l—"w r3 _ ' n. . .T—uui ‘ .- ABSTRACT ENERGY BANDS, SURFACE STATES, AND RESONANT TRANSMISSION ’ OF ELECTRONS IN FINITE ONE-DIMENSIONAL CRYSTALS By Willard M. Gersbacher, Jr. The energies and wave functions of electrons in finite one-dimensional potentials designed to simulate various interesting physical situations have been calcu; lated and are discussed. A general finite one-dimensional periodic potential was considered, and the form of the“ wave function in all regions of energy was established. without recourse to the BlochsFloquet theorem. ‘Various types of potential terminations were considered, namely, step-function terminations at a potential minimum or maximum.or at an arbitrary point in the end cell, and terminations by an arbitrary potential. The energy states (both band and surface) were calculated in each case and conditions were obtained which exhibit clearly how these states depend on the properties of the potential. The band structure above the vacuum level was in- vestigated by calculating the reflection coefficient for free electrons incident upon the periodic potential, for several types of terminations, and interesting relations between band-structures and tunneling were obtained. The resonant emission of electrons from.metal Willard M. Gersbacher, Jr. and nonsmetal surfaces covered with.impurity layers was investigated for energies above the vacuum level by methods similar to those used in investigating the band structure. In each area of investigation specific calculations were performed for Kronig-Penny type periodic potentials with appropriately selected parameters. The results of these calculations are summarized in a number of graphs. ENERGY BANDS, SURFACE STATES, AND RESONANT TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRONS IN FINITE ONE-DIMENSIONAL CRYSTALS . , rm Willard MI’VGersbacher, Jr. A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University ‘ in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Physics 1970 1 J (1.. ‘5 \_ .3 {., .3“. 'i i, 3’8 o A."_!' To my wife and my parents 11 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Professor Truman O. WOOdruff for suggesting the subject area of electronic properties of solids and for his help, encouragement, and patience throughout the course of this work. For the financial support, I would like to thank the National Science Foundation and Michigan State university. I would also like to thank Mrs. Frances Strachan for the help she has given in the typing of the final draft of the thesis. - Last, but not least, I would like to thank my wife, Victoria, for the typing and for the constant encourage- ment she has given.me throughout. 111 TABLE OF C ONTENTS LIST OF TABLES. O o o e e o o o e o e o o e o e o 0 LIST OF FIGURES O O O O O O O O O 0 INTRODUCTION 0 - sectioneoeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeee I DETERMINATION OF TIE FORM OF TIE WAVE FUNCTIONS . AND ENERGY BANDS FOR FINITE PERIODICPOTENTIALS........ .. II TERMINATION OF THE PERIODIC POTENTIAL - DETERMINATION OF THE CONDITIONS FOR BANDANDSURFACESTATES. . . . . . . . III TERMINATION OF A KRONIG-PENNEY POTENTIAL A e SHWHIEY’TYE TERMINATION o o e o 0 Be TAMM‘TYPE TERMINATION. e o e o e 0 IV ARBITRARY TERMINATION OF A FINITE PERIODIC PWIAL O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O V LOW ENERGY ELECTRON DIFFRACTION FROM FINITE ONE-DIMENSIONAL PERIODIC POTENTIALS . . VI RESONANCE TRANSMISSION IN ELECTRON EMISSION FROM SURFACES WITH ADSORBED ATOMS. . . Page vi 223 43 45 '70 87 «.99 116 A. ADSORBED ATOMS ON A METAL SURFACE. . .118 B. ADSORBED ATOMS ON A NON-METAL SURFACE-126 summaylfi BIBLIOGRAPHY......................138 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Existence conditions for surface states case 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O 2.2 Existence conditions for surface states Case 2 O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O Page 39 #0 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Determination of the energy band regions 0 e e o e e e o e e o e o e o 15 2.1 Effective wave number versus energy - case 1 e e e e o e e e e e e 32 2.2 Effective wave number versus energy ' C886 2 o e e e e e e o e e e 37 3.1 Shockley- and Tamm-type potential taminations O O O O O O O O O O O O "'4 3.2 Band structure as a function of well depth for a Kronig-Penney pOtential With 2b: 00758.. e e e o e o 48 Band structure as a function of well depth for a Kronig-Penney p0tential With 21)" 0.508.. e e o e e o "'9 \N W 3.# Band structure as a function of well depth for a Kronig-Penney p0tent1a1 With 2b: 0.258. e o o o o e 50 3.5 Determination of pass bands and attenuation bands . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.6 Determination of the eigenvalues for the Shockley type termination. The crossing of the K curve with a dotted curve determines an eigenvalue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3.7 Energy versus (k and K). The x's denote eigenvalues which were determined in Figure 3.6 (Shockley). . . . . . . 59 3.8a Eigenfunctions for the first pass band (ShOCkley) C O O O C O C C I O O O C O 61 3.8b Eigenfunctions for the second pass band (ShOCkley) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 62 vi Figure Page 3.8c Eigenfunctions for the third pass band and surface state eigen- function which has emerged into the third attenuation band from the tOp of the third pass band (Shookley) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 63 3.8d Eigenfunctions for the fourth pass band (Shockley). . . . . . . . . . . .64 3.8e Surface state eigenfunction which has emerged into the fourth attenuation band from the bottom of the fifth pass band and eigen- function of the fifth partial ‘ pass band (Shockley) . . . . . . . . .65 3.9a Surface state eigenfunctions in the third attenuation band. The eigenstates for the top of the third and the bottom of the fourth pass bands have moved into the third attenuation band to form two surface states (Shockley). . . . .67 3.9b Surface state eigenfunctions in the fourth attenuation band. The eigenstates for the top of the fourth and bottom of the fifth pass bands have moved into the fourth attenuation band to form two surface states (Shockley). . . . .68 3.10a Surface state eigenvalues for the third attenuation band versus the number of cells. . . . . . . . . .69 3.10b Surface state eigenvalues for the fourth attenuation band versus the number of cells. . . . . . . . . .69 3.11 Comparison of Tamm and Shockley band structures. . . . . . . . . . . .73 3.12 Determination of the eigenvalues for the Tamm type termination. The crossing of the K curve with a dotted curve determ nes an eigenvalue 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O 76 vii Figure 3.13 3.14a 3.14b 3.14c 3.14d 3.1he 3.15 4.1 4.2 Energy versus (k and K). The X's denote eigenvalues which were determined in Figure 3012 (TaM) o o o o e e o e e o o o Eigenfunctions for the first pass band and surface state eigen- function which has emerged into the first attenuation band from the top of the first pass band (TM). 0 O 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 Surface state eigenfunction which has emerged into the first attenuation band from the bottom of the second pass band and eigenfunctions of the second pass band (Tamm). . . . . . . . . . Eigenfunctions of the third pass band (Tawn) O O O O 0 O 0 O O O O O Eigenfunctions for the fourth pass band (Tamm) . . . . . . . . . . . . Surface state eigenfunction which has emerged into the fourth attenuation band from the bottom of the fifth. pass band and eigenfunction of the fifth partial pass band (Tamm). . . Surface state eigenfunctions in the fourth attenuation band. The eigenstates for the top of the fourth and the bottom of the fifth pass bands have moved into the fourth attenuation. . . . . . . Termination of the periodic potential at an arbitrary point in the end 0,911. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 Energy eigenvalues as a function of the cell termination parameter A . viii Page 78 8O 81 82 83 84 85 88 Figure 5.1a 501b 5.2a 5.2b 5.3a 5.3b 6.1a 6.1b 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Reflection coefficient versus energy for the Shockley-type termination of four cells . . . . . . . . . . Reflection coefficient versus energy for the Tammrtype termination of four cells 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 Reflection coefficient versus energy for the Shockley-type termination of twenty cells . . . . . . . . . Reflection coefficient versus energy for the Tamm-type termination of twenty cells. . . . . . . . . . . Reflection of electrons from four identical barriers with Shockley terminations at both ends . . . . Reflection of electrons from four identical barriers with Tamm terminations at both ends . . . . metal'Impurity e o o o e o o e e e e Non-Metal’lmpurity e e o e o e o o 0 Transmission coefficient for 1,2,3 adsorbed atoms on a metal - case 1. O O O O O 0 O O O O O O 0 Transmission coefficient for 1,2,3 adsorbed atoms on a metal - case 2 O O O O I O O O O O O O O 0 Transmission coefficient for 1,2,3 adsorbed atoms on a non-metal - case 1 0 O O 0 O O O O 0 O O O O 0 Transmission coefficient for 1,2,3 adsorbed atoms on a non-metal - case 20 O O O 0 O O O O O O O O 0 ix Page 110 111 112 113 ll# 115 119 119 124 127 13a 135 INTRODUCTION Progress in understanding surface phenomena has been slow, because physical and chemical processes at the sur- face are inherently more difficult to analyze than those in the bulk. The forces acting on the atoms at the sur- face are not symmetrical, as in the bulk, and consequently, the atoms are usually diSplaced from their ideal lattice positions. Moreover, Just the fact that the surface con- stitutes an abrupt termination of the crystal lattice re- sults in a deformation of the crystal potential -- its periodic nature is lost at the surface. This has far- reaching consequences for the electronic processes in the underlying region of the crystal close to the surface. At the same time, unsaturated forces from the surface atoms make them highly reactive towards various atoms out- side the crystal. Thus, except when produced and main- tained in a high-vacuum, the surface is covered by one or more layers of foreign matter, greatly increasing the complexity of an already difficult problem. Although theoretical interest in electronic surface states has existed since the 1930's, little was accom- plished because there was negligible technological moti- vation or opportunity for experimental confirmation. The great impetus for surface-state study came with the advent 2 of the transistor in the late 1940's. Since then further motivation has rapidly developed in conjunction with a variety of solid-state technologies. Theoretical studies of the electrical properties of surfaces have progressed along two different lines. Tamm's1 theoretical work, which treated a rather simplified model, was extended by Shockley2 and by other workers to cover more general situations. It was shown that in covalent crystals, surface states may be associated with the unfilled orbitals or dangling bonds of the surface atoms, which may trap an electron at the surface. The historical development and a summary of the various theoretical techniques used to calcu- late surface states is given quite completely by Davison and Levine}. Suffice it to say that most of the calcula- tions since 1950 have used a LCAO (or MO) type approach which was first introduced by Goodwin” in the late 1930's. The second approach to this problem has been essen- tially phenomenological. Its aim was to determine the characteristics of the surface states by fitting a few specified parameters of the theory to experiment. The theory was completely analogous to that of bulk impurity states. This approach has proved extremely fruitful in characterizing the surface of several crystals, such as germanium and silicon. However, the correspondence is 3 still small between the experhmentally observed surface states and the theoretically proposed Tamm or Shockley states. It is the purpose of this paper to establish a better understanding of the Tamm- and Shockley-type sur- face states by showing specifically what parameters these states depend on, and how these states change as the para- meters which specify the periodic potentiai are varied. Since most calculations which have been performed to date deal only with semi-infinite crystals, many interesting effects which are peculiar to finite crystals have been neglected; consequently, investigation of some of these effects seems appropriate. It was thought better to per— form simplified exact calculations relating to several different questions concerning finite crystals and using several different types of boundary conditions in each case rather than to carry out a lengthy approximate cal- culation designed to illuminate only one aspect of real crystals. For simplicity, the one-electron scheme is used throughout, although it is probable that surface polarons and many-body interactions between surface states can occur. The Justification for using this approximate scheme is that practically all the new concepts which have been introduced into physics through solid-state theory, a such as energy bands, effective mass, and Brilluoin zones, have been obtained via the one-electron approximation. HOw- ever, what one achieves in simplicity of calculation by using this scheme one pays for with certain ambiguities which would not otherwise arise. In the one-electron approximation, one attempts to represent all the various forces acting on a single elec- tron by a single static field acting independently on each electron. This one field includes both the interactions between electrons and those between ions. The one electron Schrodinger equation, then, may be written as . 1 _ ’33-" v2 + “(kmfl‘Pnéb-r): End“) 44515.0. The significance of the potential in this equation has been the subject of much study. In the one-electron scheme one assumes the existence of such an average potential acting on each electron. From the fact that (in the Born- Oppenheimer approximation)5 the interaction potential has) the periodicity of the lattice, one infers that Vh (k,r) has the same periodicity. What is usually done is to pick a physically plausible potential for each state and solve the one-electron problem. It is common practice to assume the same potential for all electron states (i.e. Vh(k,r) = V (r) ). The accuracy of this approximation is at present 5 not known. Also, when a V (r) is determined in an ag_hgg. fashion it is clear that only those results which are reasonably insensitive to the choice can be trusted. Thus, one expects only qualitative agreement between calculation and experiment. The technique used in this paper is based on the so-called cell-matching procedure. In this technique, the assumed crystal periodic potential is divided into cells, a cell being one period of the periodic potential, and solutions of Schrodinger's equation are found in each cell. By connecting the solutions in each cell continuously to those in the next cell, a wave function is constructed which is across the part of the crystal in which the potential is perfectly periodic. This wave function is then matched to the solution of Schrodinger's equation in the surface re- gion to form a wave function for the crystal as a whole. To solve any problem by this procedure in three di- mensions is quite difficult, since the wave function must be matched continuously from cell to cell at an infinite number of points on the cell boundaries. The LCAO (or M0) methods are better suited for this type of problem, al- though they are not conceptually as clear. Since the interest here will be in clarifying various qualitative questions concerning finite crystals and not in quantita- tive results, only one-dimensional situations will be 6 considered. Although this limitation may lead to neglect of many interesting effects, it is believed that most of the results obtained will have important analogs in three dimensions. In Section I, the wave function for the periodic part of the crystal potential is constructed for any value of energy without recourse to the Bloch-Floquet theorem. Section II establishes the conditions under which surface states may exist for the Tamm and Shockley type potential terminations. Section III shows how to apply the princi- ples discussed in Section II to the Kronig-Penney periodic potential with Tamm- and Shockley-type terminations. In Section IV, the effects of termination at an arbitrary point in the end cell are considered. Section V deals with the band structure above the vacuum level by investigating the diffraction of normally incident free electrons from the surface of a finite periodic potential. Section VI deals with a related phenomenon: resonant electron emis- sion from crystals covered with several layers of adsorbed foreign atoms. SECTION I DETERMINATION OF THE FORM OF THE WAVE FUNCTIONS AND ENERGY BANDS FOR A FINITE PERIODIC POTENTIAL A suitable starting point for the calculation of the energy bands and wave functions for a finite crystal, is described in an article by James6. In this article, James gives a particularly clear and elementary derivation of the band structure of permitted energy levels for an infinite crystal. Although he considers only infinite crystals, he discusses the prOperties of all solutions of the Schrodinger equation, including those which do not satisfy the infinite- crystal boundary conditions, namely, the solution in the forbidden bands. He also introduces a new parameter 0(E), which, like the effective momentum p(E), depends upon and partially characterizes the periodic potential. The essen- tial reason for using James' results is that they may eas- ily be applied to the case of finite crystals. This is because, unlike most derivations of the form of the wave functions for periodic potentials, James does not rely on the BlocheFloquet theorem, which was derived for the case of an infinitely extended periodic potential. The manner in which the wave functions are constructed leaves no doubt 7 8 as to the form of the wave functions in all regions of energy. We shall, in summarizing and extending this work, make the necessary modifications for the finite crystal. Since we are modifying James' results, we shall give an explanation of the various steps of James' derivation which must be changed, and refer the reader to the article when the analysis for the infinite crystal can be directly carried over to the finite crystal. The results which follow are valid for a general one-dimensional crystal, con- taining a finite number of atoms each of which is repre- sented by a potential well whose shape is symmetrical about the center of the atom but is otherwise arbitrary. The specification of a potential which is symmetrical about the center of the atom is for mathematical convenience rather than a necessity since the results which follow may be altered to include potentials which can not be so defined.7 We consider the time independent Schrodinger equation for a particle of mass m with energy E in a periodic poten- tial V(x), 2 __ .. - g $44100 + .VOQWOO " E4KX3) (1.1) where V(x) is periodic with period a, and is defined only for the range OSxSNa by _. :: .., -1 V, ($330“ 1N , (1.2) In the region where x>Na and x= 0. U(s5%)=o . wag-6%): 1. Since solutions to Schrodinger's equation have a constant (1.5) Wronskian, we then have, for any x, w{9(E,-x),u(E;X)} 2: i , (1.6) -: manila-D'- 9757>OW ;x). It should be recalled that a necessary condition for the linear independence of a set of solutions is that their Wronskian be non-zero. This fact will be used later. These functions need only be defined for the range OSxSa. Since the potential has the same form in every 11 cell, g(E;x-na) and u(E;x-na) will be the independent solu— tions in the nth cell. Within each cell, an arbitrary solu- tion .4In. .of the wave equation can be expressed as an appropriate linear combination of the corresponding cell solutions: 111.10) = 0(1. 3(51’714Hfin1MEjl-M) , (1.7) i 710.5 Z 4 (”+040 {01:7 0’1)2) ton)N’1. These cell wave functions and their derivatives could now be matched at the boundaries of each cell to form a con- tinuous wave function for the entire crystal. H0wever, the coefficients of our independent solutions depend on the cell index and vary from cell to cell in a complicated manner, making interpretation of the form of the wave function dif- ficult. This difficulty of interpretation has been elimin- ated by James, who defines a new set of linearly independent cell solutions. Each of these new solutions is itself a linear combination of g(E;x) and u(E;x), the combination in each case being such that the new solutions are linearly independent. He defines these so-called self-matching solu- tions so that the dependence on the cell index is incorpor- ated in each independent solution in such a way as to make each independent solution in the n-th cell connect smoothly on to the same independent solution in the next cell. With 12 the aid of the following definitions8 PE [0(5): (Qngo>/(ua’/llo); (1.8a) a}. :.-= 01:03) =-- :6 (u.’/u.) pi. (1.81.) i 1:: HELMET-1' 7 i;%>) (1.8c) ; >.... . J. {1(BX) = C1Lfi)(—Q£€;£ + 71—57%!) 1): (1.8a) James is able to write the independent solutions as he é x {flu/)4, 41100 = E -(BX’M),{h ‘0’!) ..., ”.1. (1.9) The significance of (If ) IE is made clear by the relations - £730) _ fi'{5;g.) Oi: fi(£j0) - fi(£’,’0—) 1 (1.10) .. f1(51‘_¢) Y £10.70) (1'11) .L It should be noted that the quantity -( 111 / u.) ((17- may be thought of as an effective wave number since it re- duces in the free electron limit to the wave number k = 5171-177. 13 The general solution to Schrodinger's equation will be a linear combination of these two linearly independent solu- tions, («n = C+4‘+(x> + 0-41.00, (1.12) where now 01+ and C... are constants independent of the cell index. The nature of 4400 and I‘L[X) will depend to a large degree on the value of f9(E). To obtain an idea of how (DCE) will vary, it is necessary to examine go(E), g'O(E), uo(E), u'o(E). For very low values of E (E < Vfiin) the solutions g(x), u(x) are damped and we must have g6, u' > 0, and o g'o, uO < 0. As E increases, g(x) and u(x) become oscill- atory, and then oscillate with decreasing wavelength; it follows that go, g'o, uo, u'o, oscillate between positive and negative values, as E increases. According to James, the order in which the quantities under consideration vanish is I, I I , I o a . yc,(ja)uo)) (901%)) (yo)ao)) (yo)a0)j(1:13) The order (within a parenthesis) of the zeroes of go and uo' or of go' and uo is not fixed, but varies with the character of the potential considered. These zeroes may in fact coin- cide. The order in which these quantities go to zero has in important consequences for the existence of surface states, as we shall see in the next section. It follows from the above considerations that ’0 varies from - co to + w , depending on the values of go, go', uo, uo'. A typical plot of f? versue E is shown in Figure 1.1. Notice that the form which (3 takes allows a natural separation of the graph into three regions, depending on whether r< O, O ) 4'10): (dfiaigr‘lj-ép , (1.11)) Letting uo' go to zero in these combinations, we obtain in the limit 4’10) = {-01 “(12:14) 2 (1.15:1) ta) = (’1)? 27m) fella-7111) 'Zlo yew]. (1.151.) For go= O, we find, 4"“) = (‘21))! [(ZMImy(x.n¢).yo’u(x.M]’ (1-15a) +100 = (’1)n gg'na) . (1.16b) 17 In both cases, one of the solutions repeats itself exactly in each cell, except for a sign change, and the other solu- tion increases linearly in amplitude as x increases. Case 2. P1. In this case-l < r_ < O, on < r <-l,' and $.13. 4’4, Pi are all real. In view of the ranges of r+ and r_ .- and the relation r r_ = 1, it is convenient to define a + constant K by +I< -—Ka. n="C a. ) r...=—-c . (1.30) Then X I 7! 0L ., 4"” (X) = (’flnc £(tJX-M)) (1-30a) 4’4: (x) = we”? (5; x— m) . (1.301)) Defining new functions G410) = 6-1)"c*("”");,€(5; X-Zd), (1.31:1) G40!) = (‘1 )ncfka-MggOFJ/Y-M), (1 .3111) it is easily seen that Gik(x+a)= -G1sk(x) ., Guam): 6100) (1.32) so that the 0+ K(x) are periodic functions with period 2a. 22 ‘We then have as our independent solutions KX 44K“): C aft“): (1.3311) delX) =3 C.kx G—K (X) o (1.331,) The magnitudes of 41K and 4"“ behave as in Case ’4. For purposes of clarity in later sections, we shall refer to energy regions in which the wave function is of i161 -2 (ax) = C./( 6 721(0) + 6.; c £12m (1.32).) as pass bands (P.B.) and energy regions in which the wave function is of the form 4’00: C+kckxflkm + C-kgkxp'kooJ (1.31m) 4’00= Cuckaiklx) + 61,5”6140 (1.3%) as attenuation bands (A.B.). SECTION II TERMINATION OF THE PERIODIC POTENTIAL - DETERMINATION OF THE CONDITIONS FOR BAND AND SURFACE STATES We shall now consider various boundary conditions which may be imposed at either end of the periodic potential. The type of boundary condition we wish to impose will, of course, depend upon the specific physical phenomena we are trying to represent. For example, near the surface the atoms do not have symmetrical forces acting on them as in the bulk. This results in a deviation from perfect period- icity, which may take several different forms. One of these deviations might be an increase in a basic lattice trans- lation, the closer to the surface the atom is situated. Another deviation might be total reconstruction of the sev- eral layers of atoms near the surface into a different type of structure from the bulk. Several other types of devia- tions might occur, and in general we have to consider the specific type of bonding and the lowest energy state of the system to decide which type of deviation will occur. We might also consider the dirty-surface case which arises when the unsaturated forces or dangling bonds of the sur4 face atoms tend to attract foreign atoms which may be 23 an floating around outside the crystal. This usually results in h or 5 layers of foreign atoms being deposited on the surface before the bonds are saturated and requires consid- eration of interfaces between crystals with different per- iodic potentials. We shall start with the simplest boundary conditions possible and try to understand most of the phenomena which occur for this case. We shall also outline a procedure for the computation of more complicated terminations. This method is straightforward enough so that further calcula- tions using it could be made without any major difficulties. The simplest way in which to terminate the periodic potential is by a step function at either end. (Incident- ally, the relative smallness of the surface dipole contri- bution to the work function bears witness that this type of termination may not be too seriously in error in many casesg.) For the present, consider the termination to be made either at a potential maximum or at a potential mini- mum (see Figure 3.1). The first type of termination is 10 whereas the second type of termination is referred to as Tamm-typell. These commonly referred to as Shockley-type classifications are named for the authors who first showed that these type of potential terminations could have sur- face energy states associated with them. The Shockley- type potential termination is generally applied to covalent 25 crystals where the surface perturbations are small whereas the Tamm-type termination is thought to be valid in cases where the surface perturbations are large. The'Shockley termination is usually thought to have more physical valid- ity; it corresponds to terminating the crystal between two atoms. Both types of terminations allow us to divide the periodic potential into cells in which the potential is symmetric about the center of each cell. The Shockley-type termination yields a cell with a potential minimum at the center whereas the Tamm-type has a potential maximum there. For either case, we go about solving for the energy states by matching the wave functions in all regions at their respective boundaries to form a smoothly varying func- tion of position. This matching, of course, will only be possible for particular values of the energy, and it is our purpose to find those energies which do allow a continuous wave function. These energies will be our eigenvalues. The band structure (i.e. the regions of energy in which the wave functions are either running waves of constant amplitude or exponentially increasing and decreasing waves) is determined completely by the periodic potential. The exact position of the eigenstate in this band structure will be determined by energy conditions which are derived below. A For energies less than or equal to the lesser of V1 and‘Vé, we set up the matching conditions as follows: For 26 x 5; O, the solution of the Schrodinger equation yields , X ——. 4'00 =AeK' , K, =V§e(w-£),- (2.1) where we have used the condition that 1" go to zero at -m . For 0 < x\< Na, we have five forms of the wave function which the solution of Schrodinger's equation takes, depend- ing upon the region of energy. In all cases, the general solution will be a linear combination of the independent so- lutions with constant coefficients which.must be determined by the matching conditions. Let us for the present discuss in detail only the case of the running waves and then list the other cases, since the procedure is the same in all cases. Then for Case 2, t91< O, APO) == Cit/1 (III/26:) + C—k 44.1100, (2.2a) q’ikm = ciz’ézPik/XL (2.2b) For x 2 Na, we have -k (x—Na) ‘ 'fi 4’(X)= BC 2 I Kz=fiii(lé-£).(2.3) Continuity of the wave function and its derivative, or alternately continuity of the logarithmic derivative at 27 0&0} + C~A 0.16 x = 0, requires (:fié it (3 )é _. C'flé— C-A . " :04 C/év‘C-é I (21) 'where we have used 41% L17“; ’ 44‘ L: (7:, (2.5) (kflfi]x: 1: , ‘IL‘HIX::; (z; ==r-‘ GK: . Similarly, at x = Na, we have [Ma 46% ("A e —C—é€ )) (2.6) “ “I "' C7- 16 a: “—Axyflh; 1 6M6” [4645 where again we have used the properties of the wave func- (4),] == 016 60% (’1): 01-13% flew. Xena. £1410. __ 4.442 qkukijflé: C: )' ‘PLAh1 =jlf‘ca Dividing Eq. (2.1) by Eq. (2.6), multiplying out the quan- tion (2.7) titles and grouping terms, we obtain the quadratic equation 28 in C+k and C Ciztfflf’szb)“2.1.(1276)5/‘Iz)éha%afi (2.8) — Cid—(”26, 7%,) == 0 . a: -k: Dividing through by (KIf ((2)6 terms of C-k’ we have = ' "7) AV“ 1311111). ) CM [lérgkm (:évakghfi 9 and solving for C+k in Now -—l€ %) girl and K1, K2 are always positive so we may define a phase angle ’6 by the relation ' _ /K "kl ' (2.1 ) 50¢ “ \éfldsmém O Then, Eq. (2.4) becomes =[+C0$¢+lsillé]€ “CLA (2.10s) 01? {AI/4:411 CI]? = i C C“ . (2.10b) 29 We may now substitute back into the Eq. (2.4) or (2.6) to obtain the conditions for matching. Substitution into (2.4) yields the two conditions a:=-z ’ut k..=- ;aiith) M) (.11.) If we had used Eq. (2.6), we would have obtained K2,: ~iail‘an (M) > (2'12” ‘ Coll(‘é£/4‘:é) . (2.12b) Both sets of equations give equivalent energies when the equality is satisfied. We shall, for convenience, use the first set of conditions. Both sets reduce to the same set when V1 - Vé since the phase angle goes to zero. For the other four regions, the matching conditions are listed below. (1... 1. ,9: too , g.u.’= a. (El—2%KZ.) = ”6%) 91, = 0. (2.13) 2(S{#§3;.)‘=’ ;:—(E§?;) ) " <32a£5e4}: ‘f7==:£9 ) ‘sz,€gh9-:: ‘7. (M) =NGE') , now. I :2 (fik91F/Ki. :.J<%fi(c%%%:) ) J§h::=’<7‘ Casein 0<’o<1. kl = '— a; Z‘anfi(flaz:§)> ‘—0;Caz%(M§fJ)> K=—‘L[qy(1:___€o§) = ”gifi 521% I: (:73215—3 )Sz'lzé kA/a . (2.1#) (2.15) (2.16) (2.17s) (2.1711) (2.183) (2.18b) (2.18c) 31 Case 5: ’9 :>.1. . k. = wan/MW). (2.19., K, =: 'WCOZtA (W), (2.1911) where J. Lac—I k=_i[0~7(fF-£1l ) (2.20) and a; , sinh I are defined as in Case ll. These matching conditions are transcendental equations and cannot be solved explicitly for the energy of matching. The correct energy eigenvalues can be found by a graphical method. The left-hand side of a particular matching condi- tion is plotted as a function of energy on the same graph as the right-hand side of the matching condition. The points at which the curves of the left and right hand sides cross yield satisfaction of the boundary conditions, and consequently give the energy eigenvalues. The regions in which the curves cross will determine the character of the wave functions. The boundaries of these regions, as noted in Section I, are determined by the zeros of g'o (E), go (E), u'O (E), uo (E). It is important to note in what order these functions go to zero as the energy increases be- cause this order determines whether conditions are favorable 32 or not for surface states to occur. Consequently, it is in- structive to follow the matching conditions as a function of energy for a particular sequence in which g'o, go, u' , u o 0 go to zero to obtain insight into what conditions determine whether a surface state might occur. For simplicity, we consider the case where V1 a V: so thatKl-K2 and «fi- 717 :0. Let us first consider the case of the zeroes occurring in the following order with increasing energy. 3:4)?» 119’. unyofiyoflofi 11., ~-- (“1) l A qualitative graph of -(ZIGM) [Ioli is given for this case in Figure 2.1. Notice that a discontinuity in the VW' slope occurs at g'o = 0. + i. z. l | | I 1 I I — ’(flfil/uoflfl l H: “I ‘Q‘ ‘4 ‘V (3 §—|3 A|g_3——V| MII?‘ 0.Q’1°"I IOQ'Q'I I°l 9§=O 941:0 11¢=0 u,— -0 ga=o gza Ill-:0 14,: 0 go’eo Figure 2.1. Effective wave number versus energy - Case 1. 33 The above characteristics are those for the reduced zone scheme where we have limited k to the range 0 5 k S. 7r/a. . If we had taken the sign on I'M-g; to be positive for the odd-numbered bands and negative for the even-numbered bands, we would have obtained completely positive values for the graph above with discontinuities in the slope occurring at u'o - 0 also. In such a case, an energy versus k plot would be in the extended zone scheme. The left-hand side of each of the matching conditions given by Eqs. 2.11-2.20 is 111 =W(V,— E) ‘, and when plotted as a function of energy is Just half of a parabola with its axis along the E coordinate. It is posi- tive for all values of energy. The right-hand side of the matching conditions will have alternating regions in which we must use the appropriate formulae. The first region, corresponding to the energy at the bottom of the potential well, is an attenuation band_ 0 < < 1. In this region, -(YIo’/%)I Ii is positive, as are tallA(Kfi/Q./Z) and Cot (KA/a/z), so that " (’%:Fi> ltdlzé (%)< O) (2.229.) -<—%rewz%<% 1. 0n the boundary, -(‘%I Iz)z‘alli(%) . I I 1 is equal to -(-”H‘-o’)l\/ and - (’filfll)&fi( ‘91s equal to -_1_- 00. As the energy increases in going to the next bound- 1 .l ary uo' - O, -(’%Iflz)w(gf/a)increases to zero and ’ .I. “a. 5 (.%lfl9&0d(¢)increases from - 00 to the value 5;; O. The two functions are both negative for the whole region so that no crossings are possible. At uo' .. 0, (0: - 00, k a 1 J. "IT/a, and "(Ila/2b)?!" is zero, going negative in the next region of a pass band. Since k varies from T/a to 0 with increasing energy, the behavior ofW) and -Cdl(é¢,t)is the reverse of that found in the first band. However, since ygl .L ' 1 - I I” is negative for this region, the products {—filfl‘)‘ ”" as ’ s ~ 'tam( z, ) and -—[—%, If! )cdfl‘) yield the (same form for the I .1 ' a - 3 0 functions as in the first band. At no ’0, we have( %3Ifl) 'tdfl[fiAh/z) = 0 if N is even and \fi;; < 0 if N is odd while —6%Ifl/£)Caf¢i¢a)is equal to fyfly, if N is even and zero if N is odd. In going from u0' = O to 110 a O, we again have a total of N crossings of the K1 curve. At 11 a o, —Z‘a0’;lrlefbn(éé€4) goes to Ng< 0 and reg/#leégg) 36 goes to + 00. These functions connect on to the forbidden band boundary conditions (for 0 < f < l) at 110 - O: —‘€.3:,é)m(m)- ”ff and -(—%I/I“)ca2é(m) - + 00. Continuing across this region to the boundary gO ' - 0, “($19, I‘M/h) increases to zero while -(- %0l [‘9‘ M(W) goes to - (- %/%)/N<0. Again both functions are entirely negative in this region so that no crossings of K1 are possible. At go' - O, we are again back to the same type of band as considered before. As may be seen by the above arguements, for the sequence of zeros of the functions 30', 30’ uo' and 110 considered, no surface states are poss- ible. we now consider the case when the order in which go', g , uo', uo go to zero deviates from the order given above. For example, suppose tht order is given by .90]; 9' J ”0’, 11.0) 90’) (WI)90))%J%S'°' (2-23) In this case, the order of the functions in parenthesis, 110' and go , is reversed. A qualitative graph of -(a”/Uo)lf/" :18 given below in Figure 2.2. Comparison of this graph with that of the previously considered sequence shows that 'the main result of switching the order of go: no. is to cause -‘("°’/llaa)l/’It to be zero on the upper band edge at u0' = O, at which point it goes negative in the region f) l. 37 l w | ' ll : ll ! II [I II I I l l I 1 fl 1 ‘31 I \. ~§ i i- \'J "" | “' I Isl V O ._, v o 0 v 3"V A-IVIfi—VIAIV $4 I‘ O :I Q— Q...l 0 LI Q... Q..." 0" grog .9o=0 115:0 uo=ogo= -o uo’eg 90:0 ans—0 0-0 Figure 2.2. Effective wave number versus energy - Case 2. At g o - O, -(”9’¢l,)lf(* is equal to - 00 at which point it increases to some negative value before going to negative infinity again at the upper band edge “0 a O. The essential feature to notice is that the form of -(“0%(o)lpli is altered in the two band regions adjacent to the attenuation region in which it goes negative. In the lower band, be-- tween go' a O and u0' = O, ‘(%élf#)bn(é%) will go through N/2 periods if N is even or odd achieving the value oantuo'=OifNis evenand W‘(gé)>01fNis odd. Notice that the ratio ya/fi is greater than zero in con- trast to the previous situation. For N odd, the magnitude of the product #(fi) will determine whether the crossing 38 of K1 occurs in a pass-band or .in an attenuation band. For N small and the potential weak, the value (61%) > K1, and the crossing will occur in a pass band region. For N large, the ratio 95/ , which depends only on the per- iodic potential, remains the same but is reduced by a large number N so that flgk K1, and no crossing occurs in the passeband region. The function -(-%élf(£)6d2" ( £21?) behaves in a similar way, attaining the value of #69791) > 0 if N is even and 0 if N is odd. Thus the number of band states which occur will be either N if 7619990)) K1 or N-l if fi(.7%)< x1. At uo' - o, -(—%Ifr£)tan/z(£44’) - O and —('%llfllé)dobé(5g- # (fit/f.) . In going from no, - O to go‘ 8 0, --[-‘-‘g/ [ably—gnomes“ to the value ”(M/”0) > O and -- -%If/£)&fl('§éld/ goes to + 00. Again, if N is small such that N (“.510)< K1, then no cross- ings will occur, but if N is large such that A” (4/14)) K1, we obtain crossing in the attenuation band. It should be pointed out that an intermediate ease with #6907?” > K1 and ”(ual/lb) > K1 may occur, in which case there is only one crossing in the forbidden band. For N large, such that #(YOT/yo>< K1 and N(.%€)> x1, we obtain two cross- ing in the forbidden band. By analogy with the band con- sidered previously, the allowed band bordering this at- tenuation band from above will have N allowed states if iv(%:) K 1 . We may 39 summarize the results of the above reasoning by the fol- lowing table. (The function written above each column.is .to indicate at what energy the conditions are to be eval- uated.) Table 2.1. Existence conditions for Surface States - Case 1. .. k"0 (90‘30 I-VL %)>k' N(%)k, N (flip/(g cogizgurfgg; 3P3; band 5 I t (3m, N(-Z’;:)>I<. assistants“... 1...... We see that for large N, one of the pass-band states from the two adjacent pass-bands~moves into the attenuation band to form two surface states. The situation is similar when the zeroes of no: 30' are interchanged; that is, for I I ( l a 902.90) 5L0) .90) 0)) ' H (2.24) In this case we may represent the conditions for surface state occurrence as #0 Table 2.2. Existence conditions for Surface States - Case 2. fzg=<9 _ IZD‘=¢9 I I fi%)>kl Ngflk' ”6%) >/(' from upper band IV I ’ 2 r ‘5’!’( 10%) < k) N653) kl refuggirameiower ”and“ Thus, we see that a necessary condition for the possible occurrence of surface states is that the band edges cross. When this condition is fulfilled, the actual occurrence depends upon the number of atoms considered and on the strength of the potential. The effect of unequal terminations (i.e. V1 K Vé) at either end of the crystal is to spread the energy levels. Hewever, this effect is not large since the difference between‘v1 and‘Vé is manifested in K1, K2 which vary only slowly with changes in'V1 and'v . 2 For a periodic potential terminated at an arbitrary 41 point in the end cell by a step function, the formalism which we are using is not the most convenient. However, the matching calculations may be done in the same manner as above, matching the wave function and its derivative at the termination point to obtain a contiruous wave function. This procedure is carried out in Section IV for a Kronig-Penney12 type periodic potential and the results are examined. It is found that this type of termination gives rise to many other surface states be- sides the ones considered above. For arbitrary terminations of the crystal potential, it is necessary to use iterative techniques to integrate the Schrodinger equation. For the region of the crystal in which the crystal is perfectly periodic, we know the» wave function and its derivative at all points. At the point where the potential starts to deviate from perfect periodicity, we may iterate through the arbitrarily vary- ing potential to a point outside the crystal where the potential is constant. In this region, the wave function 'KIXI , so that must have the exponential decay form, 8 we may match this to form a continuous wave function in all regions. This method may also be used to connect two different types of periodic potentials by a region of non-periodic potential. In this way, a wide variety of problems may by dealt with, with few changes in the 42 calculational apparatus necessary to change from consider- ation of one phendmunon to another.. Another application which can be made of this method is to the calculation of the reflection and transmission coefficient through several identical barriers. This topic will be discussed in Sections V and VI. SECTION III TERMINATION OF A KRONIG-PENNEY POTENTIAL In order to obtain a better understanding of the principles discussed in Section II, we next consider the Tamms and Shockley—type terminations of a Kronig- Penney13 type potential, as shown in Figure 3.1. By the Kronig-Penney type potential, we mean an array of a finite number of rectangular well potentials. The reason fer choosing this type of potential is that it leads to a Schrodinger equation which can be solved easily, and the energy band structure associated with it is similar in many respects to that of a real crystal. Two important features which serve to illustrate this point are the existence of points of contact between different allowed bands (a special type of band cross- ing) and the behavior of the band structure as the energy approaches infinity; namely, the attenuation band gaps go to zero. Mane,“ and later Stat2,15 and Koutecky,16 have derived conditions for the crossing of bands. In these papers it is shown that crossing occurs for poten- tials which require large numbers of Fourier components to represent them, with some of the components being 43 1+4 I4] 27.5 , 2T7: , I.._.Il t _ ZOHBdZHZMME mmwa NWAxvomm_ . ZOHEflZHmeB mmNB SEdB fl ilj .mcoflumcflfiump Htflucmuoa camp IEEMB was Ixoaxoonm is”... _ O m\ >. .H.m Gasman #5 negative. Since a rectangular well potential abounds in harmonics, as does a real potential, we expect the Kronig- Penny model to be a useful model of a real potential. A . SHOCKLEY-TYPE TERMINATION We begin by considering the Shockleyetype termination. Dividing the periodic potential into cells yield a cell with a pctential minimum at the center. LT— -b 'w "—4 It). «~—r———~ I o! . j 1 I | 7 I + l I C) 1011 (L In the region, a/2-b€ x€ a/2+b, the Schrodinger equation has two linearly independent solutions, 300: scam-4i?» (3.1.) .- . k W) k=\f%(FH/o/1>2 1(0):: 5772,51“ 21’ - (3.11:) Note that 9(%)=1 , 97%):0, (3.2a) U(%)=0 ) “7%)=1. (3.21:) If we now connect these solutions individually to the 45 solutions of Schrodinger's equation in the region osxSa/2-b, we obtain for EVo/2, we must connect in a similar way to obtain expressions for go': go’ uo', uo. To determine the pass bands and attenuation bands, it is necessary to make a plot of F versus E, where F has been defined in Section I as F ::: (95/30/[af/flo). (35) Such a plot was described in Section I. The exact posi- tions of the band edges (i.e. energies at which one of the quantities go', go, u ', uO equals zero) will depend c on a, b, V6. To obtain a qualitative idea of what effects these parameters will have on the band struetures, we may make energy versus potential depth plots for several values 47 of the well width and the lattice constant a. Such plots are shown in.Figures 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. Figure 3.2 has a well width of 0.75a, while Figure 3.3 has a width of 0.5a, and Figure 3.4 has a width of 0.25a. These graphs were obtained by making a f, versus E plot for a given I’u’ o 0 go to zero (i.e. the band structure). The parameter‘Vb a, b,‘v6 to obtain the points where go', go, u was then changed incrementally and another (3 versus E plot was made. In this way, the dependence of the band structure on‘Vb was obtained for a given a, b. Allen17 has obtained similar but more detailed graphs, varying the constant b.for 12 values, for the Kronig-Penney type potential, and the reader should refer to his article for more detail. Note: In all graphs contained in this thesis, —'hawe s 11 use units in which 22b” 1. To this end we choose our unit of length to be - strom and our unit of energy to be (1.97) ' 3.88 electron volts. This energy unit will be denoted by E.U. hereafter. For the above mentioned figures, note that for large values of the potential‘vb, the pass-band regions are very narrow, corresponding to the tight binding of electrons to the constituent wells or atoms. For large energies E, the effect of the potential is not "felt" as much, allowing the pass-band to widen. As we decrease the strength of the potential, the pass-bands widen allowing some of the band edges or boundaries to cross or Just make contact. 48 1‘ 2 - ° ° -.-.-.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.g.;.;.;.;.;.g.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;2;.:1;2;2;2:2;2;2:223;I:2:3::;1:3:::1;::3;Z:I:2:I:2;iz2:i:3:3;3zi'fl:3§::52§2'1°5° " 1 o ''''''' ge= S;E;E§E§E§E§E§E§E§E§E§Siigiiigigiiiéigigigigi555E§5555533353355553555555;5535335§5§555§E§E§E§E5355:SEE5£35§355§E§5§55555555223:Saigigigigigigigititz':: ...... U°= 3 ....... “ """" ‘ """"""""""""" i: "o=o 6 .... go= o T 4 ........ g ' o=0 a» :£;;;:”Huummmwwmww&%%£gfiggfifig ..... H. 2 """“"‘=°==-=:-.;.,. Uo=0 2% 35:55:33?E£53555£55555555553555§E§E;E;:;:;:;. ,,,, U ' o= o m °"°"‘"‘°='="===‘:E=E=E55;:§:;. ,,,,,, o "'°-'°'-:-::::=:;. .... go=0 g'o=0 -— 2 L- Uo=0 -4 _ A = 5.4 U'o=0 B = 2 . 0 2 5 g'o= go=0 "' 6 J L 1 l 1 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 < v 0 Figure 3.2 Band structure as a function of well depth for a Kronig-Penney potential with 2b= 0.75a. 49 1 2 .°.°.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;:;I;.;I;I;112:3:';°°2:2;2‘Z°2:3:2 I I 3 :‘i-i'. 1 o """""" 55553525553333Esisisisisisisisisisisisi555355323555:3533533:E=E=S=5=E:5:E:E:3:3:5:3:5:E:5:52:53:5:5:3:5:E:5:§:5:§:5:5:=:=° °°°°° U ' o-o 5%:5...:°E.::'::.;...;.33.;."°.'.' """"" go: o 3 ffififififigggfifififififififiEgfifigfig§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§3§§£% sésézé5és§s§s§s§3§2§2§s§sis§2:2333252555252525252535232isisisisisisisisi25:32325232323252525252525232525255355;52525sizisisisisisiiiiiiiiE§i§E§5§E§E§E§35§=‘=" "" g ' o= fififififififia§§§§§fihhfififihfifihfifihfififififififiF” °°°°° U0=0 535:5:5:5:5:5:5:;:3:5:5:5:5:=:5:3:=:2=:=:=:=:::::=:=::::E=E=§:E=:=E=E=S:E=E:§:=:=:=:='='1””"" ..-:.:=:=3:35=5:E=:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=.=:::-:.:..... 5 ggaaaahgaaggfisfifi””” .xfififi$fi$ °°°°°°°°°°°°° fififififififiF”” _w~3g££££ °°°°°°°°°° U'0=0 T 4 """" a 2 """" 9°=° Hr Efififififii 111 Q) .;.:. ........ a ifififitws ......... ,9'0‘ 0 Uo=0 -2 - U'o= A 5.40 -4 - B - 1.35 go=0 ._ 6 4 1 1 l l 1 \ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ‘Vb/2.18' By consideration of the equations for go', go, u ', no, one can show that the o crossing points are given by _. mr" W’- $71155 ”+ -—-Z§2—’ V °CVBSS> O. (3.7) M'::ing- fit .2 .)) where n,‘m are integers. It should be noted that the appearance of band crossing only for E > Vb/a is not 52 peculiar to our model potential but can be proved to hold for any arbitrary periodic one-dimensional potential.19 (This does not hold for three dimensional crystals.) Since the value of the vacuum level energy is of the order of 20 eV’for most real solids,2O we see that to obtain surface states V6 must be weak enough to allow band cross- ings within this range, and consequently, surface states . of the Shockleytype would be expected to appear for nearly free electrons. we note also in passing that_the width of the attenuation regions does not decrease monotonically with increasing energy but varies in width_due to the crossings. Hewever, on the average, the width will go to zero as the energy goes to infinity. As Vb goes to zero, the attenuation band-widths go to zero yielding a con- tinuous pass-band region, or a free electron region. To proceed, we consider specific values for a, b, v0. As a-reasonable approximation for a real crystal, we let V6 have the magnitude of the'firzt Fourier component of the O.P.W. potential for silicon along the (111) direc- tion and ta‘ke'V1 - V: - V600, the average potential for silicon. Along this direction, Si has a lattice constant of approximately 5.4 A0. The well width will be taken to be equal to the barrier width. For the present, we shall limit ourselves to four cells. Thus 53 V. =Va= raid/=- 4.5’.e’.u., (3.8.) Va = I3.2 eV= 3.45%, (3.811) a= £¥A° (3.8c) A = /.35flo (3.3a) N: 17‘ (3.8e) A plot of P versus energy is given in Figure 3.5. Notice that the lowest pass-band is very narrow, of the order of .02 E.U. in width. The attenuation-band above this pass-band is large, of the order of 1.75 E.U} or about 6.8 ev, which is much too large a gap, the experimentally observed gap for 31 being about 1.2 ev. However, one of the difficulties associated with the choice of a po- tential in the one-electron approximation is that the Fermi energy is not unambiguously known.22. By inspece tion of the widths of the attenuation energy widths up to the value of the vacuum, 6.5 E.U., we see that a width which is of the same order of magnitude as 1.2 ev would be that width occurring between 5 E.U. and 6 E.U.. 54 .mpcsn coflumscmuum was mpsmn mmmm mo coflumcflsuopoo .Gmué .m.m madman 1. me an an m e s a a m m a a- m . . . ... u n O u a u r—«u .. _. . a. ..._ _. . . m. a . . M. u. a . .0 new. "M a I!” 1 .. C \1 1 u u M v 7‘ . n r 7 q: s n n as n ,b ,h n .b n n as.n o o o o o o o b __ = = = = = _. __ = = = ._ .s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 L A. _ M 1. 55 If the Fermi energy were assigned to this region, the work function would be of the correct Order of magnitude as would the attenuation band width. However, this width is still rather wide. This discrepency may be accounted for by the fact that, while we are using an O.P.W. po- tential, we are not orthogonalizing our wave functions to the core wave functions, so this potential is incor- root for our wave functions. Antoncik23 has shown that this orthogonalizationumay be taken into account by sub- tracting an effective potential from the O.P.W. poten- tial, the effective potential being calculated from the core wave functions. The sum of the two potentials is known as the pseudo-potential. The valence and conduo; tion wave functions may then be calculated without an orthogonalization procedure. For our purposes, we as- sume that the O.P.W. potential is reduced in.magnitude (i.e. VB is reduced). By inspection of Figure 3.3, we see that if V6 is reduced to about 2.4 E.U., the atten- uation width between 5 E.U. and 6 E.U} becomes about 1.2 eV'which is approximately the energy gap observed. Since this calculation is for illustrative pur- poses only,we shall use the value of V6 - 3.4 E.U} in the calculations which follow, being satisfied that we are in the correct range. using the boundary conditions derived in Section 56 II, (Eqs. 2.11-2.20) we plot the left hand side of these equations on the same graph as the right hand side to obtain Figure 3.6. The vertical lines indicate band edges. The solid curve is Just the left hand side of the boundary conditions, K1 --?\/"7"(vl - E)‘. The dotted curves are the two functions on the right hand side of the boundary conditions. The crossing of the K1 curve and the dotted curves determines the eigenvalues. This procedure for finding eigenvalues is exactly analogous to the method of finding eigenvalues for an electron in a box with finite ends. Notice that in Figure 3.6, the band edges are determined by the sequence of zeros of go', go. uo', uo in the order, $5.90 ) Zia/2741:2912 (”o/J90): (90/1210). (3-9) From the considerations of Section II, we expect to find surface states occurring between (uo' - 0, go a 0) and between (go' - O, 110 - O). This is indeed the case. A pass-band state from the third pass-band has moved in- to the attenuation region. The number of cells is not great enough or the potential is not strong enough to move the upper pass-band state down into the attenuation~ band, so there is only one surface state. The same sit- uation applies for the next higher attenuation region, .msHm>comHo cs mosflenmump m>uso powwow m zufl3 o>uso am on» mo mcflmmouo .o.m ousmflm may .cOflussHEch mama moaxoonm map How mosam>cmmflw ecu mo coflumcHEHoumn Esra no.9 oh.a so.r on.n mo.n on.a ee.. en.m as m om.~ om.m om.a no.i was. a noe.. mo.a- om.a. no.0- . - ta." b r‘ r I IL! | P I IF P r by JW #1 P h p p . . . . . S .0 . 0 . .0 .0 .0 0 .0 0 > . > > . < . > . > a > > . 0 .O . . 0 T. 0 .0 .0 .O . n a > e u . > > . T. . .L T. __ . . . . . a a” V . m d . . V . d V a v as 8 u. x a H . a . "a. a M.n a is v. x m .7 a a c. . cf 7. are .U a _... ... a. .. .. _ . \ _ o u 9. _ o a o u v. u a. o. .u c v . .__ .. N m m .... . a T _ N N .o 7 u" I\ o s x a / a. \..... i n xii/Ill! .\ ..\ .... . _ .e .. .. . a a . . if; I'— we...“ ‘ n. u_uI -- 0.... ‘1. fiv“ 0 <7azmmena maneszuoam (3)d .. “C yr: 58 except that now for the partial pass-band (which would be pass-band 5 if‘V 'Vé were large enough to include a the whole pass-band) one of the pass-band states has moved down into the attenuation region. Note also the effect of varying Vi or V2. Since the dotted curves do not depend on‘V1 or‘v2 (if‘vl =‘Vé), we can vary K1 -V%gyl - Ejto see that increasing and decreasing V l raises and lowers the crossing points and consequently the energy eigenvalues. Since K1 depends on the square root of‘vl, we do not expect the energy crossing points to change very much as Vi is varied except for energies near the vacuum level. An energy versus (k and K) plot in the reduced- zone scheme is shown in Figure 3.7. The horizontal lines indicate the band edges. The solid 99?V°3 are. the E versus k plots in the pass bands whereas the dash: ed curves are the E versus K plots in the attenuation regions. Te be entirely correct, we should have plotr ted E versus K along the imaginary axis perpendicular to the real values of k. This would then yield a band structure with pass bands connected by imaginary loops across the attenuation bands. These imaginary loops 24 as "real lines", their exact are referred to by Heine meaning coming from the analytic continuation of k in E(k) into the complex plane with only real values for ENERGY -2.00 59 n——..c———.————.——— _-—————-———-———-——————— V um Level P.B.5 A.B.4 f fl 7 T 1 Y 1 T 1 fl ‘ Ft fl "I ." "\" ’a ‘. .4.“ " .’\ ' W" c!"‘ “1“ U ‘.-0\J .2Gd g-flU .H‘JQ o—Cb Jb'rJ‘J . El.) It“l'\-‘ ' kk} .‘slku Figure 3.7. WAVE NUMBER x (a/1r) Energy versus (k and K). The X's denote eigenvalues which were determined in Figure 3.6 (Shockley). 60 E considered. The X's represent the eigenvalues as deter- mined from Figure 3.6. Notice that in attenuation band 3, the value of K is very small so that our wave function in this region is not attenuated very strongly going in- to the interior of the crystal. In attenuation band 4, the value of K is larger but is still not large enough to attenuate the wave function strongly. Figures 3.8 (a-e) are plots of the wave functions. The pass-band functions are labeled as (hf where at is the pass-band index, and F is the index of k); in the pass-band ('e.g. 44,. denotes pass-band l, the lowest k value labeled k1). The surface wave functions are de- noted by “’1.S(~ 4).“? where ‘i } indicates a sur- face wave function, 3' indicates the attenuation-band, the numbering starting above the first passeband, and 8 indicates the label on kg (S=i or 2.) . The symbolic notation rv l'Ju, (a is to indicate which pass band function has moved into the attenuation gap. Notice that the wave functions are Just modulated box wave functions (i.e. modulated solutions to the problem of an electron in a box). The surface wave functions are hardly attenuated at all, as was to be expected from the small attenuation constant K. In fact, since the value of x is proportional to the band width,25 we do not expect to obtain appreciable attenuation for 61 .Amoaxoocmv pawn mmmm umnflm on» How msofluos5mcomflm .Mm.m ousmflm m 0 ommmao.alnm 62 .Amoaxoonmv pawn mmmm pcooom one now msofluocsmsomflm .Qm.m mnsmflm /\.r/.\ /\ i <1... mm mm m o \x/IK/ _ >H;l\\\go h . Hm r \\\ a 63 .Amwaxoocmv mean when when» ecu mo mou onu scum mama coflusscouum puflnu ms» ouch pomumfio mm: scans soapocSM :cmmflm mumum wosmnsm can pass mmmm than» ecu you msmfluosswsomam .om.m mucosa .1 > _.\/ \/_ >1 M N/ \/./\ /\_ < < <. s H.\/ > > iv... /\\ //\ /\ /\ < C\ \M\-// <\s//\ \\,.\_/_m >. s «Ema o r /\ //.\ /.:e\ s m: arm mm m 1.172;--\\ .,/ /// w\ >/ K >< /I.\ITI H.m 64 oooooooooo v cams mmmm cuHSOM may now mcofluocsmcmmam .pm.m mnsmflm \._\/< > > > .> > Nags)”. < < < /\ < < < .H. > \..% > > > >... fish. /\ < _< < < /\ < / /\ fies \w/ \/ .\/ \A. > \.../s /\ /\ < /\ < /\e3/ < .1 > \s/ >._.\/ \J/ as)- ./_\ < < /_\ < _< < 65 .Ammaxoonmv Gama mmmm HMfluHmm sunflm ms» mo COHHUGSMcmmflm Una Gama mmmm namwm ms» mo Eouuon may Eoum Gama cofiumscmgum nuusom may oucfi wmmnmfim mm: £0H£3 cofiuocsmcmmflm mumum momwnsm .mm.m musmflm \/< >< D > > > >_ > D < < < < /\ < /o\ N.m9 gD D > DQND D > /_\ < /_\ < < C < < H maefia way 66 less than 5 cells. To obtain a feeling for the way in which the surface wave functions behave for larger crys- tals, the surface states were calculated for attenuation bands 3 and 4 with N = 20. In this case, N is large enough to pull into the attenuation regions two pass- band states from the upper and lower passébands. The results are plotted in Figures 3.9 (a,b). Notice par- ticularly the attenuation in Figure 3.9b where the K constant is larger. The location of the surface state energies in the attenuation region is not the middle of the gap as was found by Shockley,26 (a result quoted by several other authors). In fact, their location in the gap depends on the potential considered, the height of the vacuum level, and the number of cells. For the parameters con- sidered in this example, we may observe the dependence of the surface state eigenvalues on the value of N for the two attenuation bands in which surface states occur. A plot of the surface state energy versus N is given in Figures 3.10 (a,b). The points on these graphs are not connected by a smooth line because the variation of the energy eigenvalues for fractional values of N is quite complicated, as will be shown in Section IV. It is evident from these graphs, that the surface states do not occur in the middle of the gaps, and that for N be— 67 .Ammaxoonmv moumum mommusm 03» Show on pawn codumscouum pussy mnu ouca wm>OE o>ms mocmn mmmm sunsom on» mo Eouuon msu was pawn“ on» we mo» ecu How mwumumcmmflm one .wnmn coflumscmuum paws» on» :a mcofluo:5mcmmflw mumum mommusm .Mm.m musmflm mmavm.mnm MN: $:>> >>>>> pmx é>>> ,, l, < f < f A: t : /,/, % x 8%: <: \ 3 O + H vaemm m mom mmH mod mm _ r H _ e r. a _ e _ H H _ r b _ H. b r _ _ _ _ A ‘4 a 4 A i _ 4 _ _ A. A _ 4 fi _ i mmamm.mnm > , i/ ,. , i J ,, ,, a i, : i i : 2:... is; ,3 68 .Ameaxoocmv meueum eoemu5m o3u Euow ou ccec cowumnceuue cuu50m ecu oucu ce>o§ e>ec mocec mmem cumum ecu mo Eouuoc ecu use cuH50m ecu mo mou ecu How meueumcemue ece .wcec cowuesceuue cuH90m ecu cu mcouuoc5mcemue eueum eoemusm HHmHv.mnm .nm.m mhsmua -‘L c gfl>: :i>ebcii2 >:>>> LLLL<<<L <<2Q><2k>§/\)\/ L w.” L w ,. , i , 69 Figure 3.10a 4r v C O . . .3 _ . O . O Q C C O b 2 L: 1 1 1 J l I L I 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Surface state eigenvalues for the third attenuation band versus the number of cells. Figure 3.10b .7" .6' 0 .5” e e . e O . O . e 0 ' 4P . o e e l J l I I l l L] .3“ 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Surface state eigenvalues for the fourth attenuation band versus the number of cells. 70 coming very large, the two states approach a common asymtote. That is, they both approach the same energy. The rate at which they approach each other is dependent on the K constant; the more attenuated the wave function, the faster the states will come tegether with increasing N. It is clear from the above that this behavior may be explained quite simply. Since the surface cells are terminated symmetrically, an e1ectron.which spends most of its time near the surface (in a surface state) and does not interact with the other surface state will have the same energy on either end of the crystal, for very large crystals. In other words, the electron on the right edge does not "feel" the electron on the left edge because of the localization. As the crystal is made smaller, the electrons beginto "see" one another and their interaction splits the degeneracy in the energy levels, in analogy to splitting of the atomic energy levels into bands when the atoms are brought to- gether. For the surfaces very close together, the in- teraction is great enough to push one state completely out of the attenuation-band and change it into a pass- band state. B. TAMMéTYTE TERMINATION For the Tamm-type termination, for comparison, we shall use the same parameters a, b, V6,‘V1.'V2. N, as 71 we used for the Shockley-type termination. The cell for this case has a potential maximum at the center as shown below. i + ' ' | ‘vg/z «i'ib—p | oi '— L J I ' T I 45/. : LL | J o 4/2— 0- Proceeding as before, we may write down the solutions to Schrodinger's equation for a/2-b é x ( a/2+b, I: < VO/2, 9(1): 653A k(Z-%>) (3.10a) , k =\[§"f( 14/2 22:“), A 71.00: Slflék(g-%) . (3.10b) Connecting these solutions to the solutions in the region OS x S a/2-b yields the expressions on the left edge of the cell of a: cam oases-A) +fefiesmA/5Jge-na) a]: A 605M$i7l (IQ/24) ~KSih/kA%£(%—£))( 3 . 11b) 72 Mo = ‘76 5211K$0$£[ 2*b-f MIAWIZ‘QUJn) 710, = 605A kLCaSHZ’b' [é SIR/{$114924}; ( 3 .11d) A = V$ZE+ n/LT. For E - Vb/z, E > V6/2, we connect to the appropriate functions. With the parameters chosen earlier, a/2 is equal to 2b, so that the functions go', go, uo', no: for the Tamm-type termination may be related to the same parameters for the Shockley-type termination. Thus we see by inspection of the two sets of equations that SHOCKLEY’ TANK a’ «- go’, (3.12) ‘90, 3 Ha I&» - 4&0 710 ' us This may be illustrated by reflecting Figure 3.} across the‘Vb - 0 vertical axis as shown in.Figure 3.11. The band edges are labeled to clearly indicate which function determines the boundary. For small values of‘Vb, the sequence of functions is given by 9o;(ll5)9o), lb) 90,190) M) 6,0,) ”I))(”;)§o). (3 '13) 73 A.||o> O>I Iv .meusuosuum ccec meaxoocm can ease mo GOmuuemfioo Ha.m eusmfim 0.. O... ...... ...... ........ ......... O. 0.. ..... ....... 0000000000 000000000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO ........ ONO-o 0.3 I] o: on on on on. on _ ..... 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C 00.......000.00....OOOOOOOOOOOIOO xmukuokm 74 By previous considerations, we expect to find surface states between (u0' = 0, go a 0), (go' a 0, u - 0), o and (u0' = 0, go = 0). Note also that some crossing and uncrossing of the band edges has occurred at V0 = 0 in going from a Shockley-type termination to a Tamm-type termination. As Vb increases, some of the bands again cross to yield a tight-binding situation. The main difference between this Tamm-type termination and the Shockley-type termination is that for the tight-binding case we still have surface states in the Tamm case but we have no surface states for the Shockley case. Actually, as used by most authors (and in this paper so far), the designation Tammrtype termination is a misnomer. This will become more evident later. Suffice it to say that Shockley states as well as Tamm states may occur for the Tamm—type termination. we shall distinquish between the two types of states by the fact that Shockleyetype states occur between pass-bands which have crossed once whereas Tamm-type states occur between pass-bands which have crossed twice. The Shockley-type states occur only for weak potentials and disappear as the potential becomes stronger. The Tamm-type states occur only for strong potentials. Another characteristic which can be used to distinguish the two types of states is the degree to which they penetrate into the crystal, or in other words, 75 their localization. The Shockley-type surface state has a large attenuation length, being able to penetrate rather far into the crystal, as surface states go. The Tammr type surface state, on the other hand, is quite localized and is appreciable only in the first cell near the sur- face. Both types of states may occur at the same time for weak potentials. This is because for low energies, close to or below the maximum of the periodic potential, the electron feels the effect of the potential quite strongly and thus is essentially tightly bound.ngor higher energies, the effect of the potential upon the electron is.much less, allowing the electron to behave like an.almost free electron. Thus when both types of states occur, we expect to find the Tammetype states occurring at very low energies whereas we expect the Shockleyetype to occur near the vacuum.1eve1.> Proceeding as we did with the Shockleyetype termin- ation, we apply the boundary conditions for the Tammrtype termination to determine the eigenvalues. Figure 3.12 illustrates the graphical procedure. This figure should be compared with Figure 3.6 for the Shockley case. Al- though it is not evident from the graph, the crossing of the K1 curve in the attenuation band region between (uo' - 0, go - O) is actually two crossings, one curve superimposed on the other. These two eigenstates are 76 .esae>cemue cm mesuEHeueo e>uso peuuocme cuu3 e>uso HM ecu mo mcummono ecB .sOHuesuEueu emmu ease ecu “Om mesae>cemue ecu mo scuuMCuEheuea .ma.m essmui FE. 5d en‘s oo.a amnm oo.n on.: no.3 om.m no.m an m ma.~ om.s ee.a can. 0 com.. oe.s- on a- P F k i‘ P I] b 1‘ tP uoi‘ 'P F b L » hr r if, .0 0 .0 .0 e .0 .0 0 0 O > , > > .< > > < > > 0 . .O .. 0 T. .. 0 0 _.L O O > .. . > T. e I d” v n a d “v a M d w. d v E. a . _ 8 ..8 8 W a ”a a 8 . .7 .V E 8.... . Z T. T. 0 i h ”.5 77 of the Tamm-type since they occur for very low energies. The surface state occurring between (go' - 0. u0 = 0) is exactly analogous to the surface state found for the Shockley-type termination. The same considerations which determine whether there will be 0, l, or 2 states in this gap may be applied to this situation. An energy versus (k and K) graph is shown in Figure 3.13. This graph should be compared with Figure 3.7; note the differences and the similarity. In attenuation band 1, note that the value of K in this range is actually off the scale of the graph and was not plotted outside the limits shown. However, the X's (there are two K's, one superimposed upon the other) are positioned at the point where the K curve would go if it had been plotted on a larger scale. The X's of course represent the eigenvalues obtained from Figure 3.12. The pass-band states in pass-band 4 and 5 and the surface state in attenuation-band 4 are approximately the same for both Tammr and Shockley-type terminations. The surface state in attenuation band 4 has approximately the same magnitude of attenuation (i.e. K) as that of the Shockley-type termination state calculated earlier, and we expect the same general behavior of the wave function going into the crystal. However, the two states occurring in attenuation- band 1 have a very large attenuation constant K and should ENERGY b.00 -2.00 -.SCC “1.25 78 V um Level >t j Y 3 .LGU .203 Figure 3.13. 1 ‘—‘r 1 w 1 1 T— ' "I ' ' f“. 1‘ INN "r‘ . " n". .JQe .HUQ .J?a .bfli .74. .BUu ,qCu l.ue WAVE NUMBER x (a/w) Energy versus (k and K). The X's denote eigenvalues which were determined in Figure 3.12 (Tamm). 79 be highly localized near the surface. Figures 3.1# (a-e) are plots of the wave functions for the energy eigenvalues obtained above. These wave functions should be compared with Figures 3.8 (a-e) for the Shockley-type termination. Note particularly the Tamm-type states which are plotted at the bottom of Figure 3.14a and at the top of Figure 3.l#b. They are quite localized at the surface and in fact extend further outside the crystal than the other surface states con? sidered. Note also the energies at which each occurs. They indeed lie practically at the same energy due to the large attenuation and consequent lack of interaction. This result has been discussed earlier for the Shockley- type surface states except that in that case a larger crystal was required to establish it. Figure 3.15 is a plot of the surface state wave functions in the 4-th attenuation band for 20 cells. As may be seen by com- parison with Figure 3.9b, the differences between the states are small and hence the designation of Shockley- type states for both sets. Finally, we should comment that the procedure out- lined for finding the energy states by the graphical method of plotting various quantities was only for il- lustrative purposes. The actual computations were per- formed on a CDC 6500 computer, with the processes 80 .AEEMBV wcec mmem umuwm ecu mo mou ecu Eoum ccec coaueoceuue umuum ecu oucu wemHeEe mmc coch coauocsm Icemue eueum eoemusm one econ when umnum ecu you mucuuocSMcemum .eva.m ensmum m e e o “a .m w _ gamete um _ _ #1- u _ c v H98 H 9% a: mm mm m . O P _ vmmao Alum r < _ < c m as e e: ilt\\\\\\ mm em c mHmNo.Hlum o u on an em e meomo.Tum io _ 81 .AEEeBV asec mesa ocooem ecu mo chuuossucemue was usec mwem ccooee ecu mo Eouuoc ecu 80mm wcec coauesceuue umuuu ecu oucu cemHeSe mec coucs scuuocsmcemue eueum eoemusm .cva.m eusmum es j e P o lLItIJ/r vm um _ ‘7 l s _ 13? m 3 84 .cafieav ocec when Heuuuem cumuu ecu mo couuocsmcemue one pcec mmem cumuu ecu mo Eouuoc ecu Eouu ccec couuesceuue cuusom ecu oucu wemueae mec couc3 cOHuocSMcemue eueum eoeuusm .eeu.m eusmum \._/ D \mw > A > 292:?) .< <_< < < < C <../.\ a ..> \/s > D D > 22...>_ /_\ < < < < /\ < < ./_\ H msecH ese 85 .LEEeBL meumum eoemuom o3u o3u show ou ccec cowuesceuue cuH50u ecu oucu ©e>oE e>ec mccmc meme geese ecu eo souuoc one one season one eo sou ecu sou neeouenoouo ece .ocec scuumsceuue cuusou ecu cu chHuocsucemue eusum eommusm .mH.m eusmum L _ . Hmhmmm.mflm L LL LL<<<<<<; :L :52 LL Hemeéfimevaw WON L L L L mmfi L L L r JOH L L L mm L L L H, W mmammm.mnm LL§<§<$§LLL o~.eeeLH.eeL 86 outlined taking place internally in the computer. The total time necessary for the calculation of the band edges and 18 eigenstates to 6-figure accuracy was of the order of 10-15 seconds. SECTION IV ARBITRARI’TERMINATION OF A FINITE PERIODIC POTENTIKL The problem of termination of the periodic potential at an arbitrary point in the end cell will now be con- sidered. To be more specific, we shall terminate the potential at one end by a step function at an arbitrary point in the end cell and at the other end by a step function at the potential minimum, (see Figure 4.1) Uhtil now, with one exception, general conclusions.have been drawn from symmetry arguements for crystals ter- minated in either a symmetric or antisymmetric manner. In the literature, the various approximation methods which have been used most extensively include the near- ly-free-electron method, and the tight-binding (LCAO or NO) method. The one exception is a paper by Levine,27 in which the problem of the arbitrary termination of a semi-infinite cosine potential is treated. we expect to find somewhat different properties for a finite crystal; consequently, we shall carry out the calcul- ations for the above mentioned problem to determine ex- actly what the differences are. This problem is made considerably more difficult by the arbitrary termination since now.the wave function 87 88 mg“ a H “a . o w a e e e a .3: em MN .Haeo cce — _ — — ~ _ .— .H.v eusmwm 89 and its derivative at the point of termination will not reduce to a simple form. From Figure 4.1, we see that the point of termination in the end cell is measured by the quantityA from the right edge. By continuouslyvary- ing A through this end cell and calculating the eigen- values for each value of A , we obtain a general idea of what effects an arbitrary termination has on the energy eigenstates. Proceeding as we did in Sections II and III, we attempt to form a continuous wave function by matching the wave function and its derivative in each region to the wave function and its derivative in a neighboring region. For x S O, the wave function is of the form W30: A C“ , l<——- \Ffz‘m—ET. (4.1) For O < x s Na-A , we have 41(1)::- C+d'+[x)+ C- (I)- (x). (the) where the form of ah. , i)... will depend on the energy range we are considering. For x ? Na- A , K:(z-— (Ala-AD. (4.3) W1) = B c. 90 Matching the logarithmic derivative at x = 0 yields the condition, K, =42: 2%)) while matching at x - Na-A yields _ . Ct ¢‘I’(Na-A)+C- W ( Ila-21) -K. " (Cd/K a-A)+C’.4L(Na-d)) ' (“'5’ If we now set the right hand side of Eq. (4.4) equal to (#.u) the negative of the right hand side of Eq. (4.5) and define the quantities, 14‘:- WMa'A) , 76'; Oil/MX/zL—A), (n.6e) y,= (MO/r11) , yz=03¢i(Ah-A),(t.6b) we obtain 0 07" C-\____ Cal/+6-2, * ' C} ‘I’ C- I — Gill—6.192.) (m7) Notice that Of - -— 0: , and that x1 becomes equal to 1:2 and y1 becomes equal to y2 if A is equal to some in- tegral multiple of the lattice constant. multiplying Eq. (#.7) through by the denominators, and grouping 91 terms, we obtain a quadratic in c+ and C_, (Jim/m) + 0+6. ((XI-XJQMV/‘Jfl? + am, 1%) = 0. Factoring this equation, and using the Wronskian relation (1L8) W{¢+)¢-} : *ZQF, (4.9) we find that 0+ in terms of C is given by C+— [-[wzzhe-ggltgn etdahwtflc .w 10, This equation may be simplified in form by considering the different forms .of the wave function for' the three regions P< O, O < ’0 < l, and P) 1. In each region, we may write the wave functions out explicitly and form the various sums and differences which are contained in.Eq. (4.10). By defining new variables, we may sim- plify the form of Eq. (4.10) considerably. For f3 < O, we define 37,011) + u(ava 0/ £ mfg _ (12:26: e1. gave If! :i (2174-30)?) Zap—A 96-490?) (1;. llb) (4.11a) 92 = J'1,(ig——l(a:A)+ ill—L1”) 51%), (It no) A, =-_. (W - MwM—D (Inna) 7‘1: W- flg-y:A)Szn(éé), (A. lle) T== ”A?“ )sinéz/I-ihfp'kasé/M—flz (It 111') t‘ = V7311 + Re“; (4.113) 3271,31: "‘ 71/)”. (n.11h) With these definitions, the matching condition given by Eq. (4.10) becomes +C-iA61/2zM-‘fié/ 2+ 2 I Cfle= F CL," (4.12) For 0 < f < 1, the definitions are (a -A) ) . Mg: (3 wuia-A)f “a £&fi;\lf'£) (4.13s) 2(a—A >/ _____ 1(a(_c_z__-A) + ‘m)mg(§§)n.m) 121 = 5; j%)+ u(a—A) ——)$zz£/@(n. 130) 93 9“: (”721:“) -— 3"")Acosk5’f) (#13d) ~11 ’A'A . )1: (We ) "’ 3;, ))51"A{1’),(*-139) =(-;—:)S’z'ZA k(ALz)1+(’")c’o$1K66’1fh(4 .13r) r = V’Rfi—Rf, (4.1m Sifié ’32 :5 "‘ 77/? . (4.131;) Then Eq. (4.10) becomes C~l~k = :1" C‘K(Il’i)d+¢a/z iflz -/(° (“.1”) Similarly, for ‘a> 1 a— ) (a—A CoMé’=(1jz€:): fig: )llol'; (4.15.1) R: i: ( fizz-3+ 3354))51'1164E), (4.1519) 12.. = fl "5.4) 7‘ ifffiwlfistu -= (132% *- "2(,_:’TA)) SZMP?) (4.15d) 94 =(_zl_71(1'4) —‘2\'§-§9 603$ (€61), (Lise) 7.: (~35) W men + {—216 3,724 we)“ u .15.) r = Viki-12?) (use) Sin; ‘63 = 77/? . ' (n.15n) Eq. (4.10) then becomes Cm _ is - [41/494 + ¢% 1193* (4.16) Substitution of Eqs. (n.12), (M.l#), or (4.16) into Eq. (u.n) yields ' K. = -i0¥D/L(’éw-i)f¢lélfl), (n .17.) g I where 0; = ‘i(%go)lflt. o1 . (5.2c) As the energy of the incident plane wave is increased, we must match tht appropriate Bloch functionto the in- cident and reflected wave, depending on the band struc- ture in the crystal. For x? Na, we have only an out- going plane wave of the form ‘ (Jr-Ah) ¢In=716b42 , kz=Jitfl(E-pz>.(5.3) These'wave functions must be matched at x a 0 and x - Na to yield a continuous wave function throughout all space. If the energy of the incident wave is such that F < 0 inside the crystal, then we have at x .. o, the ‘matching condition - 141): cit-C-k ‘Muai 0" emu ). (5..) At x - Na, we have 6M6 —6—-A€ —- A - __ “a — I 2.. (5 5) (Cue’kfii‘éfie If we now solve Eq. (5.5) for C_k in terms of C+k,’ we obtain a; -- [’42, 21M¢ C”: = 01 + 2351. >6 CM' (5'6) Substituting this equation into Eq. (5. 4), we obtain 1’14 \: “‘(g; ) 2,114) 1+R/ i/é/ 11+(ai+ ikz)6w afiib __ M( —££Z; flail/1A — 177 a; +19, furl/Ya /’ or R : (Aefihai HawkézflanA/e (5 .7) (bf/$2964“ (of. fitfimfifla' Since aria-r -z (dd/Ma) Ifl” , we obtain ,a reflection coefficient for F< 0 of I'Rlz— (k: "W (N112 —£[Az)ZIZM (147%)" 10.11% [Gill-(kiszw .(5. 8) 103 For 0 < 2(1, we simply replace 1: by 41K and I 04.- 9’.Ef in qu (5.7). to obtain m1 = (t—Ae‘tarlfiam hefmé‘m (5 9, (bf&)z10fl3—I-(IWIZ’— hkzfladkh' ‘ For F > 1, instead of calculating K by the formula .1 .L 43? (173% = - - 5.10a K a 1 + (at ’ ( ,) we use the formula .1 : ’é[°](4‘:i{.‘) (5.101;) and the reflection coefficient is the same as for 0 < f? < 1 otherwise. ~' For the case of a semi-infinite crystal, we need only let N‘M, to obtain 1.. a. 3:3) , (“0: Hut: 1 , (>0. (5.12) I: we let v1 a v2, |RI2 will reduce for both (R o and f!) 0 to 2.: ( tail”; Mam . IRI 4|m141+(la;!‘+lef)‘£m2kM ’ (a (0’ (5 '13“) 104 2.__ ( 1W11+kf)zM1/ ucofiowmmmoo sowuooammm mém n .ma r l “deflowmmmoo dofluoeamom Emu/E 6m... 0.1m mind mdm and mi: n.4,.— Min.— b L if! .na.m enemas «<4 :5)? e .b n 5 n n 5 n 5 O O O O 0 O O O 05 i I I J - = = = = = = _ 0 0 Q 0 0 0 n_u n_.u ._.._u a e a‘JOT ‘ 0&7. ' Q's—— C 73.. ,._,_,__ Dfm DOT; ' .LNiJIDEZAJ-DB WIDE—HM CO“? 730! ’ it www- .5 fr 112 .mHHoo muses» mo soap leasehou mmmulmmaxoosm one you mmnoco msmum> usma0flummoo coHuomHmmm .mm.m ousmflm ,smé m.mm sham mbem “.mm n.em n.m~ n.3m n.:~ n.~e n.e~ m.en n.31 n.3e m.mn p.0u mn.m mm.n <<<<<<<11 r 1 . . .r 3 » . . » I. n assessing teaser; 15:33:, 33.1 a 1 sum. __ . a N .... .n 3 m . m _ a... L w“ .. “._ r .(U. W m a” n n 6 n .o .n u now u n .h w o - o o- o o o 0 go o no 0 o i = = ._ = .. = ._ = = = = = m 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n. a n + e iii-313133303 5011331433 .mHHmo musmsu mo :oflumsflfiumu ammunfifima on» How mousse momnm> ucmflOflmmeoo cofluooamom .nm.m musmflm Saw: ...&m mam him n.~m mdm n.mm mow. 3.1m numn n..cm Wm..— mfid mil nan." méa ~m.m mmd. IW 211;} nu OOL' 331' 395' DCZ‘ JNBIP-I gel-JED .‘Clll-FLJJU t .30. 114 Imonoonm gufiz mnoflnumn Havensowfl “sou Eoum msonuomao mo sofluoeamom .mwcm guon um msOflumsflEumu max» .mM.m ousmflm I I “F'. are: m.om ”.mn m.e~ m.:u m.m~ n.c~ m.m1 n.3n n.31 m.me n.0q mm.m hm.n rm.e mm.m chm. Nae, the potential is zero representing free space. The three regions are labeled appropriately by I, II, and III. By using a square well for our model impurity potential, we have com- plicated matters considerably, since we have to deal with band-edge crossing effects also. waever, real impurity potentials may be expected to have the same type of struc- ture. In region I, the solution of Schrodinger's equation yields plane waves which we shall write (for E > 0) as (6.1) 41(1): (31%]; We He\\\\\w\\ \\\\}“ _ we _l20 We want to find the transmission coefficient of an electron incident from the left, past the foreign layers into vacuum. Consequently, we may calculate lRl 2, the reflection coef- ficient and use I'T'lz': 1 "‘ ”RI” (6.2) to obtain the transmission coefficient. In region II, solution of Schrodinger's equation yields the Bloch waves ”12,: C+l|4+ C_(l}. (6.3) the exact form of which is given in Section I. ,In region III, the wave function is given by the out-going plane wave 4)) : TC; 3(1-A/az) k=W%XE) (6 .4) 121 The requirement that the wave function be continuous across the three regions determines the coefficients B, C+, C_, and T. If we recognize that this problem is Just a special case of the problem treated it Section'V with the zero of energy shifted and unequal potential terminations, we'may save cal- culational duplication. By making the energy zero adjust- ment and relabeling the correSponding variables according to Figure 6.1a, we may directly carry over the calculations of Section V to this section. we wish to calculate the transmission coefficient rather than the reflection coef- ficient as was done in Section‘V; so we must use Eq. (6.2) to obtain the pertinent result. ' At this point, some discussion of the choice of po- tentials is in order.. The potential around the foreign atoms adsorbed on the surface of the metal is essentially that due to the Coulomb potential of the fractionally charged ion core. Thus, one would expect to use a strongly attractive model potential whose radius is roughly that of the ionic radius. However, if we incorporate the condition of orthogonalization to the occupied tightly bound electron as a separate, non-local term in the potential, the sum of the two potentials yields a more smoothly varying function of position. The pseudo-wave function will then be anal- ogous to the free-electron wave function. This approach has 122 been used to calculate electron field emission distri- butionsng. Other workers50 dispute this approach for the following reaSons. The principle of the pseudo-potential is that the exact Schrodinger equation for a system with a complicated wave function can be transformed into a pseudo- wave function equation with the same energy eigenvalue and a simple pseudo-wave function. The simple wave function has nothing to do with the real wave function. In doing trans- mission coefficient calculations, the form of the wave func- tion is intimately related to the details of the potential, and the interference effects which are present in the real wave function are glossed over in the pseudo-wave function approach. . we shall adopt the latter viewpoint in calculating the wave function, so consequently, we must use strong po- tentials in a model of the true potential rather than weak pseudo-potentials. we shall assume the adsorbed atom is displaced to a larger lattice spacing from the end of the crystal than it would have in bulk material. As suitable parameters to use in our calculations, we take (see Figure 6.1a) 8.2 3 900 A0, (605‘) be v02 - 51.5 ev - 13.28 11.11., (6.50) - 1.5 1°, : (6.5b) 123 g 12eu5 'eV ‘3 3020 EeUe, (6 05d) P T2 3 3e88 817 = 100 EeUee (6'5e) vcl These are approximately the same values of the para- meters as used by Gadzuk in his calculation. However, Gadzuk was mistaken in his interpretation of the units of the various parameters defined above so that when he thought he was using a well depth V02 = 51.5 ev, he was actually using a well deptth02 = 200 ev. As a matter of fact, all of his energy units are too small by a factor of 3.88. Con- sequently, the transmission coefficient which he calculates has considerably more structure (i.e.the wave function has a larger number of nodes near the well) then it should. ‘To clarify this situation, and to generalize the results for a larger number of adsorbed atoms than one, the transmission coefficient was calculated using the above parameters for the case of one, two, and three adsorbed atom layers. The results are illustrated in Figure 6.2. The solid curve represents the case of one adsorbed atom layer (N = 1), whereas the 1/16" dashed curve is for two adsorbed atom lay- ers (N - 2), and the 1/8" dashed curve is for three adsorb- ed atom layers (N s 3). The range of energies in.which we are interested is between zero and twenty electron volts, 124 .H ammo namuma s so mEoum pmnHOmps m .m .H new unmfloflmmmoo coflmmflfimcmua .N.m musmflm Emmi“. 5.: 33 £5 .5... a}. mam aim am; I; ea. 33 neg. .m; emu. .3. En. m DC". ' OO'~ ' lNSIUIJJTUD tDlSSlbflWtil I one ‘ lbi . t 00‘ ~' 125 since calculations of this type for higher values of energy are made irrelevant by inelastic effects. The most striking feature about the N - 1 case is that the transmission coef- ficient has very little structure, and is a slowly varying function of energy. This is in agreement with previous authors' assumptions about the nature of the transmission coefficient with regard to photoemiSsion calculations, etc.. The small variation which does occur is a result of the at- tenuation bands of the adsorbed atom. The attenuation band edges are denoted by the vertical lines. For two adsorbed atom layers, the situation is quite different owing to the resonating effects between the impurity atoms. If we rea- lize that this situation is analogous to the situation in Section‘v, we may apply the same reasoning to explain the structure of the transmission coefficient." The main dif- ference between the calculations of this section and those ‘ of Section V is that we are now dealing with unequal bound- ary conditions at either end of the "periodic potential". The main effect which this has on the form of the trans- mission coefficient is that, in a pass band, instead of achieving the value one (corresponding to the reflection coefficient of Section V going to zero) at various values of k, the transmission coefficient reaches a relative max- imum which may be shifted slightly from the values of 126 k = mr/Na2, n = 1, 2, . . . N-l. Otherwise, the two situ- ations are analogous. The number of relative maxima which the transmission coefficient will have in a given pass-band will depend on whether the band edges which bound the pass- band have crossed. Consequently, there will be either N-l, N, or Nfl relative maxima in each pass-band. The attenua- tion bands, of course, tend to lower the transmission coef- ficient. Thus, the reason for the structure for the two cases, N=2 and Ne}, becomes clear. To obtain a better under- standing of what effect the potential depth of the impurity layers has on the transmission coefficient, we have per- formed the same calculations as above using the same values for all the parameters except‘Vbz which was reduced to half of its previous value. The results are illustrated in Figure 6.3. This should be compared with Figure 6.2. As 'may be seen, the transmission coefficient is enhanced in an overall manner, and the structure changes slightly due to the change in the position and widths of the pass-bands and attenuation bands. The fact that an attenuation band becomes wider as the potential becomes weaker is purely a band-edge crossing effect, as may be seen in Section III. B. ADSORBED ATOMS ON A NON-METAL SURFACE The situation of a nondmetal with adsorbed atoms on its surface represents a more complicated problem mathema- .m ammo naspca s so mEoum penuompm m .N .H you ucmfioflmwcoo :mewHEmcmuB .m.m onsmflm JNT}IDI.-J.:I'€LD tfllfilmcfl .GEZm Eq.: mm: mm...” 5.; .35. Tim. 9.... find “and mTN 3.... swim rm-.. emu. rm"... mam. o a F P p n P elf b Pl ? P v b L. P 0 .\:zx / 4. i / I I ,. . - l .m t l/ g D X , x, z ‘\1/ rm 1 I \ / by J \ / \ / x . , it , \ n O = ,. x 0 mM in i i o 0 128 tically than does the previous case, since now we must take into account the band structure of the non-metal as well as the band structure of the adsorbed atoms. The approach to solving this problem.for the transmission of electrons from the nonémetal into free space is, however, analogous to the previous calculation. As before, we form a continuous wave function throughout all space by Joining the appropriate solutions to Schrodinger's equation at the boundaries of the regions in which they are valid. We shall denote the nonametal as region I, the adsorbed surface layers as region II, and the vacuum.as region III. Since region I is characterized by a periodic poten- tial, the solutions to Schrodinger's equation will yield a wave function of the form “I = C: [bf 4' CE (1'?) 1(0) (5-6), where the exact form of 1p} ) w. will depend on the value of energy; i.e. on whether PI< O, O < PI< 1, PI) 1. Region I will have a band structure which depends only on the periodic potential in region I. We want to have a wave traveling to the right (i.e. incident wave) and a wave traveling to the left (i.e. reflected wave), in order to calculate the reflection coefficient. Since the indepen- 129 dent solutions for an attenuation band are both real func- tions, they do not carry any current. To be able to obtain a current in an attenuation band, it is necessary to take a complex linear combination of the two real solutions. wa- ever, we shall not attempt to do this since the reflection coefficient would depend exponentially on the depth inside the nonametal at which the unstable state was created. Since the time required for an electron to "tunnel" out of the crystal is much larger than the time during which'the electron would stay in such an unstable state, we can say that the reflection coefficient is essentially one, or that the transmission coefficient is zero. The independent sol- utions for the pass bands, in contrast, carry currents of ,; ._.. l(tf¢f’£ we: - ”far we ,iét(q’1w-IW’* q)1¥'4,1’)_% I (6.71)) where a; - -- 01'— and 0;: i(-—fl€é)lfl: “rt Ill l .1 From Section II, we know that the quantity ’(aO/flo)lflz’ is positive for the odd numbered bands and negative for the even numbered bands. Since We 65%! (6.8a) 130 f" = *fi‘, (6.8b) We must identify the wave traveling to the right as 41-}: for odd numbered pass bands and “’3: for even numbered pass bands. The situation is reversed for the wave travel- ing to the left. Thus, the reflection coefficient is given by $11 odd Pass bands. IR‘ 2 \ng‘z even Pass (smog?) In region II, we will again have a band-structured situa- tion, so we may write the wave function in this region as 1p = 01‘ 4).” + 61‘ (1)3“, owe/Varese) The band structure in this region will, in general, be different from that of region I. In region III, the wave function takes the form of an 131 out-going wave ('1 : TC&3'(1’A/f) £3 =V1m£ / i Z; (6.11) ,z 2 Ala, . If we now require the logarithmic derivatives to be equal at the boundaries x - 0 and x - Nae. we obtain the reflec- tion coefficients of pI< o . ,0 1< 0 l l IR 1" _ as, he . (gf- sews/a , — Z z (eh/ere + (35+ 656 (a) 2W” [1' :r g; F’tfl’: , $1: - (Z!) I I) (6.12) _— 1 A bdfldS) E — {:1 211611 (24:115. . p1t¢+ {yf— 651/ ezzéa/M- ' 132 p.15 0, OI mantra/”1 W '1: (5 .14) The transmission coefficient is Just ITIZ': 1 - )le (5.15) Notice that {Se}, is always positive and could be re- placed by' I ll . As the periodic potential in region I goes to zero, If, I goes to 1:1, where k1 was defined earlier in Eq. 6.1, and we recover the results of the ear- lier subsection. In order to be able to draw comparisons between this calculation and the calculation done earlier, we let a2, b2,‘Vo 2, and T let a1, b 2 have the same values as used before, and 1. V61. and T1 be such that the average value of the periodic potential is the same as the'V’o1 chosen earlier. Thus, we let a1 - 3.0 A0 (6.15a) b1 - .75 11°, (6.151») v01 - 2.0 E.U., (6.15c) 'r - 1.2 11.0.. (6.15d) 1 133 USing the above parameters for region I, and the two sets of parameters for region II, the transmission coefficient was calculated for the range 0 < E < 20 ev, and is illus- trated in.Figures 6.4 and 6.5. ‘As before, the vertical lines represent the band edges for region II. The band edges for region I can clearly be distinguished by the fact that the transmission coefficient goes to zero. These graphs should be compared with Figures 6.2 and 6.3 and the differences noted. There is only one attenuation band oc- curring in region I for the range of energies considered. It occurs more or less in the middle of a pass band of re- gion II. The structure in the transmission coefficient is en- hanced in the pass band regions, as is readily seen by com- parison. The various relative peaks in the transmission co- efficient may be explained by previous considerations. To summarize, we have seen that for the case of one layer of adsorbed atoms on the surface of a metal or non- metal, the transmission coefficient is a slowly varying function of energy, except near a band edge for a nondmetal. ‘With the introduction of more than one layer, resonance ef- fects predominate, leading to considerable structure in the transmission coefficient. Hence, we would expect to observe this type of effect in the total energy distribution of elec- trons emitted from metals or nonpmetals with more than one layer of foreign atoms deposited on the surface. .H omsu nuasuosucoc s so mfioum nonsense m .N .H How psowOHmmooo :onmflEmssuB .e.m ousmflm Emma NU.) an... H} mm... 9%.. maum aim. whim red. 6.5.“ Cw; sh...” pr... int- inn. 9...... O F D! P F b * * r F) by P F b! P r 134 (YT? ' .u mSIDIJJ-KE: .‘JCISSINSTN-‘V‘ul L‘Ll/ ‘ ”.- CK}! ' 00c. ' ('30 ' '1 .m omsu Inamuofiucos m :0 mEoum meHOmpm m .N .H How ucmfloflmmmoo scammflfimcmna .muw musmflm sumugm 135 raga ma.m P .' 191:1" .I' =- .16 DCW' 'IDIJdJOD NCISSN¢9flflfl ‘J 002' g. 00 009' 1N L' 50 DCU' 90b ' SUMMARY By constructing the total wave function fOr a one-dimensional potential from individual cell solutions, we have found that such wave functions may assume three forms, depending on whether the parameter F (defined in Section I) is less than zero, between zero and one, or greater than one. All three forms are of the Bloch-function type; there is no restriction as to the form or magnitude of the periodic potential. Via the parameter P ‘ , a band structure may be associated with a single period of the per- iodic potential. By applyingTamm and Shockley type poten- tial terminations at either end of the periOdic potential, we hav: found that the emergence of surface states is depenp dent on whether the parameter -— (Ital/(lo) ”of; (defined in Section I ; it corresponds to an effective wave number) goes negative-in an attenuation region. The number of sur- face states 1n an attenuation region was found to depend on the number of cells in the periodic potential considered and the width of the attenuation band. UBing a Kronig-Penney' type periodic potential as an illustration, we have seen quite graphically the effects which the two different types of potential terminations have on the energy states and the 136 137 dependence of these states on the parameters which specify the potential. For potentials terminated at an arbitrary point in the end cell, we have found the emergence of a new type of surface state which is not found for terminations a which are symmetric. The band structure above the vacuum level was investigated by considering the reflection of free electrons from a finite periodic potential with the Tamm.and Shockley type terminations. It was found that the presence of surface states for energies below the vacuum level may be inferred from the structure of the curves giving the reflection coefficient versus electron energy. For the - emission of electrons from crystals with from one to a few layers of adsorbed atoms on the surface, resonance trans- mission effects were found to be significant only for the case of more than one layer of adsorbed atoms. BIBLI OGRA PHY BIBLI OGRA PHY l. I. Tamm, Phys. Z. SowJet. l, 733 (1932); Z. Phys. 16, 849 (1932)- ‘ 2. w. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 56, 317 (1939). ‘ 3. S. G. Davison and J. D. Levine, to appear in Solid State {lysics (Academic Press, New York, Vol. 21, 1968). ed. by F. Seitz, D. Turnbull and H. Ehrenreich. 4. E. T. Goodwin, Proc. Cam. Phil. Soc. 2, 205, 221, 232 (1939)- 5. M. Born and J. 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