JK VOLUME XX, PART IV, JULY/AUGUST 2004 NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION FGCSA President Greg Pheneger presented the Florida GCSA 2004 Distinguished Service Award to Darren Davis, superintendent at Olde Florida GC, during the FGCSA's Past Presidents Dinner in Naples on May 13th. See article on page 7 of this newsletter. OeniALQ JUL 1 6 2004 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITYLIBRARIES Upcoming Events July 7 Central Florida chapter Annual Meeting, Debary CC, Superintendent only meeting July 8 Treasure Coast Annual Meeting, Hobe Sound GC July 12 PBGCS A Annual Meeting/ Election, Emerald Dunes CC July 15 Calusa GCSA meeting, Gulf Harbour, GCSAA CEU points July 16 Everglades GCSA Annual Meeting, Tiburon July 14 North Florida GCSA meeting, Fleming Island GC July 22 University of Florida IFAS Field Day, Gainesville July 22 SFGCSA Annual Meeting/ Election, Riviera CC July 23 FGCSA Annual Meeting/ Election, Grand Cypress Aug. 25 Assistant Supt. Workshop, Royal Poinciana GC July 2425 CFGCSA's Larry Kamphaus Tournament, Grand Cypress Sept. 8 Treaure Coast GCSA chapter meeting, John's Island Club July 26 Suncoast chapter meeting, Lemon BayGC Sept. 13 -15 FTGA Conference & Show, Hyatt Hotel, Tampa July 27 West Coast chapter meeting, Sun City Center Sept. 23 Aug. 9 West Coast GCSA 14th Annual Pro/Supt, Cypress Run GC GCSAA Regional Seminar, "Successful Project Mgmt.," Bruce Williams, CGCS, Naples Beach Hotel Sept. 30 Aug. 20 Treasure Coast golf outing, Willoughby CC GCSAA Regional Seminar, "Management Strategies for Turfgrass Systems," Dr. Joe Vargas, Crown Plaza, Orlando Aug. 23 North Florida chapter meeting, Sawgrass CC Oct. 19 GCSAA Regional Seminar, "Irrigating with Reclaimed Water," Dr. Ali Harivandi, to be held in South Florida Aug. 24 L Seven Rivers chapter meeting, Meadow Oaks GC President's Message President's Message Greg Pheneger Summer is here and many of us are in the middle of projects to enhance the quality of the facilities where we work. During these very busy and hectic times it is very easy to lose perspective of the things that should matter most to all of us. During the past few years we have vacationed as a family earlier in the year rather than the summer to avoid construction projects at the golf course. This year I decided that I would attempt to go on a holiday with the family during the summer so that it would open up a whole new avenue of places for us to visit without wearing a parka. So we are on a plane to Washington D.C. to see the museums, monuments and for my oldest son eat our way around many different cuisines, then we are off to do some horseback riding, white water rafting and some spelunking. Over the past ten years money from the government to the research arms of the major universities has all but dried up. We were all very caught up in our own little worlds living our hectic lives to notice that research had gone away. We all need to look at how we can raise money for research to handle the changes that have come about due to environmental rule changes handed down over the past years and most certainly will be handed down in the future. Many people have begun initiatives to raise money for turf research. The FGCSA has two initiatives that we are working on at the same time in an attempt to get matching funds and grants. Mike Goldie is working with State Representatives and Senators to gain access to matching funds for us to use in conjunction with The University of Florida to conduct research on our behalf. We have also sent a grant to the Federal Government that has been passed from a grant writer that is a member of a Florida golf course to a House of Representative member from the State of Florida. We will need to have an extensive letter writing campaign to get any grant approved by Congress. The Board will keep all of you advised when the need arises and they will most certainly have a sample letter written for you to follow. I recently went to Pensacola to represent you at the Southeastern Turf Researchers Conference. I spoke with turf researchers from Virginia Tech , North Carolina State, Georgia, Texas A & M, Auburn and of course the University of Florida. The conference does not permit any manufacturer employees to attend. The conference is only for university representatives. This allows the researchers to talk very candidly about the products that they are testing. Every researcher that I spoke with was very interested in the problems that we are having or GREEN SHEE Editor: Joel Jackson, CGCS (407) 248-1971 (fax/phone) e-mail: FLGrn@aol.com News Coordinator: Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 NW Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (772)692-9349 (772) 692-9654 (fax) (800) 732-6053 (Florida Wats) e-mail: fgcsal23@bellsouth.net The Green Sheet is a bimonthly FGCSA newsletter printed as follows: Jan/Feb, March/April, May/June, July/August, Sept/October, November/December. 2 Financial Support: This issue of the Green Sheet is being sponsored by: GolfVentures 2101 E Edgewood Drive Lakeland, FL 33803 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 All material submitted for printing will be edited at the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. Photos are encouraged. Items must be for the good of the association. Deadline next issue: August 15. Greg Pheneger fear of future concerns. All spoke very highly of the research that we are conducting at the University of Florida. I want to thank Dr. Bryan Unruh and Dr. Terril Nell for extending the invitation to the Conference. During my flights to and from Pensacola I had the opportunity to read a survey on future trends and issues conducted by the National Club Association. The NCA sampled a total of 1,800 individuals through surveys, focus groups and individual interviews. Club managers reported on the following most important challenges facing the club industry today: recruiting and retaining members; handling competition from a variety of local dining and recreation facilities; controlling costs; coping with a fluctuating economy; retaining staff; and meeting changing membership demands. The trend with the greatest impact and also shapes all of the other trends is that the average age of the member is expected to decrease from 56.5 years to 54.3 by 2010. This will impact an increase in fitness facilities of clubs that will be built or expanded. Dining will continue to become less formal. Younger members enjoy less formal dining. Clubs will become more family oriented with more programs for a "children's club within a club". The survey also reports that golf rounds should continue to grow slightly. The best strategies for recovery of rounds played are Continued on page 6 The Green Sheet Director of Communications Report What's Up D.O.C? by Joel Jackson 1. Government Relations: Hendrix & Dail, one of the leading vendors and applicators of Methyl Bromide the most effective soil fumigant for turfgrass production and golf course planting, has provided a factual update to diffuse concerns over the product's availability. According to the update, the turf industry will have more than adequate supplies to meet our needs in the foreseeable future. Insiders also report that Congress is finally taking a stronger stance against the world powers seeking to limit the U.S. production and use of this tool in food and turf production via the Montreal Accord. Dr. Michal Eldan of the M AATF reports that negotiations are continuing with the Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services on a prospective groundwater test protocol to determine if normal applications of MSMA on golf courses are indeed adding arsenic to the soil and water. A recent lengthy report by an independent environmental engineering firm dissected, questioned and rebutted many of the procedures and conclusions reached in several of the reports critical of MSMA on golf courses finding many flaws in the data collection methods and assumptions made. However, Dr. Eldan also noted that the manufacturer will be making some recommended label changes in the use of the product, so be sure to keep checking those labels on newly purchased product so that you do not violate the label when using MSMA in the future. FGCSA Lobbyist Mike Goldie reported that the only law passed in the recent legislative session that might have an effect on golf courses was HR 293 sponsored by Sen. Paula Dockery dealing with water conservation planning. Senator Dockery was one of the legislators we visited last January to get clarification on the wording and intent of the bill. It essentially mandates that Water Management Districts make all effort to incorporate maximum water conservation measures in their management of water resources. Most likely to be of interest will be the requiring of the use of effluent water where economically and technically feasible for new development. Residential and commercial growth is specifically targeted. Golf courses are not mentioned in the language. July/August 2004 However, owners and developers as a matter of common sense and good stewardship should, on their own, consider and embrace alternative water sources since consumptive use permits will be harder to come by. 2. Allied Associations: The FTGA Conference and Show at the Hyatt in Tampa will be September 13-15,2004. Word on the street is the Conference may be moving to the Hyatt at Coconut Point in Bonita Springs next year. Since last year's traditional GCSAA Monday seminar was so poorly attended I was hard pressed to support the expense of bringing in another high profile speaker. In order to still provide maximum educational opportunities, FTGA President Jan Bel Jan has proposed to host a Reconstruction University put on by the American Society of Golf Course Architects. Several Florida based designers will participate and the course is already approved for GCSAA education points. Speaking of the GCSAA, they will be unveiling a new customizable website for members very soon if not already. In addition to the ongoing headquarters relocation study, the new Messaging and Branding Task Group will tackle the subject of a possible name change for the association. Since the association has global membership, there is some thought to eliminating the "of America" in the name. Two potential names that have tested positively are: Golf Course Management Association and Golf Course Managers Association. No changes will be possible without a 2/3 majority vote by the membership at an annual meeting. IFAS: The University of Florida has named former Dean of Research Dr. Richard Jones as interim Vice President of IFAS to replace Dr. Mike Martin who is leaving to become President of New Mexico State University. We wish Dr. Martin well in his new position and we appreciate his efforts to improve IFAS during his tenure. He challenged us with new ideas, but most of all he listened and he understood how important the green industries were to Florida. 3. Education: On the heels of all the education available at the FTGA Conference, several chapters have scheduled GCSAA Regional Seminars: September 23rd - Successful Project Management with Bruce Williams, CGCS at the Naples Beach Club Hotel. September 30th - Management Strategies for Turfgrass Systems with Dr. Joe Vargas, at the Crown Plaza Resort, South International Drive, Orlando. October 19th - Irrigating with Reclaimed Water with Dr. Ali Harivandi at the Orangebrook C.C. in Hollywood, FL. I might question the timing of these elective seminars as being too close together, but if you need the points for PDI and CGCS, you can't say there aren't enough opportunities out there. 4. Media/Public Relations: I recently shared time with golf course architect Ron Garl on a local public affairs cable TV show called Simply Fascinating (not me, the topics). Hosted by multi-talented golf personality and author of "Golf is our Game", Ron Heller explored the positive effects of golf and the environment and gave us a chance to put pesticide myths, etc into proper perspective. The show airs on Brighthouse Network (Channel 10) in the Orlando area on Tuesdays and Fridays at 9 PM. This segment will be done and gone by the time you read this. No Emmy performance on my part, but we did get in a few good licks on behalf of golf. 6. DOC/Editor Upcoming Events, Travel, Deadlines and Tasks 7/1 7/2 7/5 7/10 7/20 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 8/1 8/10 8/15 8/20 Pesticide Review Council Meeting, Gainesville DOC Reports/ Updates Turf Links Column deadline to the Florida Turf Digest Live Golf & Clippings articles deadline for FGC Magazine Column deadline for Golfdom IFAS Field Day, Gainesville FGCSA Board Meeting, Grand Cypress, Orlando ACSP Workshop, Grand Cypress Larry Kamphaus Crowfoot Open, Grand Cypress, Orlando DOC Reports/Chapter Update. Live Golf & Clippings articles deadline for FGC Magazine Sept/Oct Green Sheet Deadline Shades of Green column deadline for Golfdom Magazine 3 Minutes from Spring FGCSA Board Meeting The Spring 2004 meeting of the FGCSA Board of Directors was called to order by President Greg Pheneger at 2:00 p.m. on Thurs. May 13th at the Naples Beach Club. All officers were present. All chapters were represented except Coastal Plains, Suncoast and North Florida chapters. Others attending the meeting were Joel Jackson - Florida Green editor; Dale Kuehner Voting Delegate; Todd Lowe - USGA ; Jan Beljan - FTGA President; and Marie Roberts, FGCSA Association Manager. Greg Freyermuth, Pennington Seed, gave a short presentation on the Blue Tag incentive program that is co-sponsored by TurfSeed and GCSAA. A percentage of money will be donated to the FGCSA Research Fund from Blue tagged seed sold in Florida. OLD BUSINESS: Greg Pheneger expressed his disappointment in the number of chapters participating in the Member Needs Survey. While thanking the five chapters that responded to the survey, it was apparent that the survey would have been much more beneficial if all twelve had made the same effort. BENEVOLENT FUND: Jeff Brown reported that the Benevolent Fund was able to send S1,000 each to the families of FGCSA superintendents Steve Franks and Paul Neumann during the past 3 months. His report showed the balance in the fund has dropped to $731 but noted that our next fund raiser for the Fund will be at the FGCSA Reception in February. Since we are expecting a big crowd in Orlando, we should be able to make the Fund grow substantially this year with good response to the raffle. Jeff was unable to present the Guidelines for distributing funds but will have that policy ready for review at the July board meeting. FINANCIAL REPORTS: Greg presented the three page Reserve Fund Investment Policy to the board as discussed at our last board meeting. Morgan Stanley will be the investment manager. The Investment Policy calls for conservative investments predicated on a total r e t u r n c o n c e p t with r e a d i l y ascertainable market value. The goal is to make our funds grow in a conservative environment with a good comfort level FGCSA funds put into this program will come from our current Reserve Account only. The mo4 tion to accept the Reserve Fund Investment Policy was approved and the officers will sign the Policy and forward it to Morgan Stanley to begin investing. Secretary/Treasurer Craig Weyandt gave the Financial Report for the Third Quarter Operating Account and Research Account. The current balance in the two accounts is a total of $115,000 with $205,000 in the Reserve Account. The Financial Reports were approved. Craig then presented the draft of this year's 5-year Budget which will go into the SOP manual. Since there were a few problems with the draft, it will be reworked and presented to the board again in July. Craig then discussed the draft of our 20042005 Operating Fund budget with the board filling in the blanks. Questions were raised on the Musser Fund as well as the Government Relations item the amount of donations that may be made by chapters to keep the budget from operating at a deficit. Some Operating Fund expenses/donations such as the GCSAA Tee Club will be moved to the Research Account to help balance the Operating Fund budget. He noted that the income side of the budget may decrease this year due to the Assistant Superintendent dues cut. It is hoped that the cut will encourage more clubs to allow their Assistants to join their local chapter. Craig will revise and finalize the budget to be presented for approval at the Annual Meeting in July. D.O.C. REPORT: Joel discussed the issue of Off Label Spraying with his goal of getting people to abide by the label. Since Mike Goldie was unable to attend the board meeting, Joel gave the lobbyist report on Water Management Districts and the I FAS portion of the state budget. He also discussed the FGCSA participation in the Spring Regulatory Tour at Old Collier CC. FLORIDA GREEN: Joel reported on the Turf and Ornamental Communicators Association meeting he attended in Seattle where it was apparent that the loss of advertisers was an important issue with many publications. He requested that Central Florida, Ridge, North Florida and Coastal Plains chapters to send their selection for cover courses to him for the 2005 issues before the July board meeting. AWARDS: Greg Pheneger reported that the 2004 Distinguished Service Award would be presented at the Past Presidents dinner immediately following the board meeting. All board members have been invited to attend. In 2005, nominations for the DSA will have to be received by the FGCSA Board before the Winter meeting, not the Spring meeting as in the past. This new time schedule will allow time for the DSA nominee to be contacted in advance of the presentation at the Spring meeting. The three Presidents Awards for 2004 were approved as nominated, that is, George Cook - Suncoast; Glen Klauk from North Florida; and Glen Oberlander from the Seven Rivers chapter. The FGCSA will send the plaques to the three chapters for presentation at a local board meeting. BYLAWS: A By Law amendment to change the Class B membership to "Superintendent Member" was presented to the board. In order to fulfill the requirements of our By Laws, this proposed amendment must be submitted to the membership 30 days prior to approval. Therefore the ByLaw change as written will be included in the July/August Green Sheet so that all members will be aware of the proposed change. We will vote on the amendment at the Fall board meeting. EDUCATION: Friday's Poa seminar has a strong pre-registration and we look forward to an interesting and enjoyable interactive seminar by Dr. Patt Schwab. Buddy Keene presented a list of GCSAA SLS seminars for consideration for next year's Poa seminar. He suggested that we petition the GCSAA to approve our request to have Dr. Tom Maloney return next year to present his "Leadership Skills for the Golf Course Superintendent". The board approved this selection and we will send the SLS form to GCSAA for approval. Joel announced that the education for the FTGA Conference concurrent sessions look good but noted that due to poor attendance at the GCSAA seminar previously held on the morning of the first day of the Conference, it will not be offered this year. Matt Taylor announced that the first FGCSA Assistants Seminar will be held in the Everglades chapter with speakers already lined up. Plan is to present this seminar in four different areas of the state. Final details will be available at the next board meeting. The Green Sheet Continuation of Spring Board Meeting Minutes MEMBERSHIP: Matt Taylor reminded all External Vice Presidents that the FGCSA has lower annual dues for Assistant Superintendents to $30.00 per Assistant. The goal of this 50% reduction is to get more Assistant Superintendents as members of local chapters. It is expected that all chapters will pass this $30.00 savings on to their Assistants to promote an increase in membership. One application for At Large status was approved for Dean Watkins, CGCS, who is currently working in Russia while maintaining a home in Florida. GOLF: The Florida GCSA team finished in a tie for 2nd in the GCSAA Tournament in San Diego. The Poa Tournament winner will be the first qualifier for the 2005 GCSAA Tournament in Orlando. RESEARCH: Craig Weyandt reported that the GCSAA approved two projects to be cofunded with the Florida GCSA. "Timing of nematicide applications on turf based on soil temperatures, nematode activity and root development" by Dr. Billy Crow was approved for $21,000. "Ecology, pathogenicity and m a n a g e m e n t of B i p o l a r i s and Curvularia fungal species in unltradwarf bermudagrasses in Florida" by Dr. Datnoff was approved for $34,500 over three years. The Florida GCSA has received the final reports from Dr. Billy Crow on the first two GCSAA/FGCSA funded projects from 2001 and 2002. We have completed the funding of both of these projects. Copies of the Final Reports are availableby calling the FGCSA office. Greg Pheneger presented a request from UF IFAS to participate in a Turgfrass Industry Committee to convene in the next few months. The FGCSA will appoint two representatives for this Committee. Craig and Kevin Downing are still working on the idea of forming a Research Committee with the FTGA, FGCSA, and the Univ. of Florida. Greg received a request from Dr. Bryan Unruh for a donation to help the University of Florida host the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service - Southern Extension Research Activities meeting June 6-9 in Pensacola. After a discussion, a motion was made and approved to send $500 to help defray the costs of the meeting and we July/August 2004 will send a representative to the dinner. Greg also received a letter from the Florida Agricultural Council announcing a Farewell Reception for Dr. Mike Martin. After a discussion, it was decided that Greg would send a letter to be included in a "book of letters" to be presented to Dr. Martin. FTGA: The 2004 FTGA Conference and Show will be held on September 12th - 15th at the Hyatt Hotel in Tampa. The Committee has picked Estero as the 2005 site. GCSAA RECEPTION: Marie Roberts reported that the 2004 reception was another great success with about 400 attendees at the Wyndham Hotel. We were able to stay within our budget thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and our local chapters. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES: New job descriptions were distributed for the SOP Manual. Included were the Finance Committee and a change to the Officers section indicating the need for an extra year of service to all Officers commitment. This is due to the additional year that the Past President must serve on the Finance Committee. LONG RANGE PLANNING: David Court discussed the progress of the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program. There are 2200 courses in the program with 2% certified. He noted that both North Carolina State University and The University of Florida are working with the ACSP. GCSAA: Greg gave report on the GCSAA Spring Board Meeting in Amelia Island. In addition to Greg, other FGCSA members invited to attend were Joe Pantaleo, Andy Maguire and Chris Neff. The GCSAA board members were receptive to many of our problems and o f f e r e d the assistance of the GCSAA staff to help in any way. Notes from the meeting were included in the agenda Joel Jackson and Darren Davis discussed the GCSAA Strategic Communications meeting. The purpose of the committee is to get more member input and discussion into the governance of the GCSAA. Joel is chairman of the Publications Task Group. Darren spoke on the feasibility of a name change for the GCSAA that would appropriately reflect the identify of the asso- ciation and the profession. Some names suggested for the Association were Golf Course Manager or Golf Course Management. Contact Darren with your suggestions. Dale Kuehner then presented a program suggested by the GCSAA. Since not all chapters of the GCSAA have the same resources or the same problems, the GCSAA has set up a Self Assessment Form for chapters. This Self Assessment will be the major topic for discussion at the next GCSAA Chapter Delegates Meeting in September. The GCSAA has suggested that Florida be the test case and asked that each chapter fill out the Self Assessment Form. Despite some objections, the External VP's agreed to take the form back to their chapters to complete. Greg announced receipt of the following donations received by the FGCSA during the past three months. South Florida donated $25,000 from the proceeds of their Expo for the funding of the maintenance of the Fort Lauderdale Research Center. West Coast donated $7,000, Treasure Coast donated $5,000, Suncoast donated $1,500 and Palm Beach donated $5,000. Greg thanked all chapters for responding to his request for donations to help defray the costs of our research funding and operating expenses. Date for the Annual Board Meeting was set for Friday, July 23rd at Grand Cypress Strickland Repeats as Poa Winner Seth Strickland, SFGCSA, took home his second consecutive Poa Annua Classic title by repeating his spectacular 69 from last year. He finished 5 strokes ahead of the competition! The Everglades chapter won the Chapter Team Event. The G..C Horn Tournament, held at the Estuary Club at Grey Oaks this year, was won by the team of Mark Brazinski, Jason DeMartino and Kevin Wasilewski playing in the 3 man scramble format The FGCSA seminar, "Dealing with Jerks" had one of the largest attendances ever. Presenter Dr. Patt Schwab believes in putting the "Fun" before the "Fundamental" in the learning process. Great seminar! Thanks to Everglades GCSA and their sponsors for hosting another great weekend at the Naples Beach Hotel. 5 Chapter Fund Raisers Continuation of Presidents Message.... to help players find suitable partners; promote and facilitate couples of golf; initiate family golf and to teach, teach and teach. As for the golf course superintendent, we are part of the team to help promote the club. Since the member is getting younger, their time is much more valuable to them. We will need to update our schedules to accommodate their needs to utilize the facilities. The younger member has grown up in a world in which they have had all of their major needs met. Understanding and meeting the needs of the new generation of members will become the key to attaining new memberships of any club in the years leading up to 2010. Do your part and get involved in all areas of the club. Make yourself so valuable in your operation that they cannot even dream of not retaining your services. I don't mean that your concentration should not be on the golf course since that is our job, but expand your horizons to reach out and become more invaluable to the club. IP The team of (1-r) John Katterheinrich, Hal Hicks, Chris Miller and Chris Deariso took 1st place in the 11th Annual Blue Pearl Tournament held at Loblolly Pines in Hobe Sound. Treasure Coast chapter president Roy MacDonald reported the event raised nearly $20,000 for support of environmental projects in the Treasure Coast chapter area. Seven Rivers Envirotron Classic Raises $40,000 PB Future of Golf Tournament Finishes in a Dead Heat The 24th Annual Future of Golf Tournament was held on June 5th at the Falls CC with Steve Pearson serving as host superintendent for the 6th year. The threatening weather moved north to the relief of the 132 players watching the sky! Steve and his crew had the course in great shape and the competition was extremely close with the exception of the Putting Contest which was won by Jeff Klontz with his Hole in One. Winning team was determined by a match of cards between three teams. Members of the winning team were perennial favorites - Mark Henderson, Jeff Klontz, Karl Schmidt and Peter Brooks (all PBGCSA Past Presidents). The other two teams posting the same score (58) were composed of John Swaner, Bob Harper, Dale Mitchell and Seth Strickland who settled for second place and the team of Steve Wright, Steve Bernard, Tyler Warner and Terry Kennelly who took third place. Seven Rivers members, Glenn Oberlander (left) and Buddy Keene (right) gratefully accept the Champion Sponsor check for $25,000 from (1-r) David Cheeseman, Don Delaney and Walt McMahon of Golf Ventures. The Jeff Hayden Envirotron Classic raised around $40,000 for UF/IFAS turf research. 6 Thanks to Diamond sponsor, Hector Turf, the nine Gold sponsors, and the many Tee Sign sponsors, the event brought in more than $35,000. After expenses, the profit will go towards turfgrass research, Junior Golf and scholarship programs. The Green Sheet More Chapter News Crowfoot Open Set for Sunday, July 25th The 28th Anniversary of the Larry Kamphaus Crowfoot Open will be played at Grand Cypress on Sunday, July 25th. Shotgun start is at 8:00 a.m. with registration, breakfast and practice from 7:00 a.m. Luncheon and prizes at the Villas after completion of the round. The Cocktail Pre-Reception will be held from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday night at the Villas. The $125 entry fee includes the cocktail reception on Saturday and the events on Sunday. Additional tickets can be purchased for the cocktail party. Rooms are available by calling the Villas direct at 1-800-835-7377. Rates are $150.00 per bedroom plus applicable taxes. Ask for the superintendent rate. Practice rounds will be available July 23rd and 24th. The rate is $45.00 for superintendents and $65.00 for affiliates. Call Robert Lloyd at 407-239-1948 or the FGCSA for an entry form. The Central Florida GCSA took the first title of the newly formed Chapter Challenge Cup match between the Central Florida, Ridge and West Coast chapters held at Diamond Players Club in Clermont. The winning team was (1-r) Chris Barfield, Joel Brownsberger, Tommy Land and Glenn Thompson. «nun im ibe M i Tarfgrass m x m ^ iinaai enfereice s d i m sn* DUN« Mit M M swttiier M M « The Florida Turfgrass Association is beginning to make plans for the 52nd Annual Conference & Trade Show, in Tampa, on September 12-15,2004. Events to include the Annual Golf Tournament, The Annual Fishing Tournament, Trade Show, Workshops, Concurrent Sessions, and a GCSAA Seminar. Rooms at the Tampa Hyatt Regency are at the special conference rate which ranges from $103.00$133.00 per night. For More Information Contact Amanda Cestaro at: 3008 East Robinson Street Orlando, FL 32803 Phone: (800) 882-6721 Fax: (407) 896-6857 Email: acestaro@ftga.org Website: www.ftga.org July/August 2004 Darren Davis Receives FGCSA 2004 Distinguished Service Award Darren Davis was presented with the 2004 FGCSA Distinguished Service Award during the annual FGCSA Past Presidents Dinner in Naples on May 13th. Darren received his turfgrass degree from Penn State University but has spent most of his career in Florida. He is currently the superintendent at Olde Florida GC in Naples where he began his volunteering career by serving on the board of the Everglades chapter. Darren then moved on to the FGCSA Board from 1996 through 2003 holding all the officer positions as well as Long Range Planning Director. One of his many accomplishments while serving on the FGCSA Board was to spearhead the filming of a video, "Golf is Good for the Environment and You", which is still used as a pro-active tool for Florida superintendents. He has been a regular contributor/feature writer for the Florida Green magazine through the Hands On Section. Darren is also the only two-time winner of the GCSAA Leo Feser Award for his articles in Golf Course Management in 1997 and again in 2002. His extensive committee service also includes working with the GCSAA as well as the Florida Turfgrass Association. The FGCSA is pleased to have such a dedicated, caring and energetic superintendent who is willing to give up his free time in service to his profession as the 2004 recipient of this prestigious award. 7 0 GOLF VENTURES A Meadowbrook Company Lakeland Fort Myers Jupiter 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 Golf Ventures Expands Florida Territory with Jacobsen Golf Ventures, Florida's complete one-stop maintenance supply company for the golf course industry has expanded their territory with Jacobsen Equipment Products, a division of Textron, to include 13 new counties in Florida. Currently, Golf Ventures' territory with Jacobsen includes Polk, Hardee, Highlands, Desoto, Sarasota, Manatee, Pinellas, Hillsborough, Pasco, Hernando, Citrus, Glades, Charlotte and Lee counties. The 13 new counties which were formerly with Tresca, now include Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Lake, Marion, Brevard, Volusia, Sumter, Alachua, Dixie, Levy, Lafayette and Gilchrist counties. According to Don DeLaney, Vice President of Equipment Sales with Golf Ventures, "Our main goal is to provide unparalleled parts service, warranty/repair service backed by qualified personnel while representing the best turf products in the industry". JACOBSEN iTTTnrm Call us today at 1-800-330-8874 and let us know how we can serve you! Darren Davis Receives FGCSA 2004 Distinguished Service Award FGCSA Marie Roberts 1760 NW Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 ^/NTENOt^' FIRST CLASS U.S. Postage PAID Permit #137 Stuart, FL Cookingham, Peter Turfgrass Information Center MSU: W-212 Library East Lansing, Michigan 48824