THE September - October 2007 • Volume 31 Number 5 Greenerside Official Publication of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey Wild Turkey Golf Course, Hole 1 Site of the 4th Annual Crystal Conference Golf GCSANJ Newsletter is published six times a year by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey “History" Helps Build the New Cece Peabody, Editor Contributing Writer & Photgrapher Shaun Barry Hi! Please address inquiries to: Editor, The Greenerside 25 US Hwy 46 W, Wayne NJ 07470 For Ad Placement: Cece Peabody 1-866-GCSANJ1 Art, Typography and Printing by AlphaGraphics, Wayne, NJ 973-692-9090 • FAX 973-692-9032 Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey 25 US Highway 46 West Wayne, New Jersey 07470 1-866-GCSANJ1 • FAX 973-812-6529 Officers: Mickey Stachowski, President Brian Minemier, Vice President Dave Mishkin, Treasurer Bill Murray, Secretary Roger Stewart, CGCS, Past President Directors: District I Brad Sparta Paul Dotti District II Mark Griff District III Jim Cadott Lance Rogers, CGCS District IV Joel Collura Chris Boyle, CGCS Bruce Rickert, CGCS GCSAA Chapter Delegate James C. McNally Executive Director Cece Peabody, MAT, CMP Commercial Representatives Shaun Barry & Tim Kerwin © 2007 THE GREENERSIDE Opinions expressed in this Newsletter are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily express the opinions or policies of the GCSANJ Board and its membership. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. Part of the learning curve in working with any new group or association is learning how things were done in the past. This ‘history’ helps build on what seems logical to continue to do, and opens the door for new thoughts and ideas on what would be different to do. History comes in many forms -- and makes up the body of information that tells the story of the associ­ ation - the database of members, the printed and digital media, the samples of letters, member directories, newsletters, and more. Part of the ‘getting familiar’ stage is reviewing the history and building a base of where GCSANJ has been. GCSANJ is a very busy association creating new history - there’s always some­ thing going on, upcoming, and in the works. And there are multiple members who are involved in one or more of the ongoing activities. This is such a positive thing to see. Even while one event day is nearing and registration is closing, there are one or two more events taking registrations. I continue to be amazed at the number of activities this chapter is involved in. Each event is adding to the history. So, have you done your part as a member to contribute to this chapter’s histo­ ry? Have you been to one event, one outing, one meeting, or one Crystal Con­ ference? Have you volunteered to help on one committee or reached out to get one sponsor? Have you encouraged one superintendent or associate to join? If your answer is no, then why don’t you start your history with GCSANJ now...and become part of making the new history. Cece Peabody, MAT, CMP Executive Director The first hole of the Wild Turkey Golf Course where the 4th Annual Crystal Conference Golf Tournament will be held. On the Cover: President's Message Michael A. Stachowski, Golf Club of Concordia Now that the golf season is winding down, I will receive numerous questions from the membership about what we do now that we’re not so busy. Ironically, this might be the busiest time of the year for me. I am now busy with aerating greens, tees, fairways, and rough areas; over-seeding those areas if needed; fertilizing; weed control applications; leaf pick-up; making repairs to areas that were damaged in the summer; and somehow, I manage to fit in the daily maintenance of the course. And there is always the last-minute project that always gets thrown into the mix, that wasn’t planned for, which leaves absolutely no down time to catch your breath after a long, strenuous summer. The summer and spring each have their challenges and busy times, but if not for the winter months, would we ever really have a slow time? Of course, is there ever really a “slow time?” Even the winter months keep you busy with maintenance on your fleet of equipment and course accessories so they will be ready when the snow melts in the spring. The question really should be - do we need a slow time? I know mentally and physically we do, but being busy keeps you on your toes mentally, so you are up for the challenge when a crisis arises. Your scheduling and planning never end, that is if you want to stay ahead of the game. In my opinion, being busy all the time, makes my job a little easier. That last statement sounds kind of crazy, but think about it. With all the issues we have to deal with that change every day, half of which we have no control over, we still prepare and condition the golf course for the golfers for their tee times every day. Most of the golfers don’t understand and have no idea what might have happened the day, or even the night before, but we do, and have fixed it so their golfing experience will be enjoyable. Association News: The 19th Annual RTJ Invitational at Metedeconk National Golf Club will get some press in two of GCSAA’s publications this month - GCSAA Newsweek and Chapter Connections (GSCAA’s e-newsletter). GCSANJ assumed the responsibility of managing this event last year and will gain some valuable exposure from these articles. The proceeds from this event benefit equally the GCSANJ’s Foundation and the Environmental Institute of Golf. In the past two years GCSANJ’s foundation has received over $10,000 (to direct scholarships and research projects that directly benefit our membership). Don’t wait to enter - space may be limited by the time you read this. You should have received your registration packet for the 4th Annual GCSANJ Crystal Conference, which is scheduled for November 13th - 15th at the Crystal Springs Resort in Sparta, New Jersey. Once again the Education Committee has put together a quality education seminar with some of the most sought after speakers. The Crystal Conference is the perfect opportunity for you to help fulfill your education portion requirement for your GCSAA membership. I’m sure that you’ve heard that Steve Mona, CEO of GCSAA, is leaving after 14 years of service. He is taking a position with the PGA Tour. We thank him for his dedication and contributions to the GCSAA and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. Steve is leaving some large shoes to fill but I’m confident that the leadership of the GCSAA will find a confident candidate to lead us into the future. What’s inside President’s Message.....................................................3 Nematodes for Biological Control ............................. 4 Shark River May Meeting............................................6 Toms River Welcomes GCSANJ................................12 GCSANJ news............................................................ 15 Hyatt Hills Earns Praise Again ................................. 18 First Member-Guest Tournament.............................. 21 Calendar....................................................................... 22 Rutgers Turfgrass news.............................................. 23 Nematodes for Biological Control of Turfgrass Insect Pests by Albrecht M. Koppenhofer, Ph.D., Turfgrass Entomology Biology and Ecology Insect-pathogenic (entomopathogenic) nematodes (EPN) occur naturally in soils around the world. Over 60 species belonging to the genera Heterorhabditis or Steinernema have been described thus far. They are obligate lethal parasites of insects that kill their hosts with the help of symbiotic bacteria. However, for mass- production EPN can be also produced in vitro on media inoculated with their symbiotic bacteria, sometimes in fermenters measuring several thousand gallons and producing trillions of nematodes per production cycle. Under laboratory conditions the host range of different EPN species varies from being able to infect hundreds of insect species to just a few. However, in field applications and particularly in natural populations host ranges are generally much more limited due EPN and host behavior and ecology. Under the right conditions EPN not only infect and kill hosts after an application but will also recycle in these hosts to produce new generations that can kill additional hosts. EPN are generally safe to non-targets and non-toxic to vertebrates. As a result they are exempt from EPA registration and there is no reentry interval after applications. All known EPN species have a similar life cycle (Fig. 1). The only stage that can survive outside of an insect is the ‘infective juvenile’ (IJ) stage. These free-living, non-feeding IJs seek out a host, and penetrate through natural opening (mouth, anus, breathing openings, thin parts of the insect’s cuticle) into the host. Once inside the host’s body cavity, the IJs release the symbiotic bacteria that they have carried in their intestine, and bacteria and nematodes cooperate to kill the host typically in 1-3 days. As the bacteria propagate the cadaver assumes a more or less characteristic coloration. The nematodes develop through 1-3 generations, feeding on the bacteria and host tissues metabolized by the bacteria. When food resources in the host cadaver are depleted 100s to 100,000s of new IJs emerge from the cadaver in search of a new host. IJs of different EPN species use different strategies to locate potential hosts. Ambushers show little active dispersal, tend to accumulate near the soil surface. To increases their chances of being picked up by a host passing by they often stand on a bend of their tail on the soil surface (nictate). Ambushers are best adapted to infecting mobile insects occurring on or near the soil surface. Typical ambusher species include Steinernema carpocapsae and Steinernema scapterisci. Typical cruisers actively disperse throughout the soil profile, do not nictate, and are best adapted to infecting relatively sedentary hosts in the soil such as white grubs. Typical cruisers include Steinernema glaseri and Heterorhabditis species. Intermediate species that fall in between the ambusher and cruiser extremes include Steinernema feltiae and Steinernema riobrave. Factors affecting nematode performance For successful use of EPN in insect management it is important to understand the general requirements for good EPN activity and to choose the right nematode for the job. Based on insect species and habitat nematodes should be chosen with the right foraging strategy, good adaptation to prevailing environmental conditions, and a high virulence to the target. Soil moisture is among the most important environmental factors affecting EPN activity because the IJs move inside the water film that surrounds soil particles. If the film gets too thin (dry soil) movement become restricted. If the pores fill up (saturated soil) the IJ start floating around. EPN activity generally is highest at moderate soil moistures. Generally, EPN can move better through coarser (sandy) soils than finer (higher clay content) soils. However, in the field many other factors will affect soil structure including soil compaction, organic matter, roots, tunnels of soil organisms, etc. In addition, finer soils hold soil moisture better. In a summary of dozens of field trials using the nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora against Japanese beetle grubs, the nematode tended to perform better in the heavier, loamy soils. Temperature ranges vary somewhat between EPN species, but they generally work better at soil temperatures of 60-93°F with an optimum at 70-85°F. Nematodes for Biological Control... Nematode application Continued from page 4 Nematodes are sold in many different formulations. Water-based formulation (e.g., sponge, vermiculite, aqueous suspensions) require continuous refrigeration to maintain nematode quality for extended periods of time. Formulations that reduce IJ metabolism by immobilization or partial desiccation (alginate, clays, activated charcoals, and polyacrylamide) improve IJ shelf-life and resistance to temperature extremes. Presently, the most promising formulation consists of water dispersible granules that combine long nematode shelf-life without refrigeration (4-5 months at 70-77°F but 9-12 moths if refrigerated for S. carpocapsae; less for other species) with ease of handling. The partially desiccated IJs rehydrate after application to a moist environment. Because nematodes are susceptible to UV radiation and extreme temperatures, it is generally recommended to apply them early or late in the day. Time of day should less critical on cloudy days and with high spray volumes and if treatments are quickly followed by sufficient irrigation. EPN can be applied with most spray equipment including hand or ground sprayers (pressurized or electrostatic), mist blowers, and aerial equipment on helicopters. Filters and sieves (preferably removed) should be at least #50 mesh and operating pressure should not exceed 200 PSI. Nematodes can also be delivered via irrigation systems including drip, microjet, and sprinkler. Care should be taken not to expose the IJs to high temperatures in the tank mix or in the application equipment. Water can be used to optimize nematode performance. If the soil is dry and hot before application irrigation with around 0.1” is recommended. If nematodes are applied in a spray, the spray volume should be 2-5 gal per 1,000 ft2. After application additional irrigation water should be applied. For application against surface feeding insect about 0.1” should suffice to wash any nematodes off the foliage into the soil. For applications against soil insect such as white grubs, 0.25-1” irrigation should be added to wash the nematodes into the root-zone. The drier and heavier the soil the more post-application irrigation water should be applied. After application the soil should be kept at moderate moisture level for at least 1 week, better 2-3 weeks, to allow the nematodes continued optimal activity including host infection, reproduction, and secondary infections. EPN appear to be compatible with many herbicides, fungicides, acaricides, insecticides, nematicides, azadirachtin, Bacillus thuringiensis products, and pesticidal soap. Other pesticides have limited to strong toxic effect on IJs, e.g., oxamyl, fenamiphos, carbaryl, bendiocarb, diazinon, dodine, paraquat or methomyl. These compounds should preferably be applied at least 1 week before or after nematode application. On the other hand, synergistic interaction between EPN and other control agents has been observed for various insecticides such as imidacloprid or and pathogens such as milky disease or Bt. Target insects Several EPN-based products have been developed for the control of turfgrass pests (Table 1). White grubs are the best studied target for EPN and will be discussed separately below). Billbug larvae and adults can be effectively controlled with S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora. S. carpocapsae has provided around 78% control of the bluegrass billbug in Ohio and 84% control of the hunting billbug in Japan. In ongoing studies in New Jersey, S. carpocapsae, H. bacteriophora, and S. feltiae show promise for the control of annual bluegrass weevil larvae on golf course fairways (67-92% control). S. carpocapsae can be used effectively to manage various turf caterpillar pests. On greens it provides around 95% control of black cutworm larvae. Both S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora are effective against sod webworms in turfgrass. Continued on page 8 GCSANJ FINDS A FRIENDLY SHARK AT THE MAY MEETING It will be October when you read this article from our May meeting. What happened? It is not because the Greenerside staff didn't do their job but because the author thought that he had written a summary and had sent it in last June. It still would be unwritten if Bill Murray hadn't “jogged” my memory. It turns out that the staff on the course and in the clubhouse got a chance to read the newsletter and they were all very disappointed. Each one of them had been eager for us to be there and they were interested in knowing what we thought of the golf course and their efforts. The answer to those questions are months late but hopefully that won't diminish the pride everyone involved should feel. Bill Murray is a hands on leader of his small and dedicated staff ( a staff that will not accept mediocrity). Bill's assistant is the talented Chris Brawley and Jeff Wyant is their senior greenskeeper. Of Jeff s 33 years with the county 25 of them have been spent at Shark River so it is safe to say that nobody knows and loves this course more then he does. Our sincere thanks go to them and their crew for many long hours of hard work and to the clubhouse personnel for the warm and professional welcome they extended to everyone. Our group gathered in the clubhouse to hear our host, Bill Murray, discuss the many changes that Shark River has seen through its long history. Our second speakers were introduced by Don Knezick. They were Jayson Sanfelice and Joe Fitzpatrick and they completed the education part of the meeting with a detailed but non-commercial discussion on new advances in your choices of pavers. You could see the audience thinking of potential uses on their courses. When everyone left the meeting to head out to the course they were greeted by a surprise visit from Dave Pease. It was his first extended trip after the surgery and he looked great. Everyone made an effort to visit with him and you knew that this was good for Dave and for his friends. Dave felt well enough to actually get into a cart and follow some of the golfers. It soon became apparent that Dave had not lost any of his ability to Continued on page 7 PTC PHILADELPHIA TURF COMPANY 4049 Landisville Road, Box 865 Doylestown, PA 18901 Phone: 215-345-7200 Fax: 215-345-8132 Toro Irrigation Heads, Controllers, & Valves Buckner by Storm Brass Products Flowtronex Pump Stations Carson & Ametek Valve Boxes Kennedy & Nibco Valves Wire, Electrical, & Grounding PVC Pipe & Fittings Ductile Iron Fittings Four Salesperson Team Six Support Person Team Annual Service Training Authorized Independent Service Agents On-site Technical Training TORO Count on it. Toro Reel Mowers, Rotary Mowers Sprayers & Spray Technologies Aerification Products Utility Vehicles & Attachments Large Selection of Parts Demonstration Units Nine Salesperson Team Fourteen Serviceperson Team Shop & Road Service Package Programs Leasing Options On-site Service Training Service Seminars & Continuing Education Courses Largest supplier of turf and irrigation equipment in Eastern PA, Southern NJ, and Newcastle County, DE. Equipment & Irrigation, Parts, Sales, Service you can count on. Friendly Shark.. Continued from page 6 needle his friends and hopefully some day he will be playing golf again so we can return the favor. On the golf course we had twelve sponsors for our skill prizes. Their names will be in parenthesis and their generosity continues to make the day at all of our meetings. Please remember to say thanks when you see them or their representatives. Chris Brawley's shot of 14ft 2ins not only won the prize offered by Vic Gerard Golf Cars but he also won a month's use of one of their utility vehicles. Way to go Chris! The other closest to the pin winners were Charlie Dey (Wilfred MacDonald) 11ft 4ins, Brad Simpkins (Storr Tractor) 17ft lin, Fran Owsik (The Terre Co.) 11ft 2ins and Dave Mishkin (Syngenta) 7ft 2 ins. The longest drives were recorded by Jeff Wyant (Atlantic Irrigation), Joel Jacquemot (Maser Consulting), Jim Buzska (Philly Turf), Lee Kozsey (Aer-Core), Tim Mariner (Storr Tractor), Phil O'Brien (Chris Zelley) and Mark Peterson (Wilfred MacDonald). That is $900 of prizes that we didn't have to add to the cost of the meeting and that does make a major difference. Our low gross winners were Jeff Wyant (on a match of cards with Bill Murray who also shot a 78) and Harry Harsin (83). The low net winners were Bill Murray (70) and Mark Berdine (66). Our skins contest was a little different this meeting because the big winners came from the higher handicap group. Glenn Miller had an eagle AG Enterprises STAFF UNIFORMS STAFF SHIRTS / PANTS Fleece Lined Jackets / Sweat Shirts / T-Shirts / Shorts / Hats Visors / Rain Suits / Rubber Boots / Logo Ball Washer Towels Embroidered or Screened LogoRick Gordon 201-488-1276 • Fax: 201-489-5830 Email: • 160 Overlook Avenue • Hackensack, NJ 07601 plus another skin for a total of three and Pat O'Neill also had an eagle for two. These are not net eagles and it is amazing to have one during a meeting but two is a first. The other players with one skin were Jim Cross, Craig Kinsey, Kee Lozsey, Lance Rogers and Jim Woods. Directly after golf we headed to The Barclay for dinner. Harry and Rita Harsin were our hosts as they have been so many times in the past. Since Harry is a special friend to the association and because this may be our last visit there and just because they both have hearts of gold our cocktail hour was donated. In addition to that Peter VanDrumpt was a partial sponsor of our dinner. This is something that he does every year and we do truly appreciate it Peter. If there seems to be a pattern you are correct and that is why we have such a wonderful association. It was a great day at a wonderful course with terrific friends and that is what they mean when they say something is “priceless” Bill please tell everyone that we enjoyed the day and that the efforts of everyone at Shark River are the reason it went so well. We've lost one of our members... Condolences to the family of Ziggy Zalenski who passed away on October 9, 2007. Ziggy joined GCSANJ in 1949. PARTAC GOLF COURSE TOP-DRESSINGS America's Premium HEAT TREATED Top-Dressings 800-247-2326 Fax 908-637-8421 Nematodes... S. feltiae and S. carpocapsae show promise for the control of two crane fly species, the European crane fly and the common crane fly, pests that seem to be working down their way from upstate NY towards NJ. In both species, susceptibility decreases with larval development and applications may have to done in early fall to be effective. Two EPN species are effective against mole crickets in turf and pastures in the southern USA. S. riobrave can only provide short-term curative control because it does not reproduce in mole crickets. However, the mole cricket-specific Steinernema scapterisci can provide long term suppression of mole cricket populations after inoculative releases and should be an effective means of suppressing mole crickets in roughs thereby reducing the risk of fairway infestations. White grubs The efficacy of different EPN species varies with white grub species. Among the common turfgrass white grub species in the Northeast, the Japanese beetle is the most susceptible to most EPN species. Among the presently commercially available EPN species, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora has generally provided the best control with around 75% control at a rate of 1 billion IJs per acre applied in early to mid-September. Heterorhabditis megidis appears to be somewhat less effective. Other white grub species such as oriental beetle, European chafer, or masked chafers appear to be less susceptible to Heterorhabditis species or S. glaseri. For example, mid-September applications of H. bacteriophora RALPH McGILLAN Excavating Contractor Specializing in Lakes & Ponds Over 35 years experience in building new ponds, enlarging & redesigning existing ponds. Can get all DEP permits 609-655-2281 47 Bear Meade Drive, Hamilton, NJ 08691 Continued from page 5 against the oriental beetle have provided 0-50% control. Heterorhabditis zealandica, a species already commercial in Australia and recently isolated in Florida, could be very effective against masked chafer and somewhat more effective against oriental beetle should it become commercially available. Another not presently available species, Steinernema scarabaei, has shown exceptionally high activity against most white grub species. In Japanese beetle and oriental beetle susceptibility to Heterorhabditis bacteriophora declines from 2nd stage over young 3rd stage to older 3rd stages larvae. Based on optimal soil temperatures and white grub larval stage susceptibility, the best time to apply most EPN species against white grubs should be from mid-August into early September, whereas application after mid-September or even October and spring will generally be ineffective. Earlier applications will not only provide better soil temperatures and, at least for H. bacteriophora vs. Japanese beetle and oriental beetle, more susceptible targets, but also a longer period of time for the nematodes to be active. Ongoing research on ‘Wonderworm' for white grubs management Seinernema scarabaei, a new species recently isolated from epizootics in Japanese beetle and oriental beetle larvae in turfgrass areas in New Jersey, holds great promise for curative and long term suppression of white grubs. It appears to be rather specialized to white grubs as Continued on page 10 TURF PRODUCTS CORPORATION Mountain Lakes, New Jersey 07046 Box 296 (973) 263-1234 Buddy Rizzio (973) 335-5499 • FAX: (973) 335-2491 Cell Phone: (201) 280-5308 • E-Mail: Rutgers Faculty Receive US Golf Association Grants to Conduct Cutting Edge Turfgrass Research: James Murphy and Bruce Clarke recently received a $90,000, 3-year (2008-2010) award from the USGA in support of their project entitled, “Development of Best Management Practices for Anthracnose Disease on Annual Bluegrass Putting Green Turf" These funds will be combined with additional support provided by the GCSANJ and the GCSAA for this ongoing project. Bingru Huang, Stacy Bonos, and Faith Belanger received a $89,912, 3-year (2008-2010) award from the USGA to support their research on the “Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Associated with Drought and Heal Tolerance in Creeping Bentgrass." Albrecht Koppenhofer and Valerie Fournier also received word that they would be provided a $19,986, 2-year (2008-2009) award from the USGA in support of their work on "Optimizing Oriental Mating Disruption through a Better Understanding of the Beetles' Dispersal Behaviors." Featuring the complete line of Club Car® products. Doug Spencer (732) 272-6564 281 Squankum Road Farmingdale, NJ 07727 800-339-4302 Club Car New Jersey’s Most Dependable Golf Car Distributor Since 1958. Nematodes... Continued from page 8 hosts and was highly virulent to and reproduced very well in larvae of numerous white grub species. It was effective at 59 to 82°F (optimum 63 to 77°C). S scarabaei showed virulence and efficacy far superior to other nematode species in larvae of Japanese beetle, oriental beetle, European chafer, Asiatic garden beetle, and 3 May/June beetle species. In field trials (at the standard rate of 1 billion nematodes/acre and evaluated 21 days after application, S. scarabaei provided 71-100% control of Japanese beetle, oriental beetle, European chafer, Asiatic garden beetle, and northern masked chafer. It is appears that S. scarabaei can provide long term suppression of white grubs at extremely low rates for at least 2 years after applications. Applied oriental beetle in September, S. scarabaei (0.04-1 billion/acre) has already persisted for 3.5 years after application, providing 50-100% A. orientalis control at 1 month after application (MAT), 96-100% in the following spring (8 MAT), 62-91% at 13 MAT (following grub generation), and 31-94% at 25 MAT. Over longer periods control is likely to become variable as nematode recycling depends on the presence of white grubs. S. scarabaei also showed excellent efficacy and persistence over the range of typical turfgrass soils from sand loam to clay loam and even in highly acidic blueberry soil. To present, attempts at in vitro mass production of this nematode have had limited success. More in depth studies of the particular nutritional/physiological requirements of this nematode and its symbiotic bacteria may be necessary to overcome problems with its in vitro production. HB Infected Grub Continued on page 11 syngenta Two powerful products. One plan. Defending your turf with the one-two punch of Headway™ fungicide means low-rate control. Putting Instrata™ fungicide's multiple modes of action to work means tough contact and systemic protection. Together, with Headway taking out dollar spot and brown patch and Instrata controlling anthracnose, gray leaf spot, and summer patch, you'll have the perfect combination for playable turf. Contact Lee Kozsey at 215-796-0409 to learn more. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using these products. ©2007 Syngenta. Syngenta Professional Products, Greensboro, NC 27419. Headway™, Instrata™, and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Nematodes... Continued from page 10 Fig. 1. Entomopathogenic nematode life cycle. Table 1. Some nematode products for turfgrass pest management. Nematode species Target insect Product names Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Steinernema carpocapsae Billbugs, White grubs Nemasys G, Heteromask, Terranem H&G Annual bluegrass weevil, Billbugs, Armyworms, Cutworms, Sod webworms Crane flies, Fleas, Millenium, No Flea, Ecomask S. feltiae Annual bluegrass weevil, Crane flies Mole crickets S. riobrave S. scapterisci Mole crickets Nemasys, Scanmask Bio Vector Nematac S Service and Support. It's how Bartlett Tree Experts improves the landscape of commercial tree care We can make a significant difference in the beauty and value of the trees and shrubs on your property. Bartlett innovations lead the industry in hazard pre­ vention, soil management, root care and pest control. Our services include pruning, fertilization, lightning protection, tree removal, bracing, cabling and detailed inspections. Bartlett has been dedicated to caring for trees on commercial properties since we first broke ground in 1907. BartlettBARTLETT TREE EXPERTS 877-Bartlett (877-227-8538) or visit our website Terre Professional Turfgrass Products Proudly supplying Metropolitan Golf Course Superintendents for over 50 years Phil Taylor (973)713-2824 Brian Lescrinier (908)447-1317 Byron Johnson (201)321-2009 Bob Schreiner (201)321-2008 Pat O’Neil (201)321-2007 Pesticides, Seed, Fertilizer, Plants and more... The TERRE Co. (973)473-3393 206 Delawanna Ave., Clifton, NJ 07014 GCSANJ news TOMS RIVER CC WELCOMES THE GCSANJ AGAIN Within the GCSANJ calendar year there are quite a few things that happen every year. Among that group of events, we know that Tom Grimac and Bill Murray will play well. Kevin Driscoll and Phil O'Brien will never win the Leslie Cup again, Toms River CC will offer to host the District III Championship and there will be some sort of weather issue at this meeting. Our year has gotten to September and all of the above have happened just as was expected. It was a very strange year when Kevin and Phil did win the cup but we think it must have been due to “global warming” since that seems to be the cause of everything these days. Since then we did return to normal and on August 16, 2007 we returned to our second home. The first friendly face greeting us was none other then Nancy McSeaman. She takes a day off from her real job to make sure everything is just right for us. Nancy's husband doesn't pay her well enough to leave nursing but I think she SynaTek The Turf Solutions People enjoys seeing many of the people she has met through the years and some of those that she has heard so much about. Yes Blair I am speaking about you and that I am sure is a good thing although maybe that is why Nancy did her job and was gone for the rest of the day. 59 players gathered in Toms River with great anticipation as they prepared for their two trips around this nine hole course. As mentioned above something always seems to go wrong and once again it was a weather issue. A violent thunderstorm rolled in about 15 minutes before we were to head out to our tees. Things looked pretty bad. If it had continued I am afraid the course would have been closed but it moved through as quickly as it appeared. Perhaps it is Mother Nature's way of showing us who is boss and then she decided not to disappoint Ed McSeaman who was really (?) looking forward to playing his first round of golf of the year. Play did start later then planned but it was decided to Continued on page 13 Manufacturer and distributor of golf, turf and ornamental products including: Liquid & Dry Fertilizer Grass Seed Soil AmendmentsErHyosidrosonI eeding RIGG Control Paving, Inc. Asphalt and Our products keep your business growing 888-408-5433 ■ ■ Souderton, PA Concrete Construction Paved or Stone Pathways Fully Insured Call 201-943-3913 GCSANJ news Continued from page 12 play 18 and not shorten it to 9 holes. That was a good decision by Ed. Even with a full field the round ended right on time. The score sheets were soaked by the rain so Bill Murray gathered all of the cards and went through them one by one. Soon he had completed his task and we had the golf results to share. Because this is usually the largest district meeting, our affiliates tend to pick this event as a good one to sponsor a skills prize or two. Helping out with the closest to the pin contests were Chris Zelley, Storr Tractor, Vic Gerard and Wilfred MacDonald. The winners were Ken Kubik (20ft lin), Josh Kopera (6ft 5ins), Craig Theibault (10ft) and Tom Wolgast (8ft 7ins). Tom also earned a free month's use of the utility vehicle that Doug Spencer offers to a superintendent at every monthly meeting. Tom is the assistant at Navesink and I am sure Dennis Granahan will be pleased his guys got to be at the meeting. Our long drive winners were Shaun Barry, Jim Buszka, Jim Cross, Bill Murray, Pat O'Neill and Jeff Theibault. (This extra donation raised $410 for charity and they do it every year. Thanks guys for digging deep). A couple of the prizes did go unclaimed but the money went to the help balance the bottom line for the meeting. This group of sponsors are Aer- Core, Atlantic irrigation, Maser Consulting, Storr Tractor, Syngenta and twice for Philly Turf. In addition to this, Bayer ES was a partial sponsor for the dinner. The first flight winners were Vic Gerard (73 gross) and John Alexander (70 net). The second flight had Lance Rogers (86) win low gross and Butch Belitrand's 65 took low net honors. The skins winners were Butch Belitrand, Bill McAteer, Lee Kozsey, Bill Murray and Jeff Wetterling. They had one each and Pat O'Neill had two. With that kind of play I can see why Pat and Matt Dobbie are in the Leslie Cup finals in the southern bracket. They have to play Harry Harsin and Glenn Miller and then the winner is on to the finals in October against the northern bracket winners. Continued on page 14 CAREFUL broad VISION THOUGHT HAND-CRAFTEDDESIGN Above left: Rockleigh— hole 4 (before) Above: Rockleigh-hole 4 (after) The Northeast Golf Company, led by Golf Architect Robert McNeil, provides a full range of services including Comprehensive Golf Course Enhancement Plans, Renovation Designs, Restoration Services and New Course Design. Our quality results are achieved by approaching each project with Broad Vision, Careful Thought and Hand-Crafted Design, resulting in unique and challenging golf courses appropriate for players of all levels. For more information about The Northeast Golf Company and how we can help you with your Golf Design visit our website (401)667-4994 • ROBERT MCNEIL GOLF COURSE ARCHITECT GCSANJ news Continued from page 13 The day ended with our Ed McSeaman receiving a nice dinner voucher to a local restaurant. That was given by Chuck Reynolds of Reed & Perrine even though he didn't play and wasn't there for dinner. He did it because of the respect that he has for Ed and that is the exact same feeling all of us have for this fine man. We can't say congratulations on great conditions enough or thanks for everything enough because he is just happy that we had a good time. I do hope Ed that you will convey our thoughts and thanks to everyone on the crew and at the course. They are part of the reason why we enjoy the day so much and we do appreciate it. Before I end this, I would be remiss if I didn't remark on Ed's dress attire for dinner. If you didn't know by his last name that he has an Irish heritage you would have known by looking at him wearing his kilt. He bought the whole outfit for the meeting and he wore it proudly. I hope one of the photos gets into the Greenerside but if it doesn't I can e-mail one to anyone who needs a visual so you will feel that you were actually there. You looked great Ed and Mike Mongon now has someone else who can tell people what is under there. PS: Jim O'Gibney would have been so pleased to see you and he will be missed. Attend the 32nd Annual Green Expo Turf & Landscape Conference in Atlantic City. Registered yet? December 4-6, 2007. Aqueduct moves water deeply into problem areas. It reduces water repellency and promotes recovery of stressed turf quickly and safely. Available in liquid and water dispersible granular formulations. The sure cure for LDS Aquatrols Aqueduct SOIL SURFACTANT Aquatrols 800-257-7797 GCSANJ news District III News Fall is wonderful time of year for golf courses and Superintendents. The weather turns for the better and that first sweatshirt and jacket day always brings a sigh of relief. But many of us will not be slowing down until the snow falls. Renovation projects can keep things jumping well into winter. Speaking of restoration projects, a 9 hole layout in Ocean Township, Colonial Terrace, will be undergoing a facelift this Fall. None other than the patriarch of District 3 Super’s, Harry Harsin, will be the consultant on the project. Harry seems to optimize the Superintendent profession. He has it all going for him in retirement, including a fine golf swing, but still loves being on the course in the middle of all the action. There will be some action on the course when Harry and playing partner Glenn Miller take on Pat O’Neill and Matt ’’long drive” Dobbie in the semi- finals of the Leslie Cup South bracket. Other golf action included a hole in one by Bill Murray as he and playing partner Jeff Wyant took on Ken Mathis and Randy Ryder in a Terry Stanley Cup match. Bill smoothed a 6 iron 180 yards for the dunk. Fall is also a great time to catch up on educational requirements, and Crystal Conference is the place to be in November. I am urging all District 3 members to join us at Crystal Springs November 13-15 for an unforgettable educational and social experience. GCSANJ news Birth Announcements Bruce Rickert, CGCS and District IV Director, of Medford Village Country Club and his wife Kelly, welcome home their new baby boy, Christopher Ambrose. He was bom September 24, weighing 8 lbs 2oz and 21 inches long. Christopher joins big brother David (17) and big sister Anna (15). Everyone is doing great! America (GCSAA) Leo Feser Award for his article, “10 Things I wish they’d taught me in turf school.” which appeared in the February 2007 issue of Golf Course Management magazine. A 29-year member of the association, Carson is a GCSAA Class A golf course superintendent at Echo Lake Country club in Westfield, NJ, where he’s been for 22 years. Carson becomes just the second repeat winner of the award, having received the honor in 2000. Chris Carson win’s GCSAA’s Leo Feser Award The Feser award honors the late Leo Feser, a pioneer golf course superintendent and a charter member of GCSAA. Chris Carson has been honored with the 2007 Golf Course Superintendents Association of Congratulations Chris! We’re proud of you! Fisher & Son COMPANY, INC. Superior Products for the Turf & Horticultural Professional! Fertilizer Grass Seed Soil Amendments Plant Protectants Consultations Recommendations The “Green Industry”Supplier Mike Oleykowski 609-410-0409 Jeff Borajkiewicz 609-532-4837 Randy Rider 302-242-6848 Brian Robinson 484-886-0021 BASF Bayer Earthworks Grigg Brothers Lebanon Fertilizers Plant Health Care ProKoz Syngenta TriCure 110 Summit Drive * Exton, Pennsylvania 19341 * 610-363-5225 * fax 610-363-0563 GCSANJ news Heading Terry Stanley Cup Team South Heading Terry Stanley Cup Team North Randy Rider, Ken Mathis, Jeff Wyant, Bill Murray Josh Kopera, Brad Fox, Jay McKenna, Lee Kozsey Dual Slope Laser Grading Automated dual slope Accurate to .125” (1/8”) 1 day Service Complete golf course renovations Local references Georgia Golf Construction, Inc. 1441 Route 50 Woodbine, NJ 08270 Tel (609)-628-2597 Cell (404)216-4445 Fax (6o9)-628-3o87 Dennis DeSanctis, Sr. Cell: 610-608-3181 Office: 610-327-3390 Fax:610-327-0581 1486 S. Hanover St. Pottstown, PA 19465 Turfgrass Services Equipment Sales Complete Renovations • Tees Bunkers • Drainage Systems Bulk Materials Supplied and Delivered Promptly All Phases of Construction, Large or Small Serving the tri-state area Tel: 973-777-3044 Fax: 973-777-3066 GCSANJ news HYATT HILLS GC EARNS PRAISE AGAIN When Joe Flaherty CGCS was the superintendent at Baltusrol GC, it was hard for him to host a superintendent meeting because he knew he would have to limit the field and Joe hates to turn anyone away. Now that he can open his doors to as many people as the course will fit, he has invited the two northern districts to join him for their August meeting. This was the second straight year as a host and he and the course were in great shape. It is obvious how much effort that Joe and his crew put into this course and they need to know that we really do appreciate all of that hard work. Thanks guys. Part of the reason that Joe lets us return may be that his former assistant keeps asking. Mark Griff spent many years working at Baltusrol GC and as a GCSANJ director it is now his responsibility to find a location for the district meeting. He is a smart young man and he knows that Joe is one of the great guys. We may return for the next 20 years. After a wonderful lunch we headed out to test our games on land that at one time was considered unusable. When you see this great nine hole course it is impossible to visualize what it looked like before Joe worked his magic. Hopefully we will have a separate story about the change somewhere in the near future. The weather ended our day a bit early but not before we had played nine holes. That allowed us to use some of the donated prizes given by our affiliates. There seems to be a trend at this meeting. Mark Berdine is going to win something. He won both of the closest to the pin contests and one long drive contest all of which were donated by Storr Tractor. The long drive sponsored by Maser Consulting was won by another Berdine. This time it was Fran. Somehow Brian Hay was able to win the final long drive that was also sponsored by Storr Tractor. These gentlemen were all in the same group and it was fun to watch. Mark Griff showed that even though he has a new baby he can still play. He won low gross honors with a 38 and low net honors went to Lance Rogers with a fine 34. Jim Pelrine, Bill Koonz and Skip Cameron did not win anything but you could see by their smiles how much fun they had. I thought that this might just be because they were pleased to get some time with Joe but I Oceangro 5-5-0 Organic Granular Fertilizer With 2% Calcium & 2% Iron Shearon Golf A Division of Shearon Environmental Design Company, Inc. GOLF COURSE - Design - Construction - Drainage Experts low dust economical low burn potential now offered in blends Produced by The Ocean County Utilities Authority 732 269-4500 ex 8331 - Custom Spray Applicators - Restorations / Renovations Contact Chip Kern at (609) 209-5200 Hopewell, NJ (609) 466-0666 Plymouth Meeting, PA (610)828-5488 GCSANJ news Continued from previous page I think this is the norm for those guys and they are good role models for the rest of us. Many thanks again to everyone at Hyatt Hills GC for giving us such a wonderful day. Your efforts did not go unnoticed and I hope we can return to enjoy this very challenging course. PS: Mark donated back his winnings so we can get some extra prizes for the member-guest tournament. A touch of class my friend and it will be put to good use. Editor’s Note: Shaun Barry not only provides photos for most of the GCSANJ events, but he also pens the event articles. We thank Shaun for his tireless efforrts and involvement with our chapter. Trenton Area Superintendent Renews Professional Certification Lance A. Rogers, GCSAA certified golf course superintendent at Colonia Country Club, Colonia, NJ, has completed the renewal process for maintaining his status as a Certified Golf Course Superintendent (CGCS) with the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA). Rogers has been at Colonia since 1995. A 17-year GCSAA member, he initially achieved his certification in 2003. Approximately 2,000 golf course superintendents worldwide currently hold “CGCS” status. Congratulations Lance! We’re proud of you! PlNELANDS Nursery & Supply “Erosion and Sediment Control Specialists” Do you have problem areas on your course? Call us for free on site consultation for: Pond Shore Beautification Stream Bank Naturalization Vegetative Bio-filters Slope Erosion Control Permeable Paving Project Your source for: native plants, coir logs, erosion control blankets, grass seed, hydro­ mulch, permeable pavers Don Knezick, Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control 323 Island Road, Columbus, NJ 08022 (609)291-9486 Renown golf course irrigation, renovation, construction and award-winning service throughout the tri-state and New England areas Bruce Cadenelli • Dennis Shea Glenmoore, Pennsylvania P: 610.942.3809 F: 610.942.9556 GCSANJ news Memories from the first Member-Guest Tournament Wm.Stothoff COMPANY, INC. Wells & Pumps Celebrating our 121st year • Family owned and operated by 6 generations of Stothoff • Dedicated to providing superior solutions • State-of-the-art equipment • 24 hour service, 7 days a week Our goal is to provide the best and most reliable well and pump solutions from the industries premier manufacturers. Let our 122 years of well drilling and servicing experience work for you. Contact us at 908-782-2717 or visit us on the web for a detailed listing of our services www.wmstothoffco. com 110 River Road Flemington, NJ 08822 908-782-4131 Fax A NEW SERVICE TO SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY We’ll aerate, topdress and amend in one pass. DryJect is a revolutionary service which, when added to your maintenance program, can reduce the need for core aerification and greatly amplify its benefits. DryJect's high-speed, water-based injection system blasts aeration holes through the root zone while simultaneously filling with large amounts of amendment (up to 8 cubic yards per acre). An independent DryJect service professional does it for you, so you don’t need to own the DryJect machine. Call today for your free demonstration and see how the DryJect service can change the way you aerate and amend your soils. DryJect 21st Century Aeration A PROFILE Product LLC Company 1-800-270-8873 Chris Collins: (610) 212-0656 Peter van Drumpt: (732) 610-0777 Keith Rose: (732) 299-7025 GCSANJ news Our First Member-Guest Tournament During one of the golf committee's planning sessions in the winter of 2006, the idea of doing something different came up again. Our monthly meetings have been well attended but maybe we could do even better. I believe that Bill Murray first expressed the idea of a member-guest but it could have been Dave Mishkin, Ken Mathis or Matt Anasiewicz. I know it wasn't Mr. Driscoll or myself but we all could recognize a good idea when we heard one. It didn't get off of the ground in 2006 but it wasn't a forgotten issue. We had lots of ideas for what we wanted to do and who would be invited but the most important requisite was to have a very special site for the tournament. We envisioned a course that would be such a draw that it would entice a serious golfer to miss his wedding anniversary celebration if he was offered the opportunity to play. Our dream course became available when Jeff Riggs asked if he could host a meeting in 2007. We had discussed a meeting once before but some vandals hurt the course badly and the offer had to be withdrawn. This time the offer was accepted immediately and we had a location that insured our event would be a success. The date was posted on our website early in the year and there was a lot of excitement from the people that I spoke to. What a nice idea and what a great location for this event. Unfortunately we built it and they did not come. We reacted as quickly as possible and soon Lance was sending out i-cards reminding people to sign-up and that members could bring members as their guests. It didn't work and we ended up with 58 players. We will ask you what we did wrong and what we can do to make it better and more appealing and if we should even have this event again but that is for the future. Now is the time to complete the story of a really great meeting. The club was kind enough not to cancel and they let us play. The owner, Roger Hansen joined Jeff and they played as part of our group. I hope they enjoyed the day as much as we did. The weather was perfect. Some took advantage of the caddies but most were content to ride their way through the day. Being on this course reminds you of how golf courses used to be designed and built. The course fits into the land as naturally as the sun blends into the sky. It was meant to be there. It was a treat to play but it was tough even for the good players. Continued on page 25 Totally Integrated Irrigation Solutions RESERVOIR TO ROTORS RaIN BIRD ATLANTIC IRRIGATION SPECIALTIES, INC DOWNES TREE SERVICE, INC. WOODCLIFF LAKE, HAWTHORNE NEW JERSEY Full Service Irrigation Supplier to the Golf Industry Huge Inventory of Products Readily Available for Rapid Delivery We are a full service tree company specializing in Golf Course enhancement, Our expertise ranges from plant health care, tree removal and pruning to tub-grinding, roll-off container service and mulch installation. Dedicated Service Technicians On-Call New Jersey Locations Springfield, NJ - 973-379-9314 Wayne, NJ - 973-628-0203 Farmingdale, NJ- 1-877-420-8873 Dedicated to Quality and Service since 1976 Since inception in 1983, Downes has focused on the care and maintenance of commercial and residential properties. (201)573-9209 . (973)238-9800 FAX (973)238-0222 2007 CALENDAR October 22 October 29 Class “C” Championship, Roselle Golf Club- go to The 19th RTJ Invitational- Metedeconk National Golf Club- go to www.gcsanj. org November 13-15 4th Annual Crystal Conference, Golf @ Wild Turkey- go to www.gcsanj. org December 4-6 New Jersey Green Industry Expo, Taj Mahal, Atlantic City- go to www. njturfgrass. org December 19 GCSANJ Christmas Party, sponsored by District 3 and the GCSANJ Foundation-details to follow- go to Did you know that of the 356 female superintendents in the US, there are four (4) in New Jersey? Jo-Ann Eberle, Sunset Valley Golf Course in Pompton Plains, NJ Rebecca Hawkins, Rockleigh Golf Course in Rockleigh, NJ Diane Elwood, Pinebrook Golf Course in Manalapan, NJ Tammy Banks, Neshanic Valley Golf Course in Neshanic Station, NJ • • • • Information provided by GCSAA RUtgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Rutgers Turfgrass Research news Dollar Spot Samples Needed Ms. Jo Anne Crouch, a doctoral student working with Dr. Bruce Clarke at Rutgers University, is collecting samples of turf infested with dollar spot. The purpose of this research is to confirm the “true” identity of the dollar spot fungus and to determine the geographic origin of this aggressive pathogen. Turf samples are being requested from all regions of the United States as well as from other countries throughout the world. Your help is needed to help get this project underway! If you encounter dollar spot on your course during the next few months, please send a sample of the infested turf to Rich Buckley at the Rutgers Plant Diagnostic Laboratory: U.S. POSTAL SERVICE only: Plant Diagnostic Laboratory Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey PO Box 550 Milltown, NJ 08850-0550 OTHER DELIVERY SERVICES: Plant Diagnostic Laboratory Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center 20 Indyk-Engel Way North Brunswick, NJ 08902 Telephone: 732-932-9140 FAX: 732-932-1270 E-mail: Website: Be sure to indicate the type of turf infested, the location where the sample was taken, and your contact information. If you should have any questions please contact Jo Anne Crouch at ((732) 932-9375 x 334) or Dr. Clarke at (x 331) John Deere Bruce A. Pye Sales Manager E/T Equipment Company, Inc.Distributors of Quality Turf Equipment 425 South Riverside Avenue. Croton-On-Hudson, NY 10520 Phone: 914-271-6126 Fax: 914-271-6146 Cell: 914-629-8660 East Coast SOD & SEED 596 Pointers Auburn Road Pilesgrove, NJ 08098 > Bentgrass Sod • Greens Height • Tee/Fairway Height > Bluegrass • Regular • Short-Cut > Fescue • Fine • Blue/Fine • Tall > Seed Distributors br: • Tee2 Green Corp • Turfseed, Inc. Golf course Quality Sod The finest varieties of sod cultivated, harvested & delivered directly to you Your Total Sod Solution Coombs Sod Farms Quality & Service are our number one concern BLUEGRASS • Unique Blend TALL FESCUE • High Quality SHORT-CUT BLUEGRASS • Great for fairways and tees & People you can trust. Quality you can count on. BENTGRASSES • L-93 • Penntrio • Penncross • A-1 • A-4 • L-93/Southshore CALL KEVIN DRISCOLL 609-760-4099 cell 856-769-9555 office EXPERT INSTALLATION AVAILABLE SALES (856) 491-5299 • FAX (856) 299-6494 LOCATED IN SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY The Greatest Walk on Earth Cut by the Greatest Walk on Turf. Why do the turf professionals at Pebble Beach Golf Links® use only the Jacobsen® E-Walk™ to manicure the most played greens in the world? Its unmatched quality-of-cut has been proven in independent studies to provide healthier turf. Its consistently high frequency-of-dip and adjust­ able weight distribution offer unprecedented flexibility and control. And its whisper-quiet, energy-efficient electric motors can boost reve­ nue and reduce costs. The E-Walk is just one of the many reasons Pebble Beach® chose Jacobsen as its official supplier of turf maintenance equip­ ment. To improve the turf and financial health of your course, contact your local Jacobsen dealer today or log on to 1.888.922.TURF TEXTRON FINANCIAL JACOBSEN E-WALK The Best Frequency of Clip on the Market! See the phenomenon! Contact your Wilfred MacDonald Sales Representative today for a demonstration! Wilfred MacDonald, Inc. 19 Central Blvd. South Hackensack, NJ 07606-1801 The Official Turf Equipment Supplier to The PGA of America and The Exclusive Turf Equipment Supplier to PGA Golf Properties. ©2007 Jacobsen. A Textron Company. All rights reserved. Pebble Beach Pebble Beach Golf Links®: The Heritage Logo, The Lone Cypress and their underlying distinctive images are trademarks, service marks and trade dress of Pebble Beach Company. Used under license. jacobsen A Textron Company When Performance Matters. GCSANJ news Continued from page 21 Leading all teams in both the gross and net we had John Carpinelli and Tom Fordham from Moorestown Field Club. They had a gross score of 69 and a net score of 63. They could only win one of these prizes so they received the 10 inch Waterford Crystal Bowls for their net score. Benefiting from this decision was the team of Doug Larson and Mark Anderson. They had a 71 for their gross score and they received the same bowls for their prizes. Second place teams were John Garger and John Garger Sr. They had a 73 gross score while Ken Mathis and Scott Pezarras shot a net 65. Each player also received a Waterford Crystal bowl which was a smaller but just as beautiful as first place. Individual awards went to John Garger (73) and John Carpinelli (65) in the gross and net competitions. Our affiliates continue to help with their monthly donations towards our prizes. We had 6 long drive contests that were sponsored by Atlantic Irrigation, Dry-Ject, Maser Consulting, Philly Turf, The Terre Co and Storr Tractor. The winners of these contests were Grover Alexander, Chris Borek, Rich LaBar, Doug Larson, Mark Mason and Ron Mayer. Our second group of sponsors covered all 4 of the closest to the pins awards and they were Aer-Core, Philly Turf, Storr Tractor and Vic Gerard (when the time comes to pick up a phone to place an order please remember the names of all of these companies and all of the others that have sponsored every skill contest that we have had this year when. Support those that support you.) Our winners were Tom Fordham (21ft l0ins), Doug Larson (4ft lin), Mark Peterson ( 8ft 10ins) and Eric Ross (7ft l0ins). Closing out our contests were John Carpinelli, John Garger, Ian Kunesch and Doug Larson. Each of these players had one skin skin that was worth $50. If it sounds like we had a great time you are correct. Jeff Riggs had the course in pristine shape and for some reason Roger thought it looked this good because Jeff was having his peers in for a visit. Roger did smile when he said this because he knows that these are the conditions Jeff and his staff present every day no matter how much hard work it takes. The clubhouse staff is lead by a smiling and gregarious gentleman by the name of Ian Dalzell who is both their general manager and their head professional. This fellow came to the club from Northern Ireland and he belongs in this job. Many thanks to everyone who helped make this such a wonderful day and while I am sorry that we didn't have more people enjoy the experience it sure did move play along nicely. Jeff, please thank Roger for letting us experience his treasure and tell Ian and both of your staffs how much we enjoyed the experience and that we are truly thankful for all of their efforts and their generosity. I hope we will be invited back. NEW DISARM. BECAUSE SPEED IS OF THE ESSENCE DISARM provides fast leaf penetration, enhanced systemic activity, improved turf quality, and is rainfast in as little as 15 minutes. Finally, broad-spectrum disease control for fairways that’s equal to or better than the leading strobilurin. Always read and follow label directions. DISARM and the DISARM logo are registered trademarks of Arysta LifeScience North America Corporation. The Arysta LifeScience logo is a registered trademark of Arysta LifeScience Corporation. © 2007 Arysta LifeScience North America Corporation. DSM-008 Disarm The Hyperactive Fungicide Arysta LifeScience Harmony In Growth 2007 Patron Directory THE TERRE COMPANY of NJ, INC. Pesticides, Seed, Fertilizers, Plants Phil Taylor-973-713-2824 Brian Lescrinier - 908-447-1317 Byron Johnson - 201-321-2009 Bob Schreiner - 201-321-2008 Pat O’Neil -201-321-2007 Office - 973-473-3393 TURF PRODUCTS CORPORATION Golf Course Supplier Buddy Rizzio 973-263-1234 VIC GERARD GOLF CARS Golf Car & Utility Vehicle Dealership Doug Spencer, Jay Antonelli 800-339-4302 WESTCHESTER TURF SUPPLY, INC. “Servicing Golf Courses for over 30 Years” Bob Lippman, Dave Lippman 845-621-5067; Fax: 845-621-7180 WILFRED MacDONALD, INC. Turf Equipment / Rentals Bernie White, Tim Kerwin Steve Kopach 888-831-0891 WM. STOTHOFF CO., INC. Well Drilling & Pumping Systems David C. Stothoff, President Robert H. Stothoff, Vice-President 908-782-2717 A.G. ENTERPRISES Staff Uniforms Rick Gordon 201-488-1276; Fax: 201-489-5830 AER-CORE, INC. Turfgrass Services Equip. Sales Dennis DeSanctis Sr. Robert Eichert, William Mast ALAN G. CRUSE, INC. Golf Course Materials Alan Cruse, Jim Cruse Geoffrey Drake 973-227-7183 AQUATROLS CORP. OF AMERICA “Innovative Products for Effective Resource Management” Kevin P. Collins - NE Territory Mgr. Kathy Conard - Marketing Manager 609-841-2077 - Kevin / 800-257- 7797 - Corp ATLANTIC IRRIGATION SPECIALTIES Irrigation Sales & Services Fred Rapp, Jeff Allen, Joe Jaskot 973-379-9314 BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS 98 Ford Road, Denville, NJ 07834 Wayne S. Dubin 973-983-7511 BLACK LAGOON POND MANAGEMENT Pond Management Christopher Borek 609-815-1654 EAST COAST SOD & SEED Sod & Seed Kevin Driscoll 609-760-4099 E/T EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Turf Equipment/One Source/Irrigation Jeff Smolha - Equipment Specialists Bruce A. Pye - Sales Manager Gerry Grant - One Source 914-271-6126 Ext 112 or 114 FERTL-SOIL TURF SUPPLY Golf Course Supplies & Soil Mixes & Sand Marty Futyma, Cathy Futyma-Brown 908-322-6132; Fax: 908-322-6332 FISHER & SON COMPANY, INC. “The Green Industry Supplier” Randy Rider - 302-242-6848 Jeff Borajkiewicz - 609-532-4837 Brian Robinson - 484-886-0021 Mike Oleykowski - 609-410-0409 800-262-2172 GEORGE E. LEY CO. Golf Course Irrigation, Renovation & Construction Bruce Cadenelli, George E. Ley III Dennis Shea 610-942-3809 GRASS ROOTS, INC. Golf Course Maintenance Supplies Ken Kubik - 973-418-7035 Keith Kubik - 973-418-7034 Jay McKenna - 973-418-7036 Ryan Burbridge - 973-418-7038 Joe Kennedy - 973-445-8139 Ofc. 973-252-6634 JAMES BARRETT ASSOCIATES, INC. Golf Course Irrigation Design & Consulting Jim Barrett 973-364-9701 LESCO, INC. Distributor of Fertilizer, Chemicals & Control Products Matt Paulina - John Fitzgerald Pete Madley 609-265-0022 METRO TURF SPECIALISTS “Customers, Our TOP Priority” Robert Steinman - 914-588-6593 Ernie Steinhofer - 914-760-6112 Dave Conrad - 914-490-3698 Office - 203-748-GOLF (4653) MONTCO PRODUCTS CORPORATION SURFSIDE WETTING AGENTS LIQUID - GRANULAR - PELLETS ZAP! DEFOAMER Information: Bob Oechsle 215-836-4992; 800-401-0411 NATIONAL SEED Seed & Seeding Supplies Ken Griepentrog - George Rosenberg Barry Van Sant 732-247-3100 PARTAC PEAT CORPORATION Premium Top-Dressing & Construction Mixes, Green Sand Divot Mixes, Bunker Sands, Cart Paths, Turf Blankets, Golf Hole Targets Jim Kelsey 800-247-2326 / Fax: 908-637-4191 PHILADELPHIA TURF COMPANY Toro Distributor Tom Drayer 215-345-7200 PINELANDS NURSERY & SUPPLY Nursery Theresa Morawa, Don Knezick 609-291-9486 PLANT FOOD COMPANY, INC. “The Liquid Fertilizer Experts” Biostimulants & other Products for Premium Turfgrass Ingrid Kern - 800-562-1291 Dick Neufeld - 973-945-6318 Brad Simpkins - 609-709-2150 Tom Weinert - 914-262-0111 QUALITY IRRIGATORS Sprinkler & Drainage Scott T. McNally 973-728-1776 / 973-332-2086 RALPH McGILLAN EXCAVATING LLC Lakes & Ponds Ralph 609-655-2281 RIGGI PAVING, INC. Paving, Brick Pavers, Retaining Walls PO Box 2214 Cliffside Park, NJ 07010 Frank J. Riggi, Jr. 201-943-3913 SHEARON GOLF Golf Course Design, Build & Specialty Maintenance Chip Kern 609-466-0666 or 609-209-5200 STORR TRACTOR COMPANY Toro Turf & Irrigation Equipment Blair Quinn, Rick Krok, Steve Bradley 908-722-9830 SYNGENTA Manufacture of Plant Protection Products Lee A. Kozsey 215-796-0409 THE NORTHEAST GOLF COMPANY GolCourse Design Robert McNeil Traci McNeil 401-667-4994 Wednesday. November 14, 2007 Location: Minerals Hotel, Diamond Ballroom 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM Education Sessions 8:00-9:30 AM □ Dr. Jim Murphy, Rutgers University • Worm Cast Research Study • Managing Traffic Stress on the Golf Course 9:30-10:00 AM □ Hal Bozarth, State Street Associates •Government and How it Affects Your Business 10:00-10:30 AM Break - Visit Vendors 10:30-11:30 AM □ Dr. Bill Meyer, Rutgers University 11:30-l2:15 PM GCSANJ Annual Meeting and Awards 12:15- 1:15 PM Lunch 1:15 - 2:45 PM □ Dr. Roch Gaussoin, University of Nebraska • Foliar Fertility: A Splash On the Grass 2:45 - 3:15 PM Break ~ Visit Vendors 3:15-4:45 PM □ Dr. Lane Treadway, University of North Carolina • New Solutions for Old Disease Problems Vendor Displays • NJ Pesticide Credits • GCSAA CEUs 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Cocktail Hour sponsored by GCSANJ • Meet the Vendors • New Bentgrasses, Tall Fescues, and Kentucky Bluegrasses for Golf Turf 2007 Crystal Conference and Golf Classic Crystal Springs Resort November 13,14,15, 2007 PROGRAM SCHEDULE Tuesday, November 13, 2007 4th Annual Crystal Golf Classic Scramble at Wild Turkey Golf Club sponsored by Plant Food Company 9:30-10:30 AM 11:00 AM Registration Shotgun Box Lunch provided on course Followed by Cocktail and Awards Reception sponsored by Seeton Turf Warehouse Awards sponsored by Grass Roots. GCSAA Education Points .60 • NJ Pesticide Credits 3B - 6 • PP2 - 6 Thursday, November 15, 2007 Location: Minerals Hotel, Diamond Ballroom 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:00 AM - 4:15 PM Education Sessions 8:00-9:30 AM □ Dr. Roch Gaussoin, University of Nebraska • Aging Golf Greens and Organic Matter Management 9:30-10:00 AM Break ~ Visit Vendors 10:00-11:30 AM Dr. Lane Treadway, University of North Carolina • Unravelling the Role of Root Pathogens in Golf Course Putting Greens 11:30-12:15 PM □ Robert Mancini, NJDEP • Best Management Practices for Maintenance Facilities 12:15- 1:15 PM 1:15-2:15 PM □ Dave Oatis, United States Golf Association Lunch • Aeration Techniques and Greens Drainage 2:15-3:15 PM □ Dr. Bruce Clarke, Rutgers University • Pertinent Topics for 2007 • Management Strategies for Dollar Spot Vendor Displays • NJ Pesticide Credits Adjourn GCSAA Education Points .60 • NJ Pesticide 3B - 5 • PP2 - 5 Hundreds of improvements, one great result. Introducing the all new Reelmaster® 5010 series. Exceptional quality of cut and after cut appearance is the result of the new Reelmaster® 5010 series fairway mowers from Toro®. It’s all thanks to a completely new design that’s focused on performance, operator comfort, and serviceability. The innovative new DPA cutting units offer simple adjustment along with major advances in reel and bedknife edge retention. The detailed improvements will keep you out of the shop and on the fairway producing the results you’ve come to expect. After all, beauty lies in the details. TORO Count on it. Storr Tractor Company Branchburg, NJ • 908 -722-9830 STC Distributors of Quality Turf & Irrigation Equipment Serving the Industry Since 1945