NEWSLETTER OGSA APRIL 1968 Ontario Golf Superintendents Association NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th NIAGARA PARKS COMMISSION G.C. NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO. -- See Page 1 Ontario Golf Superintendents Association 31 Diana Drive, Downsview, Ontario OGSA PHONE 416-633-1591 Regular Monthly Meeting ONTARIO GOLF SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION will be held at NIAGARA PARKS COMMISSION GOLF CLUB Niagara Falls, Ontario Host: NICOL THOMPSON PROGRAMME Sandwiches and coffee - 11 a.m. till Noon in the Clubhouse - followed by Golf Dinner - 6 P.M. at Rapids Tavern ($3.50 to each member) With Nicol Thompson as the speaker DIRECTIONS TO CLUB:River Q.E. toRoad VictoriaThoroldstone Avenue and North Road -on drive Victoria East tto o CANADIAN OPEN AT ST. GEORGE'S G. & C.C. TORONTO JUNE 20 - 23 Members of the Canadian Gold Superintendents Association only will receive free entry to the Tournament on a daily basis - by showing their membership cards. This Tournament is run by the National Golfing Body, and can only deal with the Superintendents National Association. NEW MEMBER APPLICANT BOB HERON - "B" Classification Anyone objecting must notify the secretary in writing without delay. NINETEENTH ANNUAL, R.C.G.A. TURFGRASS CONFERENCE This proved to be another successful meet and the number in attendance - 425 - were given a program by many talented lecturers. The exhibits area - I found to be not just a source of the latest equipment and materials, but also a meeting place where superintendent got into many fruitful discussions concerning their profession. It was gratifying to see Jim Brandt, President of the G.C.S.A.A. Jim and John Steel, President of the C.G.S.A., got together during the proceedings and expressed their mutual understanding and cooperation. Should the G.C.S.A.A. plan a conference site in Canada, they will receive full cooperation from Canadian Superintendents. At the C.G.S.A. Annual Meeting and Election, Tom Johnston replaced John Steel as president. Both receive our congratulations - John for a job well done as the First President of the C.G.S.A., and Tom for his elevation to this important office. We also wish Tom a very successful year! Two new directors were elected - Roger Carrier of Cedarbrook Golf and Country Club, Quebec and Norman McKinley of Canyon Meadows, Alberta. Carl Murtagh was presented with a desk set and scroll as winner of the Ontario Golf Superintendents Scholarship at the dinner. Carl is assistant to Ernie Hulse at the Kingsville Golf Club near Windsor. On his retirement as Director of the Greens Section, R.C.G.A., Robbie Robinson was presented with an honorary Life Membership in the Ontario Golf Superintendents Association, for his great efforts in promoting the National Turf Conferences and the Golf Course Superintendent. Robbie will not be retiring completely, as he plans to continue in his profession of Golf Course Architect and Consul- tant. Turf Conference (continued) Dr. George Smith from Truro, N. S., will replace Robbie Robinson as Director on a full time basis. A special thanks to all who contributed to our Hospitality Room. The Association paid for the room reservation only, with refreshments being supplied by members and friends. Next year's National Turf Conference will be held in the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal on March 10, 11, and 12th. (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday). GREENS CHAIRMAN/SUPERINTENDENT DAY - FINALIZED President Dave Gourlay who has been hard at work negotiating this meeting, has now arranged it for July 9th at Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club. There will be a Golf Tournament with a Superintendent/Chairman Team Cup and Prizes. Guest Speaker will be Tom Mascaro, President of West Point Products. This meeting is probably one of the first of its kind to be arranged within our Association. With a (hopefully) large turnout of Greens Chairmen, the theme of the meeting might be "GETTING TO KNOW YOU............ " From time to time, we will be mailing to you publications that we think will assist you. The enclosed 'Septic Tank Systems' was provided by the Ontario Department of Health. G.C.S.A.A. 39TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE & SHOW February 1968 - San Francisco More than thirty Canadians attended this Conference and enjoyed the ever improving Programme of Lectures that this Association provides. As usual, the show of equipment was excellent, and the addition of small engine and irrigation clinics proved popular. At the Annual Meeting, the following officers were elected: PRESIDENT Jim Brandt (Illinois) VICE PRESIDENT John Spodnik (Ohio) DIRECTORS Richard Blake (Mass.) Stanley Clarke (Florida) Norman Kramer (Michigan) Clifford Wagoner (Calif.) The retiring directors were Edward Roberts, Herman Johnson - Blake and Kramer being re-elected. Many of our members enjoyed a few days of golf prior to the Conference at the G.C.S.A.A. Tournament in the Monteray Peninsula. Tournament courses were Spy Glass Hill and Carmel Valley. We are proud to say that a Canadian won the Tournament - Art Donalson of Capilano Golf and Country Club in Vancouver - with a 36 hole gross of 150. In years to come, many of us will have happy memories of Carmel and San Francisco. Some golf superintendents in Toronto are assisted in keeping a record of the weather in this area, by getting reports from the Meteorological Branch, Dept. of Transport, 315 Bloor St. West, Toronto 5. We understand this service is free. Take advantage of it and give them a call! CHIT CHAT Paul Baker has taken the Superintendent post at the new golf Course - Glen Cedar near Markham. This course was designed and built by Rene Muylaert. Ron Stretton has been promoted to H. Milne's position as Acting Head of the Specialty Division of Brockville Chemicals. Don Creed has left London to take over the Superintendents job at Orchard Hills Golf & C.C., Niles, Michigan. Ian Williamson has moved to Castlegar golf Club, Castlegar, B.C. George Darou, Superintendent at Richmond Hill G. & C.C., was a guest speaker at the Maritimes Conference held in Truro, N.S., in March. Congratulations, George! George, incidentally, is building another 9 holes in Richmond Hills. TURF RESEARCH FOUNDATION The Canadian Golf Superintendents Association have formed a Committee to investigate ways and means of providing turf research in Canada. Their first meeting was held in the Skyline Hotel on March 19th, 1968 when a working committee was formed to establish aims and objectives. You will be hearing more from this group during the year. "TURF MANAGEMENT" by H. Burton Musser. - WE have a supply of this important publication in our office. Price $11.00 per copy. PESTICIDES ACT Many of our members are concerned about their ability to pass the examination for an operator’s license to spray chemicals. To alleviate their fears (and mine) Alex Chisholm has indicated that he would be prepared to brief us on the questions likely to be asked. He will be on hand at the next three regular monthly meetings for this purpose. CORRESPONDENCE COURSE IN PESTICIDES TECHNOLOGY We have enclosed an application form for this course. It is not compulsory! We feel that it is another service we can pass on to you, to help you improve as a Superintendent. The course is free, and when successfully completed, you receive a diploma on this subject. As with the Pesticides license, it is an open book examination. These application forms should be returned to: Mr. J. G. Kurys, Educational & Technical Officer, Pesticides Control Section, Department of Health, 1 St. Clair Avenue West, Box 425, Station ”Q” Toronto 7, Ontario. IRRIGATION COSTS AND PROCEDURES AT ST. GEORGE'S GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB by Bill Hynd The irrigation system at St. George’s consists of 9 miles of P.V.C. plastic pipe sizes 2"-6". Most fairways have twin lines down each side of fairway 90’ apart. All greens and tees have "Pop Up" sprinklers, from 3 to 6"Pop Ups" depending on size of green. City water is boosted up to 140 p.s.i. at a capacity of 600 gallons per minute. With the increase in price of city water from 35 cents to 40 cents per 1000 gallons in quantities over one million gallons, it is necessary to review the application of city water in the irrigation of St. George's Golf Course. The amount of water used during the years 1965, 1966, 1967 was 23 1/2 million, 25 1/2 million and 14 million gallons respectively. This means that in a hot, dry year such as 1966, we can expect to consume 25 million gallons at a cost of $10,000. (at present costs). During the hottest period in 1966, we used 10 million galIons in one month. On the sandy, well drained soils at St. George's the water holding capacity is much lower than clay soils, hence the irrigation interval is much shorter. In early summer, when temperatures don't exceed 80 degrees, we usually allow fairways to dry up below 50% available water capacity before irrigating. We will then water heavily to reach the root zone which may be from 6" - 12" deep. Intervals between watering at this root depth will be as long as possible 4-7 days, but this will depend on temperatures during this period. Through the end of June and into July, we usually experience drought conditions and the possibility of temperatures exceeding 90 degrees. Poa Annua, which is predominant on St. George's fairways begins to lose its vigour and roots become shallow. Irrigation at this stage is more or less round the clock as the irrigation interval is gradually reduced to 24 hours as the roots become shallow. The amount of water is accordingly gradually reduced from two hours to one-half hour settings per valve head. We usually stop the regular irrigation cycle for three to four hours during the day, but during periods of stress, we spend those hrs. watering critical areas to control wilt. To reduce water costs, we are allowing the grass to grow to semi rough 1 1/2-2" in height 75-100 yards in front of tees, bearing in mind all the traffic finishing from this area, we must prevent undue wear and tear. The total water required for greens and tees is only about 10% of the annual cost so this is mainly on account of fairway irrigation. This is a report submitted to St. George’s Greens Chairman endeavouring to clarify our watering methods and problems. Any suggestions which Superintendents might have for reducing the above costs, and still maintain Poa Annua Turf will be gratefully received. If you have not already done so, please forward your 1968 fees to Mr. Ed Charman, Treasurer, Ontario Golf Superintendent Association, P. O. Box 11, Thornhill, Ontario PLEASE BE SURE TO NOTIFY THE OFFICE OF ANY CHANGES ADDRESS OR POSITION CALL 633 - 1591 YOUR 1968 EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: David Gourlay VICE-PRESIDENT: A.V. Jones SECRETARY: William Hynd TREASURER: Edward J. Charman DIRECTORS: Past President Robert F. Moote John Arends John Grightmire DouglasSuter Bernard MacDonald Tom Unsworth Herbert Creed Editorial Committee: D. Gourley D. Suter W. Hynd J. Arends R. Moote Ontario Golf Superintendents Association 31 DIANA DRIVE. DOWNSVIEW, ONTARIO OGSA PHONE 416-633-1591