Index to Volume 5 (1991) Compiled by Mrs. Rahab Gatura* Author Index Author Title Abdullah., Abubakar Ajala, V.O. Blake. Cecil Noble Savages, Communists and Hegemonic Terrorists: Imperatives in Mediated Images of Africa from Mungo Park to Gaddafi The Image of Corporate Symbol Application of the New Information and Communication Technologies in Public Relations. Churchill, Ewumbe- Moumo The Mass Media and Regional Integration in Africa. Ekwuazi, Hyginus Towards the Decolonization of the African Film. Emenyeonu, Nnamdi B. Kasoma, Francis P. Motivations for Choice of Course and Career Preferences of Nigerian Female Students: Implications for the Status of Media Women in a Developing Nation. Communication and Rural Development in Nigeria: Book Review. Mgbcjume, Onyero Constraints on Mass Media Policies in Nigeria. Mwaffisi, Samwilu Development Journalism: How prepared are Tanzanian Journalists? Mwaffisi, M. Samwilu Direct Broadcast Satellites and National Sovereignty: Can Developing Nations Control Their Airwaves? Vol (Issue No) Year Page 5(2) 1991 1-15 5(1) 5(3) 5(1) 5(2) 5(2) 1991 1991 61-74 21-33 1991 17-35 1991 95-106 1991 71-83 5(1) 1991 97-106 5(2) 5(2) 5(1) 1991 47-57 1991 85-94 1991 87-95 * Mrs. Rahab Gatura is the documentalist at the ACCE Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya. 67 (Continued) Author Title Author Index Odhiambo, Lewis O. Development Journalism in Africa: Capitulation of the Fourth Estate? Ogboudah, Chris W. and Onyedike, Emmanuel U. Olayiwola, Rahman Olalekan Origins and Interpretation of Nigerian Press Laws. Political Communications: Press and Politics in Nigeria's Second Republic. Onyekwere, Evelyn C. Situational Influence in Persuasive Communication. Orewere, Ben Oso, Lai Ozoh, Hilary C. Ozoh, Hilary C. Rahman, Awatef Abdel Ruijter, Jose M. Soola, E.O. Uche, Luke Uka. Possible Implications of Modem Mass Media for Traditional Communication in a Nigerian Rural Setting. The Commercialization of the Nigerian Press: Development and Implications. An Analysis of the Pattern of Media Use by Teachers in a Nigerian Education District. Some Critical Factors in the Perception of the Credibility of Television Endorsements. Communication Technology in Africa: Dependency or Self Reliance? The Mass Media Alone Are not Effective Change Agents. Communication and Education as Vaccine Against the Spread of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in Africa. Ideology, Theory and Professionalism in the African Mass Media. 68 Vol (Issue No) Year Page 5(2) 5(2) 1991 17-29 1991 59-70 5(2) 1991 31-45 5(1) 5(3) 1991 75-86 1991 57-70 5(3) 1991 45-55 5(3) 1991 1-10 5(1) 1991 49-59 5(3) 1991 11-19 5(1) 5(3) 1991 37-48 1991 35-43 5(1) 1991 1-16 Editorial Advisory Board Prof. Paul Ansah Dr. Cecil Blake Prof. Cccs Hamclink Dr. Alan Hancock — School of Communication Studies, University of Ghana, Lcgon, Ghana — Information Sciences Division, IDRC Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya — Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands — Division of Communication, CII, UNESCO, Paris, France Dr. Hugues Kone — CERCOM, University d'Abidjan, Cote d'lvoire Mr. Rcinhard Kucne — Media & Communications Department, FES, Bonn, Germany Prof. Ali Mazrui — Centre for Afro-American & African Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. Dr. Joseph Mbindyo — School of Journalism, University of Nairobi, Kenya Prof. R. L. Nwafo Nwako — Department of Mass Communication Arts and Sciences, Howard University, Washington DC, U.S.A. Prof. James Scotton — College of Journalism, Marquelte University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in publishing this issue. 69 Cover design by Frank Odoi Printed by Space Sellers Limited P.O. Box 47186 Nairobi, Kenya Telephone 557868, 557816, Telex 24095 INTAB KE on behalf of the African Council for Communication Education (ACCE) ISSN 0258—4913 Published by: African Council for Communication Education