NEWSLETTER OGSA JANUARY 1968 Ontario Golf Superintendents Association NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5th AT AURORA HIGHLANDS Ontario Golf Superintendents Association 31 Diana Drive, Downsview, Ontario OGSA PHONE 416-633-1591 President’s Message To all members I wish to express my appreci­ ation for the honour of being your President for the year 1968. This position has always carried a distinction and a respect in the golf world, and I am indeed grateful to you for the office. While I know that the position entails consi­ derable work and responsibility, I hope, with the help of your new Board of Directors to discharge the duties to the satisfaction of the general membership. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the retiring directors, Keith Nisbet, Gord Witteveen and Dave Moote for their good work during their tenure of office, and also our re­ tiring president Bob Moote who so ably filled this office last year. Bob will continue to assist us in the role of Past President. Your Board of Directors have met twice this year preparing a programme for 1968, discussing ways and means of strengthening our Provincial — continued — Presidents Message (continued) Association, and how we can help each individual member. We feel that while the monthly meetings do provide us the opportunity to keep members abreast with what is going on in the golf world, we should also stress good fellowship as being the prime motive for coming to these meetings. After all, in whose company do you feel most relaxed? And with whom do you share the same interests? The answer is — your brother Superintendent........ So let your Directors do all the worrying about providing education, and the problems involved in administering the affairs of your Association. We will keep you abreast of what is going on — but do come out and join us that one day of the month.... To those Superintendents who are geographically not able to attend these meetings, I wish to remind you that we are associated to help all members, and if you have a problem, please write to us. If you wish to host a monthly meeting in your district, please Iet us know. Finally, while we are mostly concerned with our own provincial association affairs, we should always be interested in our profession as a whole, and work hand in hand with all golf organizations for the good of golf. David s. Gourlay. CHIT CHAT Tom Unsworth moved from Clearstream C.C. in Oakville to his new post as Superintendent at St. Thomas Golf Club, St. Thomas, Ontario. Bob Heron, Assistant at Board of Trade Country Club has been appointed Superintendent at Brampton Golf Club. John Arends recently attended the Jacobsen Mfg. Co.'s two day Service School at Racine, Wisconsin and related that it was well worthwhile. Your President, Dave Gourlay was a head table guest of the O.G.A. during their Annual Dinner and Meeting at the Royal York Hotel on January 20th. Three of our members in attendance were Bob and Dave Moote, and Keith Nisbet. Keith is a governor in this association, and Dave represents us on their Greens Section. The highlight of the dinner was the presentation of Centennial awards. Mr. Pat Osler took over form Mr. G. Barrett as President. Many of our members are taking vacations at this time of year. Those heading toward sunny Florida are: Gord Witteveen George Darou Ted Charman Mike Donahue Bernie MacDonald Meryl Endicott The following are attending the G.C.S.A.A. Turf Show in San Francisco: Bill Bluett Keith Nisbet Art Dodson Don Creed Herb Creed Dave Moote Bob Moote Phil Glover Dave Gourlay Dick Woodward and Jim Wylie. NEW MEMBER APPLICATION D. Burd - "A" Classification - Kleinburg Golf Club Anyone objecting to this applicant, please write to the Secretary of the Association. Regular Monthly Meeting wiIl be held MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1968 at AURORA HIGHLANDS GOLF CLUB at 2 P.M. Speaker: DAVE MOOTE, ROSEDALE GOLF CLUB TOPIC - "SOIL SPECIFICATIONS AND TOP DRESSING PRACTICES" Your Host "Whitey" Jones invited you to use all the facilities of the Club, including swimming and the Physical Fitness Centre. (This Centre is the only on in Ontario of its kind.) Tables will be set up for Euchre for those members who are interested in cards/ The Aurora Highlands Golf Club, under the new management of Mr. Joseph Shaw in 1968 has undergone vast improvements in the Club House facilities and the pleasant environment will certainly lend to a successful meeting. "Whitey", as some of you well know, has been very active in our Association and has been a director for nine years - his present position is Vice President. He has been at Aurora Highlands for thirteen years. "Whitey" is married and has four children. JUST A THOUGHT - If you get up earlier in the morning than your neighbor, and work harder and scheme more and stick more closely to your job, and stay up later planning how to get ahead of him while he’s snoozing, not only will you leave more money than he will, but a hell-of-a-lot sooner. JANUARY 8th, 1968 MEETING BAYVIEW COUNTRY CLUB The January meeting was held at Bayview Country Club, with Edwin Ortlieb as host. Curling matches preceded the meeting, which started at 2 P.M. The rink skipped by Curly Endicott, and compri­ sing John Stoughton, Carl Wagner and Bernie MacDonald won the trophy defeating Bob Moote’s rink. President Dave Gourlay conducted the meeting, and outlined the coming year’s program. The budget estimate for the year is $2,800. More meetings will be held during the afternoons, as opposed to the evenings. The President also reported on a possible Greens Chairman/Superintendent day, and a Pro/Super- intendent Day. During the general discussion, the President asked for comment on setting up an O.G.S.A. Consul- tant Service. The Pros and Cons of snowmobiles were discussed, with Ken McKee of the Toronto Star present to hear the Superintendents view. Thirty-three members attended the meeting. NOTE: It has come to our attention that some confusion seems to exist regarding our Association and the C.G.S.A., the G.C.S.A.A., and the Greenmaster. To clarify this, we wish to state that the Ontario Golf Superintendents Association is a Chapter of the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association, as well as the Golf Course Superinten- dents Association of America. We collect our own yearly dues which are $15.00 for superintendents and $25.00 for associates. C.G.S.A. collects theirs which is $15.00 and likewise G.C.S.A.A., which is $50. The Greenmaster is the official publication of C.G.S.A. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING December 12th, 1967 President Bob Moote summarized on the events of the year 1967. "1967 was a yeat all Canadians may justly look back upon with pride", he said. Our Association became stronger by increasing the membership to 185. Your president had the honor of representing you ar the large O.G.A. centennial banquet at the Royal York Hotel, where the late Stanley Thomson was honoured. We were elated when our immediate past President Keith Nisbet was elected director of the O.G.S.A.A. Our Association feels proud to be the chapter of the G.C.S.A.A., and also a chapter of the new Canadian Golf Superintendents Association. United we stand, divided we fall. One of the highlights of the year was our first Symposium - the subject being "Winter Injury on Turf". Dr. James Beard, C.E. Robinson, Charlie Wilson, Jim Latham, plus many of our own superintendents took an active part. Eddie Creed, Oakdale Golf Club Greens Chairman climaxed the day, at the banquet in the evening he spoke on the relationships between the Green* Superintendent and the Greens Chairman. This meeting was well attended, and we hope it will turn into an annual event. It has been an honour and a privilege to have been your president for 1967 - and I wish every success to the incoming President, and Board of Directors. EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCES INTERNATIONAL SHADE TREE CONFERENCE - February 22nd & 23rd at RoyaI York HoteI, Toronto. G.C.S.A.A. TURF CONFERENCE AND SHOW - February 19th - 23rd at San Francisco NATIONAL TURFGRASS CONFERENCE - March 18th, 19th & 20th at Sky Iine Hotel, Toronto. ATLANTIC PROVINCES SPORTS TURFGRASS CONFERENCE - March 25th Moncton, New Brunswick. BILL FORRESTER recently retired from twenty odd years at Weston Golf Club, was made an Honorary Member of the ONTARIO GOLF SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION. We hope to see Bill at many more meetings for all the advice he can give from his wealth of knowledge. We mourn the loss of JAMES HICKMAN Chartered Member of The ONTARIO GOLF SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION who passed away in London, Ontario recently. YOUR 1968 EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: David Gourlay VICE-PRESIDENT: A.V. Jones SECRETARY: William Hynd TREASURER: Edward J. Charman DIRECTORS: Past President Robert F. Moote John Arends John Grightmire Douglas Suter Bernard MacDonald Tom Unsworth Herbert Creed Editorial Committee: D. Gourlay D. Suter W. Hynd J. Arends R. Moote Ontario Golf Superintendents Association 31 DIANA DRIVE. DOWNSVIEW. ONTARIO OGSA PHONE 416-633-1591