. condenser connected in parallel with the crystal unit to bipass the scratch of the needle on the record. Smaller details of the arrangement can be gathered from the photograph,figure 20.which is a close-up view of the pick-up head. 4s FIGURE 20 FIGURE 21 46 The complete unit was mounted on a pivoted arm which was free to rotate on its base,ss_shown in figure 21. The head was so constructed that it could be used to play either the conventional lateral cut record or the new type vertical cut recordings. All that is necessary.to change from one type to the other.is to loosen the retaining screw in the end of the arm, remove the head,turn it a quarter turn and reinsert it in the arm. The ver- tical position of the head,as shown in figure 21,13 for playing lateral cut records. The horizontal mounting plays the vertical type. This seemingly reversed nomenclature results from the necessity of picking up the vibrations from the record in such a manner as to cause the proper torsion in the crys— ,tal unit,thus producing the piezo electric potential for the amplifier excitation. In comparison with the magnetic type pick-up we find the crystal unit a very capable competitor. It is inherently simpler and under proper man- ufacturing facilities probably less expensive. No method of damping,as commonly employed,is necessary,since the resonant frequency of the crystal is well outside the audible range. Its response to high frequencies is better than the magnetic unit and here,perhaps,trouble is encountered.due to the high frequency scratch from the record,unless excellent records and proper needles are used. Impedance match must of course be made for best results. The impedance of the unit is such that it may be inserted directly in the grid circuit of the first amplifier either with or without a grid leak across it. Transformer coupling may be used but trnasformers tend to suppess the low frequencies and should be avoided whenever possible. The unit itself has the characteristic of a leaky condenser of about .01 uf. capacity the leakage ,however.being small. The actual frequency response of the unit could not be determined due to lack of calibrated sound instruments in the laboratory. However, the response,as determined by the ear,the final criterian in any case, was entirely satisfactory to all. 47 48 THE CRYSTAL LOUDSPEAK ER Many experiments were preformed in an endeavor to produce a loud- speaker of suitable Volume and fidelity. It must be admitted here that such aspirations were not entirely fulfilled. Due to the difficulty in producing crystals larger than about one and three quarter inches long by an inch or so thich,it was impossible to get sufficient motion to successfully drive the eight inch cone. The faithfulness of reproduction was good at low sound levels,but,in attempting to increase the volume, all quality was lost. Since the crystal itself could not be overloaded without great loss of fidelity,a mechanical lever was tried in an attempt to increase the movement. Any mechanical arrangement is inefficient,and as much was lost here as was gained from the lever ratio. That such a speaker canebonstructed which will favorbly compare with the best dynamic units can be shown from the success of the Brush Development Company of Cleveland 0hio,who have produced such units for the past year or two. They used a crystal which measured two and three quarter inches by three and one half inches,so it is little wonder that the results obtained from the comparitively tiny one used in this experiment were so unsatisfactory. 49 THE CRYSTAL MICROPHONE Since the crystals responded very well at low sound levels it was decided to try to construct a microphone from some of the crystals which had proved too small for a speaker. The crystal unit itself was made from the small crystal shown in figure 19. The unit was assembled for sensitiv- ity in torque with terminals brought out as in the pick-up. It was mounted between two fiber pads,as shown in the photograph of figure 22.and securely held to the heavy pressed fiber base by two small bolts. The diaphram for the unit was made from a light manilla paper cover of the familiar labora- tory report,in the absense of any better material. It was securely clamped between two rings made from the same fiber board as the base. The bottom ring served as a spacer,for the support of the diaphram at the proper level above the crysta1,and provided ample space for mounting. A small threaded rod was cemented to one corner of the crystal at the center of the base. This served as a means of coupling the crystal to the diaphram,which was attached to the rod by two small nuts. The ring was attached to the base by three bolts,which fitted into tapped holes in the ring,but did not project through it. Thus a neat unit was assembled. The view of the assembled microphone is shown in figure 23. The microphone,while less sensitive than the conventional double button carbon type.is much more sensitive than the condenser microphone. It will furnish good volume with an amplifier consisting of a type '27 driver and two '470s in push pull,although another stage would reduce the noise level considerably. The quality,as determined by the only avail- 50 FIGURE 22 0'. \J FIGURE 23 51 able means,the ear,was excellent. Absolute calibration,by the Brush Devel- opment Company,of one of their microphones,showed a straight line from 50 to 5000 cycles with a gradual drop below 50 and a similar rise above $000. This was accomplished by addition of parallel resistance. However,the cry- stal unit alone varied less than 8 decibels over the entire range. Almost any impedance characteristic desired can be obtained by either parallel or series arrangement of several of the crystal units. In this case.of course, the units themselves act as the diaphram.with a corresponding decrease in sensitivity and increase in fidelity. 52 X - RAY AND CRYSTAL STRUCTURE During the course of these experiments the author had occasion to become interested in some work which was being done in the x-ray field at the Physics Department,by Professor Snow. Having acquired some new equipment.a special room was being set aside for x-ray work alone,some- thing previously impossible. In trying to work out a course in this field, Professor Snow invited several of the advanced students to participate in some experiments he proposed to perform. Being desirous of keeping up with the times as much as possible in all lines of endeavor the author at once availed himself of the opportunity. In the course of these eXperiments the investigation of crystal structure by X-ray analysis was mentioned and dis- cussed. Having at hand a General Electric Xeray Spectrographic Outfit it was decided to actually preform the experiment and thereby get a little information 'first hand' gas to speak. It immediately occured to,the author to try some of the Rochelle salt crystals in an attempt to find out more about their actual construc- tion and,possibly,the reason for their piezo electric action. To this end many trials were made. Between poor technique of handling the apparatus and films,and some bad accidents to these films,the first few trials were not very successful. However,by keeping at it,and gradually improving the methods of procedure.some very good Laue patterns were obtained._Three of these are shown in the accompanying photographs. They are respectively: {Figure 24,with the crystal perpendicular to the (a) axis;figure 25.with the crystal perpendicular to the (b) axis;and figure 26,with the crystal FIGURE 24 FIGURE 25 FIGU RE 26 56 'perpendicular to the (c) axis. The similarity of figures 24 and 25 indicate similarity of strusture in these planes,while the totally different figure 26 shows an extremely different arrangement of atoms here. Time did not permit the actual working out of the crystal structure,even if such were possible from these photographs,since such a problem is a thesis by itself. The lack of symmetry in figures 24 and 25 is due to inaccuracies in grind- ing the crystals and in mounting them in the‘machine. Each succeeding trial yielded much information as to better methods of procedure in taking the'. photographs,but this was costly to those taken in that trial. One example of this is the extremely light spot in the center of the plate due to the undeflected beam of x-rays. It was found later that this could be partially, if not,wholly,eliminated by placing a small piece of lead in front of the photographic plate at this point. This,of course,would result in a much clearer plate near the center by the elimination of scattering due to the emulsion on the plate. ' The actual information yielded by these Laue patterns is not great. It is,howeVer,interesting to note that X-ray furnishes a means of actually looking into the atomic structure of things. The use of these patterns,in conjunction with those made from mono-chromatic radiations in spectrograph- glic work,provide very excellect methods of obtaining this priceless in- formation about the internal arrangement of materials. Had time and facili- ties permitted,nothing could have pleased the author more than to have investigated the crystals more thoroughly by this means. As it is,the photo- graphs serve only as a very crude example of what can be done with X-rays. along the line of crystal structure,and to this end add a little color to the eXperiments with Rochelle salt crystals and their piezo electric prop- 'erties. 57 CONCLUSION In conclusion let us summarize the advantages posessed by Rochelle salt electro-acoustical apparatus over the older magnetic types,and the existing electro-static types,as well as cite some possibilities in application to other fields. First,the use\ of Rochelle salt devices offers outstanding cheapness and simplicity coupled with a flexibility of design very difficult to find anywhere else. The life is extremely long.and failure from fatigue is un- known,under ordinary working oonditions,with the sectionalized unit as herein described. Such apparatus as has been discussed,and perhaps many other applications,exhibit real individualism in that they,unlike all magnetic types,require no permanent magnets or heavy currents for field excitation. Unlike the carbon microphone,no batteries are required for power,and no polarizing bias is necessary as with electrostatic instruments. In all these cases Rochelle salt is indeed unique in that it carries its own field excitation. When connected to an input circuit there is ample potential generated to swing the grid of almost any suitable tube sufficiently for complete utilization of that tube. In output circuits the impedance match is direct with most power tubes on the market today. For multi-unit installations the low impedance necessary can readily be obtained by the proper arrange- ment of units. Also,the force present in output units is indeed great,and can be used to good advantage in driving the heavy cones necessary for good reproduction at high sound levels. 58 The application of the piezo electric crystal in modern science is indeed just beginning. Besides the speaker,microphone,and pick-up these crystals have been successfully used in polarized relays,whsre potential is present but where very little power is available. They also find appli- cations in oscillographs and oscilloscopes. Another very tempting applica- tion is in the matter of seismographs,for continuous automatic recording of earth tremors,such as might be caused by an earthquake several thousand miles away. It is apparent that such movements of the earth as would result from such a cause would indeed be small. But,emall as they are,a device as sensitive as Rochelle salt crystals should pick them up with very little difficulty. That they were used successfully during the Great War to detect submarines,by means of minute water vibrations,is proof of their sensitiv- ity. And in the light of modern developments this sensitivity has been increased many times. There are undoubtedly scores of other applications,equally interest- ing,which are eagerly awaiting recognition and deveIOpment. May they not be long in coming,and they will,not if some of the gifted engineers,like those at the Brush labortories,get to work on the problem. The savings which are effected by such applications,both in labor and capital,should be a great incentive for the immediate development of these devices. 59 x BIBLIOGRAPHY Cady.'W.G. . Piezo electric Terminology. Proceedings of the I.R.E. 1930 18 z 2136 Cady,‘W.G. A Bibliography on Piezo electricity. Proceedings of the I.R.E. l6 : 521 — 35. April 1928 Frayne, J.G. Reversible Inductivity of Rochelle Salt Physical Review 1922 20 : 97 v ’ (530.5 P 578) Physical Review 1923 21 : 348 , Isley, F.C. The Relation Between the Mechanical and Piezo electrical Properties of Rochelle Salt Crystals. Physical review 1924 , 24 : 569 v (530.5 P 578) Moore, R.W. A Method of Growing Large Perfect Crystals from Solution. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1919 41 : II : 1060 (540e5 A 512'j) Nicolson, A.M. The Piezo electric lffect in Composite Rochelle Salt Crystals. Transactions of the A.I.E.E. 1919 38 : 1467 - 85 L (621.3 A 512-b) Sawyer, C.B. Rochelle Salt Crystals for Electrical Reproducers. Proceedings of the I.R.E. 1931 19 : 2020 Scott, E.K. Piezo electricity in Rochelle Salt Crystals Transactions of the Faraday Society 1921-22 17: 748 ' (541 .37 F 219-t) (Valasek, J. The Original Articles by Valasek. Physical Review 1921 17 : 475 (530.5 P 578) Physical Review 1922 19 g 473 Physical Review 1922 20 g 539 Physical Review 1926 27 ; 254 60 Piezo electricity and Its Applications Engineering April 25,1919 107 : 543-44 (620.5 E 57) Summary of Piezo electric Crystal Conference Held by the U.S.Navy Department December 3-4,l929. Proceedings of the I.R.E. 1930 18 : 2128 Note: Parenthesis,( - ),indicate classification in the Dewey Decimal system used in the Michigan State College Library. HICHIGQN STQTE UNIV. LIBRQRIES ll!llWNILIIlllllllllllllllllllllllIlllfllllHllHlllllllllIll 293016895439