THE EFFECT OF FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS ON YIELD AND NUTRIENT COMPOSITION OF THE LEAF AND GRAIN OF CORN GROWN ON’A WISNER LOAN SOIL By Tatsuo Fujimoto AN ABSTRACT submitted to the College of Agriculture of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Soil Science Approved ABSTRACT Fifty-six samples of grain.and leaf of corn which had been fertilized with various combinations and rates of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash were analyzed for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. Yield determinations were made for each plot. The treatment levels in pounds per acre of the various nutrients used on the individual plots were as follows: N: o 20 no 80 160 240 320 P205: 0 no 80 160 320 480 6uo K20: o 20 no 80 160 240 320 Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer applications in- creased the grain yield whereas potash fertilization had no effect. Yield was significantly correlated with the combined nutrient elements of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium in the grain. Positive relationships existed between yield and phosphorus and sodium contents of the leaf. Applications of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in- creased the nitrogen and phosphorus contents in the grain. In the leaf, however, phosphorus and potassium contents were significantly affected by their respective fertilizer appli- cations. Several interrelationships between various elements were present in the grain. Phosphorus was positively cor- related with nitrogen, potassium, and magnesium. Magnesium was also directly related to nitrogen and potassium. In the corn leaf, significant correlations existed between nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium and sodium, and magnesium and calcium. Significant relationships between the nutrient elements in the grain and leaf were found with phosphorus and mag- nesium. A positive correlation existed between the phos- phorus contents of the grain and leaf, and a negative cor- relation existed between the magnesium contents of the grain and leaf. THE EFFECT OF FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS ON YIELD AND NUTRIENT COMPOSITION OF THE LEAF AND GRAIN OF CORN GROWN ON A WISNER LOAN SOIL By Tatsuo Fujimoto A THESIS Submitted to the College of Agriculture of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in.partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of HASTEB.OF SCIENCE Department of Soil Science Year 1958 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express his sincere apprecia- tion to Dr. L. S. RObertson under whose supervision this investigation.was undertaken. He is greatly indebted to Dr. W. B. Sundquist of the Agricultural Research Service, U. S. D. A., for the in? valuable service rendered in facilitating the statistical analysis. He is also indebted to Dr. R. L. Cook for the patient guidance offerred in his graduate study. The author also wishes to acknowledge his fellow graduate students of the Soil Science Department for their willing assistance in this project. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............... .. .. ............... ... REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................... MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................. . Field Plot Design ... ........... ...... .......... . Fertilizer Materials ......... . ................ .. Management of Plots .. .................... .. ..... Samples ........ ................................ . Chemical Analysis of Samples . ............ ....... Total Nitrogen Determination . .......... ... . Wet Ashing ............. ......... . .. ..... .. Phosphorus Determination ..................... Potassium, Calcium and Sodium Determinations .. Magnesium Determination .... RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Yield Relationships Effect of Fertilizers on the Composition of Grain. Effect of Fertilizers on the Composition of Leaf.. Relationships of Nutrient Elements in Leaf and Grain SUMMARY .... ..... .. . BIBLIOGRAPHY ........ APPENDIX .... . . . 0 cccccccccccccccccc 0 ccccc 0 0000......0...0 .0 .0. 00...... 000 0000000000 0 00000000000000 000 32 36 38 #2 LIST OF TABLES PAGE Significant Correlation Coefficients Calculated between Several Factors ............. 20 The Effect of Applied Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potash on the Chemical Composition of Corn Grain 23 The Effect of Applied Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potash on the Chemical Composition of Corn Leaf ......O. 00000000 ... 0000000000000000000 ..0 28 Field Diagram for Continuous Corn Experiment, Tuscola County . ........ ....... .............. . 43 Selected Samples for Chemical Analysis ....... 4A Adjustment of the Beckman Spectrophotometer for the Determination of Calcium, Potassium and Sodium . .............. ...... .......... ........ 45 Yield and Chemical Analysis of Corn Grain as Affected by Various Fertilizer Treatments .... #6 Chemical Analysis of Corn Leaves as Affected by Various Fertilizer Treatments ............. #9 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES PAGE 1. The relationship between yield and the phosphorus contents of the leaves . ....... .. ................ 21 2. The relationship between yield and the sodium contents of the leaves ........ ..... .... ....... .. 22 3. The effect of applied nitrogen in the nitrogen contents of the grain ........................... 24 b. The effect of applied phosphate on the phosphorus contents of the grain ........................... 24 5. The relationship between nitrogen and magnesium contents or the gra1n ...00...000.0000...000...00 26 6. The relationship between phosphorus and nitrogen contents of the grain . ...... ............ ........ . 26 7. The relationship between phosphorus and potassium contents of the grain ........................... 27 8. The relationship between magnesium and phosphorus contents of the grain ....... ......... . ......... . 27 9. The relationship between magnesium and potassium contents of the grain ........................... 30 10. The effect of applied phosphate on the phosphorus contents of the leaves . ..... .................... 31 11. The effect of applied potash on the potassium contents of the leaves ......... ......... ... ..... 31 12. The relationship between phosphorus and nitrogen contents Of the leaves 000......0000000000 00000 0. 31 13. The relationship between sodium and potassium contents of the leaves .... ..... ......... ...... .. 33 14. The relationship between magnesium and calcium contents of the leaves ............ ....... ....... 33 15. Relationship between phosphorus contents of grain and phosphorus contents of the leaves ........... 35 16. Relationship between magnesium contents of grain and magnesium contents of the leaves ............ 35 INTRODUCTION The use of chemical fertilizer probably dates from 1665, when Sir Kenelur Digly wrote that he had increased crop yield through the application of saltpeter. Little was under- stood concerning the principles of fertilization until 1804, when Nicholas Theodore de Saussure of Switzerland first directed the attention of the scientific world to the fact that the ash ingredients of plants were taken from the soil and that they were essential for plant growth. Fifty years later (1855 and 1856), Justus von.Liebig, German chemist of the University of Giessen, emphasized the necessity of supplying plants with phosphoric acid and potash. In 1840 Liebig delivered his historic address before the British Association of Science on the role of minerals on plant nutrition. He later demonstrated during 1845 the essenp tial nature of potash. Since that time, extensive investiga- tions have been.carried out on the importance of mixed ferti- lizers in the production of crops. In early days, mixed fertilizers were composed of low analysis carriers and the total content of nitrogen phos- phoric acid and potash was necessarily low. At the same time, a number of secondary and trace plant-nutrient elements were commonly present as incidental constituents. In recent years, there has‘been.a steady increase in the nutrient content of the average grade of mixed fertilizers sold in the United States. In addition, the consumption of mixed fertilizer has increased very rapidly. ,The great increase in consump- tion was due in.part to the following reasons: l)increased farm income 2)education.and demonstration 3)changes in crop varieties 4)nutrient depletion of the soil and 5)improved cultural practices. Many investigations have shown the effects of nitrogen, phophorus and potassium fertilizers on yield, quality and chemical composition of corn. Efficient fertilizer use by the crop can result when each element is used to its fullest advantage. If an ele- ment is applied in too small an amount to meet the needs of the crop, it may prevent efficient utilization of other elements, or, if the presence of one element interferes with the uptake or utilization of another, the growth of the plant may be inhibited. Therefore, nutrient balance is of importance in determining sound fertilizer usage. The present study, a part of a nutrient level and balance project, was designed to determine the effect of various levels and combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on yield and chemical composition of corn grain and leaves. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Although fertilizers play an important role in duction in the United States, an increase in fertilizer con, sumption could result in greater corn production. Relatively large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are re- quired to produce high yielding crepe. For example, in Michigan, to Obtain corn yields of 85 bushels per acre on a Nisner soil which, according to soil tests, is low in.phos- phorus and potassium, 80 pounds of phosphoric acid and 40 pounds of potash is recommended (10). Many investigators (5,15,17,26) found that large appli- cations of nitrogen fertilizer markedly increase yield of corn. Yield responses to increasing increments usually follow the Mitscherlich—type curve, providing the levels of other nutrients and moisture are not limiting and that other factors do not adversely affect plant growth. Krantz (17) reported that yield increased from 19 bushels per acre without nitrogen to 107 bushels of corn where 120 pounds per acre of nitrogen.was applied on.a Norfolk sandy loam. Cummings (5), summarizing three years results of 38 fer- tilizer tests in North Carolina, reported average yields of 28, 50, 68 and 78 bushels per acre from plots receiving 0,40, 80 and 120 pounds of nitrogen respectively. All plots re- ceived adequate amounts of phosphorus and potassium fertili- zers. Lack of phosphorus is most apparent during early growth when the root system is small. The percentage of phosphorus in a plant derived from fertilizer is influenced by the position of the fertilizer in respect to the seed. On phos- phorus deficient soils, large applications of phosphorus fertilizer are required. Krantz (18) and others obtained significant yield response from phosphorus applications where soils were low in.phosphorus. Under conditions of low phos- phorus supply, starter fertilizer of 20 to 50 pounds of P205 per acre cannot be depended upon to supply the major require- ments of the crop, since the plant recovers less than 15 per- cent of applied fertilizer phosphorus (25,31). Nelson et al (25) found that corn absorbed high.pr0por- tions of fertilizer phosphorus during early growth and small amounts in the later portion of its growing period. They further observed that the percent of fertilizer phosphorus absorbed by corn decreased as the amount of native soil phos- phorus increased. Several investigators have shown.that yield of corn in- creased with application of potassium to potassium deficient soils but no effect on yield on soils well supplied with potassium. According to Krantz and Chandler (19). yields were in- creased by an.application.up to 80 pounds of potash on potassium deficient soils. However, additional increments of potassium had no effect on yield. Potash application did not affect yield on soils which contained enough soil potassium so that no visual deficiency symptoms were noted. In.ancther study Krantz observed similar results. The yield increased 0.31 bushels per acre where 40 pounds of K20 per acre was applied but no response was Obtained from higher applications of potash on Coxville fine sandy loam which was low in potassium (18). A Boswell and Parks (3) in working with soils low in ex- changeable potassium obtained a significant yield increase from the first increment of potash but no further increase in yield from additional increments. The effectiveness of a nutrient applied to corn is re- duced when the supply of other plant nutrients is inadequate. Krantz (18) pointed out the need for nutrient balance, although in most tests nitrogen was the key to high yields. For example, on a Dunbar sandy loam, an increase of 24 bushels per acre was obtained from potash where high rates of nitro- gen were used but no response to potash.without nitrogen. Conversely, a striking response to nitrogen was obtained when potash was supplied but no nitrogen response occurred without potash. Viets et a1 (36) showed that when nitrogen fertilizer was applied to soils which were low in available nitrogen, the phosphorus content of the leaf increased. They concluded that this effect may be due to the development of more ex- tensive root systems that contacted more soil phosphorus. Bennett et a1 (2) observed that the percent of phosphorus in corn leaf ranged from 0.173 - 0.320 percent where no nitrogen.was applied and 0.206 - 0.331 percent when 80 pounds of nitrogen was applied. He found that the percent phos- phorus in corn.leaves was significantly increased over those obtained from plots that had not received nitrogen. The reverse of this occurred in the grain. Investigations on the effect of the addition of phos- phorus and nitrogen to crops on their absorption of potassium generally indicated that a reduction occurs, especially if the soil potassium supply is limited. Lawton et al (21) found that the percent of potassium in legume hay was reduced from 1.52 - 1.35 when superphosphate was applied to soils treated with potash. Nitrogen accumulates rather rapidly in the grain until maturity. This is accomplished in large part through the movement and depletion from other plant parts such as the leaves, stems and husks (16, 29). Nitrogen, according to Sayre (29), continued to accumulate in the grain as long as the plants were sampled. This indicated that nitrogen moved out of the cob, husks, stems and leaves. The greatest amount of nitrogen had accumulated in the plant tissues, with the exception of the grain, by the first of August. In addition, the grain continued to increase in nitrogen and the husks lost a great deal of nitrogen.after the grain'began to form. Phosphorus accumulates in the whole plant at a fairly continuous rate until maturity (14,16,29). Earley and DeTurk (9) showed that the greatest rate of phosphorus accumulation usually paralleled the period of most rapid dry matter pro- duction. As pollination approached, phosphorus started to migrate into the developing but yet seedless ear and then accumulated rapidly in the grain until maturity. The leaves, stalks, husks and cobs lost phosphorus to the grain. Jordan et a1 (16) found that as with nitrogen, phosphorus uptake by the whole plant was continuous throughout the season and increased generally with applied nitrogen. Potassium accumulation.and translocation differ in several respects from nitrogen and phosphorus. Most striking is the actual loss of potassium from the corn plant as maturity approached. This loss occurs chiefly from the leaves, stalks and husks and is not surprising inasmuch as most of the potassium in the plant is in.water soluble form (24.37). Sayre (29) reported that the grain does not accumulate much potassium. There was a small but consistent increase 1n.the amount of potassium in the grain and a rather marked loss of potassium from the other plant tissues, especially the stem. The nutrient composition of a crop provides information regarding the physiology of the plant and in conjunction with the yield, serves as a measure of the recovery of applied nutrients. Determination of nutrient composition in corn leaves has received considerable emphasis in recent years. Follow- ing Tyner's work (34), investigators have more or less standardized upon the selection of the sixth leaf from the base taken during the period of full silk for leaf analysis. Tyner listed four reasons for his selection: l)the stage is easily recognized and described, 2)all varieties mature in about the same number of days once silking and tasseling occur, 3)the weight of vegetative parts is at or near its. peak at this time, and 4)this is a period when nutrient demand by the plant is very high. According to Tyner (34), the critical nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentra- tions of the sixth leaf were 2.9 percent nitrogen, 0.295 percent phosphorus and 1.3 percent potassium. At N;P-K concentration above these levels, doubtful or rapidly de- creasing response to further applications of these nutrients occurred. At nutrient levels in excess of the critical con- centrations, extraneous factors appeared to exert greater influence on yields than nutrient content variations. Most investigators have found high positive correlations between the level of the nutrient element in the leaf, the rate of nutrient application or its available level in the soil and the yield of the corn grain (2,19,35,36). Tyner (34) in West Virginia found for each change of 0.1 percent of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the sixth leaf at silk, grain yields varied 4.43, 25.3 and 2.05 bushels per acre respectively. Nitrogen content, according to Bennett et al (2), in- creased by increasing the nitrogen application. The percent nitrogen in the leaf ranged from 1.52 - 2.77, 1.97 - 2.95, and 2.68 - 3.17, from plots where 0, 20, 40, and 80 pounds of nitrogen were applied, respectively. The percent of nitrogen in the grain also increased as the application of nitrogen increased, ranging from 0.96 — 1.43. They reported that the percent of phosphorus ranged from 0.173 - 0.320 in the absence of applied nitrogen. These investigators point out that because of many unp controllable and variable factors which influence final yields caution should be used in interpretations of such results. Krantz and Chandler (19) found that potassium uptake, as reflected by leaf composition, was increased progressively up to 320 pounds of potash application. However, this luxury composition did not affect plant performances, yield «or composition of the corn grain. They found that phosphorus content of corn leaves and grain was not appreciably ins creased by phosphorus application, but it was markedly affected by the level of soil phosphorus. Nitrogen appli- cations, according to them, increased the nitrogen.composi- 10 tion of corn leaves and corn grain. It also increased phos- phorus and potassium uptake especially in soils which were high in these minerals. In high phosphorus soils there was a direct correlation between the nitrogen and phosphorus content of corn leaves. A number of ion relationships affecting the absorption of nutrients have been demonstrated with corn. Beckenbach et a1 (1) showed that the nitrate ion concentration in the nutrient solution directly affected the calcium content of the corn tissue. High calcium in the tissues was associated with high nitrates in the nutrient solution. Phosphorus absorption appeared to be relatively unr affected by variations in the concentration of other ions in the substrate (1,14,35). Potassium interferes competitively with the absorption of a number of ions. Wadleigh and Shive (37) found that high potassium absorption by the corn plant depressed the absorption of calcium and magnesium. Stanford et a1 (30) added potassium to a soil high in calcium and magnesium carbo- nates and observed lowered calcium and magnesium uptake by the corn. Ohlrogge (26) noted that potassium additions intensified nitrogen deficiency symptoms on corn growing on nitrogen deficient soils. Conversely, Tyner and Webb (35) reported that potassium had little significant depressive effect on ll nitrogen when 30 pounds or more of potassium was added. Glover (13), on the other hand, found no interference be- tween potassium and nitrogen nutrition in sand cultures with potassium levels varying from 5 - 45 ppm. Magnesium content of corn tissues was directly related to variations in the nitrate and calcium ion concentration in the nutrient solution. High magnesium content corres- ponded to high nitrate and high calcium ion concentration, and low magnesium content corresponded to low concentra- tion of these ions. Magnesium content of corn tissues was affected in the opposite way by variations in potassium ion concentration and phosphorus ion concentration did not affect magnesium content (1). According to Taylor (32), there was a consistent in- crease in leaf concentration of magnesium in corn.when this element was increased in the nutrient culture from low level (3ppm) to the medium level (75ppm) and to high level (300ppm). Uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur was significantly depressed as a result of high magnesium level. Boy and Barber (12) reported that occurrence of mag- nesium deficiency symptoms was not accompanied by a reduction in corn yield. Addition of magnesium prevented development of magnesium deficiency symptoms, significantly increased the percentage of magnesium and decreased the percentage of potassium in leaves, but did not affect yields. 12 Webb et a1 (38), investigating the effect of different magnesium treatments upon the absorption and translocation of phosphorus by the soybean plant, found that a positive relationship existed between the magnesium and phosphorus content of the seed and a negative relationship existed between the content of these two elements in the leaflets. Studies by Leonard and Bear(22), Truog et a1 (33), Larson and Pierre (20) and Cope et a1 (4) showed that corn absorbs very little sodium even when this element is present in the substrate in appreciable quantities. According to these investigators, as a general rule, sodium salts do not materially increase the growth of corn, nor does there appear to be any notable substitution of sodium for potassium within the plant. Sodium applications on some soils may result in small growth increases but this probably results from the sodium replacing potassium in the soil through cation exchange which increases the concentration of potassium in the soil solution. Larson and Pierre (20) found that increasing the potas- sium level in the soil produced increased growth at all sodium levels in the soil. It also resulted in increased uptake of potassium and decreased uptake of calcium and magnesium by the corn.plants. 13 MATERIALS AND METHODS In order to study the effects of various fertilizer combinations on yield and the nutrient composition of corn leaf and grain, a continuous corn experiment was conducted on Joe and Charles Wells farm four miles north of vassar in Section 26 of Denmark Township in Tuscola County. This was the first of the continuous corn experiments conducted on this farm. The soil was mapped as Wisner loam (41). This is a teams textured, poorly drained soil with free lime occurring in A and B horizons. The A horizon has a brownish gray, weakly developed, subangular blocky to gran- ular structure. The silty clay loam B horizon is moderately developed with a medium angular blocky structure. This soil was developed on a calcareous clay loam till. Mottling occurs throughout the horizons. The field is now well drained as a result of open ditches and recently installed tile. Wan Two hundred and ten individual plots, measuring 14 x 55 feet, were planted to corn in.May of 1956. The plots were randomized individually within a factorial design, as shown in'rable‘4 (Appendix). The treatment levels in pounds per acre of the various nutrients used on the individual plots were as follows: 14 N: o 20 no 80 160 240 320 P205: 0 4o 80 160 320 480 640 K20: o 20 40 80 160 240 320 Fifty-six of the 210 plots were selected to be sampled for chemical analysis Crable 5(Appendix)). These sampled plots included eight samples of each treatment level of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash and their combinations. Fe til Mat a The fertilizer carriers of the three major plant nutrients were ammonium nitrate (33.5% nitrogen), triple superphosphate (45% P205) and potassium chloride (60% K20). All the nitrogen and potash were applied broadcast and plowed down. On those plots receiving triple superphosphate, all but 40 pounds of phosphoric acid were broadcast and plowed down. The 40 pounds not broadcast were used as a starter fertilizer at planting time. Assessment_gf_£lcts Minimum tillage methods were used. This included plowing and pulling a rotating spade tiller behind the plow. Corn was planted immediately after plowing. On May 28, 1956 certified seed of Michigan.'480' corn.was planted in four rows per plot, each row 42 inches apart. Samples Ten leaf samples per plot were taken on August 14, 1956. 15 The corn crop was in the last stage of pollination and the leaf just below the developing ear was sampled. These con- ditions are most favorable for leaf analysis since they presumably represent the optimum chemical status in the plant (34). The leaf samples were dried, ground and stored in cardboard containers for chemical analysis. The grain samples were taken at harvest time, October 25, 1956. Twenty ears were taken from each plot, dried and shelled. The shelled corn grain samples were then ground and stored in glass jars for chemical analysis. C e ica A l f Sa The leaf and grain samples were analyzed for total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and mag- nesium. W A modification by Prince (43) of the Kjeldahl method was followed. A mixture consisting of CaSOg, Hgo, and K2804 was used as a catalyst. The indicator selected cone sisted of a mixture of 10 milliliters of 0.1 percent bromo- cresol green in 95 percent alcohol and 2 milliliters of 0.1 percent methyl red in 95 percent alcohol. Wet Aghing The plant samples were wet ashed by the perchloric acid method of Piper (42). A two-gram sample was placed in a 125-milliliter tall 16 form beaker and 25 milliliters of concentrated nitric acid were added to it. The sample was digested on an electric hot plate until all the organic matter was destroyed. Ten milliliters of 70 percent perchloric acid was then added to the solution. The digestion was continued until the oxida- tion.was complete, as indicated by the clear, colorless solution. The solution was evaporated almost to dryness, cooled, and the volume was made up to 50 milliliters with 0.1 N HCl. The solution was then filtered through.Whatman No. 42 filter paper and the filtrate was collected in sample bottles for different nutrient determinations. Wu The phosphorus in solution was determined colorimetri- cally by the ammonium molybdate method. One milliliter of the solution was diluted to 10 milliliters with 0.1 N HCl. Six drops of ammonium molybdate-sulfuric acid reagent were added, followed by the same amount of Fiske-Subarrow reagent (4D). The solution was shaken and after twenty minutes the transmittance of blue color that developed was measured in a Coleman spectrophotometer, using a red filter (650 mu). A standard curve was obtained by using standards of known concentration of phosphorus. Pgtassigm, Calcium and Sodium Detegminationg The potassium, calcium and sodium contents of the plant samples were determined on the Beckman.spectrophotometer model DU with a flame attachment. The cations in the 17 solutions were determined directly. The adjustment of the Beckman DU for the specific nutrients are shown in.Table 6 (Appendix). W91; Magnesium was determined colorimetrically using the thiazole yellow method(39). One milliliter of the solution was placed in a 50-milli- liter volumetric flask. Distilled water was added to make up to 25 milliliters. To this mixture one milliliter of 5 percent hydroxylamine hydroxhloride, 5 milliliters of an equal mixture of 2 percent starch solution and compensating solution, one milliliter of thiazole yellow and 5 milliliters of 2.5 N sodium hydroxide solution were added and made up to volume. After 10 minutes the development of a yellow color was measured in a Coleman spectrophotometer, using a green filter (560 mu). 18 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Miserables Results of the grain yields shown in Table 7 (Appendix) indicate that the soil was productive, producing an average yield of 109.3 bushels per acre. The yields ranged between 80.9 to 143.9 bushels per acre. The four 'no fertilizer" plots had an average yield of 96.0 bushels per acre. This was almost double the yield of 50.4 bushels per acre ob- tained in similar studies carried out on.Kalamazoo sandy loam (6). Response in yield due to application of phosphoric acid and nitrogen was significant at the 1% level of probabi- lity, whereas potash applications did not significantly in- crease yields. Multiple correlation analysis was conducted between yield and the nutrient elements of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium in the grain in order to determine whether any significant relationships existed between yield and the nutrient elements combined. A co- efficient of multiple correlation of 0.241 was obtained, which was significant at the 5% level of probability. In order to determine which of the nutrient elements had the greatest effect on yield, simple correlations be- tween.yie1d and each of the nutrient elements in the grain were ana1yzed statistically, Sdgnificant correlation coef- ficients of yield and of the six nutrient elements of the grain l9 and leaf are summarized in Table 1. No significant relation- ships existed between yield and any of the nutrient elements in the grain. This indicates that although significance of 5 percent was Obtained between yield and the nutrient elements combined, this was due more to the combinations or inter- actions of the nutrients instead of each independently affect- ing yield. When simple correlations were conducted between yield and the nutrient contents of the leaf, significant positive correlations existed between phosphorus and sodium contents of the leaf and yield. Phosphorus relationships were sig- nificant at the 1% level of probability and sodium at the 5% level. Figures 1 and 2 show the direct relationships of these nutrients in the leaf to the yield of corn. The straight line in.each figure represents a line of best fit for the data or a line which minimizes the sum of squared deviations from regressions. E t F t ze s t C osit G As shown in Table 7 (Appendix), the nutrient composi- tions of corn grain did not reflect great differences in composition and did not vary greatly with fertilizer treat- ments. Table 2 shows the overall averages and the ranges of the percent mineral composition of the corn grain. 20 Table 1. Significant correlation coefficients calculated between several factors. finals LQEZ N ._;£_ K Ce. 1!; EB; N P K .§a_ ”£11,N§_ N 1.0 .267* .337** 1.0 .209* P .267* 1.0 .520** .417** .209* 1.0 K .520**.1.0 .361** 1.0 .242* Ca 1.0 .707** Mg .337**.417*§361** 1.0 .707** 1.0 NB 1.0 .242* 1.0 Yield .3 78‘” 273* * significant at 5% level of probability. ** Significant at lfl level of probability. 21 I 120‘ Bushels per acre 80 +7 I g _L -20 ~25 35 .35 .45 Percent phosphorus § = 65.002 + 128.331x se . 12.782... (42.36)“ r = 0.378 Fig. l. The relationship between yield and the phosphorus ‘ contents of the leaves. * Standard error of the regression coefficient ** Standard error of estimate / Correlation coefficient 22 116 ‘ T 112 . (D 3.. O 00 fig 108 T m H (D .2 m :3 “1 104 . 109006 .068 .0I0 .012 .0i4 Percent sodium 9 = 95.102 + 1312.381x s6 = 13.815 (655.49) r = 0.273 Fig. 2. The relationship between yield and the sodium contents of the leaves. 23 Table 2. The effect of applied nitrogen, phosphate and potash on the chemical composition of corn grain. Percent (oven dry basis) ... .__Baasai. Average, Nitrogen 1.130 - 1.500 1.33 Phosphorus 0.2750 - 0.4375 0.3307 Potassium 0.3425 - 0.5000 0.4066 Calcium 0.0013 - 0.0200 0.0074 Magnesium 0.0750 - 0.2500 0.1737 Sodium 0.0038 - 0.0150 0.0085 Many investigators have shown that applications of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers increase the nitrogen and phosphorus contents of the grain.but potassium ferti- lizer applications do not affect the potassium content of the grain. The results in this study also indicated that nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers were significantly cor- related with nitrogen and phosphorus contents of the grain (Figures 3 and 4), and the potassium content of the grain was not significantly affected by the various increments of potassium fertilizers. Correlation coefficients of 0.498 and 0.433 for nitrogen and phosphorus with their respective fertilizer applications were both significant at the 1% level of prObability. Several significant correlations were noted between the various elements in the grain. .As shown in Figure 5, 24 1.55 7" g 1.45 < rm 0 a .p «I a *5 1.35 4 0 2 0 a. 1.2 . 41 L- ~+ 5 0 100 260 360 400 Pounds of nitrogen fertilizer per acre 9 a 1.281-+ 0.000439: 86 = 0.0859 Fig. 3. The effect of applied nitrogen on the nitrogen contents of the grain. .37 (r m 5 h .8 o. .35 -- an O .c: 9. ...) c: O 2 .33 4» (D n. 0 200 400 600 800 Pounds of phosphorus fertilizer per acre 9 = 0.318-t 0.000060x se . 0.0285 (0.000679) r . 0.433 Fig. 4. The effect of applied phosphate on the phosphorus contents of the grain. 25 nitrogen was directly related to magnesium. The correlation coefficient of 0.337 was significant at the 1% level of probability. Nitrogen in the grain ranged from 1.13 to 1.50 percent and magnesium from 0.1125 to 0.2500 percent. The grain with the lowest nitrogen content of 1.13 percent had a low magnesium content of 0.125 and the grain with the highest nitrogen content of 1.50 percent contained 0.2313 percent of magnesium. This positive correlation was in agreement with the findings of Beckenbach et a1 (2), however, similar studies on Kalamazoo sandy loam showed a negative correlation between nitrogen and magnesium (6). Many investigators found that phosphorus absorption is relatively unaffected by the presence of the other ions. However, in this study, an increase in phosphorus content of the grain was accomplished by an increase of nitrogen, potas— sium and magnesium contents (Figures 6, 7, 8). The correla- tion coefficients of phosphorus with nitrogen, potassium and magnesium were 0.267, 0.520 and 0.417 respectively. The correlation coefficient between phosphorus and nitrogen was significant at the 5% level. The correlation coefficients between phosphorus and potassium and between phosphorus and magnesium were significant at the 1% level of probability. In addition to phosphorus the potassium contents of the grain were also significantly related to magnesium con- tents (Figure 9). The correlation coefficient of 0.361 was significant at the 1% level of probability. 26 a s «I m (D c u) m a 4.) a e 2 o m . 0 06 fig 1L fiL— O.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Percent nitrogen 9 . 0.002157-+ 0.1285x Se = 0.0356 (0.0479) r : 0.337 Fig. 5. The relationship between nitrogen and magnesium contents of the grain. 035 1- / m /// E ///// o .c 1_ ,/’ g..30 /// .8 /// c. 4.) n 0 2 .25 d» O n. O 0'5 1.0 1.5 Percent nitrogen f = 0.219l-t 0.0858x s6 = 0.0305 ' (0.0411) ‘ r = 0.267 Fig. 6. The relationship between phosphorus and nitrogen contents in the grain. 2? .45 l E 3. g o 35 I" as .p 0 Ci. 4.) E: 0 g .25 i 0 D. ( .1 t . Ac . 50 .10 .20 50 .46 Percent phosphorus 9 = 0.1859-+ 0.6625x s6 = 0.0344 (0.1453) r 8 0.520 Fig 7. The relationship between phosphorus and potassium contents of the grain. .20 mt / 5. m .15 4 0) a E.” s .p :2 3 .104 a 0 n. 00 4‘ —lTw 1 5 .10 .20 .30 .45 Percent phosphorus 9 = 0.00767 + 0.4984x s6 = 0.03436 Fig. 8. The relationship between magnesium and phosphorus contents of the grain. 28 The interesting observation made on these interrelation- ships of nutrient contents in the grain was that magnesium had significant positive correlations with all three of the major nutrients, namely, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Effect of Fertilizers on the Composition of Leaf Nutrient composition of the corn leaf varied more than the grain as shown in Table 8 (Appendix). In all cases ex- cept for phosphorus and sodium, the nutrient composition of the leaf was much greater than in the grain. Table 3 shows the overall averages and the ranges of the percent mineral composition of the corn leaf. Table 3. The effect of applied nitrogen, phosphate and potash on the chemical composition of corn leaf. Percent (oven dry basis) BREE: .AZ§£§S§_____. Nitrogen 2.240 - 3.280 2.740 Phosphorus 0.2656 - 0.4438 0.3416 Potassium 0.1880 - 2.2750 1.4270 Calcium 0.3875 - 0.8375 0.5677 Magnesium 0.1813 - 0.6750 0.4808 Sodium 0.0063 - 0.0188 0.0105 The phosphorus content of the leaf was related to the rates of applied phosphate. The correlation coefficient, 0.697, was significant at the 1% level of probability. 29 Figure 10 shows the positive relationship of phosphorus fertilizer levels to the phosphorus content of the leaf. The leaf with the highest phosphorus content of 0.4438 percent received 480 pounds per acre of phosphate whereas the lowest phosphorus content of the leaf, 0.2656 percent, received no phosphorus fertilizer. The use of potassium fertilizer increased the potassium content of the leaf. Although it was not as significant as the phosphorus relationship, the potassium content of the leaf was significantly correlated to potash application at the 5% level of prObability (Figure 11). Although yield was significantly affected by the appli- cations of nitrogen fertilizer, the nitrogen content of the leaf was not altered by the different rates of nitrogen fertilizer used. This can be verified by the relatively high content of total nitrogen of the leaf, averaging 2.41 percent in the leaf at the “no fertilizer" level. There were several significant correlations within the nutrient contents of the corn leaf. Figure 12 shows the correlation of nitrogen and phosphorus contents of the leaf, which was significant at the 5% level of probability. This situation may have been due to the development of a more extensive root system with increased nitrogen uptake by the plant and hence, contacting more soil phosphorus and in- creasing the uptake of phosphorus into the leaf. Potassium Fig. Percent phosphorus Percent magnesium 30 '13-30 .40 .50 .66 Percent potassium 9 . 0.0362-+ 0.3381x Se . 0.0353 (0.1168) . r a 0.361 9. The relationship between magnesium and potassium contents of the grain. .40* ‘31 0 200 450 600 Pounds of phosphate per acre 9 . 0.3109-+ 0.0001287x s6 = 0.0292 (0.000715) r = 0.697 Fig. 10. The effect of applied phosphate on the phosphorus contents of the leaves. 31 Percent potassium 1.3 i 1 0 100 200 300 400 Pounds of potash per acre 9 . 1.335-+ 0.00077x Se 3 0.377 (0.00923) r . 0.219 Fig. 11. The effect of applied potash on the potassium contents of the leaves. Percent phosphorus 2.0 2.5 3.0 Percent nitrogen 9 . 0.2481-+ 0.0341x s8 = 0.0398 (0.0215) r = 0.209 Fig. 12. The relationship between phosphorus and nitrogen contents of the leaves. 32 content was also significantly correlated with sodium content in the leaf (Figure 13). The correlation coefficient of 0.242 was significant at the 5% level. The calcium and magnesium contents of the leaf were closely related (Figure 14). This is in agreement with other investigators. The coefficient of 0.707 was signifi- cant at the 1% level of probability. The leaf with the lowest calcium content, 0.3875 percent, had a low magnesium content of 0.3188 percent, whereas the leaf with the highest calcium content of 0.8375 percent had a high magnesium con- tent of 0.5500 percent. 0 o E ts a 0 To determine whether there were any relationships of the nutrient content of the leaf in respect to its content in the grain, the results were analyzed statistically. Phosphorus and magnesium were the only two nutrient elements that were significantly correlated. Figure 15 shows the relationship of phosphorus in the leaf and grain. As the nutrient increased in the leaf, there was a corresponding increase in the grain. Many investigators have shown similar results. As the phosphorus uptake of the leaf increased, due to increase of soil phosphorus by ferti- 1izer applications, more of this nutrient was able to be utilized in the grain. The correlation coefficient of 0.491 was significant at the 1% level of probability. 33 .013 "A" E .012 ...q '8 m .011 4.) 5 010 o 0 L. n‘.’ .009 .008 4 A ‘L % .50 1.0 1.5 2.0 ' 2.5 Percent potassium 9 = 0.00803 + 0.001711 36 = 0.00265 Fig. 13. The relationship between sodium and potassium contents of the leaves. Percent magnesium .40 .50 .60 .70 Percent calcium 9 = 0.00859-+ 0.8318x 86 = 0.0782 (0.1122) r . 0.707 Fig. 14. The relationship between magnesium and calcium contents of the leaves. 34 As shown in Figure 16, there was a negative correlation between magnesium content of the leaf and grain, the correla- tion being significant at the 5% level of probability. As the magnesium content of the grain increased, the leaf de- creased in magnesium. This indicates that the magnesium was translocated to the grain and depleted the leaf of mag- nesium. Noting that the phosphorus and magnesium were the only two nutrients that were significantly correlated and that a positive relationship existed between the phosphorus and magnesium contents of the grain, magnesium may function as the carrier of phosphorus into the grain. 35 .40 t a H g - ,0 .38 c d 36 4F m . E .8 a) g .34 m o .c 9' .32 T ‘3 o —1 2 .30 o a. 8 .2 + 1 . '20 030 0 0E6 Percent phosphorus in leaves 9 = 0.2048 + 0.37804: 56 . 0.0273 (0.0905) r = 0.491 Fig. 15. Relationship between phosphorus contents of grain and phosphorus contents of the leaves. a vi 8 .21 00 g .20 17 .5. g .19 l \ u) ‘\\ 8 .18 ~- \\\b A) a ° F 2 .17 l I) D-c .16 A __11_ , 0 .20 .40 .60 Percent magnesium in leaves 9 . 0.21018 - 0.07618: 36 e 0.03719 (0.04533) r = -0.221 Fig. 16. Relationship between magnesium contents of grain and magnesium contents of the leaves. 36 SUMMARY Field plots were established and corn was fertilized with various rates and combinations of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. The highest rate included 320, 640 and 320 pounds per acre of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash res- pectively. Leaf and grain samples were analyzed for nitrogen, phOSphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. Yield determinations were made. Multiple and simple correlations were calculated to determine whether any significant corre- lations existed. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Corn yields ranged from 80.9 to 143.9 bushels per acre, averaging 109.3 bushels per acre. The high average yield of 96.0 bushels per acre from four of the "no ferti- lizer“ plots indicated that this soil was productive. 2. Yield was increased by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer applications. However, potash fertilization did not affect corn yield. 3. Yield was significantly correlated with the combined variables of nitrogen, phOsphorus, potassium, calcium, mag- nesium and sodium of the grain at the 5% level of prObability but not significant with the nutrients taken individually. 4. Applications of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers increased the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the grain. 5. Several interrelationships of nutrients were found 37 in the grain. Phosphorus was positively correlated with nitrogen, potassium and magnesium. Magnesium was also positively correlated to nitrogen and potassium. 6. A positive correlation existed between yield and the phosphorus and sodium contents of the leaf. 7. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers increased the uptake of phosphorus and potassium in the leaf. This was not the case with nitrogen. 8. In the leaf nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium and sodium, and magnesium and calcium were positively correlated. 9. In the relationship between nutrient contents of grain and leaf, a positive correlation existed with phos- phorus and a negative correlation with magnesium. 10. ll. 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY Beckenbach, J. R., Robbins, W. R., Shive, J. W. 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APPENDIX 43 Table 4 Field Diagram for Continuous Corn Experiment, Tuscola County. -5-1 -3-3 5-5-5 5-1-5 3-5-1 3-1-5 1-3-1 1-6-6 4-4-2 6-2-5 2-0-2 2-3-4 5-3-1 4-3-4 3-1-3 2 5-3-1 0-2-0 2-2-5 —5-5 6-6-6 6-0-3 6-5-4 3-5-3 1-5 3-4-4 6-6-6 1-3-1 1-5-3 5 0—0—2 1-3-1 1-3-3 1-1-3 3-3-3 0-2-2 -4-1 1-5-1 1-1-5 5-5-3 3-1-3 1-5-3 2-4-6 4-2-2 6 2-4-2 2-5-3 3-1-5 6-3-0 0-1-5 1-3 2 6-6- 2-6-1 2-1-1 2 5-4-2 5-5-3 -0-0 3-3-1 3-2-2 4-3-0 5—5-5 3-5-3 4-5- 1-1 3-4-0 5- 1-2-3 4-5-1 3-2-4 4-6-3 5-3-3 4-2— 6-3 6-6-2 0 6-2-3 3-5—2 4-3-6 2 1-3-5 5-4-6 5-6-4 1-1-1 3-5-3 1-5-3 2-6-6 1-3-3 5-3-5 5-1-1 2-6-4 1-5-2 3-5-5 1-2-1 0-0-0 2-4-4 5-5-3 5-0-2 1-1-3 5-1-3 4-1-3 5-5-1 1-5-1 1-3-5 4-5-3 1-4-4 4-3-1 0-0-0 5-5-5 1-5-1 5-1-5 2-2-0 1-5-5 4-6-5 5-2-6 2-4-3 5-0-0 N 0-0-0 6-3-6 6—1-5 0-0-0 3-1-5 4-3- 1-1-1 2-5-2 6-2-2 6- 3-1-3 1-4-6 3-4-2 1- 1-3-5 5-3-5 3-6-6 5-4-4 3.. 3-0-0 6-6-3 0-6-6 6—5—6 3-3-5 2-1-2 1- -5 6-2-6 6-5-1 3-1-1 6-3-2 3-5-1 1-4-1 0—0-0 1-3-3 5-3-1 2-1—4 3-3-1 6- -3 6-2-4 2-2-2 5—3-3 1-3-2 3-0-4 5-2-4 3-5-1 2-3-5 3-1-1 3-5-5 0 1-1-5 2-1-6 6-2 1-1-1 0-4-4 1-5-5 1-1-3 0-6-3 4-1-0 5-3-1 4-0-1 4-4-4 4-4-3 5-1-3 5-5v5 5-3-5 3-2-5 4-0-3 2-1-3 5-6-6 3-3-3 3-1-1 0-5-1 3-3-3 2-3-1 1-1—4 1-1-1 5-2-2 4-4.4 0-0-0 1-2-5 0-3-6 3-3-6 5-3-3 4-1-5 0-0-0 2-0-0 6-4-2 3-3-1 6-2-6 3-5-5 5—1—1 3-3—5 1-6-4 4-4-4 2-2-2 2-3-3 2—2-2 6-4-4 3-3-3 3-3-5 6-4-5 5-1-5 5-1-1 5.. 5-2- Esx.t2.Treatmants 1 0 Levels 80 160 240 320 40 80 160 320 480 640 80 160 240 320 20 40 20 40 O 0 O N P20 K205 7' on each end of each tier of plots 20' between each tier of plots (J 5 x .4 1 e Z 1.. 88’. ye ted 01F. 110 sinus Plot Plot Plot Tamper. Treatment .Tumhar. Treatment .Numbar. Treatment 1 NZPZKZ 68 NZPBKI 147 N6P1K5 3 N5P2KO 69 N3P1K1 150 N3P2K2 13 N5P6K6 72 N1P3K2 155 NSPOKO 19 N622xg 74 N5P3K5 160 N2P6K1 21 NhPuKu 76 N6P4K3 162 N1P1K5 28 N3P3K3 78 wgpoxl 171 NuPaKo 29 ngrnxg 94 Nlrgxu 172 N1P6K6 32 NOPOKO 95 N3P6K6 179 N6P5K4 38 N1P1K1 97 NOPOKO 181 N2P1K1 44 N323x1 107 N2P3K4 182 NAP6K3 45 NQPOKB 108 N6P2K5 183 N3P4K4 46 N5P5K5 113 N5P2K6 188 NOPOKZ 52 NOPOKO 120 NanK6 189 N523x0 55 N3P5x5 122 N2P5K2 190 N2P6K6 57 N6P6K6 124 NBPSKZ 193 sprung 65 NOP6K6 133 nuplx3 198 N1P5K3 66 Moran“ 137 N5P5K3 199 N1P1K3 67 NSPZKZ 140 N4P5K1 201 NZPZKS 146 NOPOKO 210 NOP1K5 Table 5 Selected Samples for Chemical Analysis 44 F“: Table 6 Adjustment of the Beckman Spectrophotometer for the Determination of Calcium Potassium and Sodium Nave length Photo tube resistor Photo tube filter Selector Photo-multiplier sensitivity Zero suppression 02 pressure a) tank b) instrument panel H2 pressure a) tank b) instrument panel Slit width Ca [+22 07 #2 blue 40 12 10 .01 .51. 766.5 #1 red (lever out) 0.1 off off 40 12 10 .01 -.02 45 Na 589.3 #2 blue 40 12 10 .01 46 Table 7 Yield and Chemical Analysis of Corn Grain as Affected by Various Fertilizer Treatments * Treat, filot N P Percgnt Totgl N B A NOPOKO 32 1.37 0.3188 0.4050 0.0050 0.0081 0.1500 85.3 NOPOKO 52 1.40 0.2969 0.3675 0.0013 0.0063 0.1500 106.6 NOPOKO 97 1.50 0.3438 0.4250 0.0125 0.0081 0.2313 100.3 NOPOKO 146 1.13 0.2969 0.3675 0.0113 0.0106 0.1250 91.6 NOPOKZ 188 1.29 0.2813 0.3825 0.0013 0.0063 0.2000 91.3 NOP1K5 210 1.24 0.3344 0.3675 0.0050 0.0081 0.1125 92.5 NOPun 66 1.15 0.3438 0.3675 0.0088 0.0088 0.1500 95.7 Nopéxg 65 1.20 0.3344 0.3675 0.0075 0.0081 0.1688 105.5 NlPlKl 38 1.16 0.2969 0.3925 0.0025 0.0100 0.0750 118.2 N1P1K3 199 1.23 0.3344 0.4050 0.0063 0.0081 0.1688 113.0 N1P1K5 162 1.37 0.3563 0.4175 0.0063 0.0081 0.2000 94.8 N1P3K2 72 1.21 0.3469 0.3925 0.0100 0.0106 0.1125 124.0 Nlrnx4 94 1.29 0.4000 0.4250 0.0113 0.0088 0.1813 99.4 N1P4K6 120 1.20 0.2750 0.3675 0.0038 0.0081 0.1813 120.8 N1P5K3 198 1.23 0.3781 0.4575 0.0113 0.0081 0.2313 123.4 N1P6K6 172 1.25 0.2875 0.3500 0.0075 0.0081 0.1813 135.3 N2P1K1 181 1.31 0.3344 0.3925 0.0038 0.0056 0.1813 106.1 NszKz 1 1.27 0.3031 0.3675 0.0138 0.0100 0.1813 108.4 N2P2K5 201 1.28 0.3313 0.4425 0.0088 0.0100 0.1500 115.6 N2P3K1 68 1.28 0.3313 0.4250 0.0038 0.0088 0.1813 124.6 N2P3K4 107 1.34 0.3344 0.3500 0.0063 0.0081 0.1125 118.5 Treat. N2P5K2 N2P6K1 N2P6K6 N3P1K1 N3P2K2 N3P3K1 "3P3K3 ”3P4K4 N3P5K2 N3P5K5 N3P6K6 nupoxl N4POK3 N4P1K3 NAPBKO nggxz N4P4K4 N4P5K1 N4P6K3 N5P0K0 N5P2K0 N5P2K2 N5P2K6 Plot No. 122 160 190 69 150 44 28 183 124 55 95 78 45 133 171 193 21 140 182 155 67 113 N 1.23 1.24 1.41 1.26 1.37 1.39 1.44 1.40 1.40 1.37 1.33 1.30 1.34 1.40 1.29 1.38 1.14 1.34 1.47 1.45 1.44 1.42 1.44 Table 7 (Cont'd) P 0.3250 0.3344 0.3781 0.2750 0.3250 0.3219 0.3625 0.3219 0.3563 0.3656 0.3500 0.3063 0.3100 0.3438 0.3188 0.3250 0.3813 0.3313 0.4375 0.3313 0.3125 0.3500 0.3875 K 0.5000 0.4575 0.3925 0.3925 0.3675 0.3825 0.4875 0.3825 0.4250 0.4425 0.3425 0.3925 0.4250 0.3675 0.4425 0.3675 0.4250 0.4175 0.5000 0.4250 0.3675 0.3825 0.5125 Percent Total Ga. 0.0100 0.0100 0.0025 0.0113 0.0125 0.0075 0.0063 0.0038 0.0075 0.0038 0.0075 0.0075 0.0050 0.0038 0.0138 0.0200 0.0063 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0088 0.0063 0.0125 Na 0.0100 0.0063 0.0056 0.0088 0.0063 0.0075 0.0081 0.0100 0.0075 0.0113 0.0088 0.0038 0.0081 0.0088 0.0063 0.0100 0.0081 0.0150 0.0088 0.0125 0.0081 0.0063 0.0088 47 Ma. 0.1313 0.1813 0.2125 0.1313 0.1313 0.1500 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.1500 0.2125 0.1125 0.1688 0.2313 0.2000 0.1125 0.2125 0.2000 0.2125 0.2125 0.2313 0.1688 0.2313 mm. 114.2 114.7 133.5 104.6 116.5 115.0 98.0 111.3 87.6 101.2 142.8 101.4 103.8 111.6 122.0 136.4 111.3 119.0 110.7 93.1 111.3 112.7 110.1 gggat N5P3K5 NSPSKB NSPSKS N5P6K6 N6P1K5 N6P2K4 N6P2K5 N6P3Ko N6P4K3 1:6?ng+ N6P5K4 N6P6K6 Plot N0. 74 137 as 13 147 19 108 189 76 29 179 57 N 1.49 1.46 1.41 1.38 1.20 1.44 1.43 1.26 1.40 1.48 1.38 1.48 Table 7 (Cont'd) P 0.3219 0.3469 0.3469 0.3500 0.3250 0.3100 0.2813 0.2875 0.3063 0.3563 0.3469 0.3625 K __‘-‘7——“ 0.3925 0.4050 0.4750 0.4575 0.4250 0.3825 0.4250 0.3925 0.3500 0.4250 0.3825 0.4250 * Average of two replications Percent Total Ca 0.0075 0.0100 0.0075 0.0050 0.0113 0.0175 0.0038 0.0088 0.0025 0.0025 0.0063 0.0038 Na 0.0100 0.0100 0.0081 0.0088 0.0100 0.0081 0.0081 0.0081 0.0063 0.0081 0.0113 0.0088 48 1!; 0.1313 0.1813 0.2000 0.2500 0.1688 0.1813 0.1500 0.1813 0.1313 0.1813 0.1688 0.1813 321A 114.7 111.3 143.9 105.2 88.4 101.2 96.5 84.1 80.9 118.5 116.5 106.4 Table 8 Chemical Analysis of Corn Leaves as Affected by Various Fertilizer Treatments * Percent Total 49 Plot Treat No- N P L CL 39.; ML NOPOKo 32 2.56 0.2656 1.475 0.6125 0.0075 0.5500 NOPOKO 52 2.36 0.3000 0.875 0.6825 0.0113 0.6063 NOPOKO 97 2.43 0.3188 0.838 0.4375 0.0088 0.4188 NOPOKO 146 2.31 0.2750 1.650 0.6750 0.0088 0.5000 NOPOKZ 188 2.20 0.3031 1.613 0.5000 0.0088 0.4438 NOP1K5 210 2.42 0.3375 1.575 0.4250 0.0088 0.3188 N0P4Ku 66 2.41 0.3375 1.200 0.6000 0.0106 0.3938 NOP6K6 65 2.52 0.3313 1.375 0.5500 0.0125 0.4188 NlPlKl 38 3.02 0.3000 1.525 0.7000 0.0150 0.6563 N1P1K3 199 2.80 0.3313 1.750 0.4700 0.0106 0.4188 N1P1K5 162 2.86 0.3250 0.650 0.3875 0.0063 0.3188 N1P3K2 72 2.70 0.2938 1.000 0.8375 0.0088 0.5500 N1P4K4 94 2.35 0.3219 2.050 0.5300 0.0113 0.2625 N1P4K6 120 2.58 0.2938 2.000 0.5000 0.0131 0.4438 N1P5K3 198 2.61 0.3938 1.275 0.4750 0.0150 0.5000 N2P1K1 181 3.10 0.3250 1.300 0.6625 0.0100 0.5375 NZPZKZ 1 2.79 0.3000 1.425 0.6625 0.0150 0.6250 NZPZKS 201 3.15 0.3313 1.163 0.4000 0.0100 0.1813 N2P3K1 68 2.58 0.3344 1.450 0.7125 0.0100 0.6063 N2P3K4 107 2.83 0.3344 0.838 0.5500 0.0106 0.4875 50 Table 8 (Cont'd) Percent Total; 11:16.31; N P g CL Na L NZP5K2 122 2.64 0.3688 0.425 0.6250 0.0063 0.6563 N2P6K1 160 3.19 0.4188 1.275 0.5300 0.0063 0.4625 N2P6K6 190 2.81 0.3375 1.850 0.4500 0.0163 0.4375 NBPIKI 69 3.13 0.3000 1.675 0.6250 0.0075 0.5000 NSPZKZ 150 3.08 0.3031 2.100 0.4625 0.0088 0.4625 N593K1 44 2.80 0.3750 1.613 0.5625 0.0125 0.6063 N3P3K3 28 3.03 0.3625 1.025 0.5375 0.0088 0.4875 ,NSPuKu 183 3.28 0.3875 1.525 0.4125 0.0125 0.3750 N3P5K2 124 2.95 0.3688 1.338 0.5950 0.0100 0.5250 83P5K5 55 2.91 0.3875 1.750 0.5250 0.0063 0.3750 N3P6K6 95 2.94 0.4156 2.275 0.4700 0.0125 0.2000 NuPOKI 78 3.25 0.3188 1.200 0.6375 0.0075 0.6375 NuPOKB 45 2.83 0.3375 1.713 0.6750 0.0100 0.5875 N4P1K3 133 2.61 0.3469 1.500 0.5000 0.0081 0.3938 NqPBKo 171 2.57 0.3031 1.625 0.6875 0.0106 0.6750 N4P4K2 193 2.62 0.3469 1.075 0.5950 0.0081 0.6063 N4P4K4 21 2.81 0.3813 1.050 0.5125 0.0081 0.5250 NuPSKl 140 2.72 0.4000 0.925 0.5950 0.0081 0.5875 N4P6K3 182 2.66 0.3938 1.675 0.5000 0.0125 0.4188 NSPOKO 155 2.94 0.3219 1.200 0.6375 0.0144 0.4625 NSPZKO 3 2.55 0.3375 1.475 0.6625 0.0131 0.6750 NSPZKZ 67 2.64 0.3250 1.100 0.6625 0.0100 0.5375 Table 8 (Cont'd) Percent Total 51 Plot 2395;. No. N .2 K .ggf Ra fig:_ N5P2K6 113 3.03 0.3438 1.750 0.4450 0.0063 0.3188 N5P3K5 74 2.67 0.3750 1.163 0.6125 0.0081 0.5063 N5P5K3 137 2.69 0.4188 1.113 0.6625 0.0100 0.4750 N5P5K5 46 2.77 0.4438 1.775 0.5625 0.0100 0.5063 N5P6K6 13 2.54 0.3688 0.425 0.5250 0.0113 0.5000 N6P1K5 147 2.24 0.3100 0.188 0.5000 0.0100 0.3438 N6P2K4 19 2.85 0.3031 1.825 0.5750 0.0100 0.4375 N6P2K5 108 2.86 0.3125 1.900 0.5750 0.0125 0.5063 N6P3Ko 189 2.76 0.2688 1.075 0.4500 0.0081 0.5000 N6P4K3 76 2.78 0.3875 1.275 0.6625 0.0100 0.5063 N6P4K4 29 2.74 0.3100 1.713 0.6625 0.0188 0.5063 N6P5K4 179 2.88 0.3656 1.613 0.5875 0.0163 0.4063 N6P6K6 57 2.57 0.3875 1.250 0.5750 0.0131 0.5000 * Average of two replications ‘3 I..." .1, a... . .p In.-.) . ... uwi . 1. 1.. ... J v 7...». . 16... O .... I ll l I II II I ll: Il| l l 1 3