— “.071 _ _ _ — — _ — _ _ — — — — — — A COMPARESQN 0F I‘HE CALEFORMEA MASTITIS 108 75$? wm-l me QTHER cowomv EMPLOYED 138 DzAGNosnc rests THS Thesis 50v ”19 Degree of M. S. l‘iiCEiEi-i‘zéz‘é S‘E‘ATE UHEVEESETY Jose Britto Figueiredo 1957 j not-«'E (1-21 LIBRARY Michigan State University A COMPARISON OF THE CALIFORNIA MASTITIS TEST WITH THE OTHER COMMONLY EMPLOYED DIAGNOSTIC TESTS by Jose Britto Figueiredo AN ABSTRACT Submitted to the College of Veterinary Medicine Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Microbiology and Public Health 1957 Approved WM: _ c) *’v A>V Escrow an ads PSI 83: AHHV am pm posamm s.o 4.6m Amy Ammmav AH>V scans: o.sm 0.0: 0.6H o.Ho Lav Ammmev AHV ocHo-HcIsHoN 9.8 Ugazom o.oo o.dd o.H o.sm o.mm o.mm o.as 0.6m o.m o.om_ AHV AHHV A>Hv A>Hv Ammmev ssh m.mH s.mm Amvlhmmoav A>Hv as no omofinomcam .Hmod .Hmom .Hmoa .Hmod .Hmod .Hmoa .emom .amod .anom .Hmoa omamm mmamm omamm mmamm mmamm . m90£p5< pmme egos no Boom mmmHMOMU once we umoe mapom mpcsoo mphoOosmq aQOomoHnmpomm Aezmo mmmv mHeHemaz mzH>om mo oneomemo mme mom whomemz oHemozaHo mmmeo oza qaoHooqummeoam mo ZomHmamzoo HHH mqm maco .mmapomammm .Qmppmuu H> maco .QOHuomucfi Hwoooo0L0fizin > cofipommcfi HmooOQOOQmppmua >H moHQEmm UCLMQSocH mfipom mo cofipmcHmem oHQQomoponwa HHH osao Hoeszossonmt- HH magmas acmmhoaopmun H Esfioos mefipooammuiMHW m.oa 0.3m o.o c.mH m.mm H.mm w.mH m.om o.ms m.sm AHV sodas AHH>V AHH>V mace o.w m.oe H.m s.md m.m o.mm m.o m.mm Adv Mammav LHHV L>HV AHHHV c H one cmzmzmpmz .Hmom .Hmom .finom .fimom .Hmom .Hmom .Hmom .Hmom .Hmom .Hmom mmfimm mmamm mmamm omfimm mmamm mpocus< pmme whoa no Boom mmmHMOmo pmme ma pmme mfipom muddoo mpmooosoq >Q00mofipmpowm Aeoscansoov HHH mamas 19 considered as positive "an animal in mid lactation if the average count of the last two was over 100,000 per ml." The level of leucocytes alone cannot be accepted as satisfactory for diagnosis. However, in combination with (abservation of bacteria in the smears a probable diagnosis inay'be made. When the samples come from a mid-lactation (HDW, as in this study, it is safe to consider the finding (3f 500,000 or more leucocyte per m1. as a good indication (of infection. The results obtained were very low, as compared to the ratios of efficiency generally found in this method. It: can be explained due to the following factors: high runnber of Micrococcus pyogenes isolated because of the use 017 a selective medium; in sub-clinical and latent infections, firms leucocyte increase is not quite as high, and micrococcal ”Mastitis produces a moderately high or not so constant l€nacocyte increase. Eiyglrogen-ion Concentration Test The pH of the normal milk can vary from 6.4 to 6.8, ‘bLIt is usually 6.5 to 6.6. Physiological variations are fcnand in the colostrum. McIntyre, Parrish, and Fountain (3&952) give the average of 6.28 and a range of 6.00 to 6.61. 'TYKe pH in the milk from cows which are drying off shows a "Klre alkaline reaction. Mastitic milk generally shows an increase in alkalinity but when a high amount of lactose is metabolized by the fl .flil. HUN drill—load”... i 20 infecting bacteria, the milk may show an acid reaction. The variations of the milk in physico-chemical characteristics are a result of injury and inflammation of the mammary gland, (hie to the presence of the pathogenic agent. It seems logical, in this sequence of thinking, that the change toward the alkalinity point can be explained as a result of the abnormal passage of blood elements into the rnilk. The findings of high cell counts and the presence of abnormal amounts of fibrin could be sufficient basis for this hypothesis. However, Stableforth (1930) studying this jpossibility, stated: "No evidence has been found to support the view that the abnormal reactions is due to an influx of kilood serum; the reaction of the milk shows no constant IYEIation to its antigenic titre in serum-precipitin tests." Espe and Smith (1952) suggested that the increase in D}I values is "probably" due to the presence of carbonates. NE) evidence was given. It is known that fore-milk is more alkaline than the Subsequent streams. In this study, the fore-milk was used tC) perform the CMT, thus a low efficiency should be expected. Minded Whiteside Test In 1939, Whiteside described a reaction of abnormal n111kfollowing the addition of a normal sodium hydroxide SOilution, as the appearance of a "viscid mass." Murphy and Hanson (1941) found a close parallelism between the positive Whiteside test and the leucocyte content 11.14%??11 . V flint]: 21 of the milk. When samples were scored as 2 +, 100 per cent contained 500,000 or more leucocytes per ml., while samples scored as 1 +, 73.1 per cent had 500,000 or more leucocytes per'ml. Schalm and Gray (1954) applied the test to about 5,000 milk samples and found that 85.14 per cent scored as 1 + with a leucocyte count of over 500,000 per m1. High agreement (99.70 per cent) was found between reactions scored as 2 + and leucocyte counts of over 500,000 per m1. Dunn, Murphy, and Garrett (1943) concluded that the reaction is mainly dependent on the leucocyte content in the Inilk, directly or indirectly. Petersen, Grimmel, and Schipper (1950) postulated ttuat “the reaction is caused by absorption of fibrin on the Vfllite cells. . . ." They observed the whiteside phenomenon Wixth.charcoal in very fine powder added to blood plasma. Schalm and Noorlander (1957) analysed the gel clumps Seen in the Whiteside reaction and found a fat content of £431jper-cent. They were also able to verify with microscopic exEunination the leucocyte desintegration due to the addition Of‘ sodium hydroxide. They concluded that fat has a secon- (iaJ?y role in the Whiteside reaction. Thus, since a high leucocyte count is often regarded 3&5 a result of an injury to the epithelium of the mammary glimnd, the Whiteside test should be an accurate indication of abnormal milk, at least in mid lactation. 22 The figures found for this test may be considered satisfactory and the considerations made in regards to letwocyte counts, may be applied to this test. Catalase Test Koning in 1908, cited by Monlux (1948), was the first to apply the catalase test for the diagnosis of bovine inastitis. The enzyme catalase is found in several kinds of living cells both vegetable and animal. In animal cells, the leucocytes are those in which it is found in larger announts. Prouty (1934) found that samples having leucocyte ccnmnts of 0 to 100,000; 500,000 to 750,000; 750,000 to l,cm00,000 and over 2,000,000 per m1. contained 11.5, 69.0, 923.0, and 96.9 per cent catalase respectively. Monlux (1948) explained various factors which inter- fttre with bovine mastitis diagnosis using the catalase test. The catalase test showed an agreement which is about ttus same as that reported by other workers. gaiterioscopy Direct microscopic examination means, of course, the ‘ViAsualization of the milk abnormality in a stained film. 3411s test, which is simple and accurate, shows a general Iricture of the degree of udder inflammation through the IIPesence of the etiological agent and a significant increase of cells. . 23 Baker and Breed (1920) suggested this procedure for the detection of streptococcal mastitis. Bryan (1935) classified infected milk by the detection of chain of 6 or HKDPe cocci, in sample which were enriched by incubation at 370C for 12-15 hours. Brown and Bryan (1950) reported on the daily obser- vation for 6 months of one cow infected with Streptococcus :agalactiae and another cow with no mastitis, that the test was negative at all times with the non-infected cow and zalways positive with the infected cow. The regularity of elimination of Streptococcus agalactiae in the milk gives this test a high score of efficiency. Bryan and Devereux (1937) using the microscopic e)mamination as a standard, found an agreement of 86.6 per Ceflt with the blood agar plate method. Fay (1938) reported 96.0 per cent positive results ‘Wd:th this test and 9.0 false positives by comparison with bacteriological identification. Using the same type of COmparison, Slanetz and Naghski (1939) found 92 per cent aruj 2.8 per cent positive and false positive results, I‘espectively. Recently, Narayanan and Iya (1954) also using the SEune method of evaluation, found a very high figure of eff‘iciency for streptococal infection as 98 per cent posi- iiive and only 0.5 per cent false results. 24 The bacterioscopic test requires some skill in order to get an accurate interpretation. Some factors which most commonly result in errors are appearance of micrococci ex- hibiting chain formation; the presence of saprophytic strains often found among the micrococci and less frequent with streptococci; the irregular shedding of the causative agent in the milk and the presence of contaminanting bacteria. By combining the observations on bacteria and leucocytes with repeated examination, such factors are controlled. There are chronic mastitis cases, however, in which infection is so mild that the leucocyte count is within the llormal range or, on the other hand, the leucocyte counts .found may be due to an expected or physiological increase (luring early and late lactation. In some instances, the Sinmfle presence of bacteria is not enough for an accurate CLLagnosis and more tests must be carried out to determine ttue pathogenicity of the strains. Some morphologic characteristics of the cocci may iruiicate the presence of saprophytic or pathogenic bacteria blrt this process is very inefficient. Of course, it is not DCHSSible to differentiate coagulase-producing micrococci in Stkiined smears. Since a selective medium for the detection Of' the coagulase-producing micrococci was employed, it is LIINierstandable why poor results were found. If the blood agmtr plate method was used (hemolysin patterns), the results 'WOLle be better because 7 coagulase negative micrococci 25 strains were hemolytic, diminishing in this way the number of false positive scores. If the blood agar plate was the standard method, the per cent agreement would be 76.0. Also, if bacterial findings were combined with the leucocyte counts, the per cent agreement would be better. But in this study, because the mastitis cases examined were chronic or sub—clinical infections and due in most cases to micrococcal infection, this combination was not to be so conclusive and the agreement of 78.1 per cent confirms this supposition. HOtis Test This test was described by Hotis and Miller (1936) for-the detection of Streptococcus agalactiae infection. These authors compared the test with blood agar plate .isolation and found that of 753 samples tested 95 per cent Eugreed. Murphy (1939), also using blood agar plate isolation as; a standard, found that 94.86 per cent of the quarter Seunples contained Streptococcus agalactiae while 53.63, 19.61, arni 10.53 per cent contained Streptococcus dysgalactiae, §j¥§§ptococcus uberis and atypical streptococci infections, FEHspectively. False negative results for the same bacteria 'Welfie 5.14, 47.37, 80.39, and 89.47 per cent, reSpectively. Orfily'0.79 per cent micrococci agreed and 99.24 per cent were false negatives. The false positive reactions for Strepto- EfilEfizgg agalactiae were 1.05 per cent with quarter samples. 26 Miller (1943) using the same method in the comparison of 10,000 to 15,000 milk samples tested at the U. S. D. A. Animal Disease Station, Beltsville, Maryland reported a mean agreement of 85 to 90 per cent positive results. In the same paper reactions due to other pathogenic organisms found parasitizing the cow's udder were described. By using Edwards' medium for the isolation of strepto- cocci in 4,132 milk samples, Schalm (1944) found the following results: 84.3 per cent positive reactions and 19.3 per cent false positive reactions with respect to Streptococcus agalactiae. In samples yielding Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis and atypical streptococci, the Hotis test was positive only 11.6 per cent, suspicious 111 46.5 per cent, and negative in 41.8 per cent. With Migro- cxbccus infection, 1.8 per cent were positive, 36.8 per cent vwere suspicious, and 61.3 per cent were negative. Later, Schalm (1948) studying the correlation of CCHagulase positive micrococci and Hotis reactions, found ttuat 80 per cent showed positive reactions and 7.1 per cent Stubwed false positive reactions. Brown and Bryan (1950) carrying out the modified HfYtis test daily for 6 months, on samples from an infected COVV having Streptococcus agalactiae and in samples from a non-—cliseased cow, reported positive results in 100 per cent 0f"the mastitic milk; 15 per cent of false positive reactions ‘WeIRe observed in the non-infected animal. 27 Throop, Swanson and Mundt (1957) demonstrated the efficiency of the Hotis test by comparing it with physical examination of the udder, strip-cup, pH, leucocyte count, microscopic examination and isolation of the etiological agent. The criterion of mastitis diagnosis was shown by direct test combined with l or more indirect test. Detection of Streptococcus agalactiae infection by the Hotis test was found in 82 per cent of the samples whereas Streptococcus dysgalactiae and Streptococcus uberis were found only in 50 per cent of the samples. They concluded that the Hotis test is an excellent method for detecting bovine mastitis due to Streptococcus agalactiae but not for Streptococcus dysgalactiae or'Streptococcus uberis because of the large number of nega- ‘tive and suspicious results. The variations of results in scoring Hotis test may b6? explained by several factors. Thus, the amount of agmglutinins present is expected to be important because the fOIfination of flakes or balls on the side or bottom of the ttfloe represent "the alteration of the surface which causes ttue organisms to clump. . . . " (McCulloch and Fuller--l939). TTLis fact is not only observed with Streptococcus agalactiae bud: also with Streptococcus uberis and Streptococcus dysga- W- McCulloch and Fuller (1939) stated that it is pcfissible to find typical Hotis reactions with any organism Whixsh stimulates the production of agglutinins, grows in pITESence of bromcresol purple, forms clump due to presence ‘Df zagglutinins and produces acid from lactose. 28 The number of bacteria present in the sample, the presence of contaminants such as spore-forming bacilli, the existence of more than one pathogen and the ability of the bacteria to ferment lactose are other elements correlated with the readings. Pounden, et a1 (1957) stated that "some of the marked variations encountered might well be explained by differ- ences in the suitability of the milk as a medium for the organism. . . ." Some limited evidence for this was presented. Perhaps these factors make it easier to understand the statement of Plastridge and Hale (1939) when they called the Hotis test "inadequate" for the diagnosis of bovine Inastitis due to Streptococcus agalactiae. The problem of contaminants, which can be diminished by'rnicroscopic examination of the milk from the Hotis test tlibe, is really important. This was found to be true mainly ‘W11dh micrococcal infections because spore-forming bacilli WGIN? found 4 times giving a false positive reaction. The data found in several papers refers mostly to streptococcal infection (Table III). In this work, the Hotxis test was used for cocci--both streptococci and micro- C0C:<:i--which resulted in lowered efficacy. .EéfigLfornia.Mastitis Test (CMT) The California Mastitis Test is a new bovine mastitis tefiit proposed by Schalm and Noorlander (1957). It is an 29 indirect test which is based on three known mastitic phe- nomena: pH modification, Whiteside test and on the abnormal number of leucocytes in mastitic milk. Schalm and Noorlander (1957) presented data showing a close relationship between CMT score and leucocyte counts of the milk. The characteristics of these tests were discussed and almost all considerations, advantages and disadvantages, can be applied to this test. The characteristic readings, however, are principally correlated with the Whiteside phenomenon which is based on the abnormal leucocyte content in the milk which comes from a diseased udder. Whiteside described this phenomenon as a "viscid mass" aund this description agrees with that reported by Puri and Chapta.(l955) who stated: "Protein contributes by far more tcnnards the viscosity of milk than any other major constitu- erlt of milk." The increase of protein generally occurs in rnaxstitic milk, as well as in early and late lactation. The surface-active agent used eliminated the secondary IYDle played by the fat content of the milk. In this work, the CMT was found to be superior to Otflier*test except the bacterioscopic examination. These results were obtained from fore-milk and the CkMiracteristics of the material employed eliminated the pc”Ssibility of large number of false positive results, due 30 to the presence of physiological leucocyte increase in early and late lactation. Isolation and Identification An increase of bovine mastitis due to micrococci has taken place in recent years or, at least, more attention has been paid to it, resulting in more reported cases. Perhaps, because mastitis caused by streptococci is declining as the result of increased use of antibiotic therapy, micro- cocci infections due to antibiotic resistant strains are often found. This problem has been brought into focus recently. Dolman (1956) commenting on seven decades of research on the micrococci, stated that: "Today, staphy- lococcal infections appear more prevalent, more virulent, euld more unavoidable than they were a quarter century ago, irl the pre-penicillin era." This paper refers to human in— ftections but, of course, the same statement can be applied tC> bovine mastitis. Schalm and Woods (1953) describing the mastitis Ccnnplex concluded: "Cocci are the dominant organisms in true bovine udder. Both streptococci and Micrococcus pyogenes area highly invasive for that organ, but with gradual elimin- aiiion of the former through the use of antibiotics, the lEl‘tteris assuming even greater significance in the mastitis COrYlplex." These opinions are not generally accepted. Plastridge arki Hale (1956) showed that Streptococcus agalactiae 31 infections have decreased but the micro-orgalism continues to be considered as the principal agent of mastitis. This evidence is basis on data collected from several years of mastitis research in Connecticut. These two adverse opinions may be the result of dif- ferent methods of diagnosis, treatment, and control-programs applied in those areas. The micrococci. The criterion of judging micrococcal pathogenicity, is based mainly on its ability to secret toxins which have the capacity to lyse the red blood cells 43f certain animal species and its capacity to coagulate blood plasma.of some species. Many papers are concerned with rnicrococcal hemolysins and so far, four different ones have 'been.accepted. The presence of hemotoxins elaborated from strains Of‘lnicrococci, called "Hot-Cold" lysins have been described Sixlce 1922 but a differentiation between these two was made b3? Glenny and Stevens (1935) using specific neutralization. Ttue terms alppa and papa were suggested by them. The aippa toxin causes total lysis of rabbit and Skkeep erythrocytes while the papa toxin is a weak lytic agant at 370C. but becomes rapidly hemolytic at lower tem- Ipelfiatures. Hence, this phenomenon is termed "Hot-cold." It Inabf be observed in species in which the red blood cells are rHDt' lysed during incubation as occurs with man, rabbit as 'WGJJI as sheep and oxen. Sub—types of alpha and beta toxins have been reported. 32 The gamma toxin was found by Smith and Price (1938) and can lyse rabbit, sheep, bovine, rat, guinea pig, horse, and human red blood cells. The delta type hemolysins were described by Williams and Harper (1947). These have the capacity to lyse sheep red blood cells protected by alpha, beta or alpha-beta toxins. This hemotoxin is active also against rabbit, human, horse, rat, guinea pig, and mouse erythrocytes. Elek and Levy (1950) described a new hemotoxin which lyses rabbit and sheep erythrocytes which is called epsilon. It was secreted by a coagulase negative micro-organism. They concluded also thatialppa2,.aalpa and gapma are iden- tical toxins. According to the results and suggestions presented by them, Micrococcus pyogenes produces alpha, beta, aalpa and epsilon hemotoxins. Only papa hemolysis is incom- plete and more than one hemolytic toxins may be secreted by ‘Une same strains. Minett (1936) stated that papa hemotoxin is a charac- teristic of hemolytic micrococci from animal sources. He later (1937) reported that bovine strains can secret aAppa and papa toxins. A similar statement was made by Elek and Levy (1950) who also confirmed that papa is often elaborated by animal Strains and is not common in micrococci parasitising man. The ability of some Micrococcus strains to cause the Coagulation of blood plasma has been known since 1903 through 33 original report of Loeb (cited by Smith and Hale--l944). It was only after several years, however, that the presence of this enzyme was proposed as the best single test to judge micrococcal pathogenicity. Human or rabbit plasma are generally used for this test because of the consistent results obtained. Variations in intensity of results take place with different plasma sources. The explanation for the differences of reactions was given by Smith and Hale (1944) who described micrococcal coagulase as the percursor of a thrombin-like substance formed in the presence of an activator normally found in some plasmas. The failure of plasma to be coagulated is due to the deficiency or absence of this activator. This variation in activator content can be found also in the same species as an individual characteristic. Smith, Hale and Smith (1947) reported that coagulase is closely related to the pathogenicity of certain strains and described its role in development of infection. It is important in the early stages when the micro-organisms are establishing and starting to reproduce or, in other words, it plays an important role in protecting the micrococci against primary defenses of the host. This is made possible through the fibrin clot formed around the cocci. The association of hemolysin and coagulase production with pathogenicity has been studied by a large number of workers. Chapman, 23.21 (1934) found that of 690 Micrococcus 34 pyogenes var. aureus and 1,852 Micrococcus pyogenes var. albus, 88 per cent and 11.9 per cent were coagulase positive, respectively. With Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus, they reported: 78 per cent of non-hemolytic and coagulase nega- tive strains did not kill rabbits in 10 days; 100 per cent of coagulase and hemolysin positive strains killed rabbits in less than 10 days. With Micrococcus pyogenes var. albus, they found: 77 per cent of 17 hemolytic strains did not kill rabbits in 10 days and 88 per cent of 16 coagulating strains killed in less than 10 days. Williams and Harper (1946) tested 100 coagulase positive strains and reported that 93 were_alppa hemolytic and 2 were papa hemolytic. The strains were, presumably, from human sources. In comparing laboratory methods accepted as evidence of micrococcal mastitis, Plastridge, Weirether and Williams (1938) found that the coagulase test was more nearly cor- related with the micrococcal pathogenicity than the other tests used. They reported hemolytic properties in 87 per cent of the coagulase positive strains and 5 per cent from the coagulase negative bacteria. A high frequency of alpha-beta and beta hemotoxins to bovine red blood cells was found by Schalm and Wood (1953a) who tested 2,084 hemolytic strains, almost all from bovine mastitis, with a coagulase positive score of over 99 per Cent. Out of 209 micrococci non-hemolytic or weakly hemolytic 35 but showing no beta toxins, 17 were coagulase positive. They stated that "for practical applications, manifestation of beta toxins should be sufficient evidence that the Micro- coccus is Micrococcus pyogenes." Coagulase tests should be used as a decisive test in questionable cases. This can be accepted because coagulase production is a special property of Micrococcus pyogenes. Slanetz and Bartley (1953) studied about 9,000 strains of micrococci from mastitic milk and concluded that: (1) They may be alpha-beta, beta or delta hemolytic to sheep, cow, and rabbit red blood cells. In most cases they are the alpha-beta type. (2) With the exception of weakly toxigenic strains which are coagulase negative, these micro- cocci are usually coagulase positive. (3) Leucocyte counts are not significant for the diagnosis of chronic mastitis infections due to micrococci. Boake (1956) presented conclusive evidence on the real importance of coagulase in micrococcal pathogenicity. He found that rabbits actively immunized with coagulase were more resistant to challenge with coagulase positive and _a£pha hemolytic strains (mean survival time of 9.3 days) than those immunized with aippa toxoid (mean survival time of 1.3 days). Unprotected individuals had a mean survival time of 1.5 days. On the other hand, rabbits immunized with Coagulase and later challenged with a coagulase negative Strain showed no resistance and died 2.5 days after 36 inoculation. The same survival time was found in the control group. Based on mice experiments, Boake (1956) found that "in vitro" inhibition of coagulase activity appeared to diminish the pathogenicity of micrococci. Rammelkamp, Jr., a: ai (1950) were able to demonstrate anticoagulase--an antibody specific for coagulase--in 11 of 17 monkeys injected with cell-free coagulase. Although coagulase is an important factor in patho- genicity, it does not appear to be the only mechanism for this condition. There are authors like Deubler and Cole (1956) who believe that coagulase and hemolysin are not indicative of micrococcal pathogenicity. From 12 cases of acute micrococcal mastitis they isolated 8 strains which were both coagulase and hemolysin negative. From a comprehensive review of the literature on this subject, one can see that a definite method for evaluating micrococcal pathogenicity has not yet been found. Coagulase production, however, appears effective in this respect than hemolysin activity. Analysis of studies in this subject reveal that many controversies are brought about because of the differences in the blood employed, both their sources and concentration; the sources and dilution of blood plasma and finally the different technique used. Due to these difficulties other methods have been suggested for indicating pathogenicity such as the number of antigen-antibody floculation lines formed on a plate 37 (Howard--1954) and phage pattern (Fisk-~1942; Howard-~1954, and Edwards and Rippon--1957). In this study, coagulase production was used as an indicative test of the micrococcal pathogenicity. Zebovitz, Evans and Niven (1955) employed a Tellurite- Glycine Agar medium to isolate coagulase producers micro- cocci. They compare the new medium with Chapman-Stone medium and Phenol Red Mannitol Salt Agar and reported signi- ficantly superior results with the improved medium. Innes (1953), using Ludlam's medium for plating milk samples, reported the isolation of 5 coagulase positive micrococci from 24 milk samples cultured. The same samples plated on Blood-Agar yielded no coagulase-producers due to the high interference of contaminanting bacteria. Samples were enriched in special selective broth before incubation. Velilla, Faber and Pelczar (1947) using Phenol Red Ddannitol Salt Agar medium (PRMS) and Staphylococcus medium 110, were able to isolate 90 strains of micrococci on the first medium and 137 Micrococcus strains on the latter medium, from a total of 270 quarter samples. From 90 of those strains isolated using PRMS, only 18 were coagulase-producing Inicrococci while from the 137 isolated on the medium 110, 31 were coagulase positive. The results found by using Tellurite—Glycine Agar medium (83 per cent agreement) were superior to those ob- tained by Innes (1953) on Ludlam‘s medium and by Velilla, -:.__ L...7 g. 38 Faber and Pelczar (1947) on PRMS agar or Staphylococcus medium 110. The criterion used to identify pathogenic Micrococcus taking its ability for coagulating blood plasma as a simple and single test, is actually superior to the production of hemolysins. Coagulase is found in almost all pathogenic strains of Micrococcus pyogenes and it is believed to be a specific characteristic. 0n the other hand, hemotoxin pro— duction is a less constant occurrence in pathogenic micro- cocci and it has been found to be elaborate by coagulase negative strains. However, in this study, a total agree- ment was found between alpha-beta hemolytic and coagulase- producing micrococci. By using the Tellurite-Glycine Agar medium, it is possible to isolate a coagulase producers micrococci strain in 24 hours. Catalase production by cocci. By testing for catalase in cultures of cocci, one has an easy way of screening out certain streptococci (short chain formation). It is generally agreed that catalase production is very constant in Mippp- coccus, although Lucas and Seeley (1955) reported the finding of a negative catalase strain which was strongly coagulase positive. The data obtained in this work confirms earlier ob- servations on the catalase test. 39 The streptococci. The selective medium of Edwards was used to culture streptococci. From the color and size of colonies, streptococci, Pseudomonas and coliform organisms can be recognized but the micrococci were inhibited. In this medium the selective agents are crystal violet and esculin. Identification was made on the basis of the following tests: CAMP test described by Murphy, Stuart and Reed (1952), catalase production, esculin, mannitol and inulin breakdown, hydrolysis of sodium hippurate and hemoly- sin production. The CAMP test is an application of the lytic pheno- menon found by Christie, Atkins and Munch-Petterson (1944) in which Streptococcus agalactiae, hemolytic or non-hemolytic, secretes a lytic product that can totally lyse sheep or oxen erythrocytes previous altered by a micrococcal papa toxin. Wilson and Salvin (1950) included some micrococci as CAMP positive but confirmed the fact that all the Strepto- coccus agalactiae tested were positive. However, Murphy, Stuart and Reed (1952) reported that 96.6 per cent of 323 strains of Streptococcus agalactiae produced CAMP reactions, whereas 85 per cent of 222 strains of Streptococcus uberis and 100 per cent of 49 Streptppoccus _gysgalactiae gave negative results. *m—o—u-_m L‘4 —. - . CHAPTER VI SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The California Mastitis Text (CMT) was applied to 70 milk samples and its value as a new method for the detection of bovine mastitis was compared with 7 well known tests. The CMT, which is an indirect test, compared favorably to leucocyte counts, pH, Whiteside test, catalase test, and Hotis test but not to the bacterioscopic method. The bacteriological finding, which was used as the standard test, was made on Edwards‘ medium and on.the new Tellurite-Glycine Agar medium. This medium, which is a modi— fication of Ludlam's medium, proved to be very efficient for isolating coagulase producing strains of micrococci. Coagulase and hemolysin were studied and their value as indicators of micrococcal pathogenicity was discussed. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY Backer, J. C. and Breed, R. S.--1920. ”The reaction of milk in relationship to the presence of blood cells and of Specific bacterial infections of the udder." N. Y. Sta. Agri. Exp. Sta., Tech. Bull. 80. Blackburn, P. 8., Laing, C. M., and Malcolm, D. F.--1955. "A comparison of the diagnosis value of the total and differential cell counts of bovine milk." J. Dairy Res. 22 (l) : 37—42. Boake, W. C.--l956. "Antistaphylocoagulase in experimental Staphylococcus infections." J. Immun. 76 (2) : 89-96. Boyd, H.-—l956. "An evaluation of lyophilized plasma in the coagulase test for micrococcal pathogenicity." Am. J. Med. Tech. 22 (4) : 232-236. Brown, R., and Bryan, C. S.--l950. 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