137 078 HTHS A SWQ‘T" fig "E’HE iNFLUENCE 3F METARY' ANS} G‘fi'iER FACTQRS ON TEE PRODUCTIGN OF DEN'ML GAMES {N A SUSCEPTIBEE STRAIN 0F RATS Themis {‘m' NW Degree af M S. MlCHiG-AN $‘E‘ATE QOLLEGE RObE-i‘? W‘ifliam Si‘ipek ma ,b n _ ‘ t' : ‘3: -* This is to eertifg that the thesis entitled A.STUDY OF THE INIIUENGE or DIETARY AND OTHEB.IAOTORS OR THE PRODUCTION OF DENIAL CARIES IN A SUSOEPTIBLE STRAIN O! BATS presented by Robert V1 1119.!!! Stipek has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for ".3; degree in chemistry Quid. Major professor 1 Date hungry 19. 19M - .m- - I __ .- —_ aim-j I‘Iu -'. A STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF DIETARY AND OTHER FACTORS ON THE PRODUCTION OF DENTAL CARIES IN A SUSCEPTIBLE STRAIN OF RATS By Robert Hillier: Stipek A THESIS Suhaitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Chemistry 19148 -7 ’ / ’ L. 1' N M I ll ; L9 \ k \. ‘ a \‘\\ \\r\)\ '3 x). é I ACKNOWLEDCMENTS The author wishes to express his gratitude and sincere appreciation to Doctor Carl A. Hoppert for his guidance, interest, and friendship throughout this study and. his kindly criticism in the prepara- tion of this manuscript. The author also wishes to make acknowledgments to Doctor Philip J sy and Doctor Benjamin H. Pringle for their cooperation and interest. 198864 mmUmIONCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HISTme...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0.0.0.... A. B0 Fluorineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeee Co Amonia-PrOduCing Gunpomdseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoo Do.Miacellan80u3.oo................o............ooo EXPERIMENTAL...00000000000000e00000000000000000000000000 A. B. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Genera m Etiolog000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO werEIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0.0.0... 10 Animals U86d............................... 20 Care Of the.Aninals........................ 3. Observations............................... he Preparation Of Dietseeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeee 50 canpOBition 0f.Dietseeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeee Procedure....................................... 10 Group Ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooeeeeeooeoeoeoee 2. Group IIoeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeooooeeeeeeeeooooeee 30 GrOUP IIIOoeeeoeooooeooooeooooooeeeeoeeeeee he Group IVOOOOOOOOOoeeooeeeeoeeeeoeeeoeeoonO 16 50 Group Veeeoeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeoeee 17 60 Graup VIoeoeeeooeeeeooeeeeeeoeeoooooeeeeooo 1? 70 Group VIIeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeoeeoeeeeeeooooeeeee 17 80 Group VIIIeeeeeeooeseeeeeseeeeeeoooooeoeeeo 18 90 Group IXeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeoooeeeeeeo 18 KEKKGCSif-fififixoqmuww DATAOOO0.0.0.0....O...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO0.0.0.0.... 19 Table I....0...0.00.0...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00...... 19 Table IIOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO00.0.0.0.... 20 Twle IIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0. 21 Table IVCOCOOCOOCOOOOOOOO0.0.0.000...OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 22 Table VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00. 23 T‘blo VIoooeeoeeeooeeeeeoooee00000000000000.0000... 23 Table VIIoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 2h DISCUSSIONoeeoeeeeeeeeoeeeeoeeeeeeeeoeooeeeeeoeooeoeeoeo 25 1. 2. 3. h. 5. 6. 7. 8. Groups I ‘nd IIeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeee 25 Group IIIeeeeeeeoeeeseesoeooeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeoee 26 Group IVeoeeeeeeooeeoooeeoooooooeoeeeeoooeeoeoee 26 GrOUP Veeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeee 27 GrOUP VIeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeee 28 Group VIIoeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeooeeeoee 28 Grow VIIICOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 29 Group IXeeeeeeeeoeeeeeooeooeooooeoooeeeeeeeeeeee 30 CONCLIJSIONSOOOOOOOOO0. 32 BBLIWMOOOOO...0.0.0....O0.0...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 33 INTRODUCTION The problem of tooth decay is. one which has held the atten- tion of workers in new fields for a number of years. It is not a new disease but rather has plagued mankind for centuries. The fact that it dates back to prehistoric tines is substantiated by findings in ancient ruins of carious human teeth (1). The statement has been reads that ”there never was an epoch when the hman species was not cursed by toothache" (1). It is not easy to attack this problem since it has been daonstrated by workers in various fields that diet, heredity, tooth structure, secre- tions and micro—organisms all play 'a very important part in its causation. Therefore, it can be seen that it would be impossible for one person, or a single group of workers, to investigate all of these contributive factors and arrive at an answer to the prob- 1m as a whole. Inasmuch as dental caries has been and is at present one of our chief concerns, it sears desirable to approach the problem frm the standpoint of prevention as well as to study causative factors . The availability of a caries susceptible strain of rats developed by Hunt, Hoppert and m (2) greatly facilitates the study of causative and preventive factors. In this study the work was divided into three main parts: I The Effect of Certain Foods on the Production of Dental Caries. In this part of the work sue foods which are nor- mally a part of man' s diet were fed. The foods selected .1- II III for special stucbr were two forms of the potato and a cereal breakfast food, wheat flakes. The Effect of Amonia Producing Cmpounds and of an Aloniun Salt on the Prevention of Dental Caries. This part of the work sought to determine if urea and urease (alone and in combination) a: dibasic ammonium phosphate when incorporated in a cariogenie diet would reduce the incidence of dental caries. The Effect of Fluorine on Dental Caries in the Rat When Given in the Drinking Water. This part of the work was done to deter-ins whether or not drinking water containing fluorine in amounts canparable to and greater than those which have been observed to be caries inhibiting in drinking water for humans would decrease the incidence of tooth decay in this susceptible strain of rats. A. HISTORICAL General and Etiology Dental caries is one of the oldest and camonest diseases of man. Its existence is known to have gone back as far as 2800 B. C. All through the history of mankind one finds quite frequent reference to the fact that dental caries existed, re- gardless of the degree of civilisation, provided that starchy foods were included in their diet. Early attmpts to find the basic cause of dental caries net with little success and it has been only in the last thirty years that real progress has been made. Marv investigators now think that the basic cause of dental caries is the fermentation with acid production of carbohych°ates in the oral cavity (3). Several. groups in this country and abroad began a series of studies on the causation of tooth decay in about 1920. Since that tins great strides have been made in the field and much has been done in the way of clarifying the causes and treatnent of the disease. One of the foremost groups of this field was Bunting, Jay, et.al. (h) of the University of Michigan. Their contributions have been and are continuing to be most outstanding. Among others in the field are groups headed by Doctors Klein and McCollm at Johns Hopkins University, by Doctor Rosebury and coworkers at Columbia University, and by Doctor Hanks, et.al. in the Chicago Dental Research Club of Chicago, Illinois. Outstanding individual workers include Agnew, Boyd, Bodecker, McBeath, Hunt and Happert, McClure, -3- Mellsnby and Armstrong. Each has made his contribution to the complex problen and it is noteworthy that this study has brought together people fru the fields of dentistry, phy- siological chanistry, genetics, bacteriology and nutrition. The study of tooth decay in animals dates back to 1922 when McCollum, Simone, Kinney and Greives (5) reported find- ing lesions in the teeth of the albino rat. The gross feat- ures of decay were pointed out by Greives (6) who observed that first a penetration of the enamel occurred which was followed by spread in the dentin with subsequent fracturing. More recently, Klein and McCollun (7) have attributed the cause of macroscopic caries in rats to be (a) fracture of the molar cusps; (b) decay at the bottom of the molar sulei; ( c) interprorinal caries where food impaction has been fre- quently noted; and (d) a embination of all three factors. They found that the ingestion or a rachitogenic diet contain- ing coarse corn meal gave carious lesions, whereas the same diet containing finely ground corn showed abscence of caries. The fact that particle size is an etiological agent in the production of dental caries was first duonstrated by Hoppert, Webber and Caniff (8) in 1931-32. Rats fed rations low in calcium and Vitalin D failed to develop cavities, whereas extensive decay was observed in the control aninals fed an adequate stock diet. Further investigation by these workers showed that the stock diet contained coarse corn meal which was directly concerned with the development of caries. Other rations, although nutritionally inferior to .1... the stock diet, but containing corn meal ground to pass a 60 mesh sieve failed to produce caries. One factor that must not be overlooked is that of species difference. Perhaps it will explain the report by Shaw, Schweigert, McIntire, Elvehjem and Phillips (9) that the cotton rat is better suited for dental caries studies due to the fact that there is no difference in the response of tooth decay when the particle size of the ration is varied. Particle size etiology has been confirmed, however, by Klein and McCollum (7), Shelling and Asher (10), Rosebury, Karshan and Foley (11, 12, 13, 1h). Lilly and Wiley (15) and King (16). B. Fluorine The incorporation of fluorine in the diets and drinking waters of both man and animal has given a new impetus to the prevention of dental caries. The inportance of fluorine was first discovered when it was observed that eerie s-free individuals were fairly nunerous in areas in which the domestic water supply contained an appre— ciable amount of fluorine. Observations made by Dean (17) and his associates in the United States, by Ockerse (18) in South Africa, by Ainsworth and Weaver (19) in England, and by others in different parts of the world substantiate the statement made by Jay (20) that “the inverse relation betwem fluoride- bearing domestic water and the prevalence of dental caries in children has been definitely established”. .5- Miller (21) reported in 1938 that the caries-producing potency of the H-W-C coarse rice ration is greatly rechiced by the administration of fluorine in the drinking water of rats. He also found that iodoacetic acid is effective in accanplishing the same result. Armstrong (22) reported in 19143 that caries suscepti- bility of rat molar teeth was decreased by the use of drink- ing water containing 20 pm. fluorine given simultaneously with a caries-producing ration. Arnold and McClure (23, 21;) in 191:1 reported that sub- cutaneous injections of fluorine in rats which was equiva- lent to hO-SO p13. fluorine in the drinking water did not show an decrease in dental caries, the animals being main- tained on the H—W-C simplified ration. However, they found that the fluorine content of molar enamel was increased. This finding, according to Jay (20), night be interpreted to indicate that the fluorine was adsorbed by the dentinal aspect of the enamel and hence exerted no antiensymatic or’ antibacterial effect on the oral surface of the teeth. It was suggested that the enamel is capable of adsorbing fluorine (25, 26). It is of interest to note that the rat does not respond to dosages which are effective in humans. The lowest amount of fluorine reported effective in rats is 20 ppm. ( 22), whereas a much naller mount is effective in humans. Ockerse (27) observed in 109 towns representing 86 districts --6- of South Africa, that the caries initiation rate is high if the fluorine content of drinking water is less than 1 ppm. but that the caries initiation rate is very low if the fluorine content is greater than 1 ppm. It appears that the contact of the teeth with fluorine over a number of years is essential for inhibiting dental caries as Bibby (28) ob- served that the use of fluorine-containing dentifrices- over a period of two years was ineffective. c. Amenity-Producing Compounds. ' The use of anemia-producing compounds to inhibit tooth decay is of recent origin. Stephen and Miller (29) reported in 19141; that a 140% solution of urea, when used for about two years as a dentifrice by a small group of young patients, resulted in a marked decrease in the incidence of new lesions and also retarded the progress of decay in lesions already present. A short time later it was observed by Kesel, O'Donnell, and Kirch ( 30) that caries imune individuals have enzymes in their saliva capable of liberating amonia frm several amino acids although a number of such enzymes were found in the saliva of persons whose teeth were actually decaying, ensyme which is capable of deeminising glutamic acid was invariably lacking. Keyes (31) reported the use of urea in connection with dental caries in the Syrian hamster. A 50% solution of urea was topically applied by weekly two-minute treatments. The animals were fed a H-W-C-sugsr ration. His data showed even a slight increase in the incidence of dental caries over that of the controls. These results are surprising -7- and may perhaps be attributed to species differences as one would expect a slight decrease in tooth decay. Kesel, O'Donnell, Kirch, and tech (32, 33) incorporated dibasic ammonium phosphate in a mouth wash and a dentifrice and used these clinically for approximately five months in persons having active caries lesions. They found that Lacto- bacillus counts in these subjects were markedly decreased. They also found that the mania nitrogen that is developed in hman saliva by natural processes has the ability to inhi- bit the growth of L. acidophillus, that the micro-organisn present in the oral flora which sens to be responsible for much of the ammonia production is B. aerogenes, and that the inhibition of the L. acidophillus is not due to any alkalinity developed by the amonia, since the same alkalinity provided by sodium acetate did not produce the inhibition that mania acetate did. In vitro experiments (33) indicate that a eu- bination of 5% dibasic amenium phosphate and 3% urea is more effective as an antibacterial and antiacidic agent than is either of these substances alone. Kesel suggests (32) that the development of aleonia nitrogen in the oral cavity may be responsible for the abscence of dental caries which sue persona naturally exhibit. The finding of Kesel, et. al. that an organism, B. aero- genes, nay be responsible for the production of mania in the oral cavity supports the theory advanced by Schsnts and Scrivener (3h) . They have suggested that the use of mouth .8- washes and dentifrices may be instrmental in prmoting tooth decay, because these products may frequently destroy the deli- cats organisms that nature has provided as a part of a defen- sive system against processes destructive to the tooth. D. Miscellaneous Sale recent findings that are worth mention are those of McClure and Hewitt (35). They placed rats on a corn meal caries-inducing ration containing 75 units of penicillin per gram and drinldng water containing 75 units per milliliter. At 125 days the rats receiving penicillin were caries-free whereas control animals had a 50% incidence of lesions. Plate counts of L. acidophillus were negative while those for the controls were greater than 50 colonies per plate. The ingested penicillin did not produce a measurable concen- tration in the blood. It was, therefore, assmed to have a localised action. Burrill, Calandra, Tilden and Fosdick (36) ministered synthetic Vitamin K (2-methyl-l,h-napthom1inone-sodim bisul- phite) to patients in the form of chewing gum. They found the incidence of new lesions were lowered 60-90% by the use of this gun. Gm containing calcium carbonate without the Vitamin K reduced the occurrence of nu cavities approadnately half as much as the Vitamin K gum. Turner and Crane (37) found that individuals with exten- sive cavities produce saliva which Ivdrolyses starch very rapidly, whereas those caries-free persons produce saliva .9- which Wdrolyses starch very slowly. Wach, Kesel, Hine and O'Donnell (38) have reported that the caries activity of a patient may be evaluated by determining the pH and the total titrable acidity. .10.. EXPERIMENTAL A. General 1. Animals used The animals which were used in these experiments were of the strain produced by Hunt, Hoppert and Erwin (2). This strain of albino rat was developed by selectively breeding caries susceptible animals and resulted in the production of a strain of rats which develops caries in a very short time and are therefore well adapted for dental caries stud- ies. The animals used represented the 17th generation of selectively bred stock. 2. Care of the animals The breeding stock was kept in suitable cages supplied with bedding of wood shavings. Each breeding group was com- posed of animals which were litter nates. The practice of breeding litter mates was suggested by Doctor Hunt and was regularly employed in his genetic studies of tooth decay. It was desirable to have litters containing at least two females and, as a rule, two males were retained for each breeding group. Upon showing signs of pregnancy the females were removed to small isolation cages and were kept on the stock ration until the young had reached an age of two weeks. At this time the mother and litter were transferred to a clean cage and placed on a fermentable carboqudrate-free rationl' so that caries would not be initiated in the young 1 This ration consisted of casein (h0%), alfalfa meal (30%), brewer's yeast (9%), fat (lard or crisco) (20%): and sodium chloride (1%). .11. rat before it could be placed on an experimental ration. At twenty—one days the young were weaned, the mother being returned to the breeding cage. The use of the fementable carb ohydrate-free ration was continued until the rats were placed on the experimental ration. The animals were housed in metal cages supplied with wire mesh bottous. Food was kept before the animals at all times in glass Jar containers and fresh tap water was sup- plied daily with the exception of one experimental group (Group II). 3. Observations Examinations of the lower molars were made at twa week intervals. A nasal speculum was found to be very convenient for making the observations. The animals were held by the nape of the neck and the nasal speculum was used to open the mouth, and to expose the lower molars to view. A canon desk lamp with a flexible stand equipped with a 100 watt bulb supplied adequate light for the examinations. A record of caries initiation and progression was kept by marking a tooth map similar to the one designed by Doctor Hunt. When there was any doubt as to the existence of a carious lesion in a certain area of a teeth a question mark («a») was recorded with the date of the observation. When a definite carious lesion was noted a N" was recorded and the approximate extent of the lesion indicated on the tooth map. In cases in which a number of 'doubtfuls" or question marks wowed the date of .12- the last one recorded previous to the observance of a positive lesion-was arbitrarily considered the date of the initiation of the carious lesion. In these studies it was canon for a "positive" definite carious lesion to appear two weeks after a "doubtful" was recorded. A sample of the type of records kept is herewith shown. In the data tables it may be noticed that, in sane cases, blanks appear in the "initial”, "moderate", and "severe“ stages. A blank in the "initial" column means that moderate or severe caries was found at the initial observation. A blank in the "moderate" column indicates that the lesions progressed from the initial to the severe stage between successive examinations, whereas a blank in the "severe" column indicates that the lesions in that particular animal did not reach the severe stage before examinations were discontinued. 1:. Preparation of Diets The control ration used contained the same ingedients as the cariogenic ration developed by Hoppert, Iebber and Caniff (39). However, for nutritional studies on caries prevention .13- this ration was found to be too rapid in its initiation and production of caries. Therefore, the rice for the control ration used was ground in a Hobart Mill so that only 2% would be retained by a 20 mesh sieve. When rats of this susceptible strain are placed on the control ration, caries of the lower molars will be initiated with 35 to 70 days with slight varia- tions due to genetic differences in the individual animals. The dried potatoes and wheat flakes were ground to the same consistency as the rice. In the case of the dry rations, the constituents were mixed thoroughly by hand in a large pan. Fran preliminary experiments it was found desirable to feed whole boiled potatoes along with a supplauentary ration to furnish nutrients which are essential for the well being of the animals. This supplementary ration consisted of powdered milk, alfalfa meal, and sodium chloride.1 The ani- mals relished the boiled potatoes and chose them for the greater part of their daily intake (85%). The diets containing urease were prepared as follows: the urease powder (Arlco urease) was taken up in a 30% solu- tion of ethanol and then mixed with a portion of the dry feed. Thiswas allowedtodryovernightandthenwas groundina mall Hobart Mill. If urease alone was to be added to the ration, this ”pre-mix' was then incorporated directly with 1 This ration was selected because it was damn- strated previously by Olson to have no caries producing effects. a calculated amount of the basal ration. When urea was also to be added, it was first finely ground in a mortar and added to the ”pre—mix'. By this method a more even distribution of the constituents was obtained. In preparing the rations containing urea only, or those containing dibasic amonium phosphate, a "pro-mix" was like- wise prepared with the finely ground canpounds. 5. Composition of Diets The fine rice ration (Diet I) was used throughout these studies as a control ration. It was also used as the basal ration when amonia canpounds and urease powder were fed. The composition of diets used are listed in the following tables. Diet I Diet II Fine Rice Ration Dried Potato Ration Fine rice 66% Ground dried potatoes 79% Powd. whole milk 30% Alfalfa leaf meal 10% Alfalfa leaf meal 3% Casein 10% Sodium chloride 1% Sodium chloride 1% Diet III Diet IV Boiled Potato Ration Wheat Flake Ration Boiled potatoes ad libitum Ground Wheat flakesl 79% Supplmentary ration " " Alfalfa leaf meal 10% Powd. whole milk 79% Casein 10% Alfalfa leaf meal 20% Sodium chloride 1% Sodium chloride 1% Diet V Diet VI Dibasic Ammonium Phosphate Ration Fine rice ration 99% Dibasic am. phosphate 1% Urea - Urease Ration Fine rice ration 98.5% Urea 1.0% Urease 0.5% 1 The wheat flakes used were Wheaties, a cannercial product of General Mills, Inc. .15. Diet VII Diet VIII Urea Ration Urease Ration Fine rice ration 99% Fine rice ration 99.5% Urea 1% Urease 0.5% The rations were kept in covered metal cans and those con- taining urease, use or both, were kept in a refrigerator. B. Procedure 1. Group I This group consisted of annals which were fed Diet II (dried potato ration). Five animals were included in this group. The litters were divided so that control animals served for both Group I and Group II. 2. Group II Fourteen animals were included in this group. They re- ceived the experimental ration listed as Diet III (boiled potato ration). They represent animals taken fran six litters. Boiled potatoes were fed daily and the supplasentary ration was eaten ad libitum. Data for groups I and II are found in Table I. 3. Group III Diet IV (wheat flake ration) was the ration fed to this group. The group included twenty-three animals fran seven litters of which ten animals were fed the control ration (Diet I). Date for this group is found in Table II. it. Group IV This group of animals was fed a ration containing 99% of Diet I and 1% of (NHh)2003’ Detailed data are not supplied .16- for this group because the experiments were discontinued due to reasons to be discussed later. 5. Group V This group represented animals from two couplets litters. Sixteen animals were used in.this experiment; six of which ‘were placed on the control ration (Diet I), the other ten re- ceived.Diet V (1% of dibasic ammonium.phosphate incorporated in the control ration). 6. Group VI There were actually two lots of’animals included in Group VI. As may be seen in Table IV of the data, animals having numbers 33 through 57 had.a.mnch.longer record than those listed in the remainder of the table. Originally five animals from four litters were placed on.Diet VI (urea plus urease ration). When examinations showed.that initiation of caries was not occur- ring in these animals, an orpansion of the group seamed desirb able. Therefore, animals from four new litters'were then divided into four sub-groups and placed on Diets I, VI, VII, and VIII respectively. Five of these animals were included in the sub- group which.received.Diet VI and are thus included in this group. 7. Group VII Seven animals from the four litters nentioned.above made up this group. The same animals were used for controls. These animals were fed the experimental ration listed as Diet VII (urea ration). -17- 8. Group VIII The animals in this group were members of the same four litters as were those of Group VII. Seven animals are included and were fed Diet VIII (urease ration). Control animals are those which also serve for Groups VI and VII. 9. Group IX This group was canprised of forty-four animals repre- senting nine litters. These animals were divided into four groups. The first consisting of fifteen rats was used as a control group and tap water was supplied for drinking purposes. Fluorine, in the form of sodium fluoride, was added to the drinking water of the remaining three groups. The first of these three groups, containing eleven rats, received water con- taining two ppn. of fluorine; the second, consisting of eight animals, received five ppm. of fluorine; and the third group, comprised of ten rats, received ten ppn. of fluorine. All of these animus were fed Diet I. .18- DATA TABLE I EFFECT OF POTATO RATIONS 0N DENTAL GERIES Litter NO e hl (12-12) 29FCF(12-10) 29FCF(11-27) 143(12-21) h3(12-30) M (1-7) Rat NOe l \OODNO‘VLC’UN 10 11 12 13 1h 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2h 25 26 27 28 Diet I II II’ I I I II II III III I II III I I I III III III III III III III III III III Caries time in.Days Initial. Moderate Severe R L R L R L 55 55 83 - 99 99 Caries-free at 281 days I I I I I I I I I I 55 70 83 - 99 99 Caries-free at 281 days I h5 70 83 83 99 99 Caries-free at 281 days h9 h9 - - 77 77 h9 65 - - 93 93 h9 - - - 77 77 Caries-free at 275 days I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I h3 55 9 - - . 77 77 Caries-free at 269 days I I I I I 76 '76 (a - 110 110 h6 h6 - - 76 76 Caries-free at Zhh days I I I I I I I I I I s s e e I TABLE II EFFECT OF IHEAT FLAKE RATION ON DENTAL CARIES Litter NO e h2(1-10) h1(1.10) 32(1-110 h5(1-25) 32(1-16) h7(1-9) h2(1-25) 29 Rat NOe D1013 Caries-time in days Initial Moderate Severe R L R L R L h6 h6 76 76 110 110 60 60 76 76 110 110 Caries-free at 3h3 days I I I I I 76 76 - - 110 110 h6 h6 76 76 , 110 110 Cariesefree at 3h3 days I I I I I - - 76 76 110 110 - - 76 76 110 110 Caries-free at 3h3 days I I I I I - - 62 62 . 96 96 Caries-free at 328 days I I I I I I I I I I h6 h6 76 76 110 110 Caries-free at 3&3 days 65 65 - - 110 110 Caries-free at 3&3 days' - - 62 62 96 96 - - 62 62 96 96 Caries-free at 328 days -20- TABLE III EFFECT OF DIBASIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE ON DENTAL CARIES WHEN INCORPORATED IN THE CONTROL DIET Littu' N00 h9(7-16) Sh(7-16) M w $ 70 fl fl U 7h 75 M W w W 80, m & Rat NOe Diet <<<<< m. ‘12. 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