VOLUME XVII, PART 1, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2001 NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION Fall board meeting guest speakers address FGCSA challenges for 2001 : (1-r) John Piersol, Lake City Community College -Recruiting students for Turf Technician positions; Erica Santella, FTGA President and Mike Thomas, Florida DEP - Regulatory Issues and BMP Manual; Dr. Bryan Unruh, UF/IFAS Turf Working Group - Funding Future Turf Research Projects. UPCOMING EVENTS Jan. 5 Lake City Community College Alumni Tournament Colony GC, Bonita Springs Jan. 8 - 11 North Carolina Turfgrass Conference & Show. Charlotte Jan. 9 Jan. 9 Jan. 11 Jan. 16 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 Suncoast Supplier Appreciation Day, Bradenton CC. Feb. 27 - 28 Jan. 24 Palm Beach Community College Assistants Day March 7 UF/IFAS Field Day, -8 Gainesville campus Jan.25 South Florida chapter meeting, Key Biscayne GC Mar. 22 SFGCSA Expo and UF Field Day, Fort Lauderdale Calusa chapter meeting, Coral Oaks GC Jan. 29 Everglades GCSA seminar, Naples Beach Club April 9 Coastal Plains GCSA meeting, Golden Eagle CC USGA Green Section Conference, Jacksonville Feb. 15 Florida reception, Hyatt Regency, Dallas April 11 USGA Green Section Conference, Palm Beach Gardens Feb. 11 -18 GCSAA Conference & Show, Dallas Feb. 15 - 16 Jacksonville Horticultural Tradeshow, Fairgrounds FTGA Pesticide Conferences: Jan. 9 Lake Worth Jan. 10 Fort Myers Jan. 17 Tampa Jan. 19 Sanford Jan. 31 Jacksonville Feb. 1 Milton Seven Rivers GCSA meeting, Lake Diamond Palm Beach GCSA night meeting, Emerald Dunes Central Florida GCSA event, Interlachen CC Florida Weed Science Society Annual Meeting, Gainesville President's Message President's Message by Cary Lewis, CGCS Happy New Year! I hope the first year of the new millenium brings happiness and success to all. As I sit here working on this newsletter, our government is trying to get through the election of a new President. Wow, what a disaster the election of our leader and chief was this year It at least fueled the comedians with plenty of new material and the media had a hey day. I'm not sure it did much for the American people. Maybe it will lead to some good election reform in the future. Speaking of elections, the National GCSAA Conference is right around the corner. We will be voting this year on the Professional Development Initiative (PDI). We have all heard a lot about this program and it has gone through a great deal of modifications to reach its now final form. I feel it will be a good first step to continue to raise the value of our profession. Many of us will not be affected due to the grandfather clause, but it will,in time, raise the level of Golf Course Superintendents who are entering into our noble profession. It will also give some meaning to the Class A level and hopefully assist the Superintendent who wants to continue his educational process. A better understanding of each of our personal strengths and weaknesses through the self-evaluation process should assist us in focusing our educational efforts on our weak areas. As our industry continues to blossom and expand, it will be each of our responsibilities to stay focused on our individual needs and use our eduational opportunities wisely. I have heard some negative comments from time to time that the GREEN SHEE' Editor: Joel Jackson, CGCS (407) 248-1971 (fax/phone) e-mail: FLGrn@aol.com News Coordinator: Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 NW Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (561)692-9349 (561)692-9654 (fax) (800) 732-6053 (Florida Wats) e-mail: fgcsa@tcol.net The Green Sheet is a bimonthly FGCSA newsletter printed as follows: Jan/Feb, March/April, May/June, July/August, Sept/October, November/December. j J Financial Support: This issue of the Green Sheet is being sponsored by: Golf Ventures 2101 E Edgewood Drive Lakeland, FL 33803 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 All material submitted for printing will be edited at the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. Photos are encouraged. Items must be for the good of the association. Deadline next issue: February 15. Cary Lewis, CGCS GCSAA does nothing for the local Superintendents ...they are only interested in making money. After looking closely at the efforts of our national organization, I feel very strongly that the PDI initiative is one of the best ideas to assist the Golf Course Superintendent in obtaining the one thing we all want — recognition and job security. What better way to increase the value of each membership than to assist us in making sure that membership to GCSAA has value and means something to our clubs and employers? We must continue to raise the professional level of each individual superintendent which will increase our value as professionals and allow us to get the recognition we fully deserve at our facilities. Through recognition we will continue to grow, creating the job security and the career opportunities we are all striving for. After all, what's wrong with "being all you can be"? The Green Sheet Director of Communications Report What's Up D.O.C.? by Joel Jackson 1. Honors and Awards Congratulations are in order for two of our members. Jim Goins, CGCS, Hollybrook Golf & Tennis Club of Pembroke Pines and Geoff Coggan, CGCS, The Great Outdoors Resort in Titus ville. Jim has been selected as one of nineteen members of the GCSAA to participate in the first GCSAA Chapter Leadership Institute. The 16-month program began with a two-day workshop, November 14-15 at GCSAA headquarters in Lawrence, KS. Additional training will occur at the Conference and Show in Dallas, February 2001 and again at the Conference in Orlando in 2002. There will be web site discussions to supplement the formal classes. The program is being funded through the GCSAA Foundation. FGCSA Vice President Geoff Coggan, CGCS, The Great Outdoors Resort in Titusville. Geoff just received word from the British and International Greenskeepers Association(BIGG A) that he has passed the course of study and examination for earning the title, Master Greenskeeper. Geoff is part of a class of five other superintendents (1 British and 4 U.S.) to achieve Master Greenskeeper status in 2000. Geoff has been invited to attend the investiture ceremony in Harrowgate, UK in January to receive his blazer and plaque to be presented by Sir Michael Bollanack, recently Captain of the R&A and formerly Secretary of the R&A, who is the President of BIGGA. 2. Government Relations: Water Restrictions - The FGCSA is drafting a letter to the Southwest Florida Water Management District that supports the proposal to change the current water restriction policy of arbitrary days-of-the-week watering to a percentage reduction of daily average method. Stuart Bozeman of Seven Rivers is sitting on the SWFWMD Working Group and has been pushing this change. John Kopack, President of the Central January/February 2001 Florida GCSA says the St. John's River Water Management District has asked and agreed to a 10-15% reduction method for their district. All of the districts are looking a drastic reductions in water use due to the on-going drought situation. County Commissioners in Hillsborough County are calling for severe cutbacks in water use in lawn and ornamental watering on top of SWFWMD restrictions. Get involved with your district officials so you can help fashion sensible restrictions to keep your golf course alive. Nemacur - A follow-up golf stake holder conference call was held with EPA while I was on vacation. Comments on the nature and outcome of the call are the topic of Mark Jarrell's Mark My Words column in the Winter issue of The Florida Green. The magazine will be out in January 2001. Mark indicates that EPA has heard our need to retain Nemacur for use on golf turf. Whether they will be able to fashion reasonable changes to the label to satisfy everyone's concerns remains to be seen. Look for a possible reduction in exposure time by applicators, which may translate into less acreage treated per day. That is just a guess. Bayer Corporation and EPA still have some statistical data differences to resolve. Congress approves NTEP, scientist position - Every year it seems we get a call saying we need a grass roots effort to get money for the NTEP program. Looks like Congress finally took some action ahead of time. The FY2001 Agriculture Appropriations Bill recently signed by President Clinton includes another year of funding for the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program and adds a full-time turfgrass research position in the USD A. The new position will be located at the Beltsville (Md.) Agricultural Research Center and will be funded at $250,000 a year. The new scientist will work on improving genetic stocks of new and promising turfgrass species as well as currently utilized species. Included in the duties of the new position will be collecting grasses growing in native stands under harsh conditions to find plants with improved tolerance to drought, heat, cold, insects, disease and wear. 3. Allied Associations: The FTGA has nominated me to sit as the turf representative on the Florida Agricultural Council. The held their first meeting of the new board also while I was on vacation. I will get a copy of the minutes and relay any items of importance to you. Many of you may already know that the FTGA has relocated to a new office site in Orlando. The winter committee and board meetings, will be held there on December 7th and 8th. The GCSAA begins it's 75th Anniversary celebration in Dallas in February and it will conclude in Orlando in 2002. Each chapter is being asked to provide historical background for display banners that will be displayed around the conference and show to celebrate each chapters part of the history of the GCSAA. 4. Education: The Florida Weed Science Society will hold it annual meeting February 27-28, 2001 at the Best Western Gateway Grand in Gainesville, FL and you're invited. For further information please contact Greg MacDonald - gemac@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu (352) 392-1811 ext. 214 or Jan Weinbrecht -jswe@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu (352)846-0400. The Seven Rivers Chapter may attend as part of its February Chapter meeting. 5. General: Diamond Players Club has started a new Management Services division and named Dan Burdette and Cathy Martell as managing partners. The new division will concentrate on acquiring golf courses and golf course management contracts. Burdette is a six-year member of GCSAA and was previously vice president of agronomy and new construction for Granite Golf. He has also been senior superintendent at Grand Cypress Resort and golf professional at Pinehurst Resort. Martell was previously director of marketing for Granite Golf and is a former membership and catering director for CCA. — (Continued on page seven) 3 Minutes of Fall 2000 FGCSA Board Meeting The Fall 2000 meeting of the FGCSA Board of Directors was called to order by President Cary Lewis at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, November 3rd at Grenelefe Resort. All officers were present. All chapters except Calusa chapter were represented. Other FGCSA members attending the meeting were Joel Jackson - Florida Green editor; Jim Whalen, Olde Florida GC; Kevin Downing, Dale Kuehner and Dick Blake, FGCSA Past Presidents. Guests included Dr. Bryan Unruh, University of Florida IFAS; John Piersol, Lake City Community College; Erica Santella, FTGA President; and Michael Thomas, Florida DEP. Michael Thomas and Erica Santella made a presentation to the board regarding Best Management Practices. The current BMP is dated May, 1995 and is due for an update. Several helpful handouts and booklets were made available to all board members at the conclusion of the interactive discussion on BMP's.. The minutes of the Summer 2000 board meeting were approved. IRS UBIT APPEAL: Cary announced to the board that after five years, the IRS has finally ruled that we owe no UBIT for the 1993 and 1994 fiscal years. This $24,000 savings was a result of the appeal filed by our attorney in 1995. Although the ruling did not say that we won the appeal, it does exonerate the FGCSA from any taxes for those two years. The question remains, is our advertising income taxable? Cary read letters from our tax attorney and from the GCSAA CPA both of whom have completely opposite viewpoints. The attorney sticking by his convictions that we should be non-taxable while the CPA believe that it is not even a gray area — we are taxable. The CPA pointed out that all other GCSAA chapters who receive advertising income, pay this tax. The board discussed the differences in this conservative versus aggressive approach to the tax situation and noted that we have not filed or paid any taxes for the years 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998. We may still be liable for UBIT in those years if we receive another audit by the IRS. In the meantime, the board decided to continue filing a 990-T and paying the UBIT for all future years. 4 Cary also suggested that Joel and Marie meet with the GCSAA CPA to discuss ways of lowering our tax liability. Taxes for 1999 were $9,303 while the 2000 taxes were $ 13,707 (includes federal and state taxes). This was based on advertising income of $175,912 and $201,828 respectively. It was noted that these funds are being taken from the operating Publications account which may necessitate a transfer of funds from the Money Market account to the Publications Checking Account. It was noted that the Group Return with all local chapter included will be filed with the IRS by the November 15th deadline. We will not file a 990T (UBIT form) for the Group Return with the assumption that the local chapters use volunteers/board members to solicit advertising income for their newsletters. Advertisement that is secured by volunteers is deemed to be non-taxable by the IRS. SECRETARY/TREASURER REPORT - David Court presented the Financial Statements for the first quarter which were approved. It was suggested that Joel, Marie and Mike Perham put together a proposed budget for the Florida Green, Membership Directory and Green Sheet to be presented to the board for approval at the Summer Board Meeting. D.O.C.: Joel reported on the results of the EPA Conference call on the fate of Nemacur. He expects to have a final decision by mid-December. Joel spoke on the SWFWMD water reduction problem. Stuart Bozeman is representing the turfgrass industry and has suggested that they use a % reduction rate rather than a day of the week. Target rate may be in the 15% area. Joel suggested that the FGCSA should write a letter to SWFWMD endorsing Stuart's proposal. Joel also spoke on the Ag industry Regulatory Tour. PUBLICATIONS: Florida Green. Joel reported that Daniel Zelazek will continue to be the photographer for the cover stories in the Florida Green. He has a trip planned for this month that will include the next three covers. Joel also reported that due to the recent mergers of many companies in the industry, we may see a drop-off in advertising in the magazine which would mean that we will need to tighten up the pages in some issues. He asked for input as to which sections of the magazine might be eliminated and which sections should be kept. Joel requested funds be used to purchase a new camera for the Florida Green. David Court made a motion that a new camera be purchased for the Florida Green. The motion was approved. Membership Directory. Marie Roberts reported that the 2001 Directory is at the printers. The format has been changed slightly to allow for Tabs to be inserted prior to each chapter. Advertising support remains strong for the Directory. Shipment to all members should take place in late November or December. MEMBERSHIP: It was suggested that our Student Membership Forms be sent to John Piersol, Lake City CC and also to Dr. Grady Miller, University of Florida. A few chapters have small balances for new members and all chapter secretaries are reminded to send dues for new members on a monthly basis. EDUCATION: The Education Committee (Greg Pheneger and Eric Joy) will present some options for the Poa seminar at the Winter Board Meeting. There will be no seminar for the Crowfoot. It was noted that the FGCSA is available to help local chapters sponsor educational seminars. The FGCSA should also be contacted if your chapter is planning to sponsor a GCSAA Regional Seminar. The FGCSA may decide to host a Regional Seminar sometime in the Fall of2001 probably in the Palm Beach area. BY LAWS: A discussion was held regarding Retired Members. Presently there is no category for Retired Members in the FGCSA By-Laws even though we do allow our local chapters to include retired superintendents in their annual list of members. The By Laws Committee headed by The Green Sheet Minutes of Fall 2000 FGCSA Board Meeting Mark Henderson will look into options for classification and qualifications for retired members and have some suggestions for the next board meeting. If a By Law change is necessary, it could be voted on at the following board meeting. USGA, GCSAA, and other funding agencies. GOLF: Congratulations to the Palm Beach Chapter which won the 2000 FGCSA Team Championship last month at Southern Dunes. Due to cancellations, the Florida team for the GCSAA Championship in February will consist of Joe Ondo, Steve Bernard, Jimmy Lawrence and Tim Cann. GCSAA: Dale Kuehner will be carrying the Florida votes on the PDI at the GCSAA Convention in Dallas. Dale will be sending a letter to all External Vice Presidents before the end of the year on the proper voting procedures. Chapter Externals need to give Dale their final count on Yes or No votes by our January board meeting. Any chapter that feels they need a last minute PDI presentation at a chapter meeting in December or January should call the GCSAA immediately. RESEARCH: Dr. Bryan Unruh, Chairman of the UF Working Groups, discussed the proposals that have been submitted to the GCSAA in the Chapter Program. The GCSAA has two types of programs - proposals that are deemed to have national research appeal and those that would qualify for the local chapter Program. These proposals, if accepted, would be funded jointly by the GCSAA and local GCSAA chapters up to a $10,000/year maximum. The proposals were due by November 1st with chapter cover letters of support to be received by the GCSAA this week. Some of the proposals submitted by University of Florida researchers were a Paspallum project; Dr. Datnoff s Silicon project; Dr. Sartain's Best Management Procedures; and a proposal by Dr. Unruh that has received matching funds from the Gulf Coast GCSA. Dr. Unruh noted that state turfgrass associations are eligible for matching funds through this program. The GCSAA will announce which programs have received funding at the Convention in February. It was suggested that those projects not being funded should be submitted to the FTGA. Kevin Downing reported that proposals are due to the FTGA office by February 1st for review by the TAWG in April. Funds to be awarded October 1 st. It is hoped that the time line for submission of projects can be coordinated with the January/February 2001 Any projects looking for support from the FGCSA need to be channeled through Steve Pearson, FGCSA Research Chairman. Cary Lewis discussed the GCSAA Limited Outreach Program. The board indicated no participation at this time. LONG RANGE PLANNING: Darren distributed a memo regarding the death of Lisa Bland, longtime GCSAA staff member and submitted a flyer for a new GCSAA fund raising program. RECEPTION:. The reception in Dallas will be held on Thursday night, February 15th at the Hyatt Hotel. All members of the FGCSA Board who will be in Dallas are expected to attend the Pre-reception beginning at 6:30 p.m. This 30 minute period should be used to personally thank the sponsors of the reception. Once again we will be limiting attendance and will be looking for volunteers to help at the door. Sign up sheets will be available at the Winter Board Meeting. Sponsorship is again strong but there is still room for more affiliate members to get involved with the reception this year. It is not too late for any interested company to sign up to support the reception. SURVEY: Joel Jackson will be working on the 2001 FGCSA survey questions in the next few weeks. The focus of the survey will be on salaries and budgets. External VP's are asked to contact Joel before the end of December if there is any particular question you would like to see on the survey. The survey questionnaire will be mailed to all Class A and B members in late December or early January. Surveys are to be returned to the FGCSA office by the end of January. NEW BUSINESS: John Piersol, Lake City Community College, asked for recruiting help for the Turf Equipment Management program at Lake City. This program is of direct benefit to golf course superintendents who are always in need of a good mechanic. The program is in need of more students. John reported that most of the high school students are not aware of the program and how it can benefit them. John asked that each chapter designate a superintendent to contact the head of your local high school's Vo-tech teacher to introduce them to the careers in this field. Kevin Downing proposed that the FGCSA consider signing a Position Paper on golf course related educational programs at Lake City and the University of Florida. This suggestion will be discussed at the next board meeting. Kevin also proposed that the FGCSA consider a proposal for a Workers Compensation program that is being offered to FGCSA member clubs at a discounted rates. Access to the program would be available through the club's own local agent. A synopsis of the program was distributed to all board members and will be discussed at the next board meeting. Cary Lewis suggested that our Winter board meeting be held on Friday, January 26th in the Orlando area. Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. FGCSA Winter 2001 Board Meeting The Winter 2001 FGCSA Board Meeting date has been confirmed for Friday, January 26th at the Bay Hill Club in Orlando. Lunch will be served at noon with the meeting to follow at 1:00 p.m. All interested FGCSA members are welcome to attend. 5 News Clippings of Interest NEWS CLIPPINGS OF NOTE Turf Fungicide Update Label Changes NCA Fights OSHA Ergonomics Rule Please note the following label change is in the process of being phased in and new products will have the label change. The National ClubAssociation(NCA), along with the National Council on Ergonomics (NCE) and other key businesses and trade groups, has filed suit in the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia seeking review of OSHA's ergonomic standards. Golf Courses-New Maximum Rates for ALL chlorothalonil products. There will be new maximum application rates for chlorothalonil on new product. The following will be the upper limit of chlorothalonil that will be labeled for turf use. 1. Greens - Maximum application per year 73 pounds of active ingredient per acre. 2. Tees - Maximum application per year 53 pounds of active ingredient per acre. 3. Fairways - Maximum application per year 26 pounds of active ingredient per acre. All old product can still be applied according to the old label. With all products, read the label and check to see if there are restrictions, always follow the label. There will be maximum application rates per year for chlorothalonil on new product. 1. Single maximum application rate will be 7.3 pounds of active ingredient per acre 2. Multiple applications for a disease rate guide lines and timing between applications may also vary with the new label. ...Joseph W. Rimelspach and Michael J. Boehm Department of Pathology Ohio State University Credit: The Green Breeze Greater Cincinnati GCSA j Ergonomics is the science of fitting a job to a worker. The final ergonomics standard was released by OSHA on November 4,2000. This issue has been contoversial and opposed by the NCA since the concept emerged in the early 1990's The lawsuit cited four key issues as the primary grounds for the litigation: (1) medical science does not adequately support the need for OSHA regulation; (2) the standard remains too vague and incomprehensible to meet administrative law or constitutional requirements; (3) OSHA has produced a fatally flawed economic analysis; and (4) OSHA has committed serious procedural violations, including issuance of a completely altered final standard withour a new round of public comment. A New Subject to Consider by Mark Clark, CGCS Credit: Cactus and Pine Clippings (Edited for space) "...If you have been reading about Biotechnology, what should we as an industry be concerned about, if at all? Should we take a stance? There are some of the comments made during the Ocotober GCSAA Government Relations Committee meeting. It appears that this is a subject that will be of importance for us to consider.. .just think: If you could engineer grass that could use less water, fertilizer, pesticides and needed less mowing, would that be a good thing? We can argue that less resources needed to keep turf beautiful is beneficial.. .but the downside to this is potential for lost jobs (in manufacturing, marketing, sales, and distribution of fertilizers and chemicals and other products and services). Finally a greens chairman or owner will realize that if grass needs less mowing and tending, maybe anyone can take care of the course and the superintendent may not be as necessary. This issue has positive and negative implications for us. We need to monitor the new technology to see ways to utilize its benefits while minimizing the consequences. Something to think about. Editor's Note: I never saw a list of golf course maintenance related tasks that were specifically included in the study, but things like cup cutting and other repetitive manual tasks indoors and outdoors are at the heart of the issue. ...National Club Association Elizabeth Kirby Hart and Tim Wexler The Green Sheet Dallas Conference Continuation of D.O.C. Column - pg.3 The new division already has a management contract to operate the new Legends Course in the Lennar Homes development in Clermont, Fla. Personal: I thoroughly enjoyed our recent two week trip to the United Kingdom. We were able to visit London and Scotland. While in Edinburgh, Scotland we took a bus to St. Andrews and I managed to walk the 18th hole of the Old Course and tour the British Golf Museum. It was great to be at the "birthplace" of the game. I hope I can go back sometime in the warm season and tee it up on several of the Scottish courses. While the Scots in particular, and Londoners in general were pretty friendly, it is good to be home and back on the right side of the road. FTGA Turfgrass 2001 Regional Turf Conferences The FTGA has announced the following dates for their Regional Conferences: FTGA Pesticide Conferences: Jan. 9 American Polish Club, Jan. 10 Lee County Extension Office Jan. 17 St. Lawrence Parish,/Higgins HI Jan. 19 Seminole Community College Jan. 31 Duval County Extension Office Feb. 1 Santa Rosa County Auditorium These all-day conferences are designed to meet the educational needs of the entire turf industry. They offer CEU's for Restricted Pesticide License holders. The FGCSA will hold its annual GCSAA Reception on Thursday night, February 15th, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Once again, the reception will be limited to Florida superintendents and sponsors only. Invitations will be mailed to all FGCSA members in January Reception Chairman Michael Perham promises that the Dallas reception will continue the tradition of being the best chapter reception at the GCSAA Convention. Mark your calendar now. We are including a list of those sponsors who have already committed to supporting the reception. However, there is still time for any affiliate to be involved as a sponsor and to share the opportunity to network with all the Florida representatives in Dallas. We have enough categories to make it affordable for any affiliate who might choose to attend the reception. Number of tickets to the reception are based on sponsorship levels. We sincerely appreciate the support of all our sponsors. Those companies who have already committed to the reception are as follows: Level I. Platinum Sponsors: Aventis Environmental Science Golf Ventures/Helena Harrell's Fertilizer/Polyon Kilpatrick/Textron Boynton Pump/Rainbird The Toro Dealers of Florida Level II. Gold Sponsors BASF Corporation Club Car Lesco/Southern Golf Products Precision Small Engine Quality Grassing and Services Syngenta Turf Merchants UHS/Cleary's 3336 Level III. Silver Sponsors Speakers include: Erica Santella, TruGreen Chem Lawn; Dr. Laurie Trenholm and Dr. Bryan Unruh, University of Florida; Dr. Tim Broschat; Pat Marsh, Leseo; Brian Combs; Joe Aguirre and John Mascaro, Sport Turf Management program; Peg McPherson, SWFWMD and Guy Gowens, NWFWMD. Each seminar location will feature its own list of speakers. For more information or to receive a brochure and registration form, please contact the FTGA office by phone at 800-882-6721 ore-mail to ftga@aol.com. January/February 2001 Level IV. Bronze Sponsors Bayer Corporation Central Florida GCSA Eagle One Products Everglades GCSA Florida Superior Sand Golf Agronomics Howard Fertilizer Palm Beach GCSA South Florida Grassing Valent U.S.A. Aerification Plus The Andersons Inc. Century Rain Aid FMC Florida Coast Equipment Hamilton Turf Farm Hendrix and Dail Laserturf Southeast, Inc. Parkway Research Tom Burrows Turfgrass Top Pro Upstart Products, Inc. 7 GOLF VENTURES A Meadowbrook Company 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 Lakeland Fort Myers Jupiter JANUARY AND FEBRUARY RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS PSA+ APPLIED TO THE PUTTING SURFACE IS VERY EFFECTIVE IN ALGAE SUPPRESSION BECAUSE IT HELPS LIMIT THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS THAT ALLOW ALGAE TO THRIVE. GRIGG BROS BIO TURE GEO PRODUCTS GARY'S GREEN 18-3-4 + IRON AND TUFF TURF 1-0-14 + SILICON * THE BEST PERFORMING TANK MIX AVAILABLE FOR PUTTING CONDITIONS. SAFE, EFFECTIVE, PREDICTABLE RESULTS WITH NO RISK OF TISSUE BURN. Florida Superintendents Head for GCSAA Conference in Dallas FGCSA Marie Roberts 1760 NW Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 FIRST CLASS U.S. Postage PAID Permit #137 Stuart, FL Cookingham, Peter Turfgrass Information Center MSU: W-212 Library East Lansing, Michigan 48824