A LAND USE PLAN FOR JACKSON COUNTY, MICHIGAN Thesis far tho Dare... 9‘ M. 5. meme/AN suns COLLEGE Henry Wéiford Fairchild 1948 ’ "— - -— .A—' ‘M_ .__—‘-“7. THESIS This is to certifg that the thesis entitled presented by has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for ‘, II D , -_degree in. _ '_‘_-_ ,_ ' U 7 Major-professor Date 11 '1’ I . .1_ M-795 vll|.(lll.lll|llll.ll[r||\ ll (I'll ill: A.LANU USE PLAN 30R JACKSON COUKIY, mICKIGAN by Henry ailford Feirghild A EEESIS " bubmitted to the School of Graduate studies of nichigan State College of agriculture and applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ”mica or amnion Department of Soil Science 1948 TABLE OF COXlENlS CEIAP‘LER I. 'JHJJJ lIXOJJLJJJJIJ o o o o o 0 Introduction . . . . . . Purpose and SCOpe of study . Location and size of county . JJIStory o o o o o o o o o 0'. II. “IYSICAL FLAIDRSS OF 135 COUNTY Iopography . . . . . Climate . . . . . . . Natural vegetation . Soils . . . . . . . . bedrock . . . . . . . Natural land types . daterloo type . . . . Springport type . . . Munith type . . . . . Concord type . . . . Parma type . . . . . Napoleon type . . . . Leoni type 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O {\3 0000.12.02 10 11 11 13 14 16 17 17 18 19 19 2O [ffllll‘l-IllllllllIr [[[ll [r‘ I n n o p n s n n v . . o a . u . I a . h 1 I v C O D I c h a v n t I s o a o I $ I . i U u I O I . U . O 3 fi . a q o C . . o . I 1 n a o a . t a C - ~ I v I r o v I a o l o u o c CHAPJ. ER III. IV. SOCIAL n31) nomadic Faifl‘t’ltns or ’13 Population . . . . Rural farm population . Rural non-farm non-village population Other classes of pOpulation . social-economic use areas Urban area . . . . Rural -urban fringe area . . General farming area . General farming, recreation area . t" J.J COUNTY'. General farming and recreation area Land values . . . LAND USE IN JACKSON COUNIY'. Agricultural land use . Summary of general features of agri cul tural land use Size of farm . . . :enency o o o o o Cropping pregram . the livestock program . Agricultural use areas Relation between natural land type and type of farming . government land and 54 34 34 35 37 41 41 42 44 46 58 60 62 CHAPIER Munith type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parma type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concord type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . springport type . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . daterloo type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . napoleon and Lecni Land types . . . . . . . Review of agricultural land use . . . . . . Recreational land use . . . . . . . . . . . Forestry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Government land use . . . . . . . . . . . . v. LAJU {$3 Enobbnnd OE LE4 UUUJJY QIIH rHoiOsnD SULUJIJQS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ihe swampland problem . . . . . . . . . . . Frontage development . . . . . . . . . . . airports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lxcess roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rural-urban fringe . . . . . . . . . . . . Declining urban population . . . . . . . . Proposed solution for the rural-urban fringe and declining urban population . . . Agricultural problems . . . . . . . . . . . Soil conservation and soil fertility problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 64 65 65 67 70 71 82 87 87 CHAPTER PnGb haladjustment in size of farm . . . . . . . 89 Farm land better suited for non agricultural uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Farm woodlot managenant problem . . . . . . 90 U . . . (C P‘ Individual farm organization prObleL" Need for social institution improvement . . 91 Recreational problems . . . . . . . . . . . 9a Eublic administration problems . . . . . . . 95 the land use plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 JJIJjLIO(}RA-L;IJ.Y o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 100 10 11 12 13 1111 OF EIGLHLS Location of Jackson County, Licnigan . . . Surface Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iatural Land Divisions . . . . . . . . . . Population Trends of Jackson County, 1840 to 1940 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per Cent Loss of Rural farm EOpUlation from 1940 to 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . Rural Hon—Farm Non-Village Population per Square mile in 1940 . . . . . . . . . Per Cent Change in School Census from 1940 to 1947 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fer Gent Increase of Rural Ion-Farm Ion-Village bopulation since 1920 . . . . ihe City Fringe area around Jackson City, gichigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social-Economic Use areas . . . . . . . . iotal Property Valuation per Sguare lile in 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . total Farmland Value per Square Mile in 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average Size of farm in l9a5 . . . . . . . 29 31 33 39 40 43 Vi FIGURE ?AGE 14 Change in Size of Farm from 1950 to 1945 . . . 45 15 irends in Land Utilization 1950 to 1945 . . . 47 16 Cropping Program for 1945 . . . . . . . . . . 49 17 Lap Showing iownships Having Higher Per -Cent Then County average of harms Reporting All Corn in 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5O 18 nap Showing iownship Having higher Per Cent lhan County Average of farms Reporting All Cats in 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 19 map Showing townships Having higher Per Cent than County Average of farms neporting «heat in 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 20 nap Chowing gownships having higher rer Cent ihan County Average of farms Reporting alfalfa in 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 21 Lap showing iownships having Higher Ber Cent .han County average of'Farms Reporting Clover in 1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 22 Distribution of Farms Reporting Corn, Cats, Jheat, Alfalfa and Clover Timothy in 1945 . . 56 25 Rank Coefficients of Correlations between Combinations of the Five Leading Crops . . . . 57 24 iypes of Farming by townships in Jackson County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 FIGURE p333 25 Recreational Land Use . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 26 cJOOlet IVIap o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 7]. 27 Preposed Land Use for Jackson County . . ACKNOJLEDCanjis Gratitude is expressed to Erofessor J.0. Veatch and to Dr. C.E. miller of the Soil Ccience Department of lich- igan State College for their guidance and competent criticism of this study. . ihe author is particularly indebted to the many departments of the hichigan State Government, the Jackson County Government, ihe Soil Conservation Service, the Farm management and Geology Departments and to the Conservation Institute of michigan State College for most of the data for the study. To numerous unknown farmers interviewed, acknow- ledgement is given for much valuable information that other- wise would have escaped the writers notice. CHAPI‘ER I ma Pao 1:,th Introduction Twenty to fifty thousand years before man settled Michigan, the glaciers had formed the complexity of land- forms that early explorers and settlers saw as Wooded hills and valleys, swamps and lakes. When men settled the region in the early eighteen hundreds, his pattern of settlement had already been given in the land acts of 1784, 1785 and 1787 (8) which provided that the North Jest Territory, of which Michigan was a part, be surveyed into ranges, townships and sections. this determined the grid pattern of deveIOpmant for both the city and county, resulting in the straight roads, the square and rectangular fields and the square block arrangement of the cities that is seen today. :hese two factors, glacial fornation and grid land division, determined to a great measure the land use patterns that evolved. Subsistence agriculture was the first land use to develop after settlements were established in southern Lichigan. this pattern soon changed into a general agri- culture pattern which was subsegu3ntly modified by the development of manufacturing industries and large urban centers. I. z unlit}... Z. ....J.. and. .3... In Before the day of the automobile, the city was the city and the country was the country; no one had difficulty in determining the boundary between. The location of the railroad and the trolley, and the speed bf the horse controlled the city limits. Since the advent of the auto- mobile, the city has permeated the country to the extent that it is difficult to know where the city stops and the country begins. Rural electrification has made the country a;more desirable place to live, in some respects, than the city and has caused intense competition to develOp for the land lying within driving distance of the cities. Electricity, the automobile and the tractor have changed agriculture from a pioneer subsistence type into two new farm types, the commercial farm which produces most of the farm products, and the part time farm which provides homes for workers from town and for people interested in living on farms but not interested in commercial farming. The new patterns of urban and agricultural land use evolved with such a rapidity after 1910, that in 1947, nineteenth century public administration methods were still being applied to twentieth century problems. Purpose and Scope 2; Study The plan of this study was to select a sample area from the dairy-general farming region of Southern Michigan where the pattern of industrial and commercial land use had 3 been superimposed on the agricultural use pattern, to delineate the land use problems characteristic of the region and to provide, if possible, logical solutions for the problems. To attain the objective stated, it was necessary to obtain basic information about the land, peOple, and the use of the land by the people; to determine the trends of past land use and project them into the future; and to evaluate the land use trends and recommend changes that appeared desirable. More specifically, it was planned to: 1. Outline the physical features of the area selected for study. 2. Make studies of land use for agricultural, forestry, recreational, and urban develOpment. 3. Delineate the social-economic land use areas. 4. Outline areas having land use problems. 5. take recommendations for changes in land use. 6. Make statistical studies of pOpulation, land values, and other items necessary to the completion of the study. Jackson County, Michigan was selected as the locale of the study. Jackson County is located in the second tier of counties from the southern boundary of Michigan, in the centtral part of the state from east to west. Jackson, the largest city, and county seat, is situated in the center of the county seventy-two miles west of Cetroit, thirty-five miles west of Ann Arbor, thirty-nine miles south of Lansing, and forty-two miles east of battle Creek. 1 fig. {1) shows the location and size of the county on a Mich- igan map. rhe county consists of nineteen townships, made up of 717 sauare miles, of Which 705 are in land area and the remaining twelve square miles in water area (26). Jackson city in 1940 was the 201st largest city in the United States with a population of almost fifty thousand people, and a land area of ten and two tenths square miles. (30). The earliest record of a permanent settlement in the county was given by Deland (5) as the summer of 1829 when Horace hlackman settled the west bank of Grand River at the junction of several Indian trails. Ihe account relates that he settled there because it was the most likely place for the county seat to be located. Prescott (20), stated that a more forbidding site could not have been selected in the whole state of michigan for a village or city. Shortly after Black- man made his settlement, other settlers came over the trail from.nnn Arbor to locate farms and build homes. The county of Jackson was founded on October twenty-ninth, 1829, and was attached to flashtenaw for judicial purposes. The next year . 5-..... . . 1... Irv. . . min—.13.... .cd 4151., 3.61”. .Ji 1 \ 04‘ u' 97' ”mm“ mmm 4‘. x‘ q 45'. ' 1 Al. FIGURE 1 cuwr'o oscooA ucom LOCATION or JACKSON 003cm came Iosca GWNTY. MICHIGAN «1 um: escrow can run“ ”(MAC “0 HIM" MY ammo meow menu MIDLAND mam fumuc .__..J nonraw mmr new» 1 mvr sense: 0mm lam cuuron 3mm. strewn mm» an: ALLE'GAII cum (AIM menu LIV/mm: yum/1m! mun. CALM/II msumuu mm: s _ e? as: 31.1050» mm! musmu aunt: mono: ,3. a" *. . i “ 83 u. ”a j 6 Kalamazoo road was built and through the efforts of Black- man was directed through Grass Lake, Jackson, and Concord. In 1852 Jackson became a separate county. from 1829 to 1854 the population grew to eighteen hundred and sixty five people, in 1857 it numbered seven hundred and in 1840 thirteen thousand, one hundred and thirty people (25). 81013 (2) stated that the natural landscape of the county was made up of about one-quarter swamp plains and the rest largely oak openings. mcGee (12) further stated that, "the oak Openings were largely burr oak (a misnomer) and that there were no grubs or small timber and no brush... the only obstacles in the way (of travel) were the marshes and rivers." McGee went on to describe the natural vegetation, saying that besides the timber, there were "brakes", a kind of fern, which grew to two and one half to three feet high, wild strawberries and many kinds of wild flowers which grew in great profusion. Rapid growth of population came in the eighteen-thirties. ihe Pottewatomee Indians were numerous but offered no serious resistance to the settlement of the land. Life was rUgged in the new county for the settlers from the east, food was scarce during the first few winters but there was no lack of work. harming soon became the chief occupation of the settlers, with wheat, hay and cattle the.main farm products. In 1845 the first railroad was built connecting Chicago with ann Arbor, By that time also the road transportation system.of the county was well established; thus with the railroad for long hauls to distant large cities, and the oxen and horses for short hauls to the railroads, commercial agriculture began in earnest. By the time of the civil war, the county was producing thousands of bushels of wheat and hundreds of cattle. the city of Jackson, early in the history, became the center of culture and entertainment in south central hichigan. It was known as the best "show" town in Michigan with all the large eastern Theatre circuits making regular appearances there. the first Grange in Michigan was founded at Grass Lake, and it was "under the oaks" at Jackson on July six, 1854 that a group of Michigan citizens gathered and formed the first political party to be called the Republican party, in the United States. ihe party founded there on that day was later combined with the party formed at Bipon, Jisconsin to form the present Republican party (7).. CHAPTER II PHYSICAL FEATURES OF 13E COUNIY Topography The topography of the county is level to hillywith the greatest differences in elevation being about one hundred and fifty feet. fig. (2) shows the surface features of glacial origin as mapped by Leverett (10).. The county can be separated roughly into several topographic components. A moraine runs east and west through the center of the county, another runs north and south through Sandstone and Tompkins Townships, and still another through Concord and Liberty townships. The north-east part of the county con- sists largely of swampy plains through which are distributed sand islands. The south-east quarter of the county consists mainly of a level pitted plain; deeply pitted in the north, with many potholes, swamps and lakes and less deeply pitted in the south. the west half of the county consists of, be- sides moraines, undulating sandy plains through which are formed broad valleys of swampland along the drainage ways. Topographic maps of the U.S. Geological Survey have been completed for the north half of the county and the townships of Summit, Liberty, Leoni and the western part of Columbia and napoleon fownships (l5). FIGURE 2 SURFACE GEOLOGY After Leverett .J [‘7 4 ‘ N 1,0 ———-x- --- --- GRASS LAKE & l I l I l : :GR/ISS LAKE J ““1 r """""" ‘. APOLION : \V I I NAPOLIO ' ---------------- c.‘ B ' NORVI COL dMB/A b...—.«—- --—-7—.-_--“— ‘-—--—-_——- .154] CflgflN £69371“ny 10 Ihe greatest part of the county lies between 950 and 1050 feet above mean sea level, the highest point in the county thus far mapped being 1168 feet at Prospect Hill in Liberty Township. Four rivers have their headwaters in the south end of the county, the Kalamazoo and the Grand flowing north and west, and the huron and Raisin flowing east. Climate Continuous climate records are available for forty years. The climate is characterized by moderate summer temperatures and fairly cold winters, the mean average July temperature as recorded was 75.4 degrees Eahrenheit and the mean average January temperature 24.? degrees. The average dates for killing frosts have been: the last in the spring, May sixth, and the first in the fall, October eighth; or an average growing season of 155 days. lhe latest date recorded for frost in the spring was may twenty-fifth, and earliest in the fall was September nine- teenth. The rainfall is fairly well distributed throughout the growing season, with an average of 15.91 inches out of 39.97 inches of annual precipitation falling between the first of May and the first of October. An average of 39.4 inches of snow fall occurred in the county, most of it in 11 December, January and hebruary. Precipitation of more than one-tenth of an inch occurred on an average of 119 days a year. the wind is moderate with an average velocity ‘ of about ten miles per hour and blows from a south-westerly direction throughout all the year except the months of February and March when it blows from the northwest. The maximum wind velocity had never exceeded forty five miles per hour at the time of the study (3,4). Natural Vegetation The natural vegetation of the county in its original state varied with soil and topography, but in general the well drained mineral soils supported a growth of oak and hickory on the more sandy soils, and beech, elm, hard and soft maple and basswood on the heavier soils. the poorly drained mineral soils supported elm, ash, soft maple, bass- wood, swamp white oak, cherry'and butternut. free and growth on the organic soils consisted of elm, ash, soft maple, tama- rack, aspen, red osier dogwood. Other vegetation included elderberry, sedges, bluejoint, dwarf birch, common winter- berry, kalmia, chokecherry and sphegnun and other mosses (34). Soils Veatch, lrull and Porter (54), and irull (25) have described the soils of the county in great detail. it is sufficient for this study to quote Veatch: 12 "fhe soils of Jackson County differ widely in texture, structure, chemical composition, fertility, and moisture--natural factors which bear a relation to plant growth and consequently to agricultural use. they also exhibit a lack of uniformity within very short horizontal distances, a condition common to the State as a whole. the surface soils range from loose, incoherent, nearly pure sand to moderately heavy silt loam and clay loam. most of the soils, however, are light sandy loams. The sands comprise less than 5 per cent of the total area, and soils which have a clay or clay loam texture in the plow soil are of almost negligible total acreage. Probably 65 per cent of the land is loamy or free working under all conditions, about 10 per cent is moderately heavy, and about 5 per cent is refractory or difficult to manage because of a high content of clay, extreme stoniness, susceptibility to blowing, or other unfavor- able tilth conditions. about 20 per cent consists of muck and pest, which has its own tilth characteristics. It is estimated by local standards that 20 per cent of the soil is comparatively poor in organic matter in the plow layer, containing 2 per cent or less by weight; and that about 25 per cent, including muck and peat, has a high organic matter content. the houmous (humus) layer in virgin well-drained soils does not exceed 5 inches in thickness, and consequently in the cultivated there is very little tint or coloring from organic matter below the depth of 6 or 7 inches. The soils are deep, however, from the point of view of penetrability, as the parent soil material is unconsolidated glacial drift to a depth of several feet. About 90 per cent of the soils are acid in re- action in the natural surface horizons and in the plow soil. It is estimated that about 60 per cent of the mineral soils are acid to a depth of 56 or more inches, that 50 or 55 per cent contain sufficient calcium and magnesium carbonates or other bases at and below a depth ranging from 24 to 56 inches to give an alkaline reaction, and that 5 per cent either are nonacid or limy throughout under natural conditions. The organic soils comprising about 20 per cent of the area of the county are mostly neutral or mooerately acid, less than 5 per cent being the extremely acid peat. 13 in the greater part of the county drainage is naturally fairly good, as the water table is not high and the slope is sufficient to provide free run off. it is estimated that 25 per cent of the soils are characterized either by a high water table or by permanently swampy conditions and are therefore un- suitable for agricultural use unless they are ditched or tiled. The fertility and productivity of the soils, according to standards for the southern part of Rich- igan, are generally medium. Analyses of the predomin- ant types of mineral sail represented here do not show any evidence of abnormally high or of unusually small contents of the mineral constituents ordinarily de- termined. Probably 10 per cent of the soil, including the sands, is poor because of low content of plant nutrients and deficiency of moisture, and a rather large proportion, including some of‘the mucks or pests, is poor because of low content of mineral food in combination with either an excess or deficiency of water." Bedrock The northern half of the county is underlaid with Parma sandstone, a part of the Saginaw formation. the remainder of the county is underlaid in bands running from east to west with Bayport limestone, hichigan shale, lower Marshall limestone, Coldwater shale and Napoleon sandstone n (15). Leverett (11) stated that in the north end of hills- dale and the southern end of Jackson counties, the bedrock lay at a about 1100 feet above mean sea level, sloping down- ward to about 900 feet at Jackson. this slope of the bed- rock breaks to form a divide in the irish Hills between nillsdale and Jackson counties, causing all the rivers in the area to flow in all directions except south. 14 the minerals of the county are few and for the most part unimportant. Gravel, a little coal and building stone are the only minerals of any importance. From a soil point of view, the soils of the south end of the county are thin glacial drift with many pro- jections of the bed rock. As one travels north through the county, the drift becomes thicker and fewer outcrops of rock are seen. Naturg; Land gypgg fig. (5) shows the natural land types as mapped by the author. a different approach to natural land type mapping was used in this case than was employed by Veatch (55), or Schoenmann (22). A separate land type was used for the naturally wet lands. this was done to point out the swamp land patterns that were associated with the other natural land types. from fig. (5), it can readily be seen that with each of the other natural land divisions there was a definite associated patern of swampland that in part determined the land use of that natural land type. the natural land types as delineated on fig. (5) were as accurate as could be made from the soil map, the tOpographic maps and limited personal reconnaissance of the area. it was felt that the south west quarter of the county was not mapped very accurately because of a lack of topo- 5...».P. firw r. K.» in. r . .artcl‘ )3. .5. 3 FIC‘URE zwwormoz amwm raceH ammm MHWHU mHHHU . mz_....u.< % ..._...\J.. .__...C, ... ..3 U wwme mzad 32st of :c. § 823 :30 no: 2 9:...523 1 , :_ E, . new «' ( mzomsa ozfi .5342 mmaeemmowa same arms» Hams oozoomo amwm M ars;wroo swam 16 graphic data. for the purposes of this study, it was felt that the natural land types as mapped were sufficient- ly accurate. Waterloo gypg The waterloo land is easily recognized by the high percentage of intricately formed short steep slepes which gives the landscape the appearance of waves on a sea; field crops when viewed from above, look like a choppy sea due to the micro-irregularities of the landforms. Slopes are steep, many steeper than 15 per cent. the length of slope varies from six feet to perhaps 200 feet. Slope covers considerable more than half of the land area of the land type. Relief varies from fifty to 150 feet, rising out of narrow swampy valleys or of numerous lakes and small ponds of the area. It is on this land type that the highest point in the county is found. Soils of this land division are sandier and more drouthy than on any of the remaining land divisions. Greater evidences of sheet and gully erosion are also present. woodlots are commonly found covering both the hills and valleys, something quite distinct from other land of the county. natural forest types are oak.and hickory. 17 Bellefodntaine sandy loam soil maces up more than 95 per cent of this land type with Coloma sand and Hills- dale sandy loam making up the remaining 5 per cent (54). fipringport Exp; the Springport natural land division consists of undulating to hilly fertile loam soils of the Miami and Hillsdale soil types. Relief differences are never greater than seventy feet. Slopes are gentle, but locally may be as steep as 8 to 15 per cent. 11113 are smooth with rounded crests and valleys. A high prOportion of the Munith land type is associated with the Springport in broad valleys of irregular pattern.. the woods that are found on this land are in the form of small pastured woodlots and are located on the crests of the undulating hills. munith 2123 All naturally wet lands consisting of either mineral or organic soils are included in this group. this land assumes two patterns in the county: broad valleys of swamp following the course of the youthful streams and rivers and irregular shaped patches connected by streams and narrow swamps. hunith type is commonly found bordering most of the lakes of the county, making them of little value for home construction or recreational purposes. Pasco (l9) 18 found that forest and brush was most commonly associated with the SOllS‘Of this land division. the soil components of this land consists of about 80 per cent organic soil and the remainder wet mineral soil. the organic soil includes such types as Rifle peat, Garlisle muck, houghton much and Greenwood peat. the mineral soils are brookston loam, and clay loam. hrady sandy loam, Sawton loamy sand, Uonover loam, Griffin loam and Genesee sandy loam. nifle peat mahes up about half of the area of the Lunith type with.houghton muck and Brookston loam comprising practically all the remainder. Concord Type Concord land division is composed of fertile, friable sandy loam soils underlaid by clay, making them moisture retentive. Slopes are smooth, ending in rounded crests and valleys. slopes vary from 8 to 15 per cent aid the relief differences are not greater than 100 feet. This land division rises out of the Farms land type and could be considered as a steeper phase of that type. nroad valleys of the Munith land division cuts across this land in broad valleys. inis type is freer of swampland than other types because of its position in the landscape. Woodlots are found on the crests of the many hills; the 19 sidehills are cleared and erosion has become the problem. hillsdale sandy loam soil comprises practically all the soil of this land. Parma Iype The Parma land type consists of level to gently undulating fertile sandy loam soil, mostly of the hills- dale soil series. Relief differences from the valleys to the crests of the low hills are noc greater than fifty feet. Broad valleys of the munith land.type are interspersed in a haphazard pattern through the area. ihe original vegetation of the karma and Concord land was oak and hickory. By the time of the study all but a few hill tops had been cleared for agriculture. Slopes on the area vary from O to 8 per cent with a few as steep as 15 per cent. Napoleon Type The presence of numerous pits, lakes and depressions, the sandy and acid character of the soil, and the flat nature of the topography, characterize this land type. It is thought that the plains were formed by the outwash from melting glaciers and the pits in the plains were formed by chunks of ice sloughed off the glacier and left to later melt and form holes in the land surface. ihe soils consists of fox sandy loam and loam. All are fair to good in fertility and are especially ad- apted to the production of alfalfa when properly limed. Hoodlots on this land are larger than for the average of the county. Usually they are found at the edge of many swamps that meander through the area and at the edges of the many depressions. Leoni Type The statements made for the Napoleon land type are equally true in this land division with the exception that this land differs in relief from.hapoleon. in the latter case the land is smooth with many depressions. in this case the land takes on the appearance of a peneplain, with many flat topped hills of the same elevation with deep pits between. CHAPlfi? III SOCIAL “ED ECONOMIC FEATURJS OF THE COUKTY Population According to the United states census of 1940, Jackson County had a total of 95,108 people, or 152.1 persons per sguare mile of land area. Most of these people, except for the population within Jackson City, were of old American stock that had migrated from the east to Jackson and surrounding counties in the middle eighteen hundreds (30). Jackson county has been steadily increasing in population since its earliest white settler, norace Black- man, arrived in 1829. Figure (4) shows the increase in population since 1840 for the entire county, id for the city of Jackson since 1850. As the figure indicates, the pOpulation has increased at a decreasing rate since 1910; increasing 55.8 per cent from nineteen ten to nineteen twenty, 27.2 per cent from nineteen twenty to nineteen thirty and only 14.7 per cent from nineteen thirty to nineteen forty. this repreSents the levelling off of the population in Jack- son county much as was occurring throughout the entire nation (61). 23 closer examination of Figure (4) shows that despite the total increase in population for the county, the city of Jackson lost about 6,000 population from 1930 to 1940, with a corresponding increase in the non-farm population. Analyses of the county pOpulation were made to de- termine where the people lived and the composition of the population by the following classes: urban, village, rural- farm, urban-farm, and rural non-village non-farm. The class, rural non-village non-farm does not appear in any of the publications of the United States bureau of the Census, but was determined by the author to point out the non-farm population not residing in villages. It was cal- culated by substracting the village pOpulation from the rural non-farm population of the political unit area in question, and showed the number of people actually residing in the country not engaged in agriculture. Rural-Farm Population The rural-farm population of the county is dis- tributed according to the amount of class I and II land available for agricultural use. Ihaden (23), has shown that rural-farm pOpulation was based in 1950 upon the prediction line: for each per cent variation in class I land, there 24 was a variation of .518 plus 5.6 in rural-farm population. .Applying this eguation to Jackson county, for 1960, showed that there should have been 16.8 rural-farm people per square mile; actually there were 18.3. Jhen the prediction line is applied to any individual township for the 1960 census, the results are of no value, showing that something besides the amount of Class I land influenced the rural- farm population. Ihaden(24), in a study of the Lansing community, showed that the ruralefarm population decreased directly with the distance from the city. Rank coefficients of correlation were calculated between the distances of the townships from.Jackson and their rural-farm populations for 19a0, 1940, and 1945. ihe coefficients of correlation for these years respectively are:+.34,+372, andwzll. 'lhe co- efficient for 1940 is the only one with high significance, indicating that either there is a different relationship in the Jackson community than was true for the Lansing community, or else the sample of the Jackson community is not large enough to show the true relationship between distance from Jackson and the rural-farm population. ihe latter is probably true since a large share of the Jackson community falling in other counties is not included in this study. the distribution of rural-farm.population assumes a FIGUAE 5 PER CENT LOSS OF RURAL-FARM POPULATION 25 9’. ‘-" ' -.‘33’4’ . ‘ ' ' ‘H . FROM 1940 TO 1945 HE R/ETM ------ -----‘ CONCORD N14 FOLIO/V hUUVC> 4R mm m: [l M NELSON EZDUHTY WHITE--LESS THAN 25 PER CENT LOSS RED--FROM 25 TO 49 PER CENT LOSS BUJB-mllORE THAN 50 PER CENT LOSS IMMZEFZCM7 ‘NUWWle FIGURE 5 26 RURAL NON-FARM NON-VILLAGE POPULATION PER SQUARE MILE IN 1940 TOM/WINS SPRIN . RT vm/mvs ffR/NGPORT T GM 5 LAKf K I CONCORD ‘.' GRASS [Alrt' C 0N6 ORD PULA i * .0 PM ‘ ,.' .. '-- M CKSZDN €(ZDUHTY BLUE--MORE THAN NINETY PERSCNS BER SQUARE MILE PINK-«FROM FIFTEEN TO FORT! reasons PER stARE MILE ORANGE--FROM FIVE TO FOURTEEN masons PER SQIJARE MILE 'HITE-o LESS THAN FIVE PERSONS PER SQUARE MILE ..IIII‘ ... v 27 haphazard pattern, rigure (5), but in every township the pattern is easily explained on the basis of either the amount of class I land, the size of the farm, or the re- tirement of land from agriculture for'other uses. fig. (6) shows the per cant change of the rural-farm population from 1940 to 1945. this Figure has a significant bearing on this study, because it shows the tremendous change that has taken place in the agricultural population because of the war. The pattern shows that more farmers have left agri- culture near Jackson than in the outer townships of the county. host of the farmers that quit farming are still in the Jackson community as will be shown later in the study, most of them working in the shops of Jackson. Rural Non-Earm.Nop-Village Population An attempt is made to delineate the city fringe area around Jackson by determining the distribution of the rural non-farm non-village population by township. To show the trends in movement and density of the city fringe population, the figures of the U.S. Bureau of the Census are used. Dis- tribution of the rural non-farm non-village population was determined for 1920, 1930 and 1940 (20). figure (7) shows the distribution of this class of population for 1940. ihe distributions for 1920 and 1950 have the same pattern, the I 28 only difference being in the density of pOpulation. rig. (7) proves conclusively that there is a zone of pop- ulation concentration of rural non-farm non-villag popula- tion around Jackson, and that it covers considerable area. In order to point out more vividly this zone of concentra- tion of population, a field study was made. an actual count was taken of new houses built since the michigan State Highway planning survey was taken in 1940 (17). On twelve miles of highway 27, north of Jackson, sixty two new houses had been built, thirty five of them within two miles of the city limits. Counts along other highways leading out of Jackson gave simillar results, showing better than census data the tendency for non-farm homes to be built near a city. 10 further show the growth of the rural non-farm non-village pogulatian, Fig. (7) was drawn, showing the per cent of change in school census from June first, 19a0 to June first, 1947. A greater per cent increase in school census was shown in the second tier of townships from Jack- son than in the townShips bordering the city (21). This plus the data obtained from.nig. (6), the per ceit loss of rural-farm population from 1940 to 1945, showed the trend towards the extension of the fringe area out from the city. JRARWL4 PULASK/ FIGURE 7 29 PER CENT CHANGE IN SCHOOL CENSUS FROM 1940 TO 1947 I “‘ ' I“. 352» . AII' fix» ”4 (“43* 'iI - “1"": .L33‘ L? ”,1; . i. . '- q‘ l I ' , .,i‘-‘. a" ’ 3 {jag I‘ 51!; 7 .‘v .0. 1 - -- . ... . .. I I ...--- I . “u I I i l BL If N! 1? : SANDSTONE . i ' I mm | |, ' I ., am 5 LAN! : §§§§SSS inf -—~~———-———-; —————— W50” | {9" SPRING HARBORI \ :3 , GRASS LA/(t’ i 5U M/T t . ‘ I I I I I -- --..'Pu.-gg?- -. ' cart 4 - flit“ 3'1: I is; $.15” .141 CKSZDN EZDMYTY RED--O T0 10 PER CENT LOSS BUUE--O TO 10 PER CENT INCREASE WHITE-~11 TO GREEN—-21 «no 20 PER CENT INCREASE ‘50 PER CENT INCREASE BLACK--OVER 30 PER CENT INCREASE 30 the figures for Springport township in Eig. (7) were in- correct because of a school reorganization program, so they should be disregarded in this study. It is seen in Fig. (7) that the fringe area has expanded more towards the north east of the county than any other section. ihe question might be asked; when did the fringe area start to develOp? Fig. (8) answers this question by showing the total pogulatidn growth for three townships nearest Jackson, the total county, and three townships on the border of the county. The greatest per cent increase in population, which is of the class, rural non-farm non- village pOpulation, was between the years 1920 to 1950 for the three townships nearest Jackson. the total county pop- ulation and that for the three outlying townships does not show the sharp rise of the townships near the city. rig. (8) also shows that the problem of the rural-urban fringe is about twenty years old at the time of this study. it might be suggested at this point that for studies of rural-urban fringes, it would be desirable if rural non-farm population now used by the U.S. bureau of the Census be broken down into village population and rural non-farm.non-village population when future censuses are taken. rig. (9) shows the city-rural fringe of Jackson that for all practical purposes might be considered merely an ex- 52 tension of the city beyond the city limits. the boundary drawn was purely an arbitrary affair since pepulation de- clines in more or less of a linear curve. :0 delineate a fringe area, one has to answer the question of how many people of the rural non-farm non-village type per square mile it takes to constitute a rural-urban fringe. the writer could merely hazard a guess as to wnat this pop- ulation per square mile would be, but for this study, when the rural-farm population was less than the rural non-farm non-village it was considered that the fringe area was reached. Using such a criterion as a basis for outlining the rural-urban fringe of Jackson county, the townships of Blackman, Summit, Leoni, and fiapoleon should have been in- cluded in 1940 and probably henrietta, Sandstone and Spring Arbor could have been added in 1947.(51). Other Classes 9; Population ihe classes of population, urban, urban farm and village were not studied in detail in this Study since they presented no great problems in land use. ihe only one that did present a problem was the declining urban population. lhis will be considered farther on in this study under, "Problems In Land Use." FIGURE 9 33 can CITY FdImdm AREA or JACKSON CIEY. MICHIJAN L l. :L I. ' TOMP/{l/VS : I I SPRINJF RT : ' I gammo: ' ‘ : MMDWHUO I sfm/vapom I i .......... 4----- ~ I I I ' --------- “d I O I “ ., Fuvwww E amMDStONf 'ARMA § ............ -+--~ Isrwmvc. Afiao:-' CONCORD GRASS ZA/{f I I . l I . . 1 CONCORD ' I g f -------- .- I§§ I I ‘ 1““M’; .-----“ _____ L-,,_,__,- ____:__L___ ______ . NAPOLION . : . H' ' . i 'r____________ ____1\ ‘%K E HMAH? I I g : PUZA I I I I . HANOVER ' L I B ' 7')’ I BRoam m \ NORVHJ - I 5 I m 5 i g : cozomnam : / I ' i I ubflZHHERflVV' IFQWTEYIUY' RED--HIGHWAY STRIP DEVELOPMENT bLACK--URBAN DEVELOPMENT 54 II. SOCIAL EC‘NUMIC USE AREAS Ihe county was divided into five areas, based on the distribution of the population and the use of land. rig. (10) Shows the five areas as: urban; rural-urban fringe; general agricultural; general agricultural govern- hent land and recreation; and general agriculture and re- creation. Urban Area the urban area consists of all land devoted to in- tense industrial, commercial or residential use. It covers only one area in the county, the city of Jackson. RuralrUrban Fringe Area this area includes all land devoted to rural non- farm residence use, mixed commercial and.industrial use, part time far 3, large commercial farms, and other uses. Population density and.not use determines the boundary of this area. About 2,000 people per square mile is the bound- ary between the urban and the rural-urban fringe areas, and about 175 people per square mile is ttfi population used to determine the boundary between the rural-urban fringe area 0" and the agricultural areas (s7, 28, 29, 31). Gen er al Fa nn ing Area ihe general farnnng area represents all the parts of 35 the county devoted solely to agriculture or to servicing the agricultural population. this includes the small villages of the area. Other uses of the land are represented but are of minor importance. General harming, Government Land and hecreatiog area this area represents land uses for private recreation, public and general agriculture uses. [his area occur*s in the north east quarter of the county and has several land types represented. 0n the more fertile land types, the main use is for agriculture both private and for the prison farms. the government recreation area, part of the waterloo re- creation area occur s in fiaterloo, Grass Lake and Leoni townships, on Junith and waterloo land types. Private re- creation is found on the borders of the sandy shored lakes where cottages may be built. Pleasant Lake, Lig and Little Portage lakes, batteese Lane and.Ulaar Lake are examples of such lakes (9). General Farming and hecreation Area This area covers most of the south east quarter of the county. lhe difference between this area and the general farming area of the western half oi‘the county is the presence of numerous lakes that providef a place for recreational land. Ularx's Lane, Vandercoon's Lane, Vineyard Laue, Hound 36 FIGURE 10 SOCIAL-ECONOMIC USE AREAS “ ‘ "‘ . “L I I l ' TOMP/f/MS E i I I SPRING RT : i R/ V'ES : ' i I IfiPK/NS I I . I ._ ‘ I : HE R/L'UA I WWI/7100 i I I ,4 S PRINCPORT : I : I! g 4- I-I ---------- ,--- -------- 4,, , I I 1...--- I... o I 1 I ., I P/I EMA I SANDSTONE I . I PARMA | I GRA SLAM § : \ . ------------ -T--~--——--— ' s ISPR/NG mks - , CONCORD I I IGRASS LAKE I = I 5 I I --.-.J_ .. ammo“? , E } -------- .. fi§§ : l Afimuw; .--.--___ _____ L________ ____I_ NAPOLION : Immnmwx i ................ 1 P i HANO R I I UMSK/ . 8mm” . WWI“ :L HANOVIR : § E I I COLUMB/A : ) I I I MCKSZDN (,WUHTY 1. GENERAL FARMING AREA 2. RURAL-URBAN FRINGE AREA \ 3 . URBAN AREA 4. MIXED GENERAL FARMING} GOVERNMENT, AND RECREATION AREA 5. MIXED GENERAL FARMING AND RECREATION AREA 67 Lake and Jampler's Lake, pruvides the best recreational opportunities in the county. hundreds of people have suumer homes in the area, which provide$ a ready Larket for the products produced by the farmes. harming covers all the land except that adjacent to the sandy shored lakes (9). III. LAND VALUES In 1946, according to the figures of the Michigan State lax Commission, (18) the real equalized land values in Jackson county varied from a high in Blackman township of gl45,498.05 per square mile or $226.70 per acre, to a low in waterloo township of 919,337.97 per square mile or $50.97 per acre. lhese values were for all real preperty in the townships. The U.S. Bureau of the Census (27) gave the value at real farm property in Summit, the highest value township, as $58,384.80 per square mile or $91.07 per acre, to Jaterloo townShip, the lowest value township, with a value of p23,776.00 per square mile or p37.15 per acre. It is of interest to note that real land values were higher for 1 non—farm land near Jackson than for": farmland, and.that they decreased with the distance fnam the city. Ihere is a high positive correlation between the distance from . 4 , - - Jacmson and total equzlizec real preperty value. Lne 38 correlation is+.68 which is hi;hly significant. Earn land values differ from total real property. values, in that they apparently are based on two factors; the amount of class I land available for agricultural use and the distance from Jackson. figures (11) and (12) show the total equalized real property valuation per square mile for all land, and the total property value per Square mile for farmland respectively. the valuations represented in the figures do not represent the selling value of land, but rather the values two different government agencies placed on the land. Values for farmland have reached a point in certain of the townships of the county, where they have forced large farms to be broken into smaller holdings, as in Sandstone and Sapoleon townships; or into combinations of small fanns and large commercial farms as in Summit and Leoni townships. Property taxes paid in the county, based on the fifteen mill limitation, vary from a high on farmland of ,l.06 per acre per year to a low in waterloo township of 4.55 an acre per year. this represents a capitalized value at 5 per cent of $21.20 per acre in summit township to pll.OO per acre in waterloo township. in other words it requires twice as much return on investment to pay the taxes in Summit townShip as in daterloo township on the same Rind of land (18). TOTAL PROPERTY VALUATION PER SQUARE MILE IN 1945 "I i I - ramawmma' ; i I ~.- I ' SPRINGP RT I-‘~ I b I ' I K/NS I RI VES I : ' I ; HE mm I W/WWLOO I " I SPR/NGPORT : I In ---------- 4---—- --- I I I 2 | ————————— “d I O I IRARwaa E ISWMDSTONT' PARMA GRA S LAKE ..- - ;. ....... -... ........... sou ISPR/NG HARBOR CONCORD I GRASS LA/rf . ' I. I I - —--- I I’ """"" ‘ : ”one” I ___________ L_________ ___ NAPOLw/v ' : HORTON f‘ Ii“ I' .. -‘. ............. ... I huuvo /? I; g I I HANOVIR I L [BL 7‘}’ I 3300mm : NORVfll - 4- - i h : i : F i ' :51? : COLUMBIA I -i ' i : JPIZHHENQVY' LCOWTOYTUN’ PINK-~OVER 200,000 DOLLARS VALUATION PER SQUARE NILE BLUE-«100.000 TO 200,000 DOLLARS VALUATION mn--40,ooo TO 100,000'DOLLARS VALUATION GREEN--LESS THAN 40,000 adLLARs VALUATION by“. FIGURE 12 40 TOTAL FARMLAND VALUE PER SQUARE MILE IN 1945 f;' *7 I ' TOMP/f/NS. : I - I I- '- I I . I ' ”PK/NS : fill/ES ' I ' “ I . : HE R/EUA . I. I ’ I SPRINGPORT I E I I” .I ~ ---------- I . A _,,» I u. ---- I Iv . 4 o g I Lt‘ON/ I" PARMA I SANDS‘TONE in I ..- PARMA . 5m . L4!!! ............ -------_-----,,;.LL_ I. &\\ o . ' 'I .0 ...;.. EOE/455 LAKf su M/T "’1 ”“3 g I a:1 ‘1, .. 4 ... .mw.—-—--Ir ......... . g; .0 Wm: _______ -.E~..__.‘.I NAme/v = "i I :- —————— ’__'._,_._._; ...... 4| \—-—-—---I I I l ' I ' 7'7 BROOKL m \ N0}? ny l LIB I § E : COLUMB/A I ' i I MCKSWN €@UHTY RED-~0VER 45,000 DOLLARS VALUATION PER SQUARE MILE WHITE--FROM 35,000 T044,000 DOLLARS PER SQUARE MILE GREEN--FROII 30,000 T0 34,000 DOLLARS PER SQUARE MILE BLUE-oBELOW 30,000 DOLLARS VALUATION PER SQUARE MILE CHAPTER IV Lid-ID USE Ill JACIISOI'I COUNTY I. AGRICULTURAL LAND USE §ug§a£y_9£ General heatuggs Q; Agricultural Land Use In 1944 the county had four hundred and fifty one thousand, two hundred acres of total land area. Of this, 81.7 per cent was in farms and 36.1 per cent was in har- vested cropland. Of the land in crops, corn took up 28.5 per cent; Alfalfa, 18.8 per cent; oats, 15.2 per cent; wheat, 11.9 per cent; and clover, 11.6 per cent. or the total farmland in the county; woodland, both pastured and unpastured, made up 10.7 per cent. There was 9 per cent of the farm land idle; the remainder was in harvested cropland, pasture land, fallow cropland, crog failure land, roughland, swamgy and wasteland, roads, fences, ditches, feedlots and lhomesteads (27). The figures above are for the county as a whole and Show nothing of the internal structure of agricultural land use within the county. In order to do this, it was necessary to make a census study of the townships. It would have been more desirable to mane the study on the basis of the natural land.types, but since it would have been necessary to make a new census of agricultUre by natural lend ty es, it was not attempted. hm; Lhe average size of farm in the county in lgie was 164.6 acres, a rise of 22.6 acres per farm since 1369, 26.6 acres since 1964, and 10.1 acres since 1960. figure (16) shows the distribution by township of the size of farm in 1944 I27). ihaden (24) has stated that tie size of farm is a function of distance from a metropolitan center. The writer, in an attenpt to find if this were true for the county, ranhed the townships according to their average dis- tances from Jackson and correlated these distances with the size of farm. The results were not significant. It is not known whether or not a large enough sample of the Jacksnn community was included in the study to compare directly these figures with those of inaden. In a general way although no linear pattern existed, farms do apgear to grow larger as distance increases from the city. in this connection, it is noted that the trend in rural-urban development influences the average size of fern. ihere aypears to be stages in the change in size of farm near a city. first there is a change toward smaller land units as the rural-urban growth Starts; this trend continues until the size of land unit became smaller than three acres and is no longer cansidered a farm RVERAEL‘J SIZE OF FARR; III RED- -bELO‘I'I' lOO ACRES ORAIIGE--lOl to 120 ACRES GREEN--l21 to 140 ACRES DROI'JN--ll+l to 160 ACRES YELLO {I- -OVLUR 160 AC RES 1945 43 ..l...‘ )I. 44 for census purposes. ihe retiregent of land from agri- culture raises the average size of the regaining fares. 'pparently this trend runs in cycles, with ohe average size of farm changing between censuses to a greater degree than would seem logical. In Jackson county, Sumnit township was in a stage Where the smaller land holdings had retired from agricultural use by 1944. Sandstone tOWnship, on the other hand, was in the first stage of rural-urban fringe develop- ment with many snall land.holdings, bringing the average size of farm down. On the basis of past census figures, it can be predicted that Henrietta and Leoni townships will go through the small farm stage, and will eventually have a larger average size of farms ihis is important to know when planning agricultural extension work in any township. If it is known that the small farms will disappear and a non- farm population will replace the farmers, then a realistic progran can be initiated that will plan for such a happening. In 1944 the average size of farm varied from ninety- six acres in Sandstcme township, to 184 in waterloo townsnip. figure (14) shows the change in size of farm from laao to 1945. rhe trend towards larger farms is noued in all but several townships affected by "rurban" influences. (27). 'i’enai'l 0y tenancy varied from 0 per cent in Llacknan township, FI3UAE 14 p 45 CHANGE IN SIZE OF FARM FROM 1930 TO 1945 L A A L A A I I ”PK/NS RI V55 :I HE R/ETM : W47 3100 SPRINGPORT 1 __,._/ . I-../.‘, A I LL. A D L A l l A J— _‘A ._A I FQMV%%N5 ---—q ---” =9:ch SPRING RT A r--—-.’ CONC OED 1' SU M/T ,, cow/co: 1 r r : lawn; ‘ =l I HANo R I ‘: PULA 3 Kl HANOVE‘R BROOKL YN I *7 / c u B/A A v v j V V v V f V v f JAI EKEZDN EZDUNTY LEGEND U, I” a: 0 <[ b ‘ §§§§ YEAR 46 to 28.5 per cent in Grass Lake rownsnip in 1944. ihaden (23), has Shown that the per cent of farm tenancy increases directly with distance from a metropolitan community center. A rank coefficient of correlation was made by town- ship betw en distance from Jachson and the per cent of tenancy; a coefficient of+t6l was found, indicating that the Jackson community is like the Lansing conmunity in this re- SLJeCto Croppigg_2rpgmag, As shown before, 81.? per cent of the land of the county was in ferns in 1944, and 56.1 per cent of the land was in harvested cropland. fig. (15) shows the analysis by township of the per cent of land in farms and the per cent of cropland harvested. It would appear from this figure that the per cent of land in farms is a cenbined function of the natural land type and the distance from an urban center. Nor example, Grass Lake and Waterloo townships have a small per cent of land in farms because of the presence of a great amount of the Waterloo Land type. On the_other hand Sandstone, Spring Arbor and Summit townships had a a aller amount of land in farms than the cornty average because of the "rurban" influence which removed land from agriculture. it appears that the per cent of land in ferns is a better criterion than FIEUAE 15 A7 TRENDS IN LAND UTILIZATION 1930 TO 1945 SPRINGP R7 75 ‘ I'g .\\\\\ .54.. [’4 a I 5 'R/NGPOAV 0| -44 ‘ 3 J W” I0 [00" I 75‘. ’5 0 AI MA "I SANDSTONF“ ‘9‘ ”WARM/I 2’ ‘ aw..° L... .Q' 3‘ ’5 . 5‘ ”I a 35 a a. ’“' SPRING HARBO ,,. WORD ,,. 50' JO-I WRD ISI 21 . 0‘ A n g -0“ ”“30 35 4c 9r N "”1 n. 75- ‘ ”I PUl/ISK/ fl” L/B 7y“. BRoomr/v N £54 M 3,. A" 2:4 COLUMBIA (N/ . . A a . i . . a I O 35 In 15 ‘ JO 3; v0 1: Jo 35 a: CI Jo :ro—Itr 50W M CMSZDN CZDUHTY PER CENT TOTAL LAND IN FARMS - PER GENT TOTAL LAND IN HARVESTED CROPS 48 the size of farm.for determining the stage of "rurban" development of a township, if the total anount of land originally available for agriculture is known. a further examination of the cropland harvested shows considerable difference between townships in the crops grown. rig. (16) shows the comparison by township of the five leading crOps: corn, oats, wheat, alfalfa and clover. It is of interest to note that the county has no outstanding cash crOp, the five crops mentioned making up, in most town- ships, over 90 per cent of the cropland harvested. hurther analysis, figs. (17)t0 (21) Show that in general corn is grown more in the southwest half of the county, if the county were split by a diagonal from northwest to southeast. Oats generally occupy greater importance in the south half of the county. Jheat is grown more in the western two tiers of town- ships. Alfalfa largely occupies the southeast half of the county and appears to occupy more the napoleon land type than any other land type. Clover on the other hand is of most importance in the north central section and north west quarter t‘ .3 of the county (27, 2- U ' m , ‘9). 'Ihe above analysis indicates the per cent of total land used by the various agricultural crop enterprises for 1944, but the question could be asked: did all farmers grow all crops? To answer this question, an analysis was made to FIGURE 16 49 CROPPING PROGRAM FOR 1945 n A ‘- 4 I I : TOMP/r/NS E i / k/l/N I I SPRIN6 RT I g I | ' ”PK/NS ' HI WES : I mg ‘ E Flt-7754 I .‘ ‘ I I I I o I | BL 1K FARM/4 ANDSTONE ESPR/NG HARBOR: CONCORD I I «' . 5U 44/7 I I L I NORTON I HANO R I _ HANOVE'R ‘ I L [B L I“ II ‘ MCKSWN fflUNTY I__ . PER CENT HARVESTED CROPLAND IN CORN PER CENT HARVESTED CROPLAND IN OATS . .’ PER CENT HARVESTAD DROPLAND IN WHEAI PER CENT HARVESTED CROPLAND IN ALFALFA PER EEN‘T‘ HARVES‘T‘ED CROPTAND TN mnvmya FIGURE 17 50 LIIAP SHOWING TOI'IL'CSHIES i‘la’IIL-ég} HIGI-Ind Enid CENT THAN COUNTY AVWGE OF FARIIIS REFOIRTIN'} ALL CORE-I IN 1945 ,~ ' W ”Z ,. \. ' .1 g§9w~epanr TOMP/f/NS ”PK/NS I I I l I I I I 'R/v WW _ i; '55-, I .' ‘vi’ I ’ HE ‘R/Em WAVE/.00 «I .f. ..... ‘W -----.3._.._-- 'I 1; 2II II I 4| I GRA S LAKE GRASS MIKE I = v }a—‘€C$‘L - :Jfi-fi [MON 3 I LIB TY ~ BROOKL YN " V— 1.; col UMB/A I l4] CKSZDN EQWHTY FIGURE 18 MAP SHOWING TOfihSHIPS HAVING HIGHER PER CENT 51 THAN COUNTY AVERAGE OF FAKAS RSPORTING ALL OATS IN 1945 r * “ t “ I I A E ' fOMP/r/Ns ; . I 5M5” I {S E I \\ I I s\ I ; HE R/EWA I WATffilOO I 5 wwapom i I “/3 .......... p---- ' 0/ ‘ ~ “ I ----.." I a. I r I I I '- o , I N! ; PA RMA .- SANDS‘TONf . i . | L rs“ I - . ARMA ' \ I . 3 c-{g'g is I \ I.-..~.- .‘Ifit-‘c‘. —-_— m I‘JAC/rso ' ‘ ' N6 HARBORI \ ‘ ‘ ISPR/ \. CONCORD I I - 1...: l I so Mr I .. ' I I I I \‘ ‘ I I r---£_: P- t}. Gnu-MA ”'h NflPOlfaN . “ gr I r;::“::‘f‘:’7f: “"1 _,.i.; w-H'ANO R I I I I E HANOVt'R I ' L15 '7? El I ’ fgggfifffl ' I ”Mn/[ME I \ I I ’ I . I ” I 1 car OMB/A : ._ 2...; ' : ' -;w I i a M mew was TY FIGURE 19 53 MAP SHOWING 'I‘OINNSHIPS HAVING HIGHER PER CENT ‘ THAN COUNTY AVERAGE OF FARMS REPORTING WHEAT IN 1945 _ r'oMPM/I‘xéé‘”: / M II.» I I RING RT rf.‘ . ' I * - min/vs I R/ [/55 I "I' 4.: Hf R/EUA I WWI/IMO ' x' 5 RINCPORT I I I” J I --.-.--..-;.--.I ..... — 2" I ._ I ' I; : I ____ :0 I BL C” I”. ........ . 0N/ I FARM/I I SANDS‘TONE L f I '1 ARMA \ ' I 6” 5 LAKE b_____-____.___§4___- “.-----H‘ ----- Immsom\ I . _ Ismwa HARBO \ I I CONCORD “I I j ‘_ y I BROOKLYN NORVfll COL UMB/A .14CMQNMN'ICQWWYTI’ FIGURE 20 MAP SHOWING TOWNSHIPS HAVING HIGHMH PER CENT 53 THAN COUNTY AVERAGE OF FARMS REPOd‘I‘ING ALFALFA IN 1945 "737'I 77wv~7- . ---------- 4- -- - - - — - - ------ 90 ‘, 63 73 I 38. 51 o 58 : 3 ' PA RMA g: E SAA/DSTONifi,1 I I 37 D2M$%7A%i80: 84 83 67 63 [1:56 48 22 WArmzoo 2:3, r--——:--------- -- 93 I Mann 9 '79 % HANO Ab ”774 ' 5 72 I rMvam 6 I 3. % % A“; NORVILZ _----_--J- l4 CKSZDN EflUH’I‘Y * Numbers read from top to bottom: per cent farms reporting corn, oats, wheat, alfalfa and clover- timothy respectively. «it'll-v: ., Fraser 23 nA.K COLFFICIgflES OF COAnnnAEIdn r» -r- : -- W‘ m”: .n ' ;“Tr* VF .Lhu fix/la LJJI'SJJLLV‘J' Corn and oats Corn and wheat Corn and clover Corn and alfalfa Oats and wheat Cats and clover Oats and alfalfa wheat and clover wheat and alfalfa Glover and alfalfa 57 ;-n4, - cm s. .v' ~ D...J_¢l_;ngi. Vii;l).LJ.‘\nn.aL~J‘-'D CAGES plus plus flus }lus plus plus plus plus plus minus ** - Highly significant correlation * - significant correlation n.s.- hon-significant correlation .81** ,72k* .29 n.s. ~39 * .79** .25 n.s. 37* 0:2 rins- .39 n.s. .12 .1. S o 58 In one case, as in Pulaski township, there is a high per- centage of farms reporting this rotation, whereas in summit township 8 little over half as many report the rotation, in- dicating a different type of farhiorganization in Summit toanship. ihe correlations between grain crops and clover are non-significant which allowed a rotation of corn, oats, wheat and clover, but indicates that there is no definite pattern to this relatiinship, clover apparently being grown independently of other crops or in combination with crops other than corn, oats, wheat, or alfalfa. Other crops reported by over 20 per cent of the farms of at least one township are field beans, red clover seed, potatoes and fruit. ihe acreages of these crops are not important in more than one or two cases. ghguglygstock Program To differentiate types of farming areas, it was necessary to make a fairly complete analysis of the live- stock progran, since livestock of some kind was found on practically every farm in the county. Uattle is the most important form.of livestock with 81.1 per cent of all farms in the county reporting this form. Of all cattle, dairy cattle are of much greater importance than beef as dairy cattle are reported by 77.5 per cent of all farms. no 59 figures were given in the 19e5 census of agriculture for beef cattle but by elimination it was seen that beef cattle assume no great inportance in the total cattle prOgran. rhe animal next in importance to cattle is poultry, being reported on 76.6 per cent of the farms. horses and colts are next with 58.4 per cent; hOgs follow with 47.5 per cent and sheep are last with only 20.4 per cent of all farms reporting this form of livestock (27). It was found that the sheep area of the county con- fines itself to the southern tier of townships and the town- ships oi‘Henrietta and Jaterloo in the northeast part of the county. hogs roughly follow the section of the county in which corn is grown, namely, the southwest half below a diagonal between the northwest corner of the southeast corner of the county. cattle follow the grains and hays; Grass Lake township in the east is the best dairy cattle township, followed closely by hives in the north and Columbia and Liberty in the south. closely following these townships are the entire two west tiers of townships in the wheat and corn region. Poultry tends to follow the corn and snall grain regions and the s aller ferns. lhus it is found that the western half of the county plus the townships of henrietta dnd Leoni report the bulk of the chickens. v I [till 1’1.I 60 Agricultural Use Areas Using the crops, livestock and other data collected, the author attempted to group townships into homogeneous agricultural use areas. no attempt was made to correlate agricultural land use with land type at this stage of the study. rig. (24) is the result of such a breakdown and shows the rather arbitrary use areas, each of which shows de- finite tendencies toward a certain type of farming. lo justify such a grouping, townships were ranked according to per cent of farms reporting corn, oats, wheat and alfalfa; an average was taken of these ranks and correlated with the average ranks of townships reporting all livestock, cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry. A high positive correla- tion of .81 was found. In simpler terms this means that townships having a high per cent of farms reporting the crops, corn, oats, wheat, and alfalfa also have a high per- centage of farms reporting the various livestock. ihis merely bears out in a statistical way the common observa- tion that the type of livestock is determined by the type of crOp. commercial crop farms were found following two patterns in the county; small truck farms were found near the city while the large commercial truck farms were found on the drained organic soils. FIGURE 24 TYPES OF FAREING bi TOWNSHIP IN JACKSON COUNTY wii 1. 1'. o o .‘( '-. _ V r. l v v V'A‘ J ’I ' K " 5" ."ju ‘ ‘ ‘4 i .v' I ~_ g"}'.ftd."" 5 < 4‘ " ¢ 3 [19$1 ' 'fl 1“ V 3'- . . .. , .'_ . ‘21.“. ;4 ‘ 'g A . .'... ' Ii: 3-3,‘ '-'€é-, r 442,, “53"“ ' ' .2" ”41‘4““ M CKSZDN (MWNTY GREEN-~DAIRY, POULTRY AND HOGS 05' 1‘ BROWN--DAIRY. POULTRX. HOGS AND SHEEP dED--DAIRY AND POULTRY BLUE--PART TIME FARMING 62 One of the important factors in this study is that, like all parts of the Gray Brown forest soils region, there is considerable latitude possible in the type of farming. This accounts for the writers observation that note types f farming from fox and fur farms on the one hand to sub- sistence farms on the other. This fact considerably in- creases the difficulty of delineating agricultural land 11 se areas. Relation between Iatural Land Type and gype,gf_rarrdng Pasco (19) snows that there is a direct relation- ship between the soil type and the crops grown. veatch (36) points out that there is a definite relationship between soil type and natural land type, therefore it is possible to use the work of Pasco to point out the crop programs likely to be found on the natural land types. bombining this with the fact brought out by the author of a high positive correlation between crops and livestock grown makes it possible to associate agricultural land uses with natural land types. Munith Type Munith type is made up of over 80 per cent organic soils (34). Using Pasco's data, predictions were made as to the use of land in this land type. Pasco found the . ,-.oil‘:).‘ . I‘ll-r 63 organic soils, hifle peat and oarlisle muck high in bruSh, pasture and hay, with a small per cent of the type in cul- tivated crOps. Looking at the natural land division map, rig. (3) one sees that in the western half of the county the Swampland occurs mainly in small bodies incorporated in other land types. In this area the Kunith tyEE is utilized differently than in the northeast guarter of the county where it occurs as huge swales and swamps. In the wesu part of the county Junith land type tends to augment a livestock program by offering a place to produce hay and pasture. In the northeast part of the county some of this land is utilized as rented pasture or is cut for wild hay, but it offers a more difficult problem in utilization because there is not enough of other land types present on which to grow grains and tame hay to support a heavy liveStock population. lhe livestock grown consists of sheep and cattle. hogs and poultry are not adapted to this land type, other than in a few small areas that have been drained and which support grain crops. lhis land is not adapted to dairy cattle other than for summer pasturage (l9). Perms Type Perms type is made up almost exclusively of the.more level portions of hillsdale sandy loam, therefore any state- III. II I .I 1. II. to, h 64 ments made about this soil type are equally true for the land type. Pasco (19) found hillsdale sandy loam to be associated with high acreages of clover, wheat, corn and oats. Orchard fruit was reported and alfalfa was important but assumed a lesser role than clover. ri'he crops grown indi cate that this is a live stock land type and since the topography is relatively level the livestock is restricted to cattle, hogs and poultry with very few sheep. Concord '_I_‘_yp__e_ The soil of Uoncord land type is made up of the more hilly phases of hillsdale sandy loan with small inclusions of Bellefontaine sandy loam and Fox loam. rfhe crop adapta- tions for this land type are the same as for the Parma type, the only difference being in amount of the crops grown. from observations made by the writer more of this land type is in timber and pasture than is true of the Parma type. 'i‘he livestock grown, includes all the major types, with particular emphasis on sheep on the rougher hills. §pringport Tip; The soil consists of Miami and hillsdale loans, of both the undulating and hilly phases. In general the land is not hilly enough at any point to affect the type of farm- ..JLK‘ YA . 65 ing. lasco found the soil types included in this natural land type grow corn, oats, wheat, alfalfa, and clover. Lesser amounts of barley and beans are also grown. All the major livestock types except sheep are raised. waterloo Type the soil consists of Bellefontaine sandy loam, with minor inclusions of Coloma sand and fox types. hccording to the work of Easco, hellefontaine sandy loam most often supports crops of rye, alfalfa, oats, orchards. A very high per cent of idle land is reported. The sandy nature of the soils in this natural land type, combined with the rough topography, makes it the poorest actual or potential natural land type for agri- culture. ihe Munith could be drained and made into fair agricultural 1315., but not so with this land. the live- stock program.on this land type is of low intensity due to the poor inherent fertility-of the soil. Dairy cattle and sheep are the two most important forms of livestock. In general, this land does not support a very thrifty agriculture, the buildings are run down and un- painted. kany of the fields and farms of the area are idle. Kapoleon And Leoni_Land.Types for loam and box sandy loan with minor inclusions of DC» of the Elainfield types, make up these nature; land types. lhe major crops reported by Easco are corn, oats, alfalfa and truck crops. ihe crops of lesser inportance are wheat, clover and rye. Dairy cattle is the main form of livestock, with hogs, poultry and sheep of minor importance. Review f flgricultural_;§ng_bse A review was made to check the findings of Pasco in regard to crops grown on the various soil types as applied to the natural land types oi‘the county, with the findings of the lv45 census of agriculture (27). born, socording to Pasco (19), was found in greatest frequency on the soil types making up all the natural land types, except those of the Waterloo and Aunith types. Census figures, when plotted on a map, indicate a similtar pattern to that drawn from Pasco's data. similarly, the patterns drawn from census data and from Pasco check closely for all other crops of the county. Corn is found to be grown most ex- tensively in the south west portion of the county, dimin- ishing in anount as one goes northeast; wheat production is confined to the west two tiers of townships, oats follow the pattern of corn, alfalfa is found in greatest acreage in the south east quarter of the county and on the clay land of Hives township in the north. Clover is found 67 mainly in the western half of the county. idle land is found in greatest amount in Leoni, waterloo and Liberty townships; and forest land is well distributed through out the county, with the highest intensity in the south east and north east portions. Since it is possible to determine type of farming areas with fair accuracy from census data, it is felt that census data could play a more important part in plan- ning if care is exercised in selecting the townships for study. If townsnips are selected on the basis of their natural land type and diatance from town, data can be ob- tained for natural land types for the past as well as.the present. Much time and effort in making field studies could be saved in this way. II. RhGhaAIIJNAL LAND USE There were in 1947, fourteen county parks, three city parks, one state park and one state recreational area in the county. fig. (25) shovs the locations of the parks, recreational area, and all lakes having seasonal dwellings in 1947 (9, 16, 17). A part oi‘the Waterloo recreation area, found in Grass Lake, Waterloo and Leoni townships, constitutes the largest body of recreational land. A state park is operated 68 in connection with the recreation area. at the time of the study, the area was in the process of development and much of the land had little or no improvements made upon it. host of the land in the recreation area is of the munith or Haterloo land types, making it of little recre- ational value for the host part except for some hunting, camping or hiking. At the edge of the lakes however, there are a few good sites for group recreation. fortage Lake, for eiample, offers camping, swimming and a picnic ground. Good fishing is to be had in many of the lakes of the area. “ampler's Lake state park, 671 acres of woods and natural scenery, located between uampler's Lake and Round Lake, offers the best beach and group facilities including a campground and trailer park, in the county (16). County parks are Operated at Clark's Lek , clear Lake, Gillett's Lake, Grass Lake, Little wolf Lake, kinard hills, Round Lake, Sparks, Springport, Swains Lake, Vander- cook Lake, and vineyard Lake. three city parks are operated; Sharp, Loomis and Lorthlawn. all the parks offer picnicking and playground facilities, and some of them, swimning and camping (19). Some of the chief recreational assets of the county are the sandy-shored lakes scattered throughout the southern and eastern parts of the county. wherever a sandy-shored FIGURE. 25 69 RECREATIONAL LAND USE A i ' TOMP/f/IVS : SPRMM R7 : ( \» : ”PK/NS : 1 A I i I 5 PRINGPORT : : .. .......... 4----.. ...—.... ”...--. I I I I I I I I I I E ampere/v5 . I PARMA : I 'SPR/Na HARBOR I I I cowcaan E g I I I I . I I l L i ............ ".-----” ....-.r... ' HORN : ' E HANO R : { PULASK/ : HANOVl‘R : Amman! ( NORV[[_[ I I I E A: COLUMB/A E A j I ' i A 4.!) M [WSW/V C(DM’YTY ' GOVERNMENT RECREATION LAND A COUNTY OR STATE PARK A LAKE HAVING SEASONAL RASIDENCES his“ 70 lake is found, cottages are also found. most of the he? sirable cottage lakes had been developed or overdeveloped at the time Of the study. There are many lakes in the county with little re- creational value. ihese lakes are surrounded with swamp- land and.have beaches of organic soil, making them of no use for building or swimming purposes. they are of value for trapping, fishing and hunting, however. there are several of these lakes that could be changed into excellent swimming and cottage development lakes by the addition of small dams at the outlets of the lakes. As an example, brill Lake could be improved by such a dam, resulting in a sandy-shored lake of high recreational value. III. FORESERY LAND USE There are no accurate figures relating to the ex- tensiveness of forest land in Jackson county, but probably such land did not exceed 10 per cent of the total land of the county. fig. (26) shows the location of the wnodlots in 1956, no more recent data being obtainable. It can be seen that most of the woonlands Of the county are of the farm woodlot type, and they tend to follow the courses of hilltops, rivers and swamps. For this reasen, the north eastern and the southern parts of'the county have the most 71 woodlands (1). According to the census (2?), a little over half of the farm w;odlands are paStured. the re- mainder are in second growth unpastured timber found mainly along the rivers of the county. there is a con- siderable amount of marketable timber in the county part- icularly in the eastern half. huch of the timber is in danger of extinction because of pasturing and failure to have sufficient reproduction stock. IV. GOVERthNl LAKD USE rhere are two main areas of government land in the county, the portion of the waterloo recreation area lying in the county and the Southern michigan Prison farms. ihe Waterloo recreation land was discussed under recreational land use so need not be discussed here. The land belonging to the Southern kichigan Prison is for the most part de- voted tO agriculture. there are slightly over six thousand acres in the farms of the prison (14). All the government land is concentrated in the northeast part of the county. 71a H I‘ fifilfl’ti V ..W I Tm M. r ...-u “IQ f. lwhd- v.4 ....T..v¢...\.l..Iq . . 1 €238 cl c‘ .r. .w . ..h 1...“..- .’~.I r .. . . \l/Q fJVf n '1... . 8 . I" of I «9‘ ._._m>w.oz . luhM. “a A? ’ 0‘ ‘ .— a . 4) 2.848% . .- fi‘Ps . I. . Q o I a . q. - ....CGK ... r .28” _ 9:: mmqmow \I I o , I .u‘ zomxos. . wz w02> CHAPIER V LAND USE PROBLEMS OF lhfl GOUNIY HIIH PROPOth SOLUllONS Introductlgn The problems Of Jackson county are many, diverse and so interrelated that it is impossible to discuss the solution of one problem without considering Others. for the purpose Of discussion, the problems in the county are separated into two categories; problems affect- ing other areas in the state besides Jackson county, re- quiring State aid to solve, and problems that are the obligation of the county, township, city or local community. ihe proposed solutions are given for each problem as it is presented. lhe writer feels the proposed solutions are the same solutions that would be presented by any group of civic minded people studying the same problem with the same evidence at hand. since there is a great deal Of differ- ence between likely action by politicans, and logical plan- ning, certain prOposals are presented that could be carried out, and at the same time others are offered as an ideal in planning at which to aim. no attempt is made to evaluate the cost of the proposals put forth, the political expediency e or the ligdi¢hood of adoption. -._'-- 3—m/fi .7 I.-- 73 Since so many of the questions of land use are debatable, no attempt is made to offer "only" solutions. neither are all the possible land use questions covered; only those pertinent at the time of the study or likely to become important in the near future are included. The Swampland Iroblem About 25 per ent of the total land in the county is in the munith land type (34). this land, in the virgin state, served as a natural water control system, storing water during the flood period in the spring and releasing the water during the dry summer months. At an early period, it was decided that the swamps and marshes should be drained for agricultural purposes. Drainage projects were started, huge ditches were dug and much of the swampland was drained long in advance of the need of the land for agriculture. 'lhiS drainage had an immediate effect Of increasing the spring flood flow of the rivers flowing through the swamps and decreasing the summer flow. when downriver population increased to the point that pollution problems developed, ch: drainage of the swanplands had detrimental effects nOt only from the floods produced in the spring, but also from the lowered water levels in the summer. It is well known, that to care for the sewage of a 74 city the size of Grand Rapids, a good flOWIOf water is needed throughout all the year in the rivers to keep dangerous contamination from assuming a strong enOUgh con- centration to endanger public health and the growth of fish. Drainage of the Swamplands of the upriver counties, of which Jackson is one, has contributed a great deal to the pollu- tion problems of the rest of the state. Agriculture has added another problem to the initial one of drainage of the swamplands. modern agricultural methods are such that they tend to increase both the flood and the pollution problems caused by drainage. it is con- sidered good practice to control the water level on the muck farms of the Munith natural land type. this is done by means of large pumps that pUmp the water Off the fields in the spring thus adding water to the already swollen rivers, and by pumping water onto the fields in the summer months using water badly needed for pollution.ccntrol downstream. Since little of the land in Jackson county was under culti- vation at the time of the investigation, this was not a serious problem. In the future if the trend to cultivate this type of land continues, a serious problem will certainly arise. Another problem to take into account when considering 75 drainage of the Swamplands in the problem.of controlling lake levels within Jackson county. although this problem was of no great importance at the time of the study, it is almost certain to arise if the clearing of swampland for use by agriculture is continued. many of the lakes border on swamps. In this way their water levels depend directly on the water levels in the sw mps. ihe lowering of lake levels will have the immediate effect of ruining bathing beaches and home sites along the shores. Portage Lake, brill Lake and Goose Lake are examples of lakes that will be ruined by the drainage of the swamps at their edges (15). the solution to this problem of public water control is no simple matter. A solution will be given here, but that will eventually happen depends on the court of public opinion. At the time of the investigation there were several agencies working on both sides of the question. Some desired water control by the use of law. at the same time Others were giving directions for the.more effiCient drainage of the swamps. It is the writers belief that a Study group should be appointed by the governor of hichigan to make a survey of michigan rivers affected by flood and pollution control problems, and to make recommendations as to the proper solution in each case. -he writer feels that the wise J... (1" 76 thing to do would be for the state to enlarge the Jaterloo recreation area in Jackson county to tare in the remaining large areas of swampland in the north east quarter of the county. the renaining areas of the county are smaller and less likely to be efficiently drained. It is thought that to leave these in private hands will not add greatly to the flood and pollution control problems. Erontage Development Another problem that probably only the state can solve, is that of overcrowding the state and federal high- ways with all manner of homes, commercial establishments and businesses that require entrance to the highways. Along U.S. highway 127 north of Jackson, there were, on July 15, 1947, over one hundred and eighty entrances to the highway. ihis is an average of over fifteen entrances per mile. ihis fact did.not point out the problem as vividly as it existed because over half of all these driveways were found less than two miles from the city limits. Over forty driveways per mile were found in this area. On highway 112 running east and west the situation was even worse. As any motorist knows, driving along a highway with a driveway to a home, factory or store every few rods, does not provide ideal driving conditions. hot only does travel become un- 77 safe, but it is slowed down 50 per cent or more. With the state spending between $75,000 and p200,000 per gile to build highways, it hardly seems logical that such a system should be allowed to continue; public safety and economy of public funds both demand the end of this practice. ihe writer proposes that the State highways be zoned against future invasions by residences and commercial places. Such zoning would allow public entrance to the State highways every half mile, and would state that the county be given a number of years to provide other reads for the people now living on the highways, down to a minimum of perhaps five entrances per mile in farming ter- ritory where it WJUld be impractical to provide other roads. Under such a system the State highways could become real highways and not residential and commercial streets. Average speed could be increased resulting in less need for additional highways and the accident rate certainly would decrease. Such a plan is not likely to be accepted immediately by the public even if the cold facts of possible dollars saved were presented. If, however, such a plan were adopted, in a few years, residential and commercial develOpments would center along the county highways, and the State and Federal highways would be left ungolested by local traffic. 78 Such a plan would require approximately 100 miles of county roads to be provided for the people now living along State and Federal highways. mhe eXpenditure for 100 miles of county road undoubtedly would be less than that of'rebuilding or rewidening the fifty miles of State highways. Such action will have to be taken if building is allowed to continue along the highways. Airports A minor problem existed at the time of the study which may become a major problem in a few years: that of providing adeguate air facilities for the Jackson city community. Jhen the study was made, Reynolds airport covered one and one half Square miles, one and one-half miles long by one mile wide. Zhis was adequate in 1947, but there is a question as to whether it will be in 1957. The writer recommends that the county take immediate steps to get an Option on all of sections 29 and 50 and the north half of sections 51 and 52 of blackman township for a future airport. Present use could be continued on this land until needed but this would save many headaches and thousands of dollars in a few years. nxcess noads In certain rural sections of the county there are 79 too many roads. Lookiig on any map one can see examples of roads a few rods from each other running parallel. On many such roads no residences exist; therefore such roads could well be eliminated. this would be political suicide for a road commissioner to attempt but co non sense dictates such action from the point of view of sav- ing in road costs. lrobably twmity miles or more of such roads exist. V . RL lhi-L’fibxii JRIN 33 One of the major problems facing Jackson county is the future direction and control of the population. nor several miles in every direction from the city of Jackson, there have sprung up all kinds of homes, businesses, and industries. ihis type of development has become known to the sociologist as the "city fringe". as wolfanger (56) puts it: "ihe struggle for land reaches its highest in- tensity in the unincorporated urban-rural fringe which surrounds both our Small and large cities. ihis fringe develops a great variety of land uses that presently become all entangled without apparent order or plan; truck, fruit, and poultry farms; string-along-the- road homes; areas of city dwellings of big and little houses. . . Lhe crowding and struggle for land is creating serious problems in many fields-~good water, proper sewage disposal, fire protection, police pro- tection, enough light, air and space. . . a long and growing list." 80 when this study was made in July of l947, the fringe area of the county included alnDSt all the town- ships of Leoni, dumnit and blacKnan; and was rapidly ex- panding into sandstone, spring arbor, Rives and henrietta; and there was evidence of further expansion in the re- maining townships. Ihe problem oi'the city fringe is one with which the people of the county have had no previous experience on which to base intelligent future action. It is for this reason that such development was allowed to arise in the first place. If the problem of the city fringe is to be efficient- ly handled in the future, the development of the fringe area must be understood. rirey (a) has given a picture of the development of the fringe area of Flint, hichigan. He states that the population of that area is made up of several kinds of peOple: workers seeking cheap land with low taxes, business men seeking a place in the country where ”gentle- man farming“ can be carried on, part-time farmers and drifters. Firey goes on to characterize the features of a city fringe as having a high rate of population turnover, 8 high rate of home ownership, a high proportion of young adults having many children, a heavy dependence upon in- dustrial shop work in the city, inadequate social life and .I'd‘il. El organizational facilities for the people, and part-time farming or gardening on the part of host farms. he further states that the fringe area is a problem area because it removes land from agriculture, encourages un- coordinated, unguided settlement, increases taxes beyond the tax-carrying capacity of farmers and shop workers in the area, boosts land values to a point where agriculture can no longer be profitabldy continued, allows a mixture of land uses to becone started, and develops honoqeneous shall communities that make attractive communities on one hand and shack towns on the other. what is true in the case of Flint is also true for the city fringe of Jackson. ho detailed study such as Eirey carried on for Flint was attempted, but from observ- ing the area the same type of development had apparently taken place. The studies that were made regarding the population bore this out. Declining Urban Eggplation Q Not only has increasinQ pogulation become a problem, but also decreasing population. Jackson city population declined by several thousand between the years of lQQO to 1940. this has caused serious city finance problems to arise. a fifteen mill limitation on taxes was in force prt‘. . . 82 through voters' franchise; therefore, with the exodus of several thousand taxpayers, the only method of raising enough taxes to operate the city was to increase real and personal property valuation. this started a vicious circle: rising valuations caused more people to move, which in turn raised valuations. Naturally this cycle could not continue indefinitely; therefore property tax increases were discontinued and the services offered.thioughout the city suffered. Io complicate matters further, the people living outside the incorporated limits of Jackson city asked for more services in the forms of such items as better streets and more parking facilities in the downtown section. Jackson faces the problem of either increasing tax revenue by expanding the city limits to include suburban communities, receiving aid from state or county sources, or continuing to reduce still further the services and facili- ties necessary for smooth functioning of an industrial city community. Proposed Solution t the Rural-Urban fringe and Declining Urban Population Problem To offer a solution for the rural-urban fringe problem, a total land use plan for the county is given. Zhe plan is laid particularly around the solution to the 83 rural-urban fringe problem but also includes problems of agriculture, recreation and other activities. The writer proposes that the following be done: 1. increase the size of the city of Jackson to include its suburban communities. If such a prOposal were carried out, Jackson would be extended south to include Southland and Woodland; east, Vandercook Lake and hichigan tenter; north, about one and one half miles to Southern hichigan Prison and west two miles past heynolds airport. It 13.not known how much this would increase the population of Jackson, but probably by about ten thousand persons or more. Such a plan would not help city finances of Jackson to any great extent since so much area would come under city control that is now under county control. It would however bring all the urban land in Jackson county under one govern- ment for future direction and control and would provide un- developed land for future development. Such a move in con- nection with a county zoning ordinance and minimum building construction ordinance would eliminate haphazard development in the future around the edges of the city. An alternate plan in place of expansion of the city limits would be to adopt a county zoning ordinance with essentially the same provisions as would be provided in the 84 city of Jackson, such a plan to be adminiStered by the county. ihis was being done in Southland, Woodland, Van- dercook Lake and Michigan Center in respect to sewage dis- posal at the time of the study. 2. Pass zoning and minimum construction ordinances. ihe following zoning classes with minimum construc- tion for each class are given: Residence Land-~all land used for homes not includ- ing seasonal dwellings. Urban--minimum width of lot: fifty feet. a. Small homes--not less than three hundred and fifty square feet. b. Hedium homes--not less than eight hundred square feet. 0. Large homes--not less than twelve hundred square feet. Rural-~minimum distance between dwellings: two hundred feet. Other specifications same as for urban. C mgercial Land-~all land set aside for commercial establishments, i.e. beer gardens, gas stations, stores, restaurants, tourists courts, banks, garages, theaters, etc. minimum construction: all buildings should be of sound con- struction with solid foundations, safe sewage disposal, 85 pollution control and fire protection. minimum width of lot: fifty feet. Industrial Land--all land used for public utilities, manufacturing, railroads, shOps, etc. dame construction and lot specifications as for commercial land. Agricultural Land--all land used for the production of farm products. farm--any parcel or parcels of land of more than twenty acres which provide more than 50 per cent of the in- come of one family. Minimum construction: no dwelling shall be built of less than three hundred and fifty square feet of floor area. Part-time farm--any parcel of land of from one to twenty acres in size which provides part of tie income of one family. Same specifications. Private Recreational Land--all land used for outdoor recreation not in public ownership, i.e., golf course, summer cottages, skeet ranges, archery ranges, hunting and fiShing clubs, boat houses, bathhouses, etc. Seasonal Dwelling--not less than two hundred square feet of floor space. A. Seasonal dwellings must be one hundred feet apart unless public sewage disposal system is installed when fifty feet apart will be allowed. All seasonal dwellings must 4!»)!!! r. «I! I ...]!fifl 86 have sanitary sewage diSposal systais of either public disposal system type of septic tank type. In either case there must be adequate treatment of sewage before dumping into a stream of lake. minimum lot: fifty feet. B. All other recreational buildings must provide for safe sewage and waste disposal and adequate fire protection. minimum lot: fifty feet. Government Land--nuildings on township, county, state and Federal land shall provide for fire protection and safe sewage disposal and shall not permit other uses detrimental to the health, welfare or morals of the people. Specifica- tions are the same as for commercial land. miscellaneous Land--land that does not fall into any other class shall be termed miscellaneous land and snall conform to the general rule oi’not harming the health, welfare or morals of the people. Specifications are the same as for commercial land. 5. Luild new county roads. Several new county roads should be built northeast of Jackson to open up the waterloo Land type for rural residence use. Ehis land offers ideal topography for residential use if adequate roads were provided. fhis land type offers no better use since it is too rough for most kinds of agriculture and is not close enough to water at most places to be classed as recreational land. VI. nGRI SLiURAL PROLLEQS Soil gonservation and Soil fertility Eroblems Serious sheet and gully erosion is in evidence on practically all of the undulating and hilly land. Soil fertility problems exist wherever agriculture is practiced. Jo simple solution is seen for these problems. lhe need for education in proper land use is evident, but the methods of educating are not so obvious. In 1940 the amount of commercial fertilizer used in the county in tons per acre was so small in several of the agricultural town- ships as to be negligible (28). Lo figures were available for the anount of lime used, but the need for lime is seen on much of the land of the county. lhe writer saw the solution to the problem of soil conservation and soil fertility as an educational process and not in subsidy or force of law. lhe writer also felt that the past education had not solved these problems. Jith the increase in investment to start farming and the increase in the complexity of farming operations, the operators of'large farms will become more aware of con- servation and fertility factors in farm management because natural economic selection will eventually eliminate those farmers not capable of competing in a highly commercialized 88 agriculture. In this way a part of the problem will solve itself. ihere will renain hundreds of small farms, managed by factory workers, subsistence type farmcrs and other classes of people living on farms either having other sources of income or willing to accept a low standard of living. rhese are the peOple who will need education in soil conservation and soil fertility; these also are the people most difficult to educate. as any agricultural ex- tension worker knog? the person who receives the educating is the one wno needs it least. the author feels that three programs are needed to educate people to solve these problems. One is an adult education program much more intensive than has been attempt- ed by the extension service of the U.o.b.A., with classroom discussion and training, followed by on-the-farm training. ihis would inuOCtrinate many farmers with correct methods on their own ferns. Lhe second program needed is the intensification of the young people's programs to include more adequate training on the farm. the writer is convinced that 4-H club work fairs and exhilits and omith-nughes class room training are of no value unless application of correct methods can be made on the home farm under the direct supervision of a 89 qualified person. The third educational program needed is a better mass education program to mold public opinion in the use of the natural resources, particularly the soil. Only after public opinion has become favorable to the use of subsidization or force by law can these same two methods be used to direct land use. Ehe need i: seen for conservation courses in the public schools plus campaigns of the press and radio to bring about favorable opinion towards control of farm land misuse. Size 9_. m A In the county are several thousands of acres of land that went out of agricultural production during the depression of the thirties because of the wrong size of farm. lhiS land fell mostly on the waterloo Land type land of daterloo, Grass Lake, leoni and Liberty townships. lhe farms of this area were too shell for the lay of the land. At the present rate of land valuation in Jackson county, it is difficult to encourage farmers to invest money in large farms which are needed on this land type if success- ful farming operations are to be carried on. Since practic- ally all Jaterloo type is sloping land, grass will have to Alli.. 90 be the main crop; ranching, therefore, is recommended. lhe only way this could be accomplished is for the land to sell at less than p50.00 per acre. since the average price paid for the Jaterloo Recreation area in the county was slightly over p30.00 per acre (35), it is doubtful if land could be purchased cheaply enough for ranch purposes. ihe only alternatives to changing the size of farm to ranch size on the Waterloo land type is use it for rural residence or government use. Farm Land Letter Suited For Eon-egricultural Uses ihere were several hundred acres of farmland in the northeast part of the county better suited to government ownership land than to agriculture. this land consists of organic soils needed for the protection of tne public water supply. harm fioodlot management Problems host of the woodlands of the county are of the farm woodlot type. according to census figures (27), about half are pastured. many of the woodlots are mature with little or no reproductive stock. Either the woodlots should be left alone and allowed to grow free from pasturing or else they should be cut and 91 the land put into pasture land. ihe writer sees a need for better marketing methods of local timber to make wood production on the farm a steady and paying business. Ed- ucation of the farmers and introduction of co—operative marketing methods could go a long way in helping the farmer to produce better timber. Individual Farm Qgganization Problems Some problems are present to some degree on every farm. Ihese depend upon man and not upon land. they con- sist of such items as having insufficient animal units and mechanical equipment on the farm, having too little capital or too little labor to utilize the land efficiently. however this type of problem is beyond the scope of this thesis. Need for Social Institution Improvement In Jackson county there is a need for additional social institution improvement. In July of 1947, there were still eighty-four school districts with less than fifty pupils on the school census (21). Many of these schools had less than twenty students, causing high operat- ing costs per student. Many were lacking important sub- 92 jects in the curriculum. Although this problem existed at the time of the study, ii;was rapidly being remedied and should not exist in several years. Other needs in the rural areas are better medical service, organized libraries and community recreation centers. These will come if the farm population can be stabilized to develop tight community organizations. ihis can partially be accomplished by stabilizing population movement by zoning. VII. RdCREATION PROBLEMS The most urgent recreation needs of the county are for organized community recreation centers and more water frontage, for public parks and summer residences. lhe development of community recreation centers is a problem that can only be solved in the communities themselves. It is up to local leaders to develOp a means of providing them. Suitable water frontage is inadequate for local needs. In the writers opinion the only available means of increasing this is with dams to raise the water level of the mud-shored lakes to a point where sandy beaches and shores can be had. brill Lake, a mud-shored lake is a good example of this. ihe topographic map of the area 95 shows that the constructimn of a five foot dam at the outlet of the lake would provide sandy shores and beaches, thus making it desirable for home-building (15). VIII. FUEL C ADXINISIRATION PROLLEJS Even more important than the physical problems of haphazard rural non-farm development, soil erosion and water level control is the problem of inefficient public administration. At the time of the investigation there were nine- teen township governments, one city government, one county government and several village governments in operation. many of the functions of each overlapped and some functions were lacking. the need is seen for county and township reorganiza- tion along natural social economic community boundary lines. If this were done, Jackson County would increase in size to cover all the Jackson city community. ihis would ex- tend the county several miles in every direction beyond its present boundaries. lhis large city community could then be broken down into its town communities. School districts should be organized along these town community boundary lines. lhis would break Jackson county into 94 about fifteen town communities. Such a system would make it easier to administer local government without the overlapping of functions so prevalent under the political township system. If Jackson county were reorganized into a large city 00mmunity segregated into about fifteen smaller town communities, future direction of land use would be easier since the pepulation of each town community would be more or less homogeneous in occupation and thinking. communities would be more strongly knit because of higher interests in government than under the present township system where a man trades in one town and votes in another. ihis tighter social organization would result in closer social control of government, hence more interest and ccmtrol of future land use. IX. 133 LASD USE ELAN to present a more integrated view of the total land use plan fer Jackson County, the writer summarizes the proposed solutions to the various problems on a land use map, rig. (27). and makes recommendations as follows: It is recommended that: l. the Governor appoint a board to study water 95 level control in hichigan rivers. 2. the swampland in the munith area of Jackson county be purchased by the state government as a water control project. 5. all state and nederal highways be zoned to permit right of entrance every half mile except in rural farm areas. 4. the county be given a period of time to con- struct other roads for people now living on the state and Iederal highways, eliminating present entrances in crowded areas. 5. sections 29 and 50 and the north half of sec- tions 31 and 52, sleekman township, be set aside for future airport facilities. 6. all roads not needed for the transportation system be abandoned. 7. money be used from parking meters to purchase city parking lots; parking meters be installed in these lots and the income be used for defraying the cost of traffic control and other services needed by the Jackson city'community. 8. the size of Jackson city be increased to in- clude all its natural urban community. I .‘V- . ..JJ......))m 4...: v . .fl . ‘uhOl‘t 'D.¢OOII )I/ , \I.v , ,v u u» . ..n‘. . o .. w ‘ ... a. . 6 ,CH)°!(= 9 ,. l . JJ I)'°z L\.\{ n. rf/ /\‘//¥ . £1, J a 7. 2 E R U- G utopnozcn T‘ F 24¢H30H€ .NBZDOU ZOmModh mom Ema—9214 Gamomomm Q14 .1, 5. 0109200 43411...“ C. m t See next page for key. 9 $1.. 969. KEY TO FIGURE 27 PRESENT URBAN LAND "J PROPOSED INCREASE IN THE SIZE OF JACKSON CITY PROPOSED PART-TIME FAREING AREA PRESENT STATE PRISON FARM PROPOSED INCREASE IN THE WATERLOO RECREATION AREA PRESENT WATERLOO RECREATION AREA PRESERT RECREATIORAL LAKE PRESENT STATE OR COUNTY PARK RURAL RESIDENTIAL LAND AND PROPOSED HOEE SITES PROPOSED FINAL AGRICULTURAL AREA PRESENT MAIN ROADS 97 9. county zoning and minimum construction ordin- ances be passed to direct future land use and to provide for safe, sanitary, psrmanent construction. 10. several new county roads be built into the very hilly sandy natural land type northeast of Jackson to facilitate the development of a rural residence area. ll. to solve the soil fertility and soil erosion control problems three kinds of agricultural education programs be inaugurated: an adult on-the-farm training program, a youth on-the-farm training program and a mass radio-press-school conservation familiarization program. 12. the size of farm units be changed on the very hilly sandy natural land type from general farm size to ranch size, to utilize better the sloping land of that land type. 15. farm timber co-operative marketing associations be established. 14. farm Woodlot managenent be introduced into the agricultural education program. 15. rural school districts be reorganized into larger, more efficient-sized districts. 16. 10cal community recreation centers and libraries be started. 17. more Class I recreation land be developed by 98 damfing the outlets of muck-shored lakes to raise the water level to where the shores would be sandy. 18. county and township political boundaries be reorganized on a natural community boundary basis into one large city community broken down into about fifteen smaller town communities. School district boundaries would coincide with the town community boundaries. The greatest single need in Jackson county was the need for public awareness to the problems facing the county. Population was increasing at the time of the study, new homes were being built at an alarming rate in all directions from Jackson. Agricultural, recreational, commercial, residential and industrial land was being developed or exploited with no thought of public interest or any reference to over-all planning. many problems in land abandonment, taxation, public health, education and others that will surely come from such haphazard develop- ment could have been easily prevented at the time of the study by intelligent thought and planning by the leaders of the communities making up the connty, followed by intelligent public action. ihe county has gone from the agricultural stage into the industrial-commercial stage of development and as 99 yet has not realized it. lhe problems facing the county become less and less problems or agriculture and more and more those of the city. Lime and experience will provide solutions of some sort to the problems but how much more efficient it would be for the county leaders to look around them now, to take inventory of their county and to provide, not wait, for the future. 10. ll. SELECIED bIELIOGTAPHY égricultural Adjustment Administration. Aerial Flight Photographs; B.D.V., Jackson County, michigan. Contact Prints, Scale 1:20,000. washington, D.C., 1958. blois, John T., Gazeteer g£_the State g§_Michigan, ;g_ Three Parts. Detroit and new York, 1809. Climate 9; the United States; Michigan. agricultural Yearbook separate, No. 1840. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1941. Pp. 914-924. United States Department of Agriculture deather bureau. Climatic Summary of the United States; Sec. §§3 Eastern Lower michigan. Nasnington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1950. 29pp. De Land, Mary G. 'g Series 9§_Useful brief Papers Qg_ the Settlement g£_Jackson Counyy, Michigan. nich- igan Pioneer and Historical Collections, Vol. V: Lansing, 1882. Pp. 548-349. Pirey, Jalter, Social Aspects 29 Land Use Planning ;n_the Country - City Fringe: lhe Case 9; flint, nicnigan. Micnigan Agricultural Experiment Station. special bulletin 399: Last Lansing, 1946. 57pp. Fuller, G.N. editor, I‘Iichigap, é Centennial History 9; ihe State and its Peo 1e, V01. I. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co. 1939. Hibbard, B.J., é History 9: Public Land Policy. New . York: the Machillan Co., 1924. b9lpp. Jackson Coungy, Michigan Road Map. Jackson: Jackson County Road Commission, 1947. Leverett, Frank, nap 9£_the Surface Formations g£_the Southern Pengnsula.gg_Michigan. Lansing, Michigan State Department of Conservation, 1924. , Surface Geo;2gy_and ggricultural Conditions 93_ Michigan. Lansing: Wynkoop fiallenbeck Crawford 00., 1917. 223pp. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 101 thee, M., The Early Days QQDConcord, Jackson County, kichiean. michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections, iii: Lansing, 1892. Pp. 418-451. martin, Helen M., The Centennial Geologic Map 2: Michigan; Publication No. 39., Geologic Series 53: hichigan State Department of Conservation: Lansing, 1936. kichigan State Corrections Commission, Unpublished Records. Lansing, 1947. michigan Geological Survey, Quadrangle Topographic Maps; Scale l:62,500. Springport, Rives Junction, Stock- bridge and Cement City. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1916-1958. Michigan State Highway Department. Official highway map for 1947. Lansing: michigan State Highway Department, 1947. michigan State Highway Planning Survey, General Highway Egg 9; Jackson Counyy, Michigan. Lansing: Michigan— State Highway Department in Cooperation with Federal werk Agency Public Roads Administration. Lichigan State Tax Commission, Unpublished Records. Lansing, 1947. Pasco, Ray E., Some Relationships Between Soil Types and Use 3; Land.;n Southern Michigan. ihesis; nich- igan State College. East Lansing, 1932. 58pp. Prescott, Samuel, Early Settlers ;g_the Tong 9; Black- man. michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections, Vol. VII. Lansing, 1884. P. 464. School Census of Jackson County, Michigan. 1946-1947 Jackson: Office of County School Commissioner, 1947. 44pp. Schoenmann, Lee Roy A., Land Inventogynggg_Rural Plann- _i_n_g 13 A1543; Counjy, Michigan. Papers of the Mich- igan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Vol.XVII: Ann Arbor, 1952. 28pp. 102. 23. Thaden, J.F., Population Trends IQ Michigan. ,Mich- igan Agricultural Experiment Station. Special Bulletin 236. East Lansing, 1933. 38pp. 24. , The Lansinngegion and its Tributayy Town Country Communities. Michigan Agricultural Experi- ment Station. Special bulletin 302. East Lansing, 1940. 50pp. 25. Trull, F.W., lhe Soils g§_Jackson County, michigan. Thesis; Michigan State College. East Lansing, 1928. 36pp. 26. United States Bureau of the Census: 16th. Census 1940. Areas 2§_the United States. iable 3 and.4; United States Dureau of Commerce. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1942. 465pp. 27. , Census of ggriculture for 1945 §y Counties and Minor Civil Divisions. United States Department of Commerce, WaShington, D. 0.: United States Government Printing Office, 1946. 28. , 16th. Census 1940. Census g£_§griculture §y_ Counties and Minor Civil Divisions. United States Department of Commerce, washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office. 1942. 29. , Census of gggiculture for 1935 py Counties and minor Civil Divisons. United States Department of Commerce, Washington, D. 0.: United States Government Printing Office, 1936. 30. , 16th. Census 1940, Population, Vol I: Number of Inhabitants, iable 3. Hashington, D. 0.: United States Government Printing Office, 1943. 31. , g_, Characteristics 9§_the Populatiop. United States Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1943. 32. Veatch, J.O., The Idea g£_TheINatural Land T e, Soil Science Society of America Proceedings II: 499-503, 1937. 33. 34. 35. 36. 103. , H.G. Adams, Edd. Hubbard, C. Dorman, L.R. Jones, J.W. Moon, and C.H. wenser, Soil Surve , Ingham County, Michig . U.S.D.A. bureau of Plant Industry in COOperation with Michigan Agricultural Dxperiment Station. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1941. 43pp. , F.W. Irull and J.A. Porter, Soil Survey 9:. Jackson_County, Michigan. U.S.D.A. bureau of Chemistry and Soils in Cooperation with Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. No. 17. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1926. 30pp. Waterloo Recreation Area. Solder, nichigan State Depart- ment of Conservation. Lansing, 1936. fiolfanger, L.A., Your Community and Township Zoning. Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 184. East Lansing, 1945. 50pp. ""3 ‘l' I ‘ I " ii!‘f‘l“l ‘1 m... N 0 E S u M O O R '1'! 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