Facebook Twitter Print More THEGreenerside Official Publication of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey J. Walton's In Goof Tune 2nd Godolphin 3rd 6 Furlongs-1:10 2/5 Greens Superintendents Slow Joe Monmouth Park Rick Wilson up Trained by Owner August 24th, 1978 Turfotos Summer 2016 Volume 40 Number 3 New Jersey Chapter GCSAA Professional Conduct Guidelines The following professional conduct guidelines are provided to encourage the highest standards of conduct among the membership of GCSAA. These guidelines are a companion document to the GCSAA Code of Ethics. While the professional conduct guidelines may not be enforced with membership sanctions, these guidelines should nonetheless be promoted, practiced and encouraged by GCSAA members. Non-compliance of these guidelines should be noted, publicized and self-policed by fellow GCSAA members, officials and affiliated chapters to discourage future instances of such noncompliance. In assessing one's actions, all superintendents should ask the question, "Would my actions meet with the approval of other superintendents?" 1. A member should always contact a fellow superintendent prior to visiting his/her course, regardless of the reason for the visit. 2. Applications for employment should only be sent to an employer if the applicant has contacted the current superintendent to determine whether the position is available, or if the applicant is responding to an Employment Referral Service announcement. 3. A member should only accept an interview for a job currently held by a fellow superintendent if the applicant has contacted the current superintendent to verify the position is open, or if the applicant has learned about the opening in an Employment Referral Service announcement. 4. Members should always adhere to the complimentary golf policies of other golf courses and always give as much advance notice as possible when seeking playing privileges at a fellow superintendent's golf facility. 5. Members should only accept a consulting assignment at a golf facility if the current superintendent at that facility is aware of such impending consulting activity. 6. Consulting recommendations for a facility should be made in the presence of the current superintendent or written recommendations should be carbon copied to the current superintendent. 7. Members should always conduct themselves in the highest professional manner at all golf-related events and other public events where the member is representing the golf course superintendent profession. 8. A member should not render negative opinions or comments about fellow members. 9. Members are encouraged to remind fellow superintendents about these courtesies through phone calls, electronic messages and letters. Peer reinforcement of these standards is encouraged. in this issue President’s Message.......................................................... 4 Toms River and District Three.......................................... 5 Oasis at the 2016 PGA Championship............................. 6 From your Executive Director: Managing Time............. 8 Calendar of Events........................... ................................. 9 Architect’s Corner.............................................................. 13 Your Golf Course Superintendent Poster......................... 16 GCSANJ Loses a Great Friend: Harry Harsin.................... 18 Green Expo GOLF SESSIONS........................................... 21 2016 Summer Social - GCSANJ Race............. .............. 24 2016 Scholarship Winners................................................. 26 The Dogs of GCSANJ.................................................. 32 Patron Directory.................................................................. 34 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! Matthew Topazio, Class AF Metro Turf Specialists Joseph Hays Sr., Class AF Black Oak Golf Club Mike Johnston, Class AF Turf Equipment & Supply Co. Ryan Booth, Class AF Godwin Pumps, Xylem Brand Philip Pratt, Class C Charleston Springs Golf Club Ryan Hartmann, Class C The Ridgewood Country Club Rocco Weir, Class C The Ridgewood Country Club New Jersey Chapter GCSAA GCSANJ Newsletter is published four times a year by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey Tyler Otero, Editor Contributing Writer & Photographer Shaun Barry Please address inquiries to: Editor, The Greenerside 25 US Hwy 46 W, Wayne NJ 07470 Layout, Design, Ad Placement: Cece Peabody, Executive Director 973-812-0710 Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey 25 US Highway 46 West Wayne, New Jersey 07470 PH: 973-812-0710 • FAX 973-812-6529 Officers: Gary Arlio, President Russell Harris, Vice President Les Carpenter, Jr, CGCS, Secretary Joe Kinlin, Treasurer Jim Cadott, Past President District I Tyler Otero District II Jamie Devers District III John Alexander District IV Jeremy Hreben Directors: At-Large Todd Raisch, Tom Higgins, Scott Hall, Mike Tardogno Rutgers Liaisons Dr. Bruce Clarke Dr. James Murphy GCSAA Chapter Delegate Bill Murray Executive Director Cece Peabody, M.A.T., C.M.P. Commercial Representatives Rob Johnson & Brian Gjelsvik © 2016 THE GREENERSIDE Opinions expressed in this Newsletter are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily express the opinions or policies of the GCSANJ Board and its membership No part of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission http://www.gcsanj.org Scan the QR code to the left...You'II connect to our website: www.gcsanj.org PHOTOS INSIDE THIS ISSUE Courtesy of Shaun Barry & Ken Kubik President's Message Today I look at my calendar and it tells me it is October however my thermometer must not have received the memo and it still thinks it is August. When people ask me if I miss being on the Gary Arlio, Essex County Parks golf course I tell them rather quickly that I picked the right year to not have to think about weather on a daily basis. Although my list of worries has grown tenfold since my days on the golf course, they are for the most part under my control. Don’t be fooled though, having that control has its advantages and disadvantages. My reasons for something going wrong can’t be attributed to something I ultimately had no control over, so there comes with that an inherent pressure to make sure all goes smoothly, whether it be a press conference, concert, or big event. For some of you 2016 was a good year, the lack of rain for some is what they want, for others this condition had a negative impact. And for some of you the impact was far more severe, the end result being the loss of a job. With the calendar at October there is one more realization that is coming into focus in my life and that is that the end of this 20 plus year journey is coming to a conclusion. I didn’t see this coming just a short time ago, I had such a different vision of where my life would be, but people change, life changes, and here we are. Twenty-three years ago I applied for a position in New Jersey thinking that I would come here work five years as a Superintendent build up my resume and then return to Connecticut to have a better chance of becoming a Superintendent closer to home, then Jersey happened to me. I fell in love with the area and the people. I started in Hoboken, got season tickets to the Knicks (even though I am a Celtic fan), went to Yankee games, Giant tailgates, Rutgers games with my peers, all within a forty minute drive from where I lived. And don’t even get me started on the food. Those of you who know me, for that matter just look at me, know that food is a passion of mine and this area has so many places for one to enjoy. Taking the PATH to spend the day in the Greenwich Village and hitting different places, Jersey tomatoes, restaurants in Northern New Jersey that blew away anything I ever experienced in Connecticut. The Jersey shore, who knew this place existed, not me. I spent my summers on the rocky beaches of Cape Cod, the sandy beaches of the shore were amazing to me. I started building roots here both personally and professionally. The friends I made here are for a lifetime. I became involved with the board and the roots just kept growing deeper and deeper. I think I have been on the board in some capacity for about 18 years and at times if I am being honest it was trying, but make no mistake it was always fulfilling and I am so happy I stuck with it. I wish I could fulfill my two- year term as President but events in my life have made it not possible. But I am filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment as 1 write this believing that I am leaving the board and the association in a better place than I found it, and isn’t that all we can ever ask of ourselves. The people we currently have on the board are a great group but we need more people to step up and do their share so we can continue to grow. As 2017 approaches let’s all try and make a conscience effort to make this thing of ours a better avenue to share experiences and ideas. For those of you who have found yourself without a job reach out to the association and see if there is any help that we might be able to provide. For those who are looking for employment I would hope that this association and what it stands for would make you do the right thing and contact the person who is presently employed at a particular location that you might be looking at. Simply put, let’s respect each other in what we do. Sometimes it’s hard to do the right thing, but if it was easy it wouldn’t mean that much. In closing I just want to first thank all my fellow board members for their hard work and time that they have put in. I would also like to thank our Executive Director Cece Peabody and her staff for making our life easier even when we sometimes make her life harder. Thank you to all of our affiliates, especially our sponsors for the time, dedication and financial support, you answer the bell every time we ring it and without you we would be in a far worse place. I wish I could list all the people I consider my friends here but the Greenerside might not be big enough, you have always been there for me and you all are a huge part of who I am today. You have made me Jersey Strong and I will be forever grateful. Yours in the Bond Gary Arlio Gary Arlio GCSANJ President Toms River Country Club Continues Its Streak of Hosting District Three by Shaun Barr)', GCSANJ Foundation Executive Director I am sure that there are records somewhere, telling us how many years Toms River Country Club has hosted the District Three Meeting but Ed McSeaman knows that it is at least 25 years and may be the 28 years that his wife Nancy thinks is the actual number. Either number is a record that has just grown through the years. We have had to reschedule one year and there have been several years when Mother Nature tried to break the streak, but Lou Gehrig and Cal Ripken would be impressed with this uninterrupted run. driver's side door wouldn't open, so Bob had to climb over the console and get out Jim's door. Both got out safely and soon the whole vehicle was engulfed and the gas tank exploded. It is amazing how quickly life can change and now we have another story connected to our Toms River Country Club meeting history. As usual, the field filled up quickly and we moved our limit of 56 players to 60. With Bob, Jim and Glenn having to withdraw, we ended with 57 players. For a nine hole course that still is quite full. Everyone was treated to lunch sponsored by DryJect NJ, Finch Services and SiteOne Landscape Supply. Helena Chemical sponsored “libations”, and Fisher & Son helped defray the costs of dinner. Our affiliates continue to do more than expected and our meetings are much better because of their generosity. Thanks to all of our sponsors. Russ Harris and Rob Johnson handled registration, announcements and awards. Joe Kennedy and Joe Kinlin put all of the signs out on the course and picked them up after play. Bill Murray handled scoring with his adjusted system and things couldn't have gone any smoother. The winning scramble team was John Cipriano's team from Greenbriar GC with a 57 Tom Tucci's team had a double skin by eagling the 5th hole. Rob Johnson's team had a skin on the 11th hole following Jeremy Hreben's great shot near the hole. Once again Ed supplied live music during and after dinner which always adds to the ambience of our pool- side dining. We were also entertained by a former GCSANJ president's diving and swimming skills. It was such a hot and humid day I am sure almost everyone in attendance thought about joining Mr Murray in the pool. Next year I am sure others will be bringing bathing suits. Many thanks to Ed and his staff and the club for inviting us every year and for treating us so nicely. This is truly a special location for this meeting. continued on page 10 Anyone who has read the previous articles about this meeting knows that something bad will happen before or during this meeting. In 2016 things happened before and during the meeting. The week before the meeting, Ed, Tom Ford and their staff had the course in great shape. Then they received about 7 inches of rain in 3 days. The holes by the river were suddenly under water for a couple of days. Since the course is actually about 5 feet below sea level and the water table is about 18 inches below ground, the water doesn’t go anywhere very quickly. Soon Ed was sending me text messages about what it feels like to smell rotting turf on the affected holes. Doesn't sound like the perfect way to prepare for our meeting. They somehow got rid of the stranded crabs (with the help of Sea Gulls), the snapping turtle who got stuck in a drainage pipe, and various storm debris. Joe Kinlin predicted that the course would be in wonderful shape and he was correct. There was some turf loss as expected but it is amazing how great the course looked and played. That was the ‘before’ part of this story. The ‘during the meeting' issue usually refers to weather of some sort but not this time. Glenn Gallion had just checked in when he received a call from Jim Pelrine. Turns out that Jim was heading to the meeting when Bob Dickison's vehicle caught fire. The engine just stopped, but Bob was able to get to the shoulder and when Jim exited he was stepping through flames. The OASIS at the 2016 PGA Championships by Ken Kubik GCSANJ - PGA Grounds Department Hospitality Hidden away behind the Grounds Department Maintenance Facility at Baltusrol Golf Club was the “Oasis” for the dedicated Grounds Department staff and volunteers. The site was tucked away from most of the hustle and bustle of the 2016 PGA Championship being located on the sixteenth hole of the Upper Course. The Baltusrol Grounds Department Chalet mission was to provide a comfort zone for staff, volunteers and industry guests. Just being air-conditioned and dry immediately provided the basic creature comforts required for what turned out to be a hot, humid, and wet (at times) tournament week. The amenities also included delicious food prepared and served by Cioffi's of Springfield, Haagen Daz ice cream, popcorn. television, comfortable couches, cold beverages and much more. We have to thank the industry sponsors, the Baltusrol Golf Club, and the PGA for making the Baltusrol Grounds Department Chalet possible. The Chalet promoted the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey, and the Environmental Institute for Golf. It was a site where the Golf Course Superintendent profession was acknowledged for the efforts that have to be put forth to produce extraordinary tournament conditions for a Major such as the 2016 PGA Championship. Note: Head Golf Course Superintendent, Mark Kuhns, CGCS, and his staff and Ken Kubik, Grass Roots, did an amazing job that week. Kudos to all involved in making the week a success! More shots from the PGA Tournament....staff, GCSAA, family, caterers/Rutgers football..sponsors...it was a great week for all. From Your Exec Director Cece Peabody, M.A.T., C.M.P., Executive Director Managing Your Time - Can You Really Do It? Chances are good that, at some time in your life, you've taken a time management class, or tried to use a paper-based day planner to organize, prioritize and schedule your day. "Why," you may ask, "do I still feel like I can't get everything done I need to?" The answer is simple. Everything you ever learned about managing time is a complete waste of time because it doesn't work. Before you can even begin to manage time, you must learn what time is. A dictionary defines time as "the point or period at which things occur." Put simply, time is when stuff happens. There are two types of time: clock time and real time. In dock time, there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. All time passes equally. When someone turns 50, they are exactly 50 years old, no more or no less. In real time, all time is relative. Time flies or drags depending on what you're doing. Two hours at the department of motor vehicles can feel like 12 years. And yet our children seem to have grown up in only two hours. Which time describes the world in which you really live, real time or clock time? Clock time is irrelevant. You live in real time, a world in which all time flies when you are having fun or drags when you are doing your taxes. The good news is that real time is mental. It exists between your ears. You create it. Anything you create, you can manage. It's time to remove any self-sabotage or self-limitation you have around "not having enough time," or today not being "the right time" to manage your job properly. There are only three ways to spend your time: in thoughts, in conversations and in actions. Regardless of the type of job you do, your work will be composed of those three items. You may be frequently interrupted or pulled in different directions. While you cannot eliminate interruptions, you do get a say on how much time you will spend on them and how much time you will spend on the thoughts, conversations and actions to accomplish what you want to. Practice the following techniques to become the master of your own time: 1. Carry a schedule and record all your thoughts, conversations and activities for a week. This will help you understand how much you can get done during the course of a day and where your time is going. You'll see how much time is actually producing results and how much time is wasted on unproductive thoughts, conversations and actions. 2. Any activity or conversation that's important to you should have a time assigned to it. Appointment books work — to do lists do not. Schedule appointments with yourself and create time blocks for high-priority thoughts, conversations, and actions. Schedule when they begin and end. Have the discipline to keep these appointments. 3. Plan to spend at least 50 percent of your time engaged in the thoughts, activities and conversations that produce most of your results. 4. Schedule time for interruptions. Plan time to be pulled away from what you're doing. Take the concept of having "office hours." Isn't "office hours" another way of saying "planned interruptions?" 5. Take the first 30 minutes of every day to plan your day. The most important time of your day is the time you schedule to schedule time. 6. Put up a "Do not disturb" sign when you absolutely have to get work done. 7. Practice not answering the phone just because it's ringing and e-mails just because they show up. Disconnect instant messaging. Don't instantly give people your attention unless it's absolutely crucial in your business to offer an immediate human response. Instead, schedule a time to answer email and return phone calls. 8. Block out other distractions like Facebook and other forms of social media unless you use these tools to generate business. 9. Remember that it's impossible to get everything done. Also remember that odds are good that 20 percent of your thoughts, conversations and activities produce 80 percent of your results. from Entrepremeur COACHING Good luck! Try the tips and see if they work for you! 2016 CALENDAR Thursday, October 27 Assistants (Class C) Golf Event "Battle of the Bridges" Upper Montclair Country Club Clifton, NJ Monday, November 14 ANNUAL MEETING & Skills Competition&Golf Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster NJ Friday, December 16 Christmas Party Honors Harry Harsin Bar Anticipation Lake Como, NJ CHECK THE WEBSITE for Details and Registration forms The Rutgers Plant Diagnostic Lab Provides accurate and timely diagnoses of plant problems: Insect Identification ♦ Disease and Insect Pest Diagnosis ♦ Plant and Weed Identification ♦ ♦ Fungus and Mold Identification ♦ Nematode Assays ♦ Virus Testing ♦ Fungal Endophyte Screening ♦ Pesticide Resistance Screening ♦ Other Services Available by Contract http://njaes.rutgers.edu/plantdiagnosticlab or call 732-932-9140 or email clinic@njaes.rutgers.edu for more details. Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station New Jersey GREEN EXPO Turf and Landscape Conference Tuesday, December 6 9 AM - Noon GCSANJ Golf Session Join Us for this Unique Session! 9 AM - 10 AM: Bill Brown, CGCS, Founder & CEO, Turf Republic will be sharing the latest and greatest “Technology in Turf" 10 AM - 12:00: GCSANJ Panel Discussion: “What’s Different, What’s the Same?” Innovation, Ideas and Inspiration from 4 Superintendents. Hear from 4 supers from different kinds of clubs to discuss the differences between operations, the ways they are the same, and the lessons they've learned at their clubs. Come prepared with your questions and for animated conversation and maybe you'll discover a few insights that you'll be able to use at your golf course next season. Sign up at www.njturfgrass.org. As a member of GCSANJ, pay the member rate! 1766-2016 Rutgers 250 The Rutgers Soil Testing Lab performs chemical and mechanical analyses of soils: ♦ Landscape - fertility, suitability, topsoil evaluation ♦ Farm - fertility, pre-sidedress nitrate, full farm ♦ Organic media - greenhouse, soiless, compost ♦ Sports Turf - fertility, sand-based root zone ♦ Technical - permeability and ecological ♦ ♦ Individual/specialized tests Irrigation Wate - Ph, slats, nitrate-nitrogen, phosphorous, iron http://njaes.rutgers.edu/soiltestinglab/ or call 848-932-9295 or email soiltest@njaes.rutgers.edu for more details. Toms River Winners (from page 5) CP #2 Finch Services) - Rob Johnson- 5 ft 4 ins CP #6 (Fisher & Son) Dennis Granahan 11 ft CP #11 (Finch Services) - Jeremy “Juice” Batz 7 ft 2ins CP #15 (Double D Turf) - John Cipriano 22 ft LD (SiteOne) 0-14- Steve Juhring LD (SiteOne) 15-40 - Pat O'Neill LD (Syngenta) 0-14 - Russ Harris LD (Synatek) 15-40 - Pat O'Neill LD (Wilfred MacDonald) 60 Years Old Plus - Bill Murray facebook POST SOMETHING TODAY! HERE’S A LINK RIGHT TO THE GCSANJ FACEBOOK PAGE Copy and Paste into your browser... https://www.facebook.com/Golf-Course- Superintendents-Association-of-New-Jersey- 191285830892632/?fref=ts For more than 30 years, Growth Products has brought superintendents bright ideas and the latest nutritional technology. Find the perfect fertilizer, chelated micronutrient, or natural organic solution from our comprehensive product lineup. Visit us online at www.GrowthProducts.com or call (800) 648-7626 today! Soil Amendments Rooting Stimulators I Biological Fungicides Liquid Fertilizers Chelated Micronutrients Call Your Local Rep Today! Craig Lambert Cell: (917) 416-4588 Rhone: (800) 648-7626 www.GrowthProducfs.com Companion, Essential and Nitro-30, are registered trademarks of Growth Products., Ltd. 5 COURSES. 81 TOTAL HOLES. 365 DAYS A YEAR. ONE BRAND OF TURF EQUIPMENT To keep its 81 holes of world-class golf in flawless shape every day. Pebble Beach uses only Jacobsen turf equipment on every inch of every hole. For more than 90 years. Pebble Beach has been a national treasure. Its five breathtaking courses contain some of the most iconic golf images known to the game. Six major championships helped create an indelible image of majestic beauty and striking contrasts. For more information about Jacobsen or to find a Jacobsen dealer near you, visitjacobsen.com. PEBBLE BEACH RESORTS Jacobsen Pebble Beach Golf Links is maintained by Jacobsen Equipment. Pebble Beach, Pebble Beach Resorts, Pebble Beach Golf Links, The Lone Cypress, The Heritage Logo and their distinctive images are trademarks, service marks and trade dress of Pebble Beach Company. Use is by permission. 2015 Jacobsen division of Textron. All rights reserved. Wilfred MacDonald, Inc. Turf Equipment Specialists 1.888.831.0891 Lawn and Golf supply co. inc. 610.933.5801 TOMS RIVER - DISTRICT 3 - August 11, 2016 ARCHITECT'S Corner GOLF PARTICIPATION by Steve Weisser, Rees Jones, Inc. The ASGCA Foundation contributes scholarships to First Tee participants as well as creating what is called the Site Evaluation Program. The Site Evaluation Program was developed for golf course owners/operators interested in reconfiguring their layouts and/or devoting open land to smaller scale facilities to allow new players to learn the game. Recently, the ASGCA As golf industry professionals, we all see increased interest in the game to be to our benefit and to society as a whole. The most potential for Increased participation can be achieved through non-golfers taking up the game and through increased participation of current golfers. The expansion of practice areas and alternative golf facilities has proven to be one of the most effective ways of encouraging golf usage and we have been working closely with each of our clients to maximize these areas. An example is the new short game area we recently completed with Rich Lane at Hackensack Golf Club on a site freed up by the relocation of the Club’s pool. The location is ideally located near the Club’s practice range and the size allowed us to maximize usage and replicate a wide variety of shots. The ASGCA Foundation was created by the American Society of Golf Course Architects to advance research and provide information in addition to funding a number of Grow the Game initiatives. Foundation has created a program with support of the US Kids Golf Foundation called the ASGCA's Longleaf Tee System. The Longleaf Tee System provides a viable way for golf courses to strategically expand existing tee complexes and provide accessible golf course usage for all possible types of players, not just kids. Our firm has embraced this concept and have already implemented the system as part of our complete restoration of Course Two at Medinah Country Club in Medinah, Illinois. The course will reopen in the Spring of 2017. We see these and the initiatives supported by our allied associations as being effective methods for increasing participation among current golfers and introducing new players to the game. This is a question that obviously all of the golf industry should answer. Organizations like the USGA and the PGA are in a better position to help. For instance, the Fairways should be mowed wider and the rough shorter - this would help not only make the course easier, but it would speed up the game. Obvious things like sand bunkers that are on the right-hand side at 180 - w 200 yards off the tee could be filled in. Fairway bunkers should really only come into play for the longer hitters. ARCHITECT’S Corner In Order to help stimulate participation in golf, what can the golf architect do? by Stephen Kay, ASGCA, ASLA new PGA Junior League Golf is a great incentive to get young children into golf, by making it a little bit more team oriented. If your club does not have this, it should. So to summarize -- make the golf course easier to break 100. Making it shorter and easier for the golfer to find his ball will result in a faster round of golf. Better scores and less time to play should hopefully result in more golfers staying with the game. TEE IT FORWARD Guidelines for Selecting Tees Driver Distance Recommended 18 Hole Yardages 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 6,700 6,200 5,800 5,200 4,400 3,500 2,800 2,100 - - - - - - - - 6,900 6,400 6,000 5,400 4,600 3,700 3,000 2,300 As far as golf course architects are concerned, I think there are a few things we can do. Besides the typical issues golf course architects address when renovating a club such as safety, functionality (drainage, size of tees), strategy, and aesthetics, the key criteria that involves bringing in and keeping golfers is playability and the time it takes to play. There are several things that the Golf architect can do to improve these two issues. We could suggest to the club that the colors of the tees actually trick the golfers into moving forward (Think the USGA Tee It Forward initiative). For instance, if your golf course has red, gold, white and blue tees, they can change to red, white, blue and black tees. So many of the younger male golfers feel like they have to play the blue tees even though they can't even break 100. So let's trick them forward by changing the color (how many golfers actually check the yardage of a golf course to make their decision? They tend to make the decision by the color of the ARCHITECT’S Corner In Order to help stimulate participation in golf, what can the golf architect do? by A. John Harvey, ASGCA, ASLA While I have and continue to participate in American Society of Golf Course Architects, USGA, GCSAA and Golf Course Builders initiatives and programs to help grow the game of golf on a national level, there are things I can do to help out at the local, or “grass roots" level. About 15 years ago, at the Lyons VA Center in Lyons, New Jersey, while working with The Roger Rulewich Group, we developed a design for a 10 acre practice fairway with target greens and a large grass teeing area. This project employed veterans who help maintain the practice fairway, plant trees and operate the facilities. Having parents who served in the US Navy (mother as a WAVE) and US Army (Father as a Second Lieutenant - Engineer), I’ve always been fond and respectful of our armed forces and wanted to give back in a meaningful, patriotic way by being involved with this project. I recently spoke with a teacher at my son and daughter’s high school about the merits of golf courses and the environmental stewardship roles and benefits of playing the game. Education about the great game of golf is important, especially when many kids become attracted to other competing sports earfy-on in school and playing on a golf team only happens in high school if the school district is lucky enough to offer and support a program. Additionally, I’ve spoken to a number of my son’s friends and some have never played and have an opinion of “privilege” about the sport. I’m looking into having the opportunity to speak to a class about golf courses to inform students about the recreational, environmental and camaraderie experiences that playing the game provides. More work to be done here for me. Since July of this year, many kids both young and old have taken to the Pokemon GO craze using an iPhone or Android mobile devices' GPS capabilities to locate, capture, battle and train virtual creatures called Pokemon. While I certainly understand it’s invariably a fad, maybe there’s something to it as an “app” to be developed for golf? Since the instant electronic communications of texting, gaming and mobile devices is part of the fabric of our world, is there some why to capitalize on this better than we do already in the golf industry? Certainly there are revered customs and proper etiquette in our game of over 500 years, but is there an opportunity to utilize our electronic devices for growing the game? What I mean by that is, can a software game within a game of golf be played that allows people who show interest in learning how to play by rewarding them as they play golf for let’s say, hitting fairways on their tee-shots, advancing the ball a certain distance, good bunker play and putting? I have a lot of questions here, but no real answers. Almost as though we need to accept technology and embrace it during the playing of our great game, while not jeopardizing pace of play and traditions but enhancing enjoyment and “reward” of good shots and putts. Perhaps an electronic game can be played and tallied as kids play golf that totals points for good play and rewards pace of play, effort, skill and attitude by generating credit within the electronic game, pro shop or other rewards? As you can see, I have more work to do here, but I’m trying to play an active role in nurturing and growing the game at the personal, local level. Is there something to our industry developing an “app” to facilitate enjoyment of golf for beginners without detracting or slowing down playing the game itself? Only time will tell. See What This Poster is All About on Page 20 l a r u t a N - i t s n o i t a v r e s n o C n o i t c u r t s n o C - t c e t i h c r A - n o t n e m p i i t a g i r r I - u q E - r o s i - e c r u o s e R t s i r o b r A - n a c i i n h c e T v r e p u S r e g a n a M t c e t i h c r A e p a c s d n a L r o t a r e p O r e z i l i t r e F i s n a h c e M i r u t l - u c d e i f i t r e C - r o t a c i l p p A i t r o H - c e t a c o v d A f l o G - t a i r a n i l i p c s D i - t s i g o l o r o e t e M - n r o t c u r t s n i n a d o t s u C I r o t a c i l p p A l i a c m e h C - t s i l a n o i t a v i t o M - e t t e u q i t E f l o G - e c r u o s e R n a m u H - d r a w e t S l a t n e m n o r i v n E - t s l a i c n a n i F - s s e n s u B r e g a n a M - i i l r o t n e M i a c e p S - r e p a c s d n a L - t s ni a t o B - t s mi o n o r g A - we do more than cut grass! Superintendent: E S R U O C F L O G R U O Y THERE’S MORE THAN ONE WAY TO BOOST YOUR TURF’S DEFENSE. There's never been a more innovative way to manage biotic and abiotic stress on your course. With the proven plant activator (Acibenzolar-S-Methyl) found in Daconil Action™ and Heritage Action™, you can improve growth and stimulate quicker recovery through your turf's natural defenses. To learn more, visit GreenCastOnline.com Daconil Action Fungicide Drought Stress Tolerance Heritage Action Fungicide Drought Stress Tolerance Creeping Bentgrass. Greens Height 14-day spray interval, July 2015. Untreated Control Daconii Action™ Untreated Control Heritage Action™ 0.4 oz /1,000 ft2 syngenta ©2016 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local extension service to ensure registration status. Syngenta supports a FIRPA Section 2(ee) recommendation for use of Daconil Action for suppression of Pythium Blight and Bacterial Wilt on both Group A and Group B Turf as listed on the federal label. Please see the Section 2(ee) Recommendation to confirm that the recommendation is applicable in your state. Daconil Action, GreenCast, Heritage Action, the Alliance Frame, the Purpose icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. MW 1LGG6006-GCSANJ 03/16 The GCSANJ Loses a Great Friend: Harry Harsin by Shaun Barry I played on several MET Team Championships with Harry, travelled to Scotland to play golf, enjoyed several Buffalo Hunts, enjoyed lunches with Kevin Driscoll; no matter what was happening in the world, every moment one spent with Harry seemed like the best day of your life. Sometimes we are tasked with doing things that are nearly impossible and writing a brief notice about Harry Harsin is one of those things. There should be a series of books written about Harry because every day was a story. Harry will be missed because he was a wonderful guy and he made a difference. Harry was very proud of many things in his life. He was the father of 6 children. He would never let you call him an ex-marine because once a marine always a marine. He was a wonderful husband, golfer, role model and just as important to him, he was a golf course superintendent. He loved his profession and he was very good at it. He never worked at the well known courses but he was well known for doing miracles with very little. He proudly served on the GCSANJ BODs and with Rita, his loving wife, they hosted some legendary GCSANJ President's Balls at the Barclay Hotel. They knew how to throw a party. Just ask Dave Pease about how much he enjoyed these gatherings. He hired a young Richard Hurley to work on the course and we know how well that turned out. It Is part of the reason why Rich drove 3.5 hours each way to attend Harry's wake. Also In attendance was Pat O'Neill who flew down to Florida to say good-bye. Pat looked upon Harry as an adopted uncle who was always there with advice on any topic from turfgrass to dealing with the issues that come-up in everyone's life. He remained a mentor to many people and he was universally admired. Harry dealt with his health issues like the man he always was. Rita said he never complained once about the pain. I guess marines never allow themselves to feel sorry for themselves. Mr O'Neill told me that Harry continued to work as a consultant right up to the end. A true professional. Harry Harsin - Friends with Many - A Leslie Cup Winner - A Superlative Man Immediate knockdown. Long residual. Spotless fairways. BASF We create chemistry Keep your fairways dollar-spotless for up to 28 days. The days of spraying your fairways every two weeks for dollar spots are over. Xzemplar fungicide provides immediate knockdown plus residual control for up to 28 days. To ensure spot-free fairways, Include Xzemplar fungicide in your spray program three times per year. For superintendents across the country, it's the go-to fungicide for dollar spot. Visit betterturf.basf.us for details, and get clean fairways your players will love. Always read and follow label directions. Xzemplar is a registered trademark of BASF. 2018 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved. “Your Golf Course Superintendent: We Do More Than Cut Grass!” This Poster was recently sent to every Golf Course Superintendent Member in New Jersey with a letter to post somewhere visible in the golf course. We know what we do, but we want everyone to know what we do... so this project came to life! Thanks to Board member, Jeremy Hreben, for taking the lead on this project and making this happen. We are often the unsung heroes who make the golf courses look as fantastic as they do. This poster is our effort to show all who see it that much hard work goes into making the job our superintendents a multi-faceted job. The GCSANJ Loses Another Friend: Rick Fritz Rick Fritz (left in picture) passed away suddenly while in the hospital recovering from surgery. He was a long-time member of the GCSANJ even though he represented Aventis and then Bayer in the MD area. He had some accounts in southern NJ and was a friend to all. He will be missed and will not be forgotten. The picture was taken at this year's Rutgers Turfgrass Research Field Days. Rick is pictured with John Wiblishauser formerly of Bayer, now with Grigg Brothers. SIGN UP TODAY! EARLY BIRD RATES END NOVEMBER 14TH. GCSANJ MEMBERS PAY MEMBER RATES! GREEN EXPO - December 6 - 8, 2016, The Borgata, Atlantic City NJ: Attend these GOLF SESSIONS - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday GCSANJ “Supers” Social - Wednesday Night, 8 - 11 PM, Water Club, Indoor Pool TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2016 CORE SESSION 9:00 - 11:30 AM LUNCH 5 Credits Core 9:00 - 9:30 Update on Pollinators and Pesticide Use and 9:30 - 10:30 Pesticide Toxicology “Pick Your Poison” Safety Tim Schuler, NJ State Apiarist Mike Reed, Synatek 10:30-11:30 NJDEP Update Stephen Bross. NJ DEP 9:00 - 12:00 9:00 -10:00 CONCURRENT SESSION-GCSANJ Seminar Technology in Turf William Brown. CGCS Founder & CEO, Turf Republic GCSANJ Superintendent Panel Discussion: "What's Different, What’s the Same?” Innovation, Ideas and Inspiration from 4 Superintendents GCSANJ has brought together four superintendents from different kinds of clubs to discuss the differences between operations, the way they are the same, and the lessons they've learned at their clubs. Come prepared with your questions and for animated conversation and maybe you will discover a few insights that you will be able to use ar your golf course 10:00-12:00 next season. Jason Pierce, Heron Glen Golf Course, Chris Carson, Echo Lake Country Club, Jeremy Hreben, Indian Springs Country Club, Mark Kuhns, Baltusrol Golf Club. 11:30-1:00 ALL ATTENDEES LUNCH Sponsored by STORR TRACTOR COMPANY, NJTA's loyal friend, Mary Lou DesChamps, sponsors lunch. We thank her for all she does for the industry. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2016 GOLF 8:30 - 11:30 AM 8:30 -11:30 AM: 3 Credits - 3B, 6B, 8C, PP2; 1 ProFACT 7:00-8:30 Rutgers Turfgrass Advisory Board Breakfast 3:30-9:15 - BY INVITE - How PGR & Fertilizer Programs Influence Poa Populations. Dr. Cale Bigelow, Purdue University. 9:15-10:00 The Growing Problem of Herbicide Resistance In Turfgrass Dr. Scott McElroy. Auburn University 10:00 -10:30 Zika Virus: What New Jersey Needs to Know Dr. Randy Gaugler. Rutgers University 10:30 -11:30 Preparation and Presentation of the 2016 PGA Championship at Baltusrol Mark Kuhns, Dan Kilpatrick. Jim Devaney - Baltusrol Golf Club THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2016 NOTE: Credits lists are anticipated BUT NOT CONFIRMED at print. GOLF SESSIONS 1:00-4:00 PM 1-4 PM: 1 Credit - 3B, 6B, 8C, PP2 1:00 -1:45 USGA Year in Review Dave Oatis, USGA 1:45 - 2:15 2:15 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:15 Designing Maintenance Buildings Tony Panza, AIA, James G Rogers Architects 25 Years of the Plant Diagnostic Laboratory at Rutgers: Trends in Turf Disease Diagnosis Rich Buckley, Rutgers University Updates on Brown Ring Patch Control: Field Observations and Research Results Steve McDonald, turfgrass Disease Solutions 3:15 - 4:00 Oakmont: Preparing a Legend Elliot Dowling, USGA 4:00 - 8:00 TRADE SHOW and DINNER - DAY 1 Grand Opening - Sponsored by SYNGENTA "Dine Around” the Trade Show - Sponsored by BASF Beverages - Sponsored by LA BAR GOLF RENOVATIONS TRADE SHOW LEARNING SESSIONS 5:00 - 5:30 Not EAB: Other New and Destructive Insect Pests to Keep an Eye On. (I-3A Credit) Sabrina Tirpak Rutgers University 6:30 - 7:00 Sustainable and Pesticide Free: Rain Gardens with Curb Appeal! (1-3A Credit) Michele Bakacs, RCE of Middlesex County GOLF SESSIONS 2:30-5:00 PM 2:30-5:00 PM: 3 Credits - 3B, 6B, 8C, PP2 11:30 - 2:30 TRADE SHOW and LUNCH - DAY 2________ TRADE SHOW LEARNING SESSIONS 12:00 - 12:30 Not Boxwood Blight: Other New and Destructive Diseases that Might be Coming Your Way (1-3A Credit) Rich Buckley, Rutgers University 1:30 - 2:00 Rust Never Sleeps: Common Springtime (Tree) Diseases in the Landscape (1-3A Credit) Nick Polanin. RCE of Somerset County. 2:30 - 3:00 Understanding Cultivation Technique Options Adam Moeller. USGA 3:00 - 3:30 Removing Bermuda and Poa from Bentgrass 3:30 - 4:30 Bugs in a Jug: New Insight on Turfgrass Turf Dr: Scott McElroy, Auburn University Microbiology Dr. Joseph Roberts, University of Maryland 4:30 - 5:00 Weed and Density Management in Fine Fescue Native Areas Steve McDonald, Turfgrass Disease Solutions Golf Sessions 8:00 AM - NOON CORE 1:00-3:00 PM ProFact Session 1:00-4:00 PM 8 AM to NOON: 5 Credits: 3B, 6B, 8C, PP2 8:00-12:00 Rutgers Golf Seminar 8:00 - 8:30 History of the Rutgers Turfgrass Program 8:30 - 9:00 Monitoring and Forecasting Annual Dr. Bruce Clarke, Rutgers University Bluegrass Weevil Populations Dr. Albrecht Koppenhofer. Rutgers University 9:00 - 9:30 Pathology Meteorology: Forecasting Outbreaks in Turfgrass Dr. Joseph Roberts, University of Maryland 9:30 -10:00 Using Bentgrass Tolerance, Disease Predictive Models and Fungicide Timing to Control Dollar Spot on Fairway Turf James Hempfling. Rutgers University 10:00 -10:30 Timing PGRs Based on Growing Degree Day Models Dr. Matthew Elmore. Rutgers University 10:30 - 11:00 Fairway Bentgrasses and Divot Recovery 11:00 - 11:30 Plant Activators and Turfgrass Health: Dr. Stacy Bonos. Rutgers University 11:30 - 12:00 Topdressing Sand: How Fine Is Too Fine? Impact on Heat and Drought Tolerance Dr. Bingru Huang, Rutgers University Dr. Jim Murphy, Rutgers University 1:00-3:00 CORE Session 4 CORE Credits Protective Equipment for Pesticides: Don’t Get Caught Exposing Yourself... Pat Hastings. Rutgers University (See description on page 5) 1:00 - 2:30 OPTIONAL ProFACT Training (2 separate rooms) SPANISH & ENGLISH: Prepare for the ProFACT Fertilizer applicator's test. Presentation in Spanish by Dr. Raul Cabrera. Presentation in English by Dr. Jim Murphy. 2:30 - 4:00 ProFACT Exam (2 separate rooms) SPANISH & ENGLISH: English or Spanish Written Exam Available (Separate $75 Exam fee required) Dr. Jim Murphy Rutgers University and Dr. Raul Cabrera. Rutgers University New Jersey GREEN EXPO: Ph: (973)812-6467 • Fax: (973)812-6529 • Web: www.njturlgrass.org Prevent & Treat LDS while Enjoying an Exclusive Offer Aristocracy Aristocracy is a new, nonionic wetting agent and soil conditioner from Helena that prevents and treats localized dry spots (LDS) and other problem areas in turf to keep grass growing in top condition. Aristocracy can be applied year round to promote healthy greens, tees, fairways, lawns and sports turf. It remains active in the soil for up to 40 days after application, and it has shown impressive results in all turf types. EXCLUSIVE OFFER Program Dates 6/30/16-8/30/16 Purchase 20 Gallons of Aristocracy & Receive your choice of FREE COSTA SUNGLASSES Style: Brine, Tuna Alley, Fantail, Galveston, Caballito, Cocos Lens Color: Blue or Black Frame Color: Black or Tortoise People.. .Products.. .Knowledge... Take Advantage of Helena's 2016 Exclusive Aristocracy Promotion Program Dates: June 30, 2016 - August 30, 2016 Purchase 20 Gallons of Aristocracy & Receive FREE Costa Sunglasses What Picture is on the Front Cover?? GCSANJ Track Day 1978 Seems that in 1978 the Supers also held a Summer Social at Monmouth Park and Al Caravella, Bob Ribbans, Dennis Wagner, and Ken Kubik had their picture taken with the Jockey of the “Greens Superintendent” Race. Ken Kubik sent us this picture to remind us of how long we have been having fun! Thanks Ken! GCSANJ Member news Members on the move Dennis DeSanctis Jr. has changed jobs! Previously working with Syngenta, he has now joined his father at; Double “D” Turf, LLC New Contact Information: Cell: (732) 580-5516 Email: DennisJr@doubledturf.com Web: www.DoubleDTurf.com Company Address: 86 Bergen Mills Road, Monroe Township, NJ 08831 YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE FOR THE SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR SUCCESS. With locations in reach of every jobsite, a wide breadth of inventory and n innovative customer experience, we are the leading source for green industry supplies and services. Our world-class team of over 2,500 industry experts is focused every day on meeting the unique needs of every customer. We know your business,challenges and expectations better than anyone else, making us a true partner in your success. 800.SiteOne | SiteOne.com Wayne Remo (862) 209 - 8243 Chad Mathieu (914) 539 - 5675 Shawn Reynolds (401) 486 - 9133 Frank Jacheo (732) 489 - 1442 SiteOneLandscape Supply SUMMER SOCIAL, MONMOUTH PARK • AUGUST 21, 2016 Gelfenstein Farm, Owner Jorge Navarro, Trainer Jose Ferrer, Rider 1 Mile 1/16 1:44 4/5 GCSANJ SUMMER SOCIAL RACE Purse - $15,000 Chovanes Monmouth Park Flowers For Lisa 2nd He's From The Queens 3rd August 21, 2016 Equi-Photo.com The Liquid Fertilizer Experts & Perfectionists Like You. PLANT FOOD COMPANY, INC. NEW JERSEY TEAM Tom Weinert: (914) 262-0111 tweinert@plantfoodco.com Dick Neufeld (973) 945-6318 dneufeld@plantfoodco.com Tom Pepe: (609) 751-1372 tpepe@plantfoodco.com Rich Sweeney (609) 580-0420 rsweeney@plantfoodco.com www.plantfoodco.com 800-562-1291 Green-T GCSAA affiliate member Congrats KAYLA CAMPBELL Daughter of Patrick Campbell JACOB LARSON Son of Doug Larson SEAN LARSON Son of Doug Larson JOHN PETROVSKY GCSANJ Member LAKES PONDS PETER MCGILLAN EXCAVATING LLC 24 Conover Road Millstone Twp, NJ 08535 (609) 213-2138 2016 GCSANJ Foundation Scholarship Winners EMILY VOGEL Daughter of Doug Vogel SIERRA WELD Daughter of Clark Weld SKY WELD Daughter of Clark Weld Oceangro 5-5-0 Organic Granular Fertilizer With 2% Calcium & 2% Iron AG Enterprises STAFF UNIFORMS STAFF SHIRTS I PANTS Outerwear • Sweat Shirts • T-Shirts • Shorts • Sun Helmets Hats • Ram Suits • Work Boots • Logo Ball Washer Towels embroidered or Screened Logo RICK GORDON low dust economical low bum potential now offered In blends 201-488-1276 Fax: 201-489-5830 Email: Merrick160@aol.com www.agententerprisesonline.com 160 Overlook Avenue HAckensack, NJ 07601 Produced by The Ocean County Utilities Authority 732-269-4500 ex. 8331 www.ocua.com Total Turf GOlf Services ...is proud to be a part of the Total Turf Golf Services team to help bring the... Integrity. Quality. Safety. Care. New Jersey State Open to Galloping Hill Golf Course BLACK LAGOON Black Lagoon Pond Management and Invasives Control specializes in maintaining the delicate balance needed for a thriving aquatic ecosystem through customized scientific solutions. Our aquatic services focus on maintaining the ecological health and aesthetic beauty of your lake, pond or wetland. Pond management. Invasive Controls We offer a wide range of aquatic services including algae and weed management, invasive species control, pond aeration, water quality testing and fountain installation. We also feature an award winning floating fountain service and repair center. Black Lagoon's professional pond, lake and wetland management services are available in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, Get a free consultation on having your lake, pond, aquatic site or aeration system professionally serviced and maintained bv Black Laqoon. ServicesAlgae and weed control Aquamaster fountains - sales/service Otterbine Fountains - slaes/service Water testing Phosphorous removal PROVIDING SERVICES IN: NJ: 609 815 1654 PA: 267 797 0710 DE/MD: 302 670 5199 info@blacklagoon.us www.blacklagoon.us IT'S YOUR CHOICE PYTHFUL or BLISSFUL? Segway Fungicide SC makes Supers smile. It's hard to be happy when Pythium disease damages your turf. So don't let it. Segway® Fungicide SC delivers outstanding protection against Pythium root dysfunction, Pythium blight, and Pythium damping-off. Segway works fast and lasts up to 28 days for healthier turf. Healthier turf means happier golfers, and happier golfers mean happier Supers. For more information on Segway Fungicide SC, visit: GordonsProfessional.com or call John Patten at 609.970.1546 pbi/ Gordon Corporation An Employee-Owned Company Always read and follow label directions. Gordons® is a registered trademark of PBI-Gordon Corp. Segway® is a registered trademark of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd. 1/36-04219 Harrell's Growing a Better World | Teamwork pays. At Harrell's we've been big on genuine relationships and taking care of our customers' needs for 75 years. Our early order program is a prime example. Save on trusted products you need most from BASF, Bayer, Syngenta, Dow and FMC; Plus Harrell's brand products. Call your sales representative today or visit harrells.com to find one in your area. JOSH KOPERA jkopera@harrells.com (201) 213-8693 JEN SCHNEIDER jschneider@harrells.com (732) 284-0895 Book your Early Order today and save on the products you'll need most next season. DOUBLE ‘D’ TURF, LLC Specialized Drill & Fill and Deep Drill Aerification Services for Golf Courses and Athletic Fields in NJ, PA, NY, CT, MD, and DE. New Jersey’s Distributor for; JRM Inc. Innovative Turf Technology Providing a Large Selection of Tines, Bedknives, and more to the Turf Industry. Turf Pride Woodbay SMG Industries Galaxy Turf Tires TurfTime Equipment Dennis DeSanctis, Sr. 732-241-7378 DoubleDTurf.com Fisher & Son COMPANY, INC. From premium grass seed and fertilizers to cutting edge plant protectants and agronomic services, we're dedicated to providing our clients trusted solutions for today's course management challenges. Check us out at FisherAndSon.com. 800-262-2127 • Family owned since 1928 grass roots Website http://goo.gl/21beQy We carry a full line of turf maintenance supplies from the leading manufacturers in the industry. Products include: plant protectants, fertilizers, grass seed, tools, golf course accessories, soils, topdressing, mulches, adjuvants, and much more. We Pride Ourselves in Customer Service Technical Support Quality Products Follow & Tweet Us www.facebook.com/GrassRootsTurf www.twitter.com/GrassRootsTurf Grass Roots Turf Products www.griturf.com Address: 4 Middlebury Blvd., Suite 7, Randolph, NJ 07869 Phone: 973-252-6638 - Email; sales@griturf.com SMS ADDITIVE SOLUTIONS macro-sorb TECHNOLOGIES LLC United Turf Alliance Seeton Turf • Warehouse, LLC • Brian Gjelsvik North Jersey Mike Linkewich Phila. / S. Jersey Stephen Rudich LeHigh Valley Bill Cimochowski NJ/CT/Phila. briang@seetonturf.com 973-670-7139 MD/ DE link@seetonturf.com Phila. / NJ stever@seetonturf.com 267-688-8900 610-349-9519 Brian Bontemps North Jersey / NY brianbontemps@seetonturf.com 845-239-7959 Zach Brooks Connecticut zach@seetonturf.com 914-309-2373 billc@seetonturf.com 609-923-4045 Erik Goodroad erikgoodroad@seetonturf.com PA/MD/DE 610-836-2476 The “Dogs of GCSANJ” Pepper will be turning 1 year old on December 1st. She is a lab/pit mix and was rescued from the organization Dont Bully Us Rescue. Pepper’s mom was found in a drainage ditch abandoned in Georgia while she was pregnant. Dont Bully Us Rescue came in and took on the responsibility of not only taking care of mom, but her litter of 8 puppies. Pepper loves the golf course and just going along for rides with anybody. She loves her golfballs and baseball, and you'll never see her without one of those on the golf course. She loves searching the Tall Grass for missing golf balls and searching the carts for food that is left behind. Shes a loving and loyal member of our maintenance team. Her newest trick is giving Mommy (my wife Megan) kisses before we leave for work in the morning. Pepper’s Parents are: Tom and Megan Higgins of Jumping Brook Country Club DOWNES TREE SERVICE, INC. Hawthorne, New Jersey We are a full service tree company with the skilled crews and all the cquipment needed to take care of your golf course enhancement needs Call Kevin Downes directly on his cell for personal service: 201-240-0744kevin@downestreeservice.com CHECK OUT GCSANJ ON SOCIAL MEDIA! twitter @ GCSANJ1926 Find us on facebook LANGAN Irrigation water supply source development Drainage improvements Diversion permit filings Left: Plainfield Country Club. Edison. NJ Right: Hackensack Golf Club, Oradell. NJ Brian Blum, CPG, LSRP Senior Associate/Vice President bblum@langan.com | 973.560.4985 Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey Technical Excellence Practical Experience Client Responsiveness 2016 PATRON DIRECTORY New Jersey Chapter GCSAA DRYJECT NEW JERSEY 7 Seagull Lane Lincroft, NJ 07738 Ph: 917-617-8827 dryjectnj@comcast.net FISHER & SON COMPANY, INC. Distributor of Golf & Turf Products Rob Johnson & Ralph Henninger Fertilizer, Seed, Horticultural 110 Summit Drive, Exton PA 19341 Ph: 800-262-2127 Ralph - 609-289-7882 rhenninger@fisherandson. com Rob - 215-475-7998 rjohnson@fisherandson.com GRASS ROOTS, INC. Golf Course Maintenance Supplies Ken Kubik: (973) 418-7035 Keith Kubik: (973) 418-7034 Ryan Burbridge: (973) 418-7038 Jay McKenna: (973) 418-7036 Office: (973) 252-6634 GROWTH PRODUCTS, LTD. Manufacturer/Distributor Matthew Grassi/ Nicole Campbell Fertilizers, Micronutrients, Organics, Fungicides 80 Lafayette Avenue White Plains, NY 10603 Ph: 800-648-7626 Fx: 914-4282780 questions@growthproducts. com HARRELL'S LLC Josh Kopera - (201) 213-8693 jkopera@harrells.com Jen Schneider - (732) 8284-0895 jschnelder@harrells.com www.harrells.com Ph: 800-282-8007 HELENA CHEMICAL Shaun Kennedy Ph: 973-980-8516 kennedys@ helenachemical.com A. G. ENTERPRISES Staff Uniforms Rick Gordon Ph: 201-488-1276 Fx: 201-489-5830 Merrickl60@aol.com www.agententerprisesonline. com BASF PROFESSIONAL & SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS Plant Protection & Plant Health Products David Schell Lexicon, Xzemplar, Honor, Insignia & Emerald Ph: 410-800-8762 david.schell@basf.com BAYER Plant Health Products Jeffrey Weld Pesticides 2 T.W. Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2014 Ph: 914- 419-9384 Fx: 877-492-1897 jeff.weld@bayer.com BLACK LAGOON Pond Management/ Invasives Control Michael J, Blaner & Chris Borek Algae/Weed Control; Fountain Sales/Service/lnstallation 56 US Highway 130 South Bordentown, NJ 08620 Ph: 302-670-5199 Fx: 609-585-0525 blacklagoon.office@ gmail.com www.blacklagoon.us DOUBLE 'D' TURF, LLC Turfgrass Aeration Specialist Dennis DeSanctis, Sr. Dennis DeSanctis, Jr. Drill & Fill, Turf-Pride, JRM Tines 86 Bergen Mills Road Monroe Twp, NJ 08831 Ph: 732-241-7378 (Sr) Ph: 732-580-5516 (Jr) Fx: 732-446-0708 dennis@doubledturf.com dennisjr@doubledturf.com www.doubledturf.com DOWNES TREE SERVICE Tree Services Kevin Downes Tree Removal/Trimming 65 Royal Avenue Hawthorne, NJ 07506 Ph: 973-238-9800 Fx: 973-238-0222 info@downestreeservice.com JERSEY SEED, INC. Supplier Seed & Seeding Supplies Ken Griepentrog 18B Jules Lane New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Ph: 732-247-3100 Fx: 732-247-3514 Ken@jerseyseed.com PBI GORDON CORP Pesticide Manufacturer John Patten Herbicides, Fungicides, Insecticides PO Box 4090 Kansas City, MO 64101 Ph: 609-970-1546 jpatten@pbigordon.com PETER MCGILLAN EXCAVATING LLC Peter McGillan Excavation Specializing in Lakes and Ponds 24 Conover Road Millstone Township, NJ 08535 Ph: 609-213-2138 Fx: 732-792-0616 petermcgillanexcavatingllc@ gmail.com PLANT FOOD COMPANY "The Liquid Fertilizer Experts" Dick Neufeld (973) 945-6318 Tom Weinert (914) 262-0111 Tom Pepe (609) 751-1372 Biostimulants & Other Products for Premium Turfgrass www.plantfoodco.com Ph: (800) 562-1291 PFC@plantfoodco.com SEETON TURF WAREHOUSE Brian Gjelsvik 25 Roland Avenue Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 Ph: 856-273-1402 briangjelsvik@seetonturf.com SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Providing the Products and Expertise That You Need and Trust Agronomic Sales Representatives: Frank Jacheo (732) 489-1442 fjacheo@siteone.com Chad Mathieu (914) 539-5675 cmathieu@siteone.com Wayne P. Remo (862) 209-8243 wremo@siteone.com Shawn Reynolds (401) 486-9133 sreynolds@jsiteone.com STEPHEN KAY & DOUG SMITH GOLF DESIGN, LLC Golf Course Architecture Stephen Kay Master Plans, Golf Course Restoration and Drainage Design 665 Saint Andrews Drive Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 Ph: 609-703-3300 Fx: 609-965-9174 stephenkgolf@aol.com STORR TRACTOR COMPANY Commercial Toro Turf & Irrigation Equipment Blair Quin, Steve Bradley, Rick Krok 3191 Highway 22 Branchburg NJ 08876 Ph: 908-722-9830 • Fx: 908-722-9847 kindyk@storrtractor.com SYNGENTA Manufacturer Lee Kozsey Plant Protectants Lee: lee. kozsey@syngenta.com 215-796-0409 TOTAL TURF GOLF SERVICES Greg Hufner 1965 Byberry Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Ph: 215-426-0554 gregh@totalturfservices.com WILFRED MacDONALD, INC. Turf Equipment Sales Bill Luth in • Bernie White • Glenn Gallion • 19 Central Blvd South Hackensack, NJ 07606 Ph: 888-831-0891 • Fx: 201- 931-1730 sales@wilfredmacdonald.com Advertisers and Patrons appreciate your support. Tell them you saw them in the Greenerside! Contact them for your needs... directly GCSANJ Member Code of Ethics GCSAA's bylaws, article III, sections 2 and 3, authorize the board of directors to enforce this code by procedures established through standing rules for the conduct of such proceedings. This code is established to promote and maintain the highest professional standards of service and conduct among the membership of GCSAA. Steadfastly maintaining these principles will accrue to the membership a level of justly deserved recognition and respect from those who come into contact with any member. Through high regard for, and strong enforcement of, the code, membership in this association will be deemed a significant indicator of individual responsibility, character and professionalism. Professional courtesies or conduct are set forth in the Professional Conduct Guidelines and should be adhered to by all GCSAA members. As a professional courtesy, a member should always contact a fellow superintendent before visiting that superintendent's golf course. As a member of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, I accept and fully agree to abide by this code and pledge myself to: 1. Recognize and discharge all of my responsibilities and duties in such a fashion as to enhance this Association and my profession. 2. Practice and insist upon sound business and turf management principles in exercising the responsibilities of my positions 3. Utilize frequent opportunities to expand my professional knowledge, thereby improving myself and my profession. 4. Refrain from any unethical act tending to promote my own interest at the expense of the dignity and integrity of the profession. 5. Base endorsements, whether written, verbal, or through any other medium strictly upon satisfactory personal experiences with the product, item or service endorsed. 6. Refrain from encouraging or accepting considerations of any value without the express understanding of all parties that said consideration is available to all persons in similar circumstances, and no gift or consideration is for personal gain to the detriment of the course, my employer or the profession. 7. Recognize and observe the highest standards of integrity in my relationships with fellow golf course superintendents and others associated with this profession and industry> 8. Assist my fellow superintendents in all ways consistent with my abilities. 9. Abstain from making false or untrue statements concerning another superintendent that causes public embarrassment to another superintendent. 10. Lend my support to, and actively participate In, the efforts of my local chapter and National Association to improve public understanding and recognition of the profession of golf course management. 11. Promptly report all known or suspected violations of the Code of Ethics and voluntarily participate as a witness and present information in all proceedings to determine the possibility of a violation of this Code of Ethics. 12. Abstain from applying for or otherwise seeking employment in a dishonest manner. For the purpose of this section of the Code, a member seeks employment in a dishonest manner if he or she does one or more of the following in connection with the prospective employment: (a) provides false or misleading information to a prospective employer; (b) makes false, slanderous or defamatory statements concerning a fellow superintendent; (c) attempts to undermine or improperly influence the staff of a fellow superintendent; (d) attempts to deceive, mislead or misinform a fellow superintendent's employer, supervisor or fellow employees; (e) makes misleading, deceptive or false statements or claims about his or her professional qualifications, experience or performance; or (f) makes misleading, deceptive or false statements or claims about a member superintendent's professional qualifications, experience or performance. 13. Refrain from accepting employment, as a consultant, in a dishonest manner. For the purposes of this section of the Code, a consultant accepts employment in a dishonest manner if he or she does one or more of the following in connection with such consulting: (a) provides false or misleading information to a prospective employer; (b) makes false, slanderous or defamatory statements concerning a fellow superintendent; (c) attempts to undermine or Improperly Influence the staff of a fellow superintendent; (d) attempts to deceive, mislead or misinform a fellow superintendent's employer, supervisor or fellow employees; (e) makes misleading, deceptive or false statements or claims about his or her professional qualifications, experience or performance; or (f) makes misleading, deceptive or false statements or claims about a fellow superintendent's professional qualifications, experience or performance. 14. Abstain from conduct constituting a crime under federal, state or local law, the penalty for which is, or may be, imprisonment, including but not limited to crimes of moral turpitude and dishonesty. A member's conviction of a crime will be considered conclusive evidence that the member committed that crime for the purposes of this Code. 15. Abstain from knowingly making false statements or knowingly failing to disclose a material fact requested in connection with application or renewal for GCSAA membership or for membership in an affiliated chapter. 16. Express professional opinions on technical subjects publicly only when that opinion is founded upon adequate knowledge of the facts and competence in the subject matter. MORE COMFORT. MORE POWER. MORE VERSATILITY. MORE CONTROL. Simply Superior. THE NEW WORKMAN GTX SERIES. COMING SPRING 2016. STC Storr Tractor Company Branchburg, NJ 908-722-9830 © 2016 The Toro Company. All rights reserved. TORO