‘lf‘lll If 1 ll, 4 I l ‘ t W ‘t “Ml ‘ I I l 137 504 THS $ 1 0 P.— ‘ ‘mfls ..-.. “an...” ‘ . Q n ‘ r , ~ ’ I V . : . J 'vH -‘g I . . .‘ .,,. . .. '- .‘L 'v L. PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. To AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE ' DATE DUE 6/01 c:/CIRC/DateDue.p65-p.15 I _ ._ _ 7 7 _ _-_ ._ __ mmsamnmrmmmmm mm CAPE!!! (l' SILICA GIL A Tho-10 Sub-1M to the Faculty Of liohignn Stat. 00110;. In Mid runabout of the Begun-cunts for the negro. of Wrath” DOW of Chant-try By (HF Joseph Jiflqupor 192‘! .yrl ‘l‘ mamma- ICU It hao boon round that if on aquoouo oolution of a oilicato bo troatod with tho oquiwalont quantity or an acid, froo oilicio acid and a oalt aro forlod. 'rhio oilioic acid la in tho colloidal otato, and not in tho tom of a oinplo diooolwod man... I: this ayoton bo allcwod to otand undioturbod, tho oilicic acid prooont will oxhihit ito inoolubility, and a sol will for. oconor or 1601' nnlooo tho niwturo io wot-y diluto. Tho opood or golatiou dopoudo upon ooworal factoro, along which arc, oxcooo of acid or alkali prooont, tomoraturo, agitation, tho kind of acid uood, and my othoro, all or which contributo to tho final proportioo at tho sol. Conoidorablo invootigation hao boon carriod out roux-ding oilio- ic acid solo both with roopoct to thoir proparation and thoir proportioo. It wao found that tho sol upon drying oxhibitod tho rolarkablo proporty d‘ holding cortain onbotancoo omits ourtaoo. i'hio proporty had boon ob- oorwod in many othor oubotancoo, along which waa a diatuacoouo oarth or Xiooolghu-Sl) found in arm. dopooita in my looalitioo and eon-mm; ct oilioom oholotono or diatuo, tho oilica of which won doriwod fro- tho wator in which tho diatuo livod. thio oarth woo uood as a docoloriaor, and will aboorb ooworal tinoo ito woight ct wotor. ll'ho poculiar proporty oxhibitod by tho driod oilicio acid sol or holding foroign oubotanooo on its curtaco, io knoum ao adoorpbion. ac diotinguiohod fro. abocrpbiou. Inanmh ao thio proporty io inortant tron both tho aciontif‘ic and cmrcial otandpoioto, Itch roooarch has boon douo with tho wiow of diocovoring, if pcooiblo, tho boot nothod od' propor- ing a sol which will oxhibit minu- adocrption. 10025“? -1- (2) Moorption appoaro to bo larsoly a phyoical phonanoncn and io inflnoncod in nany wayo. in oilioic acid solo oxhibit thio proporty to a sroator or looo dosroo, which proporty varioo with tho nothcd or proparation. In wiow of tho fact that tho variationo in proparation of solo aro practically intinito, and that ovon aftor tho sol hao boon ob- tainod conditiono or dryins have a tronondouo offoot on tho adoorptivo capacity, it ia not onrprioins that any contradictory roporto havo boon pnbliohod rosardins oilioa sol. none-$3) in 1913. found that by varyins tho concentration of hydroson and hydroxyl ion, ho could control tho opood of solution. In hio roooarchoo ho proparod a valuablo tablo in which ho sivoo tho conoon- tration at a nubor of aoido, both orsanic and inorsanic, which 'whon nixod with oqual woluaoo d' ocdiun oilicato oolntion of a siwon ratio of Iago - Bio; will prodnco a sol which will act in any lonsth of ti- dooiroda Grotto-(4) produood a hydroool or oilioic acid by niwins tosothor oqual volunoo od’ ton por cont oclutiono or oodiun oilicato and hydro- chloric acid. Bo thon pnritiod tho hydroocl by dialyoio, coins hio ranouo hoop dialyaora Thoush ouo work had boon dono boforo hio tilo on thio oanoot, no oyotonatio roooaroh io ovidont, oo tho hiotory of oilica sol ohonld proporly dato tra tho oxporinonto of Graham Golo havo boon proparod at a mob oarlior dato than thcoo pro- parod by Brahma. though thoir natnro won but wasuoly onopoctod. In 1773 Bat-o boliovod that ho had cbtainod a oolnblo for: of oilioa by troatins oiliciu mutt: dittoront aoido. Boraolino, in 1830, proparod solo in omral difforont wayo, anon; which ho mporatod a nixtnro or air. and B O, which finally oot to a sol. lbolnm, in 1845, nado a sol by 2 hydrolyoio od' othyl ortho oilicato. In 1861, Booqnoral producod a plat- inouo oilioa by olootrolyoio of potaooiun oilioato. Plouy, in 1866, produood a sol uoins a oilioato and acotic acid. Othoro, includins Icnior (1865) and llounior (1391), havo proparod solo of oilioic acid by various nothodo. Bolnoc and Andorom“) havo proparod a oilioa sol by procipitat- ins oilioa and oxidoo of iron tosothor and than diooolvins tho iron out of tho sol by acido. Thoy claiu that thio sivoo a vory aotivo sol duo to tho offoct ct tho iron onidoo on poro formation. Patrick and HoGavack draw) aftor a oorioa of oxporinonto with 803 and oilioa sol, docidod that tho oaoo with which a sac condonooo, pro- notco adocrptim. it that tho thoy hold tho thoory that ncioturo omtont of tho sol dotorninod ito activity as on adoorbont. float of wottins wao otudiod by Patrick and Grin-,m by inoroins tho sol in difforont liquido. Thoy account for tho hoot liboratod by a dooroaoo in ourfaoo onorsy duo to diminution of intorfaoial tonoion bo- twoon tho otruotural wator of tho sol and tho liquid olployod for immor- oion. Patrick and Davidhoioor“) invootisatod tho adoorption of In; by oilioa sol with tho purpcoo in viow of otudyins tho naturo of tho oaall amnto of wator loft in tho sol aftor activation. 1'hoy concludod that tho wator contont had but littlo offoot, ao thoy producod a sol contain- ins ac low as 0.333 820 which was but olishtly loco activo than thooo containins concidorably larsor onounto. Holnoo, Kaufman, and licholao“) otudiod tho vibrationo in sol colt-no, and found that vibration froquoncy varioo diroctly as tho conoontration of oilioic acid, inoroaoins with ninoral acido and dooroao- ins with crsanic aoido. Bovoral authoro havo oucccodod in obtainins cryotalo fro. both tho hydroool and hydrosol of oilioic acid. ‘rhio was acooupliohod at hishor tonporaturoo howovor, and aftor prolcnsod hoatins. Thoush thooo oryotalo havo boon fox-nod at hish tonporaturoo, thoy would undoubtodly for: at ordinary tonporaturoo, thoush vory olowly. It io boliovod that voin quarto 'wao fornod by a sradual prooooo of dohydration, an a oonvincins part of thio prooooo can bo roproduood in tho laboratory. [any sono aro probably forlod in tho oano nnnor. Bilicic acid in a noro or loan hydratod for. coma in naturo ao opal, chaloodon, asato, hydrophano, otc., and in tho vosotablo kinsdu ac tabaohir. fiydrophano and tabaohir cloooly roooiilo artificial solo, boins ooro or looo tranoparont. according to wator contont. Liooosans hao ohown that asato hao probably boon producod frou a sol of oilioic acid into which layoro of iron and othor oalto havo ponotrurtod. To tho soolosiot a workins nothcd of duplicatins nany ouch prooooooo of naturo, io of sroat valuo. Undor ordinary oonditiono tho oilioic acido arc of tho woabot of inorsanio acido. Orthooilicic acid roadily booaoo convortod into ito anhydrido and wator, thio boins roadily facilitatod by boatins. uuoh in- vootisation hao boon. oarriod out to dotoruino tho oxaot conpooition of tho hydratod oilioa. Grahanuo) found that by caroful dryins of tho purifiod hydrcool of oilioic acid in vacuo, and furthor dryins ovor oonoontratod 11280” tho rooultins product had a cupcoition corroopondins to tho fornula “02.320. thin. I“ lator vorifiod by c. Rom-tau” in 1868. Variouo hydratoo havo boon cbtainod in difforont nannoro, corroopondins to tho formlao 28i02.m20, ”102.2320, 38i02.320, and isionizO. Garnolloy and lalkor( 12) found that in dohydratins a oauplo of carofully proparod oilioic acid sol, thoro wac ouch a olisht chanso in tho rato at which wator wao sivon off, that tho boliof in tho oxiotonoo of any dofinito hydrato woo not juotifiod. rhoy furthor concludod that oilioa io a polynorido with tho fornula (BiOgh. Tho valuo d‘ 3 wao found by Babonocffu'a) to lay botwoon ooo and 1000, which would sivo tho nolocular woisht of thio c.- pound on oxtronoly larso valuo. ‘l'hio io noaninslooo bocauoo of tho hotoro- sonity of tho colloid oyoton, which oyotoao do not follow tho lawo of co- nctic prooouro. Hanoi-(M) boliovoo that tho hydratoo of oilioic acid aro but arbitrarily ooloctod otatoo in a ccntinucuo oorioo botwoon tho hydrcocl and tho dohydratod oilioa, and aro roprooontod by pcinto on a conthuouo dryins curvo. In hio otudy of colloidal Iotallic oxidco, Sioz roooivod opocial attontion fro. Van Bo-olonus). Bio invootisationo of tho pwoioal pro- portioo of oilioa sol includod tho oquilibriu conditiono oniotins botwoon tho woisht of wator hold por sran of Bioz and tho vapor prooouro. no ootab- liohod a hydrationodohydration ourvo frm which ho concludod that tho hydro- sol of oilioic acid io of an unotablo capcoition of tho sonoral cupooi- ticn “02.11320, tho valuo of g dopondins on tho proviouo hiotory of tho sol. 'rho otruoturo of oilioic acid solo hao boon tho objoot of con- oidorablo invootisaticn for any yoaro. Prmkonhoin in 1885 boliovod Jollioo to bo ossrosatoo of onall cryotalo with pen botwoon thou. I. Yon hasoli in 1879 adoptod a oinilar viow that solo woro caapoood of oolocular caploxoo or nioollao, with cryotallino proportioo, ooparatod by okino of £20 and fornins intorotiooo in which B20 was containod by nolocular attrac- tion. nonunioh‘“) asrooo clcooly with thio viow, ccnoidorins solo to bo tho oano ao oolo, in which oclid particloo aro oc abundantly prooont, that tho' dioporoion nodiun, tho liquid, in roducod to vory thin filao, which, liko a foot. ooparato tho clcooly packod particloo. Van Bollolon boliovoo that tho colloidal particloo of oilioic acid arranso thonoolvoo -s- with tho wator noloculoo to fora a coll-liko otruoturo of dofinito ccnoti- tuticn, and that thooo collo buns tcsothor at cortain pointo to for: a not- work. Butcchli hold a oinilar viow to Van Box-colon, but in 1911 thio thoory wac dicprovod by Zoisncndy who oxaninod with tho ultrooicroccopo a dry sol which had boon troatod with bonool vapa'o. Lo tho bonaol ovapcr- atad, tho Tyndall canon") appoarod, and faintly diocorniblo oubnicrono, which srow in brishtnooo, woro coon. fhooo oubniorono bocano oc brisht that thoy illuinatod thoir noishborins particloo. Thin lisht wao linoar polaricod. Bachnann, in lOl'I, found by hio vapor prcocuro iocthorno, that tho pcroo of oilioic acid solo havo radii botwoon 2.5 and 5 nilliaicrono, which io about 300 tiooo onallor than Butcohli'o honoyooobo. fhooo oxpori- nonto' oxplain Yon Bonolon'o hyctorooio cyclo. Zoisncndy and Bachnann favor a fibrillar otruoturo. chain (1920) holdo a viow oinilar to Pround- lichue) 'and Patrick"), that idontical colloidal particloo aro prooont in tho ocl and sol otato, which diffor only in nochanical risidity and olao- ticity. Bradfordo'a) omriaoo tho difforont hypothooio concornins sol otruoturo hold by variouc invootisatoro, and claooifioo tho difforont oyotono undor which solo fall. . fho tondoncy ozhibitod by all oclido to ccndonoo upon thoir our- faooo a layor of any sao or liquid with which thoy nay bo in contact io tornod adoorption. Tho amount of adocrption io ocnditionod prinarily by tho oxtont of ourfaco oxpcoodus). Sinoo ncot oharccalo oxhibit sroat ourfaco duo to pcrooity, ccnoidorablo work has boon dono with thio cub- otanco. In cortain toohnical prooooooo oilioa sol ocapotoo with activatod charcoal, oo at tho prooont tiao thoro lo a diotinct difforonco d opinim ac to tho rolativo norito of oach ao on adcorbont. . Patrick wao anons tho firot to invootisato tho adocrption of saooo by oilioa 91(6)“). Daniolo and “cont-(3°) propcoo to adoorb nitric onido with oilioa sol in tho arc prccooo for tho fixation of nitro- son. rho Royal Dutch Sholl anany of Ban Franciocc, California. hao ouc- cooofully onployod activatod oilioa sol to ronovo oulphur cupoundo frao oil and to rooovor saoclino moron”. Gaoolino pnrifiod by oilioa sol wao found to bo ouch ouporicr to that proparod in tho ordinary nannoruw , whon uood at a nctor fuol. ”(28) found that ordinary oilioa 3.1 only taboo up 23: or ito woisht of bonxono. coho-(3‘) otatoo that ho pro— ducod a vory activo sol by troatins ocdiun oilicato with niokol chlorido. rhia sol, ho ropcrto, will adoa'b 1001 or ito woisht of bottom. origami) proparod a sol by a opooial procooo which at 400’ O had an adoorption capacity so; sroator for nitroson than tho boot charcoal blown. Silicic acid solo havo boon ucod ao a vohiclo for natal oatalyoto. Royorocn and Thaaou‘) proparod a sol by tho Patrick nothcd and aftor dryins owacuatod it at 250° 0 for two houro. It wac thou troatod with puro hydrcson. Iftor adocrpticn oquilibriun had boon roachod, ocluticno of oalto of tho notalo to bo dopcoitod woro addod. Gold, oilvor, platinu, palladiu, nickol, and ccppor oalto woro uood. 0f thooo, palladim and nichl ohowod rooark- ablo activity ac a catalyct in tho hydrcson-othylono roaction. rho procodins briof roviow of tho litoraturo io'nct intondod to ocror tho ontiro fiold. rho paporo conoidorod woro includod for tho roaoon that thoy appoarod to havo a diroct boarins on tho proporty of adoorption. In viow of tho fact that thoro aro oc nany variaticno in tho proparaticn d' oilioa sol which affoct thio proporty, a nothcd .bracins tho ncot dooirablo foaturoo of tho nany known nothcdo ohculd rooult in a ouporicr sol. i'ho indication of tho furthor poooibilitioo of opooially pro- parod oilioa solo lod tho writor to tho conoidoraticn of tho offocto of forric oxido on tho adoorptivo proportioo of oilioa sol. A sol which -7- n. . .. . . . . . , ... . . r. f. . . . y . .. .. I l .t ,V .. . 3, . o.\ . r , . t ' I . ._ \ I t . .r , . a! r O I . C a J o . .. . . . . . . ox _ a . - v w of . a . . , o . . . . .o . .. r y o ‘ t a D .. . . ‘ .., Q . . . U o 0a . . i t. v . , _ _ . . .. . n .r .4 i. r . I.. . r ‘ . .\ h . — . ‘ a . . J .. . ‘ v . , . . . . . A r O 0 . u . a . A O . o\ b . O I . . n , . 7 , .. .. 1‘ r . ,J I O ,I . . i a a a . u f . l . .. . n V. o . . o . . . l _ o a A' n. n l . o 4 . I I c a J . . .— . . A . I a, o . .. ,_ . i . o . a .a . r‘ . A . a I I . (S. r . , o a . . _ /\ a . , . v . a a . I I p r . o a . a a . r O t a will horoinaftor bo doocribod wao proparod and ito adoorptivo proportioo otudiod with an orsanic and an inorsanic sac. Bocauoo of tho fact that throo chiof factoro influonco tho adoorptivo activity of a sol, thooo throo factoro will bo conoidorod ooparatoly ac followo: l. lothcd cf proparaticn; 2. lothcd of purification, or ronoval of by-producto; 3. Iothcd of dryins and activating and, finally, toot of, 4. Adoorptivo capacity of tho solo with carbon totrachlcrido and anonia saooo. W11. 1. RIPARATIG 0‘ (BA. 1 oorioo of oilioa solo wao firct proparod containins varyiig concontratiaio of ocdiu oilicato and hydrochloric acid. Thio acid was chcoon bocauoo of tho ouo with which alkalino chloridoo diffuoo fro- solo. Thic wao coco-pliohod by varyins tho opccific sravity of tho ocdii- oilicato oolution whilc koeping tho quantity of acid uood fixod. Tho oorioo of solo wao nado with tho viow of chcocins for tho following orporinontal work a sol which confornod noro noarly from tho phycical standpoint to tho but solo doocribcd in tho litoraturo. A canorcial wator slaoo wao uood havins a opocific gravity of 1.3960 and with a Iago - 810 ratio of l to 4.2. In tho followins analycic nothyl cranso 2 wao uood ac an indicator. TABLE 1 Gapcoition of Iator Glaoo . sodiu ouido (lazO).....................7.72% 8111a (8102)..........................cz.42% loiotm-o...............................69.86$ 89001110 gravity........................1.396 Tho nothcd of proparaticn of thooo solo wac oinilar to that uood by Snitoszn procautiono boins tahon to bo uniform in procoduro. Tho sol finally ooloctod wao nado frm tho' followins nixturo: lator slaoc solution (op. sr. l.l)..........4 parts 301(Ip. 5r. 10°57)oooooooooooooooooooooooool part . r .. a "o o O ‘ a . a O C 3 . .. O O o a . ‘ ' o O I U 0 I O l I O C . . , O O 00“ O . .. § . Q J I . a O I a .1 . o O . O n o O '0 l o Thio nixturo oot to a cloar sol in 6 houro, fron which cynorocio wao con- ploto in 6 doyo. A lothod was now dovclopod for ilprosnatins tho sol with col- lcidal forrio ouido. Sovoral nothcdo woro triod which woro acro or loco cuccoooful. but ao tho final sol wac unoatiofactory, thooo woro rojoctod ono by cno. Forric chlorido ocluticn wac addod diroctly to tho wator slaco. but duo to tho hydrcson ion fra hydrolyoio tho nirturo oot innod- iatoly into a ccoroo ctroaky sol. Vory diluto forrio chlorido wac addod with no bottor rocult. Tho puro oilioa solfundriod, wac idorood in a oclution of forrio chlorido for «moral dayo, and thou boilod to facili- tato hydrolyoio. Tho sol wao brohon into onallor piocoo which woro oc brittlo that thoy oaoily crublod. Thio wac ropoatod with tho oolid sol, coins a oonoontratod oclution of forrio chlorido. Tho inoroion wao corriod on for oovoral duo. By tho color of tho orcoo ooction of tho sol, it no coon that tho forrio chlorido oolution had ponotratod tho sol in a uniforn nannor. Tho sol wao than racvod fron tho oolution and partly driod without waohins. Tho sol wac thon ocahod in dictillod wator. and aftor 24 houro tho forrio chlorido woo found to havo cuplotoly diffuood out. Thio wao ropoatod. allowins tho sol to dry opontanoouoly for oovoral dayo in an attonpt to duplicato tho nothod of Brissoszs) Tho final sol bocano oc brittlo that it could not bo handlod roadily without crI-blins, whilo a whito chalky oruot fornod on tho cutoido. i forrio onido hydroool wac thou proparod by hydrolycio of tho chlorido in boilins wator. Thio wao ccolod and than uood to diluto tho wator slaoo. i cloar, tranoparont nixturo rooultod. Tho hydrochloric acid wao thon addod with rapid otirrins, and aftor a ohcrt tino a cloar. roddioh brown sol forlod. Thio wao allowod to dry for throo dayc and than 7‘ placod in diotillod wator. Aftor oookins two wooko in runnins wator, tho sol wao found to havo chansod color but clishtly, oo thio nothcd of proparation wac docidod upon. A oorioo of solo wao proparod, oach nonbor of which ohall bo dooisnatod ac 0., 01, 02. 03, otc.. and oach containins a ohall variahlo quantity of iron with tho oxcoption of Co which ocntainc no iron oncopt a traoo which wac found prooont in tho wator slaoo. It wao found that by dilutins no part by voluo of wator slaco with throo partc by volt-o of diotillod wator, a nioturo would bo'cbtainod which had tho roquirod opocific sravity, nanoly, 1.10. Tho solo woro cbtainod fri- tho followins Iixturooz- (co) 'lotor slaoo..............................125 cc. Diotillod wator..........................376 cc. Eel (8p. Gr. 1.067)...."................100 cc. (0;) . Thio sol wac nado in tho followins nannorh 316 cc of diotillod wator wao brousht to boilins. Thou 0.26 cc of a hishly conoontratod' oolution of forrio chlorido wao addod drop by drop. A puro rod hydroocl wao obtainod. Thio wac ccolod to rcon tonpor- aturo and thou addod to 126 cc of tho orisinal wator slaoo with ocnotant otirrins. Thio nixturo wao than plaood in an ovapcratine dioh and 100 cc of tho diluto hydrochloric acid addod with viscrouo otirrins acrcoo tho dioh. Aftor a ohcrt tiao, a roddioh brown sol fox-nod. Tho root it tho oorioo wao Iado onactly ac doocribod for (01) with tho oxoopticn that difforont quantitioo of tho conoontratod forrio chlorido oclution wac addod to tho difforont solo. Duo to tho for-ction of no). durins hydrolyoio of tho forrio chlorido, oach 5.1 containod a larsor quantity of thio acid than tho ono bofcro it in tho oorioo. Thio ~11- I O . I V v - . I . . . i t 0 I . O O . cl I aaunocc'o 1 a... 4 . .a K ,- .. .‘r‘ d . . ... .. ‘ . had a notiooablo offoct on tho opood of solation. which variod fru 6 houro in tho caoo of (0°) to 20 ooccndo in tho caoo of (on). Tho follow- ins tablo will prcvo uooful in cmparins tho quantity of forrio chlorido oclution addod to opood cf solation. ram 2 W. W Gol oolution addod Galation co lcno 6 houro °1 0.15 cc 5 houro 0: ' 0.25 " 12 amt... 03 ' 0.60 " 6 oinutoo c. 0.15 ' o ninutoc °5_ 1.00 " 1 nin. 60 coo. ca 1.25 " 1 nin. 25 coo. 0., 1.50 " l nin. 10 coo. °e 1.15 " 1 ninuto °o 2.00 " 45 ooccndo c10 3.00 " so ooccndo 011 4.00 ' ao ooccndo Tho abcvc oboorvationo woro nado fron tho tino of ctartins tho addition of tho acid to tho firot appoaranco of solation. Tho acid wao addod ao rapidly ao poooiblo, about ton ooccndo boins takon for tho addition. A atop watch vac uood in all caooo oxcopt (co) and (c1) yum aro but approximation. Aftor tho firot appoaranco of solation. it pro- coodod vory rapidly, but a fow ooccndo olapoins until tho nioturo had cuplotoly cot to a sol. Boo fisuro I. ~12- . . 7 . . . . ,. ---.- .. , aao... .v . . . .. _ .-- .. .- . . -.».. _ -- . a._ . a , I I o o ‘. ; - .~. o C ‘ "I _ , . - Q . s . , a --v p... .- . . - - » ~ I . - a y - - o -- o a. . g a ._ a -. - - a y ' . .1 ‘ v I . . . , ' » 3. _‘ ‘ ,. ' . i . , a l a r , , ’ - , , ' . '\ t . - . V . . _ I . u. , - -c ' . x .- . ' ' . i p 0 ~ . o -' 0 a a . . H chow“ m .mmmama 2318 m8 2H one? as; St madcap n N Tl nlr l 0H NH LflMIFr‘? NI DIIILLHS of) mill. '3': 5.. 2. FOREIGQICI (r 0818. Tho solo woro allowod to act in tho opon air at rcc tonpor- aturo for four dayo, durins which tiao oynoroooo wac ovidont. At thio tiao tho solo ohcwod an avoraso ncicturo ocntont botwoon 45% and 657K. Thoy woro thon brobon into onall cuboo approxinatcly ono inch on oach adso. Thooo woro oach placod in a two litor boakor and ccvorod with dio- tillod wator. Tho wator m chansod oi: tinoo oach day for two wookc, at tho and of which tino all avidonco of chlorido ion had vaniohod accord- ins to tooto nado with oilvor nitrato. Tho abovo nothod of waohins wao found to bo noro officiont than runnins wntor. Tho lattor nothod wac triad on oovoral solo praviouo to thio tino, uoins a ccnatant lovol ciphon and drawins tho liquid fra tho bottu of tho containor bolow tho sol. l nuoh lcnsor poricd was found noooocary for waohins tho sol froo of chlor- idoo than in tho caoo of docantation, in which caoo ton dayc wac cuf- ficicnt, thoush four dayo lonsor wao tokcn ac an addod procauticn. Jordio‘za) found, by cookins . 3.1 of oilioic acid in cold wator, that tho oodim oalt of tho acid uood and tho oxcooc d' acid diffucod out of tho sol until noithar wao prooont accordins to. tooto. If tho sol io furthor wachod in wator at a to-poraturo of 100° C. tho oodiu colt, frat ovapcraticn dotorninationo, dooo not dininioh. Thio lod hi: to boliovo that a dofinito oilicato wac fornins with tho ocdiun and dio- oolvins in tho wator. 3. mm (1' 1mm AID ACTIVATIOI CF wagons. Aftcr tho solo had boon wachod for two wooko by tho nothcd d‘ dccantation, thoy woro roady for dryins. At thio otaso tho solo had bo- caao conawhat lishtor in color than crisinally and woro found to havo owollod conoidorably. Tho noioturo contort avarasod 8023. Cara wao oxor- -13.. cicod in handlins thooo solo or thoy woro ncro frasilc, duo probably to tho larso ncicturo contont. Procautiono woro taboo to provont tho larsor lunpo fru broakins down. Thooo solo woro tbn roady fa- tho firct otaso of dryins. Ac tho purpoco of tho cxporinontal work wao to produoo an activo sol, and ac tho valuo of oilioa sol ao an adcorbont ic duo to ito ancrnouc cpocific ourfaco, all procauticno aro nocoocary to provont in- Jurins tho dolioato cullular otruoturo of tho sol, which injury would dininioh tho ourfaco. Any docroaca in ourfaoo would offoct tho sol ac an adocrbont. Thooo solo woro now placod in a dryins box built for thio pur- pooo, which wac 8 foot lots, 18 inchoc wido, and 12 iuchoc doop. Tho bcttu wuc wand and a doublo thicknooc of chooco cloth ctrotchod tisht- 1y aorocc tho cpcnins. A chooco cloth wao alco otrotchod acrooc tho top of tho box to hoop out tho sroator part of tho duct. Thoush tho solo woro novor oxpccod to a toaporaturo hishor than 36° 0, thoy driod vory rapidly. Ac thoy driod, thoy docroacod in cioo and ooncoquantly bocana doopor in color. At tho and of throo dayo, thoy had docroacod in voluno about 80$ and at tho and of b dayo about 151. Tho sol which containod no iron (0°) bohavod a littlo difforontly. Durinswachins it incroaood but littlo in ciao, did not bocmo frasilo, and finally driod nuch noro clocly, about covon dayo boins nococoary to dry thio sol. Tho final product wac a cloar, hard sol which had a slaocy fracturo. It would oacily coratch slacc. Tho solo containins tho iron driod down to hard,brittlo solo, whcco color variod fro- lisht anbor to doop, roddioh brown and whoco noioturc con- tout variod frm 18% to 18$. Thooo solo woro thou roady for activation. By activation ic noant tho frcoins of tho ourfaco of tho ad- corbont or .11 natorialo not «can. part of ito otruoturo. Many in- voctisatorc concidor wator ac port of tho otruoturo of oilioa sol. ~14- -\ Proundlich( 16) boliovoc that cola and solo aro vary oinilar, tho difforonco boins in tho quantity of dioporcion nodiu prooont. In tho caoo of oilioa sol, tho cclid particloc aro coparatod by an adocrbod fill of wator. Prankonhoin, Von lasoli, Bachnann, Zcisncnday, lchain, and many cthorc favor thio viow. Zcisaondyug) by ultronicrcccopic incpcction found that tho lowor tho conoontraticn of ccdim oilicato uood in tho sol proparo- tion, tho onallor woro tho particloc. Patrick“) found durins hio oxpcr- iaouto with oilioa sol and culphur dioxido that thoro wac a lcwor linit of ncioturo contont boycnd which docrcaoo in activity occurrod. Ruthsw) workins with a Patrick sol, found a docroaoo in activity of thooo solo which woro activatod abovo 250° 0. For tho abovo roaccno it wac docidod to linit tho final tolpcroturo of activation to 250° 0. Tho apparatuc uood for thio work io chown in fisuro 2. Tho sol to bo activatod wac placod in a larso o tubo _o_, which wac in turn placod in an old rapo cood oil bath 2. Tho frooh rapo cood oil wac proviouoly hoatod for 24 houro noar ito boilins point to drivo off inpuritioc. Dur- ins thio prccooo it bocano dark brown and viccouo. Upon ooclins and ro- hoatins, it incroaocd in tonporaturo uniformly with no apparont vaporiza- tion. Rubbor ctcpporc woro fittod into tho U tubo and throush thooo air wao adnittod by noanc of a hard slaco load-in tuba. Thio wac inoulatod with aobootoo. Tho 'T" wac oquippod with a thornaotor woll 3. Tho slaco load-in tubo and 'T" woro coalod tosothor by tishtly windins aobootoo cord aorcoc tho junction. A coalins cmpcund of slycorino and litharso wao pourod cvor thio cord, and than hoatod with a cocky flano. A partial rodacticn of tho litharso by tho slycorino occurrod, and a hard, sray- cclcrod coal wac obtainod. This could bo oaoily brobcn by pcurins hot wator cvor tho coal. Tho slaco "T" wao ccnncctod to an iron tuba 3. ~16- f. 14 which wac fillod with chinslc nailc which actod ac an air bafflo. Thio tuba wac hoatod by sac. Ocnnoctod to thio tuba on tho oppccito and wao a U tubo s fillod with dohydratod Caclz, and to thio wao connoctod a bubblins colun fillod with concoutratod 0.P. 3230“ Air wac drawn thrcush tho ayatan by a cucticn pup connoctod to a cafoty trap P. by tuba g. Thio trap wao placod in tho oycton ac a procaution asainct back procouro ohould anyf- thins so wrons with tho auction pup. Aftor tho sol to bo activatod wao placod inUtubcg, tho tcnporaturowac broushtuptc 86°0bynoano d a burnor placod under 9.. Air wao drawn thrcush tho cyctan cinultanocucly at tho caoo tocporaturo ac tho oil bath. Tho tonporaturo wac hapt botwoon 00° 0 and 90° C for oi: houro. Durins thio tiIo wator vapor wao coon to condcnco in b. Tho tonporaturo wac than raicod to 260° 0 and bopt at thio point for two houro. Tho ctcp cccko woro than clocod, thuo icclatins tho U tuba and contontc, than tho cyctan wao allowod to cool. Aftor ccclins, tho sol wao placod in an orlonnoyor flack which wac thon coalod with collcdicn. Bach sol wao activotod in tho nannor juot dcocribod. Tho volmo of air por nimto drawn thrcush by auction wao hopt conctant by 'ccuntins tho bubbloc par ninuto which paoood thrcush tho 3280‘ colt-n h. Aftcr activation, tho solo woro found to havo chansod thoir appoaranoo fra a chiny, roddioh brown to a dull, rod purplo. Tho noioturc and iron ccntout of oach sol wao now dotorninod. Bach sol wac pulvoriood by uco of an asato nortar until it pacood thrcush a 40 oach oiovo. mo sran oanploc woro uood for noioturo dotorninaticno. Thooo woro placod in a platiutl cruciblc and hoatod fa' uactly two ninutoo ono inch abovo a nokor flonc. Thio lonsth of tiao wac found to bo ouffi- ciont to ranoro all ncioturo. Tho solo woro found to chansc fra a purplc- brown color to puro whito durins hoatins. Upon coclins a faint sroonioh tinsa wao ovidont in tho sol. ~16- Tho iron contont of oach sol wao dotorninod by tho nothcd of zinnornann and Roinhardt, with tho oucoption that tho oilioa wac firot rcncvod ca 894 by noanc cf hydrofluoric acid. Tablo 5 ohowc tho ncio- turo contont, and iron contont ao p.203. TABLE 3. Grano i 5 par Eran Fog par of Gal Gal Gran Gran of o1 00 .0421 Traco 01 .0647 .0025 Cg .0755 .0048 03 .0717 .0059 04 .0662 .0071 05 .0542 .0087 as .0489 .0097 07 .0531 I .0106 03 .0566 .0118 09 .0650 .0128 C10 .0721 .0178 On .0854 .0225 Tho abncraally hish ncioturc contcut of 011 may bo accountod for by tho wator of hydration hold by tho hao; which ic additivo with tho wator of otruoturo of tho sol. Thio io undoubtodly tho caoo with oach sol with tho oxcoption of 0., which hao tho loooct ncioturo contont of tho oorioo. 4. msmruoo IITE OARBCI TETRACHLQIDE. Adcorption hao boon dofinod as a lcccc fixation of a oubctanco at an intorfaco.(16) Thio nay bo pcoitivo or nosativo, thoush tho lattor io ucually cc anall ac to bo uuoaourablo. Adcorption ia tho rcoult of a difforontial anictins botwoon tho rato of condonoation and ovaporation at an intorfacoiu) Thioic duo ontiroly to intonoity of ourfaco forcoc. Accordins to Lansnuir, thoro aro two diotinct claococ of adccrption, nano- 1y, chonical and phycicalsu) 8y ohanical adccrption io noant tho typo oxhibitod by activo adccrbontc ouch ac notch, and by phyoical that chown by inort adccrbontc ouch ac nioa, oilioa, and charcoal. n. furthor difé- forontiatoc botwoon tho two typac of adccrption ac prinary and cocondary, prinary adccrption boins duo to primary valonco forcoc whilo cocondary adccrption ic doc to coccndary valonco forcoc. It follcwc tint tho lattor io tho woakor. of tho twc- forcoo conoidorod. Bonton‘sz) claocifioc thooo two typoo accordins to tocporaturo and proccuro offocto, chcwins that cocondary adccrption docroaooo rapidly and continuouoly with incroacins tonpcraturo, but incroacoc sradually with incroaoins proccurc. Pricary adccrption, on tho othor hand, firot inoroacoc and than docroacoo with incroacins tonporaturo, but incroacoc vary rapidly with incroacins procouro. Bay( 23) ccncludoo froo hio rocoarchoo that an adccrbant hao a sroator adoorptivo capacity for thooo ccnpcundo which fall in tho caoo clacc with roopoct tc thair orisin, i.o., orsanic or inorsanic, and will proforont ial 1y adcatb thooo capoundc , aftcrwardc oxhibitins sroat roton- tiv ity whon hoatod and ovacuatod. Tho adoorptivo capacitioo of thio oorioo of solo wac dotorninod dynamically. Dry air oaturatcd with 0014 wao paoood ovor a woishod canplo of tho sol until no furthor incroaoo in woisht wao cbcorvod. .n chum.“ .m \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ v \ \ \ \ v a V E \ \ \ a \\ m L 1 1 i it x \ Tho adccrption train uood for thio purpocc ic chown in fisuro 3. Air wac pinpod into chanbor Ewhich waa hopt at rcou tcnporaturc. Thio chamber prcvidod a noanc for trappins any oil which nisht paco oror fron tho blowor, and likowico to connect tho cyctan to a cafoty coluan 3 thrcush tuba g. Thio cafoty column conoiotod cinply of a tubo dippins into a norcury colmn. Tho column could bo raicod or loworcd at will, thuc incroaoins or docroacins tho hoisht of tho column of norcury. In thio nannor any dooirod proociro could bo cbtainod, tho oxcooo of which would bo roliovod thrcush tho cafcty ccluun. Tho air paccod thrcush _o_ into a bubblins ccluan _f; which can fillod about two-thirdc full of con- contratod 0.P. 2280 . Thio coluan corvod both ac an air dryor and a com for chockins tho nannor in which tho pup wac functionins. Any lock in tho cyct- boycnd thio point could bo dctoctcd by tho ratc at which tho air bubblod thrcush tho coltnn. Prat tho coluan f tho air paocod to a larso U tuba which wac fillod with dohydratod Gaclz. Thio corvod ac an additional dryor and likowico ac a cpraytrap fron g. In oorioo with thio U tuba wac a onallor U tuba h fillod with slaco wool which ccroonod out any duct particloo which night bo carriod fra s. A throo way ctcp- ccck _i_ wao placod in tho oyctan at thio point for oafoty purpcooc ohould tho blcwor fail to function prcporly. A noroury baruotor 1 wac uood to noacurc tho proccuro in tho oycton boforo tho air paocod thrcush tho capil- lary _1_ of tho flownctor 5. Tron tho flownotor tho air paocod to throo flaokc 3 fillod with 001‘. Thooo alcc containod slaco wool which corvod ao a bafflo for tho air. A fourth flack g wao fillod with slaco wool to catch any opray which nisht paco frm tho 001‘. Thooo flaoko woro placod in a larso roctansular slaco battory jar _c_ which wac in turn placod in a hoavy cardboard containor p. Sawduot wac tishtly pachod around tho slaco Jar to inoulato it fron tho row. Ico wac pachod around tho caturcticn train in tho slaco Jar, and tho train ccvorod. Tho air paocod frm tho caturation train into a U tuba 5. which containod a known woisht of activat- od sol. Tho I] tuba wac placod in a conctant tanporaturo lobar oloctric furnaco _._ and tho tanporaturo rosulatod to 35° 5. Tuba _t_ ccntainod nzso, thrcush which tho air wao diocharsod. Thio actod both ac a coal and a noanc for dotoctins any lock in tho cycton botwoon atop-cock _i and tuba g. Tho adccrption wac carriod on ac followo: Each sol wac sround in an asato ccrtar until it paocod thrcush a forty nooh oiovo. It wac found in oach caoo that 23% to 261 of tho total sol would not pacc throqh a cixty oach oiovo. 10% to 12% would not pacc thrcush an oishty noch ciovo, 207‘ to 25$ would not paac thrcush a cno hundrod oach oiovo. Tho ronaindor paocod a ono hundrod oach oiovo. A canplo of tho sol wac placod in U tuba _i; which had proviouo- 1y boon woishod. Tho tuba and sol wac rcwoishod and th.: placod in tho furnacc and connoctcd in oorioo with tho train. Tho sol wao allowod to otay in tho furnaco for 30 ninutoo to arrivo at tho cno tonporaturo ac tho furnaco. Tho atop-cock 3 wao now cponod to tho air and tho blowcr otartod. Tho proocuro wac adjuctod until a difforontial of 5} continotorc wac cbtainod aorooc tho flownotor. Safoty column 3 wao than adJuctod until air juot otartod to bubblo thrcush tho coluan. Tho proocuro wac than roadjuctod until a difforontial of 5 continotorc wao oboorvod acrcoc tho flownotor. Tho atop-cocko of U tubo 5 woro than cponod, and finally atop-cock 3 woo clccod to tho air and cponod to tho cyatan. At intorvalc of 15 cinutoo tho sol wac rcwoishod until a conctant woisht wao cbtainod ovcr coo-half hour. At tho abovc proocuro difforontial 100 cc. of sao por ninuto paocod thrcush tho sol. Tho adccrption capacity of tho difforont solo toward an; wno now tootod. Tho sao wao paoaod dircctly thrcush tho flownotor into tho woishod sol which had provicucly roachod tho tonporaturo of tho furnacO. A proocuro difforontial of 5 a. wao uood ac boforo. Tabla 4 chowo tho rocultc of tho adccrption tooto. TABLE 4 “ m, .11.. Matti. *m‘d'? Gol # par sron of sol por sran of sol _A sranc 0014* 0. .0454 .0381 .0875 01 .0299 .0255 .0945 02 .0205 .0204 .0959 03 .0291 .0300 .1014 c, .0375 .0359 .1038 05 .0488 .0440 .1020 0'8 .0509 .0385 .0998 01 .0458 .0330 .0999 08 .0402 .0305 .0953 G9 .0381 .0250 .1031 010 .0219 .0232 .1000 011 .0238 .0215 .1102 Tho curvoo ohown in fisuro 4 furniah a noano for caparins tho woisht of 0014 adccrbod by ono sran of tho difforont solo durins cqual intorvalc of tho at 35° 0. Thoy tabo tho fora of caturation curroc, and chow tho adccrption ratc of tho varicuc solo. DISCUSS 1r: Ira Pisuro 1 and Tabla 2 it ic coon that tho rclativo tino of solation for tho difforont solo varioc with tho quantity of forrio chlor- ido addod. Pcrrio chlorido in contact with boilins wator hydrolyccc vory rapidly, furniohins 501 and forrio hydroxido accordins to tho follow- ins oquaticn: Pocls a 3 H20 .- nun), «- 3 H01 It ic boliovod that "(01); oxicto ac a hydratod oxido Fo203.3320, thoush lillisan(33) clainc that no dofinito hydratod ocido of iron orictc. It io coon that tho opood of solation chansoc oncrncucly bo- twoon solo 0° and 011' Thio ic curpricins whon tho rolatiroly caall in- oroaoc of hydroson ion ovcr tho orisinal hydroson ion ooncontraticn io conoidorod. Tho incroacod opood of solation of tho solo with inoroaco in forrio chlorido ic of intorcot. Followins ic tho incroaco of opood of solation ovor tho prcvicuo cnc in tho oorioo, with tho cocondins oorioo of forrio chlorido concantratticn: c. - 1, 01 - 1.33, 02 - 25, 03 - 2.4, c, - 1.1, 05 - 1.54, 05 - 1.3, 07 . 1.21, ca - 1.11, 09 - 1.33, 010 - 1.51, on - 1.51. Tho total incroaco in solation opood fra 0° to 011 ic 1080 tinoo. Pisuro 4 ic a sraphic roprooontaticn of tho rolativo opood of adccrption of tho difforont solo at a dofinito tonporaturo. Thooo aro typical caturation curvoc. Tho followins tabla indicatoc tho incroaca in woisht of tho solo duo to adccrption of tho 0014 at dofinito intorvalc of tino. 10 '7 L—-—--—f r—i , // A / rj/ MI .05 .05 4. 0 O //[/ 2 0 c :5 8 3:6 «an unnamed «So .8 mass .01 2 houro. 1 hour a TIME IN HOJRS . (Tonp. 35° C.) Figure 4. TABLE 5 LTotaT .11.. per Gel l5 nin. 15 nin. k hr. i hr. t hr. sron of sol 0., ‘ .0380 .0030 .0019 .0005 0000 .0454 01 .0255 .0025 .0015 .0004 0000 .0299 02 .0130 .0034 mm .0022 0000 .0208 03 .0200 .0033 .0035 . .0001 0000 .0291 c, .0310 .0040 .0030 .0003 0000 .0313 05 .0404 .0051 .0021 .0003 0000 .0488 05 .0410 .0034 .0003 , .0002 0000 .0309 01 .0330 .0030 .0020 .0008 0000 .0433 ca .0340 .0040 .0022 ----- 0000 .0402 09 .0320 .0040 .0013 .0005 0000 .0381 010 .0220 .0044 .0011 .0004 ' 0000 .0219 on .0190 .0031 .0005 .002 0000 .0233 It io of interact to note that on tho averaso tho solo adccrb appronilately 81% of tho total enount in tho firot 15 ninutec. Specific adccrption of .the different solo with 001‘ and In; wao plotted. Thece are chcon in fisuro 5. The solo are reprecented on the abcicca by their 11.203 concentraticnc. With °°14 it wao found with the accendius concentrationc of 2.203 the curve reached a lini- nu for 02 (coo table 3). With incrcaoins 15203 concentration opocific adccrption increaoed until sol °5 wao roachod, and than clcwly docroac- ed to the end of the oorioo. The on; curve ic very cicilar with the exception that maxim cpocific adccrption oecurc with sol 05. The ccicture content of the solo with the aocendins ”203 ccneoutrationo ~23- 1“ .w—..F- -o u o ' . fl 3 1 a ' O . . . . t . | ‘.. . I I a I . l l‘ ' a -' ‘ . ' s l . , . r 7‘ .1 w I ' V - \ l .m Emu: .86 8 name and coach .6 mass GRAMS OF H ,0 PER can; cr- GEL. one. «No. ONO. 20. 30. 30. 20. 0.8. woo. woo. 30. N00. 0 o , . o .8. a0. «o.l.uuulllll.ll..lii..lr mo. Ola/L] I It 0 I, or no. / 1 no. / I . .o \ / 8. / a V4! EV» '1“ $0. \ mo. a \ mo. 8. .\ \ . co. >0. c\ jc/|\ . 50. m0. \1\ 00. ocua\.. mo. mo. OH. OH. ' NOIMHOSGV 01.510st . wao alcc plotted on the cane sraph with the cane ocale. It io coon that the water content reacheo a maxim for sol 02 and a niniann for sol 05. Gel 0° likowice appearc ac a niniuun. Ac the 2.203 concentrationo increace froo 05, tho-noicture content sradually increacoo. Ihen the 0014 and noio- ture curvoc are oboorved tosothor, a narkod relationohip ic readily oboorv- ed. Tho nciottn'o curve appoaro to be a nirror inase of the 001‘ curve, i.o., a nininun exhibited by the 0014 ccrrecpcndo to a noxiou- on the ncioturo curve. Where the clcpe of the 001‘ curve ic pcoitivo, tb clcpe of the noieturc curve ic nosative, and vice verca. From the cancer of. behavior of cilica sol ten hoatod, it appoarc that the view of Treundliohu”, Patrick(°)(7)(°), and cthero resardins the otruoturo io correct. It io probable that the particloo which ache up the sol are of the cane oioe ac thcce whieh'naha up the col. In the caoo of solation, the ccntinucuo phaco hao docroacod sroatly in vclue and the colloidal particloo are core clccely packed. Slow dryins allowo thooo particloo to pack thenoolvoc in a nor-a1 nannor with a naxicun nunber cf pcreo of unifor- oioe. The colloid particloo (3102) are currounded by a fill of water which allowo linited notion to the nacc. Thio fill of water, which ccnctitutec the ccntinuouo phaoo, precervoo the sol otruo- ture and ccnoequantly precervoo the umber and cioo of pcreo. The nunber of pcreo undoubtedly dooo not choose durins prelininary dryins and activa- tion, thoush it ic very probable that their cice dooo chanso. Al the ‘ noioture eccapec, tho particloo cattle tosothor, thuc decreacins the voluwo of the inter-opaco and ccncequently the pore oioe. Thooo inter- opacec between particleo conotituto tho pcreo. After activation, it io believed that the reaainins water io adccrbod «1 the particloo. If thio ic renoved by haatins, the ncicturo io replaced by air bubbleo which sivo -24- a . . n . t ._ 1. A. a . a a It . . r I; . r a . '. I .4 o . . . . a w . . V . . r . a . . a chalky appearance to the sol. Upon ctill further hoatius, thoce air bubbloc dioappoar and the porn becone unifcrnly 2111.3 with air. The sol then becuec slacoy, trancparent asain. Any rouainins water ic ctrcns- 1y adccrbod and the sol irreverciblo and inactive at thio point. It wac believed that if it were pcocible to uniforlly fill thooo pcreo with col- lcidal particloo of very coall dinoncicn, ouch ac p.203, the ninber of pcreo would be increaeed and a ctill sroater curfaco would be procented. Tcsether with thio it wae boliovod that 1.20, would exhibit a powerful adccrption for saoec which would penetrate into the pcreo. It will be recalled that durins activation of thooo solo a chanse in color fron roddioh brown to purplich wac oboorved ac the Icic- ture content docroacod. When furthor heated -- durins acicture content deterninaticno -- the solo becace pure white. Upon occlins, a yellcwich sreon tint wac oboorved, which no due to the iron prooont, probably ac a nixturo of ferrcuc and ferric cilicate. Upon addition of water no chansc took place, which chncd the chanse to be irrovercible. The chense fru red-brown to purple-brown durins activation wao undoubtedly. due to a chanse of water of hydration, a different hydrate boins for-ed. Due to the incroacins Pe203 cutout of the sol oorioo, they were expected to chow brittleneco after activation in direct proportion to their iron concontration. Thio wac expected on tho bacic of the outcone of fella and Pirth'cu‘” rocoarchoo. Thio brittlenccc did not caterialioe, howcvor. The fact that the solo were hishly colored after activation wac cufficient to indicate the colloidal natwe of the 15203 prooont, at loact to acne extent. Undoubtedly .ca. asslaeraticn had taboo p1... durins the 5.1 contraction, which nay have recultod in the fornation of a different hydrate , thuc chansins the color of the sol. -25~ ..‘ ’1 Pron fisuro 5 it ic coon that mimic adccrption occuro at nininun ncicture content, and nininun adccrption at mini. ncicturo con- tent. If the woisht of water per sran of sol be added to the woisht of CGI‘ adccrbod per sran of sol (coo table 4), it io coon that the once are nearly conctant. The avercsc cf thece cunc ic practically identical with the can obtained fro. ,°6’ Thio leadc to the opinion that the iron con- tent had nothins whatecor to do with the activity of the sol. The noio- ture content dooo, havever. Thio my be explained by aoaunins a carica- adccrption capacity of the orisinal oilioa sol (0.). By varyins the water content of. water by hydration of T5203, and water of otruoturo, ”part of the adccrption capacity wac oaticfied. Upon addition of 001, the renainins capacity wac caticfied, and the cerioc of solo exhibit vary- ins dcsreec of adoorptivo capacity due entirely to the difference in Icic- ture content. The In: curve io very cinilar to the 001‘ curve, thoush fru the rocoarchoo of Patrick and Davidhoicer“) it woo expected that tho adoorp— tivo capacity of the sol would vary directly with the ncicture content. 1h. recultc do not chow thio, however, which ic an indication that th. total water prooont ic not free to take up the was. .'26- GUCLUBICIS l. Colloidal hydrated ferric oxide was highly protected by the ecdiu eilicate when the acid wae added. This wae evidenced by the char- acterietic red color of the gel after eetting. Upon waehing thie gel, the color remained. 2. During activation, the red-brain color of the gel changed to red-purple. Thie wae due to loee of water of hydration of “the ferric aside, a different hydrated oxide being found. 3. The epecific adccrption curvee for both 0014 end In: ehowed uni-an adccrption with nininnn ncietnre content, and ninienn adccrption with minn- noieture content. The adeorptive capacitiee cf the gele therefore vary invereely with their noietnre content. 4. The epecific adccrption cnrvee ehow nail-a and ninina regard- leee of the iron concentration of the gel. The iron content therefore has no effect on the adeorptive capacity of the gel. 5. The etrnctural water of the gel and the total water are not the cane, nor do they exhibit the cane effecte on adsorption. This in chain by the behavior of In; with Go in contract with the reet of the eeriee. According to Patrick and Devidheieer, the adeorptive capacity for ma ehould vary directly with noieturc content. Thio ie not true ft:- the eeriee of gele need in theee experinente. d. The water held by the Fezos ie water of hydration and doee not give the cane effect ac the water of etructnrc of the gele. -27~ BIBLICBRAPHI 1. 11. Watts: Dictionary of Chemistry, 3rd Edt. (1888). 2. Patrick: Chicago fleeting Am. Chem. Boo. (1920). 8. 5.1-»: J. Phy. Chen. _2_2_. (1818). ' 4. 1'. Graham: Phil. 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