VOLUME XXII. PART I. JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2006 NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION Hard work by the 2006 Lake City Community College Endowment Committee pays off in a successful 2005 event at WCI's Pelican Preserve GC. From left: Mitch Miller, Odell Spainhour, Roy Bates, Scott Hamm, Scott Zakany, Celeste Langer, John Johnson and Mike Smith. Upcoming Events Jan. 16 18 th Annual CFGCSA Research Tournament, Interlachen GC Mar. 6 Jan. 17 Treasure Coast GCS A meeting, Evergreen GC Mar. 13 Jan. 25 Seven Rivers GCS A chapter meeting, Royal Oaks GC Mar. 23 Jan. 25 Palm Beach GCS A chapter meeting, CC @ Boca Raton Mar. 25 Feb. 6 Golf Industry Show, Atlanta Apr. 6 Feb. 9 FGCS A Reception, Hard Rock Cafe, Atlanta Apr. 10 Feb. 20 CFGCSA Supt/Vendor, TuscawillaGC -11 Ridge Invitational, The Club at Eaglebrooke April 17 Tentative Date for Seven Rivers GCS A Envirotron North Florida Research Tournament, Pablo Creek CC FTGA Regional Turf Conferences: Mike Richards Tournament, Jacksonville G&CC Contact the FTGA at 800-882-6721 if you have not received a registration form for the Conference in your area or register online at www.ftga.org. Jan. 10: Camp Downs, Orlando SFGCSA Exposition and Field Jan. 11: St. Lawrence Parish, (Higgins Hall), Tampa Day, UF Fort Lauderdale REC Jan. 17: PolishAmerican Club, Lake Worth Jan. 18: Tree Tops Park, Davie Everglades GCS A event, Jan. 19: Germain Arena, Estero Naples Princess Jan. 25: Duval County Extension Office, Jacksonville Everglades Spring Sympo Jan. 31: UF/PJC Campus, Milton sium, Naples Beach Club President's Message President's Message Craig Weyandt In December I attended the joint chapter meeting of the Treasure Coast GCSA and the Palm Beach GCSA at the Jupiter Island Club. The host was Rob Kloska and the guest speakers were Joel Jackson, CGCS (Director of Communications FGCSA) and GCSA Director Bob Randquist, CGCS (Boca Rio Golf Club). I really appreciate Rob for hosting yet another meeting. I have lost count on how many he has hosted. If you have never hosted a meeting, get involved and make this the year. Not only will you benefitfromthe experience but I'm sure your members will appreciate sharing their facility with other turf professionals. Bob Randquist spoke first about PDI (Professional Development Initiative). Bob was very helpful in explaining PDI to everyone. He said that the majority of superintendents have been working on retaining their Class A membership but there are some that have done nothing. The first group of superintendents to go though this process will be come due July 1, of 2006. This first group will need only 3 points to maintain their Class A membership. If the points are not achieved their membership classification will then be changed to SM which is superintendent member. All you have to do to see when you need your points and how many is to log onto the GCSAA website (www.gcsaa.org) and look under My Member Central. My deadline is July 2007 and I will need to have 4 points. Bob explained just by going to the GIS you earn 1.5 education units. As you can see it is not that hard Craig Weyandt to maintain your Class A membership but the responsibility relies on you. especially when mixing small quantities. have all seen phosphorus in the Joel spoke on the hot topics of MSMA We and on television with and Phosphorus. The EPAis conducting newspapers agriculture taking the major blame. Well its required review of MSMA and is in guess what category fall under? the re-registration process now. I know Please make sure that ifwephosphorus I use it on crabgrass and tropical in your blend that you really need it.is Signalgrass every summer. We don't Base your decision on a good soil test, want to lose this very effective product not just because you have always done so make sure that you follow the label, it that way. Like Joel says, "We all have to not only talk the talk... but walk the walk." GREEN SHEE Editor: Joel Jackson, CGCS (407) 248-1971 (fax/phone) e-mail: FLGrn@aol.com News Coordinator: Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 NW Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (772) 692-9349 (772) 692-9654 (fax) (800) 732-6053 (Florida Wats) e-mail: fgcsal23@bellsouth.net The Green Sheet is a bimonthly FGCS A newsletter printed as follows: Jan/Feb, March/ April, May/June, July/August, Sept/October, November/December. Financial Support: This issue of the Green Sheet is being sponsored by: Golf Ventures 2101E Edgewood Drive Lakeland, FL 33803 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 All material submitted for printing will be edited at the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. Photos are encouraged. Items must be for the good of the association. Deadline next issue: February 15. FGCSA Board Meeting to be held January 20th The Florida GCSA Winter Board Meeting will be held on Friday, January 20th at Grand Cypress Villas Clubhouse in Orlando. All Officers and External Vice Presidents are urged to attend or be sure that an appropriate substitute will represent your chapter at the meeting. We will be asking for volunteers to work at the Atlanta Reception front table as well as at the Benevolent Fund raffle table. Director of Communications Report What's Up D.O.C.? by Joel Jackson No, you're not experiencing déjà vu. MSMA really is still in the news and the lead off report under government relations. The sinister sensational usage of arsenic and the fear factor surrounding this naturally occurring element is irresistible to the media. 1. Government Relations: MSMA (Arsenic) The Naples News ran another arsenic/golf course story on Sunday, December 11 . One significant fact that was missing is the parts per billion and parts per million distinctions between water and soil concentrations and health effects. Printing 6300 parts per billion sounds infinitely more severe than .63 parts per million, and ppm is the yardstick for soil contamination. Oddly enough samples collected at a local public park yields high arsenic levels in locations where MSMA has not reportedly been applied. They use reclaimed water for irrigation and are next door to a "golf course," hence assumptions flow faster than the facts. th should be dampfromdew or a light irrigation syringing. I would think a small sprayer with water would work. Initially it is labor intensive, but Benedict reports an 80% control rate. He says the 419 blades do fold and roll but bounce back quickly. He has also used the bicarbonate on patches on greens adjacent to collars with similar results. Several clubs have stopped using it due to bank loan requirements and under duressfromlocal officials due to high arsenic levels, regardless of the true source. Methyl Bromide - Follow up on our Critical Use Exemption Applications - Part 2. A call to Drs. Haydu and Hodges who did our Golf Economic Impact Study yields no data that could be used to identify and substantiate a "significant market disruption" if methyl bromide was not available for golf course use. That litmus test is one of the key issues in the application. Anecdotal evidence of lawsuits over contaminated grasses, possible lost revenue from delayed openings, possible increased pesticide and fertilizer costs during grow-in are hard to quantify and apply across the whole industry. Subjective turf quality judgments and possible related superintendent terminations exist already and we still have methyl bromide. The same is true with competition for customers in the current market. I received a call from EPA last week as they are in the re-registration process for MSMA. I was asked what would be the affect of banning MSMA from use on greens. Consensus among your peers is that it would not be a big deal in the total scheme I would argue that the pre-plant fumigation with MeBr is safer environmentally in terms of things. of worker safety; effectiveness and the 1 urge you to continue to monitor and reduce reduction of "possible" increased use of your use of MSMA and document that conventional pesticides during grow-in, but reduction in your records and in written those observations do not fit the question statements like your environmental plan.For of "significant market disruption." People those who suffer with Tropical Signalgrass, will still play golf. John Foy reports that Carl Benedict at Orange County National GC has taken out Phosphorus: Included in Governor Bush's signalgrass with three applications of plan for the restoration of the Lake sodium bicarbonate. Carl reports that a single Okeechobee Watershed Basin is a reduction application of sodium bicarbonate (in the in the use of phosphorus in agriculture and form of baking soda) will turn the plant bright urban fertilizers. As often happens, the orange in 24 hours. On days 2, 3 & 4 the political policy makers at first said "zero" plant turns brown and melts out. Sometimes phosphorus, but after some factual input 2 or 3 applications may be necessary because from the Florida Fertilizer & Agrichemical it is critical to coat every blade with the fine Association, the terminology was changed powder. Missed areas will stay green. to "low" phosphorus use. How low can you Benedict says after first buying small boxes go? Well that will remain the $64,000 dollar off the shelf, he went through his F&B question. Suffice it to say that each manager and purchased large drums from stakeholder group will have to take a look at SYSCO. Benedict also says the weeds how much and when P is applied. Our northern cousins had to battle a ban on P in landscape and golf course use and a compromise was reached by having superintendents attend a one-day training session to become "certified" in applying fertilizers. My suggestion is that you take a hard look and your nutrition programs and make sure you can justify your current use of P. Is it out of habit and former successful programs or out of a definite scientific need for the amounts you are using, or can you cut back and still achieve the same results? Have you tried or experimented on some test plots? You might want to start checking now. I'm sure we will be involved in setting some workable limits in the near future and we will need your input. Our major fertilizer companies attended the first FFAA meeting on this subject and have pledged to cooperate, so the initiative is in motion. 2. Allied Associations: FTGA: You will probably hear this message or a similar version from other sources, but I may be scooping the FTGA with this short report. I attended a recent FTGA board meeting in Orlando and the good news continues to grow as financial stability has been achieved. A reserve funds account, a key operational factor for non-profit groups, has been established and is well on its way to meeting it's 50% of operating costs goal. Turf research funding is strong and several projects the FGCSA is backing have been approved for joint funding with the FTGA in addition to several of FTGA's own projects approved for the benefit of all turf industry sectors GCSAA: Next year on July 1 , just about seven months from now, the first group of Class A superintendents hit the deadline for renewal of their Class A status. This first group needed to earn 3 points to remain a Class A. All the points can be education, but a minimum of 1.2 points need to be GCSAA approved education. This includes local meeting education, regional seminars, college courses, GCSAA web casts and online education. Service points include meeting attendance even if it only a golf outing, community or church service, association service on committees or ....Continued on the top of page 6 st Minutes of FGCS A Fall Board Meeting The rescheduled Fall 2005 meeting of the FGCS A Board of Directors was called to order by President Craig Weyandt at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, November 11th at the Omni hotel in Champions Gate. Due to the Hurricane Wilma, Craig Weyandt and Greg Kriesch were the only officers present. The other two officers and many of our Externals were unable to attend. Not represented were Central Florida, Everglades and Palm Beach chapters. Others attending the meeting were Joel Jackson - Florida Green editor; Bobby Ellis, GCSat Champions Gate; Bruce Witt, instructor at Lake City CC; and Marie Roberts. Greg Kriesch presented the minutes from the Summer Meeting which were then approved. STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEES: Craig Weyandt, Chairman of the Infrastructure Committee reported that he is in need of an additional board member on his committee. Anyone interested in helping out with this project is urged to call him. Since everyone is so busy right now, Craig asked that all SPC Chairmen have a meeting with their Committee members (either by e-mail or in person) before the Winter Meeting to create an outline of the goals of their Committee. AUDUBON CONSERVATION COUNTRY CLUB: Craig presented a letter from Kevin Fletcher, Audubon International, asking that the FGCS A make a $1,000 contribution for 2005-2006 as we did last year. After a discussion, a motion was made and approved to continue our support of the Audubon Conservation CC by sending a $1,000 check. Craig then introduced Bruce Witt, instructor at Lake City CC, who presented an outline of a research project he is planning that deals with the management of multi cultural staffs. By completing an extensive survey over the summer months, Bruce plans to develop an educational program on this subject that could be presented to FGCS A chapters with GCSAA education points. He also plans to publicize the results in a Florida Green article. The FTGA has pledged 50% of his budget and the CMAA is planning to donate 25% to the project which leaves the remaining 25% ($3,500) for the FGCS A. After Bruce finished his presentation and de- parted, a motion was made and approved to A motion was made to approve all four of these proposals for submission to the support the project for $3,500. GCSAA for co-funding. The motion was FINANCIAL REPORTS: The First Quarter approved. Craig then reminded all Externals financial statements were explained by Greg that their chapter should write a letter of supKriesch and approved. The Morgan Stanley port and send it to the GCSAA before the Account has now increased to $168,000 with November 29th deadline. If anyone needs help writing their letters, please contact Craig the Bank Reserve Account at $56,000. or Joel. Craig emphasized that these Letters RESEARCH: Craig explained that the rea- of Support carry a lot of weight with the son we were having this Fall board meeting GCSAA committee members so again urged even though several board members were all chapters to do their part in supporting unable to attend is because we are in a time these University of Florida researchers. crunch with the GCSAA Call for Research Proposals deadline coming up within the next D.O.C. REPORT: Joel discussed the week, November 17th. Letters of support progress of the MSMA (arsenic) situation from each chapter must be sent to the GCSAA and noted that superintendents need to reby November 29th. Since the FGCS A would evaluate their use and need for MSMA since like to fund some relevant research projects we are in a no win situation at present. this year, we want to submit them to the GCSAA for co-funding before the deadline. He then discussed his reaction to the negaHe also noted that even if the projects do tive reply from the EPA regarding our Critinot receive co-funding, he asked the board cal Use Exemption Application. He has conto be prepared to fund the projects on our tacted Dr. Unruh and Steve Godbehere from own even if the GCSAA turns them down. Hendrix and Dail and discussed their answers to the EPAs questions. Joel will conA discussion was held concerning the 18 tinue to communicate with the EPA. grant proposals that were submitted to the FTGA Research Foundation by our Univer- Joel reported on the slow progress of the sity of Florida researchers. Each chapter BMP manual and fears it may still be a year External was asked to rank their top three before it is published. choices and discussions were held on the pros and cons of each of their top propos- Joel then discussed the recent GCSAA Votals. The results of this discussion, resulted ing Delegate meeting. With the first group in the following four proposals being ap- of superintendents up for renewal, it seems proved by the FGCS A for submission to the that although many Florida superintendents GCSAA for co-funding. The proposals that have made progress on their PDI, few have were rated highest were: actually taken the time to go on-line to record the points they have earned this year. Mark (1) "Evaluation of Soil Moisture and Evapo- Kann asked how a non-affiliated chapter transpiration Irrigation Control to Reduce such as Seven Rivers or the Ridge, can sponTurfgrass Irrigation Water Use," submitted sor a GCSAA education program at their by M. Dukes and G Miller. Grant request is chapter meeting. Joel will contact GCSAA and pass the information on. Other items dis$11,500 for a two year project. cussed at the Delegates meeting were the (2) "Field Evaluation of Bioherbicidal Con- honorariums that are presented to GCSAA trol of Tropical Signalgrass," submitted by Board Members and Past Presidents. C. Stiles andR. Charudattan. Grant request is $23,094 for a two year project. PUBLICATIONS: Joel reported that both the Fall issue of the Florida Green, the No(3) "The Billbug Species Complex, Season- vember/December Green Sheet and the 2006 ality, and Management in Florida", submit- Membership Directory have not been printed ted by E. Buss. Grant request is $13,900. as yet due to the hurricanes. The Florida Green should be mailed within the next two (4) "Root-Knot Nematodes on Turf in weeks and the Green Sheet should go out Florida," submitted by W. Crow. Grant re- early next week but the Directory will probably not be ready for shipping until the end quest is $20,800 for a two year study. Minutes of FGCSA Fall Board Meeting of November, at best. Marie Roberts re- Boynton Beach on September 29th. The the headquarter hotels and will continue the ported that again this year, we have secured seminar was very well received by the 35 tradition of being the best chapter reception a few more advertisers for the Directory. assistants attending the presentation. at the GCSAA. We will again have a drawing to support the FGCSA Benevolent Fund. AWARDS: Chairman Greg Kriesch asked The Poa seminar will be a GCS AA SLS co- At the Winter Board Meeting, we will be Externals to submit their chapter's nomina- sponsored program to be held on Friday asking for volunteers to man the raffle table tions for the 2006 FGCSA Distinguished Ser- morning, May 5th, 2006 at the Naples Beach vice Award by the Winter meeting (some- Hotel. The speaker will be Bree Hayes with It was reported that Gene Stys, GCS at Intime in late January). This will allow the a $50.00 seminar fee. dian River Colony whose daughter is sufferofficers to select the candidate immediately ing from a serious brain tumor requiring agafter the Winter meeting so that the presen- MEMBERSHIP: Chairman Jim Walker re- gressive treatment, has received financial tation can be made at the Presidents Dinner ported that the cut-off date to be listed in help from GCSAA as well as help from the during the Poa Weekend in May. the FGCSA Membership Directory was Sep- Central Florida GCSAA. It was noted that tember 5th. All chapters were reminded to the FGCSA needs to establish written GuideChapters are also encouraged to nominate continue sending the names of new mem- lines for Requesting Funds from the FGCSA Benevolent Fund. Suggested Guidelines one of their chapter members for a Lifetime bers in to the FGCSA office. will be presented by the Fund Raising ComAchievement Award. These awards are to acknowledge one of your long-time super- GOLF: This year's FGCSA Tournament mittee at the Winter Board Meeting. intendent members (20 years in the turfgrass was held at Southern Dunes with Bob industry) who has contributed his time gen- Boyan, Assistant at Tuscawilla GC, taking HURRICANE RELIEF: Craig discussed the erously to the betterment of your chapter. the low gros s honors. The team from S outh GCSAA Relief Program and noted that sevFGCSA will have a plaque made for your Florida won the event with Jason Bagwell, eral FGCSA chapters have made a contribuchapter to present and the nominee will re- Seth Strickland, Kelly Cragin, Bob Harper and tion to that fund. He also mentioned that Joe Pantaleo representing South Florida. ceive a write up in the Florida Green. some Florida chapters have started their own Hurricane Relief Fund targeted towards mainBYLAWS: Mark Kann discussed the pos- Members of the Florida team playing in the tenance crew personnel who work at a sibility of a ByLaw Amendment to change 2006 GCSAA Championship will be Bob member's golf club. ARTICLE I. Section 2 of our ByLaws to re- Boyan, Steve Bernard (Crowfoot Open winstate the purpose of the FGCSA to be more ner), Stephen Fox (Poa Classic winner), and NEW BUSINESS: Mike McCullough prein line with what was discussed at our May Bob Harper, low average. sented a brochure from the Florida Adaptive Strategic Planning Meeting. The change is Golf program that provides training and supactually very slight but Section 2 would be FTGA: As everyone knows, the FTGA port for physically challenged persons who restated to: "The mission of the Florida Golf Show this year was a great success with lots wish to play golf. When it became unclear Course Superintendents Association is to of relevant and interesting educational semi- exactly what type of help the program was promote the golf course management pro- nars and and good time had by all. The seeking, no motion was made. fession and to unify golf course superinten- Show returns to the same location next year. dents in Florida." In addition we willbe sure WINTER BOARD MEETING: The Winter that the Class B member is changed to Su- GCSAA RECEPTION: The 2006 Florida Board Meeting was tentatively set for Friperintendent Member in all parts of the By reception will be held at a restaurant in the day, January 20th or Friday, January 27th, Laws as well as our SOP Manual. downtown Atlanta area. The reception will at a golf course in the Central Florida area. be held Thursday, February 9th,. It is According to our ByLaws, this amendment planned to be in walking distance to some of The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. must be submitted to the Executive Committee 90 days prior to the board meeting and also presented to the membership thirty (30) days prior to that meeting. Since there is CFGCS A President not enough time to submit this amendment Chris Cartin, and at the Winter Board Meeting, our target will CFTESTA President be the Spring Board Meeting. This means Pat Ray preside at a that the amendment needs to be printed in joint meeting of local the January/February issue of the Green superintendents and Sheet which will fulfill both the 90 days and turf technicians at the 30 day requirement. Marie Roberts and Metro West GC. Mark Kann will work together on this to be included in the January Green Sheet. EDUCATION: The rescheduled Assistants Seminar was held at Quail Ridge CC in USGA Regional Conference Continuation of D.O.C. column frompg. 3 boards, writing articles for newsletters or magazines, and more. If you take a couple of seminars in Atlanta you'll be done. If you attended two or more GIS Conferences the last three years, you're done. Just make sure you and GCS AA are on the same page and contact Scott Woodhead at GCSAA (800) 472-7878 and go over your transcript online at GCSAA (www.gcsaa.org) to make sure all the things you have attended have been logged in. Just doing the PDR (Professional Development Resource - a self evaluation of your skills and professional development needs) earns points...it is your responsibility to check, even if the chapter volunteered to do it. Stuff happens and you are ultimately the person responsible for your own career. Right? GCSAA Member Voting: If you want to have a say in the governance of the GCSAA, you have three choices: (1) If you have not already assigned your voting proxy to your local chapter or the FGCSA, you can show up at the annual meeting in Atlanta and cast your vote; (2) Assign your proxy to your local chapter or (3) Assign it to the FGCSA. USGA Regional Turf Conference in Palm Beach Gardens Todd Lowe, USGA Agronomist (left) goes over Power Point procedures with speakers John Cunningham, CGCS of Black Diamond Ranch and Tim Hiers, CGCSfromthe Old Collier GC at the USGA Conference. Lowe spoke on Effective Written Maintenance Standards; Cunningham discussed how his club enacted a "No Shade" policy; and Hiers talked about making the maintenance complex into an asset. I just received the roster of all Florida GCS A members and many are represented by their chapter or the FGCSA, but a significant number of you are still listed as independent. All fine and good, but unless you stand in line at the polling booths and actually participate in the voting process in Atlanta your vote is wasted. I can tell you from attending several of the Annual Meetings, that the number of solo, independent voters in the lines is very few. Please consider assigning your voting proxy to the FGCSA or local chapter so that your vote can be cast on the issues. Call Marie Roberts (800) 732-6053 for information on how to get your proxy assigned. 3. Education: In light of the above reminder on PDI and Class A, be aware there are a number of GCSAA educational web casts online between now and the deadline. These are relatively inexpensive ($25-$30) and require no travel. Also coming up are the annual FTGA Regional Seminars in January and February. Go back and review the local chapter meetings you attended and make sure you receive the education and/or service points to which you are entitled. Pat O'Brien, USGA Agronomist from the Southeast Region, Lee Bloomcamp from Syngenta and John Mascaro of TurfTec International were among the speakers at the USGA Regional Conference. O'Brien discussed new technology in drainage projects; Bloomcamp talked about the rumors and reality of pesticide resistance; and Mascaro presented a new edition of the Photo Quiz pictures initiated by his father, Tom Mascaro. GCSAA Updates Newly Certified Members 2006 Florida GCSA Reception — Thursday, February 9th Congratulations to the following three Florida superintendents who completed the GCSAA Certification process in November. Kvle Nvgaard, CGCS. Everglades Chapter: Kyle grew up in Minnesota and received his Horticulture and Turf degree from North Dakota State. He moved to Florida in 1994 to work as foreman at Vineyards CC. Three years later he accepted the position of Assistant Superintendent at Royal Wood G&CC in Naples. In 2000, Kyle was promoted to Superintendent. Kyle is an active member of the Everglades GCS A. He is married to Allison who is expecting their first child in March. Lynn Davis, CGCS, North Florida Chapter: Lynn is one of our superintendents who has been interested in golf since his teenage years when he had a part time lawn care and irrigation business. He graduated from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) in 1995 with an Associates degree in Environmental Horticulture. After graduation, he took a position at a private club in his home town of Albany, GA. He later tried his hand at sports turf management but decided golf turf was more enjoyable. He worked for Emerald Pointe at Lake Lanier Islands and credits Bill Knox, Director of Golf for helping him along the way. His first Florida job was as Superintendent at Palm Harbor GC and then on to Cypress Knoll. After two years, he became superintendent at the City of Palatka and just recently has added the roll of General Manager. He enjoys spending his free time with his wife, Suzy, who is the Director of Parks and Recreation for the county and his 4 year old daughter, Megan. Kevin Frost CGCS. South Florida Chapter: Kevin began his career at Gasparilla Inn GC in Boca Grande and at Gator Creek GC in Sarasota before attending college. While attending Lake City CC he worked at Laurel Oak CC until he received his degree in 1996. Kevin became Assistant Supt. at Cypress Links GC in Jupiter for one year. From that beginning he went on to be superintendent at PGA National in Palm Beach Gardens; Indian River Club in Vero Beach and then on to Troon Golf first at Westin Innisbrook Resort in Palm Harbor. Since 2003 he has held the superintendent's position at The Diplomat in Hallandale Beach. Kevin is married to Christine and they have 2 children, Alex and Autumn. The FGCS A will hold its annual Reception on Thursday night, February 9th at the Hard Rock Cafe, 215 NE Peachtree St. in Atlanta from 7:00 p.m-10:00 p.m. Invitations will be mailed to all FGCS A members in January. Reception Chairman Paul Crawford promises that the Atlanta reception will continue the tradition of being the best chapter reception at the GCSAA Convention. Mark your calendar now! Even if you are not going to the Show, there is still time for any affiliate to be listed as a sponsor at the reception. We sincerely appreciate the support of all our sponsors. Those companies who have already committed to the reception are: Level I. Platinum Sponsors Bayer Environmental Science Dow AgroSciences Florida Toro Distributors - Hector, Wesco Turf,Wesco Turf Supply Golf Ventures Industries Harreirs Fertilizer and Polyon John Deere One Source - Coastal Equipment Kilpatrick Turf Equipment and Boynton Pump & Irrigation Show Turf - John Deere Golf and Turf One Source Syngenta Professional Products Level II. Gold Sponsors Club Car Country Club Services Greensmiths, Inc. N-Control LESCO Quality Grassing & Services Southeast Partners/TMI Level III. Silver Sponsors BASF C. R. Sanders Disbrow Enterprises Dupont Professional Products Florida Superior Sand Flowtronex Go-For Products Gro-ProLLC Hendrix and Dail Independent Turf Partners Laserturf S.E. MacCurrach Golf Construction Precision Small Engine Pro Plus/Sandtrapper Total Golf Construction Valent U.S.A. Level IV. Bronze Sponsors Almar Turf Products Aerification Plus Becker Underwood Florida Potting Soil Golf Agronomics GREENZKEEPER Hamilton Grading & Grassing Parkway Research Precision Laboratories Purdy Construction South Florida Tractor Tom Burrows Turfgrass Turf Seed, Inc. Upstart Products Special thanks to the FGCSA Chapters who have generously contributed to the reception. NOTE: It is not too late for any affiliate to be acknowledged as a sponsor of the reception. Please call the FGCSA office at 1-800-732-6053 to sign up as a Reception Sponsor. GOLF VENTURES A Meadowbrook Company Lakeland Fort Myers Jupiter 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 NEW PRODUCTS FROM GOLF VENTURES Go\f Ventures now has two new products lines to offer you, Smithco Products and Buffalo Blowers. Call your territory manager today for more details on these new lines. 1-800-330-8874 Florida Superintendents Head to Atlanta for GIS