Ontario Golf Superintendents Golf Association OGSA 31 DIANA DRIVE DOWNSVIEW, ONTARIO PHONE 416-633-1591 NEWS BULLETIN NEXT MEETING........Tuesday, November 14, 1967 PLACE...............MARKLAND WOOD GOLF CLUB HOST................Bruce Woolley WEATHER PERMITTING..There will be GOLF REPORT OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE: THE NOMINEES OF THE COMMITTEE ARE - For a One Year Term: For a Director Who will be President......... DAVE GOURLEY For a Director who will be Vice-President.... A.V. (Whitey) Jones For Director - Three to be elected for two-year terms: DOUG SUTER - DAVE MOOTE - BRUCE WOOLLEY - TOM UNSWORTH - TED CHARMAN - BERNIE MACDONALD. These are the nominees of the nominating committee. Of course, the members may nominate any other members from the floor at the annual meeting. As a matter of information, and to avoid any misunderstanding, according to our By-Laws, the new Board - at their first meeting - will elect from among their own number, a Secretary and a Treasurer. PAST MEETINGS SEPTEMBER 1967 This year our September meeting took the form of an all-day Symposium on Winter Turf Injury. This, as one of the Association’s first attempts at staging an Educational Conference - was a distinct success - and many favourable comments were expressed by the members present. It is to be hoped that this may become an annual event, which will limit itself to a concentrated study of one particular topic, but choosing a different topic each year. The Board of Directors will welcome any suggestions on this. — continued — OGSA NEWS BULLETIN (continued) NOVEMBER 1967 The Chairman of the morning sessions was President Bob Moote who was also our host. He welcomed all those present — about eighty members and guests — and introduced the speakers.... The first speaker was Alec Chisholm of Niagara Brand Chemicals, who spoke at length on Chemical Control of Winter Turf diseases. It is planned to publish Alec's talk as soon as it is available, and distribute it to all our members. Dave Moote followed Alec and showed some excellent slides of snowmold damage, as well as that caused by other diseases, and how the problems are controlled. Dave was also largely responsible for arranging the whole program. Following our own two members in the morning Session was Charles Wilson, Head agronomist of the Milwaukee Sewerage Commission. Also from the commission were Jim Latham and Bob Welch, who appeared on the afternoon portion of the program. These men spoke at length on the whole subject of Winter Turf Injury, from the early prepara- tion of the course for Winter - starting in August, right through until after the Winter freeze-up - and into the Spring opening preparations. A Sewerage Commission film on Winter Injury was also shown, much of which had been filmed right here in Canada. Among the topics discussed were: 1. The need for maintaining adequate Potash levels. 2. Dangers of too much Fall fertilizing. 3. Desirability of having all aerifying and vertifying done long before freeze-up time. 4. Advantages of protecting the greens with snow fences, brush cover or mulch. 5. When best to apply fungicides for snowmold control. 6. Desirability of controlling the amount of moisture in the soil. 7. Advantages of using slit-trenches to remove excess surface water that could cause desication the following Spring. 8. There was also a lengthy discussion of the advantages of using a dormant feeding in early winter with natural organic fertilizer. 9. What to do to put the course quickly back into play in the early Spring. After a tremendous buffet lunch, the sessions resumed with a panel discussion, the panel being composed of George Darou, Richmond Hill Golf Club, John Grightmire, Beverly Country Club, Chris Crissenger, Royal Ottawa Golf Club, and Keith Nisbet, Westview Golf Club, and chaired by Keith Nisbet. The Panel discussed their own Winter disease-prevention programs, and answered questions from members on what they did and why they did it. Our other visiting speaker was Professor Jim Beard, who is assistant professor of Crop Science, Michigan State University. Jim is specializing in the Research of Turf Grasses with respect to Winter Injury, and he spoke at length, and with many interesting slides as illustrations, on the hardiness of various turf grasses, as well as on what might be done to help them to survive extreme winter conditions. A social hour was followed by a fine dinner, at which our guest speaker was Mr. Eddie Creed, who is not only a championship calibre golfer, but is also the Chairman of the Greens Committee at Oakdale Golf Club. Mr. Creed gave us a very informative, as well as a quite humourous talk on the Greens Chairman's point of view of the course operation. I am sure that many of his worthwhile suggestions will be implemented by our members. — continued — OGSA NEWS BULLETIN - NOVEMBER 1967 (continued) The Board of Directors and members of the Ontario Golf Superintendents Association are most grateful to all our speakers, both local and those who kindly came from the United States, and to Mr. Creed, Bob Moote, and the Oakdale Golf Club for making our first Symposium such an outstanding success. OCTOBER MEETING Social activities rather than business, took the place of our October Meeting. The Annual McClumpha Tournament was held by the McClumpha Committee at the Aurora Highlands Club on October 2nd. Weather was ideal, and the course was in fine shape - everyone had a great time. The only thing to mar the day was the absence of Alec McClumpha, and the several other popular members who have passed away during the year. These men were honoured during dinner. Our own trophy, presented last year to honour Alex McClumpha, was won by Bill Bowen of Peterborough Golf Club. Bill has had a good deal of success this season on the tournament trail, and has brought a lot of honour to our profession - we congratulate him! Our congratulations also go to our Secretary Bill Hynd, who was the golf winner at the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association Tournament at Carling Lake later the same week. Bill had previously won the Western Association Tournament at Port Colborne. The Canadian Association Meeting was a great success, and a wonderful outing - especially, coming as it did, at the end of the season, when some of the so-called pressure is off! It was a beautiful location with all the trees in full colour. Our special thanks to MR. & MRS. GILBERT AVERS, and TOM JOHNSTON, our hosts, and congratulations to the Canadian Association Directors. SPECIAL DATES TO REMEMBER: SPECIAL NOTICE: Tuesday, November 14/67 - NEXT MEETING OF THE ME ARE LOOKING FOR ONTARIO GOLF SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION PLACES FOR Tuesday, November 28/67 - Manley's Annual 1. ANNUAL MEETING Turfgrass Conference and Equipment Show 2. CHRISTMAS PARTY 1967 PLEASE CALL BOB MOOTE OR THE OFFICE IF YOU WISH TO HOST EITHER ONE.