137 157 SOME S‘EUDIES 0N THE EMULSION POLYMERIZA‘E‘EON OF STYREN E Thesis for the Degrae of M. S. MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Helen Deborah Morgan 3946 HI ~ ‘ r1. .liac‘>k£§>k3 nuclei are rapidly produced by k1. only slowly extended into chains by kg and slowly used up by k3. fhus due to the ever growing nuaber of active centers, no high polymeric material can be produced. It is possible by photocheaical or catalytical action to produce very rap- idly a certain number of active centers, and then to observe how they are gradually extended into chains by kg. and how these chains are slowly converted into inactive aoleeules by ha. the average life-tine of the growing chains is long; the mean.nolecular weight of the naterial increases as the reaction proceeds; the distribution curve depends upon the interaction of h; and :3 and the rate of total conversion is given by k2. Ibis type of polymerisation follows the double bond chain mechanics. ihe double bond nechanimn is highly insensitive to all kinds of disturbances; it leads to extreaely long chains. but the growth is very slow. the free radical ne'chanisa is auch faster, the high polymeric state is reached acre rapidly, but the highly reactive inter-edicts products are very sensi- ~15- tive to external influences and chains are easily terninated. lorrish and Brock-Lon}9 upon investigation of the cat- alysed thernal polynerisatien of styrene and nethacrylate, drew the following conclusions. the nolecular weight of the polyner obtained will be proportional to the tins of the reaction, and inversely proportional to the concentra- tion of the catalyst. this substantiates the earlier eon- olusions of Kart and Raff.“o the eonpounds which undergo chain polymerisation reac- tions are those which contain unsaturatien. she types of unsaturation which any produce pelynerisstion are ~csc-; 431; 4336-; 86:0; and scab. Rho proxinity of two or acre of such groups is an inportant factor in deternining the ease with which a eonpound will polynerise. the analysis of the -¢.‘:¢- double bond according to cusntua noehanics gives rise to the following concept: each valence dash of this linkage represents a pair of electrons in the sense of the Lewis valence theory. for each of these electron pairs there, is a corresponding charge distribution which can be nathenatically represented by suitable eigen- functions.‘ the eigenfunctions cf the two electron pairs can be characteristically distinguished. so sake the dis- tinction between the two clear. the terns; electrons or eigenfunctions of the first order (cru- functions), and clccé trons of the second order (1f «- functions) have been intro- d‘QCQQ -15- fhqu'eigenfunetion is that of the inner electrons, and closely corresponds to a normal single carbon to carbon bond. the TF eigenfunction is that of the outer electrons, and is the decisive factor in the behavior of the double bond during polymerization. the eigenfunctions of the second order any correspond to electrons of either antisparallcl or parallel spin. In the fonaer ease the double bond is closed and represents the fundaaental state of ethylene; in the latter, the double bond is open and represents an excited state of ethylene. rne double bond nay be represented by the following synbcl >c E c: in.whieh the electrons of the first order are des- ignated by points and those of the second order by saall circles. for thernal polymerisation.in the absence of added catalytic agents. it has been suggested that the activation process night consist in the fornation of a biradieal’ either unflaolecular or binoleoular. ,c§c< ”oeg'nce >o;c< 7c:c<- . 1 a c c a I , n e t st :5: 3.,» c 99.9.}: o ......9 e o.c:c:o:o:o o leohanicm.l lbr the bensoyl peroxide catalysis of the polyneriaa- ticns of styrene. sehula and Hoseaann’ conclude that the propagation and teraination reactions remain unaffected by -17- the oatalyst. the catalyst serves nerely to increase the rate of the initiation reaction. Schnla suggests a nechanp .f'. for the initiation reation in the presence of peroxides involving'the equilibrina.fornaticn of a complex between the catalyst and styrene, this then deocnposes to give an activated styrene noleculs. His data shows the rate to be proportional to the wquare root of the catalyst concentraa tien. Price and xeii1° postulate that the specific nature of this uninclecular chainpinitiating reaction ef’peroxides is nest probably their deco-position into free radicals. Ibis suggestion offers an excellent explanation for many of the unusual catalytic effects of peroxides. fhe free-nradiealaechanisn of peroxide catalysis nay be illustrated by the following sinple equations. in which '1' represents the nonener nolccule. and the circle indicates the odd electron of the free radical:11 Initiation: ' ' (D603) “9 2: nos, e ”am. a) cog + i: e lpopagation: , 2 Ar o {fill -;> dr4l_e dr-l s «i» n ...) tin-Ita o ir-Iz c {t n -..) trail 13. fernination: é - . l l . I n-s, c +Lr-tf-g-(l: e «9 u—sx-n + u-sy-orcK or s.dréli c -9> irélilivir lechanisn.ll -18- the nature of addition polymerisation in the presence of such catalysts as boron fluoride, aluainun chloride. stannic chloride, or antinony pentachloride involve a dif- ferent sort of nechanisn. Polymerization under these conditions nay involve a polar chain nechanisn, initiated by reaction of the catalyst with a noncner nolecule. Hunter and Yohe31 have suggested that the chain-einitiating action of such catalysts depends upon their electrophilic nature. and consists in the acqui- sition by the catalyst of a pair of electrons fron the double bond of the noncner. A o [$1x 4-)0 3 x .1 l l -- e + 9 all.?:? .I -- .I I l '1, :9 Wit-worm I on + oiIt 1sou} : [oh-E: I : cin'c:o++ n 3": I . ‘0‘ l 6 Cu. Kechanisn Ill this nechanisn is analogous to the one suggested by Whit- nore38 for acid-catalysed polynerisation. in which the electron-deficient catalyst consists of a proton. Under conditions in which propagation is rapid conpared with the loss of a proton free: the active poly-er, long-chain poly- ners will result; under conditions in which the reverse is true. diners and triaers will be forned. In general. there have been two essentially different -19 - viewpoints on the nature of the propagation reaction of polymer formation. that originally proposed by Staudingeraz and supported by others“ indicates a specific mechanism involving addition of an active free radical to the double bond of a.mcnmner.moleculc generating a new free radical, which can in turn add again to another monomer molecule. (Bee mechanisms 1 and II) is a free radical chain reaction, polymerisations of this type should be aubJect to strong inhibition by small aaounts of such substances as hydro- quinone er diphenylmaine. these substances are capable of preserving such.mcnmaers as methyl methserylate, styrene, vinyl acetate. and dienes. the second viewpoint regards the propagation reaction as an 'encrgy chain,‘t in.which an 'activated' noncner.mole- cule adds to a normal molecule yielding an activated dimer which canradd another monomer molecule the process continue ing until the activation is nullified in some manner. taco mechanism 111) Individual active polynerie chains may be terminated into stable polymer noleeules in several ways. the free radical may lose a hydrogen atom iron the adjacent carbon atom to give a polyner nolecule terminated by a double bond, or it nay acquire a hydrogen.atom.frcm some other molecule in the reaction mixture to give a saturated polymer. Either of these processes, is merely a transfer of the active free radical. not its destruction, since one of the products in -20-. each case is a radical capable of generating a new active chain. ather ways by which termination.nay occur are; by the reaction of one chain end with another chain end, (see nechanism ill the reaction of a chain end with impurities, and the formation of polymembered rings in the molecule.11 the observation of Williams,3‘ that the rate is directly dependent upon catalyst concentration, while the degree of polynorisaticn is independent of catalyst concentration. would be accounted for if the termination.reacticn were the unimoleeular loss of a proton. The poly-er would be an crganometallic compound, which might account for the diffi- culty encountered in freeing such polymers from the catalyst. -31- mama-nun: Part 1: Preparation of the polymer: tutorials: deroecl O! Pchvinyl‘slcchcl (Dupcnt 521-28) Dupcncl 9 fl Potassin peroulfate Sodiu- bisulfite ‘ Ethyl alcohol 95$ Styrene ens-tun 3.19. chow/m} the styrene was distilled from hydroquinone into a receiver containing hydroquincne collecting the fraction lib-1406]?“ as. this fraction was then uninhibited by washing with cold 6% sodiun hydroxide solution until the wash solution was colorless. the styrene was then washed until neutral with distilled water, dried with anhydrous sodiun carbonate and stored in a refrigerator. The unhib- ited noncner was not allowed to stand for more than three days before use. Iquipnent: the polynerisation reaction was carried out in a three necked roundobottcn flash with 24/40 ground glass Joints. the flask was equipped with a water sealed aechanical stir- rer, a vacuun sanpler, a theraonetor and reflux condenser, which were attached to the acne neck of the flash: by means cf an offset adaptor. ihe flask was set in a constant taup- -32- erature water bath which was kept at 40°c by means of a knife blade heater and a thcrnoregulator. Irocedure: the basic ingredients of the emulsion system, which were kept constant, consisted of a water to.monomer ratio of eight to one, and an emulsifying system consisting of 0.a$.derosol 0!, 0.3fijpolyvinyl alcohol and 0.3filnupcnsl c. ihis systea was selected fron many which were tried because it see-ed to give the best emulsion throughout the reaction; that is, it kept both the noncner and polymer phases in an emulsified form. All percentages were based upon.tho water content of the system» the tenperature was kept standard at 46'6 and all reactions were stirred continuously during the polymerisation reaction. the enulsifying agents were added to 680 cc. of dis- tilled water in the flash and the mixture stirred until a clear solution was obtained. 'lighty cubic centflmeters of styrene were then added and the mixture stirred until an\ emulsion was formed. the catalyst was dissolved in twenty cubic centimeters of distilled water and added immediately to the emulsion. time of reaction was measured from the addition.ef the catalyst. Samples were withdrawn at various intervals during polymerisation by means of a vacuum sampler. the couples were precipitated immediately by pouring than into 96} ethyl alcohol. they were then centrifuged, washed -23- at least six times with water and six times with alcohol, filtered by suction and dried. The precipitation was car- ried out directly in graduated fifty cubic centimeter cen- trifuge tubes. The tubes were filled to thirty-five cubic centimeters with¥alcohol and fifteen cubic centimeters of the emulsion.poured into them. Each sample taken has a volume of sixty cubic centimeters so four tubes were used for each sample. After the samples were dried they were then.weighed and the percent polymerisation calculated. total polymerization would give a yield of six grams of polymer in sixty cubic centimeters of emulsion. the variations in conditions used were: 1% potassium persulfatc (0.023 molesI640 cc water) in an atmosphere of' air, 1} potassium persulfatc in an atmosphere of nitrogen. lfirpctassium persulfatc with an equal molar quantity of sodium bisulfitc (0.023 moles) in an atmosphere of air, and lfijpotassium persulfatc with and equal.molar quantity of sodium bisulfitc in an atmosphere of nitrogen. A few runs were made using smaller amounts of the catalytic systems and were recorded in Table l. In.the use of the nitrogen atmosphere the nitrogen was bubbled through an aqueous solution of pyrogallio acid to remove all traces of oxygen and then into the reaction mix- ture through the sampling tube. The nitrOgen was bubbled through the reaction mixture before addition of the monomer for approximately fifteen.minutes and continuously during the reaction period. IPart ll: Characterization of the Polymer: ‘ the dried samples were ground in a mortar and sifted through a fine screen in order to make them go into solution more readily. Solutions of the polymer samples were made up in volumetric flasks at a concenrration of 0.02 molar (0.24%) in toluene which had been redistilled and collected at ioséioe°c at 743 mm. on. viscosities were determined at 20.6 by means of a Cannon-Fenske-Ostwald viscosity pipette and the molecular weights were calculated according to the Staudinger equation: - 77s 11-52 In which ' ‘h.: molecular weight 77., c specific viscosity c 8 concentration in moles per liter of the basic unit of the polymer. k 3 constant . 1.8 x 10" the specific viscosity was determined by dividing the time of flow of the solution by the time of flow of the pure solvent and substracting one. Ihe molecular weights determined are tabulated in “‘1. I a in.cxample of data and calculation of molecular weight of a typical sample. Sample: Run! V’o 00.8$ polymerisation. time in Sec. 77.5 Solvent Solution Relative Viscosity : 2.5628 ' 32.8 ’ 77.5 Specific Viscosity m 1.3588 \ 33.6 77.4 Concentration : 0.08 I 32.7 77.5 r m 1.s x 10" 32.8 77.5 n.= )752 . *1.3628 6 1.8 x 10-1; 0.02 32.8 77.6 n s 878.500 cz.s 77.5 -26- ‘_ ‘ Esble I Rgn Catalyst ‘ 9:2: filPolymer. M0l;§::::1:;:ght 1. 7:39.308 1% 1 10.0 W on c 27.3 33,500 11: 17 82.0' 37.200 20 65.3 11 range; 11L 2 8.0 “ ' ' in 3 9.6 11: 9 1/4 27.1 23.600 25 37.0 27,000 as 76.3 33,800 111 138203 .57. c 3/4 75.0 "‘ ‘ “ in ' 10 . 8.s Air 23 114 31.0 28.700 28 no.1 32.110 33 3/4 00.0 It racgoa 1g 2 1/6 84.0 398,000 ' ’ ' in 2 3/4 83.5 345,300 nitrogen 4 87.0 281.300 _ 7 98.0 182,000 -.....-------..------..---------------------------------- v ranges 1f 3/. 17.3 180,000 ' N ' in 1 1/2 50.8 378,300 nitrogen 2 110 57.5 331,900 Some small lumps formed in the emulsion 6 90.0 139,100 -C--- ......... .-------------------------------------.---. -27- fable I (Con't) R? f Catalyst 13:?“ ' {Polyheb reggaziigfefi ti 1723308 .31: 1 5.1 ' A ‘ ’ in. 1 1/2 19.0 litregcn. 2 23.3 153,000 3 43.3 c 53.3 229,300 3 85.0 3 1/2 35.3 182.000 311 K232°s 1f 1 20.0 13.200 " ‘eien, ' 2 23.0 , scans3 .3; 3 41.3 17.000 in 3 33.1 18.500 11: s 32.3 7 23.3 33.200 7111 1.3.5. 1i 1 1/e 11.7 "' ‘with ' 2 1/2 17.7 37.3803 .3; c 37.7 22.700 in 3 1/2 31.7 23.400 Air 7 93.5 e ‘ 34.3 33.300 11 13330. .31. 3/3 23.0 «.300 ' :iggbz .23$5 1 1/2 41.3 71.100 in Lumps formed and the reaction did not iir remain in an emulsion. .----------------------..------.'-----------O. ------------ -23- !ablc I (Ccn't) A; Inn fl time - ' ' ' Iolecular height .f Catalyst Hr. $ Polymer. (Viscosity) 111 ‘xgszoa .1233 1 3.0 " with la3303 .05233 3 70.000 in Lumps formed and the reaction did dir not remain in an emulsion. 1111 [38303 .032375 1 0 ‘--- ~with in . ‘Jr 4 91.3 131.900 1 range. 13 1/2 10.1 with . 3.2303 .33 1 1/2 21.3 24.300 in '1‘r08.n 4 3/4 81.3 30.400 5 1/4 93.7 7 1/4 97.3 30,400 11 ‘392°e 1; 3/5 14.3 - with losses .3$ 3 1’3 37:1 31:292937 4 3 1/3 ' 43.0 47.400 *4 1/3 34.3 31.400 3 1/3 93.3 43,700 --m------“---- --.-------.- 9 .-...........u............ 0ne run made with lfi sodium bisulfitc resulted in only 12$ polymerisation in 30 hours. the product was sticky and very hard to filter and wash as it adhered to the filter paper. One run.madc using 1%:xgszoa in.an atmosphere of oxygen gave very little polymer in 80 hours. The product was sticky and very difficult to handle. rrecipitability measurements were made cn‘the various samples following a proceedure described by ideas and Boaters?M She apparatus used consisted of a light source. a specially constructed cell. a photocell. and a galvancmeter. the cell was constructed of stainless steel and measured seventeen centimeters in height. and was approximately four centimeters square. There were windows on two opposite sides which were held in place by special brass fittings. one of which fitted the lens of the light source and the other fitted the photocell. Ihe other two sides and the bottoILwere enclosed with a water Jacket through which water was circulated from a constant temperature bath which was kept at 20.0. When in use the light passed through the solution in the cell and struck the photocell on the apps- site side. Ihe photocell was connected to a galvanometer by means of a variable resistance as that the deflection of the galvancmeter could be adjusted to stay on the scale. through the top of the cell was inserted a mechanical stirrer which was adjusted so that it gave thorough mixing but caused no bubbling in the solution; a thermometer. and the tip of a siphon burette which contained the nonsolvcnt. Samples of the some solutions which were made up for the determination of viscosity were used. One hundred sixty. cubic centimeters of the solution were placed in the cell. the light passed through and the galvanometer adjusted to a deflection of approximately one hundred by means of the variable resistance. Upon the addition of nonsolvent. 90$ ethyl alcohol. an immediate turbidity scoured which was due to the mixing of the alcohol and toluene alone and not due to the precipitation of any of the polymer. After approximately tyenty cubic centimeters of alcohol were added the solution again became clear and the galvanometor was readjusted to approximately one hundred and the 1. reading taken. The solution was then titrated with the nonsolvent and deflections of the galvanometor recorded. which were the I readings. the factor olog III. was then calculated and plotted against the percent nonsolvent. this resulted in the precipitability curve of the sample. Tangents were then drawn to these curves at numerous points and these tangents plotted against percent nonsolvent. Ehe tangent curves formed a peah.at that percent nonsolvent which represented the greatest increase in extinction per unit of nonsolvent added. that is where the greatest amount of polymer precipitated with the addition of one unit of nonsolvent. Different molecular weights would precipitate at different concentrations of nonsolvent therefore. these peaks indicate the point at which the largest molecular weight fraction of the sample precipitated. in example of the data obtained from a typical precip- itation of a toluene solution of the polymer with 95% ethyl .lCOhGIe Sample: Run # VIII - 51.7% polymerization Solution concentration: 0.02! 0 OK: Deflection . . _ - log IIIo 16 3235011 49 93 s 10 30.52 50 94 .00459 51.25 52 92 .01593 52.50 54 88 .05534 55.75 56 79 .0800? 55.00 58 71 .12546 56.25 60 66 .15817 57.50 58 50 .1995? 38.75 64 55 .25755 40.00 65 50 .27875 41.25 60 47 .50568 42.50 70 45 .52451 45.75 75 41 .55494 45.68 75 50 .59794 47.50 7! 55 .45565 49.57 82 52 .47257 51.25 85 . 89 .51552 55.75 90 86 .56275 56.85 95 24 .59751 59.57 100 23 .65550 62.50 110 22 .65550 58.75 120 22 .65550 75.00 IQS' i EMVMiR/ZA T/“gN F/G 1" RATE OF MLYMER/ZA 773w x "5" 0 O “—776" ___0F,_f,- / / =-- / Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 2.5 24 Z5 Z6 77ME HRS? —/VAH5@ -- K25; g, +NAH5Q; 2..., Age; (gum/Z -/\2~$~.Q9 mas/12.8% +AZ4H50j+Aé i K ‘ l \c a “.BQ\ (,5 “A. .. m .. c 3 s O In]! . . n a..." ,..W’.W/171 Vflw/ 3M 0 C)?- .01 F/6 ZZ' Arid/.ECULAR D/J'TRIBUT/ON s\_ \ 40 .50 60 70 80 ”A C}; Hf. 0H -.- 245 600 -—2.5;4oo —23, 6 00 Halt/"I Roz/Wm ROM ;"11' 4 ‘. e 7 _ 'c l . \ .. . u "‘c‘ t. \c \b‘r‘h‘ L. ~ a ‘I I. .‘w \‘r-w- 3' Li e. (”cf-V 7 0C (7.“: 7".“ “ Q (“t 5 6 term: I I I". k Cpl- ’/ r I 73 \ . ox F76. E 14404660144”? 00' TR/BUT/O/V .ozsl AT 07 JAME Z POL VMER/ZAT/ ON .06 .05 \fm K, m 2.03 ‘S I, K .372 ' \ .0/ \. 4. _ \ 0 / : a o 25' 30 40 50 60 70 <30 . zCél-é-OH —-.5‘0.5 L" :~. ‘. ". e‘; -‘ O 0 ~. 3 ‘74 as (J O 0 (J n f ‘t‘. V O ,2; "‘7 O F‘ ._ o w... “I“ _. \‘\ .4. \\ ._ O \.._ O O . 5.53. 7 3 ‘._‘V‘ L C ‘_ ; o ' '/ , I ‘\ ' ‘r \\ ' 7 Q.)\ a R, Q ‘ ‘ ‘ . \, . L. ‘\.. Ch :57: «7-D “' ”‘= . . ‘ ' -‘~.'. \3 ‘9’. In. )‘V "- ‘13.; I)": 1, 7“- ‘ 759 \sa 0 p; \\ \*3 \’ \ \ k \C 3' . \‘C‘. ~ , a. run—ms— a..,- '; L.“' g $3 .- r -. “ f , 2‘ "’, “7“”. g‘ L... (>- --., .3. -- -p, .. . ‘- :2. J .n b¥ \2 2.. £1.43 \ \ -a ~ --- _.~ \ ".~-. ‘\ . ~. g . ~= 3“- - ' " ‘ '-- 3‘ ‘ ‘4 '§ {h ' ‘.-" A (_\ ‘ H .1 T \ ~‘ 7: ‘ I s. ‘-..|.‘ I ‘ ‘ \ ,(ri'fi‘ (e R“ ‘\a ‘w . \ ‘ ‘\ .7 . ‘ a. c e - . I -. ‘4 e ‘. o ~ ~ \ (q. \ 'e \‘ ‘_;‘ ”a.“ ‘ \J M {,3 ‘ i: ‘ - i," FIG. .2" MMCULAR D/JTR/BUT' I 0N RUN 3"“17.“ .0‘ «45' g I 5“” § -' k0)“ 5.\ \Q _ oz \ \.\\ o/ ‘ ¥.\\ ' 0 \§ \ 025' 3a 4a .50 a o 7o :0 .90 xx; Agoy — 76.3 70 ——576'% —ZZ/ Z WLVMER/ZqT/ON .1“ ~I.‘ R 3.2m . «.«.Q~.W¢E}S¥R\Q 9? “3...; Q"; t». - . 3m .\ ’1 Wot}. his a; ~«. ..,_-. ‘5: 5:3, ‘51" 37‘ (3% ‘3 — I ~ I , I '4. - 3 *0 K I k. ‘----‘0 “ - '- '1'. ( XS '- C, .‘u. ‘-_"°-_«' "FR'K’JC ‘ 'J '. '~- $~.\ . ,. ) *3: <3 - .1” ‘0 $- ~ 5. \ zu— ‘ -‘ ~ '5- . '0 . . ---'* C «. ¢ ‘ ' --~- " L. - . . . , J "’ ~ 9:213 _ . .2 - '. ~\_J.{_‘ ' \: F/ G. E PREC/P/ TA BIL / TY av RUN #1317 [45! ./5 025' .74 4a .919 60 70 JO 7.. c; fj- 0H ——93% ——a7z —64% FULVMERIZAWG/V w ‘7'». M; -V * “(R \K W" \_ ‘1 :5‘ B.“ “‘7- .- ‘I Q “ i ‘4 " L‘ ‘M‘.\ \x. .. . N . I . CZ“. Q\ ‘ a" 6 --—-' I 5, E O ‘\. 9“- ; ‘ (3.”. \N .. , “I U. ‘/ \‘V E I, g ‘ 91 I U m w vl E) ' Q \' V 51"! ‘ § \ \\ $ \ 7. “‘x m L " II I" \K- _L \ ‘- I-.. - . ”U ' ‘ ". "~. r~ f‘v. t‘ ”‘L - .- \~5. _ .._ ; -- y ‘1‘. ' V :I .0 ‘y “s; ‘2‘ ‘. ‘—L a) k. Liv “‘V‘ q“; {“E ‘I “ . “ \fi‘?) ‘ ‘3 “up. ’ “'~~.. m‘. h .3. - . 3 , ‘. _- r” ‘ E \J ‘ A ‘ t h "'33 *- {'3‘ V‘ \' “OR. if; .‘\ F/G m at!- PREC/P/rflg/A/TV 04/ RON .7 .29 a: /_—T o " «LL 0 ’3 a A o o 0 4o I . x Q N u ‘u‘ 20 o ./d ‘I 45‘ w < 30 . 40 JD ca 7a Jo «VG/$0” —'.”%-—6ZJ’Z—-/ZI7 fidVMER/Z’AWfl/v ”7—P- ‘ H. We... “";—-" u ‘s "i’ "‘3'"; \f‘ \ xv:- \ .9. r3. \. :~3.33\ 5. 3:7; 5.33:“. C x “3.'-.‘- a” 5‘: -;;'- W. \J {‘4‘ \l 3." ‘V ‘1 \__}__.‘\.__ fix \. 7‘. Vr'.'.\.~.' wt ‘\ \ t \4‘? L35 . J .- (lf' 1" U C 0 O .. ‘ ."n n 5‘5- '.‘\_ . \.' “-“——~———n———M‘ (‘ .- \ r O U \9. O L) . (W ./ 4’“) 3 PW ' .. . ‘ . - k l - __.""_ __ )V “" ‘~- ' a. - . '5‘ - “ ’ -. i ‘ ' .‘ a . ' ‘. ‘P .‘ fl 5.. «:2: \.- a L: '5. 3v \~'? ‘19:. (1'2: - Pu”. \‘ K ek‘ " .4. \ \.Q . 'e. \ :2; 3 E3" K.‘ “a, 5 A ..5 . ‘ 1- - _. -_- ,. \ ’.“.c.‘\--~\‘. :* K '1.._’ ' r‘x, ‘ “ ‘T ‘ SN“ ' Q. " “ ‘—v~ ‘~ \ . K‘- Cz‘; ‘2 ’ ‘l‘; __ II \13" “.4‘: pm” '5' ‘\ ‘~ ' "-«H-‘i ' “-0 3 V '\ .m‘ "'L \i ‘5:.\ has .". '3; 5- Q \r ‘J '5‘23.\ N "‘ F76 MT Mania/4,4"? 0/; TR/BaWO/t/ va ”52‘ .44 .075 §/’ 752! .0/5 I. ‘ \\ 0 20 id 40 50 6 a 7” % Q/é— 0H 10.5% —-/75‘:{ P04 VML’R‘IZ/ 770/v —.90% x . ._~A- \ '1; ,_ r . ‘_\,\;.‘J“\ x." \WZY;\\;‘E’:.\C~}«T‘§ ‘O‘Q ' i i. TRY). fig “h __ "\ d fié’x-Yg? j) _ 4,53“ '. _ 3%. [IO / \“.{:) \ . "3 “Q 5" 0 m3.- ‘56 -..._, E: QEQ .31...." ‘7”..Q. ‘3‘"? '5 \ ’ H \ . -._..' 11... ‘5 ~\ . ‘ r ' ‘. .T‘ , 'x ‘5‘ u... .34- F I G. I PREC/P/ TAB/1.177 0N R UN “*er A45 .75 .60 0:: Jo 4." 3’0 ‘0 70 ’0 so ‘ «445%..0/4 -—Jj.7}.’ ”56/ Z —'20% I‘vé VMER/ZA 770M ‘F ‘ hob-96"“ g_.o .‘ . U‘ ‘ -.....5 . . oar- " '—s...-—‘ ‘ , q...‘ . \- -~ .. 1'-“ a f. '5 . r5 -: ‘5 . 3. -. .. «7- “‘3 .3 ‘.‘"‘“-. . .. ‘ — ‘\ Ham—5 \. 3~ 1 *3 .. y. ‘Lr * i _ . a. e we... . 3...... V y u . V ..—... - \ q. k} l-‘ '\ . v _ t‘. .J U ‘9 {—4. ‘\ ‘I\~. 3 VI: I - x ‘A 21‘5“ £3\’ “‘0 Cr: 0 \. \. h’l' . C: . ‘5. (3, \‘Q QC.“ Ci ‘3 Q , \ O U . \. “‘5 0 C? O \ . x \ 01L- 0 W. ' ‘« k- _ -. 0‘ 0‘ _,_ ‘\ ‘ jg — f ”—13—". x: £3. ‘5. . x «3' Kit... 935»- CJQ'. 1:3".- - ~ '~ -‘ 5 V“ : -«-« 5 5 A . f - 'W '3 3 q‘ ‘fi‘ ' '31. H ‘. .‘ - k. ‘ 3“ ‘~ - ‘ ~. , “ “‘5 ~ :‘5 \‘ 9" ‘h ‘ \ ‘ \x \m ‘C'? 2‘ ‘2; 3+. Ill-Eur- -1 u ‘- V 3 i .‘ ' ~_., ‘ - .. . '-. ._.._.. n - ‘~. " y“; ‘g. V. \_ K. \' u._3. (1“ \ . .r V ‘v Q«\ ‘w -K.) W £76. I ease/xv 7:4 BIL /7')/ cw AWN #m (6‘ 575' .60 ./.5' 2530, —$4.3% 40 50 60 7O <50 .90 2: gag. 0H 1 ..——- 577% —.79. 72/ F274 YMER/ZA770N ‘3'" ' _, . I' Q c. .‘ I ’ "2‘3‘. .. \zr’3 W ‘ '1 _v‘ v, ‘ b :J O x ' [J I'. \- r \_ K) \ g \\ _ ~ '\ ._ ‘-\ \7\‘ H...’ I. ' ' K.” 3 ~__ ‘5 ‘4‘ ‘3 g \ ‘h‘ ‘. ‘ I ‘77. . II-‘ "C- ,. “— cu \ <‘ 9 ‘ R . ' ‘4. ' ‘ .“5.; \ ““7 L.) I". ‘3 '3. ~. -..‘..--:... .‘q._ ‘k m. i ' FIG 2:2" MoLECZ/AAR 0/; TR/BI/f/oA/ Ra/v W .07 ' 25' 30 4o :0 60 70 ac — .94. 3% -- .57 72 -—-5~‘.9 72 WAY/146747214770” ~’\.\!\ F-_ J .3; . -"\" x. a - ‘ “a ." ‘- ‘ K‘s 1m\ “DJ 1 ‘5. A \Q. ( )3 0 if; 72:5 "9 1. - ‘J C; ‘63 L 33...... A. ‘\ -.«_ ‘51? «av- t). 1.... C. x. O . bis _ \ .Q.‘~- 5“ . l 1 FIG. 22? PRECIP/ TAB/UTY 0N RUN ‘fzr .30 :f‘ ./.5‘ ./ a ‘ I . 26' 30 40 JO 60 70 6'0 .90 "/0 6; H; 0H -—96.3 7. 333384.52 “43% m; YMER/ZAT/ON C) (“a k.) mu ‘1“. \v Q. C) x.\" J \' 3-4Q-\ 9. - (:3 ”fa-73‘ : if y. ‘5‘»? 3. .r-- :5“ g \ ‘_._£I “1‘... .9 ""\_ 6 O 1.., 5. \...~. d‘ g h I. “‘ \‘J C) . {N . K, a (I (5". U Q (1 . .3 .1.» l ‘} \.. : ‘ ‘ \LL/ . O ,5. .‘ 5‘ \1 1"» ‘ I c... g «5?. x N) 'v v." . Vance." ~‘r II - ._ '\ wovi I, \ . ‘ I L, k') .- ¢ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ + _g _ Jug. o—d“ -—- “5:3 ‘ ~ .5.. 0- ~.., g. f, u. 5:. (5- -3 X a Q) ‘- b:- \ g, ,_' . .. \5‘ Q 3... 5. “I... (4 A b ‘ a- ' 1 v v s ‘ 3 '54. ”‘3 \9 v. . ‘u' c‘il ‘ \, t 1,? 0 'e l . ‘ .‘_- ~ -, ‘ K ': (.4 (. ft 4" 7-. ‘0 . : - ’9 5-" h\.‘-_‘:‘ .h‘.. v ‘ C~Z ‘- ' ‘x s ' v ‘ V; - “i 11 K). “'i‘: w. \‘1 a; r‘_‘~' \3 2’ ‘56!“ ’ ‘0‘.- — ‘J \' \ 1...‘ -——0*""‘ ‘f ““4-' . ‘v u :- 't—v‘ — ‘o ‘2'. .. ' — ““3 w R- 0 ‘ '« ‘- __. -33- DIBCpSSIOE: ‘ Iran a study of Table 1.and Fig. 1 it develops that there is a great difference in rate of reaction along the different catalytic eyetene. Sodiun bioultite alone hoe very little catalytic effect but increases the rate of poly» nerization greatly when used with potaeeiuILpereulthte. the replacement or air with an atmosphere of nitrogen in- creases the rate even.turther. The molecular weighte of the final products however are of the lane order of nagni- tune. litrogen atnoephere, need with potaoeiun pereulfate without the preeence or eodiun bieultite. gives the meet rapid reaction; The molecular weight of the final product ie many times greater then that forned in the other eyetene. It is also intereeting to note that in the formation or very large molecules the greeteet aeerageinoleoullr weight occurs at approximately fifty percent polymerization. This would eeen to indicate that the decrease in the amount or noncner available toward the end of the reaction cwueee the formation of low molecular weight compound: which reduce the total average molecular weight or the final product. ihie type of.nexilnn deee not reel to occur in the formation of thelower molecular weight compounds. This could be explained by the fact that although there ie the cane decreaee in the amount or scanner available. the chain length through- out the reaction in low so that there is not the contrast between the molecules formed at the beginning and end of the reaction. Fig. VIII shows the molecular distribution curves of the samples taken from a run using potassium.persulfate in nitrogen. it agrees with the molecular weight determina- tions in that the first and last samples which have approx- imately the same molecular weight have also almost identical distribution curves. The intermediate sample, however. which has a larger molecular weight has its peak at a smaller per- sentage of nonsolvent. If an atmosphere of molecular oxygen is used with potassium persulfatc practically no polymerisation occurs over a long’period of times The fact that an atmosphere of nitrogen gives rapid polymerisation with the formation of long chains indicates that oxygen acts as an inhibitor and possibly a chain term- inator. The running of a reaction under an oxygen atmosphere confirmed this idea. The rapid rate of polymerization using potassium per- sulfate with sodium bisulfite could be accounted for if the sodium bisulfitc, acting as a reducing agent, took.up the oxygen present in the emulsion. This would remove the inhibitory and chain terminating effect of the oxygen. The presence of the sodium bisulfitc in the system, however. could act as a chain terminator so that low molecular weights would be obtained. -34- The fact that placing this system under a nitrogen atmosphere gave little increase in the rate of polymerisa- tion seemed to support this conclusion. By examining Fig. II it is apparent that there is little correlation between preeentage polymerisation and molecular distribution. This is not surprising considering the dif- ferent rates at which the products were formed. 1y plotting the molecular distribution curves of samples haveing approximately the same molecular weight on the same axis as in Fig. 111, it can be seen that samples of the same molecular weight may not have the same molecular dis- tribution. However, the peaks for these curves all occur at approximately the same percentage of nonsolvent. By studying the various graphs on precipitability and molecular distribution it can be seen that the molecular weight and the molecular distribution change considerably as polymerisation.proceeds. -afio CONCLUSIONS: 1. Potassium persulfatc catalyst in an atmosphere of air gives slaw polymerisation and a product with a molecular weight of approximately 35,000. 2. Potassium persulfatc catalyst in a nitrOgen atmcl- phere gives rapid polymerization and a product with a molec- ular weight of approximately 200,000at total polymerization. At fifty percent polymerization it gives a product of approx- imately 380,000 molecular weight. 5. Potassium persulfatc with sodium bisulfitc in an atmosphere of air gives rapid polymerisation and a product with a molecular weight of approximately 40,000. 4. Potassium persulfatc with sodium bisulfitc in an atmosphere of nitrOgen gives rapid polymerization and a product with a molecular weight of approximately 40,000. 5. Sodium bisulfite alone is ineffective in the sat- alysis of polymerization. 6. Molecular oxygen has an inhibitory effect upon polymerization in this systmms 7. The smaller the amount of catalyst used in the potassium persulfate - sodium bisulfite system the higher the molecular weight of the product. -35- BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Powers, P. 0.. 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N I -“’ “I ;I’I‘_ .1 ‘3‘}. .'.“I'-. .1 - n I ' "' '_“‘.Gf_>1 .IV0"'O"*, . {I .P- I b l ’ Ia... .3 ‘ ’5‘ ,III. '. ‘ IW II.) . ' b I s .. . )1 - . .o a u I ¢ c“. L“; Jlfl aka}; 3 -: p}, "$11., 2...: I_ :Ii ',I L . - N." J ‘ 2‘ A t 'I.‘\ 1“. ' ' LIL'T ':. ‘ ' *' é‘". "Ha . . II.’ I. .A '. m '1’ 4i. L.— . . . I . . w -_ I. ”3.- "vn'I ‘ . -. ¢ . ‘ J '.4 ..__.v.\o. , » . I II. I IiI' I x It ”0‘ h 1. . I *'r' .‘(J' k I I ‘1‘ . . Y' I; u ' . 1;" . I; f- . ‘ I .) sII .‘d, ,." . ~.lr“" " ."I ‘ «I I ' (fr-Hy. f. 'l."'p'£‘a‘[3y J“. m," ,1 i a. ‘ ' in! 11 I {'31 (1" {1%. ° ‘kv;_'I‘Iu\I'.~\V'.::’/I II I, .’ o‘id'vxotm.;1rs;ya-q 3' 'I .- ~ {II '-‘° “2;: 15.: - my .'1 - I . l g ‘ - III: I j. 3.4 . ' - .. -. I ' . - ~ . I - I II . . ‘.' .y'a v. '7 "-.- u : '_ . ' ‘ ‘ I' 0.- Q'. - . I-‘a ' 7‘ . .* I . - .° '.v. ‘ , ‘. 1 I . n .l ’p‘ -' 1’ “I TgI‘IIh§I.-N‘ ‘. ‘1. =. . .\( '1 ( p 'a- -. i _ .'\. I: II ‘.., , :‘t‘ --, . "'{f . ) "37". t l ". I . I J‘ _) u '. . ‘ v 3 U 1 . .I .. 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