TIC VERT. UPCOMING EVENTS Sept. 11 Everglades c h a p t e r meeting, Cross Creek Sept. 12 ~ Central Florida chapter meeting, DeBary, Plantation Sept. 19 Palm Beach chapter meeting, Mayacoo GC Sept. 20 Arboriculture, Admirals Cove Sept. 21 South Florida chapter meeting, Emerald Hills Sept. 22 6th A n n u a l A d a m Walsh Tournament, The Clubs of Inverrary, Lauderhill Sept. 25 Suncoast Pro-Supt. Tournament, Mission Valley Sept. 29 FGCSA Board Meeting, Sheraton Resort, Orlando - 1:00 p.m. Sept. 30FTGA Conference and Oct. 3 Show, Orange Co. Convention Center, Orlando Oct. 9 Everglades c h a p t e r meeting, The Landings Oct. 17 Central Florida chapter meeting, Pine Meadows Dec. 10-12 21st Annual Georgia Turfgrass Conference & Trade Show, Hyatt Atlanta Airport, contact Karen Lavender (912) 681-5189 or Esther White (404) 447-4985 The 62nd International Golf Course Conference and Show will be held February 4-11, 1991, at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. K.D. GETS THE M.V.P. KEVIN DOWNING is honored with the 1990 Distinguished Service Award, while JOEL JACKSON (right), makes the presentation. President's Message GREEN SHEET|| EDITOR Mike Bailey 16379 Country Lake Circle Del ray Beach, FL 33434 (407) 499-8480 (Recorder) (407) 642-5125 (Fax) EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (407) 692-9349 (407) 692-9654 (Fax) PUBLISHER President: Ray Hansen (407) 495-0536 Vice President: Tom Benefield, CGCS (407) 622-0177 Sec./Treasurer: Mark Jarrell, CGCS (407) 965-0046 by Ray Hansen Imm. Past President/Public Relations: Joel Jackson, CGCS (407) 876-4244 It is an honor to be elected as President of the largest state association in the Golf Course Superintendents of America. Executive Secretary: Marie Roberts (407) 692-9349 Fax (407) 692-9654 Florida Green Publisher: Larry Kieffer (813) 967-1385 Fax (813) 965-1734 Florida Green Editor: Joel Jackson (407) 876-4244 Fax (407) 363-4514 Green Sheet Editor/Survey: Mike Bailey (407) 499-8480 Printers Choice, Inc. 175 Avenue "L" Delray Beach, FL 33483 (407) 276-8339 (407) 276-8398 (Fax) Education: Walt McMahon, CGCS (407) 686-6767 CIRCULATION The Green Sheet is a bi-monthly FGCSA Newsletter printed as follows: Jan./Feb.; Mar./Apr.; May/June; J u l y / A u g . ; Sept./Oct.; Nov./Dec. The Green Sheet is designed to be a current, up-to-date newsletter as compared to the "Florida Green" (an educational communication magazine). FINANCIAL SUPPORT The 1990 FGCSA Green Sheet operating budget for issues Sept./Oct. thru July/Aug. is being financially supported by: ESTECH FERTILIZER INC. 2121 3rd Street S.W. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (800) 282-9588 CRITERIA AH material submitted for printing will be edited per the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. All photos must be black and white (color photos reproduce poorly for this text). Items submitted must be for the good of the association. Publications/Voting Delegate: Tom Benefield, CGCS (407) 622-0177 Membership: Eddie Snipes, CGCS (904) 285-9964 The FGCSA membership was at 425 in 1985and today it has grown to 685 members. We have come a long way in these 41/2 years but when you consider we have 1,000 golf courses in Florida we only have a little over 50% of our potential membership. Research: Kevin Downing, CGCS (407) 220-8700 FTGA: Mark Jarrell, CGCS (407) 965-0046 Long Range Planning: Paul Crawford (407) 845-2395 By-Laws: Bill Jeffrey, CGCS (305) 866-7224 Certification: Dick Blake/Joe Ondo (407) 997-0408 / (407) 657-7565 Golf/Crowfoot: Joe Ondo, CGCS (407) 657-7565 Poa: Lou Conzelmann, CGCS (813) 768-2332 Advisory Committee: John Foy, USGA (407) 546-2620 Government Regulations: Tim Hiers (407) 589-6992 During my 41/2 years in Florida, I have seen this organization grow from a part-time secretary position to a full time Executive Secretary. We have also added a technician to see that our research green at the IFAS station in Fort Lauderdale is properly m a i n t a i n e d . Both our Florida Green and Green Sheet have vastly improved. - If every member would take the enclosed application and recruit one new member, we could double our size in one year. Think for a minute who your neighboring club is and whether he or she is a member. If not, go see them and offer to sponsor them into your local chapter. Take along the Green Sheet and the Florida Green and show them what we are all about. Remember, these are the superintendents who are missing out, not us. DEADLINE All material must be submitted prior to the 2nd Friday of the preceding issue, i.e. Oct. 12th for the Nov./Dec. issue and Dec. 14th for the Jan./Feb. issue. NEXT EDITOR'S DEADLINE October 12th Meet your new FGCSA Board for 1990-1991 from left: MARK JARRELL, JOEL JACKSON, RAY HANSEN and TOM BENEFIELD. 1990-1991 Chapter Officers Big Bend Chapter President Ext. Vice President Sec./Treasurer Robert Giehls . . . John Fake Jeff Vietmeier Central Florida Chapter President Rick Walker Vice President Stu Leventhal Ext. Vice President . . . Joe Ondo Sec./Treasurer Brian Jenkins Everglades Chapter President Buddy Carmouche Vice President . . . Steve Ciardullo Ext. V. Pres Lou Conzelmann Sec./Treasurer Rick Mohr North Florida Chapter President Frank Sbarro Vice President Gary Dahlberg Ext. Vice President Eddie Snipes Sec./Treasurer Palm Beach Chapter President Mark Henderson Vice President Walt McMahon Ext. Vice Pres Paul Crawford Secretary John Gallagher Treasurer Mike Bailey Ridge Chapter President Vice President Ext. Vice Pres Sec./Treasurer Buck Buckner Chuck Rogers Buck Buckner Ray Cuzzone South Florida Chapter President Scott Wahlin Vice President Ed Ramey Ext. Vice President . . . Bill Jeffrey Sec./Treas Bill Entwistle, Jr. Suncoast Chapter President Vice President Ext. Vice Pres Sec./Treasurer Jon Roxburgh Jim Miller Talbot Denny Doug Powell Treasure Coast Chapter President Carol Thomas Vice President Jay Gratton Ext. Vice President Scott Bell Sec./Treasurer David Oliver West Coast Chapter President Guy Marquardt Vice President Frank Cook Ext. Vice Pres Frank Cook Sec./Treasurer Greg Plotner PESTICIDE SAFETY SEMINAR - III The FGCSA Education Committee hosted the third and last in the series of Pesticide Safety seminars throughout the state during the week of July 30. The seminars were held in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Fort Myers, and Largo. The seminar program was again organized by Van Waters & Rogers. Rick Murray, of the Chem Care Division of VW&R, spoke on the proper disposal of chemical waste and residue and presented two videos on "First on the Scene" and illegal dumping grounds. The third portion of the program included an overview of the SARA III restrictions as p r e s e n t e d by t h e l o c a l Emergency Planning representative from the respective chapter areas. Overall turnout was good with 104 attendees receiving 3 CEU's each toward their Florida Restricted Pesticide License. This seminar is available for presentation in other areas of the state. If your chapter would like to sponsor this type of seminar, please c a l l Walt M c M a h o n , FGCSA Education Committee Chairman to set up a definite date. ^ COMPUTER SEMINAR The FGCSA Education Committee presented a 5 hour seminar on "Computers in Turfgrass Management" on Sunday, August 5, at the Grand Cypress Conference Center. The instructors were John Mervis and Fred Register of Clubmaster Software. The seminar was limited to the first 40 registrants and it was a sell out as golf course superintendents were eager to get some hands-on experience with a computer turfgrass maintenance program. Many superintendents attending pronounced this to be the best computer seminar they had ever attended. Computer terminals were beeping away as the 40 attendees all tried to find the threshold quantity levels of specific chemicals for their SARA registration forms or other bits of useful information hidden in the sample program. The seminar was approved by the GCSAA for .5 CEU's. > ^ —3— "LETS HEAR THE FACTS" Daconil 2787 Several years ago CBS television network ran a story on "60 Minutes" about the death of Navy Lt. George Prior. In that story they claimed the fungicide Daconil 2787 caused his death after playing golf on a course sprayed with the product. Recently CBS Nightly News referred to the case again in a segment on lawn care and continued to claim Daconil 2787 killed Lt. Prior. (During this segment CBS reporter Rita Braver referred to Daconil as a herbicide). The following is a statement put out by the manufacturer of Daconil 2787, Fermental Plant Protection Company, Mentor, Ohio. KIP TYLER Listed below are the facts concerning the 1982 death of Navy Lt. George Prior. On May 9, 1988, the TRIAL COURT in the case entered j u d g m e n t IN FAVOR of the defendants. These are the facts: • Lt. Prior died from Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN), which was caused by a viral infection. • A review of ALL medical writings regarding TEN confirmed that Daconil 2787 has never been associated with the disease. • Daconil 2787 has been used on golf course turf for more than 18 years with over THREE BILLION rounds of golf being played without any reported incidents of TEN. Summary Conclusion: Extensive evidence developed for this case, including product usage information from more than 18 years, clearly demonstrated that Daconil 2787 fungicide DID NOT cause TEN, that resulted in Lt. Prior's death. Reprint from G.C. Superintendent Association of New England, Inc. Just what kind of movie are those guys watching with such intent? Or could it be the Computer Educational Seminar? Vlil4IIIMIC«AHNM.»*M«JtfUI Excerpts from 1990 Crowfoot Board Meeting The Summer 1990 meeting of the FGCSA Board of Directors was called to order by President Joel Jackson at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 4, 1990 at the Grand Cypress Conference Center in Orlando. BUDGET: Tom Benefield led a discussion on each item in the 1990-91 budget. Minor changes were made in Postage, Board Meetings and Officers expenses but the total budget remained the same and was approved at $80,000. LAKE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE: Kevin Downing conducted a discussion on the number of students currently in the Lake City Golf Program. The college is planning to increase the enrollment because they feel there is a need for more superintendents in the state. They suggested letters be sent to John Piersol from each local chapter s h o w i n g i n s t a n c e s of j o b f l o o d i n g , particularly in the north and central areas of the state. RETIRED SUPERINTENDENTS: Bill Jeffrey reported that the FGCSA By-Laws allow for m e m b e r s h i p in the state by retired superintendents who are members of a local chapter. It was decided that since there are only a handful of these superintendents in all ten chapters, the FGCSA will accept them as members at no charge. FLORIDA GREEN: Larry Kieffer reported that the royalty for the Spring 1990 issue of $3,218.46 has been paid to the FGCSA. The royalty for the recently mailed Summer 1990 issue will be $3,008.10. Long range plans for the magazine still include paid subscriptions and an increase to six issues per year. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY: The solicitation for ads in this year's Membership Directory was a tremendous success. Our goal is that the Membership Directory will be mailed to all members before the end of September. EDUCATION: Paul Crawford reviewed the educational program for the past fiscal year. The Committee showed a profit for the year. RESEARCH: Kevin Downing reported that Mark Jarrell and Ray Hansen had organized the grassing of the USGA Research Green at Fort Lauderdale last Wednesday. Dr. Monica Elliott, contact person for the Green, submitted a list of projects she expects to be conducting on the IFAS Site and Kevin led a discussion of the type of projects we may consider for our half. FTGA: Mark Jarrell reported that the FTGA feels very confident that the Envirotron will be built on the U of F campus! Dr. Bert McCarty has written a helpful pamphlet entitled, "Florida Lawn Handbook" that is available through the FTGA office. FLORIDA GOLF LEADERS CONFERENCE: Mark Jarrell reported on a preliminary meeting held last month to discuss regulatory problems and search for solutions to these and other environmental issues. GOLF: The Crowfoot will be played on the North and East courses on Monday. CERTIFICATION: Dick Blake congratulated those who became Certified during the past fiscal year and hopes this next fiscal year will be just as productive. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS: Tom Benefield reported on the many forms that superintendents must prepare and the many rules and regulations that you must be aware of - Annual Meeting Minutes of the 1989 FGCSA Annual Meeting were approved. Since everyone in attendance had been present for the just concluded regular board meeting, reading of committee reports was dispensed. Dick Blake conducted the Election of Officers. After hearing no nominations from the floor, Dick presented the following slate of officers: Ray Hansen Tom Benefield Mark Jarrell Joel Jackson President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Past President The slate as presented by Dick Blake was elected by unanimous vote. Dick then presented Joel with the Past President's crest and a plaque for his work as President of the Associaton. Ray spoke on the fact that less than 50% of the golf courses are represented in the FGCSA. We have made alot of progress this past year but we still have alot to do. He stated that his #1 priority this year will be Governmental Regulations and Communications. MEMBERSHIP: Tom Benefield reported on the progress of the Membership Committee in establishing the Big Bend and Ridge chapters this year. GCSAA V O T I N G DELEGATE: Tom Benefield reported that we had more member votes this year than any other chapter of the GCSAA. The FGCSA will maintain a suite in Las Vegas. The suite will be used as a hospitality suite on Saturday night and on Sunday it will be used to interview all GCSAA candidates. BOB SANDERSON (right), acceptsaward from BUDDY CARMOUCHE. PRESIDENT'S AWARD FOR LIFETIME SERVICE The first recipients of the President's Award for Lifetime Service were honored at the Crowfoot banquet, Sunday night, August 5. This award was instituted to honor those pioneers who were instrumental in the growth of the FGCSA. Nominations were received from local chapters who then presented the awards to their nominee. The first Award was presented by Buddy Carmouche, President of the E v e r g l a d e s c h a p t e r t o Bob Sanderson, CGCS, superintendent at Del Tura CC. Bob received his B.A. degree from Hobart College and began his career in golf course management after a short stint in the U.S. Army. Bob was one of the original founders of the Everglades GCSA in May of 1968 and was elected president of that chapter for the first two years. He did such a good job that the chapter elected him back again to serve as their tenth president. Bob was also one of the originators of the Poa Annua Classic. Bob was a Director of the FTGA and received their prestigious Wreath of Grass Award in 1979. His c o n t r i b u t i o n s to the FGCSA included creating the "Gator Logo" and serving on the Board as Secretary/Treasurer. Next, Mark Henderson presented Palm Beach chapter's nominee, Carl McKinney. Carl began his golf course career in 1959 in Port St. Lucie for GDC. After construction he stayed on assuperintendent until 1964 when he became superintendent at PGA National. In 1975, the i PGA left the course and It became JDM Country Club. Carl served as superintendent there until the club was sold in 1988. His 24 years of service at the same club is a record for Palm Beach! Carl hosted many PGA tour events, the 1971 World Cup and the 1971 PGA Championships. Carl's work with the FGCSA included 8 years as a Board Member in the South Florida chapter and became president of the chapter in 1974. The third recipient of the President's Award came from the South Florida c h a p t e r , w i t h President Scott Wahlin presenting the award to Paul Turcotte. Paul's career in the turfgrass industry began in Miami, in 1954. He served 15 years as superintendent for the City of Miami and moved to the Miami Department of Parks & Recreation until his retirement in 1985. Paul was active in organizing both the South Florida GCSA and the Florida GCSA. He served as Director of the South Florida chapter for 6 years and became President in 1970. In 1972 he served as the second President of the FGCSA. He came out of retirement to serve as liaison between the FGCSA Board of Directors and the local chapters during 1986. The f o u r t h r e c i p i e n t was nominated by both the Central Florida and the Treasure Coast chapters. The award was presented by Scott Bell, Treasure Coast chapter, to Adam Yurigan. Adam spent the first half of his 30 years in the golf course industry by serving as both golf course superintendent PAUL TURCOTTE representing South Florida. and/or golf pro at clubs in Iowa. In 1972 he moved to Rio Pinar CC in Orlando where he was instrumental in starting the Central Florida chapter in 1973. He served as their first president and was one of the organizers of the Crowfoot Open. He holds the dubious distinction of being one of the first superintendents in Florida to overseed with Bentgrass. In 1976 he moved to John's Island in Vero Beach. Four years later he started the Treasure Coast chapter, served as their first president and then spent 4 more years on their Board of Directors. He retired from Johns Island in 1985 but was called back to serve as superintendent at Hawks Nest in 1986. He retired from there in 1988 but still serves as a consultant. The fifth and final recipient of the President's Award was presented at a chapter meeting of the West Coast chapter to Bud Quandt, superintendent at Pasadena Y&CC. Bud's career also spanned more than 20 years b e g i n n i n g at A i r c o CC and Seminole Lakes CC before moving to Pasadena in 1968. Bob held all West Coast GCSA offices during the years 1965-1968. He served as Director of the FTGA for 14 years and in 1976 was presented with the FTGA "Wreath of Grass" award. In 1978, the University of Florida selected him as "Horticulturist of the Year" for his work with the IFAS on such projects as cool season grasses, Interact, and the use of effluent water. The FGCSA is proud to have had such fine professionals as the backbone of our association. ADAM YURIGAN Active for many years. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD The FGCSA presented the 1990 Distinguished Service Award to Kevin Downing, CGCS, on Sunday evening, August 5. This yearly award was established in 1985 as a prestigious form of recognition of a deserving FGCSA superintendent. The award is given to a member who has p e r f o r m e d o u t s t a n d i n g achievements as a golf course superintendent and who has given his time unselfishly in promoting golf course management. Kevin certainly meets all the criterion for this award. He has probably served more years on the FGCSA Board of Directors than any superintendent in the past. Evenasa Past President of the association, he continues to devote his limited spare time to promoting the interests of his fellow superintendent. His concern for the industry is apparent in everything he does. Kevin began his career with an A.S. degree in Golf Course O p e r a t i o n s f r o m Lake C i t y Community College in 1975. He worked for Atlantis CC in Palm Beach and Oxbow GC in Port LaBelle before accepting the head superintendent's position at Mariner Sands. After serving Mariner Sands for 6 years, he became the first superintendent at Willoughby CC in Stuart. Kevin has been active in both the Palm Beach and Treasure Coast chapters serving as president of the Palm Beach chapter in 1981. He was instrumental in revising the Florida GCSA and served as president from 1982-1983. ^ Check out MARIE ROBERTS: Sportin' around in her new sports car. 14th ANNUAL CROWFOOTOPEN On Monday morning, the North and East nines at Grand Cypress were used for the golf tournament. Approximately 137 players found quick greens, a little water, a little sand, and a lot of beverage carts to help them through their rounds. Prizes consisting of TV's, VCR's, cassette players, and radar detectors were won by superintendents and commercial players. Fred Klauk shot 73 and won a match of cards playoff over Dale Reash and Steve Sorrel for low gross honors and a spot on the state team. Steve Sorrel and Mark Henderson won 2nd and 3rd low gross. Steve Wright was low net winner with a 67 and Dale Reash and Chuck Blankenship 2nd and 3rd. In the C o m m e r c i a l d i v i s i o n , Joe O'Donnel was low gross with a 76 followed by Bill Fowler and Fred Tannler. Low net winner was Charlie Campbell with a 66 followed by Jim Sartain and Bill Lloyd. Central Florida Chapter won the team championship. Members of the winning team were Steve Wright, Dale Reash, Steve Sorrel and Chuck Blankenship. A great job by Tom Alex and his staff as the course was in super condition. Another great job by Larry and Vilma Kamphaus and the Crowfoot committee. And last but not least, a special thanks to all the Diamond, Golf, Par 3 sponsors and players for their participation and support of this event. ^ ADAM WALSH TOURNAMENT The 6th Annual Adam Walsh T o u r n a m e n t will be held on Saturday, September 22nd at 8:30 a.m. at the Clubs of Inverrary in Lauderhill. Registration fee is $60.00 per player. Sponsorship forms and entry blanks will be mailed shortly. For more information, contact Bill Entwistle, Jr. at (305) 435-6169. North Florida Transition Tournament Results Chemical Control of Rhizoctonia zeae Patch The N o r t h F l o r i d a c h a p t e r sponsored its Transition Tournament at Palm Coast Sheraton Resort on July 20, 21 and 22. The Golf Tournament was played on the three courses located on the resort—Hammock Dunes, Matanzas Woods and Pine Lakes. All three courses were in excellent shapeand a pleasure to play on for the 78 golfers registered. There were three overall winners. Host superintendent, Rick Herman of Pine Lakes - North Florida chapter category; Buck Buckner of Orange Tree CC - winner of the guest superintendent category; and Tom Brennan - winner of the Commercial category. The banquet was enjoyed by 120 attendees and the entire weekend was a great success for all the kids who participated in the Kids Program set up by the resort. ^ by Dr. Monica L. Elliott Florida Golf Leaders Conference Mark Jarrell represented the FGCSA at an o r g a n i z a t i o n a l meeting of the Florida Golf Leaders Conference held on July 13 and 14 in Palm Beach. The purpose of the meeting was to bring key people in Florida golf together to discuss c o m m o n regulatory problems and search for solutions. The fear expressed by many was that stifling regulations based on erroneous information and reactionary impulses may jeopardize further growth of golf and make operation of existing facilities unbearable. Key points of the meeting were that an organization is needed to collect and disseminate pertinent i n f o r m a t i o n , develop effective lobbying formats, establish a public relations program and support turfgrass research. Though many of the attendees were interested in concurrency laws, the number one issue for the majority was the environment/ A disease of bermudagrass that has become more prominent the past few years is a patch disease caused by Rhizoctonia zeae. For purposes of this article, I will call it R. zeae Patch. A l t h o u g h the pathogen can be detected all year long, it seems to occur more f r e q u e n t l y in t h e s u m m e r . S y m p t o m s are variable. They include irregular yellow patches, or irregular dead patches of grass that may first appear to look like a large number of small quarter-circle yellow fairy rings. The purpose of this article concerns fungicide recommendations and the proper use of fungicides. All chemicals MUST be used according to the label. It is the law! In addition, proper use of fungicides will help to prevent the establishment of fungicide-resistant pathogens. Florida has not reported any such pathogensfrom turf. It is to our advantage to keep it that way. Based on field situations where R. zeae Patch was diagnosed as a problem and the problem corrected, Daconil 2787 (chlorothalonil) and Chipco 26019 (iprodione) used at the high "curative" rates and shortest spray intervals indicated on the label would be the best choice. Tersan 1991 (benomyl) MAY be effective also. Information from North Carolina indicates benomyl products do not control R. zeae. Mixed results have been observed in Florida thus far. Again, research will help to d e t e r m i n e the best recommendation. If you have any questions about fungicides or question a fungicide recommendation you have received, please contact your local Cooperative Extension Service office. I would also be happy to answer your questions. Available from the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service is a bulletin entitled "Classification of Turfgrass Fungicides". The number is P P / P L P 4 0 . I w o u l d a l s o recommend a close inspection of each fungicide label before it is applied to your bermudagrass. ^ From The Desk Of... RUSS MITCHELL LOCALIZED DRY SPOTS I have written previous articles on this subject but I see the need to review it again. When we have high stress conditions such as we experience in Florida in late summer we can have precipitation in large amounts. The hotter it is and the more rain we get the more the L.D.S. will show up. The reason is soil, which is Hydophobic, repells the water and the soil which is not, moves the water down to the root zone. When theentire green is under drought stress and only irrigation is falling on the greens, it is harder to detect because the green is showing some stress all over. But a 2-3 inch rain will make these spots show up dramatically. Also, fairways can get bad L.D.S. when under stress. These should be treated as needed. The greens though, cannot be allowed to have these dry rock hard spots. No amount of aerification will help these spots. The answer is wetting agents. Here is a sample program that will yield excellent results. The results are the same, as long as total active remains the same. With a 95% active or more product, 6 to 8 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. monthly, or 2 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. every week. This must be watered in to minimize burn. In Florida, I lean towards the weekly 2 oz. program for just this reason. Also, if somebody says that their product has no burn potential at a high rate, then it must be "mostly" water. If you want to eliminate the chance of burn use the spreadable. There are some products on the market that are granular form, but are intended to be used in nursery soil mixes and have too much active on the particle to prevent a burn on fine turf. Be careful of this. I recommend a product that is 10-20% active. 3.5# per 1,000 sq. ft. monthly or under severe stress you can apply weekly. This is the advantage of the dry form. The cost of a typical monthly application to an Eighteen hole course greens only would be $150.00. This is nothing for the results you will see. The secret is, use a quality product, and start on program and stick to it. International Report Where Is Cecil? Dear Friends in Florida, I would like to thank all of you who have been so concerned and helpful the past few months during my search for new employment. It has been very comforting to have your support. I am pleased to tell you that I have found a new job that will be more exciting than anything I have ever done before. I have accepted a position with the Green Valley Company in Bangkok, Thailand. Yes, it's true. I am sitting in my new house in a suburb of Bangkok on a Sunday afternoon, waiting to start my new job tomorrow. My wife and I just finished lunch (duck noodle soup) with our next door neighborMrs. Jongjit Ruangkritya, Chairman of the Board of Green Valley. The Green Valley Company has a golf course nearby that was designed by Robert Trent Jones, Jr. and my first assignment is to bring the golf course up to American standards. The construction is good, the turf is all Tifgreen 328, and there are no mole crickets. I do, however, face some very tough challenges. The availability of quality fertilizers and chemicals are very limited and tomorrow I will face my crew of 80 people for the first time. Yes, 80 people, only one of whom speaks English. The Green Valley Company plans to build 14 golf courses in the next five years and they want me to be in charge of the maintenance of all their courses. We have two courses under construction now. The course in Chiangmai was designed by D e n n i s G r i f f i t h s of A t l a n t a (somewhere on the other side of the planet). These should be completed in the next 9 months. Two more courses will start construction in the next 3 months—a Nick Faldo course here in Bangkok and a Peter Thompson course in Bangpakong. As you can see, I will be very busy. I would be very pleased to receive letters from you all at the following address and I would like to requesta favor from those of you who are working at development golf courses. Please ^end me a sales brochure from your veal estate —7— development. My good friend Mr. Amnat Saibuatong, our marketing director, finds these brochures invaluable. Cecil C. Johnston Green Valley Co., Ltd. 47 Moo 2 Banga-Trad Rd. (Km. 15) Tambon Banchalong, Amphur Bangplee Samuthprakarn, Thailand 10540 Phone: (662) 316-8344 thru 8, or (662) 316-6240 thru 2 Fax: (662) 316-8349 If anyone has the inclination to vacation in Thailand, I would be very pleased to show you the country. I think you would find the $1,400 plane ticket worth the money. The plane travel, however, takes about 28 hours and then it takes about 2 days to recover. So if you really want to enjoy your vacation, make it 2 weeks. I will truly miss the Poa Annua Classic and the Crowfoot Open. Thanks again for your concern and help. Your friend and colleague, CECIL C. JOHNSTON, CGCS Congratulations to our newest Certified Golf Course Superintendent JIM DYER Golf Club of Jacksonville North Florida Chapter ^ JOB CHANGES Dick McCoy from Foxfire CC to Wyndemere CC. Roy Bates from Quail Creek CC to Imperial CC, Naples. Augustin Lucio from Audobon CC to Foxfire CC, Naples. Bob Gruber from Foxfire CC to Countryside CC. Dennis Parker from Wedgefield CC to Rio Pinar CC. Jay Gratton from Orchid Isle to Windsor Polo Club. Fred Granger from Grand Harbor to the Golf Club of Miami. Doug Soper to Mobay Corp. office in Kansas City, MO. Replaced by Lee Bloomcamp in Miami, FL. ^ 919P-IZZ (fr06) 8969-^89 (ZOfr) 9Vr 0t^ee id 'HOV3a mvd is3M 9ZZZZ "Id 3 ' ~l~IANOS>IO S da IIVOHAAI 9012 3~IOdlO >IOId±Vd S 0Z6 BaiSAVd .mia» "3 M ooNis ..Haina,, ihoimü îsvoo isv3 vaiyoid aniANOsaovr/vaidoid hiuon » 22Z0-689 (1^06) 9ZLZt "Id siisn3 31QdlO aOOM3AOO 08 À3ddoo wir vaidond 1VU1N30 s hiuon I.ZU-L89 (8L8) L06i.-es8 (ei-8) 9L988 Hd 'd31VMdV3~IO ^9688 "Id 'S3~ldVN 3NV1 >IVO 699L 3DN3AV 419L M S 1191 N3nnni^ioiAi d3±s3i o l*SO± ld380d 1SVOO 1S3M d3MOT VQIdOld isvoo ±S3M d3ddn vamoid ¡¡¡Aepoi 8Ai;B;u9S8Jd9y S9|BS moA L|;|AA >|09L|0 LiiMOjß ssBjßpn; 8iB|niu!iS o; S9U0lUJ0l| LjJMOJß ;UB|d L|;|M S;U9UinUOJO!UJ P9;B|9L|0 pue p9X9|dlU00 Â||B0!Ï9LUUÂS PUB OjUBßJO IIVAOUOIIAI 1N31AI3DVNVIAI SSVdOddCU dOd 0 1 3 'S1N3ÖV O N I 1 1 3 M "NOS ' S H V N O I l l H i n N ' S 3 a i O l l S 3 d dO 3 N H 313~ldlAIOO sionaodd Nono3iodd ssvdOdun± SU3ZI~II.Lü3rl 3dVOSQNVn 3 S V 3 1 3 H — a S T I O Ü l N O O SiAiiiaav M»!* SU30VNVW S S V d D d d f U IVNOISSBdOdd JOi Sionaodd 1VNOISS3dOdd » W 7 ostee b ò b UUB L I (ZOt^) vaiuoid '30d3id ±d avod Z1IA13S -g ";nDS/naai w m * *;naai w m SlDfiaOtid 1VNOISS3 dOUd X3 * Vd X3 d V d o d o o i A H031S3/S1V0IIAI3H0 I V d f U i n O l d O V d 3 S I V * :suo|S!A!a oNi'samisnaNi a \ i a a i m O C K / 9 I A 8 8 9 6 - 2 8 2 - 0 0 8 L v ^ / P i o ) 088es l Zne-£62 (S 1-8) vaidoid ' n 3 a v h u 3 1 n i m M S 133H1S P^ Kevin Downing Receives D.S. AwardComplete Crowfoot Results... FGCSA Secretary Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 First Class Mail U.S. Postage PAID Permit # 137 Stuart, Florida Cookingham, Peter Turfgrass Information Center MSU: W-212 Library East Lansing, Michigan 4 8828