V O L U M E XIV, PART 2, MARCH/APRIL 1998 NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION Superintendent Panel Discusses Ultra-Dwarfs Left to Right: Everglades superintendents Matt Taylor, Cypress GC, is growing Champion; Darren Davis, Olde Florida GC, has four ultra-dwarf varieties on a test green and Rick Tatum, The Forest, is managing FloraDwarf on his greens. All three agree that to manage the new varieties, old Tifdwarf management techniques will have to be modified to meet the growth habits of the new grasses. The panel discussion was part of the 1998 Southwest Florida Turfgrass Managemen Seminar. Attendance was estimated at around 180 persons. UPCOMING EVENTS Mar. 2 Ridge Invitational Tournament, Grasslands Mar. 31 Suncoast Scramble, Misty Creek GC Apr. 23 USGA Conference, Palm Beach Marriott Mar. 2 North Florida chapter meeting, Pablo Creek Apr. 6 Mike Richards Memorial Tournament, Jacksonville Apr. 28 Suncoast chapter meeting, Pelican Point GC, Venice Mar. 10 Coastal Plains GCSA meeting, Summerbrooke GC Apr. 13 Central Florida GCSA Danny Burgess Memorial Tournament, Windermere May 15 FGCSA/Etonic seminar. "Financial Management", Naples Beach Hotel Mar. 11 Everglades chapter meeting, 1:00 p.m. Audubon GC Apr. 14 Pesticide Seminar, Duval Co. Extension, Jacksonville May 16 Poa Golf Tournament, site to be determined SFGCSA Exposition, IFAS Fort Lauderdale REC Apr. 16 FGCSA Pesticide Seminar, Fort Myers area May 17 G. C. Horn Tournament Treasure Coast meeting Indian River Plantation May 23 Apr. 20 Envirotron Classic, World Woods GC Treasure Coast Blue Pearl Tournament, Loblolly Pines IFAS Overseeding Field Day, U of F, Gainesville campus Apr. 20 USGA Green Section Conference, Orlando Sept 16 - 19 FTGA Conference & Show, Tampa Convention Center Mar. 12 Mar. 18 Mar. 26 President's Message President's Message by Joseph Ondo, CGCS After coming back home from the GCSAA Conference and Show in Anaheim California, I thought about a couple of questions people had asked while I was there. First was "When is the FGCSA reception and where is it? If you had read the last two issues of the Green Sheet, it was listed in the Upcoming Events section. There were approximately 300 people in attendance and good food, good spirits and some lively conservations were enjoyed by all. Special thanks to Paul Crawford and Marie Roberts for setting it all up. Hope you did not miss it. You will find the list of reception sponsors later in this issue of The Green Sheet. Second question was "Do you learn something new in the Conferences or see something new at the show each year you attend that will help you in your program at your own club?" lean honestly say that each year I go there is always something I can use or learn. For example, Dr. Bruce Martin's talks on the effects of different rates of fungicides on Poa Trivialis overseeding was very informative. A new peat material for absorbing hydraulic leaks was something I had not seen before. I thought the Expo card, which is used like a credit card, was a great idea so the companies could send you any information you wanted instead of having to carry all the pamphlets home. All the new equipment changes, fertilizers, chemicals, and industry products are something to take home and think about. There was even a GREEN SHEE Editor: Joel Jackson, CGCS (407)248-1971 (fax/phone) e-mail: FLGrn@aol.com News Coordinator: Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (561) 692-9349 (561) 692-9654 (Fax) (800) 732-6053 (Florida Wats) e-mail: fgcsa@tcol.net The Green Sheet is a bimonthly FGCSA newsletter printed as follows: Jan ./Feb., March/April, May/June, July/Aug., SeptVOct., Nov./Dec. 2 Financial Support: This issue of the Green Sheet is being sponsored by: Golf Ventures 2101 East Edgewood Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803 800-330-8874 Ft. Myers: 800-481-8911 Jupiter 888-222-7072 All material submitted for printing will be edited at the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. All photos must be black and white. Items must be for the good of the association. Joe Ondo, CGCS seminar for first time attendees on what to expect at the show; which sessions to attend and what they are about; how to network with GCSAA participants of the conference; and many other questions were answered in the three hour session. Hope everyone there enjoyed all the Conference and Show had to offer except the weather and look forward to GCSAA Conference and Show in Orlando in 1999. The Spring 1998 F G C S A | Board of Directors meeting! will be held on Friday morn-1 ing, May 15, 1998, at t h e l Naples Beach Hotel. A l l ! FGCSA members who a r e ! going to the Poa weekend are I encouraged to attend. You do I not have to be a Board Mem-1 ber in order to attend! Deadline next Issue: April 15. The Green Sheet Upcoming Activities Director's Diary by Joel Jackson FGCSA to Vote on Student Memberships South Florida Expo Set for March 12th Since formation of the Director of Communications position on Jan 24th: The FGCSA Board of Directors will be voting on an important ByLaw change at the May 15th Board Meeting. The ByLaw change is necessary to add an additional category to membership classifications to allow for students to join the FGCSA. The proposed By Law amendment is as follows: Under Article II Membership, Section 2, add: "Class S - any person of good character who at the time of application for membership is currently a full-time turfgrass student enrolled in a formal course of education in the state of Florida." The South Florida GCSA will host the 11th Annual Turfgrass Exposition on Thursday, March 12, 1998, at the University of Florida Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center. Allied Associatifs; I have attended a meeting of the newly formed Florida Golf Alliance, representing Joe Ondo who was unable to attend. The fledgling association is coming together slowly but surely to unite all golf related associations and interests to promote and protect the golf industry in the state. A report on the meeting was included in the agenda for the FGCS A Winter Board Meeting and in upcoming Florida Green. Government Relations, Attended meeting of interested and affected members of pesticide user groups in Florida to organize and support a grass roots effort to lobby Congress to require the EPA to use good science, real facts and common sense in implementing required pesticide re-registrations under the 1996 Food Quality Protection Act. All organophosphates and carbamates must be relabeled by August 1999. GCSAA's Government Relations Counsel was in attendance and had contacted the FGCS A about having representation present at the meeting held at the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association offices in Orlando in late January. A report of that meeting and a GCS AA press release on the implications of the FQPA was sent to all chapter External Vice Presidents. Media Relations: Spent a great deal of time in the GCS AA Media Room during the GCS AA Conference and Show talking to Jeff Bollig of GCSAA's Media Relations Department and Greg Crawford, Media Relations Director for the Oregon GCSA and Western Washington GCS A, getting contact names and ideas for building relationships with the media. On a tip from Jeff Bollig, I spent 20 minutes with Mike Stachura, Associate Editor of Golf Digest magazine, explaining the reasons behind Monica Elliott's letter and superintendent's difficulties maintaining turf conditions this winter in Florida. March/April 1998 This proposed Amendment Change has been presented to the FGCS A Executive Committee and, with this notice, is now being presented to the membership. If any member has an objection to this proposed By Law Amendment, please contact your chapter's External Vice President immediately. Pesticide Workshops To Be Held in Jacksonville and Fort Myers FGCSA Education Committee Chairman, Geoff Coggan, announces the following pesticide workshops to be held at the Duval County Extension Office in Jacksonville on April 14th and in the Fort Myers area on April 16th. Steven Farrington of DowElanco and Jim Nedden of TORO will combine to offer 4 hours of material on proper pesticide application practices. Agenda will include sprayer calibration and instruction on how to make your pesticide application more productive as well as MSDS review, storage hints and trouble shooting. Four CEU's for Florida restricted use have been requested. Fee for the morning program will be $15.00 and registration forms are available at the FGCS A office by c ailing 1-800-732-6053. This one-day show is the major fundraiser to the upkeep and maintenance of the FGCSA research green and turf plots at the site. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with the guided field tours of the putting greens and fairways to begin at 9:00 a.m. This year the equipment demonstration will be limited to Hector Turf and Garden, Pifer, Inc. and Kilpatrick Turf who will share the spotlight for a one hour presentation and the booth area will be open immediately following at 11:00 a.m. After lunch, Dr. Roblin Giblin-Davis will speak on "Nematode Control Update: Is there any Hope for the Future" and Dr. Monica Elliott will speak on "A Root's View of Bacteria and Fungi in the Soil". Two CEU's have been approved for the Turfgrass Exposition. It 15th Annual Suncoast Scramble The Suncoast GCSA chapter sponsors their annual Suncoast Scramble on Tuesday, March 31, 1998. Host Tom Crawford at the Misty Creek G&CC will have his course ready for the first 36 teams to apply. The four man scratch scramble teams will consist of a golf course superintendent, golf professional, club manager and a Suncoast association member sponsor. The purpose of the tournament continues to be to inform, educate and promote a professional bond between those dedicated to the golfing industry within the Suncoast area. Fee is $225 per team, $75 per person, and $100 per supplier. For registration information, please call Tom Hilferty at 941-378-4653. 3 Minutes of FGCSA Winter Board Meeting The Winter 1998 meeting of the FGCSA Board of Directors was called to order by President Joe Ondo, CGCS, at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 24th at Grand Cypress. All officers were present and all chapters except Suncoast and Seven Rivers were represented. Other FGCSA members attending the meeting were Rick Tatum and Roy Bates - Everglades chapter; Greg Pheneger, Treasure Coast; Past Presidents Tom Benefield, Dick Blake, Kevin Downing and Mark Jarrell; and Joel Jackson - Florida Green editor. Peter Blum, Valent, made a donation of $7,500 from the proceeds of the 1997 "Right Course" program. This program donates equal amounts to the FTGA and the FGCSA. Peter announced that Valent will be continuing the program into 1998. Minutes of Fall 1997 board meeting were approved. OLD BUSINESS: Joe Ondo and Joel Jackson reported on the Florida Golf Alliance. Roy Bates is Vice President of the new association which is in the start-up stage of a public relations campaign FTGA: Roy Bates and Darren Davis discussed the joint meeting of the FGCSA and FTGA Officers that was held earlier in the day. The two items on the agenda were the FTGA Convention and the UF research program. It was decided that each association will allow an officer of the other association to become a part of their respective Boards to improve communication between the two groups. Interviews for the UF Turf Coordinator position will begin again on March 1st. Both the FGCSA and FTGA expect to give input into the decision. A faculty/industry retreat will be held in April. The FTGA Show was discussed in detail. It will be held in Tampa again 4 this year with two half-day GCSAA Etonic Seminars in addition to the educational sessions held Wednesday through Friday. The FGCSA will select the education for the golf side of the show program. Roy Bates urged all chapters to give the Convention plenty of press in all chapter newsletters and chapter meetings. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS/PUBLIC RELATIONS: Joe Ondo began the discussion on creating a paid staff position of Director of Communications. After an explanation of the job description, Gary Grigg made a motion that the FGCSA create a Director of Communication staff position with duties and salary as described in the proposal. The motion was approved. Joel Jackson announced that he would like to apply for this staff position and described a two tier pay schedule. He would continue as editor of the Florida Green and Green Sheet for a straight salary of $10,000/year. He would be available for any public relations work for the FGCSA at a salary of $10.00/hour. Board approval would be necessary before any of this work would be undertaken. Expenses would vary and would need to be studied at the next board meeting. Joe Ondo made a recommendation that the board hire Joel Jackson to fill the position on a one year trial basis. The motion was approved. To get an idea of expenses, it was decided that a review would be done at the next Board Meeting before deciding on how much to fund in an Expense Category. For the present, Joel's expenses will be paid for out of the Florida Green budget since the majority of his work in this preliminary period will be done for the benefit of the magazine. WEB SITE: A poll of the board showed that there was not enough interest to pursue this project due to the expense involved. SECRETARY/TREASURER REPORT - Darren Davis went over the Financial Statements for the second quarter which indicate that the chapter is in a solid financial position. He noted that we should set more realistic goals in the "chapter donations" category. He will write a letter to all chapter officers to determine a definite schedule of donations from the chapters. We will list previous donations from all chapters for the past few years and give a brief explanation of the line items that appear in the FGCSA Operating Budget under donations. AWARDS: Gary Grigg volunteered to head this committee to receive chapter nominations for the Distinguished Service Award and the President's Lifetime Achievement Awards from local chapters. Nominations must be received in writing by the first of May so that they may be reviewed by the FGCSA Executive Committee immediately following the Poa Board Meeting. BY LAWS: Darren Davis discussed the By Law to allow Student Memberships in the FGCSA. One change was made in the wording of the By Law and it will now be printed in the March/April Green Sheet which is necessary to fulfill our guidelines to establish By Law amendments. The ByLaw would then be voted on at the Poa Board Meeting. It was suggested that prospective student members sign the GCSAA Code of Ethics form and send it to the FGCSA office with their application for membership. It was decided that dues for this Class S membership would be set at 50% of Class A membership. Once the Student Classification is approved, the FGCSA will send literature and Student applications to those Florida schools offering courses of study in turfgrass management. The Green Sheet Minutes of FGCSA Fall Board Meeting PUBLICATIONS: Joel Jackson announced that the Florida Green had won its category in the GCSAA newsletter contest and distributed a schedule and calendar for the rest of the year regarding prospective articles. Marie Roberts announced that advertising revenue for the 1998 Membership Directory was again at a good level to yield a large profit to the association. A discussion was held regarding how much to charge for our membership list since selling our list was approved at the last board meeting. It was decided that we would have a three tier charge: $500 to those who are not members of any chapter ; $250 for companies who are members but do not advertise regularly in the magazine; and labels will be sent at cost to those companies who are regular advertisers in the Florida Green magazine. RESEARCH: Kevin Downing gave an overview of the FGCSA Research Committee's activities for the past several years and also mentioned that both he, Steve Pearson and Mark Jarrell serve on the FTGA Research Committee. He asked that an article be put in the Green Sheet requesting ideas from superintendents for prospective research projects. He noted that the South Florida Exposition needs more superintendent participation this year to encourage vendors to continue supporting this project. It is the only fundraiser that offsets the salary of the FGCSA technician on campus. Kevin asked that the FGCSA Board approve a motion to donate $20,000 from the FGCSA Research Account to the FTGA Research Account since it has been several years since we have made any donation to the FTGA Fund. Before a motion was made, Dale Kuehner asked to speak about the GCSAA's $3.5 million Endowment Fund to decide what part we would play in the campaign. Gary Grigg explained who is being targeted to contribute to this fund and how the March/April 1998 GCSAA is planning to meet their goal. He noted that many in the "industry partners" category were waiting to see how the GCSAA chapters would respond to the campaign before making their decision. Matching funds were mentioned for individual GCSAA members. Dale reported that Palm Beach, South Florida and Everglades chapters had already pledged $10,000 each. Treasure Coast has pledged $1,000. Dale has suggested that the Florida chapter should pledge $25,000 over the next five years. After a very lengthy conversation, a motion was made to approve a $25,000 commitment to the GCSAA to be paid over the next five years. The motion was approved by all chapters present. A motion was made to transfer $20,000 from the FGCSA Research Account to the FTGA Research Account. The motion was approved. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS: Mike Goldie gave a report on the upcoming Senate and House races and noted that "eight is enough" will be kicking in this year so there will be lots of people trying for different positions. Mike feels that the shift in leadership to the northern half of the state will be good for golfing interests. EDUCATION: Geoff Coggan has arranged for Etonic to help sponsor the seminars at both the Poa and the Crowfoot this year. The topic of the Poa seminar will be a Financial Management Workshop on Friday afternoon, May 15th. The seminar will be held at the Naples Beach Hotel although the golf tournament may be played at a nearby course. The Crowfoot seminar will be given by a Certified GCS from Texas who will speak on computers in turfgrass management. It will probably be held on the Sunday before the Crowfoot Tournament Central Florida is the only chapter that has registered for a GCSAA Regional Seminar this year. The FGCSA plans to sponsor a Regional Seminar or an Etonic seminar during the FTGA Convention again this year - probably two half day seminars. GOLF: Joe Ondo reported that Florida will have 3 teams in the GCSAA championship. GCSAA VOTING DELEGATE: Dale Kuehner reported that he will be casting the votes for the Florida chapters during the GCSAA Annual Meeting. Florida has 406 votes. CERTIFICATION: Cary Lewis will send in a list of certified testers for the GCSAA. NEW BUSINESS: Cary Lewis reported on a situation in the West Coast chapter that will serve as a reminder to all chapters to have two signers on all checks and to have an audit done on a regular basis. The situation has been resolved and the monies will be returned to the West Coast accounts. As a result of this problem, the West Coast chapter now has better accounting procedures which should serve as a model for other chapters. Joe Ondo reported on a letter from Dr. Monica Elliott that will help superintendents explain how the extremely wet weather can cause various problems to turfgrass in the southern portion of the state. As a result of this letter, the GCSAA has sent a package to all Florida members that will also help our superintendents explain to their members the problems that have been created by the bad weather. Unfortunately, we still expect to see some superintendent changes due to this situation. Joe announced that the Spring Board Meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, May 15th at the Naples Beach Hotel. 5 FGCSA Meetings Assistant's Day at Palm Beach Community College Over 70 assistant superintendents and golf crew members from southeast Florida attended the 19th Annual Turfgrass Conference held at the Palm Beach Community College on January 29th. As noted in the brochure, this conference "is not for superintendents." Hosted by Joe Konwinski, the unstoppable 82-year-old former superintendentand now consultantand adjunct instructor, the event is sponsored by the Palm Beach GCS A chapter for the sole purpose of giving meaningful education to golf course employees. This year's slate of speakers included: Randy Patrick, an independent consultant, who spoke on golf Course safety issues ranging from innocent basketball hoops in the maintenance area to guest member safety on the course with worn wooden steps on tees and cracked, uneven and crumbling cart path edges. Scott Sincerbaugh, Lesco, who talked about fertilizer products from formulations to release properties and how no one type of product can meet all the needs of the turf. Gene Joyner of the Palm Beach Extension Service, who gave a slide presentation of the types of uses of ornamental shrubs and annuals on golf courses with emphasis on long lasting, labor saving varieties. Mitch Ryder, the Chief of Police of Juno who spoke on "Team Building Techniques for Mid Level Management." Mitch was a dynamic speaker and got the audience excited and alert after lunch. Superintendent Panel Discussion: Palm Beach chapter superintendents Tom Vlach, Pine Tree CC; David Court, Boca Lago CC; Randy Bushway, Lake Worth GC; Jeff Klontz, CC of Florida; Steve Kuhn, High Ridge CC; and Chip Fowkes, Frenchman's Creek CC, answered questions from 1998overseeding problems and wet weather turf management problems to communications between the superintendent and staff. This program is an excellent idea for closing the comm unication gap between supervisors and their employees. Every chapter ought to look at sponsoring a similar event through their local community college or extension office or even as a stand alone all-day seminar. The credibility of superintendents as educators, mentors and stewards of the game of golf and its rich tradition can only be enhanced by involvement in such a program for all golf course employees. Want to know more about how to organize and run such an event? Give Joe Konwinski a call at 561-5823702 or one of the superintendents on the panel. They'll be more than glad to share their experience and information. «A Fairy Ring Research Dr. Lawrence Datnoff, UF IFAS Everglades REC, Belle Glade, has requested superintendents to provide sites on golf courses where fairy ring is presently a problem. His research would design experiments to evaluate curatively many of the products that are being sold for fairy ring control more vigorously. If you are interested in helping with this research, please call Dr. Datnoff at 561-996-3062, ext. 148. ^ Equipment Needed Willbrook Plantation Golf Course, Pawley's Island, South Carolina, is trying to locate a machine we have used and known as a "cookie cutter." We have used this machine to cut vegetation and clear a small channel through wetlands and tidal marshlands. It may be know by another name but I believe it was originally designed for the Everglades in Florida. Moderator Joe Konwinski (at podium) directs questions to a panel of Palm Beach superintendents during the 19th Annual Palm Beach Turfgrass Conference. (Left to right) Tom Vlach, David Court, Randy Bushway, Steve Kuhn and Jeff Klontz. Not pictured: ChipFowkes. 6 It is a flat bottom boat with huge 6' blades on front of the boat and can cut up to 4' underwater. If anyone knows of an operator who provides this service or a telephone number of someone who may have more information on thistype of machine, please contact Jim Neely, CGCS, at 813-237-8780. The Green Sheet FGCSA Reception El Nino Wreaks Havoc with the GCSAA Golf Tournament in Anaheim Even before any golf was played, El Nino and the weather moving in off the coast was the hot topic of conversation at the 1998 GCSAA Golf Championship in Anaheim, California. The Florida GCSA would like to thank the following sponsors for supporting the 1998 FGCSA Reception in Anaheim DOUBLE DIAMOND SPONSORS: • C l u b Car • Harrell's F e r t i l i z e r / P o l y o n The four-ball championships was held on Sunday, February 1st and Jim Torba and Joe Pantaleo tied with 3 other teams for first place and combined to shoot 68 on a wet Pelican Hill's south course. Views of the ocean, rolling terrain, tee shots over canyons, and a series of holes built along the coast were a treat on the only sunny day we had. Monday was cool and cloudy and turned out to be a nice day to play and it was the only day to be played in the tournament as El Nino moved in early Tuesday and cancelled all play that day. The tournament was reduced to 18 holes atTustin Ranch for the championship flight. Low gross in the championship flight was Alan Pondel of Deerfield Golf Course in Deerfield, Illinois who shot a great 69. The Mid Atlantic #1 team of Illinois was the team competition gross winner with a one over par combined 3 out of 4 scores counting. Low score from Florida was Mark Hopkins with a 76. Joe Pantaleo won low gross honors in the first flight with 29 points to win by a shot. I did not have all the scores as I wrote this so do not know how everyone else finished. The entry fee included all green fees for play, welcoming reception, three breakfasts, four 19th hole receptions, victory banquet, and tee prizes which included a private label sports coat, soft black leather briefcase, golf shirt, money clip, and golf balls. GCSAA, since its partnership with the Toro Company in 1995, has only made this event bigger and better each year I've played. Hopefully we can provide this tournament some better weather in Tampa next year. • Golf V e n t u r e s / H e l e n a / R h o n e P o u l e n c • S o u t h e r n Golf P r o d u c t s • Kilpatrick T u r f E q u i p m e n t / J a c o b s e n / B o y n t o n P u m p & Irrigation S u p p l y / R a i n B i r d • T o r o D i s t r i b u t o r s of Florida Hector Turf Wesco Turf Zaun Equipment DIAMOND SPONSORS: AgrEvo Quality Grassing American Cyanamid Rhone Poulenc Aquagenix Terra Florida S u p e r i o r S a n d LESCO Bayer Valent U S A DowEIanco Golf Agronomics Everglades GCSA NuCrane Machinery Precision Small E n g i n e Palm Beach G C S A S o u t h Florida G r a s s i n g Novartis U n i t e d Horticulture S u p p l y GOLD SPONSORS: Central Florida GCSA Googe Trucking North Florida GCSA Pifer, Inc. Rohm & Haas We look forward to having yet at the Florida March/April 1998 Sullivan Electric The Scotts Company Tom Burrows, Consultant Toro Liquid Ag Turf Merchants all sponsors reception back for the biggest in Orlando in event 1999. 7 Golf 14 Ventures a complete line of golf course products •1 , . Lakeland Ft. Myers Jupiter 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 Golf Ventures, Inc. and HELENA Chemical proudly recommend choice NSECT CONTROL SYSTEM for superior control of Mole Crickets (Mi^oiM) and AHetle for superior disease control Please see inside for more product information. FIRST CLASS Seventh Annual Envirotron Tournament set for April 20th FGCSA Secretary Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 N.W. Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 U.S. Postage PAID Permit #137 Stuart, FL ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Golf Course Management S f R e s e a r c h Park Dr. Lawrence, KS 66049