GREEN . >4ÌV!i. 41 -mìa.. - - m VOLUME XIX, PART 3, MAY/JUNE 2002 NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION (From right). Envirotron Chairman Glenn Oberlander and Seven Rivers GCSA President Bob Marrino present Champion Sponsors Ron Kitchen, Jr. and the Barbaron group with a collection of Classic Momentos to celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the event. See story page 4. UPCOMING EVENTS May 6 North Florida chapter meeting, Magnolia Point May 10 FGCSA seminar, "Public Relations and the GCS, Naples Hotel. 8:00 a.m. May 21 Suncoast GCSA Annual Meeting, Sara Bay CC June Calusa Annual Meeting, Olde Hickory GC May 21 Central Florida chapter meeting Orange County National GC June 17 Seven Rivers chapter meeting, Seven Rivers GC May 23 Seven Rivers GCSA chapter meeting, Twisted Oaks GC June 20 Everglades chapter meeting. Grey Oaks CC May 30 South Florida GCSA chapter meeting, Westview GC June 30 Suncoast chapter meeting, Venice G&CC May 10 G. C. Horn Tournament, Naples Beach Club, 1:00 p.m May 11 Poa Tournament, Naples Beach Club, 8:30 a.m. June 1 PBGCSA Future of Golf Tournament, The Falls CC July 11 Everglades Annual Meeting, Tiburon G&CC May 15 Calusa chapter meeting, Six Lakes GC June 3 NFGCSA Annual Research Tournament, Pablo Creek July Treasure Coast GCSA Annual Meeting, North Palm Beach CC May 19 - 24 Aquatic Weed Short Course Ft Lauderdale (see page 5) June 17 Central Florida Chapter Championship, Victoria Hills Aug. 2 -4 Crowfoot Open President's Message involved and be part of the re-registration process and to address those in the decision making process face to face. We met with State and Federal officials responsible for Pesticide Regulation and Registration. The Future: Grim or Rosy? The meetings were cordial, we stated our It is often said that the future is what we concerns, explained how and where we make of it-that hindsight is fifty/fifty and used the product, and suggested possible that we should not dwell on the past. I restrictions on its continued use. Unfortucouldn't agree more, reminiscing is great nately the stipulations that have been imand there is nothing wrong with it, but un- posed on Bayer by the EPA exceeded a fortunately it doesn't change anything. reasonable cost benefit to continue to try However, those past experiences-good or to defend the product. We are now left with bad—can help us shape the future. We are a nematicide that will be phased out within hopefully all wiser from those trials and the next 3-5 years depending on your lotribulations, and are looking forward to cale. meeting new challenges. Does this paint a grim picture to you? Well For our industry the challenges most preva- it shouldn't. Looking at what we did lent at this time are pesticide usage and achieve should show you that we are beavailability, watering restrictions and con- ing involved in the decision making proservation. You are all well aware that this cess not just by the manufacturers but also past year we have lost a number of pesti- by the powers that be. Joel, in his role of cides that we have come to rely on includ- Director of Communications, has seized ing Mocap and Turcam, and we had tighter this opportunity and continued to keep the restrictions placed on others. Most recently lines of communication open with those came the decision by Bayer to phase out that we have met. Bayer kept us in the loop the use of Nemacur. Saving this product and we are looking to expand our scope of was always going to be an uphill battle but involvement in the future.Steve Farrington of Dow AgroSciences and I will be meetone we can learn from. ing in the near future to discuss ways we can work together, to get ahead of the A group of Superintendents including this game, not to be called off the bench with executive board and Joel Jackson CGCS, time running out. We have been noticed had the opportunity, thanks to Bayer, to get President's Message Geoff Coggan, CGCS, MG GREEN SHEE Editor: Joel Jackson, CGCS (407)248-1971 (fax/phone) e-mail: News Coordinator: Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 NW Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (772)692-9349 (772) 692-9654 (fax) (800) 732-6053 (Florida Wats) e-mail: The Green Sheet is a bimonthly FGCSA ! newsletter printed as follows: Jan/Feb, • March/April, May/June, July/August, Sept/October, November/December. Financial Support: This issue of the Green Sheet is being sponsored by: Golf Ventures 2101 E Edgewood Drive Lakeland, FL 33803 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 All material submitted for printing will be edited at the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. Photos are encouraged. Items must be for the good of the association. Deadline next issue: June 15. Geoff Coggan, CGCS, MG and our voices heard and we intend to develop an initiative for fixture involvement. On the Water issues side, I just received a fax from Lou Conzelmann of the Everglades Chapter, who recently attended a public workshop held by the South Florida Water Management District. Lou, like Stuart Bozeman, has developed a good relationship with the staff at SFWMD and I believe it shows in the draft he sent me. Restrictions will be based along the lines we have been looking for, that being percentage reductions on monthly allocations rather than arbitrary days of the week,. Other issues still need to be addressed but we are moving forward and seeing results. So is the future all grim? NO! Challenging? YES! But where there's a will there's a way. The big question is WILL YOU be there to help? In closing, thanks to the West Coast chapter for inviting me to attend their meeting Feb 27th at Largo GC, a great turn out in spite of the freezing conditions. I will be visiting the Calusa Chapter April 18th, attending the Poa, May 1 Oth-12th, and returning to the Everglades Chapter for it's presentation of Dr. Tom Morgan & Dr. Michael Coffman entitled "Answering Activists: The Time Is Now" on May 22nd at Royal Poinciana. I look forward to visiting the remaining chapters during the next few months. Director of Communications Report What's Up D.O.C.? by Joel Jackson various phases. We say if we are already reducing the water use (15-30%), then let us use it where we need it! Don't forget to visit our FGCSA Website: - for the latest news and upcoming events or to contact the association. Submit your news of meetings and events to me so I can post them. Any new information is posted on the weekends. Other websites of interest to FGCSA members include: Central Florida; Everglades; and Palm Beach - Fast Facts on Water 1. Nature is the biggest consumer of water. 2. On comparable acreages, residential use of water is five times more than a golf course. 3. Americans consume 150 gallons of water per day. An Englishman uses 37gpd and a middle easterner uses 20 gpd. Most of that American 150 gpd is for lawn/ornamental irrigation. 1. Government Relations: Nemacur registration - Unable to get practical and scientific decisions from EPA, the Bayer Corporation is unable to continue to finance and defend re-registration of Nemacur due to escalating costs to more and more studies. Therefore Bayer has agreed to a 3-5 year phase out of Nemacur beginning May 31, 2002. Bayer will be able to manufacture, distribute and sell the product and users will be able to use the product until 2005 on highly vulnerable soils and until 2007 on less highly drained soils. EPA says they will provide guidance on where these vulnerable soil sites are located. Springs BMP TAC Group - On April 4th the group will review a 2nd draft of the BMP document. Bud Smart of Audubon International has joined the Group and helped to clarify the golf section with acceptable language that uses Audubon Signature Sanctuary concepts to guide golf course development near or in a springshed. 2. Water -The South Florida Water Management District is in the midst of Rules Making Workshops. Lou Conzelmann reports some questionable language that would drive costs of new course irrigation designs way up as water regulators want no irrigation from one zone to water into another (example no fairway heads could throw water into the rough). Double heads on greens and greens slopes is one thing, but double heads for fairways and roughs is another. Another issue of concern is that on top of our proposed % reduction, there is language prohibiting watering roughs at Florida Golf Economic Survey: The survey has been completed and is undergoing review of the final draft and UF/IFAS Ag Economics Department Peer Review. As soon as those are completed the Survey will become a public document and posted on the IFAS website. Pardon me if I wonder if the 1100 golf courses who didn't bother to respond to the survey will refrain from using the facts and figures to support their business. NOT! Shame on those of you who wouldn't lift a pencil to help our golf industry in Florida. 3. Education: There will be a 1/2 day GCSAA seminar at the Poa Annua on Friday, May 10th at the Naples Beach Club. Speaker Dr. Max Utsler - Media Relations and the Golf Course Superintendent. There will also be a 1/2 day GCSAA seminar in Tampa at the FTGA Conference on Monday, September 16th. Speaker, Dr. Bob Carrow, U of GA, his topic - "14 Ways a Green Can Fail" The Palm Beach GCSA will host a one day GCSAA Regional Seminar on Wednesday, October 2nd. Topic is Seashore Paspalum by Dr. Ronnie Duncan and the Central Florida GCSA will host a two-day GCSAA Seminar - Spanish for Golf Course Management 1. This year's USGA Regional Conferences will be November 12 (Jacksonville) and November 14 (West Palm Beach). 4. Media/Public Relations - Craig Weyandt had a successful interview session with the Public Affairs Specialist of a local Vero Beach radio station as the reporter was treated to a wildlife filled tour of The Moorings GC. Even she commented she saw more wildlife than on a recent Nature Tour. We are awaiting the broad- cast date to hear her reactions and report to the public. The Orlando Sentinel is doing a multi-part series on the Florida Water "Crisis." In the Sunday, April 7th edition they started delving into the various water user groups. Thanks to working with the lead reporter, we were able to get a fair and factual accounting of golf course water use. It pays to establish a good working relationship with the local media, and become a verifiable, reliable, honest source. Maintenance Field Days - Following the lead of John Cunningham, formerly of Martin Downs - now at Black Diamond, Craig Weyandt and Tim Cann have held their first Maintenance Field Days in the Treasure Coast GCSA and report resounding success and positive feedback from club members and crew members. These three hope to work with GCSAA to create a "How To" resource presentation so more superintendents can reap the benefits of this worthwhile internal public relations campaign. Good work guys 5. DOC Upcoming Travel/Deadlines/ Events: May 8 Collier County Water Sympo-9 sium, Naples May 9 Poa Annua Classic, - 12 FGCSA Board Meeting, G.C. Horn Tournament, Naples May 16 Quality Grassing Turf Farm Tour, Ft. Meade May 17 Florida Golf Central Deadline May 20 Golfdom Deadline May 21 Central Florida Meeting, Orange Co. National GC, Windermere May 22 EGCSA: Answering Activists: The Time is Now, Royal Poinci ana CC, Naples May 23 EGCSA Spokesperson Training, The Old Collier GC, Naples May 31 Florida Green Deadline Summer Issue June 12 Florida Golf Central Deadline June 1 Palm Beach GCSA Future of Golf Tournament, Lake Worth June 15 Green Sheet Deadline July/ August issue June 17 Central Florida GCSA Memo rial Tournament, Lake Nona CC, Orlando June 20 Golfdom deadline POA Weekend Seminar Features Public Relations This year's Poa event will be held on Mother's Day weekend, May 9th through 12th at Naples Beach Club. This fun-filled weekend begins with the FGCSA Spring Board Meeting on Thurday afternoon followed by a dinner for all Florida GCSA board members. Friday starts with a morning seminar presented by Dr. Max Utsler from The University of Kansas. His topic is" Public Relations/The Media and the Golf Course Superintendent". Through the use of role playing, critiquing and "real-life" examples, this seminar focuses on the role of the media, the importance of being public relations savvy, and the various mechanics in working with the media. The seminar will conclude in time for those wishing to play in The G. C. Horn Tournament at 1:00 p.m. The Poa Tournament will be played on Saturday this year! Shotgun start is at 8:30 a.m. The always popular luau will be held after the tournament on Saturday evening on the lawn of the Beach Club. The weekend finishes up Sunday morning with a Mother's Day Brunch at the Beach Club restaurant. Everglades Spring Seminar at Naples Beach Hotel The Everglades GCSA's Tenth Annual Turfgrass Spring Symposium at Naples Beach Hotel maintained its tradition of quality education as it combined local, state and national speakers in a wide range of topics critical to superintendent's continuing education. 75 attending superintendents heard presentations from Tom Messimer, Ph.D. who separated fact and fiction on future water sources for golf; Renown turf breeder Dr. Milt Engelke, Texas A&M, discussed Ultradwarf management perspectives (thanks to Emerald Island Turf for sponsoring Dr. Engelke's appearance); Darren Davis gave a blow by blow account of the daunting task of regrassing an entire golf course; Kevin Fletcher of Audubon Intl. explained a strategic approach to golf and the environment as he challenged more Florida courses to join the ACSP; and Marc Edelman, J.D. discussed the latest employee issues facing employers with truth is stranger than fiction stories of what can go wrong in the workplace. 340 Players in 10th Annual Envirotron Golf Classic The Seven Rivers GCSA and Barbaron, Inc. major sponsor, presented the 10th Annual Envirotron Tournament on April 15th at World Woods Golf Club. The annual Championship donation of $13,500 by Barbaron and the donated use of the golf courses makes this one of the most successful statewide fundraising events. This year's event was the biggest and best yet. Host superintendent Mike Swinson, CGCS, and staff had the Rolling Oaks and Pine Barrens in superb condition for the 340 players on a weather perfect day. The University of Florida, ever mindful and appreciative of the support from the Seven Rivers chapter, fielded a team of the top administrators from the university including President Charles Young, Exec. VP Joe Joyce, VP of Finance Ed Poppell, and VP of IFAS Mike Martin. These guys didn't pose a golf threat, but I hope they saw and felt the support the industry has for the IFAS turf program. Envirotron Chairman Glenn Oberlander paid tribute to the sponsors and committee members who helped make another successful event. Early estimates had proceeds approaching $70,000. NFGCSA Mike Richards Tournament NFGCSA Lifetime Achievement Award Winners: Art Cape, Richard "Capt. Dick" Johnson, E.L. "Crash" Hall, and Robby Robbins The NFGCSA awarded the $3,000 Mike Richards scholarship to Blaine Ellerbe, Jacksonville G&CC, attending Lake City Community College. Recipients jf $ 1,500 Alan MacCurrach scholarships were: John Llanos, Plantation of Ponte Vedra, Daytona Beach Community College; and Dennis Swander, San Jose CC, Lake City Community College. Ron Hill, CGCS, Amelia Island GC emceed the presentation of the NFGCSA Lifetime Achievement Awards presented to NFGCSA pioneering members: E.L. "Crash" Hall, Richard "Capt. Dick" Johnson, Art Cape and Robby Robbins. Host: Greg Tharp. Aquatic Weed Short Course Offers CEU f s The Aquatic Weed Control Short Course will be held May 19-24, 2002 at the University of Florida Fort Lauderdale Research & Education Center and the Fort Lauderdale Marriott North. Earn 2.9 External Education CEUs by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), and up to 32 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in Aquatic, Right-of-way, CORE, and many other categories to renew your Public, Commercial and/or Private Pesticide Applicator licenses. I TURFGRASS RESEARCH GREEN EXPOSITION SPONSORS. I | % i y | TURF i GARDEN »¿W ISLAND TURF KILPATRICK TUB EQUIPMENT INC Five Reasons to Attend: 2002 SFGCSA Exposition Sets Attendance Records 1. Learn herbicide equipment calibration and herbicide application techniques from veteran trainers. 2. Learn to manage and control weeds in planted wetland sites. 3. Learn the latest in industry equipment and application techniques to maximize herbicide efficacy. 4. Learn quick and easy methods to identify aquatic plants and weeds at our handson Plant Identification Session. 5. Attend information-packed sessions presented by internationally known scientists and industry representatives. Registration Information: The registration fee of $245 includes the educational program, course materials, busing to the FLREC for the Wednesday program, a portfolio, morning, mid-day and afternoon refreshments and a welcome industry reception on Monday (May ?0th) at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott North. This year's SFGCSA Exposition and Field Day was held on Thursday, March 21st at the University of Florida's IFAS REC in Fort Lauderdale. The South Florida Board of Directors was looking for a big turnout to show support for the research staff in Fort Lauderdale and got what they wished for. More than 500 people spent a sun-filled day learning about the facilities and the research being done at the University campus! Thanks to the financial support of the equipment demonstrators and booth sponsors, the Expo was also an economical success. Special thanks go to major sponsors Emerald Island Turf, Hector Turf and Kilpatrick Turf as well as all the other loyal sponsors who manned booths under the big tent. After a great bar-be-que lunch, participants had their choice of concurrent educational sessions offering CEU's for pesticide licenses and GCSAA certification. Thanks to all our speakers including Dr. Billy Crow who filled in with an interesting extra session on Life after Nemacur. The registration fee also includes a barbeque lunch and a cookout at the Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center (FLREC) on Wednesday (May 22). For More Information, Contact: University of Florida/IFAS Office of Conferences and Institutes (OCI) PH: 352-392-5930 / FAX 352-392-9734 - or - REGISTER ONLINE at: conference. ifas. ufl. edu/aw Jim Goins, SFGCSA President, and University of Florida Professor Dr. John Cisar enjoy the Exposition at the Fort Lauderdale REC Florida Superintendents Activities Newly Certified Superintendents Congratulations to our latest group of Florida Certified Golf Course Superintendents— David Datema, Central Florida chapter; Greg Maze, Everglades chapter, and John Sibley, Palm Beach GCSA member. The Florida GCSA is proud to acknowledge all of our 119 Certified Golf Course Superintendents. David Datema got his start in turfgrass maintenance on his family's golf course in Michigan. He worked with the crew while earning his B.A. from Calvin College in Grand Rapids. He went on to earn a turfgrass degree from Michigan State University and worked on various golf courses in the surrounding area. In 1997, David moved to Florida to accept a position as Golf Course Manager at Saddlebrook Resort, working for Chuck Rogers. In 1998 he was offered a position at Magnolia GC at Walt Disney World where he stayed until April 2001. He is now superintendent at Highlands Reserve in Davenport. He credits Beryl Brown, superintendent at Byron Hills GC, and Scott Welder, superintendent at The Palms and Magnolia courses, as being the principal source of inspiration to him in his career. David's family includes three sons and one daughter who all love to play golf. Suncoast Officers John Van Vranken (left) and Tom Crawford pose with Don Benham, FTGA, at the Suncoast Scramble Awards Ceremony 20th Annual Suncoast Scramble Greg Maze also earned his degree from Michigan State although he was a Crops and Soil Science major. Greg accepted an Assistant Superintendent position in Ypsilanti, Michigan but left shortly thereafter for warmer weather in Alabama. He spent 3 years as an Assistant in Birmingham before moving to West Palm Beach to take a position at Bear Lakes CC as First Superintendent. From there, he moved to Hawaii to tend to The Challenge atSVIanele on Lanai island where he continued to work with warm season grasses and got his first taste of seashore paspalum. In 1998, Greg moved to Naples to become Superintendent at Twin Eagles GC. He lives in Naples with his wife Durinda and his 6 year old son, Garrett. John Sibley earned his turfgrass degree from Penn State University. After graduation, he spent 5 years as Assistant Superintendent at Tamiment Resort in the Poconos. In 1981 he moved to Florida to become Assistant Superintendent with George Fazio at Jupiter Hills Club where he stayed for 17 years. John credits George Fazio, Richard Herr, and Dave Troiano as having the greatest influence on his career while at Jupiter Hills. In 1998, John accepted the head superintendent position at Tequesta CC. John lives in the Jupiter/Tequesta area with his wife Nancy and his 16-year-old daughter, Charlotte. The 20th Annual Suncoast Scramble was held at the Misty Creek CC in Sarasota on March 19th. The popular full field event is made up of fourman teams with superintendents, golf pros, club officials and vendors. This year the Suncoast extended their support of the golf industry by donating $2,500 for the Golf Economic Impact Study and $2,500 to the FTGA Research Foundation. Other proceeds support local charities and junior golf programs. Host: Tom Crawford. Operation Clean Sweep The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has been offering a Pesticide CleanSweep in April and May. Operation CleanSweep is a one day event that provides farmers, nursery operators, golf course operators, and pest control services a safe way to dispose of their cancelled, suspended, and unusable pesticides at no cost. The next planned date is May 14th in Broward County, May 15th at Martin County Landfill in Palm City, and May 16th at the Indian River County Landfill in Vero Beach. All events are scheduled for 9:00 a.m. - Noon and 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Broward County site was not available at press time. Please contact Kathleen Osgood, DACS, at 941-338-2981 or Burt McKee, Regional Planning Council at 863-534-7130 x 104 for more information. Related Association News The Florida Turfgrass Association Invites all Golf Course Superintendents to . . . CELEBRATE OUR HERITAGE, FORGE OUR FUTURE September 16 - 18 INCLUDES ALL OF THIS AND MORE . Why Putting Greens Sometimes Fail Alternatives for Nematode Management Soil & Water Testing Interpreti Nutrient Méiamment in Sod * Insect ID and Managi Action IS IÉÉtefe. Future of St. AugustinegráJses in Florida Pesticide Certification Training & Testing Nitrogen Management in Turf Hyatt Regency, Tampa "Only Warm Season Turf show in the Southeast" Celebrates it's 50th Year! Continuing our focus on Florida's Turf Industry providing research data, education, scholarships, grants & more. Designing Golf Courses for Water Issues Track Record of Excellence! Managing Turf in Salt Affected Sites Turf Equipment Technicians one day training Current & Student Research Reports Golf tournament sponsored by John Deere Corn Boil sponsored by Toro Prayer Breakfast sponsored by Harrell's 50th Anniversary Celebration Luncheon Jrs that service your club are willing to Go the distance! ARE YOU? Mark Your Calendar Presidents Reception For more details or Call 800/882-6721 - Watch your MaUbox Florida Green Section Regional Update: The Winter Season is Coming to an End by John Foy and Todd Lowe. Updated April 16, 2002 Sf ring has sprung, we are back on Daylight Saving Time, and the Florida swing of the PGA has come and gone. For clubs and courses throughout South and Central Florida all of these factors mark the end of the winter play season. practices. Temperatures have been relatively warm this spring and this has resulted in an early overseeding transition. So far the transition out of the winter overseeding cover and back to the base bermuda has been going smoothly. During recent TAS visits around the state we have noted that at most facilities play has started to drop off as the snowbirds head back north. For those of us that live year round in Florida, the end of the winter season is welcomed because traffic on the highways declines, lines in restaurants and stores are shorter, and we can get out and enjoy the courses. As this annual process is completed the hated but absolutely essential programs such as core aeration will be undertaken. Another hot topic during course visits at this time is pest control. Along with weeds and nematodes, control strategies for mole crickets are getting a lot of discussion. Reduced play and the return of good bermudagrass growing weather means it is time to implement various programs and We recently had an opportunity to learn about an exciting new program performed for southern golf courses by Bayer Corporation. The program is called Scout Smart and it is used to determine the optimum window of application to control mole crickets. Mole crickets live within the soil, and their burrowing activities are disruptive. The best time to apply insecticides for mole cricket control is just following egg hatch. The Bayer intern, Jeff Edenfield, determines this timing by flushing the mole crickets to the soil surface and checking the eggs within the females. Egg size, color and hardness is determined, which yields an approximate time period to apply the pesticide. With the data collected throughout the state, Bayer scientists are attempting to determine appropriate degree-day models for mole cricket hatches. If successful, environmental cues like soil temperature can be used as tools to determine pesticide application for mole cricket control. GOLF VENTURES A Meadowbrook Lakeland Fort Myers Jupiter Company 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 Order These Products NOW to Dress Your Best This Winter QuickTrans BrightStar SLT PERENNIAL RYEGRASS PERENNIAL RYEGRASS The same terrific attributes as BrightStar II with the added benefit of salt tolerance! New, dark green, quicktransitioning perennial ryegrass bred especially for Winter overseeding! In Florida turf test plots, QuickTrans showed dark green color even at the seedling stage! Developed by Pure Seed Testing, Inc. Produced and marketed by: TURFSEEDJNG Order QuickTrans and BrightStar SLT today 800-247-6910 from 0 GOLF VENTURES A Meadowbrook Company www 888-222-7072 Once Again, Local Chapter Golf Tournaments Prove to be a Big Draw ! SERIALS FGCSA Marie Robert! 1760 NW Pine I g ^ P i j v ^ /OJVStuart, FL 34994 ^ ß S l O ^ Cookingham, Peter Turfgrass Information Center MSU: W-212 Library East Lansing, Michigan 48824 FIRST CLASS U.S.Postage PAID Permit #137 Stuart, FL