THE EFFECTS OF BENAURAL AMflIHCATlON ON THE SPEECH DISCREMENATION PERFORMANCE OF NORMAL HEARING SUBJECTS Thesis for flu Degree of M. A. MECHEGAN STATE UNL‘E’EKSITY Mary Katherine Flucke 19 6 2 4.1"“. L I B R A R Y L] Michigan State Univcrsity ABSTRACT THE EFFECTS OF BINAURAL AMPLIFICATION ON THE SPEECH DISCRIMINATION PERFORMANCE OF NORMAL HEARING SUBJECTS by Mary Katherine Flucke The purpose of this study is to analyze the results obtained from.nonmal hearing subjects as they responded to the CID Auditory Test W-22 with and without amplification by a binaural hearing aid in order to determine the effects of amplification on their speech discrimination ability. The subjects for this study were twelve university students. Testing was conducted in two phases. For Phase 1 the standardized recordings of the CID Auditory Test W~22 (Lists 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 13, 23, 3B, and 43), were transcribed onto magnetic tape and presented to the subjects at a level of 70 decibels in a reverberant room. White noise at a level of 52 decibels was employed to control the ambient noise level of the room. Subjects were tested individually (except for one instance when two were tested together), aided and unaid- ed, at distances of 24, 48, and 72 feet from the sound source. Responses were recorded by the subjects on forms designed for that purpose. Phase 2 of the testing was Mary Katherine Flucke conducted in a sound-treated room to determine the effects of amplification in a relatively noisenfree environment. The CID Auditory Test W-22 recordings were played free-field to each of the subjects, aided and unaided, at a level of 0 decibels without a white noise background. The results of this study show that in both phases of the testing subjects obtained higher discrimination scores in the unaided listening conditions. In Phase 1 this was true of all three positions. In all but two instances a comparison of aided with aided and unaided with unaided conditions showed higher discrimination scores for positions the greater distance from the source of the sound. Conclusions drawn from this study suggest that normal hearing subjects perform better'cnxspeech discrimina- tion tasks without amplification by a binaural hearing aid in an environment of a reverberant acoustical nature with a background of white noise and in one which is relatively noise-free. Information, speech discrimination appears to be somewhat easier in the latter type of environment as evidenced by relatively higher scores obtained in both aided and unaided listening conditions. APPI‘OVEd by [writ/Q Ah OLE/J I Director/] 0 \ s THE EFFECTS OF BINAURAL AMPLIFICATION ON THE SPEECH DISCRIMINATION PERFORMANCE OF NORMAL HEARING SUBJECTS BY Mary Katherine Flucke A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS College of Communication Arts Department of Speech 1962 \‘fil :31" ( '5 u"'l il ‘ \ '7 ‘- c 1:. ‘ ..\ x \‘R j} i: “I a." Chapter I II. III. IV. TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM . . . . . . . Introduction. . . . . . . . . . Purpose of the Study . . . . . . . Importance of the Study . . . . . . Definition of Terms . . . . . . . Organization of the Thesis . . . . . REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE . . . . . . . Speech-Hearing Tests . . . . . . The Use of Binaural Hearing Aids . . . SUBJECTS, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, AND TESTING PROCEDURES 9 o e e o o e e e e 0 Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . Materials. . . . . . . . . . . Testing Procedures. . . . . . . . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. . . . . . . . Re8u1ts - O I 0 o O - O O O O O O O 0 Discussion . . . . . . . . .4 . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . smary O O O O 0 O O O O 0 0 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . Implications for Future Research . . . .APPENDIXE87 . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . A. Acoustical Characteristics of the Binaural Hearing Aid . . . . . B. CID Auditory Test We22 . . . . . C. Answer Sheet . . . . . . . . D. Raw Scores Per.Cent Correct . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page \JU'IdhLOH (I) 25 25 26 26 26 30 30 32 39 39 41 42 44 44 4s 49 so 52 LIST OF TABLES Table Page I. 5 Scores for Phase 1 of Testing (Reverberant Room) 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O s 31 II. £_Score for Phase 2 of Testing (Sound-Treated Room) a e e e e e e e e e e e e o 3 2 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Mean Percent Scores for Phase 1 of Testing . 34 2. Mean Percent Scores for Phase 2 of Testing . 37 CHAPTER I STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Introduction There is some information available about the distort- ing effects of hearing loss upon the speech discrimination ability of hearing impaired individuals. There is also something known about the effects of amplification on speech discrimination ability. Some individuals with hearing losses are able to discriminate better with the assistance of a hearing aid: however others, even with the increased intensity provided by an aid, have difficulty in discrimina- tion of speech. Audiologists have come to realize that they may be faced with not one, but two distorting factors in attempting to improve speech discrimination scores of hearing impaired individuals. The first of these is frequently associated with the hearing loss itself; the second, results from the inability of the hearing aid to reproduce speech accurately. Corliss mentions this problem in a discussion of the types of distortion caused by hearing aids. Although I 2 a hearing aid's major function is to produce gain, since the gain is not independent of frequency, the structural relation- ships of transmitted sounds will be altered.1 Speech sounds represent a complicated combination of frequencies; therefore, Kranz states that to reproduce them with as little distortion as possible, They must have approximately the same relative intensities that they had in the original sound. However, each component of a hearing aid has the tendency to re— produce some frequencies much more efficiently than it will others.2 Studies directed toward comparing the efficiency of monaural and binaural hearing aids (to be discussed in Chapter II) have been made in order to learn more about the effect of amplification on the ability to discriminate speech. In most cases subjects for these studies have been individuals with hearing losses. It appears, however, that additional valuable information in this area relative to the effect of hearing aid distortion on speech discrimination 1Edith L. R. Corliss, “Types of Distortion in Hearing Aids.“ Abstracted in ASHA, 3 (October, 1961). P- 344. 2Fred W. Kranz, Hearing Aids, Sonotone Corporation, Elmsford, New York, 1946, p. 29. 3 might be obtained by providing amplification via a hearing aid to the normal ear, thus eliminating one distorting factor, that of the hearing loss. ngpgge 9f the Study The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the results obtained from normal hearing subjects as they responded to the CID Auditory Test W-22 (lists 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 13, 23, 33, and 43) with and without amplification by a binaural hearing aid. From this analysis it is hoped that it might be determined (1) if the normal hearing adult is able to discriminate better as a result of amplification, or (2) if the distorting effects of a hearing aid are such as to hinder his ability to discriminate. It is also hoped that by obtaining responses to these lists, aided and un- aided, at three distances from the source of the sound, the effects of increasing distance upon discrimination of amplified speech might be obtained. As an aid to analysis the following questions have been formulated: 1. Is there a difference in speech discrimination scores as a result of applying a hearing aid to the ears of normal hearing subjects? 4 2. Does discrimination of speech vary as a function of distance from the sound source? 3. What is the trend in speech discrimination through the conditions unaided and aided? 4. Is there a difference in the aided and unaided speech discrimination scores as subjects were tested in a sound-treated room? Importance of Study This study is important for two reasons. In the first place, since the most important function of hearing is to allow an individual to communicate and understand communi- cation,1 the significance of assessing discrimination ability in the hard of hearing individual becomes apparent. If response norms can be established for normal hearing subjects with hearing aids, it may be possible to determine the degree of distortion imposed by the hearing aid by assessing the distortion caused by the aid when applied to the ear of a normal hearing subject. Secondly, if it is determined that amplification by means of a hearing aid does, in fact, improve discrimination 1Douglas MacParlan, “Speech Hearing Testing,“ Larynggo- £5323, 55 (February, 1945), p. 71. S in normal hearing people, it may be that individuals with jobs requiring a high degree of accuracy in their ability to discriminate speech will be found better able to perform these jobs through the use of amplification such as that provided by a hearing aid. In this instance also, informa- tion concerning the effects of distance on the ability to discriminate with amplification might also prove valuable. Definition of Terms For the purpose of this study the terms used are defined in the following manner: §p§egh Discrimination or Articulatign Tgs§.--A test which allows for evaluation of a patient's ability to differ- entiate among acoustically similar sounds or among words that contain acoustically similar sounds. CID Auditory Test W-Zg.--A discrimination test con- sisting of four lists of 50 phonetically balanced, one-syllable words adapted by the Central Institute for the Deaf from the Phonetically Balanced WOrd Lists of the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory, Harvard University. These words are available in recorded form. They are presented to the subject at a level above his Speech Reception Threshold.1 Phpnetically Balanced.--Test items in which all, or nearly all, of the fundamental sounds into which speech can be analized are represented. The frequency of occurrence of these fundamental sounds is in proportion to their distribution in normal speech.2 Speech Reception Threshold.--The sensation level at which the patient can repeat 50 per cent of the stimulus words correctly.3 Amplifiipppipn.--Increase in intensity--in this case. to be provided by a binaural hearing aid. Binaural Hearing Aid.--An instrument providing each ) ear with a separate transmitter having its own receiver. Normal Hearing Subjects.--Persons who are able to hear pure tone stimuli, 250 through 6000 cycles per second 1Ira J. Hirsh. pp. p;., ”Development of Materials for Speech Audiometry,“ Jgurnal of Spggch and Hearing Disorgeps. 17 (September, 1952), pp. 322-323. 2James P. Egan, "Articulation Testing Methods,” Lgryp- gpppppg, 58 (September, 1948). p. 957. 3Hayes A. Newhy, Audiology, (New York: Appleton-Century- Crofts, Inc., 1958). p. 111. at a level of 15 decibels. n z 7 h h 8 Chapter I has contained the statement of the problem that led to this study. It has included an introduction to the topic and an outline of the purpose of the study. It has put forth the questions to be considered in this study, discussed the importance of the study, and defined the terms which will be used. Chapter II contains a review of the literature pertinent to this topic. Chapter III consists of a discussion of the subjects, equipment, materials, and testing procedures utilized in the study. Chapter IV consists of a discussion of the results of the study. Chapter V contains a summary and the conclusions of the study and implications for further research. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Spggch-Hearing Tests For many years the field of audiometry was limited in scope to the evaluation of hearing by means of pure-tone testing. With the realization that speech is the most important thing with which hearing is concerned came a growing interest in the evaluation of how well people hear speech. There seemed to be, however, no way of predicting a person's ability to hear speech from a pure-tone audiogram.1 Thus, emphasis came to be placed on the development of appropriate means of measuring speech-hearing ability. In this process of development it became evident that two measures of a person's ability to hear speech are desirable. The first of these, a quantitative measure, indicates the level at which a person is able to understand 50 per cent of what is said to him. This level is evaluated _,_ ‘—v 1Hallowell Davis, "The Articulation Area and the SAI for Hearing.“ Lapyppgppppp. 58 (1948). p. 761. 8 9 by means of Speech Reception Threshold Tests. The second measure is qualitative in nature in that it yields a picture of a person’s ability to discriminate fine differences in speech sounds when these sounds are given at a level easily audible to the listener. This ability is evaluated by means of phonetically balanced word lists. Since both tests are similar to common auditory experiences, they add validity to pure-tone audiometry as well as being valuable for diagnostic and prognostic purposes.l Of these two measures discrimination testing has been particularly useful with individuals having difficulty in communication because they confuse speech sounds even though they are able to hear the speaker. Davis, in his attempt to fill a need for a quantitative measure of the social adequacy of hearing,:used these two kinds of speech-hearing tests to develop the Social Adequacy Index, a single number that indicates how well a person hears speech under everyday conditions. The Social Adequacy Index is derived from the relation of a patient's discrimination score to the level at which he hears speech.2 V—r Y wv—V _,~_ 1Hirsh, ppy_g;;., p. 321. 2Davis, M” pp. 776-777. 10 With this index it is possible to estimate numerically the handicap of a person's hearing loss. The value of this index in facilitating the planning of rehabilitation programs for patients and in evaluating the results of fenestration operations and hearing aids has placed an even greater importance upon speech—hearing testing, and in particular. discrimination testing. A great deal of research and experimentation with a variety of speech-hearing tests preceded the development of speech—hearing tests as we know them today. Early research in connection with the telephone, phonograph and radio industries yielded information which aided the development of these tests. From this research it was learned that because words, parts of words, and individual vowels and consonants vary greatly in their acoustic characteristics, some words are more easily heard and under- stood than others. Vowel sounds are heard twice as easily as consonant sounds; thus, most mistakes in interpretation can be attributed to the mishearing of consonant sounds. Familiarity, mental acuity, word memory, and word associa- tion were all found to be factors important to good hearing. On the other hand, noises, interruptions, distractions, and ll cross-talk were found to interfere with good hearing.1 This information proved to be valuable in the construction of test materials as did such criteria as familiarity, phonetic dissimilarity, normal sampling of English speech sounds, and homogeneity in terms of basic audibility.2 More specific criteria have been adopted for materials designed to test speech discrimination. These criteria, as specified by Egan, are: (l) monosyllabic structure. (2) equal average difficulty, (3) equal range of difficulty, (4) equal phonetic composition, (5) composi- tion representative of the English language, and (6) words in common usage.3 One of the first speech-hearing tests developed was that used by the Bell Telephone Laboratories in a study of the efficiency of telephone circuits. This test, designated as the ”Standard Articulation Lists," consisted of a large series of unintelligible sounds-~combinations of consonant- vowel-consonant, consonant—vowel, and vowel-consonant.4 An j—v— v HMacParlan, gpy_gi§y, p. 77. 2Hudgins, pp. 31., “Development of Recorded-Auditory Tests for Measuring Hearing Loss for Speech," papypgpppppg, 57 (1947). p. 58. 3Egan, w, p. 958. IMacParlan, 9p. cit., p. 77. 12 attempt was made to make these lists as much like speech as possible but difficulty remained in the reporting of meaning- less sounds heard and in the recording or writing of what was reported.1 A more widely used speech-hearing test developed by the Bell Telephone Laboratories used digits spoken in groups of three for its items. It was one of the first recorded tests and was used with the western Electric 4A.Audiometer. The intensity of the recorded speech decreased in steps of 3 decibels. Although this was a much used test, it was found to be ineffective in differentiating between uniform and high-frequency hearing losses.2 One of the earlier tests of speech discrimination developed was the wengel Audioselective Hearing Test. The test, consisting of three groups of words, was designed to measure the perception of and discrimination between voiced and voiceless consonants, vowel resonances, and highnfrequency consonants.3 In 1938 Robert West developed a speech-hearing test helpful in discovering the frequency area of a hearing loss. wa 11231” p. 79. 2Hudgins, pp, git., p. 60. 3MacFarlan. gpy_pipy, p. 90. 13 The test, one of so-called selective amplification, measures hearing acuity for groups of words listed in various frequen- cy zones.1 In 1940 L. A. Watson and Vern Knudsen constructed a test designed to measure both the level of speech-hearing acuity and speech discrimination. The test, composed of 69 words--20 vowels and 49 consonants, is first given to determine threshold. Tests are then conducted at various levels above threshold to find a percentage score of syllable articulation.2 Another test of speech discrimination was developed in 1941 by Alfred R. Thea. This "Word Hearing Test” is comprised of blocks of three words which sound alike. After listening to each group of words, the person being tested indicates the word he believes he heard.3 In the 1940's the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory (PAL) at Harvard University conducted a program of audiometric test development with three main objectives in mind. The first of these was to explore further some of the problems associat- ed with the construction of audiometric tests for the direct v— __I_ lms” pp. 90-91. 2;p;g.. pp. 93-95. 3Ibid., p. 99. l4 measurement of hearing loss for speech. .Much of the earlier work with speech-hearing tests carried out by the Bell Telephone Laboratories helped in accomplishing this objective. The second purpose of the study was to produce a test appropriate for exact laboratory measurements of all degrees of hearing loss. Two tests, Auditory Test NO. 9. Threshold of Hearing for Words, and Auditory Test NO. 12. Threshold of Hearing for Sentences. were constructed to meet this objective. These allowed for a rapid and dependable measurement of the threshold of intelligibility and its related clinical measurement, hearing loss for speech. A high frequency test was developed to meet a third objective. that of finding a means of differentiating between uniform and high-frequency hearing losses. Hewever, this test was found to offer no real advantage over pure-tone adiometry as a diagnostic approach, so work was then concentrated on the development of speech-hearing tests. leaving the differentia- tion of various kinds of hearing loss to pure-tone audiometry.1 During the course of this articulation testing program the Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory also constructed several sets of word lists. From these lists of monosyllabic 1311dgin8. 92. gigs ( pp. 62.64 s 15 words, 24 lists of 50 words each were constructed. Words were selected on the basis of the phonetic composition of the first part of the word. These were called the RM (revised monosyllabic) lists. Though somewhat satisfactory. Egan felt the need for more phonetically balanced lists and thus constructed the PB word lists. The P3 series consists of 20 lists each made up of so monosyllables.1 With a growth in general acceptance and use of speech audiometry came the need for newer tests satisfying more clinical needs. As a result, the Central Institute for the Deaf refined the PAL tests in an attempt to correct some of the deficiencies that had been noted in them. For example.. it was discovered that some of the recordings of the Auditory Test No. 9 yielded different thresholds than others. The vocabularly on the P3 lists was found to be too long and unfamiliar, and the recordings were not in standardized form. The revisions made by the Central Institute for the Deaf are in the form of three tests, presently widely accepted for speech-hearing testing.2 CID Auditory Tepg W-;.—-This test. measuring the lEgan' OE. GEE. 1 pp. 962-963. 2Hirsh, 9p, git,, p. 322. 16 threshold of intelligibility for speech, is made up of 36 spondaic words (two-syllable words in which both syllables are equally stressed) chosen on the basis of ratings of familiarity from the 84 spondaic words on the PAL Auditory Test No. 9. The words are recorded at a constant level 10 decibels below the carrier phrase, "Say the word.“ Six scramblings of the original list are available.1 CTD Auditory Test W- .--The same words and six word orders comprising the CID Auditory Test W—l are used in this test. The intensity of the words is attenuated within each list at the rate of 3 decibels for every three words, thus allowing for a rapid estimate of the threshold of intelligi- bility for speech.2 CID Auditpry Tegp W—2 .--This test, a modification of the PAL PB-SO Lists, is designed to determine a patient's discrimination loss for speech. This loss is designated as the difference between 100 per cent and the per cent of the words presented that a listener repeats correctly at a level that is sufficiently high so that further increase in inten- sity is not accompanied by further increase in the number of "—V 1;bid.. p. 323. 2;bid., p. 326. 17 words repeated correctly. Two hundred monosyllabic, phoneti- cally balanced words make up four lists of words, each of which has six rscraniblings. Each word is preceded by the carrier phrase, "You will say." The words were selected to meet a criteria of familiarity and phonetic composition similar to that of the English language.1 The Use of Binaural Hearing Aids The recent development of binaural hearing aids has stimulated a new interest in binaural hearing and the possi- ble benefits of binaural amplification for hard of hearing individuals. Research in the area of binaural hearing, however, is not new. Much information exists concerning the.advantages of two-eared hearing. Listed among these advantages are better localization, discriminative selection, speech sound discrimination, more ease of listening, better sound identification, and improved sound fidelity.2 From such research it might well be assumed that similar benefits can be derived from binaural hearing aids. However. much of the information gathered thus far on the f 11bid.. pp. 328-329. 2LeRoy D. Hedgecock, and Boyd V. Sheets, "A Comparison of Monaural and Binaural Hearing Aids for Listening to Speech." AgM.A. Archives of Otolaryngology, 68 (1958). P. 624. 18 properties of binaural hearing has been obtained from normal hearing subjects. There is considerable empirical evidence indicating that hard of hearing individuals often do not respond to sound amplification in the same manner as normal ears. Also, not all hard of hearing persons benefit from a hearing aid even of the monaural type.1 Considerations such as these and the fact that clinicians must be aware of the advantages and limitations of binaural systems in order to have well defined criteria for the hard of hearing patient have pointed to a need for careful study of binaural hearing aids. It is the belief of Haskins and Hardy that the benefits of a binaural hearing aid cannot always be assessed by formal clinical testing. They have found that often this can be determined only by the patient's own listening experience under conditions in which he needs amplification.2 Similarly, Kodman discovered certain advantages which he felt could not be determined by clincial techniques. From a sample of 50 successful binaural eyeglass hearing aid users he found that 42 per cent had no criticisms of their aids as vfi 1%” p. 625. 2Harriet Haskins and William G. Hardy, "Clinical Studies in Stereophonic Hearing,“ Laryngoscope, 70 (1960), p. 1433. 19 compared with 30 per cent reported by monaural hearing aid users in a previous study. As a result of his study he suggests that binaural hearing promotes an intra-aural effect that manifests itself in better sound balance and ease.of perception. The latter may not be shown in the discrimination score.1 Carhart, on the other hand, advocates more rigid clini- cal procedures for the study of binaural hearing aids. He streses a need for refining and standardizing methods for appropriately testing the efficiency of binaural aids. In order to approximate the difficult listening situations of everyday life he suggests that these methods must embody a certain rigor and acoustic complexity. Three such procedures are discussed: (1) Measurement of discrimination for phoneti- cally balanced words when these are presented in noise, (2) Measurement of an individual's ability to attend to one of two competing trains of test items, and (3) Measurement of the ability to discriminate test material that competes with itself, as occurs in everyday situations when reverbera- tion and reflection of sound are severe.2 1Prank Kodman, "Successful Binaural Hearing Aid Users," ggcpivgp pf Qtolapypgology,74, (1961). pp. 302-304. 2Raymond Carhart, “The Usefulness of the Binaural Hear— ing Aid." Tganppptipns of the American Academy pf Ophphgmglogy ppg Opolapyngolpgy, 62 (1958). pp. 125-126. 20 During the past six years a number of procedures similar to these, as well as other techniques, have been devised and tested to compare binaural and monaural hearing aids with respect to their ability to improve hearing for speech. The results of some of these studies shall be considered at this time. One of the earlier studies of this nature was conducted by Markle and Aber at the Hearing and Speech Center of the New York University-Bellevue Medical Center. Ten subjects with clincial otosclerosis, considered to be ideal hearing aid candidates, were tested, first while wearing a "conventional" hearing aid in a "conventional“ manner, and then with two "conventional" hearing aids. one mounted on each side of the head. Auditory Tests W-l and W-22 were administered at signal/noise ratios of +10, 0, and ~10. No significant difference in speech reception thresholds was found between the two listening conditions. At signal/noise levels of +10 decibels there was a slight difference in discrimination with the binaural hearing aid being favored. Significant differences in discrimination were found at the signal/noise levels of 0 21 and ~10.1 Hedgecock and Sheets in testing 30 hearing impaired subjects with monaural and binaural amplification at the Mayo Clinic obtained differential results which were not Statistically significant, but which revealed a trend favoring the binaural over the monaural hearing aid fitting in respect to speech discrimination. Unlike the Markle and Aber study, testing was conducted in quiet surroundings. In addition, they found that when relative severity of hearing was considered, subjects falling into the category of moderate hearing losses, for the most part, derived greater benefit from the binaural aid than those with milder or severer hearing losses.2 In a later study by Belzile and Markle the efficiency of monaural and binaural hearing aids was again compared in a noisy environment. In this investigation only individuals with conductive or perceptual hearing losses were studied. Those with bilateral conductive losses achieved higher discrimination scores with the binaural aid than With the 1 - .. Donald M. Markle and William C. Aber, "A Clinical Evaluation of Monaural and Binaural Hearing Aids," Archives 9; Otolgryngology, 67 (1958). PP. 606-608. 2Hedgecock, op: cit,: pp. 624-629. 22 monaural in all listening conditions tested (+20 through ~10 signal/noise levels). Subjects with bilateral perceptual losses received higher scores with the binaural aid only in the listening conditions representing signal/noise ratios between +10 and 0. For both groups the improvement was most significant at the 0 signal/noise ratio; however, it waS' discovered that for both groups 50 per cent discrimination can be achieved in the presence of 10 decibels more noise while wearing a binaural hearing aid than while wearing a monaural aid.1 Jerger and Dirks later replicated this study with the exception that for the monaural listening condition they mounted the hearing aid on the subject's head rather than on the body as did the previous investigators. Jerger and Dirks' results failed to confirm the binaural superiority found in the Belzile and Markle study.2 Hirsh believes that this discrepancy in results might well be due to the slight difference in procedure, since in the Jerger study the single \ r Y lMarcel Belzile and Donald M. Markle, "A Clinical Comparison of Monaural and Binaural Hearing Aids WOrn by Patients with Conductive or Perceptual Deafness," Larynggr 5.2222. 69 (1959). pp. 1317-1323. 2James Jerger and Donald Dirks, “Binaural Hearing Aids. An Enigma," Journal of the Acggstical Society of Amerigg, 33 (1961), p. 537. 23 aid derived benefits from head movement in the monaural condition.1 Nevertheless, it is felt by the investigators that head mounting of the single aid provides a more exact procedure for comparing monaural and binaural hearing aids with respect to discrimination in noise.2 To explore the comparative values of binaural, pseudo-binaural, and monaural listening, DiCarlo used 60 subjects with conductive, mixed, or sensory-neural losses as an experimental group and 20 normal hearing adults as a control group. The three types of amplification were used to determine speech reception thresholds, discrimination scores, speech-noise ratios, and localization. The results of this study showed that binaural listening provided some lowering of the speech reception threshold as compared with the pseudo-binaural and better monaural thresholds; however, discrimination scores were not significant for any of the listening conditions. Amplification by means of the binaural hearing aid proved to be better for localizing a noise source than either the pseudo-binaural or the monaural gbid. 21:211.. p. 358. l 24 aid. In general monaural listening was subjectively preferred to binaural listening for the required tasks by the hearing impaired subjects.1 Two types of measurement using competing speech sig- nals were used by Jerger, Carhart, and Dirks in one of the most recent studies to determine the possible advantages of binaural hearing aid use for increasing speech intelligi- bility. Their 48 subjects, all having sensori-neural hearing losses, were tested with monaural-body, monaural-head, and binaural-head hearing aids. The binaural listening condition was not found to be markedly superior, although on the NOrthwestern University (NU) Test #2 there was a slight (roughly 10 per cent) improvement in PB discrimination against a background of competing sentences. NU Test #3 yielded results showing no improvement in sentence intelligibility with a background of continuous discourse with the binaural hearing aid.2 liouis DiCarlo and William J. Brown. "Effectiveness of Binaural Hearing Aids for Adults with Hearing Impairments," 2 . James Jerger, Raymond Carhart, and Donald Dirks, "Binaural Hearing Aids and Speech Intelligibility." Qgggng; g; Speech and Hgaging Reggargh, 4 (1961). pp. 137- 148. CHAPTER III SUBJECTS, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, AND TESTING PROCEDURES In order to carry out this study a procedure was decided upon that called for testing of university students. A minimal amount of materials and equipment was required. Subjects employed, as well as the materials, equipment. and testing procedures used are described below. Subjects Twelve university students, eleven females and one male, were the subjects for this study. It was determined audiometrically that each subject had normal hearing. They all were administered a pure tone sweep check test at 15 decibels at frequencies 250 through 6000 cycles per second. They ranged in age from 20 to 26 years and in education, from three to five years of college. Although no effort was made to select subjects on the basis of a particular educational beekground, Six subjects were majors in speechand hearing science. 25 26 Eggigment Pure-tone portable audiometer (Beltane, Model lO-A, see Appendix A, page 44) Two tape recorders (wellensack, Model T1500) Clinical audiometer (Allison, Model 21) Binaural hearing aid (Beltone eyeglasses-“Bolero»3ed Dot") Batteries (RM 675) Individual plastic ear inserts of general sizes Sound pressure level meter (M.S.A. Soundscope) Materials c115 Auditory test w-22 (Lists 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 13, 23, 33, and 43, see Appendix 3, page .45) ' Tape recorded white noise Forms for the recording of responses to each list by the subjects. (See Appendix C, page.49) Procedure Preliminary procedures.--The CID Auditory Test W-22 recordings were transcribed onto magnetic tape at the studios of the Michigan State University radio station WKAR. Two tapes, one of lists 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A and the other of lists 13, 23, 33, and 43 were made. In order that the speech stimulus could be presented at the same level to all subjects, 27 a 1000 cycle per second calibration tone was recorded at the beginning of each tape. A third tape of white noise was ‘ made to be presented simultaneously with the CID lists in order to provide a constant ambient noise level in the room used for the first part of the testing. Forms for the recording of responses to each list by the subjects were devised by the examiner. Each subject was given a pure—tone sweep check hearing test monaurally in each ear at 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 6000 cycles per second at a level of 15 decibels. This screening took place in the children's hearing testing room of the Michigan State University Speech and Hearing Clinic. No subject was included in this study who failed the screening test at any one of the frequencies. T st n -—Ph 8 n .--In order to determine whether subjects' discrimination differed as they were provided amplification by a binaural hearing aid, CID Auditory Test W-22 discrimination testing was conducted. This testing was carried out in a room the dimensions of which are 73.5' x 61' x 9'. The walls and ceiling are plastered; the floor is cement. The room appeared to be somewhat reverberant. The background noise of the room without additional white noise was tested by the sound pressure level meter using the C scale 28 and was found to be 48 decibels. The calibration tone of the tapes of the CID lists as each was presented was set at 70 decibels, 18 decibels above the level of the white noise which was set at 52 decibels. These measurements were taken from position one, a distance of 24' from the source of the sound. The two tape recorders were centrally located along the front wall of the room. As each subject was tested, he was seated in direct line with the tape recorders at distances of 24', 48', and 72'. The third position was located at the back wall of the room. The CID lists were presented to each of the subjects, aided and unaided, at each of the three positions. Thus, six different listening conditions were involved for which six different phonetically balanced lists of words were used for each subject. Responses were recorded by the subjects for each list as the words were presented. The order of the conditions was randomized for all persons according to EdwardS' Table of Random Numbers in an attempt to lessen the possibility of practice effects.1 The subjects were tested individually except for once instance when two were tested together. Prior 1Allen L. Edwards, Statistical Methods for the Behavior- a1 Sciences, (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961), pp. 250-251. 29 to the testing with the hearing aid each subject was carefully fitted with individual ear inserts of general sizes ranging from small to large. Because the hearing of the subjects was normal, the volume control of the hearing aid was arbitrarily set by the investigator, while wearing the aid. at a level just below that at which feedback was present. This setting was held constant for each subject. Testing-Phase th.-—In order to have a standard of comparison for the tests made in the reverberant room, the effects of amplification upon discrimination in a relatively noise-free environment were measured by testing the subjects in the sound—treated testing rooms of the Michigan State University Speech and Hearing Clinic. For this testing a speech audiometer and the standardized CID Auditory Test W~22 recordings were employed. These were presented free- field to each subject, aided and unaided, in randomized order. The subjects, tested individually, were seated at a distance of 10 feet from the speaker. In order to make the listening task sufficiently difficult the words were transmitted at a level of 0 decibels. White noise was not used in this testing. As in Phase one, the subjectskwrote down their response. to the CID Auditory Test W-22 test lists on forms provided them. CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results The test results were tabulated and subjected to statistical treatment. Since it was the desire of the investigator to predict the significance of the difference between the mean scores of the six listening conditions, a .; test was carried out (the quantity g is the distance from the means expressed in terms of standard error of the mean).1 The formula £a=il + i} was used.2 There were 31-- 3 is 12 subjects in the study; thus the degrees of freedom were (N-l) or 11. With 11 degrees of freedom a ;_of 2.201 is needed for significance at the .05 level of confidence. A,§ of 3.106 is needed for significance at the .01 level of confidence. The results of the tests for g are presented in Table I and Table II. V w 1 Henry 3. Garrett, Statistics in Psychology and Education, (New'York: Longmans, Green, and Company, 1947), p. 191. V'— 2Edwards, 92,21t,, pp. 253-254. 30 31 TABLE I 3;, scones son pmsr 1 or resume (museum noon) m Listening Mean Per cent 3” Level of Condition Scores .5 Confidence l - U 32.66 4.98 Significant l - A 6.83 at l per cent 2 - U 27.50 5.77 Significant 2 - A 6.83‘ at 1 per cent 3 - U 33.33 4.98 Significant 3 - A 12.50 at l per cent 1 - A 6.83 0 Nonsignificant 2 ~ A 6.83 at 5 per cent 1 p A 6.83 ‘ -2.00 Nonsignfficant 3 - A 12.50 at 5 per cent 3 - A 12.50 at 5 per cent 1 - U 32.66 - .77 ansignificant 2 - U 27.50 at 5 per cent 1 — U 32.66 — .10 Nonsignificant 3 — U . 33.33 at 5 per cent ) 2 - U 27.50 -l.08 ansignificant 3 - U 33.33 " at 5 per cent " V. v7 ‘w w—vv v v w— r T, Position 1 (24') Position 2 (48') Position 3 (72') Unaided Aided >‘Cidtor4 l 32 TABLE 11 ;_scoss son 93383 2 or TESTING (sousn—rnsnrss soon) m Listening Mean Per cent Level of Condition Scores ;_ Confidence Unaided 56.33 1.71 Nonsignificant Aided 45.17 —— , ~—— .Tv—f firs. v—w ‘7— —._..w—.—.— at 5 per cent W ——. w— , “ Eisssssiss The 3 scores for positions 1. 2, and 3 are significant at the l per cent level of confidence, indicating that amplification does make a difference in speech discrumination of normal hearing subjects when tested in a background of noise. In each case discrimination was better in the unaided listening condition. In answering the question of whether discrimination of speech varies as a function of distance from the source of the sound. it was necessary to consider mean scores of both the aided and unaided listening conditions. These are presented in Figure 1. There was no difference between the aided scores at positions 1 and 2. A slight difference exists between the aided scores of positions 1 and 3, however. this difference is not statistically significant at the 5 per cent level of confidence. A difference. significant at the Percent'correct' Figure 1. 100 95 90 85 80 75 7O 65 60 55 50 45 4O 35 30 25 20 15 10 M 32.66 34 P r t Sc e f Ph Position 1 24' 27.50 Position 2 48' Listening Conditions Te t Unaided )_ Aided m E \ 33.32 Position 3 72' 35 5 per cent level of confidence, was found between the aided scores of positions 2 and 3. In both instances scores were highest in the third position, the greatest distance from the source of the sound. The 5 scores for the unaided listening conditions indicate a tendency similar to that shown by the ; scores for the aided conditions. Unlike the aided conditions, however, a slight, though statistically nonsignificant, difference was found between the mean scores of positions 1 and 2 in the direction of the position closest to the source of the sound. Differences also existed between positions 1 and 3 and between positions 2 and 3, but neither was significant at the 5 per cent level of confidence. In both cases discrimination was better at the distance farthest from the source of the sound. Judging from these results, in which in every instance but one there was a difference between positions, one might conclude that distance is a factor in the ability to discriminate speech. It is to be noted that all but one of these differences (although statistically significant in only one case) were better at the greater distance from the source of the sound, a somewhat surprising result. It appears very likely that the reverberant nature 36 of the listening environment in which this expermment took place was a real factor, however, the possibility of another variable should also be considered. Although the six listening condidtions were randomized for each subject, it is to be noted that a greater number of them were tested last in the third position than in the first or second positions. Thus, in spite of an attempt to minimize practice effects, it is possible thatitheyndideoccur and were manifested in higher discrimination scores at the greatest distance from the source of the sound. In the sound-treated room there was a small difference between the aided and unaided listening conditions, better discrimination being found in the unaided condition. This is shown in Figure 2. This difference was not significant at the 5 per cent level of confidence. Thus, it appears that, although the subjects performed better on discrimination tasks without the amplification of the binaural hearing aid, the difference between the aided and unaided conditions was not as great in the sound-treated room as it was in the room used for Phase 1 of the testing. In the latter room discrimination scores in both aided and unaided listening conditions were generally lower than those obtained in the sound-treated room. This Figure 2. Percent correct 37 Mean Percent Scores for Phase 2 of Testing 100 95 90 85 80 75 7O 65 60 55 50 Unaided I 5] Aided m 56.33 45.17 Listening Conditions 38 might well be accounted for by the reverberance of the room. The fact that discrimination was more adversely affected in the aided listening condition, however, leads the investi- gator to suspect that the lower scores might well have been a function of the increased distortion produced by the hearing aid in Phase 1 of the testing. CHAPTER V SUMMARyiAND CONCLUSIONS Summary The problem of achieving greater social adequacy of hearing for the hard of hearing person by means of amplifi- cation with a hearing aid has been studied for many years. It has been recognized that one of the greatest difficulties in dealing with this problem is that expected improvements in the ability to discriminate speech as a result of ampli- fication with hearing aids are not always found due to two distorting factors. These\are the hearing loss itself, and the manner in which sound is reproduced with the hearing aid. Therefore, the question of what effects amplification have on speech discrimination of normal hearing people has been raised. A review of thelliterature reveals a paucity of information pertaining to this questions. Thus, the purpose of this study has been to determine if amplification with a binaural hearing aid improves or hinders the speech discrimination ability of normal hearing people. Twelve university students participated as subjects for 39 40 the study. A pure—tone screening test at 15 decibels elim- inated as subjects all whose hearing was not within the defined normal limits. For Phase 1 of the testing procedure the standardized recordings of the CID Auditory Test W-22 (Lists 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 13, 23, 33, and 43) were transcribed onto magnetic tape and played to the subjects at a level of 70 decibels. In order to control the ambient noise level of the room white noise at a level of 52 decibels was employed. The subjects were tested individually (in all cases but one when two were tested together) in a reverber- ant room at distances of 24, 48, and 72 feet from the source of the sound. At each distance the subjects responded to words with and without amplification and‘ recorded their responses on forms provided them. In Phase 2 of the testing the CID Auditory Test W-22 was again administered individually to the subjects, aided and unaided, in a sound-treated room to determine the effects of amplification in a relatively noise-free environment. The words were presented free-field without white noise at a level of 0 decibels. The results of the study show that in comparing the aided and unaided listening conditions in all positions of Phase 1 of the testing, subjects obtained higher scores 41 without amplification, the differences being statistically significant at the l per cent level of confidence. In Phase 2 of the testing the subjects also performed better in the unaided listening condition, however, the difference was not statistically significant. In comparing aided with aided scores and unaided with unaided scores for all three positions, differences were found which, in all but two instances showed better discrimination for positions that were farthest from the source of the sound. There was no difference between the . mean per cent scores for the aided listening conditions at positions 1 and 2. A comparison of the unaided scores at these positions showed better discrimination at the position closest to the source of the sound. anclusions Within the limits of this study the following conclusions are offered: 1. There is a lowering of speech discrimination scores as a result of applying a hearing aid to the ears of normal hearing subjects in a reverberant room with a background of white noise. 2. Speech discrimination does not decrease as a func- tion of distance from the sound source. 42 3. There is no definite trend in speech discrimina- tion through the conditions aided and unaided. 4.. Speech discrimination becomes more difficult as a result of amplification in a relatively noise-free environment. 5. Lower speech discrimination scores are obtained with amplification by a binaural hearing aid as compared to those obtained without amplification in a relatively noise- free environment. 6. Whether the subject is wearing a hearing aid or not, speech discrimination is generally more difficult in a reverberant room with a background of white noise than in a sound—treated room without white noise. Im c f Putu Res rch This study has shown several tendencies relating to the effects of amplification on the speech discrimination performance of normal hearing subjects when tested under certain conditions with the CID Auditory Test W-22. It is known that various other environmental conditions affect the hearing of normal hearing people without amplification. How- ever, further research will be needed in order to determine the effects of such conditions when amplification is applied to the normal ear. Information relative to this problem 43 might well be gained from a study similar to the one reported here but carried out in an open field and at greater varying distances from the sound source. It might also incorporate the use of individual ear inserts made for each subject and amplification applied at the Most Comfortable Loudness level for each subject. With information gained from such a study it is felt that more answers might be obtained to the question of how speech discrimination of normal hearing subjects is affected by amplification and, ultimately, how the needs of hard of hearing individuals might best be met as regards amplification and discrimination. 44 APPENDIX A Acoustical Characteristics of the Binaural Hearing Aid1 '3; 130 ;.Q unit 120 .333 5 ac: 110 ONO mo. 53 100 so.» a u figs W 3"!) U) 80 Maximum Acoustical Gain db 1 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 7 1 100 H 1000 10.000' Frequency - CPS lgglrgng Consrltgnt's Manrgl, 1961, Section IV, I-5, Page 4. "Bolero Red Dot." C O \OQNIO‘UlfiwNH 1...- O 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. C.I_[_.Da AUDITORY TEST W-22 (PB WORD LISTS) M an 26. yard 27. carve 28. us 29. day 30. toe 31. felt 32. stove 33. hunt 34. ran 35. knees 36. not (knot) 37. mew 38. low 39. owl 40. it 41. she 42. high 43. there (their)44. earn (urn) 45. twins 46. could 47. what 48. bathe 49. 50. ace APPENDIX B 45 you (ewe) 1. as 2. wet 3. chew 4. see (sea) 5. deaf 6. them 7. give 8. true 9. isle (aisle)10. or (oar) 11. law 12. me 13. none (nun) 14. jam 15. poor 16. him 17. skin 18. east 19. thing 20. dad 21. up 22. bells 23. wire 24. ache 25. List 2A yore (your) 26. bin (been) 27. way (weigh) 28. chest 29. then 30. ease 31. smart 32. gave 33. pew 34. ice 35. odd 36. knee 37. move 38. new 39. jaw 40. one (won) 41. hit 42. send 43. else 44. tare (tear) 45- does 46. too (two, to)47. cap 48. with 49. air (heir) 50. and young cars tree dumb that die (dye) show hurt own key oak new (knew) live (verb) off ill rooms ham star eat thin flat will by (buy) ail (ale) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 239 24. 25. APPENDIX B 46 (Continued) c,I.D. AUDITOR; TEST w-2z. ' (P3 WORD LISTS) Lrsr 3A bill add (ad) west cute start ears tan nest say is out lie (lye) three oil king pie he smooth farm this done (dun) use (yews) camp wool are gates 26. aim 1. all (awl) 26. 27. when 2. wood (would) 27. 28. book 3. at 28. 29. tie 4. where 29. 30. do 5. chin 30. 31. hand 6. they 31. 32. end 7. dolls 32. 33. shove 8. so (sew) 33. 34. have 9. nuts 34. 35. owes 10. ought (aught)35. 36. jar 11. in (inn) 36. 37. no (know) 12. net 37. 38. may 13. my 38. 39. knit 14. leave 39. 40. on 15. of 40. 41. if 16. hang 41. 42. raw 17. save 42. 43. glove 18. ear 43. 44. ten 19. tea (tee) 44. 45. dull 20. cook 45. 46. though 21. tin 46. 47. chair 22. bread (bred) 47. 48. we 23. why 48. 49. ate (eight) 24; arm 49. 50. year 25. yet 50. darn art will dust toy aid than eyes shoe his our (hour) men near few Jump pale (pail) go stiff can through (thru) clothes who bee (be) yes am (ayes) m‘wNH eeeee (Duo 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 47 3 (Continued) APPENDIX C D. AUDITORY ST W42 Lrgr ;B carve 26. dad wire 27. stove felt 28. ache thing 29. us knees 30. him poor 31. not (knot) owl 32. me law 33. it there (their)34. see (sea) give 35. earn (urn) what 36. true chew 37. bathe as 38. you (ewe) twins 39. wet isle (aisle) 40. could ace 41. them deaf 42. high she 43. or (oar) none (nun) 44. low new 45. jam skin 46. ran hunt 47. east up 48. toe day 49. bells an 50. yard P3 WORD LI TS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Li t way (weigh) 'by (buy) smart eat odd ill jaw oak else show can tree young air (heir) that does own hit live (verb) more ham pew die (dye) then yore (your) 8 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. ail (ale) chest thin gave rooms knee send one (won) hurt tare dumb with and cars too (two. flat neW'(knew) key now off ice star ease well bin (been) (tear) to) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. APPENDIX B 48 (Continued) Q.I.D. AUDITORY TEST W-22 (PB WORD LISTS) L year cute though hand raw lie (lye) may pie have this do wool aim book use (yews) end smooth jar oil is start on ears we add (ad) 38 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. west ate (eight) tan dull out if king no (know) farm shove camp tie When are ten done (dun) owes he knit nest glove say chair bill three; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Lrgt 43 chin 26. all (awl) 27. who 28. few 29. stiff 30. my 31. nuts 32. save 33. his 34, tin 35. aid 36. yet 37. art 38. so (sew) 39. why 40. darn 41. tea (tee) 42. men 43. of 44. pale (pail) 45. our (hour) 46. through(thru)47. dolls 48. yes 49. at 50. wood (would) bee (be) they dust ought (aught) Jump leave in (inn) ear than bread (bred) will eyes (ayes) arm toy cook shoe hang near go can net clothes where am 10. 11. 12. 49 APPENDIX C -ANSWER SHEET Subj. No. Condition No. List No. ___ 21. 41. f 22. fir 42. 23. _ 43. 24. 44. - 25. 45. i 26. 46. 27. 47. 28. - 48. 29. 49. 30. 50. 31. 32. - A 13. 14. 33. , , 34. 15. 35. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 50 APPENDIX D RAW SCORES PER CENT CORRECT FOR PHASE 1.0? TESTING (REVERBERANT ROOM) WSufifbjwe‘cPt # -. f Position - l 2 3 - Aided Unaided Aided. Unaided Aided Unaided 1 6 10 10 24 12 36 2 4 4O 8 34 10 4O 3 2 18 4 6 16 18 4 10 24 10 26 8 36 5 10 50 2 24 22 26 6 8 28 6 30 8 36 7 16 6O 6 46 8 50 8 O 28 10 30 14 30 9 8 38 6 36 10 54 10 2 28 4 20 14 14 11 10 34 10 28 22 34 12 6 34 6 26 6 26 51 APPENDIX D (Continued) RAW scones PER-.CENT OORRsc'rzroszpsAss 2 or resume (SOUNDgTREATED ROOM) m .1 L- . Subject # Aided Unaided WWW— Tl WV 48 5487 2 48 78 3 44 66 4 48 40 5 34 S 2 6 . 48 42 7 24 72 8 46 54 9 46 68 10 46 40 11 6O 7O 12 50 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY Books Edwards, Allen L. Srarrgtrcg; Mgthods for the Behavigra; Sciggggs. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. Garrett, Henry 3.. S a stics 1 Ps ch 0 and E uca i n. New York: Longmans, Green and Co.. 1947. Kranz,_Pred W. Hearrnq Aids. Elmsford, NeW'York: Sonotone Corporation. 1946. Newby. Hayes A. Audiolgqy. New York: Appleton-Century- Crofts, Inc., 1958. Periodicals Belzile. Marcel. and Markle, Donald M. "A Clinical Compari- son of Monaural and Binaural Hearing Aids Worn by Patients with Conductive or Perceptual Deafness," W. 69 (1959). 1317-1323. Carhart, Raymond. "The Usefulness of the Binaural Hearing Aid." Trrngacts of the Aggrrcan Agaggmy 9f Qphrhamglgqy gag orglgryngglogy. 62 (1958). 120-126. Corliss. Edith L. R. "Types of Distortion in Hearing Aids." Abstracted in ASHA, 3 (1961), 344—345. Davis, Hallowell. "The Articulation Area and the SAI for Hearing." Laryngoscope, 58 (1948), 76ln778. DiCarlo. Louis M., and Brown. William J. “Effectiveness of Binaural Hearing Aids for Adults with Hearing Impair- ments," _Journal or Auditory Resgargh, l (1960). 35-76. Egan, James P. “Articulation Testing Methods," ngxagggsggg. 58 (1943). 955-991. 52 S3 Haskins, Harriet L., and Hardy, William G. "Clinical Studies in Stereophonic Hearing," Laryngggcope..70£‘(1960). 1427-1433. . Hedgecock, LeRoy D., and Sheets, Boyd V. "A Comparison of Monaural and Binaural Hearing Aids for Listening to Speech,” rchrves 9f Otolaryngolgqy, 68 (1958), 624-629. Hirsh, Ira J., Davis, Hallowell, Silverman, S. Richard, Reynolds. Elizabeth,G., Eldert,.Blisabeth, and Benson, Robert W. "Development of Materials for Speech Audiometry," Journal 9f Speech and Hearrng Dis- orders. 17 (1952). 321—337. Hudgins, Clarence, gr. g;. "The Development of Recorded Auditory Tests for Measuring Hearing Loss for Speech," Lgrynqogcgp , 57 (1947), 57-89. Jerger, James. "Binaural Hearing Aids. An Enigma," Journal of the Acoustical Sociery 9f America, 33 (1961), Jerger, James: Carhart, Raymond, and Dirks, Donald. "Binaural Hearing Aids and Speech Intelligibility," Journal 9f Speech rad Hearing Rgsearch, 4 (1961), 137—148. Kodman, Prank. "Successful Binaural Hearing Aid Users." Arghives 9f Otolaryngglggy, 74.(1961), 302-304. MacParlan, Douglas. "Speech Hearing Testing,“ Laryngo— gggpg, 55 (1945). 71-115. Markle, Donald M., and Aber, William. Gt; fiAcolinicaIqualuation of Monaural and Binaural Hearing Aids," Archrvgg er orolaryngology,68 (1958), 606-608. Other Materials ggltgge Consulrant's Manual, 1961, Section IV, I-S, page 4. ‘o..... . “—— ”'1I)ifi|)fi1@fl))ju EMMiflfliflflljjfljfliflle“