Hi, my name is Anthony Benavides and I'm one of the founding members of the Clark Park Coalition. Clark Park during the ‘70s, it was a place of recreation. We came here every day just about, during the ‘80s the neighborhood changed, and the decline of the neighborhood. And then the ‘90s we were living here and the neighborhood residents saw as a need for action in the park. We went to the city. The city gave us the keys and said, if you could run it and put hours into it, fine. Let's see what you guys can do. So there was a number of neighborhood residents and activists in church and schools that got involved. And we formed the Clark Park Coalition. We’re just slowly but surely, putting the pieces back to the puzzle of Clark Park. So most of the people that really put the effort in getting this park together were people that actually lived here at one time or they moved out – but their heart was still here or the people that are still living here. We look every day out at the park and we see moms pushing strollers, kids on bikes, so that's a great sign to see. We didn't see that for many years where people were able to walk through the park without, you know, looking over the back.