BANDWIDTH SCAVENGING FOR DEVICE COEXISTENCE IN WIRELESS NETWORKS By Anthony Tyrone Plummer Jr. A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Electrical Engineering 2011 ABSTRACT BANDWIDTH SCAVENGING FOR DEVICE COEXISTENCE IN WIRELESS NETWORKS By Anthony Tyrone Plummer Jr. The objective of this thesis is to develop a wireless channel access framework that allows secondary user (SU) devices to coexist with primary user (PU) devices via utilizing unused spectrum or whitespace found between the PUs’ transmissions. Those whitespaces typically last for short durations (i.e. on the order of milliseconds) in between the active data transmissions by the PUs. The key design objectives for an SU access strategy are to “scavenge” the maximum amount of spatio-temporally fragmented whitespace while limiting the amount of disruptions caused to the primary users (PU). These conflicting goals become particularly challenging without deterministic prior knowledge about the future occurrences and durations of the whitespaces. Our approach to address this problem is to develop stochastic whitespace access mechanisms based on previously observed statistical model of the channel whitespace. The key contributions of this thesis are as follows. First, it provides an extensive statistical analysis of the whitespace characteristics using simulations and experiments on a prototype testbed, in the presence of various primary user traffic scenarios. The simulated network allows explorations of the effects of various traffic and topology conditions, and the experimental testbed provides insights into real world whitespace measurements in the presence of various hardware and operating system related limitations. The second contribution is an opportunistic access strategy for the secondary users that is developed based on the measurement and modeling of whitespace resulted from ad hoc mode 802.11 PU traffic. This opportunistic channel access, or scavenging, during ultra-short and non-deterministic 802.11 whitespace is then evaluated for functionality and performance through analytical modeling, network simulation, and testbed experiments. It is demonstrated that the proposed strategy is able to consistently scavenge above 90% of the available whitespace capacity, while keeping the primary users disruption less than 5%. The third major contribution is to generalize the above bandwidth scavenging approach by extending the proposed technique for arbitrary whitespace distributions. This generalization has resulted in a new access strategy that can be applied to non-802.11 primary traffic and is able to handle whitespace durations with multi-modal density functions. Effectiveness under arbitrary whitespace profiles is achieved by introducing a new concept of transmission opportunities within a given whitespace, and then developing a knapsack optimization based transmission probability shuffling mechanism across the transmission opportunities with the whitespace. Combining the above three components, the thesis offers a framework for SU support within a PU network with arbitrary topology and traffic profiles. Copyright by Anthony Tyrone Plummer Jr. 2011 To My Wife For All Her Love And Support v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Subir Biswas for supporting me through my work. His guidance allowed me to flourish during my time graduate school. I would also like to thank my committee Dr. Matt Mutka, Dr. Tongtong Li, and Dr. Percy Pierre for their time and support. I would also like to especially thank Dr. Percy Pierre and Dr. Barbara O’kelly for their guidance and support in helping me attend and be successful in graduate school. Thanks must be also given to my lab mates Mahmoud Taghizadeh, Jayanthi Rao, Matthias Schmidt, Muhannad Quwaider, Tao Wu and Fan Yu for all of the brainstorming and implementation discussions. Last but not least, I would like give thanks to my wife Raenita Fenner, my parents Anthony Plummer Sr. and Avis Plummer along with the rest of my friends and family for supporting me through this process. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... xi LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... xii Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 PRIORITIZED DEVICE COEXISTENCE IN WIRELESS NETWORKS .................................... 1 1.2 GENERAL DEFINITION OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY USERS ...................................... 2 1.3 ROLE OF MAC LAYER TO SUPPORT DEVICE COEXISTENCE ......................................... 3 1.4 BANDWIDTH SCAVENGING FOR DEVICE COEXISTENCE ................................................ 4 1.5 STATE OF THE ART ....................................................................................................... 6 1.5.1 Traffic Models of Primary Users ............................................................................ 7 1.5.2 Random Access Based Primary User Networks ..................................................... 7 1.5.3 TDMA based Primary User Networks .................................................................... 9 1.5.4 Other Secondary User Access Strategies .............................................................. 10 1.5.5 Access Strategies Considering Multiple Secondary Users ................................... 11 1.6 CASE STUDY: COEXISTENCE IN 802.11 NETWORKS ................................................... 12 1.6.1 Motivation and Applications................................................................................. 12 1.6.2 Problem Definition................................................................................................ 13 1.7 CASE STUDY: TRAFFIC PROTECTION IN CSMA BASED SENSOR NETWORKS .............. 13 1.7.1 Motivation and Applications................................................................................. 13 1.7.2 Problem Definition................................................................................................ 14 Chapter 2: Dissertation Scope and Contributions................................................................... 16 2.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 16 2.2 BANDWIDTH SCAVENGING COMPONENTS .................................................................. 17 2.3 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................ 18 2.4 CONTRIBUTIONS ........................................................................................................ 19 2.4.1 Coexistence in 802.11 Networks .......................................................................... 19 2.4.2 Traffic Protection in CSMA based Sensor Networks ........................................... 19 2.4.3 Generalization of Bandwidth Scavenging Concept for Wireless Networks ......... 19 Chapter 3: 802.11 Whitespace Analysis ................................................................................. 20 3.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 20 3.1.1 Motivation ............................................................................................................. 20 3.1.2 Problem Definition................................................................................................ 20 3.1.3 Related work ......................................................................................................... 21 vii SIMULATION SETUP ................................................................................................... 22 3.2 3.2.1 NS2 Implementation ............................................................................................. 22 3.2.2 Sample Experiments with PUs and SUs topology ................................................ 25 3.3 AD-HOC PRIMARY USER NETWORK ........................................................................... 31 3.3.1 PU and SU Topologies.......................................................................................... 31 3.3.2 Traffic Profiles ...................................................................................................... 32 3.3.3 Channel Characteristics ........................................................................................ 33 3.4 WHITESPACE CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................... 37 3.4.1 Whitespace Model ................................................................................................ 37 3.4.2 Whitespace Statistics ............................................................................................ 38 3.5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS................................................................................... 51 Chapter 4: Contiguous SU Transmission Strategy (CSTS) .................................................... 52 4.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 52 4.1.1 Motivation ............................................................................................................. 52 4.1.2 Problem Definition................................................................................................ 52 4.1.3 Assumptions.......................................................................................................... 53 4.1.4 Related Work ........................................................................................................ 53 4.2 CSTS ACCESS ALGORITHM OVERVIEW ..................................................................... 55 4.3 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW............................................................................................ 58 4.4 ALGORITHM ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 59 4.4.1 Primary Traffic Disruption ................................................................................... 59 4.4.2 Effective Secondary Throughput .......................................................................... 60 4.4.3 Dimensioning Wait-threshold µ ............................................................................ 62 4.4.4 Jmax Computation .................................................................................................. 63 4.4.5 Impacts of wait threshold µ .................................................................................. 63 4.5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION .................................................................................... 65 Chapter 5: Performance Evaluation for Coexistence in 802.11 Network ............................. 66 5.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 66 5.1.1 Comparison Protocols ........................................................................................... 66 5.1.2 Simulation Implementation ................................................................................... 68 5.2 CSTS EVALUATION ................................................................................................... 69 5.2.1 Primary User Load ................................................................................................ 69 5.2.2 Secondary User Packet Size.................................................................................. 73 5.2.3 Dynamic PU Traffic Patterns ................................................................................ 76 5.2.4 Channel Sensing Rate ........................................................................................... 79 5.2.5 Disruption Bound .................................................................................................. 80 5.3 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS................................................................................... 82 Chapter 6: 6.1 Traffic Protection in a Prototype CSMA based Sensor Networks ........................ 83 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 83 viii 6.1.1 Motivation ............................................................................................................. 83 6.1.2 Problem Definition................................................................................................ 84 6.1.3 Related Work ........................................................................................................ 85 6.2 TESTBED SETUP ......................................................................................................... 86 6.2.1 Crossbow TelosB Motes ....................................................................................... 88 6.2.2 Hardware Components and Network Topology ................................................... 88 6.3 PRIMARY USER TRAFFIC PROFILES ............................................................................ 89 6.4 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF CSTS ON PROTOTYPE TESTBED ............................. 92 6.4.1 Compared Protocols .............................................................................................. 92 6.4.2 Experiment Implementation.................................................................................. 92 6.5 PERFORMANCE WITH UNIFORM PU TRAFFIC PROFILE ................................................ 93 6.6 PERFORMANCE WITH PU TRAFFIC WITH LOW-RATE VIDEO ....................................... 97 6.7 PERFORMANCE WITH MULTI-MODAL PU TRAFFIC ..................................................... 99 6.8 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS................................................................................. 101 Chapter 7: Divided SU Transmission Strategy (DSTS) ....................................................... 103 7.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 103 7.1.1 Motivation ........................................................................................................... 103 7.1.2 Problem Definition.............................................................................................. 103 7.1.3 Related Work ...................................................................................................... 103 7.2 ACCESS BASED ON TRANSMISSION OPPORTUNITIES ................................................ 104 7.3 TRANSMISSION BITMAP VECTOR ............................................................................. 105 7.4 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW.......................................................................................... 107 7.5 PU DISRUPTIONS AND SU THROUGHPUT ................................................................. 107 7.5.1 Probability of TO Existence................................................................................ 107 7.5.2 Probability of Disruption .................................................................................... 108 7.6 COMPUTING TBV VIA SOLVING KNAPSACK PROBLEM ............................................ 109 7.7 SUB-OPTIMAL TBV COMPUTATION ......................................................................... 111 7.8 TBV SOLUTION EXAMPLE ....................................................................................... 112 7.9 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE DSTS PROTOCOL .......................................... 112 7.9.1 Comparison Protocols ......................................................................................... 113 7.9.2 Ad hoc 802.11 Whitespace ................................................................................. 115 7.9.3 CSMA Profile Using Test Bed Measured Whitespace ....................................... 123 7.10 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION .................................................................................. 128 Chapter 8: DSTS With Support for Multiple Secondary Users ............................................ 130 8.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 130 8.1.1 Motivation ........................................................................................................... 130 8.1.2 Problem Definition.............................................................................................. 130 8.2 TBVAP STRUCTURE ................................................................................................ 131 8.3 DELAY ANALYSIS .................................................................................................... 133 8.4 WHITESPACE ANALYSIS FOR MULTIPLE PUS ........................................................... 135 8.4.1 Network Setup .................................................................................................... 135 ix 8.4.2 Primary User Traffic Profile ............................................................................... 136 8.4.3 Whitespace Analysis ........................................................................................... 136 8.4.4 Whitespace Capacity........................................................................................... 138 8.5 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF TBVAP ................................................................ 140 8.5.1 Impacts of Primary User Load ............................................................................ 140 8.5.2 Impacts of Secondary User Load ........................................................................ 142 8.5.3 Delay Performance.............................................................................................. 145 8.6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION .................................................................................. 146 Chapter 9: 9.1 9.2 Summary and Conclusions ................................................................................. 147 CONTRIBUTIONS ...................................................................................................... 147 FUTURE WORK ........................................................................................................ 150 Appendix A: TelosB Based TestBed Implementation.......................................................... 154 A.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 154 A.2 PRIMARY USER NETWORK (PUN) ........................................................................... 154 A.2.1 Mote Side Implementation .............................................................................. 155 A.2.2 PC Side Implementation ................................................................................. 158 A.2.3 Traffic Generation Evaluation ........................................................................ 166 A.3 SECONDARY USER NETWORK (SUN)....................................................................... 170 A.3.1 RSSI Measurement ......................................................................................... 170 A.3.2 Evaluation of the RSSI Sampling ................................................................... 173 A.3.3 Mote Side Implementation .............................................................................. 177 A.3.4 PC Side Implementation ................................................................................. 185 Appendix B: LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................ 188 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 190 x LIST OF TABLES Table 5-1: Simulator implementation steps .................................................................................. 68 Table A-1 RSSI sampling specifications .................................................................................... 171 Table A-2: Access strategies and states ...................................................................................... 180 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: Different whitespace profiles and their CDFs.............................................................. 5 Figure 2-1: Architectural components of Bandwidth Scavenging ................................................ 17 Figure 2-2: Application of the Bandwidth Scavenging Concept .................................................. 18 Figure 3-1: Primary and Secondary Users grid topology ............................................................. 23 Figure 3-2: Primary and Secondary Users interference ranges .................................................... 23 Figure 3-3: Primary and Secondary Users interference ranges for three 2-hop PU horizontal connections ................................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 3-4: Secondary Users whitespace measurements for three 2-hop PU horizontal connections ................................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 3-5: Secondary Users whitespace measurements over entire network for three 2-hop PU horizontal connections .................................................................................................................. 27 Figure 3-6: Primary and Secondary Users interference ranges for five 4-hop PU horizontal connections ................................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 3-7: Secondary Users whitespace measurements over entire network for five 4-hop PU horizontal connections .................................................................................................................. 28 Figure 3-8: Primary and Secondary Users interference ranges for seven 6-hop PU horizontal connections ................................................................................................................................... 29 Figure 3-9: Secondary Users whitespace measurements over entire network for seven 6-hop PU horizontal connections .................................................................................................................. 29 Figure 3-10: Primary and Secondary Users interference ranges for two 5-hop PU horizontal connections ................................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 3-11: Secondary Users whitespace measurements over entire network for two 5-hop PU horizontal connections .................................................................................................................. 30 Figure 3-12: PUs and SUs topology and traffic flow for linear chain. (TOP1) ............................ 31 xii Figure 3-13: PUs and SUs topology and traffic flow for intersecting chain. (TOP2) .................. 32 Figure 3-14: PUs and SUs topology and traffic flow for parallel chain. (TOP3) ......................... 32 Figure 3-15: Channel measurements for 0.5 inter-packet time over 10 seconds .......................... 34 Figure 3-16: Channel measurements for 0.1 inter-packet time over 10 seconds .......................... 34 Figure 3-17: Channel measurements for 0.1 inter-packet time over 0.3 seconds ......................... 35 Figure 3-18: Channel measurements for 0.1 inter-packet time over 0.05 seconds ....................... 35 Figure 3-19: Channel measurements for 0.1 inter-packet time..................................................... 36 Figure 3-20: On-Off whitespace model ........................................................................................ 38 Figure 3-21: Sensing period .......................................................................................................... 38 Figure 3-22: Impacts of Uniform whitespace pdf distribution ..................................................... 40 Figure 3-23: Impacts of Poisson whitespace pdf distribution....................................................... 40 Figure 3-24: Uniform whitespace cdf distribution within the interval 0 ms to 1 ms .................... 41 Figure 3-25: Poisson whitespace cdf distribution within the interval 0 ms to 1 msTCP and Video Distributions.................................................................................................................................. 41 Figure 3-26: Impacts of TCP whitespace pdf distribution ............................................................ 43 Figure 3-27: Impacts of video stream whitespace pdf distribution............................................... 43 Figure 3-28: TCP whitespace cdf distribution within the interval 0 ms to 1 ms .......................... 44 Figure 3-29: Video Stream whitespace cdf within the interval 0 ms to 1 ms ............................... 44 Figure 3-30: Impacts of data rate for Uniform pdf distribution .................................................... 45 Figure 3-31: Impacts of data rate for Poisson pdf distribution ..................................................... 45 Figure 3-32: Impacts of data rate for Uniform and Poisson cdfs within the interval 0 ms to 1 ms ....................................................................................................................................................... 46 Figure 3-33: Impacts of sensing period on Uniform whitespace pdf distribution ........................ 46 Figure 3-34: Impacts of sensing period on Poisson whitespace pdf distribution ......................... 47 xiii Figure 3-35: Impacts of sensing rate for Uniform and Poisson cdfs within the interval 0 ms to 1 ms .................................................................................................................................................. 48 Figure 3-36: Available channel capacity in terms of fraction of whitespace for the Uniform traffic profile with various inter-packet arrival times and topologiesAvailable Whitespace Capacity ........................................................................................................................................ 48 Figure 3-37: Available channel capacity in terms of fraction of whitespace for the Poisson traffic profile with various inter-packet arrival times and topologies ..................................................... 50 Figure 3-38: Available channel capacity in terms of fraction of whitespace for the TCP and Video Stream traffic profile .......................................................................................................... 50 Figure 4-1: Different stages of CSTS access ................................................................................ 56 Figure 4-2: CSTS access algorithm .............................................................................................. 58 Figure 4-3: Functional diagram of the SU access strategy ........................................................... 59 Figure 4-4: Evaluation of the impact of µ in CSTS ...................................................................... 65 Figure 5-1: Primary user topologies and the traffic flows ............................................................ 67 Figure 5-2: Performance for uniformly distributed PU traffic...................................................... 71 Figure 5-3: Performance for Poisson distributed PU traffic ......................................................... 73 Figure 5-4: Impacts of the SU packet size on EST and PTD on TOP1 ........................................ 74 Figure 5-5: Impacts of the SU packet size on EST and PTD on TOP2 ........................................ 75 Figure 5-6: Impacts of the SU packet size on EST and PTD on TOP3 ........................................ 75 Figure 5-7: Impacts of the SU packet size on EST and PTD for Video Stream ........................... 76 Figure 5-8: Performance with time-varying w(n) for TOP2 and TOP3........................................ 78 Figure 5-9: Performance with time-varying w(n) for TOP1 and TOP3........................................ 78 Figure 5-10: Impacts of channel sensing interval Tp .................................................................... 80 Figure 5-11: Impacts of Disruption Bound for the uniformly distributed PUs............................. 81 Figure 5-12: Impacts of Disruption Bound for the Poisson distributed PUs ................................ 81 xiv Figure 6-1: System implementation overview .............................................................................. 87 Figure 6-2: Physical topology of the primary and secondary networks ....................................... 89 Figure 6-3: Experimental whitespace distributions. (a) Uniform with 20% variation, (b) Low rate video stream, and (c) Multi- modal data stream ........................................................................... 91 Figure 6-4: PU packets deferred for 120 ppm uniform traffic ...................................................... 94 Figure 6-5: PU packets deferred for 120 ppm uniform traffic in Log scale ................................. 94 Figure 6-6: RTT for 120 ppm uniform traffic ............................................................................... 95 Figure 6-7: MST for 120 ppm uniform traffic .............................................................................. 95 Figure 6-8: Simulation results for 120 ppm uniform traffic ......................................................... 96 Figure 6-9: Simulation results for various uniform traffic rates ................................................... 97 Figure 6-10: PU packets deferred for video stream based traffic ................................................. 98 Figure 6-11: MST for video stream based traffic ......................................................................... 98 Figure 6-12: Simulation results for video stream based traffic..................................................... 99 Figure 6-13: PU packets deferred for multi-modal based traffic ................................................ 100 Figure 6-14: MST for multi-modal based traffic ........................................................................ 100 Figure 6-15: Simulation results for multi-modal based traffic ................................................... 101 Figure 7-1: DSTS transmission opportunities............................................................................. 105 Figure 7-2: Functional diagram of the SU access strategy ......................................................... 106 Figure 7-3: TBV creation via sub-optimal solution .................................................................... 111 Figure 7-4: TBV of DSTS for different traffic profiles .............................................................. 112 Figure 7-5: Primary user topologies and the traffic flows .......................................................... 116 Figure 7-6: Impacts of PU topology with Uniform, Poisson, TCP and Video traffic on whitespace distributions. The graphs (a), (b), (d), and (e) show the pdf, along with (c) and (f) presenting the corresponding cdf for the interval 0 ms to 1 ms ......................................................................... 117 xv Figure 7-7: Performance for uniformly distributed PU traffic.................................................... 118 Figure 7-8: Performance for Poisson distributed PU traffic ....................................................... 120 Figure 7-9: Impacts of the SU packet size on EST and PTD...................................................... 121 Figure 7-10: Performance with time-varying w(n) for 802.11 ................................................... 122 Figure 7-11: Experimental whitespace distributions. (a) Uniform with 20% variation, (b) Low rate video stream, and (c) Multi- modal data stream .................................................................. 124 Figure 7-12: Performance with varying SU traffic load under Uniform traffic ......................... 125 Figure 7-13: Performance with Multi-modal whitespace pdf ..................................................... 126 Figure 7-14: Performance with Video Stream whitespace pdf ................................................... 127 Figure 7-15: Performance with time-varying w(n) for CSMA MAC ......................................... 128 Figure 8-1: TBV with the corresponding TO structure .............................................................. 131 Figure 8-2: TO Access in TBVAP .............................................................................................. 132 Figure 8-3: Delay analysis for TBVAP ...................................................................................... 133 Figure 8-4: Multiple SUs and PUs within the same collision domain ........................................ 135 Figure 8-5: Impacts of 1, 2, and 4 Poisson primary users on whitespace distributions. ............. 137 Figure 8-6: Impacts of 6, 8, and 10 Poisson primary users on whitespace distributions. ........... 137 Figure 8-7: Impacts of 1, 2, and 4 Uniform primary users on whitespace distributions. ........... 137 Figure 8-8: Impacts of 6, 8, and 10 Uniform primary users on whitespace distributions. ......... 138 Figure 8-9: Idle time fraction for various Poisson PU inter-packet arrivals ............................... 139 Figure 8-10: Idle time fraction for various Uniform PU inter-packet arrivals ........................... 139 Figure 8-11: Performance for Poisson distributed PU traffic ..................................................... 140 Figure 8-12: Performance for uniformly distributed PU traffic.................................................. 141 Figure 8-13: Performance for multiple SUs under Poisson PU traffic and 4 PUs...................... 142 xvi Figure 8-14: Performance for multiple SUs under Uniform PU traffic and 4 PUs .................... 142 Figure 8-15: Performance for multiple SUs under Poisson PU traffic and 1 PUs...................... 143 Figure 8-16: Performance for multiple SUs under Uniform PU traffic and 1 PUs .................... 144 Figure 8-17: Delay performance for 20 SUs under Poisson traffic with 5 PUs ......................... 145 Figure 8-18: Delay performance for 20 SUs under Uniform traffic with 10 PUs ...................... 145 Figure 9-1: Example of Multiple Whitespace Domains ............................................................. 151 Figure A-1: Overview of PUN implementation.......................................................................... 155 Figure A-2: Message structure of mote ...................................................................................... 156 Figure A-3: PC side overview..................................................................................................... 158 Figure A-4: Primary user control interface ................................................................................. 159 Figure A-5: Primary User communication interface configuration screen ................................. 161 Figure A-6: Measurement data structure .................................................................................... 162 Figure A-7: Traffic Simulator control screen ............................................................................. 163 Figure A-8: PDF of the first multimodal scheme ....................................................................... 164 Figure A-9: PDF of the second multimodal scheme ................................................................... 165 Figure A-10: PDF of the RTT distribution of packets ................................................................ 166 Figure A-11: Example of Traffic Generator delays .................................................................... 168 Figure A-12: PDF of scheduled packets at 1 pps with a variance of 20%.................................. 169 Figure A-13: PDF of sent packets at 1 pps with a variance of 20% ........................................... 169 Figure A-14: PDF of scheduled packets at 10 pps with a variance of 20%................................ 169 Figure A-15: PDF of sent packets at 10 pps with a variance of 20% ......................................... 170 Figure A-16: Pseudo-code of RSSI-Sampling ............................................................................ 171 Figure A-17: RSSI Measurement example ................................................................................. 172 xvii Figure A-18: RSSI register values and actual RF level [101] .................................................... 173 Figure A-19: RSSI measurement of 2 pps and a 1 kHz sampling rate ....................................... 174 Figure A-20: RSSI measurement of 2 pps with 20% variation and a 1 kHz sampling rate........ 175 Figure A-21: RSSI measurement of Uniform distribution with 7 pps with 20% variation ........ 176 Figure A-22: RSSI measurement of Video Stream profile ......................................................... 176 Figure A-23: RSSI measurement of Multi-model traffic profile ................................................ 177 Figure A-24: Overview of SUN implementation........................................................................ 178 Figure A-25: Pseudo code of packet generation ......................................................................... 179 Figure A-26: Flow chart of CSTS implementation..................................................................... 182 Figure A-27: Flow chart of DSTS implementation .................................................................... 184 Figure A-28: Secondary user control interface ........................................................................... 186 xviii Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Prioritized Device Coexistence in Wireless Networks Recent research on Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) has paved the way for a set of Secondary Users (SU) to access underutilized spectrum between Primary Users’ (PU) transmissions in space, time and frequency. It has been shown [1-3] that such SU access can be feasible through studies of the primary user spectrum usage and the protocols that govern them. While this is particularly true for the license bands, it also applies to the unlicensed bands due to the recent proliferation and the subsequent overcrowding of wireless consumer technologies such as Bluetooth, ZigBee, WLAN, cordless phones, and related applications. Of particular interest in DSA, is the issue of prioritized coexistence of various devices utilizing unlicensed bands [4-6]. An example of such coexistence is the sharing of the 2.4 GHz Industry Scientific and Medical (ISM) band among different device types including sensors and actuators, Voice-over-IP (VoIP) handsets (e.g. Skype phones), cordless phones, and data terminals such as laptops and data-enabled 3G/4G phones [7]. A suitable primary-secondary relationship among those co-existing devices are imposed based on their respective traffic priorities. For example, consider a VoIP primary user network utilizing a 2.4 GHz band. Along with the high-priority primary user devices there may coexist with low priority secondary user devices (e.g. sensors, laptops etc.) using the same band. The requirement here is to design a strategy to allow the secondary users to access the channel and utilize the bandwidth without disrupting or restricting the high-priority primary user devices. 1 1.2 General Definition of Primary and Secondary Users In this work, a solution for multiple networked devices coexisting in a single wireless channel is investigated. Within such a network, a priority structure is defined among the devices, which are grouped into two types namely, Primary Users (PU) and Secondary Users (SU). A PU is given exclusive access rights to the channel. These rights can be given by a network designer or government agencies such as Federal Communications Commission (FCC). For example, the FCC can determine that only police networks can use a particular wireless channel. The traffic properties of the PU network can vary greatly depending on the topology, traffic pattern, and data rates. As a PU, when there is data to send, channel access is immediate, unless there is another user with equal rights currently using the channel. SUs are given lower access rights to the channel, which requires SUs to defer channel access when a PU is present. The overall goal of the SU is to minimize disruptions caused by its presence on the channel to a PU network. In opposition to this goal, the SU also wants to maximize its own throughput on the channel. This requires a smart strategy for the SUs to access the channel. The cooperation between PUs and SUs can vary greatly. On one extreme, PUs and SU work closely together to access the channel. This can manifest in terms of off-line and on-line scenarios. In the off-line case, the PUs and SUs can divide the available bandwidth in terms of frequency or temporal, such as in TDMA protocols. For the online case, PUs can send notification messages to the SUs to indicate their arrival on the channel. Once the PU returns, SUs can just vacate the channel within a short delay. In general, a secondary device may or may not be of the same type as the primary device. Additionally, the SU device may not understand protocol messages from the primary devices, 2 which limits the amount of possible cooperation between the PUs and SUs. The goal of this thesis is to develop methods for SUs to access various types of PU networks. Therefore, PU and SUs are assumed completely independent of each other in-terms of sending and receiving packets. In other words, the PUs and the SUs cannot communicate with each other. However, the SUs have the ability to detect the primary user signal exclusively through the periodic measurement of the shared channel. This approach allows a number of general access solutions to be developed. 1.3 Role of MAC Layer to support Device Coexistence Supporting device coexistence in wireless networks can be achieved using the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer through defining a suitable structure to control device access to the available network bandwidth. Coexistence between multiple systems can be achieved through spatial, frequency or temporal separation at the MAC layer, as reported in [7] and [8]. In spatial-based device separation, nodes define their range of communication i.e. transmission range, such that their transmissions do not interfere with other nodes’ transmissions. For example, transmission power control can be used to adjust a nodes transmission power to define a suitable non-interfering transmission range [9]. SUs can set their transmission ranges at a minimal range that still allows communication but reduces the amount of disruptions to the PU traffic [10]. Frequency-based separation involves distributing nodes into multiple channels so that their transmissions do not interfere with each other. In this case, lower priority nodes would first identify unoccupied channels, then freely access the unused channels [2, 11]. Additionally adaptive frequency hopping techniques can be used. 3 Another promising mechanism for traffic prioritization is to utilize the temporal separation between a primary and secondary device accessing the same radio frequency (RF). In this approach, a secondary user models the channel behavior of the primary user network. Then access the channel at an advantageous time that does not interfere with the primary user. In this thesis, a secondary user access strategy is presented to utilize the temporal separation between primary and secondary devices accessing the same RF spectral segments. 1.4 Bandwidth Scavenging for Device Coexistence To support prioritized device coexistence, a secondary device or user can utilize temporal based access. The secondary users’ goal, therefore, is to access the idle times between the transmissions of primary users. These idle times or whitespaces typically last for short durations (i.e. order of milliseconds) in between the active data transmissions of PUs. From an SU’s standpoint, once a whitespace is identified, the next step is to send a packet in that whitespace, only if the estimated chance of completing the transmission before the whitespace ends is high. The quality of whitespace access, that is bandwidth scavenging in this context, is determined by the resulting secondary user throughput which should be maximized, and the primary user disruption, which should be minimized for a given whitespace profile. 4 Figure 1-1: Different whitespace profiles and their CDFs The SU whitespace access strategy depends solely on the statistical profile of the whitespace, which in turn, is determined by the topology, traffic and routing characteristics of the primary user network. Depending on these factors, the available whitespace can have widely varying characteristics. For example, the neighborhood of an SU may experience a large number of whitespace occurrences but each whitespace lasts only for a short duration (see Profile-1 in Figure 1-1.). Conversely, there can be only a few whitespaces, but each with very long durations, as shown in Profile-2 in Figure 1-1. The cumulative distribution functions (CDF) of the two whitespace profiles are also shown in the bottom part of the figure. These two different whitespace profiles indicate that even when the average white space length are the same, for a given target primary user interference, profile-1 is able to support less number of fixed length SU packet transmissions due to a higher level of capacity fragmentation during the ends of the whitespaces. Therefore, the SU throughput for profile-1 is less than that for profile-2, for the same level of target primary user interference. 5 With non-deterministic primary traffic patterns, an SU is not able to deterministically predict when a detected whitespace will end. As a result, the SU access strategy cannot be deterministic. A reasonable solution is for the SU to access a given whitespace based on a previously observed statistical whitespace profile. Once an SU identifies a whitespace, it sends a packet in that whitespace only if the estimated chance of completing the transmission before the whitespace will have ended is reasonably high. An aggressive access may result in higher secondary user throughput, but can also increase primary user disruptions, which happens when an SU’s transmission (the last packet transmission in a whitespace) does not end before the completion of the whitespace in question. A conservative access strategy may produce a reverse effect, meaning a low PU disruption, but at the expense of an SU throughput that is lower than what could be achieved for a given whitespace profile. Therefore, the objective for an SU is to be able to make a transmission decision based on previously observed whitespace statistics, such that by prudently transmitting packets, it is able to maximize the achievable throughput and minimize the disruptions. We term this opportunistic access during ultra-short and nondeterministic whitespaces as bandwidth scavenging by the secondary users. In other words, the SUs scavenge the channel capacity left over by the PUs. In this thesis, a solution to prioritized device coexistence is proposed by designing secondary user channel access strategies for efficient bandwidth scavenging. 1.5 State of the Art In this section, an overview of the current research on device coexistence is presented. 6 1.5.1 Traffic Models of Primary Users The traffic profiles of packet based primary users studied in literature have varied greatly [12-15]. The authors in [15] model the primary users’ packet arrival intervals and packet durations as two separate Poisson processes. Similarly, [13] uses an alternating ON-OFF pattern, where the duration of the idle and busy states follows an exponential distribution with means v and l respectively. In [12], a Markov chain with known transition probabilities is used to model primary user behavior. Lastly in [14], a Markov model with Exponential, Uniform, Weibull and Generalized Pareto distributions are considered for PUs arrival times. In line with these efforts in the literature, this thesis investigates SU access mechanisms for a variety of PU traffic profiles. 1.5.2 Random Access Based Primary User Networks Networks with primary users running 802.11 MAC protocol have recently been investigated for possible access by secondary users. The authors in [16, 17] develop a methodology for formally analyzing the whitespace available within 802.11 primary traffic in infrastructure mode. The key idea is to model the whitespace as a semi-Markov process that relies on the underlying 802.11 state model involving DIFS, SIFS, DATA, and ACK transactions. The model describes the whitespace profile in terms of holding times of the idle and busy states of the channel. The authors in [6] develop an WLAN access strategy for secondary users in which the SUs utilize packet size slots for the channel access. At the beginning of each slot, an SU senses the channel and if the channel is free then it transmits with a specified probability that is calculated from previous measurement. A greedy version also uses probabilistic analysis to decide whether or not to transmit in a given slot. The objective is to minimize PU disruption and maximize SU throughput. The use of time-slotting in their approach requires time synchronization across the 7 secondary users. In the access mechanism proposed in this thesis, the need for such inter-SU time synchronization is avoided via asynchronous whitespace access based on a stochastic whitespace modeling approach. Prioritized device coexistence within CSMA based WLANs can be achieved [18, 19] by using different inter frame spacing (IFS) periods for different user and/or traffic classes. MAC protocol 802.11e [18, 20], for instance, uses different Arbitration IFS (AIFS) periods to provide CSMA based prioritized access among different device and/or traffic classes. When a channel is found free, a node waits for a specific AIFS periods depending on the device or traffic class, before it attempts to send a packet. For higher priority primary traffic, a node waits for a smaller AIFS period. This ensures when multiple nodes contends for the channel, the primary users’ nodes (with smallest AIFS) wins. While providing reasonable access differentiation, these approaches rely only on the instantaneous channel status (i.e. free or busy) for granting access. This leads to undesirable disruptions to the PU traffic as follows. Consider a situation in which an SU intends to transmit a packet and it does so after finding the channel free (i.e. a whitespace) for the AIFS specified for the SUs. Now, in the middle of this SU’s packet transmission if an PU in the vicinity intends to send a packet, it needs to wait until the current SU transmission is over. This causes an undesirable delay for the PU traffic, which in turn will affect the PUs’ application performance. Since this is mainly a result of the SUs’ reliance only on the instantaneous channel state, a more robust approach for the SUs would be to also consider the long term whitespace model. The following DSA approaches attempt to accomplish that. The topic of device coexistence has also been studied in the context of Bluetooth and WLAN coexistence. The authors in [5] use OLA (OverLap Avoidance) mechanisms, which use 8 simple traffic scheduling techniques at the MAC layer. In the proposed scheme, overlap in time between the Bluetooth traffic and the 802.11 data packets is avoided by performing a proper scheduling of the traffic transmissions at the WLAN stations. In a Bluetooth network, each link occupies the channel slots according to a deterministic pattern. Therefore, an 802.11 station begins transmitting when the Bluetooth channel is idle and adjust the length of the WLAN packet so that it fits between two successive Bluetooth transmissions. 1.5.3 TDMA based Primary User Networks Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) protocols have been investigated as a possible method to assign priority to different traffic classes. TDMA works by dividing a channel into fixed sized time slots, which are organized into periodic frames. Each node in a network is assigned a slot or multiple slots to be used during each periodic frame. To institute priority amongst the nodes, higher priority nodes are assigned a larger portion of the available slots in a frame over the lower priority nodes. This process ensures that the higher priority nodes utilizes the channel with higher frequency and allows dedicated bandwidth to the higher priority traffic. Additionally, conflict free access is supported, which means that the high priority traffic should not be disrupted by the lower priority traffic during channel access. However, when the higher priority nodes are not utilizing the allocated bandwidth, lower priority nodes cannot use the unused bandwidth. This can reduce the efficiency of the channel usage. To overcome this issue, the wireless sensor network protocol presented in [21] divides the TDMA frames into a broadcast period and scheduled access period. The scheduled access sections are further divided into priority groups with multiple transmission slots in each group. Within each frame, a node broadcasts their traffic priority during the broadcast period, which reserves their transmissions for the specified priority groups. During the scheduled period, nodes 9 send packets using one of the available slots within its priority group section. Another protocol named PMAC [22] proposes a TDMA based prioritization MAC utilizing a wide range of prefix reservation and inter-slot intervals. In [12, 23], the proposed access strategies rely on specific types of PU networks. Protocols are developed in [12] for a slotted PU network where the SUs are synchronized with the PU’s slots. In this case, if an PU does not use a slot then the SU can transmit after a small duration of time in the same slot. The PUs in [23] are assumed to use a specific combination of time and frequency multiplexing to prevent inter-PU access collisions. TDMA based traffic prioritization provides the benefit of absolute priority for different traffic classes. A drawback of the protocol is the requirement of tight time synchronization needed to implement time slotting. Additionally, TDMA protocols can suffer from reduced bandwidth usage due to unused scheduled slots during variable bit rate traffic. In this thesis, we formulate the PU network more generally by not assuming any specific PU MAC layer such as the slotted ones in [12]. The target here is to develop an SU access mechanism, which can deal with unslotted as well as stochastic PU MAC layers such as 802.11, CSMA and ALOHA protocols. This assumption of a general PU access protocol broadens the applicability of the SU access approach proposed in this thesis. 1.5.4 Other Secondary User Access Strategies Game theoretic mechanisms have been introduced in [24-32] for spectrum access for the SUs. The PUs in this framework cooperates with the SUs through pricing strategies and subscription fees to facilitate spectrum sharing. These approaches require the PUs to have knowledge of the SUs presence. In contrast, the proposed mechanism in this thesis, no such cooperation is assumed, thus no changes in the PUs behavior is needed. The idea here is to 10 develop an access mechanism for the SUs for scavenging the PUs’ leftover bandwidth, without the PUs being aware of such scavenging. For example, data-enabled hand-held devices should be able to scavenge bandwidth in a WLAN without the primary VoIP handsets being aware of the scavenging process. There are also other approaches to access strategies [33-38]. 1.5.5 Access Strategies Considering Multiple Secondary Users Functionality and performance of MAC layer protocols in the presence of multiple secondary users have mostly been studied in the context of multiple channels [6, 39-42]. The authors in [39] utilizes a common control channel between the SUs. When a SU wants to send a packet it first switches to the control channel and sends an RTS. Once a CTS is received from the destination node, the two nodes sense every available PU channel then transmit on a jointly chosen channel. MAC layer protocols for multiple SUs in a single channel context have not received equal attention. The authors in [43] present a random access MAC protocol for secondary users in a single channel. Their proposed protocol utilizes a frame structure where at the beginning of each frame the SUs sense the channel for the presence of PUs. If the channel is sensed free, the SUs continuously send packets until the next frame begins. It is assumed that the whitespace will remain free for the entire duration of the frame. This protocol may not work well when PU traffic pattern are highly dynamic as in packet based primary user networks. The presented solutions in this thesis avoid this limitation through dynamically allocating SU transmissions based on the statistics of the PU traffic. Cooperative sensing have also been investigated as an approach to support multiple secondary users [44, 45]. 11 1.6 Case Study: Coexistence in 802.11 Networks The proposed bandwidth scavenging concept is applied to scenarios, namely, coexistence 802.11 in networks and traffic protection in CSMA networks. 1.6.1 Motivation and Applications The recent proliferation and the subsequent overcrowding of wireless consumer technologies such as Bluetooth, ZigBee, WLAN, cordless phones, and related applications in unlicensed bands is leading to a need for prioritized coexistence of various devices [4-6]. An example of such coexistence is the sharing of the 2.4 GHz Industry Scientific and Medical (ISM) band among different device types. The ISM bands are intended for the operation of unlicensed devices, many of which are consumer level devices. Communication devices using the ISM bands must tolerate any interference from other ISM equipment. Therefore, these devices must co-exist within the band. Many home devices such as cordless telephones and car alarms utilize the 2.4 Ghz band for operation. Packet based communication device also share the ISM band. Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) applications such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, and 802.11 utilize the ISM bands for communication [7]. A suitable primary-secondary relationship among those co-existing devices are imposed based on their respective traffic priorities. For example, consider a VoIP primary user network utilizing a 2.4 GHz band. Along with the high-priority primary user devices there are coexisting low priority secondary user devices (e.g. sensors, laptops etc.) using the same band. The objective here is to design a strategy to allow the secondary users to access the channel and utilize the bandwidth without disrupting or restricting the high-priority primary user devices. 12 1.6.2 Problem Definition The secondary users’ goal is to access the idle times between the transmissions of primary users. These idle times or whitespaces typically last for short durations (i.e. order of milliseconds) in between the active data transmissions of PUs. The primary challenge in designing an access strategy for the SUs is how to minimize the disruption to the primary users while maximizing the secondary user throughput without deterministic knowledge about the future occurrences of whitespaces and their durations. With non-deterministic primary traffic patterns, an SU is not able to deterministically predict when whitespaces will occur and when a detected whitespace will end. As a result, the SU access strategy cannot be deterministic. A reasonable solution is for the SUs to access a given whitespace based on the statistical profile of the previously observed whitespaces. This requires a study of the whitespace characteristics of an 802.11 primary network so that an appropriate statistical model can be developed. Additionally, efficient access strategies will need to be developed based on the model. 1.7 1.7.1 Case Study: Traffic Protection in CSMA based Sensor Networks Motivation and Applications Applications utilizing Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be categorized into real time and non real time. Real time applications such as event surveillance typically require constant or variable rate data streams to be sent over the sensor network. Depending on the specific application, the rate of this data can be of the order of a few packets per second to tens of packets per second. The objective is to transport such real-time application data packets with minimum delivery delay and packet losses. Non-real time applications such as environmental monitoring need to measure levels of temperature, moisture and other ambient parameters in a time driven or 13 event driven manner. Such applications typically require lower data rates compared to the realtime data streams and have less stringent packet delay and loss requirements. Applications utilizing WSNs can be categorized into two classes, namely, real time applications and non real time applications. Real time applications typically require some constant rate of data to be sent over the sensor network. Depending on the application, the generation rate of this data can be on the order a few packets per second or hundreds of packets per second. For example, an environmental monitoring WSN may measure the temperature or moisture level every few seconds. Since the temperature and moisture levels do not change with large time scales, sending a few packets per second is a sufficient data rate for real time measurement of the required information. In battlefield monitoring, target surveillance, and audio or video applications data rate requirements may be higher. Non-real time applications may be also supported by a WSN. Event driven monitoring are typical non real time applications were sensor nodes react when an event occurs within the region that is currently being monitored. Some examples of no-real time applications are structural integrity monitoring, home automation, and animal monitoring. For example, consider a sensor node that is triggered to start sending data when animal movement is detected or when the noise level of an environment reaches a certain threshold. Once the event occurs, the sensor nodes will send data about the event to the collection node or sink. 1.7.2 Problem Definition A heterogeneous WSN may often require supporting both real time and non real time applications. In this type of networks, nodes that support real time applications must coexist with the nodes that are running non-real time application. In order to protect the real-time traffic from 14 large channel access delay caused due to interruptions from the non real-time traffic, an access priority structure is usually needed. 15 Chapter 2: Dissertation Scope and Contributions 2.1 Introduction The principal goal of a secondary user utilizing bandwidth scavenging is to access spectrum resources efficiently while avoiding disruptions to the primary user traffic. Since the SUs and PUs are completely independent of each other, primary traffic patterns are nondeterministic. This means that an SU is not able to deterministically predict when the spectrum will be free. As a result, an SU will need an access strategy that can adjust to the dynamics of the primary user traffics. A reasonable solution is for the SU to access a given idle times or whitespace based on a previously observed statistical whitespace profile. Once an SU identifies a whitespace, it sends a packet in that whitespace only if the estimated chance of completing the transmission before the whitespace will have ended is reasonably high. This opportunistic access during ultra-short and non-deterministic whitespaces is termed as Bandwidth Scavenging by the secondary users. In other words, the SUs scavenge the channel capacity left over by the PUs. 16 SU Application Secondary User Channel Measurement & Modeling Access Strategy Parameter Computation Access Strategy Parameters Sensing SU Access Module Data Sensing Packets Wireless Channel PU1 … PU2 PUn Primary User Network Figure 2-1: Architectural components of Bandwidth Scavenging 2.2 Bandwidth Scavenging Components Figure 2-1 shows a functional diagram of the architectural components in the Bandwidth Scavenging Concept (BSC). The BSC operates at the Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layers of the network stack. The SU continuously senses the shared channel using the Channel Measurement and Modeling module. This module creates a statistical model of PU traffic characteristic. Using the resulting model, the Access Strategy Parameter Computation module executes the access strategy algorithm and generates access parameters. The access parameters are then fed into the SU Access Module, which, in addition to channel sensing, transmits SU user packets into the channel using a designated process. 17 Coexistence in 802.11 Networks NS2 Implementation Simulation based RSSI Measurement and Analysis Access Strategy Simulation Evaluation Device Coexistence using Bandwidth Scavenging Access Strategy Algorithm Traffic Protection in CSMA Networks Sensor Network Testbed Implementation Algorithm Framework Experimental RSSI Measurements Algorithm Analysis Access strategy Prototype and Performance Evaluation Generalization of Bandwidth Scavenging for Wireless Networks Dynamic Access Strategy Multiple Secondary Users Support Optimal Solution MAC Protocol for SUs Sub-Optimal Solution Delay Analysis Figure 2-2: Application of the Bandwidth Scavenging Concept. For interpretation of the reference to color in this and all other figures, the reader is referred to the electronic version of this dissertation. 2.3 Scope The Bandwidth Scavenging Concept (BSC) has been applied as a solution to device coexistence in wireless networks. Figure 2-2 shows a visual summary of the application of BSC. The concept has been applied to support prioritized device coexistence in 802.11 networks, traffic protection in CSMA networks and lastly general dynamic spectrum access networks. 18 2.4 2.4.1 Contributions Coexistence in 802.11 Networks The BSC is applied to support device coexistence in 802.11 networks. Three key contributions are made in this case study. First, an extensive ns2 based simulation is performed. In this simulation, a 98 PU and SU node network is developed to investigate the interaction between PUs and SUs. Additionally, a number of PU topologies, traffic patterns, and data rates are implemented to measure the whitespace characteristics of a primary network. Second, an access strategy is developed that facilitates efficient SU channel access in an 802.11 based primary user network. Lastly, an extensive simulation and theoretical evaluation is provided using whitespace traces from the simulation. 2.4.2 Traffic Protection in CSMA based Sensor Networks The BSC is also utilized to facilitate coexistence between real time nodes and non-real time nodes in a sensor network. Two key contributions are made in this case study. First, an TinyOS based testbed of a priority sensor node network is implemented. The testbed is able to measure the RSSI of a Zigbee channel and report this information. Second, SU access strategies are implemented and evaluated on the testbed. The testbed is able to preliminarily validate BSC on real hardware. 2.4.3 Generalization of Bandwidth Scavenging Concept for Wireless Networks In this work, the BSC is generalized to support dynamic spectrum access in wireless networks. The BSC is specifically extended to support a generalized access strategy for any type of primary network. Additionally, the protocol is extended to support multiple secondary users. 19 Chapter 3: 802.11 Whitespace Analysis 3.1 Introduction Discovery of appropriate transmission opportunities requires the secondary users to first measure and then model the occurrences and durations of whitespace, resulting from the primary users’ transmissions. It follows that the whitespace patterns are a function of the physical locations, topology, traffic profile, and routing protocols used by the primary users. This chapter aims to measure, model and analyze the whitespace proprieties in an Ad-hoc 802.11 network. The chapter is organized as follows. First a description of the simulation setup used for analysis is given. Then an analysis of an Ad-hoc 802.11 network channel characteristics is presented. Finally, a whitespace model is developed and is extensively characterized. 3.1.1 Motivation Fundamentally, the secondary users’ goal is to access the idle times between the transmissions of the primary users. In the context of packet based networks, these idle times or whitespaces typically last for milliseconds in between the active data transmissions by the PUs. Therefore, the secondary user needs to first analyze and model the whitespace characteristics. A model of the whitespace will provide a framework that will allow the secondary user to develop access strategies that can adapt to the changing characteristics of the channel. 3.1.2 Problem Definition With 802.11 primary traffic, the whitespaces typically last for milliseconds in between the active data transmissions by the PUs. This is in contrast to long durations of whitespaces experienced in TV bands [46]. In that context, the primary challenge for an SU is to discover 20 unoccupied channels within the frequency domain. When an SU attempts to access TV bands, disruption to the PUs manifests in the form of ‘Co-Channel’ and ‘Adjacent Channel’ interference [11, 46]. In contrast, in accessing packet-based networks such as 802.11, the disruption is defined as when an SU transmits during a whitespace, and the time needed to successfully complete the SU transmission is more than the current whitespace duration purely from the PU traffic standpoint. Therefore, the first step is analyzing the whitespace characteristics from a temporal perspective. PU traffics can exhibit many different properties depending on the topology, traffic pattern, and data rates. These different properties require an SU to define a proper model of the whitespace that can adjust to the different characteristics. This chapter aims to present that model. 3.1.3 Related work Networks with primary users running 802.11 MAC protocol have recently been investigated for possible access by secondary users. The authors in [16, 17] develop a methodology for formally analyzing the whitespace available within 802.11 primary traffic in infrastructure mode. The key idea is to model the whitespace as a semi-Markov process that relies on the underlying 802.11 state model involving DIFS, SIFS, DATA, and ACK transactions. The model describes the whitespace profile in terms of holding times of the idle and busy states of the channel. The traffic profiles of packet based primary users studied in literature have varied greatly [12-15]. The authors in [15] model the primary users’ packet arrival intervals and packet durations as two separate Poisson processes. Similarly, [13] uses an alternating ON-OFF pattern, where the duration of the idle and busy states follows an exponential distribution with means v and l respectively. In [12], a Markov chain with known transition probabilities is used to model 21 primary user behavior. Lastly in [14], a Markov model with Exponential, Uniform, Weibull and Generalized Pareto distributions are considered for PUs arrival times. In line with these efforts in the literature, the proposed SU access mechanism in this thesis is evaluated for a variety of higher layer PU traffic profiles. However, in contrast to these works, we investigate a measurement-and–model based approach for modeling PUs’ traffic. This approach captures the impacts of network dynamics, which may not be captured in the model-only (e.g. 2-state Markov [12, 14]) approaches in the literature. Other analysis of PU networks have been investigated [4754]. 3.2 Simulation Setup The goal of the secondary users is the characterization of the whitespace left over from primary users transmissions. A method for measuring the available whitespace is through detecting the received signal strength (RSSI) at a given channel frequency [16]. We implemented an 802.11 RSSI measurement scheme in the network simulator ns-2 in order to capture the durations of whitespaces between PUs’ transmissions. 3.2.1 NS2 Implementation Ns-2 is an event-driven C++ and TCL language based simulator. It is open source and can be extended to implement many wired and wireless network protocols. Ns2 is used to provide a framework for the PU and SU topology, 802.11 traffic profiles, and the capturing of whitespace durations. Primary and Secondary Users Topologies In order to control all the characteristics of the PUs and SUs network a grid topology is used. Figure 3-1 shows topology of the PUs and SUs. There are 98 wireless nodes within an area 22 of 2000 x 2000 meter grid. The nodes designations are split evenly between the secondary users and primary users. A single PU and a single SU occupy a cell in the grid. PUs are numbered from 0 to 48 while the SUs are numbered from 49 to 97. PUs are only able to communicate with other PUs, similarly SUs can only communicate with other SUs. 42, 91 43, 92 44, 93 45, 94 46, 95 47, 96 48, 97 35, 84 36, 85 37, 86 38, 87 39, 88 40, 89 41, 90 28, 77 29, 78 30, 79 31, 80 21, 70 22, 71 23, 72 24, 73 Secondary User node 25, 74 26, 75 IDs are from 49 to 97 27, 76 14, 63 15, 64 16, 65 17, 66 18, 67 19, 68 20, 69 7, 56 8, 57 9, 58 10, 59 11, 60 12, 61 13, 62 0, 49 1, 50 2, 51 3, 52 4, 53 5, 54 6, 55 Primary User node IDs 32, 81 34, 83 are from 0 to33, 82 48 Figure 3-1: Primary and Secondary Users grid topology 42, 91 43, 92 44, 93 45, 94 46, 95 47, 96 48, 97 35, 84 CS Range 36, 85 nodes 37, 86 38, 87 39, 88 40, 89 41, 90 28, 77 29, 78 30, 79 31, 80 32, 81 33, 82 34, 83 21, 70 22, 71 23, 72 24, 73 25, 74 26, 75 27, 76 14, 63 15, 64 16, 65 17, 66 18, 67 19, 68 20, 69 Recv Range 7, 56 nodes 57 8, 9, 58 10, 59 11, 60 12, 61 13, 62 0, 49 2, 51 3, 52 4, 53 Tx node 5, 54 6, 55 1, 50 Figure 3-2: Primary and Secondary Users interference ranges 23 Transmission ranges of the PUs and SUs are set to 250 meters and the carrier sense range is set to 550 meters. The nodes are located within the grid to control the neighbors of each node in the network. Figure 3-2 shows an example interference range of nodes 24 (or 73) within the grid. All nodes, PUs and SUs, share a single channel. Nodes are only allowed to communicate with their adjacent neighbors in the orthogonal directions (i.e. nodes 17, 23, 25, 31). All other nodes within the nodes two-hop neighborhood are within the carrier sense range and can only interfere with the nodes transmissions as shown in Figure 3-2. Routing for all messages is implemented on the orthogonal paths between the nodes. Paths can be bi-directional in any orthogonal direction. PUs and SUs routing paths can be completely independent of each other. Various applications can be sent over both the PUs and SUs nodes. Channel Measurement Each secondary user has the ability to measure the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) of the channel within its Carrier Sense (CS) range. We assume there is interference on a node if an SU or PU is transmitting within the CS range of the node. The CS range is chosen as opposed to the reception range, since the SUs within up to the CS range of an PU are affected by the PU’s signals and vice-versa. The RSSI measurements are captured within ns-2 in the file. In the file, the signal strength of all messages that a node receives is reported. If the signal strength is above the CS range threshold, the value and duration of the signal is output to a file. The RSSI threshold used in the simulation to determine whitespaces is the RSSI value of -108 dBm, which corresponds to the Carrier Sense (CS) range defined by the 802.11 standard. 24 3.2.2 Sample Experiments with PUs and SUs topology In order to validate the simulation setup, few sample topologies were created and whitespace measurements were captured. The traffic flow was set to UDP traffic with a 200 byte packet sizes. The packet arrival interval time for the PU flows was set to 0.07 ms. Whitespace measurements are captured from secondary nodes in the network. 42, 91 43, 92 44, 93 45, 94 46, 95 47, 96 48, 97 35, 84 36, 85 37, 86 38, 87 39, 88 40, 89 41, 90 28, 77 29, 78 30, 79 31, 80 32, 81 33, 82 34, 83 21, 70 22, 71 23, 72 24, 73 25, 74 26, 75 27, 76 14, 63 15, 64 16, 65 17, 66 18, 67 19, 68 20, 69 7, 56 8, 57 9, 58 10, 59 11, 60 12, 61 13, 62 0, 49 1, 50 2, 51 3, 52 4, 53 5, 54 6, 55 Figure 3-3: Primary and Secondary Users interference ranges for three 2-hop PU horizontal connections Figure 3-4 shows the whitespace measurements from the experiment. In the figure, a 1 value on the y-axis represents the noise floor where there is no signal at that measurement time and a 3 represents a signal on the channel. Observe that the whitespace is captured in between PU transmissions over time by both of the nodes. Figure 3-5 shows the average whitespace available to all the secondary users in the network. Observe that the SUs close to the PU traffic have reduced available whitespace since the channel is occupied by the PU. With the current PU traffic load, approximately half of the 25 channel is being utilized. This means that 50% of the whitespace is left over in the channel. Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7 shows the average whitespace available to SUs when there are five 4hop horizontal connections. Horizontal connections are referred to as connections from the far left nodes in the grid to the right nodes in each row as indicated by the block in the figure. Observe that the larger the amounts of PU connections are affecting a higher amount of SU nodes. SUs that are near the outside PUs nodes transmissions gradually gain more whitespace since they are being affected by a lower amount of PUs. Similarly, Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9 shows the whitespace for connections spanning the entire PU network. In this case, all SUs are affected with the exception of the SUs near the right edge. Finally, Figure 3-10 and Figure 3-11 shows the connections for two 6-hop PU horizontal connections. Here only the SUs within the transmission ranges of the PUs are affected by the PUs. The presented figures validate the experimental setup ability to capture the whitespace of PUs during the simulation. In addition, the figures show that the SUs proximity to PUs affects the whitespace that is available for usage. 26 Node 49 Node 57 3.5 RSSI (1 = off, 3 = on) RSSI (1 = off, 3 = on) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.04 0.46 0.88 1.30 1.72 2.14 2.56 2.98 0.01 0.52 0.94 1.40 1.89 2.32 2.77 Time (ms) Time (ms) Figure 3-4: Secondary Users whitespace measurements for three 2-hop PU horizontal connections Figure 3-5: Secondary Users whitespace measurements over entire network for three 2-hop PU horizontal connections 27 42, 91 43, 92 44, 93 45, 94 46, 95 47, 96 48, 97 35, 84 36, 85 37, 86 38, 87 39, 88 40, 89 41, 90 28, 77 29, 78 30, 79 31, 80 32, 81 33, 82 34, 83 21, 70 22, 71 23, 72 24, 73 25, 74 26, 75 27, 76 14, 63 15, 64 16, 65 17, 66 18, 67 19, 68 20, 69 7, 56 8, 57 9, 58 10, 59 11, 60 12, 61 13, 62 0, 49 1, 50 2, 51 3, 52 4, 53 5, 54 6, 55 Figure 3-6: Primary and Secondary Users interference ranges for five 4-hop PU horizontal connections Figure 3-7: Secondary Users whitespace measurements over entire network for five 4-hop PU horizontal connections 28 42, 91 43, 92 44, 93 45, 94 46, 95 47, 96 48, 97 35, 84 36, 85 37, 86 38, 87 39, 88 40, 89 41, 90 28, 77 29, 78 30, 79 31, 80 32, 81 33, 82 34, 83 21, 70 22, 71 23, 72 24, 73 25, 74 26, 75 27, 76 14, 63 15, 64 16, 65 17, 66 18, 67 19, 68 20, 69 7, 56 8, 57 9, 58 10, 59 11, 60 12, 61 13, 62 0, 49 1, 50 2, 51 3, 52 4, 53 5, 54 6, 55 Figure 3-8: Primary and Secondary Users interference ranges for seven 6-hop PU horizontal connections Figure 3-9: Secondary Users whitespace measurements over entire network for seven 6-hop PU horizontal connections 29 42, 91 43, 92 44, 93 45, 94 46, 95 47, 96 48, 97 35, 84 36, 85 37, 86 38, 87 39, 88 40, 89 41, 90 28, 77 29, 78 30, 79 31, 80 32, 81 33, 82 34, 83 21, 70 22, 71 23, 72 24, 73 25, 74 26, 75 27, 76 14, 63 15, 64 16, 65 17, 66 18, 67 19, 68 20, 69 7, 56 8, 57 9, 58 10, 59 11, 60 12, 61 13, 62 0, 49 1, 50 2, 51 3, 52 4, 53 5, 54 6, 55 Figure 3-10: Primary and Secondary Users interference ranges for two 5-hop PU horizontal connections Figure 3-11: Secondary Users whitespace measurements over entire network for two 5-hop PU horizontal connections 30 3.3 Ad-hoc Primary User Network In the previous section, ns-2 based PU and SU networks simulation were established. The next step is to apply some specific 802.11 based network topologies and traffic characteristics in order to capture the whitespace characteristics of an Ad-hoc 802.11 channel. 3.3.1 PU and SU Topologies Using the PU and SU network shown in Figure 3-1, three scenarios are established. First, a linear chain PU topology with a single bi-directional multi-hop primary flow is created. Figure 3-12 shows the topology and traffic direction for the chain topology. This scenario is referred to as TOP1. Note that the arrows show the direction of the traffic. In the second scenario (TOP2) shown in Figure 3-13, there are two multi-hop bi-directional flows in the network on two intersecting linear chains. In the last scenario (TOP3) shown in Figure 3-14, there are two multihop flows in a parallel chain network. In each case, the secondary users are within the CS range of all primary users. PU1 PU2 PU3 PU4 SU1 PU5 SU2 Figure 3-12: PUs and SUs topology and traffic flow for linear chain. (TOP1) 31 PU6 SU2 PU7 SU1 PU1 PU2 PU3 PU4 PU5 PU8 PU9 Figure 3-13: PUs and SUs topology and traffic flow for intersecting chain. (TOP2) PU1 PU2 PU3 SU1 PU6 PU7 PU4 PU5 SU2 PU8 PU9 PU10 Figure 3-14: PUs and SUs topology and traffic flow for parallel chain. (TOP3) 3.3.2 Traffic Profiles The traffic profile and data rate of the primary user directly affect the total amount and statistical properties of the available whitespace as viewed by the secondary users. We model three types of PU traffic, namely, bidirectional UDP with a fixed packet size, TCP, and a Video 32 Stream. For the UDP traffic, the packet arrival intervals are modeled as: 1) Uniformly distributed with a mean of α ms and a variability of ±v ms around the mean, and 2) a Poisson process with mean packet arrival interval of α ms. The packet arrival intervals for each Uniform and Poisson flow is changed in order to represent varying intensity of the primary traffic. 3.3.3 Channel Characteristics In this section, the channel characteristics of the previously mentioned traffic profiles are analyzed. The channel measurements of SU1 is shown in Figure 3-15 for UDP traffic sent for 0.5 inter-packet time (IPT) over 10 seconds. Figure 3-16 shows measurements with the IPT decreased to 0.1, which is twice as fast as the previous case. Notice that there are a larger number of transmissions with the faster PU IPT. Figure 3-17 and Figure 3-18 shows a zoomed in view of the measurements. Observe that each multi-hop primary user transmission is captured by the SU. With these measurements, each whitespace can be identified by the secondary user. 33 Figure 3-15: Channel measurements for 0.5 inter-packet time over 10 seconds Figure 3-16: Channel measurements for 0.1 inter-packet time over 10 seconds 34 Figure 3-17: Channel measurements for 0.1 inter-packet time over 0.3 seconds Figure 3-18: Channel measurements for 0.1 inter-packet time over 0.05 seconds 35 Control Whitespace Figure 3-19: Channel measurements for 0.1 inter-packet time Figure 3-19 shows the RSSI trace, as observed by SU1, as a result of a single packet flow from PU1 to PU5. Observe that since SU1 is physically closest to the primary user PU3, the transmissions from that primary user appears with highest signal strength compared to the other PUs whose signal strength monotonically reduces with increasing distances. Also, since the PUs in this experiment use 802.11 as the MAC protocol, each packet transmission creates an RTSCTS-DATA-ACK cycle, resulting in white spaces of multiple durations representing different 802.11 inter frame spacing (i.e. SIFS, DIFS, etc.). Three types of whitespaces can be observed for this example 802.11 primary traffic. As pointed in Figure 3-19, the first is the control whitespace caused by the short inter frame spacing (SIFS) periods between the RTS, CTS, DATA, and ACK transmissions. The second whitespace 36 type, termed as forwarding whitespace, represents the duration between an PU receiving data and forwarding data. The last whitespace type is the inter-packet whitespace, representing the inter packet duration which can vary greatly because it is based on the rate of packet transmission by the PUs. 3.4 Whitespace Characteristics In the previous section, the channel characteristics were shown for the presented topologies. The next step is to define the whitespace model. Once the model for a measured whitespace profile is computed, the SUs rely solely on this function for channel access without having to worry about the individual PU properties such as topology, traffic pattern, and data rates. 3.4.1 Whitespace Model An SU periodically senses the channel to detect the whitespaces. Based on the channel sampling report, the channel state is interpreted using an ON-OFF (busy-idle) model as shown in Figure 3-20. The sensing interval of the channel is represented by Tp and the sensing time is represented by Ts. Figure 3-21 shows an example of the periodic sensing process. We assume that the sensing time duration is negligible. After each measurement, a busy or idle report is provided. Consecutive idle measurements are counted (n) and multiplied by Tp to determine the duration of a whitespace. We model the duration of whitespace using its probability density function, w(n), which is the probability of a whitespace being nTp time long [55]. This w(n) is computed periodically to capture any changes in the primary user behavior. Once the w(n) for a 37 measured whitespace is computed, the SUs rely solely on this function for channel access without having to worry about the individual PU properties such as topology, traffic pattern, and data rates. Note that the proposed SU access mechanism in this thesis assumes a certain degree of stationarity of the distribution w(n) [12, 14, 15, 56]. Meaning, the PU network topology and traffic behavior remains stationary for long enough duration so that the SUs can make use of w(n) to make statistically meaningful access decisions. ON OFF Figure 3-20: On-Off whitespace model Sensing Time, Ts Sensing Period, Tp ON OFF 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 Figure 3-21: Sensing period 3.4.2 Whitespace Statistics Utilizing the whitespace pdf w(n), varying topologies, traffic rates, and traffic distributions are shown in this section. For these whitespace measurements, the secondary user’s channel sensing interval Tp is kept smaller than the shortest duration of possible whitespace in the channel. Considering that for 802.11 [57] the shortest duration whitespace is the SIFS period at 10 µs, the value of Tp was set to 5µs to capture all possible whitespaces. Note that in the legend 38 used in most of the figures, a convention [topology, traffic profile - packet arrival interval (in ms)] is used for describing the corresponding scenarios. For example, [TOP1, U90] would represent a whitespace profile obtained when a packet stream with uniformly distributed interpacket interval (of 90 ms) is sent over a network with TOP1. Uniform and Poisson Distributions Figure 3-22 shows the w(n) for UDP traffic with 90 ms average inter-packet duration that is uniformly distributed across ±20% around the average packet arrival interval for each topology. Observe that the detected whitespace durations from the measured RSSI trace vary a great deal. For example, in the multi-hop TOP2 case, although all the traffic is generated at about 90 ms intervals, the whitespace durations are distributed over the range from 10 µs to 300 ms. This variation results from the dynamic nature of the bidirectional multi-hop primary traffic. Figure 3-23 shows the whitespace for primary traffic with arrival times as an Exponential distribution (i.e. a Poisson process based packet arrival) with 90 ms inter-packet arrival for each topology. Similar to the Uniform case the whitespace distribution varies across a wide range of durations. Observe that in the pdf figures there is a peak at the on the first millisecond. To highlight this initial peak in the pdf, Figure 3-24 and Figure 3-25 shows the cumulative density function (cdf) of the Uniform and Poisson experiments on the interval from 0 ms 1 ms. From the figures, it is interesting to note that regardless of the traffic profile or topology, the vast majority of the whitespaces (around 95%) last for less than 1 ms. 39 10-0 Probability 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-22: Impacts of Uniform whitespace pdf distribution 10-0 Probability 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-23: Impacts of Poisson whitespace pdf distribution 40 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-24: Uniform whitespace cdf distribution within the interval 0 ms to 1 ms Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-25: Poisson whitespace cdf distribution within the interval 0 ms to 1 msTCP and Video Distributions Figure 3-26 and Figure 3-27 present the w(n) for TCP and Video Streams. In the TCP traffic case, over all the topologies, the whitespace durations are very small. All of the 41 whitespace durations are less than 20 ms long. This would indicate very little opportunity for secondary user access to the spectrum under TCP traffic. This observation is in line with what was reported in studies of the impacts of the TCP protocol in DSA networks [58]. The video stream case shows that there is a larger amount of whitespace available compared to the TCP case. Figure 3-28 and Figure 3-29 shows cdf of the first millisecond for the TCP and video stream cases. Observe again that the whitespace properties are similar to the Uniform and Poisson cases. Where upwards of 95% of the whitespace duration is below 1 ms. Impacts of Data Rates The impacts of data rates of the primary user traffic on the whitespace distribution are shown in Figure 3-30 and Figure 3-31. The figures present the packet arrival intervals of 60 ms and 90 ms for TOP3 with intersecting multi-hop flows, for both Uniform and Poisson distributions. The figures show that depending on the specific average inter-packet time of the primary traffic, the whitespace durations will be distributed over a larger range. It follows that a faster PU data rate will reduce the amount of whitespace available to the SU. Again, observe that in Figure 3-32, the whitespace trends for all cases from 0 ms to 1 ms have properties that are similar to the previous figures. 42 10-0 Probability 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-26: Impacts of TCP whitespace pdf distribution 10-0 10-1 Probability 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-27: Impacts of video stream whitespace pdf distribution 43 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-28: TCP whitespace cdf distribution within the interval 0 ms to 1 ms Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-29: Video Stream whitespace cdf within the interval 0 ms to 1 ms 44 10-0 Probability 10-2 10-4 10-6 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-30: Impacts of data rate for Uniform pdf distribution 10-0 Probability 10-2 10-4 10-6 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-31: Impacts of data rate for Poisson pdf distribution 45 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-32: Impacts of data rate for Uniform and Poisson cdfs within the interval 0 ms to 1 ms 10-0 Probability 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-33: Impacts of sensing period on Uniform whitespace pdf distribution 46 Impacts of Finite Sensing Rate In Figure 3-33 and Figure 3-34, the whitespace pdf w(n) is shown with the value of sensing period Tp increased to 50 µs, which is 5 times the duration of the smallest possible whitespace duration for 802.11 primary traffic. This larger sensing period causes some change to the pdf of the whitespace durations. The reason for this change in probability is that the whitespaces with smaller duration than the value of Tp may not be detected. This causes a redistribution (increasing) of the probabilities to whitespace durations greater than Tp. However, as shown in Figure 3-35, although there is a redistribution of whitespace probabilities, the first millisecond still shows that a large portion of the whitespaces are still shorter than 1 ms, which was observed for the faster sensing cases (i.e. Tp set to 5 µs in Figure 3-32). 10-0 Probability 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-34: Impacts of sensing period on Poisson whitespace pdf distribution 47 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 3-35: Impacts of sensing rate for Uniform and Poisson cdfs within the interval 0 ms to 1 ms Available Capacity 0.48 0.46 0.44 0.42 TOP1 0.4 TOP2 TOP3 0.38 0.36 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 Inter-Packet Arrival Time (ms) Figure 3-36: Available channel capacity in terms of fraction of whitespace for the Uniform traffic profile with various inter-packet arrival times and topologiesAvailable Whitespace Capacity 48 The whitespace distributions shown in Section 3.4.2 exhibits very dynamic characteristics depending on the traffic profile and data rate. A question that may be raised is: Is there any capacity available to the SUs to exploit in this type of whitespace? In this section, the available whitespace capacity is investigated. Figure 3-36 shows the available channel capacity in terms of fraction of whitespace for the Uniform traffic profile with various inter-packet arrival times (IPT) and topologies. For the highest IPT case (slowest sending rate), the capacity of the channel is approximately 0.47. This means that the channel is not being utilized nearly half the time. For the lower IPT the capacity decreases to 0.39. It follows that a faster PU sending rate will decrease the available channel capacity for the SUs. Observe that there is little difference between the different topologies. This result occurs because the offered load is similar among all of the topologies. Figure 3-37 shows the available channel capacity in terms of fraction of whitespace for the Poisson traffic profile. The results for this case are similar to the Uniform experiments. Figure 3-38 shows the available channel capacity for the TCP and Video Stream traffic profiles. The TCP profile has very little available whitespace at approximately 10% for the different topologies. This was also shown in the pdf of the TCP traffic shown in Figure 3-26. For the Video Stream profile, there is a larger capacity for the TOP1 than the other two topologies. 49 Available Capacity 0.48 0.46 0.44 0.42 TOP1 0.4 TOP2 TOP3 0.38 0.36 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 Inter-Packet Arrival Time (ms) Figure 3-37: Available channel capacity in terms of fraction of whitespace for the Poisson traffic profile with various inter-packet arrival times and topologies 0.4 Available Capacity 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 TCP 0.15 Video 0.1 0.05 0 TOP1 TOP2 TOP3 Inter-Packet Arrival Time (ms) Figure 3-38: Available channel capacity in terms of fraction of whitespace for the TCP and Video Stream traffic profile 50 3.5 Summary and Conclusions The distributions presented in Figure 3-22 through Figure 3-38 represent the general whitespace properties for a wide range of topology and traffic variations that were experimented using our ns-2 based simulator. A number of key observations can be made from the whitespace statistics. First, the detected whitespace durations from the measured RSSI trace vary a great deal across different topologies and traffic patterns. This indicates that a secondary user may experience vastly different whitespace environments when attempting to access primary networks. Second, as shown in Figure 3-36 and Figure 3-37, there is available capacity for SUs to scavenge depending on the traffic profile of the PU. Finally, as shown in Figure 3-24 and Figure 3-25, regardless of the traffic profile or topology, the vast majority of the whitespaces (above 90%) last for less than 1 ms. This results from the large number of small whitespaces created during the RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK cycle for each packet transmission. The small whitespaces creating the initial peak in the pdfs are the control and the forwarding whitespaces as defined in Section 3.3.3. For example, in TOP (3) there are 4 hops for each flow, therefore there will be generally 3 ⋅ 4 + 3 = 15 small whitespaces per transmission representing 12 control and 3 forwarding whitespaces. While there will be only one inter-packet whitespace per transmission, resulting in a ratio of 15:1 control and forwarding whitespace to inter-packet whitespace. Note that this whitespace property is a feature of 802.11 networks, and can be heavily exploited by SUs while accessing this type of networks. The next chapter presents a secondary user access strategy that exploits this property to maximize SU throughput and minimize interference to the PUs. 51 Chapter 4: Contiguous SU Transmission Strategy (CSTS) 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, a secondary user access mechanism, which is termed as Contiguous SU Transmission Strategy (CSTS) is introduced. This strategy is targeted mainly for whitespace environments created by Ad-hoc mode 802.11 PU traffic as discussed in Section 3.4. 4.1.1 Motivation The key challenge in accessing primary networks is that without any prior knowledge of the starting times and durations of whitespaces, the SUs must access the channel such that the disruption to the PUs is minimized. Additionally, as a conflicting objective, the throughput of the SU should be maximized for a given whitespace profile. These objectives should be accomplished even in the presence of different primary user traffic characteristics. 4.1.2 Problem Definition From Section 3.4, it is clear that for most 802.11 style primary traffic, due to the inter- frame spacing at the MAC layer, over 90% of the detected whitespaces are too small to accommodate the secondary packets. Additionally, as shown in Section 0, there is capacity available to the SUs in some types of PU profiles. Therefore, in order to facilitate efficient scavenging of the channel capacity left over by the PUs, a secondary user access strategy that can exploit these properties to maximize SU throughput and minimize interference to the PUs is needed. 52 4.1.3 Assumptions The key assumptions are as follows. First, no cooperation is assumed between the PUs and SUs. Second, the SUs are assumed to have the ability to differentiate between the PUs’ and the SUs’ transmissions through physical layer waveform detection, which is feasible through cyclostationary feature detection [59] or waveform signature detection [60]. Third, an SU is able to detect collisions with PUs when an PU returns to the channel (i.e. begins transmission) during a whitespace. Although it is not the focus of this thesis, this capability can be realized by channel sensing after each packet transmission is completed by an SU. If the SUs’ packet size is smaller than that of the PUs’, a collision can be inferred by an SU by detecting an PU’s signal after the SU’s transmission is completed [14]. Finally, for the purpose of protocol analysis, it is assumed that the primary user traffic pattern does not change appreciably as a result of secondary transmissions [12, 14, 15, 56]. 4.1.4 Related Work Prioritized device coexistence within CSMA based WLANs can be achieved [18, 19] by using different inter frame spacing (IFS) periods for different user and/or traffic classes. MAC protocol 802.11e [18], for instance, uses different Arbitration IFS (AIFS) periods to provide CSMA based prioritized access among different device and/or traffic classes. When a channel is found free, a node waits for a specific AIFS periods depending on the device or traffic class, before it attempts to send a packet. For higher priority primary traffic, a node waits for a smaller AIFS period. This ensures when multiple nodes contends for the channel, the primary users’ nodes (with smallest AIFS) wins. While providing reasonable access differentiation, these approaches rely only on the instantaneous channel status (i.e. free or busy) for granting access. This leads to undesirable 53 disruptions to the PU traffic as follows. Consider a situation in which an SU intends to transmit a packet and it does so after finding the channel free (i.e. a whitespace) for the AIFS specified for the SUs. Now, in the middle of this SU’s packet transmission if an PU in the vicinity intends to send a packet, it needs to wait until the current SU transmission is over. This causes an undesirable delay for the PU traffic, which in turn will affect the PUs’ application performance. Since this is mainly a result of the SUs’ reliance only on the instantaneous channel state, a more robust approach for the SUs would be to also consider the long term whitespace model. The following DSA approaches attempt to accomplish that. The authors in [6] develop an WLAN access strategy for secondary users in which the SUs utilize packet size slots for the channel access. At the beginning of each slot, an SU senses the channel and if the channel is free then it transmits with a specified probability that is calculated from previous measurement. The objective is to minimize PU disruption and maximize SU throughput. The use of time-slotting in their approach requires time synchronization across the secondary users. In the proposed access mechanism in this thesis, the need for such inter-SU time synchronization is avoided via asynchronous whitespace access based on a stochastic whitespace modeling approach. In [12, 23], the proposed access strategies rely on specific types of PU networks. Protocols are developed in [12] for a slotted PU network where the SUs are synchronized with the PU’s slots. In this case, if an PU does not use a slot then the SU can transmit after a small duration of time in the same slot. The PUs in [23] are assumed to use a specific combination of time and frequency multiplexing to prevent inter-PU access collisions. In this thesis, we formulate the PU network more generally by not assuming any specific PU MAC layer such as the slotted ones in [12]. The target here is to develop an SU access mechanism, which can deal with unslotted as 54 well as stochastic PU MAC layers such as 802.11, CSMA and ALOHA protocols. This assumption of a general PU access protocol broadens the applicability of the SU access approach proposed in this thesis. The authors in [61, 62] do not restrict PUs to a slotted MAC protocol although their access strategy requires a slotted SU network. During the beginning of each slot the SU senses the channel and if the channel is free then the SU transmits. A greedy version also uses probabilistic analysis to decide whether or not to transmit in a given slot. This framework requires time synchronization across the SUs. In our approach, SUs use a stochastic mechanism and are not required to maintain time synchronization. Game theoretic mechanisms have been introduced in [24, 25] for spectrum access for the SUs. The PUs in this framework cooperates with the SUs through pricing strategies and subscription fees to facilitate spectrum sharing. These approaches require the PUs to have knowledge of the SUs presence. In contrast, the proposed mechanism in this thesis, no such cooperation is assumed, thus no changes in the PUs behavior is needed. The idea here is to develop an access mechanism for the SUs for scavenging the PUs’ leftover bandwidth, without the PUs being aware of such scavenging. For example, data-enabled hand-held devices should be able to scavenge bandwidth in a WLAN without the primary VoIP handsets being aware of the scavenging process. 4.2 CSTS Access Algorithm Overview From Section 3.4, it is clear that for most 802.11 style primary traffic, due to the inter- frame spacing at the MAC layer, over 90% of the detected whitespaces are too small to accommodate the secondary packets. Since the actual duration of any whitespace is not known apriori to the SUs, if an SU transmits at the beginning of each whitespace then a vast majority of 55 such transmissions will end up in primary traffic disruptions (PTDs). Primary Traffic Disruption (PTD) is defined as the probability that an SU will cause disruption to PUs as a result of transmitting at the end of a whitespace. If an SU defers transmission attempts, however for a suitably chosen wait-threshold duration µ, such PTDs can be potentially reduced without sacrificing the Effective Secondary User Throughput (EST). In line with this logic, a secondary user access strategy is developed that utilizes a minimum wait-threshold duration µ that is dimensioned based on the statistical properties of the Ad-hoc mode 802.11-based primary networks. JmaxS µ Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 3 End of whitespace (Unknown to SU) Start of whitespace Figure 4-1: Different stages of CSTS access As shown in Figure 4-1, in CSTS access there are three distinct stages. In the first stage, an SU initially waits for the channel to become idle. Once the channel becomes idle, the SU waits for an additional wait threshold duration µ before it attempts to transmit its first packet of duration S. At this point, the access protocol enters into stage-2. At this stage, if the SU has more packets to send, it continues sending until the measured value of є (time elapsed since the beginning of the current whitespace) becomes so large that the expected PTD for new transmissions become equal to or larger than a pre-determined Disruption Bound (DB). Let us define a term Jmax, which denotes the maximum number of packets that the secondary user can 56 send before the expected disruption reaches the pre-determined DB. The quantity Jmax is computed by the SU based on the observed whitespace statistics. After Jmax packets are sent, the secondary user abandons transmission attempts and starts channel sensing for detecting the next whitespace. If, however, a whitespace ends before all Jmax packets are sent by the SU, it vacates or exits the channel after detecting that a primary user has started transmitting. Note that in spite of the SU vacating the channel, disruption to the PUs’ traffic can still occur since the PU must defer its transmission until the channel is vacated by the SU. This second stage defines the contiguous block of time that an SU transmits in any whitespace. Finally, the third stage of CSTS corresponds to the situation in which a whitespace duration is greater than the end time of the Jmax th packet from the SU. No PTD will be caused in this stage because the SU will exit the whitespace after Jmax transmissions. The channel access strategy is summarized in the form of the pseudo code in Algorithm 1 in Figure 4-2. 57 Figure 4-2: CSTS access algorithm 4.3 Functional Overview Figure 4-3 shows a functional diagram of the architectural components in CSTS. The user tunable control inputs into the system are secondary user packet size (S), primary disruption bound (DB), and the sensing interval (Tp), which is a property of the secondary user hardware. The SU continuously computes the whitespace pdf w(n) with a channel-sensing interval of Tp. The access parameters are then fed into the access module, which, in addition to channel sensing, transmits SU user packets into the channel using the process described in Section V.B. The objective is to satisfy a user specified primary disruption bound DB. 58 Secondary User S Tp SU Application DB Access Channel Strategy W(n) Measurement Parameter & Modeling Computation Sensing µ SU Access Module Data Sensing Packets Wireless Channel PU1 … PU2 PUn Primary User Network Figure 4-3: Functional diagram of the SU access strategy 4.4 4.4.1 Algorithm Analysis Primary Traffic Disruption For a given whitespace profile w(n), the PTD is defined by the probability that the whitespace duration is in the range between µ and µ + J max packet size and γ ⋅ S + ( J max − 1) ⋅ γ where S is is the inter-packet spacing for the SUs. Therefore, an SU accessing a whitespace characterized by pdf w(n) will create primary user disruption (PTD): µ + J max ⋅S + ( J max −1)⋅γ ∑ w(n) µ PTD = 59 (4-1) 4.4.2 Effective Secondary Throughput EST is defined as the average number of SU packets successfully transmitted per whitespace, normalized by the number of packets that could have been transmitted per whitespace for a given w(n). EST represents the efficiency of channel usage by the SU. To model EST, we first define Sj, the probability of sending exactly j packets in a whitespace. This corresponds to the event in which the j th packet from an SU in a whitespace has disrupted the PUs, i.e. the whitespace had ended during the transmission of the j th packet. The quantity Sj can be written as: µ + j ⋅S + ( j −1)⋅γ Sj = ∑( wγ()n) µ ( ) (4-2) + j −1 ⋅ S + For a whitespace that lasts between µ and µ + ( J max − 1) ⋅ (S + γ ) , packets sent by an SU is j. For whitespace duration between and ∞, the number of µ + J max ⋅ S + ( J max − 1) ⋅ γ the number of packets sent by an SU is Jmax, since the secondary user vacates the whitespace after sending Jmax packets. Therefore, throughput, the expected number of secondary packets sent for a given whitespace, can be expressed as: J max −1 Throughput = ∑ j⋅S j =1 ∞ j + ∑J j = J max 60 max ⋅Sj (4-3) The throughput equation is valid only when the secondary user captures all available whitespace using perfect sensing (i.e. Tp set to zero). However, when Tp is non-zero, there is a probability that a whitespace smaller than Tp will not be detected and thus will not be accessed by the SU. In that case, the probability of missing a whitespace of length w is equal to (Tp -w)/ Tp. We account for this loss of throughput using this equation: T p   S      Loss = ∑ j =1  T p    S −   j⋅S  j  T p    S     j     (4-4) Although non-zero Tp values can affect the whitespace access, the impacts are alleviated by requiring an SU to wait at least Tp duration before accessing any whitespace. The effective capacity available to the SU can be expressed as the average number of packets that is sent per whitespace. This quantity can be written as (with µ and γ equal to zero): ∞ Capacity = ∑ j ⋅ S j j =1 (4-5) Therefore, the Effective Secondary user Throughput (EST) can be expressed as: EST = Throughput − Loss Capacity which is computed from Eqns. 3, 4, and 5. 61 (4-6) 4.4.3 Dimensioning Wait-threshold µ The selection of wait-threshold µ is critical since it affects both PTD and EST as shown in Equations 4-1 and 4-6. A large µ can reduce primary traffic disruption by preventing the SUs from transmitting during very short whitespaces. A large µ , on the other hand, can bring down the EST, since some portions of large whitespaces will be lost due to this conservatively chosen large wait period. The goal is to pre-dimension the parameter µ, based on the measured pdf function w(n), in order to strike a desirable balance between the PTD and EST. Note that µ is parameterized by Tp and the lowest value of µ is a least one Tp period, since at least one sensing interval is needed to determine if the channel is free. In CSTS, the wait-threshold period determines the PTD caused by the first SU packet during a whitespace. For a wait-threshold tx, such PTD can be expressed as: tx +S f (t x ) = ∑ w(n) tx (4-7) Now, the minimum and maximum values of tx, are zero and 2S, where S is the secondary packet duration. The maximum wait-threshold is 2S, since waiting for a duration that is greater than or equal to 2S would mean missing out sufficient whitespace that could have been used by the secondary user to send at least one packet. Therefore, for a given whitespace with pdf w(n), 62 the optimal wait-threshold µ is chosen as the smallest tx, over the range 0 to 2.S, such that the quantity f(tx) in Equation 4-7 is minimized. 4.4.4 Jmax Computation In CSTS, the number of packets the SU is allowed to transmit in a given whitespace is Jmax. This quantity is determined by finding the maximum j that satisfies the inequality: ∞ 1− ( ∑)(w(γn ) ≤ DB ) µ + J max −1 ⋅ S + + S (4-8) The left side of the inequality represents the PTD when the SU sends Jmax packets in a given whitespace. Therefore, the inequality in Eqn. 8 gives the Jmax that will reduce disruption to the pre-defined bound DB. By plugging in this value of Jmax in Equation 4-1, we find the overall PTD caused by the CSTS access strategy. 4.4.5 Impacts of wait threshold µ As discussed in the preceding sections, larger µ values can significantly reduce PTD by avoiding SUs’ transmissions in short whitespaces. Figure 4-4 presents theoretical results for the CSTS mechanism when the wait-threshold µ is varied from 0 ms to 2 ms. The results correspond to topologies TOP1 and TOP2 in Fig. 1 with both uniform and Poisson distributed primary 63 traffic. All traffic flows correspond to a mean of 80 ms inter-packet arrival time. The SU packet duration S was chosen to be 1.2 ms and the sensing interval Tp is set to 5 µs. Observe in Figure 4-4 that as µ increases, the PTD decreases for all combinations of network topology, traffic profile, and data rate. For µ = 0, representing the case when the SU transmits immediately at the start of a whitespace, the amount of PTD is very high for all cases. This is because as shown in Section 3.4, most of the whitespaces (above 90%) are of very short duration, consisting of control and forwarding whitespaces in 802.11 primary traffic. As µ increases, the PTD first decreases abruptly and then relatively moderately, but in a monotonic manner. The figure also shows the effects of µ on EST. Recall that EST is the efficiency of whitespace usage by the SU. With µ set to zero, since the SU attempts packet transmission in all available whitespaces, the throughput is expected to be the maximum. As µ increases, the throughput decreases since the SU waits for a longer duration before transmitting in a given whitespace. The values of µ , larger than the threshold found in Equation 4-7, cause the EST to reduce drastically by making the access strategy overly conservative. 64 Figure 4-4: Evaluation of the impact of µ in CSTS 4.5 Summary and Conclusion In this chapter, a secondary users access strategy is presented that access an Ad hoc 802.11 PU whitespace profile. The access strategy exploits the properties of the whitespace by avoiding transmissions during the first millisecond of a whitespace. Once a whitespace is accessed, the parameter Jmax limits the amount of SU packets sent within that whitespace. Under this process, the secondary users maximize its own throughput while keeping the primary user disruptions to a predefined bound. 65 Chapter 5: Performance Evaluation for Coexistence in 802.11 Network 5.1 Introduction In this chapter, the performance of the CSTS strategy is evaluated experimentally and theoretically in terms of the Primary Traffic Disruption (PTD) and the Effective Secondary Throughput (EST). 5.1.1 Comparison Protocols We compare CSTS with a sense-and-transmit based protocol, called VX scheme [56], and a benchmark scheme (Benchmark). VX Scheme The VX (Virtual-transmit-if-Busy) Scheme has a similar strategy as CSMA where the SU will sense the channel and transmit when idle [56]. Initially the SU senses the channel, when the channel becomes idle a packet of length Ls is transmitted. Then, the SU starts a vacation from the channel of length Vs. After the vacation, if the channel is busy, the SU starts a virtual transmission stage and then enters into another vacation stage afterwards. Here, a virtual transmission means that the SU does not actually transmit the packet but waits for a time interval which is equal to the packet length Ls. After the vacation, the SU starts the channel sensing again. In contrast to the CSTS scheme, the VX scheme does not use statistical data but relies on short term sensing for its transmission decisions. Algorithmic analysis for this scheme has been 66 presented in [56]. Benchmark The Benchmark protocol assumes full knowledge of the starting and ending times of every whitespace. Therefore, it transmits SU packets in every available whitespace and stops when the next SU transmission will cause disruption to the PUs. The Benchmark protocol can be run only offline to find the best SU performance. This protocol essentially determines the highest throughput an SU can expect without causing any disruption to the PUs. PU2 PU1 PU3 PU4 SU1 PU5 SU2 Multi-hop: TOP1 Traffic Flow Direction PU6 SU2 SU1 PU1 PU2 PU3 Intersecting TOP2 PU7 PU4 PU8 PU1 PU2 PU3 SU1 PU5 PU6 PU7 PU8 Parallel TOP3 PU9 Figure 5-1: Primary user topologies and the traffic flows 67 PU4 PU5 SU2 PU9 PU10 5.1.2 Simulation Implementation The access strategies are evaluated through simulation. There are many steps involved in the creation of the simulator to evaluate the protocols as shown in Table 5-1. First, the network simulator ns-2 was used to create the network topologies described in Section 3.3.1 and shown in Figure 5-1. The primary users use ad hoc mode 802.11 as the MAC layer, and the secondary users in Figure 5-1 observes whitespace profiles similar to those shown in Section 3.4.2. These whitespace profiles including uniform and Poisson distributions, a video stream, and TCP traffics are defined in the ns-2 TCL simulator file in Step 2. Then in Step 3, using AWK based scripts, simulations are created to run ns-2 for the various traffic profiles and topologies. With the combinations of the different topologies, traffic profiles, and data rates there are a large number of simulations that are needed to run. Step # Implementation Step 1 Creation of primary and secondary user grid topology 2 Setting of traffic profiles for secondary users 3 Use AWK scripts to create the required large number of simulations 4 Use the file to capture RSSI measurements 5 Use the TCL scripts to parse RSSI outputs to create whitespace durations 6 Import whitespace durations into Matlab 7 Implement access strategies and various performance characteristics 8 Run experiments Table 5-1: Simulator implementation steps Next in Step 4, RSSI measurement traces are collected from the SUs for each traffic profile through the modification of the file. The duration and starting times of every 68 whitespace are created in Step 5 by parsing the output RSSI file from Step 4. With the whitespace durations files, the entire primary user transmission behavior is captured. Note that it is assumed that the primary user traffic profile does not change as a result of the activity of the secondary users [12, 14, 15, 56]. Afterwards in Step 6, the whitespace durations files are imported into Matlab. Within Matlab whitespace statistics are gathered such as the whitespace pdf w(n). Lastly, the various access strategies are implemented and evaluated using Matlab and the extracted whitespace durations from the ns-2 simulations. 5.2 CSTS Evaluation In this section, protocol performance is evaluated using multiple variables including PU loads, SU packet size, and disruption bound. For the presented results, the SU packets are generated back-to-back, meaning packets are always available to send within an SU’s buffer. The user-defined disruption bound (DB) is set to 0.05 [6], which indicates that only 5% of the PUs’ traffic is allowed to experience disruptions from the SUs’ transmissions. The sensing interval Tp is set to 5 µs. For the VX scheme, Vs, the channel wait time, is set to 0.5 ms and the Virtual Xmit duration is set to 16 ms, which was experimentally shown to deliver the best performance for that access protocol. 5.2.1 Primary User Load Figure 5-2 demonstrates the impacts of varying PU load on the SU throughput and PU disruption for TOP2 in Figure 5-1. The PU inter-packet arrival duration is varied from 50 ms to 120 ms for simulating different loading conditions. This is represented in the figure as 8 to 20 packets per second (pps). For all the primary packet rates, a ±20% uniformly distributed inter- 69 packet arrival variation was introduced. The SU packet duration was set to 1.2 ms, which is half the PU packet size. From Figure 5-2, observe that the CSTS access protocol is able to maintain the required primary disruptions within the specified Disruption Bound (DB) across a wide range of PU data rates and topologies. This is because the µ and Jmax values are set according to the observed whitespace statistics. As the PU data rate increases, the duration of usable whitespace in the channel reduces. This occurs because the primary user traffic is utilizing a larger portion of the channel for its transmissions. With increasing PU rate, the number of distinct whitespaces also increases, since the whitespaces become more fragmented. Fragmentation of whitespaces happens because the increase in bidirectional traffic prevents the creation of longer duration whitespaces. In addition, a larger amount of small control and forwarding whitespaces are created in every multi-hop transmission. Since the SU access strategy is executed on a perwhitespace basis, with the increased number of distinct whitespaces, the SU attempts to execute its PU protection mechanisms more often. This causes the SUs’ channel access efficiency or EST to decrease due to increased PU load. 70 Vx Scheme Benchmark CSTS Vx Scheme MBAS Figure 5-2: Performance for uniformly distributed PU traffic For all the experimented topologies, the throughput for MBAS remains close to that of the Benchmark protocol. Using the full prior knowledge of the whitespace, the Benchmark protocol is able to evaluate the maximum possible EST with zero PTD. This shows that CSTS is able to maximize throughput while maintain PTD bounds by decreasing the Jmax as necessary due to the increasing PU traffic load. For the VX scheme, disruption to the PU traffic is observed to be higher. Utilizing the Virtual Xmit wait times, the SU avoids sending during busy times in a channel. However, once the SU starts accessing a whitespace, it stops sending only if an PU returns during a Vs wait time. Thus, there remains a high probability of causing disruption during the SU transmissions. The VX scheme has a relatively lower throughput since it waits for a Vs time after every 71 transmission, which is not the case of CSTS mechanisms. These results suggest that by utilizing the history of the channel, it is indeed possible to improve the SU throughput while maintaining a bound of disruption on the primary networks. Figure 5-3 shows results for the same setup, but with Poisson distributed PU traffic. Note that the performance trends for this scenario are very similar to those for the Uniform case as shown in Figure 5-2. The throughput is slightly decreased because the Poisson traffic creates a larger amount of fragmented whitespaces, which makes CSTS reduce its transmissions to maintain the required DB. Similar results were also observed for video stream PU traffic for which the pdf was shown in Figure 3-27. We have also experimented with the TCP primary traffic. Since TCP opportunistically utilizes available bandwidth in the channel, the amount of resulting whitespace for TCP traffic is small. As a result, the achievable SU throughput remains severely restricted when the primary disruption bounds are set at low values [17]. 72 Vx Scheme Benchmark CSTS Vx Scheme MBAS Figure 5-3: Performance for Poisson distributed PU traffic 5.2.2 Secondary User Packet Size Figure 5-4 shows the performance of CSTS under a varying SU packet size from 625 µs to 2 ms, as done in [14]. The PU rate is set to 10 pps with uniformly distributed traffic on topology TOP1. Observe that the throughput decreases as the SU packet size increases. In order to maintain the DB with larger packet sizes, the access strategy must reduce the transmission probabilities since a larger secondary packet has a higher probability of causing disruption to the primary at the end of a whitespace. Similar results are shown in Figure 5-5 and Figure 5-6 for topologies TOP2 and TOP3 respectively. Figure 5-7 shows the performance with the video stream traffic profile. Observe that the EST is lower in this case since the duration of whitespace is generally smaller with the video stream profile as shown in Figure 3-27. 73 Additionally the whitespace is fragmented more with the larger amount of traffic. Figure 5-4 through Figure 5-7 presents both experimentally measured (via ns2 simulation) and theoretical values (using Equations 4-1 through 4-8), which are marked as EXP and THY respectively. It is evident that the experimental results match very well with the theoretical Primary User Interference (PUI) 0.06 0.055 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.035 0.03 Effective Secondary User Throughput (EST) results. 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Secondary User Packet Size (ms) 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Secondary User Packet Size (ms) Figure 5-4: Impacts of the SU packet size on EST and PTD on TOP1 74 0.055 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Secondary User Packet Size (ms) Effective Secondary User Throughput (EST) Primary User Interference (PUI) 0.06 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Secondary User Packet Size (ms) Primary User Interference (PUI) 0.06 0.055 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Secondary User Packet Size (ms) Effective Secondary User Throughput (EST) Figure 5-5: Impacts of the SU packet size on EST and PTD on TOP2 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Secondary User Packet Size (ms) Figure 5-6: Impacts of the SU packet size on EST and PTD on TOP3 75 0.04 0.035 0.03 Effective Secondary User Throughput (EST) Primary User Interference (PUI) 0.045 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Secondary User Packet Size (ms) 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Secondary User Packet Size (ms) Figure 5-7: Impacts of the SU packet size on EST and PTD for Video Stream 5.2.3 Dynamic PU Traffic Patterns Figure 5-8 reports the protocol performance from an experiment in which the PU traffic pattern was dynamically changed over time for TOP2 and TOP3. For TOP 2, initially the PU traffic was generated with 60 ms inter-packet time (IPT) with Uniform profile. The pattern was changed after 60 seconds when the IPT was increased to 120 ms. Finally, at 100 seconds the traffic was changed to Poisson distribution with 90 ms IPT. The PUI traffic pattern for TOP 3 was started at 80 ms IPT with Poisson profile, and then after 60 seconds the IPT was changed to 50 ms and finally at 100 seconds it was changed to uniform distribution with 90 ms IPT. The whitespace w(n) is continually computed by the access protocol after collecting every 1000 whitespace samples. 76 Observe in Figure 5-8 that while the primary user traffic pattern changes over time, the PTDs resulting from CSTS stay consistently within the vicinity of the pre-set disruption bound of 0.05. Also, note that there is very little PU traffic disruption during the transitions of w(n) as indicated in both the frames in Figure 5-8. This is primarily because the whitespace pdf for ad hoc mode 802.11 traffic maintains very similar properties across different traffic patterns, i.e. above 90% of the whitespaces are below 1 ms. Similar results were shown in Figure 5-9 for different traffic patterns and topologies. Note that the SU throughput increases after an PU traffic pattern transition when the useable whitespace increases due to the increase in inter-packet interval of the PU traffic. Additionally, the SU dynamically throttles back its transmissions to protect the PUs when the available whitespace reduces during a transition. These results demonstrate the robustness of the CSTS access strategy against varying data rates over time. Additionally, the results suggest that by periodically measuring the channel state the SUs are able to dynamically model the channel whitespace and adjust their access parameters accordingly to minimize the PU disruptions and to maximize the SU throughput. 77 Primary Traffic Disruption (PTD) 0.07 0.06 0 20 40 60 80 Time (s) 0.05 0.04 SU Throughput (pps) PU Traffic Change 2 PU Traffic Change 2 0.03 40 60 80 100 120 Time (s) 0.09 0.05 0.04 100 120 78 350 300 250 100 0 450 200 150 0.03 100 0 CSTS, TOP(1) CSTS, TOP(3) 20 20 40 60 80 Time (s) Figure 5-9: Performance with time-varying w(n) for TOP1 and TOP3 PU Traffic Change 2 PU Traffic Change 2 PU Traffic Change PU Traffic Change 11 400 PU Traffic Change PU Traffic Change 2 2 0.08 20 450 PU Traffic Change PU Traffic Change 1 1 0.06 SU Throughput (pps) 0.07 PU Traffic Change 1 PU Traffic Change 1 0.08 PU Traffic Change PU Traffic Change 22 0 PU Traffic Change 11 PU Traffic Change Primary Traffic Disruption (PTD) 0.09 200 150 40 60 80 100 120 Time (s) Figure 5-8: Performance with time-varying w(n) for TOP2 and TOP3 CSTS, TOP(1) CSTS, TOP(3) 400 350 300 250 100 120 5.2.4 Channel Sensing Rate The sensing interval Tp can vary across different hardware and can impact the access protocol performance since it influences the whitespace pdf w(n). In this Section we investigate such performance impacts over a practical sensing interval range from 5 µs to 1 ms [63, 64] for various wireless network interfaces. Figure 5-10 shows such impacts for different topologies with Uniform and Poisson distributed PU traffic and 60 and 70 ms inter-packet arrival times for the CSTS protocol. Both experimentally measured (via ns-2 simulation) and theoretical values (using Equations 4-1 through 4-8), marked as EXP and THY, are presented. The experimental results match well with the theoretical results, indicating the validity of the experimental observations. Observe that as Tp increases, the EST and PTD remain relatively constant since with Tp within the range of 5 µs to 1 ms, the SUs can detect most of the whitespaces that are smaller than the SUs’ packet size, which is 0.6 ms in this case. In the CSTS protocols, an SU does not access a whitespace until the whitespace lasts for at least the Tp duration. In other words, with larger Tp, the SUs behave more conservatively, leading to higher EST and lower PTD. These results indicate that the proposed access strategies can work under varying channel sensing rates that are well within the practical range for the currently available 802.11 hardware [63]. 79 Figure 5-10: Impacts of channel sensing interval Tp 5.2.5 Disruption Bound Depending on the specific PU applications, the SU access strategies may need to run with different disruption bounds for the PUs. Figure 5-11 and Figure 5-12 presents the performance with varying pre-defined disruption bound or DB values for Uniform and Poisson distributions respectively. PU topologies TOP1-3 in Figure 5-1 and inter-packet arrival rates of 60 and 90 ms are evaluated for the CSTS protocol. The left graph in Figure 5-11 validates that the protocol is able to maintain the PTD within the pre-set DB for a wide range of DB values. The right graph depicts that by allowing larger DBs it is possible for the SUs to scavenge more bandwidth from the channel. Another interesting trend in this graph is that the EST rises quite sharply with higher disruption bounds. A practical implication of this large slope is that if the PUs can tolerate a very small amount of disruption (e.g. ≈ 5%), reasonably high SU throughput can be achieved. This is in contrast to the very low SU throughputs when the PUs cannot tolerate any disruptions. 80 Figure 5-11: Impacts of Disruption Bound for the uniformly distributed PUs Figure 5-12: Impacts of Disruption Bound for the Poisson distributed PUs 81 5.3 Summary and Conclusions This chapter presented an extensive set of results to evaluate the CSTS access strategy. The simulation-based experiments provided a method to explore the impacts of different parameters on CSTS. The primary user load results showed that the protocol is able to maintain high SU throughput under different load conditions. Results from the SU packet size experiments showed that a smaller SU packet provides better throughput for the SUs. Varying PU traffic pattern results showed that CSTS could dynamically adjust to the PU traffic over time. Additionally, periodic sampling of the whitespace provides enough information to maintain good SU throughput while maintain PU disruption bounds. The channel sensing interval results showed that as long as the sensing period is smaller than usable whitespaces, there was enough information to operate the CSTS protocol. Finally, the experiments on the effects of varying disruption bound shows that PUs allowing a small disruption can facilitate more bandwidth scavenging by the SUs. 82 Chapter 6: Traffic Protection in a Prototype CSMA based Sensor Networks 6.1 Introduction In this chapter, the Bandwidth Scavenging Concept (BCS) is applied to traffic protection in CSMA based sensor networks. The BSC is implemented in an experimental testbed using the Crossbow TelosB sensor motes [65]. The previously presented 802.11-based simulated network allows explorations of the effects of various traffic and topology conditions while the experimental setup discussed in this chapter provides insights into real world measurement issues. The chapter is organized as follows. First, an overview is given of the TelosB platform. Then the PU network is described in detail. Finally, the SU network is discussed. Software details about the prototype is added in Appendix A. 6.1.1 Motivation Applications utilizing Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be categorized into real time and non real time. Real time applications such as event surveillance typically require constant or variable rate data streams to be sent over the sensor network. Depending on the specific application, the rate of this data can be of the order of a few packets per second to tens of packets per second. The objective is to transport such real-time application data packets with minimum delivery delay and packet losses [66]. Non-real time applications such as environmental monitoring need to measure levels of temperature, moisture and other ambient parameters in a time driven or event driven manner. Such applications typically require lower data rates 83 compared to the real-time data streams and have less stringent packet delay and loss requirements. 6.1.2 Problem Definition A heterogeneous WSN may often require supporting both real time and non real time applications. In this type of networks, nodes that support real time applications must coexist with the nodes that are running non-real time application. In order to protect the real-time traffic from large channel access delay caused due to interruptions from the non real-time traffic, an access priority structure is usually needed. Now, if a network designer wants to ensure that the requirements of the real time traffic network are met in this heterogeneous WSN, a traffic priority structure can be used. In this case, the real time traffic is given priority access to channel over the non-real time traffic. To address this type of traffic prioritization problem in general, some issues that would need to be addressed are: • Maintaining a priority structure: Support is needed to facilitate different priority levels for the various sets of network devices • Supporting higher priority requirements: Data requirements of the higher priority traffic must be met • Limiting the effects of delaying the higher priority traffic: When lower priority traffic has data to send, the impacts on the higher priority traffic must be minimized • Supporting different high priority traffic loads: As the high priority traffic changes, the lower priority traffic should adjust its usage of bandwidth accordingly • Maximizing the throughput of the lower priority traffic: Lower priority traffic throughput need to be maximized given the available channel bandwidth. 84 Channel history-based mechanisms, namely the Bandwidth Scavenging Concept, may provide a suitable solution due to its ability to dynamically adjust lower priority traffic access to protect higher priority traffic. 6.1.3 Related Work In baseline 802.11 access [57] when a message arrives from the upper layer, the MAC layer accesses the channel with a DIFS (DCF Inter-Frame Spacing) and Contention Window (CW) duration irrespective of the traffic class. Traffic priority has been introduced in 802.11e [18], by using class specific (referred to as Access Categories or ACs) DIFS and CW values. The quantity DIFS in 802.11e is parameterized as arbitration inter-frame space with specified access classes (AC). Similarly, the CW is redefined with CWmin[AC] and CWmax[AC] allowing for different priority traffic to be assigned with different overlapping back-off times. The addition of class-specific AIFS and CW values allow for prioritizations since nodes with smaller AIFS periods and lower CW ranges will access the channel first and more often. This core 802.11e prioritization concept has been refined in [19, 67] which propose mechanisms for choosing the class-specific AIFS and CW values dynamically under different network conditions. As discussed in Section I.B, although 802.11e (based) protocol introduces priority to network traffic, there is no guarantee that a higher priority node’s transmission will not be deferred if it arrives at the MAC layer when a lower priority node is in the middle of its packet transmission. Our proposed protocol attempts to reduce such high priority traffic deferrals by allowing low priority nodes to attempt channel access only when it estimates the likelihood of such disruption is low. 85 A number of papers [21, 22, 68] have proposed traffic prioritization schemes specifically designed for WSNs. The mechanism in [68] is similar to 802.11e in using variable size contention windows and different inter-frame spacing for different types of sensing events. To further differentiate the priority events, the authors improve upon their original design by adding a period where each higher priority event node randomly sends a burst of pulse just after their respective AIFS periods to notify lower priority nodes to backoff until the transmission is finished. While being customized specifically for WSNs, this protocol [11] can suffer from the same 802.11e issues as discussed in Section I.B. The works in [22] and [21] use time slots similar to TDMA to assign priority to traffic classes. The protocol in [21] divides MAC frames into random access and scheduled access sections. The scheduled access sections are further divided into priority groups with multiple transmission slots in each group. A node broadcasts their traffic priority during the random access period, which reserves their transmissions for specified priority groups in the scheduled section. The protocol PMAC [22] presents another TDMA based prioritization MAC utilizing a wide range of prefix reservation and inter-slot intervals. Both of these TDMA protocol require tight time synchronization to implement priority. In contrast, our approach does not require time synchronization, thus offering a more practical solution that is suitable for ad hoc deployment. Other dynamic spectrum access testbeds has also been developed [69-76]. 6.2 Testbed Setup In this section, an overview of the experiment testbed is presented. The specific implementation details of the testbed are presented in the Appendix. Figure 6-1 shows an overview on the implementation. In the Bandwidth Scavenging Concept, a secondary user device attempts to access a wireless channel that is occupied by a primary user device. We implement 86 these two separate networks as two independent systems, namely the Primary User Network (PUN) and Secondary User Network (SUN). The purpose of PUN is to generate various traffic patterns on a channel. While the purpose of the SUN is to first perform measurements of the PU channel activity then utilize an access strategy to send messages in between the PU transmissions. Primary User Network Secondary User Network Figure 6-1: System implementation overview As shown in Figure 6-1, the PUN and SUN is completely independent of each other, although they share an IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee channel. Crossbox Telosb motes [65] are used as the primary and secondary devices. TelosB was used since the TinyOS port on it provides enough driver level APIs for implementing a custom MAC layer (i.e. CSMA in this case), which is not easily possible for majority of the commercially available 802.11 cards. The communication and programming of the motes are done using the TinyOS 2.1 operating system. For the purposes of traffic generation and statistics gathering, the motes are connected to personal computers running Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS. Separate computers are used for the PUN 87 and SUN. The implementation of the computer interfaces is done using java with NetBeans as the IDE. The communication flow of the experimental network is done using two closed paths. In the PUN path, an PU traffic pattern is generated on the primary user computer and then sent to an PU mote. This mote will send the traffic to another PU mote or multiple motes. When the packets reach the last mote in the path, the packets are forwarded back to the originating PC. The SUN is designed in a similar fashion, by performing a second path using the SU motes and SU computer. Performance metrics for the experimental testbed are gathered on each PUN and SUN computers. 6.2.1 Crossbow TelosB Motes The Crossbow TelosB Mote hardware consists of a small circuit board with several microcontrollers, three LED’s, two physical buttons, a USB connector, connectors for sensors board and a battery pack. This platform was developed by a research community at UC Berkeley and is now sold by several manufacturers. The motes are running TinyOS as the operating system. TinyOS provides a modular operating system for Wireless Sensor Networks that supports several sensor platforms. TinyOS is maintained and developed by the TinyOS Alliance. This Alliance is structured in working groups consisting of researchers from several universities and companies. 6.2.2 Hardware Components and Network Topology The testbed is currently setup using two personal computers and 4 TelosB motes. To ensure undistorted results in the measurements, the implementation of the PU and SU networks has been installed on separate computers. 88 Both computers are running: • Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS, RealTime kernel rt-2.6 • TinyOS 2.1.0 with gedit and gcc programs • Java 1.6 • NetBeans IDE 6.8 The PUN computer has a dual core Intel processor with 2 GB of ram and the SUN is an Intel Celeron with 768 MB ram. The topology of the test-bed is kept as simple as possible to keep unwanted effects as low as possible. Figure 6-2 shows the physical layout of the test-bed. On the left side are two Primary User motes. The top left node (PU Sim) is sending the test traffic pattern to the bottom left node. While these motes are sending the bottom right mote (USB0 SUTX) accesses the channel and sends messages to the top right mote. The top right mote is called Basesation because it forwards all messages to the PC to create a full log of the tests. Figure 6-2: Physical topology of the primary and secondary networks 6.3 Primary User Traffic Profiles To explore the characteristics of different PU traffic, various traffic profiles are sent by a PU and subsequently measured by an SU. A PU transmitter sends messages to a PU receiver 89 according to the given traffic profile. Concurrently, an SU measures the channel using an RSSI sampling program implemented on the motes. The channel is measured at 1 kHz rate with RSSI values being reported at each time step [77]. Consecutive measured RSSI values below a predefined threshold (-50 dBm) are considered as whitespaces. In order to represent PU traffic diversity, three traffic scenarios are established i.e. sent over the PU network: • A uniformly distributed traffic that is sent at 7 packets per second (pps). Each packet has an added ±20% inter-packet time to vary the arrival time on the channel. This profile corresponds to TelosB based sensor network applications involving constant bit rate sensing. • A low rate video file streamed over the channel, which represents video surveillance applications. • A multi-modal traffic with two “peaks” of whitespaces in the pdf w(n). In general, a stream with multiple peaks in its whitespace can be formed by merging multiple constant packet rate streams. This is representative of a multi-application primary traffic at different traffic generation rates. The packet size of the PU node is set to 120 bytes, which corresponds to approximately 5 ms channel access duration given the bandwidth of the channel (250 kbps data rate). Given that the SU senses the channel at Tp = 1 ms intervals, it is able to determine the approximate start and ending times of PU packets (i.e. ON-OFF durations). Figure 6-3a-c shows the whitespace pdfs w(n) measured and computed by an SU Transmitter, which is within the transmission range of the PU Transmitter that is generating the traffic profiles as described above. In Figure 6-3a-c, the pdf is plotted as a function of the sensing interval time, i.e. nTp. 90 0.015 0.08 0.02 Probability 0.025 0.06 0.015 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.005 0 0.005 0.02 0 0 50 100 150 200 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) a) 0 100 200 300 400 500 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) b) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) c) Figure 6-3: Experimental whitespace distributions. (a) Uniform with 20% variation, (b) Low rate video stream, and (c) Multi- modal data stream The following observations can be made from the whitespace statistics shown in Figure 6-3. In the uniform traffic case of Figure 6-3a, all the whitespaces are clustered between 70 ms and 180 ms, which is the result of the 20% variation on the 7 pps traffic generation rate. Observe that the peak does not form a perfect uniform shape as expected. This result comes from the combined effects of the TinyOS operating system’s scheduling jitter and the asymmetry in the hardware delays in the transmission times of the packets. For the pdf of the video stream in Figure 6-3b, the large peak corresponds to fixed rate video packets. The other small peaks correspond to embedded audio packets and uncorrelated video packets, which are transmitted at a slower rate. For the multi-modal pdf case in Figure 6-3c, the whitespace is distributed within two separate ranges. The two peaks correspond to applications that generate a traffic rate of 4 pps with 25% spread, and 2 pps with 75% spread respectively. The analysis of whitespace in the experimental network highlights the various whitespace environments that an SU may experience when attempting to access unused spectrum. 91 6.4 Performance Evaluation of CSTS on Prototype Testbed In this section, the performance of the CSTS strategy is evaluated experimentally using the testbed presented in this chapter and using a Matlab based simulator discussed in Section 5.1.2. 6.4.1 Compared Protocols We compare CSTS with an inter-frame spacing based protocol (AIFS). The AIFS is based on IEEE 802.11e [18] where priority is given between classes of traffic by waiting class-specific inter-frame spacing (IFS) before sending a packet. When the SU has a packet to send, using AIFS, it waits for the specified IFS time for the channel to remain free before transmitting. In our implementation, a zero IFS was chosen for the PUs and a non-zero IFS was chosen for the SUs. Like in 802.11e, this arrangement gives rise to priority channel access to the PUs. The IFS for the SU is chosen as half the SU packet size, which provided the best performance for the AIFS. In the simulation results, a benchmark protocol is also plotted. The Benchmark protocol assumes full knowledge of the starting and ending times of every whitespace. Therefore, it transmits SU packets in every available whitespace and stops when the next SU transmission will cause disruption to the PUs. The Benchmark protocol can be run only offline to find the best SU performance. This protocol essentially determines the highest throughput an SU can expect without causing any disruption to the PUs. 6.4.2 Experiment Implementation The evaluation of the access strategies on different traffic profiles and data rates required a large number of experiments. In contrast to a simulation environment, testbed experiments are run in real time, which causes the runtime to be significantly high. In the experiments, 5000 primary user sample-packets were used. The time necessary to create a single graph point is over 92 80 min. Hence the creation of a full graph can take up to over 13 hours of runtime ((5000 packets * 5 points in the graph * 2 Access strategies) / (60 packets/min)). This condition required the automation of the experiments. First, all of the Java based GUI elements were removed and replaced with a command line interface. Then AWK batch scripts where used to set all of the necessary experimental parameters. Next, the two Primary and Secondary computers must be synced up together during the running of an experiment. This task was accomplished through networking the computers together with a shared folder. In the folder, files were passed between the computers to signal the starting, ending, and data collection periods of the experiments. This setup allowed experiments to be run over night. During the experiments, the following values are captured: the Round Trip Time (RTT) of each PU packet, the PU packet losses and a full packet log. From these values, the packets deferred are calculated by counting the packets with a RTT > 100 ms plus the packets lost. The indicator for the secondary user performance is the Measured Secondary User Throughput (MST), which is calculated from the full packet log. In the figures, the AIFS protocol is referred to as priority based and the CSTS is referred to as History based. 6.5 Performance with Uniform PU traffic Profile Figure 6-4 and Figure 6-5 show the percentage of PU packets that where deferred because of the AIFS and CSTS protocols (referred to as Priority and History based respectively). The PU traffic profile is a uniform distribution at 120 packets per minute (ppm) similar to the distribution shown in Figure 6-3. The traffic load generated by the SU is varied in order to evaluate the impacts of increasing non-priority traffic on the priority traffic. Observe that CSTS has a low percentage of deferred PU packets across all SU rates, while AIFS suffers from greater disruptions. Figure 6-4 shows the actual percentage and Figure 6-5 show the same data on a Log93 Log scale. The disruptions to the PU traffic are quite low for the CSTS strategy. AIFS suffers from greater disruptions since the SU will always transmit after waiting for an IFS. Even after an IFS period, there is some probability that the PU will return to the channel during the SU transmission, causing disruptions for the PU traffic. Figure 6-6 shows similar results through the Round Trip Time. PU Packets Deferred 30% 20% Priority Based History Based 10% 0% 0 10 20 SU PPM 30 40 Figure 6-4: PU packets deferred for 120 ppm uniform traffic 100% PU Packets Deferred 1 10 100 10% 1% Priority Based History Based 0.1% 0% SU PPM Figure 6-5: PU packets deferred for 120 ppm uniform traffic in Log scale 94 Round Trip Time (ms) 500 400 300 Priority Based 200 History Based 100 0 0 10 20 SU PPM 30 40 Figure 6-6: RTT for 120 ppm uniform traffic Figure 6-7 shows the Measured SU throughput (MST) results for the experiment. Observe that the as the SU ppm increases the throughput increases. Note that due to the limitations of the TelosB motes, the channel cannot be completely filled by either primary or secondary user traffic. This limitation was discussed in [78]. Therefore to capture the effects of the completely filling the channel simulation based experiments were performed. 90k MST 70k 50k Priority Based History Based 30k 10k 0 0 10 20 SU PPM 30 40 Figure 6-7: MST for 120 ppm uniform traffic 95 Figure 6-8 show the simulation results for the 120 ppm uniform scenario. This simulation result was created by using the RSSI trace files from the testbed. Observe that CSTS maintain the required disruption bounds (indicated as DBs in the figure) across all SU rates, while AIFS suffers from greater priority traffic disruptions, which is above 10% for the higher SU rates. In terms of throughput, the access strategies are able to support low SU generation rates. However, once the specified DB is reached, CSTS throttle the SU transmissions in order to protect the PU traffic. Notice that AIFS is able to achieve higher SU throughput by always sending after waiting for an IFS, but at the expense of higher disruptions to the PU traffic. This demonstrates how CSTS are able to protect the high priority traffic by limiting the low priority traffic throughput whenever appropriate. Figure 6-8: Simulation results for 120 ppm uniform traffic We show the impacts of PU traffic rates in Figure 6-9. PU traffic with the uniform profile is varied from 1 packet per second (pps) to 7 pps. In the presented results, the SU generation rate is set to a high value, which translates to the SU always having packets buffered to send for the 96 entire duration of a whitespace. Observe that as the PU traffic rate increases, CSTS is able to maintain the specified PU disruption bounds while the PTD values for the AIFS protocol are quite high. This is because CSTS create different parameters (Jmax) for each PU traffic rate to maintain the desired bound. As expected, as the PU rate increases, there are less whitespaces for the SU to access the channel, hence lowering the SU throughput. Figure 6-9: Simulation results for various uniform traffic rates 6.6 Performance with PU Traffic with Low-rate Video The protocol performance with PU traffic from a low-rate video stream (as shown the pdf in Figure 6-3b) is shown in Figure 6-10 through Figure 6-12. Note that the relative performance of the three evaluated protocols in this case is very similar to those observed for the uniform traffic case in the previous section. As in the uniform traffic case, the CSTS protocols are able to maintain the specified DB at the expense of limiting the SU throughput at higher SU load levels. In terms of throughput, the values are smaller that the uniform case. This results from different availability of whitespace in the video stream profile. The simulation results show similar trends. 97 PU Packets Deferred 20% 16% 12% Priority Based 8% History Based 4% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Secondary User Packets Per Second Figure 6-10: PU packets deferred for video stream based traffic 16k MST 12k 8k Priority Based History Based 4k 0 0 5 10 15 20 SU PPM Figure 6-11: MST for video stream based traffic 98 Figure 6-12: Simulation results for video stream based traffic 6.7 Performance with Multi-modal PU Traffic Similar results to the video stream profile are demonstrated in the multi-modal case (Figure 6-3c) presented in Figure 6-13 through Figure 6-15. Again the CSTS protocol maintains the required PU traffic disruption bounds while the maximizing the SU throughput. 99 14% 10% Priority Based 6% History Based 2% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 SU PPM Figure 6-13: PU packets deferred for multi-modal based traffic 40k 30k MST PU Packets Deferred 18% 20k Priority Based History Based 10k 0 0 5 10 15 20 SU PPM Figure 6-14: MST for multi-modal based traffic 100 Figure 6-15: Simulation results for multi-modal based traffic 6.8 Summary and Conclusions This chapter presented a TinyOS based testbed implementation of the Bandwidth Scavenging Concept. A Primary User Network (PUN) was implemented with the purpose of generating various traffic patterns on a channel. Along with a Secondary User Network (SUN) was created to perform measurements of the PU channel activity. Then utilize an access strategy to send messages in between the PU transmissions. The PUN was shown to be able to create multiple traffic patterns using a PC and TelosB mote configurations. The SUN was shown to be able to measure the PU transmissions on the channel. Additionally, multiple SU access strategies were implemented on the motes. The access strategies were then evaluated using the testbed that was implemented using TelosB motes. From the experimental results, it was shown that the access strategy was able to support the offered SU load. Due to the limitations of the TelosB hardware, additional simulations were run in Matlab. The simulation results showed that the CSTS protocol would 101 throttle back the transmissions of the SUs to protect the PU traffic. Similar to the 802.11 results the Bandwidth Scavenging Concept was shown to minimize PU throughput while maximizing SU throughput. 102 Chapter 7: Divided SU Transmission Strategy (DSTS) 7.1 7.1.1 Introduction Motivation The whitespace profile of a general PU network can be a function of an individual PU properties such as topology, traffic pattern, and data rates. This creates a major challenge for SUs attempting to access the available whitespace. Therefore, an SU access strategy that can adapt to the various whitespace profiles is needed. 7.1.2 Problem Definition The CSTS protocol that was used in Chapter 4 through Chapter 6 was designed to take advantage of the specific whitespace characteristics in an Ad hoc mode 802.11 network. As a result, in networks with non-802.11 traffic, it may miss transmission opportunities because of an over-conservative sending limit that is imposed based on the assumption of small whitespaces corresponding to ad hoc mode 802.11 control packets. The proposed Divided Secondary user Transmission Strategy (DSTS) in this chapter removes this limitation of CSTS. 7.1.3 Related Work The authors in [16, 17] developed a methodology for formally analyzing the whitespace available within 802.11 primary traffic in infrastructure mode. The key idea in their methodology is to model the whitespace as a semi-Markov process that relies on the underlying 802.11 state model involving DIFS, SIFS, DATA, and ACK transactions. Their semi-Markov model describes the whitespace in terms of holding times of the idle and busy states of the channel. Building on this model, in [6] the authors further develop an WLAN access strategy for 103 secondary users in which the SUs utilize packet-size slots for the channel access. At the beginning of each slot, an SU senses the channel and if the channel is free then it transmits with a specified probability that is calculated from previous measurement. In our proposed access mechanism, a SU utilizes whitespaces based on a stochastic model that minimize PU disruption and maximize SU throughput. The authors in [14] developed an optimal access strategy for secondary users. This work has certain similarities with ours in that both approaches attempt to maximize the SU throughput while keeping the PU disruption below a pre-determined bound. However, there are a number of key differences as listed below. First, we formulate the problem in a 0-1 knapsack framework and solve it using dynamic programming whereas in [14], a threshold based mechanism is used. Second, we evaluate our access strategy in a realistic scenario where multiple SUs exist within a single collision domain whereas in [14], the authors consider two isolated and independent SUs in separate collision domains. Finally, the characterization of whitespace profiles under a diverse set of traffic profiles using ns-2 simulations and experimental testbed is a unique feature of our work compared to [14]. 7.2 Access Based on Transmission Opportunities A Transmission Opportunity (TO) within a whitespace is defined as a period of time that is large enough to send a single secondary user packet. Clearly, there may be multiple TOs for sending multiple SU packets within a whitespace. However, since the duration of a whitespace is unknown in advance, there is a non-zero probability for an SU transmission to spill over the endtime of the whitespace, causing a PU disruption. The objective is to reduce the occurrences of such transmissions within a whitespace so that the chance of PU traffic disruption is minimized. 104 Conversely, that reduction needs to be selective so that the SU throughput can be maximized by judiciously scavenging for the legitimate TOs within the whitespace. TOs t1,b1 t2,b2 … S tn,bn Figure 7-1: DSTS transmission opportunities Consider the sample whitespace profile shown in Figure 7-1. Observe that the probability that a whitespace ends between [0-200] ms or [300-400] ms is zero. This means that an SU can access these whitespaces without disrupting the PUs. However, utilizing whitespace durations within the ranges of [200-300] ms or [400-550] ms may cause disruption to the PUs. This is because there is a non-zero probability that a whitespace ends between these ranges. The key idea behind the DSTS strategy for an SU is to determine the best useable TOs based on the recently observed whitespace statistics. 7.3 Transmission Bitmap Vector In DSTS, a whitespace is divided into S duration TOs, where S is the duration of an SU packet plus SU control packets. As shown in Figure 7-1, the TOs are referred to as t1, t2, …,tm, where the quantity tmS represents the largest whitespace observed by the SU. Let the SU packet 105 transmission decision in those TOs be represented by the bits b1, b2, …, bm, where bit b0 indicates if the SU should transmit a packet (if available) in TO t0. These m-bits (1: transmit, and 0: not transmit) form a Transmission Bitmap Vector (TBV). If the bit bi is set to 1, then the access module in an SU transmits a packet in TO ti only if a channel-sensing finds the channel to be free during that TO. In other words, a transmission can only occur if the whitespace lasted until the TO ti. If the channel is found busy (meaning the whitespace has not lasted until the TO ti) no transmission is made even though the bi was set to be 1. In addition, if bit bi was set to be 0 in the TBV, no transmission is made during the TO ti. Once a whitespace has ended, the procedure resets for the next whitespace. Note that each bit in the TBV is calculated using the w(n) resulting from the RSSI measurements similar to those shown in Chapters 3, 6, and 8. Secondary User S Tp SU Application DB Channel Access W(n) Measurement Parameter & Modeling Computation Sensing TBV TBV Access Protocol Data Sensing Packets Wireless Channel PU1 PU2 … PUn Primary User Network Figure 7-2: Functional diagram of the SU access strategy 106 7.4 Functional Overview Figure 7-2 shows a functional diagram of the architectural components in DSTS. The user tunable control inputs into the system are secondary user packet size (S), primary disruption bound (DB), and the sensing interval (Tp), which is a property of the secondary user hardware. The SU continuously computes the whitespace pdf w(n) with a channel-sensing interval of Tp. The access parameters are then fed into the access module, which, in addition to channel sensing, transmits SU user packets into the channel. The objective is to satisfy a user specified primary disruption bound DB. 7.5 PU Disruptions and SU Throughput A method must now be defined to properly select the best TOs that the SU should utilize. Ideally, the SU would like to use every TO to maximize its throughput but disruptions can occur since the duration of a whitespace is unknown. Therefore, each transmission opportunity has a certain gain and loss if it is chosen for use. A gain is represented by throughput for the SU and a loss is represented by a possibility of disruption to the PU. In this section, the throughput and disruptions are formulated for each TO. 7.5.1 Probability of TO Existence An SU packet transmission during a TO ti will be made only if the whitespace lasts until that TO. The probability of the existence of TO ti can be expressed as the probability that the whitespace will last at least for iS duration, and can be written as: 107 Pi existence  iS  =1−W   T   p (7-1) where W(n) is the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the whitespace pdf w(n), which is expressed as a multiple of the channel sensing interval Tp. When the bit bi is set to 1 in the TBV, the probability Pi or not. The existence Pi existence will determine if an SU transmission in TO ti will actually be possible value for a given TO directly represent the throughput an SU will achieve if it sends in that TO. It follows that a TO with high existence probability will occur with greater frequency, thus resulting in higher SU throughput. 7.5.2 Probability of Disruption An SU packet transmission during a TO ti will cause a PU traffic disruption if the current whitespace does not last for a full S duration since the start of the transmission. The probability of disruption is expressed as the probability that a whitespace lasts anywhere between (i-1)S to iS duration, and can be written as: Pi disrupt  iS      − W  (i − 1) S  =W T   T  p  p   Now consider a situation in which a specific TBV, all m bits in ˆ T is selected. Let (7-2) δ represent a subset (of ˆ T ) of bits that are 1. The rest of the bits are set to 0. During a whitespace, after an SU transmits based on ˆ T , the resulting Primary Traffic Disruption (PTD) can be expressed as: 108 PTD = Pi disrupt ∑ (7-3) ∀i∈δ PTD represents the overall probability that a Primary Traffic Disruption will occur at the end of a whitespace. If each whitespace corresponds to a PU packet transmission (i.e. when no back-to-back PU packets are transmitted), PTD represents the probability that a PU packet will be disrupted due to an SU packet transmission. With a specific subset δ , the Effective Secondary user Throughput (EST) can be expressed as: EST = Pi existence ∑ (7-4) ∀i∈δ 7.6 Computing TBV via Solving Knapsack Problem For a given whitespace pdf w(n), the problem is to compute a Transmission Bitmap Vector ˆ T such that the EST is maximized while limiting the PTD to a pre-defined bound DB. We propose to solve this problem using the 0-1 knapsack problem solution, which is summarized as follows. In the knapsack problem, there are m objects (j=1,2,...,m) and the j th object has a weight wj and volume vj. The goal is to select a subset of the objects in a knapsack so that the total weight is maximized while the volume of the knapsack does not exceed a predefined bound. The TBV computation is posed as the knapsack problem by mapping the TO ti to m objects. The TO existence probability Pjexistence 109 from Equation 8-1 and the disruption probability Pjdisrupt from Equation 8-2 are mapped to wj and vj respectively. In addition, the PU disruption bound DB is mapped as the knapsack volume bound, V. The mapping and solution process is formalized as follows. The problem can be defined as: m maximizeW = ∑ w j x j j =1 (7-5) subject to: m ∑v x j j ≤V, x j ∈ {0 ,1} j =1 (7-6) To solve this problem, we can use dynamic programming [79] by defining s[j,v] to be the solution for objects 1,2,…j with maximum volume v. Then define s[j,v] recursively as: 0, if j or v = 0  s[ j , v] = s[ j − 1, v], if v < v j  max{w j + s j − 1, v − v j , s[ j − 1, v]}, if v j ≤ v [ ] (7-7) The optimal solution can then be found by calculating s[j,V]. Under the assumption that all whitespace can be detected, the Pjexistence and Pjdisrupt values quantify the SUs’ throughput and PU disruption respectively for a given TO tj. Hence, mapping the knapsack solution to TBV can give an optimal secondary user transmission strategy. 110 7.7 Sub-optimal TBV Computation Although providing optimal solutions, dynamic programming can be computationally intensive and may not be feasible for resource-constrained SU hardware. We provide a computationally feasible heuristic solution as shown in Figure 7-3. Figure 7-3: TBV creation via sub-optimal solution disrupt existence Initially, we compute the Density ( Pj / Pj ) of all m objects (i.e. TO) and then sort them in descending order of their density. Afterwards, we assign a 1 in the Transmission Bitmap Vector ˆ T for the highest density TOs, representing good transmission opportunities. We stop assigning 1s when the Disruption Bound is reached, ensuring that the probability of disruption will meet the pre-defined bound. This scheme provides a relatively fast and simple heuristic solution to the problem. After this algorithm is completed, the ˆ T for the MS-DSTS access strategy is created. At any given time in a whitespace, if an SU has a packet to 111 send, it will send the packet in the next TO indicated in ˆ T , only if the whitespace lasts until that TO. An SU following this strategy will maintain the specified DB while maximizing its throughput. 7.8 TBV Solution Example Figure 7-4: TBV of DSTS for different traffic profiles Figure 7-4 presents an example Transmission Bitmap Vectors (TBV) solution computed by DSTS for three experiments shown in Section 6.3 corresponding to uniform, video stream and multi-modal traffic profiles. The black and while vertical bars in the diagram correspond to the ones and zeroes in the TBV. Observe how the ones in TBV, representing useable transmission opportunities for the SUs, occupy different part of the whitespace spectrum for different traffic profiles. 7.9 Performance Evaluation of the DSTS Protocol In the following sections, the performance of the DSTS strategy is evaluated experimentally and theoretically in terms of the Primary Traffic Disruption (PTD) and the Effective Secondary Throughput (EST). The whitespace profiles characterized in Sections 3.4.2, and 6.3, i.e. Ad hoc 802.11 and test bed measured CSMA respectively are used to evaluate DSTS. 112 7.9.1 Comparison Protocols A comparison of DSTS between multiple protocols is provided. The compared protocols are a sense-and-transmit based protocol, called VX scheme [56], a threshold based access strategy (TBAS) [14], the CSTS protocol presented in Chapter 4 and lastly a benchmark scheme (Benchmark). VX Scheme The VX (Virtual-transmit-if-Busy) Scheme has a similar strategy as CSMA where the SU will sense the channel and transmit when idle [56]. Initially the SU senses the channel, when the channel becomes idle a packet of length Ls is transmitted. Then, the SU starts a vacation from the channel of length Vs. After the vacation, if the channel is busy, the SU starts a virtual transmission stage and then enters into another vacation stage afterwards. Here, a virtual transmission means that the SU does not actually transmit the packet but waits for a time interval which is equal to the packet length Ls. After the vacation, the SU starts the channel sensing again. In contrast to the CSTS scheme, the VX scheme does not use statistical data but relies on short term sensing for its transmission decisions. Algorithmic analysis for this scheme has been presented in [56]. TBAS Protocol The TBAS scheme determines an optimal transmission strategy for the SUs using an analytical model [14]. In this protocol, first a time related decision metric g(t) is introduced. A greater value of g(t) represents a smaller probability of disruption. Next, based on a given disruption bound and g(t), an optimal threshold γ * is calculated by evaluating all possible 113 combinations of g(t) and γ. Finally, using the metric g(t) and threshold γ * , a policy q(t) is proposed to determine if the SU should transmit at a given time t within a whitespace. Under the assumptions of continuous time and very small SU packet size, it is shown that the policy is optimal. Additionally, for more practical scenarios with finite packet size, the authors propose a heuristic solution. First, the minimum g(t) value is found within the length of time of a SU packet duration. Then using the minimum g(t) and the corresponding threshold γ, a sub-optimal q(t) is computed. CSTS Access Strategy Contiguous SU Transmit Strategy (CSTS) protocol operates based on the channel usage history, and attempts to bound the amount of PU disruption and maximize SU throughput. In STL, there are two distinct stages. In the first stage, an SU initially waits for the channel to become idle. Once the channel becomes idle, the SU attempts to transmit its first packet of duration S. If the SU has more packets to send, it continues sending until the measured value of є (time elapsed since the beginning of the current whitespace) becomes so large that the expected PTD for new transmissions become equal to or larger than a pre-determined Disruption Bound (DB). A term Jmax is defined, which denotes the maximum number of packets that the SU can send before the expected disruption reaches the pre-determined DB. The quantity Jmax is computed by the SU based on the observed whitespace statistics. After Jmax packets are sent, the low priority node abandons transmission attempts and starts channel sensing for detecting the next whitespace. 114 If, however, a whitespace ends before all Jmax packets are sent by the SU, it exits the channel after detecting that a PU has started transmitting. Note that in spite of the SU vacating the channel, disruption to the PUs’ traffic can still occur since the PU must defer its transmission until the channel is vacated by the SU. This stage essentially specifies a block of time in every whitespace that the SU is allowed to transmit. This block is bounded by the start of a whitespace to the ending of the Jmax th packet. The second stage of STL corresponds to the situation in which a whitespace duration is greater than the end time of the Jmax th packet from the SU. No PTD will be caused in this stage because the SU will exit the whitespace after Jmax transmissions. Benchmark Protocol The Benchmark protocol assumes full knowledge of the starting and ending times of every whitespace. Therefore, it t0ransmits SU packets in every available whitespace and stops when the next SU transmission will cause disruption to the PUs. The Benchmark protocol can be run only offline to find the best SU performance. This protocol essentially determines the highest throughput an SU can expect without causing any disruption to the PUs. 7.9.2 Ad hoc 802.11 Whitespace 802.11 Whitespace profile In order to represent different 802.11 based Ad-hoc network topologies and traffic characteristics, three scenarios are established (see Figure 7-5). (TOP1) is a linear chain topology with a single multi-hop primary flow representing a simple PU topology. (TOP2) is two multi115 hop flows in a network on two intersecting linear chains, which highlights the effects on whitespace of competing primary flows. (TOP3) is two multi-hop flows in a parallel chain network, which emphasize the effects on whitespace of disjoint primary flows. In each case, the secondary users are within the CS range of all primary users. PU2 PU1 PU3 PU4 SU1 PU5 SU2 Multi-hop: TOP1 Traffic Flow Direction PU6 SU2 SU1 PU1 PU2 PU3 Intersecting TOP2 PU7 PU4 PU8 PU1 PU2 PU3 SU1 PU5 PU6 PU7 PU8 PU4 PU5 SU2 PU9 PU10 Parallel TOP3 PU9 Figure 7-5: Primary user topologies and the traffic flows Figure 7-6 shows the w(n) for UDP traffic with 90 ms average inter-packet duration that is uniformly distributed across ±20% around the average packet arrival interval for each topology. The distributions presented in Figure 7-6 represent the general whitespace properties for a wide range of topology and traffic variations of the Ad hoc 802.11 whitespace. 116 10-0 Probability 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) Figure 7-6: Impacts of PU topology with Uniform traffic on whitespace distributions. Impacts of Primary User Load Figure 7-7 demonstrates the impacts of varying PU load on the SU throughput and PU disruption for TOP2 in Figure 7-5. The PU inter-packet arrival duration is varied from 50 ms to 120 ms for simulating different loading conditions. For all the primary packet rates, a ±20% uniformly distributed inter-packet arrival variation was introduced. The SU packet duration was fixed to 1.2 ms, which is half the PU packet size. For the presented results, the SU packets are generated back-to-back, meaning packets are always available to send within an SU’s buffer. The user-defined disruption bound (DB) is set to 0.05 [6], which indicates that only 5% of the PUs’ traffic is allowed to experience disruptions from the SUs’ transmissions. The values of µ, Jmax, and TBV are calculated dynamically depending on the current PU traffic statistics. The sensing interval Tp is set to 5 µs. For the VX scheme, Vs, the channel wait time, is set to 0.5 ms 117 and the Virtual Xmit duration is set to 16 ms, which was shown (via simulation) to deliver the best performance for that access protocol. Figure 7-7: Performance for uniformly distributed PU traffic From Figure 7-7, observe that both CSTS and DSTS access protocols are able to maintain the required primary disruptions within the specified Disruption Bound (DB) across a wide range of PU data rates. As the PU data rate increases, the duration of usable whitespace in the channel reduces. Also, the number of distinct whitespaces increases with the PU data rate, since the whitespaces become more fragmented. Since the SU access strategies are executed on a perwhitespace basis, with the increased number of distinct whitespaces, the SU attempts to execute its PU protection mechanisms (e.g. TBV in DSTS) more often. This causes the SUs’ channel access efficiency or EST to decrease due to increased PU load. In Figure 7-7, it should be also observed that the EST for DSTS, CSTS and TBAS access strategies remain close to that of the offline Benchmark protocol, while the target DB is maintained. Our simulation experiments comparing the performance gap between the optimal and sub-optimal DSTS solutions showed minimal difference. Additionally, the EST results for 118 sub-optimal DSTS, as shown in Figure 7-7, are only within approximately 3% of the Benchmark performance. Since the Benchmark represents the best possible EST, this 3% difference in fact represents the upper-bound of the performance gap between the optimal and sub-optimal DSTS solutions. Note that DSTS achieves slightly higher EST over the TBAS. This difference arises in the method used to accommodate non-zero SU packet sizes in DSTS and TBAS. DSTS uses the SU packet size as an input into the knapsack problem while TBAS uses the minimum g(t) value over the range of the packet size. For the VX scheme, disruption to the PU traffic can be observed to be higher. Utilizing the Virtual Xmit wait times, the SU avoids sending during busy times in a channel. However, once the SU starts accessing a whitespace, it stops sending only if a PU returns during a Vs wait time. Thus, there remains a high probability of causing disruption during the SU transmissions. The VX scheme has a relatively lower throughput since it waits for a Vs time after every transmission, which is not the case of DSTS, CSTS and TBAS mechanisms. These results suggest that by utilizing the history of the channel, it is indeed possible to improve the SU throughput while maintaining a bound of disruption on the primary networks. 119 Figure 7-8: Performance for Poisson distributed PU traffic Figure 7-8 shows results for the same setup, but with Poisson distributed PU traffic. Note that the performance trends for this scenario are very similar to those for the Uniform case as shown in Figure 7-7. Similar results were also observed for video stream PU traffic for which the pdf was shown in Figure 7-6e. We have also simulated TCP primary traffic. Since TCP opportunistically utilizes available bandwidth in the channel, the amount of resulting whitespace for TCP traffic is small. As a result, the achievable SU throughput remains severely restricted when the primary disruption bounds are set at low values [58]. 120 Figure 7-9: Impacts of the SU packet size on EST and PTD Figure 7-9 shows the impacts of varying the SU packet size from 625 µs to 2 ms, as done in [14]. The PU rate is set to 10 pps with Uniformly distributed Traffic. Observe that the throughput decreases as the SU packet size increases. In order to maintain the DB with larger packet sizes, the access strategies must reduce their transmission probabilities since a larger secondary packet has a higher probability of causing disruption to the primary at the end of a whitespace. Additionally note that with increasing packet size, DSTS is able to achieve better performance than the Threshold based scheme TBAS. This is because unlike TBAS, which works with the assumption of very small SU packet size, DSTS takes the actual SU packet length into consideration while setting its parameters. Performance under Dynamic PU Traffic Patterns Figure 7-10 reports the protocol performance from a simulation experiment in which the PU traffic pattern was dynamically changed over time for TOP3. Initially, the PU traffic is generated with 60 ms inter-packet time (IPT) with the Uniform profile. The pattern changes after 60 seconds when the IPT is increased to 120 ms. Finally, at 100 seconds the IPT is changed to 121 Poisson distribution with 90 ms average. The whitespace w(n) is continually computed by the PU Traffic Change 2 PU Traffic Change 1 PU Traffic Change 2 PU Traffic Change 1 access protocol after collecting every 1000 whitespace samples. Figure 7-10: Performance with time-varying w(n) for 802.11 Observe in Figure 7-10 that while the primary user traffic pattern changes over time, the PTDs resulting from the CSTS and DSTS access strategies stay consistently within the vicinity of the pre-set disruption bound of 0.05. Also, note that there is very little PU traffic disruption during the transitions of w(n) as indicated in both the frames in Figure 7-10. This is primarily because the whitespace pdf for ad hoc mode 802.11 traffic maintains very similar properties across different traffic patterns, i.e. above 90% of the whitespaces are below 1 ms (see Figure 7-6). Note that the SU throughput increases after a PU traffic pattern transition when the useable whitespace increases due to the increase in inter-packet interval of the PU traffic. Additionally, the SU dynamically throttles back its transmissions to protect the PUs when the available whitespace reduces during a transition. These results demonstrate the robustness of the CSTS 122 and DSTS access strategies against varying data rates over time. Additionally, the results suggest that by periodically measuring the channel state the SUs are able to dynamically model the channel whitespace and adjust their access parameters accordingly to minimize the PU disruptions and to maximize the SU throughput. 7.9.3 CSMA Profile Using Test Bed Measured Whitespace In this section, we evaluate the DSTS strategies using the extracted whitespace pdf w(n) from a TelosB based prototype test-bed for a single SU. CSMA Whitespace Profile In order to represent PU traffic diversity, three traffic scenarios are established i.e. sent over the PU network: • A uniformly distributed traffic that is sent at 7 packets per second (pps). Each packet has an added ±20% inter-packet time to vary the arrival time on the channel. This profile corresponds to TelosB based sensor network applications involving constant bit rate sensing. • A low rate video file streamed over the channel, which represents video surveillance applications. • A multi-modal traffic with two “peaks” of whitespaces in the pdf w(n). In general, a stream with multiple peaks in its whitespace can be formed by merging multiple constant packet rate streams. This is representative of a multi-application primary traffic at different traffic generation rates. 123 Figure 7-11a-c shows the whitespace pdfs w(n) measured and computed by an SU Transmitter, which is within the transmission range of the PU Transmitter that is generating the traffic profiles as described above. 0.08 0.02 Probability 0.025 0.06 0.015 0.015 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.005 0 0.005 0.02 0 0 50 100 150 200 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) a) 0 100 200 300 400 500 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) b) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Whitespace Duration (nTpms) c) Figure 7-11: Experimental whitespace distributions. (a) Uniform with 20% variation, (b) Low rate video stream, and (c) Multi- modal data stream Uniformly Distributed Primary Traffic Figure 7-12 shows the PTD and EST with varying SU traffic load when the PU traffic profile is set to be uniformly distributed. The corresponding whitespace pattern observed by the SUs is shown in Figure 7-11a. In Figure 7-12, observe that both CSTS and DSTS are able to maintain the required disruption bounds across all the experimented SU rates. In terms of throughput, the access strategies are able to support low SU generation rates until the primary user disruption bound is reached. However, once the specified DB is reached, for both CSTS and DSTS the SU transmissions are throttled back in order to protect the PU traffic. 124 Figure 7-12: Performance with varying SU traffic load under Uniform traffic Notice that in Figure 7-12 both CSTS and DSTS have very similar maximum SU throughput values. This performance similarity is a direct result of the uniform PU traffic and the resulting whitespace. Since all the whitespace is within a very small range (70 ms and 180 ms), in order to maintain the required DB, both access strategies send packets until approximately the same point in a whitespace. This explains the similar SU throughput numbers while guaranteeing the same DB. 125 Figure 7-13: Performance with Multi-modal whitespace pdf Multi-modal PU Traffic Protocol performance for PU traffic with multi-modal whitespace profile (as shown the pdf in Fig. Figure 7-11c) is shown in Figure 7-13. The relative performance of CSTS, DSTS, and Benchmark in this case is very similar to those observed for the uniform traffic case in Figure 7-12. The primary difference here is the ability of the protocol DSTS to support higher sustainable SU throughput compared to that for CSTS. As in the uniform traffic case, both CSTS and DSTS are able to maintain the specified DB at the expense of limiting the SU throughput at higher SU load levels. However, observe that DSTS is able to support 56.0% and 60.3% higher throughput compared to CSTS when the DB is specified at 5% and 3% respectively. This large increase in throughput over CSTS results from DSTS’s ability in identifying the best transmission opportunities for sending an SU packet with minimal disruption. Since the first peak of whitespace pdf around 250 ms (in Fig. Figure 7-11c) contains 25% of all whitespaces, the Jmax value in CSTS is expected to be set near the start of the first peak. This makes CSTS to miss transmission opportunities corresponding to the second peak in the 126 whitespace pdf, which the mechanism DSTS is able to access. Also note that in both DSTS and CSTS, the throughputs corresponding to DB = 3% are slightly lower than that in the DB = 5% case. This occurs because in order to maintain a lower DB, a lower number of SU packets are sent. As shown in Figure 7-14, results for the video stream case showed similar results to this multi-modal case. Figure 7-14: Performance with Video Stream whitespace pdf Dynamic PU Traffic Profile The performance of CSTS and DSTS under a time-varying whitespace profile is shown in Figure 7-15. The disruption bound DB is set to 0.05. The PU traffic pattern was changed using the three pdf types in Figure 7-11. Initially, the PU traffic is generated with a uniformly distributed rate of 7 pps. The pattern changes after 60 seconds when the traffic profile is changed to multi-modal. Finally, at 130 seconds, the PU traffic is changed to a video stream. 127 PU Traffic Change 2 PU Traffic Change 1 PU Traffic Change 2 PU Traffic Change 1 Figure 7-15: Performance with time-varying w(n) for CSMA MAC Observe that at steady state, the PTD remains close to the defined DB for both CSTS and DSTS. However, during the w(n) transitions, the PTD increases past the disruption bound. In contrast to the dynamic 802.11 based PU traffic case (see Section and Figure 7-10), the changes in w(n) during traffic transitions for CSMA traffic is quite significant. This explains the relatively larger (compared to that in Figure 7-10 for the 802.11 case) transient peaks in the PTD during the w(n) transitions in Figure 7-15. In terms of throughput, the protocol DSTS is able to achieve higher throughput compared to CSTS when the traffic changes to a video stream and to one that produces multi-modal whitespace. 7.10 Summary and Conclusion In this chapter, a secondary user access strategy named Divided SU Transmission Strategy (DSTS) is presented that provides a method to access a general PU whitespace profile. The access strategy utilizes multiple transmission opportunities (TO) within a whitespace to find the best times to transmit SU packets. These TOs are consolidated into a Transmission Bitmap Vector (TBV) that defined when SUs should transmit within a whitespace to maximize SU 128 throughput while limiting PU disruptions to a predefined bound. Optimal and Sub-optimal protocols are provided to select the best transmissions opportunities. Evaluation of DSTS under different traffic profiles showed that the protocol outperforms comparison protocols. 129 Chapter 8: DSTS With Support for Multiple Secondary Users 8.1 8.1.1 Introduction Motivation A challenge in prioritized device coexistence is how to efficiently allow multiple SUs to access the channel while minimizing the disruptions to the primary user traffic. The access protocol presented in this chapter aims to provide a solution to that problem. 8.1.2 Problem Definition An access protocol for multiple secondary users should support efficient SU access while minimizing disruptions to the primary users. The protocol should also support fairness amongst the secondary users. As discussed in Section 7.3, DSTS defines a Transmission Bitmap Vector (TBV) that specifies the best Transmission Opportunities (TOs) within a whitespace. The key idea of the access protocol, termed Transmission Bitmap Vector Access Protocol (TBVAP), is to share a TO among the secondary users. Each SU would independently measure, model, and calculate the TBV. From a functional standpoint, TBVAP operates in the SU Access Module in Figure 7-2. Once the identification of the TOs within the whitespaces left by the PUs is done in the Access Parameter Computation Module, TBVAP is used for sending SU data. Utilizing the features of the DSTS access strategy, the proposed TBVAP aims to satisfy these SU access and fairness requirements. 130 Whitespace TBV 1 1 PU TO1 0 1 … 1 … TO2 PU TOM TO1 … Time RES SU DATA ACK TR TD TA TS Figure 8-1: TBV with the corresponding TO structure 8.2 TBVAP Structure An idle duration within the channel (whitespace) can be modeled as a sequence of transmission opportunities for the secondary users. The number of utilized TOs is determined by the duration of the whitespace that the SUs are currently observing. It is clear that the number of TOs varies greatly with the dynamic nature of the PU traffic. In TBV calculation, the number of TOs is set to the length of the longest duration observed whitespace divided by the size of a TO. This ensures that with varying whitespace duration, a portion of the TBV will be utilized. Figure 8-1 shows the structure of the TBVAP. Depending on the length of a whitespace, each whitespace consists of j number of TOs. Since the SUs are within the same whitespace domain, the beginning of a whitespace is common to all SUs. Therefore, at the start of a whitespace, each SU dynamically creates 1, 2,…j TOs of length Ts until the whitespace ends. 131 Figure 8-2: TO Access in TBVAP Within a TO, there are three different time periods, namely Reservation, Data, and Acknowledgment. The Reservation period is used to support fairness among the SUs. As shown in Figure 8-2, first, at the start of the period, each SU selects a uniformly distributed number between [1, TR/TSL] where TR is the length of the reservation period and TSL is the minimum duration needed to detect a nodes transmission. The node with the lowest value gains access to the TO. This process reduces inter-SU collisions and supports fairness among the SU nodes. Next, the successful node sends a packet within TD seconds during the Data period. Note that the length of TR+TD is fixed and the lengths of TR and TD can be adjusted depending on the number of the SUs and the desired size of a SU packet. Lastly, a positive acknowledgment packet is sent to the sender SU during the Acknowledgment period within TA seconds. Let TPD be the propagation delay, thus the TO length, TS is given by TR+TD+TA+2TPD. Note that regardless 132 of the number of SUs, the access protocol guarantees the disruption bound on the primary user traffic. P1 P(ws≥k1) 1-1/N P(wsPACKAGEGENERATION_MAXQUEUESIZE){ messageQueueC=PACKAGEGENERATION_MAXQUEUESIZE; setMessageGenerationActive(FALSE); } } } time = messageGenerationRate; //time = call Random.rand16(); call SchedulerAlarm.start(time); } Figure A-25: Pseudo code of packet generation Once messageGenerationActive is set, the program starts adding messages to the packet queue. Unlike regular queues, this queue does not store actual messages, but the number of messages in the queue. This slim implementation is sufficient, as actual data is not transmitted. In case of too many packets are being scheduled, there is a queue overflow check comparing the message queue messageQueueC to a maximum queue size PACKETGENERATION_MAXQUEUESIZE. The queue, which is filled by the packet generator, is the common interface between the packet generation and the access strategy that is being tested. The queue is implemented as a simple variable integer, representing the number of messages in the queue. Each time the mote sends a message it decreases the message queue counter. The second timer loop takes care of the scheduling of the message on the channel. The timer loop continuously checks whether there are messages in the queue that should be sent. Two core principles handle the behavior of the mote’s access strategy. One is the timer mentioned and the other is the m_state variable. The m_state variable defines what has to be done when the second timer is fired. 179 Table A-2 shows an overview of the states and the access strategies. Currently the Arbitrary InterFrame Spacing (AIFS) and the CSTS protocols are implemented. The state of the mote is also the interface for the control interface. By changing the state, the desired access strategy can be activated. The actual change does not happen immediately, but on the next call of the handleStates procedure. Access strategy States Idle, do not Access S_READY AIFS S_SEND_EPSILON CSTS S_SEND_MU, S_SEND_J, S_SENSE_END_OF_WHITESPACE_HIST ORY_ONE Table A-2: Access strategies and states A. AIFS Access Strategy The Arbitrary Inter-Frame Spacing (AIFS) access strategy is inspired by the 802.11e prioritization scheme [18]. The prioritization of the traffic is implemented through using different AIFS. In the implementation, the waiting period is called epsilon and it is assumed that there is always a message to send. If there is no message to send, the mote waits for a short period and check again if a message has been generated. Before the sending of each message, the mote checks whether the channel is free for a period of epsilon. As soon as this occurs, it transmits the message. 180 A. CSTS Access Strategy The CSTS access strategy accesses the channel according to the primary user traffic pattern. Therefore, the access strategy starts when a whitespace is detected. Figure A-26 shows a flow chart of CSTS with a filled queue. The code also checks if there is a message to send before each sending command. In CSTS, at the start of a whitespace, transmissions are delayed for a µ period. The duration of µ is based on the statistics of the channel. After the channel is free for a µ duration the first packet is sent. Afterwards, the next packet is sent if the duration in the whitespace, t is smaller than tmax. tmax is calculated using the process as Jmax detailed in Chapter 4 and then converted into packet numbers. Therefore, the actual check is done against the number of packets that have been sent into that whitespace rather than comparing actual time values. Before the packet is sent, the mote checks whether the channel is free for an epsilon period. Once this message is sent the program returns to the t