;:::=_,__: g:éfgifg_ m ~i 5- T“ u . V ‘ ‘ " 5” Aéioko. R5 v.11... r .u m Thisistoeertfigthatthe m m. w .m. Pursuit Rotor Porter-nee under Alternate Condition: of mutilated and lend! Practice. presented by ’00 .. ’Q/ I .' P- 9 t Y'. n v J70. .M' . n f of the requirements lor h‘! degree in ?.IChOlgg M has been accepted towards fulfillment r professor 2):. PURSUIT ROTOR PERFORMANCE UNDER ALTERNATE CONDITIONS OF DISTRIBUTED AND MASSED PRACTICE BY Norman Frisbey A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS Department of Psychology Year 1952 /a - IV’b’Lfa'} 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author sincerely thanks Dr. M. Ray Denny for his advice and the patient assistance rendered in this research and the preparation of the manu- script. He also appreciates the advice of Drs. L. Katz and H. L. Harter of the Department of Mathematics. The writer is grateful to his wife for her constant encouragement and assist- ance. (”HEW‘ 1.151 rh' H. “JG 1“) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Subjects. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apparatuflocoooococoooccocoo... \OGJOD®UI EXperimental Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructions to Subjects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o .’ 1h BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Figure II III IV LIST OF FIGURES Page Performance curves for four groups for the first and second practice sessions (6 and 12 minutes, respectively) and first trial of third practice session as based on the means of 30-second trials. . . . . . . 15 Performance curves for four groups for the first (pro-rest) practice session and 6 minutes of the second (post-rest) practice session as based on the means of lO-second units 0 o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 16 Theoretical deve10pmenta1 curve of I in S R pro-rest practice as based on lO-BBCODd units 0 o o o o c o o o o o o o o o 26 Theoretical develOpmental curve of SIR in post-rest practice as based on 30-second trials. 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 27 Theoretical extinction curve of SIR in post-rest practice as based on 30-second trials 0 o o o c o o o o o o o o 29 Performance curves for eight groups for the third (3 minute) practice session as based on the means of 30-second trials . . 33 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Schema of the eXperimental design . . . . . . . ll 2 Analysis of variance of the first 30-second work period for 8 groups with data converted to angles 0 o o o o o c o o o o o o 17 3 Analysis of variance of the last 30-second work period of 6-minute practice for A groups with data converted to angles. . . . . 18 A Mean reminiscence scores in .01 second over the 5-minute rest period as based on 30-second trials. 0 o o c o o o o c o o o o o 19 5 Mean reminiscence scores in .01 second over the 3-minute rest period as based on 30-second trialSo o o e o o o o o c o 0 o c o 19 6 Analysis of variance of reminiscence gain in .01 second for 4 groups over the 5-minute rest period as based on 30-second trials. . . 21 7 Analysis of variance of reminiscence gain in .01 second for h groups over the 3-minute rest period as based on 30-second trials. . . 21 8 Mean reminiscence scores in .01 second over the 5-minute rest period as based on lOOSGCODd units 0 o o c c o o o o o o o o c o 22 9 Mean reminiscence scores in .01 second over the 3-minute rest period as based on lO-second units 0 o o o o o c o o o o o o o o 22 10 Analysis of variance of reminiscence gain in .01 second for h groups over the 5-minute rest period as based on lO-second units . . . 23 11 Analysis of variance of reminiscence gain in .01 second for u groups over the 3-minute rest period as based on lO-second units . . . 23 12 Analysis of variance of the last 30-second work period of 12-minute practice for h groups with data converted to angles. . . . . 2S LIST OF TABLES CONT. Table Page 13 Mean difference between first and third lO-second periods for first post-rest 30-second period for all groups- in 001 second. 0 o o o o c o o o o o o o c o o o 30 In Analysis of variance of reminiscence scores over the 30-second and 5-minute rest periods for the distributed groups. . . . . . 31 INTRODUCTION EXperimentation over the last fifty years has resulted in the accumulation of a great deal of data on motor learn- ing. Two basic variables which were noted early and still remain significant are the length of the practice interval and the rest interval. Certain phenomena which seem to be specifically related to these variables are the following: (1) the advantage of spaced practice (interpolated rest periods) over massed practice (continuous practice); (2) reminiscence, or the gain in performance over a rest period without additional practice; and (3) the relatively rapid increase in performance, early in performance after a rest, as compared with initial learning. The latter phenomenon has been called regaining of set, or warm-up by various eXperimenters. .Another characteristic of the _post-rest curve is a gradual decline after this abrupt rise before a resumption of gradual improvement such as is observed in the pro-rest curve. An adequate theory of motor learning should be able to account for these performance phenomena, apply to all other available data, and stimulate further research. Early theoretical attempts to account for the super- iority of distributed over massed practice and reminiscence have been reviewed by McGeoch and Irion (9), and for one reason or another are deemed inadequate. More recently we have the application of the inhibitory concept of Hull's (3) behavior theory to the area of motor learning. Hull divides inhibition into two components, reactive inhibition (IR) and conditioned inhibition (SIR). Reactive inhibition is a negative drive state produced by response which reduces the tendency to repeat that response. IR accumulates with continued response being a positive function of the number of reactions and the amount of work involved in response. IR, however, is a temporary state, dissipating rapidly with the passage of time. The other major concept, conditioned inhibition, is a learned resting response which reduces the drive of reactive inhibition and is reinforced by its dissipation. More- over, IR and SIR are assumed to have all the characteristics respectively of other drives and habits. The superiority of distributed practice over massed practice in.motor learning may be attributed to the total inhibition present in the massed practice situation which consists of the permanent SIR and the temporary IR' Reminiscence is due to the dissipation of IR over a rest period. Any more or less permanent difference between massed.and distributed practice is attributed to the develOpment of SIR under massed conditions. There are no concepts orplicit in Hull's system which can be used to explain the initial sharp rise in the post-rest performance curve e Ammons (l), on the other hand, has a concept to handle this phenomenon. His comprehensive system for explaining rotary pursuit performance contains three variables: (1) a temporary work decrement which dissipates over rest and is similar to Hull's reactive inhibition; (2) a permanent work decrement similar to Hull's con- ditioned inhibition; and (3) a decrement due to necessity to ”warm-up" after rest which is used to explain the in- itial sharp rise in post-rest performance through regaining of set. Kimble (A, 5) has done much to extend and apply Hull's concepts to motor learning phenomena. He reasons that since IR is a drive the accumulation of a certain critical amount will produce resting and once the IR is reduced below the critical level the organism will resume working until this level of IR is again attained. The critical level of IE will probably not be reached if the inter-trial rest periods are of more than a few seconds duration. In fact, Kimble has shown in one meter learning situation that no conditioned inhibition can develOp unless the inter-trial rest is less than 5 seconds. In relation to Kimble's hypothesis, the work of Weaver (11) has indicated that a near maximal value of IR is reached in approximately 30 seconds of work and is almost completely dissipated in a rest period of the same duration. Both Hull and Ammons postulate that the index of their respective permanent work decrements will increase as a negatively accelerated (habit) function of the amount of practice. Kimble and Weaver both have shown that SIR shows some tendency to develOp as a negatively accelerated (habit) function of the number of trials. In addition, Weaver has shown a curve for the extinction of SIR which is a decay function similar to curves found for the extinction of other habits. The theories of Hull, Kimble and Ammons are basically similar and constitute the theoretical foundation for the present investigation. However, because Hull's system is intended for wider application, the terminology of Hull;plus the concept of warm-up will be employed. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study is an attempt to isolate and specify the three constructs which have been postulated to account for motor learning phenomena. These are conditioned inhibition, reactive inhibition, and warm-up or set. To accomplish this purpose the effect of alternate conditions of dis- tributed and massed practice on pursuit rotor performance was investigated, and a measure of performance at lO-second intervals within the work periods was obtained. The design of this experiment and the analysis of the data, but for a few exceptions, closely paralleled an investi- gation conducted by Weaver (11), on a pursuit rotor rotating in a counter-clockwise direction. Reactive inhibition dissipates rapidly during the inter-trial rest periods. Therefore, due to the lack of inhibitory potential in distributed practice, we predict: l. The pro-rest performance of groups under distributed conditions will be superior to that of groups under massed conditions. Due to dissipation of IR during rest, we predict: 2. More reminiscence will be present in the massed groups than in the distributed groups after an equal amount of rest. 6 Inhibitory potential will develOp readily during the post-rest trial in the distributed-massed group and SIR will be extinguished in the massed-distributed group. Therefore: 3. After the variable of distribution of practice has had a chance to Operate in post-rest performance, groups practicing under like conditions will con- verge and remain together; and at the end of the period the distributed groups (distributed-dis- tributed; massed-distributed) will be superior to the massed groups (massed-massed; distributed- massed). On the basis of the previous discussion we also pre- dict that: h. The index of conditioned inhibition will increase as a negatively accelerated (habit) function of the number of trials, and 5. The extinction curve of conditioned inhibition will be a decay function similar to extinction curves for other habits. Formulation of the following hypothesis is made 'possible through using the lO-second unit of measurement ‘within a 30-second trial of distributed practice. Because of the variable of set or warm-up we predict: 6. On the first post-rest 30-second trial the perform- ance on the third lO-second unit will be higher than on the first lO-second unit. The opposite 7 relationship will be true in the pro-rest 30-second trials. Due to the fact that IR builds up rapidly to a critical value and dissipates rapidly with rest, reminiscence will be evident over the 30-second rest periods in the distributed groups soon after the first pro-rest 30-second trial. On the basis of findings by Weaver we predict: 7. The amount of reminiscence displayed in the dis- tributed groups over the last 30-second pro-rest interval will not differ significantly from that found over the 5-minute rest period for the same group. Conditioned inhibition has been previously built up in the first massed practice session and extinguished in the subsequent distributed session in the massed-distributed- massed group. Since reconditioning is typically a rapid process, SIR should build up very rapidly in the third work period and as a result we expect: 8. The massod-distributedpmassed group will show the most immediate and greatest decline in performance of any group working under massed practice in the third work period, particularly when compared with the massed-massed-massed and distributed-massed- massed groups. Any statement regarding the final 3-minute work period must be recognized as tentative due to the size of the groups and the length of the period. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Subjects A total of 76 college students was used as subjects. Four were graduate students and the remainder were from introductory psychology classes. No subject had had prior pursuit rotor experience. Twelve of the subjects' records were omitted in order to match the groups. The present data were based on 6h subjects (8 groups of 8 subjects each), 36 of whom were women. The sexes were distributed as evenly as possible throughout the groups. Mean age was 20.6 years. The subjects worked singly in a quiet room. The first R8 subjects were assigned randomly to one of the eight groups, while the remainder were assigned to the various groups on the basis of the first 30 seconds of performance. This was done without interruption of the practice session. Apparatus The apparatus consisted of a.Koerthntype circular pursuit rotor, two Standard Electric timers which.measured to the nearest 0.01 second the subject's time on target, a hinged stylus, a stepwatch, and a double-throw four pole toggle switch. The equipment was mounted on a wooden table 30 inches high. The rotor disk was wood finished with black paint and varnish. The rotor disk was 28.5 cm in diameter with a circular brass target 1.9 cm in diameter set flush with the larger disc 8.5 cm from its center. The rotor turned in a clockwise direction at 60 rpm. Experimental Design The total time On target was recorded for each subject every 10 seconds. Thirty second intervals were obtained by simply adding 3 successive lO-second intervals. The recording was accomplished by manual Operation of the toggle switch every 10 seconds which simultaneously stOpped one timer and started the other. The eXperimenter recorded the time on target and reset the timer to zero every 10 seconds while the other timer was in the circuit. With a little practice this was easily done in the allotted 10 seconds. The stepwatch was used to indicate the length of the 10-second intervals, to measure the 30-second trials and 30-second rest intervals, and to measure the over-all time for the practice and rest sessions. The measurement of pursuit rotor performance by means of lO-second intervals within 30-second performance trials in the distributed practice groups is a new technique used first by Weaver (11). It was introduced with the hepe that it would permit a more detailed analysis of the characteristic phenomena of the learning curve. During the entire experimental session all subjects 10 worked a total of 21 minutes. The practice time was divided into three periods of 6, 12 and 3 minutes separated by two rest periods of S and 3 minutes, respectively. The length of the various work and rest periods was determined on the basis of previous research and eXpedience of experi- mentation. The length of the 6-minute work period was chosen to provide maximal reminiscence which Ammons (2) showed occurred after approximately 8 minutes of pro-rest practice. The 5-minute rest period was also used to provide maximal reminiscence from pre-rest to post-rest performance, as indicated in studies by Kimble and Horenstein (8), Ammons (2) and‘Weaver (11). The second work period was extended four minutes beyond that used by Weaver to allow time for groups practicing under like conditions to converge. It might have been more desirable to have extended the 3-minute rest period and final 3-minute work period but it was necessary to keep the length of the entire practice session of the distributed groups within 50 minutes in order to obtain subjects during hours between classes. The various groups worked under different conditions during the practice periods of 6, 12 and 3 minutes. Massed practice (M) consisted of continued practice while dis- tributed or spaced (D) practice consisted of alternating intervals of 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest. Table 1 gives a concise picture of how the groups were arranged. 11 TABLE 1 SCHEMA OF THE EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN GI'OIIp 6 min. 5 mine 12 Min. 3 min. 3 min. number practice rest practice rest practice 1 D - D - D* a 2 D - D - M 3 D - M - D H D - M - M S M - M - M 6 M - M - D 7 M - D - M 8 M - D - D *Hereafter D signifies distributed or spaced practice and.M signifies massed or continuous practice. It is readily observed that even though 8 groups were used the conditions were not separated into 8 as such until the final 3-minute period. During the first 6-minute period we had only two conditions, D and M. With the addition of the l2dminute period there were four conditions, D-D”, DAM, M-M, and M-D. The final 3-minute period brings the total of different conditions to eight as shown on the chart. Instructions to Subjects Each subject was given the following written instructions: *D-D means distributed-rest-distributed, etc. l2 PURSUIT ROTOR EXPERIMENT INSTRUCTIONS The Object of this experiment is to see how well you can follow a moving target with a hand stylus. Stand in front of the pursuit rotor with the stylus grasped firmly but in a relaxed manner in your preferred hand. Keep the stylus horizontal and move it around the turning disk with lazy rotary movements. DO not begin until I tell you to start, and step only when I say St0pe The experimenter then demonstrated the Operation as the instructions were repeated. The subjects were told not to begin until the experimenter said "start” and to step when he said "step". The subjectsvvere given the ”ready” signal two seconds befOre the starting signal and were permitted to pick up the stylus in preparation. After the first work period in the distributed practice groups, the subject was informed that he would alternately work and rest. When a subject who had formerly worked under distributed conditions was put on massed practice he was told there would be a period of continuous work. The subject stood quietly in front of the rotor during the rest interval in the case of distributed groups. During the S and 3-minute rest periods, all subjects were 13 allowed to sit down and converse or read. If the subject violated any of the instructions during the practice period, he was corrected at once without interruption Of activity. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The subject's time on target was recorded to the nearest 0.01 second. The performance curves in Figs. I and II were Obtained by converting the time on target for the groups into percent of time on target as has been the usual procedure of other investigators. Analysis of variance was used as the statistical technique for com- parisons between groups wherever apprOpriate. A funda- mental condition for validity of the F-test is that the two mean squares be independent. This condition was not met in the case Of percentages. Therefore, the percentages were transformed into angles with mean and variance inde- pendent as recommended by Snedecor (10). Reminiscence, or gain over rest, was measured as the difference between the last pro-rest trial and the first post-rest trial. Here the gain was measured as the difference in time On target for each individual and was not converted into percentages. The gain distributions appear to have inde- pendent mean and variance; consequently, a transformation was not deemed necessary and the analysis was performed on the raw data. In each case where analysis Of variance was used Bartlett's test of homogenity (10) was first applied to assure that the data were sufficiently homogeneous to make the F-test applicable. 15 mamfiap ocooomnom MO mason on» no comes mm cofimmom ooauoean oaanu no Adda» umaah one Ahao>a oonmoa .mopanE NH one my macammom ooapoman ocoooo one pagan on» 90% museum anew pom mo> no ooceFLOcaoa .H ease mam mamas» odooom banana b ma an o p n H -L# 1hmz_fl 0H A an r p n dosmzna .q fiflde4fi~fiqHfi—_d . . ququ uo emtq queoaed l6 _. .....i‘lq...‘ . - ail mead: ocoeemnoa no modes on» no women we scammom coauoead Apmoanpmonv ocooom one no meadows 0 use defiance ooapooad Apmoanoadv pagan on» son masoam adom pom me>aSO oocesaomaoa .HH easmfim means odooon sea fifignmmumdodnugben annuanuumaaodflnoabea __ __ __L_.La_ne.dfiwn +e_eud_e~an_4_di_aa._an_q.fi_n_an—L.q .q —-4 — ‘) — .—J 3% > \i/V \?,‘\ (b. . L .) ~ s ) s x ‘P« .K . .v r \ 1 .0. ~ o . 3 a .L . d5 a _ ...... ... . 1 ...T 4 e 3 a w _ .a < .L \ ... .. A. ..1 . i a . ‘ ow ..A.’ .21 N. I x“ 7 g .u . ~ . . a ..a ..x .. AI‘. ..u l as. ..R N,” a). . «Ix .a .....e. . .§:.~\’ .< t m x c r. A a . a a u‘. . L ... . ,ra .u r : . _) r .. .... a v a. . fl QlZY.-O . . :‘Q’086 Q89 I I... .9. m H qefiasq uo emyq queeaea O N m N 3 3 52 R 17 Individuals were assigned to groups on the basis Of their performance during the first 30-second work period in such a manner as to match the groups. The graph in Figure I and the statistical analysis in Table 2 give evidence that the groups were well matched at the beginning of practice. TABLE 2 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF THE FIRST 30-SECOND WORK PERIOD FOR 8 GROUPS WITH DATA CONVERTED TO ANGLES :___ Source of variation d.f. Sggaggs 323:30 F Between groups 7 17.29 2.h71 0.106 Within groups (error) 56 1307.58 23.350 Total 63 132h.87 For d.f. 7 and S6, F.05 = 3.32, F.01 = 5.85 The superiority Of groups working under distributed conditions over groups working under massed conditions during the first 6-minute practice period is clearly evident from Figure I and Table 3. Also, there is no significant difference between the groups working under like conditions, D-D and DAM, M-M and M-D. Therefore, hypothesis 1 is confirmed. This phenomenon was one of the first observed to be typical of motor learning situations and the results here are in agreement with those of other investigators. 18 TABLE 3 ANALYSIS or VARIANCE OF THE LAST 30-SECOND WORK PERIOD OF 6-MINUTE PRACTICE FOR A GROUPS WITH DATA CONVERTED T0 ANGLES Sum Of Mean Source of variation d.f. squares square D groups vs. M groups 1 1922.05 1922.05 32.825** Groups treated alike 2 7.87 3.9M 0.067 Total between groups 3 1929.92 6h3.31 10.986** Error 60 . 3513.31 58.56 \ Total 63 Shu3.23 For d.f. 1 and 60, p.05 = n.00, F.01 = 7.08 For d.f. 2 and 60, F.05 = 3.15, F 01 = “.098 e e ' FOP d.f. 3 and O, F.05 = 2.7 , F.01 = “-013 **Significant beyond .01 point Gain in performance level over the 5-minute and 3-minute rest periods is Obvious from Figure I and the statistical evidence for reminiscence is given in Tables h and 5. All four groups with both rest periods show a significant amount of reminiscence. The gain in each case is a comparison Of the last 30-second pro-rest trial with the first 30-second post-rest trial. Due to the dissipation of IR during interpolated rest intervals under distributed conditions we would expect the massed groups to show more reminiscence than the distributed groups over the same rest period. These nan-W __ “mm . 19 TABLE A MEAN REMINISCENCE SCORES IN .01 SECOND OVER THE 5-MINUTE REST PERIOD AS BASED ON 30-SECOND TRIALS . Groups M-M M-D D-D CDAM Standard error of the mean 55.98 55.27 72.7h 69.h9 t 6.060 7.808 3.236 n.698 P 4 .01 4.01 < .01 4.01 TABLE 5 MEAN REMINISCENCE SCORES IN .01 SECOND OVER THE 3-MINUTE REST PERIOD AS BASED ON BO-SECOND TRIALS W Groups M-M M-D D-D D-M Mean 5h0.62 190.62 211.56 547.00 Standard error of the mean 5h.83 h9.71 h5.57 81.51 t 9.860 3.834 h.6h3 6.711 p < .01 (.01 (.01 4.01 20 comparisons are presented in Tables 6 and 7. The difference between groups practicing under like conditions is not significant. However, hypothesis 2, that massed groups will show greater reminiscence than distributed groups, is confirmed. Weaver found the massed groups showed greater reminiscence than the distributed groups only at the 10 percent level of significance. This lower level of significance may be due to the fact that counter-clock- wise rotation increased the difficulty Of the task and consequently set up more I in the distributed groups R within a 30-second work period. The graph in Figure II which shows the 6-minute practice period and 6 minutes of the 12-minute period was Obtained by plotting performance level of the h groups using lO-second units of measurement. A statistical analysis Of reminiscence gain from the last pre-rest lO-second unit to the first post-rest lO-second unit is presented in Tables 8 thrOugh 11. Tables 8 and 9 indicate that when only the right tail Of the t distribution is considered, the hypothesis Of no gain can be rejected at least at the 5 percent level of significance for all groups except the M-D group over the 34minute rest period. The M-D group is approaching the maximum performance level for this task and consequently reminiscence over this and any succeeding rests may not prove to be significant. A comparison of reminiscence between the various groups and conditions over the 5 and 3-minute rest periods is go. .~ --.-:*.—r~t~—.-----.* 21 TABLE 6 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF REMINISCENCE GAIN IN .01 SECOND FOR A GROUPS OVER THE S-MINUTE REST PERIOD AS BASED ON 30-SECOND TRIALS W Sum of Mean Source of variation d.f. squares square F D groups vs. M groups 1 6,5h8,518 6,5h8,518 100.57S** Groups treated alike 2 138,386 69,193 1.063 Total between groups 3 6,686,90h 2,228,968 3h.233** Error 60 3,906,680 65,111 Total 63 10.593.58h See footnote Table 3 for .01 and .05 F values **Significant beyond .01 point TABLE 7 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF REMINISCENCE GAIN IN .01 SECOND FOR h GROUPS OVER THE 3-MINUTE REST PERIOD AS BASED ON 30-SECOND TRIALS " Sum of Mean Source of variation d.f. squares square F D groups vs. M groups 1 9,869,6h7 9,869,6h7 l7h.086** Groups treated alike 2 3,832 1,916 .03h Total between groups 3 9,873,h79 3,291,159 58.OSI** Error 60 3,A01,657 56,694 Total 63 13,275,136 See footnote Table 3 for .01 and .05 F values **Significant beyond .01 point TABLE 8 MEAN REMINISCENCE SCORES IN 22 .01 SECOND OVER THE S-MINUTE REST PERIOD AS BASED ON lO-SECOND UNITS W Groups M-M M-D D-D D-M Mean 62.81 82.19 56.06 99.87 Standard error of 1 the mean 35.66 21.6h 30.78 30.50 g 1% t 1.761 3.797 1.821 3.27M } P 4 .05 4.01 4. .05 < .01 TABLE 9 MEAN REMINISCENCE SCORES IN .01 SECOND OVER THE 3~MINUTE REST PERIOD AS BASED ON 10-SECOND UNITS Groups M-M M-D D-D DéM Standard error of tha mean 20014.8 3606).... 38.22 29.65 t 5.998 1.100 2.182 h.018 P 4 .01 >.05 < .05 4.01 23 TABLE 10 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF REMINISCENCE GAIN IN .01 SECOND FOR A GROUPS OVER THE 5-MINUTE REST PERIOD AS BASED ON lO-SECOND UNITS Source of variation d.f. Sum of Mean F squares square D groups vs. M groups 1 A78 R78 0.330 Groups treated alike 2 17,359 8,680 0.599 Total between groups 3 17,837 5,9h6 0.th‘ Error 60 869,216 lh,h87 Total 63 887:053 See footnote Table 3 for .01 and .05 F values TABLE 11 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF REMINISCENCE GAIN IN .01 SECOND FOR h GROUPS OVER THE 3AMINUTE REST PERIOD AS BASED ON 10-SECOND UNITS Source of variation d.f. Sum 0f Mean F squares square D groups vs. M groups 1 55,932 55,932 3.032 Groups treated alike 2 lh,9hh 7,h72 0.h05 Total between groups 3 70,876 23,625 1.281 Error 60 1,106,83h l8,hh7 Total 63 1.177.710 See footnote Table 3 for .01 and .05 F values ..m may... gar—‘— 211 presented in Tables 10 and 11, reapectively. The analysis shows that no significant difference is found between distributed and massed groups or between groups under like conditions in either case. These data substantiate the results obtained by Weaver when he calculated reminiscence gain by means of lO-second units Of measurement. Examination of Figure I shows that after approximately 6 minutes Of post-rest practice the performance of the D-M group has fallen to that of the M-M group and the per- formance Of the M-D group has risen to the level of the D-D group and that groups practicing under like conditions remain at the same levels of performance. Table 12 compares the groups at the end of the practice period and indicates that the D groups are superior to the M groups and that groups under like conditions are not significantly different. Therefore, hypothesis 3 is confirmed. The length Of the second practice period used by Weaver was 8 minutes. At the end Of the period his groups practicing under like conditions had not converged although they were not statis- tically different. An unpublished study conducted at Michigan State College which also used clockwise rotation found as in the present investigation that the like groups converge in less than 8 minutes. The discrepancy between these results and those found by Weaver may be due to the fact that counter-clockwise rotation generates a higher level of conditioned inhibition. Figures III and IV are develOpmental curves of con- 25 TABLE 12 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF THE LAST 30-SECOND WORK PERIOD OF lZ-MINUTE PRACTICE FOR A GROUPS WITH DATA CONVERTED TO ANGLES Sum of Mean Source of variation d.f. squares square F D groups vs. M groups 1 3h65.2h 3h65.2k 76.546** Groups treated alike 2 68.07 3h.03 0.752 Total between groups 3 3533.31 1177.77 26.016** Error _ 60 2716.19 h5.27 Total 63 62E9.SO See footnote Table 3 for .01 and .05 F values **Significant beyond .01 point ditioned inhibition. The curve in Figure III shows the develOpment of SIR’ during the pro-rest 6-minute practice, in the groups practicing under M conditions. It was con- structed by using the data from Figure II. The successive differences between mean performance level of the distributed groups and the massed groups were taken starting with 10- second unit #6 and using every third lO-second unit there- after. These differences were plotted and a free-hand curve was drawn. This method is based on the assumptions that IR develOps to a maximal value in approximately 30 seconds of work in the distributed practice group and dis- sipates almost completely in 30 seconds of rest. During post-rest performance the DAM group should 26 kl’lll.:lr‘lfl . ... mead: ocooomtoa do women we oOHpOeaa umoaloan m m EH H mo o>a30 Heudoedoao>eo Hmoapoaoone bu mead: ozooom no» unenloam mu nn «H m o n .HHH enemas —4 4...“ 4.110% 4 w .jLfleqdn.a.1; S—I__ _J L— ea LATE d ‘fl *0 F\ (N :4 r- so quasq uo emIq queoaed (O 543‘” 27 mamaap ocooonnom do Conan mm compound peonuumoe EH mHm ho ophfio HensoSdoao>oo Hooapoaoose .bH opsmwm panda» pdooon madame pmoalpmoa m . ... e A _ _ _ _ _ a “l '1 qeflasq uo equ queoaed J0 [sooadtoeu ‘t h e 28 develOp SIR and therefore the reciprocal of the difference between the DéM and the M-M groups should indicate the develOpment of SIR‘ This was the method used to obtain the curve in Figure IV. Figure III indicates that the growth Of conditioned inhibition may well be a negatively accelerated (habit) function. Figure IV lacks sufficient points to be a good indicator because the groups converged rapidly. However, hypothesis h is adequately confirmed. I“! ‘m‘h “HRH Figure V is an extinction curve of SIR derived by taking successive differences between 30esecond work periods of groups M-D and D-D during the post-rest practice period. The curve is a decay function similar to curves found for the extinction Of other habits. This supports hypothesis 5. These curves are similar to those found by Weaver in his study and the SIR curve resembles those found by Kimble (h) using a considerably different method of der-l ivation. The use Of lO-second measuring units within the 30- second work intervals permits further analysis of the per- formance not otherwise available. From Figure II it can be seen that the third lO-second unit of the first 30-second post-rest trial is higher than the first lO-second unit. Also the graph shows that in the case of the pro-rest 30~second trials the Opposite relationship is true. The statistical analysis is given in.Table 13. This finding confirms hypothesis 6 concerning the variable of warm-up. 29 mamas» ocooomaom so oommL mm evapoead umoauumon ca mHm mo o>ndo cofiuocHDXo Heoapmaooze mamas» odooom hpafinu pmoanumoa ma NH. m3” Wm «H nH NH Hm on a w b e m w m e> madmam _ .LL~flNLL—L—d_ ——1 as a: r- ‘o in -e ex ea 403193 uo emIq queoaea Y :11 S 30 TABLE 13 MEAN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FIRST AND THIRD 10-SECOND PERIODS FOR FIRST POST-REST 30-SECOND PERIOD FOR ALL GROUPS IN .01 SECOND All groups Mean 57.95 Standard error Of the mean 16.18 p: t . 3.583 P .4;.01 ‘F‘. ;=‘— ' The results at this point are predicatable from the theoret- ical analysis of Hull (3), Ammons (1), and Kimble (E, 5) and are in basic agreement with the empirical findings Of Ammons (2), Kimble (h, 5, 6), Kimble and Horenstein (8), and Weaver (11). Still other observations are made possible using the lO-second unit Of measurement as a basis for analysis. Figure II shows that reminiscence is present after the first 30 seconds of work in the distributed practice groups as indicated by the gain in performance level between 10- second units #3 and h. The distributed groups continue to show considerable reminiscence over each succeeding 30-second rest while no such increases are evident in the massed practice groups. These results are in agreement with the findings of Weaver (11) upon which hypothesis 7 was based. 31 A comparison of the amount of reminiscence in the distributed groups between 10-second units #33 and 3A and between lO-second unit #36 and the first lO-second unit Of the 12-minute post-rest practice period is made in Table 1h. The last 30-second rest period was chosen for this compar- ison because the performance level at this point closely approximates that of the 5-minute rest interval. TABLE 1k ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF REMINISCENCE SCORES OVER THE 30-SECOND AND 5-MINUTE REST PERIODS FOR THE DISTRIBUTED GROUPS Source Of variation d.f. 333.35: 823239 F 30-Second vs. 5-minute rest 1 13,806 13,806 0.892 Groups with same interval 2 23,u90 11.7u5 0.759 Total between groups 3 37,296 12,h32 0.803 Error 60 928,707 15,h78 Total 63 966,003 See footnote Table 3 for .01 and .05 F values Hypothesis 7 is confirmed as Table 1h indicates no significantly different amount of reminiscence over the two rest periods. The breakdown of the four groups into eight groups for the final practice period of 3 minutes is presented in VT 32 Figure VI. In the M-DéM group conditioned inhibition was built up in the first practice session and extinguished in the following distributed session. Because recondition- ing is a rapid process, SIR should build up quickly and consequently this group should show the greatest decline in performance of any group under massed practice in the third work period. This is evident from Figure VI and thus hypothesis 8 is substantiated. The characteristic post-rest hump phenomenon predicted and found by Ammons (l, 2) is also definitely observed in the DHM-D, M-D-D, M-M-M, M-M-D, and DAM-M groups. In addition to supporting Ammons' notion of warm-up decrement (1), use of the lO-second unit has made possible three important findings. First, reminiscence in the dis- tributed groups is not significantly less than that found in the massed groups over rest periods Of the same length. This implies, among other things, that when measurement is made at the last lO-second unit before rest the difference in performance level between the distributed and.massed groups is due entirely or almost entirely to the presence of SIR‘ Second, the distributed groups show reminiscence after the first 30 seconds of work in the pro-rest period. Third, in the distributed groups reminiscence over the 5~minute rest does not differ significantly from the reminiscence over the last 30-second rest period in the pro-rest practice session. Consideration Of these points lead us to conclude in accord with Kimble (A) that there is a critical level to which IR can rise. Also, the maximal 33 manage Uncoomuom LO macra on» C0 Somme mm nowmmom oofipomcn AopchE mv pads» on» peg museum unmam no“ mo>a50 oocmchomaoe EIEIQ m M” A .1 1 L .1 1 mm 13 13. QIQIZ m n H fiafiBfiS “Q Lem .1 mm madame Uncoom hepana Slat: QIEIE .o¢ 1.m 7. m R M7 on ulni Ilnn Q8219 SIQIQ n n H m n H 1|o7414 fiflm mm _ .737 1 _ _ on J3 I an El 2.. E m m H . 7. a . _ 4 QDQIQ n n H 1 own To _ _< .H> enemaa ow mw O in n Q ququ uo emIq queoaed 3 mm 3h value of IR possible under well distributed conditions is approximately equal to the maximal value possible under massed conditions. In other words, I builds up rapidly R to this maximal level - in approximately 30 seconds; and with 30 seconds of rest shows almost complete dissipation. Conditioned inhibition has been postulated to be a habit as defined by Hull (3). Consequently, curves Of develOpment and extinction of SIR should resemble those of other habits. We have presented two curves showing the develOpment of SIR derived by different methods. The derived curve Of extinction resembles that of other extinction curves and the expectation of rapid reconditioning is fulfilled. These various lines Of independent evidence clearly substantiate the concept Of conditioned or learned inhibition as postulated in the recent theoretical treat- ments of motor skills phenomena. SUMMARY Eight groups of 8 subjects each worked on the pursuit rotor task under alternate conditions of distributed and massed practice. The groups were: (1) massed-massed- massed, (2) massedpmassod-distributed, (3) massed-distributed- massed, (h) distributed-massedamassed, (5) distributed- distributeddmassed, (6) distributed-massed-distributed, (7) massed-distributed-distributed, and (8) distributed- distributed-distributed. There were three practice sessions of 6 minutes, 12 minutes, and 3 minutes separated by two rest periods of 5 and 3 minutes, respectively. Massed conditions were continuous practice, while distributed conditions were alternately 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest. The pursuit rotor disk rotated in a clockwise direction at a Speed of 60 revolutions per minute. The most important experimental technique involved measurement of performance in lO-second units of work within a 30-second work trial for the distributed practice groups. Eight statements relating to the constructs of reactive inhibition, conditioned inhibition, and set were tested and confirmed. They are: 36 1. Pre-rest performance of groups under distributed conditions will be superior to that of groups under massed conditions. 2. More reminiscence will be present in the massed groups than in the distributed groups after an equal amount of rest. 3. In post-rest practice groups practicing under like conditions will converge and the distributed group's performance will be superior to that of the massed at the end Of the period. A. The develOpmental curve Of conditioned inhibition will increase as a negatively accelerated (habit) function of the number of trials. 5. The extinction curve of conditioned inhibition will be a decay function similar to extinction curves of other habits. 6. 0n the first post-rest 30-second trial the per- formance on the third lO-second unit will be higher than on the first lO-second unit. The Opposite relationship will be true in the pro-rest 30-second trials. 7. The amount of reminiscence diSplayed in the dis- tributed groups over the last 30-second pro-rest interval will not differ significantly from that found over the 5-minute rest period for the same group. 8. The massed-d1stributed-massed group will show the most immediate and greatest decline in performance Of any group working under massed practice in the third work period. 37 The conclusions regarding reactive inhibition were: 1. There is a maximal level to which reactive inhi-.- bition can rise which is approximately the same under distributed or massed conditions. 2. Reactive inhibition builds up to a maximal value in approximately 30 seconds. 3. Reactive inhibition dissipates almost completely in 30 seconds. With regard to conditioned inhibition it seems that several independent lines Of evidence substantiate the notion of a learned type of inhibition in motor learning. l. 2. 3. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ammons, R. B. Acquisition Of motor skill: I. 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