_— — —— — —— —- —— ——_ —— —_ —- — _ — — — 140 608 THS . . ‘ J . 'v .. ' ‘v ( I -: u . . . . . O - I . .. .U - . O r 0 . \ - . . . o. . ‘ l A t . I o . . I .. i u o ‘ . I 0 . ‘ .. l~p~.nu|-—.-Q I l..y.-‘_,"'..._.'. .- . . -. . ". . n . l . . . ' . . u . p. . ‘ \ . . ‘ o v r . t . . .. ‘ . 1 ‘ 0 . . . ‘ “5’ \ --. c. '9" UBRfi-RY fa’dcmgan State Unix/CTR}! .I—-—-——.-——- . PLACE IN REIURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 2105 WWW-p15 MULTINOMIAL LOGIT MODEL BY CHI FAI CHAN A PLAN B PAPER Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fufillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF URBAN PLANNING School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture 1986 133515 , . TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION ...... . ................. 2 THE MODEL ........................ 3 DATA ...... .................. 7 THE RESULT ................... ..... 9 CONCLUSIONS ........................ 10 NOTES ........................ 12 APPENDIX A ......... ........ ....... 15 (MAIN PROGRAM AND EXPLAINATION) APPENDIX B ........................ 23 (DATA FILE A) APPENDIX C .............. ...... .... 29 (DATA FILE B) BIBLIOGRAPHY ........ . ......... . ..... 35 ABSTRACT MULTUINOMIQL LDBIT MODEL By Chi Fai Chan The principle of multinomial logit model is to model the choice behavior of individuals. Knowing the diITiculty and great expense in obtaining survey data, the author attempts to use the widely available but more aggregated census tract data in U.S.A. for estimating the choice patLern of housing consumer in Chicago SMSQ with special reference to its relation to transportation to the Central Business District (CED) in Chicago. The results review that the mode ”drive along” has the largest eifect on the people's choice of rental housing market location in the area as compared to the other {our modes; carpool, bus, train and walk. The rent and travel cost show even more proTound effect on the utility level of the choice of rental housing location. INTRDDUCTIUN The widely used Multinomial Logit (MNL) Model in modeling housing market and transportation mode choice (with special purpose such as shopping, work, recreation, business) considers choice of housing as independent to the choice oi mode with special travel purpose. These models assume sequential choice pattern, which is operationally more eTTicient than simultaneous choice pattern. In fact, not many research has been done on the difierence between sequential choice model and simultaneous choice model. Manheim has shown that when certain conditions are satisfied, the two approaches are equivalent. He ponited out that "Ideally a single simultaneous~choice model incorporating all relevant choice dimension would be utilized. This is impractical because of the large number of dimensions in real situations. In practice, some sequential models must be utilized."(Manheim,M p.421) Alex Anas in his Residential Location Market And Urban Transportation, attempts to consider both the choice of mode to working in CBD and the choice o4 housing location in Chicago SMSA in his model. He employed 1970 census tracts data in the Chicago SMSR to estimate the utility coefficients in his model. Zonal aggregated attributes as well as disaggregate attributes are used, and are compared in his work. He comes up with the probable conclusion that ” errors in the estimated coefficients arising from the aggregation of certain attributes (such as rent) to the zonal level appear to be smaller or comparable in magnitude to errors arising purely from sampling” (Anas,e p.159) Based on his observation, this paper attempts to use 1980 census data in the Chicago SMSA to estimate the residential location markets and urban transportation choice behavior in Chicago SHEA. THE MODEL The sequential choice pattern of the individual is I u" Ln . 'umed to take the following form Step 1: Choice of the itfl residential neighborhood from the existing residential market (in this case, the itfl census tract) Step 2: Choice of the ktfl dwelling unit given the choice of itfi_neighborhood Step 3: Choice of the mtg mode for work trip to CEO given the choice of itfl neighborhood and the ktfl dwelling unit Two utility functions appear in the choice model U1 3 E xiu ' xv; Ll a measure of the utility level for each individual 5.; if! choosing the igfl neighborhood. This utility depends on the socio-economic status of the individual which is d incorporated into the vector attributes X, . Examples of these attributes include income, rent of housing, family size, housing quality etc. O('s are the coefficients to be U1": = Z Ximv ' Pv V estimated. is a measure of the utility level for each individual choosing the ith neighborhood, mtg mode of travel to the CED. The vector Elm consists of zonal attributes that depend on mode of travel. Most commonly used attributes of this kind are travel cost, travel time and dummy variables for each mode. The estimated probabilities that associate with the above three—step choice model are given by r: -_J . A I: A ' respectively, PinH1 ,and Pfl1k(1)-The magnitude of these probabilities depend on the utility which the individual can derive from his choice. With the log-likelihood function defined as J a“ A d log L '-= Z 2N1m1og P...“ {Nilog $1+constant i m 1 one could solve for the coefficients F,’s and oL's by the maeimimun likelihood method. This is equivalent to finding the solutions for the following set of maximization P." \ eguations(ei e 0 for all v 9h 21:49 L: for all u §D R K II where L: is the marginal part of the likelihood function and is given by the second term of in the log-likelihood function, whereas L1 is the conditional part of the function, and is given by the first term of the function. By using two step methodiE), the equations can be solved by using numerical method. Newton~Raphson method is used for solving the above n on---l i near equations . The it 2‘!" at i r. n equation f or finding @s is as follows A .4 2 -\ ($r-H-13P” _ (V109 L1 WV”? L1 where n stands for the nth_iteration.‘7log L1 is the gradient of the log-likelihood function ,and Vflog L1 is the variance covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients.(4) For testing the significance of the estimated coefficients, one can use the t~statistic to test the hypothesis Ha : =0 for all v by using t, = PVs, where s; is the square root of the itfl‘ diagonal elements in the variance~covariance matrix and t1 is the standard t— statistic. DQTR Table 1 summarizes the attributes that are being used in this paper. Attributes for zone Attributes for zone— specific utility u; mode specific utility utm (X1u) (Ximv) Number of rooms in Dummy variable for each the census tract mode of travel (room), (Dim) Per capita income Travel cost to CED for family (cost);m (incomeii Travel time to CED {time} 1m Rent (rent); Five modes are generally available to residents living in the Chicago SMSR: car(mode l), car-poo1(mode 2), bus(mode T3) , train(mode 4) , wal|<:(mode '5). For those residents who are not living in the CED, it is assumed that moie 5(walk) is not in their choice set. The rent for census tract i'is calculated from H1 =3 {gr}, + {1“+1)V3 /10 where 41 is the proportion oi zone i’s occupied dwellings that are renter occupied; r1 , the average annual rent o4 these renter occupied dewllings; and V. ,the average annual market value oi the owner occupied dwellings in sane i. This formula is a rule of thumb for estimating zunal rent. The attributes, number of rooms, per capita income and rent are available in census. However, travel cost and time to CED are not available. These data have to he collected {rem Chicago Transportation Authority .Study(CeT3). The CATS does not provide zonal travel cost and time. It provides a more aggregated sevenmsector division 0% the Chicago SMSR, and from which the traval cost and time for each census are estimated. The seven $5 (r- . a I '.tors are. CED North Chicano South Chica o Northwwest . 9 3 5 Chicago, Western sector, South-west sector and South -'~ H"-r (CSP‘DIA I sector o4 Chica o 9 It has been studied extensively the a sample size of about 300 can give accurate estimation for the result. A sample size oi 293 censLs tracts is chosen randomly from the existing census tracts(about 4920) with the number of work trips to CED from each tract as the weights of choosing them. The utility Tunction U1 and Uim read U1 ' drlncomei + OlanJomi Uim P,~l.og(F(ent1 + Costim)+ €2'(Ti‘7'91m)+F3'D13-'= + F4'E'13 + @3‘D14 4" @"Difi THE RESULT Since t e fortran program for this paperisee appendix) uses the Newton—Raphson apuronimation method to solve -hm* 9’s” and the numerical method used does not Igurantee feasibility of solution, the computation ends up with an approximation {cm €‘sXED values as follows (~ssa, 14.2, ~o.05, —l7.8, ~1a.4, ~48.5) Checking the sign and relative magnitude of the coefficients for the {our dummy variables, ~é.QS(car pool), —17.8{bus), -lb.4(rail), —4B.5(walk), one can {ind that this is consis;ent with one's intuition in that all 10 these modes give negative utility as compared to the reference mode, drive along(mode 1), which takes up eero for comparison purpose. The relative magniture for each mode reveals the individuals' preferences(measured in terms of utility) towards different modes. The smaller the coefficient is, the less satisfaction one can derive from choosing the mode. The coefficient for log(Rent+Travel Cost) is very small<~256), this means that people are very sensitive to the change in rent and travel cost. 9 small change in these values would d:cr:css(or increase) their utility level. by a great. amount. Since the iteration process in the numerical method does not converage to a unique solution, further inference on the values and the significance of these estimated coefficients are not possible. CDNCLUSIDNE Although the computation ends up with an estimation of the coefficients for the sons—mode specific utility Uh ,the result agrees with what most studies have identified by using similar model. Because of the scone of this waver the demand 8 side of the model has been investigated while the supply 11 side of the model was left aside. Thus care must be taken when one tries to compare the results of this paper to those obtained by A.enas because he applied the equilibrium model on the 1970 data, which take care of both the demand side and the supply side of the model. The aggregated data used in tflis paper, the census tract data, give reasonably well estimation. The use of aggregated data at the census tract level can be widely adopted if some of the necessary travel attributes such as zonal travel time for work trips to GED and zonal travel v ilaole in the if: I) . 21a cost to BBB for each modes, are al o census tract. 12 NOTES The exact forms for these probabilities are A P S" U+1-6’I ZSr U+l- I i ‘ ieXP( i ( ) i)/ jexP( j ( 0) j) j A Pkfi' 1/31 A Pmtik= exP(Uim)/ e:p(Uim) where I. = log Zexpw. ) J m 3m with I = (l-T) 6 = 1-(1-1) (1'6) where6'is a measure of correlation among unobserved travel mode related attributes within a zone tiis a measure of similarity of dwelling units in unobserved random attributes 6 is a measure of mode similarity in unobserved random utilities. Notice that the P . is aggregated probabilities because within-zogg variation of dwelling units cannot be observed with the census data 13 The exact forms of the equation read _®Q_{ 2. Zfiimlog smu"§i; 51 21:“(Emfi'smi) ximv 9v 1 m =0 for all u 9 ~ A _ ~ ~ -—9—3—( :1 N.log P.) —i:(P.-Pi)log Si 1 where 3 . represents the estimation of the probability by usinaucensus data; P . and Pi are given by m Pi =§Nimm ~ Pm‘ Nim/ 21le and 'fii = total work trip to C30 from ith census tract fiimé total work trip to CEO from ith ecnsus tract through mode m Forcing X to equal 1 and forcing 6 to equal 0, one needs only to solve the first two sets of the above equations. This is justified on the ground that‘l and 6' ususlly take up 1 and 0 respectively in most studies, and this could facilitate the calculation in this paper. The reader can find similar examples in A.Anas's book listed in the Bibliography. One step method involves solving the @‘s and.dfls at the same time whereas the two step method solve for 9's and substitute these values into the other set of equations for solving the rest of the coefficients. The one step approach always give superior result to the two step approach, yet the computation is more complicated. This paper uses the two step approach for simplicity. Notes 3 indicates the two step approach that is used in this paper. 1h The exact form of the matrix is I» A A =2?“ (1?:- ximvpmti) ( ; ximupm) - i Z ximvximqufi.) for all u,v for F's o L. Fv (-0.0391, 0.0399, -0.0722, -0.1442, -0.1329, -0.0406) The corresponding values for are which is reasonably close to zero vector. APPENDIX A 15 EXPLAINATION OF SYMBOLS USED IN THE PROGRAM = ith census tract ,i= 1 to 293 = mtg mode ,m= 1 to 5 DA(I,1)= per capita income DA(I,2)= number of rooms in census tract DA(I,3)= number of dwelling unit in census tract(Si) DA(I,4)= 511 DA(I,5)= N12 DA(I,6)= $13 DA(I,7)= Ni4 DA(I,8)— fiis DATA(I,1)= annual rent DATA(I,2)= travel mode DLIKFU(U)=first derivative of log-likelihood with respect to P D2(U,V)= varignce-covariance matrix for solvingck's DZIN(U,V)= inverse of D2(U,V) TIME(I,M)= travel time to CBD from zone i through mode m COST(I,M)= travel cost(annual) to CBD from zone i through mode m PI(I)= E1 PIM(I,M)= P . ESTI(I)= 9?“ ESTPIM(I,M)= ma EI(I)= Ii ALPHA(U)= oUs BETA(U)= p's FUNCTIONS: UTILI(I)= Ui UTILIM(I,M)= Uim DIz= Di2’ D13= 013, DI4= 014, DIS= Dis Others are variables necessary for the computation process, and they carry no specific meaning. 101 102 103 104 899 111 898 16 MAIN PROGRAM CHAN,PN1315683,rgz,jc499. attach,mnlda1,mnlA2. attach,MNLdat,mnle. ftnS. lgo. listty,i=tape6. PROGRAM MNLB real da(293,8),data(293,2),dlikfu(6),beta(6),residue(6) real delta(2),d1mafun(2),time(293,5),cost(293,5),PIM(293,5) real estpim(293,5),sum(293,6),d2(6,12),d2in(6,11),PI(293) real WTMASUM(2),W2MASUM(2,2),D2MAFUN(2,2),ALPHA(2) REAL EI(293),ESTPI(293) common/coml/beta,data,time,cost common/COMZ/ALPHA,DA open(7,file='mn1da1') open(10,fi1e='mnldat') OPEN(6,FILE='OUTPUT') do 101 i=l,293 read(7,102) DA(I,1),DA(I,2),DA(I,4),DA(I,5),DA(I,6),DA(I,7), DA(I,8),DA(I,3) format(F6.0,F3.1,6F5.0) do 103 I=1,293 read(10,104) DATA(I,1),DATA(I,2) format(F6.0,9X,F2.0) DO 899 I=1,293 DA(I,1)=DA(I,1) DATA(I,1)=DATA(I,1) alpha(1)=0 alpha(2)=-0.05 do 111 i=1,6 residue(i)=0.0 DO 898 I=1,293 DA(I,1)=DA(I,1)/365 DATA(I,1)=DATA(I,1)/365 BETA(1)=-0.05 BETA(2)=-0.05 BETA(3)=0.0 BETA(4)=0.0 BETA(5)=0.0 BETA(6)=0.0 do 105 I=1,293 if(I.lt.10)then TIME(I,1)=O.82 TIME(I,2)=0.82 TIME(I,3)=0.77 TIME(I,4)=O.63 COST(I,1)=2.62 COST(I,2)=2.92 COST(I,3)=1.59 COST(I,4)=1.35 else if(I.lt.134)then TIME(I,1)=O.47 TIME(I,2)=0.47 TIME(I,3)=O.77 TIME(I,4)=O.37 TIME(I,5)=O.25 COST(I,1)=2.12 COST(I,2)=1.79 COST(I,3)=1.59 COST(I,4)=1.35 COST(I,5)=O else if(I.lt.235)then TIME(I,1)=O.98 TIME(I,2)=O.98 TIME(I,3)=1.05 TIME(I,4)=0.9 COST(I,1)=2.65 cosm(1,2)=2.41 cosm(1,3)=1.59 COST(I,4)=1.5 else if(I.lt.272)then TIME(I,1)=1.67 TIME(I,2)=1.67 TIME(I,3)=1.25 TIME(I,4)=0.9 COST(I,1)=3.3 COST(I,2)=3.00 COST(I,3)=1.59 COST(I,4)=1.5 else if(I.lt.276)then TIME(I,1)=2.5 TIME(I,2)=2.5 TIME(I,3)=1.7 TIME(I,4)=1.37 COST(I,1)=4.13 COST(I,2)=4.16 COST(I,3)=1.59 COST(I,4)=1.89 else TIME(I,1)=1.57 TIME(I,2)=1.57 TIME(I,3)=1.2 TIME(I,4)=1.28 COST(I,1)=3.42 COST(I,2)=3.16 COST(I,3)=1.59 COST(I,4)=1.81 end if 105 continue TOTAL:0.0 do 210 I=1,293 PI(I)=0.0 do 211 J=1,5 211 PI(I)=PI(I)+DA(I,J+3) 210 310 311 999 213 214 212 778 777 215 216 217 218 555 389 388 TOTAL:TOTAL+PI(I) do 311 I=1,293 18 do 310 J=1,5 PIM(I,J)=DA(I,J+3)/PI(I) PI(I)=PI(I)/TOTAL do 212 I=1,293 if(I.LT.10)THEN K=4 else IF(I.GT.133)THEN K84 ELSE K=5 end if A=O do 213 M=1,K A=A+EXP(UTILIM(I,M)) do 214 M=1,K ESTPIM(I,M)=EXP(UTILIM(I,M))/A continue do 777 I=1,293 do 778 L31,6 SUM(I,L)=0.0 continue do 216 I=1,293 if(I.Lm.10)THEN =4 else IF(I.GT.133)THEN K84 ELSE K=5 end if do 215 M=1,K SUM(I,1)=(PIM(I,M)-ESTPIM(I,M))*LOG(DATA(I,1)+COST(I,M))+SUM(I,1) SUM(I,2)=SUM(I,2)+(PIM(I,M)-ESTPIM(I,M))*TIME(I,M) SUM(I,3)=SUM(I,3)+(PIM(I,M)-ESTPIM(I,M))*DIZ(M) SUM(I,4)=SUM(I,4)+(PIM(I,M)-ESTPIM(I,M))*D13(M) SUM(I,5)=SUM(I,5)+(PIM(I,M)-ESTPIM(I,M))*DI4(M) SUM(I,6)=SUM(I,6)+(PIM(I,M)-ESTPIM(I,M))*DIS(M) continue do 218 L=1,6 DLIKFU(L)=0.0 do 217 I=1,293 DLIKFU(L)=SUM(I,L)*PI(I)+DLIKFU(L) continue WRITE(6,555)DLIKFU(1),DLIKFU(2),DLIKFU(3),DLIKFU(4),DLIKFU(5), DLIKFU(G) FORMAT(6F8.4) do 388 I=1,293 do 389 L=1,6 SUM(I,L)=0 continue do 401 I=1,293 if(I.LT.10)THEN K=4 else IF(I.GT.133)THEN K=4 ELSE K=5 end if 402 401 702 701 610 601 602 603 404 403 406 405 443 444 000000 1 do 402 M=1,K 9 SUM(I,1)=SUM(I,1)+ESTPIM(I,M)*LOG(DATA(I,1)+COST(I,M)) SUM(I,2)=SUM(I,2)+ESTPIM(I,M)*TIME(I,M) SUM(I,3)=SUM(I,3)+ESTPIM(I,M)*DI2(M) SUM(I,4)=SUM(I,4)+ESTPIM(I,M)*DI3(M) SUM(I,5)=SUM(I,5)+ESTPIM(I,M)*DI4(M) SUM(I,6)=SUM(I,6)+ESTPIM(I,M)*DIS(M) continue do 701 L=1,6 do 702 N=1,12 D2(L,N)=0 continue do 610 I=1,6 DZ(I,I+6)=1.0 do 603 L=1,6 do 602 N=1,6 do 601 I=1,293 D2(L,N)=D2(L,N)+SUM(I,L)*SUM(I,N)*PI(I) continue continue do 403 I=1,293 if(I.LI.10)THEN K34 else IF(I.GT.133)THEN K=4 ELSE K=5 end if do 404 M=1,K D2(1,1)=D2(1,1)-LOG(DATA(I,1)+COST(I,M))*LOG(DATA(I,1)+ COST(I,M))*PI(I)*ESTPIM(I,M) D2(1,2)=D2(1,2)-PI(I)*LOG(DATA(I,1)+COST(I,M))*TIME(I,M)* ESTPIM(I,M) D2(1,3)=D2(1,3)-PI(I)*LOG(DATA(I,1)+COST(I,M))*DIZ(M)* ESTPIM(I,M) DZ(1,4)-D2(1,4)-PI(I)*LOG(DATA(I,1)+COST(I,M))*DI3(M)* ESTPIM(I,M) D2(1,5)=D2(1,5)-PI(I)*LOG(DATA(I,1)+COST(I,M))*DI4(M)* ESTPIM(I,M) DZ(1,6)=DZ(1,6)-PI(I)*LOG(DATA(I,1)+COST(I,M))*DI5(M)* ESTPIM(I,M) D2(2,2)=D2(2,2)-TIME(I,M)*TIME(I,M)*PI(I)*ESTPIM(I,M) DZ(2,3)=D2(2,3)-TIME(I,M)*DI2(M)*PI(I)*ESTPIM(I,M) D2(2,4)=DZ(2,4)-TIME(I,M)*DI3(M)*PI(I)*ESTPIM(I,M) DZ(2,5)=D2(2,5)-TIME(I,M)*DI4(M)*PI(I)*ESTPIM(I,M) DZ(2,6)=DZ(2,6)-TIME(I,M)*DI5(M)*PI(I)*ESTPIM(I,M) D2(3,3)=D2(3,3)-DI2(M)*PI(I)*ESTPIM(I,M) DZ(4,4)=D2(4,4)-DI3(M)*PI(I)*ESTPIM(I,M) DZ(5,5)=D2(5,5)-DI4(M)*PI(I)*ESTPIM(I,M) D2(6,6)=D2(6,6)-DI5(M)*PI(I)*ESTPIM(I,M) continue do 405 I=1,2 K=I+1 do 406 J=K,6 D2(J,I)=D2(I,J) continue DO 443 I=1,6 WRITE(6,444)D2(I,1) ,D2(I,2) ,D2(I,3) ,D2(I,4) ,D2(I,5) ,D2(I,6) FORMAT(6F10.4) 704 706 705 708 707 709 713 714 888 802 803 804 998 711 710 801 822 824 833 832 834 do 709 M=1,6 J=12-M 20 do 704 L=1,J D21N(6,L)-D2(1,Ld1)/D2(1,1) do 705 I=1,5 do 706 L31,J D2IN(I,L)=D2(I+1,L*1)-D2(1,L+1)*D2(I+1,1)/D2(1,1) continue do 707 K=1,6 do 708 N=1,J DZ(K,N)=DZIN(K,N) continue continue EPSILON=0 do 714 J=1,6 RESIDUE(J)=0.0 do 713 I=1,6 RESIDUE(J)=D2(J,I)*DLIKFU(I)+RESIDUE(J) BETA(J)=BETA(J)-RESIDUE(J) EPSILON=EPSILON+RESIDUE(J)*RESIDUE(J)/(BETA(J)*BETA(J)) EPSILON=SQRT(EPSILON/6.0) WRITE(6,888)BETA(1),BETA(2),BETA(3),BETA(4),BETA(5),BETA(6), EPSILON FORMAT(7F8.4) IF(EPSILON.GT.0.001)GO TO 999 do 802 I=1,293 EI(I)-o.o do 804 I=1,293 if(I.LT.10)THEN K=4 else IF(I.GT.133)THEN K=4 ELSE K=5 end if do 803 M=1,K EI(I)=EI(I)+EXP(UTILIM(I,M)) EI(I)=LOG(EI(I)) continue ASUM=0.0 do 710 I=1,2 do 711 J=1,2 W2MASUM(I,J)=0.0 WTMASUM(I)=0.0 do 801 I=1,293 ASUM=ASUM+DA(I,3)*EXP(UTILI(I)+Ei(I)) DO 824 K=1,2 do 822 I=1,293 WTMASUM(K)=WTMASUM(K)+DA(I,K)*DA(I,3)*EXP(UTILI(I)+EI(I)) continue DO 834 L#1,2 DO 832 K=1,2 do 833 I=1,293 W2MASUM(K,L)=W2MASUM(K,L)+DA(I,K)*DA(I,L)*DA(I,3)* EXP(UTILI(I)+EI(I)) continue continue do 806 I=1,2 do 805 J=1,2 805 806 809 810 811 812 813 815 814 816 825 818 819 21 D2MAFUN(I,J)=(WTMASUM(I)*WTMASUM(J)-W2MASUM(I,J))/ASUM continue DET=D2MAFUN(1,1)*DZMAFUN(2,2)-D2MAFUN(1,2)*D2MAFUN(2,1) DZIN(1,1)=DZMAFUN(2,2)/DET D21N(2,2)=D2MAFUN(1,1)/DET DZIN(1,2)=(0.0-D2MAFUN(1,2))/DET DZIN(2,1)=(0.0-D2MAFUN(2,1))/DET do 809 I=1,293 ESTPI(I)=DA(I,3)*EXP(UTILI(I)+EI(I))/ASUM do 811 J=1,2 D1MAFUN(J)=0.0 do 810 I=1,293 D1MAFUN(J)=D1MAFUN(J)+(PI(I)-ESTPI(I))*DA(I,J) continue DIFF=0.0 do 813 I=1,2 DELTA(I)=0.0 do 812 J=1,2 DELTA(I)=DZIN(I,J)*DlMAFUN(J)+DELTA(I) ALPHA(I)=ALPHA(I)-DELTA(I) DIFF=DIFF+DELTA(I)*DELTA(I)/(ALPHA(I)*ALPHA(I)) DIFF=SQRT(DIFF/2.0) if(DIFF.gt.0.001)GO TO 998 XLIK=0.0 do 814 I=1,293 do 815 M=1,5 XLIK=XLIK+DA(I,I+3)*LOG(DA(I,M+3)/TOTAL) continue ESTLIK=0.0 do 825 I=1,293 if(I.LT.10)THEN K=4 ELSE IF(I.GT.133)THEN K=4 else K=5 end if do 816 M=l,K ESTLIK=ESTLIK+DA(I,M+3)*LOG(PI(I)*ESTPIM(I,M)) continue CHISQ=2.0*(ESTLIK-XLIK) write(6,818)ALPHA(1),ALPHA(2),XLIK,ESTLIK,CHISQ format(2F8.4,3F10.4) write(6,819)BETA(1),BETA(2),BETA(3),BETA(4),BETA(5),BETA(6) format(8F10.4) stop end function UTILIM(I,M) real DATA(293,2),BETA(6),COST(293,5),TIME(293,5) COMMON/COMl/BETA,DATA,TIME,COST UTILIM=BETA(1)*LOG(DATA(I,1)+COST(I,M))+BETA(2)*TIME(I,M)+ BETA(3)*DI2(M)+BETA(4)*DI3(M)+BETA(5)*DI4(M)+ BETA(6)*DI5(M) return end function DIZ(M) DI2=(M-1)*(M-3)*(M-4)*(M-5)/(-6.0) return ENTRY DIB(M) 22 DI3=(M-1)*(M-2)*(M-4)*(M-5)/(4.0) return ENTRY DI4(M) DI4=(M-1)*(M-Z)*(M-3)*(M-5)/(—6.0) return ENTRY DIS(M) DIS=(M-1)*(M-2)*(M-3)*(M-4)/(24.0) return end function UTILI(I) real ALPHA(2),DA(293,8) common/COMZ/ALPHA,DA UTILI=ALPHA(1)*DA(I,1)+ALPHA(2)*DA(I,2) return end APPENDIX B DATA FILE 1 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 8 4.9 413 5.0 1334 6.7 1750 5.0 1229 5.2 791 4.3 1205 5.3 1867 5.6 3568 5.0 2155 4.2 1780 3.6 691 4.0 1022 4.9 293 5.1 2116 5.1 2093 5.1 2492 3.1 1783 4.1 568 2.8 1368 5.0 912 3.0 1158 2.8 841 2.9 746 5.4 866 3.9 400 5.2 1160 5.0 682 3.4 902 4.6 200 3.0 1067 4.9 244 3.8 516 2.9 1146 2.7 1270 4.3 529 5.0 496 3.2 824 5.1 406 3.4 1235 2.1 376 3.4 974 = DA(I,3) = ROOM = DA(I,4) = DA(I,5) = DA(I,6) = DA(I,7) = DA(I,8) = INCOME 82 9 273 13 315 17 399 134 195 79 314 111 394 127 822 154 598 170 638 544 263 522 408 351 85 108 779 353 830 605 994 860 745 1630 153 304 528 1402 490 446 430 1022 560 1012 710 990 203 209 162 244 402 454 270 225 494 1687 141 106 554 2702 51 118 177 279 500 3020 559 3029 300 331 226 123 284 1287 369 278 434 1605 100 658 320 1052 43 296 224 313 251 395 289 91 66 1038 754 1295 151 467 385 464 1552 150 1064 504 441 432 484 160 138 350 180 163 95 212 134 647 72 141 573 765 52 55 149 168 337 24 81 63 110 115 210 147 80 122 400 378 260 83 124 229 330 547 174 196 281 191 574 251 71 142 275 50 115 100 173 91 472 394 623 279 246 238 37 852 1009 1341 23 451 1912 1630 2310 1373 2187 2298 3141 2854 3970 2363 3269 486 3765 3647 4373 7566 1523 6360 2441 4248 4775 4589 1129 1202 2388 1334 3644 612 5458 599 1955 6272 6329 1775 1565 3335 927 5249 2943 5551 9282 11042 11131 9870 8932 7591 9181 7717 9170 8636 8382 7805 8180 11592 9281 8772 11023 7747 10268 8098 9351 5068 5615 10114 6852 7838 8044 14779 7132 14962 7426 10415 17190 17877 10884 12747 18014 17621 30320 8398 28636 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. mmmmhoouumoouo#mmoemuémqmwtfimuwooqumdqmwommuhpuqumcfipopmuAHHmu-h b-bU'IU'IUIU'IWUIbbU‘Iuhb-hubbw#kmwwwhkmfimkmmbmfinkhU‘IofihohhnbUlUthIthImUlkUIUImUIUIUIH 91 369 1153 1361 1226 1135 1414 1336 1639 1790 554 1487 456 1572 971 410 317 1229 1164 176 1028 1309 418 560 315 888 871 2005 510 117 360 600 371 353 409 426 422 74 340 162 286 469 402 2470 804 361 1682 1749 1305 96 709 836 292 2379 526 1037 1291 427 487 12 103 296 420 326 351 368 629 510 761 148 610 153 489 299 168 63 403 586 205 446 403 393 212 195 480 337 675 301 32 122 484 176 248 959 113 137 83 175 106 171 226 85 761 290 201 614 792 435 81 420 344 100 691 181 342 524 120 265 367 50 113 218 152 386 242 665 506 507 110 543 186 443 351 128 140 809 1016 430 716 806 494 504 363 572 582 1158 232 177 209 382 170 225 462 343 670 154 261 148 227 353 352 1633 859 383 1617 1534 483 52 385 555 113 628 180 374 392 50 256 50 99 152 308 253 212 251 555 535 292 147 307 98 130 135 24 43 347 941 336 27 82 182 100 89 125 252 137 43 36 51 119 96 37 32 43 76 15 54 130 101 310 203 361 243 83 431 552 539 31 415 167 44 279 240 331 218 131 86 823 44 59 151 105 133 270 202 194 121 97 157 119 105 178 87 74 172 359 128 274 74 128 282 171 61 102 75 42 21 94 223 89 88 443 52 105 25 90 10 382 470 64 168 69 104 123 87 47 209 58 32 161 11 70 30 151 212 24 2073 558 1244 2107 1552 1868 2203 2906 2956 2774 911 2848 945 2449 2002 556 610 2909 3850 1187 2677 3174 1780 1678 1214 1536 2250 3861 1184 438 1103 1624 738 986 1801 807 2842 967 727 1458 917 2068 1690 6545 2736 981 5174 4965 2337 199 2041 1656 1041 2622 964 1567 1613 1062 1347 15192 9345 9684 9361 12640 9889 8973 6636 8922 8423 8907 7687 8660 8771 8567 8325 6243 6412 6585 4902 5496 3564 4423 6901 3688 6725 4374 4578 3880 5620 3037 3957 5661 4849 5151 14223 3081 3778 12403 3458 6952 15879 4608 7500 5502 6396 5366 6570 9362 7129 6763 6839 4609 6754 8612 6081 6215 9494 5039 U'IO‘UIGmeme‘mUImwUlfiUlumubUIUIU'IU'IbUImUIUIUIGU'IU'IUIU'IU'IUIUIUIUIUIUIUIufiabUIIhm-hmmuhbhuhmhhm UHububOSO\O\\D\ONHfiHO‘GQmOHfiGQI-‘OflmflmflUUIO‘UOWUthHIP-UIO-FW\OOQOhNOQhQWl-‘mmfi 1197 1844 168 1607 935 584 733 481 373 549 445 642 816 1742 1305 981 787 1186 213 639 643 108 841 3595 2929 1199 854 752 1023 2351 1014 1124 1357 1799 839 1828 1739 1717 1858 2508 872 469 575 1004 1550 1561 1362 368 928 1556 4402 1189 1251 1045 2791 3034 1287 1662 4367 461 451 41 480 302 238 392 120 146 237 231 248 351 552 466 279 292 522 56 141 349 284 1208 762 342 285 158 307 912 304 435 496 489 220 499 313 441 593 684 241 99 144 607 378 368 249 69 232 370 894 314 333 245 699 690 236 329 1026 628 395 55 516 598 488 526 307 430 362 337 429 324 488 497 230 338 394 88 441 633 83 509 635 547 654 472 328 38 991 ‘336 246 441 67 127 103 26 30 332 105 74 66 239 160 85 26 19 32 23 15 147 20 97 29 166 266 324 153 44 169' 180 365 171 174 156 305 510 225 250 411 93 149 168 155 146 244 318 465 324 483 514 149 688 145 62 156 345 231 457 259 316 209 651 209 130 409 47 147 24 165 200 121 127 139 35 136 195 69 143 127 140 147 97 141 21 41 44 39 71 257 184 34 55 11 111 91 34 47 102 50 177 99 44 136 69 257 96 573 126 238 67 286 11 43 27 118 67 81 142 190 85 61 61 156 2‘5 2326 3240 240 1964 1707 1384 1731 957 893 1322 1203 1046 1647 2210 2104 1287 1348 2044 632 2192 2130 131 1764 3606 3512 1940 1454 912 1354 3680 1279 1681 2142 2173 1488 2400 1805 1848 1865 3498 1633 1952 1175 2174 1844 3006 1098 458 1186 1549 3358 1627 1389 1323 2747 2938 1381 1469 4509 4448 8014 7882 8896 8828 8627 7261 7436 6950 6989 6049 8193 7734 8582 8718 9164 7351 7526 3371 4103 4052 5461 6503 9021 8801 6584 5875 6543 10158 6260 7211 5789 6899 8064 7848 8422 8816 9996 8949 8893 14229 12018 16437 8518 9272 11744 12657 14589 6159 10587 9388 11105 11062 11983 16670 8843 8011 11835 10763 mmbmmommemmqmmmhqdqmqmuuhmousmbcocoon\lslasmmmmmmmosemosmmmasosqummmosox UIUGHUQNNDhthD-‘OWOhmeU‘JQO‘Oh-VQUIUIUIUIOO-fiubN‘DHNmquNHNmUmHNNi-‘bmwmm 890 1574 2988 478 2121 1329 884 809 994 5510 2446 3893 1637 2626 1435 1318 1682 2031 2697 2078 1607 2754 3785 1614 935 1774 754 630 518 460 3394 2340 8213 2692 2153 1791 2630 1748 1820 4107 1407 3966 1940 2063 4428 3987 1924 1131 3735 4776 2404 5251 4729 5090 3360 1823 2037 1198 2309 316 244 419 163 603 389 244 241 344 1326 474 755 461 455 327 263 281 524 722 506 401 570 915 333 182 259 330 187 113 65 606 408 1771 626 386 496 788 420 242 698 189 726 407 480 997 798 364 219 686 1478 554 1594 1105 979 795 478 444 216 411 20 15 37 78 211 16 43 104 52 29 130 20 65 99 22 50 123 171 141 70 67 82 51 13 18 345 60 62 142 36 27 19 15 44 21 10 14 12 48 35 57 110 127 186 41 11 73 324 460 104 342 405 485 510 530 480 372 124 451 362 153 725 470 187 258 292 161 252 461 194 306 328 534 657 369 409 337 524 728 840 140 205 96 97 476 200 590 528 360 91 712 437 429 116 341 554 113 439 416 355 497 209 529 148 343 41 49 146 45 64 149 111 91 97 161 78 154 144 69 80 284 19 91 107 103 70 68 53 27 56 182 149 39 36 44 191 253 143 129 222 229 41 54 137 75 19 107 49 235 59 136 11 94 167 45 189 186 204 286 73 136 75 123 26 870 1594 2770 502 2120 1760 1256 1763 1559 5098 2528 3470 2333 2821 1437 2508 2267 541 4293 2024 2310 372 1898 1911 1046 1591 1592 1377 883 846 3306 2921 9172 3720 2236 2239 2952 2108 1837 3526 1696 3957 1961 2066 4244 3727 1982 1152 3606 5196 2382 4743 4925 4421 3480 1891 3209 1410 2222 9876 17483 13074 8141 1053 8928 12181 10633 7735 10124 9819 10314 8419 13414 11104 9412 12620 9731 13334 12379 11501 11231 8059 10518 12959 14587 13875 25894 24968 26622 10882 15243 9874 12059 8582 8416 7873 8477 15442 10237 21322 16948 16204 10267 11271 10799 11741 14179 13404 7193 11125 8092 10693 10049 10570 10987 9137 9062 15894 ooqmosmmmannmmhmmhqmmmmhmqashoomqmemosqmmmosmmmqmmslmqmmmmoxosasmhhbm ONHhUh’U’lUIQbQ-hohUl\OQUGUIO‘DUIUGUIQUJNQUINGDQ\INNDUQfiHOQONNNDQGGNomUmuN 3475 1606 3466 1775 6309 5655 616 1726 1674 2460 2754 2082 1670 2978 1724 4854 2749 2575 1973 1749 3037 1435 1897 2142 2756 2183 2624 1206 639 3444 1174 2365 925 2450 1458 1069 2969 3493 6192 7961 3243 3602 3705 3907 2076 1982 2694 3124 4435 1736 2211 2630 786 1643 2536 295 1083 2062 985 903 439 811 300 1505 1270 176 388 561 653 570 514 279 612 315 932 655 551 535 405 631 254 611 461 487 653 572 234 115 696 259 349 149 386 367 257 499 755 1290 1811 685 710 739 744 326 544 714 766 1016 385 672 490 139 790 505 105 288 332 161 106 111 122 36 52 11 40 88 70 27 12 26 26 38 40 88 17 27 62 24 14 13 UIQOOHOOQ 25 13 14 22 38 29 17 23 62 32 16 15 31 23 51 477 398 29 510 716 82 413 185 420 252 582 394 522 671 1127 83 306 651 186 233 351 230 604 186 501 495 85 92 856 179 251 178 219 275 167 310 301 616 898 494 880 487 488 126 675 605 759 378 327 509 466 92 51 120 12 34 414 501 197 227 139 83 112 120 19 30 83 133 70 135 31 95 61 139 161 17 182 149 159 153 17 164 61 64 222 87 319 33 144 20 122 21 32 149 38 123 112 138 325 98 239 89 182 64 126 65 59 64 94 23 90 33 120 94 27 27 3532 2728 4112 2133 5778 5522 588 1586 1865 2625 2311 2990 1611 2785 2272 4775 2421 2085 2835 1882 8440 1476 2029 2350 2510 2229 2891 1162 691 4101 910 2009 836 2588 1851 909 2498 3622 5822 7815 2994 4289 3012 3817 2267 2870 3444 3638 4424 1875 2254 2149 945 1635 2415 320 1266 1947 1361 7608 7715 8246 8420 10038 8749 7219 7761 6541 9481 11231 9467 10893 10900 17486 11303 8309 10030 11072 9995 11281 13456 9498 9630 8801 10782 10350 8819 9531 10598 9426 11071 14390 11730 11642 10032 10713 9571 9504 9388 10910 10506 11062 11685 14669 11101 11049 10340 11229 11478 10807 10024 11237 7253 9784 10365 6718 12945 26688 UlmmmmmmmOSflmUIO‘UIQO‘ WHuomeUHufiUO‘UIl-‘m 1027 2251 1557 1303 2650 457 2136 3363 2532 6888 5530 4364 2736 5767 787 908 213 610 310 274 873 62 467 1019 651 1916 1803 933 496 1917 497 278 SOOhOQO 17 12 33 52 11 17 48 28 0 291 206 10 293 21 15 356 62 291 878 465 165 411 574 11 253 376 64 35 112 50 29 38 346 182 343 113 55 48 109 24 28 1346 2214 1460 1672 2627 442 2052 3797 2767 7416 5639 3955 2734 6228 1428 1182 16829 11201 9187 14845 8065 10621 17679 14428 9420 9416 8045 8656 8394 8149 5262 9857 APPENDIX C DATA FILE 2 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 1 .ounmcnunuraa-ucnu:brauautuhnhcspcduhh4sh1npaH1»hamraenhhaprac-Haouawrd 6524 6005 9526 4857 4977 3950 5426 5563 3704 3511 3884 3512 3715 6427 4977 4398 3763 3450 3522 4116 4786 2513 2809 6813 2830 3338 2877 5336 2673 4987 2654 4321 6526 7471 4595 7405 6196 7425 10779 3054 11171 3809 6418 ANNUAL RENT TRAVEL MODE 29 HthIl-‘HNHNHUNU'IHHHHHNU‘UIHuuuuNNPb)NbuwNUUIHNHNUHHHUIUIUHUDHHUQHHUIHH 7189 5507 8728 5421 5008 3006 4904 4963 4165 3187 3604 5943 4074 4097 2759 2612 2568 2266 2450 2225 1598 2186 1573 3702 2659 2731 2218 2517 2223 1677 2544 1830 2417 4428 9423 1822 7490 2124 4327 3929 2233 3060 2585 3163 2746 2630 3747 2608 2379 3115 1372 4383 3459 3412 3983 2062 1789 2737 3273 30 NoahHHHHHHHHfiHHHHHNHHhuHNHH-hwwuhHI-‘NHHHHHNUNKJNHmmmuMHmeHwi-le-DN 3715 5159 3854 3273 2508 1983 2133 2264 1762 4593 3060 4700 4160 4799 3652 3160 2142 1965 2222 2598 2575 5331 4848 3229 2858 3480 6387 3409 3761 3822 3983 3958 3425‘ 4620 6173 6531 4894 4323 8673 6732 10512 4958 5628 3608 14116 7028 2891 6009 7256 5931 7604 7893 9479 6161 4612 8199 6984 8516 11351 bidNHNHhHl—‘HHNNHHHHNHHhHHHNHHHHHHhHéHPD—‘NHHHHHHHhNHhHNHNbHHbI-‘H 9945 6543 6522 5465 8519 4939 4996 6248 5962 7393 3254 9199 8094 3574 7524 6715 8145 8739 6412 7611 6570 6292 9103 9919 9948 17075 19175 18998 6197 10084 5236 7263 4842 5129 5704 6282 11130 7099 14638 14557 11305 5768 7386 9177 8706 7341 6306 5550 5507 6814 6876 4923 8563 8366 3970 5584 9979 5253 3084 32 HHUHHHHNH-hNl-hbHHHHHHHHHHNHHNHHHHHHHHHHHHNHl-‘HHH#NHHNHHHHHHHHH 4685 5128 8948 6400 5887 5392 6541 5362 7611 4847 8042 5431 9498 7105 5636 9102 5939 6086 8171 8676 6198 5493 6150 8667 7343 5936 4088 6682 7803 7570 13226 5296 5812 9169 7881 5190 7228 7195 7400 6695 7927 6790 6451 5945 5373 6079 7569 5374 8681 7856 7516 5007 6792 7535 3504 9667 15168 10871 9521 HHNHHHHHHHNHHH 6359 10731 5369 34 8783 11171 5727 7228 6531 5734 8342 4836 5729 2690 4278 BI BLIOGRAPHY 35 M.Ben-Akiva and Lerman, DISCRETE CHOICE MODEL, MIT Press, 1985 A.Anas, RESIDENTIAL LOCATION MARKET AND URBAN TRANSPORTATION, Academic Press, 1982 Chicago Area Transportation Study, PERSONAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION, 1980 G.Ingram(ed), RESIDENTIAL LOCATION AND URBAN HOUSING MARKETS, Cambridge,Mass: Ballinger, 1977 M.Manheim, FUNDAMENTAL OF TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Vol 1:Basic Concept, MIT Press, 1979 D.Sega1(ed), THE ECONOMICS OF NEIGHBORHOOD, Academic Press, 1979 U.S.Census Bureau, CHICAGO SMSA CENSUS TRACT, 1980 . llHIHWIHI|||||l|l|||l|IllIlllllllllllHlHHlllmIIIIIH\l 31293 02645 9002