iXQRìD^ TIC~VERT. Qreen $heet ^"fWNTENOt^ Volume I, Part IV, May-June, 1985 The Green Sheet is the official communications newsletter of the Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association. The purpose of The Green Sheet is to aid members with current, up-to-date news related items which can benefit the good of the Association. The 1984 winners — a Florida Green Wins Congratulations GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATIONS: 1) The Florida Green, Harry Eckhoff Award Mr. Dan Jones, Editor Dan Jones, Editor, West Palm Beach, Banyon Golf Club The National Golf Foundation has Fla.; 2) Rub of the Green, David Lozoya, 9050 Ranch Road announced the Florida Green to be the Editor, Palm Desert, Calif.; 3) The Bull West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Sheet, Fred D. Opperman, Editor, Glen 1st place winner for the category of Ellyn, 111.; Honorable Mention: "Green is Golf Course Superintendents AssociaDear Dan, Beautiful", Barry Endicott, Editor, tion publications in the Harry C. Etobicoke, Ont., Canada; Rocky Mountain Eckhoff Award contest. The Eckhoff On behalf of the Florida Golf Course Reporter, Chuck Clark, Editor, Colorado awards honor Mr. Harry Eckhoff, 81, Superintendents Association Officers, DirecSprings, Colo.; Carolinas Newsletter, Dr. who has been associated with the tors, members and all of those who receive Landon C. Miller, Exec. Secretary, the Florida Green magazine, we want to National Golf Foundation for 26 years Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents "congratulate"you, as editor, and all of and is now director of golf developAssn., Clemson, S.C.; Our Collaborator, those who have participated in helping you ment and member relations. The conPeter Salinetti, Editor, Loudonville, N.Y. assemble such a fine magazine. test originated in 1980, whereupon the NEWSLETTERS: 1) Southern Ohio Having the Florida Green win the status of this award has won interPGA; 2) The Score Card; Honorable MenNational Golf Foundation's Harry C. national recognition. The N.G.F. contion: Club Times; Special Recognition: Eckhoff Award is indeed one of the TOP Links Letter test had 130 entries, all on issues achievements that could be given on behalf published during 1984. Categories NEWSPAPERS: Published 12 or more of our magazines quality. judged were: newspapers, magazines, times a year: 1) Florida Golfweek; 2) Golf Dan, thank you for the time, effort and Review; 3) The Golfer; Published less outstanding ability that you have put forth annuals, newsletters, publications of throughout the years. than 12 times a year: 1) The Michigan superintendent's associations and "all Golfer; Honorable Mention: The Golf others/' Very truly yours, Paper; Golf News Mr. Dan Jones, CGCS at Banyon MAGAZINES: Published less than 12 Tom Burrows Golf Club in West Palm Beach has times a year: 1) The Met Golfer; 2) Fore; President served as editor of the Florida Green 3) Ohio Golfer; Honorable Mention: Golf for the past eight years. Because of his in Victoria; Golf Car News March 29, 1985 hard work and devotion to the indusANNUAL PUBLICATIONS: Tournament try, Mr. Jones is ecstatic about winPrograms: 1) Vintage Invitational 1984; 2) Mr. Dan Jones ning the award. Jones cites "Because Bay Hill Classic; 3) Salem 1984 U.S. Editor the contest is worldwide, I feel it is the Women's Open; Honorable Mention: Banyon Golf Club most prestigious award the magazine Apple Classic; Jerry Ford Eighth Annual 9059 Ranch Road Invitational; Houston Coca-Cola Open, could win. This is the equivalent of West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Mony Tournament of Champions; 84th winning an Academy Award. This is U.S. Open; Ken Venturi Guiding Eyes RE: The Florida Green the fourth year for the awards, Classic; All Other Annual Publications: 1) however the first year for the Florida USGA Guide to the 1984 National ChamDear Dan: Green to win an award. Previously, the pionships; 2) NCGA 1984 Blue Book; 3) Congratulations! Your entry in the FounFlorida Green was competing against MGA 1983 Annual Report; Honorable dation's Harry C. Eckhoff Award contest publications with much larger staffs Mention: GAM Annual Report 1984; Colfinished first in its category. being financially supported by profesorado Golf Association Annual 1984, 1984 A plaque has been ordered and will be sional publications. This year for the Florida Golf Directory; Southern Califorshipped to you as soon as it is engraved. first time, the category of Golf Course nia PGA Section Directory & Calendar Enclosed is a listing of all 1984 winners. Superintendents Association was 1984; Alumni Newsletter Along with your plaque we will send you an created. The Florida Green is now ALL OTHER GOLF PUBLICATIONS: 1) offical Eckhoff Award logo sheet which we Arkansas Golfer; 2) Vic Open '84; 3) hope you will use in your masthead. competing against publications of Golf,Chicago Style; Honorable Mention: The NGF is very much appreciative of similar context as compared to Golf Course Management Letter; Special those who serve golf Again, congratulations previous years. This is just what the Recognition: "CHIP SHOTS" and we look forward to seeing more of your Florida Green needed, to be recogBOOKS: 1) "The Full Swing,Honorable outstanding publication. nized as a high quality publication, Mention: "100 Greatest Golf Courses — created by s u p e r i n t e n d e n t s , for and Then Some"; "How to Become a ComSincerely, superintendents, along with upgrading plete Golfer,"; "Getting Up and Down.' ; Joe Much the professionalism of our industry. "The New Rules of Golf," Executive Director The Green Sheet is a bi-monthly newsletter produced by the Communications Committee, Mike Bailey, Chairman. All pertinent information or questions regarding such can be mailed to Mike Bailey, Editor, 19642 Trophy Drive Boca Raton, Florida 33434 (305) 482-1005 (Recorder) or (305) 734-9022 The purpose of The Green Sheet is to benefit all members of the FGCSA in regards to communications. The priorities of The Green Sheet are to print: 1) current, up-to-date news items 2) future meetings 3) review of previous events 4) appropriate communications within the industry *The Green Sheet is designed to be a current up-to-date newsletter as compared to the "Florida Green" *(an educational communications magazine). Items printed shall be deemed fit by the editors of both publications, whereupon The Green Sheet and the Florida Green can mutually benefit the FGCSA. The Green Sheet bi-monthly issues are printed as follows: Jan-Feb, March-April, May-June, July-August, Sept-Oct, and Nov-Dec. Deadlines are set for the 2nd Friday of the month preceeding the next coming issue, i.e. April 19th for May-June, June 14th for July-Aug, August 16th for Sept-Oct and October 18th for Nov-Dec. The Green Sheet is printed by Vette Print 4722 N.W. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 (305) 994-1066 Advertisers play an important role to the success of this newsletter. Because of their advertising support, The Green Sheet is not a burden to the FGCSA. Each issue produces a total printing volume of 1500.1150 issues are mailed to 9 local chapters and then distributed within their respective local members mailing list. The balance of 350 are mailed to media, GCSAA chapter newsletter editors, IFAS, commercial vendors and others upon request. Mrs. Marie Roberts serves as the secretary for The Green Sheet. Any matters regarding mailings, or other related items can be mailed to Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 33494 (305) 692-9349 The following are questions that are reviewed at each local chapter meeting via The Green Sheet survey. 1. CURRENT NEWS: (Major Topics of Issue within your Chapter) 2. NEW MEMBERS: (Name, Club or Business Affiliation, Classification) 3. NEWLY CERTIFIED SUPTS: (Name, Employer, Years at Club, Years as Supt., etc.) 4. PROMOTIONS: 5. CHANGE OF JOBS: (Name, Previous Club & Town, New Club & Town) 6. JOB OPENINGS: (Position desired, Name of Club, Complete Address Person to Contact) 7. PERSONS LOOKING FOR WORK: (Name, Address, Position Desired) 8. RETIREMENTS: (Name, Years at Club, Years in Industry, Age, Points of Interest) 9. LAWS: (Proposals, Regulations, New Restrictions, Bannings of Chemical Usage, etc.) 10. GOLF TOURNAMENTS: (Type of Event, Site, Date, Entry Costs, Prizes, -Entry Deadline) 11. MAJOR TOURNAMENTS: (Name of Tournament, Dates, Host Supt., Cost of Admission, Reigning Champion) 12. CHAPTER MEETING SITES: 3 Months in Advance (Name of Club, Date, Time, Host Supt., Educational Topic) 13. CHANGE OF CHAPTER BOARD MEMBERS: New Slate in July Each Year (Members Name, Position on Board, Respective Employer) 14. GOOD AND WELFARE: (Illnesses, Hospitalizations: Give Name of Hospital & Particulars, Deaths, Condolences, Good Wishes) 15. COMMERCIAL NEWS: (Formation of New Companies, Services, etc. New Sales Persons, Promotions, New Product releases). **Take black and white photos of appropriate subject matter suitable to concur with Survey. Should at any time you, individually, have a related item to have printed, please submit your information to the editor or the secretary. Green Sheet Staff Meeting TO: FGCSA Officers, Directors, Past Presidents and Committee Chairmen FROM: Tom Burrows DATE: April 12, 1985 SUBJECT: Green Sheet - For Your Information MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 1985 MEETING On April 9, 1985 a meeting was held concerning the future of The Green Sheet. Those present were Mike Bailey, Marie Roberts and Tom Burrows. It was decided that the masthead would be expanded to be more informative and that continued strides would be made to establish a uniform format to be followed in subsequent issues. It was further decided that Marie Roberts would assist Mike Bailey, Editor, in whatever way possible to meet the publishing deadlines. The majority of news articles in the Sheet are supplied through the local chapters by way of their local newsletters. A survey form to gather information from the local chapters will be used. Future mailing of The Green Sheet was discussed. Currently the printer is supplying 1150 copies via the 9 local chapters and sending the balance (350) to Mike for further distribution. Marie will assist in this distribution. We will be sending copies to various media, National Editors, IFAS, commercial firms, etc. These mailings will be screened periodically. The Green Sheet is currently self supporting through advertising. Mike will continue soliciting advertisements and a future budget was discussed. It was decided to request quotes on printing costs from other printers to compare with our current supplier. Deadlines for copy to be sent to the printer is 2 weeks prior to printing, that is, all material must be submitted to the printer 2 weeks before May 1, two weeks from July 1, etc. Any material received after the printing deadline will be discarded unless it would still be considered timely and newsworthy, determined by the Editor. The meeting concluded with a discussion of some of the articles to appear in the upcoming May/June issue of The Green Sheet. New F.G.C.S.A. Secretary TO: FGCSA Officers FGCSA Board of Directors Past Presidents Committee Chairmen FROM: Tom Burrows SUBJECT: FGCSA Secretary DATE: March 21, 1985 I am pleased to inform you that we have hired Mrs. Marie Roberts as FGCSA Secretary effective 4/1/85. Marie has had experience as an executive secretary, computer programming and a background in accounting from the University of Florida. She will be employed at this time on a per hour basis and all work performed will be recorded for future reference. You are all encouraged to use this association service in performing your duties as an FGCSA director or chairman. FGCSA Job Description: 1. FGCSA Secretary will be directly responsible to the FGCSA President. 2. FGCSA secretarial duties for officers, directors, past presidents and committee chairmen or members to include typing, filing, and miscellaneous office duties. 3. At the direction of the FGCSA Secretary/Treasurer she will attend Board of Director meetings as requested and take minutes of same. She will be responsible for producing a computerized up-to-date financial statement upon request. 4. Assist the Editor of The Green Sheet and membership directory in producing financial matters and aid in the publication of said magazine. 5. Maintain an up-to-date and historical filing system. 6. Provide a telephone or/answering service and mailing address as follows: FGCSA Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, Florida 33494 (305) 692-9349 Liquid Ag Systems Hosts Anti-Syphon Requirem e n t s For Irrigation Systems Workshop On April 24th & 25th Liquid Ag Systems, Inc. sponsored it's AntiSyphon Requirements for IrrigationSystems Workshop in cooperation with the Florida Department of Agriculture, and Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences of the University of Florida. The workshops were held at the Holiday Inn, 1-95 and PGA Blvd., West Palm Beach, and the Holiday Inn, 1-95 and Commercial Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale. Liquid Ag felt that this was a much needed workshop as we are all highly concerned with protecting our valuable water supply. On hand from the State of Florida Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Feed, Seed, Fertilizer and Pesticide Bureau, Division of Inspection were Mr. James Christie, Assistant Chief, Mr. Frank See, Regional Supervisor for Ag Products Specialist, Mr. Julio Ochoa, Ag Products Specialst-Palm Beach, Mr. Noah Robles, Ag Products Specialist-Palm Beach/Martin County, Mr. Diehl Brickley, Ag Products Specialist-Broward, and Mr. Jesus Carballeira, Ag Products Specialist, Dade/Monroe Counties. From the University of Florida, IFAS, were Dr. Allen Smajstrla, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Agricultural EngineeringWater Management, University of Florida, Gainesville, and Mr. Forrest Izuno, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering-Water Management, Agricultural Research and Education Center Belle Glade. Mr. Christie explained the legislation governing anti-syphon- requirements and Rule 5E-2.30, that was implemented on November 1, 1984. Since this rule was implemented there has been four variances approved. Anyone requesting more information on the rule or variance application should direct all requests to: Mr. James R. Christie, Asst. Chief, Feed, Seed, Fertilizer & Pesticide Bureau, Division of Inspection, Mayo Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. Dr. Smajstrla presented information from an engineering standpoint and his slide presentation was very informative. The question and answer session was a success. Industry suppliers available to answer questions were: Noel Quinlan - Cla Val Company, John Motis - Chemical Containers, Dick Roeber - R.F. Roeber, Inc., Bob Oberlander - Melrose Supply & Sales Corp., Kent Kurly - Aqua Turf, Cathy Serafin - Aqua Turf, Rick Dwing - PSI, and Joe Williams - Williams Pump Service. Liquid Ag will also sponsor two workshops on the West coast. May 15th at Fiddlesticks Country Club, 1500 Fiddlesticks Blvd. S.E., Ft. Myers, FL May 16th at Palm Aire Country Club, 3700 Country Club Way, Sarasota, FL For more information call: Liquid Ag Systems, Inc., 1-800-432-2249. Future of Golf Tournament — May 11th The Palm Beach Chapter Golf Course Superintendents' Association will be staging its 4th annual " Future of Golf" Tournament at The Golf & Racquet Club at Eastpointe on Saturday, May 11. The purpose of the tournament is to raise money for turfgrass research programs in the state of Florida and junior golf programs in Palm Beach County. In the first 3 tournaments, over $16,000 was donated to these worthy causes, and this year is expected to be the most successful of all. The event has become very competitive but remains a fun tournament eagerly anticipated by all who have participated in it. Last year's winners were a group of ringers from Boca Grove led by the well-known sandbagger Steve Pearson. The Golf & Racquet Club at Eastpointe has hosted all 4 4'Future of Golf" events, and the staff and membership of the club are highly commended for their outstanding efforts and dedication to helping make the future of golf bright for all of us who love the game. Our own Gary Grump, Tournament Chairman and course superintendent, always has the golf course in excellent condition, and golf pros Bob Komarinetz and Don Schultz organize and orchestrate the smooth-running event. The event is a 4-man scramble with an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. The cost is $45.00 per man, with an optional $5.00 mulligan ticket (limit one per man). Organize your own foursome and enter as a team. If you cannot field a foursome, call Gary and possibly you can be paired up with someone. The entry fee includes cart and green fees, buffet lunch (superb!), beer and soft drinks on the course, closest to the pin, longest and most accurate drive contests, door prizes, and gift certificates for the top 8 teams. In addition, the first place team will also receive plaques commemorating their victory. For other information, call Gary Grump at 627-0609. Newly Certified Superintendents Bill Jeffrey, Boca Pointe C.C. Mike Perham, The Moorings G.C. Jim Lindsey, Adios Golf Club Florida Turf-Grass Association, Inc. Florida Turf-Grass Association, Inc. PRESS RELEASE I would appreciate The Green Sheet reminding your members that contributions to the FT-GA Scholarship and Research Foundation are tax deductible to the donor. No administrative overhead is deducted from FT-GA research grants. The applicant receives 100 cents on the grant to support his research. This is in accord with a long standing agreement between FT-GA and the University of Florida and other research institutions. April 1, 1985 Expanded educational sessions, more exhibitor booth spaces, and the addition of workshops promise to make the 1985 Florida Turf-Grass Association Conference and Show the biggest and most successful ever. Tampa, Florida will again host the event to be held September 29 October 2, 1985 at the Curtis Hixon Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Hotel. "Due to the success of last year's show, we're aggressively going after the turf market both here in Florida and the Southeast," says Bill Wagner, 1985 Conference and Show Chairman. "Last year, our Conference topped 1500 and we're aiming for 2000. We expect a banner year." This year, the Conference and Show will expand its educational sessions from three to four. These sessions include GOLF TURF, LAWN CARE AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE, BASIC PRINCIPLES OF TURFGRASS CULTURE, AND ADVANCED PRINCIPLES OF TURFGRASS CULTURE. "Our intention is to provide a well-rounded, educational experience to a diversified group of turf professionals," says Dr. Tom Latta, FT-GA President. "This Conference will be remembered for offering something for everyone." Exhibitor booth spaces have also been on the increase in 1985 and turfgrass professionals will have the opportunity to spend more time with exhibitors this year. The addition of workshops at this year's Conference promises to offer practical, "hands on" experience in three areas: Turfgrass Disease Identification and Control, Estimating and Bidding Landscape Installation and Maintenance Cost, and Computer Use in Turf Management. These workshops will be limited to 24 in each workshop and will be open to FT-GA members only. Tampa will be the place for a great Conference and Show in 1985! For more information contact, Bill Nass, Florida Turf-Grass Association, 302 S. Graham Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32803-6332. The telephone number is 305-898-6721. Sincerely, T. M. Latta President National Currents Mid-Year Conference Announced Lawrence, Kansas. The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) announces a midyear Turfgrass Conference and Show to be held at the Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis, Indiana, September 19-24, 1985. The new conference represents an extension of GCSAA's education program andtwill offer extra opportunities for improvement to those in the golf course and turfgrass management profession. It will bring some of the nation's top researchers, educators, golf course superintendents and turfgrass managers together for this unique educational conference. The conference will feature seven of GCSAA's most popular continuing education seminars, staff technician training courses, a national ''selling and buying" type exhibition trade show, a turfgrass research conference, a golf/turfgrass market research workshop, an outside turfgrass equipment demonstration and a national golf championship to benefit turfgrass research. " September is an excellent time for manufacturers and distributors of golf course equipment and supplies to demonstrate their products," said GCSAA President Eugene D. Baston, CGCS, "as this is the time of the year when golf course managers plan purchases. We believe this mid-year conference will be very beneficial to our members and to our advertisers and distributors," Baston explained. "GCSAA members have expressed a need for information that will assist them in training their own staffs. With this conference, we will be answering those needs," said Baston. The staff technician training courses will be 'hands on' instruction by the direct involvement of manufacturers. Courses will be offered in equipment repair and maintenance; irrigation equipment operation, repair and maintenance; pesticide safety and applications; and golf car repair and maintenance. The trade show will allow companies to offer show discounts and purchases on site and will feature an outdoor equipment demonstration area where superintendents can actually test the latest equipment. The turfgrass research portion of this mid-year conference will gather more than 20 of the nation's leading scientists presenting updates on all major turfgrass research being funded with GCSAA's support. Papers on other research will also be presented. A one-day golf championship will be played with the proceeds going to further turfgrass research. Many affiliated golf course superintendent associations hold similar golf championships, but this will be the first national golf championship specifically to benefit turfgrass research. Reprint: Treasure Coast Tide "Bill Wagner Honored At Tequesta C.C." "Saturday, March 2, 1985, was an eventful day at the Tequesta Country Club as it marked the 20th Anniversary of both Golf Course Superintendent, Bill Wagner and Golf Professional, Ed Ficker. To say the least, the day long celebration was a very popular gala event with both the golf tournament and dinner being sold out far in advance of the special day. A large number of golfers took advantage of the nice weather to honor both men on their day(s). The special activities were concluded by an elegant dinner party during which both men were formally introduced, honored, and presented with an appreciation certificate and a monetary gift and further rewarded at the conclusion of their separate remarks with a standing ovation. Both men expressed their sincere thanks and appreciation for the special recognition and for the privilege of working for such a fine group of people." James Blackledge Receives Posthumous Award The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) has awarded the Association's Distinguished Service Award posthumously to James L. Blackledge. The award was officially presented during the Opening Session of GCSAA's 56th Annual International Golf Course Conference and Show in Washington, D.C., February 5-13, 1985. The coveted Distinguished Service Award is presented to those individuals who have demonstrated dedication and outstanding service to golf course superintendents and the profession. The award was first presented in 1932. James L. Blackledge, Jimmy as he is so well remembered by golf course superintendents in Florida, was the founding father of turfgrass associations in Florida. A man of compassion who always had time to help others, he was a pillar in the golf and turfgrass industry for more than 50 years, up to his death in 1983. Blackledge's major contributions to the industry and profession stemmed from his intense interest in turfgrass research and education and in forming professional organizations. He joined the national Association in 1942, when GCSAA was known as the Greenkeeping Superintendents Association. In 1939, Blackledge co-signed a letter inviting all interested golf course superintendents in southern Florida to an organizational meeting. This was the beginning of the South Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association, of which he was elected its first president. He was the leader in the formation of the Florida Turf-Grass Association (FTGA) in 1950 and later served on many committees, as director, as secretary and as president in 1967 and 1968. In 1960, he was the first recipient of FTGA's highest honor, the "Wreath of Grass." Throughout his career, Blackledge served the industry in many capacities — an agronomist, a golf course superintendent, a researcher, an industry representative, a leader, an organizer, a scholar. As a scholar, he served on the Advisory Committee and was instrument^1 a the development of the School of Golf Course Operations at the Lake City Community College, Lake City, Florida. He was personally involved in writing, the curriculum in golf course equipment mechanics. And as a tribute, a Blackledge Memorial Scholarship was established at the college. Reprint: Florida Turf Digest Retirements: Tom Grondski has retired from the Key Biscayne Golf Course after serving as superintendent for 4 years, prior to that, Mr. Grondski was superintendent at the Ocean Reef Country Club in North Key Largo for 25 years. New Members: Upcoming Events Palm Beach Chapter: Bill Rayside, Estech Fertilizer Co., Sales Jimmie Ann Holcombe, Pro Turf Equipment Co., Sales James T. Williams, Ransomes of Florida Inc., G.M. George Jones, Ransomes of Florida Inc., Sales Richard Handley, Du-Cor Chemical Corp., Sales William Hodges, Arbor Tree & Landscape, Owner Walter McMahon, President Country Club, Supt. Dennis Crews, Central Florida Turf, Sales Mgr. May 8 - Palm Beach Treasure Coast Joint Meeting at Mariner Sands Florida West Coast Chapter: Class A Robert Flanagan, Palma Ceia G & CC William Rinaldo, Zephyrhills CC Class B Lynn Sloper, Cove Cay CC Class D Lewis Morgan, Christies, Inc. Blucher Bridges, Christies, Inc. Michael Komar, Peoples Fertilizer Central Florida Chapter: Jeff Bulmer, Turf & Industrial Supply Drew Castillo, Poinciana G & RC Charles Garrett, Fla. Irrigation Robert Lange, Soil Doctor Inc. Mike Martin, Water Oak G. C. Winfield Yount, Suntree CC South Florida Chapter: Class A Thomas Walker, Key West Resort G.C. Class B Art Kurtz, Jacaranda C.C. Class C Bill Rayside, Estech, Inc. Class D Scott Waylin, Miami Lakes Inn C.C. New Editor Appointed At the last meeting of the Executive Committee, Margaret Pincket was appointed to take over as editor of T H E TREASURE COAST TIDE in July. Margaret, wife of Chuck Pincket, has the skills and computer experience that will make the transition a smooth one. Mrs. Pincket will be the custodian of the Association's computer and will take possession of it at the end of the 1984-85 fiscal year. We look forward to having Margaret working with us and feel confident that her efforts will be of great benefit to Treasure Coast GCSA. Reprint: Treasure Coast Tide May 1 9 - 2 0 - Poa Annua Golf Classic, Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club May 13 - South Florida - Inverrary Topic "Financial Planning" June 17 - Palm Chapter, South Florida Joint Meeting at Boca Rio July 9 - South Florida "Annual Meeting" Raintree C.C. Topic: "Maintenance Buildings" May 21 - Florida West Coast Chapter - Tarpon Woods Golf & Tennis Club May 28 - Suncoast Chapter Longboat Key Club - Annual Meeting - Election of Officers September 29 - October 2 - Florida Turf-Grass Association Annual Conference and Show, Curtis Hixon Convention Center and Hyatt Regency, Tampa, Florida. Contact Bill Nass, Florida Turf-Grass Association, 302 S. Graham Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32803-6332. 1985 GCSAA Golf Tournament The 1985 GCSAA Golf Championship was recently held at the Palmetto Dunes Resort in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. The accommodations were great and the golf courses were in excellent shape but the weather did not cooperate. Temperatures in the 30's and 40's both days mixed with wind and rain caused the golf scores to soar. The Carolina "Beach Bums'' won the team title for the 3rd year in a row. Dave Powell from North Carolina won the individual title. All final standings will be in a future issue of Golf Course Management magazine. Florida players who won prizes: Dan Meyers, Tampa, 7th low gross green flight; Whit Derrick, Pelican Bay, 6th low net green flight; Kevin Downing, Mariner Sands, 1st low net black flight. After this year's tournament, I think everyone will be looking forward to next year's championship in Palm Springs, California. Joe Ondo Director of Golf Job Referrals TO: FGCSA Officers FGCSA Directors Past Presidents FROM: Tom Burrows DATE: April 3, 1985 SUBJECT: Job Referrals Mr. Dan Hall of the Everglades Chapter has been appointed Chairman of the Job Referral Committee. Dan will immediately begin to formulate a meaningful plan of action and guidelines for job referrals and will heavily rely upon Marie Roberts, our secretary. The proposed plan will be discussed at the Poa Annual Classic Directors meeting. Thank you. People Looking For Jobs DONALD R. ZEFFER Graduate of The University of Florida Job Objective - Asst. Superintendent Phone: (904) 395-8630 CHRISTOPHER MARTIN LEAHY 424 North 1st Street, Apt. #2 Lake City, FL 32055 Message Phone: (305) 683-4208 Career Objective: Seeking Assistant Superintendents position as apprenticeship for a future Superintendents position. Education: Associate of Science degree in Golf Course Operations from Lake City Community College. Graduation Date: April 26, 1985. Honors: Placed on President's List and Dean's List. Current Grade Point Average: 3.49 MR. KEVIN J. BALDWIN is seeking a position as Assistant Golf Course Superintendent. His address and telephone number are as follows: KEVIN J. BALDWIN 13405 Jo Mar Drive Tampa, FL 33617 Phone: (813) 985-5350 GERALD R. BENDER 348 Irene, Apt. #1 Rochelle, Illinois 61068 Phone: (815) 562-6194 (815) 625-6561 Seeking Asst. Superintendent Position 13 years experience A.A.S. in Horticulture Will relocate immediately EDSEL B. (WHIP) WILSON 121 Northside Drive Jackson, Tennessee 38301 Phone: (901) 424-3146 Offering over 22 years experience in golf course operations, golf course main- tenance, and turf-grass management in a variety of climatic locations with a record for beautification, playing conditions, and progressive turf improvements. EVERET BURT, Ph.D. 6980 N.W. 6th Court Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33317 Phone: (305) 583-1608 Retired Golf Course Superintendents March 21, 1985 TO: FGCSA Chapter Presidents FROM: Joe Snook - FGCSA Membership Committee SUBJECT: Retired Golf Course Superintendents There comes a time in our life when retirement is imminent, either by choice or forced upon us by other circumstances. This by no means indicates the retiree has lost interest or does not wish to continue activities in turf related functions. In the state of Florida we have many retired superintendents living here year round plus many who visit seasonally. These men with their years of knowledge can bring an added dimension to our educational format, which we have at this point rarely tapped. Your state Board of Directors voted unanimously to'welcome out-of-state retirees living here seasonally into our organization. This would give them the opportunity of being added to our mailing list and thereby receive both The Green Sheet as well as the Florida Green. In order for us to bring these retired superintendents into our organization, we need an additional classification with a dues structure to make it equitable. Each chapter after examining its financial budget could make their decision accordingly. With the help of our entire membership in recruiting, we will be able to strengthen our organizations and at the same time give our retired professionals an added interest and further fulfillment in their dedication to the Turf Industry. We welcome your comments. Thank you. Good and Welfare: We want to wish Ernie Alexander a speedy recovery from his recent illness. Dave Lottes is the proud father of a 7 lb., 4 oz. baby girl named Ashley Ann born April 6, 1985. Report of Fla. Ag Council Advisory Meeting at Ft. Lauderdale Research and Education Center on January 22, 1985 Present: Members and/or representatives of various industries: Ornamentals, Aquatic Weeds, Household Pests and Turfgrass. (Nursery — absent) The meeting was held to go over the accomplishments and needs of the Ft. Lauderdale Research and Education Center in relation to the IFAS programs and corresponding budgets. Dr. Ennis gave an overview of the entire program and brought the shortcomings in career service personnel and their lack of being competitive in salaries. An example made was the need for a turfgrass technician with a B.S. degree — starting salary $11,000. Each department head gave a brief review of their programs in conjunction with a slide presentation. Each gave their needs in relation to personnel and equipment. The areas discussed were: Aquatic Weeds — Vernon Van Diver Ornamentals — Donselman Turfgrass — Augustin and Busey Fastidious Vascular Pathogens — McCoy, Davis, Tsai Education Programs — Burch Structural, Household and other Pests — Su After the presentations the executive committee met to compile suggestions and comments and to write a report to the Fla. Ag Council. The executive committee was chaired by Dr. Max Brown. Representatives of the concerned areas, such as myself, were present to make their comments and suggestions. Steve Pearson Research Report: Bermudagrass Decline At the present time the Bermudagrass Decline research is on hold. Due to the lack of reports of Decline problems in 1984 there wasn't as much field work investigation. Dr. Freeman feels relatively certain of the pathogen, in fact, there is reported articles that there is a similarity with the pathogen involved with Spring Dead Spot. Dr. Freeman is continuing to stimulate sporulation in the lab but is having problems in this regard. Dr. Augustin and Dr. Freeman have asked for a no cost extension to this research which at this time there has been no answer. Steve Pearson University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Scholarship and Research Funding Committee Meeting at Las P a l m a s Inn on PRESS RELEASE Ft Lauderdale Research & Education Center University of Florida - I.F.A.S. Bruce J. Augustin The Ft Lauderdale Research and Education Center has recently received a gift of a Toro Series IV Greensmower and a Ryan Ride Aire from Hector Turf Incorporated of Miami Thanks to the generosity of James Mantey and Ralph Baxter of Hector, the Research Center is able to utilize the latest turf equipment in its research programs. This donation is part of an ongoing effort by the Research Center to obtain turf equipment to keep its research programs current with the latest technology available to the turf industry. The Toro greens mower from Hector will be used on new golf green research plots of Tifdwarf, Tifgreen, and Tifgreen II recently established at the Research Center. Plans for using the Ryan Ride Aire already include aerification of numerous turf areas of the Research Center including field plots of bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass and bahiagrass. M a r c h 7, 1985, Orlando, Florida Sincerely, Bruce Augustin TPC Superintendent Booth Mr. Dick Johnson PO Box 98 St. Augustine, Fla. 23084 Dear Dick, Upon returning from the TPC Championship, David Bailey and I discussed in detail the arrangements that your chapter coordinated during the tournament. Both of us were extremely impressed with the display and the clever method in which you generated interest from the visitors at "Tent City". A great deal of credit should be given to the entire North Florida chapter and its dedicated members for the efforts generated towards improving the public's awareness of the golf superintendent and golf turf management. It would be extremely beneficial if you could draft an article for the "Florida Green ' and "Golf Course Management" focusing on the success of this endeavor. As a member of the GCSAA Public Relations Committee and chairman of the same committee for the Florida GCSA, it would be an excellent idea to inform the rest of the superintendents around the country showing how a group can do wonders for the profession by putting forth effort. Once again congratulations and please pass on the compliments to all the individuals and companies that were involved. Sincerely, Kevin Downing, CGCS Chairman Public Relations Florida GCSA Present: Mike Ayer, Chairman Chip Powell Steve Pearson Tom Latta Each person on the committee was assigned a certain area to cover. My area, of course, is the golf course superintendents. We all hope that the lines of communications will be open with a member of our board on their funding committee. With the use of The Green Sheet and the Florida Green we felt that information would be easier to diseminate. One area which is going to be pursued is industries involvement with fund raising. We hope to put together some guidelines that suppliers can use that will help us in our goal. Example, chemical suppliers might be able to give 5 cents for every gallon of MSMA sold. What we hope to accomplish that didn't work in the past is to get all the major suppliers involved and not have one company take the burden. With the right approach I think that this is a very viable source. We, as golf course superintendents, will continue with our Florida Golf Day and any other programs that we have going presently. F.G.C.S.A. - Shirts TO: Charles Brasington FROM: Tom Burrows DATE: April 5, 1985 SUBJECT: Membership Services As per our telephone conversation of April 3, 1985, you are going to send three various colored golf shirts to each chapter president. A memo attached will describe your intentions. That being to supply shirts upon order to chapter members and that delivery will be made within 14 days after the order is given to you. The shirts will be a Pickering polyester/cotton material with a FGCSA Logo. They will be sold on a cost plus expenses basis, probably around $15.00 per shirt. Marie Roberts, our secretary, can handle most of the work involved for you. Please give clear instructions as to how to order the shirts. "Send order to Marie Roberts — size, color, etc." She will then send the order to Pickering, see that the buyer receives his shirts, will collect the money from the local chapter and keep you informed of each happening. Please use this memo as authoriza 1 tion to go ahead with your program. Thank you. Dean Wood Dean for Research Univ. of Fla. 1022 McCarty Hall Gainesville, FL 32611 Steve Pearson Luper A p p o i n t e d To S.F.W.M.D. March 8, 1985 Mr. Michael Bailey Boca Greens Country Club 19642 Trophy Drive Boca Raton, Florida 33545 Dear Mike: I thought perhaps you could announce that I will be the representative from the FGCSA to the Southwest Florida Water Management District's long range planning council The goal of the council is to come up with a plan for the district board to consider in providing an equitable solution to the future water needs of the district. I think it is due to the FGCSA s involvement throughout the state, and recognition it is gaining, that I was asked to be a part of a group comprised of political and commercial leaders. Any suggestions or comments to this group will be appreciated. Sincerely, John M. Luper, C.G.C.S. Golf Course Superintendent Dear Dean Wood, Having taken part in the Advisory Committee meeting at the Ft Lauderdale Agricultural Research and Education Center on January 22nd on behalf of Tom Burrows, President F.G.C.S.A. I wish to express my thanks for the chance to participate in the evaluation of the programs and the budget for the Fort Lauderdale Center. I'm sure the Florida Ag Council will appreciate hearing our suggestions and comments on the programs being developed at the Center. After meeting wth the board of directors of the Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association we are all in agreement that the position vacated by Dr. Reinert should be filled. A priority in this matter should be of concern to all in the turf grass profession. We hope that efforts are being made to find another professional to fill his vacancy. Please keep us informed as to the progress in this area. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Stephen M. Pearson Research Director F.G.C.S.A. t'Ct'CE j 'uojey Boog 3AUQ X^dojx £t96I qn[Q XjiunoQ suasjQ eoog XajiBg TREESCAPES, Inc. LIVE OAK TREES (Quercus Virginiana) DICK BESSIRE ED HAITHCOCK DARRYL REJKO SONNY SMITH 1-800-432-2214 Distributors for Howard Fertilizers 5000 - 10 gal. containers 1 W to 9V2' in height 4' - 5' clear trunk 1" • 11/4" caliper QUALITY FERTILIZERS & CHEMICALS FOR THE TURF INDUSTRY — AVAILABLE N O W — Please Call For Appointment 18300 S.E. Loxahatchee River Road Jupiter, Florida 33458 (305) 523-5864 105 South Victoria Park Road Ft. Lauderdale, FL 3 3 3 0 1