ONTARIO Golf SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION NEWS BULLETIN 31 Diana Drive, Downsview - Phone: 633 - 1591 THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE At my bedside, I keep two books - "How To Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie and "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norm Vincent Peale. In times of stress and worry, although I have many other books and magazines, turf included, I find much relaxation in opening either book at random and reading a chapter. Certainly, we all worry and are criticized. We all want to produce the best possible golf course for our members. This year labour has been a headache and also the long, cold, wet spring, slowing down the growth of the greens and preventing us from getting onto many of our courses with heavy equipment for jobs we know should be done - such as spraying for dande- lions. This week, Percy Saltzman, T.V. weather forecas­ ter, commented that we are four weeks behind, but there are two sides to every coin. The tulips, daffodils and other spring flowers, and now the flowering crabs have far outshone themselves, lasting much longer than usual, making the lady members happy, which is reciprocal. It has often been said that 99% of what we worry about never happens, but if you are having a problem on your greens, don’t be afraid to ask a fellow super­ intendent to drop in for an unbiased, helpful construc­ tive criticism Each spring, when I feel in a rut, I have one or two fellow superintendents play a round of golf with me, and one may say on the 12th fairway, "Well Bob, do you want to hear it now?" It plays havoc with your golf game, and you may make excuses, but listen, and after they leave, jot down all the suggestions in your diary. Immediately, psychologically, you feel relieved! The next morning you have a new spring in your step and you start to implement those things you consider need immediate attention. This is one sure way in which we can help each other. Another is to regularly attend our monthly meetings and our bull sessions. Our new members are full of questions, and it is a healthy sign! It is encouraging to see more and more of our members playing golf at our meetings, and arranging private matches. We should be more aware of the play­ ers’ point of view. We have an interesting summer lined up for our members. Good Luck, and remember: "Do the very best you can, and then put up your old umbrella, and keep the rain of criticism from running down the back of your neck." - quoted from Dale Carnegie. Robert F. Moote, President ONT. GOLF SUPTS. ASSOCIATION WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO WELCOME THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS: CARL DISNEY................................ Whitby Golf Club ROSS HAINES................................ Humber Valley Golf Club PAUL DERMOTT............................. Chinguacousy Country Club FRED KLOMP.................................. Detonia Park Golf Club EDWIN ORTLIEB........................... Bayview Golf Club MIKE DONAHUE............................. Don Valley Golf Club LOUIS FORMOSA............Lakeview Golt Club ATTENTION ALL GOLFERS AND HACKERS! The Toronto area with 80 odd golf courses must be the richest golf country in the North American Contin­ ent. Plan to play one of these golf courses once a week! A few of the fellows have started a Sunday morning tournament - tee-off at 6:30-7 a.m., to give you time to get home and see your wife in the afternoon. This has tremendous possibilities. Partners will be drawn, and you will probably play with fellows and get to know them easier, hence a more close-knit Association. Call Dave Gourlay or Bill Hynd before Thursday each week to find out the starting time and place of the next Sunday game. PLAN TO PLAY..... REPORT FROM B.C. IAN WILLIAMSON, formerly Golf Superintendent at Grandview Golf Club, Oshawa, has moved across the country to Trail, B. C., and is in charge of two nine hole golf courses with plans to extend to 18 holes. GOOD LUCK, IAN!!! Ontario Golf Superintendents Association 1967 Board of Directors MEETING AT CREDIT VALLEY GOLF CLUB 16th May 1967 - The day was bright and breezy and 18 golfers drove off at 1:00 p.m. The course was in good shape, the valley holes in particular showed a thick grass cover since last time played - two years ago. Host D. Suter is to be commended for doing so much with a small staff. PRIZE Winners: 1st low gross - Bill Hynd 83 2nd " " John Engel 84 1st " net Joe Reid 72 1/2 2nd " " D. Creed 73 The guest speaker, George Clifton, Pro at Pine Valley Golf Club gave a talk on Pro-Supt relations from the view point of the professional. He also mentioned the possibility of a Pro-Supt golf tourna­ ment in the fall. The new plaques were distributed to members present. (In this regard, any members who have paid their dues and have not as yet received their plaque, may do so at our next meeting, Monday, June 12th at St.George's). G. Workman, Beder Sod Salesman, mentioned a get- together for Superintendents and their wives some Saturday in July. Two new members, Superintendents Ed Ortlieb from Bayview and Ed Henderson, Oakville Golf Club were introduced from the floor. JUNE MEETING: MONDAY, JUNE 12th at St. George's Golf & C. C. HOST: BILL HYND PROGRAMME: 12:30-1:30 Tee Off for Golf PRIZES. DINNER: 6:00 P. M. - Barbecued Steaks SPEAKER: Robbie Robinson - Golf Architect St. George’s will be the site of the 1968 Canadian 'Open'. Recent improvements include the installation of nine miles of irrigation system featuring twin lines on fairways and ’pop ups’ on greens and tees. The course has been lengthened to 7,000 yards by buil­ ding four new greens and numerous new tees. NOTE: A short executive meeting will be held following the golf, and just proceeding the banquet. JULY MEETING: BUFFALO - TUESDAY, JULY 11th, 1967 This will be a bus trip for superintendents and their wives. A fully-equipped bus with a capacity of 47 passengers has been arranged for this occasion. It is planned to visit six golf courses, and a tour has been arranged for the ladies. If you are interested, please call the office at 633-1591 to reserve. More details will follow! The. McClumpha Tournament be held at the AURORA HIGHLANDS GOLF CLUB on MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1967 Further Particulars will follow! NEW MEMBER APPLICANT: Jerry Rietveld of Pleasant Valley Golf and C. C., St. Thomas, Ont. has applied to our association for membership. Anyone objecting must notify the secretary in writing without delay. Mrs. Mabel Firth would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of Ontario Golf Superintendents Association who were so kind and thoughtful during her recent bereavement. expo67