FGCSA Executive Council for 1999-2000 (1-r): Geoff Coggan, CGCS, Secretary/Treasurer; Cary Lewis, CGCS, Vice President; Darren Davis, President; Mike Perham, CGCS, Past President UPCOMING EVENTS I Sept. 9 South Florida chapter meeting, Biltmore Sept. 13 Blue Pearl Tournament, Medalist GC, Hobe Sound Sept. 15 Palm Beach chapter meeting Polo Trace GC Sept. 21 GCSAA Regional Seminar, "Human Resource Management," Dr. Bree Hayes, Crown Plaza, Orlando Oct. 2 FGCSA Golf Championship Southern Dunes GC Oct. 8 SFGCSA Tournament for Missing & Exploited Children, Colony West GC Sept. 16 North Florida chapter meeting, Marsh Creek Sept. 20 West Coast GCSA chapter meeting, Hunters Green CC Oct. 11 Bud Quandt Tournament, Pasadena Y&CC Sept. 21 Suncoast chapter meeting, Riverwood CC Oct. 12 North Florida chapter meeting, Grand Haven GC, Jax Oct. 21 South Florida GCSA golf outing, Melreese GC Sept. 24 Everglades GCSA meeting, Collier's Reserve GC Oct. 21 PBGCSAyTCGCSA Joint Meeting, Jupiter Island Club, Speaker: John Foy, USGA, "Ultradwarf Bermudagrass" Oct. 26 Suncoast chapter meeting, Meadows CC, Pro/Supt. Nov. 4 NFGCSA/GCSAA Regional Seminar, "Integrated Disease Management for Bermudagrass Golf Courses, " Dr. Monica Elliott, Holiday Inn, Jacksonville Nov. 15 Treasure Coast chapter meeting, The Moorings Club Nov. 16 Joint chapter meeting Suncoast and Calusa GCSA, Boca Royale President's Me? ¿e Pres' tent's Message by D- rren Davis, CGCS "The < .en Sheet? But it's not green!" Have you ever wondered why the FGCSA produces "The Green Sheet"? Or where and how the publication was started? Well, maybe it's just me, but I have. So for my first President's Message in the Green Sheet, I thought I would give you some background information on this useful publication. assist in this situation. Tom also felt that the bimonthly Green Sheet, would provide a more timely mechanism to report the current events of the local chapters than the FGCSA magazine, the Florida Green, which is produced quarterly. Over the years the Green Sheet has also provided a calendar of events, which has helped the local chapters to keep important events and meetings spread out to encourage participation between chapters. For the first three years (1984-1987) the Green Sheet was an 8-page newsletter printed on green paper, hence the title. It The Green Sheet is a bimonthly publica- was later changed to white paper so that tion that provides FGCSA members up to the photos could be better viewed. The first date information on recent FGCSA Board editor of the Green Sheet was Mike Bailey, of Directors meetings, providing a detailed a long time pillar of the FGCSA, who account of the minutes, as well as events served as editor until September of 1992 occurring around the State sponsored by when Tom Benefield took the reigns. In the FGCSA or one of it's local affiliate August of 1994, then FGCSA President, Darren Davis Greg Plotner, took charge as Editor and chapters. remained in that capacity until current Edi- selling advertising space. Vigoro remained Tom Burrows is the founder of the Green tor Joel Jackson took the publication un- the sole sponsor until 1992 when Golf VenSheet initiating the publication in late 1984 der his wings in 1997. tures adopted the Green Sheet and has sponwhile he was serving as President of the sored the publication's cost ever since. FGCSA. Tom's main objective was to pro- In the early days the Green Sheet had mulvide a format for the local chapters of the tiple sponsors for each issue but in 1985 The Green Sheet will be most useful if inFGCSA to communicate with each other. Vigoro signed a yearly contract with the put is provided by all of the local chapters. He felt that at the time there was not enough FGCSA to be the sole sponsor. This was I urge each and every one of you to provide of that type of information being shared beneficial to the FGCSA and Marie Rob- Marie Roberts (1 800-732-6053) or Joel among the chapters and the Green Sheet erts, who had numerous tasks other than Jackson (1 407 248-1971) with information about your chapters events. It can be as simple as the date and time or a planned meeting or as complex as a full-blown account of one of your events. GREEN SHEETS Editor: Joel Jackson, CGCS (407) 248-1971 (fax/phone) e-mail: FLGrn@aol.com News Coordinator: Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 NW Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (561) 692-9349 (561) 692-9654 (fax) (800) 732-6053 (Florida Wats) e-mail: fgcsa@tcol.net The Green Sheet is a bimonthly FGCSA newsletter printed as follows: Jan/Feb, March/April, May/June, July/August, Sept/October, November/December. 2 Financial Support: This issue of the Green Sheet is being sponsored by: Golf Ventures 2101 E Edgewood Drive Lakeland, FL 33803 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 (Fort Myers office) 888-222-7072 (Jupiter office) All material submitted for printing will be edited at the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. Photos are encouraged. Items must be for the good of the association. Deadline next issue: October 15. I feel that you can never over communicate but you can certainly under communicate and lack of communication quite often leads to confusion and controversy. I hope you will make use of this important, useful tool that will benefit all FGCSA members. FGCSA Golf Championship Now is the time for all chapter's to register their team for the 1999 FGCSA Golf Championship at Southern Dunes GC on Saturday, October 2nd. Play begins with a noon buffet followed by a 1:00 p.m. shotgun start. Teams will consist of 5 players with best 4 out of 5 counting. Individual superintendent entries will also be accepted. Call the FGCSA office at 1-800-732-6053 for a registration form. The Green Sheet Director of Communications Report What's Up D.O.C.? by Joel Jackson 1. Government Relations A. Over 70 U.S. representatives have joined Florida's Alan Boyd to co-sponsor H.R. 1592 The Regulatory Fairness and Openness Act of 1999 calling for EPA to base pesticide decisions on facts and good science. The August 3rd deadline passed with EPA banning two organophosphates and environmental groups have responded by suing the EPA saying they are moving too slow and not doing enough. B. Generated several dozen FQPA letters for signature on letterhead stationery. Thanks to those who participated and shared their responses from their representatives. C. The Ag Institute will have a Meet the Legislators gathering in Tallahassee in late October. More information to follow next month. 2. Allied Associations A. The FTGA Conference and Show was a success. That is, it was successful for those who took advantage of the opportunity. Comments from fellow superintendents were very positive about the venue, the content and the atmosphere. Vendors, of course, were not pleased with the small showing of support by superintendents and members of the other turf industries. People who work hard to put on these educational events want to know why you didn't show up? I moderated three different sessions. We had a great attendance for the Ultradwarf and Labor panel discussions during the concurrent sessions on Wednesday. We also had a good turnout for Tommy Witt's Etonic seminar on Communications early Tuesday morning. Only 50% of those registered came to the Thursday Etonic seminar, and I'll take credit for booking that one on the last day. Live and learn. It was a good presentation, but I guess the timing was bad. The only negative I had was the early start for the sessions. 7:00 and 7:25 am was a bit early when you're on the road. September/October 1999 Reports from the other education moderators was that their attendance was good as well. The Corn Boil, Awards Dinner and golf tournament all were very good and well attended, even though there was room for more. Also congratulations to the FTGA for the new FloraDwarf brochure. The brochure is being sent to golf course architects and builders and sod growers to give them the latest information about this new grass. Did you know that the FTGA is the licensee for FloraDwarf and rebates from sales go to the FTGA? B. Armed with a revised survey, the Florida Golf Alliance is polling course owners with a new shortened golf impact survey. 3. Media Relations A. Attended an Ag Institute meeting at the IFAS Lake Alfred station. Learned about a Natural Resources Leadership Program that takes rising leaders in the various commodities and puts them through an eight session experience to broaden their understanding of issues facing Florida agriculture. We might want to send someone to this next year. However, it does take a commitment of time and you have to do a paper on a problem facing your industry. B. Sent out news releases on the Coastal Plains Turf Classic and had a reporter from the Palm Beach Post request to be put on the Florida Green mailing list. C. Sent an article on FGCSA activities to GCSAA for the September Chapter News section in Newsline. 4. Chapter Relations A. Updated database to include the new external Vice Presidents for several chapters.They are: Brett Harris, Lake Nona CC, Central Florida; Ed Neumann, Keystone CC, North Florida; John Van Vranken, River Wilderness GC, Suncoast; and Eric Joy, Wentworth GC, West Coast. B. Served on the 1999 Crowfoot Committee. Record crowd. Way to go! C. There is a new local chapter in the final stages of forming. The Calusa Chapter is located in southern Charlotte and northern Lee Counties. D. Dale Kuehner will be presented with the FGCSA Distinguished Service Award at the South Florida Missing and Exploited Children's tournament on October 8th. 5. Publications A. The following chapters need to be thinking about selecting courses for the Florida Green cover for the year 2000: Winter issue - Seven Rivers GCSA. We will need your selection by mid-September. Spring issue - Treasure Coast GCSA .Summer issue - Central Florida GCSA Fail issue West Coast GCSA. At the present time the Fall issue will be dedicated to the Renaissance Vinoy Resort with Cary Lewis, CGCS, which is traditional for the incoming FGCSA President. B. Please check out the Call for Articles in the Fall issue of the Florida Green and think very seriously about writing on the Hands On topics or for any of the other sections in the magazine. Blue Pearl Tournament to be held at Medalist Golf Club The Treasure Coast GCSA is pleased to announce their 6th Annual Blue Pearl Tournament scheduled for September 13th at the prestigious Medalist GC in Hobe Sound. The chapter is thankful to superintendent Tim Rappach, the members of Medalist GC, and especially to Greg Norman for the use of the club. The chapter will again donate funds raised to the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Schools which informs and educates our children. These hands-on programs allow students to get involved and learn the many benefits of the green industry and our stance towards enhancing and protecting the environment. The money will be matched dollar for dollar by the USGA in a matching grant. Additional funds will be donated to the local South Foric High School's turf program. Call Greg Pheneger, TCGCSA President at 561-231-1700 x 6002 for sponsorship forms and registration information. 3 Minutes of FGCSA Summer Board Meeting The Summer 1999 meeting of the FGCSA Board of Directors was called to order by President Michael Perham, CGCS, at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 31 at Grand Cypress. All officers and chapters were represented Other FGCSA members attending the meeting were Joel Jackson - Florida Green editor; Randy Bushway, Palm Beach chapter; Past President Mark Jarrell; and John Foy, USGA.. Golf Agronomics donates another $3,000 to the FGCSA Research Fund President Michael Perham announced that he had accepted a $3,000 check from Golf Agronomics as a donation to our FGCSA Research Fund. GASH has donated a total of $36,000 to the Florida superintendents through this profit sharing program. OLD BUSINESS: Michael Perham reported on the results of the Conference Call between the four officers and four past presidents of the FGCSA held last month. The purpose of the call was to establish a compensation package for Joel Jackson and Marie Roberts that could be approved by the board and made a part of our Standard Operating Procedure Manual. Compensation for both Joel and Marie was increased and a schedule of fringe benefits for all employees based on length of service was presented. It was noted that Gary Pederson is an Independent Contractor, not an employee. Mike indicated a desire by the officers to have Joel become more involved in pre-production processes of the magazine which would increase his compensation but not incur any additional costs to the magazine. This option allows a years time for Joel to become familiar with these processes that are now being out-sourced and decide if he would like to take on these duties to earn additional compensation. Joel indicated that at this time he would feel "out of his element" but is willing to look into this option further. After a discussion, Jim Goins made a motion to approve the Compensation Benefits Package for FGCSA Employees. Seconded by Craig Weyandt, the motion was approved and this page will be added to the SOP Manual. SECRETARY/TREASURER REPORT Cary Lewis discussed the Financial Statements for the end of the fiscal year 1998-99 4 and presented the minutes from the Spring 1999 board meeting. Both were approved. End of the Year funds (including reserves) stand at $292,000 total of all accounts with Florida Green Fund accounting for $ 138,000; Research $84,000; and Operating Fund at $70,000. BUDGET: Cary then discussed the worksheet for the 1999-2000 FGCSA Operating Budget. He went over each line item including the ones that were not completed in time for the Spring meeting. These included an expense item of $19,000 for Association Manager; $5,000 in income and expense for education; $8,000 for an Internal Control Review by our C.P.A.; and $500 for Government/Public Relations. The Reception was set at an arbitrary figure of $25,000 income and $25,000 expense so that, again, no dues money would be spent. These additions created a balanced budget at $114,000. If no other monies are taken from the Operating Account, then there would be no need for a dues increase next year. A question arose as to the benefit of continuing to support a lobbyist After a discussion it was decided that we would continue to share the funding for this with the FTGA. The FGCSA will also continue to support the Musser Foundation and the GCSAA Platinum Tee Club. If any chapter would like to help with funding these projects, they may make a contribution to the Operating Fund although the FGCSA will not be soliciting chapter donations since the Operating budget is balanced. Cary suggested that since we are submitting a balanced Operating Fund budget, local chapters may wish to contribute their turfgrass fundraising dollars directly to the FGCSA Research Fund so that we may continue to support the FTGA with their University of Florida research projects. A motion was made by GeofFCoggan to approve the budget at $114,000 and seconded by David Court. The motion was approved. D.O.C.: Joel reported on his activi- ties for the past quarter. He suggested that our presence is not needed at some of these associations but there are others that we should support. He has set a goal for the next fiscal year to improve the educational program and increase membership in the FGCSA. One of the immediate problems that applies to all local chapters (as well as many other chapters nationwide) is the lack of attendance by superintendents at local meetings with the average being less than 25% support. Several options were discussed — night meetings, afternoon meetings, prepaid meetings, phone calls to members, etc. Joel will work with any chapter to improve attendance or help organize/improve local educational programs. PUBLICATIONS: Florida Green. After a year of paying D.O.C. salary and expenses out of the Florida Green account, the magazine is now at about break even. It was suggested that a slight increase in advertising rates would be appropriate since they have not been raised in ten years and are considered to be a bargain in the industry. The new rates would take effect with the Winter 2000 issue. It was also suggested that we may need to do more advertising solicitation especially since so many companies are merging with other companies thus reducing our advertising pool. Joel will profile Dale Kuehner, Distinguished Service Award winner, and the five Lifetime Service winners in the next few issues of the magazine. Membership Directory: Marie Roberts reported that advertisers have been solicited for this year's Directory and expects that most advertisers will continue to support the directory. All chapters were reminded to get their member lists into the office before the end of the month so that the directory will be as accurate as possible. AWARDS: All plaques for President's Awards for Lifetime Service were distributed to Externals for presentation at their local chapter meetings. The DSA will be presented to Dale Kuehner at the SFGCSA Tournament for Missing and Abused Children which is hosted by Dale's own club, Colony West CC. MEMBERSHIP: Marie Roberts urged all chapter secretaries to be sure that new The Green Sheet Minutes of FGCSA Summer Board Meeting Class A and B members of their chapter are members of the GCSAA. If they do not choose to become a member of the GCSAA, they will not be accepted for membership in the Florida GCSA. If the local chapter wants to accept these superintendents as members, they must do a By Law change to establish a different membership classification - not Class A or B. They would not pay dues to the FGCSA, EDUCATION: GeoffCoggan discussed the report of the Poa seminar. The seminar was a financial success as well as being a very informative and well received program. It was noted that there were a large number of no shows contributing to a good cash flow to the Education line item with those missing superintendents loosing out on a good program. The next educational program to be put on by the FGCSA will be the two Etonic Seminars offered during the FTGA Convention in Gainesville. RESEARCH: David Court gave Steve Pearson's report on the eight projects that have been approved by the FTGA for funding and urged the FGCSA to contribute to this research. It was noted that the Palm Beach chapter has donated $ 15,000 to the ultradwarf proposal and the Seven Rivers chapter is committed to the Light Intensity study. Mark Jarrell suggested that whatever monies we do donate to the FTGA Research should be without strings attached. He also reported that new UF Vice President Martin is working with turf researchers and noted that superintendents are becoming the activists in the FTGA with the addition of Steve Pearson to the FTGA Board. He reported that Dr. Datnoff is studying bermudagrass decline with some financial support from Zeneca. If anyone is currently having a problem with bermudagrass decline and is willing to have Dr. Datnoff conduct a hands-on study on a portion of your diseased green, please call him. There are 3 GCSAA Regional Seminars planned for Florida this year. The first was held last week in the South Florida area with a turnout of 30 pre-registrations. The second will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Orlando on September 21st and the third will be on November 4th at the Holiday Inn in Jacksonville. The FGCSA will continue to publicize these seminars through direct mail and the Green Sheet. The FGCSA has received a $3,000 check from Palm Beach chapter and a $4,000 check from the Everglades chapter for general research. After a discussion, the FGCSA officers suggested that the FGCSA donate an unrestricted gift from our Research Account of $25,000 to the FTGA General Research Fund. David Court made the motion, seconded by Jim Goins and the motion was approved. CROWFOOT: Joel Jackson reported that this year's Crowfoot Tournament has an excellent turnout with 168 players and a sell out crowd expected for the poolside banquet at the Grand Cypress Villas. Darren Davis will make the $25,000 presentation at the FTGA Awards Dinner Wednesday night in Gainesville. It was noted that Palm Beach will also be making an additional donation of $5,000. GOLF: The FGCSA Golf Tournament will be played at Southern Dimes on the first Saturday in October (October 2nd). Host superintendent will be Bayne Caillavet with each chapter encouraged to have a five man team, with the top four players scores counting. Winner of the event will join Mark Hopkins, low gross at the Poa ,with the low gross superintendent at the Crowfoot in the GCSAA Tournament in Mobile, Alabama in February. A traveling trophy has been purchased for the Chapter Championship with hope that this will instill even more competition and enthusiasm for the players at Southern Dimes. FTGA/IFAS: Mark Jarrell asked for sponsorship of the breaks at the FTGA Convention. Three chapters have agreed to sponsor a break — Treasure Coast, the Ridge, and West Coast. Jim Goins made a motion that the FGCSA donate $500 to the break for the Etonic Seminar. The motion was approved. September/October 1999 GCSAA: Mike Perham reminded all chapters that the next Chapter Delegates meeting will be held in Lawrence on September 10th-12th. If your chapter is not sending a representative, you MUST notify the GCSAA in writing that you are se- lecting someone else as your representative. If a chapter is not represented at two consecutive annual meetings, the chapter may lose their affiliation status. GCSAA Voting Delegate forms have been sent to all chapter presidents. If your chapter has not specified anyone to vote at the GCSAA Convention in New Orleans they are urged to appoint Dale Kuehner as their Voting Delegate and send the form to GCSAA. The current FGCSA and GCSAA Affiliation Forms expire in December. A new FGCSA form will be distributed to all chapters at the next Board Meeting. It will be modeled after the revised Affiliation Form recently distributed to chapters from the GCSAA. RECEPTION: Mike Perham reported that the New Orleans reception will be held on Friday night, February 18th at the Hilton. Sponsors will be solicited beginning in October with sponsorship levels linked with number of sponsors admitted. The lowest level will allow only one or two company representatives while the higher levels will allow more representatives to attend. Superintendents will again be limited to one guest in an attempt to keep the reception for Florida only. LONG RANGE PLANNING: Darren Davis and Gary Grigg made a presentation to enter into an agreement to have a Florida GCSA web site created at no cost to the FGCSA. Jared Grigg would create the site and solicit advertising support from our affiliates. He would then enter into an agreement with them. It was noted that the FGCSA would not be part of this agreement. Discussion was held as to what would be on the site and how to safeguard the site. Would there be enough use by superintendents to support the advertising? Would it take away from the Membership Directory advertising? What would be the tax ramifications? Who would develop the content? It was decided that Joel Jackson and Darren Davis would handle the content. It was also suggested that we have our attorney review any contract we may sign with Jared's company to be sure that our non-profit status would not be compromised. Roy Wilshire made a motion 5 Local Superintendent Activities Continuation of Summer Board Minutes... that we proceed with contract negotiations with Jared Grigg regarding a Florida GCSA web site. Any contract to be signed would be reviewed by our attorney and any agreement between Grigg and the sponsors would not be signed by the FGCSA. The motion was approved. John Foy gave a quick recap of putting green trials and overseeding studies. Craig Weyandt reported that the Treasure Coast chapter is considering sponsoring the brochure for the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary for Schools. Since there was no further business, the Summer Board Meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Condolences Our sincere condolences go to the family and friends of Pasi Pussinen, superintendent at the Fountains GC in Lake Worth. The 37 year old Palm Beach member died of a heart attack on Auuust 22nd. Two GCSAA Regional Seminars Planned for Fall FGCSA Donates $25,000 to Turfgrass Research The Central Florida chapter is co-sponsoring a GCSAA Regional Seminar on Tuesday, September 21st at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Orlando. The all day seminar will be presented by popular lecturer, Dr. Bree Hayes, speaking on Human Resource Management. Topics will include: •Interviewing, hiring and evaluating performance based on developing and implementing appraisal procedures. •Confronting issues in the workplace and firing decisions •Identifying and working with challenging employees •Training strategies for both new and veteran employees. Darren Davis, president of the FGCSA, made a lump-sum donation of $25,000 to the Florida Turfgrass Association's Research Fund. The presentation was made during the FTGA's Convention Annual Awards Banquet on Wednesday, August 11 th on the Gainesville campus of the University of Florida. The North Florida GCSA is sponsoring Dr. Monica Elliott's return to Florida with her presentation on "Integrated Disease management for Bermudagrass Golf Courses" on Thursday, November 4th at the Holiday Inn in Jacksonville. For registration information, please call the GCSAA at 1-800-472-7878. ( iUiSHED U l i SUIT OF ATH1 I The funds donated are a combined effort from the FGCSA as well as local affiliate chapters Central Florida ($3,000), Everglades ($4,000), Suncoast ($2,500), Palm Beach ($3,000), and Ridge ($3,000). This money will be used to help support the following UF turfgrass projects recently approved by the Awards Committee: •Evaluation of UltraDwarf Bermudagrass Cultural management Practices, by Drs. John Cisar, George Snyder and Lawrence Datnoff •Influence of silicon on controlling grey leaf spot on St. Augustine grass by Drs L. Datnoff, Russell Nagata and George Snyder. •Evaluation of Turf Used for Athletic Fields by Dr. Grady Miller •Development and Evaluation of a Research Device for In Situ Evaluation of Turf Shear Strength by Dr. Grady Miller •Fate of N During Grow-In of a Golf Course Fairway Under Different N Management Practices and Irrigation Intensities by Dr. J. B. Sartain and Jason Kruse •Breeding Bermuda and Zoysia grasses for Florida by Drs. Brian Scully, J. Cisar, Al Dudeck and Bryan Unruh. •Refining Application Methods for Methyl Bromide Alternatives by Drs. Bryan Unruh and Barry Brecke •Evaluation of Nitrogen Leaching in St. Augustinegrass lawns by Drs. John Cisar and George Snyder. During the same function, Golf Agronomics donated $3,000, Palm Beach chapter donated $5,000, and Everglades chapter donated $8,000 to the FTGA. The Seven Rivers chapter has already committed to funding $73,700 to the University of Florida and the Palm Beach chapter previously donated $15,000 directly to the University of Florida, Fort Lauderdale.. Mark Jarrell, CGCS, President of the FTGA, accepts a $25,000 check for the FTGA Research Foundation from Darren Davis, President of the FGCSA. The Ridge, Treasure Coast and West Coast chapters along with the FGCSA each sponsored snacks for the educational events during the Conference & Show. 6 The Green Sheet New Chapter Officers NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS FOR ALL FGCSA CHAPTERS CALUSA GCSA President Vice President External V.P. Sec/Treasurer Joseph Boe, Coral Oaks CC John Stach, Olde Hickory G&CC Mike Mongoven, Fort Myers CC Greg Laue, Sunnybreeze Palm GC CENTRAL FLORIDA President Vice President External VP. Sec/Treasurer GCSA John Kopack, Alaqua CC Scott Welder, Walt Disney World Brett Harris, Lake Nona Brian Lentz, DeBary G&CC COASTAL PLAINS GCSA President Mike Echols, Summerbrooke GC Vice President Jeff Heggen, Hilaman Park External VP. Doug Abbuhl, Seminole GC Sec/Treasurer Jeff Heggen, Hilaman Park M m p September/October 1999 # ^ J "^SlvskL m > kr f.l r ^ ^ ^mtM Dale Reash,Countryside GC Eric Joy, Wentworth GC Eric Joy, Wentworth GC Whit Derrick, Feather Sound CC m i l l • ¿Ml mm Tom Hilferty, Tatum Ridge Tom Crawford, Misty Creek CC John VanVranken, Wilderness GC Joe Sittinger, The Oaks GC Andy Burmester, Pelican Point GC WEST COAST GCSA President Vice President External V.P. Sec/Treasurer tf K r Paul Illgen, World Woods of Golf Bob Marrino, Magnolia Valley Buddy Keene, Gainesville G&CC Buddy Keene, Gainesville G&CC Stuart Bozeman, Seven Rivers G&CC TREASURE COAST GCSA President Greg Pheneger, John's Island Club Vice President Bobby Ellis, Indian River Club External V.P. Craig Weyandt, Stuart Yacht & CC Sec/Treasurer Steve Keller, Moorings Club PALM BEACH GCSA President David Court, Boca Lago CC Vice President Randy Bushway, Boca Del Mar GC External V.P. David Court, Boca Lago CC Secretary Matt Quinn, Boca Rio GC Treasurer Peter Powell, Boca Greens CC m SEVEN RIVERS GCSA President Vice President External V.P. Secretary Treasurer SUNCOAST GCSA President Vice President External V.P. Secretary Treasurer NORTH FLORIDA GCSA President Clayton Estes, San Jose CC Vice President Ed Neumann, Keystone CC External V.P. Ed Neumann, Keystone CC Sec/Treasurer Andy Maguire,Marsh Creek w Steve Ciardullo, Mountain Lake GC Ray Cuzzone, Bartow Municipal Roy Wilshire, Grasslands GC Jeff Brown, Carefree Resort SOUTH FLORIDA GCSA President Jim Walker, Palmetto GC Vice President Gilly MacGregor, West View CC External V.P. Jim Goins, Hollybrook G&T Sec/Treasurer Bryan Singleton, Riviera CC EVERGLADES GCSA President Rick Tatum, Shadow Wood CC Vice President Steve Durand, Quail Creek CC External V.P. Gary Grigg, Royal Poinciana GC Secretary Jim Leiseberg, Pelicans Nest GC Treasurer Matt Taylor, Bonita Bay East fjt' RIDGE GCSA President Vice President External V.P. Sec/Treasurer . „ y Chris Leahy (left) and Richard Colyer (right) of Golf Agronomics Supply and Handling (GASH) present FGCSA Past President Mike Perham, CGCS, with a check for $3,000 for the FGCSA Turf Research Account at the Summer Board meeting in Orlando. GASH also made a matching donation to the FTGA at the Conference & Show. > 7 Golf Ventures a complete line of golf course products Lakeland Fort Myers Jupiter 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 See GOLF VENTURES insert on our Fall Specials. We have four specials to choose from. Purchase one of the following and receive your choice of a golf cooler or golf bag trash can. SODEX- Purchase 120 gallons of SODEX for a free gift LIQUID FERTILIZER - 6 or more Tons of Lykes Liquid Fertilizer. PSA - Place an order for 1 Ton of PSA for a free gift! ACCESSORIES - Place an order for $1,000 or more or 18 flag poles, 18 cups and 2 sets of logo flags. There is still time to have CHIPCO CHOICE applied to clean up existing mole cricket activity before the season. Call your Golf Ventures Territory Manager today for an order and visit us at our web site: www.golf-venture.com Local Chapters Sponsor GCSAA Regional Seminars in September and November FGCSA Marie Roberts 1760 NW Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 FIRST CLASS U.S.Postage PAID Permit #137 Stuart, FL Cookingham, Peter Turfgrass Information Center MSU: W-212 Library East Lansing, Michigan 48824