VOLUME XXI, PART IV, JULY/AUGUST 2005 NEWSLETTER OF THE FLORIDA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION Upcoming Events July 8 Everglades GCSA Annual Meeting, Tiburon GC July 13 Central Florida Annual Meeting, Shingle Creek July 14 South Florida GCSA Annual Meeting/Election of Officers, Riviera CC July 14 Treasure Coast GCSA Annual Meeting/Election of Officers, Hobe Sound GC July 19 PBGCS A Annual Meeting/Election of Officers, The Fountains, Lake Worth July 20 West Coast GCSA Meeting, Seven Springs GC July 21 Calusa Chapter Meeting, Heron Creek G&CC July 23 -24 Larry Kamphaus Crowfoot Open, Villas of Grand Cypress. See page 7 of this newsletter. July 25 FGCS A Annual Meeting/Election, Isleworth GC Aug. 1 West Coast GCSA Pro/Supt, Cypress Run Aug 19 -20 Calusa GCSA Fishing and Golf Outing, Clewiston Aug. 25 FGCS A Assistants Seminar, Quail Ridge GC See article on page 7 July 28 Seven Rivers GCSA Meeting, Silverthorne Aug. 23 Seven Rivers GCSA Meeting, Meadow Oaks GC Aug. 30 Treasure Coast golf outing, Johns Island Club Sept. 7 GCSAA/Everglades GCSA Regional Seminars, "Managing Turfgrass Root Systems in the South," and "Understanding Bio-stimulants." Dr. Keith Karnok, see D.O.C. column on page 3 Sept. 11 -14 53rd Annual Florida Turfgrass Conference & Show, Hyatt Coconut Point, Bonita Springs David Court, CGCS (left) is presented with the FGCSA 2005 Distinguished Service Award by President Joe Pantaleo at the FGCSA Past Presidents Dinner in Naples on May 12th. David has been the Golf Course Superintendent at Boca Lago since 1981, an astonishing 24 years! David plays his course three times a week and spends another day playing at various area courses. As an avid golfer, he also enjoyed the opportunity to play in the John Deere Classic in 2000. In addition to his skills as a superintendent and a golfer, David's volunteer work on the chapter level is also to be admired. He has been an active member of the Palm Beach GCSA Board of Directors since the 80's serving as President in 1988 and then returned to the Board ten years late, serving as President in 1999. After fulfilling that commitment, he turned to the FGCSA Board of Directors where he served as President in 2002. He is an avid supporter of the Audubon International program and continues to serve on both the state and local chapter levels as he continues his unselfish devotion to the golf industry. iot i a m President's Message President's Message Joe Pantaleo It's hard to believe that a whole year has gone by serving as your FGCS A President. Once we got past the crippling beginning of the year caused by Mother Nature's fury, time just flew by thereafter. It cannot go unmentioned how much I appreciate the support of my club and its management as we ventured through the year. Hopefully, future FGCS A leaders' efforts will be supported as well by their employers as I was fortunate to experience. There were many times throughout the year when I wasn't sure where to turn for advice. I must thank your immediate Past President, Greg Pheneger, for giving me the guidance and confidence needed to do the right thing. As was David Court before Greg and others down the line, the common thread is that we all helped each other in this business we love so much. With the wealth of experience and dedication of our two staff members, Marie and Joel, my time as President became much easier. Thanks to everyone who helped this year become a productive one. It has been a year that I will cherish throughout my lifetime. I encourage you, too, to get involved in your industry in some form or fashion. There are many talented professionals in our state just waiting to help make a difference. At our recent Board meeting in Naples, we opened a "can of worms" with a half-day Strategic Planning Session moderated by Hannes Combest from the GCSAA. We took a real close look at where we wanted to be in the future. We asked some tough questions of ourselves and pondered our future without Marie and Joel someday in an attempt to create a vision of success. I felt we did a good job of describing our (5-10 year) ideal association. We've initially set up a number of goals to help us achieve that vision. A current or past leader of your association will chair each goal, and they will be contacting many of you for your valuable input. We want to have this plan actuated by early 2007, so we will have to get moving pretty quickly. While working on the 2005-2006 Operations Budget, we noticed a trend of slight shortfalls of funds. Since 1992, there has been no increase in dues. A minor dues increase in the near future would certainly balance our current budget and will probably be entertained at the July Board meeting. Although a minor dues increase may be on the horizon, the realization of our visionary goals mentioned earlier could change our financial posture in a positive way for the long term. Following the POA Board meeting, many of us were fortunate to dine with Past Presidents of the FGCSA. It is always a privilege to share time and experiences with such a talented and accomplished group of GREEN SHEE Editor: Joel Jackson, CGCS (407) 248-1971 (fax/phone) e-mail: FLGrn@aol.com News Coordinator: Mrs. Marie Roberts 1760 NW Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 (772) 692-9349 (772) 692-9654 (fax) (800) 732-6053 (Florida Wats) e-mail: fgcsal23@bellsouth.net The Green Sheet is a bimonthly FGCSA newsletter printed as follows: Jan/Feb, March/April, May/June, July/August, Sept/October, November/December. Financial Support: This issue of the Green Sheet is being sponsored by: Golf Ventures 2101 E Edgewood Drive Lakeland, FL 33803 800-330-8874 800-481-8911 888-222-7072 All material submitted for printing will be edited at the discretion of the editor. Material must be typed or clearly printed. Photos are encouraged. Items must be for the good of the association. Deadline next issue: August 15. Joe Pantaleo leaders. Shortly after dinner, I had the opportunity to present our highest honor to one of our own, the Distinguished Service Award. This year's recipient was no surprise as David Court took home the honors for his consistent and dedicated service to our industry throughout his career. It was especially gratifying to me to give David this high award as it was he who asked me to step up onto the state board some five years ago. Congratulations, David! Last year, at the very same assemblage of Past Presidents, Greg Pheneger told me of an idea he had in order to show appreciation to deserving individuals that may not be a superintendent. It seemed like a great idea and we have instituted a new award called the "Lifetime Service Award". I was fortunate again to have been able to present this inaugural award. Enlisting a little help from Tim Hiers, he and I did a good job for a while of keeping the recipient in doubt. As we continued to describe the qualities that make any organization successful, it became clearer that Marie Roberts was our honoree. Her 21 years of timeless dedication made her selection a "no brainer" of a choice. Congratulations, Marie and thanks for all you've done for us over the years! Once again, it has been an honor to serve as your President. I have enjoyed my association with all of you this year and throughout my career. I hope to stay involved in an effort to continue elevating our industry and profession for years to come. Director of Communications Report What's Up D.O.C.? by Joel Jackson Government Relations: Golf BMP Manual - At the May 18 meeting of the Golf BMP Steering Committee, Dr. Michael Thomas from the Florida DEP announced that with the passing of Senate Bill 444 during the recent legislative session; DEP has now been given more authority to enact measures that will help them address water quality issues. This means that once an impaired water body has been identified, DEP will assess all factors leading to the decline in water quality. This will include all residential, industrial, municipal and commercial inputs considered to be point and non-point source pollution in a given watershed or basin. th Once inputs have been measured all parties in a basin will be required to abide by best management practices to reduce their inputs to the pollution and impairment of various identified water bodies. In the language of SB444 best management practices will be mandatory and enforced by the appropriate governing body in that area. Fortunately for FGCS A members, we have been working on a Best Management Practices Manual. In cooperation with the regulatory and environmental members on the steering committee, we will write a manual that will not only be an educational tool for the public and local governments, but also a guide for superintendents to fulfilling the now mandatory water quality management practices as they manage their golf courses. We hope to produce a checklist from all the information that will be accepted and adopted by rule by the DEP, so that all courses following the checklist will be deemed to be in compliance. Obviously there will be documentation required so that compliance can be demonstrated. Any variance or exceedance in the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) will be analyzed by the DEP to see if a particular entity violated water quality standards or if the BMPs are adequate. If a course has demonstrated it has been following the BMPs they will not face action by the DEP, but the BMPs themselves will be monitored to make sure they are effective or need modification. Methyl Bromide - Discussions continue over this very controversial subject as science and politics continue to clash over reductions in the use of this product, especially for turfgrass. The sod producers appear to have secured their Critical Use Exemption for growing turf, but the Critical Use Exemption of Methyl Bromide for renovations and regrassing is still unresolved. Grand Cypress Resort in Orlando. There will be a reception on Saturday evening, July 23 and the golf tournament will be held on The New Course on Sunday, July 24 . The FGCSA will hold their Summer/Annual meeting and election of officers on Monday, July 25 at the nearby Isleworth CC. rd th th 5. FGCSA Publications: Deadline for the 2005 Florida Green Photo Contest is August 1, 2005. See any issue of the Florida Green Water - The Southwest Florida Water magazine for the easy to follow rules. Management District has notified me that no superintendents have been attending or DOC/Editor Upcoming Events, Travel, providing input to the rulemaking effort for 6.Deadlines and Tasks their update of their Water Shortage Plan DOC monthly Chapter Update & (Chapter 40D-21, F.A.C.). Specifically they 7/1 Reports are looking for a few superintendents from their 16 county jurisdiction to help construct 7/10 Deadline - Article for Florida Golf Central Magazine realistic water shortage plans for the next drought. We have come so far in building 7/14 South Florida GCSA Annual Meeting relationships with the WMD's it's not time to slack off. Proactive efforts are ongoing 7/20 July Golfdom Column Deadline as people and rules change and we must 7/23-24 Larry Kamphaus Crowfoot Open stay engaged. The WMD's want and need 7/25 FGCSA Summer/Annual Meeting, Isleworth CC, Windermere your local input. Contact your local chapter DOC Chapter monthly chapter officers and come up with a few volunteers. 8/1 Update and Reports The same people have been doing it for years and they need a break. It's your water 8/10 Deadline - Article for Florida Golf too. Central Magazine 8/15 Deadline - Sept/Oct Green Sheet 2. Allied Associations: FTGA: The 8/20 August Golfdom Column education for the 2005 Conference and Show at the Hyatt Coconut Point in Bonita Springs in September is set with a full slate of general turf and golf turf topics on the program. In addition the FTGA has added some special discount opportunities for members. For a full list of membership benefits check the FTGA website at www.ftga.org. 3. Education: It's not too soon to begin planning for attending a couple of Vi day GCSAA Regional Seminars hosted by the Everglades GCSA on Wednesday, September 7, 2005. The first is at 8:00 AM and is titled, "Managing Turfgrass Root Systems in the South," by Dr. Keith Karnok from the U. of Georgia. In the afternoon at 1:00 PM, Dr. Karnok tackles the topic of "Understanding Bio-stimulants." Each V2 day session is $65. You can register online at www.gcsaa.org. 4. Chapter Relations: The Central Florida Chapter will host the 2005 Larry Kamphaus Crowfoot Open on July 23 & 24,2005 at the 53rd AnnualFTGA Conference & Show Hyatt Coconut Point Mark the dates on your calendar now for September 11th to 14th at the beautiful Hyatt Coconut Point in Bonita Springs. For location information and room rates, visit the hotel website at www.coconutpoint.hyatt.com. Registration is available online at www.ftga.org or call the FTGA at 800-882-6721 for more information. email: aflenghi@ftga.org. The Spring 2005 meeting of the FGCSA Board of Directors was called to order by President Joe Pantaleo at 1:00 p.m. on May 12 at the Naples Beach Club. th The second project as explained by Dr. Stiles is for a "Rapid Turfgrass Disease Diagnosis Service" with Phil Harmon, Lawrence Datnoff, Carol Stiles, Bob McGovern and Monica Elliott as Principal Investigators. The objective of the Grant Proposal is to establish a rapid disease diagnosis service for Florida commercial turfgrass samples, at the UF-IFAS Florida Extension Plant Disease Clinic (FEPDC) in Gainesville. All officers were present and all chapters were represented except for Palm Beach.Others attending the meeting were Joel Jackson - Florida Green editor; Dr. Bryan Unruh, University of Florida; Dr. Kevin Ken worth, University of Florida; Dr. Carol Stiles, University of Florida, Tom BOARD MINUTES: Minutes from the Wells, FTG A President, Todd Lowe, USGA Winter 2005 Board Meeting were approved. and Marie Roberts, Association Manager. Joe Pantaleo then welcomed Shane Bass, superintendent at St. James Bay GC who is President Pantaleo then introduced Kelly the new External from the Coastal Plains Cragin, South Florida GCS A President, who GCSA and John Curran, superintendent at presented the FGCSA Research Fund with Johns Island Club who is the new External a check for $31,000 from the proceeds of VP from Treasure Coast chapter. Bill Tyde, this year's very successful Exposition/Field supt at Mission Valley CC was sitting in for Day held at the University of Florida REC in Suncoast Ext. VP Mike McCullough. Fort Lauderdale. The funds will be deposited into the FGCSA Research TALLAHASSEE TRIP: Past President Greg Account to cover the cost and expenses of Pheneger then gave a report on the annual Gary Pederson, the technician at the REC. trip to Tallahassee to lobby with our Florida Thanks to the generosity of the sponsors legislators with the help of Mike Goldie. He and the support of the SFGCS A members as reported that the matching grant amendment well as the UF REC staff, the SF chapter has did not make it through this year but will be donated more than $330,000 to the FGCSA submitted again next year. Joel reported with the proceeds of the past 18 Expositions. that a new bill has made Best Management Practices mandatory in the state of Florida. Dr. Kevin Kenworthy, Assistant Professor and new turf breeder at the University of FINANCIAL REPORTS The Third Quarter Florida, discussed his projects and financial statements for the Operating interests with several grasses such as Account as well as the Research Fund were zoysiagrass, signalgrass, seashore explained by Matt Taylor and approved. paspalum, bahiagrass and ryegrass. He also gave an update on the progress of the Pine Matt then presented a working draft for the Acres plots. The irrigation should be 2005-2006 Operating Account budget. The completed within the next two weeks and budget was discussed, line items were planting should be completed by summer. changed and the end result will be voted on He offered allsuperintendents the at the next board meeting in July. Unofficial opportunity to send a vegetative sample of calculations showed a deficit of anything of interest directly to his office in approximately $ 18,000 in the budget. As in Gainesville. past years that amount will be added to the Income side of the budget as "amount Dr. Carol Stiles, Assistant Professor of Plant needed from chapter donations to balance Pathology at the University of Florida, then the budget". This is the amount that will presented a brief synopsis of two projects be inserted into the "Request for donation" for funding. Thefirstproject was "Baseline letter that President Joe P. will send to all fungicide sensitivities of Pythium spp., chapters. The chapter donation line item is Rhizoctonia spp. and unidentified an alternative to raising FGCSA dues basidomycete fungi associated with disease (FGCSA dues were last raised in 1992 - from symptoms in Florida Golf course $50.00/member to $60.00). turfgrasses." The Principle Investigators are Drs. Stiles, Phil Harmon and Lawrence The decision was made at the Winter board Datnoff. She explained the rationale for meeting to keep Assistant Superintendent research and a description of the problem. dues at $30.00 for at least another year. The reduction in Assistant dues will be revisited next year. It was suggested that a letter may be needed to go to chapter officers asking them to "try to enhance the role of Assistants to increase membership in their local chapter". It is hoped that the FGCSA Assistant Seminars planned for later this year will help in achieving the goal of adding more Assistants to the FGCSA membership. Bill Tyde asked about the format for the Assistants Seminar. Matt Taylor explained that the seminar centered on developing skills on communication, leadership, resumes, and interviewing skills. The next Assistant Seminar is planned for August 25 at Quail Ridge in Boynton Beach. A third seminar will be located in an area convenient for our northern and central chapters. th The GCSAA is working on an additional category for membership. The Club, rather than the Superintendent can join as a Facility Member. The category is menat to assist low end golf courses. DOC REPORT: Joel and Dr. Unruh discussed the progress of the methyl bromide situation. PUBLICATIONS: Joel Jackson asked Externals to submit topics for discussion in the upcoming Florida Green magazines for the remainder of the year. Marie Roberts asked chapter secretaries to submit e-mail addresses with their list of members for inclusion in the 2006 FGCSA Membership Directory. AWARDS: Chairman Greg Kriesch announced that the 2005 DSA will be presented to David Court at the Past Presidents Dinner immediately following the board meeting. Greg received nominations for three Presidents Awards: Seven Rivers - Michael Swinson; Calusa - Mike Mongoven; South Florida - Bob Klitz. Greg gave his approval for these nominees and the board agreed. Plaques will be sent to the three chapters for presentation at a chapter meeting. FINANCIAL: Greg Pheneger presented the status of our Morgan Stanley account. The stock market was down in the first quarter and so were our investments. However, the overall return since inception earlier this year is still up by $9,000. EDUCATION: The 2005 Poa Seminar will be held tomorrow with Dr. Patt Schwab as the speaker. Pre-registration stands at just over 40 attendees which is down somewhat from the sellout of last year. Since this is a GCSAA sponsored seminar, they will pick up most of the speaker's costs so there will be a profit on the seminar. The next FGCS A Assistant Superintendent Seminar will be held on August 25 at Quail Ridge CC in Boynton Beach. We plan to use the same speakers and same program as the Seminar held in Naples. We expect participation to come from the South Florida, Treasure Coast, and Palm Beach chapters. th GOLF: Joe Pantaleo offered congratulations again to all the Florida superintendents who played so successfully in the GCSAA Championship in February. He announced that the Crowfoot Open will be played on Sunday, July 24 at Grand Cypress. The cocktail party will be Saturday, July 23 . th rd The next golf event will be the FGCSA Superintendent Championship in the Fall. The Golf Committee is considering a two round tournament this year and has asked for feedback from chapter members if they would be able to support such a venture. Please have your chapter rep call Joe P. or Joe Ondo with your chapter's decision before the next board meeting in July. MEMBERSHIP: Chairman Jim Walker again urged all Externals to do whatever they can to help their chapter send in their list of renewed members by the August 10 deadline date. Chapters may need to send reminders out or call those who have not paid to let them know that we will not hold up the Directory waiting for late comers. th Jim also reminded everyone that every chapter is responsible for forwarding FGCSA dues all year long. Chapters who collect FGCSA dues and do not forward the money to the FGCSA are doing a disservice to the member, the chapter, and the FGCSA. We will take steps to see that this disservice does not continue with the 2005 renewals. Shane Bass, new ExternalfromCoastal Plains chapter, reported on his discussion with Scott Sewell from the Gulf Coast chapter about soliciting the Florida members of Gulf Coast to join the FGCSA. Their Florida members are receiving the benefits of the FGCSA lobbyist and Joel's work with Florida legislators and chemical companies without financially supporting the FGCSA. Shane will continue to pursue these superintendents. RESEARCH: Craig Weyandt discussed the Billbug proposal presented by Dr. Eileen Buss and asked chapters to review the proposal carefully and be prepared to vote on it at the next board meeting. Chapters also need to study the pythium proposal and the Rapid Diagnostic Service proposals as presented by Dr. Carol Stiles and be prepared to vote on these as well. If any of these proposals are approved, we will submit them to the GCSAA in October for cofunding. Craig also asked all Externals to go back to your chapter and ask what problems you need to have studied — be specific. The GCSAA will be more likely to co-sponsor research that is important and very specific to the superintendents needs. The Summer Board Meeting is the last time we will be able to review proposals and still have time to enter them in the GCSAA Research schedule for 2006. Dr. Bryan Unruh reported on the progress of the interview schedules and hirings for the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences as well as the Dean for Research at the University of Florida. FGCSA BENEVOLENT FUND: Jeff Brown reported that in addition to the $1,000 that the Ridge chapter donated to the Benevolent Fund, the Benevolent Fund also received $5,104 from the raffle during the Orlando reception. GCSAA RECEPTION: The 2005 Florida reception was a great success with more than 1,000 people attending. Chairman Paul Crawford did his usual great job of urging our loyal sponsors to do what was necessary to make the night even more spectacular than in years past. Many thanks to all our sponsors who generously provided us this night at no cost to any of our members. SURVEY: Results of the 2005 FGCSA survey were mailed to all Class A and Superintendent Members in March. Response was good with 15% more superintendents taking the time to fill out the 2005 survey compared to the 2003 Craig then discussed the possibility of survey. Thanks to Pete Powell for chairing funding the technician position at the this year's Survey Committee. University of Florida Fort Lauderdale campus through the University rather than SUMMER BOARD MEETING: The directly from the FGCSA to the technician. Annual Board Meeting will be held on A motion was made to investigate the Monday, July 25 in Central Florida. possibility of sending the necessary dollars to the University of Florida rather than Since there was no further business, the continue funding the position through the meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. FGCSA. The motion was approved. Craig \ will contact the UF to find out what we need / to do to get this done. 1 th FTGA: Tom Wells reported that the 2005 Conference & Show will have a great educational program and golf in Bonita Springs. Another advantage this year is that Wiley McCall will be doing his famous barbeque which is sure to please everyone. Early response from sponsors is good. Tom reported on the new facility for the FTGA office and the staff promised more value for members under the new FTGA Marketing Director. The FTGA membership application is available on line at www.ftga.org. 2005 FGCSA Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Florida GCSA will be held on Monday, July 25th at Isleworth CC. The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. Election of Officers for the 2005-2006 Year will be held at this meeting. Slate of Officers includes Craig Weyandt for President; Matt Taylor, CGCS, for Vice President; and Greg Kriesch for Secretary/Treasurer. Joe Pantaleo remains on the board for one more year as Immediate Past President. Local Chapter Fundraisers Palm Beach Future of Golf Tournament Celebrates its 25th Anniversary Naples Beach Club Shines at Poa The Silver Anniversary Future of Golf Tournament was held on June 4th at the Falls CC with Steve Pearson serving as host superintendent for the 7th year. To celebrate the Silver Anniversary, the PBGCS A Board invited several past board members who were responsible for the inaugural tournament held in 1980. Kevin Downing (the "father" of the Future of Golf Tournament) as well as Gary Grump, host superintendent for that first event, and past board members Fred Klauk, Glen Klauk and Mark Jarrell were special guests this year. The weather has always played a major role in this tournament and the 25th Annual was no exception. Eight straight days of rain would have been enough to dishearten any golf course maintenance crew but Steve and his crew were up to the task once again. Play went off as scheduled at 9:00 a.m. but that does not mean it was an easy task! Competition was tight again this year with only four strokes separating First Place and 6th Place. The team from the Fountains CC took first place while second place was decided by a Tie Break won by the team from Adios GC. Longest Drive was won by GCS AA Champion, Seth Strickland, and Closest to the Line was one by Dale Mitchell. Kelly Cragin, SFGCS A President took one of the Closest to the Pin competitions just 3" short of a Hole in One. Thanks to the Falls CC, the 4 Diamond Sponsors - Hector Turf, Kilpatrick Turf, Disbrow Enterprises and Novo Arbor, the 15 Gold Sponsors, the many Tee Sign Sponsors, and the 128 golfers, the event brought in more than $40,000. After expenses, the profit will go towards turfgrass research, Junior Golf and scholarship programs. PBGCSA WF Lr V > I r SILVER ANNIVERSARY TOUR NAM - . fl SILVER ANNIVERSARY Stephen Fox, superintendent of the Harbour Course at the Ocean Reef Resort on Key Largo, shot a 73 on the Naples Grande GC to capture the Low Medalist honors at the 2005 Poa Annua Classic. Chuck Rogers and his wife, Sharon, won the Two-Person Scramble Event at the Naples Beach Club. A new golf format wasn't the only new look at the Poa as the hotel lobby had also been renovated. The Everglades GCSA put on another great event and the luau entertainment had a bonus of a very clever magician that had the audience gasping in amazement with his slight of hand. 2005 Blue Pearl Tournament The 2005 Blue Pearl was a great event at a marvelous golf club. Tim Rappach had the golf course in wonderful condition...firm and fast! The Medalist Golf Staff along with the food and beverage operations provided great service and wonderful food. Past Members of the PBGCSA Board of Directors helped commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Future of Golf, (left to right) Mark Jarrell, Fred Klauk, Steve Pearson, Gary Grump, Kevin Downing and Glen Klauk. The Treasure Coast Board of Directors would like to thank Hector Turf and the rest of the sponsors for raising close to $18,000 at this event. Special thanks go to Barbard Tierney, Tim Cann, Kevin Downing, John Morsut, John Curran, Harry Hanson and Bill Lanthier for all the hours they put in to make this event so successful. More Chapter News Assistants Seminar to be held on August 25th The Florida GCS A in conjunction with the Palm Beach GCS A will sponsor the second in a series of seminars for Assistant Superindents. The Skill Development Workshop will be held at Quail Ridge GC in Boynton Beach on Thursday, August 25th. The first of these seminars was held in Naples last year and a third seminar is planned for the central and/or northern sections of the state later this year or early next year. It is hoped that the Boynton Beach site will be convenient for clubs in the Palm Beach, South Florida and Treasure Coast chapters. Superintendents are encouraged to send their Assistant to this seminar even if he is not a member of the chapter. All area Assistant Superintendents are invited to attend. This Workshop is designed to help Assistant Golf Course Superintendents develop their skills on Labor Issues, Communication, Leadership and will also cover a variety of topics such as: resumes, interviewing, GCS AA Code of Ethics and how to promote yourself in the golf course industry. The all day seminar begins with Registration at 8:00 a.m. followed by the morning session moderated by Ed Suarez, President of Integrated Employer Resources. Mr. Suarez will instruct attendees to demonstrate leadership qualities, drive accountability in your workforce and build a team effort with your crew. Thanks to a little slight of hand by the FGCSA Officers, the celebrated Association Manager Marie Roberts' Immediately following lunch, the afternoon session features Charlie Association 21 years of service to the Florida GCS A. Hired to do some part Hoare, co partner with GSI Executive Search, who will discuss "Getting time typing for President Burrows back in 1984, twentyPrepared for your Next Interview" and "Dust Off that Cover Letter and one years later Marie was Tom presented newly christened Resume....it is your first impression". Participants are welcome to bring Lifetime Service Award. This awardwithwasthedesigned to recogtheir resumes for review and suggestions. nize other non-superintendents who have made significant to the Florida GCSA. Certainly, Marie is the Cost for the seminar is $45.00 per person including lunch. Jackets are contributions appropriate inaugural since she has literally been the required. Please call the FGCSA office at 800-732-6053 if you did not glue that has held the recipient association together throughout all the receive a brochure. Pre-registration is required. changes in association structure and national affiliation requirements. Marie is shown here with President Joe Pantaleo who made the presentation at the 2005 Past President's Dinner 2005 Crowfoot to be played on July 24th in Naples during the Poa Annua Classic. The 29th Annual Larry Kamphaus Crowfoot Open will tee off Sunday, July 24th at 8:00 a.m. at the Villas of Grand Cypress New Course. Registration, breakfast and final pairings will begin at 7:00 a.m. at the Matt Taylor Earns Certified Status range with luncheon and awards at the Executive Meeting Center imMatt Taylor, Sec/Treas of the FGCSA and Vice President of the mediately following completion of the round. Entry fee is $125. Florida Turfgrass Association, has recently become a CGCS. The Central Florida GCS A will host the annual Crowfoot cocktail re- Matt is a 1993 graduate of LCCC who has spent most of his ception at "The Club" in the Villas Clubhouse on Saturday evening career in the Naples area since his first position as Assistant to from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Dress is casual. Additional reception tickets are Tim Hiers at Colliers Reserve. After spending 3 years at Colliers available for $35.00 per person. Reserve, he was ready for a superintendent's position at Bonita Bay Club where he stayed for 4 years. Matt has now been Practice rounds will be available July 22nd and 23rd at a greatly re- superintendent at Royal Poinciana GC since 2000. duced rate. Lodging is available at special rates through the Villas by calling 1-800-835-7377. Please identify that you are with the Crowfoot Matt is a real family man, spending most of his free time with Open. Note that the Villas has a 4:00 p.m. check in time. Contact Tom his wife Tracey and 3 children. He is coach of Allison's (16) Alex, Committee Chairman at 407-239-1948 if you would like an entry traveling softball team, coach of Jordan's (11) baseball team and assistant coach for Ashton's (5) T-ball team. form or a sponsor form. GOLF VENTURES 0 A Meadowbrook Company Lakeland Fort Myers Jupiter Golf Ventures JACOBSON 800-330-88' 800-481-891 888-222-70' JACOBSON A Meadowbrook Company GOLF VENTURES ENHANCES SERVICE AREA Golf Ventures has expanded its service department f o r t h e J a c o b s e n Equipment t e r r i t o r y covering 27 counties in Florida. Golf Ventures now has 6 T e r r i t o r y Managers, 6 on the road Customer S e r v i c e Specialists along with the inside team of 7 to handle customer calls, service and warranty. Our newest addition is Tim King, Customer S e r v i c e Specialist f o r the Orlando M a r k e t . Tim has been in t h e golf course industry f o r 6 years and is a c e r t i f ied master technician. Tim was most recently at Orange Lake Resort in Kissimmee. W e welcome Tim to the Golf Ventures Team of professionals. W i t h locations in Lakeland, Ocala, Ft. M y e r s and J u p i t e r , Golf Ventures is committed to giving you the #1 Service you deserve. Call your T e r r i t o r y Manager today and let us know how we can service you or call 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 3 0 - 8 8 7 4 . Golf Ventures is your #1 Full S e r v i c e Supplier to the Golf Course Industry! FGCSA Assistant Superintendent Seminar to be held on August 25th FIRST CLASS U.S.Postage PAID Permit #137 Stuart, FL FGCSA Marie Roberts 1760 NW Pine Lake Drive Stuart, FL 34994 GCSAA Information Center 1421 Research Park Dr. Lawrence, KS 66049