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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 6/01 cJCIRCIDateDuo.p65-p.15 //iHE EF*ECT or KETHODS or RLvEATIxo UPON PALATABILITY OF PRECOOKED FROZEN BEEF Ronsrs// by Sister kary Ronald // A Problem Submitted to the Dean of the College of Home Economics of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of \C‘W?‘ t--. k1.-~:L .40. U; UVLLJNUL kajor Subject: 'Institution Administration hichigan State University 1956 F. '2..." 1...! unacynly-‘grmfl JfiCIJCQ'o'.‘ 15413.} iovn'lJaV The writer wishes to 6Xpr688 her appreciation to Dr. Pearl Aldrich for her interest, suggestions, and. assistance which made this study possible. Grateful acknowledgment is also extended to Lr. Pearl Aldrich, Lies Grace tiller, iiss Eelen aild, hiss Grace tasuda, hiss Ann Long, and alas Thelma Harmon for their particigation on the taste panel. The writer also wishes to thank Kr. Lyman J. Bretzler for his assistance with the shear force machine and Kr. Robert teens for his help in the identificatien of the muscles used. 11 a m .n‘ .3'7'1 'I V.) 0"“: fl)“ -' sit-:19 -* “ Q Cv" 'u .ang 1" ,- ;.Ci::n:<~L:al4C “RIO I o o o o e o o o o e o o o o o e 0 L13? 0: n “I; P; AFC-2‘ 1:C ”1:4 0 o o o o o a e e o o e II‘I’T‘QL‘JCFIT o O o O o o o 0 o o O o o e O 0 0 o o REVIES OF LITEEflTUXY o s s o o o o e o s o o e o 0 Procedures for teasuring Palatability iactors of baat o 0 o o s o e o o o o o s o o s o s o o SUbJOGtiVC GVBIUItion s s o e o o e s o o OUJGCtive evaluation e e o s e e o o s o 0 Combination of subjective and objective evaluation 0 o o o e e o e o e o e e o 0 Factors Affecting Palatnbility Characteristics of Nfifit o e e o e e o e e o s o e o s o e e o Aroma and flavor . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tenderneae 0 o e o o e o e e e o e e e e o .5 Juicincsa e o e e e o o s e o s e e o o Factors Affecting the Cooking Losses of Boast fieaf o o o o o e e o o e o e e e e e o o o 0 Composition Of meat 0 e o s o s e e e 0 Aging I e o e o 0 s e e o e o e o o s Freezing; o e I s e e o e o o o o e e e e e CITE-1'30 and 350 s s o e o e e o o e e e o 0 Surface &?6& e e s o e o o o e e s s o s 0 Cooking method, time, and temperature . . Cost Of Edibla Portion e e e s o o o o o o e 0 P3003313? o e e e o o e o e o e e e o s s e o e 0 Preparation of the Lent for Roasting . . . . . The roasting prOCOSS o o s s o e e o e o 0 Records and Calculations for Cooking Losses . . Handling the COOkGd heat 0 s o s o o s e o s s Samples for shear force testing . . . . “1' Preparation of the roasts for freezing 111 11 ya ya E3355 :3 he C.) \ .4 www m m m onucnouzc \x xx *vu \u \u \m \o a: «J «a «q \3 WW \O\O c n w?” ;w m'fi'vm i'atil‘..tu.ht;‘v (l .r‘ C ').;l" ‘3 - A". L Reh°8ting the Eefit o o o e s s 0 Trial investigations . . . TGBt Procedures 0 o e o e e o e Preparation of the samples Shear force tests . . . . . SHbJECtiVfi teats e s s s - vw-t «vs .. ‘-~ v- r‘ r -- . . TJ.:ni.' “5‘ 9 L '1 . ,1 ~{" ‘Q—‘ ?f\“ iL'J‘../'k 'I... ..1‘ .J l- ..i.‘ lki’h." .a V‘- o e o e o e e Pfllfitabllity PaCtOrS e e a o e o Aroma and flavor o o e e o Tenderneee and ehear force JUiCinflBS o I I o o n s e 0 Cooking Weight Losses . . . . . Total cooking losses . . Volatile cooking losses . Dripping losses . e . . . . .\ Time acquired to Reach Certain Internal TQMPGPEtUPOB e o o o o e s e 0 3?: iii 221:“; 3'! [13¢ I. C 0 iii-'1 Iii-.5 T3 0 o o o o e e e LITEHflTURE CI?ED o e e o e o e e e e AP?EEEIX o o o o o o e . o e e e o e COORinE Loafiafi - e o o o e Palatablllty Scores 0 o e e o 0 Wide for TEE-“Ste FRHEI o o s c 0 Score Sheet 0 o o o e e o o e iv 3 (canto) e o e e e o e o s o o e o e e s e e o o e o e e o . . . . . C C . . o e e e o o o o e .a.a. e e e o s o s e e o o e e o e o e e e e o o o o e -Q*3 pa 5‘3”? Moo 4mm:— \NUVK) :7 fi? \JI \n$=$* knoxn \n \nxnuw \n mmm 4-“ C‘ 0\ \fi \fi ‘JI CD *4 \O -Q C\ G\-. CHO ‘9 Tabl. 10 Table 2. Table 30 Table A. Table 50 Figure 1. Figure 2. Eflguei. Figure b. Figure 5. Average aroma and flavor eoores . . . . . . . Average tenderness scores and shear force readings e o e o o o e s I e o e e o e o 0 Average juicineee seoree . . . . . . . . . . Percentage of cookinu losses and time required to roast meat to 60° C, 70° C, and :00 C internal temperature 0 e e o . 0 Average scores for aroma, flavor, tenderness, shear force, and Juicinesa for each roaet Average aroma scores 0 . . . . . . . . . e 0 Average flavor scores . . . . . . . . . . . . Average tenderness scores . . . s . . . . . . Average shear force readings .o.e. . s . . 0 Average juicineee scores . . . o . . . . . . 1+7 h8 so 51 53 INTRODUCTION Roast beef is considered a favorite meat and appears frequently on institution menus. However, despite its pep- ularity, it presents some problems to food service managers. It is difficult to calculate the exact number of portions a certain number of pounds of beef will yield after roasting. Because it is necessary to have an adequate supply ready for efficient serfice, roasting sufficient meat to prevent shortages and delays during serving is the usual practice. Frequently there is a considerable amount of roasted meat left unused after the serving period. Serving roast beef which meets both high palatability standards end cost control requirements is a concern of the successful manager. Unwise use of leftover roast beef in inexpensive dishes such as meat pie or hash would mean a loss of the maximum profits from the roasted meat. However, it is not always feasible to serve leftover roasts again at the meal immediately following their original appearance on the menu. Freezer facilities have been found reasonably satis- factory by institutions for storing cooked meat. One objective of this study was the investigation of methods for reheating precooked, frozen roasts. The preserva- tion of the original palatability of the meat eas considered the primary goal. Another objective was the development of a 1 I‘d quick method of reheating precooked, frozen meat which would be practical to use if additional supply of cooked meat were suddenly needed to take care of an emergency demand. Sirloin butts, also known as loin ends, were used in this study. The meat was heated at a constant temperature to the well done stage. After a cooling period, the roasts were sliced, wrapped, sharp-frozen, and stored in a freezer storage compartment. Four reheating methods were investigated. Steamers end ovens were used because they are usually standard equipment in institutions in which reheating frozen roasts would be practical. In each of the four replications in this investi- gation, one roast was taken directly from the freezer and reheated in the steamer; one roast was defrosted and reheated in the steamer; one roast was put into the oven at ZOhOC directly from the freezer; and one defrosted roast was reheated in an oven at 20h°0. Control roasts were cooked by the same method used in preparing the roasts which were frozen and then later reheated. This study may contribute information that will lead to standardization of procedures for reheating precooked, frozen beef. The results should be of interest to food service cper- store who are in search of more profitable means of utilizing leftover roast beef. Moreover, it is hoped that the results of this investigation will stimulate others to carry on further studies of a similar nature. REVIEW OF LITIITZ ‘ ATURE There have been many research st 1di es done concerning roast beef. As early as 1896 studies were started dealing with palability factors and cooking losses of beef and factors affectir g: them. The United States Department of Agriculture, in deeperation with many of the State EXperiment Stations, has carried on extensive research. Decided improvement in cooking methods has resalted from these sturlies of beef. Procedures for heasuring Pelatability Factors of seat Food acceptance is based largely on the stimulus of the sense organs of the individual. Although research workers have tried to devise means of measuring palatability of foods by objective methods, they have reported little success in dupli- cating the functions of the human senses to appraise flavor and aroma e Subjective evaluation Scores of subjective tests are based on the Opinions of the judges. According to Lowe and Stewart (68) subjective tests may be conveniently classified in two categories: (a) preference or acceptance tests and (b) difference or psychometric tests. The psychometric tests can determine quantitative difference by rating or scoring food quality factors. Because quality changes can be evaluated by these tests, they are valuable research tools. Perfam and Seartz (SO) discussed three methods of'conducting subjective tests. In the triangle test three castles were pre- sented to the judges at the same time. They were asked to identify the sample which differed from the other two identical samples. In the duo-trio test a control was presented first and then two samples of unknown order were given. The Judges were asked to pick the sample which was different from the control. In the dual standard test two odor samples were presented to the judges. They were asked to study them and note differences. A second pair of samples were given and the judges were asked which sample matched each of the first samples. Peryam and Swartz (U0) recommended the triangle tests for discrimination, the duo-trio test for taste, and the dual standard test for odor. All three tested for differences as such rather than preference or superin ority. They felt that this may be advantageous~in eliminating phychological errors. Davis and Hanson (57) stated that considerable information was lost in the use of the triangle test if intensity desig- nation was not made or if the test was utilized only for those judgments in which the odd samule was recognized. They presented a new method of evaluating the results of the triangle test in which designation of intensity was required. All judgments were evaluated in terms of an I-value which was directly related to the probability of chance occurrence of the judgment. The inclusion of partially corrected judgments provided for increased efficiency by reducing the number of trials necessary to detect a difference at a given level of Significance. Foster LA) pointed out that there was great need for standardization of nomenclature, methods, and interpretation in the field of panel study of foods. He predicted a reduction in duplication of research effort, the possibility of interlaboratory test comparisons, and a uniformity of methods of testing if standardization were accomplished. Sjostrom and Cairncross (39) presented the flavor-profile method, a descriptive rather th.n a measuring device, for testing food products. According to their concept, flavor consisted of a number of indistinguishable components which combine to pro- duce a blend of few recognizable flavors. These components gave the product character and individuality. Each member of the taste panel recorded the intensity of detectable flavor notes in the order of their appearance. Thurstone (96) reported that data were being analyzed which they hOped would present evidence that a "rational zero point" could be located on a preference schedule. This would he the point at which the individual neither liked nor disliked the food. Perysm and Swartz (80) said that the panel technique was worthwhile if used preperly, and in some situations they indicated that it was the only approach possible. Relatively greater O objectivity was possible by the use of tests which depended upon discrimination rather than judgment. Blanchard and aaxwell (12) reported that the scores of their taste panel resulted in coefficients of correlation ~0.75 and ~0.7h with the objectively determined sugar content of two groups of peas. This was encouraging when so many investigators were reluctant to Live subjective scores much validity. In fact, many different groups doubted the depend- ability of subjective scores (5h, 53, 9h, b, L6, 6). Investigators agree that panel members should be selected with as much care as circumstances allow. Availability at test- ing time may have to be an important determining factor. Never- theless, it is well to consider some points which authoritie- have published. Schlosberg (88) did some work with undergraduates which gave no evidence of a clear-cut effect of selection and training programs on the performance of panels. He maintained that eXpertness cannot take the place of a large number of judgments. hackey and Jones (69) recommended using for panel work peeple who were able to arrange with high accuracy both water solutions and the actual foods according to the concen- tration of the added taste substances. hiss Fing of the Bureau of Home Economics, U.S.D.A. (L3) found that taste sensitivity for smokers, females and persons under 50 years of age were significantly lower than others. Eradley (15) reported that in the preference ratings of both male and female groups subjects differed in their preferences. Women’s responses extended over a greater range and tended to be more consistent than men's. According to a report of a committee from the U.S.D.A. Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics, there was general agree- ment that judges should be free from colds, infection, allergies, fatigue, and worry. Because psycholoaiual factors play a very important part in responses panel members should have an interest in and some understanding of the problems. They said that the judges should like the food being tasted. ' In order to obtain maximum validity from taste panel scores, Overman and Li (75) recommended that the reliability of the Judgments should be checked. A preliminary study and evalua- tion of the tabulated data in which the range, the number of duplicated judgments, and the absolute deviations from the means was used to ascertain some of the more obvious differences among Judges. Analysis of variance was a second method to measure the consistency and the discriminating ability of each Judge. A high ability to detect differences and a low variability in dupli- cating judgments were indications of good judging. Sweetman (92) emphasized the importance of scientific technique for constructing score cards. She recommended that qualities be selected and weighted according to the investigation being made. Ranking was probably best for preference judgments and scoring was best for difference testing according to Harrison and Elder (5h). Two investigators (62, 78), stressed the importance of maintaining anonymity of samples. They stressed that codes should never appear in sequence and that any one type of sample should not occupy the same place on the table in con- secutive tests. According to authorities in the field of taste panel work, equipment and environment should be controlled. Air conditioned rooms were advantageous to prevent odors of paint, coffee, smoke, or other such aromas from interfering with accurate detection of differences in samples (hi). If the panel members were given immediate knowledge of results throughout the course of testing, their performance was usually improved. This im- provement was attributed to an increased motivational level rather than to greater ease of learning the discriminations (00). Isolation of the judges gave more accurate results according to Foster, Pratt, and Swarts (AS). Placing the samples on paper dishes was unsatisfactory; china, silver and glass must be used to assure Optimum results (73). Fatigue was found to be a disadvantage in some cases, but in foods such as meat it was not necessarily of consequence (65, 81). From reports (8, 55, 79) on taste panel work, the following rules were suggested for panel testing: 1. Complete concentration on the subject is imperative. 2. be careful to avoid comparing samples with personal preferences. 5. Perform all aroma tests first. h. Tasting should be done slowly. 5. Rate each sample as you go. 6. Do not change rating once it has been made. This will help to consider samples independently. One article (5) pointed out that reports should carefully describe the test environment, selection of panel members, and instructions to the judges. It was found helpful to standardize the terms and procedures to make results comprehensible. 15 Paul, Lowe, and KoClurg {77) reported a study in which paired rounds of Good grade steers were stored at 17°C (35°F) and checked periodically up to 18 days to determine changes in the histological structure and palatability during storage. They found improvement in aroma and flavor to the 9th day but reported decreases in scores for these characteristics with further aging. The decreases in aroma and flavor scores were attributed to the develOpment of gaminess i. the lean and rancidity in the fat. Freezing Simpson and Chang (59) tested four different types of Wrapping material. They found that samples of hamburg, bacon, and sausage wrapped in aluminum foil or glassine-laminsted paper were considerably less rancid than correSponding samples which had been wrapped in polyethylene-coated paper or butcher-wrap of a good grade. They used storage temperatures of GOP, -20°F, -50° F, and -hO°F. Storage temperatures of -200F or lower gave the best protection to the meat. Hiner, Caddie, and Rankine (59) stored cellophane wrapped, lard-coated, vacuum packed, and exposed beef, pork and lamb chops at 18°F, 15°F, 00F, and_-llh°F. The exposed meat had a good covering of fat which partially prevented it from drying out. Cellophane and lard-coating were equally satisfactory in protect~ ing the meat from moisture loss. The most dessication occurred in the exposed cuts. All three developed an undesirable flavor which was attributed to both oxidation and moisture loss. The 16 5 original quality of the meat aeo ins: mpid lj in all types of D protection staaied except the vacuum pack. Temperatures 0; C O ”J r p. ,2 f I v (D ,4 (J r. m d :1 cf i' ' m C! (D (a C?“ 1 2 cr- (D L" (.5 * S t) :1 *9 (...: Lowe and associates (67) froze cooked roasts in cellophane wrapph nzje. after storage periods ranging from 55 to 205 days the roasts were defrosted in their wrappings without reheating. The aroma scores of beef has a slight decrease, those of pork ha& a moderate ascrease, whereas those for veal and lamb had decided decreases. The flavor scores 01 tile beef had no change. Pork, larzb, and veal had scores which were progressively lower accordir; to the order named. They commented that it was possible that very few of these chsnzes would have occurred if the roasts had been stored for *0 days or less. Harrison, Vail, and Kalen froze presooked stews and Swiss . steak.(56). a few days afte freezing 52 out of 36 samples had lower scores than the freshly prepared proiucts. Storage of 5, 6, and 9 mor the tend ed to decrease further the acceptability of the produots. The stews were re‘oea ted by placing the frozen package, 250~€OO grams each, in the top of a double boiler for 1% hours. After £5 mi notes the stew h e thawefl sufficiently to be removed from the bag, and the mass was then brolcen up with a fork. The Swiss steak was reheated the same way. Palatability of frozen cereal-extended ground pork loaves was studied by Hoteling and Fenton (60). They reported that scores for the frozen soy-extended loaves, whether frozen before or after baking, were similar to those of free h loaves. Althoug;h 17 some of tne fro,en loaves scored lower toss the fresh, otners rated higher. Similarly, some of the loaves frozen in the raw state ratefl higher and some lower tnen those frozen sfter baking. With the excegtion of one type from each of the frozen oet- and wheat-extended loaves, tr e tote 1 scores were signer tr an those f the fresh, esgteial 13 in Elev or. Slices were placed on warm plates and served immediately after baking. Some were test 3’ cold. Tgere was very little difference in .rie pale tebility scores due to tespersture'of the samples. Grade and age Several investigators (3, so, 35) found that the carcass graxe sixected the “alataoilitj of cooked meat. Alexander (3) work-ed with. lame and mutton, others worked with beef. When comparing longissimus dorsi suscles of U.S.Good, 3.3. Commercial and 8.3. Utility grades after roasting, Day (53) reported sig- nificant differences in grade for aroma soi flavor. However, when the flats from animal VIII of Utility grade were Cm;’tted from paletaoilit3=r evaluations, Commercial ené Utility grade samples were found to be quite similar. Animal VIII had a p50L liar area and flavor. tissues (71) studied top rounos, sirloin butts, strip loins, and rolled ribs out from three sides of beef carcasses of each grade, Choice, Good, and Commercial. Ststieticsl analysis showed that the average aroma sue flavor scores for 3.3. Com- mercial were significantly higher at the 1 per cent level than those for U.S. Good and V.S. Choice grades. Objective evaluation Halliday (50) stated that subjective tests with carefully planned score cards jave their value but indicated that they should not be used as the sole criteria. Objective can be used . in some instances and are more applicable to the needs of the control laboratory (6;). Juicinees Objective measurement of the juiciness of meat was deve10ped on the principle of eXpressing fluid from meat samples of known weight. Child and Baldelli (20) reported an apparatus called the Pressometer and standardized a method for determining the percentage of press fluid. Studies (21, 55) have shown correlation between pressometer readings and juicinees scores by taste panels. Satoriue and Child (37) found no correlation between press fluid and palatability juiciness. They stated that flavor-aroma and secretion of saliva play an important part in taste panel scores of juiciness. Tanner, Clark, and hankins (95) described the develOpment of a hydraulic press which determined expressible juice content of meat. Results indicated that samples having the same percentage of expressible juice were judged by the taste panel as different, beef was rated more juicy than pork. Beef con- taining hS percent of juice and lamb containing 50 per cent were considered by the judges as practically equal in juiciness. Objective evaluation Halliday (50) stated that subjective tests with carefully planned score cards jave their value but indicated that they should not be used as the sole criteria. Objective can be used in some instances and are more applicable to the needs of the control laboratory (6c). Juiciness Objective measurement of the juiciness of meat was deve10ped on the principle of eXpressing fluid from meat samples of known weight. Child and Ealdelli (20) reported an apparatus called the Fressometer and standardized a method for determining the percentage of press fluid. Studies (21, 50) have shown correlation between preseometer readings and juiciness scores by taste panels. Satorius and Child (C7) found no correlation between press fluid and palatability juiciness. They stated that flavoraaroma and secretion of saliva play an important part in taste panel scores of juicinese. Tannor, Clark, and Rankine (95) described the deveIOpment of a hydraulic press which determined expressible juice content of neat. Results indicated that samples having the same percentage of expressible juice were judged by the taste panel as different, beef was rated more juicy than pork. Beef con- taining hS percent of juice and lamb containing 50 per cent were considered by the judges as practically equal in juicinees. 10 Tenderness Various instruments for measuring tenderness of meat objectively have been invented. The new Yerk Testing Laboratory Penetrometer (7h) was successfully used to compare tenderness of right and left sides of the same animal. A re- cording strain-gage denture tenderoneter was reported by Proctor and co-workers (b2). This instrument consisted of a complete set of human dentures. A cathode ray oscilloscope was used for continuous measurement of the output potentials from the strain-gage bridgeaamplifier sequence. For permanent records, a camera adaptation was made. The motions of th tenderometer were similar to chewing except tongue movement and salivation were not attempted. The results obtained from this instrument had not been correlated with subjective obser- vations. The investigators stated that the initial tests showed that it had good potentialities for aiding in solving the problem of standardization of criteria for tenderness measurements. Bratzler (17) studied the Warner shear machine and stand- ardized the size and shape of the Opening and the type of cutting edge. He also found that when the instrument was used on cooked samples of pork loine cooled to 70° F, the shearing speed had very little effect on the total force required to shear samples which were 1-inch in diameter. Therefore, be standardized the speed at 9 inches per minute because this seemed the most practical. The narner-firatzler shear machine was set up in a verticle position so it could be read more easily and a pan could be placed under it to catch the meat particles. A 11 high degree of correlation between taste panel scores for tender- ness and shear force readings has been established by several investigators (10, 90, 25, l, 11, 56). Leatherage and Garnatz (59) found that the differences in shear force readings were not as -‘ great as cifferences in taste panel scores. They stated that although shear strengths appeared to measure fairly satisfacto- rily a property of meet, these values were not closely related to tenderness of broiled steaks as determined by a competent sensory panel. Combination of subjective and objective evaluation Dove (kl) recommended the subjective-objective approach for the study of food palatabillty. Lowe and Stewart (63) stated that the objective tests for organoleptic qualities must measure those characteristics which were correlated with accepta- bility. Lowe (65) described a combination method used to compare tenderness of different samples. This plan consisted of counting the number of chews necessary to masticate the sample to a predetermined end point. The samples were sliced on a machine so that the fibers were all the same length, and samples of the same size were used. Each scorer standardized the end point of mastication and determined a specific gradation of his own scores in relation to number of chess required for complete mastication of the sample. Examples of the use of both subjective and objective methods of evaluation has been pointed out in research done on tenderness and juiciness. 12 Factors Affecting Palatability Characteristics of heat Palatability of meat depends on several factors which are often interrelated. The subjective method for testing palat- ability of cooked meat devised by the Cooking Committee of the National Cooperative Heat Investigations (5}) used a score card with ten factors of palatability. The intensity of aroma, texture, flavor of fat, flavor of lean, tenderness, quality of juice, quantity of Juice and the desirability of aroma, flavor of fat, and flavor of lean were listed. Modifications of this score card have been adapted by research workers according to the nature and scope of their investigations. Aroma and flavor Cracker defined flavor as that preperty of a food or beverage which makes it stimulate the senses of taste, smell, and feeling in the mouth and nose (56). Howe and Barbells (61) stated that meat flavor consists of the stimuli given to the taste buds by the inherent organic and inorganic substances, such as water soluble extractives, lipids, small amounts of carbo- hydrates snd salts. Flavor may be contributed by compounds produced from these substances and proteins by cooking, by encyme action, or both. These same investigators remarked that, although they knew of no work reported which substantiated their belief, they doubted that salt increased the inherent meat flavor. 13 They found that after working with unsalted meat for a period of time in the laboratory the addition of salt ceased to be necessary for a number of panel members in order to enjoy the flavor of meat. Composition of meat Bransman, Hankins, and Alexander (16) studied the relation of degree of finish in cattle to desirable flavor. They found that flavor scores of lean meat improved progressively in both intensity and desirability as fat content increased. Deterioration in palatability of beef, pork, and lamb during freezer storage at temperatures between —8 and ~18° C, was found by Hiner, Gaddis and Hankins (59) to be caused primarily by oxidation of fat. They also noticed that the desirability of the flavor of the fat was the best subjective index for high scores among the palatability factors studied. Dunnigan (AZ) worked with Choice and Utility grades of sirloin butts cut in two styles, bone-in and bone-out. Fisher's statistical test Showed that there was significant evidence that the fat roasts scored higher than the lean roasts in aroma, l flavor, and tenderness. Aging According to Lose (66), aging included the entire storage period from time of slaughter until the time the meat Ias cooked. Deatherage and Eelman (k0) reported studies of the effect of the Tenderay process on tenderness of beef. This is a four-way in combination of temperature, humidity, air circulation, and ultraviolet ray protection against growth of micro-organisms during the aging period. The tenderizing effect of he Tenderay process was determined on 82 animals. The tenderness the meat from Commercial animals was comparable to that of U.S. Good animals, both unprocessed aid "Tenderayed". The U.S. Commercial carcasses showed somewhat greater improvement than the U.S. Good with the Tenderay process. Lows (66) found that meat aged from 20 to to days received Optimum flavor scores. Neat aged longer than to days usually had an undesirable flavor according to most judges in her laboratory. Griswold and Wharton (L9) studied the effect of storage conditions on the palatability of beef. The aroma and flavor of meat stored 37 days at 5&0 F was slightly stronger than meat stored 9 days at the same temperature. heat which had been stored is hours at 60°F under ultraviolet lights was more desir- able in appearance and odor ‘han meat held under similar conditions without the ultraviolet lights. These lights decreased the growth of bacteris on the surface of the meat. Harrison et al (55) reported that there was little variation in aroma and flavor scores for roasts aged from 1 to 20 days, although the highest average scores were received by roasts aged 10 days. When roasts were stored longer than 20 days, the aroma and flavor scores were definitely lower than for roasts stored less than 20 days. I Lowe et a1 (6?) obtained higher scores for aroma, texture, flavor, tendernees, and juicinese from th highest grade. They compared hfl Choice, 76 Good, and 2; Commercial grade rib roeet‘. The amount of press fluid and the pounds shearing were higher for the Commercial grade. Aldrich and Lowe (1) studied 56 pairs of cuts taken from six muscles of the beef round and cooked by moist heat. They found no significant difference in flavor and aroma between U.S. Choice and 3.3. Good grades. Press fluid was slightly higher in the Choice grade. Cooking methodJ timeLand temgerature A definite correlation was found between cooking losses and flavor of the lean according to Cline and co-workers (29). Their experiments were based on ten methods of roasting prime ribs of beef. all roasts which ranked low in cooking losses rated high in palatability. They also found that tender cuts cooked in the oven at 125°C with the addi- tion of water had lower flavor and aroma scores than comparable cuts cooked in the oven by dry heat at 125°C. The findings of Clark and Van Layne (24) indicated that oven cooking resulted in more palatable top rounds than did cooking similar roasts in the pressure sauce pan. Jodges preferred the flavor of both the lean and the fat of meat roasted in the oven. teat cooked in the sauce pan was considered too dry. aldrich and Lowe (1) found that an additional hour of cock- ing at 150°C after the pot roasts had reached an internal a L) fl :3 is temperature of 9008 caused a marked deterioration in o. flavor, appearance, and juiciness. Tenderness Bull ‘13} commented that many peogle, esoecially women, regard tenderness as the most important factor contributing to the palability of meat. Lack of tenderness in meat, according to Rankine (51), was a liability second to none except unwhole- SOEGDSSSo Composition of meat_ Extensive researcn was carried out by Ramsbottom and Strandine (SA) on the comparative tenderness of the larger muscles in wholesale cuts of U.$. Good beef. Thirty- five of the fifty muscles studied became less tender with cooking according to the juuges' scores and shear force tests. This decrease in tenderness may be attribute& to coagulation and densturstion of the muscle grotcins and to the varying degrees of shrinkage and hardening of muscle fibers. They emphasized that the amounts of collagenous and elastic connective tissue in the muscle also influenced the tenderness of the cooked muscles. They reported that beef muscles varied greatly in weight, moisture and fat content, pH, and tenderness. when they investigated samples from eight muscles, they found no relationship between the amount of fat within the muscle and shear force results for raw or cooked samples. Rankine and Ellis (52}, using sixty-nine grain-fed cattle, also found no elgniflosnt correlation between t21e fat c1551st determined by ether ext rsc5ion, and tenderness of the cooked longis31mus fiorsi muscle. They conclufleQ that aria @533 in tenderness were eau sed by factors other than fat content In a 5155; £one in to 6'3 1H5b5551oc; (66) it Was 55555 that the dogexdenee of tenaarness upon fat content of the inte ~21 or of '1e ether 555530 1on metlod, was si5n1fiosnt at the 13 level. Data were Detained from five musoles from each of eight animals of varying ages. Aging 112.1713?) ottom and. f5tr smilne {8-5) stated that beef was more tender two hours after slaughter than at any time aft er tfiO to six days. Eetw en the 9th to the 2th day after slaughter, the beef was even more tender tha: it as; seen 530 hours following slaughter. Paul and Child (76) stuu ed roasts, cut from paired semi- tendinosus and biceps femoris rascles of Good grade yearling ‘3 CT N 1 O "-1 HI} steers and stored or 1, 2, h, 9, and 13 day periods. They found them less tender immediately after éHl u5hter and that tenfierness increased with storage. seer steaks were tender immediately after slaughter, beea :11e less tenfler With stora5e at 55°F up to - hour , and returned to agprsxln ate 21; their or15lnal tenderness a t1 store e of lhfi to 149 flours. rev-1 ( Ten animals were used by Griswolfl s56 Wharton (£9). They found that the variation between s53 .mals was ggreeter than variation between Lifftrent grades acoorfiing t3 nethenlv 1 tests for tendernass. Tho differez1ces L1 tex1fio r: 33 of meat aged for 7 to 57 days were not siqn1‘ ant 61 her according to ju’ scores 0? t?1e shear force results. Freezing In a study of the effect of aging on tenderness E an L}: Yankins {55) used paired short loins of beef and observed that storage at 31°? hai loss tenfierizin; effect t 131 freezing. After storsve the meat was cooked to .1 irterr £1 tar perature of 4‘1 158°? at 3 constant oven temperature f 592 F. When cool, the 0 meat was tested for tenderness on a uuwoe’-xrdtzler shear f1rcs machine. 316 11v33tigator: stated th t beef frozen at ~20”? it, as approximately 12 per cent nzore teanLer 3111 has f frozen at ~10° or ~hO°P was a per cent mora tender than beef ripened at fihoP. T.a 3 found 11*iPicau, -1f'fezenoe in the tenflernoss L 0 between loins frozen at ~hO°F and those f zen at ~100F. "i L) .. Ramsbottom (83) found that freazer storage of -10°?, or lower, for seven years did not sionioifiar,1 change the tender- ness of beof steaks. He ussd Choice graM beef short lolns sawed G? into aneminoh sJeaks. Half were t ted before freezing and the other half were testefl after froezer storage of seven years. The steaks were broiled to an internal temferature of 160°F and ten- darness was measured with a Warnerufiratzler shoar force mu “Fins. 22 Grade enfl ere Hiner and Neukins (5;) used enimals varying in eve from 2.5 months to 5.5 years to determine the effect of age of tne animel on the tenderness of tnc meet. There was a '.rnese with the increase in age of the animals. L1- ’0 O ‘1 (1‘ I‘D (.0 O) f b D r5 1‘? f.) t- (,t Tenderness was not eeeocieted with grade to any appreciable extent when S uncice, 3 Seed and 0 commercial steers whicn t . ranged from 14 to 13 manthe in age were compared. Rib cuts were one and one—half times more tender than the ’1 51 st rcund cuts taken from the same animal according to Roble, Hallidag and Klaas (7h). They measured degrees of tenderness by K using a mcaifind New Icrk testing laboratory penetrometer. The differences between tenderness averages for corresponding left telesalc T¢D cuts were very small when the cuts were ~‘ "18 5"." 517310 TF3 11110 I? o \ Lowe an“ co—warkers (b7) ccckcé LO Choice, 7e Good, and 2h Commercial prime rice at even temycreturee of 120°C, 150°C, and 175°C to internal temperatures of 5390 and ?§°C. $he pcletebillty scares snowed that tenfierness was influenced by the carcass graze. dcaste from commercial grace had lower tenderness scores than these fr0¢ Choice and Goofi grade carcasses. Choice grade was scored slightly higher than Good. Cooking_methed) tine, and temperature Semitendlnosue muscles from the round of beef were raasted by constant oven temperatures or 1350: 150°, 1750 and 200°C to internal temperature of 58°C by Child and Satoricue (25). They found no difference in the '9 J shear force tests for those roasts. Ltenuijg rib roasts treated in the same manner SLDWGd slightly lsigner snear force readings when the roasts were cooked at 200°C oven telntterat ula than when cooked at the lower temperatures. than pork loins were cooked to 31°C by constant temperatures of 1250, 150°, and 175°C, the lowe at euean f\v“& re 311143 ¥L Pe ohteinod for t.*;e roasts cooked at the lowest tenpePatureu. Cover (50) used skewers in paired round-bone cnucn roasts 0: beef cooked by constant temperature of 125°C to the well- done stage and f onnd that cooking time was decreased but tough- ness was increased. In anot11er stufij Lover (31), using extremely low oven tenper atures, founo that roetts were 319” aye tenler u.tlen roasted at 80°C but that they were mealy an1 dry because of t excessive evagoratlon. HoaS's cooked at lZBOL were juicier but less tenuer than those roasted at 30°C. Cover (52) also studied the T618t103111p 01 oven temperature and tenderness using constant oven eeuge'atux e of 12503 and 225°C to roast meat to an intern temoereture of CO v. Hound- bone chuca and rum; roasts of beef and half hem roasts of pork were more t:nder when coozea at 1:3 L tram tnoae cooked at 225°C. No tenderness difference was shown n nedi um-rare rib and chuck roasts cooked at 125° ' gnu 225°C, and relatively small élfferencee in total 0201 :ing tin were ooeorved. In a etujy previously montioneé, noble, fialliday, and filaas (1: do: ralneu the tendorne.as of beef cooked to Gloand 75°C internal temperature at an oven temperature of 1&900. Yney concluded from the penetometer readings t1 at toughening occurred during heating from 61° to 75°C. Juiciness According to Lowe and co-workers (67) the kind of roast, whether boned or not, the degree of doneness and the oven temperature influence juiciness. Latske (6h) commented that the quality and palability of a roast is largely determined by juiciness. She found, from her studies in standardizing methods of roasting beef, that juiciness can be measured to some extent by the amount of cooking losses in the meat. Composition of meat From a study of 595 rib roasts from U.S. Choice, Good, Radium, and Common grade beef carcasses, Alexander and Clark (A) reported findings on the effect of grade on palat- ability and cooking weight losses. They found that the roasts cooked with the bone in were juicier than comparable boned and rolled roasts. These findings were substantiated by Child and Eeteros (21), who found that standing rib roasts scored higher than comparable boned roasts when they were tested with a press- ometer or scored for juiciness by a panel. Barbells and co-workers (7) used 728 beef rib roasts in their study of flavor and juiciness in beef in relation to fatness and other factors. They found a range of fat percentage from 7.5 to 57.5 in these roasts. The scores showed that the juice of beef rib roasts increased quite rapidly with increase of fat- ness to 22.5 per cent and more slowly from that point to L2.5 per cent. fieyond the h2.5 per cent level there was no apparent relation between fatness and juiciness. "0 25 Aging Griswold and hhartcn, in a previously mentioned study (hg), found that beef aged 9 days at 0°C was more juicy than beef stored 57 days at 0°C. Little variation was found by Harrison (55) in Juiciness scores of the roasts aged from 1 to 20 days at 0°C. Evaporation of the fluids in he roasts during aging was probably great enough to reflect in the juiciness scores of the cooked roasts. Pau1,'Lose, and ycfllurg (77) reported a gradual increase in juiciness scores during the 18 days of aging. The press fluid decreased and then increased sharply during storage. This was attributed to changes in the waterbinding powers of the proteins and the permeability of the cell membranes. hackintosh and co-werkers (70) found that ripened samples scored higher in Juiciness than the samples which were cooked unripened. tierbicki and co-workera (98) suggested a possible explanation for these findings. They studied 52 animals which were fed out to market weight at 15-16 months of age. Data were obtained from reenlts of nitrogen extraction. During post mortem aging, pm shifted slightly toward alkalinity. There was not a single case in which the pH dropped. This pH shift was away from the iscelectrio point of the muscle protein and caused an in~ crease in water-holding capacity. These investigators suggested that the important qualities of meat tenderness, shrinkage during cooking, and rehydration after dehydration may all be primarily related to the degree of hydration of the meat proteins. 26 Grade and age Cline, Loughead, and Schwartz (27) found increased Juiciness in the higher grades of meat in their study of steaks from U.S. Good and medium grades of heifers, cows, and steers. Vail and O'Neill (98) reported results from cooked rolled rib, top roun , and clod cuts. The cuts from U.S. Choice grade yielded appreciably less press fluid than did the cuts from v.3. Good. The taste panel scores for juiciness showed Opposite results. Day (58), in a previously men ioned study, concluded that there was little difference in average score for juiciness of U.S. Utility, Commercial, and Good grade cuts. Cooking method,_time, and tomperaturg_ According to Satorious and Child (86) the fact has long been established that tempera- ture and length of cooking affect the juiciness of beef roasts. Child and Fogarty (22), in their study of the relationship of interior temperature of beef muscle to press fluid content, reported that ll per cent more press fluid was obtained from roasts cooked to an internal temperature of 58°C than from roasts cooked to an internal temperature of 75°C. Child and Esteros (21) reported that increases in the degree of dances were related directly to decreases in juiciness. Noble, Halliday and Klaas (7h) found that standing rib roasts cooked to 61°C were somewhat more juicy than those cooked to 75°C internal temperature. Lorgan and Kclson (75) found that skewered roasts were more juicy than unskewered roasts which were cooked to the same 27 internal temperature. Because the oven temperatures used for both methods were the same, they attributed this difference in juiciness to the increased Speed of heat penetration and de- creased cooking time. The judges found no significant difference in juiciness of meats cooked in air, steam, water, or fat according to Harrison (55). There was no significant difference in the amount of press fluid at the center of the roasts attributable to cooking mediums; but there was a highly significant difference in the amount of press fluid from samples taken one-half inch from the surface. Meets cooked in air had the most press fluid. The cuts cooked in steam contained the smallest amount of press fluid. Fat and water, as cooking mediums, produced roasts with press fluid between the amounts in those cooked in air and steam. Child and Satorius (25) reported that oven temperatures of 125°, 150°, 175°, and 200°C did not affect the press fluid of beef muscles cooked to an internal temperature of 58°C. From the studies of Cline and co-workers (29) it appeared that high temperature decreased the juiciness of roasts. The beef was cooked at oven temperatures of 110°, 165°, 191°, 2180 and 260°C to an internal temperature of 57°C, Factors Affecting the Cooking Losses of Roast Beef Bevier, Grindley, and their associates (9, L7, #8) concluded that composition, cooking temperature, and internal temperature of the meat were the three principle factors which affected the nature and extent of cooking losses. Lome (66) stated that total losses occuring during the cook- ing of meat have varied from 5 to more than 50 per cent. Composition of meat Black, Warner and Wilson (11) reported that meat from supplement-fed steers showed less evaporation loss during cooking than did meet from thinner, grass-fed cattle. There were more drippings from the fatter animals than from the thinner ones. Helser, Eelson, and Lowe (57) found that beef roasts with high fat content had a greater total cooking weight loss and also a higher dripping loss than did lean roasts. In this study ribs of feeder and fattened two-year-old steers were cooked at 125°C. Total cooking losses were 11 per cent for ribs from feeder steers and 15 per cent for the fattencd animals; the dripping losses were 1 per cent and 7 per cent, respectively. Thille, Williamson, and horgan (95) cooked standing ribs of beef at 210°C oven temperature to an internal temperature of 65°C. Their findings showed the average total weight loss 29 for lean roasts was 29 per cent, for fat-covered roasts was 53 per cent. They attributed the difference in total weight losses to the rendering of surface fat. Volatile losses were reported to be less in the fat roasts than in the lean roasts. Dunnigan's work on sirloin butts (£2) agreed with these findings. Child and Esteros (21) found that rolled roasts averaged 5 per cent higher total cooking weight losses than standing roasts cooked at an oven temperature of thOC to an internal temperature of 53°C. Alexander and Clark (h) and Lowe and co-workers (67) reported similar findings. Aging Koran and Smith (72) and Harrison (53) found that longer ripening periods decreased the weight losses during cooking. The former study showed the average cooking losses of tOp round, bottom round, and loin of beef after ripening 3, 7, and 16 days to be 29.5, 2h.1, and 25.9 per cent, respectively. Freezing Cline and associates (29) showed that both the total cooking losses and cooking time were affected by the initial temperature of roasts when they were put into the oven. Roasts with low initial internal temperatures at the beginning of 50 the cooking period showed greater cooking losses than did roasts with higher internal temperatures when cooking began. Lowe and co-workers (67) compared the effect of four methods of defrosting meat and the manner and temperature of cooking upon weight loss and palatability of the roasts. Frozen cuts of meat required a longer time to reach the same internal temperature than comparable cuts which were thawed. Data for hl groups of roasts showed that the frozen cuts did not always have greater cooking weight losses than the defrosted meat. In 31 of these groups the cooking weight loss was greater for those roasts which were frozen when cooking began. Opposite findings were reported for the other 10 groups of roasts. Grade and age Alexander (5) studied rib roasts ranging from Choice to Canner grade beef. She found that dripping losses from roasts cooked at an oven temperature of 125°C to an internal temperature of 58°C varied from 5.7 per cent for the Choice grade to 0.h per cent for the Canner grade; the evaporation losses ranged from 6.5 per cent for Choice to 10.9 per cent for the Canner grade. The results of investigations by Black, Warner, and hilson (11) agreed with these findings. Alexander and Clark (h) found that among roasts classified according to grade, those in the highest grade usually showed smaller evaporation losses and lar5er dripping losses, re- of cutting or the met} rod of cooking. (D gareless oi Sb yl "u. bunnigan (+2) reported a dif He once in total cooking lesser of 5.7h per cent between C} ioice and [w ility sirloin butts bone-in and 2.50 per cent differen(3e in the same grades boneless. The .ifference was in favor of the Choice grade in both instances. 'Hasuda (71) ound no signiiicant difference in volatile losses according to grade; difference in drippin5 losses attrinutable to 5r; (-6 were significant only for roasts at . o. . m. -. . Q0 C 1:Mer1al temperature. :ne average urippin5 losses at \ 90°C for Good and Choice grades were significantly hi5her than those for Commercial grade. There was no si5nificant differ- ence Lteteeen averag 6 total cooking losses attrioutable to grade at any of the internal temperatures. Day (53) discovered no si5nificant difference attributable to grade in the average total cooking wei gzht losses, volatile losses, or drip losses. Surface area Compact pieces of meat with small surface areas showed less cookin5 wei5ht lose es than pieces which had irregular sha13es and 5rester surface areas. Square or blocky roasts required lon5er cooking time per pound than thin, flat roasts according to two ex tensive st adios made at the Iowa A5ricul- tural Experiment Station (57, 67). 52 Cooging method, time, and temperature In the early days of meat cookery research Wood (991 proposed he theory that an intensely hot fire coagulated the exterior of the roeet and thereby prevented the crying O Oi the meat juices. He stated that shrinkaee in roast meat was chiefly due to water loss. Grindle; and fiojcnnier (AB) in 1903 noted that losses in the roasting of meat were attributable chiefly to the melting of fat and evaporation of water. Eigher cooking temperatures and higher internal temperatures generally resulted in greater cooking losses. ?hey compared 5 roasts cooked to rare, 5 to medium, and h to well done stage. They recommended 2to°o (uSOOF) for 15 minutes and 195°C (580°?) for the re~ meining time. Results of studies conducted by Child and Setoriue (25) indicated that cooking losses in beef were greater when the meat was roasted at constant temperatures of 200° and 175°C or soured at 260°C for 20 minutes and finished at 150°C than when cooke at 150°C constant temperature. Cline and her associated (29) agreed with those results. They seared prime ribs and finished them at different oven temperatures; one roast was begun in a cold oven, seared and fiiished in a lh9°C oven; constant oven temperatures ranging from 110°C to 260°C were used in a total of 10 methods. fhey concluded that searing increased the cooking weight losses and that low oven temperatures were correlated with low cooking losses. Bevier and Sprsguc (9) reported that total cooking weight losses of seared one-rib beef cuts, cooked to the rare stage, varied from 5.9 per cent for roasts finished at 85°C oven temperature to 20.6 per cent for those finished at 260°C oven temperature. Cline and co-uorkers (29) tested the effect of various oven temperatures upon cooking losses and pslstahility of several types of beef roasts. They concluded that an oven temperature of 125°C, as compared with 165°C, decreased the cooking losses but increased the time required to reach a given internal temperature. Actual losses of 6 types of roasts varied from 7 to 1h per cent at 125°C and from 9 to 20 per cent at 165°C. A temperature of 260°C increased losses to 50 per cent. Three-rib beef cuts were roasted to medium stage by Latske (65, 6h). Weight loss for seared roasts ranged from 15.52 per cent when finished at 110°C oven temperature to 22.h9 per cent when finished at 175°C. Cover (52) found that cooking losses for paired three- rib beef roasts cooked medium rare averaged 7.1 per cent when oven was at 125°C and 20.2 per cent when 225°C oven temperature was used. Other studies (26, 27, 67) verified that low oven temperatures for roasting result in lower cooking weight losses than do high oven temperatures. Lows (66) reported that 12 pairs of two-rib beef roasts ' cooked at 150°C showed 7.7 per cent cooking loss at 55°C internal temperature and 16.6 per cent cooking loss at 75°C 5h internal temperature. Latske (6h) cooked beef rib roasts at 125°C oven temperature to 51°C with losses at 16.8 per cent, 61°C resulted in cooking losses of 18.6 per cent, and internal temyereture of 71°C resulted in cooking losses of 22.5 per cent. fihe recommended the following internal temperatures: for rare heef cook to 51°C; for medium beef cook to 61°C; for well-done beef cook to 71°C. A drioh and Lowe (1) reported total cooking losses of beef pot roasts at 90°C internal temperature to be 3h.h and r . fl 3") 735‘? Cant _ o S ‘ ‘ J for paired cuts cooked an additional hour beyond 90°C internal temperature, the average losses were 53.2 and 59.6 for Choice and Good grades, respectively. Many other studies have shown that total cooking weight losses increased with each rise in internal temperature of the meat (h. 9. 22. 71)- Severel investigators (50, 73) reported that the use of skewers reduced the cooking time and thus lowered the cooking losses. {organ and fieleon (75) found the total loss of weight in skewered roasts averaged 27.3 per cent as com- pered with 51.5 per cent in unskewered roasts. Cover (50) cooked paired rounds, arm-bone chuck, and standing rib roasts to the well done stage with and without skewers at an oven temperature of 125°C. Her results supported the findings of Eorgen and Nelson. Grindley and Mojonnier (he) reported that the total losses of meats cooked in covered pens were greater than those cooked 55 e uncovered. Inch it was cooked the same length of time and at the same oven temperature, the meat was more thoroughly cooked in the covered than in the open pans. They based their conclusions on results from one roast cooked in a covered pan and 15 roasts cooked in Open pans. morgan and flolson (75) found the average losses of 25.8 per cent for tho meats cooked in open pans and 23.5 per cent for meats cooked in covered containers. Cost of Edible Portion Vail (97) in 1556, compared tap clod, rib, and top round cute reigning from twelve to fifteen pounds in each of twenty cooking periods. The roasts were cooked at a constan oven temperature of 150°C, to an internal temperature of 69°C. or all the cuts tested, the v.3. Good clod was the most economical. The U.5. Choice rib was the most ex- pensive. Cline and Mesbitt (28), in 1956, conducted experiments on cooking losses and yields of prime ribs, chucks, top rounds, and heels of rounds. Yields were based on the number of 100 gran servings obtainable from a pound of raw meat. Portion costs of meat at the well~done stage showed that top round was the most expensive, prime ribs were next. Chuck and heel of round were least expensiro and on 100 gram servings was aporoximately h¢ cheaper than the same size serving f top round. ‘56 I n Dunnigan (44), in 19h}, reported from her study of related sirloin butts that the U.S. Choice, boneless cuts cost less per pounfi than dié the Utility, hone-in cuts. The Vtility, boneless roasts cost lees than the Choice, boneless cuts but were inferior to then in pelebility. Aldrich and Lowe (l), in 1951, used beef r ands of U.S. Choice and Good grades. The cost of 2.5 ounce edible portions for the Choice cooked to 90°C was higher than for the Good grade. When roasts were cooked 1 hour longer, the cost of each was approximately the some. The cost of the Good roast increased more than the cost of the Choice roaet. Day (38), in 19h}, found that the cost per pounfl for U.S. Good grade longiesimus dorsi naecle was higher than for the Commercial and Utility graies when roasted. The cost of the roasted Utility meat was the lowest. fiesuds (71), in 1955, found that the increase in cost for adflitionel cooking from 80° to 90°C varied from 8% to 15¢ per pound for the four different cute which she studied. ,57 PROCEDURE At intervals of one week boneless sirloin butts of U.S. Choice grade were purchased in groups of four, roasted, wrapped, and frozen so that they could be reheated for sampling after h weeks of frozen storage. The Food Stores delivered the anterior sections of the cuts to the research laboratory Just prior to each roasting period. A single roast was also cooked as a control when each group of precooked, frozen roasts was reheated. There were no available data on the carcasses from which the roasts were taken. Preparation of the Meat for Roasting Each roast was assigned a code number under which all data for it were recorded. A balance-type Detecto scales, 16—pound capacity, was used to weigh each roast. The average weight of the 20 roasts was 9.58 pounds. Each cut was then placed, fat side up, on a rack in an aluminum pan, 16" x 12" x 2%". Straight tube-type thermometers, with temperatures engraved on glass and calibrated from 00 to 105°C in 10 intervals, were used. The thermometer was in- serted so that the bulb was as near the center of the roast as possible. 4‘; The roasting process One deck of a triple-deck Hot Point Electric roasting oven was heated to lh9°C for one hour before the meat was placed in it. Two moeller mercury-filled thermometers were used to check the oven temperature. The meat was roasted uncovered at a constant oven temperature of lh9oc. Four cuts were roasted in separate pans at the same time in one even deck. The time required for the roasts to reach 60°, 70°, and 80°C internal temperature was recorded. It was necessary to cpen the oven door to check the temperatures. Records and Calculations for Cooking Losses Approximately 15 minutes after removal from the oven, each roast, together with its drippings, was weighed. Vola- tile losses were calculated by subtracting this figure from the weight of the uncooked roast. One-half to one hour after it was removed from the oven, each roast was placed on a sheet of heavy aluminum foil and weighed. Next the dripping losses were recorded. Total cooking losses were calculated by subtracting the cooked weight or each roast from.its raw weight. *3 *3 \H 0 Handling the Cooked Meat The roasts were cooled at room temperature from to to 60 minutes. The covering of fat and the biceps femoris muscle were then removed by separating the connective tissues. The gluteus medius muscle was obtained for use in the palatability tests. A slice, approximately 1.5 mm. thick, was removed across the grain to facilitate further preparation of samples for shear readings and taste panel scoring. Samples for shear force testing A sample for testing tenderness on the Warner-Bratsler shear machine was obtained from the center of the gluteus medius before it was sliced. This sample was cut with a sharp metal cylinder by using a rotating motion along the grain of the meat. The samples were 1-inch in diameter and about 2% inches long. The samples were individually wrapped in heavy aluminum foil and placed with the reset from which they were cut. Preparation of the roasts for freezing The muscles from which shear samples were removed were sliced on an electric Globe slicer, Model 150. The gauge ho was set at h.5 for slicing samples about 5/8-inch in thick- ness. The slices were arranged as cut and each roast was reassembled to approximate its original shape. The aluminum foil was molded and pressed around the roast to make an air-tight covering. Each foil-covered roast was wrapped in a polyethylene bag from which as much air as possible was excluded. The package was secured with strong cord which also held the identification tag. After they were wrapped, the cooked roasts were placed in a sharp freezer at -22°C for one week. They were then stored at ~16OC. Reheating the heat When the roasts were removed from the freezer, the polyethylene bags were removed but the foil was left on the roasts. The next consideration was the length of time necessary to bring the roasts to a desirable temperature for serving. Because no instructions for this procedure had been established by previous investigators, preliminary tests were made to determine the length of the reheating process for bringing the roasts to serving temperature. Trial investigations A trial run was made to determine the length of re— heating time for frozen and defrosted roasts in the oven t1 and a steamer with 7 pounds of steam pressure. Two roasts were removed from the freezer 28 hours before reheating time and were placed in a refrigerator at «6°C. Two roasts were removed from the freezer immediately before they were reheated. Each roast was placed in an aluminum pan similar to those used for the roasting process. Time necessary for reheating. It was found that the frozen sample reheated in the oven at 205°C required 2 hours and 25 minutes to reach a desirable temperature for serving; the sample reheated in the Steam Chef required 2 hours and 50 minutes. The defrosted sample reheated in the same even required 1 hour and 15 minutes; the sample reheated in the Steam Chef required 1 hour and 35 minutes. Orienting the fiudges. A practice period was arranged for the Judges to acquaint them with the scoring methods. They were given typed instructions as well as an oral introduction to the taste panel procedure. The Judges were assigned places at different tables so they were not tempted to converse during the taste panel sessions. At the preliminary meeting they scored four samples which had been reheated according to procedures derived from the trial run. This gave them a chance to ask questions regarding the taste panel procedure. A cepy of the written instructions used is included in the Appendix. The oral instructions were primarily concerned with the tenderness table. The Judges were asked to cut a piece of a specified size from each slice of meat and to chew it until it was completely masticated. They recorded the number of chews required and also assigned numerical tender- ness scores for each of the four samples. The investigator compiled a tenderness table for each.Judge based on the scores and number of chews recorded for these samples. These individual tendernessurange cards were used by each Judge for scoring all samples for tenderness throughout this in- vestigation. Test Procedures Four replications of the reheating procedures studied constituted this investigation. Each of the four methods of reheating together with a control was tested each time. The procedure for cooking the control roasts was the same as that used for the initial cooking of the precooked, frozen roasts. The frozen roasts were reheated at the end of L weeks of frozen storage. Preparation of samples The reheating of the roasts for the taste panel was done at the same time and on the same day of the week for #3 four consecutive weeks. Thus the first three groups of roasts were tested four weeks after they were frozen. Due to circumstances which disqualified the roasts originally planned for the fourth series of tests, the roasts used for this were in frozen storage for five weeks. Five coded samples of meat were prepared for the panel members at each meeting. Each judge received the slice cut from the same position in the roast for every sample. Shear force tests Tenderness was objectively measured on the Warner- Bratzler shear machine. This shearing apparatus measures the pounds of force required for the blade to cut through a sample of meat, 1-inch in diameter, prepared according to standard procedure. Three tests were made on a cylinder of cooked meat from each roast. Subjective tests The six judges scored a sample from each roast which was out from the same muscle as were the samples for the shear force tests. Each judge had the written suggestions for scoring and her own tenderness table for reference. The scoring was based on a scale ranging from 1 to 10 for aroma, flavor, tenderness, and juiciness. Descriptive terms for uu aroma and flavor were listed for the judges to designate their reason for rating any sample lower than seven. After counting the number of chews, each judge recorded it and then checked her own tenderness-range table to assign a tenderness score. 1+5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of this study represent only the beginning of work needed in this area of research. Statistical calcu- lations were not attempted because of the small number of samples studied. Graphs and tables were constructed to aid in interpreting the results. Palatability Factors Palatability was considered the most important criterion for evaluating the effects of methods of reheating the roasts. Aroma, flavor, tenderness and juiciness were the palatability characteristics judged. Often appearance and texture are also studied in investigations of this kind. They were omitted from this study because the quality and the initial internal temperature of the roasts were constant factors throughout the investigation. Therefore, appearance and texture were expected to vary only slightly among the samples. Aroma and flavor Aroma and flavor are very closely associated palatability factors. Some investigators feel that aroma is more important than flavor, but it is difficult to separate them in the tasting process. The average scores for aroma and flavor are shown in 14,6 Table l and on Figures 1 and 2. The flavor of the control received the highest score. Aroma scores did not appear to be closely correlated with flavor scores. The frozen roasts reheated in the oven without preliminary defrosting were scored the lowest. The long period of time necessary for Table 1. Average aroma and flavor scores Oven Steamer Control Defrosted Frozen Defrosted Frozen APOmI 6eh 6eh 5e5 7e? 6e? Flavor 7e5 6.0 LeB 6e? 6.} reheating these reacts in the oven may have caused the aroma and flavor of these samples to become undesirable. Adjectives used by the judges to describe the samples were warmed-over, old, strong, burned, and washed-out. All of the samples, including the controls, received a few of these adjectives except burned. Burned taste and odor was used by two of the judges to describe several samples of the frozen roasts re- heated in the oven. The judges preferred the flavor and aroma of the roasts which were reheated in the steamer to those reheated in the oven. AROMA SCORES J ‘1 1+7 Steamer Defrosted -. E - - Oven Frozen .\\ Replications: I II III J l J Figure 1. Average aroma scores. ' ' e . ”.‘(OVOn Defrosted 11.8 Br 8- Control P 7 ... Steamer Defrosted “*r-~-~ -\‘j----—~-- \ \\‘ ‘~\‘ \\\ “~s‘ \ \ 6 __ o. x ' . , x ‘ ‘fisgfmofirosen V) ,be/ \-\ ..... ... ...°‘-.,\‘\ E / / . ...H'K. .. 0. ° /' \. Oven Defrosted u . \. ’ \ v2 5 ,._ ./ \. c: \ ° \ Oven Frozen > < C —' \ 0.1+ . F" \ \ \ 3 ~— \ \O \ \ __2 _ . Replications: ;» I II III IV S #1 1 n as?‘ Figure 2. Average flavor scores. h9 Tenderness and shear force The average scores for tenderness according to the taste panel and the shear force readings are shown in Table 2 and Figures 3 and h. The judges scored the control highest, but the shear force readings indicated no correlation between the scores and shear force. This may have been attributable to the presence of hidden connective tissue in some of the shear force samples. The frozen roasts reheated in the oven received the least desirable average scores. The high shear force readings may be partially explained by the presence of a heavy brown crust on shear samples from roasts reheated in the even without preliminary defrosting. This crust formed on most of the shear force samples during reheating in the oven even though the samples were wrapped in foil. No crust was formed Table 2. Average tenderness scores and shear force readings' Oven Steamer Control Defrosted Frozen Defrosted Frozen Taste panel 6.5 6.2 5.6 6.h 6.1 Shear force 20.7 20.9 2h.5 18.2 18.8 on the samples which were reheated in the steamer. The ex- terior of all the roasts reheated in the oven became crusted to varying degrees on all sides. There appeared to be little v. 'TENDERNESS SCORES So Oven Defrosted - -'3, Control \ --s. Steamer '\\ Frozen Oven Frozen \\ 2’ \e \e \ Replications I II III IV I I I I Figure 5. Average tenderness scores. 51 7V" ‘ 1 10‘... \. (Oven Frozen \ e \ e \ .\\. \fSteamer \ Steamer Frozen 15 _ \ Defrosted \ \ Oven Defrosted' \ . ‘53 20;. :325 _ Z a d: 3 ‘3 3d- 0!. 8. \ f 3% 3i. \ / \ ./ \ / no; \ j \ /‘ \ f .5- - / h \ . .\/ Replications: I II III Iv J J - v a 1 L. Figure II. Average shear force readings. 52 difference between the average tenderness scores and the shear force readings for the control and the samples reheated in the steamer and those defrosted and reheated in the oven. It was interesting to note that scores of the Judges showed more consistency for tenderness than for other palat- ability factors. Consistent scoring was more evident for tenderness of individual roasts prepared by each method than for aroma, flavor, or juiciness. The tenderness-range table deve10ped for each.judge probably had same influence on the uniformity of the tenderness scores. Juiciness The average scores for Juiciness are shown in Table 3 and Figure 5. The control samples received the highest average score. These findings agree with other studies, (1, 29, 65, 71), with regard to the general statement that meat becomes drier with prolonged heating. The samples reheated in the even begin- ing at the frozen stage received the lowest average score. Table 5. Average juiciness scores. Oven steamer Control Defrosted Frozen Defrosted Frozen Juiciness 7.h 5.1 3.6 5.7 5.8 53 9.. F‘ Control 8s. 7__ ‘\ Steamer Frozen u: \‘~ —"~\ u: zlez"” ‘\~\ ,’ d 6"— z' \‘ \\ / o \\ \ I U ‘s‘ \ ’ n \\ \\ // ‘x \A’ V, e ° 0 \ / m K......... 0a..\.\... / \\ “’ 5L_ Oven Defrosted ‘\ "oo....vf......L§x z \ , ‘I C ' \\\ / S '/. \.\° \V’ St Def ted ., .// a \\ eamer ros /’ ‘\ \ Lu— ./ - \ \gu"0ven-Frozen \ 3__ \ - \ 2 Replications: '\ I TI III IV 1 I I L Figure 5. Average Juiciness scores. The other three methods of reheating the roasts had scores which seemed quite similar. The scores for the steamer methods appeared to be slightly better than the score obtained for the defrosted roasts which were reheated in the oven. However, the range between the high, low, and medium scores seemed great. A partial explanation for this may be the evidence that volatile losses for the original roasting of the controls were from 2 to 3 per cent lower than these losses of the other roasts. Studies, (67 and 73). showed that meat cooked with moist heat was drier than oven-cooked meat. The scores for beef reheated in the steamer did not substantiate those findings. The full wrapping on the roasts reheated in the steamer appar- ently kept than moist whereas the foil wrapping on the roasts reheated in the oven appeared to have little effect on moisture retention. Cooking height Losses Heavy cooking losses are undesirable because they result in a smaller number of servings from the cooked meat. It was interesting to compare the results with other studies because these roasts were average market products with no data recorded concerning the cattle from which they were taken. Cooking losses were also considered to be a possible means of clarifying juiciness scores which were obtained. 55 Total cooking losses Total cooking losses for each roast are recorded in Table h in the Appendix. The average total cooking loss for the twenty roasts was 32.91 per cent. lasuda (71) reported total cooking loss of 35.3 per cent at 80°C and Dunnigan (t2) reported 12.63 per cent at 70°C. The roasts and procedures of these two studies were comparable to those reported in this investigation. Volatile cooking losses Volatile cooking losses for each roast are recorded in Table h in the Appendix. The average volatile cooking losses for the twenty roasts was 22.39 per cent. Masada (71) re- ported volatile cooking losses for sirloin butts, Choice grade ‘as 29.5. Both sets or roasts were cooked to an internal temperature of 80°C. Dripping losses Dripping losses for each roast are recorded in Table h in the Appendix. The average dripping losses for the twenty roasts was 10.93. Hasuda (71) reported dripping losses for sirloin butts, Choice grade, at 5.8. Both sets of roasts were cooked to an internal temperature of 80°C. There is probably more than one reason for this difference in per cent of dripping 56 1035. The extent of aging may be different for the two groups of roast.. There may have also been a fiifference in the amount of fat in the cuts used. Time Required to Reach Certain Internal icmocraturee o The time required to reach 60°C, 73°C, and CO C for each roast is included in Table A in the Appendix. The average time for the twenty roasts was as follows: 18.51 minute: per .1. .. 'e on a $- 0 pound Jo recon 60 c, 22.¢5 minutes per pound to reach 70 C, and 28,35 minutes per p and to reach 80°C; Lowe (56) pointed out that time of cooking in terms of minutes per pound could serve only as a partial guide because .1" the following factors afiect the time requ ed to cook the p. ’1 meet: (a) the method of cookinfi; (b) 4-'he cooking temgereture; (0) weight, surface area, and the shortest distance to the center of the thickest partion of the meet; (d) the stage of donenese to which the meet is cooked; (e) the composition of the meet; (3) the degree of post mortem changes; and (5) the initial temperature of the meat. fi 57 SUhtARY AND COEEEETS The primary objective of this study was to compare the effect of various methods of reheating on the palatability of frozen, precooked roast beef. The palatability scores for aroma, flavor, tenderness, and Juiciness of the freshly roasted beef were not equalled by scores of any of the methods used for reheating precooked roasts in this study. The beef reheated in the oven at 20h°0, from the frozen stage, was definitely undesirable. The palatability scores for the other three methods indicated that these methods may offer possibilities worth modification and further study. The second objective of this study was to discover the length of time required to reheat the frozen,prccooked meat. In each case the time required was too long to make the method practical for use as an emergency measure in institution food service. The time for reheating roasts in the steamer was a few minutes longer than the time required to reheat roasts in the oven. Improved results might be obtained if the meat were frozen in smaller packages. The shorter time required to reheat small packages would make the process more practical and also might result in a more palatable product. A decrease in oven temper- ature of at least 25 degrees might also prevent the formation of the brown crust and reduce the drying effect of reheating the roasts. 0 58 There are many other possible methods for reheating roast beef. The best method for retaining palatability may not have been included in this study. Much more work needs to be done to discover the best possible way to preserve the quality characteristics of freshly roasted beef. Q‘. ”A 6. 7. 8. 10. LITERATURE CITED Aldrich, P.J. and Lows, B. Comparison of grades of beef rounds. J. Am. Diet. Assn. 50: 59-h}. 195k. Alexander, L.m. Shrinkage and heat penetration during the roasting of lamb and mutton as influenced by carcass grade, ripening period and cooking method. v.5. Dept. Agr. Bu. the 25-25. 193h. Alexander, L.M. 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Farmers HUI. 5h. lbgée 67 APPENDIX 68 Table A Percentage of cogking losses and time required to roast meat to 60 C, 70 C, and 60°C internal temperature Code Volatile Drip Total Minutes per pound No. Loss Loss Lose 60°C 70°C 80°C N17 18.29 11. 9 29.88 18.75 25.21 50.5h 55h 22.86 11.§5 55.57 22.76 22.09 5h.05 L27 20.71 12. 6 52.1h 21.1h 2 .8 55.20 x8h 21.gu 12.20 52.95 20-h9 2h. 51.22 Average 20. 0 12009 52015 088 25.80 7-7h 52.90 16.10 19.81 2h.88 281 27.6 9.21 56.18 1 .57 21.05 25. 8 R75 22.13 7.86 29.29 1 -7h 20.92 29. 0 211 17.9 .66 27.39 19.75 25.61 29.68 Average 25.5 .62 510 9 B29 18.hZ 1h.6 58.22 18.87 16.h0 2h-05 K57 . 27.1 12.9 58.69 1 .50 19. 5 23.69 F10 20.95 8.78 29.7 1 .20 25. 5 2 .97 N95 22.70 8.51 26.2 21. 7 26.55 51.52 Average 22.52 11.25 55027 I 5 22.60 1 .69 5 .62 15.5 18.06 2 .52 132 27.17 3.85 52.%2 16.15 20.gt .7 B56 19.85 12.50 51. 2 20.55 2h. 2 51.1“ B15 20.5 7.28 29.1h 20.25 2h.90 50.85 Average 22.5 10085 53020 - 21 2 .hh 11.2u 6.0 11. 0 1u.86 2 .00 T7 ZZ-Ih 15.6 £9.28 17.27 20. h 23.56 Y12 20.27 12.1 51.76 19.02 2 .25 29.;3 F51 19.87 10.90 50.72 20.50 2 .82 29. Average 22.95 11.99 Bh-h Total Average 22.59 10.95 52.91 18.51 22.25 28.55 The date in this table were recorded at the initial roasting period. No records were kept of the losses due to freezing and reheating after the initial roasting period. 59 Table 5 Average scores for aroma, flavor, tenderness, shear force, and Juiciness for each roast. methods Code Aroma Flavor Tender— Shear Juioi- of No. nees force neee Reheating Control NIX 6.5 6.8 h.g 32.8 6.8 S .0 O O O 0 L37 2.2 7.§ 6.8 20.L 6.6 288 8.0 7. 7.5 1L.7 7.6 Average 6.h 7.5 .5 20.7 7. Ove Defgosted 083 6.7 7.2 5.2 26.2 5.2 . 281 6.2 5.8 5.7 2%.0 5.0 :21: 2'3 5-3 2-2 11.-g 23 Average 628 2.0 6.2 20:9 5.1 0 e FZOZOH B29 505 500 5.0 22.6 hoo K57 5.5 2.0 5.2 h7.0 2.0 5:8 3'3 5'3 3-3 17-2 123 Average V 5:5 3:5_ 5:6 28:5 3:6 Steamer 6 g 6 b _ DefTOSted I 5 e} 02 50 180 0 A32 8.2 6.8 5.7 26.3 2.; 33% 5'2 6'3 6'3. F'S Le"? Average 7:7 6:7 6:h l :2 5:7 Steamer 6 8 6 8 8 6 Frozen Zl . .7 2. l .5 .5 T . 6.‘ .8 21. 6.0 YZE 6.; 5.7 .8 17. 5.0 2 F51 6.5 6.0 .0 17.8 5.8 Average 6.7 6.5 6.1 18. 5.8 l. 2. 7. 8. 7O GUIDE FOR IASTE PANEL Smell each sample first and score aroma. Rate each sample as you test it. Do not change rating once it has been made. Keep hands away_to avoid everupresent skin odors from interferring with Judgment. Be careful to avoid comparing samples with.your own preferences. Tasting should be done slowly. Allow at least one minute before determining score. Take a sip of water and‘wait another minute before beginning next sample Use sample size cut from approximately same position in each slice. Count number of chews necessary to masticate it com- 131 at 61y 0 Please do not exhhange Opinions or comments with other panel members. (If 71 m . 1, 1 . i a -. i - . 1 “magma a 22m " w in ha in Sea .- M ...: some 83. 283. Jam-Eons w haeaohpxm mnm> . “ monpw mamamamvoz kn86> mamaehpxm ~ W W M M .. .. - i - - W 1 W _ _ W . _ a . a a _ M macho mmdoa mmsoe m wmdqfiz mead seduce amusoa mmmzmeZMB .... ml . .1- 31 ho Monaura- haoamafinm 30> m swoop”. m gum-mm M Medusa maomvmamga .8989 hawk, inmost-J e- pzouoenmmsg. ...... H .w w m: . . :..w..-- fi:;3;;. w..-§:. -;;;-:-:-fl. -4 am>0udoahm31§§. m _ m m w w 3;: . 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