ABSTRACT IDEOLOGY, SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT By Marietta Morrissey Gamso Indian underdevelopment has been widely attributed to social values which are considered by some to be inhibitory to economic develop- ment. Having its origin in the study of Indian religion done by Max Weber, this perspective has evolved in a number of directions. However, the tradition generally overlooks structural constraints to Indian development. The class structure and related financial ties between the center and hinterland have, since Mogul rule, militated against economic growth. While values and attitudes serve to legitimate the existing distribution of power and wealth, and sometimes create resis- tence to change among the members of particular classes, the literature on the relationship between the Indian value system and social change does not adequately address the question of class interests or the structure they reflect. IDEOLOGY, SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT By Marietta Morrissey Gamso A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS Department of Sociology l973 w T corpuavoca .o.<.u meowpwz woven: "mogzom e02 N02 _o~ Km mm mm eoF eoeeuseoea eooe eueaeu sea mo_ Fo_ oo_ mm mm mm eop _ eoeeoseoea Peese_=uweme eowaeo tea om_ me_ mm, om_ _NP NN_ mm_ cowooseoea nose Peach me_ Nee am, _m_ _~P NNF mu. espouseoea Peesppsomeme Peach .A.ew_aeav cum. mem_ weep Nem_ mom. mem_ eemp “co. u .mse em-~mva eo_ou=eoea Pee=p_=u_em<--.m u4m< Amcou owepms N.mmxv «canoe: Amcop creams copy Ammgmuuo; coo.pv gmo>Nuu=uogm N we mugoasu oopv mucoaeu emu coppusuoga covuusuoga Nance mms< wagons” ucm comuuzvosm :Pmsc voomiu.o m4m mum-C. “DROP xoofmw} cotpuustLa mhwm_ xooanm> gum-NF “Romp xoofmw> cowuuatosm mmug xoongmm> munch .o.<.m “mmmp xoongmm> :owuuauoga .o.<.m cw vmucmmmga cunt sage vmumpzupwu "mugsom m¢.m NNN.mm omm.F¢p.F mem.oop QNm— mN.m www.mm oum.~mo.P NNw.oop mmmp mm.m mom.mm om¢.¢~o.p www.wm momp 8N.m Nom.om omm.emm Noo.mm Nom— wm._N 9pm.~op CON.~om Nom.mm comp mN.m vom.mN OON.mmN mvm.—m momp m¢.m www.mo omm._mm www.mm vamp wm Nom.mv OMN.mom me.mm moop we Nem.om 0mm.~Nm www.mm Nomp mfi.m om¢.N~ oam.omm mmm.mN mmummmp umeuwwmp m4< chou owgpms N.mmxv menace: Amcou avenue copy Ammsmpoo; coo.pv gmm>Nuuzuogm N we mpeogsH ooNV mueoasm Lag cowuuacoga cowpusuoga peach emg< easeweeou--.e wsmoo .mwvca LON xooavcmz mmg< ”mucsom 59 mom.¢Nm Nmm.m¢ 4one new o.om NON.Ne NmF._ . mm.me o» o.om eNm.NN mmo mm.mN op o.mN mo¢.mN mmo.N mm.¢N 0» o.ON Nom.om mmN._ V mm.m_ 0» o.m_ ooN.mN Nmm._ mm.¢N op m.NN Npm.mN mNm.N a¢.NN ca o.o_ Noe.mN ¢N¢.m . mm.m op m.N mmm.mm emN.m m¢.N op o.m oqm.mm me.o_ mm.¢ op m.N omm.NN No¢.op m¢.N ow o.N eNo.m NmN.¢ mm.o op mo. NmN.N mmm.m me on a: Aooo.Fv Nooo.~v Ameeue e_v mmewepoe mmcwupo; Necowumemao mNCNuNo: chowumgwao Nocowumgmao No mmm—u oNNm omen umueswumm Longs: emueewpmu F-oem_ .288532 nee eapm an mme_epoeeees--.N msm