"Green is Beautiful” Ontario Golf Superintendents Association 54 HERNSHAW CRESCENT - ETOBICOKE, ONTARIO M9C 3M4 - TELEPHONE 622-9929 MICHIGAN & BORDER CITIES JOINT MEETING MEETING O.G.S.A. TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1981 ESSEX'S GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB TEE-OFF BEFORE 2:00 P.M. DINNER 6:00 P.M. (JACKET & TIE) COST $15.00 - $20.00 PER PERSON CONFIRM BY APRIL 24/81 PHONE (519) 734-1251 BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 1981 PRESIDENT.............................................................. KEN NELSON, Sunningdale VICE-PRESIDENT......................................................... BOB BREWSTER, Weston SECRETARY........................................................... RUSTY WARKMAN, Oshawa TREASURER.............................................................. JOHN SMITH, Wyldewood PAST-PRESIDENT......................................................... PAUL WHITE, Lambton DIRECTORS...................................................................DAN ARDLEY, Dalewood AL DRAPER, Greenhills BARRY ENDICOTT, Chinguacousy BLAKE McMASTER, Brampton DAVE MOOTE, Scarborough DOUG HOSKINS, Summit MEETINGS - 1981 Date May 7 O.G.S.A. Western Joint Meeting St. Catherines Golf & Country Club June 14 Galt Field Day Galt Country Club July President, Greenschairman, Supt. Day Scarborough Golf Club August 7 O.T.R.F. Invitational National Golf Club August 24 Pro-Superintendent Cherry Downs Golf Club September 28 McClumpha December Annual Meeting January January '82 Symposium University of Guelph EDITOR: CO-EDITOR: BOB BREWSTER BARRY ENDICOTT Weston Golf & Country Club Chinguacousy Golf Club 50 St. Philips Road R.R.#1 Weston, Ontario M9P 2N6 Inglewood, Ontario Phone (416) 241-5551 LON 1 KO ATTENDANCE RECORD SET AT ANAHEIM 4. Randy Price for becoming Course Superintendent at An all time record attendance of 7,713 people was set at the Markland Woods Country Club. 1981 Convention at Anaheim, California. Included in the 5. Bob Heron for becoming new Superintendent at Mississ­ total were the largest group ever to attend from Ontario. 25 auga Golf and Country Club. Superintendents participated in the G.C.S.A.A. Golf Tour­ nament at Industry Hills. Dan Meyers from Temple Terrace, REPORT ON PESTICIDE SYMPOSIUM - Florida was the low gross winner. Several Ontario Supt. took MARCH 9, 1981 home prizes as there were gross and net prizes back to 13th By Barry Endicott position in all divisions. Industry Hills was a tough test of golf for anyone who hadn’t played golf for a few months. New chemicals are not being developed because of a poor The courses were in excellent shape considering the Zaharias payoff, due to high cost of research and high safety regu­ Course was only seeded 8 months previous to the tourna­ lations. In the future, fewer chemicals will be available. ment. Dioxin. Some are extremely toxic while others are not. Once again the Equipment show was the finest in the Toxic dioxins are found in esters of 2, 4-D but never found world. The lectures were very well attended with some ses­ in amine solutions. 2, 4-D amine is safe when used accord­ sions being hard to find a seat. ing to the directions and it is better and cheaper than other Special thanks to the Toro Company for their Annual herbicide types which could be substituted for 2, 4-D. Luncheon and to Duke Lawn for their hospitality suite for 2, 4, 5-T and 2, 4, 5-TP are the only herbicides which con­ the Canadian Superintendents. tain the hazardous 2378 TCDD dioxins. These dioxins move- The golf courses in California welcomed all superintend­ through the soil, yet resist leaching. They resist bacterial ents and we were able to play golf on some fine courses, in­ breakdown and once on the soil particle they don’t break­ cluding Riviera Golf Club where they hold the Los Angeles down in sunlight. Pesticide Regulations. Re-evaluation is a normal procedure Open and the Los Angeles Country Club. The fellows who and it happens to all chemicals. At this time butyl ester played the L.A. Country Club said it was one of the finest conditioned golf courses they had ever played in the South. formulations have been banned and manufacturers have been asked to remove dioxins during the manufacturing of 2, 4-D They had just erected a new maintenance building at a cost herbicides by 1982. of $850,000. Alternatives to 2, 4-D: Use nothing—can we tolerate weed? "BEAUTIFUL BRITISH COLUMBIA, Mechanical —too expensive ITS TRUE" Biological —not practical or possible. The C.G.S.A. Conference in Vancouver set a record attend­ Mecoprop —acts slowly and not good on dandelion. ance of 750 people. The B.C. Superintendents ordered us Dicamba —long lasting residue and not good on plant­ some sunny 50-55°F days. The daffodils were blooming and ain. Crab Trees in blossom. Glean —a new chemical that appears to have good The C.G.S.A. Tournament was won by Rod Hermitage results at low dosages. with Hugh Kirkpatrick taking low net prize. Congratulations Alternatives to 2, 4, 5-T in brush control: Ontario. Shaugnessy G.C. and Point Grey G.C. were both Round-up —non selective and should only be used fíne layouts but extremely wet. 64 golfers participated in as a spot treatment. the Tournament. 2, 4-D —less active for many woody species. The Convention was a great success. It was well attended 2, 4-D/dichlorprop —control many species and is 2378 and well organized. The educational part of the program was (Silvaprop) TPDD dioxin free. better than the G.C.S.A.A. Conference. If you have never Summary: 2,4, 5-T was banned because of a study that has attended one of these Conventions it is well worth it. Here now been proven invalid. We must continue to oppose the is a list of Conventions until 1985. banning of chemicals that are reported to be hazardous if G.C.S.A. G.C.S.A.A. these claims cannot be backed-up by scientific evidence, 1982 - Toronto New Orleans Since future trends are the development of fewer pesticides, 1983 - Edmonton Atlanta we cannot afford to lose the pesticides we have today which 1984 - Toronto Las Vegas are safe when used according to directions. 1985 - Vancouver San Francisco TID BITS Congratulations to: 1. Jim Wyllie for becoming Vice-President of G.C.S.A.A. 2. Blake McMaster for becoming Ontario Director of G.C.S.A. 3. Dan Uzelac for becoming Director of Michigan Golf Su­ perintendents Association. ANTHRACNOSE - REDISCOVERING THE WHEEL By J.M. Vargas Jr., Associate Professor Michigan State University Anthracnose, caused by Colletotri- gicides (benomyl, thiophanate-methyl have to feverishly rush around syring­ chum graminicola (Ces) Wils., is an and thiophanate-ethyl), which gave ex­ ing or irrigating to prevent his annual important disease on annual bluegrass, cellant anthracnose control, were re­ bluegrass from “wilting”, only to have fine leaf fescue and perennial ryegrass. ported not to be effectie against Hel­ it die anyway. He could treat his annual Anthracnose was originally described minthosporium disease whereas labor­ bluegrass with a fungicide and have it as a disease of annual bluegrass (Poa atory bioassays showed the benzimid­ survive the warm summer weather. annua L.) in 1954 by J. Drew Smith (3). azole fungicide to be very effective For the scientific community, it He demonstrated its pathogenicity and against C. graminicola. It was logically meant a re-evaluation of annual blue­ included excellent photo micrographs concluded based on these facts that grass as a potential desirable turfgrass (pictures taken through a microscope) anthracnose was the major cause for species and the subsequent research of the infectious process in the article. the annual bluegrass dying. on its fertility requirements, mowing Couch (1), in his book on turfgrass Based on subsequent research requirements, cultural requirements, diseases, described anthracnose as an three factors are now believed to be disease and insect problems. This has important disease on many turfgrass­ responsible for annual bluegrass loss now begun, even if begrudgingly, and es, although not annual bluegrass. during the warm summer weather even if sometimes only through the However, in a more recent article, he where the symptoms are a yellow-bron­ pressure from golf course superinten­ reversed his earlier opinion and now zing of the turf, followed by tan to dents associations for answers on how believes C. graminicola is only a sap­ brown withering and eventually, death. to maintain bluegrass. This pressure is rophyte (2). Vargas and Detweiler (6) The term used to describe this disease understandable when you consider the and Vargas (4,5) found severe anthrac­ complex is HAS decline of annual blue­ superintendent has been bombarded nose infections associated with the loss grass - Helminthosporium leaf spot with annual bluegrass chemical con­ of annual bluegrass fairways and caused by H. sorokinianum, Anthrac­ trols for the past 50 years, none of weens during the warm summer weat­ nose caused by C. graminicola and which have been very successful. The her. Collectotrichum graminicola was Senescence or the dying of a plant due reasons include: 1) lack of chemical isolated and subsequent inocculation to “old age”. Research is currently efficacy, 2) lack of thorough research experiments in the laboratory suppor­ underway to evaluate these factors to on these herbicides before they were ted Smith’s (3) earlier conclusions that determine the role each plays in HAS introduced, and 3) the belief that a C graminicola was a pathogen on an­ decline of annual bluegrass during heat chemical is going to selectively remove nual bluegrass and caused the disease stress periods. a “weedy” grass species from an envir­ called anthracnose. This research was The key environmental factor in the onment it is adapted to and replace the not published per se since the patho­ development of HAS decline appears weedy grass with an unadapted “desir­ genicity of Colletotrichum on annual to be nigh nighttime temperature or able” species without changing the bluegrass was demonstrated 20 years this is not to say high daytime tempera­ management regime. Such reasoning is before. To publish date showing C. ture or high humidity are not predis­ ludicrous and has directly contributed graminicola to be a pathogen of annual posing factors, but unless 70 degree to past failures. If annual bluegrass would be equivalent to someone pub­ plus temperature is experienced for 2- could be removed selectively and pre­ lishing an article on how he had re­ 3 nights in a row, severe HAS decline vented from returning through the use discovered the wheel in light of Smith’s epidemics will not occur. The past two of herbicides what grass is going to earlier work (3) and the fact that it was seasons (1978-1979) the daytime tem­ replace it? If it is replaced with Ken­ described as a disease in Couch’s Dis­ peratures were above 85 degrees many tucky bluegrass maintained at 1/2 inch eases of Turfgrass. times including several days above 90 mowing height and irrigated frequently The significant discovery was not degrees, but HAS decline was not ser­ to maintain soft fairways, then the that C. graminicola caused anthrac­ ious. A widespread problem occurs question has to be, what will replace nose on annual bluegrass, but that because the warm nightime tempera­ the Kentucky bluegrass when it dies if something other than direct high tem­ tures did not occur. HAS decline was annual bluegrass is prevented from perature kill or “wilting” was respon­ only a problem in 1978-79 where no doing so? Creeping bentgrass? Poa sible for annual bluegrass loss during fungicides at all were used, where an­ trivialis? Or perhaps bare soil? The high temperature stress. Anthracnose nual bluegrass herbicide control pro­ Eroblem is not the annual bluegrass, appeared at the time to be the major grams were being used, where phyto­ ut the cultural regime under which factor responsible for the annual blue­ toxic fungicides were applied during the turf is being maintained. Annual grass loss (4,5,6,7,8). This belief was warm weather, or where poor soil and bluegrass is simply replacing Kentucky based on the large amounts of anthrac­ air drainage were present, but, there bluegrass which is not adapted to close nose (acervuli) present on the diseased has not been a severe HAS decline mowing and frequent irrigation be­ plants, inoculation studies with C. epidemic since 1977 in the northern cause it is adapted to such a manage­ graminicola and the fact that the only areas of the cool season grass regions. ment regime and no chemical is going other pathogenic fungus isolated was Preventing annual bluegrass loss to change that! The selective herbicide Helminthosporium sorokinianum (syn through the use of fungicides meant a may prevent the annual bluegrass from Drechslera sorokinianum), the cause of golf course superintendent no longer returning but it will not prevent the leaf spot. H. sorokinianum was orig­ had to stand by and helplessly watch Kentucky bluegrass from leaving. inally ruled out as a major factor be­ his annual bluegrass die during the cause the benzimidazole systemic fun­ warm summer weather. Nor did he (continued on next page) ANTHRACNOSE (Cont'd) type is supposed to be a winter annual The fact that annual bluegrass nor­ What is wrong with annual blue­ which germinates inn the fall, lives mally does not wilt from high temper­ grass? Nothing. It is not better or no through the winter, produces seed in ature alone where adequate irrigation worse than any other cool season turf­ the spring and then dies.but in the cool is propertly used first has to be accept­ grass species. They all have their season grass regions, seed production ed. Next time annual bluegrass begins strong and weak points. Annual blue­ is usually followed by a resurgence of to wilt, tear back the sod to determine grass is adapted to the 1/2 inch mowing vegetative growth, suggesting that the if grubs are present before reaching for height and frequent irrigation regimes perennial type is dominant. When the irrigation system. It could help save employed on golf courses where the death does occur, it is usually later in your fairways! golfer insists on low-cut soft fairways. the season during warm weather It does have its share of disease prob­ stress. If it was a true annual or if the HAS Decline of Annual Bluegrass lems, but so do all the other turfgrass annual type was dominant, should not species. (Table 1). If a healthy annual death occur soon after seeding? If it However, wilt is not the problem bluegrass turf is to be maintained, was a true annual, or if the annual type being referred to. The problem being these diseases have to be treated. The predominated, should annual blue­ referred to is one that causes an annual same is true of all the other species. If grass not die every year? Yet, on well- bluegrass turf to turn a dull yellow to the diseases on annual bluegrass are drained, adequately irrigated fairways, bronze in color and eventually die. The not controlled, it will die and the voids severe annual bluegrass loss occured disease involving these symptoms is will be filled in when the annual blue­ only in 1975 and 1977 during the past called HAS decline. The symptoms are grass reseeds itself. If disease preven­ five years in the upper Midwest and very different from the bluish-purple tion is not practiced on the other spec­ Canada. This is even true of areas color turfgrass turns when it wilts. ies they will also die and the voids in where no fungicides were applied! If it the turf will be filled in by another was a true annual, should not all the HAS Decline Management bluegrass.Therein lies the difference. plants die everywhere every year? The Kentucky bluegrass, creeping bent­ fact is that most of the plants present in HAS decline management involves a grass and perennial ryegrass only die a fairway or greens do not die every cultural system for maintaining annual once. Annual bluegrass dies year after year. All the annual bluegrass plants bluegrass plus fungicide application at year after year if its disease problems are not lost on a fairway green even in the proper time. The cultural system are not treated. The fact that the other years of severe HAS decline. It is will probably change with time because turfgrass species died is forgotten be­ predominately annual bluegrass plants it is currently based on a limited re­ cause they only died once. The prob­ that are growing in stress areas (poor search. This is due to the fact that past lem did not occur year afte year. The soil or air drainage, slopes, heavily research on annual bluegrass has been fault is never placed on the disease that trafficed areas) that most frequently limited to means of controlling it. Re­ caused the “desirable” turfgrass spec­ die, suggesting that something other search on how to culture annual blue­ ies to be lost, the fault is placed on the than normal dying of a winter annual is grass has been conducted only in the annual bluegrass which replaced it. occurring. The exception is where an­ past few years. At the current state of Annual bluegrass didn’t make the nual bluegrass herbicides, like the ar­ the art, the following is the best pro­ senicals, have been used, nearly all the gram available for maintaining annual voids, it simply filled them in. The bluegrass fairways. voids occurea from diseases, insects, annual bluegrass plants in a treated Mowing Height - 1/2-7/8 inches. wear or mismanagement. If annual area will be destroyed during heat Irrigation - infrequent and deep during bluegrass had not filled in these voids stress periods. cool weather to encourage deep root some other “weedy” grass or broadleaf growth. weed would have. The reason annual WILT light, frequent during warm weather. bluegrass persisted was because it was The term wilt is often used to des­ May involve daily syringing during the species most adapted to the cultur­ cribe what happens to annual blue­ warm weather depending upon : soil al regime under which the turf was grass when it dies during heat stress type, spring weather, capacity of irriga­ being maintained. periods. When grass wilts, it turns dark tion system. Cultural regimes of the various turf- blue to purple in color. Annual blue­ Fertility - Nitrogen grass species can be seen in Table II. grass does not wilt in the northern 1/2 lb. of actual N June, July, August ou will notice a cultural regime for Y areas of the cool season grass region 1 lb. of actual N September and dor- perennial ryegrass is missing. Little without mitigating circumstances. The mantly. research has been done to determine circumstances can be knolls or slopes New research data (Illinois) indicates the optimum cultural system for grow­ where adequate irrigation is not ap­ annual bluegrass survives better with ing perennial ryegrass in spite of the plied, or where irrigation cannot be no nitrogen in July in the warmer areas fact that it is widely recommended as a applied fast enough. This form of wilt is of the cool season grass region. desirable turfgrass species, becuase of controllable with soil modification, Phosphorus and potassium as needed, its improved mowability over common proper irrigation, timing, and an ade­ based on soil test. Preliminary evi­ perennial ryegrass. quate irrigation system. Wilt can be dence indicates high phosphorus levels The other failure of annual bluegrass found on annual bluegrass fairways favor annual bluegrass survival. chemical control programs has been where irrigation is adequate, but re­ the lack of understanding of the turf­ cent studies have shown much of this is Fungicide Program grass plant itself. There are two sub­ due to grubs, either the common large species of annual bluegrass: Poa annua white grub, or the small Black Ataenius There are 4 major annual bluegrass var. annua L. Timm., an annual type, beetle grubs. Both can be controlled diseases which occur during the grow­ and Poa annua var. reptans (Hauskins) with the application of an effective ing season: Sclerotinia dollar spot, Timm., a perennial type. The annual insecticide. (continued on next page) ANTHRACNOSE (cont'd) Pythium blight, Rhizoctonia brown are benomyl, thiophanate-ethyl, and Table II. Comparison of Survival Requirements for patch and HAS decline. Trying to thiophanate-methyl. This is not to say Fairway Grasses maintain annual bluegrass without other fungicides may not be appro- KENTUCKY CREEPING ANNUAL BLUEGRASS BENTGRASS BLUEGRASS managing these diseases is futile. The priate. Substitutions should be made following is an idealized fungicide pro­ ased on personal experience. Mowing height 1-1/2" 1/2" 1/2" gram for managing these diseases. It is Irrigation Minimal Minimal Frequent Nitrogen 1-4 Ibs/s 1-4 Ibs/s 3-4 Ibs/s not a hard and fast program which Phosphorous Adequate Adequate High should be followed to the letter. It is a Table I. Major Turfgrass Diseases on the 4 Major Cool Season Turfgrasses framework from which you can build KENTUCKY CREEPING ANNUAL PERENNIAL your own fungicide program. BLUEGRASS BLUEGRASS RYEGRASS The program incorporates all fungi­ Melting-out Dollar spot Dollar spot Brown blight cide types at the most appropriate Fusarium blight Brown patch Brown patch Brown patch time. The best contact fungicides for Stripe smut Pythium blight Pythium blight Pythium blight HAS decline management are chloro­ Fusarium patch Leaf spot Leaf spot Anthracnose Typhula blight Anthracnose Red thread thalonil, mancozeb, and maneb zinc Fusarium patch HAS Decline Rust sulfate. The best systemic fungicides Fusarium patch Typhula blight Typhula blight — From Michigan Border Cities Publication RULES MEETING AT KITCHENER WESTMOUNT - MARCH 26/81. Forty Superintendents, Associates and guests attended a Rules of Golf Meeting at Kitchener Westmount. Keith Nis­ bet spent the day talking on the Rules of Golf, covering nearly the whole rule. Special thanks to Keith, Hugh Kirk­ patrick and Westmount Golf Club for a fine day. Everyone Enjoyed Buffet Lunch Norm Explaining Some Research to Vince Piccolo Enthusiastic People? AN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT A successful assistant has to be able to deal with a variety By Ron Heesen (Assistant Superintendent of staff at any given time. Staff members in the summer may Board of Trade Golf Club) vary from 12 to 25 and in the winter from 2 to 8. As an as­ This afternoon I would like to form a type of job description sistant he must be able to get along with and understand his for assistant superintendents. I want to discuss his duties on staff. Here he must be very flexible, and realize that his the golf course, duties amongst Club Management and what ideas and goals are not going to be accomplished unless his formal education he requires. I want to pinpoint his position staff understands him clearly. At times an assistant will act and clearly define his roles. Many people feel that some as a link between staff and superintendent. If the super is in clubs do not need an assistant, but still have one anyway. doubt over certain staff, or over a job decision we have to I am not going to single out assistants that shouldn’t be or fill the void and he able to provide the information neces­ assistants that should be superintendents, but rather give a sary. Once again, know your staff, know how to utilize them complete job description that you can all play with. If your most effectively, and by doing so provide the members or assistant does not qualify for any or all of these catagories, public with a better golf course. you be the judge and decide whether or not you need the Amongst club management the assistants role is some­ man you hired as assistant. I hope to also enlighten the as­ what varied. At certain clubs he may be required to attend sistants here today and maybe when I’m finished you can greens committee meetings or at times be called upon for in­ go back to your club and discuss your position. Decide for formation from the general manager. But at other clubs none yourself whether or not you are fulfilling your title as as­ of these jobs would be required. In any case the assistant sistant superintendent. should represent himself properly. He must be neat and Much discussion over the assistants role on the golf course courteous especially around the clubhouse. recently, has still left his job and purpose unclear. Some su­ He should be able to demonstrate his authority and pos­ perintendents are almost afraid to promote their own assist­ sess the ability to delegate jobs. Above all he must be a sym­ ants for fear they would be putting their jobs in jeopardy. I bol of confidence to the members and club officials at all feel this is a lot of nonsense. If any superintendents are times, no matter how large or small the golf club. afraid of their assistants, this just adds to the assistants merit, A qualified assistant must be educated. He must have at and detracts from the superintendents. As an assistant I feel least some formal education in turfgrass management, at we are there to do a specific job, but we’re definitely not either a University or Community College. To go along with here to steal jobs. But, obviously, if a superintendent is wor­ his education he also needs the practical training on the golf ried about an assistant taking over, then maybe he is incom­ course. We must know and understand chemicals - know petent! A good assistant should be able to keep his super­ how to spray, when and why. A good assistant must know intendent on his toes. He should have a minimum of 3 years the cultural requirements for turf in Ontario. He has to un­ practical experience as well as some formal training. It should derstand mowing and fertilization, spraying methods, chem­ be known that while working as an assistant we are still in a icals. We must also know why we topdress, or aerate, under­ type of training period for the time when we ultimately will stand spiking and verti-cutting. Most importnatly an assist­ become a superintendent. A successful assistant in the Metro ant must understand watering practices and know the par­ Toronto area can expect to earn anywhere from $12,000 to ticular system on the course like the back of his hand. $20,000 plus benefits per year. But lets determine his duties More and more golf courses are installing automatic water­ and position on the golf course first. ing systems. They are “automatic” in their mode of oper­ In the alignment of staff on the golf course the assistant ation but not in their maintenance. Anyone who wishes to should be next to the superintendent. And not just on paper! become a top notch assistant must possess an understanding He must have full responsibility when the super is not pre­ of an automatic system, and be able to make necessary re­ sent. He must show and express a concern for the condition pairs or adjustments without any hesitation. I’ve heard su­ of his golf course. At all times he must have an input with perintendents say their mechanics are the most important the superintendent. He simply cannot function as a “yes” men on their staff. Well, I’d like to know how many mech­ man. A good assistant should be decisive and to the point anics know the water systems and are there to repair it on and not hesitate to make decisions when the superintendent a Saturday or Sunday on a hot summer weekend when its is unavailable. By the same token the superintendent must needed the most. also realize that he is needed by his staff to make a success­ Once again, knowing how to water and understanding ful combination work. More and more we see superintend­ an automatic water system are two assets that we must have ents join the golf tour in the Fall, instead of teaming up to be successful. Without this asset an assistant can be com­ with their staff when they need them the most. It must be petent in all areas I’ll cover and still be doomed to failure. a team effort, otherwise even the most successful assistant In any operation, whether it be a golf course or a steel will only be functioning at half throttle. Remember, if the mill a certain element must be present to be a success. That two people at the top of golf course management are not element is communication. We must know how to com- functioning properly, you cannot expect your staff to oper­ municate. If disease is spotted on a green or a fairway and ate efficiently, and when all this breaks down, the end we don’t bother to mention it, we may as well be blind and product “The Golf Course” suffers drastically. see nothing. We simply cannot take it home with us and hope its gone tomorrow. We must talk and discuss it that POSTED MARCH 20/81 particular day. If there’s trouble amongst the staff it will If any member has any objection to the above persons ap­ never be solved unless the problems brought out and con­ plying for Membership in the Ontario Golf Superintendents Association the Secretary must be notified in writing within fronted. Communication will make decision making a snap. 30 days. We can all rest easier if our points are made clear with this Sean Evelyn - Class A - John Evelyn Golf Center handy tool we call communication. KNOW IT, UNDER­ Alex Lapere - Class B - Midland Golf Club STAND IT, AND USE IT. Many superintendents have fail­ Gerry Chillingworth - Aero Irrigation Ltd. ed, over the past, not because they weren’t hard workers, James Moore - Class A - Puslinch Lake Golf Club but, because they couldn’t communicate with their club Mark Hagen - Class F - Greenhills Golf Club Douglas Rothwell - Class F - Islington Golf Club officials. Just as it is an asset to the superintendent, its equal­ Don Crymble - Class F - Islington Golf Club ly important for an assistant to learn how to communicate. Every function in any successful operation evolves around SMALL CONNECTICUT FIRM'S NEW GOLF BALL communication. It must be used amongst staff, and especial­ FLIES TOO FAR; BANNED BY U.S.G.A. ly within management. This device is a must for any young GOLFERS LOVE IT - “No More Par 5’s?” assistant aspiring to become a superintendent. Like a super­ NORWALK, CT.—All golf balls are not created equal. At intendent we must know the game of golf. Shooting par on least not any more. A small Connecticut company has intro­ the course, though, is not as important as understanding duced a controversial new ball it guarantees will out-dis­ tance all legal balls, including Hogan, Top Flight, MaxFli short, fast greens. Tight fairway lies are important. We must and Titleist. The new ball is so "hot” it threatens to pull the understand what makes a good lie, not just that we cut at rug on par, as we know it, and that might have the United 54”. Clean weed free roughs and how they effect the game States Golf Association worried. For thirty-eight years the U.S.G.A. has strictly enforced must be understood. Edged sandtraps, chemical mowers the rule that a golfball may not exceed a velocity of 250 feet- around trees, paths and fences and their relationship with per-second off the club head. Without this and other restric­ the game must be realized. tions, high-powered super balls would soon outmode most golf courses. Par fives could disappear, and even an average By understanding all of these functions on golf course player could regularly blast 300-yard drives. So far major grooming a good assistant will know a well cut green or fair­ U.S. manufacturers have observed this speed limit and other way and how to maintain it rather than simply “gee I sure U.S.G.A. rules designed to keep all balls created equal. putt well when the greens are like this”. So its a combination But now, a little-known company called H & L Labs is distributing a ball that violates nearly every rule in the book, of understanding the game of golf and being a professional and the result is a ball that flies down the fairway like a when it comes to grooming the golf course and not the other Ferrari on the run. way around. We must remember we’re not here to become The ball has provoked heated controversy because it looks, sounds, and feels exactly like a regular ball. golf professionals, but we’re here to become turf profession­ H & L refuses to release the ball’s name to anyone but a als. buyer—they simply call it "The Hot One”—so about the only way another player can tell he’s playing against one is to keep Again, much like a superintendent, we must know and a radar set in his bag. understand mechanics, we must be landscapers and person­ And while golf prides itself on being a gentlemen’s game, it nel managers to do our job effectively. seems that more than 40,000 gentlemen—and ladies—are Now that assistants have had the door opened to them carrying these innocent-looking buzz bombs in their bags. Some say if the U.S.G.A. ever approved the engineering in by the OGSA, we have another channel to develop our pro­ this ball, pros might start shooting in the 50’s. fessionalism. I had hoped that superintendents would strive What’s special about the illegal ball? John McGuire, the to help develop better assistants, but apparently not. I was director of H & L told me this: "We’ve doctored up the ball’s aerodynamics so that it has less drag than conventional balls. getting rather sick at hearing supers claiming their most You can tell the difference with your first drive. What’s more, important man was the mechanic. Gentlemen, if thats the the special design could help keep tee and fairway shots case, lets not play games, get rid of your assistant. But if you straight down the middle . . . 'bites and sits’ with more au­ thority . . . putts with a steadier roll. . . and is virtually cut­ change your mind, develop that man into a proper assistant, proof.” McGuire believes that more money is going to change let him attend a few meetings, accept his decisions occasion­ hands with this little white bandit than all the tournament ally. If you have a man in your operation, and you tag him purses put together. So far most pro shops don’t dare carry it, but if you want to as assistant, well then make proper use of him. I don’t know "test drive” the world’s longest ball, H & L will send you one how the decision was reached to allow assistants into the FREE. Just order a dozen balls and they will send you thir­ association but I gather it came from within the superinten­ teen. They ask you to use the extra ball for a few holes. Tests against the best legal balls on the market prove you could dents. Not once has anyone asked as assistant his opinion! add as much as 22 yards to your tee shots. If you don’t, return Anyway, gentlemen, now we’re in so lets make use of the the remaining dozen for a prompt refund. The free ball is OGSA and contribute, and superintendents please allow us yours to keep in any case—for fun or profit. to. And if you ever cut one of these super balls in normal play, H & L will replace it free. You pay only the return postage, In closing, I would like to thank you for giving me the about 25#. opportunity to speak today. I hope I have enlightened the A dozen hot balls cost $19.95 (plus $1.75 postage and han­ assistants here today, and the superintendents too. Let’s as dling). Two or more dozen cost just $18.00 each and H & L pays all shipping costs. The address is: H & L Labs (Dept. HO assistants, come out of the closet and add a new dimension 63), 18 Lois Street, Norwalk, CT 06851. You can send a check to the OGSA. or charge it, but be sure you give them your card’s account number and expiration date. GASOHOL: WEIGHING THE BENEFITS AND RISKS Gasohol may help solve our energy problems, especially now Cotton, leather or canvas gloves or boots will absorb large that it has become more widely available, but fuel alcohols quantities of toxic materials and provide a constant exposure also have their risks, according to Clair Young, Ohio State to the skin. If organophosphorus or carbonate insecticides University extension leader for safety. are involved, wear natural rubber gloves unless the container Fuel alcohols, whether they are used straight or blended label specifically states otherwise. with gasoline, are Class 1 flammable liquids, Young says, Rubberized boots are generally preferred for protection and all fire codes and regulations pertaining to gasoline also against chemicals because they wear well and can be cleaned apply to alcohols. with soap and water. Disposable plastic boots and gloves According to Young, a primary problem with gasohol is should not be used because they may not be strong enough its high volatility. The addition of 10 percent alcohol to gas­ to stand the rough conditions of continuous golf course oline increases the misture’s volatility by as much as 35%. usage. Most gasohol is a 90 percent-10 percent blend of gasoline Workers need additional protection when opening and alcohol. containers, mixing chemicals and filling application equip­ This results in increased vaporization in the fuel tank, ment because these operations involve direct skin or lung which causes tank pressures to rise. This is especially critical exposures to the chemicals. Therefore, goggles or face in tractors where the fuel tank is located above the warm shields, head coverings and respirators should be worn. A engine. Pressure may build to a point where fuel spews out rainsuit or coveralls can provide maximum protection, espe­ when the tank cap is removed. Young recommends waiting cially when very toxic chemicals are being handled. Head­ to refuel until the engine cools and using a vented fuel tank bands or goggles and face shields should be replaced period­ cap. ically since they are absorbent and are in direct contact with Another problem is alcohol’s ability to absorb water. the skin and hair. Even a dilute mixture such as gasohol can attack and de­ Maximum protection is needed when chemicals are being stroy gaskets and fuel line fixtures, particularly those made applied, and the type of protection is dependent upon the of aluminum. Frequent inspections of gaskets, seals and types of chemicals being used. In spraying operations, op­ hoses can catch dangerous faults, Young said. erators are often exposed to considerable hazard, because — From Fore-Front. their clothing can become very wet. Waterproof rainsuits are recommended for the greatest degree of protection. If dusts or granular materials are being used, full-length cover­ alls are satisfactory. Both wet and dry applications require the use of respirators, gloves, boots, and head and neck covering for maximum protection. A moderately high risk factor is involved in the cleaning of equipment after use. Workers often are eager to shed pro­ PROTECTING YOUR CREW tective clothing as soon as they return to the maintenance FROM PESTICIDES building, especially on hot days when most pesticides are applied. Every effort must be made to prevent this since the Pesticides are one of the worst health hazards involved in bare skin or clothing can lead to serious consequences. golf course maintenance. It is a superintendent’s responsi­ Protective clothing suggested during clean-up includes: bility to make sure that the proper equipment is provided rubberized boots, rubber gloves, goggles or face shield, and and worn by his crew. The following information is taken waterproof suit or large rubberized apron. All clothing from GCSAA’s “Pesticide Usage Reference Manual” avail­ should be thoroughly washed with soap and water after able from Association headquarters in Lawrence, Kan. each usage. This includes gloves, boots, coveralls, water­ Many superintendents are alert to the dangers present proof suits, etc. when applying pest control chemicals but overlook these The final safeguard is that of personal cleanliness — each equally hazardous situations: person who has handled toxic chemicals must be instructed 1. Handling of containers in moving from transport ve­ to wash or shower thoroughly as soon as possible after hicle to storage area or in rearranging containers in finishing his work. Failure to do so can produce tragic re­ the storage area. sults, especially if the worker is unduly sensitive to a given 2. Measuring, loading or mixing operations. chemical. 3 Disposal of empty containers. If all this seems unreasonable, bear in mind that you, as 4. Cleaning of equipment after use. a golf course superintendent, are completely responsible for 5. Laundering of contaminated clothing. the health and safety of your crew. 6. Personal cleanliness. — From Fore-Front. THIS IS THE WEEK THAT WAS - SUPERINTENDENTS DIARY The Toronto Golf Club FRIDAY - In at dawn again and fell over the barn dog be­ fore I could get a light on. Friday is the day we do EVERY­ requires a THING. Assistant late again, sometimes I wonder about him. He wouldn‘t even hold still when I had to cut the bubble gum out of his hair - got mad becuase I missed Assistant Superintendent band. This is the day I was going to spray because I missed last Friday that should have gone on the Friday before that. Applicant must have a high standard of practical Maybe Monday. Maybe by then the cutworms will have and technical ability. Need not presently be turned to moths and have flown away. Looped around the course in the pre-dawn light and saw four joggers, a mush­ employed as an Assistant but must have the room picker, two ball hoppers in the pond, three members potential and the desire to take an active role walking dogs, an old Italian lady cutting dandelions and a in the management of the course maintenance partridge in a pear tree. Threw a rock at the last mentioned. I love the course early in the morning - so quiet, so peaceful program and associated projects. Experience and tranquil. I think I’ll call the local police and have all with maintenance of irrigation system these people arrested. Picked up the remains of a big beer desirable. party by the fifteenth, then went to work. Please apply in writing, stating salary expected SATURDAY - Everybody in the world loves weekends but superintendents. More turf disasters have happened on Sat­ to: urday and Sunday than all the Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes­ The Toronto Golf Club days, Thursdays and Fridays put together. Right off the bat P.O. Box 100 four pins and a dozen markers missing and the usual moron­ Postal Station "N" ic messages written in the sand traps . . . why can’t they Toronto, Ontario write inspirational thoughts or the weather report? A neat M8V 3T1 group partied last night. All imported beer, an empty South­ Attention: Mr. Fred Charman. ern Comfort bottle and two Cutty Sarks - members kids. Went to look at a very large pupa dangling from the tree by the ninth and after gazing in wonder for two seconds real­ ized it was a tampon. Left it there, maybe it will hatch. SUNDAY - Greens mower operator failed to show till I had mowed five greens, I would have fired him but then I would have had to finish. Things looking pretty good today. Can’t wait till Monday to see what the hell will hapen next. For Sale: CONTRIBUTORS TO ONTARIO TURFGRASS — 24 HP Century Motor, rebuilt Jacuzzi RESEARCH FOUNDATION - 1981, to date centrifugal pump with 4 inch suction line, Rosedale Golf Association Ltd. $ 50.00 Otto Pick & Sons Seeds Ltd. 100.00 foot valve and check valve, and a Gillanders Construction Ltd. (Len Goldson) 100.00 Kimmo Salonen 25.00 25 HP Starter. Niagara Chemical 50.00 Sunningdale Golf Club Ltd. 100.00 Warkworth Golf Course Ltd. 75.00 The Toro Company 100.00 — 2 - Jacobsen 22 inch Putting Green Mowers, Ontario Golf Superintendents Association 500.00 good condition. Ontario Golf Association 1,000.00 National Golf Course Inc. 50.00 Dominion Golf & Country Club 50.00 Cedarbrae Golf & Country Club 50.00 Contact — Cherry Hill Club Ltd. 50.00 Oakdale Golf & Country Club 500.00 Wyldewood Golf & Country Club Board of Trade Golf Club 500.00 Weston Golf & Country Club 250.00 Mr. John Smith, Westmount Golf Club 100.00 (416) 878-4848 - 826-0204 Summit Golf Club 300.00 For Sale — - 1977 JACOBSEN F133, 5 GANG MOWING UNIT HYDROSTATIC DRIVE, RECONDITIONED FOR IMMEDIATE USE, NEW PAINT - MAKE OFFER! - USED JACOBSEN WALK BEHIND GREENSMOWER, SHARPENED AND OVERHAULED FOR COMING SEASON, NEW PAINT - BEST OFFER! Contact — Islington Golf Club Thom Charters (416) 231-0925 For Sale — 1 - SMART AND TURNER PUMP, 284 U.S. GAL./MIN. WITH 40 H.P. MOTOR. 1 - PEERLESS PUMP, 250 GAL./MIN., WITH 40 H.P. MOTOR. 7 - TORO SPARTAN 8 BLADED GANG MOWERS AND FRAMES. Contact — Aurora Highlands Golf Club Paul Dodson (416) 727-2311 For Sale — 2 - 4" ELECTRIC SINGER VALVES 2 - END CENTRIFUGAL IRRIGATION PUMPS COMPLETE WITH MOTORS 1 - 84" HORWOOL TRIPLES 1 - 84" TORO SUPER PRO TRIPLEX 1 - SET OF 7 GANG 10 BLADED WORTHINGTON FAIRWAY MOWERS WITH PULL FRAMES 1 - TORO GROUNDMASTER RIDING ROTARY MOWER 1 - CISHMAN TRUCKSTER WITH 2 CYLINDER OMC MOTOR 1 - HECKENDORN RIDING ROTARY MOWER Contact — Oakdale Golf Club Paul Dermott (416) 247-9281