Published monthiy by the New Jersey Golf Course Superintendents Association KARCh, 1956 FROM THE PRESIDEHT‘S DESK,,,., I wish to take this opportunity to than; the membership for electing me as your President for the coming year. Also, for electing such fine men as officers to help me run the Association. Hope your trust in us will result in a successful year. Heard at the National Ass'n. in California—— That the‘H.J. group was known as a very good and successful organization. That some of the best golf courses in the country are located in the H.Y. and Philadelphia metropolitan areas. Jack Ormond and "Scotty" had their heads together ~— watch out Tore equipment: That ALL of the N,J. boys attended ALL the turf conferences and meetings —— strictly business: Our treasury is a little low -- please remember that your dues are now payable. J t 1 0e 3 emu e MEETING NOTICE...-o Date: Tuesday, March 20, 1956 Place: Essex County 0.0., Mt, Pleasant Ave., west Orange, H.J. Host: Frank Votta, Supt. Golf: Weather permitting, and foryou snow birds who really love your game of golf. Executive Board fleeting: 5:00 P.“. Regular Business Meeting: 5:30 P.N. Dinner: 6:30 P.H. Program: Our speaker will be Dr, Ralph E. Engel, Turf Specialist, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. His topic will be ”Turf Other Than Golf Course" and will be illustrated with slides. THE WELCOME MAT..... We welcome the following new members who have joined our Assoc- iation since November, and hope that they will attend each and every one of our affairs with much pleasure and profit to themselves. Regular Members: ‘ Edward P, Brittain; Rumson 0,0, Edward T, Brittain, Galloping Hill G.C, Joseph Malikowski, Asbury Park G.C, William Muskwitch, Saddle River G.C, Associate Members: Harry Grace, Mbsconetcong C.C, James O‘Gibney, Fort Monmouth 0,0, Frank N. Pavlontonio Jr., Forest Hill Field Club Michael Yarussi, Oak Ridge G,C, James Roach,'Fertl~Soil Co. Gordon White, American Agricultural Chemical Co. --— HEARD AT THE NINETEENTH H0LE..,,. Congratulations are in order for Mr. & Mrs. Chester Wender on .the birth of a daughter Deborah Jean and to Mr. 8c Mrs. T. George Conley on the arrival of a daughter Judith Ann. Samuel Cifelli remained at Rockaway River 0.0. while Joseph Conover took over the job as superintendent at Crestmont 0.0, Keep tuned in to Channel 13 at 8:30 P.M. on Monday evening, April 2 on ”Report From RutgersH and receive some pertinent inflar- mation on Lawn Management by Dr. Ralph Engel. Maybe some of you already'viewed our T—V star when he appeared on this program on March 5, pun-u- FOR THE SUPERINTENDENT'S LIBRARY,,,,, The following publications have been received by your Secretary and they certainly should be in every Superintendent's library: "Water” The Yearbook of Agriculture For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington D.C. for $2.00 or Free by writing to your Congressman requesting same. "100 Questions and Answers On Liming Land" Free from Bulletin Clerk, Experiment Station, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. "A Guide For Design And Operation Of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems . In New Jersey" Free from the Soil Conservation Service, State Office, Box 670, New Brunswick, N.J.