CHANGES 3N HOUSING ADMINLSTRATEON IN SELECTED MKDWESTERN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Thai: for the Down cf M. A. MICHIGAN STATE UNWERSITY Alvin P. Zvoda 1.956 PLACE IN RETURN Box to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINE return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE m$§%mm 'c: b‘ §Wfififmu 6’01 cJCIRC/Dateouepes-ms "J" n— :1. * UJ L U. . v » 1 i "D U i I .. 1“ U L k . ,-\J l. '3 '1 1’) ‘ "‘ T i, L‘ J A 1'. )"1g:2.p_.3 3-9’ 5’4 34. ..I..L , , \ V, r: a . 1i ' a)! r I‘\ t 1 4. a, -. ‘\ L 1 t s t a 1. LA . ,V (g . _ 1— _ .1, ,ll \ . r. t E} ‘ . O . .- . a o T. , ,1 ,IT .. V, 1 7 - . r t, ~\r filtx G] V rt 7 t ‘ .1.‘ AL '7 J, . . 1 Ix. . q . 0‘ n _ . . a. . .fi . a , a L , u o .I .1 s . . at; I, . . .r, _ , fl" .- no rt. ,1 a... I\ L) H I ,\ K: ! Lul T5 17‘ 1 x W ..‘ .- V-' r‘ bra '7' Q. I _‘ ‘x _’ I .L 71 u I. ) 1‘ C . J H ‘ r I u g .3 L 1‘ - (1-1:: E‘ o o o o i. ,‘_ 7.1"? O“C: o o o o o ?. ”"011.Qw$ “n7 ' .‘ .‘. 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Q AIN‘Ll“ 11 \an3F81L/"i. . s o 1 o i_ L ., o . mlC'J”“n atone inlvo . 1Lr4u0 E11V0r91ny . .‘ _ _.. -. .0 - (a o ’ ‘- (I . oboto _nuwmar~1a 0L - 1 ° .— - __ J._ T ' ,4 —. ' l. . -,n1o .UL‘UC .nlwwatalo 1 . o ‘ r ‘ . ‘0 . -7 5“ I 1 1 O .' . K T1 .1 f L J -L l_‘y‘l O .L J. - . 1 10 q ' w . : _ . a ‘ ° ° . hlv’ . ‘ o- ulchlfi 1 ‘ ' 1" _n ~ - . LUlVCrSlLV 0L Llnnes a o ' ' I . 1311v, 1L0; CtiarOCulU F1, “Ar-“lolfllm .'. 11 ..A. ‘1)? —. n 'V‘ {3 “' I ' \ \ l I“ 1 7“ j- “l" I' 5‘ . >~ -" ‘1'!“ 3 “ h 1‘ cc I v.v'-. P, -. '12'..L 02.! L1.) .1 _:C J'I. 4’ Ci t- J ' :1 L... [1.1- (J .‘r .20 -)CC 1- 'J u, ‘TOllxnvinrr if fnfi’. IL.J. H4 \—) 5 .‘J \ l l l (x "i J .4— x H. O 4 ,‘J H. ’12 I 0 , ‘ 1 o t ‘ o o . “i“ae? ;LJA(IFL.ZV10;1 ccwiceluiiur“ wiuisizifl 'W1 3 ‘1: C v 1“ O ‘ I . s , .7. . '1'.1 1 - r- -. - r an e my ad * '. x j w . ‘. ~1 ,_ w tn . .' .‘1 -. ‘ v -~""- .~‘ . ‘ w 8 out ined 11o” .Lulblda ii wilu;JC'1S rote 111. 1. - ..._',..JI' 1.. J. .... cousin OTR'JlZflulOR, enroll Odo? 'Ji wiouor , . . —o A Historx of Universitv Residence halls To acquire a better knowledge of today's residence halls, one must f0 back to the Liddle Ages and study the history and origin of housin: systems in institutions of higher learning. Lesidence halls develoned mainly from historical incidents thnt were accidental although some develonments were consciously thoudht of. ha'or lhilosonhies j_ Bhere were two major philosonhies concerning resnonsibility for housinc students which influenced the present day American system. the british philosonhy had the residence halls the center of the student's formal and informal education. Residence halls served primarily as educational agencies, housing the students in comfort and J- '7 J o 1 o u .1 serVinq Vitnllv in one 500111 develonment of the students. The nrincinle of the Germans after the Qeformgtion was to provide no housine and let the students find their own accommodations. German educators preferred to nut their , o emph351s turni snreodine tiuyzfrontiers chlmunvledge.‘ line American system is a compromise between the uritish and the German. The chief differences between the American system Cowley, Dr. I.H. ”The nistory of student .esidentisl Housing,” School and Society, Dec. 1, 1984, Vol. 40 Ho. 1040 p. 764 9 ‘Ibid n. 734 and the others amounted to this: in England he residential colleqes develOped into hirnly sicnificant education agencies, the Germans divorced housin7 entirely from their universities. The American residence halls althoufih pro— vided in increasinf number are still little more than body 0 n 1 U shelter Ior students. Development During hediOVOl Eimes The pepulation of most medieval cities seldom was more than five thousand. Jith the addition of the thousands of wandering students that swarmed to the universities at Bologna, Inris, and Oxford there was created an enormous housing problem. The majority of the students were in their early teens and they needed much control end discipline. however, according to hastinjs Rashdall, it was not necessary or even customary for the students to live under the nominal supervision of a master; he might seek out his own lodging in the town or join a party of students in hirin? a hall.4 Only the sons of the rich could afford nrivnte houses of their own, or suites of rooms. dome provisions had to be made for the poorer studeLts. prom the confusion of students livinfi in all different tyres of housing units 0 ”Cowley, Op. Cit. p. 764 4” w . . . . ., . lashdall, nastings, "The Un1vers1t1es of nurOpe in the giddle Ares," Oxford at the Clarendon lress, Vol. II, Part II, 1895, pp. 606—610. some students organized into groups called socii.5 In Bologna groups of students hired houses and set up es— tablishments known as hostels. In Paris they were called laedagogies and at Oxford they were halls or colleges. Harry E. Barnes stated that originally it was either a unit in the academic organization designed to provide board and lodging for the poorer students who could not meet their own expenses, or it was created primarily to assure custodial supervision of younger students who needed to have older men live with them and watch over them. One member of the group, called a regent or princinal, was elected to manade the affairs of the house. he exercised a certain authority over the rest. If the existinq tenant retired or left school the owner could transfer the hall to a new nrincinal.7 There was nothing to comnel a student to remain in the hall. the student could move freely from one house to another. rhe government of these houses at one time was a democracy, the power of the lrincipal beinq limited to the enforcement of statutes freely accented by the community of other students. lious founders endowed and organized Special hostels for the roorer students. She founder's object was merely to 5Cowley, Cr. Cit. p. 705 narnes, harry Elmer, ”The History of western Civilization,” Vol. I, hareount, grace u Company, how Iork, 1995, n. 741- 749 73ashdall, Op. Cit. p. 607 obtain room and board for the poorer students who could not pay for it themselves. The universities gradually asserted authority over these endowed hostels. first they began by approving the rrincipals that were elected by the students, then thev nominated the nrincinals who could be elected. hith this setup fairly well established, they annointed older students for the position. It was not until the fifteenth century that the universities began to restrict the Princinalshin to hasters or faculty members. Ly this time the university authorities had nretty well taken over n the comnlete responsibilities of the Operation of the halls.0 The students couldn't move from one hosnicuim to another as easily now. In Paris there was a rule that no house could accept a student who vas released from another house because of corrective measures. A short time later all students had to live in such houses. according to Rashdall, the medieval underdraduate was fairly imprisoned in his hall.9 The early university statutes hardly attemrt— ed to interfere with the nrivate life of students, except with the breach of neace, and perhans enforcing clericrlity of dress. In the course of two centuries, the houses, which students had established on their own initiative, had passed from he student's control into the control of the 8 l n. Cowley, up. blt. p. 706 9~ o . Rashdall Cu. C t. n. b09 , ,_ l 7 officers and administrators of the colleges and universities. Colleges Begin to Fade Out “in— The endowed halls in time came to be known as "colleges." Durinq the middle of the thirteenth century, the collegiate system of residence halls had been adoPted by the great universities of Enqland. In Germany the halls became known as "Bursen," pre- ceding the Reformation.10 After the deformation the organizational structure of the German universities changed. The Bursen disappeared, and the boarding house system came into vogue, much the same as it was before the second World War. After the Revolution in France in 1808, the universities reorganized, and the residential hall founda— tions vanished.11 The Bursen of Germany were of a different character than the French and Enelish halls. They were core like the military barracks that we know today. Thev had larne sleep— ing rooms with several hundred students. These were often under the command of provincial rulers. The Germans really didn't care much about housino the students. Vhen the Germans had extra money available they used it for scholar— ships, research, instructions, and salaries. OCowley, Op. Cit. p. 707 llIbid, p. 707 The English system of colleges was carried to America by the colonists. They knew no other system but the British. The many Cambridge graduates that settled in New England during the early history of the U.S. naturally n brought with them the system known to them in England. d This British bacquound had more to do with the establish— ment of the American residence hall system than any other single factor. Some of the other factors that contributed to the establishment of residence halls in the New England Universities were: The students were in their early teens, cities were small, travel was difficult, and it was expected that the universities would house and feed these young students}:3 Also many of the colleges were founded by religious leaders who conceived of the universities as religious institutions. The English herita e didn't completely dominate early American universities. because of the noverty and the small nonulation of the cities, the American collegiate system didn't develon. The British nrincinle of residence halls was implanted in the American, but like all good leaders, they adapted the system to fit the colonial needs and situations. Dr. W.H. Cowley states in his article, that the chief point of difference between the Lritish and American philosonhies of student residential housing has amounted to lglbid, n..7os 13 Ibid, p. 708 this: at Oxford and Cambridge the residential colleges develoned into hishly significant elveniisixl a CHCius; the American dormitories durino the nineteenth century offered little more than body shelter. The British housinc units were used for formal con— ferences between the students and instructors and also for social get tocethers. The American residence halls might have develoned the same way had it not been for the nioneer situation and the problem of discipline. In England the deans and proctors were charged with keeping neace, but in America the faculty members in the dormitory became enemies of the students.15 They were given the responsibility of keeping the students in hand and most of the faculty were over zealous at the job. This caused many student riots and unheavels, until the befinninq of athletic events and out side activities. Residence halls did not develon into meeting places of great minds, because of the large im— portance of the disciplinary problems. She Opportunity to make residence halls the center of the educational program became lost in the disciplinary chaos. The halls became nothing but nlaces to eat, sleen, and nerhans study. l41bid, p. 708 lslbid, n. 709 10 Decline of Besidence Halls Residence halls were under attack in the earlv eishtecn hundreds, because of the numerous discinlinary problems. hany collede administrators were against any tyne of residence hall. nenry S. Frieze wrote about Tap an, who vas nresident of the University of gichican in 1852. he ex- pressed the rhilosuhy of why he changed a residence hall into classrooms as follows: "The dormitory system is objectionable in itself. Ty withdrawins young men from the influences of domestic circles, and senaiwytinfi them! from ttua communiinr, they are often led to contr ct evil habits and are prone to fall into disorderly conduct. It is a more remnant of the monkish Cloisters of middle ages, still retained in anland, but banished from universities of Germany."16 Tannan thoudht the Irussian system of hermany was the most nerfect. do had traveled in Germany and was influenced by their system. In Germany the students had to find their own social life and housing and feedin" facilities. the universities paid no attention to the students outside of the classrooms. The many hundreds of rrofessors in American Tniversities who had telun1,sradu“t&>vxnfli in Cergmunrxvere ilrfluenced_inr the German system of no dormitories. They reflected this 16 . Erieze, nenry b., A Lemorial Liscourse on the nife and Services of Lilliam nenrv Tannin, Ann Arbor: Universitv JJ ’ of nichigan lress, 1896, p. 85. 11 German influence in American education based upon freedom of learnine and to chine, tonether with a great aptreciation . , .. 17 _ 11 \ , 01 scnolar341n. in Germany one merican fécxltv memoers enga ge ed in indenendent research and thoueht. -hey were in— snired to create and it aroused in them a sense of knowledge to apnreciate the educational tools of the universities more than the social activities. This German noint of View grew in the United States and the nonularitv of residence halls diminished. Sometimes existing residence halls were abolished and were seldon built at state universities. fhe :tete universities were Tressed ior money. Available funds went into cle,ssrooms, faculty salaries, and laboratories. esidence halls we1e exne nsive to build, and the majoritv of the students attendina state schools were from the lower class and couldn't afford to live in residence halls. Shey were willing to live in inexnensive rooms in order to re— ceive an education. As the enrollment of universities increased, the possibilitv of Luildins new residence halls to are for the studen ts became less and less reuote. finally after the Civil Jar, the increase in the number of students wanting to attend colle e was so fireat few colleees could keep up with the increased enrollments because of the shortage of housing. ths broueht about fraternities and sororities l7. . . 1 .. ThW1nq, Che rles 1., A Mi torv 01 nieher lduce tion in America. D. WLnnleton and Companv, Jew lork 1906 CU taking on housins Functions. gise of Residence Inlls “ The students moved from the urimitive conditions they were livine in at roominfi houses into fraternity houses and dormitories which private individuals had built for profit. however the attacks upon dormitories by the different universities administrators and state universities continued until the turn of the twentieth century. The turning point for the rejuvenation of residence halls came about when hilliem Lerner orginized and became president of he Lniversity of Chicago in 1898. Le broudht J. with him U0 the fiiddle test a great enthusiasm for residence halls. In his first groun of buildinfis four residence halls i 19 were constructed and by 1900 he had the total up to seven. This Chicago lendership hid its influence unon other gid— hestern universities and aroused an interest in housinz. During the develonment of the lrinceton graduate school, major emyhasis was rlaced ufon the environment 01 the sraduntes. The institution wantel residence halls so 4 \ 7 that the graduate students could minfile freely in common daily associations witL each other. when A.L. Lowell became president of Larvard he urged in his inaugural address that 18 \ . . powlev, 0n. Cit. p. 712 19 Ibid, p. 759 18 residence halls be built, and thit undergraduates be develon— ed into ueonle as well as students. Three other influences in favor of dormitories were accumulatinc at this time, accordinv to Dr. U.J. Cowley. They were: The effect upon all institutions of the several women's colleqes, emuhesis placed upon dormitories, es— pecially in the Enid—west by; (193.118 of women, and third, the clamor of students and alumni in defense of ”collede life” . "O - and the reSidence hall as a means thereto.“ many w men's colleces were founded in the middle 1805's. The educators of that time didn't. like the idea of the voun'r women trfirinrr to find their own housins. :0 house these women the cello es built residence halls. Lnny of the drmduates from these women's colle?es liked the idea of the residence halls, and when they became feculty temhers of other collewes, the? broufiht with them the uhilosonhy of residence halls. Later _I_ 1 as these women became de‘ns of women they have devoted and continuous attention to the howsin situation. fhese x V I women were rqmflwflibf die Cremtest influence unon the universities to build more and better residence halls. ghe desns of women formed a nernxnent orgnnization at the 1 beginning of tee twentieth centurf. This sroun has been a nowerful influence on the ndninistrotors of universities, ! 1 I L esnecially bringinfi attention to t1e housins problem. Thev have succeeded in improving the roominf houses in which a arfie nercentaee of the students were forced to live. According to the U.S. Education Bulletin 1980 land grant institutions, 15 percent Dewartment of Interior Office of tee year 927—28, in 44 of the students were housed in universitv owned and onerated residences. The dormitories not only rut marginal rooming houses out of business, but they have also set new standards for tiose that were still in business. n1 L United States Department of Interior Office of Education Bulletin 1930, No. Universities, Vol. Trintinw Office. Burvec of L 1, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government d Grout Colleees and (Jilin-"flit I I .FUTXTEICETS 113 Hill 4LDMLKIlfif£JrfICiJ Or‘llOllilIF} lTflfi}.sn.S From the author's investieations it annetrs hat universitv and colleee housing administrators usually nerform four major tvnes of functions, nlus some incidental related duties. These functions are usually the resuonsibilitv of one or more administrative officials. In some colleees and universities the same official may be resnonsible for all the functions or he may be in charge of only one or two. The follow'nq is the list of functions usually performed by housins administrfitors and the officials who are usually reseonsible for each of them. Junctions lhvsical This includes the oneration of universitv owned build— anS, includiuw maintence, rerairins, renovating, and clean— ins. It also covers directine the nlnnnin" of new huildines and the supervision of construction. 'fhe efficients in Charge oi‘5uLwinisteri M “the rhvsicnl function are usuallv the vice rresident of business affairs, treasurer, comntroller, the business manager or the director of housinfi.or residence halls. 16 Financial The financial function includes the fiscel Operation of the university housin7 units. These Operations include budqets for all halls, nrovisions for renlacement and rendirs to the buildiufi and furnishinfis, mad finencisl forecasts. It includes reviewinfi all budgets and financial reports of student organizations. fhese miiht include fraternities, sororities, and coonermtive houses. fhe financial functions are usually cmrried out by the «A followinv colleee officials: Vice Iresident, Cr asurer, 1 W ' c :rtroller, the business mindfier, or the eirector of housing or residence halls. éociel T l Residence islls provide an excellent rldce for students to leern and practice social gr res. fhe halls encourese socialbilitv amen? individual stud nts and anon? Trouns of students. A student livinv in a residence hell lezrns her to set alone better with his fellow students. Lee residence halls also rrovide onnortunities for students to participate in university recreational and intramural snorts nrogrims. Social programs ire usually administered by such college officials as deans of students, directors of residence halls or deins of men for the men students, and deans of women for the women students. Educational The residence halls provide onrortunitv for student 17 to U) participate in hell eovernment and cannus student hovernment affsirs. The cultural facilities at a colleee are mnnv. J 1 Students have one Chance b0 ?0 50 lectures, world travel films nr resi‘ halls also ‘ p a: 3 O (D sneakers nrulciuier studen' educational exnerience of Deans of students, dire tors of deans of men or women are usually ' 1 I who adsinister tie educmtiondl functions. Ctflier Some other functions are the handling of food service for the halls of off cannus housinf. The resnonsibilitv of the food service a the director of residence halls, in some liistrdtive dietitian. The director of residence hills mny be the insrection of off Cduéus housine. done their director of heilth service do -1 .11“- .L ' _. , n ,H tne LLQCUlonS perioruei vided by the universities. re s idene e the university idle liOiisizic zidnxinik concerts, and ganv isve their own fireside chats or guest vdiicli ceiitriluite “to iflie halls, and is usuallv th‘t Cises through resnousible for collefies have administrators reveals that isually the same official has the resnonsibilities for the rhysical and financial functions, while a different nerson is in charge of the social and educational asuects. Some colleges have one official, usually the director of residence halls, who is in connlete ('3 charge of all 1 notions. Administration An examination of rlaus for the adm’nistration of college residence hall procrams discloses great variation in practice. In some schools practically all housine functions are coordinated in the dean of student's office. Some set un a housind office inderendent of student rersonnel, but workins closely with it. Others have allowed aggressive business manafiers to dominate the situation and control the . l . . matters related to student hoes nc. In many cases 1t 13 a combination of the deans of students handline the social and educational asnects and the director of residence halls handling the business management. In some colleges the dean of student's office still has the majority of the resuonsibilitv for oneratinfi the housing administration. This evolved from the early 1 . .. .. -5 , , . “ Albrieht, lreston 9., "The rlaee oi nes1denee L311 Organization in the student lersonnel lrogram,” Educational 9nd lsychological Leesurement, 11:4, Winter 1951, p. 70” r.-. 19 residence halls systems. The early residence halls were Operated in a complicated manner. She home economics de— partment operated the food service. The education densrt— ment did the counselinfi. The eomntroller or business mandeer was resnonsible for the business Operation of the residence hall and the dean of students had charge of the overall mansg ment resnonsibilities because of the relation— 0- shin of students to csmnus life.a As the colleges grew larger thev tried to eliminate all the complications of the past. The dean of students was the most lexical choice to have the full resnonsibility of the oneretion of the residence halls. That is why todsv mnty college and university housine nroerems are still under the dean of students. Some collee-s became concerned with the development of more accurate financial records for their residence halls. The deans of students were mainly interested in the welfare 1 of the students and were not too interested in the financial ssyects of the halls. Lecnuse of the lick of interest in the (‘1 business asnect and becnus most residence halls ene sell sunnorting and on a self liquidating basis, colleses and universities began to brine in trained business neonle to Operate the halls. fhese neonle were diven the title of (4“ w 1*. ' - -. : _ " btewert, u.u., 'de51dence dell administretion,” Colleee and Universit: husiness, 10:4, April 1951, n. 80. director of residence halls or some similar name. Erom these two n“tterns of thoufht has come the combina— tion of dean of students 1nd director of residence halls. She director of residence halls mvv be in comrlete cherge of the operation of the halls working in close cooneretion with the dean of student's office. Ihc dean's office may handle all the social and educational services for the students. .' ‘T '\.'-;".]"l I} 'nnnll“ ’8’?T 1" _ 11': ’ .'I ”I '1'7;\ I": 'l "7 "fl“-r '\ '1']" 4‘ l' V ‘ ",‘~ ‘~ -.." A'LJ. ‘1. .L \j -A ii .‘. -.'L’-L114_.'l" ' :1 ' -_ . JL‘ L.‘.L.A.v-_l LL A. .1 . ._ i t .4 i .. 4\ .. J) .L -l l. .. A.-_‘-‘I -L t_‘_1_‘s.~ .1 * Tile “Aisli i.s C11 The large nortion of newlv arrived vounq Americans that were born in 1947 are rushine through our elementary schools now. Ehev are arrroschine the secondary schools and in a short time they will be at the threshold of college. fhese young students will continue to enter our elementary schools for at lenS' another ten veers, since the number of births in the United States is now at in all time high of about four million. Due to this reiid birth rate, schools are faced with an educational problem of enrollment. School enrollment will more than double in the next decade and by 1970 the colleges will receive the full intact of the large birth rate. In the 10 or frides and high schools this troblem Will be handled at the local level.1 That condition does not preveil at the university level. Each collece and universitg.r 2..ust make their own decision concerning: the amount of exnension. The two main factors thst will de— termine the emount of exninsion for enrollment ere the birth rate and the rerccntsge of colleée—sfe nonulntion W fhomnson, gonsld b. ”College—Age Ionuletion trends 1940— 1970,” College and Universitg, XXIX, January 1954, hp. 215—24 [‘0 l‘ O entering the schools of hidher learning. Test and lresent Collefie Enrollments During the forty year neriod of 1870-1910 the nonulntion of the United States increased 130 percent. At the some time the nercentsqe of college—ace ronuletion going to school 0 had increased 260 nercent.“ There was a definite two to one relationship between ponulntion growth and the number of students enrolled in college. The portion of the colleqe age group, that groun 18—22 years of one, attending schools at that time was onlv four nercent. this percentage amounted to annroximatelv 238,000 students at the turn of the century. Ehe percentoje of colleoe—ofe youth nttendino institutions of hidher education has incre 50d an average of annroximmtelv one rercent a year for the last twenty . . . . 3 years, until it 18 more than 80 percent at the firesont time. At the present time there are eight million youths of colleoe aCe. Cf this number, 2,500,000 are enrolled in colleoes and universities as students. If the birth rate continues at four million per Veer and 30 nercent of the Youths of the collefe 309 330““ 70 to 0011970: tHis “ill [‘0 LOW1959 Ernnk 3., ”Some Essie Considerntions in Lredictino 0011999 Lnrollment,” The Educational Lecord, Vol. 33, Lo. ?, Only 1955, nn. 211—13. n 0. . . . n A . , . _ . . American Assoc1ntion Oi colle late Nefiistrnrs and Admission bfficers, "The 1mpendiue gidsl Jove of Jtudents," Oct. 1954 n 00 4. L . put the enrollment in 1970 at 4,800,000 or neerlv double what it is now. Future Enrollment “Silfll lrovidinq there isn't another full scale world war or major denression within the next fifteen veers 4mericsn collefies and universities can look for enrollments to be doubled. The number of students tbfit will be flh‘lVinfi for enrollment hes been estimated at a very conservative figure of four and a half million to a maximum figure of about six and a half million. Che maximum {inure is based on an increase in the rercentnee of students wanting to no to college. Ihe bulge of students will start to hit the colleee campuses in 1960. D c 1 0 post colleges are linoinw difficulty in financing their .1 ‘tiinitiQNis (lo Iiot fret linvwa bruilfliglvs '?UCL U} operations, msnv in equinment adequate for the larger stuflent bodies tbet were acquirefl since norld War II, and when they have trouble in recruitinq and reteinins sufficient numbers of well trwincd L fecultv nenbers to meet tresent needs, think of 'he troblems q. 0 n 1 ‘ 4 " ' that will rece then wnen their enrollments nouble. now 18 the time for.the administrative officers to rethink basic Horn, Francis L., ”Preflictions on Our fixtnndinf Colleee Enrollments," National EflUCTtiOHDl Associetion Journal, V01. 43, Anril 1954, p. 217. policies and make nlnns for the future enrollment increases. There are now two and half million students enrolled in collefe. This retresents 00 percent of the total college age nonulstion, at the nresent time 90 nercent of all youth, ages 6— 2, and 80 percent of youths 13—17, are enrolled in 5 , , 1 , - . ,V school. Undoubtediv tne colleves W111 never reach the 00 ['9 percent mark, but tnev mnv refich 40 or 50 nercent of the 3T0 groun. The rwte of births has been increasine at over 100,000 ner year. Even if the percentage of collene—mqe nonulntion sttendind school stays at the dresent 30 percent, there would still be an increase in enrollments due to the :'\1 ,1. raisine birth rate. iis increase would amount to about four million students by 1970. She big factor that mieht well jumn this fieure un to 6; million is that, due to many circumstances, he percenteqe of the collece age qroun will increese. ‘I "'1 brancis hornb states one factor is thmt no other netion in the world attaches as much imuort nee to education as does the United States. Also the colleues have diversified programs to ettroct hieh school students, there is the 1 growing problem of equalizing euucstionsl orrortunities for evervone and as a result of the 0.1. Bill, the veterans will 5,. - . . v,. . . H. mlllett, John D. "The Innendine uriSis in nicher i fighool and Society, Vol. 81, 30. 2002, June 25, 19r5. horn, Francis a. Op. Cit. n. 217. $1., \ f‘ I \J I a .\}‘ ’1 (x k. ., r] \1 u..l~ _. 1.. w _, ‘4 71 ”J. I ,F‘ '4 I‘- ,-\~"- \,, \. \_, .l. 7‘ I L). fl|~ ‘. \. 1. [A ‘ .1 W C." L z i (‘\v‘ \ .1- \ Ol ‘\ ‘J .I (. .U ._ in.“ x; [K 1. l] lOTl a. 1 T‘OT.“ r--JL fi‘.‘ 0 ~‘ ' x) .'- V‘,‘ ‘1 L 7"; 1 V C‘ C 1“ C‘ "' ‘1 ' '1. .~ .. a!” ni -\ 1‘ 1 Some of the yroblems to be solved by the educators will be; should the colleges limit their future enrollments or provide education for all young peonle? that ndnitionsl sources of revenue might be investifizted to nfiy for the cost of fficili— i (D s? How shell the levee enrollment be distributed among av) (1" the various nublic find 'rivete institutions? Shall existins facilities be exnsnded or shall new colleves and universities be est blishedT Vhet inrrovemeuts ein be made in construction to nrovide more idequntelv for increasinfi enrollments?10 It msv be difficult at this time for the sdwinistrstors to nre— nsre for s time when the? shall be confronted with in enroll— nunrt of iniice {Rug *resmnrt stufirnit body} -310 bif:imict rexrfihis, the youth who vill attend collefes through 1970 are already I Ix 1]- :1 n 'v born! we can count teen non! rue task beiore the ed— ucators is not eisv and it is a colossal one. It will twke ‘ fill the intelliéexce, juddement, std enerrf of tlem to solve the nnnv treble s. The eduinistrxtors will hnve to use everv effort to srouse the nublic to t*e seriousness of the threst to hieher educntion of the tide of eolleGe—ege vouth thnt is ‘ V ' ‘ 4 V i 'L " V "l‘ . I C. r . :- auriwnichiIY? the lilSulLulleNS (1L hi? , I nor le'rnine. 711T ' , .'.- " .'- I iis means tn o the housinw yrorrnms of institutions of 11i‘l‘her learning are seine to hive to nrovide some tvre of 10 w . rhomnson, Jonnld L. "UolleVe—Afie reful tion Lrends 19i0- 1970," O7"- Cit. ll._ . . . . ,. .t . . .u . , Americen ASSOClfithH or Volleviut Nefiisernrs and e Admission tfficers,” 0n. Cit. n. 19. “7 housins Recommodstions for tfli" dorblee enrollment. In the cities Where colledes are loceted, the Lojoritf of roominf liouses tlul'rrivete Tuxies ere sliwyutr seturoted_u€flfl: students. There is no room or finfinces in these cities to build lorge homes 'hot mieht house a few students. Therefore, the housinj of the inereised enrollment will rest squarely on the s5oulders of the colleve anl university administrators. ."wrdl‘in_ "2} 1"”. \IiliLJ. .1..qu I V I f" l . I t .D L-d 1_’{ f ‘I ‘ I‘\ H U: (W7? (",7 “'l‘l“"‘1 \J... n1 4 lie followinr Chester is on inilysis o organisations and duties of housing rersonnel as they were retorted in 1 , ~.l. ,-.L~-- _- . ,. _; , M, D 1949, es commerce elem Oklsolfl” OPQ”an%blOHS sod UULLCS 01 such nersonncl in eleven aid—western stete suouorted colleées and universities. r0 obtain the necessary information this writer sent conies of the crownizotion chirts and duties by rosition, ss the“ were in 19:9, to the different eollescs, for corrections, additions, and necessary chsnfes to bring .‘1 teen ut to flute. inc corrected returns were then comfored .1. to the east chsrts and duties to see what chsnees the different colleges were mohins. She followinc newes have the individiol universities liSbed. For each universitv toe Luties of rersonnel by 1 v I I c-. .L nositiou are liste he column on the left shows the duties 1 as they were in 1949, while the column to toe rifiht lists the duties as tier on our in 1956. Sollouins the list of duties are the organization charts, SirSt for 1949, then for 1950. ", J After this miterisl is an analysis of the ca uses that were made bv the college or Univgrgitv. 1““ luomrson, 3. Eirl, l Administrstion in 41 919, Lnnublishefl date, nousins even Liddle—.esterr ”tote sunnorted i , - 1.2.7 1...“. ‘ .L...\«L).L~§;!J'L vylw CO CD lifIViguilgl bloomin“ton, Indiana noeolfii Aflfilnifif3131uL—Dutics by iosition 1949 1. executive DirectorJ halls of Lesidence—go such rosition in 1911'.) O 2. Director of hells or dcnce—lesnonsible directlr to the tirector of service Lnter— prises for finenci‘l onerwtion of idence halls for beth men on; £17-},(253 521.1- S:t311(i(é1113 JAG fill res— 1956 ”1113 1. Executive Jirector, of Jesidence—Besnonsible di— rectly to tie Vice lresident— firessurer of Indisnm sitv for all matters of nolicy end rlsnninv reletinw to galls of gesideuce. Les charge of the buildine ero— for halls of Lesidence (’1' 1“ '1‘” and sets as adviser to halls Cl urodr ms ior other st to industrial institutions. Is resnonsible for financial over all admin~ istrstion of Indiana lniver— sit? halls of nesidence. 2. Director, Halls 0? Jes1— dru‘ce—lx3Stornxtble Cttrecllgi to fixecutivc Lirector for rhvsi— C°1 an], i‘i.:1fi,ncii1 0‘:\(iér.‘,tion of hells. ls resronsible the J 7 ”'.,‘,. '. .° . _ ‘ .. “t 'T _' _' UE‘LC L L!__:]C"_1_“)"‘S Weill; Al\-‘\_L...| .115— for l 1 trition of ego activities of RSflxnflenos in univer51uv OT)— . C . .4. 13111 .13 0 91‘?th housinfi' 3. Assistant Director of Halls 4n ' a"? 3‘! BOSiCMfllCC—ASfidjfli Direc irl C()orw1irritixi¢ t“e “rhgrsi~ ‘ 4|“ -'- ' "V ‘ w I J L - eri Operation. ,1 m-i [Alert . 10. 130“31 of Litu3fN1ts_£Les-(uls—- ’10. ;;enn.opo vooznpflsm a vooznpwsmnl nouomgfla hovomufiq owmppoo H mummomj comwppozll mafiammxomso: mafiammxemsom :mvcHA. OmIH pmozs. _I rllllllllq haemol mpOHomcdoo H muewoml mnemomni . qoaawn pudoo mpmsfiwpwpmcca filllln mEHm pmflmoomi _ smuceo mamflpflpmflo mmmpm HH anomoml manuaflsn scam mocmuflmmm hpomfl>hmmsm ooqwcmpcflwz H mummom: cw mpcdpmfimm< n.3m311 _ _ filllllg opwsvmuo no fill. ndfipaumfla nouomhfin hopomnfla nopompfla mpnmuammm cam: mummewmem vamm o>wnwuuuwcfiau< «oanochdz wcwamwxcmsom mafiammxomsom ” _ _ U _ 1; made: mucouwmmm madam mocmvfimmm no naadx u.:osoz. oocmvflmmm .popomufia pnwpmflmu< wcflaomqsoo n.cmz no hopomnHQ nopmwsumom mocmnflmmm no madam mo hoaoonfin ammhdm r A _ _ manmsom Hmupamo mucouspm mo memflmgumpcm oow>pom mo popomuwn no nmmmnqz cave uqdmownm< pcmuflmmnmtoom> deflocdcflm upamvzpm no damn .i . seize mJOH ZOHB¢mBmHZHEQ< UZHmaom anmwunH .noumcaaeoam HHHmMM5Hz: <2hmm .mpm<~.>fina .Umdo m.:m503 one .Umda m.ceE cam econamame use mCflmdox Emacs pom msflmdom cm: pom mCHmSOS pmwwmmz Umwhsmz .AwE mamcwm .gmw eamuflm .pmz _ F \L Ham: mesmvflmmh Some you o:o* pcmsafiswm easemepcflmz hsmpmhomm somfi>nemsm .3 .pezémg modmzfmmd. 833?. r Lne xpeao pmmmcmx xpeao pcsooo¢ COHpodcopm* Qfiofit angst .ng 38%. hommcmz pCmEQflSUm a _ d . _ mCHCfimpe mocwcmpCHmz pmwacwz newmcwm meHmSox smflpflpeflm Hmemmmpmm newmcm: mdfimmo m>flpehgmflcmse< e>flpmnpmflsflsc¢ mocmcwmmm mo mHHmm nopoopwo mesmeflmmm mo madam hopoepwm obwpfiomxm monummepe use wamvwmehmlmow> pnequmnm omad ZOHHHZD flpo< use mCHHemcnoo pepoepfia hopoosflfl< one 0p< maam:_oocmvflmmm madam mowouflmmm m_cm2 mmwpfl>wpo< s mfiammfisofig L» «fix upcevSpm mo mama pndpmflmm< nopoosflm mop< _ mpcmuzpm mo Gama F i (\ . ‘ . : ~ .:- . ‘1 o I“ ‘ ..- o . _o _L‘ "1 _ .1 1J111¢TSis (L. izn 1 J1“ aziivcnfsiiurionanr es ”I. :1 - , . , v-“ . r‘ ,. A -'--~ ‘ 1‘ :1 111151 ‘11:"; ‘1 01V 035' LI_‘ 11.4.3 ' 1 0/ o. p. . 1, -'~"« SlnCG .LJ‘l-b. _‘.‘,O .1. u: u-‘Q "W --JJ.L -l- w. -. ~-' uCi‘llSC. ‘ ,L ' , - I“ ' 1‘ . I. ' ., .'J lZfLulOI‘; a; :1 5-10 (113991.191 Oi .11 ‘ 1' ‘1 - N“ V a 710 ,.V. \«1 «L r 1»L .. 4. I __.. -. .\~‘l.‘L.'/‘ " C... . O '. seems to very unvsmal as are organized with a Lusine Director to be resmonS‘blO ind to the orerfitiei 0; $01 1 buildinfis. Inoinni Tnivers fie sever‘l ugjor C‘“1¢es -' .- _' . , .'. ' ,. ..,‘ , .0 _I 1 ' .- .. n @JLLJlLtLlQm oi t.w3 xerCuOl 01 ~«LO M Sirec L of Service Lnteryrises most collejes and universities s; Lonifer or a Service Lnternrise n —‘ Va o H. -1 -u ‘ J‘ I m \' ‘ I . ~ rel all businOSs u,tters feltein— f sxrvnyrtiucfflnua~~ ,3. L: a n "I a. 1'3':1 . (.3 h l 1.x w r~ 'v‘ o u~ -i_..\..:-v.i Cu U3 9 .vC'; .-....1k:.-1.vrlt.:.U. vaxln-J-\ r- 0 o ‘ H 1 _. 1 _\ .1 ,. . , ' ., -L1 eiiice men.der me. Dec. erexted in one to perform routine office duties thfit in— . v' ' tions Wei eeyroll Nrocefigrfis on uhe C‘ r" ‘4 I I '1’! 4" ’I ~ ". 'I' . '0 -V 1‘ n _ I. .llkaO '1 e Ul\)nS OJ. ¢-p4lalrcr new . . ‘ -‘ i r" :1 G > . w - . ,‘s ’1’] “en; mmnt eL oi oinele “OUSln: ior _ ' 1 -' ‘- 2'. - . . ‘ ,. rieu “ous1nw enw a ielerhone nnnader. the housing pronrqm has 1 .“DU(: 1'" efifin ed to Birecto ivities, Lou's Resiience @3113, but the soci LL exrbiviixies, :ind_r*enenrxl sfluzderrt ’ '-'“--'""I.‘ .131 «r ‘1.'“’ :L’vn‘x ol.—-.-Li'l Lthu‘mga " - T .0 .erI- .s , low a '4 V-ra-ifif - -.‘. k-7.' ‘ ~ “g “ "71‘ i’f- .l :._’ ‘ u ‘ V . -. ‘ _| . . “\bol T Juhsdidlwuelum—yUbleS bv lOSLtion 1949 1956 l. Direcfior of Iesiaonce— 1. Director of Lesidence— Reshonsible for ell tyres of' Duties Slme as in 191”. skimknrt housinru i;e adminis— ters the Thysicnl, finincivl, and educm ion 1 rroyrugs in colleee—owzed resi&ence hells. :je also hes cflnnyne of insnccb— ion in& ahhrovsl of nrivnte homes housinq students, fre— ternities, sororities, and coooerntivc houses. 'stflnt Director of 2. Associ“te flirccfior of 0') he. .i S :2; . ,' t ,' __ , . - . o , 1.7 ' .' . \ Res1flence—knomen's flous1nc)— J051~CUC€ (”omen S “ou31nfi,— r) . n 1 ‘. o “ . .-, - ~ .“ - 1-; 4 » ReSpon51ble to the oircctor Oi DUthS s_me “5 in lgfig, Lesidcnce. She surervises toe duties of hall directors in the women's Cknxmttories find suserviscs the employment of Lousei‘noifliers in f1“_LJ:):’-)“I_lil}jefs and sororities. Jhc sneer— vises wamn mssiwnments jfil vowen's dormitories 1nd di— rects the housekcefinv rrOTrcn. 3. Assistewt Director (Len's housinq)—sesrensible to the Director of Besieence. Le suyervises the duties 0? the hall directors in the halls and supervises the all of the student edvisors in men's hells. Sumervises room assignments in 111 men's halls. ‘5" ' i n . A?) .-. . -'”-- 4. u€fVlC€ mwflflger—mQSWODSlple to the Director of Jesideuce. -l. 1 4e supervises tee work of jenitors and maids, saniti— tion procedures, me& tfikes care of minor meintenfince in all men's balls. 5. secretary—gookkeerer— Resronsible to the Director \ l of sesidence. Keeos records or receiets, exnenflitures, and refunds for halls end serves as office sunervisor for the Jirector of gesidenceo r) (3 t.) C) 8. Assistant Jirector kgen's nousinq;—Uuties the same as in 1949 exceyt title of hell been.cflrw1fed directors “as to resident advisers and student advisor's title has been ckmneed to head resi— dents. Service 4. general “answer— Duties the Sine ms in 1949, 'title (inrnfed- 5. iceountest—teswonsible to the Director of Jesidence. Zeehs recorfis of receirts, exveniitures, and refunds, :mflies :mnrflilv firvmicisl S. C" I'GT‘JOT' ’) .'0 SI?" 1 . . _ . 1,. . Q I .L 0‘3. (j A. ’ a J. n V - -- f . erivsue indiwi r1 ' \ q~ . 'a -| r;- ' 1‘ \~' 0 .. L S1 ‘ .‘- ' [I 1.. \_ II A‘ ‘ “ _’. | r x -- ' .0 ‘ 1 Q ‘ >1A'I ‘ g I ,._,' I.) 1.}. —~. U ) — - l O S '3' e l I.) -1. C LI (.J n’ (1‘ . a. l ’- -~q s-n«~ -~;' rag-‘I‘n-n »q a? “\C J.. .» C 'J U .L U 1 I i s) .1 ‘ L (1“ d .1 (I L. 1‘ L‘ ‘. . -\ » \»\ fi "' f‘l \ 1‘ E '- 1 I | (‘0 (3 ‘\ ‘\ rx 7‘ \i,‘ V .t ,L I... i A L} .{J r L) H: _, I. \J‘ \J 1. ‘ . ( fl .1 ~ '\ I r ’ v “ n V — . - - l. C l ‘J l .3 L .1. t _ I U) I :7 P 0-. (‘I A “r-“ .'., N r, ,1 a. - 1 T" A. ‘y I . ‘ ,l 1 ‘J' - . 5 _. l.¢. (KM—saue— . ' J. 'T U ‘ - . w! {5 «1 n .1 *1- ‘ ’0 M S“L.H&LUlC . U I? sirrrcuoi or . (.‘nfirj c: J... . .. ._ rooms PDd for rert 1‘ O 17):"; S C“ ,1 ' O). we] _ . - r c» 4 u. .soemv‘ UL Hoofl service \.‘ . ‘ . ‘ I “"V\‘ (men's sells,—,es Jwbluie the Eirector. 1111 c‘~‘s in 11 redfiisitionS, rurchesc orflers and etFer re ulfitiens fire in erree“ent Tit? vollefe solicies. L2 weepwqmw osmpm osmpm ocmpm thao gmmmcmz xnwmo xpwao xewao pampcw0004 mocmsvmcawm xsmao madmm mamsoz mcflmsom mcfimsom ozeum nommpm upopoeuwa Hamm m.:e503< m.:o§o:.h.omn n . r. maamm m.:m£ weepflqwn MHH$I mam“; mkopomhflg Ham WUHGTH XHWHO oOonH mofl>pem coon , d L i _ l_ _ as made: m.cmEoz .me: .gHQ< mcflmsoz m.:w2 .naxml.omm .>pmm .pmz mafimsom< .bhmm 600m mcflmsom .pe> .mmt .gfla< wcflucdoood .cwc msmEmonumo mafimdomw.:esos .t L p P _ mocmvfimem Mo pepoehwn .umz mmmcfimzm pceeflmepm mqoa ZOHB4fiamHZHEQ< wZHmsom mSOH . m 95. mdaqqoo Mydum «soH #3 umaaom .sm .pm xnoao mnm>wpo xoShB mogm pde..ngsm xnmao .sm myopm Scam .pm .nmmsm Hadm Haw: amsmmsom maadm m.:mfios m. 25% _ Adam :0803 myopoogaa Hams pampmfiwm< F mxnmao maaw: m.cw503 m.:mz< m.:e£ .mmp nomfl> nomfi> xuoao thao pmmmcax mumpzomhwo muovflndw .sc< mpomfl>n< veer upmaam -goasm assume pqswoo< mocwcmpcfimz mumpzamm use seems «gape seesaw poms» rI‘ ‘ in I mowqmnomz_ nomm>WmQ5m ooflmmo mmm themsm Amcflmmnohsm Aphzoo Amsawmv fl ocopm ‘ voomv .paea mchSQm n.wcmv mcfimsom sewage: meander xgmao Mdamsom cmwpflpmfla wcamwsousm Ispm neapnmz mdasmolmmo oofl>hom n.20503 .mmm _ m.:mz .mem m>flpmppmmcasv<< nemfiwsmasm nomflbaeasm Hauwcoo .AHQ .owmm4 9:50004 .AHQ< _ . oosmvflmmm mo pepoenfla .pmz mmmcwmsm pamvfimehm omma zowe resnonsibilitv of all foofl service under one Adminihtritive ' 1 D 'Dietitirn enfl the creation of en Assistint lurcsd in? 7’2 en rtuent for foofl bnyiné. L“! In 1943 the foofl service nt Iowa Stu e Wes hsnflled by sennrnte reonle for tHe men's and women's resiflence hells. lflie cinanrué to (inc i?es*w1nsi}11e ‘KGITSOH \W‘S jwrolribljr fit We 'to 0 1 1 nrovide ioi better control and coorflinwtion in the Coofl serv1ce. The Assistant lurchesin” Derfirtment is a new rosition which is a reflection of whet mrneirs to be a trend in most larger collefes and nniver31ties. fhnt trend is to .1. .0 hcve a central Store ror all food oreretiens. l Ciflier {Jinn.'tit143 CM? UTGS iflie 6hrtiesst3f iflze Cflflier administr tive officials hive remninei relstivelv tHe same. @- . .‘. T ._.‘._-- P. --I.L.-..I 1-11. 44.49111 r‘. .11. '1 ".7 ' exiore, p010 .1-. '_ ._ .I' .. .._ - .‘ 1‘. .l,. _ . .T , ,1: . . , ._‘ _ ‘. L a ‘ _‘ V 1: u 2' I .An,gi a AJMI J )ni.-len—eut3es 1Hriw381tion lQlQ 956 1. Vice Iresident of tee 1. Vice lresident end V. - . ‘ I — “‘ I '1' ' - 'sn ‘ ‘v V 1 ". ll . ‘. 1 -'\. w 1:. "L ~ . '"I "A " .'-—..- oniversitl—JireCtl; LCS‘OQSlulC JICWSLTQY oi Uhe -niversit»— to the iresiflent for the outies smme ss in 19i9. - - n :1 n 'I 's- 1‘ -‘ ‘ 1‘ ‘v ' I'\ Tflnx81(nm1 Cir- 11;] uCJJ,1 O N3rr- tion of the residence hells. 0 3“ I I 1 -r. -- I-I ‘ *" . ' -‘ V' ‘1 ._. isllSlllGSF; .nvr‘o‘nl-r‘f’Oi—JO SUCH 0 business... - fin. "_CJ_— rosition- Jesnonsible to fice lresident and :reisurer for the detail 01 211 offices. qirectly lresident. 8. Director 0: VJOSI‘I‘OEICG .:!.52!S— 1'". erCC'bOl‘ of "losifience Q IJes§onsible I”) U“? vice lresi— fills—Lnfldxms swde es in 1913. A]; h“! aent for foofi service an: laousuflzeerdiis. Iuoirrtenfiw ce is nrovided bv the Zniversitv laysicol ilnnt. Ehe University fice collects rent- als nnfl mikes refunds. She rurchosiryr;‘sent io: tze universitv does all the mur— chasinf exee t foo . t itnfient 4. Director oi gtndent Afftirs— 4. Qirecter o ’1') ‘ ‘ ‘ v neuronsible to a secet7 glCe Lié‘lrs—no svex TOSlLlUH. ' . r - ,‘3 .. .. . ' ,.-' . Mr) .‘1 . f'. «:J.u;1 Nix-M... .51!- t)LV].:-J.l.~.).1 U; be“!!— Lll u 4--. \. l; G 1 0-1-1 (3.1 (:0 halls }_ .ar ulC COLDSCLLJW ... .‘ " , ,. .1. -, ;.3f‘(.‘11‘...n1 uAOl‘U. .JE \‘TOI‘wh 1 en Ae«ecawre glrecber Cs- ..J __J ,..J I J r J .J '3‘ a) / ‘ ‘l . . I I .J J ,.. J C O G ! Lie .LOUSLP‘D" .-ll‘(TC-..-O.L‘ .L 01’ -.T.II‘., 3 ¢,-... .. ."- .'-- 1711!}; 9. S‘JUC... OJ. Sb -__I- 5.1}1. ;. 031011—50 ST'CZ '1 " 0810117311. .0} LCM--40S"‘.(T')1lSlblG "(JO Jl‘CSl OSLO suvervisien 01 stuucnt life 1n the resiaeuce mills and we cemnsella‘ Nr0¢ran 47 mmpmsvdnm no cmammmaoumaas mmuom ow a oapwm whoammcdoo pcwvdpm vamm mama no mafia m Newcommp madam .Hamm pnmvflmmm some cw ego .cmz you mucovfimmm vwmm cmSmmmHopmaQD mm 0p H owpwm macammcsoo pavedpm vwmmcb mama no mafia m wcflnowop Haw: seem ma a ooqumflmmd mmmpm .Hawm guacamom «Mommamz omsom guacagmfln some 2H mco .ceao3 _r \I_ now mesmvwaom vwmm avasahc _ w mmcflcaflsm adapcmn Adam Amauwwv nhfiwmm< madam mocmnwuom am: you pGQGSpm mo pcmvflmmm pcowd anomaaoov nopempwm mcfimsom nopomufia .00mm< mommamacfldz mo hopoonan madmmnohsm paupcsooo4 r . .1; r _ _ _ L # Ammopmshe no vnwom .oom omaHz=.Hz L iiixé511:fi1lllli-l;i1i4 . pamvflmmum omma ZOH9Hza «HzeHz I ‘7‘ N U‘I‘. The e crenfion of sion of lflie I32? reefiwxleixii " U .‘.. I - ."l SuPaitien OL \ s . v-'- w A J- -J-c C_ l x) I!) Pl [J , ' , ‘ 0 ‘ n .0 A I -|- - O _ _‘ e '7. fl? ‘ ,~‘ 7 unflVlSlS 01 LULM.1‘Ln_ve‘.it, kwixn)es F‘!<"‘.1'i'.pln~‘v1t (”run/“Pew Tn" ‘10 “’L ir‘Ti'; "'1“(‘° o’—' -~—~~-‘ -~\./ ‘A. .1 L'.'.‘L K) .. 7' K1 U . -..-. . _, O in - -'L'- y * 3 in , ,i. .,1 L {1.19 ”C) 55) 1 '1]- 0n 0 .'- ,11 g i! ’10 :7) ‘1 u V3.11“, ’J L‘ ..).L. U Lirector o? Jtuflemt Affeir- *eeiti~n i 0'11 03'. en Try} Te“:1 0T .cylee. : :1 S‘ :llcxr iHliVYYCSi"bV3 ”Tie ‘30“H301 Ey‘s :eeew ~‘1 ”er to relieve the Vice ireei i the L d ~e;e1* of $30 wPSrees “ffiif ervice. "1 ()’- . C211 TT‘Wii 'tT, ea 1E<3»“ '1 (3 L' .(3 1C?‘1 3A "xr<é 'b“ i) ibies find duties “3 the farmer JlFCCtOf ri"s. .jxu;i his 31%;! eehwe~infii’519 F08 . .7 1 — . r l -'- ' - 5 “Ju K».ej S SGCulOfl 0‘... ‘ ‘ 1" (in .r\ . ) 1' 4- .‘x v C - . Q S !.l I (. J, n U l v ‘ I I ‘ MOUSCKOO“7“” x“ 1% U; L- 1,. O u, it ‘ Le?eennel " mqj /1(\"x(-(\ ' 0110 I \- .1 _ '_‘. i ., I . L__ ' ,. - - x} Q v-.'—7....._ ' «j o - " ..' " .f‘c — '\ I\ J -... ‘ 4‘bun- -‘ _! J . 1-\. .. J-‘\ i — 4-1 1 .‘., 3 '3‘ 19$» 1. J- g" .: .. " . . Jeereudr\(%ue mesh Hee*' . —. 1 .'r| ‘ -‘- Q! - LDCSTHDHSJJJlC 4431 ozc . \. and finenciel onerdtioes I ' m; '4'. , -.._.....,-l . ~ - ' -. uanGL .‘.l U .'. 0 ".,'J. U uQu. |‘_\)!TS]_-1', I and Union builflin . L1) 1...: '4 rmml educeidxri‘l erTrnmjs in .. . .1. ,7 'v -.-'-,,. ii», O1)GIVLbeI! flCHIhJ - Lnivc *S' 3 units, cooyermiive Houses I women, and sororities. Lo '1 f“ . ~‘.~. ‘w. reseonSiule i0: eneiul h . .’J .'. student veliare off C‘HPWJS hormxhrf units. Jointly 1 v -- - 1113,11 ‘ 5’011 .L 01‘ 1101‘ w 7 41" f‘ 9 J ' u.— ... . -l- ., ilAellbk). ‘ oj‘rfirvn‘! 15‘ .3 u. - “11’1le a ‘ fifi‘rfbwfi (’0 ‘-.'_ 1‘ V1 , 0.. !I!_l 'lt- L 7-991 ' ,' O 1H1; A-IL/J ‘ .. ' .l. . ° . -401 ml uO 7. 161‘ U) good Uervices—Jeseonsible Jervices—euties sZ . .finenciel T"‘1WJ'S3i.<3:é.]. razxrl fLu1ctimn13 ifl her? oygnfliiiCNfi oE‘ Iniivc: 1ioueifiV* uuiixs -. ‘I >'- - 1 - "l_ e- c " ’\ ‘1' - UOinolx leezousiole e 0 .1- . 101‘ Ulie "w c ."'L - gene 0! o uuden be 1949. w. 1 .w . ”.0 Els‘jLQihnellb (if f. i 'I l - .- onermted uouSJn“ iwc1 lulCS 4 ."II C. 1 ' V. 1" -‘ ‘1.’ I 1 j "- 0 \1'011T‘L:JO.L()L UUI' u.(.‘n—:.)C--C.C L; tr ins, end surervises nei— o J.. O in univerfii'v fier“ted hoes uniin :for sirvvle ROI"! 0 D 3' ouneelov f e; ‘ ("1‘— U] C') r ,1 k I Selects, trains, and WOIIIOH o 6. Lducnhiondl girecter men the ceunsclinq spmi‘ ‘ .’.. ell vniversiL, 9’ lr‘i) Tleeixieecée “Eilflle—Ifl) TlCh A U) *masition. . .0 L ‘9‘ - - . . ’ 4. JerCUO; -en's -1V1eion— J- . c ¢ N I '. ’ QUUIGS 3 m0 es in 1919. b. -Jrecior .ewen's LiVieioe— :3 ‘ ’ _' ‘ q .1‘11 -, 1 :3 5? 53 ~. .K) :‘.s) l A“: IL {3 s S) . e w - J- . . - - .. o. . v 2.10e l Mirechor en's ~‘ . ~ 0 v- 1" . jOQIUCfiCO elle—.0LLS ”lbw (V . r1 \ -!- .- , 1 . A. r ‘4 ~1 r. ‘1‘ .1 I, n. ' n.9- ”Caluglbiy71bdibaruiimfilbu— \ ‘ .'. F _“ l ' ~ ‘ |_ ' .. (’1 ' Vn‘ fulufi (OOL Llflfilu c1 Ill l.l3 L‘r" ‘I 'r\ ’l‘ '11} . -‘ ‘ ‘1‘ 3 1 l ‘ .'. _) +15} " - C‘ -in Jamil CO..NS .1“! {.4..L01 ug. , ~ 1 o -'., u._)\ I !' 7‘ “NC. on hill 11"." 71 SQ‘LIHCIIQ (J .7110“ "CS ”fl“ -r MAGS UL) “D I]\.LlO:-S 1 O 1“ 7“: . N" w .7 3“. s .‘Jb'-:J.\, I'zb. . I C . ’\ " 1 u]- x K I- ifiifrf,tUE“il *"r07;le\ e. :. -irec»er oL ‘OURiUW—Joigt— 7. cirecfie? o? OURffl“—;Utl08 (v- \—I‘-'. 1“ 1 l '--‘-' -. .‘.. .‘ “’0 ly rqa uflfllrlo ,o L?” manager 5 He es Ld 12: . v 108 Who ”Lie lice 1 of ‘Stumrxzus. universitv owned heusine unite. Insnecos in; eeeroves 0:;— Cejxruo liousxin“ inn] as, 18 mics VF-‘J'S .‘.C‘Fsif‘le'i‘co L ‘ “he“‘e‘c of" :._Q‘n'$‘~ Eleciile’ice ‘ l 2' P! V 3 ~— ~ .0 -L _ _ ~- ‘ O ‘ v (a I o J- o v I a I ’ .'. - ‘ 1 .elle—nesnonsihle uO the Ji— ¢.Hls—.051l1e4 llfiCOWL~DHOuo « 1' *n l7 “ \ w . J- v . 1 1' 10C U0). 0L .'JOl! 3-2101]-qu 1°C: il fl - v- -. ,\ 'I 4- “ ~ . ".1 , ~ -’- -. r~ fl LCMNl.JQCVlCO 1cm vi? o»e.vle»yi " '. ~ "‘ " " i "I u *: V «N ‘ ’ 1“ .5 - < 0‘. D70 nix)fl'3 1(_.'Si:m'..vC:O llE. ?. LFWT“jeF o? Loixni's'fleeifl— 7‘.;-eee"er ol‘.mxeen'e Tcsi‘~ I! \ - . . . - .1- 1 ’ - ‘ O ' I ‘ '3 I ~ eecc*;r‘lls—Nesvwnieible {my bUO (VKHE. “llS—LOFJLJJL1<‘1:— T. . -~'— 'r, ‘ ‘ 4 'v . J' ‘4 " ( r . I ~" . w 'I ,‘ Direcuor Oi ,OielbO-iCS ‘el cwnu nice. ' (" 1V7 . ~n '\ J- x - ‘ -\ a a -'- .. ~. ;ood oClvlCG L01 ale oral .101 .r; 1 -..... ,. aifl‘fl y. n 1 . O .L’ t :V‘. e ‘1' I.) - (f n ' u.) 1 (7 “V“ .l. ‘ p .l ' 'x/ (1" 1.1 W J- :1- S . 10. lefieeev geeifience felle— 10. lfwvwww?'leeiieeee .ells— ~_‘ _.I .f- --‘ (-4“ Q, ..,_. ~ NJI‘ _ 1" .‘. , .- '90.,l:,];nl _!n_ l.l1; . bfi7b"O-lhlJ.l(‘ !A7 a,ic- iq F(‘C:J)P .’\ H. 1‘ , at. O glrocfior I01l0~~ 3 'xwriflowce (39n1w3r— svch vaiifiinfi in 19/1q . uorvice For £30 onerdhion of “11 rosifionco Balls on cwnTvR. ll. A?”iQ%‘Wt bfin“”0r Hesjfi— Pace dfi1J9—1H Ch rjc of food }_J gorvice for d 1 residence {\ :..J o .._. o '1 rncbov Kellomfi Cantor— Aosvonsible to the yirccior of Jovmjtories vni food Service or 199 cu '1ote Orwnfftimn OE’4flH21fellof" Cantor , 54 pmgposmmzon hgwnogom new» mo Ahmawm mnp m mama mmmaaoo was * mafimaom mcflmsom mcflmsox vmfimmdz m_cwz m.cw103 mmmsom m>apmpmmooo _ mo hopomhwn Amaze mpcmscmwmmfiv WCflmsom mo nepomufin — mommCmpcawz cmflwflpmfia mpmzuofi muoammcdoo Fl . Immsom mnoammcsoo pchSpm hpfipogom* pumnng . namepm Apflqs nowwv ‘ _ Apflcn nomm mamzoo voom mhmmmnwz mmzom mumspoa pas: hpadowm Umwpnwzv pommcmz : _ Iomsom comm op HV mummfl>v< a 4 o>wp mommmgmom mmopmo: mcflmso: mswvawsm maamm maamm .mmm Imnomooo pcovwmom unmvwmom Umflhpmz scan: .mmm m.cmz m.CmSos _ _ «L .nmmmcm, .umquwm .nomm . .nmwmcwa _ 4 HA H. can .4 :mEog pom poammcdoo :mz pom hoammcsoo _ A b r! \m r _ mmofl>pmm woom d mmHMOpHEhom «hommqmz mpcmnflmm mo cmma A.nm2 mmmcflmswv humpmhomm ucmuwmmpm mama ZOHB¢mamHzHEQ< GZHmaom CMMHSUHE .mcamcmq pmmm mom4goo mydem addeOHz 55 mcfimsom mafimsom wcflmzom .apon ummmmwz n.2w2 n.5m103 omusou fl ill! 3 .H OSWJ Ahaco mammacmflmm¢v Mdflmsom mo uopomhwn _ .mmooo m . 530.34 Ampcmusgm om u av cwfinmpflsmmj< .mom .oommd Hamm _ mcflammx mofl>hom mocmcmp mom Anacouspm om u av mmsom uoom .pmz ucflmz .nmq m.coaosn padgmfimm< .mmm rlu _ _ _ mofl>umm _ _ doom: maamm 7 Aaamn nowmv hegemo wmoaamm .wmm W Ammw>v< .Aw youomhan m.:mzl; Ampaouspm o¢ n av , _ mpcwpmflmm< Adam: nowmv Anoow mo mmumgo pcmvfimmm . mmmpmom huncsmq macammWocoo adv powmcmz _ m wad pomflbc< .QO rfill pampmwmmd fl Auaaz some you av “ mmpopm wcflmzom Fllllfilll mummw>v< p maamm .mmm mam: mamu< moH doom Umwnnmz .mvam seas: maamm .mmm pcmflfimom _ .pHQ Hmdowpmozum .nmm42dz pmmwsmz umMquE nmmmcmz nmmmcmz ‘ ‘ _ cowmw>wa m.cm803 cOflmfi>fiQ m.cmz _ IIJ no popmwufia W mo gouwmpwo mofl>hmm coom a mmHAOpwauon .pmmmcwz a m awn: m 0 2mm p pfltékar I Apmmmcmz mmmcflmsmv agapmuomm L £53.» 2m ommH ZOHBst maI' 47.011508 73:1.-- .L L7 1‘ 1.7 , w W \ V'j n ' fi',‘ 7“ " fi’; ”'4 I’ .Hdhbfi 07377738 3 1 mt: 7 __ I a . 7 . I‘OOTT'LTH’I’“ 301180 ‘f 3‘2“.“ C' . .171"— .7 .7. ‘. F . _ v - .' " - . 7:73 es Counsel ”c7 '7)- ICC. 7': ”an-“ “‘ 77.,7“ 7! 7.3.“: ‘fl t.) . x4 ‘1 () f) 77'1—‘.7 . U 7:7 ”77-: e" r " 7 '. 7' 7 77. 7, ‘1 SOix CC 1.0]? J-C)C ‘ - n i - -7 .W fiV‘TUVlJ' res _”WCO in: u_.vh (—1!— IV 'V ~\ ' r" . ~-\ >h*‘>; vr-x-'- n 1“ \r‘ C‘ . x- C..'. 4:) J71 -L. 7 'J\', i- } -v ,7). .A I". “ ‘ r‘ ‘0 CI ’_’ 1 ‘ _' a ‘ 1 I (N fl JLLOLC(‘,) OLA. CA 71.7 1e ,. . . .~~- -. j * 'n ‘4 \11" 5: x *‘ "'Vfif”; -.‘,l'.'-_ :00 7.0; .w/L’Miu 1f\‘1'\' f1 W ‘ 7- ‘\‘V "‘1' 1\.\ j “d 1V COU7\.1 ,b170 “clue \ ‘ 'I >'- iiifl‘fi") 70719. _ ' . ”en's ”“11 s A .C' ‘ 7 : - - ,' 7 ' - ' —' 7 '. 7 f — 7). .' 1.1.;7.‘Sui‘ ?_\( -'. "kW-.17; L70 m‘—~** ~97. « ’7 ‘7 on .’7'7‘ (‘77 ' ('1 ._ ‘1'? r7710 n ”v \J .‘-- ~. x7: 4 ‘.'A- - 7 —_ 7., "k v. » 4 .7 v h." —. -.- -‘ *r- —. .I C .C - -—- *-- *0- “\Olfl"... ’V‘wflh—h- ----‘—-.‘. ‘bivxr, C]JZ?iCT 1' ..- O O I‘ (I -l- ‘1 ¢ 1.." . i4 Cefluref r.3 y. 0 rl *- 'v ' ' T. 1 I r 1“ 7 “en m ¢~n F 7,J 1‘1\(\ -\r‘ 1" ‘ ' f \ \ 1 1‘77, 0' \ L 'J i .‘i 0— - 4' ’,_ m- ‘7‘g, .‘i‘lfiwl “7.: xx 4 O (:3 7;) 1.: VJ (“k \I ’1‘ onesei ‘3 V l; J ”4 x .1 C O" ,\I LJ. :..J 1‘ C F5 l'_. ,'_ . "Ii—AJU u 1 ('3 S ——d-- H - ,__I }-I a 0P5 (7' o _ l“ ‘” .-J .1 _~. .1 u .1 a L _- m ’74 J -L OD». c 1 v ‘v \ o . .1- ,_ '»‘ I a l_ ‘ -'..Sq‘-$§“'?‘ :10 -"’ ,11‘73C '40?— r . 1 " «I . 31' v\ - 1 7-7 7 - f ‘ 7 7. ‘ Ui; '1 7/10 ._ O ._ 3. oh“, - 1 1 I l 1 - 1 —. coioae ‘ televzeew 'V _- I j J . _l- “OllSlTl” --.SSJ_ .7 {will u 7. Temnornrv 1 to tee Direcfior—Sufiervises all J. .A _, - -, J J. ., H. , .. 1 ,V .- eee.orirf nor lJOfy Inc TQSl— dinice 13:1 3 (ricr“=xiond plrver— Vises the snmner sessions Len's L311 Oferfliion. c. Eflucnfiionml ord Social -. -L J- J- Y “1. L1 L10 ‘J .‘. 0 Director— .n' o .0 .- .'.. a ' q r‘ I“! -'- _. 4 DU‘WGI‘ flses lLlllC‘ulQllo, ;..CL/-LV.L"" ties, and trainivw gov counselinfi nro¢r~3 in units. such 10. Assistant to ganqee? 1.;en's Quod onlvj—Lo soc“. hosibion in 1919. C 1 U til 0 (i i 1'1 a - ,4... ._ J- .x. 1.1 .LSSlSU 1110 U0 4-10 Director's duties. (3 e. Lducntionfl dnl Jociml Assistdnt to tFe Direcfior— Included in Assistent to bee Director's duties. TV 'J. ‘4 i _, H. M .. __'.1 9. \Jlltzi new! or—uies (Lini.file to the Lircctor for com— filete onermbion of his unit to include fisc l onerztion, and connisvnrv all house onermtion, counselivv “tiff and stuflent orfidniquioo. 10. ' p. ' --'- . J— -- ‘ . . le:£[SLJUlu Lo ixiqorver (Jen's Quid only1—Reshons— ible to the nonn"er for 3, room office man“fiencn clerical stuff C | (*1 :‘."‘ .""‘f" .. I11...) " L IIJ.AlOJ_‘L!J, fi ‘3 1:} LJL‘KJg miscellaneovs dole— r‘q‘!‘ r1 .1, .\‘\_‘Q\’. Cnficbions. ds Ldneéer 2nd louse— 11. '-.2' OO 1.. :\ flower—lies~t~onsible for food service, food cost control, maid service, linen suvrl , 1 l '1 arul for ca «lgymxxro unii'hrmin— W I ‘1 "' An 1. 1 1' 13'“ ': ‘N r' -' 'w -n ,1 11.-" \).L 4.101_-SC.;\O\.,~'4-'1 ..,;‘.' LOOxL service fi'TSOHDCl. 12. Assistant to fioods n ‘s - *5 ‘0 -~ J..-L 1 lo. ouMOJVisor, iiiiuecqncc "D on”. Sigmly—Llesnonsible for 8117‘“‘1;1' '“21.L L-T,l]‘- janitorial, tencnce functions in all UUiBS, .-\ ,-¢ J " ""‘ ’ —* '\ V‘ ‘ ' <fi '1 rng lor Ude e ndxgnxnio OAM traininfl of versonnel. 14. gaintenince forefien—.es ' 1 i11c01w>orwybed.:tn Xfile Sirjeiu- \ vision, nainoen nee and suevly. O .1 -\'r‘(\“;-I_. GO ll.§oods “andjgr—xesoonsible to the min oer for all rfliises of co LJIVYJfiT OfiGri— In the gen's fiumd onlv, tion. _. i.-.f,.°v.,. ? $117?01.‘\7.L:;l‘.,!.l UL wl resr033ibiliby. a. iss1sui L uO loods L edid'wirfllier1's #11061 e 11:*)—- LLCSfMynsiiile o "the .50(nis Lanfiéer for fire“ rfiiinn of _.n,~ 1. =.~ c c 1 n q }.|(,-“ lb , or('.mlj O... 4. 00\ (-.:I1‘- suiwervision of snack b‘r. ‘ ' J- _ 1 . _‘ v_ f P. 4 18. “eifiueiince surely s01 (1.911' S Q11“ (1 011143.", -—__fi‘.e s 0:18- ible 'b) ilu); anfl In? for suyervision of rainters, uechonics end jnhitorinl staff and all mainbcne‘ce ll. heinficntnce forcmmn— Ac “RH“?OI Ci“ O 61' liesynozlsilgle lor refoi e maintenance and sunervision of j“nitori l v an L" c 1 }- F o 15. icon “11 or “1Q .nncr— _f _ _ ‘ _!_ ’i u v sor— ns ":lu o; the $0038 ~ . a I - -- ' "' . '. ’4 r ‘- haaiger s dUuleS id lgto. 'van(n1' s ILQ].1' s 16. fi‘ 3 1' 1) ~.. ‘I locus manqjer—nes‘onsi: for Iood service, foofl cost control, in? of food service fiersonnel. 17. Ionsekeencr—Resvonsible for maid nod jzniior service, . i - 1 .'. ,. SUTW' V one 1.1211.) '_:C.-T‘.-_'.IICO. 18. As istdnt_Dirccfior—Rc_ __Y_._._ soonsible for th connselins firefirag. 19. 500171 Adviser—Assists and idle siniflrxit ()erwrjiZ’u- in social 3rd self—rovern— vent activities. 20. gggjgfflesronsible for one ccneral health and Orermtion of '1 ‘1 he infirmmry in Bowen's Hall.. 81 ‘ fild. 01' .Iiifil Jiwlein— 1-1 -' -4 2‘. .._. - ‘M ‘ 'VlSO;—JC>VWM751H10 to ewe dVA~‘ A L( -.'L ger(300a5 lens or in all .uell's :}u“ml (n11 f) tfo:? routine 1nousel-teeT-in"«‘ func— tions and sueervision of 1LUICo IWMTW “‘rl mfiél sbsff. foofls Lwnfifcr—Duties O I H‘ 19? 71 3 IL .11 r . 1... .‘.)- .1. 1c. Assisoiiu JlYCCuOT— 10. Bocidl Aflvisor—Uuties SIX) as in 1949. gurse—Qviies sore 9s in 62 Apflcs .wm mumv m4 whoammcsoo “was: .am avqa anomcoam Apadomm chHpmuHcmmpo .>oc a Hmfloom aconspm _ mmflufl>flpo< Hwfioom @ HmCOprosvm nonomuflo 0p< mmpsz MMMum pcmuspn _ m avom . mamasm g mcammmxomsom mpoaomcdoo N COAp monocopcflmz Q mooom .vmpo ”ranwcmmno nomw>pmazm nommcmz _ "mafinuo>oo nemfi>pmmzm rl! \IL avm 1 w Hmwoom oocmcmpcflwz< .cfleu< .mmm umwm i pcouspm Fl. _ \_ mcflmsom humuoaaoe m>wpwppmwcflau< _ h _ mcwmso: hHflEmm nopoouan op< nonoouwn on< mcwaomzzoo _ Aomfi>c< pommcmz ..Iley rr . _ .uwo< _ Hmfloom mafia 50m A 250. pawn v msggdolmmo momsom mcwmsom momdom nommmx hemmed; pom m>wpwnmaooo msgamolmmo m>apwnmmooo tandem muopm p.4mw mnmnpofiomsom pom< mponuodmmsom mHHmm mommvflmmm rlw cmz “Wigwam _ cmaoz mo coon — 4 m.:m2 nopompfia _ anHOApcoo a pamvwmopm madam oocmvwmmx m.cosoz.qwopomufla oofl> some m>wpdomxm a pcovflmmpm ooH> Fl 1L pamvwmmhm mdma ZOHaHzo usamsm 63 mumpm umuflas mmpaz .pmmsm mwoom .hmz mvoom Humpm «mmpm< pamuspm mmwpm :wmpo gonads +I. _ N .mmm .Hmmcsoo pnouspm # .umasm mnwmomxmmm @ Jvom m.:oz op hmaflawm r1, _ .nomsm oonmcmgcflwz muoom .Amz whoammcsou soap .cmmuo Hmchmch muoom r11 ‘ I. .vmgc Iduasdwno nwwz adswuom _ .uwz _ mcflcpm>oc ummm .pcfiaz .pmz muoom op p.mm4n “ va a Hmfloom .mao ”pusoo Fir _ _ _ .mmu vamm pcouspm .uom coon: .uapm x .mom u.coz .umza m.:oz _ _ .nmw nomwcdz nomwcmz nowmqmz mafiaomcdoo uomfi>v< - ,< waoom saucepan ou< Int: r; _ madam oonovwmmm n.:vz .uogoonam nomfl>hmasm< uommox Amqumz ooqmnm : . mmso m 00 rxu _|m Hm: :H4u4 rt: we m mcwmsom AmEHp ppmmv mqwmzom ”Adawm madam oocmuflmmx maaawolmmo momsom mnflmso: mmmzom nmmmcmz n.2m503 .AOpomnHQ you o>wpmnoaooo msgawolwmo o>wpdpoaooo lb _< aumspoammnoz you< mumnpostsom #1 hll _ 11L rly _ 1L noquwz mmonamsm< :02 no zoom cued: mo mama _ r, _ Amhdmmmue .pmm4l.hmz mmocamsm smog mWMJSOQXH “madmmmhelanvaopm oow> fit pcmvwmmhm omma ona L , - ~ . . ‘ u “‘ 1. Uu31n ss “RHT”Cl—dOlnblf l. HdSlHCSS ,snsLOi— r.sfonsib1e with the Lean of same as in 1819. Student Affiirs for rolicies and onerztion in university onerfixted lmni in? iniits ESlb— ject to centrol by the Iresi— dent of the Universitf. 40— s onsible for the rreflarfltion snfl control of Luigets for all 1 a ( . f‘lb 10118111 universitv oneretefl rrojects. Confers with the IDefis of Stuaent lersonnel '1 J. services on buujee items and a JOUIYtS 3fol’rted ‘to st1n7errt social life, counselinw, 7nd self—sovernnent. Q T". v f? 1‘; 1 J- ‘i' ~. "‘. .V {7‘ 1‘ J- . ”I J- . :1 a. teen oi stucenu ierseniel 2. seen or quhCPoS “fig f‘ : 7' ° ,1. -- , .1 T. P. ' 1. . 3 -L .0 _«-L . L .0, .° services—UOinUi; res Ugtlwle uerCMOF or Jtriens "fiwirs with the Lus1ness ganece“ ior five titles Cu Lined. ' -' ‘1 r -. ~—'-' .— \. '--—‘ n . '.. ‘.A- nolic1es Wfld Oferqblvfib lu sine as in 1349. inriversifla' oneifitted Emulsiné ‘ O 'L ‘ r‘ _‘ "a F. I‘ ' _L1 _v_'v‘ 1-1111 US. u0;1_‘_erb 1.‘.]. L211 bile lusiness flennfer on budeet items involxfinr“ stuflents social ..i -l- .. ”1'11. " .'. O S .3 . ,.Mp H-, r 1110, counseiiq_, “is sel — soverfiuient.*mr1sill>, trio} tne Liisines_;.tuie¢er, LEM? the .- - ~o :- I‘ . <-' n " (N- . c‘ '\~ I inimz T dulOil or .iie :w)Cl..1 -‘Tu Ca— '2 O educwtiontl 22*ec a liVinp in univers1of accomedm— }_. LI '4 i} if} 0 l’ P: C —l fd ,4 (1‘ p—l C} '4. \D r“) 0"7-01‘ '- \ .L :3 'u or of a {J O L) .‘. y e :3 H H a L: if; ’2 7;. C O t“ n )— : ,_. J! *‘3 H (A \1 .N L l (+- O ....J ' -i (N O l I O I J {D ’3 >/‘ ‘n -J o , 1. . i -. : , milk; 0., 1;Ol.‘-_S_L;i- ullL'Ciall ‘...-l.1 0:1 - ° ‘I-v-x ' ¢ 1’ ‘ “i ’ m A. :- 19:.yeans arrl Qul iCnle.> stir . “-3 e , ..! -nn ,, n a: .- r) ,1 “.2- . 3. ..J1.1‘CC~101‘ OL .Je-ul'iOth' .L' 1. '.:- .;. .103“ 0'. J '11] £35112? -'. . .:.. -. .. .. 1. ' at. :1 .1. JClCCUS, Or,lAD, aim bu wi— ,ircctoi on Jie.e‘q . m. - 1. u « -L1 A ~~ ~ ~ “ "‘. '4 r'rl‘ I I“ .- VlSCS .‘LD..-U‘C..E) 0'- u“U Guthlfiel— Ulla/10.5 ,3,‘,,~,C .‘...‘7 1.1. 1 . 7 ~ . I“ C‘ .'. (a - ’- ."-— ..L -_ *Jl ‘1le Q k/\§.-L\,“1 k’ 0 ‘ 0" '1 ..9 V101 D30 sirector of 9 rm— itories cenceruinf uhe selectinn O r— H pd J :3 LJ. 1 (1 I '0 v. .u— .4 o 4 y.) 1.... \. I ‘J O I J r) 4 J I l— O U} a lousini Hureau whic‘ ins OCts 67 Vf4_‘b V . and arrrovcs oil—efnmus tfirsinw, collects Rnfl relessrs informa— tion concerninfi such iscilisics. V 4. Director of Jorgitories 4. Eirector f 30“iitories -. -Or \VN.‘-~.--- *4 a ~ ‘- , w I . n! , ible idr all Hitter“ concern— Sine as in luiJ. L inf nhysicsl oner“tions in— and food service, else for all tors inclndins ‘I l l inclijets, revenues, find 0:;— .“__’ . nendituris. ACDS ointly with the Director of Student Affairs in the selection ans tr infnfi of counselin" nersonnel. iiupeIWfiises; corunselirvi in univ rsitr housinfl units. bakes ,, ' .. -L . ' - 4 . ,. -..-:.‘ all as ifn enus in uqixersiug ‘ - -'- 1 ‘-. V . w I '\ . J‘ ~¢ 01381327 LOCI. 11011510” Hill of: . STATE UNIVERSITY OF IONA Iowa City, Iowa HOUSING ADLINISTRAIION 19h9 President 68 I Dean of Student Personnel Services 1 Director of Student Affairs - - - J . fi Coudselor for Women 1 l Counselor for Men 4—7 Town Housing Ward Proctors (Town Homes for Men) Fraternity & Sorority Proctors Business Manager Director of Dormitories and Dining Services 1 Mgrk of Dining Services Operations (each unit} (each unit) | I Proctors Cooks Maids Helpers etc. etc. Mgr. of House I Mgr. of Coop. Housing Head Proctor (each unit) Proctors _j HeaH of Mgr. of Married Women's Student Housing Dormitories Supervisors Manager of Repairmen Dormitory Assignment Office [ l ‘1 Manager Head Housekeeper of Dining Counselor (each unit) Services ' Cloks Counselors Maid Helpers Advisers etc. etc. 69 STATE UMIVMHSITY OF IOWA Iowa City, Iowa HOUSING ADMINISTRATION 1956 President V L .71 . Dean of Students BuSiness Mgr. Director Students Affairs Director of Dormitories F i L. and Dining Services Counselor Counselor ToLn for Women for Men Housing 11 , *1 Head of Mgr. of Married Head Head Women's Student Housing Proctor Proctor Dormitories , Supervisors Fraternity Ward Manager of Repairman & Sorority Proctors Dormitory Proctors Assignment Office ManLger Mgr! of r1 of Men's Coop Manager Housekeeper Dormitories Housing of Dining (each unit) , Services , Proctors | Maids Manéger Mgrl of Cooks etc. of Dining House Helpers Services Operations etc. (each unit) Cooks Helpers Maids etc. 70 “11.1 (’t J- n J- ' TIT . '7- (‘72., C" - 2 i - an I '1‘ij .\ .L Jul-C k). L} L’C \ .‘.»). \ (JmL |_‘J‘ ~} ‘ OJ‘. 0‘: KJ L. 2’] 0 Ci" r“ H 3...: .1 Ho .3 C'" ,Z O .J 3 7P1 :- {I} O ,4 \. O :5 .. 1 . ‘I 1'. 1 \ ’ [Via ' ..' " . - in_iL1e1r aousair' or era6lt10n.1 7- r‘ 1‘ « rjj‘ .—-\ J" 1\ I“, V I" - ','(\ (“ "“\ f) V ‘ ,1‘ : I‘ J“ ". r‘ ’ I 3 01.11. L Q -'.—1.)le1/0 CLILI-1 O ‘i-UD [J .y C‘JLLL)_L-1'J'JJ.KJA1 L) Deen.of Student ”ersonnel Services and Director of Sdulenl [‘5 ‘ our) I I w - V' r -~ 1 ' "‘ ' V -' —:-‘. x\ L ,0 i I) .V' 1' '1 '2‘ ‘ .L "lI'S lllto 0112‘ g 0511 ulO;1——u:r..tu O 2. MOP-ll O.'. .J LJI‘JlCI] 2/?) mid. :3. .L Director of Student AffeirS. "11 '—‘- 1‘r\~ m -- ..-L .... ,. ,1 run " '1 n ‘ ~ i110 0".101‘ Cilchl'fl‘CS UH. lb \VCLL “.2th (4.130: 11.10 l-C-':I.(l v01.111fi3010r V is endcr the Counselor for ”omen and the feed Proctor is under the Counselor for Len. These changes vcre made, according to a letter received from T.L. Render, Director, Dormitories and Dining services, becmus the Lffice of Stud nt V A'Tairs now 'z;:."_"""S these neonle “from it's bu<1<‘re't. " ' - '1 a .1 '. . ‘\.‘;L.L\J .3.)— e-._ ;_‘J k. C()11u;b113, A- lLaJ Llousinr‘ "LJouncil—l‘he coordin— 1. A 1. ( —!' -.' w \U I I '-- . (fl 1 ' . ('4. (N F! ‘ N 4-\ ~ itinc aul policy m.»1nq .,encv s “ -’- T for one administration of housini. The Lousin” Jouncil is composed of President, Vice linasident, lhisiness LkuiaTer, Dean of and Dean of Homen, -en, ‘he Director of Dinins Lalls. 2. Dean of «fig—ROSMOHSiblO to 2. the Housing Council for all as trues 0" houSiHT for men. ine Dean of Len is assisted in his '1 _' . ' w w r- .- _ V 0 .'L0 L] n.» ' .cl ‘ . ‘yr. Operation of (A) The Director of Housin: flureau, who an— proves, ins ects, and lists all priVitely owned 11031siirg :foxr r err. "rosigbiorl in 1949. . 4.4.! .QLlelLLXJIOL—inltios .- -7 .4 4-14.1..L ;Dio by losition 1956 -;ousirvr Ceiuicil—ihlties ;e as in lDiG. Dean 0? -en—Duties Sine 1040 (13) T710 Supervisor of? .xui's cesifihv1ce -ells— who is res onsible the entire Tro— 1 511 the imirce dormitorv facilities. to tYDes 0; ”0391*? 11 .1 up, n .‘.s». (C) Adviser for Irmternities snyervises the obersr “Nil-J tion of Iouses. .0 _. .. ' 3-»- lrsoeroiuy b... ) Lansser of Liver Load ( Dormitories (if Jtrulilnu n n r- ‘1‘ ."1"‘]- .v '. (x J. v \ \ -LJ / . Dormitories—LTMIImuriters of Liver Load and Jtsdium l V dormitories RS~iJLOQ 51.1" G housekeeeinfi staffs and eat rroctors, who are enjloyees. 0 Dean is ”s: T‘es: of .omen—QeSfionsible 3. th£2.;ousirrf Celuici1.:fo:':1ll as -1301) I'll’3::(?n. of Des? . ,. I LUQUFWI‘”—Tfl30 rrfl es 3:00n: o '. N o ‘ c 1’ ”‘1 o 4' 7‘ «(LSL'lfi'IlTHOII’t/b lfl Ulll'TC $1 .1‘ v l/ ' . n ,.. 1 r031dence hells one sneer— ViSCS frivm "'- 7‘ ‘ ~.\ \ 'uC :LOUblfl‘ . in TTOSiqtiTUI () L.) “y‘ai fir. S'.‘;.‘O (My) U) 2.) (D f.) u? lemon—Duties Sine n ”0"" ‘ 01: (A) Duties 1049. (L) Duties (C) Coorli as in $52.10 (1 motor 0: iro— ,“1?oTs if()r .Jrsifl(niee Islls—rsr “*- ticulsr eu— SllCh.7?OSjjtiOT1 in 1 1r '1 ",fl'J _. (L) liCfi/u -.-.(?;‘,]_:,L011 -.‘ r 1' ‘1 1 , . ' :1, g- .r- “ell—inc Held wCSluenu Ol ‘ hell is assisted UV J ‘ 071011 1 stluletro 3 110UfflfliCCfi‘Cr rule sistant. 1‘) U2 4. Director of Dinine 1111s— a. Reseensible J ‘ ‘ p '1‘ ‘l ’1 .'..C'fllr‘.’ 01‘ 0.1 v.20 .-.OJ. 0 I y 1<‘-“ V”,- _' 7‘ "7"?- s.l¢l I '3r.>lu» food service in all universi units. Ihe Director is D T dieticians, leoi :3 m V!) [.4 U) c. O F34 :3" U) teres rerseenel, and feed .'- “"3175 S [J .4.L J- . service 70 phssis on student net— ivities snfl counselinfi service. an) .'-; '~’ V . I" n . r (-I r 911: 'C‘ l‘Vl .-.-01‘ O L -..-" :1 ‘ C‘— Ixnusirifi— :1etrt—Urr‘erl's concerned frimerilv with .. q -- . ,3. . - ° 3”““TOWOEL ism serv1ce S‘CI‘SOTIZIO l “for-“raga . ‘ \ ~ KL) lhities Eva e as ill Director of Qinin:_fiells— 71 O S 5 "J10 {75' -. s C s" n J L1 1 .J‘: :1 . OHIO STATE UNIVLRSITY Columbus, Ohio HOUSING ADMLHESTRATION 1949 President Vice President for Student Relations 1 Housing Council President Dean of Women-Dean of Men Director of Dining Halls Vice President-Business Manager 7h Dean éf Men Dean of‘Women 1 Diréctor Adviser .Maniger Mangger Adviser Assistant Hehd Men's for River Stadium for Dean for Resident Housing Frater- Road Dormi- Sorori— Housing (each Bureau nities Dormi- tories ties (Room hall) Assis- Assis- tories Assign- tant tant ments Dean Dean Residence Halls I 1 Resident Proctors Housekeeping [ (Students) Staff Student Housekeeper Assistants Food Service President Business manager Director of Dining Halls (Responsible for Food Service in all University Units) I I ‘ ’7 Dietitian Food Stores Food Service Staff 75 OHIO STATE UNIVsHSlTY Columbus, Ohio HOUSING ADMINISTRATION 1956 President Housing Council President VP-Business Mgr. VP-Student Affrs. Dean of Men Dean of homen Dir. of Food Service Vice President Student Affairs Dean gf Hen Dean of‘komen rtt ,r “7 Ass't. Dean of Men Assoc. ASSlStant Super. Supervisor of Dean Dean of Men‘s Residence Halls Housing Mgt. Director Womens Residence Hall Mgrs. Coordinator Housing or Heads of Program Assign- ! g_1 ments Service Assist. General Staff Student Head Residents Hskper. Ass'ts. | I —1 House Ass't Grad. Student Superv. Vice President-Business Mgr. Head Res. Res. , 1 i_fi Res. Director Ass't.Comptroller Physical (Res.Hall Budget) Plant , I ' fl Res. Halls Director Food Service Acct'g. ¥ Dining Hall Managers 1 . I ‘- _‘ j Ass't hgrs. Food oerVice Staff ,7- ' . .- .L , ' _ .' _ , .' J. _ '1 . Aiftlg.slfi e-' ..11C> J'xvefr nTQLVQJle , u‘e: e9 1-\ \"W “P ’) ~13!) n ““1 ~\ru ‘ d ‘ “’\C“ ':v‘ 11‘. "(Warn-1Y1“ .,.-(".A. K. V C ‘- fl 1: \ ' J. 04. (J i 'V C) J v L: C} 1 .‘1. .1, lIRWflVIT”“*7wq— r ltas })QLI1 C‘V‘OlIYtOU sole dutf of Ken's residence ' - -I -!‘ —' V ‘ .'- Pnlgl.blf)d uU r ‘ I -. cal—50030”:.~nic SOTVl C" cen“rml I " I N ~ -w‘ I . -, T. , r: (.. . , - 4.x; v-9 Lab .-;_:.J_g Director A business umcefmres. TLeVie‘xs of all bufléets retorbs. r- 1 fl-.- .' - _ . 2 ‘ ., . - l. 411‘101 '. LSOL 0L .C‘...‘.I‘Ol"‘l“f ., —- -I ~ ‘. ‘. r1 — , .‘ '~ 3 ‘ 1 p Z‘ ,' _ '. V " ,L.01_1.S-!.:1~ —. 1 ‘ .7)‘.'\.),LT!J- ”J.. ‘ '. L); IJ,_\_’,‘ Wt.“ ' ouerntion of ten oriry dorm? L.— —1 ' O I I 't O 1"” flll’l {1011'7‘01‘5 T.“ ‘j‘ if '3. l. 1717.1 (1 S o gherates v u A -. n “.17 'l.‘. ‘v'. r ‘, (u-- \ --> {3]. 1. - u 1.; vlJ.\).l L1 .3 {J..-4L l hOUSln” units. . . r‘ I w : 8. ufiflfifffl? 0i .esi(rv_ce filis— ..— operates all permanent univers— 1 iifir-bUiJJlinfi$5ll9OCLLEOI'llOUSjgl” J. 1 .s- 1 n .l. ° _: ,:_ _: .- Owner 03;? the seeifil CdHCleOM— ul hrOfrJA in women's hells. “'1 9. Director of gfiuflent Celi .1 1. .4 '1 M “'7, J- (Gales-0111‘»)—‘¢CS.'L;flolL)1€ 00 b '4 CO 7. Queervisor of Jousit“ 1 ‘ _'_ ‘ L . c1 [J 11 U («.11 U l e r.‘ r I . ' (5A. . "I ‘7‘ " A 1“ O 3 O ('1 1. :1— {j :5. C O L ‘ (‘- 1 -l_ S ..- h‘ W ‘- - " “I.“ “.‘.-m gOSfiODSible for a r~_L_‘ W .. _l_ 1‘ J) Ul‘fiLCEl: J .' ousixy‘ “Ifiiz 1J1 :Tcinerl's (N o . J“ O 1 a. JlFCCuO? o; 3 b 0 I'._ ll sinsle , - ,1. 101‘ L/ Director of iousinj for the est blisf out 393 Control over all student welfsre I acti us at the texworsrv division oi the Lniversitr at .nlesburW, Illinois. therntes food ser— vice facilities, student and i ser— vices. -13 10. Sueervisor of Cf'—Cfim“us } HousiRQ—lnsbects and ar~roves all housins units for sinfile students. Issues contr ct forms for use in rrivvtelv oueratcd units and enforces such sereemeuts when urouerly drawi. Collects an: disteuses housing iniormation to stuéeuts. Advises students outside universitv uuits conccruius '1 ‘ - v. - 1. .. :1ous1xr. ;iwmjlerm4. loufor exists. lO. - n Junorvisor of 01f— .'- . I -‘ -l- o AOUSlnfi—DUUlCS 19%9. L) O 81 S. I a mfimsom maamm madam mcoz unoammcsoo mumpflu fillnm.:msoz xcflm muoammnsoo mafia: 33m [0.8633 _ sigma m.:$z vmmm mpoammcsoo cam: .Qfioeg sommcmz unapomnan xocc< mean: waned cowpodvosm omsom .Ipcmcflmmm wagon haflsmm .mamej coon goon comm .ans .hmz .QSoB .nmz mucoUSQm OmIH rl. I, madam mpoammcdoo oow>uom maamm m.:mEoz maamm m.cmz cmawnom .mmmn _ Ume .pm: on mumm< .nmE 0p mpmm< QOpwcww .ocmpm mco>a _ .fimfi V208 .5 ..l_ smmsm mpfimi .zflmca cwsvpom _ Asmsozv.pom5m< .pCoo< .uw .pmao poucamm mpcmowmmx _ Awhdnmmamov maamm mzamsom FIIAIIIII. owe: mCHmSOm mSQEwo mmmmams oocmvflmmx _hhmnomsoe Amundepcflmzv _ Immo mo pomw>nmmsm unanspm mo .ufla Aommcm: homH>LmQ5m .LHQ< .AHQ< mcflmsom Pl» _ _ I _ u _ sow smog Amaawm m.cmzv mcwammcdoo mo nomfihpmmzm I I I pcmgmflmm¢ « unmam Hdoammxm mo hopoonflm r mafimsom mo nepompflm _ _ gcmvflmosm acma zolafifluomumdfiw maocHMHH «asses: I1. fill mpqmwSpm mo swam ..q _ -. fir. ..rl. mHOZquH LO MmanflszD smEOB mo_qmoa 82 Imaamm m.:m803 mcwmsom ifimmmpm maamx m.cvz .mauoa .Qsma _ pun: thAomsHQ ucovflmm: vmmm Aaflsflm mummwcmz mmsom mooo _ rhhdhoasoa GOflp03U0hm voom _ Amaamm m.cmzv _ Amaadm mcmsozv nmmmqwz Op wagon hmmwcmz uwmmswz 0p pampmflmm< swampom IhthOQEoe oofl>hmm noom ucmpmflmm< _ pepflnmw Fill: ilxih _ mdgm Imosmcfimmm hmnqmgmocmpm xpoao nowcmmi mnmocflmgm nmEmnom mcflpmhmmo hmpcflmm .pcsooo< r _ IL Acmsozv seesaw; mCflmsom haaswm nomfl>pomsm< _ . _ fill, AmoGQCmpcfiwzv waflmsom msgamOImmo maamm .mmm nepomhwo on nouoonwn mo nemfi>pmasm nmmmqmz pcwpmammd pampmwmm< F _ _ _ L mcflmsom mo popomhwm ascouspm cmua mpoammnsoo .m>< :Hoocwqg mcm>nn. hmwmmMg mucosumom swam Mdfimdom gym smog pampmflmm< nose: mo cwoa L 1 _ Wl pcwam Hmofimmmm mo nopoopflo madmvSpm mo smog _ pGoUWmmpm 0mmH ZOHBst O u Analysis of Lnivers itr of llliuois C . 1'1"!"(1‘ 5" -'- v—‘—- “- v- 3.101;. '01‘ . If, 0 I“ l‘ H H H ,3 C‘. k ) U) 0 H :3. pa ,.J .3 L O r—4 9‘ 0 Che University L) w"\ I __v_- r‘ 0“ 17 _:__‘ V .‘1 “7‘ ‘ '1~ "~".r~‘:-'~--"‘.r\4 I‘Lflfl’zf’h fi‘ r1 «w‘i u} ‘-.OS 1 010;?) 1-1 Lalo; 1:1{1-‘4 Ll“ TLCLE ..4'.-'.1 L.) UL. ulklil E" U lit. L ‘11],l‘. .‘.) Li. L U01 ‘ -- * ’2 1 J— . I-a ‘_ J- a . F. . “ —--'- 'L 1' l- *1 l —: - T)8Jrz 0-14 U'IC (1.1.1 U19?) L'O L/_.le 4-SLJlS 'J '_._.1_ U I-i—L \, U0... K 13.31;}‘1 ‘ -. a -" l -' 1 I‘\ - F V ‘ c . 1 ’I " ,uueJVisor oi -eunor.rp housin' h,s ..' C‘- O i O "S a) I cl. ()1 1 "YES }:-’I 1’ v 1" '. v ‘I‘V ': "r o L. !“ " "‘ ‘~ a neon mi.cnw Iuiiueld iiv1uesul; Uae pos ~ .1;— n “‘l (I ‘l- -- l ital; :00?! .L1 L1 00 1 1". ' . '1 ‘\ 1 '1' N -" ‘ ‘ 1 ' ‘ ‘. "l‘ - -f- w. tne Iru;e ilellGu.{hA. v.0 ufllulfllSLJT7uLO r— l-‘ ,- J- n --- -v\ . -- ' ‘1 n‘ -n 3-1 - L I - vv '24 x e L2.le O 31 'ul ‘~).11 ‘ '7 (41?“ SJ. 01‘ ~18 1.1) U1 CS LL)". U I“: (34. e O L I n r) a a 1 a more n-rnanent ndtu‘e to anotxer oxiicial. shet officisl QirCCLor \Lsintcnince). fhe duties ti‘u . ‘~ - ~ I“. . - 'n .--.9 -1 w .‘. 1 -'-- .'. -~ ' - 1 . - 18 a nor; 1 CJTl 0 1J lsiJer colleges beau neie su from insufficient harried housinw acconn imtions, but now 1 I r) I ' ... a-.. _. V...—. . - '3 7.. .. v...' .. .. .'. .- nrov1us lent uyres oi inim‘eyiaunmux. . suzll' on H- (D Off? ’32“. is roseonsible for the con lete onerutiou of m rriel housiq”. . 'v. ‘I ’ ~l, -_ v- .11 -""\ ,“f '. ‘ '2‘ . '1 - . ~: - .“ - r‘~ \ I) 1153 7703.301) >.'O.‘.'..S UllJGl' u.-G \J-.LL‘C:Cul=.1.!- O. u ‘C 1. -LCLC .'l-ij x)- " . “ ‘ "‘ I "‘ 170‘ :7 . (v 1' - '3‘ '. x“ .—, ’~ - \ -— .— ‘.Cl‘ ~7.‘C‘Sl'ul")=l U‘lv?.«' M1,.‘S at .17-C\)1lu-LTllchL ‘43:) oz. u ..L "1' '. ".'.‘. .1'“ ‘ .‘. " '1 "NJ" L -n I f‘J-J J I .L J- U-L‘ ‘I-A 'KJJ‘ L-L'—'l I ‘ _ 1,‘ m ' 1 . .,‘ . :Lll‘fl .‘Li‘ HO :3 , . .l C 1‘. l f .11 ' ' ‘ " ' '1’ '. - \" " .L ' . 1-- ’v '. ‘ . .1-4_-; “J“-.i.114_iLM-auuies uv iOSition (\I {‘rf“ Lilr) (10*) r O —. a .- .3 ~ I W P, .. v. - ~ 0 a .‘ I f“ A,_ '. - n I’. ‘ 1. nice JTCSldCWL—HGSMO.QJVLC 1. .ice J1081mCHQ—Jut10m s we . U '. ‘- 1. . ., I; ‘ '- n . 1_UllVC.‘.‘Sl-J‘. .,‘nOLlS.~.I‘.r_' 1.11]. .49- . g. .onrd of Eovcrnors—A Tolicv :. 0611 of overhovr—Dutics ... ‘51 ‘ ( -'- [-0 ' ~ . -v-,- “'I" u 1 ~ ‘ 1' \ . ‘ LOLMUlJUln; bol; co ~osol of sauc fls in 1919. mouhc:$: D021 oi goudonns as F v H a) L“: H O }- J (7.) 0: three yo¢rs. ‘ ‘ '4 1‘1 — ~- . -_. - __ _‘ f‘. _ . '1 _ - "fi/E‘ “0" 1,1 OJ]. ..-:‘HU UJ...-l. Ls; U ('3 - "J(_) UEL(‘ --t‘) , U ‘5“ C YV IL .‘I O 1‘ . l W l 2"‘\ f} 1'3 F‘ """ "" s " ~ “ f 'V W ‘; ‘ ’ =1} v A .L UNLWU .Lr‘-.1-- --i . ~ V . - ' \ '\ '. N "' 1‘ w . 1 ‘ . w . inor ref Jaw, MJIJLlldlfl ,4 r4 .4 3‘) 1.... O '- a L". [u—o Cl A ‘1 IICWJ'S. r) —-‘l I '- 0 ,_ O _ O -Y— 1 _8‘ ~ ‘ S -.:4 Q U 3- C U 1. t: l ’W 1" J l L) 1 1.) .'. O ' 1\ ‘. (-0 . r I '- fi "\ ! --< . A :- ‘y *'t . "N w 'J: 0 :LS‘IlnvI - ' .Jlx, /.L l -1, ’\“N x ‘n '. M ‘ “..‘v\ ‘\ M1 ‘1‘]. + . \1; (,I . J.. .J- .3 k, v . .-J- ‘J :1- . " ‘7 ‘0'? . '1 {3‘4“ 1 11 14'" OLLlCO o-‘vL I\l\ -, ' I ‘v‘ I JUJN',‘ V1 " -'.—1 .. ~.- — -~ 0.11.0 CALSC u?,, .0 1.- C-;S »‘ ’ -! -: O ..JlL UJ- cut ifirr— lfl. ;ieti;ien—Juti u—u—o‘u-o- — ‘\ L‘l. 89 somfl>nomsm mxpmao umoaymo madam ie|RL fl nopoopflm manor< Genoa E0 pnmflz H whopoopfia mmsom.m mQOflumNquwno ooa>pmm HmOHQHH mvflmz whouflcww r1 _ . mmmpm ..HQ 4.. o wmxmmdom..ofldmmoma cwnwuflx CNHOflpmHQ pampmflmm< CNHOHpmflQ.m .p.mm4< Cam: smog .EU< .EU< .p_mm< .oomm< {7 [IT :02 mo smog nose: mo ammo r l AmpCmEGMHmm< mafimdozv mcwwoflpoflm.m .pm: cmfloflpmfla .opmzo .pfla .pg4 mmflno pmaempa r . L .Awfi .msm ‘ .pomdm B . Email Emacwzll. ESE mmmcflmdm _ pcoeflmogm mos> _ Ammwowaom mmosflmsmv _ pcovflmmpm mde ZOHbdmaszaza< UZHnDOE cmmqgoflz .gong< cc< zegHon: mo weHmma>Hza mammvflmom ow .Om op H mpcdpmflmm< macmvflmmm mm on A mucmnmflmm< Humpm gr. .mvm< muopompfla mmsom r I l uomfl>e4 pcmeflmmn r gmmfl>u< pcoeflmoe mmflgo.a omsom assmsm> OUQS‘O om Adam hmnopoam .umsa .3 mmsor .LHQ omsom.N . F. _ whomfl>n< Gwen< quUflmmm moano.a mpchSpm .pmflmmd mo seam: .CdSé i mpOCAobou no Uhmom # Amwfloflaom HmCOHpmosumv Sofie: mo mums mxuoao pnmflz m .pmflmm4 madam mm .>U< .OOmm< b .>v<.oomm<.uoo H aamzxoopmi .>u< .pmme 0 owner movudu. mnomfl>v<.mom m uhoaq- .Um50 some :H manusoon um>mm£oi .. umapm Humpm woman mumpm :meuowi .umsa .3 Hmwpm madam ummpm cogwwflm .maxm ooflmmo .nom: smnmzm>I fl .nomz muemmo .mgxm ceflpflpmfia.u....a. . _ _ _ spamnzmz- .uumsa .m _ .11.- [IL _ cmflpwpmwa “sonummi _ unmpmHmm< . .UmSO .m _ am _ _ _ WI. pmsopoam hopomnaa _ ummwcdz . nopomhflm pamvflmmm gopoohfla pnmeflmom H lllll nmfiuflpmfln ammmnm: pcmuflmmm nonomufin mvwsw mama mmsom..l..qwfipwpofio _ ‘ mcamsom coma smog _ paommmmm hemmed: Qo%o momso anon mamaoz vofiwnmz .¢.mm<< smog .p.ww¢ fl I J .zomz.p:sz I I madam mocmuwmom Mommas: .mzm I I I ammmcwz on .pmm4 Case: mo smog no: mo amen _ l _ . momwuahmpcm odfl>hmm «nommcmz muoaho>ou mo vmmom _ monmcfle cam .msmIH»:QUHmmpm_m0fl> muflamm< pcouaam .gnouflmmgm mafi> L _ pcmefimmum upcmwom mo unwom omma 20Hest . kniver“ or Q i .c4fiv e " M'pmn 1I_.L.Clj OJ. ‘~.1C .l".'-'JJ ' . I‘ i", ('1. a-O.L‘:~‘.: 1L. 4"lL- » n. .3 1 \“Wrfi ‘: “a ‘ "‘ ~-.,~I /) (-1 Q WT ~‘ > l"lx1_ "~, ‘1‘ 1 'I - .I. e G ;j() 11;!“ ."JJ‘ Cl],'-Ji-.K.\_”D I-J_l.,2'.CO _ -"o ..;.O O)... ’ " fl 1 ’1 1'3 H X" l 1 "L 1’1 J‘ ' "‘ l ’\ 1. ’3 W "' ‘31;JVL AIL -‘.‘e 1...:11- C Deon L’ALG U]— U ‘4 C'L(--l.. O 03L ...OSlCLGZl’L Jirecbors, 'Fflition of new handle residence hill eflflition oi.uichij*r "1 z». i 2.211 52.7110 5 ..OUS I v 1 E‘ of -ulC.l :1: “I ‘ F‘ I-I I \r‘ (.,- -'_C.3 e Lirectors 730125.”1 ll.LL nel to to C’ ‘3' . " I.- ..-- I ~ 2 ? s 'v . 1.—.~ ‘ 7" i.lCiL.1_ '11.. S 110113401. \f. - ”Luv... U-L\-‘ ; .lrsQ 3 .-O‘Il‘d OJ. ' '. m. 1 J. c. .2- An 1 ° - VI. ° ‘ a “ J . : .' c.1— « M1 ‘ w, x K.» [-L J. . h) 51‘ U_ _ a II ..- J ' ' (vk‘:.L .L,_ L) ‘ t. u .I' ,._ eve-101 b0 Cu me \o loies «-1cw —i , iJI oe‘c IJ b -‘.. '1“ 0 1’1 “ — “T ’ ‘4' ‘ ”1 ~ n ’3 “ T‘ . . 1N l '1 f.3 l ' q .pefdul. OJ. .-C_- OJ. ...‘C.:I..1 0.. ”0.50:1. _.'_..O ‘OO‘ .)e*VlCG 3-5 .'.- JILLL 011. ‘NW - h 1 . -'< ~~ ”A (~ ~‘\ "'- ‘1 I‘ "1 ' ‘7) ' J . L - l ‘ 1 -' u -. I Ll‘:r 9.; S e :j{ 11 {1; U8 *JCJ. I-) (Jim ’ ULI U .111 OJ. - J. e U]. UJ. .1: J.. ._ £10 11-. 1; .CJ“ S 1 -c (x \ ~ . * A re ‘1 1“!- -'-‘ 1 . ‘L ’. '1 ( '0 Y n 1 1" x o "1 nelflls (icalnin. .eo Lu! one (fiLCblLJHMlS cu. eQC‘IIiii ‘ llC {Lie "\ ' --v ‘ " .... 1 :\ "V . J- ‘ \ ~-.. ~1 ~ - ‘— ~ 6‘ ‘ 1‘ n1 "1 3.07.1 S {EL-21L?) ii Ufk.‘ U"U.LJ. Oz: -1 l'. .11 Cl. "V VI"\-.- , . , :1‘7‘ '\1 L_.L“a._‘iu-'u') .LJ. (1: N ‘ i'..L_- ...-A 1‘4-..» _ itxccogtol is, ..iIUlCEHTtZ I... V. . l ..ib‘L'..J.L-.ef A'.LJ.I-_V..A-L./.A.»J..L...L\.:J.‘_..JL1Jlehi) Li.) 40.31 lOIl lCn/[Q L/‘J. LI 1. Ejeezl of gituixxtts—élesrmnis— ible Jointly'mdifli'flie Lirect— ors of Lniversib; gper ted “en's and gomen s fialls for 1-7 uae social pal educationsl prefrfin in university 0 cg'ted housiné, subject to erproval of policies by the Council on Residence Counsel'né. Re— soonsible for the selection and trhininq of counselors in fraternities and sororities and for generwl student wel— fare functions in all off— Ci‘,1'.‘:j‘:118 housinfi‘ units. ' \ ° .0 C“ ...-o ' '1' ~ a 2. bireetor oi JCIVlCC Anne:— rrises—Resronsible for the w- -— 1 :hYSi031 3mm financial func— tions in the ooermtion of Luxbveysiigr«ywned,lmnlsin7 turits, 8. Director of gen's jesifleoee— maintenance, and food service orovres1i11¢ill universiby' 1953 2. Director of Iniver udenfis—Juties c; 5. derxjpes—Duties some (‘1 H 1 (74:9 0 ,zor of men's Lesiflcnce—puties the wlus mainta’ninv the 1 J 31c)tts-_11rr lolli‘ef111 arlii_c 1 sum-lies Operated units for Is jointlv resronsible witn -L Lean of Students for the ' V "[3110 counseline nroTrnm in such units. Coordinates with the Assistant to the Lean of students in the selection and triinine of counselors in such units. Oueretes university owned facilities for student courles. lakes essiénments in all'housins units under his 4. Director of Stsff Jousinr— Gneretes ell iniversity OWECfi housins units sssisned for -g- u 11 0 use of staff includine 1 1' ‘ ... .v a . ._ ' ..I- tne aSSlTflmODS Ol sn-licsnus. rector of ” ” V 5. J 1.4. Chfierzvtes 'bhe "‘ ’1 maintenance, loo; 0 trocrsns in all university J“ 3‘ -‘ r x\‘ 3» 1.0; -.. Onzbilc ('J) 'I -9 ‘ -1 “ .’- 1“ Is (101-1tif ‘\ 1 ~t~ -\ 1 '1‘ OP: 1‘ , v >0 lOp'OASlule Mia sesi oi Qtudents for the cornselinh :xrofzvun if} suc‘i UEJJUS- 98 information to Cniversitr stiff members revdrdiné rentsl or rurchuse o; d 5.4. :1" n O in r - gftsff ixnisinfie 5. gjrcctor of pomen's Resifleuce—Juties t“e same "1"" - o . ‘L ) ilus settle? as UlFCCuOF o: Constoek lull. 77“} 1 . ‘ll- ‘oori V ‘4‘ n... J; C» f‘ L ector sir 1). .I .. 111‘ L“ ' ” Lvll " (.‘. V rx ‘fi li' l Uuwer; “ous— I 101,, (1' I? (:‘v .V‘ .'n. '.::i_ ~\ .013??? 1 \JC 9 COll' "V " "-1”; r l ,‘1‘. W "C ‘ i i A "‘ (e) U J i 1 1 A {‘0 C‘QL—C s. “H“. s , ‘ ._. i - , C . ~ »v m. f 0 up n .. I 1 , A \ .J an}. it 7 urns 7 ufi . WV . 1 "Q h 7’ .A. (1‘ roomine house owners. a. ..... . ..‘.- ~ ~. -. ..L ‘ -' ‘ J. (-1 ‘ \ U _ .'.) ‘ !_ _ 1 . b. sirecuor ol Janeenu o. sirector oi suwaent " J‘ ' " . J‘ . n ’V w “ ‘ q 1 "— . A '~ - L . "" . + . n "‘ 1‘Wn " 1 ("“1'1‘ '; ”‘ es _ureMu—Je ecuijn, “Culxlelcu .Lit L—Jtuies ' ' '7 ~ ~~-‘~° ~ w" . '. r1.“ "trwiixiiiie‘ ns1e- an: -e1 fluu]-041 ()L s:s..e .153 341 lgfi /. “ ”lrec”o“ 0% ‘*“Io“+ ("“14"1 a “"e * r “ '+w3nn* u. .‘.) ~x..e,u n. -. .Ju. ..u-;d J,“ .I.. u. i411 .CLIO.. 0.x- -1 .'-.~..~-.1_-LI I O f. g I hervi,e—lnT$CCtion ox rooninf geelth Jerviee—Duties the 'f .4 n v (-1 cl I: (D U} 1 ”f: 1 J O 3 ,_ I .1 ._ .1 1. , -'--v‘ ,— ~. ' ‘ , . mistcni {yr L.:e s.s c 77113: 141s (2G I I 3“ C‘ -l- (- *1 \ fl -- s I‘ J- 1 I? {Aifi "' 11‘ . I‘v- r)-\ 31-; --‘—- ~— .... q *4 n >:- (-.. i114. VCUJL (.‘.L u'.-k3 ‘1'J1-’«.‘..,.LU 1,.--1. LL.':__L". OMcl. eel - -- _ "_ ‘ r) » .- s I3u3f“-eucy. 96 hpfiaflnfimcogmox o>figmupmficflau< pgoqmm msflpmcanuooo I I I I I .mauoa maopo_5hwm ooH>hmm Hamm 4 anwom moflpflpogom moflpflcnopmum Hamzom asavmme achSpm VII II; .Igopomnfln _ \\ \\ Hamm mnoammcdoo mo mmmmppoo ponopmsel maficflwue and coapomamm \ \\ m>wumuogooo \ .\‘.Inopomnfla mmmaafl> A.Mmm msaamoImmov _ \ II II zpflmuw>ficsI smmndm smmusm I I I I I I mnoaomcdoo \.\\ \. dawn mcwmzom pchSQm mmapfibflpo< pcounpm mo maflcflwue mm IIIIIII + vuomcmm damn nmmcowm m nopwmnaa ./ / III, hapowpam I I I I I find GoapomHmW/.IMI II II II .JAOpoopfln pwpomnflQI , // IIII.L / / III III _III.| ' smog op< I.I II aamm mcflmsoz mmocoUHmmr 1 II./ I. pamsmomam xoopmsoo mumpm m.:mE. # IIpom mmflzmQOflumHom II pogomnwa nopompwa nopomhfia I.I. m>wpmnmmooo II II II _ _ _ II; ‘ mpcmusam mo amen I II III, I.momwuanmpCH ooH>hmm " IIII I uopooufla _ AGOflpmwflvuooo nomV _ _ soapmppmflnflevd oflamvmo< mcwaoquoo :oapmnpmwcflavd mmmnwmsm pcmufimmgm mow> mocmvfimom so Hausdoo # . I|.pcmvflmonm II mpqmmom mo unmom OJOH ZOHBst “novflmmgm oofl> # mmmmpuoo fillllzpsada 7 Q, hpfiaanflmcommmm m>prupmflcmafi¢ IIIIIII. swopdm ppOumm mcflpmcflupoou I I I I .omso: mmwpm . ommqafl> o mmflpfihopom mmflpflCmemum Hawm .Ihpflmpm>flc: . _ . filxoonmEoo oofl>nmm mpouoogm mcflmsoz zwoudm ,hpo mficmzmx npammmI vsm mpoamquoo mcflammCSOQ mmmmapoo pcmufim ..B mfififia ucmvgm I [H4283 {luggage tam cowumoHMHmeo fiIIIIIIIL \I\\ 1 .I I I I I I I IT I I I I I I I. \\ anam 33m :28 Ammm mSQEmOImmov smmhdm whoammCdoo \\\I\ .I I.I I.TIMOpomgHQ .Ilfi nmocowm sawhzm mmeH>wpo< no mGACHwAB .m.h.h.h.I I I I J I I I I I I I I pogompaa Hmmcsoo mcwmzom pamsspm pcmuspm new sowumOflMprmo \ lllll 1 lllllll -I.I.II hanHHQHomHQ honoopHQI Aopomnao I I vpaom oocmufimmm \ mmocmnflmoz moosocflmmx rII _ I.I _ I; .I, \ m.:m803 m.cmz ./ I. \ Acuowmma hopmohwa /, pcmEmomHm \ mpcmvnpm mo ammo pampmflmmHpameooo \\V moocmvflmmz mmww>pmm mpCmUSpm mo smog / / \ .mmmpsz hpflmpm>flca .mmx mamamo _ I I I \ pamgm Spowga 33.8 AmcflammCSOO mo GQHmeflupooo nomv _ III _rIIIIIIII:0fipmppmflcHEU< anmvmo< Hausdoo mocmvflmmm Goauwupmflcflev< mmmcflmsm pamvwmmum mofi> ucmvwmmum oofl> h! pamuwmmmeI g mgcomom mo upwom omma ZOHB<flBmHZHEQ< wZHmzom QQOmOCCHz mmflaoamoccflz <80m322H2 m0 NHHmmm>HZD ‘— .AL '1 I. ,I a luv 0 1 I 7 " ' I A i i" f} .: -I '_ -.: E) L.‘ O ‘ _. . -. -l . .L .1 J .'. , - .A. *1 , , — I -,‘ I - l ' \V) J_ C r. _ fl I I ‘ '1‘ “I ' ' 'I' ‘J .. .7, . - ) -_I a ' 1 1 I‘ n F ' L \_. g, J ‘ I L J ‘ '7 " ' ‘. I‘ ~ ‘ I ,C . , _ __ - I C ,, 3‘ i v‘ I I w l l 4_. I I ' 'I V ;'- I I} ' 1! ,g, _ 3“ I ~ - N, 3 '7 ~ r I ,1 U . ' ,y A] 10 - ... Ar‘ ‘V\ (-4 \z I_,] A ~/ . I. . . I .‘. - ' " "I _ A I1 1‘] J - . ' ‘. . .‘ I ‘ ‘4‘ (I , ,- l ‘ I O ‘ 1H 1 V- C‘ 1‘ ~ .7 ,I ' l . I -1, '! l L. _ _ ‘1' _IL I: u?) I “4" ,. 1 I - I ' ‘ C “ .I‘ . ‘ V.._ . I \, o a *- ‘ :I ‘ ". ~ 'I x | ‘ . . . -.. . —. (a. l I. " , I * r) a. ..(-. ,:_L-_\, -‘L I y - ' ‘ ’ V , \ I‘I I ’V T ." .z ‘_ k, ' ' . I 0 ’I I P, ’I‘ .-x w I ix: 7.} . J. I E— 1 . I ‘ r‘. 1‘ I" A I I 7 k. |‘_ ‘ ‘ . - 1 I u ‘ 1 l 1 I _ ‘7 . - . s‘ J ~ "I u . . (‘1 I h ’1 \ . .L ‘_‘ _L. . . "I I_ -\, . . I W h ,. ‘ . ‘ ' I 1‘ ', T " ‘I . ; l 77—. II-I.J-.I .. , A 1— f . , .j,. ‘I . ’I T‘rx . . ., \ .7 . . - \ I“ ‘1 . V. I _. A‘ “‘1 J r, 3 \J.. r'r-," ‘1' ~- (w "T "l I - .h-L 1.4 J..) - - v- u .LIJ‘J' . .. .md130*, Ilscunsln I, ‘71.. or- 1 ‘ 11.. v‘ T "41" ~‘ :‘7- r - 2‘1».- 0 7“ (- >« '1 n V" I ,,L‘_--~J.__‘-.'.I LLJJ. -... .L~J...oJ—~_.J_\ .'—-.JLLU3-()11 .zl - O 1."]_Q“ '7'. 1! n1,- _~" 11/.LI) lxj‘L) ~.) . o ,I. -“ .- f‘ o . ‘ 1 1 1 -.-‘ 0 -" Q. I. .3 c 1 - J.. I'erC‘IOL O4. -.Q.t)7_('-C-‘._C(" é,-;l_ .I— .L. _I_.3,-_I..CC .IOI 0L .IC'jl’TZCNCC .‘ ‘\ A ' 01'_ 1 ‘r‘n L 1 ~~1 __ r- ' . ' .v - \~ _I_ _- ‘ . ‘ r I .JeSr’KE}.LI._‘_1_L/'LO 'Ol‘ U'l"A ""-I".,I1Cal, athlls-‘JJ‘LIULOS S) 2.10 «LS 111 4" ‘. 1 . .1 I - ¢‘\ :1_-’ n r‘ Iln@301_l, FOClal ml CHUCN- lul). ~14 . ‘ l “v 1“ “ “ ’1 v ". ‘l . plOflQ v30 rid lor all “e31— -. 1 “ ‘ 1 J“ ' "\ - r “I! dOJCO nallb wag no.ror1rI .' r‘ N . ‘ /‘ -.‘. --.— ,3 -' .‘.“? ‘ Aguala, Opelmucl ”I u‘e UJI— ~1 -. -.-- 7- VOL Si I} i, O a ‘ '. * A L I . " '— " ‘ ‘ 1 q ‘ ' "I " ~ .‘ . " "- -I - f r (.4 . --r} c 3). ‘1 ”Jill—QC C -".) 1:. _ O r.) (LS .‘4 . .LLL‘ _ $1..) ‘ I] - 1‘ .L,‘ \\ C 1,13,1“ |O \) L (5 a1 Tovfls Lfl-ini:'r Bioh— ‘fifl Foni: -3“?Wiéb' Lid“— 7 ‘ ‘ - ’ ;__L.LL........ ~ . .‘ r -.— .0 ‘ 1 _y_ ' r. I I” W a r) ‘\ >9. 0 .-\ ~ A O . A n ”CS‘U‘HLHLD no Inc “lrccuufi 0 ’UulOS 8 he 95 1A 19; :« ' .1 In“ N " 11 F' *n *3 "-‘~ a "“ _. "I »)O|:)- “..\.}4I.LCL4 J..;J .A-l:‘ ..l. '3... \J .L 1 . l -...— (‘a 1 ' ».. ' ‘ ~ ..1, 1 . ' tcnuu1ce o; ,1: J .;J iu‘fwls 1n. \ ‘\ In . . - -' M -. - ° , I I all lool selVlce o OE‘UlIJS. '\ \ _I ,- 0 j- _ ‘ 1_ ~ ' _ 5 ‘l_ ‘ :3 -_ O V. ‘ ‘ r 0 ~ >l_ ‘~— D". ‘ J‘ 'n 3. abJ,SUW I ll‘nclnc, n “Cu u. AS»QCIZHG lFGCUOT ol ‘ - -, -. ’I - j | j‘ . — u '. 2 \ ‘ . I" ‘II I ‘ v) < -- ~ "w -. ‘~ - :kCCCYKKLLLI' rum _Ilm l‘xu? lflrb- ,CS1-_CTM:O -"-luls—uu32,ofin:4dlle ...- . ...- “...--.....- V‘——.—“-- ,- 7 ""A C“ . 1‘1 “L L‘\ I" . 14 '\ ~’- 1‘ Z "'11 II . “Yin n'. “.‘- . ‘ "3 L‘ . j ». " ’3 ‘40 .1) OTI.L)lB./— 0 U0 \.'-;’.0 -UlL (10 'J0* U0 U‘ I“ )l-l- .'L‘IOL 0". '3‘2':]_d'_(: -Ct/ - '1 - 'I ~ .0 , —V ‘I . -. . Ol .OSlfiOJCO “fills lo? all 3118 lo: ll Jv-Ilvs '0 1a... rv *v ’3 (V ’ ““\ 1.-\ L . ~ V ‘ r‘u ‘. ' \h] 1 '1 .\ ~. 5'} ’: ("L 1‘1“." . I‘~ 7' I w! ‘. ' . :v."~_’.‘ 1 -l‘; C) O ‘ '01 ,lll {.J,:,'_;~) .l - (4 ..-]; ,IV’ "-L- A.L.~A-4. {J.L .- U3, ‘J.1 O I. U: () 'l—LV l— v I 0 , 'V -‘ ' I ' " 11 'TYDCV““‘701 ,1 03. ll -WlL— EWJVQ, - 9“ ‘ ~0U:””1” 0‘»- . ..) Inn"; 0 ""'I~ I“ A" ‘FI “HTrc- . ‘ 1 m’Wn--'-7 up. \‘N ., a“: 7 W’- ,7 K; ‘J k“ , C O ' , '— " -.. '.\ \r‘ \1 >.‘ J \Z, "."'I ‘3 C 'J- \' "J J..—‘ . | I) ' -.CL 'j 1. —L n t-L -J \J 11— ‘I " . " '. " ‘ IN r‘ u 1" TT’ N . a w r "- " . ‘ - ' : ~ ,Cbl‘.‘J.LI-Lg;:: C". a :0 .I‘lm"; ‘ «3 '4 ‘011811 ”CU.“ J.L{I : I. ~ I v- m -" 3 ‘ "1 ~74 —: J‘ I». OI ‘4. Avid“ 1--I.‘_ LII». u c u_ _ . VI. 0 - 4-. . m . c 4. .;CTJfL/ {u Aaxvnclufi, .doc1‘l- —~v—-—.——-—p—---———- — ‘1 1 ~‘- . - . ‘ -- .\ ~ -.»‘ QEQ.;MU1C”¢JJN7 l 41%r'?.;1fv Q ——.—.——.——-.—-.——-.—.. --...-*-‘.. .._... .u—.—.— \ 1 . $3 . ' 1 ' . a w '1 ‘fi ( . " l .« ' ~ (‘-- w - \ ' - ._I— u - - 41.x: .I..'..l.w. Jl r‘. 1;].OgL—-JC .‘i. ~‘11‘..‘_.. L, C .——.—..-....¢ .— —.—.—.-—..-_... .- ..a— . i 1 fl ~ ~‘ ..~ u-‘ 4-“ -p "1‘ lOl‘ u...() S~.a1"CS\FlS.;,U. 0.. (A I.) 3 O )4. '3 gm; 3 I3 (3 O [D C- H- Q Li H *‘i C; I f "I Vi,i01 of ill gouge gallows. ' I - ‘ N r. - ,- W k) g .. L :3 {:7 l - ’ J ‘h‘ .. o *1 Q 3 L3 103 irocler, -on's U C0375?“ 3.10 ‘V H. H C) (F C) C . O O ’4‘: ,\J O (D 3.3 [—4 H D I - r 4 * m 1 ,¢ I ("I b ‘4‘, (1‘- 4 t \. O f 1. :4,‘ I: \‘ ‘nw r\1'\ ' c‘ .’.—A- l. K. C ‘10 . - O... .4 .. 3 ...-c— ”.’---- -cm ...—-.- -- ... -=niilo tm)'otc 41— [Oi-1011' 53 1,931- : ' .11.- C OOvl‘(‘)AL"-i,-u Jul/*0 C" ’7 11710 “T" .fi/ .4- 4 ab 0 ~‘1 ’\ S Q .'. U }_J H- .fiinficnfi: .-- -- -L‘. .\ U. n ‘ :0 C—iLC S‘TODf‘» “v.” .0 Ighig1tcw1mnxzo Ho CT‘ rfl P-‘4 1 J Y. . ha". a " ‘ 1.1..) US) 1011 relemgos bions. _ "le 0 CL (3V (-3 l O' litio;s“in 1" (713.80 0“ 1, 1 Y r'-' Q‘1 1 LID-L b". ;—J- l——! I a) C? 3‘. C «”331 101 .7. r . 1 1.x -. . .‘.. ‘0‘" :11". 0‘14.) ‘ 0'= f~ -‘ a \ ‘ -a i —4 " . t.*r -~ 0. ._;1_LOCUC1 O1- -.Ol‘.Sl1' (J 1' H- ).—J ...; . .. _'_ _o "1 .~ ‘41 ‘ 1.1330511—14‘1101. Ob S n: .C 1 s: 1 (7) 1 '11 " r ‘ J (T . ‘i’ if I) D u’) (.\ k4 KIA .. ' 7 081.0 ‘ IL‘J (‘71-'11 n 11- . x: -0 HO“ .19."|_....\ O-L .'. -C .1- .- 1" '3' ..J QI‘V UV 7m“! r: .J u .. .L '- OVCTL‘U. (3‘77? _-. 11 7‘ 0111 xii, (‘I LL ;) r\ .. () t ;J ‘ f- A n N [1" J k. .1. ,V. I (f‘ \ ...) O L‘ "‘1’ -l L)" r‘ 11" >3 (\ 11 "x I ._ «_, A, r- \. A.) 1 k" ..‘I(.z n») r'\ " U \_, \ 77 i O 1 ‘3 _,' 3.— o .L \ (\ 7:" ‘1 J. ‘ XXI r. .W o J. I“. I S 103. cmssopwz madam :02 find» wnammmxmmsom sconopOpm unapflcaw mmwpm amnopfix mguqswq _ a: pcosnhwmoa pmmz homwbhmmdm mzoaamm mmsom mzoaamm omzom mafipndooo¢ wocdcwmmflwz mpcmpmflmm< uomfi>u< umflzmdo _ 1 Hdcofiuaosvm wowwmo Hanconpom Adv muomfl>umazm pas: :baamm vamm upcovflmmm damn r: _ ouammo . mmflcflmna unmecmwmmd moapCmuagd awapapmwa .aoom maawm m.cmz maaam m.zmaoz cowpwndmmnm Flr P - _ doom wad mace: _ EmuMOhm moncflmha mmflno ooqdcopcamz .cfisv< a mswumonm cowvwnnmwndau< cam _ mcfluaflzm mmugomfl>pmmsm Hmfioom a .um_.gfin .pmm« .pqsouo< .pmmusm .gfla .pmm< .au4 uopm a muoomHWH: .pmm¢ unopooancH mcwmzom _ . qmsog weamsom mwz q 111 pcmvzum mo .>a:m mcflmsom acocspmgmo .>asm< o>wpmmpmflzflefi< .nonm .mama mo mumm¢cw2 r’ _ _ _ :1 smousm mcfimSOm mo nepomnaa madam monovammx mo nouomhwn [ h ANV cmaoz n09 mmooo .nm4 omsom Awaawnpcoo mama VI. moqwnfim ucw .nzw «guacamonm muw>rl _ pcouwmopm mama 20HeqmemH2Hza< mZHnaom cannoomaz “conflumz ZHmzoomH: mo MEHmma>Hza 10h 186mg aogm _ 3mm Q85 mama mumpm mmmpm 383823 mcofifimmo 93.5 933 diorom Emflfiqa 85.1523“ 838m noon $3.54 33m . . 838:3 .383 89.8: mocdzmpcamz . waoom .pafldz voom mcanawdm mvnmvcwpm swansm mcwmsom _I1 __ 1; mo hemfi>pmazm uoom .pfla .nmm< .>H:D_.nan mafia: mam503 .ufln .pmm< mpwcs m.amz .gwa .pmm< F b . #1 |_ .mmsom .umadm .pcwwz .CH564 vofimmmw mcflmsom mpazowm mmmcwmsm 111A0poonwo mpmfloomm< _ 2080.3 pom maadm oocmvfimmn no hopoouwa maooo .umz omzom _ :02 mo mama swab: no mama T . a _ ; noaaonpcoo mocwcam w .msm «pcmuflmohm moa> . pcmuwmmgm omma onedemHZszd UZHmDom camcoomwz .comwumz ZHmzoomHs mo MaHmmm>Hza .1 # ~ .1. .\ . D.. V .... ... a . ‘ . u. . . ‘ _ o ( ... H zlx I \I. r\ Q/ .... 1H, _ u o -. 1 . .. I , ‘l I .. n/ F \ . i .L I r... I , ,. .. a. .\ .I .- a.._ 14‘ ...... v. x... K“ .J . ...... ..1 n... \ I I ‘u l A A v T . x . . 3 MC 1. x 1‘. \Ar. . r\ 1. 1. . a. .T._ . . . u ‘ . .. ~ . . . J ,K .1, . .1. ..w. ‘1 N ‘. I Ix . x L I. .I .| Vv , . ‘Iv . ) ‘I \ .. vx. ‘ 7 .1 C. I a 1‘ 1" a \; I‘l~ _, . V. . 11. . . .. x . , . . 1-1 _ . u . ~ I‘ \. . J 1 ', OII .. Lu . Tk , — 1. - :\' \4 \ cl, .. .x \ i .‘ ‘ ‘ ..I . , ‘.. \J /\ ‘w— I I . y \ I a. . n 1 a: .J ' x x. I A «\ n,‘ w . ..J W. I. . It! 1 w o . a . . _ , .I. . \. . I , V a. .L . 1, , 1., ‘4 /J\ n , .‘. v. . . .. O ‘ .... a I \ AU . . r: . In.) A” rx. . .. ... 1.1. i.“ ’1“\ 'f' : l|'."\r » C--£L.L J..;Jfiu Y .- . ..- n . . ‘. -. .- ,‘. ,u‘ . . . . . 3 - - — ‘ - ~ - «r ‘ r‘ . . . .. , . . . \ ‘ 1 x I D ._ .-. --L 11.1. L.§.‘ \J V... .. 4 J J... .. 2;-.. -1 4\..4__._L_.'J L 14.-.. ..L . .. *0 .0.“ -' '- ’ A. -‘ f H ~ ‘ -; ~ - - ‘ .— A~‘*~ ‘ -..’ “—--—C—. -‘ O — A. ”A - - U‘ T J“\ ~ .fi 1 ' A I r ~"\.‘.- ‘—1 j {11 ~11‘\ *qjfij y '1‘) \ \ ‘-s 7‘! .l... L’ L1 ‘3 C 11 U \2 "1-‘_/‘ In L 1 UC.-. H-— .L bkd. .1 l L" (4 ’0 mine since 1919. Que to the roccno xrfinsion o; s»;c o. L;0 s ullo: sclools, wgoy are now ”alnf throu‘h the Sine tr n9— . -‘ o ‘ _'_ 1‘ u I u 1 .\ ' . ‘ 5 H." -\ r‘ w — '~ I .‘ r1. . o 1013; oh”. 919 1 93¢: 3.1.915 enncrlcnceu exrllor. were 1 1 o F'- o ‘ ’_ 0‘ . ) _‘ ~ ~ ' - n ‘ - -' - . ’— RJululOJS .0 ,nc su“--, :HW, :3 ' 0 £0 1'0 00 ‘ ll P‘J — ' _ . ., ... ' (. .... .. .‘ - - J. ° r . ‘J _:- . A. p. ° . ”‘ 1. -' .. C Juan (Lb '~_~L.:.LC:35> U.50 1 OS Ul\)11 11171T011f0‘.’_ U ‘.(.—‘ GX‘ 11-3.]. ()1). OJ- \ 1.1 .'itib (. O F L O 1"} c~‘ U‘ *I ( '1 P k 0 J 1f) ..f (,1 'lJ Q ..J I C r 1.111 . ,7. '10 . ‘b‘w v»«.vw ~ '~ w-\1"’ (1" ‘WW ‘\ ~ “ -. -~'. u ~~ ~.--..' 7’ SCILOU_ ,Q 18 {LL- 1.; 11' (. :(.l-l) J-.. -1.) LL‘J A .‘. L. ,1 ..J- .J_L".f; -w.-_ .. 11.4.3-0“. (a 7’.- ~-‘ \ ‘. \ 'L l' l .‘~ 1‘ (1 f" I . ) ‘1 ‘:‘ ‘ 7" '1‘ I ‘ 3‘ f‘ I I 3 ’“n 3 - . "‘ ‘ ’ \ . I * . s ‘ L) LI11 ‘- i. (:1 ‘1. ’J .3 ‘» l.L - » (.1 11.:— [J i . J. 43.1 s, '1. n x) L) (.1 LA ‘Jl ~‘a ' 1 Ali. I ..),_ ‘ 4- U — -L '5. . l .L A} A ‘; - '2‘ . I' -" -- ' V‘ r9 , Q ‘ 1 V? I) J,“ 3 -- ' i I ~ . rs 1" '. ‘ .9 4-118u1 U11LIJ.U.;£). _O .C'...V\, l; .(. --')...l-‘..' ., ' v1 {1 :r . ~_ .. -_ jfl ., ~ ..v_.._ .. ..‘-‘...;‘.ib1 1: A: ...-.(3‘1111-211111] ween ..1'110 fl 807:1]? LC (1]_'.'-1.:310 . 1):. 1 ~ .1 -. . < —.. 3 - -. - , - ‘fi \ r- . . .- .'. “ ~ 5'1 -:- 4" - -‘ ‘ D'uoim -01: .. 'SUfillY W m.n ~CF 18 13 cu r00 0; “:0 o‘er— ! I I". y ‘ " ' '1 -- " " /\ "A ‘ b; j. . " ‘ .T' ' “'° ' . ‘ ’ . ‘ "' uu1gg. .1 My; 019‘.“ L.udx>¢3% inn vnlverwJJJxmut1lscnaxeu, -. ~-. - -'r ’1 q.‘ " .~ ,' ‘5“ a v. I 1‘. ,1: Six '1 \C LILLJ. ULUJV‘ ' - (.'...- 01. 1. 1.1.1-0.; C o- 0 -:-- n A r‘. ' . -. 7 . y — ‘- ¢ . ' ~« A. .-- x .I ‘ ~¢ -. ‘ 770531. 111011. 4.11 11."-.14 , .. 017.: .12.» ul. U1... .1; 1;.) , kl. .. 'LQL a 01. I O 107 duties eel three mode no mention 0; mom ._ej finlled marriefl f1 "' I Houdiufi. It is evident Lrom these fifures L435 married iKNisijrc xvitF: ii;'s ixtcrwyisizrf #qfoblxyns :in «file :fiutnrre, xvii]. 7. t 7\ 'v 1' - v "r 1 ~< *\ ":‘ .'x ~ -'- J‘ 1 "\ 1 " 4 ‘- I ~‘ ~‘. nrooaolf we handleu as a sewer .e w-“u 0L pie .onsin ero— ra 5'1.‘ - ~ ~1v‘ 1 1 "' \ -‘7 ’\ -‘°- ~ :1 «jg {:5 ”W'-) 1’) ‘I‘ -.‘ e) an 1 o’\ l - - n 7 .~ ’A‘ L; L..L..C;.Ol U .G \; LCUlOJl 0.. .1 :LC’. ... o_.LL. J . u: ,1}... er. ' I e‘Wroruie]_ .ru‘er“opang Ie“sonne1 is enother ifcoor receivine conglier ble iciils. .xblce lDéC Inn) of the ..-- - __ ' . .'.u ... 1 , .: .,.. ..r QuuCflblOA LrOm nousiig OLL .’ ‘V r" n .\ -,~ ‘1 . fl " “ ~.r' 1 > ' 1‘ ‘6 ' ' 1.‘ “ '7 (1 "I scgools hcwe nfliee H CLSDH Om gee 3L. f to ginole re sonoel 1.... n y~ 1 ' 1 "3 ‘Uroifilemns LOI“DJ> n01u31nr':;ixt uiaui. .giis 7VCIEKH1 viflwo the trainin" or reorle uni firehdrvtion of Operatin_ memoils. dome schools hove a centrfil hersonnel eiV'sion which firovifles *— his service for rho Housinf oycrmaion. C:- "i J. 2 . ' -- pen rel -ooJ Juorem A central iooé stor s 30 Vinile all food for the CQE“US is another sifiniiiczwb brehd, esvecinllfi for tWe lirrc- sclools. eejore 1049 there were onlv two of “go scqools that had 9 C9?tf“l food stores. on others Bed “ foou stores L .. .'. ,. ., v. . __. . ° , .- ,1 -_ . .,.. f'.’ _. -. ,, .‘ 1 , l- ' .ior 3x13 or .-011 LOO“ luC c. widCG 1919 who mole schools g- ’3 H H- {'1 f.’ y. r V O G O O 0 L’) I} O m U) C H- 4'1 *— kl 0‘10. n ..-—w“ Mg.- m. _—.4-..«. ...-n.- «- mane—...— ‘bo‘——no f V a. \ A . . . . up. x . .‘., l. \I All . N ‘ , n . ‘. (v ,\ u . '3 ‘4 -L. n , r.‘ .. . N f.- I . W er .\, (Ox u I .V_ , _ a V \v I\. .- \fL I“V"’|V i L) f, 3 ixt 1.. /'\"I \_,j 0 T", 3 \ ,1, u I I O .. . .x. .. \ _, . I ; I|»\ w 1.-.. 1; L 1. a j . m g - .n 3.» w . .l ’ N . ,‘I. 1 3‘ \. A 1 _ I .. w ,. . .... # \‘I. w i - AU Ark. . . Y \ \ 1 \ V ..V \\ 3 . \ ‘L I ‘ v .u o, n u‘ — 1:1 _ u) ‘I . u~l . a g TL 1.x .x... 30 C . ‘ (I t ‘i I I ' ' ‘ 0 ‘ -v 1 o u '\ - '~ ‘ ‘ ‘1 1" ' 'I V I ‘1 -- "~ w ' ‘ '1 ‘1 ~- ? —r- ‘ Y F f- ' ~r‘ v - — r' .. - \ u j a. .‘.-U. ...-C“. C‘ _ LI“ .\3 U -1 .‘: .a .1... - ; ' '.' \3 - 3 .1 O 1O -- x) .C; t l -..J‘" a». a ‘ n 1 . ‘ 1 x ‘3 ‘ w n f“ (‘V " ‘ /\‘ | y\ —- \ " - (‘1 * -- \ I - * \ -s 1 1 [4 1 -- 0.. ~0,. MM; . 00.;v r J- .-.11 u c 1LOC. , 0. t- .n 0-1 a 1 -1 ‘ . ~ -. - f . 1 u .. - I q 1 1‘ fl ‘ ,‘ __\ ' _ ‘3 A _ X ' (a “ ’ I .- 1 *3 ‘ f" ' I . k' ’ '\ ‘ - . ’-l ... .l 1 \ - ..L e ‘ O ' ' W (E O -‘ L ..' = K) l s ' O .‘- '1' (, A L, r 4. s.) I ' ‘ '1 ' l . 1 ,¢ _ A. 1' t_) _ - i. C O 1 1 1 - - —I ’ . O ‘t I ‘ D V ‘ I 7 ~ ‘0 _ .~ . O r“ f .. . "1 (v I . . ‘ , f) (.1 I ‘h 3 ‘4 ‘ t j-‘I -p 'fi ‘ . I 1 ‘ - N ~ f‘ ‘ r) ~- '.VI.J \,'~<.... C) '- 1. .L 0 v.‘ '4 . ’ ._L. «I J- J- _ -' :1- v ._3 , |.)1.'. (.1 ,I.‘ —& ..L J- L Kl. 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O y I? : ... . . \. wk .1 \. n , 1, n . x 1 n. L .L ‘ 14 ' . .. 3 D j . (d . \n z . rK , x. I, o I _ ‘ - . . . in \l \l.‘ .I x ,I.‘ Q . .N: z . w... ,- x J _ J 1.. .. _ ‘ _ 3|. )1 C o v.., ‘V A) f. C‘. , at.“ \— .. i x ,. ,._ up . \/ rK (‘x 131.. _ 31 .(\ 1 ..I. If . 11h muomw>nvmsm mvflom mnopflcmw mvwmz uoamflcsoo nmmwnmz poaomxmmsom nomfi>u< wwwpm mummm _vmmm pavammm moflmmo mowpfihonom # mmfipwcnmpmnm mmwpm madam Ham: mmooo oowmmo monwcmpcflwz m:ofi¢3.¢ mam: _ rt‘ . nomw nomacdz upmmmmwo ocwpm mxnwao .nmz meowmmoocoo huUQqu ‘ .< gamma»: uomwcmz amapflpofla _ [—.I. 2333354 mcowpucgm mcwmfiom mcamzom . mafimmo msgamouuuo coflhnmz_ monopm goon maawm ooaaufinmm pommcmz ummacwz_ AQMJCQE nmwwqu hommcdz M MGHmsom mo nonomhwm . _ , hmmmqmfi mmoqflmdm . Q umaaoppcoo wvmcwvfimmnm mofi> mpcwv3¢m mo :mmg _ pcmuwmmpm _ Honpcoo mo unmom Bm ‘t V. I 5! (I _‘ hl ' 1 I! 7 ‘ ’ ‘ '3 1 j ’W '.‘ .1 - ”W W‘ V} '7‘ ‘ i .> '1 I (\ n.‘ ‘J L‘Mx, ‘.U .:\ v.1- .v...\/ ‘. ‘ .'. ‘ ,_‘ .1..L,-\~ 9 ..AH‘. 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I ~ ._ I t. I . . . _ ., fig 4 I I ‘_ I r. 1.... I ‘ C, ._ . ‘ u ‘ . . I x. .o I o o . Aw .....-. IL . . . I 1 . . ,II V _ .l L Q/ 1 q .‘.I . ~ ... ..I. DL I 3/ \ \ I I, 2 . j . , . o I , i .1 . I. . . I . . . .II._ .1... . ,.._ ,_ , ....n 7 «V. C. I l I ,I _ . D n ‘ I ‘L . I. _ ,, (x 0/ .f, 0 “ V 7 I o , HI .1 ..II .2. . I. 1!“ wk. ’ .7 ._ 31— m. ..I. N m, .. II. a: . o \I 7 W. o \I. 0’ . \ .J. , I I _ I. I . I ..7. 7 . .(. 11.. I.“ n I I” o . T» :L. I . r.: r]. . . T , 1 ... .I. I; a C I. . O l I NI 1 . I , U I o I . O o . I, . ..IJ \3 7 '1" 'c A. .V 7 I p - ,.‘ 1 I ‘. I I -1 r‘ A, :7. ... II _ . J a. C.» .7 . . I .1 , .1) ~ ...- _,. .. x) ,I r.. 1.. .i w t‘ I I . .I _ I I . CL w ._ a, C WH “I r I J\, a f'“ ; fi 1C 11 i; w}.\ « f K Date Due Jun 5 ’. _15 Jul 59. f,, k h". ”3.3 3 I p ! c . A x L g... ddlt‘ . I- “ Hui-".‘. 1"“ Demco-293 HIMIIIIHNHIU11111111iTi1| 31293 01729 9102