‘| l \W N w l l W INN ll \ t i 1 x KIWI 133 606 HTHS -a- -— - a.-. A TWELVE-INCH MAGNEHC DEFLECTION CATHODE-‘RAY OSCILLOSCOPE FOR LECTURE DEMO?~J$TRAT!ON ‘ffiesis fer fiw Deana of M. S. MICHEGAN STATE CQLLEGE Kmnei‘h ‘Wiifiiam Saunders “$948 *- __,~.— “.4.-- MICHIGAN mmm\\\\\\\\\\\\i\‘\x\\\$’\\\\\\T\\\\\T\\\\\\mm 3 129301774 . x ; This a to certify that the 4 I ,' thesis entitled t A MINI-INCH MAGT'ETIC DEFLECTION CATHOL‘E-RAY OSCILLOSOCPE FOB LECTURE DEMONSTRATION ' '3 presented by -‘ Kenneth William Saunder- ; has been accepted towards fulfillment ‘ of the requirement: for ' 11.8. degree in Physic- 1 Major prof \\ ; Date 216! 1‘8 ‘3: v4: 1.3: ‘ qu;?t1‘:\fili.“l'xflfi§,7“ %VM( *7"! TM ”if"? ;. a q t «as . 3‘ T 3'? #19 4, 9:... 74* -, v," 271‘. 3!, .5!” v ‘R‘t? '\S 9" :l’x‘jg . " v J 3v: .1: lit f“ .i‘.‘ Iv.‘ . PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINE retum on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE A TWELVE-INCH MAGNETIC DEFLECTION CATHODl‘p-PAY OSCILLOSCOPE FOR LECTURE DEMONSTRATION Kenneth William Seundere A Thesis Submitted. to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requiremente for the degree of MASTER 01 SCIENCE Department of Phyeicl 19h: ‘\\\\\\8 ‘3 Acknowledgement I went to expreee my appreciation to Dr. Ealph Bowereox for hie instruction very patiently given during the couree of this problem. Dr. Beryl Dickinson also willingly gave many helpful euggestione during the early part of the project for Zééauxzz/%%V£Z:;-~a&;4/’ which I am grateful. 1 989,55) CONTENTS I. Problems involved II. Theoretical coneideratione A. Magnetic focueing 3. Magnetic deflection III. Detail: of construction A. I. High voltage power eupply local and deflection ooile Sweep oscillator and deflection circuit 12 D P 7 tube in parallel with the 208-3 Dumont Oecilloecope Low voltagejpover Inpply IV. Performance of the 12" oecilloecope 1. 1. Problems Involved Building a cathode-ray tube into an oscilloscope involves the planning and construction of several auxillary circuits. These circuits depend considerably on the characteristics of the tube to be need. A.twe1ve inch tube needs six to seven thousand volts of potential applied between the electron source and the high voltage electrode of the tube-according to the manufacturerh ratings. A high voltage power pack of low current output is required. The tube may be made for electrostatic focusing or magnetic focusing. If it is focused electrostatically. about twelve to fourteen.hundred volts must be available from the high voltage power pack to be applied to the focusing grid. If the tube is focused magnetically a suitable coil for a magnetic lens must be secured. The tube used in this problem is magnetically focused and depends on magnetic deflection of the stream of electrons. Characteristics of magnetic deflection coils available influence the type of deflection circuit planned. If the coils are of lov'inductance a much larger current is needed and. therefore, a transformer may be needed in both the horisontal sweep amplifier and vertical amplifier plate circuits to supply the right current to the defledtion coils. The coils used in this problem were of high inductance and consequently relatively small currents were required. Inductance of the deflection coils influences the form of the sweep circuit wave. the external connections to the coil windings also must be considered. If the two coils for any deflection, say horizontal. are in series and are not center-tapped as W they cannot very well 2. be connected in a.push§pull circuit which.wcu1d need a center tap as (quTWFU‘hT-/WTFFTU] A.horisontal sweep circuit must be constructed of such wave form as to give constant current increase in the deflection coil instead of constant voltage increase as is necessary in electro- static deflection. Ihe sweep frequency for demonstration.purposes ought to be variable from a few cycles per second to two or three thousand cps. The seeep oscillator should be provided with some means of feeding into its grid circuit some of the vertical signal so that the sweep frequency may be stabalised ia.reference to the vertical frequency. Two amplifiers. one for the vertical signal and one for the horizontal sweep must be planned. They should have a fairly constant gain over the band of frequencies for which the oscilloscope is intended. Along with the fundamental problems already mentioned there will be other miscellaneous problems encountered during experimentation such as stray oscillations occuring. induced disturbances picked up in leads. flybback oscillations occuring at the return of the sweep. and blanking out of return sweep trace. All of these problems will be discussed in the report of the actual construction of the scope. Before this is done, a few theoretical considerations will be discussed concern- ing magnetic focusing lens. and magnetic deflection. II. IHEORETIGAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. Magnetic focusing lens For an electron traveling in both an electrostatic field (-grad V) and an electromagnetic field (H3cur1.d) in.which.a is a vector potential and the electron.having a velocity. v. the following field and force U 0 components can be expressed: Components of F in cylindrical coordinates are: Hr = Curer ”[31,: _. %_____(er0)] Hz = CurIzA -[A(""t—Aa)’ 9542*? H9=C0k19A—;(%—A%L" j’é‘z) Because of s axial symmetry in H Ar = Ax = ”jfia‘: 0— Therefore, the components of H are Hr -_-, -I/ £14.91 Hz= / :JCZAJ. Hg = 0 Expression of force on the electron in the two fields: “ F: Md =-a¢[;6rad v +(7xfi) z=_fi_[-Gr¢=/V+(\7Xn) F; (V9 Hz.- Vz Ho) (4) (W9 == aw. H."V.H7.I ECVr He "V9 Hr) l'or acceleration: 4r=F-V'éz qe=2Fé+r°é 411:2. 3.! Jr 0) CnJVr- ‘J—‘L— 0 j: Ksince V is constant and d J 2 symmetrical with respect to the a axis. Using these three sets of components. the component i4. expressions for acceleration are: (Go) 4r=rarez=m ——-—- [—37. 3.! 4.. ‘e 3(__I:________.Ae)] (53) 493% cyzzé) =——.—-—-[— ”a JCS 56.)] (consider i: o from (6c) 42:.- i ~—-‘-‘-—[—:V +9 5193:1191] atobinfigure II) 92 a b \ 3v 0:) sq .4 flue—.1 —>-_—_T_ ===-h- H Flaunt H integrating (6b) r2 9 g: %(VAQ)+C At r -_-, O, A“ 3 0 for an axially symmetric field. Therefore (7) r b ° 34;} A9 substitutin (7) in (6a) ,1 ‘l r_yW= .. .41. 3 '77 _. 3 V J z )r 7" Q)- t- D I J(“L’ ”2 on. (a) r=-/z a— —-;m,,—2 + a—g—i¢=a—§-[v-tetj Substituting (7) in (Se) .. z. (9) 1' {7:};- [V-‘A‘i‘n" a] From considerations of axial distribution of potential‘ and equations (8) and (9) the differential equation for the trajectory of a paraxial electron in a magnetic field is: d‘ V +V__’__ J____r; __...— ” r=o (I'm—— ale—T 2v Jz. ++V (V +T Hi) If V is considered constant from a to b over the short path of influence of B then equation (10) becomes (11) i— " +——-—- ‘H: r: o integrating eq. Wmmm£mr< pr): \ I I \ \ \ \\o\ \I I I I I I I\‘ \_~opq .cuo can “ ao_. soca.=a . z/l I I: II III, . II .I I. In luv/.l I / I. a o — x \ O \ \ $3 \°\ \ \JW\ \ u“ \ 1.9.. an rot an 9.52m >20 vcmzltcrr Banana \u\m.Qmem. R\\ .mooxn... 2:. o>mrm 2.2.. nomlm 19. vertical signals. Above this frequency the patterns of both scopes begin to show distortion. The distortion an be due in part to overloading the plates of the smaller scape at higher frequencies and to the failure of the 61.6 amplifiers to give consistent gain at higher frequencies. However. as the photographs of figure XIII show, both scope patterns begin to show distortion at about the same frequencies. This would indicate that the plates of the 208—3 were being overloaded. Sweep 12D? 7 205-3 12DP7 208-3 freq. cps 3V”? ' freq. cps 500 2000 1000 3000 FIGURE XIII Sweep frequencies up to about 800 cps. may be used. Above this point the sweep velocity is no longer a constant. but is faster at the ends than at the middle and the length of pattern begins to decrease. These faults appear on the 12" tube only, indicating that failure may be the horizontal amplifier's poor gain characteristics .at higher frequencies. The system will work well. however, at frequencies used for most demonstration purposes in elementary physics study. Bibliography Brainerd. Koehler. Reich. and Woodmff. “Ultra-High Frequency Techniques”. Chapter V. (D. VanNoetrand 09.. Inc.. 19h2) Kivers. Hilton 8.. “Television Simplified' (D. VanNostrsnd 00.. Inc.. 19%) Cooking. W. T.. ”Television Receiving Equipment“. Chapters IV. v, and n. (Iliffe and Sons LTD.. Great Britain) Reich. Herbert J.. "Principles of Electron Tubes”. (IIcGraw-Hill Book 00.. Inc.. 191a) horykin and Morton. "Television“. (Wiley. 1910) link. Donald 0.. "Principles of Television Engineering”. (McGraw-Hill Book Co.. Inc.. 19%) Maloff and Epstein. 'Electron Optics in Television“. (McGraw-Hill Book 00.. Inc.. 1938) HICHIGRN STQTE UNIV. LIBRQRIES I||I||||||| IIHIII "NW |||| 1| III Illlll IIIHI IIINIIHIHII 3129301774560