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USE B?!” INVESTIGATION OF THE STRUCTURE AND SHEAR STRENGTH CHARACTERISTICS OF.A CLAY SOIL by Roger David Goughnour AN ABSTRACT Submitted to the College of Engineering Michigan State university of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering September 1961 Approved: ROGER DAVID GOUGHNOUR ABSTRACT This thesis is an investigation of the strength and structural differences occurring between flocculated and remolded clays. The orientation of clay particles of flocculated and remolded samples were studied by x-ray diffraction. A method of freeze-drying was used in the preparation of the samples. The shear strength was studied by means of triaxial tests. The x-ray diffraction studies showed a random particle orientation in the flocculated clays. Clays which were highly consolidated showed a high degree of particle orien- tation. Remolded samples showed orientation over small areas, but the direction of orientation changes from one place to another. The triaxial test showed that the cohesion of the remolded clay acts much as a viscous liquid, while the cohesion of the flocculated clay acts as a brittle bond, INVESTIGATION OF THE STRUCTURE AND SHEAR STRENGTH CHARACTERISTICS OF‘A CLAY SOIL by Roger David Goughnour A THESIS Submitted to the College of Engineering Michigan State university of.Agricu1ture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering September 1961 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author is happy to acknowledge the help of those who aided in the conduct of the research and the preparation of this paper. Dr. T. H. Wu of the Civil Engineering Department, Michigan State university, supervised the research and reviewed the' paper. His guidance and comments are greatly appreciated. Dr. M. M. Mortland of the Soil Science Department, Michigan State university, gave valuable guidance in the x-ray studies. Dr. 0. B. Andersland of the Civil Engineering Department, Michigan State university assisted in making the final draft of this paper. Gratitude is also extended to the National Science Foundation for their support of this project and to the Consumers Power Company for providing the funds for the author's fellowship. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . LIST OF TABLES . . . . . Chapter I. DEVELOPMENT OF CURRENT KNOWLEDGE II. OBJECTIVE OF PRESENT STUDY III. SOIL STUDIED . . . IV. X-RAY STUDIES . . . V. TRIAXIAL TESTS . . . VI. CONSLUSIONS . . . APPENDICES--Figures . . . Tables . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY .. c .i .. .. . Page ii iv CDNO‘ 1L!- 21 23 37 39 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Schematic Representations of Particle Orientation . . . . . . . 23 2. Interparticle Forces . . . . . . 2h 3. Changes in Particle Orientation . . . 2n n. Flat Plate X-Ray Camera . . . . . 25 5. .Arrangement of the Reflecting Crystal . . 26 6. X-Ray Diffraction Patterns . . . . . 27 7. Goniometer Patterns . . . . . . 30 8. Consolidometers and Constant Temperature Box 31 9. Triaxial Cells . . . . . . . 31 10. Shear and Normal Stress, Constant Strain Rate 32 ll. Stress-Strain Relationships, Constant strain Rate 0 o o o s o o o 33 12.. Friction and Cohesion, Creep Test . . . 3h 13. Friction-Cohesion Time Relationships . . 35 1h. Friction and Cohesion at Failure, Creep Test 36 iv LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Soil Composition and Characteristics . . 37 2. Summary of Triaxial Tests . . . . 38 I. DEVELOPMENT OF CURRENT KNOWLEDGE Soil Structure The importance of the structure of cohesive soils on the strength properties has been recognized by soil engineers for more than thirty years. until about 1925, cohesion was thought to be caused by some hypothetical amorphous substance. In 1925, Karl Terzaghi discredited this theory with a paper on the structure and bonds in cohesive soils. He stated that cohesive soil has a structure similar to a honeycomb, with large amounts of water being held within the voids and the cohesion was caused by attractive forces between adjacent soil particles. In 1926, Goldschmidt performed a series of experiments with mixtures of clay minerals and various liquids. He found that with non-polar liquids, the clay lost its plasticity and behaved only as a frictional material. He concluded that the plasticity of clays was dependent on a combination of both the mineral and the liquid. He proposed that the crx§tal- line minerals were surrounded by a film of adsorbed water molecules and that the water molecules stick to each other and to the minerals because of their dipole moment. He intro- duced the term "cardhouse" structure to describe the arrange- ment of the flaky minerals in highly sensitive clays. This structure is similar to that presented in Figures la and 1b. The surplus water was considered by Goldschmidt as being enclosed in the space between the mineral flakes. The less the sensitivity of the clay, the more dense the arrangement of the particles. Observations of the structure of sensitivélclays have been made with the petrographic microscope (Mitchell, 1956) and the electron microscope (Rosenqvist, 1959). These obserw vations tend to substantiate the cardhouse structure. Forces Acting Between Soil Particles The forces acting between soil particles may be divided into attractive and repulsive forces. The attractive forces include van der Waals' forces, Coulombic forces, water dipole linkages, and hydrogen and ionic bonds. The repulsive forces are primarily due to repulsion between like electrical charges. Because of isomorphous substitution* occurring within the mineral lattice. the individual clay crystals carry a net negative electrical charge. This net negative charge is balanced by positive ions near the surface of the minerals. Water may also be attached to this negatively charged surface due to the dipolar nature of the water molecules. Figures 2a and 2b show possible conditions under which attractivegforces v—‘fi *Isomorphous substition occurs when a metallic ion in the lattice of the perfect clay crystal is replaced in the same posithon with an ion of similar properties but lower valence. may exist because of cations and water molecules (Lambe, 1958). The edge of clay plates are believed to be positively charged (Lambe, 1958). Thus, a surface to edge relation will give an attractive force. The main reason for repulsion of clay particles is due to the like negative charge on the surface of the particles. Also, when two particles with cations are brought together, a repulsion will take place as shown in Figure 2c. When the attractive forces of'a clay suspension exceed the repulsive forces, the clay flocculates. The positive edge attracted to the negative surface results in a random particle orientation. This is demonstrated by the cardhouse structure of Lambe shown in Figure 1b..As a result of this, the flocculated soil has a higher void ratio at a given con- solidation pressure, than a non-flocculated soil. It is also possible to obtain a parallel orientation in a flocculated clay by the addition of an electrolyte. By adding a salt to the clay-water system, a high concentration of anions will gather at the edges of the particles. This reduces the posia tive edge charge as well as the repulsive force and permits parallel orientation as shown in Figure la. Effect Of Remolding Nearly all sedimentary clays lose strength when worked or remolded. Mitchell (1956) has shown the greater the orien- tation improvement (changing from a random to a parallel arrangement) with remolding, the greater the loss in strength. The magnitude of this loss is indicated by "sensitivity" which is defined as the ratio of the strength of the undisturbed to the completely remolded soil. When a flocculated soil is remold- ed, the edge to surface contact is broken and a loss of strength results. At the same time, the particle orientation is improved as shown in Figure 1c. Shear Strength The shear strength of a soil is influenced to a very large extent by the attractive and repulsive forces, which in turn depend upon the particle spacing, particle orientae; tion and the structure. The importance of the structure,iaccording to Lambe (1958) is illustrated in Figures 3a and 3b. They show two adjacent clay particles with the same average spacing A . The sum of the contact pressure and the net attractive force between two particles varys with the power function of the spacing*. Thus, tilting the two particles from.a parallel position to the position shown in Figure 3b, results in a greater increase in the attractive force on the right side than is lost on the left side. Therefore, the shear stress required to slide the particles relative to each other is greater in Figure 3b than in 3a. By the same reasoning, if the particles are flocculated in a perpendicular position *See Lambe (1953 or 1958) for a discussion of quantitative interparticle forces. as shown in Figure So, they pussessa.higher resistance to displacement than the parallel Particles of Figure 3d. In short, for a given average particle spacing, the more nearly parallel the adjacent particles, the lower the shearing resis- tance. The shear strength of soils is usually considered to be made up of cohesion and friction. Cohesion is the shearing resistance between two particles which exists independently of external forces. In the flocculant clays shown in Figures 1b and Sc, cohesion exists at the edge to plate contacts. Lambe (1958) suggested that cohesion is mainly electrostatic attraction between the negative plate charge and the positive edge charge. The friction may be due to both electrical forces and physical interference between particles during shear displace- ments. The maximum shear resistance due to friction is a direct function of the force acting normal to the plane of shear. A.clean sand is an example of a material with only the frictional type of strength. II. OBJECTIVE OF PRESENT STUDY The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the strength and structural differences occurring between flocculated and remolded clays. The orientation of clay particles of flocculated and remolded samples was studied by x-ray diffraction. The shear strength was studied by means of triaxial tests. III. SOIL STUDIED The clay used in this investigation is a glacial lake clay from a site about 15 miles south of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. It is composed of about 60% clay and h0% silt. X-ray diffraction studies on the clay fraction showed approximately equal percentages of illite, vermiculite and chlorite. The soil has a flocculant structure with a sensitivity of 8 in the natural state. It was found that the clay could be fIOCCulated in the laboratory, and that it would retain its flocculent state upon consolida- tion. Other characteristics of this soil are summarized in table I. IV. X-RAY STUDIES Use Of The Flat Plate Camera .A diagram of the flat plate x-ray camera is shown in Figure h. Use is made of Braggs law to understand the mech- anics of the flat plate camera. Braggs law may be stated as: nfl:2dsine or d= It states that the distance (d) between parallel planes, for a first order reflection (n=1), is equal to the wave length (A) divided by two times the sine of the angle 9. Figure 5 illustrates the use of this principle. It can be seen that the reflection of the x-ray beam depends on a plane of a crystal being at the angle 9 to the x-ray beam..When a powder specimen is used, the planes are arranged in an entirely random manner. There should be enough particles turned at the angle 9 to the incident primary beam of x-rays to produce a continuous reflection. The reflection from a beam passing through a powder specimen forms a series of circular cones. On a photographic plate it is shown as a series of concentric rings with uniform intensity. Each ring corresponds to one set of planes of spacing d. If instead of a powder, a clay with preferred orientation in one direction (Figure 1c) is used, reflection occurs only on the plane parallel to the orientation of the clay particle. On the photographic plane, the reflected rays are concentrated into points or short arcs instead of being distributed evenly along a circle. Thus, by observing the length of the arc of the reflected beam, it is possible to obtain an estimate of the particle orientation of the clay. Copper radiation (A=:l.539 A?) was used to produce the x-rays in this investigation. Use Of The Goniometer The goniometer works on much the same principle as the flat plate camera. The only difference is that instead of a photographic plate, a counter is used in a preselected plane. The specimen is stationary while the counter is rotated about the specimen. A recorder records both the angle 29 and the intensity of the reflected x-ray beam. If the crystals are completely parallel, the goniometer will produce sharp peaks at the angles corresponding to the interplanar distance spacings..As the degree of orientation decreases, the peaks will broaden and become less intense. Thus, it is possible to obtain an idea of the orientation of the clay along the plane selected. The x-ray beam of the goniometer will penetrate through only a few particle layers of the specimen. This makes it necessary to obtain a sample with a surface which is both smooth and undisturbed. This condition is difficult to obtain and it limits the use of the goniometer for a quantitative analysis of particle orientation. 10 Preparation Of Specimens The flat plate camera requires very thin specimens and an exposure of several hours. If a clay is left in a moist condition, it will dry out during the x-ray exposure. It is alsoznnpossible to obtain a thin specimen from a moist sample. A.method of freeze drying was used to eliminate these diffia culties. Specimens of approximately 2 square centimeters were immersed in liquid air, which results in rapid freezing of the clay. The specimens were then placed in a vacuum desicator under a vacuum. The desicator was kept at temperatures well below freezing until the specimens were dry. Rosenqvist (1959) found that the freezing in liquid air involves a very slight volume increase (3% for saturated samples), whereas the drying took place without any noticeable change in dimensions. For this reason, the mineral arrangement is assumed to be essen- tially the same before and after freeze drying. The dried samples were broken mechanically and thin specimens were obtained for analysis. Results With The Flat Plate Camera The soil used is composed of illite, chlorite, vermiculite and quartz. The chlorite and vermiculite have first order lattice spacings of lu.A? and second order spacings of 7.A°. The illite has a first order spacing of IO.A°. The quartz has a spacing of 3.3 A?. These are the most significant spacings. Figure 6a is a powder pattern of the soil. The 1h, 10 and 7 A?spacings are present though not too intense. It should 11 be noted that each ring is uniformly intense throughout. Figure 6b shows the pattern from a specimen obtained by placing a suspension of the soil in an evaporating dish and drying it out to a thin film. The particles in this thin film were very well oriented and were used as a base<>f com- parisonvuitiother samples. The 1h, 10 and 7.A° spaCings appear as arcs which are parallel to the particle orientation. The arcs have much greater intensity than the rings of the powder pattern. The 3.3.A? quartz spacing still appears as a complete ring. This is because quartz is made up of irregular grains which do not orient. In Figure 1, the quartz is represented by the large, non-plate shaped particles. Figures 60 and 6d represent patterns from a soil that was flocculated and then consolidated to a pressure of 0.35 kg/cm‘. These two figures represent the two extremes of orientation that can be obtained in this soil. Figure 6c is much.the same as that obtained for the powder pattern. This would indicate that there is practically no orientation. Figure 6d represents some orientation, but net nearly as much as given in Figure 6b. It is probable that as pressure is applied to flocculated clay, there is local breakdown in the cardhouse structure. Thus, Figure 6c shows the clay still retaining the flocculated struc- ture, while Figure 6d shows some breakdown of the structure. Figure 6e was obtained from a soil consolidated to the high pressure of no kg/cmZ. This pattern is similar to that given in Figure 6b. It was also possible to find areas of slightly less orientation. This would tend to support the assumption illustrated in Figure 1c, in which an overall 12 orientation exists with local areas of slightly less orienta- tion. X—ray diffraction studies were also run on a remolded sample which was hydrostatically consolidated to a pressure of 2.25 kg/cm”. Some orientation could be found in local areas of this sample. The orientation shifted from one direction to another, with no one plane of preferred orientaion. Thus, as the sample was remolded and hydrostatically consolidated, the the clay particles were pushed closer together and local areas of orientaion developed. Results With The Goniometer Figure 7 represents the x-ray diffraction pattern obtained from the goniometer. The sample for Figure 7a was obtained as follows. A suspension of the clay was placed on a porous plate. A.vacuum was applied to the plate and the excess water was drawn off, leaving a film of highly oriented clay on the plate. The diffraction pattern shows distinct peaks at 1h, 10, 7 and 3.3 A? spacings. Figure 7b is the pattern obtained on the horizontal plane of a soil consolidated to a pressure of no kg/cmf. The distinct peaks of Figure 7a are not present, but instead there is a continuous intensity from about 15.A° to 6.A°. Thus, orientation is present, but not to the degree given in Figure 7a. The quartz peak of 3.3.A°is still present. Figure 7c is the pattern obtained on the horizontal plane of a flocculated clay. There are no distinct peaks at 10 and 1k A° spacings which indicates that very little orien- 13 tation is present. The difference between the goniometer pattern of the highly oriented and the non-oriented samples is obvious. However, the fact that the diffraction surfaces are not perfectly smooth and undisturbed makes more eXact.work impossible. V. TRLAXLAL TESTS The triaxial tests were made on remolded and laboratory flocculated soil samples. Three consolidometers were specially constructed to prepare the flocculated samples. The COHSOlidOP meters are made of two lucite tubes mounted on a six-inch diameter brass ring. The total height is 18 inches..A constant temperature box was built around the consolidometers to main- tain a temperature of 26’C.i2° during sedimentation and consoli- dation. About six inches of a dilute suspension of the soil (w=500% to 800%) was placed in the consolidometers and allowed to flocculate and settle. After a week, the clear liquid above the flocculated soil was drawn off and another six inches of the dilute suspension was added. Care was taken in adding the dilute suspension not to disturb the flocculated soil. This process was continued until the flocculated soil almost filled the consolidometers..A porous stone was then carefully lowered to the top of the clay and consolidation loading was begun. The first load increment was 0.002 kg/cmF. This load was doubled each week (90%+ consolidation) until a final load of 0.35 kg/cmz was reached. The load was then removed and the consolidated soil allowed to rebound for three weeks. The soil cakes were then extruded from the brass rings and six 1.5 inch diameter in 15 by 3.0 inch triaxial specimens were prepared from each cake by hand trimming. The soil cakes, when removed from the consolidometers, had a moisture content of about 60.0%. This is above the liquid limit of 55% and soil trimming was done very carefully so as not to disturb the sensitive structure which developes in the soil during sedimentation and consolidation. When this flocculantsotiil structure was disturbed, the remolded clay behaved like a viscous liquid. Triaxial tests about 23.5°. In the remolded samples, the cohesion goes to zero within 2h hours after each load increment while the friction builds up to resist the load. The cohesion of the remolded clay may be compared to a viscous liquid. There is a strong resistance to each load increment, but this resistance goes to zero with time. VI. CONCLUSIONS X-Ray Studies The flocculated clays, when consolidated to low pressures, showed no orientation to slight orientation. This was attributed to local break down of the fltructure as load was applied. It was also shown that a clay soil attains a high degree of orientation when it is consolidated to high pressures. The remolded samples showed areas of local orientation with a shifting from one plane to another. The results of this study are in agreement with the schematic representation of Lambe shown in Figure 1. Triaxial Tests Both the constant-rate-of-strain tests and the creep tests yield results which are in agreement with the cardhouse structure theory. In the remolded clay, the cohesion acts much as a viscous liquid. There is an initial high cohesion which becomes almost constant for a constant rate of strain and drops to zero for a constant load. The friction starts to build up immediately. The flocculated clay, with the cardhouse structure, acts as a brittle material, There is a high strength at 21 22 low strains due to cohesion. As the structure is broken with increased load, the cohesion drops off and the clay takes on the strength properties of the remolded clay. There is very little friction until this structure is broken. 23 a. Salt Flocculation b. Non-Salt Flocculation [Jr flrg f—Ej f—gl [2:221:31 -.-—'_ :22” I: :::::n =3 [5:217 12:31 /i3 1:310:22: I:::L l"-"":'I c. Consolidated FIGURE 1 (after Lambe 1953, 1958) SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATIONS OF PARTICLE ORIENTATION ~.'~' “0 ”UM. _ — — — - " " '-'-"""4:""=‘3 “W 3:3 GEE-D —""‘ CZZDmo @ZHHUmammm mmB m0 Hzmzmoz~--a “»-~.~ .«Or 7.- e. Consolidated (no kg/cmz) FIGURE 6 (CONTINUED) ..-...~... u. -fi...—....._.. 5.". “do. «av—nu..-” .4”. “- m--— ~ -u... ---‘~"~ ‘- 30 tfiQMWUn594GEXMWWAS noonoeoe/asazwnes (00 N 75/? Rem/Ive 80- s a. Vacuum I Oriented 60-- 1 40. a0- k\\fl//\~vfl’_afl.D/A.J JL 1 . I J 032 I2!“ Ix'a I Ig‘r 629 3.3 4.0 5.0 7.0 /0 M MUN/73‘ 80a b. Consolidated 604 404 20- 0 J I l I l 32 24 /6 0 26(D£6R££5) 6b— c. Flocculated 60- 4o- 0 I l 1 l 32 24 /6 8 O 26 FIGURE 7 GONIOMETER PATTERNS .31 FIGURE 8 CONSOLIDOMETERS AND CONSTANT TEMPERATURE BOX FIGURE 9 TRIAXIAL CELLS a..-“ =225°E €' (”freeze j /.0' - a? .SP£(.2 .5P[(.3 {050(g?:é§ . 0? :Z.00 0C:2.00 (3" :5 f‘.’ :- .V? .1- -. ' S 0.} / {a 02 P 00 I, E: 0/0(_¢c"8 $.54 Ill/{328519 01:28.2 ”vu/ ((e' a; a: ' (w. ”I” .m. —-- '€=.003 ”b ____._... d =45 lb) C’ |‘\ 5! )CI'.(:"‘A 5f£.(l'.._?“\fl [(36328 b \IN | 1 T l j 0 '5 L5) 55‘ .20 227 %(Qi*d:)/%%%az a. Remolded Clay JPEC . 305 5.0a. 306 ;_ [OT 5‘ :2'00 0?: 2.00 5 N 0:? =fl30 0:3;2.00 €=‘/mfc 3::(33’005 \§ W; = 38.5% w;= 39,07; 8 1 °\ - ¢b=l3° I k /€-'O3O (a: /3 ‘ 05- I / . ab.» 3.00 1 I5 ,1 €-.O/O[Ce:.35 ‘ I 6‘ 5” C - 3 05 jflff. 305 \ __.. 1 [ | ‘ _' V” O 5 /50 A5' 2&0 255 was) Wm. b. Flocculated Clay FIGURE 10 SHEAR AND NORMAL STRESSES, CONSTANT STRAIN RATE 33 mag ZHgHw HZflwaOU .meIwZOHHdJ—mm ZthwlmmmMHm : mmDOHm Q. on. too. Ir b h sane essenseooHe .e N Tatum... we. we QO .anxm. . fire: \0. NQ. Q _ _ . . Imfi IQV RES» VSXQ Q. mo. No. As. me. n P Q Q ) 0 X a w .J. / ab \ r \f.Q\J W a uQN.yuQN. I stow/Sm o\. moo. SO. no. No. O p P _ _ . b has. MNNQé .8 \ Stash“, _ _ a -ms W S30 M emEoEom .m 3 sh \ \ x -3 a. .. .. l w 3’4 b. Flocculated Clay FIGURE 12 FRICTION AND COHESION, CREEP TEST - /) fl =/70 /-0 21/ [(91 —,02 ~ fl =/2 kg 266cc?“ ¢¢=85o * 2m[C9-0.// 0.5- 7.3 35 , \lrv / T l I 0 0.5 no /.'5 2.r0 2'5' TYGSHfCa) ’99443 a. Remolded Clay 2 h[¢c:2 9.700 /.0- was: 3/5 e We. 3/3 5 " NE 02:32; :22; 27.330; R 03 :2.25- 1.2.00 [(3:: 2.0 it w =38.4 W= 38.6 33 0.51 ‘ 1?’ W 'L‘ ‘tv 0 0.5 fa /.'5 2'.0 2.T5 35 930- t ixzo\ . l s \ h hWm f 8' \ 1 \ o i \\ \\ \\p ‘ O\ \ \\ 0 3'“ l I ¥ l r 0 Ad .20 (1 A9 .20 f/NE -//&o/P.S L) 5%» a ——————— ~ §fi / / Q a” ‘\ lo. I \J J % .- _ __ .. ... - o x ,o/ ’ ’ ,5 / f v y fi Kr...“ VI, 00 l l I | I ’0 20 o M 20 77M£ - flail/P5 - - - RAWOMID --f200fllAfZD FIGURE 13 FRICTION-COHESION TIME RELATIONSHIP 36 ’\ /.0_ E K o>=23£0 s C: 0 ’\ Pé‘t. 3/5' lDos- 5 l ‘vSREC 3A3 '\ S l I l l C) 0h5' AC? A57 .249 free) We: FIGURE 1h FRICTION AND COHESION AT FAILURE, CREEP TEST -—......~-—— TABLE 1 Composition Clay Fractionn Silt - Sensitivity Liquid Limit Plastic Limit SOIL Cation Exchange Capacity COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS (Milliequivalents/100 grams - - Specific Surface (Square meters/gram) - - - - - - - Total Potassium Content 60% u0% 55% 23% m 100 2.07% nApproximately equal percentages of illite, vermiculite and chlorite. ’1'? TABLE 11 SUMMARY OF TRIAXIAL TESTS Spec. Initial Final N0. w w 02 0:3 of up Type of Test 30h 59.6% 38.5% 2.00 1.75 0.90 3.23 Const. Rate of 305 59.5% 38.5% 2.00 1.30 0.8u 3.00 Strain 306 58.5% 39.0% 2.00 2.00 1.35 3.50 307 59.3% 38.1% 2.50 2.00 1.35 2.10 Creep 309 60.0% 35.3% 2.25 1.75 1.05 1.56 310 59.6% 30.1% 7.00 6.00 2.87 b.85 Const. Rate of 311 60.8% 30.3% 7.00 6350 3.05 5.50 Strain 312 58.2% 30.4% 7.00 7.00 2.95 6.15 313 59.h% 38.3% 2.25 2,00 0.90 2.20 Creep 31E 58.7% 38.h% 2.25 1.75 0.85 2.20 315 59.8% 38.u% 2.25 2.25 1.15 2.50 38 l. 2. 9. IO. 11. G. R. J. T. T. J. J. K. BIBLIOGRAPHY L. Clark, (19h0) Applied X-Rays, New York and London: International Series in Physics, McGraw-Hill Company, Inc., P. 81ff. E. Grim, (1953) Cla Mineralo McGraw-Hill Series in Geology, New‘YorR: McGraw-HIII Book Co., Inc. M. Hvorslev, (1937) "Uber die Festigkeitseigenschaften Gestorter Bindinger Boden". Ingeniorvidenskabelige Skrifter, No. A115, P.159. M. Lambe, (1960) "A.Mechanistic Picture of Shear Strength in Clays", ASCE Research Conference on the Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, Boulder, Colorado. M. Lambe, (1958) "The Engineering Behavior of Compacted Clay", Journal of the SoilMechanics and Foundations Division, Proc. Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers, V01. 8h, No. 8M2. M. Lambe, (1953) "The Structure of Inorganic Soils", Proc. Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers, V79, No. 315. M. Lambe (1951) Soil Testing for Engineersl New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., K. Mitchell, (1956) "The Fabric of Natural Clays and Its Relation to Engineering Pr0perties", Proc. Hwy. Res. Board, Vol. 35, Th. Rosenqvist, (1959) "Physico—Chemical Properties of Soils: Soil-Hater Systems, Proc. Amer. Sci. Civil Engineers, Vol.85, 8M2. H. Schmertman and J. O. Osterberg, (1960) "An Experi- mental Study of the Developement of Cohesion and Friction with.Axia1 Strain in saturated Cohesive Soils", Proc. Conf. on Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers. Terzaghi, (1936) "The Shearing Resistance of Saturated Soils and the Angle between the Planes of Shear?, Intern. Conf. on Soil Mechanecs, Vol. 1, p5h. 39 Price 1 u. Ml ICHIGAIN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIEI S 1 11111 1111 11111111111