October 1991 LAWN INSTITUTE Harvests Volume 38 Number 3 A The Harvest Mix This issue of Harvests is presented as a Special Publication. It is formatted in two sections, 3A and 3B. Both sections are concerned with the identification and brief review of Turfgrass Research projects conducted throughout, the United States. During the past ten years, many questions have been asked concerning the availability of turfgrass research results on this or that topic. Why is it that we have no data available on this or that problem ? Why isn't anyone working on this or that condition ? Why doesn't turfgrass research address itself to this or that environmental issue ? Through a review of current research projects in this country, we can now offer you the means for providing authoritative answers to these question. A REVIEW OF CURRENT TURF RESEARCH IN THE UNITED STATES Many gardeners and others concerned about environmental quality often are not well informed concerning the wealth of research information that helps form the basis for the culture and management of lawns and sports turf. Recommendations for proper use of fertilizers, pesticides, water and for adjusting height and frequency of cut. and need for core cultivation and spiking to releive soil comptaction come in large measure from Agricultural Experiment Station research projects. Studies are conducted in nearly every state in the country so that climatic and soil variables can be taken into account. A 1989 search of the Current Research information Service (CRIS) USDA file of agricultural research projects produced a listing of 300 entries [1]. Key words used in the identification of these entries were: turfgrass, turf, grass, lawn, golf, golf course, landscape-grass. Of these 300 projects, 269 were determined to be relevant to objectives and concerns of the overall turfgrass industry in the United States, an industry with an agri-business impact of over 30 billion the average dollars a year. On the basis of project budget being close to $50,000 a year, the total worth of these research projects would be nearly 13 and 1/2 million dollars a year. This amounts to .045% of the yearly dollar impact of the turfgrass commodity in this country. When private research commitment, the total research dollars would likely approach 1% of the commodity dollar value. A statement concerning each of these 269 projects is presented here. The following brief will help to provide an overview of what is being investigated and where the work is being conducted: - project title - location of research station - investigators - project duration - subject to - number extension/revision key project objectives. You will note that the same projects may be listed in several states and even at different branch stations within a state. Further, the same project name may be listed twice with different dates specified for the conduct of the research. This indicates a revision in the project and identifies two different progress reports, one concluding work completed and one reporting new investigations under way. Both are listed here and identified as part of the overall turfgrass research effort. SPECIAL NOTICE [1] The assistance of Dr Jesse Ostroff, Special Information Services, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, Maryland is gratefully acknowledged in the conduct of this CRTS search. These sections were identified to group research of common interest an concern with identifiable regions. This rationale does not always hold as growth conditions within some states vary considerably depending on elevation or coastal influence. This influences research objectives and needs for research information locally. Within each section of the country projects are grouped as appropriate in the following categories: any Utilization - Cultural Practices/ Cultivar Evaluation - Breeding and Genetics - Seed Production - Soil Properties - Climate and Stress - Fertilizers/ Mineral Nutrition - Irrigation/Water Relationships - Weed Relationships/ Growth Regulation - Insect Relationships - Disease Relationships - Pesticides General These groupings are also not inclusive. Many projects could be listed under any one of several different headings. For example, irrigation and water relations are very much a part of soil property, climate and stress investigations. Never-the-less, these nine research headings provide focus for investigations on a nation-wide basis. Additional information on each of these projects, including results, is available from the investigator[s] listed. The 269 projects are grouped according to location of the research station in one of 7 sections of the country: - Northeast: - Connecticut - Delaware - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New York - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - Vermont -Transition : - Kentucky - Missouri - Tennessee - Virginia - West Virginia - Southeast, Hawaii & Puerto Rico: - Alabama - Florida - Georgia - Hawaii - Louisiana - Mississippi - North Carolina - Puerto Rico - South Carolina - North Central/Midwest: - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Michigan - Minnesota - North Dakota - Ohio - South Dakota - Wisconsin -Southwest: - Arizona - Arkansas - New Mexico - Oklahoma - Texas - West: - California - Colorado - Kansas - Nebraska - Nevada - Utah -Northwest : - Alaska - Idaho - Montana - Washington - Wyoming Northeast CULTURAL PRACTICES/CULTIVAR EVALUATIONS Storrs, Connecticut Efficient Turfgrass Culture With Limited Inputs of Water and Energy - University of Connecticut - Dest - Jui 83 - Sept 87 - Devise cultural systems that are compatible with the utilization of water of varied quantity and quality; develop cultural systems and varieties that improve the utilization of nutrients. 0090567 Efficient Turfgrass Culture With Limited Inputs of Water and Energy - Agricultural Experiment Station - Walton - Jun 84 - Sept 86 - Develop cultural systems and varieties that New Haven, Connecticut improve the utilization of nutrients. 0011955 Integrated Turfgrass Management For Environmental Enhancement and Resource Conservation - University of Maryland College Park, Maryland - Dernoeden, Welterlen - Nov 87 - Sept 90 - Determine the effects of management on the quality of water emanating from various turf sites; determine interrelationships among turf genotypes, pests, environmental stress, pesticides and cultural practices. 0133323 Efficient Turfgrass Culture With Limited Inputs of Water and Energy - University of Maryland College Park, Maryland - Dernoeden - Oct 81 - Sept 86 - Devise cultural systems that are compatible with the utilization of water of varied quantity and quality; develop cultural systems and varieties that improve the utilization of nutrients; reduce energy consumption and pesticide requirements. 0086092 Beltsville, Maryland Integrated Management Practices and Evaluation of Grasses for Turf - Beltsville Agricultural Research Center - Murray, O'Neill - Sept 79 - Mar 95 - Assess plant introductions, varieties from breeding programs and individual selections; determine merit of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides on establishment, renovation and maintenance; determine feasibility of utilizing composed sewage sludge for turfgrass production. 0045658 Amherst, Massachusetts Integrated Turfgrass Management for Environmental Enhancement and Resource Conservation - University of Massachusetts - Bhowmik, Cooper, Torello - Oct 87 - Sept 92 - Determine the effects of pesticides and fertilizer application on the quality of the environment; determine relationships among turfgrass genotypes, pests, environmental stresses, pesticides and cultural practices which enhance turf quality. 0133642 Amherst, Massachusetts Efficient Turfgrass Culture With Limited Inputs of Water and Energy - University of Massachusetts - Torello, Bhowmik, Cooper - Oct 81 - Sept 87 - Devise cultural systems that are compatible with the utilization of water of varied quantity and quality; improve utilization of nutrients; reduce energy consumption; reduce pesticide requirements. 0085948 New Brunswick, New Jersey Minimum Maintenance Cover on Problem Sites in New Jersey - Rutgers University - Duell - Jan 84 - Dec 91 - Elucidate and evaluate the nature and magnitude of factors affecting the establishment and maintenance of appropriate vegetative cover for problem sites in New Jersey. 0031839 New Brunswick, New Jersey Integrated Turfgrass Management for Environmental Enhancement and Resource Conservation - Rutgers University - Duell, Funk, White - Oct 87 - Sept 92 - Determine the interrelationships among turf genotypes, pests, environmental stresses, pesticides and cultural practices that enhance turf management; study the role of endophytic fungi in modifying turfgrass performance. 0134278 Contribution of the Agricultural and Food Industry to the New Jersey Economy - Rutgers University - Adelaja - Oct 86 - Dec 87 New Brunswick, New Jersey 0130.146 - Estimate the value of production, value added and employment generated in each sector of the food and agricultural industry; show the relative importance of major subsectors and to determine the causes of growth in employment, value added and production. Management For Integrated Turfgrass Environmental Enhancement and Resource Conservation - Cornell University Ithaca, New York - Petrovic, Hummel, Neal - Oct 87 - Sept 92 - Determine the effects of management on the quality of water emanating from various turf the interrelationships among environmental stresses, herbicides and cultural practices that enhance turf management. determine 0134148 sites; Integrated Turfgrass Management for Environmental Enhancement and Resources Conservation - Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvaina - Watschke, Waddington, Heller - Oct 87 - Sept 92 0133474 - Determine effects of management on the quality of water emanating from various turf sites; determine interrelationships among turf genotypes, pests, environmental stresses, pesticides and cultural practices . Efficient Turfgrass Culture with Limited Inputs of Water and Energy - Pennsylvania State University University Pakr, Pennsylvania - Dulch, Watschke - Oct 81 - Sept 87 0082277 - Evaluate drought tolerance of turfgrass species under minimum maintenance conditions; determine nutrient uptake of selected cultivars and the impact of soil amendments and growth retardants on performance. Efficient Turfgrass Cultur with Limited Inputs of Water and Energy - Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey - Funk - Oct 81 - Sept 86 0086091 - Devose cultural systems that are compatble with the utilization of water of varied quantity and quality; improve utilization of nutrients; reduce energy consumption; reduce pesticides requirements. Efficient Turfgrass Culture with Limited Inputs of Water and Energy - Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey - Duell - Oct 81 - Sept 87 0086882 - Devise cultural systems that are compatible with the utilization of water of varied quantity and quality: develop cultural systems and varities that improve utilization of nutrients; develop managment systems that reduce energy consumption. Efficient Turfgrass Culture With Limited Inputs of Water and Energy - Cornell University Ithaca, New York - Petrovic, Smiley, Tashiro - Oct 81 - Sept 86 - Devise cultural systems that are compatible with the utilization of water of varied quantity and quality; improve utilization reduce pesticide of nutrients, requirements. 0086038 Efficient Turfgrass Culture With Limited Inputs of Water and Energy - New York Agricultural Experiment Station Geneva, New York - Tashiro, Petrovic - Oct 81 - Dec 85 - Develop cultural systems and varieties that reduce pesticide requirements; determine populations of insects present and evaluate condition of cultivars in relation to insect feeding. 0086930 Integrated Turfgrass Management for and Resource Environmental Enhancement Conservation - New York Agricultural Experiment Station Geneva, New York - Villani - Oct 87 - Sept 92 - Determine the Interrelationships among turf genotypes, pests, environmental stresses, pesticides, and cultural practices that enhance turf management. 0134150 Integrated Turfgrass Management for Environmental Enhancement and Resource Conservation - University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rhode Island - Skogley, Jackson, Duff - Oct 87 - Sept 92 - Determine the effects of management on the quality of water emanating from various turf the interrelationships among turf genotypes, pests, environmental stresses, pesticides and cultural practices. determine 0133896 sites; Kingston, Rhode Island Efficient Turfgrass Culture With Limited Inputs of Water and Energy - University of Rhode Island - Skogley, Jagschitz - Oct 81 - Sept 87 - Devise cultural systems that are compatible with the utilization of water of varied quantity and quality; improve utilization of nutrients; reduce energy consumption; reduce pesticide requirements. 0082992 Kingston, Rhode Island Rural Land Use, Policy and Taxation in the Northeast - University of Rhode Island - Wichelns - Oct 83 - Sept 89 - Determine the effectiveness of rural land use including turfgrass sod production and tax policies which affect the retention of farmland and open space; determine the magnitude and distribution of social costs and benefits of these rural land use and taxation policies. 0091855 BREEDING AND GENETICS - SEED PRODUCTION New Haven, Connecticut Seed Testing - Agricultural Experiment Station - Walton - Jan 71 - Jan 99 - Test the quality of seeds offered for sale in Connecticut; run germination tests on vegetable and field seeds, including mixtures of grass seeds for lawns which will also be tested for purity. 0009530 Electrophoretic and Morphological Studies of the Genus Zoysia - University of Maryland College Park, Maryland - Murray, Welterlen - Aug 85 - July 86 - Isolate and isozymes and morphological traits for the purpose of as genetic markers in an using them interspecific hybridization program. 0140232 identify breeding Beltsville, Maryland Enhancement of Germplasm and Assessment Techniques of Grasses for Turf - Beltsville Agriculture Research Center - Murray - Apr 86 - Mar 91 - Assemble and exploit plant genetic potentials; locate types requiring less input of resources; identify genetic markers, concepts and techniques for improving Poa, Festuca and zoysia. 0141344 Beltsville, Maryland Breeding, Genetics and Pathology of Grasses for Turf - Beltsville Agricultural Research Center - O’Neill, Murray - Jan 76 - Jul 85 - Develop improved breeding techniques of forage and turfgrasses; devise screening methods for incorporation of superior quality and agronomic traits; release improved germplasm; develop procedures for controlling diseases in the transition zone; isolate sources of resistance. 0042927 Amherst, Massachusetts The Development Techniques for the Improvement of Turfgrasses by Tissue Culture - University of Massachusetts - Torello - Oct 82 - Sept 87 - Investigate hormonal requirements and environmental parameters for plantlet regeneration and suspension cultures; induce and select cellular variations which exhibit tolerances to heat, cold and salts. 0088897 New Brunswick, New Jersey Breeding and Evaluation of Turfgrasses - Rutgers University - Funk - Jun 87 - Sept 91 - Maintain and monitor cultivars developed, enhance quality seed production; collect, preserve and enhance germplasm; evaluate turfgrasses and develop more efficient germplasm screening and evaluation techniques; improve the procedures and techniques for more effective genetic improvement. 0002989 New Brunswick, New Jersey Biology of Fungal Endophytes Associated with Turfgrass - Rutgers University - Halisky, Clarke - Oct 84 - Sept 89 - Develop methods of staining the fungal endophyte to facilitate screening of grass seeds and seedlings; Isolate and culture the endophyte; develop inoculation techniques; determine distribution in grass hosts; investigate response of infected plants with other pathogens. 0012198 Turfgrass Breeding - Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania - Duich - Jul 82 - Jun 87 - Expand germplasm resources and develop improved cultivars for turfgrass use within the genus Agrostis, Festuca, Lolium and Poa. 0085315 Turfgrass Breeding and Evaluation - Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania - Dutch, Nelson - Jul 87 - Jun 92 - Develop improved cultivars of turfgrasses for lawns and recreational use and evaluate characteristics which determine turfgrass quality. 0131932 Maintenance and Production of Seed Stocks of Agronomic and Horticultural Crops - Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania _ McKee -Jul 67 - Jun 87 - Maintain essential supplies of basic seed stocks of varieties of agronomic and horticultural crops originated in the research programs of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station including turfgrasses. 0027620 SOIL PROPERTIES - CLIMATE AND STRESS Culture and Adaptation of Turfgrasses to Environmental Stress - University of Maryland College Park, Maryland - Welterlen, Dernoeden - Oct 83 - Sept 86 - Evaluate cultivar and species response to environmental stresses; determine effects of cultural practices on stress tolerance of turfgrasses to investigate methods to reduce environmental stress. 0091207 FERTILIZERS/ MINERAL NUTRITION Storrs, Connecticut Integrated Turfgrass Management for Environmental Enhancement and Resource Conservation - University of Connecticut - Dest - Oct 87 - Sept 92 - Develop effective, environmentally compatible fertilization practices. 0136255 efficient, Micronutrient Nutrition of Creeping Bentgrass Grown on Sand Based Media - Cornell University Ithaca, New York - Hummel, Davidson - Dec 88 - Sept 91 - Determine need for manganese applications for bentgrass grown at different fertility levels on two sand types. 0136998 Soil Test Calibration Studies for Turfgrass - Cornell University Ithaca, New York - Hummel, Petrovic - Oct 84 - Sept 88 - Evaluate and correlate soil test results of three analytical methods to turfgrass response in the field; determine the best analytical soil test method and to develop a set of fertilizer recommendations for that method. 0093915 Fertilization and Soil Properties on Turfgrass Areas - Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania - Waddinton, Duich, Watschke - Jul 85 - Jun 90 0095415 - Determine nitrogen availability and release rate; determine interrelationships between applied fertilizer, soil test results and turfgrass response; determine the effect of management practices on soil physical properties of turf areas. Kingston, Rhode Island Quality Turf: Substitution of Iron for Nitrogen: Identification of Grasses Requiring Less Fertilizer - University of Rhode Island - Duff, Hull, Skogley - Oct 85 - Sept 90 - Investigate turf management strategies leading to production of acceptable quality turf at lower than historic levels of input. 0096051 The Effects of Slow Release Nitrogen Sources on Nitrate Leaching From Late Fall Applications to Turf - Cornell University Ithaca, New York - Petrovic - Jan 89 - Sept 92 - Determine the extent of nitrate leaching from turfgrass sites receiving slow release nitrogen sources in the late fall period. 0093898 Kingston, Rhode Island Factors Governing the Efficiency of Nutrient and Water Use by Turfgrasses - University of Rhode Island - Hull, Gold, Skogley - Oct 85 - Sept 90 - Identify characteristics of turfgrass species which contribute to efficient water use; identify properties which contribute to more efficient nutrient use; construct a comprehensive nitrogen flux model for closely mowed Kentucky bluegrass turf. 0096123 WEED RELATIONSHIPS/GROWTH REGULATION Mew Haven, Connecticut Weed Control Strategies for Ornamentals, Small Fruits, Orchards and Landscapes - Agricultural Experiment Station - Ahrens - Oct 86 - Sept. 91 - Investigate effects of long-term use of herbicides; herbicide penetration and persistence in the soil profile; investigate how to reduce quantity of herbicide required; investigate methods for control of troublesome weeds. 0130824 investigate Weed Control Technology for Ornamental Crops - Valley Agricultural Experiment Station - Ahrens, Frank - Mar 87 - July 98 - Evaluate herbicides for their effectiveness Laboratory, Windsor, Connecticut and phytotoxicity under field conditions. 0141895 Beltsville, Maryland Isolate and Identify New Natural and Synthetic Plant Growth Regulating Substances - Beltsville Agricultural Research Center - Buta, Mandava - Jan 74 - Jul 85 - Isolate and identify new natural and synthetic biologically active plant growth regulating substances with emphasis on those released by plants into the environment which improve the growth of other plants or organisms or cause alleopathic effects on plants including turfgrasses. 0040792 Endogenous Growth Regulators Associated With Allelochemical Interactions in Turfgrasses and Dwarfing Fruit Trees - Beltsville Agricultural Research Center Beltsville, Maryland - Buta, Reed, Anderson - Jul 85 - Jul 90 - Identification of endogenous growth regulators having allelochemical effects on germination and early seedling growth. 0140146 Amherst, Massachusetts Weed Control in Field Crops and Turfgrasses - University of Massachusetts - Bhowmik, Marsh - Oct 84 - Sept 89 - Develop weed for turfgrasses and field crops by establishing efficacy, crop and turf tolerance and residue data under Massachusetts conditions; identify the combinations of factors that contribute to weed suppression in field crops and lawn turf. methods 0094136 control New Brunswick, New Jersey Factors Affecting Turfgrass Herbicide Efficiency - Rutgers University - Engel - Jan 59 - Dec 84 - Determine effects of herbicides on seed and seedlings and on turfgrass plants; evaluate the chemical and physical management factors to determine if they are damaged or enhanced by the performance of several turfgrass preemergence herbicides. 0004343 Control of Weeds in Turfgrass - Cornell University Ithaca, New York - Bing, Neal, Hummel - Oct 82 - Dec 87 - Develop more effective controls for several difficult-to-control turfgrass weeds including mugwort, yellow wood sorrel and speedwell; study the safety of turfgrass herbicides effective on these more difficult weeds. 0073724 An Integrated Approach to Moss Control in Golf Course Greens - Cornell University Ithaca, New York - Hummel, Petrovic - Sept 85 - Sept 86 - Study the ecology of moss on golf greens; develop management practices that prevent moss encroachment. 0097210 Weed Control in Turfgrass and Ornamentals - Cornell University Ithaca, New York - Neal, Senesac - Oct 86 - Sept 89 - Investigate methods for improved weed control; evaluate influence of herbicide application timing; evaluate spray adjuvant effect on herbicide" ¡efficacy and phytotoxicity; investigate species and varietal differences in herbicide phytotoxicity 0099576 Turfgrass Weed Control and Growth Retardation - Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania - Watschke, Waddington, Duich - Jul 85 - Jun 90 0095593 - Evaluate pre- and post-emergence herbicides; determine most effective rates and application timing for various growth retardants; assess effects of various adjuvants on activity of different herbicides and growth retardants; determine morphological and physiological effects of growth retardants. Kingston, Rhode Island Early Season Sub-solum Losses of Atrazine in Southern New England - University of Rhode Island - Sullivan, Gold - May 83 - Apr 87 - Determine the efficacy of limited herbicide application in removing undesired vegetation; compare and contrast the herbicide program with other reclamation schemes; monitor surface runoff and groundwater leachate from turfgrass. 0090214 INSECT RELATIONSHIPS Insect Resistance in Cool Season Forage and Turf Grasses - University of Maryland College Park, Maryland - Ratcliffe - Mar 78 - Sept 85 - Evaluate cool season grasses for resistance to insect pests including the hairy chinch bug and sod webworms; develop in cooperation with plant breeders, multiple pest resistant lines or cultivars; obtain information on the abundance and seasonal distribution of major grass insect pests. 0044364 Beltsville, Maryland Insect Resistance in Alfalfa, Cool Season Forage and Turfgrasses and Soybeans - Beltsville Agricultural Research Center - Elden, Ratcliffe - Mar 86 - Jun 89 - Determine greenbug biotype x plant resistance interaction in Kentucky bluegrass and interaction of endophytic fungi and chinch bug resistance. 0140792 Beltsville, Maryland Systematics, Morphology and Identification of Cyst, Root-Knot and Related Plant Nematodes - Beltsville Agricultural Research Center - Golden - Apr 85 - Apr 90 - Develop new data and information on the systematics, morphology and identification of plant nematodes; develop the taxonomic resources necessary for conducting this research; provide a sound basis for testing turfgrasses for resistance to individual species. 0049385 Waltham, Massachusetts Biology and Control of Turf Insect Pests - University of Massachusetts - Vittum, Troll - Mar 82 - Sept 88 - Determine the biology of annual bluegrass weevil and black turfgrass Ataenius in Massachusetts; determine a practical procedure to predict insect activity; develop a method of predicting whether an insect population is likely to cause unacceptable damage. 0087062 Impact of Soil Physical Properties on White Grub Behavior - New York Agricultural Experiment Station Geneva, New York - Villani - Jul 87 - Sept 92 - Determine the species-specific response of the turfgrass-inhabiting white grub complex to soil physical properties in an effort to develop more efficient and effective management strategies. 0132109 Interactions of Soil Insects, Control Agents and the Environment in Turf Systems - New York Agriculture Experiment Station Geneva, New York - Villani - Jan 86 - Dec 90 - Evaluate independently and in combination chemical and biological insecticides, nematodes and microbials for efficacy against soil pests; monitor the interaction of target species, control agents and the soil environment. 0097722 Control and Economics of Turfgrass Insect Pests - Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania - Heller - May 83 - Sept 88 - Determine and assess the economic impact of turfgrass pests in Pennsylvania; test the effectiveness of insecticides against turfgrass pests; examine the effects of turfgrass maintenance practices on the biomics of turfgrass pests. 0089970 Management of Turfgrass Arthropods With Conventional and Biorational Pesticide Strategies - Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania - Heller - Oct 88 - Sept 93 - Evaluate efficacy of conventional pesticides and entomogenous nematodes to control turfgrass arthropods; define the effect of turfgrass varieties and cultivars on development of white grubs. 0135678 New Brunswick, New Jersey Insect-Host Interactions in Endophyte Infected Turf Grass - Rutgers University - Streu - Jan 88 - Sept 90 - Determine if infection by fungal endophytes in various fine fescue turfgrasses enhance resistance to specific insects and to determine if endophyte enhanced resistance changes with temperature. 0134132 New Brunswick, New Jersey Using Billbug Taxonomy Distribution and Plant Host Information to Optimize Turfgrass Breeding Programs - Rutgers University - Wolfe, Johnson-Cicalese - Aug 87 - Jun 92 - Discover the number of Sphenophorus in the northeast; determine the number of species that are pests; associate and taxonomically study immature stages with emphasis on pest species; begin biochemical and karyological studies of species complexes. 0132488 .., A Selected Survey of the Insects of New Jersey - Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey - Wolfe, May - Aug 92 - Dec 87 0088339 - Conduct a carefully planned, selected survey of insect fauna of New Jersey with emphasis on economic insects; provide a repository for voucher specimens; prepare an identification manual. Biology and Control of Turf Insects - New York Agriculture Experiment Station Geneva, New York - Tashiro, Straub - Jan 70 - Dec 85 - Determine biology/bionomics of turf insects and develop methods for control/management of their populations to prevent damage to turf. 0056903 DISEASE RELATIONSHIPS Diagnosis, Etiology and Control of Turfgrass Diseases - Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania - Sanders - Sept 87 - Jun 92 - Determine which turfgrass diseases cause diagnostic problems and develop aids for diagnosis, test fungicides for control; determine the dynamics of Pythium aphanidermatum populations. 0132447 Diagnosis, Control and Etiology of Turfgrass Diseases - Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania - Sanders, Cole - Jul 82 - Sept 87 - Determine which turfgrass diseases present diagnostic problems in Pennsylvania; develop, test and promulgate diagnostic systems and aids; test fungicides for control of turfgrass disease; investigate etiology of Fusarium blight. 0085308 Kingston, Rhode Island Turfgrass Diseases Their Cause, Epidemiology and Control - University of Rhode Island - Jackson - Oct 85 - Sept 90 - Determine the identity and significance of dematiaceous ectotrophic fungi present on roots and investigate Collectotrichum graminicola and its role in anthracnose/root and crown rot diseases; investigate plant growth retardant and fungal disease interactions. 0095880 crowns; New Haven, Connecticut Disease Survey of Connecticut - New Haven Experiment Station - Walton - Oct 69 - Jan 99 - Survey disease in Connecticut; note and report appearance of new diseases and outbreaks of diseases of unusual severity including those on turfgrasses. 0056028 Beltsville, Maryland Resistance to Fungal and Mite Diseases of Turfgrasses and Anthracnose of Alfalfa - Beltsville Agricultural Research Center - O’Neill - Apr 86 - Mar 89 - Investigate the physiological and biochemical basis for recognition and induced resistance of mite diseases. 0141167 Beltsville, Maryland Identity and Biology of Poisonous Mushrooms and Micro-Fungi: Development of National Fungus Collections - Beltsville Agriculture Research Center - Rossman, Farr - Sept 77 - Sept 85 - Acquire taxonomic and biological data on mushrooms of Washington, DC area and the United States emphasizing poisonous and lawn fungi; develop National Fungus collections as basic component of research in fungal systematics. 0044012 Ecology and Control of Root-Infecting Pathogens of Turfgrass in New York State - Cornell University Ithaca, New York - Nelson - Aug 87 - Sept 90 - Determine the occurrence, pathogenicity and pesticide sensitivity of Phythium and Rhizoctonia species; determine biotic and abiotic factors influencing population dynamics; evaluate biological control agents; determine environmental and soil edaphic factors in biological control. 0132417 Amherst, Massachusetts Implications of Pesticide Residue Dynamics to Human Exposure - University of Massachusetts - Jenkins - May 88 - Sept. 92 - Residue dynamics on turf relative to human exposure is being characterized following application of selected pesticides according to practices typical of the risk associated with Northeast; occupational or inadvertent exposure is being evaluated. 0134724 PESTICIDES - GENERAL Kingston, Rhode Island Assessment and Reduction of Nonpoint Waterborne Pollutants - University of Rhode Island - Gold, Sullivan - Oct 84 - Sept 88 - Create a field laboratory to monitor surface and runoff and subsurface leachate; evaluate the waterborne contaminants discharged from various home lawn management systems; assess the waterborne contaminants from conservation and conventionally tilled croplands. 0093401 Opinions About Pesticides and Related Environmental Issues: A Study of New York Adults - Cornell University Ithaca, New York - Yarbrough - Dec 84 - Aug 86 - Explore the nature of public opinion about pesticides and their uses; examine linkages between these opinions and opinions regarding more general environmental issues. 0095537 Assessment and Control of Nonpoint Source Groundwater Pollution - University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rhode Island - Gold, Felbeck, Groffman - Oct 88 - Sept 93 - Quantify and rank the nitrate-nitrogen flux to groundwater from rural and suburban land uses; develop management practices to minimize nitrate pollution from non-point sources. 0135445 Kingston, Rhode Island Uniformity of Pesticide Distribution With Irrigation System Application - University of rhode Island - Sullivan - Jan 87 - Jun 88 0133404 - Determine potential problems with the homogeneity of pesticide distribution applied under diverse conditions from fixed overhead and traveling gun type sprinkler irrigation systems. PARABLE A farmer with several hundred acres couldn't seem to make any money. He was desperate and decided to contact a leprechaun who gave the farmer a box with a charm inside. He told the farmer to take it to each field and walk around the entire field with it and at the end of one year, return it to him. The farmer followed the directions and at each field found things wrong - fences down, a helper sleeping, and all sorts of problems he had never noticed before. As he saw these situations, he corrected them and his fortunes turned around. At the end of the year the farmer took the box back and asked if he could purchase the charm. The leprechaun told him the box was empty - no charm. The farmer had paid attention to details and that made a difference. Transition CULTURAL PRACTICES/CULTIVAR EVALUATIONS Lexington, Kentucky Evaluation of Improved Turfgrass Cultivars and Management Techniques for Use in Kentucky - University of Kentucky - Powell - Nov 86 - Sept 91 - Evaluate new turfgrass cultivars for improved winter hardiness, drought tolerance and pest resistance; develop improved renovation techniques for athletic turf; evaluate new herbicides and methods of herbicide application 0130384 Columbia Missouri Developing and Managing Turfgrass Genotypes for Stress Resistance and Energy and Water Conservation - University of Missouri - Dunn - Jul 85 - Jun 90 - Develop improved cool and warm season grasses for the transition environment through breeding and selection; establish and manage selected species and/or varieties for best adaptation; conserve energy and water in turf culture. 0057246 Columbia, Missouri Developing and Managing Turfgrasses in Missouri - A Transition Zone State - University of Missouri - Minner - Jul 85 - Jun 90 - Determine suitability of cool season grasses in the transitional climates with emphasis on low maintenance; develop scheduling and water irrigation conservation programs. 0095492 Knoxville, Tennessee Evaluation of New Cultivars, Culture and Mechanical Practices in Turfgrass - University of Tennessee - Callahan - Oct 80 - Sept 86 - Evaluate cool and warm season turf cultivars under different environmental conditions in Tennessee; identify crystalline mineral materials in sands for root zone mixes and refine procedures to identify temperature, weight loss and destruction. 0082770 Knoxville, Tennessee Cultivars, Cultural and Mechanical Practices Evaluations in Turfgrass - University of Tennessee - Callahan - Oct 85 - Sept 90 - Evaluate cool and warm season cultivars for adaptation in Tennessee; study influence of specific nutrients on improving leaf stress tolerance; study effectiveness of different types of barrier specifications between porous root zones and gravel sub-drains; evaluate new methods for thatch control. 0096247 Blacksburg, Virginia Ecological Factors in Turf Management - Virginia Tech University - Schmidt, Taylor - Oct 81 - Sept 86 - Establish the morphology and physiological responses of various Kentucky bluegrasses grown under different moisture, fertility and seasonal influences; determine moisture and nutrient utilization of grasses under different moisture and fertility levels. 0085275 LAWN AND SPORTS TURF BENEFITS .... $5.00 THE LAWNSCAPE: OUR MOST INTIMATE EXPERIENCE WITH ECOLOGY.... $5.00 Blacksburg, Virginia Integrated Turfgrass Management for Environmental Enhancement and Resource Conservation - Virginia Tech University - Schmidt - Oct 87 - Sept 92 - Determine the interrelationships among turf genotypes, pests, environmental stresses, pesticides and cultural practices that enhance turf management. 0134065 Blacksburg, Virginia Efficient Turfgrass Culture With Limited Inputs of Water and Energy - Virginia Tech University - Taylor, Schmidt - Oct 81 - Sept 87 - Devise cultural systems that are compatible with the utilization of water of varied quantity and quality; improve utilization of nutrients and reduce energy consumption. 0086088 Integrated Turfgrass Management for Environmental Enhancement and Resource Conservation - West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia - Weaver - Oct 87 - Sept 92 - Determine interrelationships among turf genotypes, pests, environmental stresses, pesticides and cultural practices that enhance turf management. 0133606 BREEDING AND GENETICS - SEED PRODUCTION Breeding and Improvement of Cool-Season Grasses for Turf Use - University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky - Buckner, Burrus - Jul 75 -Sept 87 0068352 - Breed genetic populations of Festuca with increased disease and inset resistance, tolerance to environmental stress, aesthetic value and agronomic characteristics; improve performacne and aesthetic value of other cool-season species through evaluation of management practices. Lexington, Kentucky Plant-fungal Endophyte interactions: in Species of Festuca and Lolium - University of Kentucky - Siegel, Bush, Dahlman - Oct 86 - Sept 91 0099400 - Characterize the factors responsible for disease resistance in endophyte infected grasses; determine the effects of specific contributions of species of grasses and fungal endophytes on expression and regulation of pest resistance. Lexington, Kentucky Endophytic Fungi: Harmful and Beneficial Effects on Forage and Turf Grasses - University of Kentucky - Siegal, Bush, Dahlman - Jun 85 - Sept 87 0098601 - Examine the effect of endophytic fungi on the expression of plant growth and development; determine the effect of specific combinations of grass and fungus species on the expression of disease symptoms and presence of the fungus in seed. SOIL PROPERTIES - CLIMATE AMD STRESS WEED RELATIONSHIPS /GROWTH REGULATION Blacksburg, Virginia The Infection of Grass Leaves by Restricted and Common Primary Saprophyilic Phylloplane Microflora - Virginia Tech University - Couch - July 89 - Jun 94 - Determine the impact of stresses on chemical composition of leaf surfaces and acceleration of senescence of creeping bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrasss and annual bluegrass; study histopathology of infection. 0138117 FERTILIZERS /MINERAL NUTRITION Tech University Influence of Exogenous Iron and Cytokinins on Turf Development and Physiology - Virginia Blacksburg, Virginia - Schmidt - Apr 87 - Mar 92 0130784 - Determine the influence of exogenous iron and cytokinins on morphological development, photosynthesis, respiration and chlorophyll activity; study fall response and recovery from dormancy in the spring. Columbia, Missouri Weed Propagule Reduction in Soil by Microorganisms - Agricultural Research Service - Kremer - Sept 85 - Aug 90 - Identify microorganisms, antimicrobial chemicals and other factors in weed propagules and soils to provide bases for developing methods of effectively manipulating weed propagule behavior in soil. 0140478 Columbia, Missouri Altering the Impact of Environmental Stress on Fruit Crop Survival - University of Missouri - Warmund - Jul 84 - Sept 89 - Investigate several herbicides and growth regulators on various turfgrass cover crops to reduce mowing frequency and aid in the management of soil water; determine effects of turfgrass growth regulators on growth associated fruit crops. 0093133 Knoxville, Tennessee Pesticide Evaluations and Their Effects on Turfgrass - University of Tennessee - Callahan - Oct 80 - Sept 86 - Determine effectiveness of newer herbicides; evaluate variable rates, frequencies and timing; determine anatomical and morphological effects of newer pesticides in roots of turfgrasses. Evaluations of Pesticides for Pest Control 0082771 and Phytotoxicity in Turfgrass - University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee - Callahan - 0096333 - Evaluate effectiveness of Oct 85 - Sept 90 newer herbicides; study variable rates and frequencies of application; determine anatomical and morphological cellular sites in turf plants that are affected by pesticides. Blacksburg, Virginia Interaction of Plant Growth Regulators on Turfgrass and Weed Suppression - Virginia Tech University - Bingham - Jan 88 - Dec 92 0133668 - Determine the influence of imazapyr on the amount of translocation, metabolism and plant growth regulator activity of imazethapyr in tall fescue compared with yellow nutsedge. DISEASE RELATIONSHIPS Blackburg, Virginia Translocation and Metabolism of Oxadiazon, Bentazon and Related Herbicides in Plants - Virginia Tech University - Bingham - Sept 81 - Aug 87 0084705 - Determine the amount of translocation of oxadiazon, bentazon and related herbicides in Ketucky bluegrass and evaluate the influence of rate of translocation and metabolism on selectivity between several species . Develop Weed Control Columbia, Missouri Resistance of Maize and Fescue to Fungal Pathogens and Mycotoxin-Producing Fungi - University of,Missouri - Calvert - Jul 85 - Sept 89 - Identify sources of genetic and/or cytoplasmic incompatibility in maize and in fescue; investigate virulence among fungal isolates in natural and model environments; test the gene-for gene hypothesis in host- parasite associations with the anamorphs of these fungi. 0061188 PESTICIDES - GENERAL Blacksburg, Virginia Virginia's Contribution to National Pesticide Impact Assessment - virginia Tech University - Weaver - Jun 88 - May 90 0135203 - Provide Virginia data for the National Agricultural Pesticide Impact Assessment Program [NAPIAP]; develop pesticide use profiles for Virginia . Practices for Perennial Horticultural Crops - Agricultural Research Service Kearneysville, West Virginia - Welker - Apr 80 - Mar 86 0046081 - Develp new and improved weed control technology for use in perennial horticultural crops, reduce losses in yield and quality and reduce cost of control' investigate use of grass sod for controlling weeds, preventing herbicide unjury to crops, reducing residues in soils and preventing hazards to the air and water environment. INSECT RELATIONSHIPS Biology, Management and Host Plant Relationships of Insects Attaching Horticultural Plants - University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky - Potter - Oct 84 - Sept 89 - Investigate the biology and ecology of horticulturally important insect pests and develop improved management practices for these pests; evaluate the efficacy and environmental side effects of current pest management practices. 0093270 Southeast and Hawaii~ Puerto Rico CULTURAL PRACTICES/CULTIVAR EVALUATIONS Marketing of Turfgrass Sod - Auburn University Auburn, Alabama - Adrian, Dickens - Oct 83 - Sept 86 - Determine and analyze marketing practices and pricing policies of turfgrass sod consumption producers; relationships for alternative grass species and product forms at the consumer level with emphasis on isolating characteristics of turfgrass sod purchasers. determine 0091875 Preliminary Exploratory Research in Ornamental Horticulture at Gainesville - University of Florida Gainesville, Florida - Sheehan, Carpenter, Kane - Jan 65 - Jan 99 - Investigate new problems of ornamental plants including flowers, foliage plants, woody ornamentals and turfgrass. 0031307 Fort Lauderdale, Florida Introduction and Evaluation of Ornamental Plants - University of Florida - Busey, Broschat, Burch - Oct 83 - Sept 89 - Evaluate new and existing ornamental plants for use as turfgrasses, foliage plants, floral crops or in landscapes; introduce new selections to the ornamentals industries. 0091794 The Effects of Management on the Seasonal Root and Shoot Activity of Turfgrasses - University of Georgia Athens, Georgia - Karnok - Jan 87 - Dec 90 - Determine the seasonal root and shoot activities of warm and cool season turfgrasses as affected by various management practices; evaluate and compare the minirhizotron and rhizotron techniques of monitoring root growth. 0130639 Experiment, Georgia Efficient Turfgrass Management - Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station - Johnson, Carrow - Jul 82 - Jun 87 - Study the influence of combinations of fertilization, cultivation and related management practices on quality and growth of turfgrasses and the reduction and prevention of disease problems; evaluate different management practices on several turfgrass species grown under natural shade conditions. 0087199 Economic Assessment of Opportunities in Selected Horticultural Enterprises in Georgia - University of Georgia Griffin, Georgia - Purcell, Ott - Jul 88 - Jun 93 - Compare and update basic information on the horticultural economically industries including lawn care with respect to pertinent economic information; analyze the potential profitability, sustainability and competiveness of alternative marketing techniques and systems. 0093096 viable Turfgrass Investigations - Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana - Fry - Oct 85 - Sept 90 - Investigate influence of water quality on warm season turfgrass, grass establishment by hygromulching and seed priming; study nutrition, light requirements of new cultivars on biological dethatching; evaluate new irradiated cultivars; evaluate weed control chemicals. 0067108 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Evaluation of Chemical and Fertilizer Application Technology - Louisiana State University - Parish, Chaney - Mar 84 - Dec 89 - Evaluate and/or modify application equipment for lawn and garden use; develop recommendations for proper equipment use. 0092536 Hammond, Louisiana Turfgrass Cultivar Adaptability, Cultural Practices and Management Research Evaluations - Hammond Research Station - Wells, Constantin, Breitenbeck - May 87 - Apr 92 - Evaluate new turfgrass for adaptability to Louisiana conditions; develop cultural and management practices; evaluate plant growth regulating chemicals; determine factors influencing thatch degradation; screen and evaluate potential turf pesticides. 0131614 Calhoun, Louisiana Nursery Crops, Ornamental and Turfgrass Research - Calhoun Research Station - Robbins, Young - Jul 86 - Jun 91 - Evaluate cultivars of warm season species for lawn and fine turf use under north Louisiana conditions and to determine cool season species suitable for this environment. 0082009 Hammond, Louisiana Management Research on Southern Turfgrasses - Hammond Research Station - Wells, Constantin, Barrios - Jan 82 - Dec 86 0086372 - Evaluate warm-season turfgrass cultivars for adaptability to southeast Louisiana conditions; identify weed, insect and disease pests and evaluate and screen existing new chemicals; improve turf maintenance procedures; evaluate industry by-products and sol amendments. Starkville, Mississippi Turf Culture in Mississippi - Mississippi State University - Krans, Coats - Oct 83 - Sept 89 - Evaluate chemical controls for problem turfgrass diseases, insects and weeds; evaluate new and improved warm and cool season turfgrasses; determine efficacy of chemical pesticides; evaluate nitrogen rabes and sources under sun and shade for maintaining turfgrasses. 0091711 Raleigh, North Carolina Establishment, Adaptation and Management of Turfgrasses - North Carolina State University - Gilbert - Jul 75 - Sept 86 - Evaluate turfgrass varieties as to establishment, adaptation and management methods and practices. 0067922 Clemson, South Carolina Turfgrass Culture and Improvement - Clemson University - Mazur - Jul 81 - Jun 87 0084170 - Determine the practices on turfgrasses for various uses; assess the impact of cultural practices on the microbiological and physical properties of the turfgrass ecosystem; develop superior turfgrasses for the transition zone through selection and breeding. influence of cultural the serviceability of Charleston, South Carolina 0082752 Urban Horticulture for Coastal South Carolina - Coastal Research and Education Center - Dufault - Jul 86 - Jun 90 - Evaluate selected turfgrass cultivars for climate adaptability using criteria such as vigor, continuous growth, degree of required maintenance, yield, disease and insect resistance, earliness, longevity, size, color; develop recommendations. BREEDING AND GENETICS - SEED PRODUCTION Breeding of Turfgrass and Ornamental Cultivars - University of Florida Gainesville, Florida - Dehgen, Dudeck, Sheehan -- Jun 83 - Sept 89 - Develop attractive landscape ornamental cultivars and/or germplasm with lower maintenance requirements and broader environmental tolerances. 0090328 Fort Lauderdale, Florida Breeding of Turfgrass and Ornamental Cultivars - University of Florida - Busey, Giblin-Davis, Howard - Jun 83 - Sept 89 0090327 - Develop turfgrass cultivars and germplasm with improved adaptive and functional value. Breeding of Turfgrass and Ornamental Cultivars University of Florida Bradenton, Florida - Wilfret -- Jun 83 - Sept 89 0090326 - Develop and release sturdy, low maintenance turfgrasses; investigate fundamental genetic mechanisms for improvement of ornamental plants. Turfgrass Breeding and Management - Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station Tifton, Georgia - Burton - Jan 80 - Jan 86 - Improve the dependability, quality, color, resistance to diseases, insects, nematodes and weeds and tolerance to climatic stress of Cynodon species and perhaps other turfgrasses by breeding; study management and seed production. 0003492 Turfgrass Breeding and Management - Agricultural Research Service Tifton, Georgia - Burton, Wells - Aug 74 - Mar 85 - Improve the dependability, quality, color, resistance to diseases, insects, nematodes and weeds and tolerance to climatic stress of Cynodon species and perhaps other turfgrass by breeding and study of management and seed production. 0041313 The Breeding, Germplasm Enhancement and Genetics of Forage and Turf Grasses - Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station Tifton, Georgia - Burton - Jul 86 - Jun 91 - Enhance forage and turfgrass germplasm by increasing its yield, dependability, quality, stress tolerance and pest resistance; study the genetics of these traits and develop novel and more efficient methods for achieving these objectives. 0098621 The Breeding, Germplasm Enhancement and Genetics of Forage and Turf Grasses - Agricultural Research Service Tifton, Georgia - Burton - Oct 85 - Sept 90 - Enhance germplasm by increasing its yield, dependability, quality, stress tolerance and pest resistance. 0140123 Cytology, Taxonomy and Germplasm Improvement of Forage and Turf Grasses - Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station Tifton, Georgia - Hanna - May 86 - Apr 91 - Develop innovative methods of evaluating, manipulating and improving germplasm; enhance the cytogenetics and taxonomic understanding of species and develop improved germplasm. 0098275 Cytogenetics, Taxonomy and Germplasm Improvement of Forage and Turfgrasses - Agricultural Research Service Tifton, Georgia - Hanna, Miller - Oct 85 - Sept 90 - Develop innovative methods of evaluating, manipulating and improving germplasm; enhance the cytogenetics and taxonomic understanding of species. 0140122 Develop Disease Resistance in Forage and Turf Grasses and Legumes - Agricultural Research Service Tifton, Georgia - Wells - Oct 85 - Sept 90 - Develop superior genetic stocks and germplasm lines of forage and turfgrasses and forage legumes screening for disease resistance; develop new systems for creating ephiphytotics in the field and greenhouse on forage and weed species. 0049791 Starkville, Mississippi Plant Cell and Tissue Culture of Turfgrasses - Mississippi State University - Krans - Oct 81 - Sept 86 - Elucidate parameters of plantlet regeneration from callus of major cool and warm-season turfgrasses; evaluate mutant selection schemes for recovery of desirable variants in selected turfgrasses. 0085167 Develop Disease Resistance in Forage and Turf Grasses and Legumes - Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station Tifton, Georgia - Wilson - Jan 86 - Sept 90 - Develop superior genetic stocks and germplasm lines; screen for disease resistance; develop new systems for creating ephiphytotics in the field and greenhouse. 0097334 Environmental Effects on Plant Gene Expression - Mississippi State University - Buthe - Jul 89 - Jun 94 - Identify factors involved in heat tolerance Starkville, Mississippi 0138114 in creeping bentgrass. Evaluation of Grasses and Their Management for Turf in the Tropics - University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii - Murdoch - Oct 86 - Sept 91 - Determine the salinity tolerance of turfgrass cultivars presently grown in Hawaii to screen local selections for salinity tolerance; evaluate tissue culture techniques for producing new biotypes tolerant of salinity; evaluate pest control measures. 0058796 Starkville, Mississippi Tissue Culture of Turfgrasses - Mississippi State University - Krans - Oct 86 - Sept 91 - Define and/or optimize in vitro plantlet formation in Agrostis palustris, Cynodon dactylon, Zoysia japonica and Eremochole ophiuroides; develop in vitro cell selection procedures; recover elite germplasm with tolerance to salt, herbicides and/or pathotoxins. 0099679 SOIL PROPERTIES - CLIMATE AMD STRESS Influence of Controlled Traffic and Interrelationships of Soil, Water and Nutrients on Turf - Auburn University Auburn, Alabama - Dickins - Oct 88 - Sept 93 - Determine influence of controlled traffic on development of sod; compare mobility and use efficiency of nitrogen and water in sod grown with and without traffic. 0135788 Economic and Agronomic Aspects of Commercial Turfgrass - Sod Production - Auburn University Auburn, Alabama - Adrian, Dickens - July 88 - Sept 91 - Determine the nature and scope of the commercial sod industry; evaluate cultural practices and economic and financial relationships for alternative sizes and types of sod production systems. 0135249 Influence of Soil Fertility on Other Parameters on the Growth and Quality of Turfgrasses - University of Florida Gainesville, Florida - Dudeck, Peacock - Oct 83 - Sept 85 Water Management and Soil Characteristics in Relation to Crop Yield and Nitrate Leaching - Agricultural Research Service - Bruce - Jan 87 - Jan 92 0142519 - Identify soil characteristics which can 0091702 - Evaluate performance of species and cultivars to varying fertility levels; Influence of Soil Fertility and other different drough tolerance/avoidance from nitrogen fertilization regimes. determine tolerance to salinity and document the response of turfgrasses to saline irrigation; investigate influence of fertilization practices on tolerance to saline irrigation. Parameters on the Growth and Quality of Turfgrasses - University of Florida Fort Lauderdale, Florida - Augustin, Snyder - Oct 82 - Sept 85 0088598 - Determine the optimal management practices for stress conditioning of southern turfgrasses. Environmental Factor Affecting Ornamental Plants - University of Florida Brandenton, Florida - Stanley, Harbaugh - Jan 87- Sept 91 0130732 - Determine the effects of light, water and temperature on physiological processes, growth and production of ornamental plants, including turfgrasses. Influence of Drought-Traffic Stresses and Management on Turfgrass Growth and Water Relations - Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station Experiment, Georgia - Carrow - Jul 86 - Jun 91 0098132 - Determine growth versus water use relations; evaluate relative importance of mechanisms; determine mechanisms of injury and acclimation to soil compaction; study be modified to improve infiltration; develop cultural practices for increasing and sustaining infiltration and for decreasing nitrate loss Watkinsville, Georgia from soil rooting zones. Freezing and Submersion Stress Effects on Warm Season Turfgrasses - Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana - Fry - Oct 88 - Sept 92 0136256 - Compare response of warm season species and cultivars to freezing and fluctuating spring temperatures; observe influence of mowing height and potassium on freezing resistance; identify plant and environmental factors influencing submersion injury. Raleigh, North Carolina Environmental Stress Physiology of Turfgrasses - North Carolina State University - Dipoala - Oct 85 - Sept 90 0096766 - Determine mechanisms of stress injury and environmental stress limits; determine influence of syringing; examine the potential of cultural treatments for prevention and control of localized dry spot; determine growth suppression effectiveness of turf retardant. Pennsylvania Turfgrass Survey Detailed Report Now Available This recently completed survey indicates that $1.46 billion was spent to maintain nearly two million acres of turfgrass in Pennsylvania. Turf represents a permanent investment in better living through increased real estate value, safer roadsides and recreational facilities, and a number of environmental enhancements. There were 1.6 million acres of home lawns in the state on which over one billion dollars of maintenance was provided. Also surveyed airports, cemeteries, churches, were: commercial/multiple dwellings, golf courses, institutions, lawn care companies, parks, roadsides, schools and sod producers. Contact: Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council P 0 Box 1078, Lemont PA 16851 Cost: $7.50 plus postage & handling SUMMARY Pennsylvania had 1,999,408 acres of turfgrass in 1989. Home lawns account for the largest share of the total turf area with 68 percent of the acreage. Roadsides had the second largest total, accounting for slightly more than 5 percent, followed by commercial property and multiple family dwellings with slightly less than 5 percent of the acreage. Total turf maintenance expenditures were $1.46 billion. Home lawns spent the most to maintain turf with 77 percent of the expenses. Golf course expenditures accounted for the next largest share with 7 percent of the total, followed by lawn care firms with 6 percent of the expenses. The value of all equipment used for turf maintenance was $2.95 billion. Purchases of new and used turf equipment was just over $500 million. PENNSYLVANIA TURFGRASS SURVEY: 1989 SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR THE VARIOUS INDUSTRY SEGMENTS IN PENNSYLVANIA Turf Area Acres Segment Airports 24,290 19,170 Cemeteries Churches 32,400 92,700 Commerical/Multiple Dwellings 70,500 Golf Courses Homes 1,355,000 10,690 Institutions 199,610 1/ Lawn Care Firms Parks 42,000 Roadsides 102,073 Schools 48,330 2,645 Sod Producers Tota l Maint . Expense (000) Dollars 2,190 12,845 15,015 67,350 105,605 1,114,650 5,075 91,385 10,200 8,965 19,645 2,890 Value o f Tur f Eqpmt . (000) Dollars 4,940 9,695 14,040 155,200 152,975 2,478,350 5,280 66,790 18,655 9,230 34,300 1,740 Cost of New Tur f Eqpmt . (000) Dollars 460 1,290 1,300 23,600 21,460 434,000 260 10,945 1,435 1,310 4,505 267 New Turf Acres 451 216 575 797 965 29,000 47 3,823 1/ 571 927 400 958 Total 1/ Also included in other segments. 1,999,408 38,730 1,455,065 2,945,291 500,832 Lists Notebook Now Available A new book has just been published by The Lawn Institute in Pleasant Hill, Tennessee. The format is loose leaf notebook with 385 pages comprising 102 special topics of concern to home gardeners and professional turf managers alike. The topics are organized in 12 chapters: - - Soil - Turf - Trends - Seed - Cultivars - Water - Mowing Pest control - Low Maintenance - Lawns - Sports Turf - Establishment - Renovation - 1 Speak for the Lawn Information presented is technically detailed but formatted differently from current textbooks. As such, each topic is self-contained to enhance complete understanding. The notebook is especially designed for use by all involved in oral or written communication. Tailor-made news releases, newsletters, white papers, environmental statements and other special reports can be easily prepared from these topics. They also are appropriate for in-house staff training or for instruction in turfgrass management. The loose leaf notebook allows selected pages to be removed, copied and then cut the pasted - added to, subtracted from, edited, etc - to prepare the exact statement needed for your report or oral presentation. Original sheets go back in notebook for reuse. No copyright is registered on this material. The Lawn Institute is always pleased to have communicators rely on us as the source of this information. Technical accuracy is assured. These notebooks are available from: The Lawn Institute, P O Box 108, Pleasant Hill, Tennessee 38578 at cost- $30.00 postpaid. Or call Beverly Roberts - 615/277 -3722 - for additional information. THE LAWN INSTITUTE County Line Road P. O. Box 108 Pleasant Hill, Tennessee 38578-0108 Bulk Rate U. S. Postage Pleasant Hill TN Permit No. 3 PAID ADDRESSEE.... HELP US KEEP YOUR ADDRESS CORRECT... If address is wrong in any respect, please correct directly and return to us THANK YOU JAMES WATSON ITS 3 LARKDALE DR LITTLETON CO 80123 Lawn Institute Harvests is published four times a year by The Better Lawn and Turf Institute. The headquarters office address is P O Box 108, Pleasant Hill, Tennessee 38578-0108. Phone: 615/277-3722. Inquiries concerning all aspects of this publication may be addressed to the headquarters office. The Better Lawn and Turf Institute is incorporated as a nonprofit business league formed exclusively for educational and research purposes concerned with agronomic, horticultural and landscape concepts. Lawn Institute Harvests is dedicated to improved communications among turfgrass seed and allied turf industries and other firms, businesses, organizations and individuals with lawngrass research and educational interest and concerns. Editor: Eliot C Roberts, PhD Associate Editor: Beverly C Roberts, MA Printer: Crossville Chronicle (Tennessee)