VOLUME XII, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1996 1 ^ NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION New FGCS A Officers Elected at FGCSA Annual Meeting on July 27th are left to right, Secretary/Treasurer Michael Perham, CGCS, Vice President Joe Ondo, CGCS, President Dale Kuehner, CGCS, and Past President Greg Plotner, CGCS Sept. 9 West Coast GCSA Pro/Supt. at Lansbrook GC UPCOMING EVENTS Sept. 19 SFGCSA chapter meeting, Lago Mar CC Sept. 11 GCSAA/West Coast GCSA Sept. 27 Everglades chapter meeting, Regional Seminar, Microbiology Colliers Reserve of Turfgrass Soils", Stouffer Vinoy Resort, Clearwater Oct. 8 North Florida chapter meeting, Ravines CC Sept. 16 Suncoast chapter meeting, River Wilderness Oct. 22 Suncoast chapter meeting, Laurel Oak CC Sept. 17 Central Florida chapter meeting, Aquarina GC, Melbourne Oct. 22 Treasure Coast GCSA Pro/Supt, Indian River Club Sept. 18 PB/TCGCS A joint meeting, Frenchman's Creek Nov. 6 PBGCSA chapter meeting, The Falls CC Dec. 5 GCS AA/Central Florida Seminar "Superintendent as Grow-In Manager", Orlando Dec. 6 TCGCSA Christmas Party, Gator Trace GC Dec. 12 GCSAA/North Florida GCSA Regional Seminar, "Maximixing Turfgrass Disease Control", Jacksonville Dec. 10 Georgia Turfgrass Conference - 12 & Show, College Park, GA Feb. 4 - 12 GCSAA Conference and Show, Las Vegas President's Message President's Message by Dale Kuehner, CGCS I am looking forward to being president of the FGCS A this year. There is an old saying that goes "may you live in interesting times" that kind of sums up this coming year. At the FGCSA annual meeting, we approved new bylaws to make way for GCSAA Affiliation and, hopefully, by the end of 1996 we will have affiliation agreements signed with all our local chapters, whether they affiliate with GCSAA or not. Our public relations committee is hard at work on a video that golf course superintendents can use to promote themselves and our industry. We will continue to work with the FTGA and other allied associations through our research committee to promote research that will help us manage our courses better. This year we will be doing another survey. Paul Illgen, our survey committee chairman, is looking for input on developing the survey questionnaire. If you have something you would like to see in the survey, now is the time to contact Paul. The power of any organization is in its individual members. We need everyone to get involved. We are always looking for people to serve on committees both at the state and local levels. Our image as an organization is a reflection of individual members. When we are involved with the community, church, charities, and schools, it reflects well on all superintendents. This does more to promote our image as professionals than any commercial, video, or TV show ever can. In this hectic world we tend to overlook GREEN SHEE Editor: Greg A. Plotner, CGCS International Golf Management Lakeland, FL (800)413-5500 (941)667-0137 (fax) News Coordinator: Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (407) 692-9349 (407) 692-9654 (Fax) (800) 732-6053 (Florida Wats) The Green Sheet is a bimonthly FGCS A newsletterprinted as follows: Jan ./Feb., March/April, May/June, July/Aug., SeptVOct., Nov./Dec. 2 Financial Support: This issue of the Green Sheet is being sponsored by: Golf Ventures 2101 East Edgewood Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803 (800) 330-8874 Ft. Myers: 800-481-8911 All material submitted for printing will be edited at the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. All photos must be black and white. Items must be for the good of the association. Deadline next issue: October 15. Dale Kuehner; CGCS the big picture and get caught up in the grind of everyday life. Try to step back and look at what is really important. I want to challenge every member of this association to get involved, if not in your local superintendents association, then get involved in your communities. If you have any comments or would like to serve on a committee, please feel free to call me. Membership Dues All local chapter secretaries are currently finishing up with their annual membership drive. Your local chapter dues include yearly FGCSA dues. If you have not paid your dues by now, you will not be in the 1997 FGCSA Membership Directory! The Green Sheet 20th Annual Crowfoot Open Activities Paul Crawford Wins FGCSA Distinuished Service Award at 20th Crowfoot Open Walt Disney World was host to Central Florida's Golf Course Superintendent's 20th Annual Crowfoot Open. At the State board meeting on Saturday, a new executive board was elected to a one year term as follows: DaleKuehner, President, Joe Ondo, Vice President and Mike Perham, Secretary/Treasurer. Greg Plotner will serve one more year on the board as Past President. A new budget was approved for the 1996-97 Fiscal year in hopes of continuing to make our association better for our members. On Sunday nite, Dan Riley provided music and entertainment and pictures were taken with Minnie and Mickey for those who wanted. Paul Crawford was presented with the FGCSA 1996 Distinguished Service Award by his friend Butch Gill, and the recipients for the Presidents Award for Lifetime Service were announced — Clem Stewart from Everglades chapter and Steve Kuhn by the South Florida chapter. On Monday morning, Joel Jackson and his staff had everything ready for an 8:00a.m. shotgun start for approximately 120 superintendents, sponsors and guests. Using the Stableford scoring system with 1 point for a bogey, 2 points for par, 3 points for a birdie and 4 points for an eagle, play seemed to move at a better pace this year and in under 5 hours. After a check of score cards, chapter team competition was as close as ever with Seven Rivers chapter winning a match of cards over Central Florida with Treasure Coast finishing one shot back. Members of the winning Seven Rivers team were Vic Conigliaro, Stuart Bozeman, Dennis Kuestcs, and Bob Roessing. In individual competition, Vic Conigliaro shot a fine 72 to become the second qualifier for the state team along with Mark Hopkins, 1996 Poa winner. Finishing second was Mark Henderson in a match of cards over Larry Livingston. In the net division Dennis September/October 1996 Kuestes was first followed closely by Jay Gratton and Stuart Bozeman. In the commercial division Steve O'Neill was low gross winner with Steve Sorrel second and Mike Cook third. In the net division the winner was Kent Busser with Chip Lewison second and Harry Becker third. Congratulations to Harry Becker for hisfistcareer hole-in-one on #3 hole and winning closest to the pin prize on that hole. Other closest to the pin winners were Roy Wilshire on #6, Dave Oliver on #12, Keith Longshore on #15 while Mark Hopkins took the long drive contest on #8. A special thanks to Disney World, Bonnet Creek Club, Joel Jackson and his staff, Larry and Vilma Kamphaus and the Crowfoot Committee and to all our Gold and Diamond sponsors for another successful event applied to Michigan State University. After graduation he took a job on Hilton Head as club liaison working with the PGA Tour. From there he made the jump to Florida after accepting a position with George Fazio at Jupiter Hills Golf Club. At Jupiter Hills he met Carl Smith who talked Paul into coming to work for him at Palm Beach Country Club as his assistant in 1980. When Carl retired, Paul became the head superintendent where he remains today. Paul is a firm believer in giving back to his profession and began his involvement with superintendent associations by serving on the board of his local chapter, Palm Beach. He drew on his background as liaison with the PGA Tour to get his chapter involved in serving as TV spotters for a local Seniors Tournament which has been a successful fund raiser for their chapter and others who have followed suit. Paul became a member of the FGCSA board of directors in 1990 and quickly found his niche as a leader in association activities. Paul has served as business manager for the Florida Green for the past several years and is well known for his work as host of the FGCSA yearly reception at the GCSAA Convention. In past years, he has taken his association work a step further by serving on the GCSAA Chapter Relations Committee. The FGCSA is truly proud to have Paul Crawford as their 1996 Distinguished Service Award recipient. Paul Crawford, superintendent at Palm Beach Country Club, was presented with the 1996 Distinguished Service Award at the Crowfoot Open dinner. Perhaps more than any other DSA winner, Paul continues to give his time for the promotion of the Florida superintendent. Paul began his career on golf courses as a teenager in Michigan. When he decided to make golf maintenance his career, he Two other awards were announced at the Crowfoot dinner this year. Clem Stewart, superintendent at Imperial Wilderness in Naples, was honored by Everglades chapter for his twenty years of distinguished service to the profession. Steve Kuhn was honored by the South Florida chapter for his distinguished career at some of South Florida's most prestigious country clubs - the Doral, Woodmont, Coral Creek and High Ridge. His professionalism has been an inspiration to all who worked with him. 3 Minutes of FGCSA Summer Board Meeting The Summer 1996 meeting of the FGCSA Board of Directors was called to order by President Greg Plotner, CGCS, at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 27, at Bonnet Creek in Orlando. All officers were in attendance. All chapters were represented with the exception of Ridge and Suncoast chapters. Other FGCSA members attending were Joel Jackson -Florida Green editor; Paul Crawford - Florida Green Business Manager; Mike Perham and Jeff Klontz - Palm Beach GCSA; David Hoggard Seven Rivers President; GCSAA Past President Gary Grigg, CGCS and Mike Goldie, FGCSA lobbyist. GASH donates another $5,500 from their rebate program President Greg Plotner introduced Dale Mitchell and Richard Colyer from Golf Agronomics who presented a check for $5,500 to the FGCSA Research Fund under their rebate program. In the past six years, GASH has donated over $24,000 to turfgrass research through this program. Greg thanked them for their generosity and continued support of the FGCSA. The next guest was Tom Benefield, External Affairs Chairman of theFTGA. He thanked Mike Goldie for his help on the political level this past year and announced that Mike's contract has been renewed for another year. He then gave a report on the firm of MacVicar, Federico & Lamb who has been hired by the FTG A as consultants on water related issues. Tom explained that the FTG A is looking for joint funding for this project in the coming year. Many board members were concerned about how the information they acquired would be disseminated to FGCSA members. Tom assured the board that, once funded, we would be receiving the same reports that are now being sent to the FTGA from MF&L. At the conclusion of his talk, President Plotner stated that we would be deciding an amount to be funded for 4 this project later in the Board Meeting under budget. Minutes of the Spring 1996 FGCSA Board Meeting were approved. GCSAA AFFILIATION/CHAPTER INCORPORATION: Paul Crawford brought the Board of Directors up to date on what has been happening between the FGCSA and the GCSAA regarding Affiliation/Incorporation. As a result of a recent Conference Call between FGCSA officers, lawyers, and GCSAA officials, it was decided that it would be best if each chapter would incorporate with the State of Florida as an individual entity. However, our accountant has assured us that we would still be able to file tax returns as a group with a minor change to our IRS standing. FGCSAhas agreed to pay the fees necessary to get this accomplished. The GCSAA has offered the services of their lawyer, Dan Church, at a very reduced rate to File corporate papers for all eleven chapters. Paul then asked if there was any chapter who did not want to incorporate. All chapters present indicated that they would agree to allow the FGCSA to follow through with Dan Church and get this accomplished. Each chapter would then be responsible for paying the yearly fee for Florida corporations which is currently $61.25 each year. All chapters were reminded to send their current ByLaws to Marie Roberts so that they can be forwarded to Mr. Church for use in the incorporation packages. Also, each chapter was reminded to get their ByLaws updated to add the new dual membership requirements. Then Paul discussed GCSAA Affiliation. If any chapter does not wish to affiliate with the GCSAA for whatever reason, they may continue their association with the GCSAA through affiliation with the FGCSA. Coastal Plains chapter noted that they do not have the 25 members to be an affiliated chapter of the GCSAA. Seven Rivers also brought up some questions about the benefits of affiliating with the GCSAA. Paul Crawford noted that it comes down to a question of representation and identity. Gary Grigg noted that programs are being developed by the GCSAA that would only be available to affiliated chapters. Seven Rivers was also concerned about the dual membership requirement. Dale Kuehner noted that if their chapter wanted to accept a Class A member who was not a member of the GCSAA, they would have to create a non voting category in order to allow that person to join. They could not be considered a Class A member of their chapter and would not be a member of the FGCSA, similar to the categories most chapters already have for affiliated members. Then Dale Kuehner discussed the Affiliation Agreement which has been proposed between the FGCSA and its local chapters. Several changes were suggested to the draft proposal. Dale will make the suggested changes and bring the final version to the next board meeting. It is expected that all chapters would then be prepared to sign this agreement. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Joe Ondo went over the financial figures for the End of the Year report including all income, expenses and current balances. Kevin Downing explained that the large reserve in the Research Account is meant to cover a year's maintenance of the green in Fort Lauderdale as well as uncommitted funds that have remained in the account for future research projects. The Year End statements were approved. Joe and Greg then went over the proposed budget worksheet that has been revised from the Poa Board Meeting. Most of the items in the Operating Account have not been changed but a discussion was held on the donations part of the budget. It was obvious to all that since we had decided not to raise dues and agreed to pay for incorporating fees out of the Operating Account, we would have to cut donations in order to balance the budget. The first line item discussed was the GCSAA Platinum Tee Club. Since we were an original member of the Platinum Tee Club it was decided to continue with this donation. Gary Grigg was to see that we received a solicitation The Green Sheet Minutes of FGCSA Summer Board Meeting letter from the GCSAA. FTGA funded projects were then addressed. It was decided to continue to fund the lobbyist at the same level as last year. After much discussion, it was decided that we would commit a yearly total of $6,000 to the FTGA for the water consultants. Since it was decided that all future donations to the FTGA should be earmarked for particular purposes the two $5,000 "general line item donations" were removed from this year's budget. Then, in order to balance the budget, it was suggested that we put in an income figure of $25,000 as donations from local chapters. $8,000 of this amount has already been received from the Everglades chapter and it is hoped that each of the larger local chapters would be asked to give a minimum of $1,000 to support the lobbyist, the water consultants and the Platinum Tee Club. It was suggested that each chapter receive a letter from the FGCSA asking for these chapter donations. Assuming all chapters respond, it was agreed that this $25,000 figure would probably be attainable. With that in mind, the budget was set at $124,800 income and $ 123,977 expense. The budget was approved. Each External Vice President was reminded to get their Year End Financial Statements and Dues Lists into the FGCSA office before the end of August. AWARDS: Two chapters are presenting Presidents Awards this year — Everglades chapter will present their award to Clem S tewart and South Florida has nominated Steve Kuhn. Both of these superintendents will receive their plaques at their respective chapter meetings. Paul Crawford has been selected to receive the 1996 FGCSA Distinguished Service Award which will be presented at the Crowfoot dinner. PUBLICATIONS: Marie Roberts reported that at least half of the advertisers for the Membership Directory have already committed for the 1997 Directory and hopes to have the Directory printed in September assuming all chapter secretaries get their lists in to the office in a timely fashion. Colony West September/October 1996 will be on the cover. Joel Jackson discussed the photo contest for the Florida Green. He also needs more input from superintendents for the Fall issue Hands On section which is centering on equipment maintenance. Joel distributed copies of the Summer issue which is just off the press. EDUCATION: Chip Fowkes reported on the Poa seminar which was a break even project with 30 superintendents attending. He also reported on the GCSAA co-sponsored seminars being offered in Florida this next year. 21 attended in June in Naples and 39 in July in Palm Beach. Next up is September 11 in West Coast. Then in December there are two scheduled back to back—North Florida and Central Florida. Hopefully they will not pull from each other. It is hoped registration will be large enough to be a convenience for all of our members and not a drain on the local chapters budgets which pay a penalty to GCSAA if registration does not exceed 20. Paul Crawford then suggested that more pesticide safety seminars be offered around the state through the FGCSA Education Committee. MEMBERSHIP: Two At Large membership applications were approved — James Morgan and Lorie "Jock" Angelle from Bay Point Y&CC in Panama City. Chapter secretaries were again reminded to send in their membership lists ASAP in order to be included in the Directory. GOLF: Joe Ondo reported that spots in the field are still open for the Crowfoot Tournament. He also reported that since the FTGA Research Tournament is a scramble, we will not be able to use this tournament as a qualifier for the GCSAA team. Therefore, Joe is in the process of getting together another tournament to be played in the Orlando area, probably on a Friday, to be used as a qualifier. Entry fees would be sufficient to cover expenses but would not be considered a fund raiser. Each chapter will be invited to send two teams or possibly up to 5 players. Low score of this tournament would join with the Poa and Crowfoot low scores and the low average of two out of three of these tournaments to make up the GCSAA team that will play in Nevada. FTGA: In response to our request, the FGCSA has received a letter from the FTGA outlining all the projects that are currently being funded by the FTGA as well as other information about the operations of the FTGA. Each External Vice President is urged to read this letter to their membership at their next local chapter meeting. FUND RAISING: Greg Plotner asked about the Ciba donation. Since no one had any information, Greg or Dale will contact Mark Jarrell to follow up on this and any other fund raising programs. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS: Mike Goldie gave an update on legislative matters. He thanked Tim Hiers, Roy Bates and Tom Benefield for their interest in helping with water related issues. Even though there were about 100 proposed bills in February, only two went through. He noted that there would be an emphasis on the lower east coast in the next session. Some items to be considered will have to do with minimum flow and levels; allocation of water if you use reuse systems; selling reuse water to avoid raising taxes. Mike again asked chapters to invite their local legislators to their chapter meetings. He noted that many are seeking reelection this year and will be eager for the exposure. If you are planning to do this, please call Mike who will help you with your program and be glad to come to the meeting. It was suggested that space be reserved in the Green Sheet for any pertinent information that Mike would like to pass along to our members. RESEARCH: Kevin Downing reported that the U of F is looking for a person to handle/co-ordinate all turf activities. When this is accomplished, Kevin feels that we will be in a good position to fund more research activities at the University. Money is being kept in the FGCSA 5 Conclusion of FGCSA Minutes Research Account for that purpose. He noted that a green is being built in Gainesville but we have not been contacted for any help. He noted that yearly maintenance and upkeep of the greens, travel expenses, product evaluation studies, etc. could cost upwards of $7090K/year. Who will be funding this? Kevin went over the list of projects submitted to the FTGA for funding this year. He noted that the call for grant requests could have been handled in a better manner to include all of the University personnel and noted that some projects approved were for work that is already being done by other competent sources, such as the USGA. For this and other reasons, Kevin has called for a strategy meeting to be held during the FTG A Convention that would include University of Florida researchers, FGCSA Research Committee, the FGCSA Executive Committee and other interested parties to discuss the future of turfgrass research funding in Florida GCSAA: Dale Kuehner will serve as Voting Delegate for the FGCSA and all other Florida chapters at the GCSAA meeting in Las Vegas. He reported that the next GCSAA Chapter Delegate meeting will be held on September 6-8 in Kansas and every chapter is urged to send a representative. Dale will contact each chapter to be sure that Florida will have a good turnout at this important meeting. Each chapter must pay for the plane ticket but GCSAA picks up all other expenses in Kansas. A poll of Externals showed that some chapters have already selected their representative: Central - John Kopeck; Palm Beach - Jeff Klontz; and South Florida - Bob Klitz. forms are available from the FGCSA office. Formsmustbesubmitedtdirectly to GCSAA Travel by October 1st. LONG RANGE PLANNING/VIDEO: Darren Davis then presented the board with a showing of the one-minute promo spots that Everglades chapter had made to be shown on their local TV station. The videos cost EGCS A $250 to produce (a huge savings since the footage was in the can.) Everglades is paying for the air time @ $850.00 for four (4) months. The money all came from the $5,000 that EGCSA set aside for local P.R. He proposed to the board that the FGCSA hire the same firm (EPIC) to produce 2,000 copies of a 10-12 minute PR video. The video would be mailed to all current FGCSA members and the extras would be used for future educational and public relations projects, such as schools, local legislators, other Florida golf associations, etc. Text would be gathered together and submitted by Darren and the FGCSA logo would be featured. After some discussion it was decided that the FGCSA would attempt to fund the entire $ 10,926 needed to produce the video. Chapters were asked for support and Everglades and Palm Beach both pledged $1,700 to the project. The Florida Green will donate space for two full color ads in the publication for a credit of $2,500 to the project leaving a balance of $5,000 to be made up by chapters or the FGCSA budget. Kevin Downing then suggested that any shortfall would be made up by the FGCSA Research Fund. A motion was made to "Hire EPIC to produce a ten minute video at a cost not to exceed $11,000." The motion was approved. NEW BUSINESS: Greg Plotner urged all superintendents to attend the FTGA Convention in Tampa. Central Florida has hired a bus for Sunday. Golf Ventures has initiated an incentive program for superintendents to attend. The FTG A has planned this Convention for the weekend to accommodate superintendents who have missed the Convention in the past due to commitments at their club. It is up to each individual superintendent to respond. Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. with the Annual Meeting to follow. FGCSA Reserves Room Block at MGM Hotel in Las Vegas Paul Crawford agreed to be Chairman fortheGCS A A Reception in Las Vegas. He will present particulars of the event at the next board meeting. The FGCSA has reserved a room block at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. Specially marked 6 Bob Klitz, right, presents a $15,000 check to Dale Kuehner, president of the FGCSA andfellow SFGCSA member. The check represents the profitsfrom this year's Ninth Annual SFGCSA Exposition. During the past nine years, South Florida has contributed more than $100,000 from the proceeds of the Expo to maintain the FGCSA Research Green at the 1FAS Center in Fort Lauderdale. The Green Sheet Association News FGCSA Chapter Team Championship And GCSAA Qualifier Because the FTGA Tournament is a scramble this year, it could not be used as a qualifier for the Florida team at the GCSAA Convention in Las Vegas. Therefore Joe Ondo, FGCSA Golf Chairman, has organized a tournament to be played on September 21 st that will serve as the qualifier for the third position on the team. Mark Hopkins and Vic Conigliaro have earned their spots due to their play in the Poa and Crowfoot respectively. Low Gross Superintendent from this tournament wins an entry fee and a spot on the team ($335 value). Southern Dunes GC will serve as the host golf course. The club is located six miles south of 1-4 and U.S. 27 in Haines City. The day begins with a noon buffet lunch followed by a 1:00 p.m. Shotgun. $75.00 entry fee includes lunch buffet, golf, range balls, and prizes.Prizes include one Gross and one Net team prize plus individual prizes for Low Gross and Low Net superintendent. $1,000 in prizes based on 40 plavers. This event will also serve as the official FGCSA Chapter Team Championship. A chapter team may consist of 5 players with best 4 out of 5 scores counting for your team.A superintendent does not nred tQ to On a team in pnfcr tQ play, Deadline for entry is September 18th. Call Joe Ondo at 407-657-7565 or Buck Buckner at 407- 876-4244 for further information on registration. Next Regional Seminar on September 11th West Coast chapter is co-sponsoring a GCSAA Regional Seminar titled "The Microbiology of Turfgrass Soils" on Wednesday, September 11th at the Stouffer Vinoy Resort in Clearwater. The significance of soil biological organisms in producing quality turfgrass will be the thesis for Dr. Richard Cooper's presentation. Included is an overview of soil micro- and macrorganisms, with focus on their range, abundance, distribution and function. The role of microbes in fertilization, thatch management and pesticide degradation is also examined. Commercially available products, including biostimulants, hormones, natural organic fertilizers and humic acids are also covered. Their effects on the turf and soil ecosystem are described and illustrated by slides. Dr. Cooper is an associate professor of crop science at North Carolina State University specializing in Turfgrass Management. This all day seminar carries .7 CEU toward Recertification. Call the FGCSA or GCSAA for registration forms. Two other Regional Seminars will be held in Florida before the end of the year. Both North Florida and Central Florida chapters are co-sponsoring seminars in December. Look for more details in the next Green Sheet Amnesty Period for Hazardous Materials Florida State Emergency Response Commission for Hazardous Materials has announced an Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act Fee Amnesty Period for October 1,1996 through December 31,1996. First time reporters subject to EPCRA can make notification without paying back fees for Sara Title III. Many companies have stated a concern about paying these back fees. With the amnesty period for Florida fees, there should be no reason not to make proper notification. For further information or assistance, please call the Department of Community Affairs' Hazardous Materials Planning Section at 800-635-7179 or 904-413-9970. September/October 1996 CHAPTER OFFICERS 1996-1997 CENTRAL FLORIDA President Kevin Rotti Ext & Int V.P Geoff Coggan Sec/Treasurer Jenkins, Brian COASTAL PLAINS President Bill Alford Vice President Ron Tyler Ext Vice Pres Todd Carlton Sec/Treasurer Doug Abbuhl EVERGLADES President Terry Wood Vice President Mike Mongoven Ext Vice Pres Darren Davis Sec/Treasurer Tad Altman NORTH FLORIDA President Bill Plante Ext. & Int. V.P David Amirault Sec/Treasurer Steve LaFrance PALM BEACH President Jeff Klontz Vice President Karl Schmidt Ext Vice Pres Chip Fowkes Secretary Tom Vlach Treasurer Joe Hubbard RIDGE Roy Wilshire President Vice President... Steve Ciardullo Alan Puckett Ext Vice Pres Sec/Treasurer Ray Cuzzone SEVEN RIVERS President David Hoggard Vice President... ..Michael Swinson Ext Vice Pres Paul Illgen Sec/Treasurer ....Stuart Bozeman SOUTH FLORIDA Ed Miller President Vice President... Kelly Cragin Ext Vice Pres Bob Klitz Sec/Treasurer Jim Walker SUNCOAST Troy Futch President Vice President.... Troy Smith Ext Vice Pres. ... Tom Crawford Sec/Treasurer.... Tom Hilferty TREASURE COAST President Dick Gray Vice President..., Craig Weyandt Bill Lanthier Ext Vice Pres Sec/Treasurer .... Greg Pheneger WEST COAST Garth Boline President Ext. & Int. V.P. Steve Cellucci Sec/Treasurer Jim Torba 7 Ventures Golf a complete line of golf course products Lakeland 800-330-8874 Ft. Myers 800-481-8911 ÌURI SOLUTIONS Leading products to ACCLAIM® EXTRA your course PROXOL® HERBICIDE INSECTICIDE PROGRASS' Bob H i c k m a n (407) 831-8729 your PROSTAR® PLUS FUNGICIDE TURCAM' FUNGICIDE AgrEvo Sales Professional (jfJAgrEvo r ( t PROSTAR' HERBICIDE Contact condition. INSECTICIDE HERBICIDE S in t o u r n a m e n t FINALE' FUNGICIDE ILLOXAN' r 1 keep BANOL® HERBICIDE 1 help 1 Brian M a c C u r r a c h (941) 678-3100 A company of Hoechst and NOR-AM Read and follow label directions carefully. AgrEvo USA Company, Wilmington, DE 19808. © I GOLF VENTURES CELEBRATES 10TH ANNIVERSARY PAUL CRAWFORD RECEIVES DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD FGCSA Secretary Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 FIRST CLASS U.S. Postage PAID Permit #137 Stuart, FL ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Cookingham, Peter Turfgrass Information Center MSU: W-212 Library East Lansing, Michiga ^fKlNTttfO^ 48824