AUGUST MEETING The August meeting of the New Jersey Golf Course Superintendents Associa- tion will be held in conjunction with the Turf Field Day at Rutgers University on Tuesday, August 3. Dr. Ralph Engel, Turf Research Specialist, who is in charge of the turf plots at the College of Agriculture has set up the following schedule for the day: 10:00 - 12:00 Noon Turf grasses Red Fesoues cut to 3/h, 1%, and 2% inches Warm season grasses Kentucky bluegrass strains Combination turf of merion bluegrass and Pbyer Zoysia 1:h5 - h:30 P.M. Rates and ratios of fertilizing 3/h inch bentgrass turf Time of fertilizing 3/h inch bentgrass turf Cultivation of 3/h inch bentgrass turf Cultivation of l/h inch bentgrass turf Fertilization of bentgrass turf Disease control treatments Bentgrass strains cut to l/h inch Bentgrass strains cut to 1/2 and 3/b inch Our Association is in charge of the evening affair which will be a dinner meeting at the Roger Smith Hotel in New Brunswick. Dinner is scheduled for 6:00 P.M. sharp. For our after dinner entertainment we have secured Toney mascaro, former- ly of West Point Lawn Products, who will give us an illustrated talk on his recent trip through Europe. You can be sure that it will be interesting as there is not much Toney missed on his travels through Great Britain, France, Switzerland and Italy. Let's turn out in force and support our own Turf Field Day. It should prove to be a very educational day and evening -- one you cannot afford to miss. Will see you on August 3. CRABGRASS CONTROL Ralph E. Engel cury acetates can control crabgrass bentgrass greens. be used to selectively on lawns or the finest The secret to their successful use is proper adjustment of the time interval between applications The very dry Spring and early summer has kept crabgrass to a minimum. Yet this may be setting the stage for a severe crabgrass infestation later in the season. The dry weather has thinned the turf cover to the extent that crabgrass will find little trouble in invading many turf areas as soon as some rains occur. Fortunately, we have some good tools for combating crabgrass. The phenyl mer- and the rate of application to keep in- jury at a minimum and still obtain a sat- isfactory kill. Phenyl mercury acetate preparations are poisonous and they can irritate the skin on contact. Potassium cyanate preparations give their best results on Kbntucky bluegrass type of turf. The best time of applica— (Continued on enclosure) -\ President Sherwood A. Moore Hollywood Golf Club Secretary Albert Foster Aldecress Country Club Frank Svehla Colonia C. C. Ist Vice President Melvin B. Lucas Homestead Golf Club Albert Foster, Secretary 25 Wainwright Avenue Closter, New Jersey OFFICERS Treasurer H. T. lsleib Ft. Monmouth Golf Club Directors Ben Dziedic Bill Monahan Crestmont C. C. Rock Spring Club Mr. Sherwood A. Moore, P.O. Box #33, Deal, New Jersey. 2nd Vice President Joseph Stemmle Springdale Golf Club UNITED 33:7: , MIST/ml! ' ‘ ‘ ’ ‘