VOL. VI, PART II M A R C H / A P R I L 1990 NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION UPCOMING EVENTS March 13 Treasure Coast chapter meeting, Fisherman's Restaurant, Ft. Pierce. Speaker: Bruce Pisani, SARA III March 15 Ridge chapter meeting, March 19 Palm Beach chapter meeting, Lacuna CC March 20 South Florida chapter meeting, Miami Lakes CC March 21 Central Florida chapter meeting, Alaqua CC April 12 South Florida Exposition, Rolling Hills Golf Resort, Ft. Lauderdale April 10 Everglades chapter Royalwood GC April 24 8th Annual Suncoast Scramble, The River Club April 25 USGA Regional Seminar, Palm Beach Junior College Auditorium April 30 Central Florida Orangetree CC May 1 Everglades chapter Vineyards, Naples May 19-21 Poa Golf Tournament, Naples Beach Hotel ORLANDO ... OUTSTANDING meeting, Field Day, meeting, JOB CHANGES Tom Benefield from Beacon Woods to JDM. David Wilder f r o m Winter Springs G.C. to Deer Run G.C. Roger Welker from Sandridge to Vero Beach C.C. Scott Campbell (Asst.) from Sandridge to (Supt.) at Sandridge. J o h n Cook f r o m Grand Cypress (Asst. Supt.) to Kissimmee Bay (Supt.). / STEPHEN CADENELLI (left) looks on, while DENNIS LYON, President of GCSAA cuts the ribbon for the Trade Show Exhibits. officially FGCSA Officers and Committee Roster GREEN SHEE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE EDITOR Mike Bailey 16379 Country Lake Circle Delray Beach, Fl 33484 (407) 499-8480 (Recorder) (407) 642-5125 Fax EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (407) 692-9349 (407) 692-9654 Fax PUBLISHER President, Joel Jackson, CGCS (407) 876-4244 Vice President, Ray Hansen (305) 367-5934 Sec./Treasurer, Tom Benefield, CGCS (407) 622-0177 Immediate Past President Cecil Johnston, CGCS (813) 962-3018 Executive Secretary, Marie Roberts (407) 692-9349; Membership Services Employment Referral Membership Directory Printers Choice, Inc. 175 Avenue "L" Delray Beach, FL 33483 (407) 276-8339 (407) 276-8398 Fax Florida Green Editor, Joel Jackson (407) 876-4244 CIRCULATION Florida Green Publisher, Larry Kieffer (813) 967-1385 The Green Sheet is a bi-monthly FGCSA Newsletter printed as follows: Jan./Feb.; Mar./Apr.; Sept./Oct.; Nov./ Dec. The Green Sheet is designed to be a current, up-to-date newsletter as compared to the "Florida Green" (an educational communication magazine.) FINANCIAL SUPPORT The 1990 FGCSA Green Sheet operating budget for issues Sept./Oct. thru July/Aug. is being financially supported by: ESTECH FERTILIZER INC. 2121 3rd Street S.W. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (800) 282-9588 CRITERIA All material submitted for printing will be edited per the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. All photos must be black and white (color photos reproduce poorly for this text). Items submitted must be for the good of the association. Florida Green Ed. Asst., Tom Benefield (407) 622-0177 Green Sheet Editor, Mike Bailey (407) 499-8480 Fund Raising, Joel Jackson, CGCS (407) 876-4244 Public Relations, Mark Jarrell, CGCS (407) 965-0046 Education, Walt McMahon, CGCS (407) 686-4700 Voting Delegate/By-Laws, Cecil Johnston (813) 962-3018; Government Regulations Membership, Tom Benefield (407) 622-0177 FTGA, Larry Livingston, CGCS (813) 922-0833 Research, Kevin Downing, CGCS (407) 220-1010 Golf/Crowfoot, Joe Ondo, CGCS (407) 657-7565 Ethics, Paul Crawford (407) 845-2395 Long Range Planning, Ray Hansen (305) 367-2611 DEADLINE POA Classic, Bob Shevlin (813) 499-8480 All the material must be submitted prior to the 2nd Friday of the preceding issue, i.e. April 13th forthe May/June issue and June 15th for the July/Aug. issue. Survey Committee, Mike Bailey (407) 499-8480 NEXT EDITOR'S DEADLINE April 13th Advisory Committee, John Foy, USGA (407) 546-2620 RELATED ORGANIZATIONS: FTGA OFFICE: (407) 898-6721 GCSAA: (800) 472-7878 by Joel Jackson, C.G.C.S. I hope most of you were able to attend the GCSAA Conference and Show. It was a record breaker as expected! I'm sure we all enjoyed seeing old friends and new products and equipment. There was certainly enough educational sessions to go around for those who wanted or needed them. Some of the things I learned outside of the classroom included that the FGCSA is regarded as a leader in the field of organizing superintendents, publications, and g e t t i n g t h i n g s done for the profession. However one area where I think we need improvement is Government Relations. The Pennsylvania and Ohio Chapters have been very successful in taking their concerns to their state legislatures and getting positive results. We need to do the same, so that we are involved in the discussions of pending regulations, instead of running around after the fact, finding out how difficult it is to comply with ill conceived laws. It is about time that our owners, managers, and club members joined us in this endeavor, and I have sent them that message in the next issue of the Florida Green. Along with that effort, we need to improve our fund raising abilities to help pay for advancements in "natural" turf m a n a g e m e n t and to make p r o f e s s i o n a l and e f f e c t i v e presentations to environmental groups and legislators. Another topic that was of some note throughout the conference, was Cecil Johnston's last minute w i t h d r a w a l f r o m the GCSAA Director election. Cecil made his official withdrawal to the FGCSA Board on February 17, 1990 at our Winter Board meeting. Having received his termination notice, from the club that endorsed him so strongly only one month before the election, Cecil tried to relocate and is exploring some very fine offers. But, the short notice would not allow Cecil or prospective employers adequate time to consider the impact of his national duties. Cecil conducted himself, as we might expect, as a true gentleman and professional with regards to all aspects of this unfortunate turn of events. We hope he will take up the challenge again in the near future and represent Florida in the national associaton. As we look forward to the Poa Annua Classic, I would like to offer these topics for your consideration at our next Board meeting: (1) Holding a golf summit with the allied associations to unite our efforts for responsible legislation and effective fund raising, (2) Create a Class C membership category for retired FGCSA members with appropriate dues and benefits, (3) Topics for future FGCSA Seminars, and (4) Your Chapter's nomination for the FGCSA President's Award for Lifetime Service to the F G C S A . ^ ^ POA ANNUA GOLF TOURNAMENT DATE: PLACE: May 19 May 20 May 21 May 19-21, 1990 Naples Beach Hotel G.C. Horn Golf Tournament 8:00 a.m. FGCSA seminar 1:00 p.m. FGCSA Board Mtg. Evening - Poa Annua Banquet Poa Annua Golf Tournament Information and applications will be available through your local chapter secretary., FGCSA Donation to GCSAA The FGCSA became the only GCSAA chapter to continue as a member of the Platinum Tee Club by donating $15,000 to the GCSAA on Sunday, February 25, atthe Orlando Conference. The d o n a t i o n was to be distributed as fol lows: $10,000 to the GCSAA Scholarship and Research Fund and $5,000 to the Robert Trent Jones Fund. This generous donation was made p o s s i b l e t h r o u g h t h e proceeds of the FGCSA Membership Directory, the Florida Green, the Green Sheet and the FGCSA general fund from our 680 members. The Georgia GCSA is the only other GCSAA chapter in the Platinum Tee Club bytheirdonation of $5,000. The largest contribution to date, $27,000, was made by Metedeconk National CC, New Jersey, Steve Cadenelli, Superintendent. THIRD ANNUAL SOUTH FLORIDA WORKSHOP AND EXPOSITION DATE: Thursday, April 12, 1990 PLACE: Rolling Hills Golf Resort, Ft. Lauderdale TIME: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. USGA - GREEN SECTION CONFERENCE In cooperation with the Florida Golf Course S u p e r i n t e n d e n t s Association and the Florida State Golf Association. Wednesday, April 25, 1990 PALM BEACH JUNIOR COLLEGE 4200 Congress Avenue r Lake Worth, Florida GENTLEMEN: JACKETS REQUIRED FORMAT: 8:00 10:00 1:00 Seminar by Dr. Houston Couch, Virginia Polytech (2 CEUs) Booth open Equipment demonstrations CIBA GEIGY DONATION "Van Waters & Rogers has earned some discretionary funds...has decided to give the money back to the organization that helped earn it. Therefore, I am pleased to present this check on behave of Van Waters & Rogers in conjunction with CIBA Geigy, to the Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association Research Fund. Van Waters & Rogers plans to continue to use such funds in a similar fashion with all future programs". Regards, DENNIS VAN ARSDALE & W» Luncheon Registration Fee: * If paid before April 15: $40 for representatives of Member Clubs and Courses. $50 each for other guests. * If paid after April 15: $50 for representatives of Member. $60 each for other guests. 8:00 8:55 9:15 9:35 9:55 10:15 10:30 10:50 HUGO FUND As this program comes to an end, I w o u l d like to thank the final contributors: Treasure Coast Chapter $500.00 Sun Coast Chapter $400.00 Ridge Chapter $200.00 $100 Donations Boynton Pump & Irrigation Supply Dave Self/Wholesale Plants Inc. Golf Ventures Inc. N/R Associates South Florida Chapter $75.00 or less S & M Farm Supply Inc. Special thanks to Boca Woods Country Clulb, the Florida Green Sheet staff, the Board of the Palm Beach Chapter and Tammy Seaman for their hard work and support. Hurricane Hugo Relief Fund closes out with a total of: $4,395.00 FGCSA $6,000.00 CGCSA $10,395.00 Sincerely Yours, DAVID A. MEDA, Chairman Hurricane Hugo Relief Fund -3- 10:55 11:10 11:25 USGA ^J^ REGISTRATION Coffee and Rolls WELCOMING REMARKS AMATEUR STATUS TRENDS IN SOIL & DISEASE SAMPLES ANALYZED BY A&L LABS CAUSES & MANAGEMENT OF THE GOLDEN PINE SYNDROME BREAK AN UPDATE ON THE USGA RESEARCH PROGRAMS C O N V E R S I O N POLITICS: INTRODUCTION TO R E MAINING CONFERENCE SUBJECT THE LEGAL CONSIDERATION A DEVELOPERS PERSPECTIVE WHAT IS THE MEMBERSHIP LOOKING FOR? TBA 11:40 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 12:00 1:30 3:15 LUNCHEON AGRONOMIC C O N S U L TANTS - HOW THEY CAN HELP GENERAL MANAGER vs. COMMITTEE STRUCTUREPROS AND CONS THE GOLF PROFESSIONAL-HE HEARS IT ALL THE CLASSIC MEMBERSHIP STRUCTURE VALUE OF A GOOD C O N VERSION MORE THAN JUST A SUPERINTENDENT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 4:00 ADJOURN 1:50 2:05 2:20 2:40 3:00 a USGA ^ uiatllIMMMIIM The 1990 meeting of the FGCSA Board of D i r e c t o r s held in c o n j u n c t i o n with the GCSAA Convention was called to order by President Joel Jackson at 10:00 a.m. at Bay Hill Club, Orlando. OLD BUSINESS: Joel Jackson presented a letter from Florida Waterway Management indicating that they have decided to change their logo so that it would not conflict with ours. FLORIDA GREEN: Larry Kieffer reported that the transition of the magazine was just about complete. He distributed copies of the Florida Green Pay Scale, Basic Policies of the Florida Green, and the Editorial Content of the magazine which included a detailed description of the ten "departments" that will appear in each issue. He has hired professional editors for some of the departments but explained that he will still use superintendent writers as well. Dan Jones was congratulated for winning the Best Overall Newsletter in the GCSAA Newsletter Contest GREEN SHEET: Mike Bailey reported the deadline has been extended to include articles from the Convention. Estech has agreed to pay for printing 5,000 extra copies of the January/February issue which will be distributed through the FGCSA Booth at the Convention Center. In reply to a question concerning Estech's sponsorship of the Green Sheet, Mike again explained that since Estech was the first company to offer complete year-long sponsorship of the newsletter, they have the first option on renewal. However, any other company that would like to offer year-long sponsorship may do so. To date, no other company has come forth. The approximate cost to Estech is $18,000/year. C R O W F O O T : Joel J a c k s o n announced that plans for the Crowfoot have not been finalized but that it probably would be held at Grand Cypress again this year. CERTIFICATION: Joel announced that he would serve -as Chairman of this Committee. Excerpts from Board CONFERENCE AND SHOW: Buck Buckner presented the tee gift that has been purchased for the golf tournament. He noted that the GCSAA has allowed a banner to be displayed during the tournament announcing that these gifts were courtesy of the FGCSA and the Central Florida chapter. Cecil Johnston then reported on the progress of his campaign for National Director. He was confident that he has enough support from around the country to win the Directorship. Unfortunately, he will be forced to withdraw his name from nomination because his job at Avila was unexpectedly terminated last month. FTGA CONFERENCE: Perham announced the new format for this year's FTGA Show which will be held in Orlando. He noted that the format was being changed at the request of many exhibitors who felt that traffic on the floor was very light due to many conflicting events. John Luper will serve as this year's Conference Chairman. FUND RAISING: Joel Jackson led a discussion on the future of Florida Golf Week. It was finally decided that even though it was a good idea when it was orginally introduced, Florida Golf Week has been replaced by more effective fund raising events and strategies. It would be great to get to the grass roots golfer, but Florida Golf Week has not done it. Therefore, we will not have a Florida Golf Week this year. GCSAA DONATION: Ray Hansen reported that the current budget allows for a donation of $6,000 to the GCSAA but urged the Board to increase this amount. Dan Jones noted that the Florida Green would probably have an additional $10,000 over their reserve. He stated that he would like to see this additional money d o n a t e d to t u r f g r a s s research. Since we are the host chapter for this Convention and we have the funds to make a substantial donation this year, a motion was made by Ray Hansen that the FGCSA donate $15,000 to the GCSAA. The motion carried. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY: Marie Roberts reported that the 1990 Membership Directory has been distributed to all members in October. This early distribution was possible thanks to all chapter secretaries who sent in their membership lists on time. We hope that the 1991 Directory will be distributed before next year's FTGA Show in October. Advertising revenue completely covered all costs of the D i r e c t o r y . She reminded board members that the policy of the FGCSA has always been to distribute the Directory to members only, not suppliers (except t h o s e w h o c u r r e n t l y advertise in the Directory). Costs of a full page ad are $500 with a onehalf page ad costing $250. E D U C A T I O N : Joel J a c k s o n reported that he had spoken to Walt McMahon concerning the results of last month's Irrigation Seminar. Joel suggested some topics for future seminars such as computer a p p l i c a t i o n s in g o l f c o u r s e management, Workmen's Compensation laws, compliance with the labor laws and the new Sara III legislation. Paul Crawford reported that the Education Committee is working on a possible computer seminar (TRIMS), and that the FTGA is currently planning a seminar on Sara III in the Palm Beach area. RESEARCH COMMITTEE: Ray Hansen reported that the FGCSA Research Fund has received $40,000 in donations. Mike Perham suggested that when the green is completed, the University of Florida personnel in Fort Lauderdale should present research projects requests to Dr. Max Brown, who is the new Chairman of the FTGA Awards Committee. Mike feels that the FTGA will be very receptive to funding projects on the green even though their charter prevented them from funding the establishment and maintenance of the green. Ray Hansen assured him that this has always been part of the Research Committees plan. He also noted that possible funding requests will be Meeting - Orlando; made for cold-tolerant bermudagrass p r o j e c t s at t h e Fort Lauderdale site. MEMBERSHIP C O M M I T T E E : Tom Benefield reported that we now have a tenth chapter, Big Bend, to add to our growing list of affiliated chapters. Tom introduced Robert Giehls, President of the new chapter. He noted that while their chapter is still small (10 initial members), they expect to be an active and growing chapter. Tom urged all chapter secretaries to continue sending in their lists of new members. ROBERT GIEHLS, the New President of the Big Bend Chapter reported to FGCSA Board on the success of forming their New Chapter. SUPPLIER MEMBERS: Paul Crawford asked the Board to explain why suppliers can not become members of the FGCSA. Dan Jones explained that the FGCSA is a fraternal organization and that the concept of local chapters accepting suppliers as members of their chapters, rather than the state, seemed to be the best way to structure the FGCSA. PRESIDENT'S AWARD: A discussion was held regarding nominations and guidelines for this new award. It was decided that the President's Award would be given annually during the Crowfoot weekend. A motion was made that "The guidelines for the President's Award would require nominees to have had 20 years or greater service in theturfgrass industry, limit of one nominee per chapter per year, and t h a t t h e A w a r d w o u l d not necessarily be given each year. Nominations would be reviewed by the Executive Committee and the Awards would be presented during or after the FGCSA annual meeting". The motion carried. D I S T I N G U I S H E D SERVICE AWARD: The DSA will also be presented during the Crowfoot weekend. Nominations must be sent to the FGCSA office before the next Board Meeting. A letter listing the nominees achievements must be forwarded to the office at that time. The Executive Committee will review the nominations and present the award. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS: Cecil Johnston reported on a few i t e m s of i n t e r e s t r e g a r d i n g Endangered Species, buffer zones, and the potential fire hazard of c h e m i c a l s s t o r e d in y o u r maintenance building. POA SEMINAR: Walt McMahon will finalize plans shortly for the seminar to be held at the Poa. It will be submitted to the GCSAA for approval for .5 CEU's and will be five hour m o r n i n g seminar. Lou Conzelmann reported that the Everglades chapter is willing to include the seminar as an option in their pre-registration forms. This would allow the superintendent to write one check to cover all events for the weekend. He announced that the G. C. Horn Tournament would be held at the Naples Beach Club (probably on Saturday) and that the Poa golf tournament would also be held there on Monday. Dates for the weekend events are May 19-21, 1990. NEW BUSINESS: A discussion was held regarding the FGCSA Board Meeting which is traditionally held d u r i n g the National Convention. It was suggested that not all External Vice Presidents are able to go to the Convention and it might be more convenient if this Board Meeting were held at a central location shortly before the dates of the Convention. It was also suggested that the FGCSA would pay reasonable travel costs for those External Vice Presidents who attend this meeting. WATER RESTRICTIONS: Bill Jeffreys led a discussion on obtaining Variances during Water Restriction Periods. New variances must be submitted whenever a District goes from one Phase to another. Variances are only good during one particular Phase. It was suggested that superintendents urge Water Management Districts to limit golf courses to a particular number of gallons of water used rather than restricting the times for watering. Since there was no further b u s i n e s s , the m e e t i n g was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. . fe GCSAA Golf Tournament by Joe Ondo, CGCS Great weather was in store for 522 GCSAA members in the 1990 GCSAA Golf Championship in Orlando. Hunter's Creek, Grand Cypress (New Course), and the Palm, Magnolia, and Lake Buena Vista at Disney World were the host courses. All golfers played a combination of these courses and found them all in great condition. Roger Null won his second individual golf championship with a score of 149 with Chuck Green from Carolina second, and Dave Powell, defending champion, finishing third. Top Florida finishers were Buck Buckner and Gary Smither at 153. Connecticut #5 team consisting of Ray Beaudy, Ted Maddocks, Mike Reeb, and Mike Wallace won the Frank Lamphier Chapter Team Trophy for low net with Georgia's #3 Team finishing second. Carolina's #1 team consisting of Gary Bennett, Derek Fanning, Chuck Green, and Dave Powell won the Scottish Trophy for low gross winner with the Florida #1 team finishing second. Everyone who played in this tournament was a winner as I saw many old friends and met quite a few new ones. H i g h l i g h t of the Tournament for me was my first hole in one in 28 years of playing this great game at the third hole at the New Course at Grand Cypress and being recognized at the Tournament banquet. Hope to see everyone at the Poa A n n u a Tournament in Naples. ^ f Off to the Races!!! 9:00 a.m. Sharp, on Saturday morning. Ribbon cutting ceremonies opens the Conference Show for the MAD DASH rush for... That's right, the elusive J AC HAT, LONNIE STUBBS and JOE SNOOK never passes up a "good deal". Why is J.B. smiling? TOM BENEFIELD (right) walked the Show floor for hours and hours. He got so old, he now has to walk around with a cane. "Now that's l"Team Highridge" checks out the new Fly mo design. DENNIS {(center) and DAVE BAILEY (right). double-trouble McNALLY "Darn right I'm smiling" this hat. CLINT SMALLRIDGE stood in line for hours for \A lean, mean PHIL GARDNER (left) and M.J. ask KEITH \about his diet? LONGSHOREl GARY MORGAN checks out the Spray Tank Computer. The host FGCSA Booth was a huge success passing out complimentary copies of the Florida Green and the Green Sheet. MARIE ROBERTS, Executive Secretary, along with PAUL TURCOTTE of South Florida Chapter says hello to JOE JOHNSON of Jahna Sand. RICK WALKER, Orange Lake C.C. inspects the rotary mowers. CARL JACOB (right), next to BILL JEFFREY study soil amendments & Soil, a Florida Distributor. from Lantana Peat BOBBY ELLIS (left) innocently looks on, while SCOTT ZAKANY (center) lets Miss Kawaski know she can use his charge card anytime she wants. And who says they don't offer housing for Assistants? HELM of The Falls. CAR Y LEWIS (right) brought his Staff to the Show floor on Monday. ART EBDC FUNGICIDES EPA CANCELLATION PROPOSALS Dr. Monica L. Elliott University of Florida - IFAS EBDC fungicides registered for use on turfgrass and ornamentals include maneb and mancozeb. Zineb was registered for use on turfgrass, but its use is currently suspended. Some common trade names for maneb include Dithane M-22 and Manex. Trade names for mancozeb include Tersan LSR, Dithan M-45, Manzate 200 and Fore. In January 1990, the EPA published in the Federal Register a notice proposing to cancel most uses of EBDC fungicides. Why? Because the "EBDCs pose carcinogenic risks to consumers from dietary exposure and risks of carcinogenic, developmental and thyroid effects to mixers, loaders, and applicators of these pesticides. Risks result from exposure to ethylenethiourea (ETU), a common contaminant, metabolite and d e g r a d a t i o n product of these pesticides". Now that we have the technical information behind us, what exactly does this mean to the turfgrass and ornamental industries? All zineb uses are currently suspended. EPA is proposing to cancel: 1.) all homeowner uses of maneb, including turfgrass and ornamentals, 2) all commercial ornamental uses of maneb, and 3) homeowner use of mancozeb on fruit trees and turfgrass. In addition to these proposed cancellations, the EPA is proposing a requirement that commercial agriculture workers, when applying maneb and mancozeb, wear coveralls over a longsleeved shirt and long pants, shoes, socks, chemical-resistant gloves and goggles or a face shield. During mixing and loading, a chemicalresistant apron must be worn. To summarize in a positive manner, commercial turfgrass uses of maneb and macozeb will still be registered. Commercial ornamental producers will be able to use mancozeb products. However, better protection will be required for commercial applicators of these fungicides. The EBDC fungicides are proposed for cancellation for h o m e o w n e r t u r f g r a s s uses primarily because there were no practical requirements for reducing exposure risks. Why is a special review being c o n d u c t e d for the EBDC fungicides? Actually, all currently registered pesticides must be reviewed and registered again in the next decade. The review of EBDC fungicides has been "speeded up" due to EPA's primary concern over dietary risks from a lifetime exposure to the fungicides. The four major chemical companies which produce EBDC fungicides have already voluntarily withdrawn the use of these fungicides on 42 fruit, vegetable and cereal crops. The remaining 13 crop uses, plus turf and ornamentals uses, are currently under review by EPA. The other concern of EPA is fungicide exposure risk to mixers, loaders and applicators of these chemicals. Because turfgrass and ornamentals are not eaten, dietary risks are minimal. It is the physical exposure to these fungicides and their breakdown products which should be of greatest concern for the turfgrass and ornamentals industry. It should be emphasized that these are proposed use cancellations and protection requirements. A final decision on EBDC fungicides is expected in the spring of 1991 after pesticide residue data on fruits and vegetables are evaluated. The agency is also evaluating residue data from golf course applications t o t u r f g r a s s . ^ ^ THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING!! / Why are these kids walking thru the sand trap??? And not raking their footprints? — — — — NAZAR MASSOUH BAILEY observes. learns to cut his first cup in America, while MIKE THE UNITED STATES AND RUSSIA OPENS THE DOOR ON GOLF. 10 Russian students visit American golf courses in Florida to learn the game of golf. Part of their education was the maintenance of a golf course. NEWLY CERTIFIED OTHER LOCAL NEWS C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s to Steve Pearson, Roy Tyler and Rob Walters who have become C e r t i f i e d Superintendents since the last GREEN SHEET. CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER: Rick Walker, President and Cary Lewis, CGCS Director represented the Chapter as judges at the Orange County Regional Science Fair. They awarded two $100.00 Savings Bonds to Emily DuVal and Shannon Bishop for their work in "BioDegradation of Petroleum Products in the Environment" and "Nematode Control using Citrus By-Products". SOUTH FLORIDA: G.C.A. Tournament - Honda Classic, Doral. Joint Meeting Palm Beach, So. Fla., August at Indian Creek. CENTRAL FLORIDA: CFC Research Equipment and Supplier Field Day - April 30, 1990. Steve Pearson has been superintendent at Woodfield CC for the past nine months. Prior to accepting this position, he served 8 years as superintendent at Boca Grove CC. He has been a superintendent for 12 years and has been in the golf turf industry for a total of 20 years. Steve has been an extremely active member of the Palm Beach chapter where he was a member of their Board of Directors for ten years. He served as President of the Palm Beach chapter in 1985. Steve has also served on the Board of Directors of the Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association and served on the Scholarship and Research Committee of the Florida Turfgrass Association for 3 years. Rob Walters has been superintendent at Tarpon Woods CC for the past 5 years. Prior to that, he spent 14 years working for Bud Quandt at Pasadena Y & CC. Rob states that Bud "taught me everything I know". Rob has been active in the West Coast chapter, is married and has an eleven year old daughter, Kelly. He c o n s i d e r s t h e G C S A A Certification Program to be a very well rounded, fair program and had the most difficulty with the Financial Section (where have we heard that before!). Ron Tyler has recently accepted the position as superintendent at Pine Meadows CC. Prior to that, he served as superintendent at Palm Harbor CC for approximately two years. He worked with Phipps Corporation in the Tallahassee area for approximately three years. Ron has a B.S. degree in Facility Design Management from Florida State University. Ron commented that the certification exam was the most challenging test he had ever taken -- even more difficult than many of the tests he took while pursuing his Bachelors degree! Ron stated that he made becoming Certified a personal goal and was very glad that he has achieved this professional status NEW MEMBERS RIDGE: James Bertka, Sun 'n Lake CC Nancy Boswell, Country Meadows William Boswell, Lake Henry GC Jonathan McDowell, Indian Lake Estates. TREASURE COAST: William Brousseau, Admiral's Cove W.; Tim Nolan, John's Island; Ricky Lee Jones, Cobblestone CC. CENTRAL: Cheryl Castillo, Casselbury GC; Stephen Wood, Poinciana G&RC; Mark Stanchina, Deer Run CC; Jim Wells, Harbour Hills GC; Richard Hunt, Harbour Hills GC; Carlos Wagner, Lakes at Leesburg; Tom Heard; Gary Alex, Alaqua CC; Chris Cason, Hunters Creek; Roger Wilhoite, Wekiva GC; Lawrence Meeks, On Top of the World; Craig Shelton, Hunters Creek; Paul Wargo, Silver Springs Shores CC; Michael Schutter, La Cita CC. EVERGLADES: Curt Conrad, Del Tura CC; William Reppert, Rivers Edge Y&RC; William Whitla, Kelly Greens GC; Robert Johnson, Kingsway CC; Jerry Belyea, Hibiscus GC. WEST COAST: Sherree Knotts, Avila G&CC; Randy Baker, Dunedin CC; Al Cowing, Sun City Center; Steven McGinnis, Sun City Center; Patrick Hickey, B r o o k r i d g e CC; J o h n Ruck, Ironwood Exec.; John Danforth, Silver Dollar Ranch; Richard Haas, Crescent Oaks CC. -11- NOTES FROM FGCSA OFFICE State Dues for Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents have been increased to $50.00/year effective July 1, 1990. The new rate should be reflected in the dues invoice you will be receiving from your local chapter secretary this summer. Awards: The FGCSA has initiated a new award entitled the President's Award for Lifetime Service. This award, along with the existing Distinguished Service Award, will be presented during the Crowfoot Open in August. The new award is meant to honor those pioneers who were instrumental in the growth of our association, eitherthrough local chapters or directly through the FGCSA. Chapters have been asked to submit their nominations for both of these awards in May. If you have a suggestion for a nomination for your chapter, please call your local chapter secretary. POSITIONS AVAILABLE instructor of Turf Equipment Service Technology. Technical certificate/degree in mechanics or similar (AA, AS or BS desirable) two years golf mechanic experience or similar required plus hydraulics, electrical and diesel engine knowledge. Salary: Competitive. Deadline: Open. Contact Lake City Community College, Rt. 3, Box 7, Lake City, FL 32055 (904) 752-1822, ext. 225. EA/EO employer. I n s t r u c t o r for T u r f g r a s s Operations. Send resume to St. Augustine Technical Center, 2980 Collins Avenue, St. Augustine, FL 32084 or contact Kenneth Olsen, (904) 8244401. Employment Desired Mark S. Isley is seeking an Assistant Superintendent position. Mark will receive his A.S. degree in Golf Course Operations from LCCC in May of this year. Mark already holds an AS in O r n a m e n t a l Horticulture from Brevard CC and has seven years experience on golf courses in the Central Florida area. Call (904) 755-3066. ^ (ZOfr) 8S69-fr89 99^88 VaidOld 'H0V38 Vd 1S3M 310ÜI0 »OldlVd S 0Z6 BaiSAVH .mia,, I ' m isvoo ìsva vaifcioid JMMI - £Z6ZS9£ (ZOfr) uiz-ies (e 18) 9tseevaitìOid 'd3iVMdV3io 3N\n WO 6991 N3TinWOIAI d31S3~l 0 1SVOO 1S3M VQIdOld S9zzevaiü0id 'OCOAO 3NV1 )HVO 3Ali 308 ooNis ..Hoina.. 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