T.K. Danneberger "Green is Beautiful” Ontario Golf Superintendents Association 54 HERNSHAW CRESCENT - ETOBICOKE, ONTARIO M9C 3M4 - TELEPHONE 622-9929 Christmass Dance “1980” LOCATION: LAMBTON GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB HOST: PAUL & HELEN WHITE DATE: SAT., NOV. 15th, 1980 COCKTAILS: 6:30 PM. DINNER: 7:30 P.M. BAND AND PRIZES COST: $30.00 PER COUPLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 1980 PRESIDENT......................................................................................PAUL WHITE - Lambton VICE-PRESIDENT.................................................................. KEN NELSON - Sunningdale SECRETARY ............................................................................ DOUG HOSKINS - Summit TREASURER............................................................................... JOHN SMITH - Wyldewood PAST PRESIDENT..............................................................................STU MILLS - Hamilton DIRECTORS............................................................................... DAN ARDLEY - Dalewood BOB BREWSTER - Weston AL DRAPER - Greenhills SHORTY JENKINS - Bay of Quinte BLAKE McMASTER - Brampton DAVID MOOTE - Scarborough RUSTY WARKMAN - Oshawa MEETINGS 1980 Date Course Host Saturday, November 15 Christmas Party, Lambton Golf & Country Club Paul White Tuesday, December 2 Aurora Highlands - Annual Meeting empty table cell Tuesday, January 6 Symposium, University of Guelph empty table cell Executive Sweet Out on the fringe of the 7th hole, Stands a singularly strange device, Prompted no doubt by an architect With carefully thought-out advice. Referred to by some as a ‘salon pour femmes,' By others a less flattering role. It looks quite a bit like a sentry box With a seat that has only one hole. One enters this thing through a wooden door Then is faced by a foot-high step, Another one looms at the very same height, To add zest and elan plus some pep. When madam is seated on this ominous perch With her head barely scraping the ceiling, She finds that the door just cannot be closed And this leads to an un-private feeling. There surely must be for a gal in distress A much more congenial spot EDITOR: Where she can sit and meditate CO-EDITOR: BOB BREWSTER On what she has thus far shot. BLAKE McMASTER Weston Golf & Country Club Brampton Golf & Country Club 50 St. Phillips Road P.O. Box 38 Weston, Ontario M9P 2N6 Brampton, Ontario L6V 2K7 Phone (416) 241-5551 Phone (416) 459-5050 WINTER DISEASES OF TURFGRASSES By; Dr. J. Drew Smith Research Scientist, Agriculture Canada From G.C.S.A. Conference 1974 The non-specific terms "winter injury" and "winter kill" are often used to describe any type of damage which may occur to plants during late fall, winter and early spring, particularly in regions with long, cold and/ or snowy winters — like Canada, except for coastal regions. In the case of turfgrasses, Beard remarked that it is better to specify the cause(s) of the damage than to use a rather vague term such as "winter kill" since control is dependent on knowing as precisely as possible the cause(s) of the injury. While it is convenient to categorize winter damage to turfgrasses under such separate headings as direct low temperature injury, low temperature dehydration and low temperature fungal pathogens, injury often results from the interaction of these factors. It is probable that fungi, and bacteria are involved in most winter diseases either initiating damage or rotting away tissues already weakened or killed by physical processes such as freezing and desiccation. Some of the fungi involved in winter diseases are capable of invading the tissues of healthy living plants, e.g. Fusarium nivale (Fr.) Ces. and Sderotinia borealis Bub. and Vleug., but some are, as the name implies, snow moulds, i.e. either saprophytes or weak parasites. These fungi have the advantage that, while the metabolic processes of the grasses have been greatly slowed by winter temperatures, they can still go on growing — they are psychro- philic, which literally means "cold loving". However, it is better to think of most of them as being "cold tolerant". The main purpose of this paper is to examine some of the winter disease problems caused by fungal pathogens. Their identity, distribution and disease control will be reviewed. The winter diseases The salient characteristics of some of the winter diseases of turfgrasses are given in Table 1. Table 1. Some characteristics of winter diseases of turfgrasses Distribution Predisposing Common name Pathogen Fungicides (tentative) causes Fusarium patch or Fusarium Cold continental to Unbalanced or excessive Mercury chlorides, Pink snow mould nivale (Fr.) cool temperate nitrogen. Alkaline turf P.M.A., benomyl, Ces. oceanic climates. surface. High turf surface thiophanate, thiophanate moisture. Cool humid methyl, P.C.N.B., weather or snow cover. dichlorophene, Susceptible Poa annua chloroneb. or Agrostis spp. LTB (non-sclerotial) Unidentified Sask., Alta., and Susceptible cultivars Mercury chlorides, SLTB (sclerotial) low temper­ B.C. (LTB + SLTB) in most turfgrass P.C.N.B., chloroneb. snow moulds ature Man. and Alaska species. Heavy to light Other materials basidiomy- (LTB). Lower snow cover. SW slopes erratic, require cetes snowfall regions (SLTB). Forced fall further testing. growth. Typhula snow Typhula T. incarnata in Forced fall growth. Mercurials generally, mould incarnata eastern and west­ Deep snow falling on cadmium and chloroneb Lasch ex ern Canada, not unfrozen ground. (T. incarnata). Mercury Fries. T. Sask. or Alta. Susceptible cultivars chlorides P.C.N.B., ishikariensis T. ishikariensis of most turfgrasses. chloroneb (Typhula Imai, and northwestern spp. and complexes) T. spp. Canada. T. sp. Western Canada. Sclerotinia snow Sclerotinia Sask. Alta and Deep snow cover as P.C.N.B., chloroneb, mould borealis B.C. under drifts. Suscep­ benomyl, P.M.A. Bub. & Vleug. tible cultivars in Agrostis, Poa, Festuca. Winter Diseases of Turfgrasses (cont'd) It appears from published papers that more work on the taxonomy, distribution and control of turf diseases has been done in western than in eastern Canada and wider range of snow mould pathogens reported from the west may simply be related to this. However, accurate diagnosis of the cause provides the only sound basis for control studies. Recognition of the causes of winter turf diseases is complicated by the occurrence of disease complexes of more than one snow mould. FUSARIUM PATCH DISEASE or PINK SNOW MOULD caused by Fusarium nivale (Fr.) Ces. is widely distributed on amenity turf of all types from extreme continental to warm temperate climates, and may develop under snow covers or where snow never falls. The pink colour which may develop on dead leaves in spring is due to pigment produced by the fungus. While known to be common on grasses in eastern and extreme western Canada, it has recently been noted as a major fall disease of golf greens composed of bent (Agrostis spp.) or annual bluegrass (Poa annua) in western and west-central regions. There it may appear in cool humid weather in fall, often being noticed after the melting of an early autumn snowfall. If left uncontrolled, the disease may progress under the snow cover and appear as large patches in spring. In Saskatchewan it is believed to be the primary cause of much winter death of P. annua, often the major component of older golf greens. Most turfgrass species are susceptible, particularly if unbalanced or excessive fertilizer is used in fall. Very little is known about resistant varieties of bents suitable for the more extreme continental climates although attempts are being made by several workers in western North America to develop resistant lines of turfgrass species. Poa pratensis varieties, while attacked, are rarely killed below crown level, hence they may rapidly regenerate. Fungicidal control of Fusarium patch disease may be expected with systemic fungicides such as ben- omyl or thiophanate methyl, provided that repeated applications are made during fall, winter and spring. Conventional fungicides such as cadmium compounds, P.C.N.B., chloroneb, chlorothalonil and mercurials may be effective. Where only one fall application is possible, inorganic mercurials are still probably the most effect­ ive fungicides but phenyl mercuric acetate (P.M.A.), pentachloronitrobenze (P.C.N.B. or quintozene) and chloroneb have given good control in some Saskatchewan tests (19). Effective control in snowy regions is probably dependent on fungicidal prevention of those attacks which develop before the permanent snow cover arrives. In fall 1973 single applications of benomyl, P.C.N.B., thiophanate, dichlorophene and inorganic mer­ cury were effective in preventing these in Saskatchewan. When disease had already devel­ oped on P. annua turf in fall 1972, single, late fall applications of P.M.A., P.C.N.B. and chloroneb were the most effective in preventing further development under a snow cover but neither chlorothalonil, thiobendazole, benomyl, chlorophenate methyl, BAS 3460F nor CA70205 gave significant control under these conditions TYPHULA BLIGHT or GRAY or SPECKLED SNOW MOULD is characterized by the presence of sclerotia, or resting bodies of the fungus on and in plants which may give the turf of diseased patches a speckled appearance. There are apparently three Typhula spp. commonly associated with snow mould patches on turf in North America. T. incarnata Lasch ex Fries (-T. itoana Imai = T. borealis Ekstrand) occurs in heavy snowfall regions in the northern states of the U.S.A. and is probably the common species in adjacent provinces of eastern Canada although there do not seem to be any official records of this. Paul Dermott and Jack Harris looking for the camera. Kimmo explains to Dr. Switzer and group that Pepsi is the best. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT REQUIRED FOR GREENHILLS A 27 HOLE GOLF and TENNIS COMPLEX Individual should have education in Turf Management and a golf related background, with a minimum of 2 years ex perience. Please send resume and expected salary to: Mr. Al Draper c/o Greenhills R.R. # 3 LAMBETH, Ontario NOL ISO KEN WRIGHT & BEN KERN WIN 1980 SCRAMBLE GOLF AT BAYVIEW PRO-SUPERINTENDENT On October 14, our final golf meeting was held at Bayview On September 16, the Pro-Superintendent was played at Golf Club. Paul White, President welcomed all participants Lake St. George Golf Club in Orillia, Ontario. A cloudy and and covered various meetings and events for the year. A dis­ cool day greeted the players as the team from the National cussion on chapterization of the G.C.S.A.A. was discussed came through with a fine team gross score of 153. and it was felt that a letter from the O.G.S.A. be sent. This Final Results: Team Gross: letter was to state that the O.G.S.A. does not support their National — Ben Kern, Ken Wright 153 ideas. Jim Wyllie gave a short talk on the work that has been Richmond Hill — Ken Venning, Peter Barnett 155 completed at Bayview in the last year. This included convert­ Oakville — Dave Clayton, George Garner 156 ing the irrigation system to automatic and erecting a new maintenance building. They also dug out and replaced all Team Net: sand in the bunkers and will be planting 180 trees this winter. Markland Wood - Ken Duggan, Bob Heron 145 After Jim’s talk the group broke for lunch and the golf com­ Glendale — Gary Maue, Peter Spencer 148 mittee organized a 3-man team scramble. Winners for the Bayview — Warren Crosbie, Jim Wyllie 149 day were: Superintendents Gross: Net: Bob Heron Blake McMaster Dan Ardley 78 Brent McCaffery 69 Shorty Jenkins 67 Thom Charters 68 Hugh Kirkpatrick 80 Henry Geurtin 70 Dave Dick David Moote Bruce Vollett 82 Shorty Jenkins 70 George Garner Dave Keith Pro: Moe Endicott 68 Jim Wyllie 69 Ben Kern 67 Don Bassett Ron Wilcyznski Ken Duggan 72 Special thanks to Jim Wyllie and Bayview Golf Club for Bob Breen 72 a fine day. Also, thanks to Dan Ardley, Ted Ellis and Dave Moote for organizing the scramble. It was a “FUN DAY”. ALEX McCLUMPHA TOURNAMENT Held at Dalewood Golf Club, Port Hope, Sept. 29 Host: Superintendent Dan Ardley The conditions, weather wise and playing, were excellent at the Dalewood Golf Club for the Annual McClumpha Fun Day with a field of ninety-four superintendents, assistants, and guests competing. Many thanks to Dan Ardley, his staff, the staff at Dale­ wood and the McClumpha Committee for a very enjoyable day. Our compliments to Dan on his golf course and in partic­ ular the greens, which to say the least were “extremely slick” and took their toll on our scores. Superintendents: 1st gross — Ken Wright, National 74 2nd gross — Bill Bowen, Peterborough 78 3rd gross — Dan Ardley, Dalewood 78 1st net — Hugh Kirkpatrick, Westmount 70 2ndnet — Bill Fach, Essex 71 3rd net — Steven Miller, Burlington 72 Bernie MacDonald Dr. Switzer explaining that the University of Guelph has tradition, 5th net - Bob Heron, Markland 73 Dr. Tom Fisher agrees. Assistant Superintendents: 1st gross - Tony Winter, Kleinburg 76 2nd gross - Randy Higgins 79 John Harris 79 1st net — Bruce Burger, Dalewood 71 2nd net — Len Coward, Bay of Quinte 73 3rd net — Rich Staughton, Bayview 74 Guests: 1st gross — Dave Keith, Turfcare 76 2nd gross — Al Assance 84 1st net — Bob Keyes 73 2nd net - Bruce Pridham 73 Bert Davies 73 Most Honest — Shelia Winsor, Brampton 146 Paula Scenna explaining to O.G.A. President that he should get a raise in 1980. FROM THE EDITOR TURFGRASS RESEARCH PROGRESS I have enjoyed being Editor for the past three years but it is IN ONTARIO now time to turn the job over to someone else for some new Now that contributions to the Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation are tax deductible, we hope to increase our ef­ ideas. I would like to thank Ross Ditner Printing Limited forts to raise funds for turf research in Ontario. To this end and Jackie Dermott for all their help. the Board of Directors is most anxious for all members of We were sorry to see the passing of Hugh Moulton of the Foundation to put forward any suggestions they may Windsor Park Golf Club. He was killed in a car accident in have for fund raising. This includes all members of the Ont­ September. ario Golf Superintendents Association as well as our com­ The Annual Meeting is just around the corner. A vote mercial and academic members. will be taken to accept Assistants into the Association and Our modest efforts so far this year, which of necessity a special report on proposals to re-structure our Association. were put into action on short notice, have been quite suc­ At this time American Airlines has the cheapest flight to cessful and clearly show that money is available for turfgrass Los Angeles for the G.C.S.A.A. Conference. There could be research if we can make direct contact with those who will a seat sale offered in December so check with your travel benefit most from better turf, maintenance, and generally better playing conditions. agent. The donations from the Ontario and the Western Golf Superintendents Associations so far this year got the foun­ dation off to a good start. The opportunity to participate in the Duke Lawn Annual Auction of Used Equipment raised $706.76 which was most welcome, and especially gratify­ ing as we had so little time to publicize the plan. However, we have been offered the same opportunity for next year, and the Superintendents have had a chance to evaluate the idea which enables the clubs to dispose of surplus equip­ YELLOW FAIRWAYS ment, get their price by specifying a reserve bid, and at the By: Joseph M. Vargas same time, make a tax deductible donation to the Founda­ tion. Many fairways in Michigan and surrounding states experi­ members, parti Several members, particular ly Dan Ardley and Gord Wit- cularly enced yellow (chlorotic) turf on fairways and greens. The tiveen experience with golf tourn tiveen have had some experience tournaments aments and problem was observed on creeping bentgrass, annual blue­ field field days used by seve ral U.S. Associ several ationss to raise money Association money grass and Kentucky bluegrass. The problem was caused by theirr research projects, and alt for thei hough there wasn’t time although the heavy rains and is commonly known as “wet wilt” which to organize a tourn ament of the magnitude tournament magnitude of the one the means the grass plant wilts even though (or because) the soil Michigan and Border Citi Cities es Ass Associat ociation stage, we were offer­ ion stage, ed, on very short noti notice, ce, the use of the Nati onal Cl National ub. We Club. is saturated with water. Technically, when the soil becomes were able to set up an invitational invitational golf tournament foll ow­ follow saturated with water, it removes the oxygen from the soil. ed by a soci al hour and steak Bar-B-Que. The latte social latterr was held Since water uptake is an active process, it requires oxygen at the Board of Trade Turf Centre. About 42 players players teed and without it water cannot be taken up by the plant no off in the two hours allotteallottedd us. Included were representa­ matter how much is present. In addition, the root hairs tives tiv Superintendent es of the Superi ntendentss AssAssociation, ociation, Golf Ass ociat Associ ionss, ation which take up most of the water and nutrients die quickly Industry and several membersmembers of the academic academic fielfield. d. Alto Alto­ in the absence of oxygen. This further complicates the pro­ gether $2750.00 was raised for the res researc h fund, and our earch blem because even after the soil dries and oxygen returns, thanks are extended to all who took part and all who helped there are no root hairs available to take up water and nutri­ with the day. Spec ial thanks go to Gil Blec Special kman and Ken Bleckman ents. It may be several days or even weeks depending on the Wright of the National Club. Gord Witt Wittiiveen and his staff staff at the Board of Tr ade, and to Duke Lawn Equi Trade, pment for pro­ Equipment environmental condition before new root hair are produced. viding the prizes. Because of the short time we had to ar­ In the meantime, the plant is incapable of taking up nutri­ range the day, and only two hours of starting starting time, just a ents and water in quantities sufficient to maintain survival. limit ed number of guests could limited could be included. We hope that Therefore, supplemental means of feeding the plant become next year we can expand and accomm accommodate odate everyo everyonene who necessary. Liquid nitrogen at 1/8 to 1/4 lbs/1000 sq. ft., in Certainly, everyone there this year has ex­ wants to play. Certainly, combination with iron sulfate helped the plants to survive pressed a desire to be included in the future future.. until new root hairs were produced. Discontinuing the norm­ Our next objecti ve will be to try to persuade each Ontario objective Ontario al irrigation cycle and syringing during the warm part of the golfer to contribute tow towar ds turf research. To do so, we hope ards day, helped the turf survive until new roots were produced. to persu ade every Ontari persuade Ontario o Golf Club to budget a yearly con­ In all instances, “wet wilt” was worse where normal irri­ tribution ststarti ng in 1981. We have set a target of $1.0 arting $1.00 0 per gation cycles were continued. Each season a little more in­ golfer per year. We reali ze this wil realize willl take a lot of work, but if formation becomes available on how to maintain turf during each superi superintendent ntendent wil willl support this appeal at hisxdub, club, we can eventuall eventually y approach this objecti objective. ve. Always remember stress periods. Hopefully over a period of time we will be that every adva nce in turf advance turfgrass grass evaluati on and maintenance evaluation able to develop cultural programs to deal with all the various can make our job easier easier,, and playin playing g condit conditions ions bett er for better situations. every golfer. HOW DO WE APPLY OUR WATER EVALUATING YOUR OPERATION AND WHY? With the passing of summer, golf course superintendents in By: Bob Brewster many parts of the country have an opportunity to step back, The Weston Golf and Country Club has had three irrigation take a deep breath and evaluate their operations. On many courses, heavy player traffic has slowed, seasonal employees systems installed in its history. The last system was installed have gone and budget time is approaching. It'S time to take in 1955 by Bill Powell at a cost of $65,000. Both piping inventory. and the pumphouse are in good working order at the present Besides the problems of getting the course and equip­ time. ment ready for winter and inventorying leftover supplies, The main lines are 8” and 6” cast iron pipe, 4” to 3” it’s also time to look back over the summer and take a men­ black iron to 2” to 1 1/4” galvanized pipe. Buckner snap tal inventory of your operation’s strength and weaknesses. valves were installed requiring a double lug key. A valve was For example, what went wrong during the season? Was installed on each side of a green and a single row system was your course damaged by disease or insects? If so, what can used at a spacing of 99 feet. The pumphouse was built along be done to prevent a recurrence? Now is the time to figure the Humber River which included an 800 gallon per minute out what should be done and when. centrifugal pump that fed the river water into a storage tank Were your crew members aerifying the course on the day of a club tournament? The slow seasons are the time to work 10’x30’x30’ deep. The water is then pumped to the course out lines of communication to prevent such misunderstand­ with 2 vertical trubines that pump 300 gallons per minute. ings from happening next year. In the Fall of 1973, a manual pop-up irrigation system What can be done to improve the course? Take an objec­ was installed from our present system. PVC pipe of 2 inches tive look at your irrigation system, your equipment and the for greens and 1 1/4 inch for tees, along with gate valves to design and condition of your course. Maybe this is the time control flow. In some areas where the pressure had been low to plan improvements. we went back in the fairways and picked up the larger size While you are evaluating your performance over the last pipe to give us better water pressure. season, don’t overlook the things that went especially well, In 1978 the present system was converted to a Toro nor­ either. Did you pick up any additional responsibilities this mally open hydraulic system. The heads around the greens year, responsibilities you might like to continue? Did you try a new scheduling program that was effective? How can were changed to run in pairs and the fairway couplers were it be changed to work any better? removed and replaced with a galvanized swing joint and Which of your employees really came through for you? rotary pop-up. There were 24 satelite stations required to Did an assistant take over some of your responsibilities and cover the course along with the main control panel. run with them? Which employees are willing to put out a The advantages of the system greatly outweigh the dis­ little extra effort? Which ones seem to have good, new ideas? advantages. When I first started at Weston we had two night Did one of your seasonal employees prove to be especially watermen and the oldest fellow thought that the more water hard-working and reliable? If so, you will want to make ar­ you could put on the better. They would take 8 hours to rangements to have him back next year. water greens and tees and 8 hours to water the fairways. Now take a look at those projects that were put off all During dry spells and windy weather several areas would summer. Now is the time to dust them off and get to work start to burn out.They would then start watering through on them. the day and due to our clay soil the golfers were playing Here is where a good filing system comes in handy. By taking clear notes on problems and opportunities as they through 18 holes of water. occur, and by adding to those notes when you evaluate your When we changed to pop-ups on the greens and tees the operation at the end of the season, you can develop a handy coverage on and around the greens became far better. We reference tool for use in the future. cut our watering on greens and tees from 8 hours to 4 hours Whatever your evaluation of the summer proves, it’s im­ and we had also cut the watering of fairways down to 4 to 6 portant to reap whatever benefits you can. If everything hours from the present 8 hours. went relatively smoothly, it’s just as vital to know why as it Last year was our first full season with the complete is to uncover the causes if there were problems. By building course automated. 1 started watering greens, tees, and fair­ on the past year’s achievements and avoiding it’s mistakes, ways at 10 minute intervals and later reducing the times to we can face anything the future has to offer. seven minutes and then to five minutes. Depending on the —From Forefront. weather I found I was watering greens and tees 10 to 15 minutes a night and fairways 15 to 20 minutes a night. We have now cut our watering down to 5 to 6 hours per night. POSITION AVAILABLE The weather factors and the amount of moisture in the Beachgrove Golf & Country Club requires an Assist­ soil determine for me the amount of water I will use each ant Superintendent. night. Every golf course is different and will require differ­ Applicant should have the potential and desire to take an active role ent amounts of water. Any system is only as good as the in the management of course maintenance and related projects and should also possess practical and technical abilities. person who is operating it. All the changes we have made to Please apply in writing, stating salary expected to: our irrigation system at Weston has improved the condition MR. HENRY GEURTIN, Course Superintendent 14185 St. Gregory of the golf course and given myself peace of mind. St. Clair Beach, Ontario N8N 1K6 Mark Your Calendar Now! GCSAA's 52nd International Turfgrass Conference and Show Anaheim, Calif. Jan. 25-30, 1981