GR] h a l l i wMkìmÈ • tSKS¿ VOL IV, PART IV; JULY/AUG, 1988 NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA UPCOMING EVENTS South Florida Chapter Annual Meeting, Eagle Trace July 12 Everglades Chapter Meeting, Wildcat Run July 12 West Coast Chapter Meeting July 13 Treasure Coast Chapter Meeting, John's Island July 19 Safety With Pesticides Seminar, Pinellas County Ag Center, Largo Safety With Pesticides July 20 Seminar, Kendrick Auditorium, Palmetto Palm Beach Chapter July 20 Annual Meeting, Old Marsh GC Safety With Pesticides July 21 Seminar, Naples July 22-4 North Florida Chapter Annual Meeting, Ponce de Leon Resort August 6 FGCSA Annual Board Meeting, Grand Cypress Executive Center August 7 FGCSA Seminar, Grand Cypress August 7, 8 Crowfoot Open, Grand Cypress August 8 South Florida Chapter Meeting, Key Biscayne August 17 Palm Beach Chapter Meeting, Bear Lakes CC October 9-12 Florida Turfgrass Annyaks£onference and Florida 60th InterFebruary 6 - 1 If Course and^ Show; Anahei coupon - GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS 88 POA let's MTV*IM? AND July 11 Could this really Kevin Downing? be, IlP B.J. Cannon, professor at Lake City Community College explaining preventative maintenance program to attendees of the educational seminar at the POA Classic. See page 4 for more details on the Classic. ASSOCIATION FTGA-TAMPA DATES SET Plans are finalized for the Florida Turfgrass Annual Conference and Show, Sunday through Wednesday, October 9-12, Tampa, Florida. This annual event is one of the largest warm season turfgrass conferences in the southeast. A patriotic theme will abound in the exhibit hall 3 days. Over 200 exhibitors will display the latest turfgrass equipment and products. Wednesday's Show admission will be free. Dr. Glenn Burton, renowned researcher in Turfgrass Breeding will address the General Conference Session Monday. Educational opportunities include 4 Major Educational Seminars. Golf Turf. Principles of Turfgrass Management, Lawn and Commercial Turf on Tuesday morning at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. And Turfgrass Production on Wednesday afternoon at Curtis Hixon Convention Center. Workshops available for members with advanced registration are Identification and Control of Turfgrass Diseases. Basic Soils and Turf Managers. Elements of Turfgrass Nutrition. Managing Your Labor Force, and Nematode Management in Turfgrasses. Other activities for members and their guests are the Sunday Golf Tournament and Neff Machinery Corn Boil, Spouse Program, Awards Luncheon, President's Reception, and Bill Wagner Memorial Prayer Breakfast. For registration and schedules contact Florida Turfgrass Association, 302 S. Graham Ave., Orlando, FL 32803, (407)898-6721. • FGCSA Officers and Committee Roster President's Message by Dick Blake GREEN SHEE ^/NTENOtf* A Reason For Research President; Dick Blake, CGCS (407) 997-0408 EDITOR Mike Bailey 16379 Country Lake Circle Delray Beach, FL 33484 (407) 499-8480 (Recorder) SECRETARY Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (407) 692-9349 Vice President; Cecil Johnston (813) 962-3018, Director of Publications Secretary/Treasurer; Joel Jackson, CGCS (407) 876-4244 Immediate Past President; Reed LeFebvre (813) 752-1524, Nominations/Awards Executive Secretary; Marie Roberts (407) 692-9349, Membership Services, Employment Referral, Membership Directory PUBLISHER Printer's Choice, Inc. 1845 S.W. 4th Ave., A-4 Delray Beach, FL 33444 (407) 276-8339 Florida Green Editor; Dan Jones, CGCS (407) 793-0069 Florida Green Ed. Asst.; Irene Jones (407) 793-2497 CIRCULATION The Green Sheet is a bi-monthly FGCSA, Newsletter printed as follows: Jan./Feb., Mar./Apr., Sept/Oct, Nov./Dec. The Green Sheet is designed to be a current, up-to-date newsletter as compared to the "Florida Green" (an educational communication magazine.) FINANCIAL SUPPORT The 1986-1987 GCSA Green Sheet operating budget for issues Sept,/Oct thru July/Aug. is being financially supported by: Estech Fertilizer Incorporated 2121 3rd Street S.W. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (800) 282-9588 Green Sheet Editor; Mike Bailey (407) 499-8480 Fund Raising; Joel Jackson, CGCS (407) 876-4244 Public Relations: 1) Superintendent Promotion Mark Jarrell, CGCS (407) 965-0046 2) Television Promotion Kevin Downing, CGCS (407) 283-7500 Education; Tom Burrows, CGCS (407) 746-8911 GCSAA; Cecil Johnston (813) 962-3018 Advertisers play an important role to the success of this newsletter. Because of their advertising support, The Green Sheet is not a financial burden to the FGCSA. Voting Delegate; Don Delaney, CGCS (813) 867-1191 CRITERIA Research; Lary Livingston CGCS (813) 922-0833 FTGA; Mark Jarrell, CGCS (407) 965-0046 All material submitted for printing will be edited per the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. All photos must be black and white (color photos reproduce pooly for this text.) Items submitted must be for the good of the association. Golf; Joe Ondo, CGCS (407) 657-7565 DEADLINE Certification; Dick Blake, CGCS (407) 997-0408 All material must be submitted prior to the 2nd Friday of the proceeding issue, i.e. Aug 12th for the Sept./Oct. issue and Nov. 11th for the Nov./Dec. issue. NEXT EDITOR'S DEADLINE MEMBER OF SAP AUGUST 12th Membership & By-Laws; Cecil Johnston (813) 962-3018 Long Range Planning; Ray Hansen (305) 367-2312 Crowfoot; Joe Ondo, CGCS (407) 657-7565 POA Classic; Steve Ciardullo (813) 992-0589 Advisory Committee; John Foy, USGA (407) 546-2620 Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (800) 472-7878 • I was asked the question, "What do I get for my research donation?" This question comes from a member who belongs to GCSAA, FGCSA, and FTGA who is contemplating making a donation to research from his own income. There must be a lot of our members out there asking the same question since only 145 members of the GCSAA have joined the Golden Tee clubs out of a membership of 8,000, while only 107 members in Florida have joined the Florida Turf Grass Research Foundation, Inc., as charter members. The above figures speak for themselves. In the bylaws of all the above professional associations we state the purpose of these associations to promote turf management as it pertains to the golf course supt. I think we should take a few minutes and review the goals and purposes of our associations as painted in the membership directories, and then review the history and growth of golf in the last 30 years. You should read the April 1988 issue of Golf Course Management article Herb Graffis Speaks Out and the May 1988 article The Wisdom of Experience by Sherwood Moore, looking back at the good old days. How would you like to go back to the good old days as relates to golf course maintenance? Look back at the history of the game of golf. Would you enjoy playing the game with wooden shafted clubs and Guta Perrcha balls? Consider the changes in golfing attire brought about in great part by more women golfers. June is the month of the USGA open golf tournament. We all enjoy it. Would you like to go back to reading about it in the newspaper or hearing about it on radio instead of viewing it on color TV? Golf course supts and golf professionals see and hear references made to their professions and abilities on world wide TV. Have you ever thought about how this all came about? Have you read the 1987 Annual Turfgrass Research Report submitted jointly by the USGA and the GCSAA or the I FAS report of May 1988, Turfgrass Research in Florida? Have you ever considered what the costs are to our "Friends Of The Association" who support and contribute to all our educational and golf functions. Have you thought of the costs to the equipment, chemical, fertilizer, and related companies as to their costs of research and development of new products? Are you aware of the equipment and supplies that are provided to colleges and vocational centers around the USA and Canada to help train future members of our profession. And how many golf course supts., educators, and sales people have received financial support from our Association's S&R programs? Are you aware of the functions of the National Golf Foundation, the O. J. Noer Foundation, the Evans S&R programs, the Lawrence S. Dickinson Fund, the Francis Quimet S&R Fund, and there are many more throughout the country. Are you aware of the various state golf associations comprised of amateur golfers from all walks of life who through a love of the game of golf got to know each other and worked together for the advancement of the game and everything that it relates to, from the rules of golf to improving playing conditions, to supporting educational and research programs. Are you aware of the progress made through the combined efforts of the allied associations meetings? Are you aware of the time your peers contribute serving on local, state, and national committees to advance and improve our associations and profession? If all our members would just think for a few minutes about the progress we have made both professionally and* financially from other peoples' donations to research through the years. And look ahead to a new era of biotechnology that will change and improve our standard of living in the future. Don't you think and really believe that now is the time to do your part and contribute to our research programs. We have made a commitment to support research in Florida- let's be known as givers and supporters, not takers. Show people you care - by sending in your check right away. Thank You For Caring Dick Blake P.S. It's tax deductible. • INTERESTED HORTICULTURE STUDENTS Fall 1988 Course Schedule These are the Fall 1988 schedule of classes at the Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center. These courses may be of interest to you and can be taken for college credit, or can be audited. To reserve a place in any of these courses, please call me to give your name and the course in which you are interested. Formal registration will be at the first class session of the course during the week of August 22, 1988. We look forward to seeing many of you in class! ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE SCHEDULE OF CLASSES $3,500 FOR GOLF WEEK The following superintendents raised $3,500 during the 1988 Florida Golf Week program. The FGCSA would like to thank these superintendents and their club members for their contributions which will go directly to turfgrass research. Mike Barbush Hideaway Beach Lee Bladen Fountains CC Tom Burrows Turtle Creek Club Dave Hoggard Citrus Hills G&CC Ted Daum Central Florida event Glen Klauk Del ray Dunes G&CC Jeff Klontz CC of Florida Todd Miller Tequesta CC Joe Ondo Winter Pines George Ord Harbour Ridge Tony Pagniello Whispering Oaks Al Ross Sunrise CC Jim Slingland Pipers Landing Eddie Snipes Selva Marina Dale Witting CC at Woodfield Fund raising totals are not completely compiled as of printing, Final totals will be available in the next issue. • FALL-1988 Environmental Factors in Ornamental Crop Production (ORH 3422, 3 credits) Dr. Stephen D. Verkade Monday 6:00-9:00 PM Turfgrass Culture (ORH 3222, 3 credits) Dr. Stephen D. Verkade Thursday 4:00-8:00 PM (includes a dinner break) Culture and Production of Aquatic Plants (ORH 4942, 3 credits) Dr. David L. Sutton Tuesday 6:00-9:00 PM Horticulture Seminar (ORH 4932, 1 credit) Dr. George E. Fitzpatrick Wednesday 5:00-6:00 PM General Soils (SOS 3002, 4 credits) Dr. George S. Snyder Mon 3:00-5:00, Wed 2:00-5:00 PM FALL SEMESTER BEGINS AUGUST 22, 1988 For More information contact: Dr. Stephen Verkade 475-8990. • CROWFOOT BOARD MEETING The next regularly scheduled meeting of the FGCSA Board of Directors will be held on Saturday, August 6, at 8:00 a.m. in the Grand Cypress Executive Meeting Center. This will be followed by the Annual Meeting of the FGCSA which will begin at 1:00 p.m. POA ANNUA GOLF CLASSIC by Joe Ondo, Golf Chairman ANNUAL MEETING All FGCSA members are urged to attend the Annual Meeting of the FGCSA in order to take an active part in your association. Get in on the ground floor as we prepare for the 1990 GCSAA National Conference which will be held here in Orlando. This is your opportunity to become involved in the future of your profession. • SELLING YOUR PROGRAM The FGCSA Education Committee will sponsor an educational seminar at the Crowfoot Open on Sunday morning, August 7, in the Grand Cypress Executive Meeting Center. The theme of the program will be Selling Your Program and will earn attendees both GCSAA and State CEU's. Speakers will be Frank Dobie, Sharon, Ohio, who will illustrate how he sold a massive refurbishing program to his club management. Oscar Miles, Butler National, will speak on the use of a secretary and computers in your program. Dr. Monica Juhnke of the Fort Lauderdale I FAS Research Center will present an educational presentation on turfgrass. Please contact your local chapter secretary or the FGCSA office for further details. • T ^ h e Naples Beach Club was host once again for the annual POA Annua Golf Classic. The FGCSA sponsored educational seminar was first on the agenda Saturday with 34 superintendents attending. They heard talks on Preventive Maintenance, Integrated Pest Management, and Golf Course Reconstruction, while accumulating valuable CEU's toward recertification. Exce The 1988 POA Board Meeting was held on Sunday, May 22, at the Naples Beach Hotel. All officers were present. Joel Jackson distributed a preliminary budget for the 1988-89 fiscal year which will be voted on at the Crowfoot Board Meeting. Reed LeFebvre reported that he would be sending out a letter to all chapters requesting nominations for the FGCSA Distinguished Service Award. FTGA: Bob Yount gave the Board an update on the FTGA Research Foundation. Dick Blake urged all members to support this project with a $100 donation. GCSAA: John Segui, President, GCSAA, discussed changes that are being made in the GCSAA Certification Exam, particularly in the Financial Management Section. Sunday morning was the annual FGCSA Board Meeting followed by the G.C. Horn Memorial golf tournament. David Barnes and his helpers are to be commended for a job well done. The banquet and entertainment was well attended and everyone had a good time. Monday morning was the golf tournament with Palm Beach Chapter winning the Poa Annua trophy by one stroke over the Central Florida team. Roy MacDonald, Mariner Sands, was Low Gross superintendent with 70, winning a match of cards with Glen Klauk, Delray Dunes. Scott Zakany, Evergreen Club, was Low Net superintendent with a 62 followed by Dick Blake, Bocaire, who shot a 64. Will Corder won the Suppliers Division by posting a fine 70. The Everglades Chapter and the Naples Beach Club are to be congratulated for another fine event. It was first rate, as usual. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Crowfoot in August. • John Segui addresses FGCSA Board. FLORIDA GREEN: Dan Jones presented the Spring issue of the Florida Green which has been dedicated to Bill Wagner. A motion was made to allow the Executive Committee to purchase an appropriate Desk Top Publishing System for our publishing needs. GREEN SHEET: Mike Bailey reported on the proper format for submitting articles for publication in the Green Sheet. The most important qualification is timeliness. A decision on whether to switch to first class mail rather than bulk rate mailing will be made at the June Publications Meeting. irptsfrom 1988 POA Board Meeting MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY: Marie Roberts reported that more advertisements will need to be solicited for future Directories. EDUCATION: Tom Burrows reported that 34 superintendents had attended the POA seminar held yesterday. The seminar to be presented at the Crowfoot will have as its theme, "Selling Your Program." The two main speakers will be Oscar Miles, Butler National, Illinois, and Frank Dobie, Sharon Club, Ohio. Dr. Monica Juhnke will also be on the program. The seminar will be at least 5 hours long in order to qualify for GCSAA CEU credit. It will be held on Sunday, August 7, at Grand Cypress in Orlando. Tom reported that the FGCSA is sponsoring a series of Pesticide Dick Blake, sporting his new dress attire. Safety Seminars that will be given around the state at local Ag Centers. These seminars are designed for superintendents, assistants, and spray foremen and are conveniently scheduled for short, after noon sessions. They have been approved for 3 CEU's toward the Florida Restricted License. FLORIDA GOLF WEEK: Joel Jackson reported that the proceeds of the 1988 Florida Golf Week are disappointing. The total received to date is $2,600. It was suggested that we move Florida Golf Week forward so that it occurs before Easter next year. F T G A : Larry Livingston gave a report on the grants that have recently been awarded to Florida researchers. Larry pointed out to Board Members that the FGCSA needs to present specific research projects to the FTGA. Ray Hansen discussed the extremely successful South Florida Turfgrass Workshop & Exposition which generated over $13,000. The South Florida chapter would be glad to send any chapter a package describing the mechanics of the program. The South Florida chapter would like to see these funds go toward building a USGA green at a South Florida golf club which would be used by IFAS personnel from Fort Lauderdale for research purposes. Larry Livingston suggested that the South Florida chapter present this specific research project to the FTGA. A Research Committee was established to look into specific needs and flexibility of projects for the FGCSA/FTGA. Larry Livingston, Ray Hansen, Kevin Downing, John Foy, Reed LeFebvre, and Mark Jarrell will serve on this committee. Larry reported that the 1991 and 1992 FTGA Conference and Show will be held in Jacksonville. GOLF: Joe Ondo reported that this years GCSAA tournament will be on a point system. One of the main reasons for the change is in the interest of time. MEMBERSHIP: Cecil Johnston presented a map showing the concentration of member clubs around the state. He noted the overlapping of chapter boundaries and broad areas where we have no members. He also noted that some members have to travel great distances to attend monthly meetings. A discussion was held regarding inviting the "Ridge Area" superintendents to form a chapter of the FGCSA. Dick Blake volunteered to acquire the GCSAA format on establishing new chapters and proposing this to the superintendents in the "Ridge Area." CROWFOOT: Joel Jackson reported that the Crowfoot tournament will be held on August 7 and 8 at Grand Cypress in Orlando. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS: Cecil Johnston reported that the FGCSA is continuing its efforts to have a representative at all governmental meetings that may effect Florida golf courses, such as the Pesticide Review Council, Endangered Species, etc. The FGCSA office has established a file which is available to any superintendent of minutes of these meetings. LONG RANGE PLANNING: Ray Hansen made a motion that the Executive Secretary be made available to provide secretarial services for all local chapters. The motion was approved. Ray will write a letter to each local chapter informing them of the availability of secretarial service and asking if their chapter would be interested in participating in this program. G C S A A NOMINATIONS: Board of Directors nominations for the GCSAA are due by September 1. A motion was made that the FGCSA will make a strong effort to nominate a Florida superintendent for the GCSAA Board. The motion was carried. It was mentioned that the time commitment for these positions is very great and may not be practical for a Florida superintendent due to club time restrictions. The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m. • From the desk of Russ Mitchell Agronomist Woodbury Chemical Here are a few tips on products to use for control of several problem insects around the maintenance building. FLEA CONTROL; The products of choice are Safrotin EC, Ficam W or Dursban LO. When added to precor, which is a growth regulator, 120 day control can be expected. SPIDER CONTROL; Use either Ficam W, Baygon WP, on one of the new synthetic pyrethroids such as Demon, Cynoff or Tempo. The wettable powders will give at least 30 day residual on dry surfaces. ROACH CONTROL; Once again, Demon, Cynoff of Tempo will give excellent results. Rotate with Ficam W, Baygone W, Safrotin or Dursban LO. FLY CONTROL; In maintenance buildings, flies can be a problem. Two excellent products for fly control are Flytek bait and Stimukil bait. They both have a sex attractant which lures the fly to the bait which contains a toxicant. ON ALL THESE PRODUCTS, PLEASE READ THE LABEL CAREFULLY FOR PLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS AND SAFETY DATA. • Golf Writers Receive Awards From GCSAA GCSAA Television Campaign Cdntinues Now that the professional golf tour is in full swing, GCSAA's public relations efforts on television also increase. A new GCSAA commercial premiered last month during ESPN's coverage of the LPGA StandardRegister Turquoise Classic. If your chapter is planning to use local television broadcast time this year, please contact Bob Still, GCSAA manager of media relations, to receive a copy of the new commercial. The commercials used during the 1986-87 golf season are no longer authorized for use. Below is the 1988 schedule for the commercial spots with ESPN. Please check your local listings for the time in your area. JULY 12-Inside The PGA Tour 13-Inside The PGA Tour 14 - British Open 15 - British Open 15 - LPGA Boston Five Classic 16 - LPGA Boston Five Classic 17 - LPGA Boston Five Classic 17 - Inside The PGA Tour 17 - Sportscenter 19-Inside The PGA Tour 20 - Inside The PGA Tour 24 - Inside The PGA Tour AUGUST 9 - Inside The PGA Tour 10-Inside The PGA Tour 11 - PGA Championship 12 - PGA Championship 14-Inside The PGA Tour 16-1 nside The PGA Tour 17 - Inside The PGA Tour 21 - Inside The PGA Tour GCSAA President John A. Segui, CGCS, has announced the winners of the association's Second Annual Golf Writers Awards. Jim Pettit, writer for the High Point Enterprise in High Point, N.C., was named the first place winner for his article, "Crews Flooded With Maintenance Tasks." He will be receive a cash prize of $1,000. The second-place prize of $600 will be presented to Tim Rosaforte, staff writer for the Palm Beach Post in West Palm Beach, FL His story was titled, "Majorki Oversees the Pampering of PGA National's Course." The third place award went to David D. Field. He will receive $400 for his work titled, "The PGA ChampionshipSome Afterthoughts." The story was published in Southern Golf. The contest is open to members of the Golf Writers Association of America. The purposes of the GCSAA competition include recognizing and encouraging excellence in golf journalism and developing the golfing public's understanding of the professional role of the golf course superintendent in the name of golf. Entries from around the United States were independently judged on the basis of journalistic merit by faculty members at the University of Kansas School of Journalism. For more information, contact Bob Still, GCSAA media relations manager, at 1-800/GSA-SUPT or 913/841-2240. • WHO IS DISTINGUISHED? SUPERINTENDENT AVAILABLE Experienced superintendent seeking to move back to the Florida area. Holds a 2 year degree and has 4 years experience as a golf course superintendent. Contact (205) 7587635. • SEPTEMBER 3 - PGA Tour Canadian Open OCTOBER 8 - Senior PGA Tour Vantage Cup 29 - Senior PGA Tour Las Vegas NOVEMBER 1 2 - PGA Tour Championship. Nabisco • All local chapters have been recently asked to submit their nomination for the FGCSA Distinguished Service Award. The presentation of this prestigious award will be made at the FTGA Awards Banquet in October. Please contact your local chapter secretary for details if you would like to make a suggestion for your chapter's 1988 nomination. • LETTERS TO WHATS HOT OT WHAT'S NOT Profile - Walking greens mowers are in, riding triplexes are out. - Dwarf is in, Bent is out - Triplex greens mowers for fairways are in, 7 gang mowers are out. - Key Lime blazers Driver Blue is out. - Bermuda grass Diazinon is out. are mites in, Bus are in, - Green Sheet is in, Florida Green is out. - Cecil Johnston Downing is out. is in, Kevin - Treasure Coast is in, Palm Beach is out. • Successful Safety Seminars The FGCSA sponsored a series of Pesticide Safety seminars during June. The seminar material was supplied by Van Waters & Rogers and was presented by Norman Ehman, Vice President, Pest Control Supplies, Van Waters & Rogers, San Jose, California. The seminars were held in Martin County, Palm Beach County, and Broward County with a total of 80 superintendents and spraymen. All licensed attendees received 3 CEU's toward recertification of their Florida Pesticide License. This low cost series of seminars will continue to be offered throughout the state this summer. Don't miss out on the opportunity to train yourself and your staff on Pesticide Safety. Contact the FGCSA office at (407) 692-9349 for details. • Mike Bailey - Editor of The Green Sheet. Age: 33 Marital Status: Married to Jennifer, for 7 years (no children yet, not sure if I can handle pythium and diapers at the same time). Education: Graduate of Eastern Kentucky University, 1977. Bachelor of Science -Horticulture. Occupation: Golf course superintendent with responsibility of constructing the Falls Country Club, Lake Worth, FL. Favorite Movie: "Caddy Shack" a real classic; a movie I can relate to. (I can't wait until Caddy Shack II comes out!) The Book I've Been Recommending To My Friends: Turfgrass Science and Culture by Dr. BeardEveryone should read it, even if you're an accountant. Worst Job Ever: Working on a golf course in Kentucky, operating a 2 wheel, hand driven gravely rotory mower, in high school during the summer, getting paid only $2.75/hr. Hobbies: GOLF, only when I'm playing good, meaning I shoot in the low eighties or high seventies. PHOTOGRAPHY, I enjoy trying to take interesting photos, especially while on vacation. TRAVEL, If I was wealthy or retired, I would always be on the go. AUTOMOTIVE EVENTS, car shows, rallys, race events (even washing the cars on Sunday). Favorite Pig-Out Food: White Castles (A sack of 'em taste great, in the middle of the night). Heros: Dr. Porche, Billy Joel, and Jack Nicklaus. Future Goals: To become certified (if I ever get a chance) and to improve The Green Sheet. • \ THE EDITOR Dear Mr. Bailey: I want to congratulate the persons responsible for the Green Sheet. This bi-monthly newsletter of the Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association is very informative and I look forward to each publication. I am a golf course manager and an affiliate member of your Association and attend as many meetings as I can. I believe it is very important that golf course managers understand as much as they can about the superintendent's responsibilities. I think it helps tremendously in their communication and for budget purposes. Again, congratulations for a fine news-letter and thanks to the Superintendent's Association for letting golf course managers join and attend their meetings. Sincerely, Donald G. Callaway, Manager • Are You Getting Your Green? Any superintendent or assistant superintendent who is not receiving a Florida Green magazine at your golf club, please send your name and golf club address to: Marie Roberts, FGCSA Office, 1760 NW Pine Lake Drive, Stuart, FL 34994 so that your club can be added to our mailing list. • POSITIONS AVAILABLE SALES/MANAGEMENT: Fertilizer manufacturer with multiple plants in Florida seeks an aggressive person to assist in developing the turf and ornamental markets. Degree preferred. Salary open. Benefits. Douglass Fertilizer & Chemical, Inc., 1180 Spring Centre S. Blvd., Suite 102, Alamonte Springs, FL 32714. SALES: Fertilizer & Seed Sales Representative for the lower east coast of Florida. Contact Matt Shook, LESCO, Inc. (407) 365-6632. • 8262-998 (zo*) 99LZZ vaidoid 'oaai/vo 3N\n *VO 3AI1 208 oonis „Hoina, ihoimo VdldOld 1Vd±N30 S HldON L992-2CM)08-1 1(ZOfr) OQt?ee vaidoid '30d3id id QVOtì Z1IA13S 8969-1789 (ZOfr) 90^ee vaidoid 'hihom 3*v~i 1-029 xoa O d 30ISAVd „Til9» 3M isvoo isv3 vaiuoid s p n p o j j iBuopujn^ • 8896-282-008-1 zne-e6z (ets) 08888 vaiuoid 'n3avh hsinim J M S ±33d±S P 8 1.212 LZtZ-ieS (8L8) 91988 VdldOld d3±VMdV3~IO 3NV~I XVO 6991 N3~l~inWOV\l d3±S3~l 0 ISVOO 1S3M VQIdOld ou| SJ9ZIIHJ3j papuejg Hxusa s p n p o j j £j[Bp9dg • s^uaSy * s9ppiqj9H • sappiSimj • S3pppD9Suj • saxxaaOraa AAEMONN sionaoad iVNOiss3dObd m JHMI - sj»K)|||ja} K u a p j n i p -XO . I K I I 31d03d U3ZI1I.UI3J 3 H I X3 HVd First Class Mail U.S. Postage PAID Permit #173 Stuart, Florida FGCSA Secretary Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 II (ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED) Dr. James Beard Texas A & M 1812 Shawdowood Dr. College Station, TX77840 BEARD COLLECTION / H li i i s i i it I I I Infills n i l : I Ifli Hi! IJH i n i il