VOLUME XXIV, PART II, MARCH/APRIL 2008 NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION Two Big Winners at the Golf Industry Show in Orlando Left: Marie Roberts with Matt Taylor (left) and Paul Crawford at her "semi-retirement" celebration at the FGCSA Reception in Orlando. Marie is stepping down as Association Manager after 24 years of service. She will continue to work with the Palm Beach and South Florida chapters. Right: Seth Strickland, Superintendent of the Miami Shores C.C. won his second GCSAA National Golf Championship by dominating the field at the Tom Watson Independence Course at the Reunion Resort. Strickland shot three consecutive 68's to lap the field. His nearest competitor finished 16 shots behind. Upcoming Events March 10 - North Florida GCSA Research Tournament at Pablo Creek Tuscawilla Country Club March 10 - Florida GCSA Spring Regulator Tour, Old Collier Golf Club March 31 - Suncoast GCSA Scramble, Laurel Oak Country Club April 21 - Seven Rivers GCSA Jeff Hayden Envirotron Classic, World Woods Golf Club March 11 - Coastal Plains GCSA Chapter Meeting, Seminole Golf Course April 3 - South Florida GCSA Turf Expo, Fort Lauderdale IFAS May 8 - FGCSA Board Meeting and Past President's Dinner March 20 - Seven Rivers GCSA Board Meeting, West End Golf Club April 14 - North Florida GCSA Memorial Tournament, Jacksonville Golf & Country Club May 9 - GCSAA Leadership Seminar, Naples Beach Hotel and GC, Naples. th th th th March 26 - West Coast GCSA Monthly Meeting, Largo th March 31 - Central Florida GCSA Duane Camps Superintendent/Vendor Shootout, st st rd th April 16 GCSAA Regional Seminar, Central Florida th April 17 - Everglade GCSA Spring th Symposium, Naples Beach Hotel and GC st th th May 10-12- Poa Annua Classic, Naples Beach Hotel and GC, Naples May 19 - Central Florida GCSA Chapter Championship, Isleworth Golf and CC th l President's Message President's Message By Matt Taylor, CGCS she went. Knowing that next year she will be on her own, we have full confidence that the reception in New Orleans will be If you did not attend the FGCSA reception excellent. at the GIS show in Orlando, you missed a great event. Marie Roberts is now Greg Pheneger' wife Gail created a officially retired from active duty for the Powerpoint slide show highlighting FGCSA, but she will remain on as chapter Marie's life using a collection of family administrative assistant for a few of the and association photos. The slideshow ran East Coast chapters. All members of the after toasting, tributes and even some FGCSA owe Marie a debt of gratitude for poetry from past presidents Tom Burrows, her years of service to us. Our first matt Taylor for Tim Hiers, Paul Crawford, FGCSA President Tim Hiers, CGCS said Greg Phenegr and Joel Jackson. it best "Marie was the face of the FGCSA.". Thanks again Marie. We In order to have successful events like our reception in Orlando it takes planning, couldn't have done it without you. preparation and funding. Thank you very Behind every event are many individuals much to all the vendors who gave so who work very hard to make sure things generously to make this event a very go well. Paul Crawford came out of special evening. Without your financial retirement for this event as Reception support it would be impossible to hold an Chairman and once again did a event like this. tremendous job on the event. Marie was his partner in crime securing sponsorships Jim Becker with EPIC communications filmed the mini reception for Marie and for the event, and both did a great job. will send her copies on DVD at no charge Many of you also got to meet Jennifer to the FGCSA. Thank you also to all of Innes our new Association Manager at the the other board member volunteers who registration table this year. She performed participate in this event at the registration very well under the pressure of learning as table and Benevolent Fund table to make it GREEN SHEET Editor: Joel Jackson, CGCS (407) 248-1971 (fax/phone) E -mail: FLGrn@aol.com News Coordinator: Jennifer Innes 1296 NE Oceanview Cir. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 (772)334-7515 (772) 334-6015 e-mail: fgcsa@comcast.net The Green Sheet is a bimonthly FGCSA Newsletter printed as follows: Jan/Feb, March/April, May/June, July/August, Sept./October, November/December. 2 Financial Support: This issue of the Green Sheet is being sponsored by: Golf Ventures 5101 Gateway Blvd., Suite 18 Lakeland, FL 33811-2704 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 All material submitted for printing will be edited at the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. Photos are encouraged. Items must be for the good of the association. Deadline next issue April 15. Matt Taylor so successful each year. Lastly, thank you to all of the FGCSA local chapters who donated to Marie's retirement present, an all expense paid trip for two to Las Vegas. We didn't have to stretch to come up with a trip to Vegas, it's one - of Mane's favorites vacation spots. Thank you to Butch Gill and Roy Bates for helping with the arrangements at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. These next few months for most are the busiest of the year. It seems like each week there is an event happening. You can read more about what is going on across the state in Joel Jackson's update. As if we did not have enough to deal with, the current water restrictions are really making things much harder. Down here in sunny South Florida we are still under Phase III restrictions with South Florida Water Management District. The five chapters that are regulated by SFWMD have banded together in an effort to work together and vocalize a consistent message. We hope that our collective message will be heard clearer than each chapter trying to work on its own. ...continued on page 4 Executive Director Report Executive Director Report By Joel Jackson, GCCS 1. Government Relations Report: State Fertilizer Rule: The Florida Senate Agriculture Committee will hear the recommendations from the Consumer Fertilizer Task Force for a Statewide Consumer Fertilizer Rule on February 21 . Task Force Chairman Andy Rackley from the Department of Agriculture will give the report. st Local Fertilizer Ordinances: Jacksonville/Duval County just released its final draft of their fertilizer ordinance. The section pertaining to golf courses states that the application of fertilizers will be governed by the Golf BMP Manual. So once again if you are in Duval County you must abide by the limits set in the BMP manual and you must provide soil and/or tissue tests to exceed those amounts. Water Conservation Task Group has begun fine tuning and editing the document to be submitted to the Board of Governors in April. We have two more meetings February 28 and March 28 . In the first rough draft version where we could submit suggested changes or provide guiding information to the district staff as they edit the text, I brought up the economic factors and water use and management practices. I also stressed that golf and/or turfgrasses should not be singled out or demonized. They have a role to play in the urban environment. It is the ignorant irrigation practices of the general public that wastes the most water. th th Methyl Bromide: A grass roots campaign will be announced and rolled out soon for all stakeholders to write and lobby Congress to get EPA in line with the Montreal Accord and to give turfgrass consideration for a Critical Use Exemption as we wait and hope for sensible effective Water Restrictions: The five chapters alternatives to emerge. affected by the South Florida Drought Phase 3 restrictions have united and held MSMA: In my last report I said MSMA meetings with Water Consultant Bruce was done per the grape vine. Evidently the Adams and subsequently with the fat lady choked on a chicken bone and SFWMD staff. Matt Taylor, CGCS as couldn't finish singing the farewell song. president of the FGCSA has submitted a The MAATF Task Force has threatened to formal letter to the district requesting that sue EPA for violating FIFRA and FQPA the current restriction allocation methods risk assessment guidelines which be revised and that in light of our efficient incorrectly filled up the Organic Arsenical water management, low water use risk cup. Stay tuned. compared to other groups and the potential devastating effect to conduct competitive 2. Allied Associations: UF/IFAS: The business under the current restrictions that much ballyhooed budget cuts, a product of a new range of percentages be adopted, revenue shortfall, or whatever, became a returning back to the original 10-20-30% center stage issue as the President of the reductions for Phases 1-2-3. University, Dr. Bernhard Machen, was quoted (or misquoted according to him) as Additionally, the contract with the Water saying that "agriculture in Florida is a Consultant has been re-written to reflect dying industry" and that IFAS would the Florida GCSA as being the contractor likely take a disproportionate share of the instead of just the EGCSA. It makes sense $50 million dollar budget cut assigned to for unity and political impact purposes to UF. do so. Only chapters using the services of the consultant will pay their share of the Needless to say, hard core agriculture fees. commodity groups in Florida are in an uproar. As much as we depend on IFAS Water Conservation: The SFWMD for turfgrass research, there are a multitude of services and programs conducted by IFAS which touch the lives of all Floridians, from the county extension, 4-H, health and nutrition, and of course the multitude of common agriculture from cattle, dairy, poultry, fruits, vegetables, turf and ornamental, floriculture, equine, foliage, nurseries, aquaculture, etc, certainly not dying away. Blueberries were just introduced after a new Florida-friendly variety was developed. The point is that pressure is being brought to bear on Dr. Machen and the Board of Trustee to be very careful how he assigns the budget cuts. An action kit suggested by the Florida Farm Bureau has been emailed to your local chapter president and external vice president. You can also request one from me. Basically once again it is up to the end user and stakeholder to fight for what is important and critical for survival. And once again people in high places have lost touch with the land and the people on it. Dr. Machen says he wants UF to become one of the top ten research universities in the U.S. What I think he means is he wants faculty to recruit large research endowments for the school so that big dollars are feeding the bottom line. UF/IFAS does lots of renowned research, but a $40,000, 2year turf project probably isn't noteworthy in his scheme of things. Maybe I'm off base. But the bottom line is that several hundred faculty positions are on the line as well as the county extension system. GCSAA: The 4 segment of Golf Course Profile series of survey is underway. This one deals with Pesticide Use. It will run until March 15. That means you have one month to participate. I cannot urge you strongly enough to submit your information. The previous surveys on fertilizer and water use are giving us a solid baseline th 3 Executive Director's Report of data to measure our stewardship and progress. We need the pesticide data to complete this first round picture of where we are in our turf management practices. Please go to www.gcsaa.org and link up to the Pesticide survey. It is important. FGCSA Officers Shane Bass, CGCS Vice President and Bill Kistler, Secretary/Treasurer will be joining Association Manager Jennifer Innes in attending the annual Chapter Leaders and Executives Meeting at GCSAA headquarters in Lawrence, KS. This day and a half meeting helps both volunteer chapter officers and paid staffs learn the latest techniques in association management, current issue facing associations and how to best work together and understand each other's positions and needs. Another plus is exposing key leaders and staff to the resources available at GCSAA to help chapters be as effective serving members as possible. Florida Superintendents Enjoy Another Reception! The Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando was a gracious host to the 2008 Florida Reception at the Golf Industry Show. Not only was the entertainment spectacular, but the pre-reception celebration to honor Marie Roberts as she retires as Association Manager, proved memorable. An amazing evening was had by all. Many thanks go to the board member s and others who volunteered to man the door as well as the Benevolent Fund table for the entire evening. The Benevolent Fund raffle raised $2,860 in donations. Raffle winner Alan Puckett of The Club at Eaglebrooke in Lakeland generously donated his winnings back to the Benevolent Fund. Thank you Alan! Level 1. Platinum Sponsors Bayer Environmental Science Golf Ventures/ Helena/ Jacobsen Harrell's Fertilizer and Polyon John Deere Golf/Coastal Equipment/ShowTurf The Kilpatrick Companies The Toro Company: Hector Turf, Wesco Turf, Wesco Turf Supply Level II. Gold Sponsors BASF CA-RY GOLF Country Club Services Dow Agrosciences Grigg Brothers Howard Fertilizer/Aquatrols ProPlus/SandTrapper QGS Development, Inc. Southeast Partners/TMI UAP Professional Products President's Message ...continued from page 2 We have placed on retainer, Bruce Adams, a long time employee of the District who is now a private consultant to help us with our efforts. We have a contract with Bruces's company for his services, the contract is with the FGCSA and the five chapters will be paying all expenses for their services. The thought was that the FGCSA and five chapters will carry more weight than just one. If other chapters are interested in using the consultant to assist in negotiating with your water management district please feel free to contact myself, Joel or any of the Presidents of the five chapters and we will explain our efforts to date. We hope that the model we have created will be successful, and might possibly be used by other chapters in the future. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon at the POA weekend in Naoles. 4 Level III. Silver Sponsor Level IV Bronze Sponsor Aerification Plus Almar Turf Products Disbrow Enterprises C. R. Sanders Golf Eagle One Golf Products Florida Irrigation Services Florida Superior Sand Flowtronex Go-4-Supply Golf Agronomics Greensmiths, Inc. Kubota/Florida Coast Equipment Liquid Ag Systems MacCurrach Golf Construction Sullivan Electric & Pump Syngenta Professional Products Tampa Bay Turf Total Golf Construction Western Pozzolan Amerigrow Golf Becker Underwood Brandt Burrows Turfgrass Services Cleary Chemical Dupont Professional Products Environmental Turf Florida Turf Support FMC Hendrix & Dail HydroPro Independent Turf Partners JWD Trees Laserturf Plant Food Co., Inc. Precision Laboratories, Inc. Precision Small Engines Prime Turf, Inc. Pro Source One Purdy Construction Ragan Technical Solutions Rymatt Golf Upstart Products Valent Level V. Brass Sponsor George Elliott, Inc. A special thanks to all of our FGCSA Chapters Who also contributed to make this evening extra special. Minutes of FGCSA Winter Board Meeting Minutes of FGCSA Winter Meetii The Winter 2008 Board meeting of the FGCSA Board of Directors was called to order by President Matt Taylor at 1:00 p.m. on Friday January 11, 2008 at Tampa Palms Golf and Country Club. All officers were present. All Chapters, but the Ridge chapter, were represented. The Chapter Representatives were: Calusa, Nancy Miller; Everglades, Wayne Kappuaff; Central Florida, Gary Myers; South Florida, Kelly Cragin; Coastal Plains, Shane Bass; Suncoast, Bob Wagner; Seven Rivers, Mark Kann; Treasure Coast, John Curran; North Florida, Rip Phillips; West Coast: Bill Kistler; Palm Beach, Kevin Downing. Others attending the meeting were: Craig Weyandt, Immediate Past President; Joe Pantaleo, Long Range Planning Committee Chairman; Marie Roberts, Association Manager; Jennifer Innes, Association Manager; and Mike Goldie FGCSA Lobbyist. Minutes of the FGCSA Fall 2007 Board Meeting were approved. AUDIT - Marie Roberts updated to the Board that the Cash Basis Audit is under way and should soon be completed. Financial Statement - Bill Kistler presented the current financial statements. There was some concern over several line items, particularly the miscellaneous category. Jennifer committed to investigating those items and would submit a new Operating Budget to the Board. There was some concern regarding the Musser Foundation donation. More information would be solicited from Joel to present to the Board to determine if this was the best use of our contributory dollars. Money is still needed to fund the research commitments that have already been made. Confirmations were made by the represented Chapters to continue to donate to the Research fund. Mike Goldie - Mike Goldie met with Joel Jackson in Tallahassee regarding the Fertilizer Task Force Meetings which were occurring simultaneously with the Board meeting. The Task Force is still working to define the fertilizer blackout periods. Two major questions still prevalent: What to do with those areas with prior ordinances and what if they need additional protection. The Task Force continues to support the need for scientific evidence. Mike Goldie stressed the importance of the Board to become involved with the local water management boards. These relationships will be valuable for future relationships. Mike will continue to work for the FGCSA gathering research and information regarding the water restrictions and will work closely with the Florida Department of Agriculture with these issues. LRP - Joe Pantaleo updated the Board on the Long Range Planning committee meeting. The Committee will continue to evaluate ways to increase income for the FGCSA. The dues increase has been successful and will continue with an increase for the next year. Publications will be re-worked and updated to attract more advertisers and new mailing options will be evaluated. The Green Sheet currently continues to be sponsored by Golf Ventures, but may need to be reevaluated if Golf Ventures decides to no longer sponsor this publication. It was also discussed to preserve 10% of Reception income in the future for administrative expenses. A financial model will be developed for future Receptions, so a defined budget can be followed. presentation. Rip Phillips reported that he has received one nominee for the 2008 DSA. That award is traditionally presented at the Past Presidents Dinner in Naples on May 8 following the Board Meeting. th Reception - A list of potential sponsors was presented to the Board and volunteers signed on to make some last minute phone call solicitations. Invitations will go out next week and everything is going as planned. A sign-up sheet for volunteers to work at the door and at the Benevolent Fund desk on the night of the reception was distributed. These volunteers play a very large part in making the reception a success. Education Committee: Mark Kann has put in a call to Tommy Witt and hopefully he will be the speaker for Poa. The seminar will be held on Friday morning, May 9 . The Assistant Superintendent Survey garnered few responses at this point. Mark will send out an e-mail to further discuss interest. th Financials - Craig Weyandt presented to the Board the Morgan Stanley financials. Some strategic changes were made to the account by our Dean Witter representative. Craig will find out if these have been beneficial and will report back to the Tim Hiers continues to work on the Board. fertilizer tax program. He will give an The FGCSA has 23 update to the board at the Poa meeting. Golf The membership dues campaign was superintendents qualified to play and so discussed thoroughly regarding a we will be sending multiple teams to play suggested addition to chapter applications in the GCSAA Championship. soliciting a voluntary donation of $25.00 for research. Jennifer will contact all local Research - Because research was already chapters to find out who would like to discussed during the LRP committee participate in this program. A standard update, it was just reiterated that we need application template will then be to find more ways to raise research dollars developed for those chapters choosing to to fulfill our current commitments. participate. These new forms will be ready to be mailed to Chapter Secretaries Membership - Wayne Kappauff before the Poa Board Meeting. presented the current membership numbers. Despite the increase in dues, Awards - Rip Phillips reported that the membership numbers continue to remain Everglades GCSA has selected their steady. Most interestingly, the Assistant chapter's recipient of The President's Superintendent's numbers have increased Award for Lifetime Service. All other while Class A's have decreased. The chapters are urged to send in your GCSAA has released its membership lists. All Chapters are encouraged to compare candidates to Rip within the next month so that their plaques can be the GCSAA list with their lists and n made and forwarded to the chapters for notify the FGCSA of those members who 5 .... Continuation of Winter Board Minutes are not actively members of the local chapter Government Relations - Joel was attending the Fertilizer Task Force Meeting in Tallahassee. It was restated that Board Members need to work with Water Management Boards to get the water restrictions under control. FTGA/IFAS - The Board was presented with the FTGA Seminar calendar and was reminded to sign up and encourage those members in your local chapters to do so, too. GCSAA - It was confirmed that Dale Keuhner will be our voting Delegate and Darren Davis is our Alternate. The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be Thursday, May 8, at the Naples Beach Hotel during the Poa Annua. The meeting will begin at 1:00pm. The Past Presidents Dinner will be held that evening, place to be announced. Outgoing Chief Executive Officer of the GCSAA, Steve Mona, wishes a fond farewell to Marie Roberts at the FGCSA Reception in Orlando. More GCSAA Golf News Besides Seth Strickland's individual championship and domination of the GCSAA National Championship at the Independence Course at Reunion Resort in Orlando, Florida's #1 and #2 teams tied for 2 place, 2 shots behind the Carolinas Chapter. Florida's #3 team finished 4 , another 3 shots back. Bob Harper and Roy McDonald finished tied for 11 place in the individual competition. Good performance and showing overall for our golfing members. nd th th GCSAA Annual Elections David S. Downing II, CGCS was elected president of the association at the annual meeting and election February 1. Also elected were vice president Mark D. Kuhns, CGCS and secretary/treasurer James R. Fitzroy, CGCS. Sanford G. Queens, CGCS and Patrick R. Finlen, CGCS were re-elected to the board. Robert M. Randquist, CGCS and Keith A. Ihms, CGCS both enter the second year of their terms as directors. Ricky D. Heines, CGCS will serve on the board for one year as immediate past president. John J. O'Keefe, CGCS was appointed to the board filling the position left vacant by James Fitroy's election to secretary/treasurer. MEMBERS ON THE MOVE Tom Schlick, CGCS, CPAg, 25-year veteran superintendent ended a 17-year run with the Marriott Golf Division to take over as the Davey Tree Expert Company's Southeast Division Manager. In his new role He will focus on development of golf course maintenance projects and large grounds maintenance projects that are affiliated with golf developments throughout Florida and the southern United States. Bill Davidson, Immediate past president of the Everglades GCSA will be wearing two hats for a short time as he assists Naples Grande hire his replacement as he takes over the head golf course superintendent's position at the Naples County Club. Good luck to both gentlemen in their new roles. 6 GCSAA Education News There will be several opportunities for Class A and CGCS education points coming up this spring: April 3 the South Florida GCSAA will host their annual Turf Expo at the Ft. Lauderdale REC. Speakers include Dr. Mike Fidanza, Penn State University and Mr. Todd Lowe, USGA. Give Marie Roberts a call at 772-692-9349. rd April 16 , the Central Florida GCSA will be hosting a GCSAA Regional Seminar - Advanced Management of Ultradwarf Greens. Location is TBA. Call Bob Scott at 407-826-5362. Or keep checking the CFGCSA website (www.cfgcsa.com) or FGCSA website (www.floridagcsa.com) for details th April 17 , the Everglades GCSA will host their annual Spring Symposium, an all day education session with a variety of notable speakers. The Symposium will be at the Naples Beach Hotel. Give Matt Taylor a call at 239-261-4987 or check the EGCSA website at www.evergladesgcsa.com. th May 9 , The FGCSA will host the GCSAA Leadership Seminar at the Poa. Speaker Tommy D. Witt, CGCS will present , "Enhancing Your Value as a Professional Golf Course Superintendent". This seminar is scheduled to begin at8:00 a.m. and be finished in time for participants to play golf in the G.C. Horn Tournament at 1:00 p.m. This seminar will cover many strategies for promoting yourself, the job, and the overall contribution you make to your facility and employer. You will learn to thoroughly represent your value to your operation. th Registration forms for the Poa are available from the Everglades chapter and the FGCSA office. Give Jennifer Innes a call at 800-732-6053 or e-mail the FGCSA office at fgcsa@comcast.net for more information. Alan Puckett, from the Eaglebrooke (left) won the Benevolent Fund Raffle drawing at the FGCSA Reception. He immediately donated his winnings back to the fund to help fellow superintendents in need. Matt Taylor accpts and thanked Alan for his generous spirit. Marie's family and friends were also able to join her as she celebrated her retirement. From Left to right, Marie's children Suzanne Turner, Mark Roberts, and Colleen Patterson at the FGCSA Reception in Orlando.. 7 Jupiter: 888-222-7072 Lakeland: 800-330-8874 HELENA Golf Ventures m£/\C0BS5ty A Tfextron Company When Performance Matters:" Golf Ventures to be Champion Sponsor for 2008 Jeff Hayden Memorial Envirotron Golf Classic Golf Ventures is proud to again be the Champion Sponsor of the Jeff Hayden Memorial Envirotron Golf Classic held at World Woods Golf Club on April 21, 2008. Together with Helena and Jacobsen our vendor partners, this sponsorship allows Golf Ventures the opportunity to support the Seven Rivers Chapter and their fundraising efforts for research and the Florida Turfgrass Association. Golf Ventures remains focused on providing turfgrass professionals with sound agronomic solutions, quality products and high levels of customer service. Please join Golf Ventures and your peers at the Envirotron as we promote future success for the industry through continued turfgrass research. Two Big winners at the Golf Industry Show in Orlando FGCSA Jennifer Innes 1296 NE Oceanview Circle Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 Cookingham, Peter Turfgrass Information Center MSU: W-212 Library East Lansing, Michigan 48824 "V*/NTENO^' 11 i I i ] i i ! 1111111 f i I ! 111 H 1 ! i 111! FIRST CLASS U.S .Postage PAID Permit #137 Stuart, FL