NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION UPCOMING EVENTS Sept. 7 Suncoast chapter Annual Pro-Superintendent tournament, Plantation G&CC, Venice Sept. Palm Beach GCS A chapter meeting, golf at Boynton Muncipal, meeting at Aberdeen CC Sept. 17 Adam Walsh Golf Tournament, The Club at Inverrary, Fort Lauderdale Sept. 20 Central Florida GCS A chapter meeting, Rolling Hills CC, Longwood Sept. 25 Lake City Community College 22nd Annual Alumni Golf Tournament, TPC at Cheval Sept. 26 FTGA Research Tournament, Sun City Inn, The Cypress and Kings Point, followed by Toro Corn Boil at Simmons Ranch Sept. 26 FTGA Team Championship, River Hills CC, Valrico, followed by Toro Com Boil Sept. 27 FTGA Conference & Show, Tampa. Exhibitors, please call FTGA at 407-898-6721 for late Booth registration Oct. 9 FGCSA Board Meeting, Orlando Oct. 19 North Florida chapter meeting, Osprey Cove GC, St. Marys Oct. TBA Central Florida chapter meeting, Continental CC, Wildwood Oct 25 West Coast Research Tournament, Pasadena Y&CC, Gulfport Nov. 10 FGCSA/GCSAA Regional Seminar, Personnel Functions of the Golf Course Superintendent," Omni West Hotel, PalmBeach, 8:00 a.m. Scott Bell, FGCSA Vice President, hands Fred Klauk the microphone as he accepts the FGCSAs Distinguished Service Award in front of the large crowd at the Crowfoot Open banquet. Among the many reasons Fred was presented with this honor is the professionalism he exhibits during the TPC Tournament he hosts. Fred has achieved a level of sophistication in his craft that serves as a goal for other superintendents to strive for. His persistence in stressing the importance of the golf course superinendent is well known in the industry. With his ability to maintain courses and his accomplishments as a player, he has surely earned the recognition and fulfilled the requirements of a DSA winner. President's Message Presidents Message by Paul Crawford First I say thank you to the members and the board of directors for the honor of serving as President of the F.G.C.S.A. Next in line is a big thank you to Mark Jarrell for a job well done. It will be a tough act to follow. Some of Mark's hard work was dedicated to fund raising. Mark is responsible for the programs you are participating in now with DowElanco, CibaGeigy and Rhone Poulenc. Because of this, Mark is the new Fund Raising Chairman. He needs your assistance. Please fill out and return the necesssary forms for the above programs. Tom Benefield will continue to be editor of the Florida Green and Green Sheet. This is an enormous job and Tom is doing an excellent job, However, it can be made easier by you supplying him with articles that you havewriuen. You should also urge your assistant and mechanic to supply articles as well. The FGCSA will pay for these articles. For a fee schedule, contact the FGCSA office and one will be sent to you. We also need your help with Paul Crawford advertisers. Support the people who advertise in our publications. If you are doing business with someone who is not advertising with us, encourage them to contact the FGCSA office and have a media kit sent to them. Scott Bell, our Vice President this year, will serve as Publications Chairman and will also be available to assist in Florida Green matters. Our newest board member, Greg Plotner, from the FWCGCSA, will be assuming the role of Secretary/Treasurer and will also be working on mem- GREEN SHEE Editor: Tom Benefield, CGCS Balien Isles CC 100 Balien Isles Circle Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 (407) 625-5737. News Coordinator: Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (407) 692-9349 (407) 692-9654 (Fax) The Green Sheet is a bimonthly FGCSA newsletterprinted as follows: Jan ./Feb., March/April, May/June, July/Aug., Sept./Oct., Nov ./Dec. 2 Financial Support: This issue of the Green Sheet is being co-sponsored by: Golf Ventures (813) 665-5800 and Rhone Poulenc (800) 334-9745 All material submitted for printing will be edited at the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. All photos must be black and white. Items must be for the good of the association. Deadline next issue, October 15. bership. Growth within our association is the basis for a stronger association. Only through increased membership can we grow strong. I am confident that Greg will do a fine job. David Court and Bill Jeffrey will continue to do an outstanding job on education. If you have not attended an FGCSA seminar, you are missing out on the most current information and some of the best seminars in the turf industry. These are just a few of the committee chairmanships and jobs performed by your FGCSA board members. If you can offer help to any of these chairmen, please do so. Most of all, if you are contacted by one of these new chairmen, please agree to help them and Get Involved! Book of the Month Club "Architects of Golf" A survey of golf course design from its beginnings to the present, an encyclopedic listing of golf architects and their courses. A useful and indispensible book for golfers. This book contains the history of the golf course and and how its design evolved and influenced the game. It includes a complete listing of more than 12,000 courses throughout the world and the architects who designed them. 648 pages thick with over 500 photos, it is edited by Jeffrey S. Cornish and Ronald E. Whitten. You can order this hard cover edition for $50.00 by calling 1-800-331-3761. This book has drawn rave reviews and is now in its 2nd printing. The Green Sheet Crowfoot Open Results Fred Klauk Accepts FGCSA Distinguished Service Award Mark Hopkins Defends His Title to Win 17th Annual Crowfoot Open This year's Crowfoot weekend was truly the best ever! The Disney magic created an atmosphere to make even the most harried golf course superintendent relax and enjoy the activities. Another big round of applause goes out to Vilma Kamphaus and her Crowfoot Committee for putting together such an enjoyable package. Bonnet Creek Clubhouse provided a gorgeous setting over- looking both golf courses for the annual banquet on Sunday night. Denny Zavett, Disney's popular nighttime entertainer, returned again this year as Master of Ceremonies for the funfilled evening. After the sumptuous dinner, the FGCSA presented their annual awards. The Presidents Award for Lifetime Service winners were Hugh Bebout, Dick Blake, Don Delaney, Karl Jacob and Ed Ramey. Scott Bell, Vice President of the FGCSA, presented the Distinguished Service Award to Fred Klauk, TPC at Sawgrass, who received a standing ovation. Monday morning, host Joel Jackson had his Osprey Ridge course at Bonnet Creek in great shape for all the Crowfoot Open players. The Ridge chapter defended its team title with a 4 stroke win over Central Florida. Members of the winning team were Alan Puckett, Mark Hopkins, Steve Ciardullo, and Chuck Rogers. In the superintendent low gross division, Mark Hopkins shot a 71 to edge Joe Ondo and Jim Ellison by a shot to defend his title and earn a spot on the state team in Austin, Texas. In the net division, winners were Alan Puckett with a 63 who came in two strokes ahead of Mack Baugh. In the commercial division, low gross went to Gary Wilhelm with a 73 followed by Jeff Haley with a 75. In the net division the winner was Steve Hatley with a 66. Nucrane Machinery donates triplex to FGCSA ff^For-ihe ^¿b^^year, Nucrane Machinery has donated the use of a new John Deere 2243 triplex riding greens mower to the FGCSA Research Green at the IFAS Research Center in Fort Lauderdale, Dr. John Cisar, University of Florida, commented, ¡fit is very generous and will enable IFAiS to maintain our field plots with the state-of-the-art equipment which is needed., it is also gratifying to know there is still support from our industry to keep us growing and maintaining all of our Bermuda turf plots." The research green is maintained by Marcus Prevatte who is under the direction of Dr. Monica Elliott. Current projects on the green include a USGA funded pesticide leaching study by Dr. George Snyder, a two-year study of root stimulants and a newly planted area ofTifdwarf-type Bermuda sources. tircly by the Florida GCSA. L a r r y Kamphaus congratulates Ridge members Alan Puckett, Mark Hopkins, Chuck Rogers and Steve Ciardullo for defending their titleas Chapter Champions at this year's Crowfoot Open. September/October 1993 3 FGCS A Summer Board Meeting Minutes The Summer 1993 meeting of the FGCS A Board of Directors was called to order by President Mark Jarrell at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday July 31, at Bonnet Creek GC. All officers were in attendance. Big Bend chapter was the only chapter not represented. SECRETARY/TREASURER: Scott Bell submitted the minutes of the Spring board meeting which were approved. The Year End Financial Statements for the Operating Fund, the Research Fund, and the Florida Green Account were presented and explained by Scott. Statements showed that all three accounts show a positive balance. Any member who would like to see the Financial Statements can obtain a copy by calling the FGCSA office. Scott then presented and explained the Proposed Budget for 1993-94. Extra time was taken to explain each budget item since three new board members were attending their first meeting. One of the first suggestions was to donate the remaining funds from the Hurricane Relief Fund to flood relief. It was decided that this would be done only if there is a chapter of the GCSAA that is spearheading a Flood Relief Fund. Donations were discussed. The FGCSA will continue to co-sponsor a lobbyist. Chapters pledged funds to this program as follows: PBGCS A- $1,000; SFGCSA - $1,000; WCGCSA - a minimum of $2,000; 7 Rivers - $2,000. The balance of our commitment will be paid through the Operating Fund. Donations of $1,000 to the Musser Fund was approved. It was decided to increase our donation to $1,000 to the Lake City Community College Endowment Fund. Money will be used to upgrade and improve programs, in particular to fund student tours, aid the mechanics program, and provide some travel expenses for instructors. The possibility of the Florida Golf Council being combined with the FTG A was discussed. No donation will be made since we are already funding a state lobbyist. Paul Crawford noted that the Florida Green will keep the profits from the 4 magazine in a separate account but will donate whatever amount is necessary in order to balance the budget in the Operating Account. Scott Bell reminded all External Vice Presidents that the only way we can achieve our goal of 800 members is for each chapter to continue to send in the FGCSA portion of their local dues to the office on a regular basis. Tom Benefield made a motion that the budget be accepted as amended. Dale Kuehner seconded the motion. The amended budget was approved. Total expenses included $145,000 for Publications, Operations at $52,000 and $30,000 in Donations. Total income was forecasted at $246,000.Year-end income over expense will be utilized to re-establish the Florida Green reserve. The Board then visited with Dale Mitchell and Richard Colyer of Golf Agronomics who made a contribution to the FGCSA Research Fund.This is the third year they have been participating in this funding program. President Jarrell echoed the sentiments of the entire board by thanking Dale and Richard for their $3,516 check and their generous company policy. BY LAWS: A discussion was held on the newly established At Large Membership category. Tom Benefield presented a proposed application and dues structure of $70.00 per year. This category is meant to help those Florida superintendents who must travel a great distance in order to attend a chapter meeting. The application and $70.00 fee was approved. FLORIDA GREEN: Paul Crawford explained the financial position of the magazine and reviewed the Spring and Summer editions. Paul forecasts a profit for each issue. He also noted that the Florida Green will help underwrite this year's reception in Dallas and will be inviting all advertisers to participate. CROWFOOT OPEN: Joe Ondo reported that 128 players have signed up for Monday's play on Osprey Ridge. There are a few spots left over. Winner of the tournament will be invited to be a member of the FGCSA team in Dallas. M E M B E R S H I P DIRECTORY: Marie Roberts reported that ad sales for the directory continue to be good. All External Vice Presidents were urged to contact their Chapter Secretaries to help get their lists turned in as soon as possible, not later than August 27. RESEARCH: John Foy reported that the Bio-stimulant project is entering its second year of observation and at this point there does not seem to be a significant difference between most of the products being tested. Results will be published in the Florida Green. EDUCATION: Sunday's Crowfoot seminar has been approved by the GCSAA for .5 CEU's and by the State of Florida for 2 CEU's. The FGCSA/ GCSAA Regional Seminar will be held in Palm Beach in November. MEMBERSHIP: Alan Pucket presented a motion that the 1994-95 dues be raised to $70.00/member. Some members of the board felt this was not too much to ask since the current dues do not cover the administration of the association. However, Jim Miller did note the reluctance that club managers have to an increase, however slight. lit was suggested that each External VP speak to their members about this and be ready to discuss it again at the Fall meeting. FTGA: Mark Jarrell announced the names of the 1993 FTGA Scholarship winners and FTGA office nominations. He also announced that a proposed sod Certification Program is being worked on by Dr. Dudeck and David Barnes. The first grass to go through the program will be Floratex. The certification is meant to establish that the product is free of weeds, nematodes, etc. but will not necessarily guarantee that the product. Mark noted that the FTGA has many expensive projects going on right now and that they are temporarily "overextended" on some of these. He noted that membership was down and that the staff is pursuing demographic studies to see what segment has fallen off. The Green Sheet FGCSA Summer Board Meeting Minutes GOVERNMENT RELATIONS: Tom Benefield reported that the Water Management Districts are continuing to work with the Department of Environmental Regulations on creating guidelines for effluent water use charges. One of the most critical areas is the DER desire to require mandatory golf course usage, if available, without looking at economic feasibility. This is still in the theoretical stage and is being closely watched by Tom and Tim Hiers. However, it was felt that this could be an area that should be addressed by our lobbyist. Tim distributed some information that he found in articles from the Sierra Club and Sports Illustrated. Copies will be distributed to all External VP's. He urged everyone to cut out any pertinent articles, respond to the writer yourself, or mail a copy to Tim or any Board Member for review. Tim noted how much more paperwork is needed to complete the permitting process on building a new golf course now than when he last was involved in 1988. He also spoke on the merger of DER. GCSAA: Randy Nichols, President of the GCS AA, spoke on the current problems and projects that are being undertaken by the GCSAA. Everyone was aware that Steve Cadenelli and Bill Roberts have resigned from the GCSAA Board. Palmer Maples is the new Nominations Committee Chairman. Mr. Nichols explained the purpose and procedure of the controversial "Anderson study". He noted that 25 employees were interviewed in person and others were given written forms. Results of these interviews were explained to the GCSAA Board of Directors. Weeks later, the Board voted 8 to 1 to accept the changes suggested by the Anderson group (Mr. Roberts voted against the proposal). Randy stated that Bill Roberts position on the board probably will remain unfilled for the remainder of the year. Randy noted that the GCSAA office is operating as efficiently as possible despite the amount of growth and the amount of staff turnover. He noted September/October 1993 however, that there will be staff changes. Randy then answered candidly to all the questions that Board Members had for him. Dick Blake referred to the Update on GCSAA Matters that was sent to all members on July 24th and suggested that Committee Chairmen should know more about what is happening within the association. He asked why it was necessary to have attorney's copies on many of these memos. Randy announced that Robert Oakes has been terminated. Chip Lewison felt that the Anderson study is a good idea and possibly should be something that is done every seven years or so on a routine basis so that it does not look as though one person is questioning the workings of the association. Scott Bell questioned the status of the old building. Randy unhappily announced that it is still empty and is a drain on the association. Options are being discussed. Questions were raised on the Far East office. Randy announced that the office was opened in an effort to generate more members and that it is not a financial drain on the GCSAA. It is on a year-to-year basis and will only continue if it is profitable to the GCSAA. Scott suggested that there may have been too much undue publicity given to this project. Randy announced the upcoming September meeting to which all GCSAA Voting Delegates have been invited. The GCSAA is paying for housing for all attendees. The By Laws and future direction of the GCSAA will be discussed. All local Florida chapters have been invited. Unfortunately the meeting dates conflict with the FTG A but it is hoped that most chapters will be able to send a representative. Mark Jarrell ended the informational discussion by thanking Randy for his frankness and for having the courage to initiate a check and balance program for the GCSAA FUND RAISING: Jeff Hayden spoke on the remarkable success of the Seven Rivers Golf Tournament which raised $22,500 to purchase equipment for the Envirotron. Jeff noted that profits were good due mostly to the fact that the World Woods Golf Resort donated the Pine Barrens course for the tournament. Rhone Poulenc, LESCO, Ag Resources and Helena Chemical made major contributions. Jeff noted that another reason for the success was that many people were aware of the need for equipment for the Envirotron. He also suggested that the one-day golf tournament might be the best fund-raising vehicle for local chapters to use. Greg Plotner then encouraged all External Vice Presidents to have their members get behind the three companies who are providing fund raising vehicles for the FGCSA. He noted that these companies were approached by us to provide these programs and it is up to us to see that they are successful. Each of the three programs was discussed. DowElanco requires all superintendents to retain a copy of invoices for products bought this year. At the end of the program, they will be submitted to DowElanco for a rebate. The superintendent does not have to sign up for the program, but must save the invoices. CibaGeigy requires a minimum of a $2,000 purchase of any products in order to qualify for a rebate. Superintendents must sign up for the program but do not have to keep any records. RhonePoulenc requires that a superintendent fill out a profile maintenance form to be eligible for a $15.00 donation. Absolutely no purchases are necessary. All of these programs will end before the end of the year so it is necessary that each local member do their part. It is embarrassing for us to get these companies to spend time establishing these programs and then our members do not even take the time to sign their name to the forms. NEW BUSINESS: It was decided that we would not hold the Fall Board Meeting in conjunction with the FTG A Show this year. The meeting will be held in Orlando in October. /. 5 Chapter Officers 1993-94 Florida Turfgrass Association Gears Up for it's 41st Annual Conference and Show Central Florida Chapter The 41st FTGA Conference and Show will be held September 26-29 at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa. Over 300 exhibitors will display the newest products, techniques and strategies for the turfgrass industry. The Trade Show is open from 1:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday and from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday. Concurrent education sessions will be held on Monday morning from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Superintendents who may not be able to get away from their golf course for an extended length of time can squeeze in a full and informative day on Monday. The Florida Turfgrass Association spends many hours preparing this event for the benefit of our FGCSA members. We urge all superintendents to make an extra effort to show your support for your suppliers by attending the Conference and Show this year. We know you will be glad you did. ^ President Charles Blankenship Vice President Don McCommon ExVice President Joe Ondo Sec/Treasurer Brian Jenkins Everglades Chapter President Yice President Ext Vice President Sec/Treasurer Prentis Knotts Wayne Kappauf Mike Mongoven George Bowling President Vice President Ext Vice President Sec/Treasurer Gary Dahlberg Brigidt Braun Brigid Braun Kim Shine President Vice President Ext Vice President Sec/Treasurer John Gallagher Robin Goodell Chip Fowkes Karl Schmidt President Vice President Ext Vice President Sec/Treasurer Chuck Rogers Alan Puckett Alan Puckett Ray Cuzzone President Vice President Ext Vice President Sec/Treasurer Glen Oberlander Jeff Hayden Jeff Hayden David Hoggard President Vice President Ext Vice President Sec/Treasurer A1 Ross Bob Klitz Dale Kuehner Mark Richard North Florida Chapter Palm Beach Chapter Ridge Chapter offle ébmm&aC LASSIC y LESCQ Aq 'S/iûheéïm Wr ' RESOURCES Seven Rivers Chapter South Florida Chapter Suncoast Chapter President Gary Vice President External Vice President Sec/Treasurer MacDougall Mark Todd Jim Miller Troy Futch Treasure Coast Chapter President Vice President Ext Vice President Sec/Treasurer Tim Cann Dick Gray Jay Gratton Roger Welker President Vice President Ext Vice President Sec/Treasurer Chip Lewison Rob Walter Greg Plotner Peter Bass West Coast Chapter 6 Seven Rivers GCSA Raises $22,500 for Envirotron Equipment The inaugural Envirotron Golf Classic held June 18, 1993 at World Woods Golf Resort in Homosassa Springs resulted in a 522,500 donation to support the purchase of equipment needed for the Envirotron facility in Gainesville. Glen Oberlander, President of the Seven Rivers GCSA chapter, challenged his chapter membership to put together the largest single day event in the state of Florida. The World Woods Golf Resort generously donated the Pine Barrens course for the four-man scramble which drew 196 players and grossed $35,000. Major sponsors for the event also included Lesco and Ag Resources/ Helena Chemical. The Green Sheet Golf a Ventures a complete line of golf course products 2101 EAST EDGEW00D DRIVE LAKELAND, FLORIDA 33803 1-800-330-8874 • (813) 665-5800 • FAX (813) 667-0888 ANNOUNCEMENT GOLF VENTURES IS NOW THE EXCLUSIVE FLORIDA DISTRIBUTOR FOR POROUS SILICA AGGREGATE THE LIGHTEST, MOST POROUS AND MOST COST-EFFECTIVE ALL-NATURAL TOPDRESSING AMENDMENT AVAILABLE FOR SOIL AND ROOT ZONE IMPROVEMENT! PSA's unique, open-ended internal porosity provides the following benefits: • RELIEVES COMPACTION • IMPROVES SOIL STRUCTURE • INCREASES ROOT VOLUME • INCREASES TURF DENSITY • SOFTENS HARD, PUSH-UP GREENS • CONTROLS HOT SPOTS • MINIMIZES SURFACE ALGAE complete line of golf course products Golf M Ventures a complete Une of golf course products 2101 EAST EDGEW00D DRIVE LAKELAND, FLORIDA 33803 1-800-330-8874 • (813) 665-5800 • FAX (813) 667-0888 Come See Us At Island J At The Florida Turfgrass Conference & Show! FRED KLAUK RECEIVES FGCSA DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD FGCSA Secretary Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 FIRST CLASS U.S. Postage PAID Permit #137 Stuart, FL ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Mascaro, Tom Turf Tec International 4740 N E 12th Ave. Oakland Park, FL 33334 Sl*e*,NTEWO^ iuiliuDiiiiStuiSiiinititiiS ÌHllHÌ,.l.!„ll,